The English - Alphabet
The English - Alphabet
The English - Alphabet
The English Alphabet /i 'igli 'lfbet / 'lfbit / A /ei/ age /eid/, tape /teip/, name /neim/ N /en/ no /nu/, any /'eni/, can /kn/, /kn/ B /bi:/ bird /b:d/, about /'baut/, cab /kb/, O /u/ old /uld/, top, /t]p/, echo /'eku/ tomb /tu:m/ P /pi:/ pen /pen/, stupid /'stju:pid/, soup C /si:/ card /k:d/, acid /'sid/, pace /peis/ /su:p/ D /di:/ day /dei/, ride /raid/, bed /bed/ Q /kju:/ quiet /'kwait/, equal /'i:kwl/ E /i:/ effect /i'fekt/, very /'veri/, true /tru:/ R /:/ red /red/, park /p:k/, car /k:/ F /ef/ fan /fn/, loft /l]ft/, puff /p f/ S /es/ soon /su:n/, east /i:st/, bus /b s/ G /di:/ gin /din/, ago /'gu/, peg /peg/ T /ti:/ ten /ten/, street /stri:t/, lift /lift/ H /eit / horse /h]:s/, sheep / i:p/, oh /u/, U /ju:/ union /'ju:nin/, tune /tju:n/, you teeth /ti: / /ju:/, /ju/ I /ai/ ice /ais/, tin /tin/, fine /fain/, tie /tai/ /vi:/ velvet /'velvit/, love /l v/ ! /dei/ judge /d d/, a"ar /' d:/, Ta" # //d bl'ju:/ why /wai/, away /'wei/, cow Mahal //t: d m'h:l/ /kau/ $ /kei/ key /ki:/, akimbo /'kimbu/, book /buk/ % /eks/ xerox, Xerox /'zir]ks/ & /el/ light /lait/, alive /'laiv/, tell /tel/ Y yes /jes/, mystery /'mistri/, why /wai/ ' /em/make /meik/, among /'m /, sum /s m/ ( /zed/ zone /zun/, buzz /b z/. E)e*+ise ,. Write the English alphabet in your notebooks and try to illustrate each letter (Scriei alfabetul limbii engleze pe caiete i ncercai s ilustrai fiecare liter !" E)e*+ise -. #ow do you spell it$ (%um citii pe litere$! MOD !: nature /en " ei " ti: # ju: # : # i:/ name " is " the " pet " bat " at " red " in " inn " $%u " m%ther " near " &e%rge " pen'il " h%use " train " m%use " man " men " under " thr%ugh " inside " behind " ()* " ))( " n%teb%%k " write " sure " zer% " garage " madame " five " 'l%'k " star " line " l%%k " lil$ " spring " al%ud " !%nd%n " )u'harest " +aris " ,meri'a " -ashingt%n. E)e*+ise .. %an you recognize these words by their spellings$ (&ecunoatei cuvintele urm toare dup felul cum se citesc pe litere$! /ti:/#/u/#/pi:/, /di:/#/ai/#/vi:/#/i:/, /bi:/#/ei/#/ti:/, /em/#/ei/#/kei/#/i:/, /vi:/#/i:/#/:/#/wai/, /kei/#/i:/#/wai/, /si:/#/bi:/#/es/, /ef/#/ai/#/vi:/#/i:/, /ef/#/u/#/ju:/#/:/, /es/#/u/#/u/#/en/, /en/#/ei/#/em/#/i:/, /eit /#/u/#/ju:/#/es/#/i:/, /es/#/u/#/ju:/#/pi:/, /zed/#/u/#/en/#/i:/, /pi:/#/ei/#/:/#/ai/#/es/, /wai/#/ei/#/si:/#/eit /#/ti:/, /bi:/#/ai/#/:/#/di:/, /el/#/u/#/:/#/:/#/wai/, /ei/#/si:/#/ti:/#/u/#/:/, /ef/#/ei/#/ti:/#/eit /#/:/, /kju:/#/ju:/#/ai/#/i:/#/ti:/. II. The S/0n1s /2 the English &ang0age (Sunetele limbii engleze! ,. The English 3/4els .v%'alele/: 0i:1, 0i1, 0e1, 01, 0:1, 0]1, 0]:1, 0u1, 0u:1, 0 1, 0:1, 01. T5pes /2 /4els: 23O4T .anteri%are/: /i:/, /i/, /e/, //5 ),(6 .p%steri%are/: /u:/, /u/, /]/, /]:/, /u/, /u:/5 ( 4T3,! .'entrale/: / /, /:/, //. 7
,'. The English 1iphth/ngs .dift%ngii/: 0ai1, 0ei1, 0]i1, 0au1, 0u1, 0i1, 01, 0u1.
