STIGA Catalogue 2006

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In the past few years alone, STIGA has We will work very closely with The
introduced many new blade technolo- Swedish Table Tennis Association in
gies: WRB, CR, Oversize, 13 layer Carbo, order to grow the table tennis sport in
TUBE, Crystal etc. Sweden and to make sure that Sweden
The proficiency of STIGA’s R & D will continue to be one of the leading
department, combined with state of the table tennis teams in the World.
art manufacturing procedures, makes
For more than half a century STIGA it possible for STIGA to constantly
blades have been world renowned as provide new, innovative and unsurpassed
the best. During this time, STIGA has products.
continued to reinforce its position as The combination of the finest wood and
the innovative leader in table tennis craftsmanship make STIGA’s blades the
blade production. best that nature can offer.
STIGA has done this by starting with STIGA has
the finest raw materials, maintaining
signed a 10 year
the highest standard of quality, and by
continuously investing in research and agreement with
development of new blades and new The Swedish
manufacturing technologies. National Team.
Throughout the years that STIGA
has been manufacturing table tennis We are very proud to announce that
blades, our company has accumulated an STIGA has signed a 10 year agreement
enormous amount of skill, expertise and with The Swedish National Table Tennis
knowledge. Through our close coopera- Team! The agreement is valid from the
tion with several world class players and 1st of July 2003 and will run until 2013-
coaches, STIGA has always identified 12-31 (in fact 10,5 years). The Swedish Mats Bandstigen
players evolving needs. With our years Team is probably the most famous table President, Sweden Table Tennis AB
of experience, STIGA’s wood techni- tennis team in the World, together with
cians have always been able to pro- China, and we are sure this will be a
duce blades to meet these needs. great promotion of the STIGA brand all
over the World!

About STIGA 3-stars ..................................................... 27 Accessories ............................................ 60
Quality ...................................................... 2 4-stars ..................................................... 28 The Swedish national team............ 64
Players ....................................................... 3 5-stars ..................................................... 29
Blades Net and post sets ................................ 35
Optimum.................................................. 4 Tables
Tube........................................................... 6
Technical info ........................................ 37
Hi-Tech ................................................... 11
Table cover ............................................ 37
OverSize and Carbo ............................ 12
Tables ...................................................... 38
CR ........................................................... 13
Blade chart ............................................ 14 Balls ........................................................... 44
Glue ........................................................... 16 Textiles
Rubbers Tracksuits and team jacket ................. 47
Hoodshirts and sweatshirt ................ 48
Nano Technology.................................. 18
Shirts and shorts .................................. 49
ACS and Mega Tension ........................ 20 Shirts ....................................................... 50
Other ...................................................... 21 Shirts, shorts and skirt ........................ 52
Rubber chart ......................................... 22 Tracksuits ............................................... 53
Bats Shoes and socks ................................... 56
Line 1: Jens Lundquist, Sweden | Peter Karlsson, Sweden | The national team of USA
Set ............................................................ 23 Bags Line 2: Raphaell Keller, Switzerland | Peter Sereda, Slovakia | Xavier Therien, Canada | Jackie Lee, USA
Club bats and bat chart ...................... 24 Sportbags, rucksack and ballbag ........ 58 Line 3: The national team of Ukraine | Gudmunder Stephensen, Iceland | Ko Lai Chak and Li Ching, Hong Kong
Line 4: Funke Oshonaike, Nigeria | Feng Zhe, Bulgaria | Elsayed Lashin, Egypt | Yannick Vostes, Belgium | Tahl Lebovitz, USA
1- and 2-stars ........................................ 25 Batcovers and batwallets .................... 59 Line 5: Hai Tian TT Club, China | The national team of Russia
2- and 3-stars ........................................ 26 Line 6: The national team of Russia | Shen-Chin Ming, Taiwan | Rodolphe Despres, France | Christophe Bertin, France

2 3
Optimum CARBO
Art No. 1068-xx

The Optimum CARBO combi-

nes five plies of premium wood
with four ultra-thin layers of
carbon fiber to create the fastest
blade in STIGA’s Optimum family.
Similar to the Optimum PLUS in
construction, but stiffer with a
larger sweet spot, the Optimum
CARBO is built for speed.
Like STIGA’s other Optimum
blades, the Optimum CARBO
features Crystal Technology to
harden the surface of the blade
surface thus increasing speed
and performance. Speed gluers
will appreciate the sealed surface
of the Optimum CARBO when
changing rubber on a regular basis.

Optimum SEVEN
Art No. 1058-xx

The Optimum SEVEN turns

the traditional seven-ply
blade formula inside out.
Our engineers learned long
ago that if you do things
the same way that everyone
else does, you will get the
same results. In this case, that
wouldn’t suffice as we char-
ged them with creating a faster
blade that still had outstanding
balance. The solution was to make
the center core thinner and the
outer plies thicker. To this, we’ve
added our Crystal Technology
to harden the surface of the
blade, thus increasing its
speed. The excellent result
is a blade that meshes well
with all our high-tech rubber
technologies, including Nano
Composite, Mega Tension,
ACS, and MP. The Optimum
SEVEN is designed for today’s
Optimum PLUS Optimum SYNC aggressive players.You won’t be
Art No. 1048-xx Art No. 1038-xx disappointed.

