The document provides information about the plans of Christos Danikas, a missionary, and his family to return to Greece in July. It notes that Christos will speak at the First Christian Church in Michigan City, Indiana on Sunday in their morning service. This will be the last opportunity to hear Christos before he, his wife Georgia, and their baby son Peter return to Greece. The family plans to return sometime in July, where Christos hopes to extend his ministry through teaching, as he has earned a Master's degree in Education. The document encourages praying for Christos and Georgia as they journey back to their homeland with their son.
The document provides information about the plans of Christos Danikas, a missionary, and his family to return to Greece in July. It notes that Christos will speak at the First Christian Church in Michigan City, Indiana on Sunday in their morning service. This will be the last opportunity to hear Christos before he, his wife Georgia, and their baby son Peter return to Greece. The family plans to return sometime in July, where Christos hopes to extend his ministry through teaching, as he has earned a Master's degree in Education. The document encourages praying for Christos and Georgia as they journey back to their homeland with their son.
The document provides information about the plans of Christos Danikas, a missionary, and his family to return to Greece in July. It notes that Christos will speak at the First Christian Church in Michigan City, Indiana on Sunday in their morning service. This will be the last opportunity to hear Christos before he, his wife Georgia, and their baby son Peter return to Greece. The family plans to return sometime in July, where Christos hopes to extend his ministry through teaching, as he has earned a Master's degree in Education. The document encourages praying for Christos and Georgia as they journey back to their homeland with their son.
The document provides information about the plans of Christos Danikas, a missionary, and his family to return to Greece in July. It notes that Christos will speak at the First Christian Church in Michigan City, Indiana on Sunday in their morning service. This will be the last opportunity to hear Christos before he, his wife Georgia, and their baby son Peter return to Greece. The family plans to return sometime in July, where Christos hopes to extend his ministry through teaching, as he has earned a Master's degree in Education. The document encourages praying for Christos and Georgia as they journey back to their homeland with their son.
HORIZONS (26 issues per year) Missionary Publications Brochures Letterheads Tracts Calling Cards Roll Call Cards Programs Envelopes Revival Posters Wedding Announcements Mailers . COMMITTEE ON MISSIONARY EDUCATION Missionary Program Guide (for the year) Missionary Program Packets Missionary Prayer List (annually) Missionary Maps (World and United States) Missionary Slide Library (rental) Missionary Displays (rental) Available Speaker List (6 per year) Birthday Book (Missionary Children) CHRISTIAN BIBLE HOUSE (Formerly Mission Manor Bookstore) 109 Wilcox Street, Joliet, UUneis 60435 Telephenei 815/723-9219 Christian Supplies for Home and Church Bibles (our spocialty) Bible Commentaries Greeting Cards Religious Books Standard Literature Christian Music Ptuohasing for Christian Missionories SERVICE IS OUR MISSION AND MISSIONS IS OUR ONLY SERVICE MISSION SERVICES P.O. Box 368 Joliet, llllnois 60434 or 509 W. Jefferson Street Joliet, Illinois 60435 PHONE: 815/723-8961 Jan. 9, 1969 Chriatos and Mrs. Georgia Danlkaa or Mrs. Russell Kill 220 Case St. Michigan City, Ind. 46360 Dear Bro. & Sister Danlkaa or Mrs. Kill, t an writing for infomation. I received a letter from one of the overseas Christian nissionarles recently that has caused me to write seeking Infomation. this missionary tells me that Bro. Danlkas left Greece eatly in 1967 Nobody has ever seen any "missionary Work*' he did in Greece. He Is now studying at Hays, Kansas. These ttiin]ge^/l!MEie to us as news and we need your answer to know first hand what your wotic ts and what your ftlans are. Do you receive missionary funds for supjjiort from the churches? Do you consider Chrlstos and Mrs. Georgia K Danlkas to be missionaries? What is the latest report on the missionary work in Greece? Is there any poasiblllty of serving as a missionary in Greece? Many questions can be asked and Z know that it la much easier to ask questions than it is to answer them* Any information that you all can share will be most welcome. If you wish information to be held in