Exz - Éç de Fxñàxåuxü Axãáäxààxü: Proud To Be A Part of Region 12

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E d i to r : J a n e t Se a r l s C o n t e n t M an a g e m e n t : Victoria Thomas September 2013 Volume 13, Issue 9

Proud to be a Part of Region 12 Inside this issue:

Sport Horse Nationals Feature! Spotlight Director Announcement 2014 Spotlight Program Update Future Events




I am one of those people that have been lucky enough in life to be given a chance to work on projects that I am head over heels in love with and for me, that has been working on projects that help share my love for the Arabian Horse with the outside world. Getting this newsletter ready to be released has been a delightful task this past few weeks, to be able to gather information that can be shared with our readers, real life stories about people who are our members that have made that incredible journey alongside their Arabian horses, whether it be to the Youth Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma or perhaps the Sport Horse Nationals held in Lexington, Virginia. Each of the members that have been submitted information, is to be commended for all of their hard work and sacrifices that they have made along the way. The other subject that I do want to spend time on, is how this region appreciates all of the people that are willing to volunteer their time. Without the folks that step forward to run our regional horse show and the rest of the programs that our region offers to our membership, we just could not do what we do each year. It is simply amazing what each of these talented people bring to the table each year! For those of you out there, that love the Arabian horse and want to find a way to get more involved on a regional basis, please send me an email or give me a call. You just might be pleasantly surprised! Our next newsletter will feature the US National Show, please send in your stories! Dont be a stranger, Janet Searls 757-435-7480 [email protected] Editorial by: Janet Searls, Region 12 Vice Director

Points of Interest:

The Story of Missy and Zhar R12 Youth Sydney Landers bringing home the Roses in Style! Newsletter Deadline 15th of the Month NEW

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Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

Region 12 Making its Presence be Felt at the Sport Horse Nationals!

This year Region 12 made an incredibly strong showing at the Sport Horse Nationals in Lexington Va. One of the big wins of this was Mai Nevaeh: 2013 National Champion HA/AA Sport Horse 2 year old fillies & Sport Horse Supreme Champion 2 year old. Mai Nevaeh is owned and bred by Sally Shaw of Citra Florida, and has an incredible history behind her. Early evening of May 17th, 2011 a foal was born who was the 3rd generation of fillies owned by Sally Shaw. Sally had campaigned this fillys Grand Dam, Mai Patty Melt+, taking her to US Nationals many times and several of which she would tie for Reserve Champion HA Halter Mare but would lose the tie breakers. February 25th 1997, Mai Patty Melt foaled a beautiful filly out of GS Khochise, naming her Mai Nakhoma (aka)Khozy. Khozy started her show career and did very well in both Sport Horse and Dressage. Khozy was Region 12 Champion HA Mare Sport Horse in Hand several times. Khozys show record took her to several Sport Horse Nationals Top Tens under Saddle & HA Sport Horse in hand. In 2010 Sally started looking for a Stallion to bred to Khozy and that was VMA Khahpur Khopi ++++// who had already done well at several Sport Horse Nationals earning such titles as National Champion Arabian Sport Horse Stallion Open and ATH, Reserve National Champion Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle JR Horse, multiple Top Tens in Sport Horse in Hand, Under Saddle, and Dressage. He was also Supreme Champion twice, once in 2007, and again in 2009. And was the Sport Horse National Payback Super Stallion in 2007 and the Reserve Champion Super Stallion in 2009. This cross worked very well and with the expert training of Eric Wolfe and the show handling of Larry Jones Mai Neveah is now the 2013 National Champion HA 2 year old filly & Supreme Sport Horse 2 year old. Like father like daughter.

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Region 12 Making its Presence be Felt at the Sport Horse Nationals!

