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FrameRelay Cisco

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5 Frame Relay
CCNA Rick Graziani & Dinu Turcanu Cabrillo College E-Learning

Note to instructors

If you have o!nloa e "hi# $re#en"a"ion fro% "he Ci#co Ne"!orking Aca e%y Co%%uni"y &T' Cen"er( "hi# %ay no" be %y la"e#" ver#ion of "hi# 'o!er'oin") &or "he la"e#" 'o!er'oin"# for all %y CCNA( CCN'( an *irele## cla##e#( $lea#e go "o %y !eb #i"e+ h""$+,,!!!)cabrillo)cc)ca)u#,-rgraziani, The u#erna%e i# cisco an "he $a##!or i# perlman for all of %y %a"erial#) If you have any .ue#"ion# on any of %y %a"erial# or "he curriculu%( $lea#e feel free "o e%ail %e a" graziani/cabrillo)e u 0I really on1" %in hel$ing)2 Al#o( if you run acro## any "y$o# or error# in %y $re#en"a"ion#( $lea#e le" %e kno!) I !ill a 304$ a"e 5 date26 ne7" "o each $re#en"a"ion on %y !eb #i"e "ha" ha# been u$ a"e #ince "he#e have been u$loa e "o "he &T' cen"er) Thanks! Rick


8uch of "he infor%a"ion in "hi# $re#en"a"ion co%e# fro% "he CCN' 9 ver#ion :); %o ule on &ra%e Relay) I fin a lo" of "he infor%a"ion in CCNA < %o ule = &ra%e Relay no" very !ell !ri""en or no" !ell e7$laine ) CCN' : oe# a %uch be""er >ob of $re#en"ing an e7$laining "he#e conce$"#)


I en"ify "he co%$onen"# of a &ra%e Relay ne"!ork E7$lain "he #co$e an $ur$o#e of &ra%e Relay Di#cu## "he "echnology of &ra%e Relay Co%$are $oin"-"o-$oin" an $oin"-"o-%ul"i$oin" "o$ologie# E7a%ine "he "o$ology of a &ra%e Relay ne"!ork Configure a &ra%e Relay 'er%anen" ?ir"ual Circui" 0'?C2 Crea"e a &ra%e Relay 8a$ on a re%o"e ne"!ork E7$lain "he i##ue# of a non-broa ca#" %ul"i-acce## ne"!ork De#cribe "he nee for #ubin"erface# an ho! "o configure "he% ?erify an "rouble#hoo" a &ra%e Relay connec"ion

Introducing Frame Relay

&ra%e Relay i# a $acke"-#!i"che ( connec"ion-orien"e ( *AN #ervice) I" o$era"e# a" "he a"a link layer of "he @AI reference %o el) &ra%e Relay u#e# a #ub#e" of "he high-level a"a link con"rol 0BDLC2 $ro"ocol calle Link Acce## 'roce ure for &ra%e Relay 0LA'&2) &ra%e# carry a"a be"!een u#er evice# calle a"a "er%inal e.ui$%en" 0DTE2( an "he a"a co%%unica"ion# e.ui$%en" 0DCE2 a" "he e ge of "he *AN) 5 I" oe# no" efine "he !ay "he a"a i# "ran#%i""e !i"hin "he #ervice $rovi er1# &ra%e Relay clou ) 5 Thi# i# AT8 in %any ca#e#C

Frame Relay vs. X.25

&ra%e Relay oe# no" have "he #e.uencing( !in o!ing( an re"ran#%i##ion %echani#%# "ha" are u#e by D)9=) *i"hou" "he overhea ( "he #"rea%line o$era"ion of &ra%e Relay ou"$erfor%# D)9=) Ty$ical #$ee # range fro% =E kb$# u$ "o 9 8b$#( al"hough higher #$ee # are $o##ible) 04$ "o <= 8b$#2 The ne"!ork $rovi ing "he &ra%e Relay #ervice can be ei"her a carrier$rovi e $ublic ne"!ork or a $riva"ely o!ne ne"!ork) Fecau#e i" !a# e#igne "o o$era"e on high-.uali"y igi"al line#( &ra%e Relay $rovi e# no error recovery %echani#%) If "here i# an error in a fra%e i" i# i#car e !i"hou" no"ifica"ion)

Introducing Frame Relay

!ccess circuits

A &ra%e Relay ne"!ork %ay be $riva"ely o!ne ( bu" i" i# %ore co%%only $rovi e a# a #ervice by a $ublic carrier) I" "y$ically con#i#"# of %any geogra$hically #ca""ere &ra%e Relay #!i"che# in"erconnec"e by "runk line#) &ra%e Relay i# of"en u#e "o in"erconnec" LAN#) *hen "hi# i# "he ca#e( a rou"er on each LAN !ill be "he DTE) A #erial connec"ion( #uch a# a TG,EG lea#e line( !ill connec" "he rou"er "o a &ra%e Relay #!i"ch of "he carrier a" "he neare#" $oin"-of$re#ence for "he carrier) (access circuit

"#$ "ata #erminal $%ui&ment

DTE# generally are con#i ere "o be "er%ina"ing e.ui$%en" for a #$ecific ne"!ork an "y$ically are loca"e on "he $re%i#e# of "he cu#"o%er) The cu#"o%er %ay al#o o!n "hi# e.ui$%en") E7a%$le# of DTE evice# are rou"er# an Frame Relay !ccess "evices (FR!"s . A &RAD i# a #$ecialize evice e#igne "o $rovi e a connec"ion be"!een a LAN an a &ra%e Relay *AN)

"C$ "ata Communications $%ui&ment


DCE# are carrier-o!ne in"erne"!orking evice#) The $ur$o#e of DCE e.ui$%en" i# "o $rovi e clocking an #!i"ching #ervice# in a ne"!ork) In %o#" ca#e#( "he#e are $acke" #!i"che#( !hich are "he evice# "ha" ac"ually "ran#%i" a"a "hrough "he *AN) The connec"ion be"!een "he cu#"o%er an "he #ervice $rovi er i# kno!n a# "he 'ser(to(Networ) Inter*ace ('NI . The Networ)(to(Networ) Inter*ace (NNI i# u#e "o e#cribe ho! &ra%e Relay ne"!ork# fro% ifferen" $rovi er# connec" "o each o"her)

Frame Relay terminology

An +,C be"!een "he #a%e "!o DTE# %ay change) A -,C be"!een "he #a%e "!o DTE# !ill al!ay# be "he #a%e)

'a"h %ay change)

Al!ay# #a%e 'a"h)

The connec"ion "hrough "he &ra%e Relay ne"!ork be"!een "!o DTE# i# calle a vir"ual circui" 0?C2) +witched ,irtual Circuits (+,Cs are ?ir"ual circui"# %ay be e#"abli#he yna%ically by #en ing #ignaling %e##age# "o "he ne"!ork) Bo!ever( A?C# are no" very co%%on) -ermanent ,irtual Circuits (-,Cs are %ore co%%on) '?C are ?C# "ha" have been $reconfigure by "he carrier are u#e ) The #!i"ching infor%a"ion for a ?C i# #"ore in "he %e%ory of "he #!i"ch)