confidence, please say so and we^ will honor your re^8t. Z try to l^ep up with the Christian missionaries and list them in the MissloaaX^r Grayer l*i8t - this missionary letter refered to was a comment on the names listed in the Missionary Prayer List. I try to maintain this list, and your help will be VERY greatly appreciated. I am not trying to pry Into your personal affairs just that l*m concemad about giving an accurate listing and reports on the Christian missionaries. Please help us. Thanks. We would like for you all to keep us informed as to diat you are doing and what your plans are. 1% well aware of the fact that our plans often are chaiiged to fit the government conditions or other matters over which we have ^ coi Feel free to ahare your news. Thanks. Our very Best Wishes, Yours in Mission Services, W. B. Mc Gilvrey, Director 4162 West 14 Street Hays 9 Kansas 676OI January 26, 19^9 2^ Mr. VJ. 3. Mc Gilvrey, Director Mission Services Association Box 368 509 West Jefferson Joliet, Illinois 60434 Dear tir. Mo Gilvrey I am referring to your letter of January 9 which you raised certain questions about us. I. returned to Greece late in 1964 and peculiar circumstances made it possible for me to travel widely and evangelize a number of my country men in many cities and villages. I want to emphasize the fact that during my first two years 1 did not concentrate my evangelistic efforts in a specific city or area of Greece, but I went to every city where there was a possibility for liew Testament Kvangelism. I did receive funds from the U. S,, althou^ the funds for my-small apartment came from my own employment in Hew York. Before I went to Greece j I worked for 15 hours a day for my uncle's restaurant in New York and I saved S6,000 for the purchase of my apartment. During my somewhat short stay in Greece, I realized that my receiving funds from our people in the G, S. had a destructive efiect on my evangelistic efforts. The national church of Greece was able to convince the masses that the Protestant ministers were receiving funds from outside in order to enslave the land to foreign interests!Ji and most of the people I would approach would ask me questions like-"who pays you to evangel ize me.'" When the circumstances and the opportunity were favorable one year ago, my wife and I decided to earn a Master's degree in English so that we would become self-supporting and our work indigenous. I will earn a Master's from the Fort Hays Kansas State College in June and we will return to our native land in July j1969 will function in Greece as native evangelists supporting ourselves by tutoring English which is in great demand. We are confident that by being self-supporting we will win a wider audience, we will be able to eliminate a great deal of...misunderstanding and propaganda, and our work will be indigenous and will have to best chances for survival and growth. bincerely yours Christos P. Panikas Jan. 30 1969 Christoa P. Danlkaa 416% West 14 St Hay8 Kansas 67601 Dear Bro. DanikaSf Thanks so very much for your letter written January 26th. It helped toe to understand your ^*>rk a bit better. We will hope that your plans will work well as you go back to tutor in English* One question lingers and your letter did not ansx^er It directly. So, ^ ask again for informatloni Do you think that you should be listed as a Christian iBissionary? Your ansTiier will be appreciated and your thoughts will guide me. Thanks. Do you now receive funds from churches and friends to helu you In your present training? I could ask many questions, but answers to th6se two will suffice for now. Our very Best Wishes. Yours in Mission Services, W, E. Mc Oilvrey, Director / Eews of I-IoA (/ July 16, Tsm^ ^ V . . .Christos Danikas, his t-d-fe Geox-gia and their baby son Peter, planltbo return to Athens, Greece (his horae) in late July, according t o his sponsoring church. First Clu-istian Church, IHchigan City, IN. He hopes to extend liis iiiinistiy tlirough teaching and has earned his Master's degree in Education. . ENTERED ftU6 161969 Michigan City, ladiaaa The Church With A Vision To/Fufill Its Mission NO. 2^ CHRISTOS/speaks SUNDAY Christos Danikas/ will be with us Sunday to speak in the MORNING SERVICE. THIS WILL BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR Christos before he and his family return to Greece. They WILL BE RETURNING WILL BE RETURNING SOMETIME IN JULY. CHRISTOS WILL BE TEACHING THERE AS HE HAS RECEIVED HIS MASTERS DEGREE IN ED UCATION. Please pray for Christos and Georgia as they journey back TO THEIR HOME LAND WITH THEIR BABY SON, PETER. OOOOOOCaXODOOOOO