2011 Tcs Technical Interview Questions:-: Add To Shortlist

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Welcome to TCS technical interview questions 2011 Paper. ere !ou will "in# TCS technical interview questions 2011 with Answers $ Solutions. 2011 TCS Technical Interview Questions:

What #oes static variable mean% What is a pointer% What is a structure% What are the #i""erences between structures an# arra!s% In hea#er "iles whether "unctions are #eclare# or #e"ine#% What are the #i""erences between malloc&' an# calloc&'% What are macros% what are its a#vanta(es an# #isa#vanta(es% )i""erence between pass b! re"erence an# pass b! value% What is static i#enti"ier% Where are the auto variables store#% Where #oes (lobal* static* local* re(ister variables* "ree memor! an# C Pro(ram instructions (et store#% )i""erence between arra!s an# lin+e# list% What are enumerations% What is a class% What is an ob,ect% What is the #i""erence between an ob,ect an# a class% What is the #i""erence between class an# structure% What is public* protecte#* private% What are virtual "unctions% What is "rien# "unction% What is a scope resolution operator% What #o !ou mean b! inheritance% What is abstraction% What is a #ata structure% What #oes abstract #ata t!pe means% -valuate the "ollowin( pre"i. e.pression / 00 21 0 2 1324/ &Similar t!pes can be as+e#' Convert the "ollowin( in"i. e.pression to post "i. notation &&a02'5&b04'' 21 &Similar t!pes can be as+e#' ow is it possible to insert #i""erent t!pe o" elements in stac+% Stac+ can be #escribe# as a pointer. -.plain. Write a 6inar! Search pro(ram What is the #i""erence between an Abstract class an# Inter"ace% What is user #e"ine# e.ception% What #o !ou +now about the (arba(e collector%

What is the #i""erence between ,ava an# c00% In an T78 "orm I have a button which ma+es us to open another pa(e in 19 secon#s. ow will !ou #o that% What is the #i""erence between process an# threa#s% What is up#ate metho# calle#% ave !ou ever use# ashTable an# )irector!% What are statements in :ava% What is ;7I% -.plain about ;7I Architecture% What are Servelets% What is the use o" servlets% -.plain ;7I Architecture% ow will !ou pass values "rom T78 pa(e to the servlet% ow #o !ou loa# an ima(e in a Servelet% What is purpose o" applet pro(rammin(% ow will !ou communicate between two applets% What are the basic "unctions o" an operatin( s!stem% -.plain brie"l! about* processor* assembler* compiler* loa#er* lin+er an# the "unctions e.ecute# b! them. What are the #i""erence phases o" so"tware #evelopment% -.plain brie"l!% )i""erentiate between ;A7 an# ;<7% What is );A7% In which "orm #oes it store #ata% What is cache memor!% What is har# #is+ an# what is its purpose% )i""erentiate between Complier an# Interpreter% What are the #i""erent tas+s o" 8e.ical anal!sis% What are the #i""erent "unctions o" S!nta. phase* She#uler%

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