/]:/ / ]/
/ :/
). The English +/ns/nants .'%ns%anele/: 0p1, 0b1, 0t1, 0d1, 0k1, 0g1, 0f1, 0v1, 0s1, 0z1, 0 1, 01, 0 1, 01, 0t 1, 0d1, 0h1, 0m1, 0n1, 01, 0r1, 0l1, 0f1, 0v1. T5pes /2 +/ns/nants: 8O9( D .3%manian :s%n%re;/: /d/, /b/, /g/, /v/, /z/, //, /d/, /m/, /n/, /l/, /r/5 8O9( ! ** .3%manian :surde;/: /t/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /s/, / /, /t /5 *O4O3,4T* .3%manian :s%nante;/: /m/, /n/, /l/, /r/, //5 /w/, /j/. )'. The nglish se6i+/ns/nants or se6i3/4els: 0j1, 0w1. III. 8 3<D,< (O48 3*,T9O4 'he most commonly used conversational formulas and their &omanian translation .'ele mai des =nt=lnite f%rmule '%nversa>i%nale ?i tradu'erea l%r =n limba r%m@nA/ : #ello( )unA .ziua/B *alutB / 4%r%'B *AnAtateB / *A trAie?tiB / *A trAi>iB #iB ()mE! *alut.are/B / )unAB / 4%r%'B / *A trAie?tiB / *AnAtateB / CraB *ood morningB )unA diminea>aB *ood afternoonB )unA ziuaB *ood eveningB )unA searaB *ood nightB 4%apte bunAB *ood byeB / +yeB !a revedereB / (,am"! +aB #ow are youD (e .mai/ fa'i / fa'e>iD - am fine. thank you. )ine, mul>umes'. / Mul>umes', bine. . /iteral0 E*unt bine, =>i / vA mul>umes'.F/ What1s your nameD (um te / vA 'heamAD / (um te nume?ti / vA numi>iD 2y name isG MA 'heamA / MA numes' / 4umele meu e.ste/G #ow do you doB 4%r%'B *A trAi>iB (u respe'tB .,olosit adesea i n sensul de0 EHn'@ntat .de 'un%?tin>A/BF 3ei a avut sensul originar de E(e mai fa'i / fa'e>iDF. ast zi acest sens este practic ine4istent n conversaie/. - am a doctor 5 an architect 5 a student, et'. *unt d%'t%r / arhite't.A/ / student.A/ etc" Who are youD (ine e?ti / sunte>iD .6i n sensul de0 E(um te / vA 'heamAD / (um te nume?ti / vA numi>iDF/. What are youD (e e?ti / sunte>iD Where are you fromD De unde e?ti / sunte>i .de fel/D What is thisD (e e.ste/ asta / a'eastaD 'his isG ,sta e.ste/G / ,'easta e.ste/G
'his is my 5 your 5 his 5 her umbrella .et'./. ,'easta / asta e.ste/ umbrela .etc"/ mea / ta / sa / lui / ei. #ow old are youD (@>i ani ai / ave>iD / (e v@rstA ai / ave>iD Where isGD Cnde e.ste/GD #ow many7 are thereD (@>i / '@teG suntD - am &omanian" 5 - am a &omanian citizen. *unt r%m@n / r%m@n'A. / *unt 'etA>ean r%m@n. - like English. Hmi pla'e engleza / limba englezA. What is7 like$ 5 What is she 5 your suitcase like D (um aratAGD / (um aratA eaD (um e geamantanul tAuD What colour is itD (e 'ul%are areD / De 'e 'ul%are eD What time is itD (@t e 'easulD / (e %rA eD What1s the timeD What time is itD (@t e 'easulD / (e %rA eD #ow much is thisD (@t fa'e / '%stA .asta/D What are you doingD (e fa'i .a'um/D / (e fa'e>i .a'um/D Whose (notebook. etc"! is it 5 thisD ,l 'ui .'aiet etc"/ este .a'esta/ D 'here are books (on the bed, etc"!" +e pat sunt / se aflA .ni?te/ 'Ar>i. / *unt .ni?te/ 'Ar>i / *e aflA .ni?te/ 'Ar>i .pe pat etc/. 'here is a pen 5 a plate (on the table , etc"! +e masA etc" e.ste/ / se aflA un piJ / % farfurie / ste / se aflA un piJ / % farfurie .pe masA etc"/. What can you doD (e p%>i / ?tii sA fa'iD / (e pute>i / ?ti>i sA fa'e>iD %an you (walk 5 swim. etc"!D +%>i sA mergi / umbliD / +ute>i sA umbla>iD / Ktii sA =n%>iD / Kti>i sA =n%ta>iD )re you (tired. tall!D ?ti / *unte>i .%b%sit, =nalt/D )re you (hungry. thirsty!D Li#e / 8A e .f%ame, sete/D -1m sorry. butG Hmi pare rAu / 3egret, darG 3o it yourself( 2A.#%/ / 2a'e>i.#%/ singurB 3on1t7( 4uGB / *A nuGB What is your (tele!phone number$ (e numAr de telef%n ai/ave>iD What do you want$ (e vrei / vre>i / d%re?ti / d%ri>iD What day is todayD (e zi e / este azi / astAziD What is the weather like (today!D (um e afarA / vremea .azi/D - wonder 5 was wondering if7 5 whether7 MA =ntreb / mA g@ndes' da'A .nu / nu 'umva/G I . /isten to your teacher and repeat0 , %ne 4CM) 3* . 7 tw% three f%ur 8 five 9 siJ : ; seven eight < nine ,= ten ,, ,eleven twelve.