!ccess Circuits and Cost +avings

The &RAD or rou"er connec"e "o "he &ra%e Relay ne"!ork %ay have %ul"i$le vir"ual circui"# connec"ing i" "o variou# en $oin"#) Thi# %ake# i" a very co#"-effec"ive re$lace%en" for a full %e#h of acce## line#) Each en $oin" nee # only a #ingle acce## line an in"erface) 8ore #aving# ari#e a# "he ca$aci"y of "he acce## line i# ba#e on "he average ban !i "h re.uire%en" of "he vir"ual circui"#( ra"her "han on "he %a7i%u% ban !i "h re.uire%en") No"e+ Al#o o no" have "o $ay for lea#e line be"!een "!o #i"e# even !hen no "raffic i# being #en")

I$#F Frame Relay Frame

Ci#co rou"er# #u$$or" "!o "y$e# of &ra%e Relay hea er#) 5 Cisco( !hich i# a <-by"e hea er) 5 I$#F( !hich i# a 9-by"e hea er "ha" confor%# "o "he IET& #"an ar #) The Ci#co $ro$rie"ary <-by"e hea er i# "he efaul" an canno" be u#e if "he rou"er i# connec"e "o ano"her ven orH# e.ui$%en" acro## a &ra%e Relay ne"!ork)

I$#F Frame Relay Frame

I$#F Frame Relay Frame


A data(lin) connection identi*ier (".CI i en"ifie# "he logical ?C be"!een "he C'E an "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch) The &ra%e Relay #!i"ch %a$# "he DLCI# be"!een each $air of rou"er# "o crea"e a '?C) DLCI# have local signi*icance/ al"hough "here #o%e i%$le%en"a"ion# "ha" u#e glo0al ".CIs) ".CIs 1 to 25 an 2113 to 2124 are reserved for #$ecial $ur$o#e#) Aervice &roviders assign DLCI# in "he range of 25 to 2116) 5 DLCI G;GI( G;9;+ 8ul"ica#"# 5 DLCI G;9:+ Ci#co L8I 5 DLCI ;+ ANAI L8I


Jour &ra%e Relay $rovi er #e"# u$ "he DLCI nu%ber# "o be u#e by "he rou"er# for e#"abli#hing '?C#)

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

No"e+ I a% going "o u#e infor%a"ion fro% CCNA ver#ion 9); an CCN' 9 ver#ion :); "o e7$lain "hi# "o$ic) I o no" like ho! "hi# #ec"ion 0=)G)<2 !a# !ri""en a# I o no" "hink i" e7$lain# "he "o$ic very !ell a" all)

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

The fir#" "hing !e nee "o o i# beco%e fa%iliar !i"h #o%e of "he "er%inology)

.ocal access rate 5 Thi# i# "he clock #$ee or $or" #$ee of "he connec"ion or local loo$ "o "he &ra%e Relay clou ) 5 I" i# "he ra"e a" !hich a"a "ravel# in"o or ou" of "he ne"!ork( regar le## of o"her #e""ing#) Committed In*ormation Rate (CIR 5 Thi# i# "he ra"e( in bi"# $er #econ ( a" !hich "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch agree# "o "ran#fer a"a) 5 The ra"e i# u#ually average over a $erio of "i%e( referre "o a# "he committed rate measurement interval (#c . 5 In general( "he ura"ion of #c i# $ro$or"ional "o "he Kbur#"ine##K of "he "raffic)

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

&er ,C

Oversu0scri&tion 5 @ver#ub#cri$"ion i# !hen "he #u% of "he CIR# on all "he ?C# e7cee # "he acce## line #$ee ) 5 @ver#ub#cri$"ion can al#o occur !hen "he acce## line can #u$$or" "he #u% of CIR# $urcha#e ( bu" no" of "he CIR# $lu# "he bur#"ing ca$aci"ie# of "he ?C#) 5 @ver#ub#cri$"ion increa#e# "he likelihoo "ha" $acke"# !ill be ro$$e )

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

#c 8 2 seconds 7c 8 59 )0&s CIR 8 42 )0&s

Committed 0urst (7c 5 The %a7i%u% nu%ber of bi"# "ha" "he #!i"ch agree# "o "ran#fer uring any Tc) 5 The higher "he Fc-"o-CIR ra"io( "he longer "he #!i"ch can han le a #u#"aine bur#") 5 &or e7a%$le( if "he Tc i# 9 #econ # an "he CIR i# :9 kb$#( "he Fc i# E< kb$#) 5 The Tc calcula"ion i# Tc L Fc,CIR) Committed #ime Interval (#c 5 Tc i# no" a recurren" "i%e in"erval) I" i# u#e #"ric"ly "o %ea#ure inboun a"a( uring !hich "i%e i" ac"# like a #li ing !in o!) Inboun a"a "rigger# "he Tc in"erval)

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

$:cess 0urst (7e 5 Thi# i# "he %a7i%u% nu%ber of unco%%i""e bi"# "ha" "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch a""e%$"# "o "ran#fer beyon "he CIR) 5 E7ce##ive Fur#" 0Fe2 i# e$en en" on "he #ervice offering# available fro% your ven or( bu" i" i# "y$ically li%i"e "o "he $or" #$ee of "he local acce## loo$) $:cess In*ormation Rate ($IR 5 Thi# efine# "he %a7i%u% ban !i "h available "o "he cu#"o%er( !hich i# "he CIR $lu# "he Fe) 5 Ty$ically( "he EIR i# #e" "o "he local acce## ra"e) 5 In "he even" "he $rovi er #e"# "he EIR "o be lo!er "han "he local acce## ra"e( all fra%e# beyon "ha" %a7i%u% can be i#car e au"o%a"ically( even if "here i# no conge#"ion)

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

Forward $:&licit Congestion Noti*ication (F$CN 5 *hen a &ra%e Relay #!i"ch recognize# conge#"ion in "he ne"!ork( i" #en # an &ECN $acke" "o "he e#"ina"ion evice) 5 Thi# in ica"e# "ha" conge#"ion ha# occurre ) 7ac)ward $:&licit Congestion Noti*ication (7$CN 5 *hen a &ra%e Relay #!i"ch recognize# conge#"ion in "he ne"!ork( i" #en # a FECN $acke" "o "he #ource rou"er) 5 Thi# in#"ruc"# "he rou"er "o re uce "he ra"e a" !hich i" i# #en ing $acke"#) 5 *i"h Ci#co I@A Relea#e GG)9 or la"er( Ci#co rou"er# can re#$on "o FECN no"ifica"ion#) 5 Thi# "o$ic i# i#cu##e la"er in "hi# %o ule)

Frame Relay 0andwidth and *low control

"iscard eligi0ility ("$ 0it 5 *hen "he rou"er or #!i"ch e"ec"# ne"!ork conge#"ion( i" can %ark "he $acke" KDi#car EligibleK) 5 The DE bi" i# #e" on "he "raffic "ha" !a# receive af"er "he CIR !a# %e") 5 The#e $acke"# are nor%ally elivere ) Bo!ever( in $erio # of conge#"ion( "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch !ill ro$ $acke"# !i"h "he DE bi" #e" fir#")