STIGA Optimum PLUS Blade Combines Crystal Technology with Synchronize Speed and Control with the STIGA Optimum SYNC.
Offensive Classic Wood. Many players choose the fastest blade on the market with the idea
STIGA’s recently introduced Optimum SYNC blade, with Crystal that it will improve their offense. However, experienced players
Technology, has gratifyingly become very popular. While most realize that not only must you be able to produce lethal attacking
players who try it, love it, a few have requested a faster blade. As shots, but you must also be able to defend and counter the loops
we always do our best to listen to our customers, we are very and smashes of your opponent.
happy to present the member of our Crystal Technology line: At STIGA, we are well aware of the need to synchronize speed
the Optimum PLUS. and control in today’s modern game. We surveyed over 30,000
The Optimum PLUS is a five-ply blade that uses the same outer experienced players to determine the ideal mixture of speed and
plies as the best-selling STIGA Offensive Classic blade. It is faster control that today’s player needs. Using this information, we have
than the Optimum SYNC, although the Optimum SYNC is a bit created a new blade that is perfect for every player that realizes
lighter. Thanks to Crystal Technology, the Optimum PLUS is much the need to balance offense with defense.
lighter than most blades of a similar speed. For over 60 years, STIGA has been the leader in developing table
Crystal Technology (CT) is STIGA’s unique process that hardens tennis blades that deliver speed and control. Today we are proud
the surface of the blade, thus increasing its speed.You’ll be ama- to add to our rich history with the Optimum SYNC blade.
zed both by the crystalline appearance of blades treated with CT The STIGA Optimum SYNC – the optimum blade for today’s
and also by the extra zip on all your shots. player.

4 5
Is your blade too fast and therefore TUBE Carbo
not providing you with optimum Art.No. 2029-xx
feeling and control? With STIGA The TUBE Carbo blade takes a great idea and
TUBE TECHNOLOGY you can makes it even better. By filling micro-channels
now have the best of both worlds, in the wood surface with carbon fiber material
speed/power and feeling/control! the research team has created a high-speed
When experienced table tennis players are blade with superior control. This blade is ideal
asked what the most important factor is in for well-rounded players who play the entire
a table tennis blade, most players answer table with strong spin and placement.
”the feeling”. From a scientific point of
view ”the feeling” is the impulses the
TUBE Offensive
Art.No. 2039-xx
nerves in your hand send to your brain.
Therefore the challenge for manufacturers The micro-channels are filled with an
is to produce a fast blade, but one that is extremely hard wood. A blade that
not too stiff. we have always strived to produce;
incredible speed and wonderful feeling
A stiff blade unfortunately blocks or filters in the same blade.
the natural vibrations or impulses when
contact is made with the ball. Thus ”the TUBE Light
feeling” diminishes. Art.No. 2019-xx

The STIGA TUBE blades are manufactured The micro-channels are filled with a very
using a technology where the middle light wood. The result is an extremely light
veneer has gone through a revolutionary blade that offers good speed and a marvelous
treatment. STIGA has programmed its feeling.
high tech blade manufacturing machines
TUBE Aluminium
to mill ”micro-channels” lengthways in the Art.No. 2069-xx
middle ply of the blades. The channels are
then filled with different materials depen- The micro-channels are filled with aluminum
ding on the blade’s desired characteristics. alloys. The result is a blade for speed demons
Due to this revolutionary construction, looking for the fastest blade, without sacri-
the blade’s ”feeling” does not disappear ficing on the ”STIGA feeling”.
even if the blade is very fast. TUBE Allround
The TUBE blades will help your brain to Art.No. 2059-xx
bring your game to the next level! The micro-channels are filled with hard wood.
There are TUBE blades for all styles of This blade is similar to the famous STIGA
play. Allround Classic blade. Thanks to the TUBE-
technology, the feeling and speed are in-
TUBE Defensive
Art.No. 2049-xx

The TUBE Defensive blade will help to reduce

the impact of the strongest oncoming attacks.
By filling micro-channels with a secret softe-
ning agent our research team has produced a
speedy defensive blade with enhanced control.
This blade is ideal for the off-the-table players
who want to attack weak balls at will.

The WRB system accelerates the blade face for faster

returns, more power and extra sensitivity of touch.
The front part of the blade is UV-finished, which yields
a reasonably increased speed to the ball.
The thicker blade offers approximately 10% extra
speed compared to conventional blades. Larger head
With STIGA TUBE you can increase the speed in
your game without blocking the impulses to your offers extra stability of touch and feel.
The STIGA TUBE blades are manufactured using a
technology where the middle veneer has gone through
a revolutionary treatment. STIGA has programmed
its high tech blade manufacturing machines to mill
”micro-channels” lengthways in the middle ply of the
blades.The channels are then filled with different
materials depending on the blade’s desired characte-
Increase your speed.