Her sire, VMA Khahpur is a two time Supreme National Champion, as well as a Multi National Champion in Sport Horse in Hand, Under Saddle, and Dressage. This year at the 2013 Sport Horse Nationals he had many winning offspring. Mai Nevaeh was one, earning her National Championship and Supreme Championship. Also in the winners circle was CL Khahpurs Fanci (Khahpur Khopi x Halo De Carolina) who earned a Top Ten in the HA/AA Sport Horse Under Saddle JR Horse, CL Khahpur Penny (Khahpur Khopi x Rohara Alexandria) who earned a Top Ten in the Arabian Sport Horse Yearling Fillies, and AL Khasslus Khlay who earned a Top Ten in the HA Sport Horse Yearling Colts/ Geldings. This makes Khahpur Khopi a sire of two National Champions now, One Supreme Champion and four National Top Ten winners as well as many winners at Region 12. He also earned a Reserve National Championship in Arabian Second Level Dressage with a score of 69% at Nationals this year, as well as a Top Ten (3rd) in the Arabian Sport Horse Show Hack ATR, and a Top Ten in the A/HA/AA Third Level Dressage ATR. All of his offspring at this years Sport Horse Nationals were born and raised in Region 12. Khahpur Khopi himself was born and raised in Region 12 and has won numerous Region 12 titles in sport horse and dressage. Region 12 made a strong showing at this years SHN both with horses that were bred and raised in Region 12 as well as horses that were trained in Region 12, proving yet again that Region 12 is a highly competitive Region full of national winners.

Centerline Sport Horse SHN Curtains

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Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

Region 12 Making its Presence be Felt at the Sport Horse Nationals!

Three Oaks Arabians & Training Center Sport Horse Nationals Results -Rohara Marserati (Owned by Kelli Bennett) - Top 10 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle, Top 10 Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle AOTR -HS HeartNSoul (owned by Lynn Daniel-Glover) - Top 10 HA/AA Sport Horse Mares In-Hand -MSU Starta Legacy (Owned by Kelli Bennett) - Top 10 Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand, Top 10 Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH, Top 10 Arabian First Level Dressage AAOTR -MSU Start Again (Owned by Kelli Bennett) - Top 10 Arabian Sport Horse Gelding In-Hand, Top 10 Arabian Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand ATH -Hall That Glytters (Owned by Kelli Bennett or Jackie Edmonds) - Reserve National Champion HA/AA 2yr Old Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand -Josiahs Showstopper (Owned by Pam Burrows) - National Champion Arabian 2yr Old Sport Horse Colts In-Hand (Congratulations to Tracy Lord of Augusta, GA on purchasing this colt at the Sport Horse Nationals!)
Three Oaks Arabians (Bob and Kelli Bennett) SHN Curtains

-Josiahs Elegant Comet (Owned by Pam Burrows) - Top 10 Arabian 2yr Old Sport Horse Fillies In-Hand -Kelli BennettTop 10 Hunt Seat Equitation Not-To-Jump ATR

GF Boom (Owned by Robin Ginn) and shown by Bob Bennett Jr. HA/AA Yearling Sport Horse Colt/Gelding In-Hand Champion

Hall That Glytters (Owned by Kelli Bennett and Jackie Edmonds) and shown by Bob Bennett Jr. Reserve Champion HA/AA 2yr Old Sport Horse Geldings In-Hand

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Region 12 Making its Presence be Felt at the Sport Horse Nationals!

(left) Lynn DanielGlover, from Warnen Robberies, GA and Psyches Magic BA+// Top 10 in Arabian Dressage Training Level ChampATR (4th) Monti Hight and Psyches Magic BA+// (owned by Lynn Daniel-Glover) Arabian Dressage Training Level ChampTop 10

(Right) Julie Lotz and her mare, HH Vallerina after making the first cut in Arabian Sport Horse under Saddle, ATR

(above) GM Major Soho (owned by Pam Hardin) and Melanie Mitchell (trainer) - Top 10 in Arabian Dressage First Level and Arabian Dressage Second Level

(Left) TG Paraguay+ with Owner Hannah Pace and her mom, Janice Pace (best Bun maker in Region 12) from Birmingham Alabama enjoying the beautiful Virginia Horse Center

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Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

Region 12 Making its Presence be Felt at the Sport Horse Nationals!

