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E-SYS VER. 3.33.0

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
2 GUI .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Options ...........................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Extras ...........................................................................................................................................11
2.3 Comfort Mode ..............................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Calculation of TAL................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3.2 FSC ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.3 Certificate-Management Comfort ..................................................................................................... 16
2.3.4 Secure ECU Modes - Comfort ........................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Editors and Viewers ....................................................................................................................20
2.4.1 FA/FP-Editor .......................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.2 TAL-Editor .............................................................................................................................................. 22
2.4.3 TALFILTER-Editor ................................................................................................................................ 24
2.4.4 SVT-Editor .............................................................................................................................................. 27
2.4.5 SWESEQ-Editor .................................................................................................................................... 28
2.4.6 FSC-Editor .............................................................................................................................................. 29
2.4.7 FDL-Editor .............................................................................................................................................. 30
2.4.8 CAF-Viewer ............................................................................................................................................ 31
2.4.9 LOG-Viewer ............................................................................................................................................ 32
2.4.10 TALSTATUS-Viewer ......................................................................................................................... 33
2.5 Expert Mode .................................................................................................................................39
2.5.1 TAL-Processing .................................................................................................................................... 39
2.5.2 VCM .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
2.5.3 Coding ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
2.5.4 Coding-Verification .............................................................................................................................. 47
2.5.5 FSC-Extended........................................................................................................................................ 48
2.5.6 TSL Update............................................................................................................................................. 48
2.5.7 NAV/ENT Update ................................................................................................................................... 50
2.5.8 OBD-CVN ................................................................................................................................................ 51
2.5.9 Certificate Management Extended ................................................................................................... 53
2.5.10 Secure ECU Modes - Extended ..................................................................................................... 58
2.6 Data Handling ..............................................................................................................................61
2.6.1 PDX-Charger .......................................................................................................................................... 61
2.6.2 PDX-Update ............................................................................................................................................ 63
2.6.3 PDX-Delete ............................................................................................................................................. 64
2.6.4 ODX-Checker ......................................................................................................................................... 65
2.6.5 File-Explorer .......................................................................................................................................... 66
2.6.6 SWE-Explorer ........................................................................................................................................ 67
2.7 Externe Application .....................................................................................................................68
2.7.1 Applications ........................................................................................................................................... 68
3 Batch ............................................................................................................................69
3.1 TAL Processing in Batch ............................................................................................................72
3.2 PDX charger .................................................................................................................................74
3.3 PDX merger ..................................................................................................................................76
3.4 Coding-Verification......................................................................................................................77
3.5 FSC ...............................................................................................................................................78
3.6 Main Series...................................................................................................................................79
3.7 Vehicle Order Read......................................................................................................................79
3.8 SVT-Read......................................................................................................................................80
3.9 NCD Read .....................................................................................................................................81
3.10 OrderXML Convert .......................................................................................................................82
3.11 OBC-CVN Compare .....................................................................................................................83
3.12 TAL Calculation ...........................................................................................................................84
3.13 Connection Parameter.................................................................................................................86
3.14 Client-Server ................................................................................................................................87
3.15 VCM read and write .....................................................................................................................90
3.16 TSL Functions ..............................................................................................................................96
3.17 Certificate-Management ..............................................................................................................97
3.18 Secure ECU Modes ......................................................................................................................99
1 Introduction
Welcome to E-Sys Help System!

With E-Sys you can program / flash ECUs and encode them.

In addition to that E-Sys offers a bunch of editors and viewers for editing the populating with data necessary for that.
Subsequent we display the architecture of the systems involved in the programming:

E-Sys needs a correct populating with data for programming and encoding. Also necessary is a core program system that
provides the services for communication and logistic. For the populating with data a PDX template is necessary with
populating of communication (diagnosis, protocol, connection information) for the board net system. The software
logistics provides this template.

In this template the developer inserts his software to be transferred in E-Sys into PDX-Charger in the form of SWEs. The
SWEs are generated from SWE-Generator.

The PSdZ ("Programmiersystem der Zukunft" programming system of the future) provides the services necessary for
programming and encoding. For the implementation of the communication services PSdZ uses the D-Server; for the
implementation of the logistic services KIS(compatibility and information system [still not completed]) is used. The
implementation on the CanCard interface happens directly by the D-Server, the implementation of the communication
over Ethernet/ZGW happens by the B2V-Server (BusinessToVehicle).

To realize programming and/or encoding the developer needs a TAL (transaction list) which contains at least one
SWDeploy transaction (for programming SWEs) or one CDDeploy transaction (for encoding). Furthermore a FA
("Fahrzeugauftrag" vehicle order) is necessary.

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E-Sys provides the TAL-Editor and FA/FP-Editor for creation and editing of TALs and FAs, besides the module TAL-
Calculating for calculating a TAL from a pair of actual system installation table ("SVT-Ist") and reference system
installation table ("SVT-Soll"); SVT abbreviates "System-Verbau-Tabelle". Also in the module VCM all elements (TAL, FA,
SVT-Ist and SVT-Soll) of theVCM (Vehicle Configuration Management) can be read.

E-Sys provides an own module Coding for encoding. Here the codable states are detected and executed in the module
TAL- Processing. This coding data can be inspected in E-Sys in CAF-Viewer (CAF=CodingApplicationFile). The coding
data read out from the ECU can be inspected and changed in the format of a FDL (Function Data List) in FDL- Editor.

E-Sys is delivered (Stand 1.0.0) with a populating of data for programming and encoding of the evalboard (diagnosis
address 7E) by CANCardX. For programming and encoding by ZGW an adequate populating of data must be obtained
from the software logistic and imported in PDX-Charger.

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The user interface of E-Sys provides the standard features of a Windows interface so you can be familiar soon with the handling of

The GUI is adapted to the look and feel of Microsoft Outlook. The base elements you use the most time are set forms, dialogs,
symbol bars, menus and the buttons for switching between the set forms.

The E-Sys user interface consists of four interaction elements:

· menu bar:

The discrete functions of the program can be called by menu items. The structure of the menu is divided into function groups (upper
menu bar) and sub-functions called by sub menus.

· symbol bar:

Important functions can be called by special buttons in the symbol bar by a mouse click.

· navigation bar:

The E-Sys user interface uses some views for data input. These are called by special buttons in the left navigation bar.

· status bar:

Global data of the application are displayed in the status bar.

Darüber hinaus werden über den Tooltip weitere Informationen angezeigt. Beispielsweise im unteren Bild ist der Tooltip zum
Verbindungsauf-/abbau angezeigt. Hiert findet sich die aktuelle Verbindung, die früher in der Statusleiste angezeigt wurde:

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2.1 Options
In the dialog "Options" the global settings of E-Sys are specified. Some options require a new start of E-Sys to take effect.
Then the following dialog appears:

After pressing the "Yes" button E-Sys will be closed and started again with the new settings.


Data Data directory (Default: C:\Data)
German Set to German language
English Set to English language
Log-Level Setting of log levels
Delete old logfiles automatically during restart During start all old log files are deleted

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System data

Specifies where the ECU was programmed (Systemsupplier, Development, RSU, ...)
TesterApplyIdentifier (hex)

ProgrammingDeviceType Type of tester device.

ProgrammingDeviceSerialNo. Unique identifier of programming device.
BusPriority Specifies bus priority.

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FingerprintID Settings

PlantID (dec) Specifies the identifier of the plant.

Specifies the Supplier-ID with following meaning:
SystemsupplierID (dec)

0.99 (BCD coded e.g. 57 -> Fingerprint 0x0054) 100..153 not allowed

Systemsupplier List Dropdown list of all suppliers.

154..65535 (Decimal e.g. 154 -> Fingerprint 0x009A
DealerID (dec) Specifies the number of the dealer.
FingerprintID Fingerprint is calculated from settings above.


Verify Verify FSC; can be switched off for performance reason.
FSC Actions
Specification of a certificate. In several functions this certificate is compared with the
certificatein the ECU.
Periodical Check Before every action the actual state is checked (still not implemented).

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Show message after cancel of an

Here you can switch on and off the confirmation of a cancel operation.
Ask for saving changes by Here you can switch on and off the saving question, if you leave a module with unsaved
module switching changes.
Update VCM after TAL execution Flag whether to update VCM.
Show warning before TAL
Here you can turn the warning on and off.
Check software availability
Flag whether to check if the needed SWEs for the TAL execution are available.
before TAL execution
Update MSM after TAL execution Flag whether to update MSM.
Show message after connection
Here you can switch on and off the confirmation that a connection has been established.
is established
Show warning to close other
Here you can switch on and off the Warning shown at startup.
applications at startup

Show collapsed SVT Here you can specify if the SVT is shown collapsed or extended by default
Show message after finish of
If enabled, a popup window is displayed after TAL-execution indicating the status.
TAL- execution
Delete recent opened files list Here you can decide if the list of recent opened files will be deleted after E-Sys restart or
automatically during restart. not.
Read vehicle configuration (SVT) If enabled, readSVT will be done before and after the TAL execution and will be logged in the
before and after TAL execution. Log File.
E-Sys Mode
Car E-Sys will be used for progamming/coding the ECUs of a car.

Motor bike E-Sys will be used for progamming/coding the ECUs of a motor bike.

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Additional Transmission
Timeout [ms] Timeout will be added to the current timeout.

Wireless connection
Additional Transmission
Timeout [ms] Timeout will be added to the current timeout.
VIN Vehicle identification number
MDA Number MDA Number
ICOM connection

Base Port Base Port, will be used to calculate the port of the connection using port mapping.

Http Update
Server Port Port the Http update server will be started with.

External Applications

External Applications
External Editor Path to the external editor.
Browser Path to the external browser.

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ODX rule path

ODX rule path Path of the ODX rules directory.
Component Documentation Files
Maximal size of the documentation in a component container.
Size (kBytes)


Path to the developer soft token.
EST The EST is needed to open the modules CAF-Viewer, FDL- Editor, and Coding-Verification.
An EST with role ADVANCED is needed to code FDLs.
Client Certificate for CBB
Allows the import of a client certificate which is needed to establish a connection to the CBB.
The connection to the CBB is needed when calculating bindings within the "certificate
Import Client Certificate management" module.

Certificate Signing Request Generates a CSR for the current machine based on the input fields. The CSR will turn into a
(CSR) Client Certificate as soon as it is signed by the adequate BMW department.

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One can only import the Client Certificate that matches the most recently generated CSR.

Security server

Secure Featuer Activation

Server-URLs for the online sfa-token or ecu-mode-token request.
Certificate management Server-
Server-URLs for the online bindings request
CRL Update Certificate-Revocation-List local update (for the certificate management backend)

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2.2 Extras
The Extras menu offers functions for converting FA-files:

Menu item 'Convert OrderXML to FA' opens following dialog:

With menu item 'Convert shortVIN to FA' following dialog appears:

With menu item 'Convert FA to OrderXML' the user is offered following dialog:

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2.3 Comfort Mode

2.3.1 Calculation of TAL

The module "Calculation of TAL" calculates a TAL (transaction list) from a pair of actual system installation table ("SVT-
Ist") and reference system install SVT_ist specifies the actual state or installation of the system i.e. which hardware unities
and which software unities reside in the ECU/vehicle.

SVT_soll specifies the state of the ECU/vehicle to be reached after the processing of the TAL.