Frame Relay 0andwidth

Aeveral fac"or# e"er%ine "he ra"e a" !hich a cu#"o%er can #en a"a on a &ra%e Relay ne"!ork) &ore%o#" in li%i"ing "he %a7i%u% "ran#%i##ion ra"e i# "he ca$aci"y of "he local loo$ "o "he $rovi er) If "he local loo$ i# a TG( no %ore "han G)=<< 8b$# can be #en") In &ra%e Relay "er%inology( "he #$ee of "he local loo$ i# calle "he local acce## ra"e) 'rovi er# u#e "he CIR $ara%e"er "o $rovi#ion ne"!ork re#ource# an regula"e u#age) &or e7a%$le( a co%$any !i"h a TG connec"ion "o "he $acke"-#!i"che ne"!ork 0'AN2 %ay agree "o a CIR of MEN Ob$#) Thi# %ean# "ha" "he $rovi er guaran"ee# MEN Ob$# of ban !i "h "o "he cu#"o%er1# link a" all "i%e#)

Frame Relay 0andwidth

Ty$ically( "he higher "he CIR( "he higher "he co#" of #ervice) Cu#"o%er# can choo#e "he CIR "ha" i# %o#" a$$ro$ria"e "o "heir ban !i "h nee #( a# long a# "he CIR i# le## "han or e.ual "o "he local acce## ra"e) If "he CIR of "he cu#"o%er i# le## "han "he local acce## ra"e( "he cu#"o%er an $rovi er agree on !he"her bur#"ing above "he CIR i# allo!e ) If "he local acce## ra"e i# TG or G)=<< 8b$#( an "he CIR i# MEN Ob$#( half of "he $o"en"ial ban !i "h 0a# e"er%ine by "he local acce## ra"e2 re%ain# available)

Frame Relay 0andwidth

8any $rovi er# allo! "heir cu#"o%er# "o $urcha#e a CIR of ; 0zero2) Thi# %ean# "ha" "he $rovi er oe# no" guaran"ee any "hrough$u") In $rac"ice( cu#"o%er# u#ually fin "ha" "heir $rovi er allo!# "he% "o bur#" over "he ; 0zero2 CIR vir"ually all of "he "i%e) If a CIR of ; 0zero2 i# $urcha#e ( carefully %oni"or $erfor%ance in or er "o e"er%ine !he"her or no" i" i# acce$"able) &ra%e Relay allo!# a cu#"o%er an $rovi er "o agree "ha" un er cer"ain circu%#"ance#( "he cu#"o%er can 3bur#"6 over "he CIR) Aince bur#" "raffic i# in e7ce## of "he CIR( "he $rovi er oe# no" guaran"ee "ha" i" !ill eliver "he fra%e#)

Frame Relay 0andwidth

Ei"her a rou"er or a &ra%e Relay #!i"ch "ag# each fra%e "ha" i# "ran#%i""e beyon "he CIR a# eligible "o be i#car e ) *hen a fra%e i# "agge DE( a #ingle bi" in "he &ra%e Relay fra%e i# #e" "o G) Thi# bi" i# kno!n a# "he i#car eligible 0DE2 bi") The &ra%e Relay #$ecifica"ion al#o inclu e# a $ro"ocol for conge#"ion no"ifica"ion) Thi# %echani#% relie# on "he &ECN, FECN bi"# in "he P)I99 hea er of "he fra%e) The $rovi er1# #!i"che# or "he cu#"o%er1# rou"er# can #elec"ively #e" "he DE bi" in fra%e#) The#e fra%e# !ill be "he fir#" "o be ro$$e !hen conge#"ion occur#)

.;I .ocal ;anagement Inter*ace

L8I i# a #ignaling #"an ar be"!een "he "#$ and the Frame Relay switch) L8I i# re#$on#ible for %anaging "he connec"ion an %ain"aining "he #"a"u# be"!een evice#) L8I inclu e#+ 5 ! )ee&alive mechanism( !hich verifie# "ha" a"a i# flo!ing 5 ! multicast mechanism( !hich $rovi e# "he ne"!ork #erver 0rou"er2 !i"h i"# local DLCI) 5 #he multicast addressing( !hich can give DLCI# global ra"her "han local #ignificance in &ra%e Relay ne"!ork# 0no" co%%on2) 5 ! status mechanism( !hich $rovi e# an ongoing #"a"u# on "he DLCI# kno!n "o "he #!i"ch



In or er "o eliver "he fir#" L8I #ervice# "o cu#"o%er# a# #oon a# $o##ible( ven or# an #"an ar # co%%i""ee# !orke #e$ara"ely "o evelo$ an e$loy L8I in early &ra%e Relay i%$le%en"a"ion#) The re#ul" i# "ha" "here are "hree "y$e# of L8I( none of !hich i# co%$a"ible !i"h "he o"her#) Ci#co( A"ra"aCo%( Nor"hern Teleco%( an Digi"al E.ui$%en" Cor$ora"ion 0Gang of &our2 relea#e one "y$e of L8I( !hile "he ANAI an "he IT4-T each relea#e "heir o!n ver#ion#) The L8I "y$e %u#" %a"ch be"!een "he $rovi er &ra%e Relay #!i"ch an "he cu#"o%er DTE evice)



In Ci#co I@A relea#e# $rior "o GG)9( "he &ra%e Relay in"erface %u#" be %anually configure "o u#e "he correc" L8I "y$e( !hich i# furni#he by "he #ervice $rovi er) If u#ing Ci#co I@A Relea#e GG)9 or la"er( "he rou"er a""e%$"# "o au"o%a"ically e"ec" "he "y$e of L8I u#e by "he $rovi er #!i"ch) Thi# au"o%a"ic e"ec"ion $roce## i# calle L8I au"o#en#ing) No %a""er !hich L8I "y$e i# u#e ( !hen L8I au"o#en#e i# ac"ive( i" #en # ou" a full #"a"u# re.ue#" "o "he $rovi er #!i"ch)


&ra%e Relay evice# can no! li#"en in on bo"h DLCI G;9: or Ci#co L8I an DLCI ; or ANAI an IT4-T #i%ul"aneou#ly) The or er i# an#i( .I::a( ci#co an i# one in ra$i #ucce##ion "o acco%%o a"e in"elligen" #!i"che# "ha" can han le %ul"i$le for%a"# #i%ul"aneou#ly) The &ra%e Relay #!i"ch u#e# L8I "o re$or" "he #"a"u# of configure '?C#) The "hree $o##ible '?C #"a"e# are a# follo!#+ 5 !ctive state 5 In ica"e# "ha" "he connec"ion i# ac"ive an "ha" rou"er# can e7change a"a) 5 Inactive state 5 In ica"e# "ha" "he local connec"ion "o "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch i# !orking( bu" "he re%o"e rou"er connec"ion "o "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch i# no" !orking) 5 "eleted state 5 In ica"e# "ha" no L8I i# being receive fro% "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch( or "ha" "here i# no #ervice be"!een "he C'E rou"er an &ra%e Relay #!i"ch)

".CI ;a&&ing to Networ) !ddress

;anual 5 8anual+ A %ini#"ra"or# u#e a *rame relay ma& #"a"e%en") "ynamic 5 Inverse !ddress Resolution -rotocol 0I(!R-2 $rovi e# a given DLCI an re.ue#"# ne7"-ho$ $ro"ocol a re##e# for a #$ecific connec"ion) 5 The rou"er "hen u$ a"e# i"# %a$$ing "able an u#e# "he infor%a"ion in "he "able "o for!ar $acke"# on "he correc" rou"e)