'he days of the week0 *unda$, M%nda$, Tuesda$, -ednesda$, Thursda$, 2rida$, *aturda$ 'he months of the year0 Manuar$, 2ebruar$, Mar'h, ,pril, Ma$, Mune, Mul$, ,ugust, *eptember, O't%ber, 4%vember, De'ember
'he four seasons (of the year!0 spring, summer, autumn .,m fall/, winter
&ESSON , .O4 / " TP 293*T ! **O4 +3O4OC4* (8ronumele personale! nglish sing" I. 9 II. $%u III. M he 2 she 4 it pl" we $%u the$ the$ the$ 3%manian sing" I. eu II. tu III. M el 2 ea PRONU'E&E PERSONA&E Sing0la* SUBIECT> CO'P&E'ENT> > I 6e Y/0 Y/0 he @ she @ hi6 @ he* @ it>>> it>>> Pl0*al CO'P&E'ENT SUBIECT> >> 4e 5/0 the5 0s 5/0 the6 pl" n%i v%i ei ele
FUNCAII&E SINTACTICE A&E PRONU'E&UI PERSONA&B C SUBIECT .pr%numele este =n 'azul nominativ: de eJ. #e 'ann%t d% that/. CCO'P&E'ENT .pr%numele este =n 'azul acuzativ sau dativ, de eJ.: (an $%u see himD *he 'ann%t give it to them. !end them the b%%ksB/. P&EASED NOTICEB .(azul Genitiv este reprezentat =n englezA de pronumele posesive/. C !a PERSOANA a 999#a f%rmele au ?i diferen>A de gen: he ?i hi6 se referA la entitA>i masculine .oameni sau animale, mai ales animale de '%mpanie sau d%mesti'e/5 she ?i he* se f%l%ses' pentru entitA>i feminine .persoane sau animale, mai ales animale de '%mpanie sau d%mesti'e/, iar it se f%l%se?te pentru genul neutru sau 9comun: .animale. obiecte/, de eJ.: -hereQs 8aulD #eQs there. 9 want t% talk t% him. -hereQs 8aulineD SheQs there. 9 want t% talk t% her. -hereQs ,eli4 the 'atD #eQs there. 9 d%nQt want t% see him. )ut: -hereQs the recordD -tQs here. 9 want t% pla$ it. RE'AR$SB a. It mai p%ate =nl%'ui nume de persoane, =n situa>ii pre'um: There is s%me%ne at the d%%r. -h% is itD -tQs Mim. b. It se f%l%se?te =nde%sebi =n stru'turi impersonale, de eJ. -t is late. -t is sn%wing. -t w%uld be ni'e / a pit$ if the$ '%uld '%me, t%%. -t was M%hn who wanted t% return there. '. #e, Y/0, The5 ?i One se f%l%ses' =n m%d fre'vent =n legAturA 'u persoane / oameni n general sau =n exprim!ri impersonal, de eJ.
We just have t% learn ge%graph$, $%u kn%w. ;ou never 'an tell .:4u se ?tie ni'i%datA;./ P%w d% you sa$ Sb%%k; in 2ren'hD .:(um se spuneG / (um spunemGD;/ <ne has t% be p%lite at s'h%%l. .:Trebuie sA fii p%liti'%sG/ sA fim p%liti'%?i;/ 'hey are building a new pub in m$ street. .:*e '%nstruie?teG;/ 'hey make ver$ g%%d beer in Denmark. 'hey sa$ she is an eJ'ellent '%%k. .:*e spune 'A .ea/ eG, !umea spune 'AG;5 sA se '%mpare 'u: :8eople say she is an eJ'ellent '%%k;/, et'. 8 3)C! TO BE .A FI/ H4 !9M)9! 3OMT4U K9 4&! +ers%anA/4umAr nglish sing" 3%manian nglish pl" sing" 9. 9 am eu sunt we are 99. $%u are tu e?ti $%u are 999. he / she / it is el / ea este the$ are W 3(9* * 7. (%l%ur: .a/ the star VU: 3%manian pl" n%i s=ntem v%i s=nte>i ei / ele s=nt
and '%unt5 I. )nswer the =uestions following the model0 (& spundei la ntreb ri dup model!0 -hat da$ is t%da$D 'oday is 2onday" T%da$ is XX DAY OF THE WEEK T%da$ is XX DAY OF THE WEEK T%da$ is XX DAY OF THE WEEK T%da$ is XX DAY OF THE WEEK T%da$ is XXDAY OF THE WEEK T%da$ is XX DAY OF THE WEEK -hatQs $%ur nameD -hat are the da$s %f the weekD 2y name is 'om &ichard" M$ name is XXXX Sunday XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX
-hat is $%ur addressD >ow do the same with0 O, 8i't%ria ,venue Y, (hur'h Drive R, 6ingQs 3%ad [, (alverle$ *treet
- live at 7 (no"!. 7Street N, !idgett !ane Z, 2arm Pill -a$ I, +ark 8iew (res'ent \, (helsea mbankment \
N. ,ill in 5 %omplete (%ompletai!0 The$ XXXX <%u XXXX Pe XXXX 9 XXXX -e XXXX *he XXXX <%u XXXX 9t XXXX >ow rearrange the sentences ()cum. rearan?ai de la persoana - singular la persoana a ---@a plural!0 8E&S<)>A 5 >B2A& Singular 8lural 9. 99. 999. O. &epeat (&epetai C vezi seciunea conversaional de mai sus!"