By clicking the checkbox "Use data backup" and specification of the backup directory the individual information of the
former exchanged ECU can be take. The backup data is created in mask TAL-Processing.

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GUI Elements

File containing a list of vehicle orders. For selecting a certain vehicle order, this item needs to be
Vehicle Order activated by using the context menu item ‘Activate FA’. If the list of vehicle orders contains only
one element, this order will be automatically activated as soon as the file is loaded.
Read Read current vehicle order from vehicle.
Load Load a FA from file system.
Save Save the current FA.
Edit Load current vehicle order to FA/FP editor.
Vehicle Profile The Vehicle profile will be automatically generated from an activated Vehicle Order and displayed
in a tree structure.
SVT Actual The actual SVT
Read (VCM) Read SVT from vehicle.
Read (ECU) Read SVT from ECU (functionally).
Load Load a SVT from file system.
Save Save the SVT-Ist.
Edit Edit in the corresponding editor.
SVT Target The reference SVT.
Read (VCM) Read SVT-Target from VCM
Load, Save Load/save an SVT-Target from/to file system.
File Name The name and path of the SVT file.
Edit Edit the SVT-Target in the corresponding editor.
HW-IDs from SVTactual HWEL, HWAP und HWFR elemente from SVTactual will be copied to the ECUs in the target SVT.
SVT Target (KIS calculation)
I-Step (shipm.) Available shipment integration steps.
I-Step (target) Available target integration steps.
Calculation strategy Possible strategy to calculate the SVT (Single Flash | Complete Flash | Construction Progress).
Calculate Calculates an SVT-Target by integration step and vehicle order (and SVT_Actual if exists).
SVT Target (SWL-Cockpit)
I-Step Textfield for the I-Step of the SVT-Target (mandatory)
Alternative I-Step optional field for an alternative I-Step
Diagnostic Addresses comma separated list of diagnostic addresses (in hex-format) BNTN Variants
BNTN Variants comma separated list of BNTN-Variants
Calculation strategy Possible strategy to calculate the SVT (via BNTN-Variants | via Diagnostic Addresses | via Vehicle
Order | via Vehicle Order and BNTN-Variants).
Download Sends request to SWL-Cockpit and receives a calculated SVT-Target.
SVT Target (PDX-Update)
Load PDX-Container Load PDX-Container for updating SVT Update SVT
Update SVT Start SVT-Update process
File Name Filename of the TAL-Filter
Opens a file dialogue to load an existing TAL-Filter from a file. The settings from the TAL-Filter
Load will then be visible in the SVT-View, the filepath is displayed in the textfield. An already
loaded/opened filter will be discarded.
Edit Edit in the corresponding editor. This button is only active if there is an active filter.
Reset Deletes the active filter together with all corresponding symbols in the SVT-View. This
button is only activated if there is an active filter.
TAL The TAL to be calculated from SVT_Ist and SVT_Soll.
Calculation Calculate the TAL using all necessary data.
Save Save the generated TAL.
Edit Edit in the corresponding editor.
Execute Transfer the TAL into module TAL-Processing.
Use data backup Checkbox for specifying if backup data should be considered during TAL generation. Directory
Directory The backup-directory cantaining the backup data.
ECUs from SVTsoll If checked only ECUs from the target SVT will be considered for the TAL generation.
Filter Filter the SVT tree in according to the selected transaction.
SVT Reset Reset SVT-Ist/Soll ans delete SVT tree.

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Within section 'SVT-Update' it is possible to update all versions of the SGBMIDs included in the Target-SVT.

With button 'Update SVT' E-Sys will start a check for each SGBMID contained in the SVT and search for versions of that
SGBMID in the loaded PDX-Co If a different version of a SGBMID was found, the version in the SVT will be updated by the
one from the PDX-container.

Reading Vehicle Order and VIN

After reading the vehicle order the VIN will always be read too. The VIN will be shown in the element
""FAList/FA/FZAuftrag/Header/Vinlong". The vehicle status bar is shown where the vehicle order and the VIN were actually
read from.

Displaying TAL-Filter settings

If filter settings have been defined for the root element or any of the ECU elements in the SVT tree view, these elements
will be displayed with an addition

A detailed figure showing all filter settings of an element will be displayed via the context menu entry 'Filter Settings'.

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2.3.2 FSC

The module FSC serves for inquiring the FSC's state and for writing of FSC into ECU. In addition to that it's possible to
(de)activate FSCs already existing in the ECU. Only an activated FSC can really be used.

Corresponding to the topic FSC there are other masks in E-Sys: FSCs can be displayed and edited in FSC-Editor easily.
In expert mode FSC- Extended-Modul is available in addition to that.

GUI Elements

FSC File The FSC to be written.

FA File the vehicle order corresponding to the ECU.
Diagnosis of ECU
Address Identifier of software
Base Variant Name of ECU variant
Upgrade Index of FSC
Poll FSC State The State of FSC in the ECU is inquired.
Write FSC The FSC loaded into E-Sys is written to the ECU.
Update FSC The written FSC (to ECU) is checked and
Upgrade FSC Combines
activated. write FSC and update FSC.
Deactivate FSC Deactivate FSC in ECU (set to invalid)

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2.3.3 Certificate-Management Comfort


The functionalities provided in this module which include direct server access require to have several preconditions to
be fulfilled:

· The system which runs E-Sys must be in a BMW network segment in which the backend systems (CBB) are available.

· There must be a valid E-Sys client certificate imported into E-Sys.

· At least one URL of a valid backend system (CBB) must be configured in E-Sys.

A more detailed set of instructions can be found here: HOW TO (only available within BMW network). For further questions
please contact the support service: [email protected]


As an enabler for new functions and to increase the security of existing functions, individual certificates are required in
the treatment of vehicles. From S individual certificates and their binding to the respective vehicle must be installed both
in the factory and in the service. In addition, bindings between EC must be distributed. This functionality is provided by
this module.

Overview Certificate Management Module at Comfort-Mode:

The comfort certificate management module now offers easier usability of the standard certificate management functions.

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For this purpose, you always need an SVT, which contains certified ECUs.

[ Note: This is recognizable for every ECU on the CertEnabled = "true" attribute in the ecuStatusInfo. The ECUs that are
CertEnablde are shown in the S the right.]

It is always treated the entire vehicle. That no filters (blacklist or whitelist) can be passed.

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Use Cases:

Get Data:

Step 1: Create CSR Request File

Creates a file in JSON format with the individual certificate requests (CertificateRequest) that the user either sends with
E-Sys to the Backend (only p tester is connected to BMW-intranet) or use the B2B Interface.

How to get access to the B2B-Interface is described at the HOWTO as well.

Step 2: Upload Request File To Backend

Uploads the selected request file to the backend system (CBB) and stores the response file locally.

Write Data:

Variant 1: Get Data from Backend and write directly into Vehicle

Includes both steps of use case 'Get Data' but performs the write operation of the containers to the ECUs as well.

Variant 2: Write Response File

Writes all containers of the selected response file to the ECUs.

Check Data:

Starts the check routine of the ECUs and fetches their results after a waiting time which is the maximum of the ECUs to
ensure all final check results can The tree view will be enriched with the check results.

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2.3.4 Secure ECU Modes - Comfort


The module Secure ECU Mode empowers the user to switch all ECUs, which supports Secure ECU Modes, between the
three states (Engineering, Plan The Modes Plant and Engineering are only accessible with a valid token an the ECU has
to be in den Field-Mode.

To switch back into the Field-Mode is no token necessary.

All ECUs that are contained in the svt are visualized on the right side in the svt-tree-view.

Use Cases:

Available inside BMW network only

Generates a Plant-Mode-Token for all ECUs, that provides ECU-Mode, sending t request to
Switch Mode with Token Request: Plant Mode the Backend and writing the response at the ECUs. The ECUs are fina PlantMode

Switch Mode with Token Request: Engineering Generates an Engineering-Mode-Token for all ECUs, that proviedes ECU-Mode, the request
Mode to the Backend and writting the response at the ECUs. The ECUs are the EngineeringMode

Upload Secure Token Set Request File Sending the request to the backend and store the response at "DATA\SFA"
Available outside BMW network
SVT Read the current svt or loading an existing svt file
Generate Request file Generates a request-file for the chosen ECU-Mode for all ECUs of the svt.
Deactivate the chosen ECU-Mode token. ATTENTION: The token can't be used a second
Delete Token time.
Delete the chosen ECU-Mode token from all ECUs.
Clear Feature ATTENTION: The ECUs have to be in the Engineering-Mode. After the process t token can
be used a second time.
Write Secure Token Set Write all secure tokens the loaded response file
Switch into Field Mode Sends the job to switch into Field Mode to all ECUs.

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2.4 Editors and Viewers

2.4.1 FA/FP-Editor

The module FA/FP-Editor makes for display and edition of FAs (vehicle jobs) and the correspondent FPs (vehicle orders).
The FA designates a discrete HWEs for a vehicle. You can derive the vehicle profiles from the vehicle order.

An ECU or a vehicle can contain/save exactly one vehicle order. During the communication with an ECU or with an vehicle
over PSdZ always only a sing But in the local file system a vehicle order always is saved within a list consisting of any
number of vehicle jobs marked by an unique ID.

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File Menu

Context Menu


· The editors subdivides in two areas. On the left side is the FA list's view. If you select in the left window a FA by the
context menu you retrieve the displayed on the right hand side of the window.

· To display a single FA you have to create an empty FA list and import by context menu the desired FA.

· A single FA can be imported also by context menu.

· A single FA can be exported also in ISTAP-Format using the File menu.

· A single ISTAP-Format FA can also be imported using the File menu.

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2.4.2 TAL-Editor

With the TAL-Editor you can display and edit transaction lists (TALs). A TAL is a model year plan to transform an ECU, a
system of ECUs or the entire v corresponding to the actual system installation table to the state corresponding to the
reference system installation table. The PSDZ generates the TAL fr SVT_Soll.

The TAL contains a list of actions sorted by ECU name, e.g. dismount HWE, program SWE, save individual data, etc. After
processing this list the vehicle.


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Expand Tree Open the whole tree up to the first level

Collapse Tree Close the whole tree including sub trees.
TAL-Abarbeitung Transfer TAL to module TAL-Processing and open it
Allows searching for text in the TAL tree view.
Find Text By pressing the "Search" button, all detected text elements will be marked one
after another
By using in the tree
checkbox view.
"filter active", you en/disable the filter.
Filter By the button "Set..." you switch to a dialog for choosing the particular elements
to be affected by the filter.


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2.4.3 TALFILTER-Editor

Module TALFILTER-Editor offers the possibility to display and modify TAL-Filters.

Creation of new TAL-Filter

There are two ways of creating a new filter file:

1. with File Menu

This will create an empty TAL-Filter with a content like the one shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>




2. with SVT-File

After selecting an existing SVT file, a new TAL-Filter will be created when pressing button 'Calculation'. This TAL-Filter
will contain empty entries for all ECUs defined in the SVT file.

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Editing and Displaying TAL-Filter settings

As soon as a new TAL-Filter has been created or an existing filter has been loaded, its filter settings will be displayed in
a table structure:

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For modifying the filter settings the user is offered several options:

1. Set All to...

By using one of the buttons 'Empty', 'Allow', 'Prohibit' or 'Force' all Transaction Categories of an ECU can be set to the
same value. Additionally these four buttons located in the first row ('ecuAll'), will set all Transaction Categories of all ECUs
to the specified value.

