Dragon Star Demo To Start You Dragons Star Campaign

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The setting involves a space fantasy universe called Dragonstar that involves various races exploring the galaxy using both magic and technology.

The setting takes place in a space fantasy universe called Dragonstar, where various civilizations and races inhabit different worlds across a vast galaxy.

Technologies mentioned include starships powered by fusion and magic, bioengineered spellware that augments bodies, laser pistols, datapads and other computers.

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The galaxy
...an ocean of stars stretching across the vastness of space, home to great civilizations built on the twin pillars of magic and science.

The great war

a titanic conflict that raged across the stars and devoured worlds whole as untold legions of dragons battled for supremacy.

The ancient pact

a truce forged of hope and desperation, giving birth to an empire ruled in a line of succession by the most powerful elders of the dragon clans.

The new emperor

the great red wyrm assumes the Golden Throne after five millennia of peace.

The future
a dark and unknown horizon, as unrest grows on a million worlds and countless races suffer under the tyrannical rule of the new emperor. Welcome to Dragonstar, a boundless universe of magic and machine, science and sorcery. Intrepid adventurers explore the Outlands in starships powered by fusion fire and arcane rituals. Dwarven prospectors work veins of pure adamantine in remote asteroid belts, and elven loremasters conduct secret experiments in living space stations. Grizzled mercenaries augment their bodies with bioengineered spellware, and orc raiders armed with pulse lasers massacre innocents on isolated colony worlds. Dragonstar is a unique space-fantasy campaign setting for the d20 System, coming this fall from Fantasy Flight Games. Written by veteran designers Matt Forbeck and Greg Benage, Dragonstar will be released in two hardcover volumes: the Starfarer's Handbook and the Galaxy Guide. Prepare to take your adventure to the stars!

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Escape from Elysium

Escape from Elysium is a short, standalone adventure designed to introduce players and DMs to the Dragonstar universe. Included are three pre-generated characters and all the information you'll need to run the adventure using the d20 System core rulebooks. The adventure offers a few peeks into some of the dark and secret corners of the Dragonstar campaign setting, so don't read any further unless you're the DM!

Adventure Background
Ever since the great red wyrm Mezzenbone assumed the Golden Throne, a loosely organized resistance movement has been growing among the oppressed races of the galaxy. Largely confined to secret bases and covert organizations operating in the Outlands worlds lightly governed by the benevolent and freedom-loving brass and copper dragon clans, the resistance has nevertheless become strong enough to begin activelyif quietlyopposing the Empire. The PCs are three such freedom fighters. Drawn to the resistance for different reasons and from different pasts, they are playing a minor role in one of the first battles of a brewing covert war. The resistance can never hope to match the Empire's technological resources. However, the leaders of the resistance hope that magic is something of an equalizer. Magic cannot be mass-produced. Magical research and invention typically requires a single spellcaster with vision, skill, and persistence who is willing to sacrifice some measure of his own life force to his work. One such individual, a brilliant wizard named Lucius Deneven, has developed a new weapon that could aid the resistance in some small way in its fight against evil and tyranny. This weapon is an arcane technological device, a sophisticated hybrid of magic and machine that Lucius calls a darkseeker. The darkseeker is a miniature rocket designed to be fired from a conventional gyrojet weapon. The rocket is driven by a solid propellant and equipped with an electronic guidance system and maneuvering fins that allow it to alter course in flight. Due to a number of design limitations, gyrojet weapons are uncommon in the Empire. The feature that gives the darkseeker its name, however, makes it a promising development for the resistance: The darkseeker rocket is enchanted to detect and home-in on evil targets. The resistance hopes that enough of the darkseeker rockets can be produced to provide its covert warriors with some small advantage in their fight against the daunting forces of the Empire. Such weapons will make even largely untrained recruits effective marksmen against the right targets. The lack of popularity of gyrojet weapons will even work in the resistance's favor, as they will be able to acquire them at very low prices from eager arms dealers and gunrunners across the Outlands. With the assistance of a dwarven gunsmith and devoted cleric, Lucius enchanted a military-grade gyrojet rifle to serve as the test platform for the darkseeker rockets. This holy weapon is