Inverse !R2 2

@nce "he rou"er learn# fro% "he #!i"ch abou" available '?C# an "heir corre#$on ing DLCI#( "he rou"er can #en an Inverse !R- re.ue#" "o "he o"her en of "he '?C) 0unle## #"a"ically %a$$e 5 la"er2 &or each #u$$or"e an configure $ro"ocol on "he in"erface( "he rou"er #en # an Inver#e AR' re.ue#" for each DLCI) 0unle## #"a"ically %a$$e 2 In effec"( "he Inver#e AR' re.ue#" a#k# "he re%o"e #"a"ion for i"# Layer : a re##) A" "he #a%e "i%e( i" $rovi e# "he re%o"e #y#"e% !i"h "he Layer : a re## of "he local #y#"e%) The re"urn infor%a"ion fro% "he Inver#e AR' i# "hen u#e "o buil "he &ra%e Relay %a$)

Inverse !R-

Inver#e A re## Re#olu"ion 'ro"ocol 0Inver#e AR'2 !a# evelo$e "o $rovi e a %echani#% for yna%ic DLCI "o Layer : a re## %a$#) Inver#e AR' !ork# %uch "he #a%e !ay A 0AR'2 !ork# on a LAN) re## Re#olu"ion 'ro"ocol re## an

Bo!ever( !i"h AR'( "he evice kno!# "he Layer : I' a nee # "o kno! "he re%o"e a"a link 8AC a re##)

*i"h Inver#e AR'( "he rou"er kno!# "he Layer 9 a re## !hich i# "he DLCI( bu" nee # "o kno! "he re%o"e Layer : I' a re##)

Frame Relay $nca&sulation

Router(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay {cisco | ietf}

cisco - Defaul") 5 4#e "hi# if connec"ing "o ano"her Ci#co rou"er) Iet* - Aelec" "hi# if connec"ing "o a non-Ci#co rou"er) 5 R&C G<I;

Frame Relay .;I

Router(config-if)#frame-relay lmi-type {ansi | cisco | q933a}

I" i# i%$or"an" "o re%e%ber "ha" "he &ra%e Relay #ervice $rovi er %a$# "he vir"ual circui" !i"hin "he &ra%e Relay ne"!ork connec"ing "he "!o re%o"e cu#"o%er $re%i#e# e.ui$%en" 0C'E2 evice# "ha" are "y$ically rou"er#) @nce "he C'E evice( or rou"er( an "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch are e7changing L8I infor%a"ion( "he &ra%e Relay ne"!ork ha# every"hing i" nee # "o crea"e "he vir"ual circui" !i"h "he o"her re%o"e rou"er) The &ra%e Relay ne"!ork i# no" like "he In"erne" !here any "!o evice# connec"e "o "he In"erne" can co%%unica"e) In a &ra%e Relay ne"!ork( before "!o rou"er# can e7change infor%a"ion( a vir"ual circui" be"!een "he% %u#" be #e" u$ ahea of "i%e by "he &ra%e Relay #ervice $rovi er)

;inimum Frame Relay Con*iguration

G M 9 )G E )G )9 G M 9 )G E )G )G D LC I G;9

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

HubCity(config)# interface serial 0 HubCity(config-if)# ip a ress !"#$!%$!$# #&&$#&&$#&&$0 HubCity(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay 'po(ane(config)# interface serial 0 'po(ane(config-if)# ip a ress !"#$!%$!$! #&&$#&&$#&&$0 'po(ane(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay

;inimum Frame Relay Con*iguration

G M 9 )G E )G )9 G M 9 )G E )G )G D LC I G;9

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

Ci#co Rou"er i# no! rea y "o ac" a# a &ra%e-Relay DTE evice)

The follo!ing $roce## occur#+ G) The in"erface i# enable ) 9) The &ra%e-Relay #!i"ch announce# "he configure DLCI0#2 "o "he rou"er) :) Inverse !R- i# $erfor%e "o %a$ re%o"e ne"!ork layer a re##e# "o "he local DLCI0#2) The rou"er# can no! $ing each o"herC

Inverse !R-

G M 9 )G E )G )9

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

G M 9 )G E )G )G D LC I G;9

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip lci 101! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

dynamic refer# "o "he rou"er learning "he I' a re## via Inver#e AR' The DLCI G;G i# configure on "he &ra%e Relay A!i"ch by "he $rovi er) *e !ill #ee "hi# in a %o%en")

Inverse !R- .imitations

G M 9 )G E )G )9

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

G M 9 )G E )G )G D LC I G;9

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

Inver#e AR' only re#olve# ne"!ork a re##e# of re%o"e &ra%e-Relay connec"ion# "ha" are irec"ly connec"e ) Inver#e AR' oe# no" !ork !i"h Bub-an -A$oke connec"ion#) 0*e !ill #ee "hi# in a %o%en")2 *hen u#ing yna%ic a re## %a$$ing( Inver#e AR' re.ue#"# a ne7"ho$ $ro"ocol a re## for each ac"ive '?C) @nce "he re.ue#"ing rou"er receive# an Inver#e AR' re#$on#e( i" u$ a"e# i"# DLCI-"o-Layer : a re## %a$$ing "able) "ynamic address ma&&ing is ena0led 0y de*ault for all $ro"ocol# enable on a $hy#ical in"erface) If "he &ra%e Relay environ%en" #u$$or"# L8I au"o#en#ing an Inver#e AR'( yna%ic a re## %a$$ing "ake# $lace au"o%a"ically) Therefore( no #"a"ic a re## %a$$ing i# re.uire )

Con*iguring Frame Relay ma&s

+outer(config-if)#frame-relay map protocol protocol-address lci ,broa cast- ,ietf | cisco-

If "he environ%en" oe# no" #u$$or" L8I au"o#en#ing an Inver#e AR'( a &ra%e Relay %a$ %u#" be %anually configure ) 4#e "he frame-relay map co%%an "o configure #"a"ic a re## %a$$ing) @nce a #"a"ic %a$ for a given DLCI i# configure ( Inver#e AR' i# i#able on "ha" DLCI) The broa cast key!or i# co%%only u#e !i"h "he frame-relay map co%%an ) The broa cast key!or $rovi e# "!o func"ion#) 5 &or!ar # broa ca#"# !hen %ul"ica#"ing i# no" enable ) 5 Ai%$lifie# "he configura"ion of @A'& for nonbroa ca#" ne"!ork# "ha" u#e &ra%e Relay) 0co%ing2

Frame Relay ;a&s

7y de*ault/ cisco is the de*ault enca&sulation

'ses cisco enca&sulation *or this ".CI (not needed/ de*ault

Remote I!ddress

.ocal ".CI

;ore on Frame Relay $nca&sulation

!&&lies to all ".CIs unless con*igured otherwise

If "he Ci#co enca$#ula"ion i# configure on a #erial in"erface( "hen by efaul"( "ha" enca$#ula"ion a$$lie# "o all ?C# on "ha" #erial in"erface) If "he e.ui$%en" a" "he e#"ina"ion i# Ci#co an non-Ci#co( configure "he Ci#co enca$#ula"ion on "he in"erface an #elec"ively configure IET& enca$#ula"ion $er DLCI( or vice ver#a) The#e co%%an # configure "he Cisco &ra%e Relay enca$#ula"ion for all '?C# on "he #erial in"erface) E7ce$" for "he '?C corre#$on ing "o DLCI <I( !hich i# e7$lici"ly configure "o u#e "he I$#F enca$#ula"ion)