2. Select Action

Each Transaction category of every ECU can separately be set to one of the following action values:

- Empty

- Allow

- Prohibit

- Force


For Transaction category swDeploy it is possible to specify user defined settings for swDeployTA and swDeleteTA.
Therefore an additional action value ('user defined') will be available for that category.

3. swDeploy

As mentioned before, it is possible to define additional filter settings for category swDeployTA and swDeleteTA. This can
be done by opening an additional dialog via the swDeploy button:

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2.4.4 SVT-Editor

With SVT-Editor you can display and edit SVTs (system installation tables). An SVT reflects a discrete state of an ECU or

You have to differentiate between an SVT_Iist which describes the actual state of the vehicle and an SVT-Soll which
describes the desired state of a vehicle and the reference state is created by the user or can be imported from the KIS.

The PSDZ can generate a TAL based on SVT_Iist and SVT_Soll. This TAL contains the action list to transform the vehicle
from actual to reference state.

Hint: Whereas an SVT contains the state for a vehicle in the SVK (system installation identifier) only the state of a single
ECU is recorded. Therefore an Since an SVK can be displayed as an SVT with a single SVK no separate SVK-Editor exists.


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Module SWESEQ Editor offers displaying and modification of a SWE Sequence.

Context Menu

The menu options offers insertion of a new element, editing, cut, copy, paste, deletion, expanding or collapsing of an
element within the SWE sequence.

GUI Elements

File Name Currently opened file.

"..." Button for opening a SWESEQ file.

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2.4.5 FSC-Editor

Modul FSC Editor serves for display and modification of FSCs.

Corresponding to the topic FSC there are other masks in E-Sys: Modul Freischaltcode (FSC) serves for inquiring the FSC
State, for writing and (de-)ac the FSC-Extended-Modul is available in addition to that.

Context Menu

The menu options serves for selection of a line to be edited. Or for insert of a new line or deletion of a line within the FSC.

GUI Elements

FSC-Datei Selection of the FSC to be displayed and (eventually) modified.

"..." Button for specifying the path to the FSC file.

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2.4.6 FDL-Editor

The FDL-Editor displays and edits FDLs (function data lists).

A function data list is in principle a CAF (Coding Application File) which is aggregated with the data residing actually in
the ECU.

A CAF exists prior to ECU coding as data record. But a FDL is generated by readout of data from a ECU and the input of
the result in the corresponding CAF.


· Speichern als FWL...

Die Kodierdaten werden als lesbare Funktionswertliste (FWL) abgespeichert.



Search Function Name searches the specified text in the whole tree. If there is a match the
tree is expanded to the place of finding. You can continue the search
with button F3.

Filter filters corresponding sub trees

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2.4.7 CAF-Viewer

The CAF-Viewer views CAFs (Coding Application Files).

A CAF file is a special SWE (software unity) that contains the coding data of a single ECU. All coding data of a single ECU
can be distributed on multiple CAFs. As well the entire application software of a ECU can be distributed on multiple SWEs.

The coding data is divided in discrete coding data groups within the CAF file. Every coding data group contains at least
one function which has at least one parameter.

Context Menu


Search Function Name searches the specified text in the whole tree. If there is a match the
tree is expanded to the place of finding. You can continue the search
with button F3.

Filter filters corresponding sub trees

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2.4.8 LOG-Viewer

The log file viewer makes for view log files and protocols as well as manage them.

Context-Menu (left side)

Context-Menu (right side)


· You have to define a view before viewing log files. Do this on the root on the left side by the context menu. Specify
name, path and extension on this occasion.

· The extension can be specified in the form of a regular expression. E.g.: *.*, *.log

· In the view (right window) you have discrete possibilities of editing.

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Module TALSTATUS-Viewer offers the view of an executed TAL in a table with coloured status

By double clicking on coloured statusfield of the table, the executed TAL is displayed in an editorpane and the
corresponding TAL line is marked.

The execution context tab provides information about the tal execution environment, including connection parameters,
versions, execution parameters, fingerprint inform

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The generation context tab provides information about the tal generation environment, including connection parameters,
versions, generation parameters and operating s

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By double clicking on coloured statusfield of the table, the executed TAL is displayed in an editorpane and the
corresponding TAL line is marked.

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Instead of an executed tal also a tal can be opened in order to get a quick overview about the transactions which will be

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In the Timing tab the timing sequence is displayed. If the executed tal is loaded for the first time in the viewer, a jpg file is
generated and displayed. If the jpg file is already executed tal, it is displayed only. With the mouse wheel one can zoom
the picture.

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2.5 Expert Mode

2.5.1 TAL-Processing

In the module TAL-Processing a TAL is processed.

A TAL is a model year plan with actions that are to be processed on a single ECU, a system of ECUs or the entire vehicle.

It doesn't count where the TAL is obtained from: The TAL can be loaded from the file system or adopted from another E-
Sys module. A TAL consists at least of one TAL line. There is maximal one TAL line for every ECU and transaction category.

If you try to execute a TAL with assembly or disassembly of hardware a message pops up and you can operate to save
the information of the ECU by th that is specific for this individual ECU. Information that can't be retrieved on the HO
network nor from other ECUs of the same type.

These files are saved in a backup directory. Now the HW can be exchanged and the information added to the TAL in
Calculation of TAL mask.

See there further information.

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GUI Elements

Using the three-dot-button a file dialog is started to choose a TAL file. The file path will be shown in the
textfield. With the "Edit" button you can change to the TAL-Editor to make some changes to the TAL.

Using the three-dot-button a file dialog is started to choose a target SVT file. The file path will be shown in the
textfield. With the "Edit" button you can change to the SVT-Editor to make some changes to the SVT.

The SVT will be written to the VCM before the flashing the ECUs.
Pressing button "Read SVT (ECU)" the SVT will be generated by reading the content of the connected ECUs.
The SVT is optional.

Using the three-dot-button a file dialog is started to choose a vehicle order file. The file path will be shown in
the textfield. With the "Edit" button you can change to the FA-Editor to make some changes to the vehicle
read VIN out of FA If selected the VIN will be taken from the vehicle order for the TAL execution.
Enter VIN Pressing
if the "Read
the selected FA will
the VIN (VCM)" button
be taken the the
from vehicle orderfor
textfield will beTAL
the readexecution.
from the ECU. An FA is optional for flashing
Read VIN Read the VIN. for coding.
but mandatory
Start of TAL processing. This button turns to "Pause", after another click (disabled for parallel programming)
the processing pauses turns to "Resume". The next click of this button continues the processing of the TAL.
Stop After the current processed TALline the processing is aborted.
Ceck software availability
Checks if all software required for TAL execution is available.

rows List the existing transaction categories for the loaded TAL.
columns List all transactions for each control unit. If a control unit does not have a transaction for a category, the
corresponding cell is display the executionStatus of the transaction differs from "executable", the
corresponding executionStatus is displayed. An executable tran be activated or deactivated by checkbox.

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Parameters Parameters for selection of special features for TAL processing.
Parallel Programming
Specification if the ECUs should be flashed parallel.
Repeat Definition of the number of repetitions in case of error.
Programming Counter
Specification if the Programming Counter should be activated.
Specification if the HTTP-Transmission should be activated.
InstalledECUList Specification if the InstalledECUList in TAL should be auto-filled before execution.
Kilometers Definition of the Mileage in Kilometers for fingerprint.
ResponseOnEvent Specification if the ResponseOnEvent during TAL-Exection should be deactivated. This setting is not active
for a DIRECT connectio
Programming mode Definition of a black / white list for the mode switching of individual control units. Whitelist -> Control unit
must be switched. Blacklist unit must not be switched.

Clear Clear the log window.

Events Specification if the events should be displayed in the logging.
EventType Type of the logged events are specified.

Table Visualization of the currently executed transactions and services for the appropriate ECU (Name).
Progress Bar Visualization of progress in TAL processing.

Reading Vehicle Order and VIN

After reading the vehicle order the VIN will always be read too. Also the VIN could be read independently by pressing the
button "Read VIN". The vehicle master ECU. If an error occurs they will be read from the backup ECU. In the status bar is
shown where the vehicle order and the VIN were actually read

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2.5.2 VCM

The Modul VCM provides functions of the VCM (Vehicle Configuration Management). The VCM is a component in the
vehicle that records discrete states and information of the vehicle. The VCM is no ECU but a function of the vehicle. VCM's
functions are addressed by a special (reduced) vehicle info specification thus during the begin of a session the application
communicates first with VCM and afterwards addresses the ECUs. The module VCM has been extended significantly in
its functionality for integration step 3.0.0. Besides the present reliable functions now also control functions to backup
partner CAS are possible. The VCM functionality itself is provided actually by the ZGW ECU.

GUI Elements

Vehicle Order (source) Display window for FA-List with specification of source.
Clear display window for the Vehicle Order (FA) and delete correspondent data in the RAM.

Vehicle Profile (source) Display window for Vehicle Profile (FP) with specification of source.
Clear display window for FP
SVT (source)/(source) Display window for SVT Actual and SVT Target with specification of sources.
Clear display window for SVTs.
Integration Steps Read/write elements show data for current, last and shipment.
Clear display window for the integration steps.
VIN (source) Display of VIN
Clear display window for the VIN.
Provide masking discrete elements of the displayed SVT in display window.

Control Elements in "File" tag

Three-dot-Button Load respective data (FA, FP or SVT) from file system.

Save as Save respective data (FA, FP or SVT) into file system.
Edit Open the respective editor and load current data (FA or SVT) to provide it for display.

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Control Elements in Submask "SVT Filter"

Determines if filter "Only SVK" is set. If filter is set only the type of SVKs displayed in the combo box, are
check box "Only SVK"
displayed in the SVK window - but not further information like ECU info or BUS info.
belonging combo box Contains all SVKs and the entry "all".
check box "Ecu Info" Determines if filter "Ecu Info" is set.

belonging combo box Contains all ECU Info (like e.g. ActiveNotifyEnabled, IdentityCheck or UnsupportedSVKVersion )

check box "Bus Info" Determines if filter "Bus Info" is set.

belonging combo box Contains all bus variants of LIN, MOST, CAN, Flexray.

Control Elements in "Master" tag

FA FP: Read FA FP Read FA, FP and VIN from VCM and display information.
FA FP: Write FA FP Write current displayed FA and FP to VCM.
Update VIN Write VIN displayed in input form to VCM.
I-Steps: Read Read I-step current, last and shipment from VCM and display information.
I-Steps: Write Write I-steps displayed in the mask (current, last and shipment) to VCM.
ECU exchanged detection:
Start routine for detection of exchanged ECUs. The result are the bold marked ECUs.
Detect exchanged ECUs
SVT Target: Write SVT Write current SVT target to VCM.
Read SVT Read SVT target from VCM and display it.
SVT Actual: Generate SVT Determine SVT from returned SVKs of the discrete ECUs.
SVT Actual: Read SVT Read SVT actual from VCM and display it..
VIN: read VIN Read VIN from master.