a sophisticated and expensive piece of hardware that Lucius knows the resistance will never be able to produce in quantity: He simply wanted to be sure that the weapon used to fire the darkseekers could be ruled out as a possible cause of any defects or limitations. The PCs have been assigned to transport the weapon safely from Lucius' homeworld to a resistance base in the Kadimin system, hundreds of light-years away. The modular weapon is disassembled and stored with five 20-round ammunition magazines in an electronically and arcane locked titanium case. The characters have been instructed not to open the case and have not been given the keypad combination for the electronic lock. Opening it requires an Open Lock check (DC 25) by a character with the Technical Proficiency feat. All of the PCs in this adventure are from imperial worlds and have the Technical Proficiency feat; however, Salassa is the only one with the necessary skill and equipment to open the lock. The arcane lock can only be opened with a dispel magic or knock spell, as usual. The characters have booked passage aboard the starliner Elysium for the long voyage to the Kadimin system. They have a single cabin with four bunks on the Nebula Deck, which offers affordable if somewhat confined 10 ft. by 20 ft. berths. The trip from the inner system to a safe jump point at the outer edge of the solar system takes several days, and the characters have had plenty of time to get acquainted with the ship.


Pirate Attack!
Escape from Elysium is set up as a race against time, a running battle in which the PCs must make their way across the Nebula Deck and reach the ship's escape pods before being killed or captured by the attackers. To begin the adventure, simply read or paraphrase the following text. There are three orc mercenaries in the corridor (see stats at the end of the scenario). They are posing as piratesand in truth, they have done some freebooting in their dayand they have been hired by the Imperial Police to attack the Elysium. There's no way for the characters to know it, but this whole crisis centers on them: The Imperial Police have discovered the existence of the resistance movement and their darkseeker You are members of a covert resistance cell and you've been charged with transporting a valuable package to a hidden base in the Kadimin system. You weren't told what is in the electronically and magically locked titanium case, but you figure it must be pretty important. You've booked passage on the starliner Elysium for the long voyage. Interstellar ships like the Elysium jump between the stars instantaneously using powerful magic, but it takes several days to travel under conventional acceleration from the inner planets to a safe jump point at the outer edge of the star system. During that time, you've had ample opportunity to get to know the ship. While your cabin on the Nebula Deck is a far cry from the penthouse suites you read about on the ship's network, it's still quite comfortable, if a little confined. You've been aboard for the better part of two days when

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trouble arrives. You're relaxing in your cabin, anxiously passing the time before the jump, when an alarm chime sounds on the cabin's computer console. The message freezes the blood in your veins: Attention all passengers, this is the captain speaking. It is my unwelcome duty to inform you that the Elysium has come under attack by an unidentified hostile party. Attempts to hail the attacking vessels have been unsuccessful. Please stay calm and remain in your cabins until this crisis has been resolved. Moments after the message ends, you feel the first explosions shudder through the ship. Somewhere far away, alarm klaxons begin to sound. The cabin's lights dim and flicker ominously. After what seems like hours, the explosions stop and the ship is quiet but for the harsh blaring of the emergency alarms. Suddenly, the cabin door unlocks and slides open. An obviously panicked security officer is standing in the doorway, his laser pistol out of its holster and held at his side. "Hehello, my name is Officer Ridgewell, with shship security. I was sent to warn you! Pirates have crippled and boarded the ship. You have to get to the escape pods! They've come" The young man's warning is cut short as a blaster pulse tears through his body. Eyes glazing, he crumples to the ground. Hulking figures are visible in the corridor outside the cabin.

bybassed the cameras they pass (Technical Proficiency, Disable Device DC 20). Assuming the orcs are prepared for the characters, they will have taken cover behind the large equipment lockers in the escape pod bay. The lockers count as one-half cover. Knowing that their lives depend on preventing the characters escape, the orcs will shoot to kill.

concluding the adventure

If the characters defeat the last group of orc mercenaries, they will be able to get to the escape pods. Unfortunately, they will discover that the attackers have locked out the control systems and they cant get into the pods, let alone launch them. There is a network terminal in the bay, but gaining access to the control systems requires a Use Computer check (DC 20). If the check is successful, the characters will be able to climb into one of the miniature four-passenger spacecraft and launch. If the check fails, the player may try again but each failure will result in the arrival of three more orcs. If the PCs manage to launch the emergency pod and escape from the Elysium, they will eventually be picked up by a free trader working for the resistance. The free trader transports them safely and stealthily to the secret resistance base in the inner system. The characters are debriefed, congratulated (assuming they did not lose the darkseeker prototype), and given a few days to relax and recover before beginning their next mission.