6 7

Carbo 7.6 WRB

Art.No. 2041-xx STIGA utilises the force of nature
Thanks to the innovative construction of
STIGA technology creates tomorrow’s blade here for OverSize/Carbo 7.6 WRB, the speed is increased without
Carbo 7.6, the speed is increased without
you today: allowing the carbon to stop the natural movement and
allowing the carbon to stop the natural
Carbo OverSize/Carbo 7.6 WRB. resilience of the veneer layers.
movement and resilience of the veneer
layers. On demand from players wanting a very fast blade with main- The benefits are INCREASED POWER WITH EXTRA
tained maximum touch and feel, STIGA is now launching the TOUCH AND FEEL.
STIGA Carbo OverSize/Carbo 7.6 WRB blade, a blade with a A conventional carbon blade is based on five layers (of which
completely new construction technology. The total numbers of
Carbo OverSize layers is 13 (7 wood and 6 carbon), the microscopical carbon
two are carbon). This technique creates an extremely fast blade
Art.No. 2047-xx but with less touch and feel. Historically a fast blade has always
layers have been placed between each veneer. The total hard- sacrificed control until STIGA’s Carbo OverSize/Carbo
Thanks to the innovative construction ness of the carbon layers are as much as 66 degrees.
of Carbo OverSize, the speed is 7.6 WRB breakthrough.
increased without allowing the The STIGA technicians have in this way evaded “the natural
carbon to stop the natural laws”. Thanks to the innovative construction of Carbo
movement and resilience of
the veneer layers. The thicker
blade offers approximately 10%
extra speed compared to conven-
tional blades. Larger head offers extra
stability of touch and feel. Ultra-thin carbon layers with a total hard-
ness of 66 degrees. Due to the construction
of the layers they increase the speed of the
blade without stopping the natural move-
ment & resiliency of the wooden veneers.
Clipper OverSize
Art.No. 2027-xx

Famous throughout the world

for it’s speed and appreciated
particularly by players who
want extra power behind their
stroke. The thicker blade offers
approximately 10% extra speed
compared to conventional blades.
Larger head offers extra stability of
touch and feel.

Offensive OverSize
Art.No. 2037-xx

An attacking blade. Offensive Over-

Size is built to suite fast and technical
attacking play. The thicker blade offers
approximately 10% extra speed compared
to conventional blades. Larger head offers
extra stability of touch and feel.

Allround OverSize
Art.No. 2057-xx

A perfect balance between speed, weight

and feel lies behind the Allround blades STIGA OverSize:
enormous popularity among compe- Extra speed
titive players, who choose the best. Extra stability
The thicker blade offers approxi- Increased touch
mately 10% extra speed compared and feel
to conventional blades. Larger head
offers extra stability of touch and feel.

8 9
CarboKev WRB/CarboKev
Titanium 5.4 Art.No. 2011-xx/Art.No. 1011-xx

Our scientific research has proven that by

A blade for those who demand try to incorporate these features the complete playing surface and uniting the speed of Carbon Fiber and the
extreme speed, but won’t tolerate into our next generation of table makes the blade more powerful and softer feel of Kevlar the perfect partnership
a loss of feeling or control. tennis blades. extremely light. The Titanium 5.4 blade could be created. This distinctive blend of
Titanium has proven its value in Instead of adding multiple sheets of is built around 4 ultra-thin layers of hi-tech materials dramatically increases the
everything from golf clubs to space- titanium, our engineers developed a titanium and 5 layers of wood veneers. sweet spot and maximizes the speed of the
ships – strong but very light. The key special technique to mix the ultra- If you’d like to have one of the fastest blade. This blade is ideal for offensive minded
benefit of this wonder metal is its thin titanium together with a unique and most extreme blades ever made, players who want extra touch when attacking
strength to weight ratio. It therefore bonding glue. This special technique get one of the STIGA Titanium 5.4 and counterattacking.
became an obvious choice for us to guarantees consistency throughout Blades! KevTech WRB/KevTech
Art.No. 2010-xx/Art.No. 1010-xx

The KevTech Blade balances speed, weight,

and flexibility to produce an unbeatable
5 layers of carefully hand selected formula. Players will feel exceptional control
wood veneers ensures that the blade without sacrificing elasticity due to the choice
offers outstanding control and feeling.
woods and supple hi-tech Kevlar material.
This lightweight combination will provide
the ultimate protection against all your
opponents. This blade is ideal for aggressive
players who depend on fast racket speed
to gain the upper hand.
Titanium WRB/Titanium
Art.No. 2090-xx/Art.No. 1090-xx

The Titanium Blade is built for speed! Our

researchers were amazed by the results of
the blend of extremely light Titanium with our
handpicked choice woods. This combination
is clearly a 21st century weapon. This blade is
ideal for smashing and attacking the ball at all
stages of the rally.
Titanium 5.4 WRB/Titanium 5.4
Art.No. 2091-xx/Art.No. 1091-xx

A blade for those who demand extreme speed,

but won’t tolerate a loss of feeling or control.
The Titanium 5.4 blade is built around 4 ultra-
thin layers of titanium and 5 layers of wood
veneers. Instead of adding multiple sheets of
4 ultra-thin layers of titanium will titanium, our engineers developed a special
ensure the blade reacts to all your
powerful attacking shots. technique to mix the titanium ultra-thin to-
gether with a unique bonding glue. This special
technique guarantees consistency throughout
the complete playing surface and makes the
blade more powerful and extremely light.
Super Carbon WRB
Art.No. 2070-xx