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Control Elements in "Backup" tag

VCM Master: Read Data Read and display all backup relevant data (FA, FP, SVT Target, I-Steps) from VCM.
VCM Master: Write Data Write all displayed data (FA, FP, SVT Target, I-Steps) to VCM.
Master backup function: Read and display all backup relevant data (FA, FP, SVT Target, I-Steps) from VCM
Backup Data and write it to Backup Partner (normally CAS).
Restore Data Master backup function: Read and display FA, FP, SVT target and I-Steps from CAS and write to VCM.
VCM Backup: Read Data Read and display FA, FP, SVT Target and I-Steps from CAS.
alle backuprelevanten und dargestellten Daten (FA, FP, SVT-Soll, I-Stufen) werden in den Backup-Partner (in
VCM Backup: Write Data
der Regel CAS) geschrieben
VCM Backup: Read FA Read and display FA and VIN from CAS.
VCM Backup: Write FA Write displayed FA to CAS.
VCM Backup: Read I-Steps Display I-Steps read from Backup Partner (normally CAS).
VCM Backup: Write I-Steps Write displayed I-Steps to Backup Partner (normally CAS).
VIN: Read VIN Read VIN from backup.
VIN: Update VIN from VIN Master Update VCM backup VIN with VCM master VIN.

Special Topics

· ECU exchange detection: A routine compares actual serial numbers of the connected ECUs with a reference list.
Differing serial numbers belong to exchanged ECUs. These are marked as bold.

· Interplay ZGW (VCM) and Backup Partner (CAS)

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2.5.3 Coding

With module Coding it's possible to select one or multiple ECUs for coding without creating a TAL manually for this

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The SVTs recorded in red letters in the picture above indicate the reference system state of an ECU. The blue ones indicate
the actual state of the ECU with identical reference and actual state. If the hardware of an ECU is different, this is indicated
by the arrow symbol.

Vehicle Data
File containing a list of vehicle orders. For selecting a single vehicle order, this order needs to be
Vehicle Order activated by using the context menu item ‘Activate FA’. If the list of vehicle orders contains only one
element, this element will be automatically activated as soon as the file is loaded.
Read Read out the actual vehicle order from the vehicle.

Load Open a vehicle order from the file system.

Save Opens a file dialog to save the vehicle order.

Edit Change to the FA-Editor and open the vehicle order file.
The Vehicle profile will be automatically generated from an activated Vehicle Order and displayed in a
Vehicle Profile
tree structure.
SVT Actual

Read (VCM) read out the vehicle order from the vehicle.

Read (ECU) read out the vehicle order functionally

Load Open a vehicle order from the file system.

Save Opens an file dialog to save the SVT.

Edit Change to the SVT-Editor and open the SVT

KIS/SVT target

I-Step (shipm.) Available shipment integration steps

I-Step (target) Available target integration steps

Calculation strategy Possible strategy to calculate the SVT (Single Flash | Complete Flash | Construction Progress).

File Name The path of the SVT file.

Calculate Calculates an SVT-Soll by integration step and vehicle order (and SVT-Ist if exists).

(VCM) Read SVT-Soll from VCM

Load, Save Load/save an SVT-Soll from/to file system.

Edit Edit in the corresponding editor.

HW-IDs from SVTactual HWEL, HWAP und HWFR elemente from SVTactual will be copied to the ECUs in the target SVT.

Detect CAF for SWE not supportet yet


Code Code the ECU.

Read Coding Data Code FDL Read the coding data from ECU.
Code Default Values Read
Code the ECU with the selected FDL.
Parallel TAL-Execution Code the ECU to the default state.

top TAL on error Filter Read out the CPS.

Filter If checked coding will be executed parallel.

SVT Reset if checked the coding will stop if one error occurs.


Filter filter SVT tree by selected process class reset

SVT Reset SVT/SVK-Ist/Soll and delete SVT tree

Reading Vehicle Order and VIN

After reading the vehicle order the VIN will always be read too and put into the vehicle order (FAList/FA/FZAuftrag
/Header/Vinlong). The vehicle order the master ECU. If an error occurs they will be read from the backup ECU. In the status
bar is shown where the vehicle order and the VIN were actually r

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2.5.4 Coding-Verification

In module Coding-Verification is checked offline, if the discrete parts ( FA, CAF, SVT) match together. In detail there are
verification of CAF, entire verification by SVT and by KIS (in the latter also an SVT is created).
The CVN calculation computes the Sub CVNs of CAF files and saves the result in a file.

GUI Elements

Vehicle Data

Vehicle Order File containing a list of vehicle orders. For selecting a single vehicle order, this order needs to be activated
by using the context menu item ‘Activate FA’. If the list of vehicle orders contains only one element, this
element will be activated by default as soon as the file is loaded.
Vehicle Profile The Vehicle profile will be automatically generated from an activated Vehicle Order and displayed in a tree
Load Load file with list of vehicle orders from file system.
Edit Load current Vehicle Order to FA/FP editor
Available CAFs This window displays the available CAFs in the proper file name format.
CAFs to be verified These transferred CAFS will be verified when the "Start Verification" button is pressed.
Add (all) >> Transfer selected CAFS from the left hand side to the right hand side respectively all of them.
<< Remove (all) Remove items on the right hand side to the left side.
Refresh Refresh the two CAF windows.
Start verification Start the process of the CAFs' verificatiion.
Entire Verification
Radio button "Verification by In "Verification by KIS" additionally an SVT is calculated and afterwards verified
SVT" and "Verification by KIS"
"..."-Button Load SVT from the file sytem for verification by SVT.
Combo box For selecting the integration step for calculating of SVT.
Start Entire Verification This button starts "Verification by SVT" or "Verification by KIS" depending on the state of radio button.
Start CVN Calculation Starts the CVN calculation an writes the result to the file selected by "Settings/CVN file"
Calculate SVT Calculate SVT from integration step and further data.
Trace Directory Specification of an existing trace path (by combo box) or input of a new path by three- dot-button-dialogue.
NCD, FWL, SVT, FP trace The discrete types of traces can be selected in any combination. For "Verification by KIS" the SVT trace is
strictly recommended (due to SVT creation).
CVN file Target file for CVN calculation in ObdCvnFaList format.

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2.5.5 FSC-Extended

The module FSC Extended in expert mode serves for read out, check and sign of FSC. In addition to that single jobs can
be executed in batch mode.

Corresponding to the topic FSC there are other masks in E-Sys. The module Freischaltcode (FSC) serves for inquiring the
FSC State, for writing and (de-)activating of FSC. FSCs can be displayed and edited in FSC-Editor easily.

GUI Elements

FSC File The FSC to be written

Key The key corresponding to the FSC
Diagnosis Address of the ECU
Software-ID the software identifier
Base Variant Name of ECU variant
Upgrade Index of FSC

Read FSC The FSC in the ECU is read.

Edit FSC Forward FSC to module FSC editor
Check FSC Check FSC (using public key)
Sign FSC The current FSC is signed using the specified (private) key.
">>", "<<" The jobs in the left hand window, selected by the mouse are copied to the right hand window.

Start The jobs residing in the right hand window are started.
The log window displays the state of the currently processed action.

2.5.6 TSL Update

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In a vehicle there is a MSM (Master Security Module) and several ECUs with CSM (Client Security Module). Putting or
updating of transport key into called transport key update (Transportschlü ssel-Update (TSU)). This is the job of the present

GUI Elements

SVT The actual system installation table to be loaded by three-dot-button-dialogue.

Read (ECU) Functional read out of the discrete ECUs.
Edit Change to SVT-Editor and show the opened SVT
TSL-Update Execute the TSL update.
Read MSM/CSM status Reads the status and writes the result (or error messages) to the Log view.
Check System Initialization Execute PSdZ method msm_F25_checkMsmSystemInitialisation.

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2.5.7 NAV/ENT Update

Navigation and entertainment data (NAV, ENT) are placed on a hard disk drive (HDD) in the Head unit. These data can be
updated using the module NAV/ENT Update.

Current Data

By pressing "Read SGBMID" you can see the versions of the current navigation and entertainment data. Therefore the
current SVT is read from VCM and the SGBMIDs with process c


After writing the address of the server, where the newest navigation and entertainment data are stored, into the appropriate
text field, the update process can be started by pressing th updated only, if the appropriate process class is selected. By
pressing the "Cancel" button the update process could be aborted.

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2.5.8 OBD-CVN

The module OBD-CVN reads CVNs (Calibration Verification Number) from ECUs, calculates CVNs over alle OBD (On-Board
Diagnostics) relevant SWEs.

The SVTs recorded in red letters in the picture above indicate the reference system state of an ECU. The blue ones indicate
the actual state of the ECU. Green entries indicate SVTs with identical reference and actual state.

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GUI Elements

Vehicle Data
File containing a list of vehicle orders. For selecting a single vehicle order, this order needs to be
Vehicle Order activated by using the context menu item ‘Activate FA’. If the list of vehicle orders contains only one
element, this element will be automatically activated as soon as the file is loaded.
Read Read out the actual vehicle order from the vehicle.

Load Open a vehicle order from the file system.

Save Opens a file dialog to save the vehicle order.

Edit Change to the FA-Editor and open the vehicle order file.
The Vehicle profile will be automatically generated from an activated Vehicle Order and displayed in a
Vehicle Profile
tree structure.
SVT Actual

Read (VCM) read out the vehicle order from the vehicle.

Read (ECU) read out the vehicle order functionally

Load Open a vehicle order from the file system.

Save Opens an file dialog to save the SVT.

Edit Change to the SVT-Editor and open the SVT

KIS/SVT target

I-Step (shipm.) Available shipment integration steps

I-Step (target) Available target integration steps

Calculation strategy Possible strategy to calculate the SVT (Single Flash | Complete Flash | Construction Progress).

File Name The path of the SVT file.

Calculate Calculates an SVT-Soll by integration step and vehicle order (and SVT-Ist if exists).

(VCM) Read SVT-Soll from VCM

Load, Save Load/save an SVT-Soll from/to file system.

Edit Edit in the corresponding editor.

HW-IDs from SVTactual HWEL, HWAP und HWFR elemente from SVTactual will be copied to the ECUs in the target SVT.

Detect CAF for SWE not supportet yet


Code Code the ECU.

Read Coding Data Code FDL Read the coding data from ECU.
Code Default Values Read
Code the ECU with the selected FDL.
Parallel TAL-Execution Code the ECU to the default state.

top TAL on error Filter Read out the CPS.

Filter If checked coding will be executed parallel.

SVT Reset if checked the coding will stop if one error occurs.


Filter filter SVT tree by selected process class reset

SVT Reset SVT/SVK-Ist/Soll and delete SVT tree

Reading Vehicle Order and VIN

After reading the vehicle order the VIN will always be read too and put into the vehicle order (FAList/FA/FZAuftrag/
Header/Vinlong). The vehicle order and the VIN will be read from the master ECU. If an error occurs they will be read from
the backup ECU. In the status bar is shown where the vehicle order and the VIN were actually read from.

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2.5.9 Certificate Management Extended


The functionalities provided in this module which include direct server access require to have several preconditions to
be fulfilled:

· The system which runs E-Sys must be in a BMW network segment in which the backend systems (CBB) are available.

· There must be a valid E-Sys client certificate imported into E-Sys.

· At least one URL of a valid backend system (CBB) must be configured in E-Sys.

A more detailed set of instructions can be found here: HOWTO (only available within BMW network). For further questions
please contact the support service: [email protected]


As an enabler for new functions and to increase the security of existing functions, individual certificates are required in
the treatment of vehicles. From S their binding to the respective vehicle must be installed both in the factory and in the
service. In addition, bindings between ECU devices must be distribu this module.

