Dear Friends

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Dear friends, Today will be my last day of work at PT. South Pacific Viscose.

Thank you very much for treating me with respect and kindness. You are great individuals and also a great team. I am honored to know you. I appreciate each and every one of you with all my heart. I am very happy to have you as my friends. In the future, you can contact me at my personal E-mail address: [email protected] I wish the best for you and your families. I truly hope that our paths cross again in the future

Farewell Thank You Notes to Co-workers Dear All, Just to let you know that today is my last working day at [insert company name]. I would like to thank you all for the mentoring and support you have given me during my time here. I wish you all the best and please keep in touch! Sincerely, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Colleagues, As you know, today is my last day here at [company name]. I would like to sincerely thank you for all the good times we've had over the last two years. I shall sorely miss you all (especially our fantastic team on the 4th floor), and your friendship and support. Thanks also for the wonderful surprise party and goodbye gift. Keep in touch. Sincerely,

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Colleagues, As you know, my last day at [company name] is [date]. Before I go, I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed my time here. Thank you all for your support, patience, and friendship over the past two years. You are a special group of people and I will definitely miss you.

I can be reached at my personal email address ([email protected]) or on my cell at 555-7671234. Please keep in touch! Thanks again for everything. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear [Name], As you have already heard, I have handed in my resignation after many years here at [company name]. It is with mixed feelings that I write this note as I have enjoyed working here with you all very much. My last day will be April 10th. I have really enjoyed the experience of working with such a fine team of colleagues, all of whom I will sorely miss. However, I now feel it is time for a new challenge. I wish you every success in the future, and let's try to stay in touch. Kind regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi All, I wanted to let you know that today is my last day at [Current Company]. I will be starting a new position at [New Company] next month. I have enjoyed my time here and will miss the team. Thank you for all the support, insights, and help you have provided me over the past three years. Please feel free to get contact me at my personal email address ([email protected]) or on my cell at 555-767-1234. Good luck, and thanks again for everything! Sincerely,

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Informal Farewell Dear Colleagues,

I would just like to say goodbye to you all and to let you know that I am leaving my position here at [insert company]. My last day here will be October 7th. Feel free to email me or contact me on my personal telephone number, as I feel that I have made some great friends here and would like to keep in touch! On that note I would like to invite you chaps for a farewell drink with me at [place] on [date]. Please let me know if you can make it. Bye for now,

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Farewell Having a Baby Dear Colleagues, Today is my last day! I would like to thank you all for the fantastic working relationship we've had over the past three years. I have enjoyed working at [insert company] and will miss you all. A huge thank you also for the gorgeous baby gifts; they are wonderful and exactly what we need. Of course, we will keep in touch and I will certainly let you know when the baby is born. Thanks again.

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Retirement Letter to Work Colleagues Dear [Name], The time has come for me to leave J.K. Smith & Co. I will be leaving the company at the end of July after 25 happy years. I would like to sincerely thank you all for your support and camaraderie throught my time here, and wish you well for the future.

Also, thank you so much for the retirement party and gifts -I shall certainly think of you all every time I play golf! Keep in touch. Kind regards, Tom

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Retirement Letter To Customers Dear [Name], I would like to inform you that I will be retiring from my position with J.K. Smith & Co as of the end of July. I would like to take the opportunity of thanking you for the professional working relationship we have enjoyed over the last five years. I am looking forward to my retirement but will sorely miss working with you all. If I can be of any assistance during the next few weeks, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours,

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More Farewell Thank You Note Samples Dear Mr. Crowthers, Before I leave, I wanted to tell you you what a pleasure it's been working for you these last two years. I appreciated your support and management style and feel I learned a great deal here.

I hope we can stay in touch; my personal email address is [email protected]. Best of luck to you! Sincerely, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Staff, It is with mixed emotions that I send this note. As you may know by now, I have accepted a position at another company. It was not an easy decision to make because I truly enjoy working with all of you here at [company name]. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to my friends and colleagues. I have learned a great deal from you and will miss your company. It has been a great pleasure working with you all. Best wishes to you. Sincerely, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Group, As you may know, today is my last day with [company name]. I have recently accepted an offer from [New Company] in Dallas, and will be moving there shortly. I will miss California but am looking forward to returning to Texas, which is where my wife and I are from and still have family. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues and let you all know how I've enjoyed working with you these past few years. I wish you all success in the future, and am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you. Please direct all work-related issues to Jane Smith at [email protected] (thank you, Jane, for helping me with this transition.) You may also contact me personally at [email protected]. Thanks again for everything. Sincerely,

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Farewell Thank You from Boss Dear Colleagues, As you know, our department will be closing soon. I wanted to take a moment to say farewell and let you know how much I've enjoyed working with all of you. I have enjoyed my time here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for your support over the years. I wish you all well in your future endeavors. Sincerely,

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