The Super Carbon WRB enables players to

play with extreme power and unbelievable
precision. The basis of this power is the use of
carbon. The unique level of control is achieved
by mixing carbon with specially chosen wood.
Carbonix WRB
Art.No. 2071-xx

Carbon fiber makes a blade faster and gives it

a larger sweet spot. Unfortunately, it can also
add weight and make a blade stiffer, thus re-
ducing ball feel. However, our new CarboSoft
technology lets us create a blade that has the
advantages of carbon without the disadvanta-
ges. CarboSoft technology combines a special
softer carbon fiber with a new adhesive tech-
nique that forms a perfect bond between the
wood and the new softer carbon. The result is
a blade where the carbon and wood perfectly
complement each other.

10 11

Clipper CR
Art.No. 2025-xx

Famous throughout the world for it’s speed and
appreciated particularly by players who want
extra power behind their stroke. Clipper is used
by many asian world class players.
Increased speed with maintained “STIGA touch”
because of the CR system.

Offensive CR
Art.No. 2035-xx

An attacking, lightweight blade. Offensive Classic

CR is built to suite fast and technical attacking
Increased speed with maintained “STIGA touch”
because of the CR system.

HyperTech CR 35/45
Art.No. 2075-xx

The starting point when we developed this new

revolutionary Hyper Tech CR 35/45 blade are the
legendary Allround Classic venéers. One side of
the blade is UV-finished with 45° hardness (=very
high speed) and the other side is UV-finished with
35° hardness (=very good control). This is the
future for the players who for example want good
speed on the forehand and good control on the

Allround CR
Art.No. 2055-xx

A perfect balance between speed, weight and feel

lies behind Allround Classic’s enormous popula-
rity among competitive players, who choose the
Increased speed with maintained “STIGA touch”
because of the CR system.

Energy WRB
Art.No. 1060-xx

The unique combination of veneer and the special

drying process that STIGA use creates a very
light blade that offers a perfect mix between
speed and control that is unique to STIGA. This
combination creates optimum feel that all players

Allround Evolution
Art.No. 1051-xx
Get the Advantages of Carbon without Any of the Disadvantages! Suitable for the modern, allround player who
Carbon fiber makes a blade faster and gives it a larger sweet spot. Unfor- The STIGA Carbonix is the first blade to use CarboSoft technology. It exploits every variation of speed and spin. The
tunately, it can also add weight and make a blade stiffer, thus reducing ball has five plies of wood and two layers of carbon fiber. Thanks to Carbo- blade of Evolution is based on the Allround
feel. However, our new CarboSoft technology lets us create a blade that Soft technology, it is light for a carbon blade and has excellent ball feel. Classic, but it is faster.
has the advantages of carbon without the disadvantages. Because it balances speed with control, it is easy to play with. The softer
CarboSoft technology combines a special softer carbon fiber with a new carbon allows the STIGA Carbonix to produce loops and attacking shots
adhesive technique that forms a perfect bond between the wood and with more arc, thus giving you the confidence to play your game.
the new softer carbon. The result is a blade where the carbon and wood Flex your muscles with STIGA’s more flexible carbon blade: the STIGA
perfectly complement each other. Carbonix featuring CarboSoft technology!

12 13

Allround Classic WRB/ STIGA presents:

Allround Classic

Art.No. 2050-xx/Art.No. 1050-xx

A perfect balance between speed, weight and

feel lies behind Allround Classic’s enormous
popularity among competitive players, who
choose the best.
Probably the World’s best selling competition
blade. A legend among table tennis blades.

Offensive Classic WRB/

Offensive Classic
Art.No. 2030-xx/Art.No. 1030-xx

An attacking, lightweight blade. Offensive Classic

is built to suite fast and technical attacking play.

Clipper WRB/Clipper
Art.No. 2020-xx/Art.No. 1020-xx

Famous throughout the world for it’s speed and

appreciated particularly by players who want
extra power behind their stroke. Clipper is
used by many Asian world class players.

Please observe that this blade table only compares
the STIGA blades related to each other.The following
TUBE Defensive 57 92 5 2,3,4,5
characteristics decide the table mentioned below:The
Allround Classic 58 75 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hardness of the veneers, the blades total weight, the
Allround Classic WRB 63 80 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 thickness of the blade and the different effects of the
unique STIGA blade technologies (WRB, CR etc......)
Allround CR 65 80 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Use this blade table as guidance for you to make the
HyperTech CR 35/45 65 / 67 80 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 right choice of STIGA blades.
Allround Oversize 70 70 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Allround Evolution 72 65 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 Penholder
Conic, short and wide
TUBE Allround 73 73 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Offensive Classic 73 63 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2 Winner
Offensive Classic WRB 77 68 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Anatomic
Energy WRB 78 66 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Offensive CR 80 68 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
TUBE Light 82 70 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3 Legend
Concave, wide
Offensive Oversize 85 60 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Optimum SYNC 94 75 5 1, 2, 3,4, 5
Optimum PLUS 98 65 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4 Master
TUBE Offensive 99 64 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Concave, narrow