Overview Certificate Management Module:

The certificate management module has 5 tabs. The individual functions are explained in the following sections:

1) Get, write and check data

2) Write data individually

3) Read data individually

4) Calculate otherBindings

5) Edit CBB-Transfer data

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Get, write and check data:
Supports beside the functionality of the Comfort Mode the possibility of using black- / white-lists.

Format of the blacklist: 0x63,0x61,0x60,... (comma-separated diagnostic addresses in hex format) File-Type: .txt
(e.g. blacklist.txt)

It is possible to use either a loaded file as white-list or just click at the ECUs you want to treat (in the svt view on the right).

ATTENTION: It is not possible to have a loaded filter file and selected ECUs in the svt view. If no filter is selected all ECUs
will be treated.

Start data check:

Performs the certificates check of the ECUs. The result is logged in a local result-file as well as displayed in the svt view.

Create a local CSR-file:

Generates an [JSON] request-file that can either uploaded in the B2B-portal to get the response or send with E-Sys to the
backend (E-Sys only possi

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Write data individually
The user has the possibility to write one memory type in particular.

In order to use the function, a valid XML file containing the type of memory object selected in the table must be specified
for the respective ECU in the ta

ATTENTION: The data format of the loaded object is xml and not JSON. The response file can't be used in this slide.

Each EUC can only be written with one memory type (Type1, 2, 5) at once. In the table on the left side has the user the
possibility to

Description of types:

Certificates / CSRs (Type 1) : 0

Binding (Type 1) : 1

OtherBindings (Type 1) : 2

Certificates / CSRs (Type 2) : 3

Binding (Type 2) : 4

Sec_Oc_Keylist: 5

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Read data individually:
Reads the selected certificate type from the configured ECU devices and displays the result in the status window.

Generates for each ECU to be handled a file in XML format, which contains the entire certificate container of the respective
ECU device. Default storage location is the CERT directory in the E-Sys Data directory.

In the selected storage location, one or more XML files are now dependent on the selected memory object type For each
ECU can only be read out on memory type at the time.

Example of stored XMLs:

" BindingContainer_<Basisvariante>_<DiagAdr[Hex]>_fromVehicle_<Zeitstempel>.xml "

" CertificateContainer_<Basisvariante>_<DiagAdr[Hex]>_fromVehicle_<Zeitstempel>.xml "

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Binding Distribution: (only SP2018 ECUs)
A binding distribution can be created in this tab.

The Binding Distribution contains the information about which ECUs are allowed to establish a secure communication
with each other.

The "Calculate Distribution" button calculates the OtherBindings, which contain the information which ECU devices may
communicate with each other in For this purpose, the user selects a location for the BindingDistribution file. Default
storage location is the CERT directory in the E-Sys Data directory.

Here, the user has the possibility to influence the calculation of the distribution with the checkboxes to the right of the
files to be loaded.

Both checkboxes active: PSdZ calculates the OtherBindings by using the bindings of the backend with the
bindings from the vehicle for calculation.

Checkbox "from backend" active

and "from vehicle" inactive: PSdZ does not get any readout binding set from the vehicle to the calculation.

Checkbox "from vehicle" active

and "from backend" inactive: PSdZ will only allow the bindings from the vehicle to be included in the calculation. Both
checkboxes inactive: This combination does not provide a result since no bindings are passed to PSdZ.

[Note: If BindingContainer is available from the CBB box and the vehicle for the same control unit, the newly calculated
container from the CBB-Box is al determined from the vehicle is discarded. ]

Edit CBB-Transfer data:

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The user has the possibility:

· extract individual memory objects of the loaded JSON file and store them in a xml file

· deleting individual certificate roles from a CSR file

· generates the request file with the loaded xml files

Extract xml files of a JSON:

1. Load JSON file

2. Button Extract data

Delete role IDs:

1. Load request file [JSON].

2. Chose role that you want to delete.

3. Button Delete-Role

Creating a CSR file:

1. Load ore read svt.

2. Load all the memory object [xml] in the table

5. The "Create file"

2.5.10 Secure ECU Modes - Extended

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The module Secure ECU Mode empowers the user to switch all ECUs, which supports Secure ECU Modes, between the
three states (Engineering, Plant, Field).

The Modes Plant and Engineering are only accessible with a valid token an the ECU has to be in den Field-Mode. To switch
back into the Field-Mode is no token necessary.

All ECUs that are contained in the svt are visualized on the right side in the svt-tree-view.

Difference to the Comfort Mode:

In the extended mode the ECUs which shall be treated can be selected in the tree view. There is single or multiple selection
of ECUs possible. To switch back to a treatement of the whole vehicle, just click on the first two lines of the tree.

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Use Cases:

Available inside BMW network only

Switch Mode with Token Generates a Plant-Mode-Token for all ECUs, that provides ECU-Mode, sending the request to the Backend
Request: Plant Mode and writing the response at the ECUs. The ECUs are finally in the PlantMode
Switch Mode with Token Generates an Engineering-Mode-Token for all ECUs, that proviedes ECU-Mode, sending the request to the
Request: Engineering Mode Backend and writting the response at the ECUs. The ECUs are finally in the EngineeringMode
Upload Secure Token Set
Sending the request to the backend and store the response at "DATA\SFA"
Request File
Available outside BMW network

SVT Read the current svt or loading an existing svt file

Generate Request file Generates a request-file for the chosen ECU-Mode for all ECUs of the svt.

Delete Token Deactivate the chosen ECU-Mode token. ATTENTION: The token can't be used a second time.

Delete the chosen ECU-Mode token from all ECUs.

Clear Feature
ATTENTION: The ECUs have to be in the Engineering-Mode. After the process the deleted token can be used
a second time.
Write Secure Token Set Write all secure tokens the loaded response file

Switch into Field Mode Sends the job to switch into Field Mode to all ECUs.

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2.6 Data Handling

2.6.1 PDX-Charger

To process a vehicle flash or ECU programming the PSdZ (or the more basic runtime system beneath) needs a couple of
data files e.g. SWEs, program jobs, programming procedure, vehicle information etc. All this information are transported
in MCD-2D (ODX) containers and passed.

Therefor an existing container is read from disk into E-Sys by the "tree-dot"-button. The displayed design of the container
is as follows:

Root element "PDX-Container": By context menu a new ECU can be inserted here
CAF: A (further) CAF file can be added..
SVT or SWE-Sequenz: A (further) SVT or. SWE sequence can be added.

Already existing elements of the upper parts can be removed by context menu. After adding a ECU it's possible to append
one or more SWEs to its substructure.

To an ECU exactly one base variant can be assigned. And to every base variant you can specify bootID and diagnosis
address. Furthermore it's possible to deactivate a base variant.

ECUs are displayed with blue letters if of L4 and with black letters if it is an L6 ECU.

The container's file versions are displayed in the lower window. Differently to the display in the above window (i.e.
swfl_11111114) the file version gets displayed, too (swfl_11111114_001_001_002). For swe files it is possible to delete
single file versions, but solely if 2 swe file versions for the same identifier exist.

After all modification is done the PDX container can be imported into PsdZ unless there is no connection to an ECU. So
in the mask above you have to disconnect before trying to import into PsdZ.

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"Import into Import current container into PSdZ

PSdZ" button load existing PDX container
"Update" button PDX update, see correspondent help page
"Delete PDX delete, see correspondent help page

Further Information:

ODX (Open Diagnostic Data Exchange) is a standardized exchange format based on XML for data and information related
to diagnosis. PDX (Packed ODX) is a zipped ODX. The PDX file only contains information. The real data (SWEs) are
contained in separate files and are only referenced from the ODX file. In ODX multiple layers are defined which contain
the different types of information:

The ODX-Charger performs the task to integrate the particular layers to one ODX-Container. Hereby the XML files for the
layers Diag-Layer-Container, Comparam-Spec, Vehicle-Info-Spec and Multiple-Ecu-Job-Spec exist already in a file system
or are delivered completed.

The flash layer is assembled by the ODX-Charger from a couple of selected SWEs.

So far the SWEs were included into den ODX-Container as MSR files. Hence the new version 2.0.0 of E-Sys also BSW files
are supported as SWE. This BSW is a ZIP archive that contains the binary flash data and an XML file containing the header

Even if the ODX-Container could consist from a single large file it's recommended for the sake of clearness to leave the
distinct layers in it's files and to associate them in the ODX file.

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2.6.2 PDX-Update

Up to now it was only possible to import a delivered or modified (by E-Sys) PDX container into PsdZ.

In practice on-site it's common to start with a discrete HW/SW configuration and modify and expand it in the course of
time of progression (I-Stufe) in the way that when new data is available still there is a wish to preserve the old data.

An amplification of the previous container by the new contents of the new container is desired. This can be realized now
by the update functionality in E-Sys.

During start of mask the update button is still disabled. Primal a container is loaded both button "Import into PsdZ" and
"Update" are enabled. As the first container the 'old' container to be updated is selected.

After pressing the update button a file select box opens and the PDX container (with the new data) used for the update
can be specified.

Now E-Sys calculates the set union of the two containers and displays it. Afterwards the modified container can be saved
and imported into PsdZ.

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2.6.3 PDX-Delete

Starting with E-Sys 3.31, an index file is introduced to allow the deletion of PDX containers. This index file is
updated during each import and delete process.

In the dialog 'Delete PDX-Container' the user is offered a selection menu of the PDX containers that have been imported
so far. Either individual container files or all containers can be deleted.

The deletion process is limited to entries in the subdirectory "..\psdzdata\swe" and "..\psdzdata\mainseries".

Only those files that are not needed by any other PDX container are deleted.

To delete individual container contents, the corresponding PDX containers have to marked in the selection list and the
button 'Delete' has to be pressed.

Deleting all containers is done with the 'Delete All' button:


· Deletion Container is available only if there is no connection to the ECU.

· In the case of a missing or incorrect index file a new one index file will be created. All existing SWEs files and project
names (TargetSelectors) are written in this file as "Undefined_Container"

· By Import of the same container more times under different project names, all linked project names (Target Selectors)
are to deleted by deleting of this container.

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2.6.4 ODX-Checker

The PDX container check could be started with the button "ODX checker". The result is presented in the "ODX checker
messages" table.

Message details can be open with a double click on a line in the table.

The ODX checker rules could be stored in a directory. The path for this directory could be set in menu "Options /
Settings..." in the "ODX" tab:

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2.6.5 File-Explorer

Using the file explorer you can manage the elements of the data directory. The files or directories can be copied, moved,
deleted and created newly. In

addition to that also an import into PsdZ (in case of ODX files) or passing the file to an external editor is possible.

Context Menu (left hand side)

Context Menu (right hand side)


· In the right hand display you have many options of editing using the context menu.

· "ImportPDX" only is available in subdirectory ODX, and even then only if there is no connection to the ECU.
· With the item "ImportPDX", it is possible to import single PDX-Container as well as a set of containers simultaneously.

· Using "Open With" menu let you jump directly to the suitable E-Sys editor corresponding to the data structure. In this
editor the desired file is already displayed.

· The other context menu items are to be used in common manner.

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2.6.6 SWE-Explorer

You can watch the both subdirectories SWE_signed and SWE_unsigned using this explorer.

Context Menu

doesn't exist. This is no software bug.

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2.7 Externe Application

2.7.1 Applications

In this module you can start any application. Therefore you must add a application by using the add button in the tool bar
or in the context menu.

