BARAKA Scrutiny Poems
BARAKA Scrutiny Poems
BARAKA Scrutiny Poems
A Toast
Mashed soul faces, and the faceless
who can arm or destroy, by their sullen movement
which is never real, until like the fool who
wanted the sea to rest, you try to stop it,
and the weight snaps off your head as simple
physical law. This is no metaphor, for the wishless
the wet men going home under girders. The men
who will never understand joy or joyousness
until the last pure freedom loving liar
is dead. Face down, wrapped in the movement
of the sea. Words rotting the shining bone.
(Previously unpublished, undated; probably mid-60s)
At this point, neither
front nor back. A point, the
dimensionless line. The top
of a head, seen from Christs
heaven, stripped of history
or desire.
Fixed, perpendicular
to shadow. (even speech, vertical,
leaves no trace. Born in to death
held fast to it, where
the lover spreads his arms, the line
he makes to threaten Gods with history.
The fingers stretch to emptiness. At
each point, after flesh, even light
is speculation. But an end, his end,
failing a beginning.
A cross. The gesture, symbol, line
arms held stiff, nailed stiff, with
no sign, of what gave them strength.
The point, become a line, a cross, or
the man, and his material, driven in
to the ground. If the head rolls back
and the mouth opens, screamed into
existence, there will be perhaps
only the slightest hint of movement
a smear; no help will come. No one
will turn to that station again.
At a cross roads, sits the
player. No drum, no umbrella, even
though its raining. Again, and we
are somehow less miserable because
here is a hero, used to being wet.
One road is where you are standing now
(reading this, the other, crosses then
rushes into a wood.
5 lbs neckbones.
5 lbs hog innards.
10 bottles cheap wine.
(The contents
of a paper bag, also shoes, with holes
for the big toe, and several rusted
knives. This is a literature, of
any combination.
He was
tired of losing, but he was fighting
a big dumb farmer.
Such a blue bright
afternoon, and only a few hundred yards
from the beach. He said, Im tired
of losing.
I got ta cut cha.
A renegade
behind the mask. And even
the mask, a renegade
disguise. Black skin
and hanging lip.
Very potent sexually
Generally inferior
(but natural
His head is
at the window. The only
that sings.
(The word he used
(we are passing St Marks place
and those crazy Jews who fuck)
to provoke
in neon, still useful
in the rain,
to provoke
some meaning, where before
there was only hell. I said
silence, at his huddled blood.
It is an obscene invention.
A white sticky discharge.
Jism, in white chalk
on the back of Angels garage.
Hobbes staring into space. Jasm
the name the leader took, had it
stencilled on his chest.
And he sits
wet at the crossroads, remembering silently
each weightless face that eases by. (Sun at
the sidewalk invents, and the crystal music even dumb niggers
hate. They scream it down. They will not hear your jazz. Or
let me tell of the delicate colors of the flag, the graphic blouse
of the beautiful Italian maiden. Afternoon spas
with telephone booths, Butterfingers, grayhaired anonymous
dying with the afternoon. The people of my life
caressed with a silence that only they understand. Let their sons
make wild sounds of their mothers for your pleasure. Or
drive deep wedges in flesh / screaming birds of morning, at
their own. The invisible mountains of New Jersey, linger
where I was born. And the wind on that stone
Street of tinsel, and the jeweled dancers
of Belmont. Stone royalty they tear down
for new buildings where fags invent jellies.
A truth, a slick head, and the pink houses waving
at the night as it approaches. A dead fish truck
full of porters I ran track with, effeminate blues singers, the
of the nation transposed into the ring of my fleshs image. Grand
spray noise and disorder in these old tombs. Liverwurst sand
-wiches dry
on brown fenced-in lawns, unfinished cathedrals tremble with our
Of the dozens, the razor, the cloth, the sheen, all speed adventure
in my eyes. I give you now, to love me, if I spare what flesh of
is left. If I see past what I feel, and call music simply Art and
not take it to its logical end. For the death by hanging, for
the death by the hooded political murderer, for the old man dead
in his
tired factory; election machines chime quietly his fraudulent faith.
For the well that marks the burned stores. For the deadly idiot
of compromise
who shrieks compassion, and bides me love my neighbour. Even
beyond the meaning
of such act as would give all my fathers dead ash to fertilize
their bilious
land. Such act as would give me legend, This is the man who
saved us
Spared us from the disappearance of the sixteenth note, the
of the scale. This is the man who against the black pits of despairing genius
cried, Save the Popular Song. For them who pat me in the
huddle and do not
argue at the plays. For them who finish second and are happy