Clipper 101 53 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Clipper WRB 108 58 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5 Peter
Clipper CR 113 58 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Allround Classic Offensive Classic Clipper Wood
KevTech 116 54 5+2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Clipper Oversize 119 50 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = Defensive: Offering low speed with maximum The Allround Classic is the first blade manufac- After the worldwide success of the STIGA First used by the winner of the 1981 Swedish
KevTech WRB 120 56 5+2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 control. Mostly used by the cautious defender. tured by STIGA. Since its introduction in 1967, Allround Classic (introduced in 1967), STIGA Open Junior Championships, the STIGA Clip-
Optimum SEVEN 120 63 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 it has been used by many world champions. decided to create a blade specifically desig- per Wood is admired throughout the world for
= Allround: The enhanced touch and feel characteris- For over 35 years, and still today, the Allround ned for the more aggressive player. STIGA’s its unmatched speed and delicate touch. It is a
Carbo 7.6 WRB 121 62 7+6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 tics are a distinct advantage for players who like Classic blade is one of the best selling blades. research and development team tackled this favorite of power players who like to loop kill,
Optimum CARBO 122 62 5+4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to be in command of control and accuracy for the
allround spin game. In total, over one million have been sold, new challenge head-on and, in 1976, introduced and has been used by national champions on
Titanium 5.4 123 61 5+4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
= Allround+: Superb for active and authorative making the Allround Classic blade, we be- it’s second winning blade: the STIGA Offensive all continents. The key to the STIGA Clipper
Carbo Oversize 125 60 7+6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 allround players. The intelligently mixed balance lieve the most sold blade in the world. Classic. The STIGA Offensive Classic became Wood’s success is four thin, soft outer plies
TUBE Carbo 127 61 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of soft, sme-hard wood are proficient at allowing
an extrensive variety of strokes to be played. the choice of the attacking player. Its winning that complement three faster, harder inner
Titanium 5.4 WRB 128 56 5+4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
= Offensive: Offensive blades benefit the spin player design blends optimum speed, weight, and feel. plies. Each ply is carefully handpicked to ensure
Carbonix WRB 128 60 5+2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a wide varity of attacking styles. that this dynamic combination is an offensive
Super Carbon WRB 129 52 5+2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
player’s dream.
CarboKev 130 51 5+4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
= Offensive+: For consistent powerful forehand and
CarboKev WRB 133 53 5+4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 backhand top spinning loop play. Offensive+ blades
TUBE Aluminium 135 48 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are ideal for players who want to set the momentum
and dictate the play.
Titanium 137 42 5+2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
= HighTech: The ultimate selection for the direct
Titanium WRB 140 45 5+2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 power-hitting player who primarily concentrates
on pure speed than control.

14 15
Liquid Carbon Victory glue (400 ml)
Speed Glue Art.No. 9923-01

Carbon is the defacto standard in sports A little thicker glue, to offer strong bonding
equipment due to the demands on power, of sponge to blade. Perfect when you would
speed and low weight by World Class like to put new table tennis rubbers on your
Players. Once again the STIGA product blade. ITTF approved, with a built-in brush
development team has taken table tennis spreader.
technology to the next level by mixing
carbon with speed glue. Made in Sweden

The results have truly been amazing. Inter-

national Players who have tested the glue
were amazed at how much faster their Carbon glue (400 ml, 1 liter)
shots were. As one of the leading table Art.No. 9927-00/Art.No. 9927-01
tennis brands in the world our mission Once again the STIGA product develop-
is to provide you with the latest tools to ment team has taken table tennis techno-
allow you to play your best. logy to the next level by mixing carbon
Are you ready to take your game to a with speed glue. As one of the leading
new level? table tennis brands in the world our
Are you ready for STIGA Liquid Carbon? mission is to provide you with the latest
tools to allow you to play your best. ITTF
approved, with a built-in brush spreader.
Made in Sweden

Energy “Speed glue”

(250 ml, 1 liter)
Art.No. 9926-00/Art.No. 9926-06

Probably the best speed glue in the World!

Made in Sweden. ITTF approved. All cans
have built-in brush spreader.

Power glue (21 ml)

Art.No. 9923-05

A little thicker glue, to offer strong bonding

of sponge to blade. Perfect when you would
like to put new table tennis rubbers on your

Lacquer (125 ml)

Art. No. 9928-00

STIGA lacquer is the best way to protect

the surface of your blade from the damage
caused by repeated speed gluing. It seals
the wood thus eliminating any chance of
splintering when you change rubber.
Made in Sweden.