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weapon and have attacked the starliner to apprehend the couriers and capture the prototype. As soon as Officer Ridgewell is shot, have the players make initiative checks. The orcs have been ordered to capture the characters alive, and they'll make at least a token effort to do so. The first will shoulder his way into the door, level his blaster rifle, and command the characters to surrender. That is, of course, if he is given the opportunity.

Once the characters have dealt with the orcs, they will presumably heed the dead security officers advice and make a run for the escape pods in the aft section of the Nebula Deck. As the characters make their way to the escape pods, feel free to throw more squads of orc mercenaries their way, identical to those in the previous encounter. The characters progress might also be delayed by encounters with wounded crewmen and hysterical passengers. When the characters reach the emergency bay holding the escape pods, 10 more orcs will be waiting for them. The attackers have taken the Elysiums bridge and are in control of the ships computer network. Using the security cameras mounted throughout the corridors in the ship (Spot DC 25, Search DC 20; cameras are marked with dots on the map), the orcs have been monitoring the characters progress. The mercenaries will be ready for them unless they have disabled or

Orcs: CR 3; Medium-size humanoid; HD 1d8; hp 6; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (touch 10, flat-footed 18); Atk +3 melee (1d12+2 diamond sword) or +1 ranged (4d10 blaster rifle); AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will 1; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8. Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Alertness. Possessions: Assault armor, blaster rifle, diamond sword, personal communicator. +2 Holy Darkseeker Gyrojet Rifle: Gyrojet weapons fire small, self-guided rockets. Darkseeker rockets are enchanted to detect and home-in on evil targets. Attacks against evil targets receive a +20 enhancement bonus. In addition, the attacker is unaffected by the miss chance that applies to attacks against a concealed target. Damage: 3d6 + 2d6 holy; Range Increment: 200 ft.; Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, detect evil, true strike; Market Price: 34,000 cr; Cost to Create: 17,000 cr + 1,360 XP.

Kael Loston
Male human Ftr3: Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 3d10+9; hp 50 (30 base plus 20 trauma symbiote); Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (touch 13, flat-footed 16); Atk +8 ranged (4d10, masterwork blaster rifle) or +5 melee (1d12+1/1920, masterwork diamond sword); AL CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 13; Dex 16; Con 17; Int 10; Wis 11; Cha 11. Skills and Feats: Climb+3, Demolitions +3, Jump+3, Pilot +4, Spot +1, Swim +3; Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Technical Proficiency, Weapon Focus (blaster rifle). Possessions: Masterwork blaster rifle, blaster pistol, masterwork diamond sword, light combat armor, personal communicator, 2 power cells, 394 cr. Spellware: Darkvision (60 ft.), trauma symbiote.


new items and equipment

Blaster Rifle: Blasters are energy weapons that fire pulses of highly ionized particles that pack the punch of a lightning bolt in a thunderstorm. A standard power cell is good for 20 shots with the rifle. Cost: 250 cr; Damage: 4d10; Critical: x2; Range Increment: 200 ft.; Weight: 10 lbs.; Type: Energy (electricity). Blaster Pistol: This sidearm fires pulses of ionized particles. It is more powerful but slightly bulkier than a laser pistol. A standard power cell is good for 30 shots with a blaster pistol. Cost: 150 cr; Damage: 3d8; Critical: x2; Range Increment: 100 ft.; Weight: 6 lbs.; Type: Energy (electricity). Diamond Sword: This longsword is edged with laminated industrial diamond. Cost: 50 cr; Damage: 1d12; Critical: 1920/x2; Weight: 2 lbs.; Type: Slashing. Light combat armor: This common armor is consturcted from a light ballistic fiber and plasti-ceramic plates. Cost: 200 cr; Armor Bonus: +6; Max Dex Bonus: +6; Armor Check Penalty: 1; Arcane Spell Failure: 15%; Speed: 30 ft./20 ft.; Weight: 20 lbs.

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Spellware is a form of arcane biomodification. Different modifications provide a wide range of special and even magical abilities. Unlike standard magic items, the user the spellware is implanted in pays the XP cost. Darkvision: This spellware allows the user to see in the dark up to 60 feet. Trauma Symbiote: A living organism implanted in the users abdomen, the trauma symbiote projects its own life force as a protective field around its hosts body. Damage taken by the host is applied to the symbiote first. If the symbiote is reduced to zero hit points, it no longer protects the host. If it

is reduced to 10 hit points, it dies. Symbiotes can be healed just like any other living being, including magical healing.