&ESSON - .T-O/ " TP * (O4D ! **O4 I. #HAT IS THISE (e este a'esta / a'eastaD 9. This is aF )OO6 .,'esta este / e unG // ,'easta este / e %G/ (OM+CT 3 .'al'ulat%r/ 'arte (O+<)OO6 'aiet
2!O- 3
(,M 3,
4 -
II. 8O(,)C!,3< .8%'abular/ book ] 'arte5 'Ar>ulie computer ] '%mputer, 'al'ulat%r bag ] servietA, ghi%zdan5 geantA5 valizA copybook. notebook ] 'aiet rubber ] gumA .de ?ters/ pen ] stil%u5 piJ5 t%' .de s'ris/, plaivaz, panA .de s'ris/ etc" pencil ] 'rei%n desk ] ban'A .de ?'%alA/, pupitru (black!board ] tablA .de s'ris/ ruler ] linie, riglA chair ] s'aun mouse ] ?%are'e, ?%ri'el5 m%use / maus .de '%mputer/ lesson ] le'>ie yes ] da no ] nu .f%l%sit singur, =n rAspunsuri negative, fArA a fi as%'iat 'u un verb/ not ] nu .f%l%sit =n as%'iere 'u un verb, de eJ. )cesta nu este un creion" 'his is not a pencil"/ this ] a'esta, a'easta that ] a'ela, a'eea big. large ] mare5 masiv5 puterni'5 =n'ApAt%r big. large ] mare5 masiv5 =n'ApAt%r5 numer%s small ] mi'.A/5 mi'u>.A/5 de mi'i dimensiuni new ] n%u.A/ old ] ve'hi5 [email protected]/5 =nve'hit.A/, perimat.A/ long ] lung.A/ short ] s'urt.A/ and ] ?i5 iar or ] sau, %ri of course ] desigur, bine=n>eles, fire?te one ] un5 unu5 unul, una. YOUR GRA''ARB GHI Hn englezA, adjectivele nu au f%rme diferite dupA numAr, gen .?i 'az/, 'a =n r%m@nA: a big book. two big books .o carte mare.dou c ri mari/5 a small desk .un pupitru mic/. a small rubber .o gum mic!/. a big 5 large ruler .o rigl mare/. an old chair .un scaun vechi/. that computer .coputerul acela/. that blackboard .tabla aceea/, this copybook .caietul acesta/, this table .masa a'easta/ et'. [
,dje'tivele engleze?ti la*ge ?i big sunt f%arte asemAnAt%are 'a sens, dar nu perfe't sin%nime. De?i ambele =nseamnA :mare5 v%lumin%s; .une%ri ?i :=n'ApAt%r;/, utilizarea l%r diferA, adesea =n m%d '%nsistent. ,stfel, numele unui %bie't masiv va putea fi =ns%>it de adje'tivul la*ge, dar ?i de big .de eJ., a large 5 big armchair/, la fel 'a ?i un animal .de eJ., a large 5 big dog/5 la*ge mai p%ate =nsemna :numer%s;, :puterni';. De re>inut 'A engl. la*ge nu =nseamnA .=n marea maj%ritate a 'azuril%r/ :larg;B ,3T9(O!C! 4 POTU3HT: .A @ AN/ The In1e2inite A*ti+le se f%l%se?te, 'a ?i =n limba r%m@nA, pentru a stabili gradul =n 'are substantivul pe 'are =l pre'edA e 'un%s'ut v%rbit%rului / v%rbit%ril%r: ) man is running after the bus. .*A se '%mpare t%tu?i: ) student is learning his nglish less%n5 ?i: ) student must learn all da$ l%ng. " unde arti'%lul din a d%ua pr%p%zi>ie =i '%nferA substantivului pe 'are =l pre'edA un sens generi'/. Hn unele situa>ii, a 5 an .'are =nseamnA un sau o/ are sensul unui unui numeral: (an 9 have a 'up %f tea pleaseD -ill $%u eat a banana %r an %rangeD D% all s'h%%ls in )ritain have a unif%rmD 2%rma arti'%lului neh%tAr=t englezes' depinde de sunetul 'u 'are =n'epe substantivul sau sintagma n%minalA urmAt%are " da'A a'e.a/sta =n'epe 'u % v%'alA, f%rma arti'%lului nu va mai fi a //, 'i an /n/: an apple, an %range, an %range bl%use " dar: a man, a girl, a student, a unif%rm, a wind%w, a $ear, a eu'al$ptus tree, a $ell%w shirt. 3are%ri, a se pr%nun>A /ei/, mai ales '=nd se urmAre?te un efe't de a''entuare / subliniere .eventual, % eJprimare ir%ni'A/, '@nd se ezitA sau =n varianta ameri'anA. ,lte eJemple: )n apple a da$ keeps the d%'t%r awa$. ) m%use is smaller than a rat. ) d%g is manQs best friend. Tr%ut is ^ I a p%und. Take tw% tablets twi'e a da$. III. *T3C(TC3 * "his is#, "hat is# &s this#, &s that#* "his is not#, "hat is not# $%&'($"&) &+",'-G$"&) +,G$"&)
I . D39!!* (E4erciii. aplicaii!: 7. This is a b//J. This is a bag. This is a *0bbe*. This is a +/6p0te*. This is a +/p5b//J. This is a pen. #hat is thisD Is it a b%%k, %r a '%mputerD It is a b%%k5 it is n/t a '%mputer. -hat is thisD 9s it a pen, %r a '%p$b%%kD 9t is a '%p$b%%k5 it is n%t a pen. -hat is thisD 9s it a bag, %r a rubberD ItKs a bag, n/t a rubber. I. That is a b%%k. That is a bag. That is a rubber. That is a '%mputer. That is a '%p$b%%k. That is a pen. #hat is thatD 9s it a b%%k, %r a '%mputerD 9t is a b%%k5 it is n%t a '%mputer. That is a b%%k, n%t a '%mputer. .ThatKs a b%%k, n%t a '%mputer./ -hat is thatD 9s it a pen, %r a '%p$b%%kD 9t is a '%p$b%%k5 it is n%t a pen. That is a '%p$b%%k, n%t a pen. .ThatQs a '%p$b%%k, n%t a pen./ -hat is thatD 9s it a bag, %r a rubberD 9tQs a bag, n%t a rubber. That is a bag, n%t a rubber. .ThatQs a bag, n%t a rubber./ N. 3o the same with: pen+ilD pen+ilb/)D 1esJD bla+Jb/a*1D *0le*D +hai*D 6/0seD +at.