The FAT-Transmitter comes already together with E-Sys. To be executed it needs the IP address and the port of an gateway.
These parameters are set automatically on opening a HSFZ connection with E-Sys.

If nothing happens when starting the Transmitter you may find an error message by opening a command line where you
run the startTransmitter.bat.

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3 Batch
E-Sys could be started beside the GUI mode also in the batch mode. Therefore the file E-Sys.bat in the E-Sys installations
directory (usually C:\EC- Apps\ESG\E-Sys) is executed with several parameters. Depending on parameters a corresponding action
will be executed:

Request version

E-Sys.bat -version

TAL processing

E-Sys.bat -talexecution <configuration file>

E-Sys.bat -tal <TAL-filename> -fa <FA-filename> -project <project name> -vehicleinfo <vehicle info> [-svt <SVT-filename>]

NAV/ENT Update

E-Sys.bat -talexecution <configuration file>

PDX charger

E-Sys.bat -pdximport <PDX container name> -project <project name>

E-Sys.bat -pdxupdate <PDX container name> -template <PDX template name> [-out <PDX container name>] E-Sys.bat -pdxcontainer <PDX container definition file> -out <PDX container

PDX merger

E-Sys.bat -mergepdxcontainer <PDX container definition file> -out <PDX container name>


E-Sys.bat -generatencd <FA-filename> -trace <trace directory> [-caf <CAF name>] E-Sys.bat -cvncalculation <FA-filename> -out <OBC-CVN-list> [-caf <CAF name>]


E-Sys.bat –swtstatus -project <project name> -vehicleinfo <vehicle info> [-basevariant <base variant> -diagaddress <diagnosis address>]

E-Sys.bat -swtaction <configuration file>

Main Series

E-Sys.bat -getbrv <series>

Vehicle Order Read

E-Sys.bat -readfa -out <FA-directory with or without filename> -connection <configuration file>

SVT Read

E-Sys.bat -readsvt -out <SVT-directory with or without filename> -connection <configuration file>

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NCD Read

E-Sys.bat -readncd <SVT> -out <NCD-directory> -connection <configuration file>

OrderXML Convert

E-Sys.bat -convertorderxml <FO-directory> -out <FA-directory>

OBD-CVN Compare

E-Sys.bat -comparecvn -trace <trace-directory> (-svt <SVT-file>|-svtvcmist|-svtvcmsoll|-svtecu) [-fa <FA-file>] [-sg <ecu-list>] - connection <configuration file> [-xmlreport]

TAL Calculation

E-Sys.bat -talcalculation <configuration file>

VCM read and write

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster FA -in <Quelldatei> [-connection <configuration file>]

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster ISTUFEN -in <Quelldatei> [-connection <configuration file>] E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster SVTSOLL -in <Quelldatei> [-connection <configuration file>] E-
Sys.bat -writeVcmBackup FA -in <Quelldatei> [-connection <configuration file>]

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmBackup ISTUFEN -in <Quelldatei> [-connection <configuration file>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FA -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration file>] E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FP -out <destination directory with
or without filename> [-connection <configuration file>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster ISTUFEN -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration file>] E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster SVTSOLL -out <destination
directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration file>] E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup FA -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration

E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup ISTUFEN -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration file>] E-Sys.bat -readVinFromMaster [-connection
<configuration file>]

E-Sys.bat -readVinFromBackup [-connection <configuration file>]

TSL Functions

E-Sys.bat -tslstatus [-connection <configuration file>]

E-Sys.bat -updatetsl <SVT-file> [-connection <configuration file>]


E-Sys.bat -readCERT -connection <configuration file> -type <certificate type> [-svt <SVT-file>] E-Sys.bat -generateCSR -connection <configuration file> -out <target-file>

E-Sys.bat -writeBindings -connection <configuration file> -in <response file from CBB> [-svt <SVT-file>]

E-Sys.bat -checkCERT -connection <configuration file> -retries <number between 1 and 10> [-svt <SVT-file>] E-Sys.bat -certexecution <Configuration-File>


E-Sys.bat -createRequestEcuModePlant -connection <Configuration-File> [-svt <SVT-File> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File>]

E-Sys.bat -createRequestEcuModeEngineering -connection <Configuration-File> [-svt <SVT-File> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File>] E-Sys.bat -switchEcuMode -connection
<Configuration-File> -tokensets <JSON-File> [-svt <SVT-File>]

E-Sys.bat -switchEcuModeField -connection <Configuration-File> [-svt <SVT-File> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File>]

A special property file could be defined as an optional parameter (otherwise the file <E-Sys-Installverzeichnis>/config/Esys.properties is used):

E-Sys.bat -prop <Property file> ...

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The application return code informs about execution success: 0 - The action has been executed successfully.

1 - Because of an error the action could not be finished.

2 - The action has been executed with errors.

3 - No connection to the server.

4 - The action has been executed without errors but with warnings.

All actions could be executed using the client/server based batch mode too.

If you do not like creating configuration files you can pass a string with the appropriate values instead. The string must
have the format key1=value1::key2=value2::key3=value3, where :: is the separator for key/value pairs. Of course the values
must not contain these separator.

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3.1 TAL Processing in Batch
With this batch mode action you can do program an ECU with SWEs and code a ECU with CAFs.

PDX Container Import

Before you execute a TAL you have to import an appropriate container. To import a PDX container use GUI (PDX-Charger)
or batch (PDX charger) mode.

TAL processing

A TAL execution could be started using following command line:

E-Sys.bat -talexecution <configuration file>

In the configuration file the following parameter could be defined beside the connection parameters:

TAL = <TAL-filename> FA = <FA-filename> VIN = <VIN string>

SVT = <SVT-filename>

# fa|shipment (Default: fa) CODING_TYPE = <coding type>



REPEATS_ON_ERROR = <error repeats count>

# off|all|progress|transaction|error|tal|aep EVENT = <Event filter for the console output>


# merge|overwrite

FILL_INSTALLED_ECU_LIST_MODE = <Switch InstalledECUList filling mode>

# on|off

MODE_SWITCH_PROGRAMMING = <Switch mode programming on/off>

# List of gateways (diagnosis addresses in HEX), which should be switched to programming mode.

# If the parameter is missing all available gateways will be switched.

# Sample: 10, 63


# Aboslute path of the TAL filter file. TAL_FILTER = <TAL filter-filename>

# on|off

READ_MILEAGE_FROM_GWSZ = if the parameter is set to on, the mileage will be read out before TAL-Execution and will be written into the Fingerprint.

# 0 - 655330

MILEAGE = mileage for fingerprint

# URL for HDD-Update


# on|off (activate/deactivate Response on event during TAL execution) ROE_DEACTIVATION = off

# on|off (prevent Http-Transmission during TAL execution) PREVENT_HTTP_TRANSMISSION = off

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· Mandatory parameter are TAL, PROJECT, VEHICLEINFO and FA or VIN.

· The configuration file must container either an FA or a VIN, but not both of them. If the FA is defined, the FA must contain
the VIN.

· If the configuration file contains the parameter HDD_UPDATE_SERVER_URL, an HDD-Update will be done, otherwise an
TAL execution.


ECU_LIST) are on and off.

· The default values for the parameters will be taken from the GUI application (file Esys.Properties).

· The character '\' must not be used in the configuration file. In file paths use '/' or '\\'.

All other settings for E-Sys are read from file Esys.Properties. The run of TAL processing is recorded in the E-Sys logfile.

An alternative is to start the TAL execution without configuration file, but this is not recommended, because thus not all
parameter could be set easily. In this case the command line is as follows:

E-Sys.bat -tal <TAL-filename> -fa <FA-filename> -project <project name> -vehicleinfo <vehicle info> [-svt <SVT-filename>][- idrbackup <IDRBackup-Directory>]


TAL-filename.........Absolute path of the TAL

FA-filename..........Absolute path of the FA

project name.........name of project for the connection

vehicle info.........information about vehicle for the connection

SVT-filename.........Absolute path of the target SVT (optional parameter)

IDRBackup-Directory..Absolute path for the output directory (optional parameter)

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3.2 PDX charger

A PDX container could be imported using following command line:

E-Sys.bat -pdximport <PDX container name> -project <project name>

PDX container name...Name of the container to import.

project name.................Name of the project, in which the container should be imported. The return code could be 0 or 1
(return code - see Batch).


A PDX container could be updated using following command line:

E-Sys.bat -pdxupdate <PDX container name> -template <PDX template name> [-out <PDX container name>]

PDX container name...Absolute path of the PDX container, which should be updated.

PDX template name....Absoluter Pfad des PDX-Templates, welches der Container nach dem Update enthalten soll.

PDX container name...Absolute path of the PDX container to create. Without the -out option, the input container will be

Possible return codes:

0 - A PDX-Container was created successfully.

1 - Because of an error the PDX container could not be created.

2 - The created PDX container has errors.

PDX-Container Generation

A PDX component container could be created using following command line:

E-Sys.bat -pdxcontainer <PDX container definition file> -out <PDX container name>

PDX container definition file........Absolute path of the definition file.

PDX container name....................Absolute path of the PDX container to create.

Within the PDX container definition file the PDX container will be defined. After parsing the file a PDX container will be
created and saved to the specified path.

The following lines show a simple sample of an PDX container definition:

<PDXContainerDefinition xmlns="http://bmw.com/2010/esys.data.pdxcontainerdefinition">







<ECUVariant name="ECU1">








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The XML file is defined through the schema PDXContainerDefinition.xsd (see <E-Sys installation directory>/help ). The schema defines
all possible elements for the PDX container definition and contains comments describing these elements.

Please be aware that all paths to files and directories in the PDX container definition have to be absolute.

In case of an error an error file (with name errors...txt) will be created and saved to the directory the PDX container should be
saved to. The error file contains the error messages of the occurred errors.

Possible return codes:

0 - A PDX-Container was created successfully.

1 - Because of an error the PDX container could not be created. An error file has been saved.

2 - The created PDX container has errors. An error file has been saved.

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3.3 PDX merger
Merge PDX-Container

Several PDX component containers can be merged using following command line

E-Sys.bat -mergepdxcontainer <PDX container definition file> -out <PDX container name>

PDX container definition file........Absolute path of the definition file.

PDX container name....................Absolute path of the PDX container to create.

Within the PDX container definition file the PDX container will be defined. It contains the path of the template file to use
for the creation of the PDX container (Element <PDXTemplate>) and the paths of the container files to merge (Element

The following lines show a simple sample of an PDX container definition:

<PDXContainerDefinitionMerge xmlns="http://bmw.com/2010/esys.data.pdxcontainerdefinition">




<File>C:/Data/ODX/F001_DME MSD85.001.001.002.pdx</File>

<File>C:/Data/ODX/F001_EGS GKEB23.002.008.003.pdx</File>



The XML file is defined through the schema PDXContainerDefinitionMerge.xsd (see <E-Sys installation directory>/help ). Please be
aware that all paths to files and directories in the PDX container definition have to be absolute.

In case of an error an error file (with name errors...txt) will be created and saved to the directory the PDX container should be
saved to. The error file contains the error messages of the occurred errors.

Possible return codes:

0 - A PDX-Container was created successfully.

1 - Because of an error the PDX container could not be created. An error file has been saved.

2 - The created PDX container has errors. An error file has been saved.