16 17
Optimum MP Royal
Art.No. 9870-xx/red Art.No. 9801-xx/red
Art.No. 9871-xx/black Art.No. 9802-xx/black

Optimum MP combines STIGA’s two highest-tech techno- Royal is STIGA’s newest addition to its pips-out family.
logies: MP and Nano Composite. Royal features a medium sponge that incorporates STIGA’s
OPTIMUMMP The MP top sheet is a mixture of 50% natural rubber and fantastic Nano Composite technology. The Nano Compo-
50% synthetic rubber that produces a sheet with more ten- site sponge uses a new mixing technique to create extre-
sion and enhanced spin. The MP (Molecule Power) system mely small grains (as small as 50-100 nanometers) that
greatly increases the energy release of the rubber when result in stronger and tighter bonds to produce maximum
you strike the ball. dynamic effect. Royal is built for speed: it is STIGA’s fastest
We’ve paired this high-performance top sheet with a fantas- pips-out rubber. Despite being fast, it still can produce a
tic medium sponge that incorporates STIGA’s Nano Com- good deal of spin while giving you the control you need.
posite technology. Nano Composite technology embodies a
And, Royal may be used with either regular glue or speed
new mixing technique that creates 50-100 nanometer-sized
glue. If you want to finish the point fast, Royal will deliver
grains. These extremely small grains produce stronger and
Optimum MP combines STIGA’s two highest-tech technologies: MP and with its explosive power and sting!
tighter bonds to produce greater dynamic effect. And, the
Nano Composite.
Nano Composite sponge plays great with either regular
The MP top sheet is a mixture of 50% natural rubber and glue or speed glue.
50% synthetic rubber that produces a sheet with more ten-
sion and enhanced spin. The MP (Molecule Power) system
greatly increases the energy release of the rubber when you
strike the ball.
We’ve paired this high-performance top sheet with a fan-
tastic medium sponge that incorporates STIGA’s Nano Composite tech-
nology. Nano Composite technology embodies a new mixing technique
that creates 50-100 nanometer-sized grains. These extremely small grains
produce stronger and tighter bonds to produce greater dynamic effect.
And, the Nano Composite sponge plays great with either regular glue or
speed glue.
Optimum MP’s pairing of MP and Nano Composite technologies results in
an extremely fast and very spinny rubber that you must try to believe!

Almana Sound Almana

Art.No. 9858-xx/red Art.No. 9856-xx/red
Art.No. 9859-xx/black Art.No. 9857-xx/black

Almana Sound is one of the fastest rubber sheets that we Almana is one of the fastest rubber sheets that we have
have ever produced. It is very bouncy and gives a tremen- ever produced. It is very bouncy and gives a tremendous
dous catapult effect. It is excellent for topspinning, looping, catapult effect. It is excellent for topspinning, looping and
and counterlooping. Even though the top sheet is not tacky, counterlooping. Even though the top sheet is not tacky, it
it produces more spin than other very spinny world-class produces more spin than other very spinny world-class
rubbers. Almana Sound is just like regular Almana, but has a rubbers.
softer sponge.
18 19

Carbo rubbers
Carbon and titanium have revolutioni- stiff material, thanks to STIGA’s revolu- CARBO SOUND is similar to its new
zed blade technology for a new gene- tionary technology the CARBO rubber cousin with the addition of extra sound.
ration of players by creating blades that sheets are very elastic. Both CARBO CARBO MC is designed for club and
generate more power while retaining and CARBO SOUND offer a tremen- tournament players looking for a spinny
feel and control. After much research dous catapult effect, more speed than rubber that has more control. CARBO
and development, STIGA has discove- ordinary rubber, and a very loud sound MC is perfect for players who want to
red how to bring this same revolution when striking the ball. win points using aggressive spin and by
to rubber technology. The first rubber The surface rubber has STIGA’s Mega keeping the ball on the table.
sheets using this new technology are Tension properties and the sponge uses
the fantastic, CARBO and CARBO ACS technology.
SOUND. Although carbon is a very

Innova Premium Mendo MP

Art.No. 9838-xx/red, Art.No. 9839-xx/black Art.No. 9832-xx/red, Art.No. 9833-xx/black

The thicker ACS-sponge in combination The STIGA MP High-Tech rubber

with the ultra-thin surface rubber results revolutionizes your touch and sets new
in maximum speed and spin on all your standards in transforming energy. No
offensive attacks. other rubber sheet releases energy as
excellently as the Mendo MP. Experience
the utmost level of spin and speed. The
Mendo MP has the purest form of feeling.
It is faster than conventional rubbers
whilst still offering excellent touch and
superb ball control. The clicking sound and
dynamics of speed-gluing are incorporated.
Mendo MP opens totally new prospectives:
Carbo Carbo Sound Carbo MC,
it is more dynamic, softer, more sensitive,
Art.No. 9860-xx/red, 9861-xx/black Art.No. 9862-xx/red, 9863-xx/black Art.No. 9864-xx/red, 9865-xx/black generates clearly more spin potential
– and it is very fast! With additional
speed-gluing you can expect the maxi-

Neos rubbers
STIGA breaks the top rubber ned with maximum springiness/elasticity technology – Mega Tension – have so
sheet barrier with Mega Tension in an ultra light rubber with outstanding far been amazing!
Innova Mendo
Art.No. 9834-xx/red, Art.No. 9835-xx/black Art.No. 9804-xx/red, Art.No. 9805-xx/ black
technology. control. This feat creates more tension without
With the ACS-technology you will be Mendo’s spin and speed is unsurpassable,
STIGA’s Air-Capsule System (ACS) Now STIGA’s R&D department has increasing the weight of the rubber,
able to deliver the ultimate spin, speed because of the extremely resilient sponge
has become a huge success all over found a way to improve the top sheet. causing quicker rubber recovery.
and power. Approximately 10% lighter that gives the extra speed all players are
the world, with five extremely popular This Mega Tension Technology improves STIGA is proud to introduce the than a regular rubber. looking for. The rubber is ideally suited for
rubber sheets: Magna, Innova Premium, the top sheet, and combined with the following rubber sheets with Mega
Innova, Innova Ultra Light, and Radical. improvements to the sponge provided the offensive player.
Tension technology in combination
In all these rubber sheets the ACS by the Air-Capsule System, creates an with ACS sponge.
technology is applied to the sponge, and even more responsive rubber sheet
allows for very high speed to be combi- with more tension. The result of this

