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1 Final Exam Study Guide

Unit 4A - Weather
Vocabulary and Grammar (p36
!oun ( Ad"ecti#e ( $t % be (i&'are % (#erb (
% in(
Article (a'an'the % !oun
A cloud / The rain.
)uanti*er % !oun
A lot of snow / Some cloud
+o&&e&&i#e % !oun
Our snow / Koreas weather
Ad"ecti#e % !oun
ight wind / !ea"y rain
$t i& ' ,here are %
#ts rainy / There are snowy
$t i& % Ad#erb ( %
#t is partly cloudy / #t is "ery
U&e -or .eather no.///
#t is raining / #t is snowing
#t is clouding / fogging/
$ree%e / $ree%y & A light wind
'ree%ing & (ery cold.
)hilly & A little cold.
2ut ' 3r ' So (p34
2ut positi"e * negati"e # can spea+ ,apanese5 -ut # cant spea+ )hinese
So The .esult / /hat
# was sic+5 so # went to the doctor
3r (1 A choice 0o you want to eat soup or salad1
3r (6 /ith not 2in one
# cant play soccer or -as+et-all / # dont li+e pi%%a or
!ote1 We u&e a comma 758 be-ore but and &o/ We don8t u&e a comma
be-ore or/
Unit 42 9 !3, 3! ,ES,
Unit& : ; 6 (+a&t ,en&e
+a&t ,en&e 72e8 (p/ 44 ' :4
)ue&tion 9 <e& ' !o
$e 2was / were3 * su-4ect 2
* noun23
* preposition 2
* ad4ecti"e 23
/ere you a doctor1
/as he in school1
/ere they happy1
An&.er 9 <e& ' !o
5es6 * su-4ect * -e 2was / were3
7o6 * su-4ect * -e not 2wasnt / werent3
5es6 # was / 5es6 he was / 5es6 they were
7o6 # wasnt / 7o6 he wasnt / 7o6 they
)ue&tion= Wh>
/h * -e 2was / were3 * su-4ect 2 3 88881
/hen were you -orn1
/hat was his ho--y1
/ho was his friend1
+o&iti#e An&.er (%
Su-4ect 23 * -e 2was / were3 * noun /
preposition / ad4ecti"e
!is wife was 9arie )urie
# was -orn in $usan.
!is ho--y was playing soccer.
!e(ati#e An&.er (=
Su-4ect 23 * -e not2wasnt / werent3 *
noun / preposition / ad4ecti"e
!is wife wasnt $eyonce
# wasnt -orn in Seoul
!is ho--y was playing tennis.
+a&t ,en&e 9 Simple +a&t (p:4 ' :4 ' 64
)ue&tion 9 <e& ' !o
?id * su-4ect 2 3 * ba&e #erb88881
?id you play soccer1
5es6 * su-4ect * did
7o6 * su-4ect * didnt
5es6 # did
7o6 # didnt
)ue&tion= Wh>
/h * did * su-4ect 2 3 *
2ASE VE028881
/here did you (o on "acation1
/hen did you &tudy :nglish1
/ho did you .atch the mo"ie
+o&iti#e An&.er (%
Su-4ect 23 * +AS, VE02@
# .ent to America
# &tudied :nglish last wee+
# .atched the mo"ie with my
!e(ati#e An&.er
Su-4ect 23 *
didn8t * 2ASE
# didnt (o to
# didnt &tudy
# didnt .atch the
mo"ie with my
0e(ular +a&t Verb&
;sually add <ed8 =lay & =layed
(isit & (isted
#f "er-s ends e add <d 9o"e & 9o"ed
i+e & i+ed
#f "er- ends consonant 23 * y. 0elete y
add <ied
Study & Studied
.eply & .eplied
#f "er- ends consonant6 "owel6 consonant
26 3. ?ouble the last letter6 add
Stop & Stopped
$et & $etted
Unit :2 Vocabulary (p/:1
WorA& a& % "ob
!e wor+s as a
# wor+ as a
WorA& -or % company 'a place '
They wor+ for Samsung
A doctor wor+s for a hospital
9y father wor+s for himself
2for himself & you own the company3
WorA& .ith % people '
# wor+ with children
$ill >ates wor+s with
CooAin( -or.ard to ? a future e"ent that is fun or e@citing
Im looking forward to my vacation. Im going to America
CooAin( -or ? To search
I cant fnd my phone. Ive been looking for it everywhere
Good at (%#erb%in( ? )an do something well
Paul is good at cooking. His food is delicious
Admire ' CooA up (to (a per&on ? Some-ody who is your hero / Some-ody you would
li+e to -e li+e
I look up to my father. He works very hard.
Americans admire John ennedy. He was a great president.

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