,eri*ying Frame Relay inter*ace con*iguration

The s)o* interfaces serial co%%an i#$lay# infor%a"ion regar ing "he enca$#ula"ion an "he #"a"u# of Layer G an Layer 9) I" al#o i#$lay# infor%a"ion abou" "he %ul"ica#" DLCI( "he DLCI# u#e on "he &ra%e Relay-configure #erial in"erface( an "he DLCI u#e for "he L8I #ignaling)

s)o* interfaces serial

$tlanta(config)#interface serial 0.0 $tlanta(config-if)# escription Circuit-0&/H0/!0!&1&-0203C45-00# $tlanta(config-if)#67 $tlanta#s)o* interfaces serial 0.0 'erial 0.0 is up8 line protocol is up Har *are is 5C9 'erial 0escription Circuit-0&/H0/!0!&1&-0203C45-00# 9nternet a ress is !&0$!3%$!90$#038 subnet mas( #&&$#&&$#&&$0 53: !&00 bytes8 ;< !&11 =bit8 0>? #0000 uses8 rely #&&.#&&8 loa


To #i%$lify "he *AN %anage%en"( u#e "he escription co%%an a" "he in"erface level "o recor "he circui" nu%ber)

s)o* frame-relay p@c

The s)o* frame-relay p@c co%%an i#$lay# "he #"a"u# of each configure connec"ion( a# !ell a# "raffic #"a"i#"ic#) Thi# co%%an i# al#o u#eful for vie!ing "he nu%ber of Fack!ar E7$lici" Conge#"ion No"ifica"ion 0FECN2 an &or!ar E7$lici" Conge#"ion No"ifica"ion 0&ECN2 $acke"# receive by "he rou"er) The co%%an s)o* frame-relay p@c #ho!# "he #"a"u# of all '?C# configure on "he rou"er) If a #ingle '?C i# #$ecifie ( only "he #"a"u# of "ha" '?C i# #ho!n)

s)o* frame-relay map

The s)o* frame-relay map co%%an i#$lay# "he curren" %a$ en"rie# an infor%a"ion abou" "he connec"ion#)

s)o* frame-relay lmi

The s)o* frame-relay lmi co%%an i#$lay# L8I "raffic #"a"i#"ic# #ho!ing "he nu%ber of #"a"u# %e##age# e7change be"!een "he local rou"er an "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch)

clear frame-relay-inarp

To clear yna%ically crea"e &ra%e Relay %a$#( !hich are crea"e u#ing Inver#e AR'( u#e "he clear frame-relay-inarp co%%an )

#rou0leshooting the Frame Relay con*iguration

4#e "he ebug frame-relay lmi co%%an "o e"er%ine !he"her "he rou"er an "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch are #en ing an receiving L8I $acke"# $ro$erly)

ebug frame-relay lmi (continued

The $o##ible value# of "he #"a"u# fiel are a# follo!#+ 1:1 5 A e ,inac"ive %ean# "ha" "he #!i"ch ha# "hi# DLCI $rogra%%e bu" for #o%e rea#on i" i# no" u#able) The rea#on coul $o##ibly be "he o"her en of "he '?C i# o!n) 1:2 5 A e ,ac"ive %ean# "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch ha# "he DLCI an every"hing i# o$era"ional) 1:9 5 Dele"e %ean# "ha" "he &ra%e Relay #!i"ch oe# no" have "hi# DLCI $rogra%%e for "he rou"er( bu" "ha" i" !a# $rogra%%e a" #o%e $oin" in "he $a#") Thi# coul al#o be cau#e by "he DLCI# being rever#e on "he rou"er( or by "he '?C being ele"e by "he #ervice $rovi er in "he &ra%e Relay clou )

Frame Relay #o&ologies

N7;! Non 7roadcast ;ulti&le !ccess

Frames 0etween two routers are only seen 0y those two devices (non 0roadcast . +imilar to a .!N/ multi&le com&uters have access to the same networ) and &otentially to each other (multi&le access .

An NF8A ne"!ork i# "he o$$o#i"e of a broa ca#" ne"!ork) @n a 0roadcast networ)( %ul"i$le co%$u"er# an evice# are a""ache "o a #hare ne"!ork cable or o"her %e iu%) *hen one co%$u"er "ran#%i"# fra%e#( all no e# on "he ne"!ork Kli#"enK "o "he fra%e#( bu" only "he no e "o !hich "he fra%e# are a re##e ac"ually receive# "he fra%e#) Thu#( "he fra%e# are broa ca#") A non0roadcast multi&le access networ) i# a ne"!ork "o !hich %ul"i$le co%$u"er# an evice# are a""ache ( bu" a"a i# "ran#%i""e irec"ly fro% one co%$u"er "o ano"her over a vir"ual circui" or acro## a #!i"ching fabric) The %o#" co%%on e7a%$le# of nonbroa ca#" ne"!ork %e ia inclu e AT8 0A#ynchronou# Tran#fer 8o e2( fra%e relay( an D)9=) h""$+,,!!!)link"ionary)co%,

+tar #o&ology

A #"ar "o$ology( al#o kno!n a# a hub an #$oke configura"ion( i# "he %o#" $o$ular &ra%e Relay ne"!ork "o$ology becau#e i" i# "he %o#" co#"-effec"ive) In "hi# "o$ology( re%o"e #i"e# are connec"e "o a cen"ral #i"e "ha" generally $rovi e# a #ervice or a$$lica"ion) Thi# i# "he lea#" e7$en#ive "o$ology becau#e i" re.uire# "he fe!e#" '?C#) In "hi# e7a%$le( "he cen"ral rou"er $rovi e# a %ul"i$oin" connec"ion( becau#e i" i# "y$ically u#ing a #ingle in"erface "o in"erconnec" %ul"i$le '?C#)

Full ;esh
Full ;esh #o&ology Nu%ber of Nu%ber of Connec"ion# '?C# -----------------------------9 G < E E G= N 9N G; <=

In a full %e#h "o$ology( all rou"er# have '?C# "o all o"her e#"ina"ion#) Thi# %e"ho ( al"hough %ore co#"ly "han hub an #$oke( $rovi e# irec" connec"ion# fro% each #i"e "o all o"her #i"e# an allo!# for re un ancy) &or e7a%$le( !hen one link goe# o!n( a rou"er a" #i"e A can rerou"e "raffic "hrough #i"e C) A# "he nu%ber of no e# in "he full %e#h "o$ology increa#e#( "he "o$ology beco%e# increa#ingly %ore e7$en#ive) The for%ula "o calcula"e "he "o"al nu%ber of '?C# !i"h a fully %e#he *AN i# Qn0n - G2R,9( !here n i# "he nu%ber of no e#)

! Frame(Relay Con*iguration +u&&orting ;ulti&le +ites

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity

Thi# i# kno!n a# a <u0 and +&o)e #o&ology( !here "he Bub rou"er relay# infor%a"ion be"!een "he A$oke rou"er#) Li%i"# "he nu%ber of '?C# nee e a# in a full-%e#h "o$ology 0co%ing2)
D LC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