Mendo Energy
Art.No. 9817-xx/red, Art.No. 9818-xx/black

The STIGA research laboratory and the

World’s leading players have together
developed Power-Soft-Rubber that is of
world class quality. The developed sponge
creates maximum friction on the ball.
The sponge is specially developed to fit
together with STIGA’s energy glue. The
combination between these two, will give
Innova Ultra Light Radical all the fresh gluers the optimal feeling and
Art.No. 9836-xx/red, Art.No. 9837-xx/svart Art.No. 9810-xx/red, Art.No. 9811-xx/black speed they are looking for.
The soft sponge in combination with the ACS Technology is now available for pips
ACS-technology gives a fantastic feeling. The out players!
Neos – Extra speed. Approximately 10% lighter than Neos Sound – Ultra light, extra speed. Approx. 15% lighter Neos Tacky – Offensive tacky spin. Approximately 10%
a regular rubber sheet. than a regular rubber sheet. lighter than a regular rubber sheet. ideal rubber with fresh glue to give the ulti-
Art.No. 9842-xx/red, 9843-xx/black Art.No. 9844-xx/red, 9845-xx/black Art.No. 9846-xx/red, 9847-xx/black mate to maximise touch & feel for the player.

20 21

Art.No. 1931-01

The Pacific 2 player set has two bats with

good control characteristics.

Ocean WRB
Art.No. 1739-01

The Ocean WRB set is the perfect choice

for your table tennis career.

Technique Set
Art.No. 1983-00
Energy Absorber Destroyer Cobra 2000
Art.No. 9812-xx/black Art.No. 9813-xx/red, Art.No. 9814-xx/black 2 midi bats, 40 mm ball, 44 mm ball and
Art.No. 9830-xx/red, Art.No. 9831-xx/black
55 mm ball.
The rubber surface controls the fiercest A revolutionary long pimple rubber that Specially selected rubber mixture pro-
of spins and the sponge absorbs the has been developed by the World’s leading vides excellent control, it absorbes a lot The perfect choice of learning the right
most powerful strokes. players. Destroyer has exceptional unique of your opponent’s spin and gives your technique.
Absolutely unique: The sponge allows long pimple characteristics that are soft play more control.
the player to block and also counter and specially shaped to get a maximum
attack his opponent. response from individual techniques. Atlantic
Art.No. 1932-01

The Atlantic 2 player set is the perfect set

for playing table tennis as a hobby or for
leisure, guaranteeing a fun game.


Optimum MP 162 118 78 Medium

Almana 160 115 80 Medium
Chop & Drive Clippa Almana Sound 155 115 80 Soft
Art.No. 9808-xx/red, Art.No. 9809-xx/black Carbo 145 110 82 Medium
Art.No. 9819-xx/red, Art.No. 9820-xx/black
An offensive world class rubber: Clippa’s Carbo Sound 142 110 85 Soft
It allows the player a high level of spin Neos 140 110 80 Medium
and speed but also produces excessive surface rubber has the pimples out and
is combined with a hard sponge rubber. Neos Sound 135 110 85 Soft
back spin when required. It’s unique Magna 130 120 80 Medium
sponge absorbs the ball and therefore Clippa is the ideal for fast, attacking play
Innova 130 100 80 Medium
increases the contact time the ball is on near the table.
Innova Premium 120 110 80 Medium
the bat. Innova Ultra Light 120 100 80 Soft
Mendo MP 110 90 80 Medium
Royal 105 80 80 Medium
Neos Tacky 100 130 85 Medium
Radical 100 90 80 Medium
Mendo 100 90 77 Medium
Clippa 100 70 80 Medium
Mendo Energy 90 100 85 Soft
Carbo MC 87 85 97 Soft
China Extreme 80 100 85 Hard
EVO 79 82 96 Medium
Cobra 2000 70 75 96 Medium
Chop & Drive 65 95 96 Soft
Energy Abso. 55 * 120 Soft
Destroyer 55 * 120 Soft

* Can not be measured.