(Above) From left: Maryann Laferriere, Megan Poston, Madison Dwyer, Winston Dwyer, Krystal Villanova

Region 12 Sport Horse Contacts: Lynn [email protected] Marie [email protected] If you are looking for additional information about this incredible division or if you are just looking to get more involved, please be sure to reach out to them!

(Above) Winston Dwyer with SWA Barberry Bey after winning the PB SH Show HackOpen Class

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Missy Snyder and the story of Zhar By: Missy Snyder

You can ride that Arabian standing out there in that field with the cows, said the older country guy wearing overalls. Nobody never messes with him. I stared out into a massive field and saw a small dark gelding under a lone tree gently swishing flies. He was near a herd of cows and in the distance there were some paints and quarter horses. I had recently moved to the Midwest town and missed my horse on my parents farm back home in Georgia. After asking around, someone mentioned visiting this ranch to see if anyone needed a horse exercised. I didnt have much money but thought someone might need help, while giving me my horse fix. I agreed to take a peek at this gelding in the cow field and went out to meet him. His name was Zalezhar Halima, or Zhar. He had big pretty eyes, was calm and SMALL. However, there was something about him that was also just plain sad. His coat was dull and filthy and his mane was knotted. After inquiring about his story, it turned out his owner had purchased him as a youngster for fun, because he had a lot of money and thought it would be of great notoriety to own an Arabian. He said shortly after his owner bought him, he had a cowboy break him. He had given up on training him when the cowboy informed him that this horse is just too stupid and too lazy to cut cows. So he was then a pasture ornament. His owner also had Clydesdales and was increasingly more interested in parades with them, so there sat Zhar. I didnt have a thing to lose so I started spending time with him. He was sweet and simply loved the attention. He whinnied at me every time I drove up. Because his pasture was 2,500 acres I had to drive my Honda Accord out to find him each time, and then pony him beside the car back to the barn. He never thought a thing about it. He certainly didnt fit the stereotype of a high strung Arab. I eventually backed him and realized he didnt know a thing about my leg and hated being in the arena. So, we went out for a trail ride. He immediately blossomed and seemed to love every second of our time out there. I rode nearly every day and he quickly became a different horse. He wasnt depressed anymore, and appeared to be thriving. His coat was shiny and he was toned and fit. He was lightning fast across the fields and I eventually taught him how to jump logs in the woods, which he LOVED. His confidence was growing and we were really happy together. After a few months his owner came to me and stated he wanted to get rid of him. I was honest with him and told him I couldnt afford to buy him. He then called me that Friday and told me he had booked him on a trailer to be taken to auction the following morning. I panicked because I soon found out it was a slaughter auction and I simply could not believe it. I was even told by someone who knew a kill buyer that he would get a good price since his muscle to bone ratio was good (What??? you can imagine my horror). I was frantic as I scrambled, literally collecting coins in my car and couch cushions. I had just started waiting tables at a restaurant and put everything I could in an envelope and drove it to this mans house at 9pm that night. I gave him the money and begged him to accept it, as I was terrified of Zhars fate if this didnt work. He finally agreed and I had never felt so relieved in my life. He wrote me a bill of sale and handed me his registration papers. Wait, what? He was registered?? I hadnt even thought of that. It really didnt matter to me at the time though. He was now safe and that was all that was important. Then I began to worry. I now owned this little Arab and I had no plans to do anything like this. And my dream horse was 16 hands and trained, not 14 hands and all over the place. I decided to make the most of it and do my best. When I received a job offer back in Georgia six months later, I accepted it. It meant leaving Zhar behind while I searched for place for him. My friend looked after him for 3 months until I could finally have him shipped to me. When he got off that trailer I burst into tears and grabbed his neck tightly and just smelled him. I had forgotten how yummy he smelled and didnt realize how much I missed him. For the next 12 years or so we didnt do much of anything other than trail rides, camping, and just having fun together. He became best friends with my older horse which made me very happy. We kept up with the jumping since he loved it so and one day a fellow boarder said, DANG girl, that horse can JUMP! She asked me if I would like to go to a local show with her. I told her I had never thought about showing Zhar, but decided it might be fun. I hadnt participated in a horse show since I was a kid and tried to remember everything I was supposed to do. We ended up coming home with an armful of 2nd place ribbons, and to say I was surprised was an understatement. I then thought how exciting it would be if Zhar and I could win a blue ribbon someday.