Hub Router

D LC I G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

Spoke Routers

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

Con*iguration using Inverse !RHubCity interface 'erial0 ip a ress !"#$!%$!$# #&&$#&&$#&&$0 encapsulation frame-relay 'po(ane interface 'erial0 ip a ress !"#$!%$!$! #&&$#&&$#&&$0 encapsulation frame-relay 'po(omo interface 'erial0 ip a ress !"#$!%$!$3 #&&$#&&$#&&$0 encapsulation frame-relay

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity

DLC I G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LCI G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

DLCI 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

Configuration u"ing %n#er"e $R&:

Con*iguration using Inverse !R-

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity

D LCI G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F ra m e R e la y N e tw o r)

DLC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a te llit e O * *ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a t e llite O ** ic e 2 +&o)om o

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip dlci 101! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 112! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Spo'ane# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip dlci 102! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Spo'o(o# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip dlci 211! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

Con*iguration using Inverse !RHubCity# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip dlci 101! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 112! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Spo'ane# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip dlci 102! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Spo'o(o# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip dlci 211! dynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

Inver#e AR' re#olve "he i$ a re##e# for <u0City for bo"h +&o)ane and +&o)omo Inver#e AR' re#olve "he i$ a re##e# for +&o)ane for <u0City Inver#e AR' re#olve "he i$ a re##e# for +&o)omo for <u0City *ha" abou" be"!een +&o)ane and +&o)omo=

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity

Inverse !R- .imitations

D LCI G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F ra m e R e la y N e tw o r)

DLC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a te llit e O * *ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a t e llite O ** ic e 2 +&o)om o

Can BubCi"y $ing bo"h A$okane an A$oko%oS Yes! Can A$okane an A$oko%o $ing BubCi"yS Yes! Can A$okane an A$oko%o $ing each o"herS No! The Spoke routers serial interfaces (Spokane and Spokomo) drop the ICMP packets ecause there is no !"CI#to#IP address mappin$ for the destination address%

+olutions to the limitations o* Inverse !RG) A an a i"ional '?C be"!een A$okane an A$oko%o 0&ull 8e#h2 9) Configure &ra%e-Relay 8a$ A"a"e%en"# :) Configure 'oin"-"o-'oin" Aubin"erface#)

Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

+outer(config-if)#frame-relay map protocol protocol-address lci ,broa cast- ,ietf | cisco-

In#"ea of u#ing a i"ional '?C#( Frame(Relay ma& statements can be u#e "o+ Statically map local !"CIs to an unkno&n remote net&ork layer addresses) 'lso used &hen the remote router does not support In(erse ')P

HubCity interface Serial0 ip a re"" 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay (Inverse-ARP still works ere! 'po(ane interface Serial0 ip a re"" 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$3 !0# frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$# !0# 'po(omo interface Serial0 ip a re"" 172.16.1.* 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$! #!! frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$# #!!

Frame(Relay ;a& +tatements

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C it y

D LC I G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a t e llite O * *ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

No"ice "ha" "he rou"er# are configure "o u#e ei"her IAR' or &ra%e Relay %a$#) 4#ing bo"h on "he #a%e in"erface !ill cau#e $roble%#)

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

Inverse !R-

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C it y

D LC I G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

Frame Relay ma&s

D LC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a t e llite O * *ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

The $reviou# configura"ion !ork# fine an all rou"er# can $ing each o"her) *ha" if !e !ere "o u#e I(!R- be"!een "he #$oke rou"er# an "he hub( an *rame relay ma& #"a"e%en"# be"!een "he "!o #$oke#S #here would 0e a &ro0lem>

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity interface Serial0 ip a re"" 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay 'po(ane interface Serial0 ip a re"" 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$3 !0# 'po(omo interface Serial0 ip a re"" 172.16.1.* 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$! #!!
D LC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C it y

D LC I G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a t e llite O * *ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$! lci !0!8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$3 lci !!#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(ane# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$# lci !0#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 102! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(omo# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$# lci #!!8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 211! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$! lci !0!8 Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$3 lci !!#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e efine ! acti#e

'po(ane# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$# lci !0#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 102! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(omo# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$# lci #!!8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 211! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

*ood Ne&s+ Every"hing look# fineC No! all rou"er# can $ing each o"herC ,ad Ne&s+ 'roble% !hen u#ing &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en"# AND Inver#e AR') This &ill only &ork until the router is reloaded- here is &hy%%%

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$! lci !0!8 Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$3 lci !!#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e efine ! acti#e

'po(ane# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$# lci !0#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 102! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(omo# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip !"#$!%$!$# lci #!!8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip dlci 211! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

Frame(Relay ;a& +tatement Rule+ *hen a &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en" i# configure for a $ar"icular $ro"ocol 0I'( I'D( T2 Inver#e-AR' !ill be i#able for "ha" #$ecific $ro"ocol( only for "he DLCI reference in "he &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en")

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity# s)o* Serial0 (up): Serial0 (up): 'po(ane# s)o* Serial0 (up): Serial0 (up): 'po(omo# s)o* Serial0 (up): Serial0 (up): frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$! lci ip !"#$!%$!$3 lci frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$# lci ip dlci frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$# lci ip dlci !0!8 !!#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e efine ! acti#e

!0#8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 102! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e #!!8 ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 211! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

The $reviou# #olu"ion !orke only becau#e "he Inverse !R- ha "aken $lace be"!een A$okane an BubCi"y( an be"!een A$oko%o an BubCi"y( 0e*ore "he Frame(Relay ma& statements !ere a e ) 0The &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en" !a# a e af"er "he Inver#e AR' "ook $lace)2 Fo"h "he Inver#e-AR' an &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en"# are in effec") @nce "he rou"er i# reloa e 0reboo"e 2 "he Inver#e-AR' !ill never occur becau#e of "he configure &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en") 0a##u%ing "he running-con*ig i# co$ie "o "he #"ar"u$-config2 Rule? Inverse(!R- will 0e disa0led *or that s&eci*ic &rotocol/ *or the ".CI re*erenced in the Frame(Relay ma& statement.

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map (after reloa ) Serial0 (up): ip lci 101! yna(ic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip 172.16.1.* lci 112! yna(ic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(ane# s)o* frame-relay map "#$ %I&&I"'( Serial0 (up): ip dlci 102, dynamic, broadcast, status defined, active Serial0 (up): ip 172.16.1.* lci 102! "tatic! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(omo# s)o* frame-relay map "#$ %I&&I"'( Serial0 (up): ip dlci 211, dynamic, broadcast, status defined, active Serial0 (up): ip lci 211! "tatic! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

;i:ing Inverse !R- and Frame Relay ;a& +tatements

HubCity# s)o* frame-relay map (after reloa ) Serial0 (up): ip lci 101! ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e Serial0 (up): ip 172.16.1.* lci 112! ynamic! broa ca"t! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(ane# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip 172.16.1.* lci 102! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e 'po(omo# s)o* frame-relay map Serial0 (up): ip lci 211! static! C%SC+! "tatu" efine ! acti#e

A$okane an A$oko%o can no longer $ing BubCi"y becau#e "hey o no" have a lci-"o-I' %a$$ing for "he o"her1# I' a re##C

HubCity interface Serial0 ip a re"" 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay (Inverse-ARP still works ere! 'po(ane interface Serial0 ip a re"" 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$3 !0# frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$# !0# 'po(omo interface Serial0 ip a re"" 172.16.1.* 2)).2)).2)).0 encap"ulation fra(e-relay frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$! #!! frame-relay map ip !"#$!%$!$# #!!