#hat is this @ thatD 9s it a pen'il, %r a pen'ilb%JD 9t is a pen'il5 it is n%t a pen'ilb%J. This @ that is a pen'il, n%t a pen'ilb%J. .This is @ ThatKs a pen'il, n%t a pen'ilb%J./ O. Is this a b%%kD YesD it is. 9tQs a b%%k. 9s this a bagD <es, it is. 9tQs a bag. 9s this a rubberD <es, it is. 9tQs a rubber. 9s this a '%mputerD <es, it is. 9tQs a '%mputer. 9s this a '%p$b%%kD <es, it is. 9tQs a '%p$b%%k. 9s this a penD <es, it is. 9tQs a pen. R. Is that a b%%kD <es, it is. 9tQs a b%%k. O2 +/0*se that is a b%%k. 9s that a bagD <es, it is. 9tQs a bag. Of '%urse that is a bag. 9s that a rubberD <es, it is. 9tQs a rubber. Of '%urse that is a rubber. 9s that a '%mputerD <es, it is. 9tQs a '%mputer. Of '%urse that is a '%mputer. 9s that a '%p$b%%kD <es, it is. 9tQs a '%p$b%%k. Of '%urse that is a '%p$b%%k. 9s that a penD <es, it is. 9tQs a pen. Of '%urse that is a pen. \. This is a big b%%k. This is a s6all bag. This is a ne4 rubber. This is a la*ge '%mputer. This is a new '%p$b%%k. This is a l/ng pen. This is a sh/*t pen'il. Of '%urse it is a sh%rt pen'ilB This is a new desk. Of '%urse it is a new deskB This is an /l1 bla'kb%ard. Of '%urse it is an %ld bla'kb%ardB This is a l%ng ruler. Of '%urse it is a l%ng rulerB This is a big 'hair. Of '%urse it is a big 'hairB This is a large m%use. Of '%urse it is a large m%useB This is a small animal. Of '%urse it is a small animalB Z. That is a big b%%k, n%t a G %ne. That is a small bag, n%t a G %ne. That is a new rubber, n%t a G %ne. That is a large '%mputer, n%t a G %ne. That is a new '%p$b%%k, n%t an G %ne. That is a l%ng pen, n%t a G %ne. That is a sh%rt pen'il. Of '%urse it is a sh%rt pen'ilB 9t is n%tG That is a new desk. Of '%urse it is a new deskB 9t is n%tG That is an %ld bla'kb%ard. Of '%urse it is an %ld bla'kb%ardB 9t is n%tG This is a l%ng ruler. Of '%urse it is a l%ng rulerB 9t is n%tG This is a big 'hair. Of '%urse it is a big 'hairB 9t is n%tG This is a large m%use. Of '%urse it is a large m%useB 9t is n%tG This is a small animal. Of '%urse it is a small animalB 9t is n%tG PRONU'E&E -+, Li -+,. ,'e?ti :=nl%'uit%ri sinta'ti'i; permit sA se evite repetarea substantivel%r sau sintagmel%r / stru'turil%r n%minale 'are au apArut deja =n 'ursul '%muni'Arii, de eJ. 3o you like a big tent or a small one$ - think the small ones come cheaper" Would you prefer the English car. or the *erman one$ - like all these ties. but - think -1ll take the one with pink stripes" ;ou1ve got a lot of 8% games" %ould you lend me one$
Y. #hat ani6al is thisE &t is a small animal. -hat bla'kb%ard is thisD 9t is a large bla'kb%ard. -hat pen'il is thisD 9t is a l%ng pen'il. -hat 'hair is thisD 9t is a new 'hair. -hat ruler is thisD 9t is a new ruler. -hat m%use is thisD 9t is a small, white m%use. -hat bag is thisD 9t is a new bla'k bag. [. #hat ani6al is thatE &t is a small animal. 9tQs a small animal. -hat bla'kb%ard is thatD 9t is a large bla'kb%ard. 9tQs a large bla'kb%ard. -hat pen'il is thatD 9t is a l%ng pen'il. 9tQs a l%ng pen'il. -hat 'hair is thatD 9t is a new 'hair. 9tQs a new 'hair. -hat ruler is thatD 9t is a new ruler. 9tQs a new ruler. -hat m%use is thatD 9t is a small, white m%use. 9tQs a small, white m%use. -hat bag is thatD 9t is a new bla'k bag. 9tQs a new bla'k bag. 7_. 