Connective Tissue Component
Connective Tissue Component
Connective Tissue Component
At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to: Define the connective tissue. Differentiate connective from epithelial tissue. Describe the components of the connective tissue.
Cells Fibers Matrix
They are not used to connect any part of the body to anything else. They also are the lining for many other organs.
Most abundant var !t" of CT #!$$s% T&!" 'rodu#! CT f b!rs (&!n#! t&! na(! f brob$ast)% A$so s!#r!t! t&! )round substan#! of CT% Lar)!* so(!+&at f$att!n!d* rou)&$" ovo d #!$$s + t& bran#& n) 'ro#!ss!s* but t&! r a''!aran#! var !s n r!$at on to t&! fun#t ona$ stat! of t&! #!$$% T+o sta)!s of a#t v t" %!% Ina#t v! or ,u !s#!nt #!$$s ar! #a$$!d -F bro#"t!s.% A#t v! #!$$s ar! #a$$!d -F brob$asts.%
Active (left) and quiescent (right) fibroblasts. Fibroblasts that are actively engaged in synthesis are richer in mitochondria, lipid droplets, Golgi complex, and rough endoplasmic reticulum than are quiescent fibroblasts (fibrocytes).
*he are characteri"ed b an irregular surface with short % blunt processes. C toplasm appear filled with granules % vacuoles, containing ingested material. &suall have eccentric oval nuclei. 6i"e range from 78 to ,8 9m. *he are long living cells, ma survive for months. FOUND :in 7. 5oose areolar C*. :. ;ichl vasculari"ed area of the bod . ,. Most organs, and constitute #mononuclear phagoc tes s stem$.
!n certain regions of bod , macrophages have special names, eg.
7. :. ,. >.
!n !n !n !n
5iver ...... <upffer cells. C36 ....... Microglial cells. +one ..... =steoclasts. 5ung ..... Alveolar macrophages.
ORIGIN: !n bone.marrow, precursor cell divides to produce monoc tes, circulates in the blood. 2hen monoc tes migrate into the C*, where the mature and called macrophages.
There are numerous large istiocytes !ith folded nuclei and abundant cytoplasm (large arro!) associated !ith eosinophils (small arro!) infiltrating connective tissue.
Functions (Histiocyt s!
!mportant agents of defence. 4ngulf dead cells, extravasated blood cells, bacteria and foreign bodies.
*he are large ovoid cells, having basophilic c toplasm 'due to abundant ;4;(. !n c toplasm, a characteristic un.stained area near the nucleus. 3ucleus is spherical % eccentric. 2ithin the nucleus, granules of chromatin are arranged in a regular manner against the nuclear membrane. Due to which the nucleus said to exhibit a #cart.wheel appearance$. FUNCTION: 0rincipal function ? production of antibodies.
!n C* few, but: 3umerous in sites sub)ected to penetration b bacteria % foreign proteins 'eg. !ntestinal mucosa( !n areas where chronic inflammation is present. Also in l mphoid organs. PLAS"A CELL
'@erman word( Mast A well.fed. =val or round cell with centrall placed spherical pale.staining nucleus. C toplasm is full of basophilic granules. @ranules are soluble in aBueous fixatives. @ranules are Metachromatic.
ORIGIN: From stem cells in the bone.marrow. FOUND: widespread in the human bod , but are particularl abundant in Dermis, Digestive % respirator tracts, and around the blood vessels. MAST CELLS (fun#t on)
0rincipal function: storage of chemical mediators of inflammator response. ;elease of chemical mediators promote the allergic reactions, which is known as #immediate h persensitivit reaction$. *he secrete: /istamine /eparin 5eukotrienes
3ucleus is flattened and surrounded b a small amount of c toplasm. In Routine Preparation fat droplet is dissolved out and is represent b a large empt vacuole. *hus after staining give a characteristic #signet.ring appearance.$
FIBERS OF T/E CT *he are formed b proteins that pol meri"e into elongated structures.
MAIN TYPES: Collagen fibers. 'formed b protein collagen(. ;eticular fibers. 'formed b protein collagen(. 4lastic fibers. 'formed b protein elastin(.
*hese fibers are distributed uneBuall among the different t pes of C*, but the predominant fiber t pe is responsible for giving specific properties on the tissue.
!t is the most abundant protein of the bod , representing ,8C of its dr weight. !t is produced b several t pes of cells into extracellular matrix in the form of #Tropo!o""a#en$ molecules. *ropocollagen molecule consists of , pol peptide 'alpha( chains, bound together to form a trip"e %e"i&. !t is :D8 nm long and 7.E nm in diameter. !n extracellular matrix, *ropocollagen molecules pol meri"e to form #!o""a#en 'i(ri").$ *+,ro&+pro"ine - *+,ro&+"+)in are : characteristic aminoacids of collagen.
=n the basis of differences in the chemical structure of the pol peptide chains, more than 7: t pes of collagen have been described. *he most common are t pe !, !!, !!!, !1, % 1. *he tropocollagen molecules pol meri"e to form collagen fibrils. Collagen fibrils are thin elongated structure with diameter range from :8 t8 F8 nm. *he have transverse striations with a characteristic periodicit of G> nm, due to overlapping arrangement of the tropocollagen molecules. !n collagen t pes ! % !!!, fibrils aggregate to form fibers. !n collagen t pe !, fibers aggregate to form bundles.