Frame(Relay ;a& +tatements

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C it y

D LC I G;G G M 9 )G E )G )9


F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LC I G;9 G M 9 )G E )G )G

D LC I 9GG G M 9 )G E )G ):

+ a t e llite O * *ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

+olution+ Do no" %i7 IAR' !i"h &ra%e Relay %a$# #"a"e%en"#) If nee be u#e &ra%e-Relay %a$ #"a"e%en"# in#"ea of IAR')

Reacha0ility issues with routing u&dates

Frame Relay is an N7;! Networ)

An NF8A ne"!ork i# a %ul"iacce## ne"!ork( !hich %ean# %ore "han "!o no e# can connec" "o "he ne"!ork) E"herne" i# ano"her e7a%$le of a %ul"iacce## archi"ec"ure) In an E"herne" LAN( all no e# #ee all broa ca#" an %ul"ica#" fra%e#) Bo!ever( in a nonbroa ca#" ne"!ork #uch a# &ra%e Relay( no e# canno" #ee broa ca#"# of o"her no e# unle## "hey are irec"ly connec"e by a vir"ual circui") Thi# %ean# "ha" Franch A canno" irec"ly #ee "he broa ca#"# fro% Franch F( becau#e "hey are connec"e u#ing a hub an #$oke "o$ology)

Reacha0ility issues with routing u&dates

+&lit <ori@on &rohi0its routing u&dates received on an inter*ace *rom e:iting that same inter*ace.

The Cen"ral rou"er %u#" receive "he broa ca#" fro% Franch A an "hen #en i"# o!n broa ca#" "o Franch F) In "hi# e7a%$le( "here are $roble%# !i"h rou"ing $ro"ocol# becau#e of "he #$li" horizon rule) A full %e#h "o$ology !i"h vir"ual circui"# be"!een every #i"e !oul #olve "hi# $roble%( bu" having a i"ional vir"ual circui"# i# %ore co#"ly an oe# no" #cale !ell)

Reacha0ility issues with routing u&dates

+&lit <ori@on &rohi0its routing u&dates received on an inter*ace *rom e:iting that same inter*ace.

4#ing a hub an #$oke "o$ology( "he #$li" horizon rule re uce# "he chance of a rou"ing loo$ !i"h i#"ance vec"or rou"ing $ro"ocol#) I" $reven"# a rou"ing u$ a"e receive on an in"erface fro% being for!ar e "hrough "he #a%e in"erface) If "he Cen"ral rou"er learn# abou" Ne"!ork D fro% Franch A( "ha" u$ a"e i# learne via A;,;) Accor ing "o "he #$li" horizon rule( Cen"ral coul no" u$ a"e Franch F or Franch C abou" Ne"!ork D) Thi# i# becau#e "ha" u$ a"e !oul be #en" ou" "he A;,; in"erface( !hich i# "he #a%e in"erface "ha" receive "he u$ a"e)

One +olution? "isa0le +&lit <ori@on

+outer(config-if)#no ip split-)ori7on +outer(config-if)#ip split-)ori7on

To re%e y "hi# #i"ua"ion( "urn off #$li" horizon for I') *hen configuring a #erial in"erface for &ra%e Relay enca$#ula"ion( #$li" horizon for I' i# au"o%a"ically "urne off) @f cour#e( !i"h #$li" horizon i#able ( "he $ro"ec"ion i" affor # again#" rou"ing loo$# i# lo#") A$li" horizon i# only an i##ue !i"h i#"ance vec"or rou"ing $ro"ocol# like RI'( IGR' an EIGR') I" ha# no effec" on link #"a"e rou"ing $ro"ocol# like @A'& an IA-IA)

!nother +olution *or s&lit hori@on issue? su0inter*aces

To enable "he for!ar ing of broa ca#" rou"ing u$ a"e# in a &ra%e Relay ne"!ork( configure "he rou"er !i"h #ubin"erface#) Aubin"erface# are logical #ub ivi#ion# of a $hy#ical in"erface) In #$li"-horizon rou"ing environ%en"#( rou"ing u$ a"e# receive on one #ubin"erface can be #en" ou" on ano"her #ubin"erface) *i"h #ubin"erface configura"ion( each '?C can be configure a# a $oin"-"o-$oin" connec"ion) Thi# allo!# each #ubin"erface "o ac" #i%ilar "o a lea#e line) Thi# i# becau#e each &oint(to(&oint su0inter*ace is treated as a se&arate &hysical inter*ace)



A key rea#on for u#ing #ubin"erface# i# "o allo! i#"ance vec"or rou"ing $ro"ocol# "o $erfor% $ro$erly in an environ%en" in !hich #$li" horizon i# ac"iva"e ) There are "!o "y$e# of &ra%e Relay #ubin"erface#) 5 'oin"-"o-$oin" 5 %ul"i$oin"



-hysical inter*aces+ *i"h a hub an #$oke "o$ology A$li" Borizon !ill $reven" "he hub rou"er fro% $ro$aga"ing rou"e# learne fro% one #$oke rou"er "o ano"her #$oke rou"er) -oint(to(&oint su0inter*aces+ Each #ubin"erface i# on i"# o!n #ubne") Froa ca#"# an A$li" Borizon no" a $roble% becau#e each $oin"-"o$oin" connec"ion i# i"# o!n #ubne") ;ulti&oint su0inter*aces+ All $ar"ici$a"ing #ubin"erface# !oul be in "he #a%e #ubne") Froa ca#"# an rou"ing u$ a"e# are al#o #ub>ec" "o "he A$li" Borizon Rule an %ay $o#e a $roble%)

Con*iguring Frame Relay su0inter*aces

+3A(config)#interface s0.0 +3A(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay ietf +outer(config-if)#interface serial n)m*er s)*inter+ace-n)m*er {multipoint | point-to-point} +outer(config-subif)# frame-relay interface- lci dlci-number

Aubin"erface can be configure af"er "he $hy#ical in"erface ha# been configure for &ra%e Relay enca$#ula"ion Aubin"erface nu%ber# can be #$ecifie in in"erface configura"ion %o e or global configura"ion %o e) #ubin"erface nu%ber can be be"!een G an <9I<IEM9I=) A" "hi# $oin" in "he #ubin"erface configura"ion( ei"her configure a #"a"ic &ra%e Relay %a$ or u#e "he frame-relay interface- lci co%%an ) The frame-relay interface- lci co%%an a##ocia"e# "he #elec"e #ubin"erface !i"h a DLCI)

Con*iguring Frame Relay su0inter*aces

The frame-relay interface- lci co%%an i# re.uire for all $oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface#) I" i# al#o re.uire for %ul"i$oin" #ubin"erface# for !hich inver#e AR' i# enable ) I" i# no" re.uire for %ul"i$oin" #ubin"erface# "ha" are configure !i"h #"a"ic rou"e %a$#) I" can no" be u#e on $hy#ical in"erface#)

+how *rame(relay ma&

-oint(to(&oint su0inter*aces are li#"e a# a A&oint(to(&oint dlciB
+outer#s)o* frame-relay map 'erial0$! (up)B point-to-point lci8 lci 30! (0CC;8 0C30;0)8 broa cast status efine 8 acti@e

*i"h multi&oint su0inter*aces( "hey are li#"e a# an inver#e AR' en"ry( AdynamicB
+outer#s)o* frame-relay map 'erial0 (up)B ip !"#$30$#$! lci8 30! (0C!#08 0C1200)8 ynamic88 broa cast status efine 8 acti@e

-oint(to(&oint +u0inter*aces

-oint(to(&oint 'oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface# are like conven"ional $oin"-"o-$oin" in"erface# 0'''( T2 an have no conce&t o* 0 o no" nee 2+ Inver#e-AR' %a$$ing of local DLCI a re## "o re%o"e ne"!ork a re## 0fra%e-relay %a$ #"a"e%en"#2 &ra%e-Relay #ervice #u$$lie# %ul"i$le '?C# over a #ingle $hy#ical in"erface and $oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface# #ub ivi e each '?C a# if i" !ere a $hy#ical $oin"-"o-$oin" in"erface) -oint(to(&oint su0inter*aces com&letely 0y&ass the local ".CI to remote networ) address ma&&ing issue.