'ranslate into English ('raducei n limba englez !: )" a! stil%u / piJ, pupitru, le'>ie, 'arte, '%mputer, gumA .de ?ters/, 'aiet, a'esta / a'easta, a'ela / a'eea, 'rei%n, ve'hi, lung, mare, n%u, mi', s'urt, da, nu. b! % 'arte n%uA, un s'aun ve'hi, un 'rei%n lung, % gumA mi'A, % le'>ie s'urtA ). a! ,'easta este % gumA. ,'esta este un stil%u. ,'easta este % 'arte. ,'ela e un '%mputer. ,'easta este % geantA / servietA. ,'eea e % tablA .de s'ris/. b! ste a'eea % gumA sau .este/ un stil%uD ,'easta e % geantAD Da. ste % geantA. ste a'ela un '%mputerD Da. Desigur 'A este un '%mputer. un '%mputer mare. ,'esta este un stil%u sau un 'rei%nD (e este a'elaD . ste/ un '%mputer sau un 'aietD ste un 'aiet, nu un '%mputer. 4u este un '%mputer, fire?te. ste a'esta un stil%u / piJD Da, este un stil%u. ste a'eea % 'arteD Da, este % 'arte. 2ire?te 'A e % 'arte, nu un 'aietB ,'esta e un s'aun ve'hi, iar a'ela este un pupitru n%u. ,'ela e un 'rei%n s'urt, nu unul lung. ,'esta este un '%mputer mare. Desigur 'A este un '%mputer mare, nu unul mi'. (e fel de animal este a'estaD . l/ ste un animal mi'. un ?%ri'el. (e fel de pupitru este a'elaD ste un pupitru f%arte mare. (e fel de s'aun este a'estaD ste un s'aun n%u. un s'aun mi'u> ?i n%u. Desigur 'A nu e mare.
I. >ames of colours: 4hiteD bla+JD *e1D bl0eD 5ell/4D g*eenD /*angeD b*/4nD 3i/letD g*e5. The bla'kb%ard isG #hat +/l/0* is the bla'kb%ardD 9tQs a G G The apple isG -hat '%l%ur is the appleD 9tQs a G G The s'arf isG -hat '%l%ur is the s'arfD 9tQs a G G The tree isG -hat '%l%ur is the treeD 9tQs a G G The '%at isG -hat '%l%ur is the '%atD 9tQs a G G The bi'$'le isG -hat '%l%ur is the bi'$'leD 9tQs a G G The sn%w isG -hat '%l%ur is the sn%wmanD 9tQs a G G The 'at isG -hat '%l%ur is the 'atD 9tQs a G G The m%use isG -hat '%l%ur is the m%useD 9tQs a G G The ruler isG -hat '%l%ur is the rulerD 9tQs a G G The 'hair isG -hat '%l%ur is the 'hairD 9tQs a G G The pen'il isG -hat '%l%ur is the pen'ilD 9tQs a G G The bag isG -hat '%l%ur is the bagD 9tQs a G G II. , '%mputer is big, and a m%use is G -hat is a m%use likeD , tree is tall, and a bush is G #hat is a t*ee liJeE , 'hair is bla'k, and a m%use is G -hat is a 'hair likeD ,n elephant is ver$ large / big, and a m%use is G -hat is an elephant likeD , bla'kb%ard is bla'k, and a 'at is gre$. -hat is a 'at likeD , h%rse is fast, and a snail is G -hat is a h%rse likeD , b%%k is 'heap, and a di'ti%nar$ is eJpensive. -hat is a b%%k likeD , m%ther is kind, and a tea'her is t%ugh. -hat is a tea'her likeD , ruler is l%ng, and a rubber is sh%rt. -hat is a ruler likeD , 'ar is large / big, and an %range is G III. #ello" - am Stan Smith" 2ister Stan Smith" - am a tennis player" #ello" - am Dudy *reene" 2iss *reene" - am a lawyer" Who are you$ - am 2ary" 2ary Evans" - am an engineer" Who are you$ - am 'erry" 'erry Williams" - am an engineer. too" Who are you$ - am 3ick" 3ick &aymond" - am a teacher" <h. - see7 ;ou are not a lawyer. like Dudy *reene. or a tennis player. like Stan Smith" >o. - am not" - am ?ust a teacher7 Who is she$ She is Dudy" She is a lawyer" Who is he$ #e is 3ick" #e is a teacher" 3ick is a teacherE he is not a lawyer" Dudy is a lawyerE she is not a teacher. or an architect" 2rs" +rown is an architect" 2r" +rown is a doctor"