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Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

Missy Snyder and the story of Zhar

At that time I figured we would stop there, but I decided to take him to some Arabian shows. He did well so I decided that the following year we would try to go to Regionals which was just before Zhars 20th birthday. I thought how amazing it would feel to receive a pretty top 5 ribbon but never dreamed it would happen. We not only received several top 5 ribbons, but a garland of championship roses as well. Through happy tears as the woman placed his roses on his neck, I now knew what that feeling was that I pondered as a child and it was unforgettable. He did a beautiful job at Regionals following year and others encouraged us to consider Sport Horse Nationals. Keep in mind, if this little gelding were from a professional training barn and had many showing miles under his belt and was younger, and if I had been working with a professional trainer most of my life, I would have felt more confident. I had many reservations about SHN, a lot had to do with our lack of experience, but mostly due to traveling to Virginia with my horse that is now 21 years old and the stress on him. And then there were a few that asked if I were planning to pull his mane, or put shoes on him (which I have never done), to both I politely said no way. I love his long mane, and all the farriers I have used have advised against shoeing him. So, after talking with my vet and friends I decided to give the show a try. I had no expectations, other than experiencing the show, being there among the greats, and taking it all in with my best friend. And trying not to make a complete fool of myself in the process. Arriving in Virginia was incredibly intimidating for me. As an elementary school teacher, money is very tight, and after looking around part of me thought what in the world are you doing here. We dont have anything fancy, Zhar wasnt purchased from a well-known trainer/breeder, and pretty much everything we have is pre-owned. It was tricky but in the end I forced myself to ignore my feelings and focus on my horse. I met some wonderful, supportive people, who along with my family helped me to feel more at home which was great. I had the most amazing time watching new friends show their pretty horses and win with them. I cheered and hugged them I was just so happy for them and overjoyed to be there to see it. We began to show and Zhar was eager and seemed ready to go but I was nervous to say the least. Before I knew it the results came in and I heard our number called for our first National Top Ten. I sat there stunned until someone finally said, That is you!. Two seconds after our photo was taken I literally burst into tears and buried my face in his mane and told him how proud I was of him. Around me I heard, Aww she is crying. They just didnt understand what this meant to me. I could not believe it. I will never be able to fully describe how that felt. By the end of the week we had earned 4 National Top Tens. ZHAR, my little 14 hand barefoot gelding and ME, a girl who can pretty much count the number of riding lessons I have had the last few years on two hands. I am still in disbelief. It was certainly a dream come true on many levels. As we made our way home from Virginia, my boy had his pretty mane blowing in the sunshine and I looked out at the mountains and felt like the luckiest girl to have him to experience this with him. I am so glad this SHN experience was with him and not another horse. I guess the moral of my story is to believe in the impossible, never, ever judge and never put limits on yourself. Great things really do come from true love. I can only imagine the things we would have done if I had the courage to show Zhar years ago. But would I have done anything different if I could have? Probably not. This is the way our story was supposed to go. He has been with me through many ups and downs in my life and remained rock solid and steady. He is my companion and my child. He consoled me when I lost my older horse. He patiently waits for me when I need space to breathe or takes me away when I need to escape. He is an old soul, the love of my life and trusts me to try anything new. And leave it to one little rescued Arabian gelding to teach me the true meaning of having the cojones to go for a childhood dream. Truth be told in the end, Zhar is the one who rescued me. Story by: Missy Snyder

Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

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Region 12 is Proud to Announce the Appointment of Two New Spotlight Directors!