-oint(to(&oint +u0inter*aces

-oint(to(&oint *i"h &oint(to(&oint su0inter*aces you+ Cannot have %ul"i$le DLCI# a##ocia"e !i"h a #ingle $oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface Cannot u#e fra%e-relay %a$ #"a"e%en"# Cannot u#e Inver#e-AR'

Can use the frame#relay interface dlci statement (for both point#to# point and multipoint)

-oint(to(&oint +u0inter*aces

Each #ubin"erface i# on a #e$ara"e ne"!ork or #ubne" !i"h a #ingle re%o"e rou"er a" "he o"her en of "he '?C)

2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .4 .2 C2 9




2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .4 .2 C2 9

+ ite !

+ ite 7

+ ite C

'oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface# are e.uivalen" "o u#ing %ul"i$le $hy#ical 3$oin" "o $oin"6 in"erface#)

-oint(to(&oint +u0inter*aces

A single su0inter*ace is used "o e#"abli#h one '?C connec"ion "o ano"her $hy#ical or #ubin"erface on a re%o"e rou"er) In "hi# ca#e( "he in"erface# !oul be+

5 In "he #a%e #ubne" and 5 Each in"erface !oul have a single ".CI

Each $oin"-"o-$oin" connec"ion i# i"# o!n #ubne") In "hi# environ%en"( 0roadcasts are not a &ro0lem becau#e "he rou"er# are $oin"-"o-$oin" an ac" like a lea#e line)

-oint(to(&oint +u0inter*aces
'oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface configura"ion( minimum o* two commands+
+outer(config)# interface 'erial0$! point-to-point +outer(config-subif)# frame-relay interface- lci lci )ules: .% No /rame#)elay map statements can e used with point-to-point subinterfaces. 0% 1ne and only one !"CI can be associated with a single point-to-point subinterface Fy "he !ay( enca$#ula"ion i# one only a" "he $hy#ical in"erface+ interface 'erial0 no ip a ress encapsulation frame-relay

Each #ubin"erface on Bub rou"er re.uire# a #e$ara"e #ubne" 0or ne"!ork2 Each #ubin"erface on Bub rou"er i# "rea"e like a regular $hy#ical $oin"-"o-$oin" in"erface( #o #$li" horizon oe# no" nee "o be i#able )
9nterface 'erial0 (for all routers) encapsulation frame-relay no ip a ress HubCity interface 'erial0$! point-to-point ip a ress !"#$!%$!$! #&&$#&&$#&&$0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay interface lci 30! interface 'erial0$# point-to-point ip a ress !"#$!%$#$! #&&$#&&$#&&$0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay interface lci 30# 'po(ane interface 'erial0$! point-to-point ip a ress !"#$!%$!$# #&&$#&&$#&&$0 frame-relay interface lci !03 'po(omo interface 'erial0$! point-to-point ip a ress !"#$!%$#$# #&&$#&&$#&&$0 frame-relay interface lci #03

-oint(to(-oint +u0inter*aces at the <u0 and +&o)es

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity

D LCI :;G A e r ia l ; ) G G M 9 )G E )G )G ,9 <

D LC I :;9 A e r ia l ; ) 9 G M 9 )G E )9 )G ,9 <

F ra m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LC I G;: A e r ia l ; )G G M 9 )G E )G )9 ,9 <

D LC I 9;:

#wo su0nets

A e r ia l ; )G G M 9 )G E )9 )9 ,9 <

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O * * ic e 2 +&o)om o

;ulti&oint +u0inter*aces

Ahare %any of "he #a%e charac"eri#"ic# a# a $hy#ical &ra%e-Relay in"erface *i"h %ul"i$oin" #ubin"erface you can have+ can have %ul"i$le DLCI# a##igne "o i") can u#e fra%e-relay %a$ & in"erface lci #"a"e%en"# can u#e Inver#e-AR' Re%e%ber( !i"h &oint(to(&oint su0inter*ace# you+ cannot have %ul"i$le DLCI# a##ocia"e !i"h a #ingle $oin"-"o-$oin" #ubin"erface cannot u#e fra%e-relay %a$ #"a"e%en"# cannot u#e Inver#e-AR' (can use the frame#relay interface dlci statement for both point#to#point and multipoint)


;ulti&oint su0inter*aces

Each #ubin"erface i# on a #e$ara"e ne"!ork or #ubne" bu" %ay have %ul"i$le connec"ion#( !i"h a ifferen" DLCI for each connec"ion)
+&lit hori@on still an issue on each ;ulti&oint su0inter*ace.

2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .4 .2 C2 9




2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9

2 6 2 .4 1 .4 .4 C2 9

+ ite ! 2
2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .4 C2 9 2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .2 C2 9 2 6 2 .4 1 .2 .4 C2 9

+ ite C 2
2 6 2 .4 1 .4 .2 C2 9

+ ite ! 2

+ ite C 2 + ite 7 2 + ite 7 2

8ul"i$oin" #ubin"erface# are e.uivalen" "o u#ing %ul"i$le $hy#ical 3hub "o #$oke6 in"erface#)

Notes Bighly #calable #olu"ion

Di#able A$li" Borizon on Bub rou"er !hen running a i#"ance vec"or rou"ing $ro"ocol
9nterface 'erial0 (for all routers) encapsulation frame-relay no ip a ress HubCity interface 'erial0$! mulitpoint ip a ress !"#$!%$3$3 #&&$#&&$#&&$0 frame-relay interface- lci 30! frame-relay interface- lci 30# no ip split-)ori7on 'po(ane interface 'erial0$! point-to-point ip a ress !"#$!%$3$! #&&$#&&$#&&$0 frame-relay interface- lci !03 'po(omo interface 'erial0$! point-to-point ip a ress !"#$!%$3$# #&&$#&&$#&&$0 frame-relay interface- lci #03

;ulti&oint su0inter*ace at the <u0 and -oint(to(-oint +u0inter*aces at the +&o)es

< e a d % u a rte rs < u 0 C ity

D LC I :;G A e r ia l ; G M 9 )G E ): ):

D LC I :;9

F r a m e R e la y N e tw o r)

D LC I G;: A e r ia l ; G M 9 )G E ): )G

One su0net

D LC I 9;: A e r ia l ; G M 9 )G E ): )9

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)ane

+ a te llite O **ic e 2 +&o)om o

Ch. 5 Frame Relay

CCNA < ver#ion :); Rick Graziani Cabrillo College

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