What is 2r" +rown$ )nd 2rs" +rown$ )re they architects$ >o. only 2rs" +rown is an architect" <h. they are not architects" PRONU'E INTEROGATI EB FOR'E: -PO5 -POM, -PO* 5 -P9(P5 -P,T. MNTREBUINAARE: Who is that girl in a blue dressD Whom 'an $%u see wearing a br%wn hatD Whom are $%u talking t%D Whose b%%k is thisD Which %f $%u is her sisterD Which %f these b%%ks is $%ursD What is itD What '%l%ur are her e$esD What is his new tie likeD I . DRI&&S: 'ranslate0 ,. 7. (rei%nul este albastru, iar rigla este p%rt%'alie. I. # (e 'ul%are are e?arfaD # ste % e?arfA mar%. N. # (um aratA % tablAD # ste mare ?i neagrA. O. K%ri'elul este mi', iar elefantul este f%arte mare. R. Cn buni' este bl@nd, dar un av%'at este dur. ). # )unA ziuaB MA numes' +eter +%well ?i sunt arhite't. # Da, =n>eleg. Dar nu sunte>i av%'at, 'a M%hn ps%n, sau inginer, 'a 3%bert &reene. # 4u, sunt d%ar arhite'tG # D=nsa 'ine esteD # Dumneaei este )ett$. )ett$ M%nes. ste e'%n%mistA. # Ki d=n?ii 'ine suntD # *unt d%mnul ?i d%amna Piggins. *unt medi'i, 'a ?i d%mnul 2rank -ils%n. # Dar d%mnul ?i d%amna !%gan 'e suntD +r%fes%riD # 4u, numai d%mnul !%gan e pr%fes%r. # (e este d%amna !%ganD *%rA medi'alA sau stewardesAD # ste psih%l%g. Cn f%arte bun psih%l%g. 7. # ,'easta este % masA. % masA f%arte mare, nuD # O, daB ste =ntr#adevAr % masA mare. I.# (e este a'estaD # Cn '@ine. ,'esta este un '@ine mare ?i rAu. N.# ,'easta este =ntr#adevAr % 'arte interesantA. # (um aratA ?i 'e 'ul%are areD
E)e*+ise ,. 2ake up sentences with the following words and phrases0 2odel0 This is a b%%k. This is a big b%%k. Oh, itQs a big b%%k indeedB a pen GGG a pen'il GGG a desk GGG a bla'kb%ard GGG a tin GGG a small 'up GGG an egg GGG an egg#'up GGG an i'e'ream / an i'e GGG a pie'e %f 'halk GGG a ni'e pupp$ GGG an interesting b%%k GGG a nut GGG a bus GGG a rubberGGGG a n%teb%%kGGG. an %rangeGGG. a deskGG.. a diffi'ult eJer'iseGGG a new s'h%%lbagGGG a h%use GGG a wind%w GGG a bed GGG an %pen d%%r GGG an elephant GGG a b%%k GGG a big elephant GGG a g%%d tea'herGG.. a wind%wGG. a tableGG.. a tennis pla$erGG. an appleGG.. an engineerGGG.. a pearGG.. an h%urGGG a red 'arGGG a new dressGG.. a fine answerGGG
E)e*+ise -. /isten and then repeat the structures and sentences0 , 'up %f '%ffee. , 'up %f tea. , tin %f sardines. , tie. , new tie. ,n egg. , big egg. 9 see a 'up %f '%ffee. 9 see a 'up %f tea. 9 see a tin %f sardines. 9 see a tin %f tea. 9 see an egg#'up. 9 see a large egg#'up. 9 see an interesting#l%%king egg#'up. 9 see a tin %f sardines. 9 see an en%rm%us tin %f sardines. 9 see a new, shin$ tin %f sardines. 9 see a beautiful lad$.
E)e*+ise .. /isten and then repeat the following sentences0 ,re $%u hereD <es, 9 am. 9 am here. 9Qm here. ,h, $%uQre here. <es, 9Qm here. <es, 9 am here. ,h, Menn$Qs here. <es, sheQs here. <es, she is here. ,h, Mr. !eanQs here. <es, heQs here. <es, he is here. E)e*+ise 7. /et us spell ,nglish words0 *pell cat. '#a#t *pell bed. b#e#d *pell pen. p#e#n *pell house. h#%#u#s#e *pell Dohn. M#%#h#n *pell pencil. p#e#n#'#i#l *pell light. l#i#g#h#t *pell library. l#i#b#r#a#r#$ *pell church. '#h#u#r#'#h *pell market. m#a#r#k#e#t. ,h, the librar$Qs here. <es, itQs here. <es, it is here. ,h, $%uQre here. <es, weQre here. <es, we are here. ,h, the studentsQre here. <es, the$Qre here. <es, the$ are here. ,h, ,mandaQs in the dining r%%m. <es, she is in the dining r%%m eating.
E)e*+ise 8. &ead and repeat the following dialogue0 ,re $%u 3i'hardD <es, 9 am. 9Qm .9 am/ 3i'hard )r%wn. ,re $%u DianaD <es, 9 am. 9Qm .9 am/ Diana !%rd. -h%Qs sheD *heQs .she is/ Diana !%rd. 9s he Mr. DeanD <es, he is. Pe is Mr. Dean indeed. -hat is heD Pe is .heQs/ a librarian. -here is he n%wD Pe is in the librar$.
Pe is n%t at h%me. Oh, 9 see. Pe is in the librar$ reading a b%%k. -hatQs thisD 9s it a 'l%'kD <es, it is. 9tQs a big 'l%'k. -hatQs thisD 9s it a deskD <es, it is. 9tQs a new desk. -hatQs thisD 9s it a lightD <es, it is. 9tQs a new light. -hatQs thisD 9s it a '%p$b%%kD <es, it is. 9tQs a big, new '%p$b%%k.