John Rannenberg of Orange Lake, Florida has recently been nominated by Region 12 leadership as their representative and Appointed Director to the Region 12 Spotlight Stallion Incentive Program. Affectionately known as John R to many, is a long time resident and member of Region 12 and has been with Rohara Arabians since the early 1980s. His expertise has netted him six Arabian Professional and Amateur Horseman Association Awards, a APAHA Horseman of the Year title and countless national championships in Halter, English Pleasure, Country English Pleasure, Western Pleasure, Hunter Pleasure and the list goes on John also holds the highest level USEF Judges License at the regional/national level. Since 1987, John R has also had his own breeding program of Purebreds and Half Arabians, which has produced more than 20 national titles. The Region welcomes John R and sends their appreciation for his willingness to donate his time as a volunteer to this very special program. John R, is replacing Janet Searls, who has served on this program since its inception 7 years ago. Janet is also serving as the Regions Vice Director. John R can be reached by calling him at: 352-266-6446.

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Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

Region 12 is Proud to Announce the Appointment of Two New Spotlight Directors!

Region 12 leadership is proud to announce that LISA BLACKSTONE has agreed to accept and serve as the regions nominated Director on the Region 12 Spotlight Stallion Incentive Program. LISA, a resident of Alpharetta, Georgia is a graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy. She transitioned into the financial world as a stockbroker and a decade later returned to law school and earned a legal degree from her alma mater. LISA is a founding member of the Equine Section of the Georgia Bar, Lisa merges her legal expertise with her knowledge of the horse industry and represents many of Atlantas top equestrian facilities, trainers and horse owners. Mentored by her mother Jean, LISA began riding horses as a child, learning the fundamentals of horsemanship, judging and showing. Later, they operated a familyowned Arabian horse training and breeding business, Onyx Arabians, producing many top ten and national champion show horses. LISA is an active participant in the political process governing equine sport. Besides serving in the Arabian community on various boards and committees, she is currently chair of the Ethics Committee and the Legal Review Committees for the United States Equestrian Federation, as well as sitting on their Hearing Committee. She also serves as Trustee on the USA Equestrian Trust. LISA will be replacing Don Olvey, who has represented the region for the last couple of years. The region send their best wishes and encourages anyone that is interested in getting more involved with this program to give LISA a call! Lisa Blackstone770-314-9089

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SPOTLIGHT PROGRAM UPDATE FOR 2014 Hi to all from the Spotlight Futurity! As the year is flying by, the Spotlight Futurity Program has seen some changes and is pleased to be looking forward to some exciting new things on the horizon. In 2014, the Spotlight Futurity is welcoming a Stallion Row at the Region XII horse show and Spotlight Stallion Auction. For the first time, the Spotlight Futurity is going to have a home base which will be located in the Beef and Dairy Arena. For the duration of the show, you will be able to visit the Spotlight headquarters to talk about the program and learn about the stallions that are available to you. We are planning stallion presentations and a cocktail party prior to the live auction. In addition to Stallion Row, we will also have a silent auction leading up to the live auction. All stallions will need to reach a minimum bid before going live. Any stallions whose breedings do not sell during the Auction, will still be available to buy for the duration of the show. We are very pleased to welcome John Rannenburg and Lisa Blackstone to the Spotlight Futurity Program. We would like to thank Eric Wolfe for the newly appointed seats on the board of directors. We are sad to say goodbye to Janet Searls and Don Olvey as they were both an important part of our team. The Spotlight Program has adopted a resolution to show our gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work and effort that both Janet and Don afforded the Spotlight Program. As we move forward with all the new and exciting changes, we want to thank everyone who helps make this program a huge success! Frank Hennessey

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Region 12 September 2013 Newsletter

R12 Youth, Sydney Landers, Bringing Home the Roses in Style!