Not supported are:

· ECU Variant patterns

· Component documentation files

· Merging containers with same ECU variants

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3.4 Coding-Verification
Batch mode for executing a verification using a vehicle order (FA) according to the modul Coding-Verification. In this
process netto coding data (NCD) will be generated.

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -generatencd <FA-filename> -trace <trace directory> [-caf <CAF name>]

FA-filename.........Absolute path of an FA or an FA-List file.

trace directory......Absolute path of the directory for the generated files CAF-name............Name of the CAF to be verified.

During the verification NCD and FP traces are generated and stored in the trace directory. The verification is executed for
all FAs of the FA-List and all imported CAFs. Using the optional Parameter "-caf" the verification is executed only for the
given CAF. It is also possible to define more than one CAF by separating the names by a comma (",").


E-Sys.bat -generatencd C:\Data\FA\F020.xml -trace C:\Data\Trace -caf cafd_0000815.caf.001_001_003

Possible return codes:

0 - All NCDs and FPs generated without errors.

1 - Because of an error not all NCDs or FPs could be generated.


· If the trace directory is not empty, existing files will be overwritten without warning.

The calculation of CVN values could be done using:

E-Sys.bat -cvncalculation <FA-filename> -out <OBC-CVN-list> [-caf <CAF name>]

FA-filename..........Absolute path of an FA or an FA-List file.

OBC-CVN-list.......Absolute path of the resulting file.

CAF-name............Name of the CAFs to be used.

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3.5 FSC
Die FSC comfort functionality is available also in the batch mode..

SWT Status

With the following command the SWT status could be read:

E-Sys.bat –swtstatus -project <project name> -vehicleinfo <vehicle info> [-basevariant <base variant> -diagaddress <diagnosis address hex>]


project name name of project for the connection

vehicle info information about vehicle for the connection

base variant the bas variant of the ECU.(optional parameter)

diagnosis address hex the diagnosis address of the ECU (optional parameter)

SWT Action

With the following command

E-Sys.bat -swtaction <configuration file>

an SWT action could be executed. The concrete action is defined in the configuration file together with the connection
parameters and following parameters:

FA = <FA-filename> VIN = <VIN string>

# store|update|upgrade|deactivate SWT_ACTION = <SWT action>

BASE_VARIANT = <base variant> DIAG_ADDRESS = <diagnosis address hex> APPLICATION_NUMBER = <Applicationnumber> UPGRADE_INDEX = <Upgrade index>

FSC = <FSC-filename>


· All parameters are mandatory, but FSC. The FSC is needed only for the actions store and upgrade.

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3.6 Main Series
From a series name the name of the main series is written to the console. Command line:

E-Sys.bat -getbrv <series> series.........the series name Sample:

E-Sys.bat -getbrv F003

Possible return codes:

0 - The main series has been read successfully.

1 - The action failed.

3.7 Vehicle Order Read

The vehicle order is read from the vehicle and stored in a file.

In case that only a directory is given, additionally the VIN for the file name creation is read.

If the filename is specified with the directory, that file is used. If the file exists already, it will be overwritten.

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readfa -out <FA-directory> -connection <configuration>

FA-directory........Absolute path of the output directory with or without filename

configuration.......Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -readfa -out C:\Data\FA -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

E-Sys.bat -readfa -out C:\Data\FA\FA_123.xml -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

If no filename is specified, the file pattern of the saved FA-List file name is "FA_<VIN>_<Timestamp>.xml.

VIN..................the last 7 characters oft the VIN from the VIN-Master

Timestamp.....Timestamp with the pattern. ddmmyyyyhhmm

Possible return codes:

0 - The FA-List file is written with success. 1 - The action failed.

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3.8 SVT-Read
The SVT is read from the vehicle and stored in a file.

In case that only a directory is given, additionally the VIN for the file name creation is read.

If the filename is specified with the directory, that file is used. If the file exists already, it will be overwritten.

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readsvt -out <SVT-directory> -connection <configuration>

SVT-directory........Absolute path of the output directory with or without filename.

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -readsvt -out C:\Data\SVT -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

E-Sys.bat -readsvt -out C:\Data\SVT\SVT_123.xml -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

If no filename is specified, the file pattern of the saved SVT file name is "SVT_<VIN>_<Timestamp>.xml. VIN..................the
last 7 characters oft the VIN from the VIN-Master

Timestamp.....Timestamp with the pattern yyyymmddhhmm

Possible return codes:

0 - The SVT file is written with success.

1 - The action failed.

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3.9 NCD Read
The netto coding data are of all ECUs are stored in a file in FWL format. Additionally the VIN for the file name creation is

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readncd <SVT> -out <NCD-directory> -connection <configuration>

SVT.........................Absolute path of the SVT-file.

NCD-directory.......Absolute path of the output directory.

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -readncd C:\Data\SVT -out C:\Data\CAF -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

The file pattern of the saved FWL file name is "<VIN>_<CAF>_<BV>_<Timestamp>.xml". VIN..................the last 7 characters
oft the VIN from the VIN-Master

CAF................CAF SGBM number

BV...................name of the base variant Timestamp.....timestamp with the pattern ddmmyyyyhhmm

Possible return codes:

0 - The NCD file is written with success. 1 - The action failed.

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3.10 OrderXML Convert
OrderXML files in a specified directory are converted to FA-List files. The file names of the OrderXML files must match the
pattern A<xxxxxxx>.xml (x = character or digit).

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -convertorderxml <FO-directory> -out <FA-directory>

FO-directory........Absolute path of the directory with OrderXML files. FA-directory........Absolute path of the output


E-Sys.bat -convertorderxml c:\Data\FO -out C:\Data\FA

Fü r jede OrderXML-Datei wird eine FA-Datei mit dem Dateinamen-Muster "<OrderXML>_FA_<Timestamp>.xml" erzeugt.

OrderXML......Name der OrderXML

Timestamp.....Zeitstempel nach dem Muster ddmmyyyyhhmm

Die folgenden Returncodes weden zurü ckgegeben:

0 - Die Abarbeitung wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.

1 - Es sind Fehler aufgetreten, so dass keine Verabeitung mö glich war.

2 - There are errors during conversion. Not all files are converted.

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3.11 OBC-CVN Compare
CVNs (Calibration Verification Number) are calculated over all OBD (On-Board diagnostic) relvant SWEs for an ECU. These
values are compared with the CVN that is read from the ECU. The ECUs and SWEs for the calculation are read from a SVT
document. The CVN-Values and the comparision result are stored in a report file either as text or XML (-xmlreport).

The SVT document is read from the ECU, or from the VCM, or from a SVT file.

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -comparecvn -trace <trace-directory> (-svt <SVT-file>|-svtvcmist|-svtvcmsoll|-svtecu) [-fa <FA-file>] [-sg <ecu-list>] - connection <configuration> [-xmlreport]

trace-directory........Absolute path of the directory for the report file.

SVT-file...................Absolute path to the SVT file.

-svtvcm....................The SVT is read from the VCM.

-svtecu.....................The SVT is read from the ECU.

FA-file......................Absolute path of the FA-List file. Without parameter "-fa" the FA is read from the ECU.

ecu-list.....................ECU filter. If the parameter is available only ECUs of the list are processed. Multiple ECUs are
separated by a coma.

configuration...........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -comparecvn -trace C:\Data\trace -svtecu -fa C:\Data\FA\FaList.xml -sg ZBE,ZGW -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

Possible return codes:

0 - The comparison has been executed successfully.

1 - Executing the comparison failed with errors. The errors are written to the report.

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3.12 TAL Calculation
From a SVT actual and a SVT target a TAL is calculated.

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -talcalculation <configuration file>

In the configuration file the following parameter could be defined beside the connection parameters:

# Aboslute path of the SVT-Ist file SVT_IST = <SVT_Ist-filename>

# Aboslute path of the SVT-Soll file SVT_SOLL = <SVT_Soll-filename>

# Aboslute path of the generated TAL file GENERATED_TAL = <TAL-filename>

# Aboslute path of the TAL filter file. TAL_FILTER = <TAL filter-filename>


· Mandatory parameters are SVT_IST, SVT_SOLL and GENERATED_TAL.

· In stand-alone mode additional connection parameters are needed (q.v. Connection Parameter)

· In client-server mode the server must have an open PSdZ-connection.

· The default values for the parameters will be taken from the GUI application (file Esys.Properties).

· The character '\' must not be used in the configuration file. In file paths use '/' or '\\'.

Sample TAL Filter:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


















<!-- decimal diagnostic address -->



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3.13 Connection Parameter
To build up a connection an appropriate batch configuration file could contain the following parameter:

PROJECT = <project name> VEHICLEINFO = <vehicle info>

# bus|gateway_url|icom_d_can|icom_ethernet|vin CONNECTION = <connection type>

The parameter Connection is optional. Without this parameter the informations are read from file E-Sys.properties. If the
parameter is defined, the batch configuration file has to consist the following parameter depending on the connection

Connection type bus:

# z.B. BODY_CAN, A_CAN, D_CAN, ...

BUS_NAME = <bus name>


INTERFACE = <interface>

Connection type gateway_url, icom_d_can, icom_ethernet:

# Format <protocoll>://<IP address>:<port>

URL = <URL matching the format above>

Connection type vin:

# Format <VIN 17-digit>_DIAGADR<gateway diagnostic address hex>|AUTODETECT GATEWAY_VIN = <VIN matching the format above>

If AUTODETECT is used, E-Sys is creating a list with available VINs with the following behaviour: List = 1 VIN: this VIN is used for connection

List = 0 VINs: "No available vehicles were found"

List > 1VINs: "More than one available vehicle found: VIN1, VIN2, ..."

Optional the following vehicle-specific parameters could be defined.




For the value on of parameter READ_VEHICLE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER, the series and I-step will be read from VCM. Otherwise the parameters


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3.14 Client-Server

Running a TAL execution within batch mode executes the following steps:

· open a connection

· execute the TAL

· close the connection

For executing more than one TAL within the same connection, this means having the overhead of opening and closing
the connection between each TAL execution. For an environment where you need e.g. short coding time, a client/server
based batch mode is created. Thus you can start an E-Sys batch server, which gets its commands by a client. Therefore
single functions like opening and closing a connection could be used separately.


E-Sys.bat –startserver

E-Sys.bat –server -openconnection <configuration file> E-Sys.bat –server –talexecution <configuration file>


E-Sys.bat –server –talexecution <configuration file> E-Sys.bat –server –closeconnection

E-Sys.bat –server -stop


The command line

E-Sys.bat –startserver

starts the E-Sys batch server waiting for client requests. A client could be started using the additional option -server for
a batch command. The client connects to the running E-Sys batch server and send the command line parameter. Then it
waits for an answer. The server executes the action read from the sent command line and sends the result to the client.
Then the client is stopped returning the appropriate exit code. With

E-Sys.bat –server -stop

the server could be stopped. Is a connection needed it could be opened by

E-Sys.bat –server –openconnection <configuration file>

The subsequent actions do not need to specify connection parameters. If they do anyway these connection parameters
will be ignored.


console messages from a batch command will be written to the client console.

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The logging behavior can be set in the E-Sys.properties.

1. Default: ( log.file.client = false or not in E-Sys.properties )

The client does not write a log file. This is not necessary, because it is just sends the command line to the server. All
actions run on the server and will be logged there.

2. Log-File splitting in Client/Server mode: ( log.file.client = true in E-Sys.properties )

With this setting after every client request a new log-file for the server and the client will be created. The filename contains
the client request.