E)e*+ise 9. 8ractise with the following sentences0 .7/ This is a table. 9s this a tableD <es, it is. 9tQs a table. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a table. .I/ This is a lamp. 9s this a lampD <es, it is. 9tQs a lamp / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a lamp. .N/ This is a d%%r. 9s this a d%%rD <es, it is. 9tQs a d%%r. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a d%%r. .O/ This is a wind%w. 9s this a wind%wD <es, it is. 9tQs a wind%w. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a wind%w. .R/ This is a 'arpet. 9s this a 'arpetD <es, it is. 9tQs a 'arpet. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a 'arpet. .\/ This is a t$pewriter. 9s this a t$pewriterD <es, it is. 9tQs a t$pewriter. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a t$pewriter. .Z/ This is a desk. 9s this a deskD <es, it is. 9tQs a desk. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a desk. .Y/ This is a teleph%ne. 9s this a teleph%neD <es, it is. 9tQs a teleph%ne. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a teleph%ne. .[/ This is a pen. 9s this a penD <es, it is. 9tQs a pen. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a pen. .7_/ This is a 'alendar. 9s this a 'alendarD <es, it is. 9tQs a 'alendar. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a 'alendar. .77/ This is a pen'il. 9s this a pen'ilD <es, it is. 9tQs a pen'il. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a pen'il. .7I/ This is a b%$. 9s this a b%$D <es, he is. PeQs a b%$. / 4%, he isnQt. Pe is n%t .he isnQt/ a b%$. .7N/ This is a girl. 9s this a girlD <es, she is. *heQs a girl. / 4%, she isnQt. *he is n%t .she isnQt/ a girl. .7O/ This is a 'hair. 9s this a 'hairD <es, it is. 9tQs a 'hair. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a 'hair. .7R/ This is an umbrella. 9s this an umbrellaD <es, it is. 9tQs an umbrella. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ an umbrella. .7\/ This is a televisi%n .set/. 9s this a televisi%n .set/D <es, it is. 9tQs a televisi%n .set/. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a televisi%n .set/. .7Z/ This is a man. 9s this a manD <es, he is. PeQs a man. 4%, he isnQt. Pe is n%t .he isnQt/ a man. .7Y/ This is a w%man. 9s this a w%manD <es, she is. *heQs a w%man. / 4%, she isnQt. *he is n%t .she isnQt/ a w%man. .7[/ This is a librar$. 9s this a librar$D <es, it is. 9tQs a librar$. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a librar$. .I_/ This is a reading#r%%m. 9s this a reading#r%%mD <es, it is. 9tQs a reading#r%%m. / 4%, it isnQt. 9t is n%t .it isnQt/ a reading#r%%m. E)e*+ise :. /et us match the numbers with the right answers. M%del: >umber one" 'his is a table. .7/ 4umber %ne. This is a table.
, desk, isnQt itD .I/ 4umber t4/. This is a lamp. , pen, isnQt itD .N/ 4umber th*ee. This is a d%%r. , wind%w, isnQt itD .O/ 4umber 2/0*. This is a wind%w. , d%%r, isnQt itD .R/ 4umber 2i3e. This is a 'arpet. , 'alendar, isnQt itD .\/ 4umber si). This is a t$pewriter. , pen'il, isnQt itD .Z/ 4umber se3en. This is a desk. , table, isnQt itD .Y/ 4umber eight. This is a teleph%ne. , librar$, isnQt itD .[/ 4umber nine. This is a pen. , lamp, isnQt itD .7_/ 4umber ten. This is a 'alendar. , 'arpet, isnQt itD .77/ 4umber ele3en. This is a pen'il. , t$pewriter, isnQt itD .7I/ 4umber t4el3e. This is a b%$. , girl, isnQt sheD .7N/ 4umber thi*teen. This is a girl. , b%$, isnQt heD .7O/ 4umber 2/0*teen. This is a 'hair. ,n umbrella, isnQt itD .7R/ 4umber 2i2teen. This is an umbrella. , 'hair, isnQt itD .7\/ 4umber si)teen. This is a televisi%n .set/. , reading#r%%m, isnQt itD .7Z/ 4umber se3enteen. This is a man. , w%man, isnQt sheD .7Y/ 4umber eighteen. This is a w%man. , man, isnQt heD .7[/ 4umber nineteen. This is a librar$. , teleph%ne, isnQt itD .I_/ 4umber t4ent5. This is a reading#r%%m. , televisi%n .set/, isnQt itD PRONU'E&E NI AD!ECTI E&E DE'ONSTRATI E Tip0l 1e6/nst*ati30l0i ,. 1ronume Fde apropiere: -. 1ronume Fde dep rtare: SINGU&AR "2&. "2$" P&URA& "2,., "2-.,
MNTREBUINAARE ?i E%E'P&EB 'his man .here/ is m$ un'le. !%%k at this b%J / these b%Jes here. 'his is a fine 'ar. / 'hese are fine 'ars.
Oh, thatQs awfull$ eJpensive. -%uld $%u prefer that %neD / those %ver thereD ? Re6a*+OB THIS ?i THAT se mai p%t f%l%si ?i 'u referire la % entitate impersonal! sau general!, de eJ. P%w w%uld $%u like thatD 'hat will be t%% mu'h f%r her. ,ll that s%unds interesting, but 9Qm afraid weQll have t% `uitG .:T%ate astea 5 acesteaG;/ 4%w, listen t% this: :,dd a p%und %f fl%ur, stir, thenG;