Most numerous fibers found in C*. Fresh collagen fibers are colourless strands, but in bundles, the give white colour to the tissue in which the lie ' eg. *endon % aponeurosis(. !ndividual fiber has diameter varies from : ? :8 9m. *he exhibit birefringence under polari"ed microscope. +undles usuall follow an irregular % wav course. An individual fiber never branch. *he are flexible but inelastic. *he are extremel tough and can resist considerable strain without breaking. *hus the provide a uniBue combination of flexibilit and strength to the tissue in which the are present.
*he are extremel thin (ran!%in# 'i(er). !ndividual fiber has diameter varies from 8.E to : 9m. &suall form supporting framework or reticulum in certain organs. 3ot visible in /%4 preparation, but easil stains black with silver salts. +ecause of their affinit for silver salts, the are called Arg rophilic fibers. Also stained intensel with periodic acid.6chiff '0A6( techniBue. +oth 0A6 positive % arg rophilia are due to the high content of carboh drate, associated with each fiber in the form of a surface coat. *he are usuall associated with t pe !!! collagen.
+ecause of their small diameter, the have weak birefringence when stained with 6irius red d e, and observed under the polari"ed microscope. &nder 4HM, the also show characteristic G> nm cross banding *he particularl abundant in 'a( 6mooth muscle. 'b( 4ndoneurium. 'c( Framework of hemopoietic organs ' eg. 6pleen, 5 mph nodes, red bone.marrow(. Forms a network around the cells of parench mal organs ' eg. 5iver, <idne , 4ndocrine glands(. 2ith reference to the collagen fiber, the ;eticular fiber are separated entities with characteristics biochemical, functional, morphological % pathological features.
Section of an adrenal corte , silver stained to show reticular fibers. This is a thick section made to emphasi!e the networks formed by these fibers, which consist of collagen type """. #uclei are black, and cytoplasm is unstained. $edium magnification.
!t is resistant to boiling % acid % alkali extraction. !t is secreted as #0roelastin$ , which undergoes pol meri"ation in the extra.cellular matrix as 4lastin.
!t is easil h drol "ed b pancreatic lactase. !t is a rubber like material, which is arranged as fibers or discontinuous sheets in the extra cellular matrix particularl of skin, lung % blood vessels, where it confers the properties of stretching and elastic recoil. It i) )+nt%e)i.e, (+ :. Fibroblasts in 6kin % *endon 6mooth muscle cells in 5arge blood vessels. Desmosin % !sodcsmosin are : characteristic amino acids found in the elastin.
*he are fine, straight % highl refractile fibers, which occurs as c lindrical threads or flat ribbons. *he generall 8.E to > 9m in diameter, but in certain elastic ligaments, eg. 5igamentum nuchae, the ma reach a diameter of 78 to 7: 9m. !n fresh state, large mass of elastic fibers give a characteristic ellowish shade. *he are capable of stretching to one % half of their original length *he are Acidophilic in nature, but do not stain well with 4osin. *he can be stained brown selectivel with #orcein$ d e b resorcin. fuchsin techniBue
A$ $oung rat mesentery sho!ing red picrosirius%stained nonanastomosing bundles of collagen fibers, !hile the elastic fibers appear as thin, dar& anastomosing fibers stained by orcein. 'ollagen and elastic fibers provide structure and elasticity, respectively, to the mesentery. () The same preparation observed !ith polari*ing microscopy. 'ollagen bundles of various thic&nesses are observed.+n the superimposed regions, the bundles of collagen are a dar&
+t is an amorphous substance in !hich the cells , fibers of the 'T are embedded. +t is a colorless, transparent , homogenous complex mixture of proteoglycan and glycoproteins. +t is a colloidal gel%li&e material of variable viscosity, !hich binds varying amount of !ater. (ounded !ater serves a medium for diffusion of gases , metabolic substance b-! 'T cells and blood vessels. (ecause of its high !ater content and amorphous appearance, it is difficult to study in both fresh , fixed states, due to . reasons)% +t has same refractive index as !ater , isotonic saline solution. +t is soluble in reagents generally used to prepare the tissue.
*he are composed of a core protein associated with gl cosaminogl cans. *he consist of about FEC carboh drates and EC proteins. *he are macromolecular protein pol saccharide complex. @l cosaminogl cans :. *he are linear pol saccharides formed b characteristic repeating disaccharides units, usuall composed of uronic acid % hexosamine. @l cosaminogl cans are of : t pes, i.e. non.sulfated % sulfated.
and 2eratan
/on%sulfated %%%%%%% yaluronic acid. 0ulfated %%%%%%%% 'hondroitin sulfate, 1ermatan sulfate, eparan sulfate, sulfate. S"nt&!s s of Prot!o)$"#ans (egins in 343 !ith synthesis of its protein moiety. Glycosylation is initiated in 343 and completed in Golgi complex. 0ulfation also occur in GA.
These are composed of proteins , carbohydrates, but in contrast to proteoglycans, the protein moiety is predominant. The carbohydrate moiety is frequently branched structure, instead of linear polysaccharides. 0everal glycoproteins have been isolated from various 'T of the body, eg. Fibronectin, 'hodronectin, 5steonectin, 6aminin, Fibrillin,Tenascin.
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