Client and server cerate a TCP connection using port 30303. If the port is used already, another one could be defined in
the E-Sys.properties file (BatchServer.port). Client and server must be started on the same computer, because the
connection is defined for "localhost" only.

Additional Command Lines of the Client/Server Based Batch Mode

Start the batch server

E-Sys.bat –startserver [-prop <E-Sys.properties>]

Stop the batch server

E-Sys.bat –server –stop

Open a connection

E-Sys.bat –server –openconnection <configuration file>

Close a connection

E-Sys.bat –server -closeconnection

Abort a running TAL execution

E-Sys.bat –server –aborttalexecution

Possible return codes:

0 - The action has been executed successfully.

1 - Because of an error the action could not be finished.

2 - The action has been executed with errors.

3 - No connection to the server.

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The option -prop is not useful for client requests to the server (-server), because the property file is not used by the server.
The server loads a property file while starting.

On each computer only one instance of E-Sys can be executed. Thus you can start either


within GUI mode, or the E-Sys batch server with

E-Sys.bat -startserver

or the normal batch mode with e.g.

E-Sys.bat -talexecution <configuration file>

Of course a client could be started on the same computer. But only one client at a time. An exception is the TAL execution.
Here an second client could be started requesting an abort of the running TAL execution.

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3.15 VCM read and write
From VCM (VCM-Master or VCM-Backup) following data can be read or written: FA, FP, SVT-Soll, I-Steps, VIN

· FA in VCM-Master write

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster FA -in <sourcefile> [-connection <configuration>]

sourcefile......................Absolute path for FA-File

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster FA -in C:\Data\FA\FA_Y120BX.xml [-connection <configuration>]

· I-Stufe in VCM-Master write

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster ISTUFEN -in <sourcefile> [-connection <configuration>]

sourcefile...... Absolute path of a textfile with I-Stufen

The <I-Stufen> are given in a textfile in following format:

<actual I-Stufe>

<last I-Stufe>


The I-Stufen have the common format, for example S15A-15-07-500

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster ISTUFEN -in C:\Data\istufen_Y120BX.txt [-connection <configuration>]

· SVT-Soll in VCM-Master write

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster SVTSOLL -in <sourcefile> [-connection <configuration>]

sourcefile......................Absolute path for SVT-Soll-file

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -writeVcmMaster SVTSOLL -in C:\Data\SVT\SVT_SOLL_Y120BX.xml [-connection <configuration>]

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· FA in VCM-Backup write

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmBackup FA -in <sourcefile> [-connection <configuration>]

sourcefile......................Absolute path for FA-Datei

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -writeVcmBackup FA -in C:\Data\FA\FA_Y120BX.xml [-connection <configuration>]

· I-Stufe in VCM-Backup write

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmBackup ISTUFEN -in <sourcefile> [-connection <configuration>]

sourcefile...... Absolute path of a textfile with I-Stufen

The <I-Stufen> are given in a textfile in following format:

<actual I-Stufe>

<last I-Stufe>


The I-Stufen have the common format, for example S15A-15-07-500

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

E-Sys.bat -writeVcmBackup ISTUFEN -in C:\Data\istufen_Y120BX.txt [-connection <configuration>]

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· FA aus VCM-Master read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FA -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration>]

destination directory..............Absolute path fü r FA-Datei with or without filename

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

If no filename is specified, it will be created in the destination directory with following filename: FA_Master_


E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FA -out C:\Data\FA [-connection <configuration>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FA -out C:\Data\FA\FA_123.xml [-connection <configuration>]

FP aus VCM-Master read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FP -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration>]

destination directory..............Absolute path fü r FP-Datei with or without filename

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

If no filename is specified, it will be created in the destination directory with following filename:


E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FP -out C:\Data\FP [-connection <configuration>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster FP -out C:\Data\FP\FP_123.xml [-connection <configuration>]

· I-Stufen aus VCM-Master read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster ISTUFEN -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration>]

destination directory..............Absolute path fü r Istufen-Datei with or without filename

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

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If no filename is specified, it will be created in the destination directory with following filename:


E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster ISTUFEN -out C:\Data [-connection <configuration>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster ISTUFEN -out C:\Data\IS_123.txt [-connection <configuration>]

· SVT-Soll aus VCM-Master read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster SVTSOLL -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration>]

destination directory..............Absolute path fü r SVT-Soll-Datei with or without filename

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

If no filename is specified, it will be created in the destination directory with following filename:


E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster SVTSOLL -out C:\Data\SVT [-connection <configuration>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmMaster SVTSOLL -out C:\Data\SVT\SVT_123.xml [-connection <configuration>]

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· FA aus VCM-Backup read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup FA -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration>]

destination directory..............Absolute path fü r FA-Datei with or without filename

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

If no filename is specified, it will be created in the destination directory with following filename:


E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup FA -out C:\Data\FA [-connection <configuration>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup FA -out C:\Data\FA\FA_123.xml [-connection <configuration>]

· I-Stufen aus VCM-Backup read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup ISTUFEN -out <destination directory with or without filename> [-connection <configuration>]

destination directory..............Absolute path fü r Istufen-Datei with or without filename

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

If no filename is specified, it will be created in the destination directory with following filename:


E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup ISTUFEN -out C:\Data [-connection <configuration>]

E-Sys.bat -readVcmBackup ISTUFEN -out C:\Data\IS_123.txt [-connection <configuration>]

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· VIN aus VCM-Master read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVinFromMaster [-connection <configuration>]

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

VIN is displayed on stdout


E-Sys.bat -readVinFromMaster [-connection <configuration>]

· VIN aus VCM-Backup read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -readVinFromBackup [-connection <configuration>]

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).

VIN is displayed on stdout


E-Sys.bat -readVinFromBackup [-connection <configuration>]

Possible return codes:

0 - The action was finished successfully.

1 - The action failed.

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3.16 TSL Functions
There are 2 TSL functions supported.

· TSL - Status read

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -tslstatus [-connection <configuration>]

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -tslstatus -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

· TSL - Update

Command line:

E-Sys.bat -updatetsl <SVT-File> [-connection <configuration>]

SVT-file..................Absolute path for SVT-file

configuration..........Absolute path of the configuration file with connection parameters (s.a. Connection Parameter).


E-Sys.bat -updatetsl c:\data\svt.xml -connection C:\conf\connection.properties

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3.17 Certificate-Management
Certificate Readout

The following batch command can be used to read a certificate from an ECU based on its type.

E-Sys.bat -readCERT -connection <Configuration-File> -type <Certificate-Type> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File> [-svt <SVT- File>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). Certificate-Type CERTIFICATE




SVT-File Absolute path to the SVT file

Generation of a Certificate Request

This command can be used in order to generate a valid request file for the CBB which then has to be send to the suitable
BMW backend system.

E-Sys.bat -generateCSR -connection <Configuration-File> -out <Output-File>

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). Output-File Absolute path to the desired output file

E.g.: -out C:\Data\CERT\requestCBB[JSON].txt

Writing Containers from File

The following command writes all the containers from a CBB response file and additionally generated "Other Bindings"
to a connected vehicle.

E-Sys.bat -writeBindings -connection <Configuration-File> -in <CBB-Response-File> [-svt <SVT-File>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). CBB-Response-File Absolute path to a the response file retrieved from the CBB

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Checking Certificates on certificate-capable ECUs

This command triggers a certificate check. After completing the last internal ECU certificate check, E-Sys will pause for
the longest required testing time received by an ECU. After the timeout the ECUs' results will be requested and written to
an output file.

Requesting the ECUs' status is parallelized as much as the underlying topology allows to.

E-Sys.bat -checkCERT -connection <Configuration-File> -retries <No. between 1 and 10> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File> [-svt


Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). No between 1 and 10 E.g.: -retries 5

Automated certificate execution with configuration file

The following command performs an automated certificate execution. This command can only be used in the BMW
environment since certificates are obtained from one or more servers to transfer them to the connected vehicle.

E-Sys.bat -certexecution <Configuration-File>

Configuration-File......Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection

Example-Configuration-file for certificate management:

SVT =C:/Data/SVT/SVT_soll.xml CERT_BLACKLIST =C:/Data/Etc/blacklist.txt CERT_WHITELIST =C:/Data/Etc/whitelist.txt


# CERT_TYPE can be parameterized with the following values: CERTIFICATE, BINDING, OTHER_BINDING, ONLINE_CERTIFICATES_ECU,


VIN = <VIN_17_digit>


# connection parameters see above link

PROJECT = <project name at psdzdata-directory> VEHICLEINFO = <vehicle info>

# bus|gateway_url|icom_d_can|icom_ethernet|vin CONNECTION = vin

# Format <VIN_17_digit>_DIAGADR<Gateway_Diagnoseadresse_hex>|AUTODETECT GATEWAY_VIN =


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3.18 Secure ECU Modes
The following batch command can be used to switch the ECU-Mode or generate a ECU-Mode token. The parameters which
are in "[ ]" are optional.

Generate a request token to switch from Filed-Mode into the Plant-Mode:

E-Sys.bat -createRequestEcuModePlant -connection <Configuration-File> [-svt <SVT-File> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

Generate a request token to switch from the Filed-Mode into the Plant-Mode:

E-Sys.bat -createRequestEcuModeEngineering -connection <Configuration-File> [-svt <SVT-File> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

Write a ECU-Mode token:

E-Sys.bat -switchEcuMode -connection <Configuration-File> -tokensets <JSON-File> [-svt <SVT-File>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

JSON-File Absolute path to the ECU-Mode-tokenset (response file from Backend [JSON])

Switch ECUs into the Field-Mode:

E-Sys.bat -switchEcuModeField -connection <Configuration-File> [-svt <SVT-File> -blacklist <File> -whitelist <File>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

Clear Token for Plant Mode from ECUs (CLEAR_FEATURE; Token can be reused)

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Note: All ECUs must be in Engineering Mode
E-Sys.bat -clearFeatureEcuModePlant -connection <Konfigurationsdatei> [-svt <SVT-Datei>] [-blacklist <Datei>] [-whitelist <Datei>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

Clear Token for Engineering Mode from ECUs (CLEAR_FEATURE command; Token can be reused)

Note: All ECUs must be in Engineering Mode

E-Sys.bat -clearFeatureEcuModeEngineering -connection <Konfigurationsdatei> [-svt <SVT-Datei>] [-blacklist <Datei>] [-whitelist


Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

Delete Token for Plant Mode from ECUs (DELETE_TOKEN command; Token cannot be reused)
E-Sys.bat -deleteTokenEcuModePlant -connection <Konfigurationsdatei> [-svt <SVT-Datei>] [-blacklist <Datei>] [-whitelist <Datei>]

Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

Delete Token for Engineering Mode from ECUs (DELETE_TOKEN command; Token cannot be reused)
E-Sys.bat -deleteTokenEcuModeEngineering -connection <Konfigurationsdatei> [-svt <SVT-Datei>] [-blacklist <Datei>] [-whitelist


Configuration-File Absolute path to the configuration file containing the connection parameters (s.a. Connection
Parameter). SVT-File Absolute path to the svt-file

File Absolute path to the black- / white-list

This user manual was edited by iON0061 based on the help in the E-SYS.
Unauthorized distribution and commercial use do not permit.

Copyright © BMW Group 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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