Sometimes in our life there are people that make us remember what its really about. Like why we work so hard in this business or long hours at the barn or traveling to horse shows, late night lessons and the emotions involved with winning and losing. Sydney Landers is one of those people, winning 5 National Championships and reserves and 3 National Top Tens at this years Youth Nationals. Sydney, a 16 year old, has been a Region 12 member since she was a walk trot rider and hails from Davie, Florida. She is a true horse lover and a competitor. Sydney has had many hurdles to jump as a young person but she always has a great attitude and the will to win! Bob Battaglia worked as her equitation coach as she prepared to enter the prestigious UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup Class. Lou and I are very proud to have her as part of our team here at Sichini Training. Editorial and Pictures Submitted by: Elizabeth Pizzonia NATIONAL WINS: Sydney Landers riding Divvinci: -National Champion UPHA Arabian Breeds Challenge Cup 14-17 -Reserve National Champion HA Country Pleasure JOTR 14-17 Sydney Landers Leading Armoni GA: -National Champion Arabian Halter Geldings JOTH 18 & Under -Reserve National Champion Arabian Halter Geldings JTH 18 & Under Sydney Landers and Second Sight -National Champion HA Mounted Native Costume JTR 18 & Under Sydney Landers and WR Isabella: -National Top 10 HA Ladies Western Side Saddle JTR 18 & Under -National Top 10 HA Western Pleasure JTR 18 &Under Sydney Landers and HS Liberty: -National Top 10 HA Park JTR 18 & Under Sydney Landers and UPHA National Champion Group Photo (LEFT) Sydney Landers leading Armoni GA (Magnum Psyche x Miradiance) (RIGHT) Sydney Landers and Second Sight (Afires Vision X Silver Fantasy PV) Owned by Elizabeth Pizzonia

Sydney Landers and Divvinci (Afire Bey V x Rimone GW (DHH))

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Show Announcements
The North Carolina State Fair presents the NC State Fair Horse Show October 13 2013. For more information please visit the State Fair Website. Middle Tennessee Arabian Horse Association announces the Music City Arabian Show November 15-17 2013. For prize book please check out our website. MTAHA website. Western Carolinas AHA announces the Western Carolinas Fall Show, November 1-3, 2013. Please visit our website for more information. The Autumn Classic, November 16-17, 2013 in Perry, GA. Show manager Norma (229-809-0025). For more information, please visit www.theautumnclassic.com AHA of Florida announces the AHAF 44th Annual Thanksgiving, November 2730, 2013. Please visit our website; ahaflorida.org Dixie Gulf AHA announces the Dixie Gulf Panhandle Ruffout, December 6-8 2013 in Baker, FL. For more info contact Linda Smith @ 850-682-3133

REGION 12 ANNOUNCEMENT: Region 12 is proud to announce the recent appointment of Ted Carson (NC) and Jack Thomas (AL) to the Region Show Committee for the 2013-2014 year. Both individuals have been long time members of this region as well as respected competitors in the Arabian Industry. Volunteers play an incredible role in helping the regional championship show to simply be the best in the country!

Distance Ride Announcements

Sand Hills Stampede 55/75 Mile End Ride ~ October 19, 2013 ~ Cheraw, SC ~ For more info contact Patricia Gowen @ 803-3290077 Big South Fork 50/100 Mile End Ride ~ September 7, 2013 ~ Oneida, TN ~ For more information, visit our website. Blackwater Boogie 50 Mile End Ride ~ November 15 & 16, 2013 ~ Milton, FL Region 12 100 Mile End Ride Championship ~ November 16, 2013 ~ Milton, FL

NEWSLETTER ANNOUNCEMENT Our next issue will be our US National Feature! Please submit your information to Janet Searls @ [email protected] before the 28TH of October. Please send photos in the Highest Resolution possible.

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