Female elf Rog3: Medium-size humanoid (elf); HD 3d6+3; hp 36 (16 base plus 20 trauma symbiote); Init +9; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22 (touch 19, flat-footed 22); Atk +7 ranged (3d8, masterwork blaster pistol) or +3 melee (1d8, masterwork combat knife); SA Sneak attack +1d6; SQ Elf traits, evasion, uncanny dodge (cant be flanked, Dex bonus to AC); AL CG; SV Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2; Str 10; Dex 20; Con 12; Int 14; Wis 12; Cha 14. Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Climb+2, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +7, Disguise +4, Hide +10, Gather Information +6, Jump+2, Listen +7, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +9, Pilot +8, Search +9, Sense Motive +4, Spot +8, Swim +3, Use Computer +5; Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Technical Proficiency. Possessions: Masterwork blaster pistol, masterwork combat knife, light body armor, personal communicator, 2 power cells, masterwork electronics tools, 516 cr. Spellware: Muscle augmentation, trauma symbiote.

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new items and equipment

Light body armor: This common armor is constructed of light ballistic fiber. Cost: 100 cr; Armor Bonus: +3; Max Dex Bonus: +10; Armor Check Penalty: ; Arcane Spell Failure: 0%; Speed: 30 ft./20 ft.; Weight: 5 lbs. Electronics Tools: These tools allow you to use the Disable Device and Open Lock skills with technological devices. Cost: 200 cr, Weight: 2 lbs. Blaster Pistol: This sidearm fires pulses of ionized particles. It is more powerful but slightly bulkier than a laser pistol. A standard power cell is good for 30 shots. Cost: 150 cr; Damage: 3d8; Critical: x2; Range Increment: 100 ft.; Weight: 6 lbs.; Type: Energy (electricity).

Muscle Augmentation: This spellware involves the implantation of magically grown muscle tissues and runic surgery to enhance physical strength. It grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the users Strength ability score. Trauma Symbiote: A living organism implanted in the users abdomen, the trauma symbiote projects its own life force as a protective field around its hosts body. Damage taken by the host is applied to the symbiote first. If the symbiote is reduced to zero hit points, it no longer protects the host. If it is reduced to 10 hit points, it dies. Symbiotes can be healed just like any other living being.

Tarden fane
Male human Wiz3: Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 3d4; hp 32 (12 base plus 20 trauma symbiote); Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (touch 12, flat-footed 13); Atk +3 ranged (3d8, laser pistol) or +1 melee (1d6, quarterstaff); AL CG; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 10; Dex 14; Con 12; Int 17; Wis 15; Cha 13. Skills and Feats: Alchemy +7, Concentration +9, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Science +6, Spellcraft +11; Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Technical Proficiency. Possessions: Laser pistol, quarterstaff, light body armor, personal communicator, power cell, datapad with spellbook software, 516 cr. Spellware: Trauma symbiote. Spells (4/3/2): 0light, detect magic, mage hand, read magic; 1stcharm person, sleep, spider climb; 2ndmirror image, web.


new items and equipment

Laser Pistol: This common energy weapon fires an intense beam of coherent light that inflicts heat damage on the target. A standard power cell is good for 30 shots with a laser pistol. Cost: 100 cr; Damage: 2d10; Critical: x2; Range Increment: 100 ft.; Weight: 5 lbs.; Type: Energy (fire). Light body armor: This common armor is consturcted of light ballistic fiber. Cost: 100 cr; Armor Bonus: +3; Max Dex Bonus: +10; Armor Check Penalty: ; Arcane Spell Failure: 0%; Speed: 30 ft./20 ft.; Weight: 5 lbs. Datapad: The datapad is a small, handheld personal computer. It provides a wide variety of functions, from data storing to communications. Enchanted models can be equipped with spellbook suites that store and organized an arcane spellcasters known spells.

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Trauma Symbiote: A living organism implanted in the users abdomen, the trauma symbiote projects its own life force as a protective field around its hosts body. Damage taken by the host is applied to the symbiote first. If the symbiote is reduced to zero hit points, it no longer protects the host. If it is reduced to 10 hit points, it dies. Symbiotes can be healed just like any other living being.

coming in october 2001

For more information visit www.fantasyflightgames.com

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