EVO China Extreme

Art.No. 9815-xx/red, Art.No. 9816-xx/black Choose the right STIGA rubber
Art.No. 9205-xx/red, Art.No. 9206-xx/black
Please observe that this rubber table only compares the STIGA
An exceptional allround rubber for players One of the Worlds foremost rubbers for rubbers related to each other. The following characteristics de-
wanting to develop their game. EVO maximum spin. With macromolecules and cide the table mentioned below: The hardness and elasticity of
the sponge, the friction and elasticity of the surface rubber and
guarantees ease in learning all modern optimised pimple structure STIGA has the different effects of the unique STIGA rubber technologies
offensive strokes. EVO is suited for a developed one of the best tacky rubbers (MP, ACS etc......). Please use this rubber table as guidance for
you to make the right choice of STIGA rubbers.
powerful attacking style of play with a for competition play.
focus on control.
22 23


Club Advance Sting
Art.No. 1308-37 Art.No. 1836-37

Club Advance - An exceptional racket for The Sting is developed for the player who requires
the advanced club player ready to reach the a high quality recreational bat with excellent ball
top. Distinguish your play with this offensive- control.
minded racket designed by STIGA’s leading
coaches. If you plan to participate in sanctio- Twist WRB
ned tournaments, this is a superb racket to Art.No. 1837-01
get your career going. ITTF approved with Twist WRB gives you a great fusion of touch and
2.0 mm red and black. Future rubber to power for the modern game.
ensure outstanding speed and spin.
The Club Advance racket is geared Peak
to players that have sound fun- Art.No. 1736-01
damentals and are working on The Peak is the optimum choice for control
tactics and placement to raise players who want to develop their own style.
their game to the next level.
Start strong with STIGA’s Rossa WRB
Club Advance racket. Art.No. 1737-34

Rossa WRB is the perfect bat for players who

want much greater touch and control in their
Club active allround game.
Art.No. 1408-01
Trac OverSize
The ultimate in performance Art.No. 1738-01
for the active clubplayer who desires Trac OverSize suits the controlled attacker who
both offense and control. This racket has wants touch and power in all their shots.
been specifically designed by top club trainers
around the world for the serious club compe- Tour
titor who isn’t ready to, or doesn’t wish to, Art.No. 1633-01
get a custom racket. It is an excellent racket Tour is suited for players looking for more control
for players still in the early stages of develop- at higher speeds.
ing their technique and who are benefiting
from regular coaching. ITTF approved for
The WRB system accelerates the blade face for faster
tournament play with a flared handle for
returns, more power and extra sensitivity of touch.
excellent grip. Start strong with STIGA’s
Club Performance racket. The front part of the blade is UV-finished, which yields a
reasonably increased speed to the ball.

The thicker blade offers approximately 10% extra speed

compared to conventional blades. Larger
SPIN SPEED CONTROL Choose the right STIGA Bat head offers extra stability of touch and feel.
This table provides information about
Hobby Sting 5-ply 20 30 100
the playing characteristics of STIGA bats.The
Hobby Twist WRB 5-ply 29 35 100
bats are graded from 1–100.The table is The ACS-technology allows very high speed to be combined
Peak 5-ply 30 40 90 based on laboratory measurements and test with maximum springiness/elasticity in an ultralight rubber
with outstanding control.
Rossa WRB 5-ply 31 42 89 played by the world and european champions
Trac OverSize 5-ply 32 44 88 Peter Karlsson and Jens Lundquist.
The STIGA TUBE are manufactured using a new technology
Tour 5-ply 33 48 86 where the middle veneer has gone through a revolutionary
Contact WRB 5-ply 34 48 86 treatment. STIGA has programmed its high tech blade
Vision MAX 5-ply 35 50 84 manufacturing machines to mill ”micro-channels” lengthways
in the middle ply of the blades.The channels are then filled
Formula ACS 5-ply 36 55 84
with different materials depending on the blade’s desired
Energy TUBE 5-ply 40 57 80 characteristics.
Amaze 5-ply 44 62 78
Energetic CR 5-ply 47 62 76
MAX has a thicker sponge and thinner surface
Carbon CR 5-ply 50 62 75
Revolution MAX 5-ply 53 65 72
Catcher ACS 5-ply 56 70 70
Impulse TUBE 5-ply 60 72 66

Performance WRB 5-ply 70 85 63 The STIGA Titanium rackets is built for speed! Our resear-
Caliber ACS 5-ply 76 85 56 chers were amazed by the results of the blend of extremely
light Titanium with our handpicked choice woods.This com-
RevTech TUBE 5-ply 80 87 52
bination is clearly a 21st century weapon.This blade is ideal
TitanTech 5-ply 83 88 50 for smashing and attacking the ball at all stages of the rally.
Supreme WRB 5-ply 86 95 47 The STIGA KevTech racket balances speed, weight and
Ultimate ACS 5-ply 96 95 44 flexibility to produce an unbeatable formula. Players will feel
KevTech 5-ply 98 99 42 exceptional control without sacrificing elasticity due to the
Premium TUBE 5-ply 100 97 40 choice of woods and supple hi-tech Kevlar material.
Titanium 5-ply 100+ 99 37

24 25


Contact WRB Catcher ACS
Art.No. 1635-34 Art.No. 1536-01

Contact WRB gives the feeling of absolute The Catcher ACS features the revolutionary
control under pressure, which is required for ACS technology. The ACS technology allows
a successful speed oriented attacking game. very high speed to be combined with maxi-
mum elasticity and control creating an ultra
light rubber sheet and bat.
Formula ACS
Art.No. 1636-01

Thanks to the Air Capsule System sponge Energetic CR

Art.No. 1532-01
used in the Formula ACS, it is very easy for
the player to get the extra power and control Energetic CR, brings allround players new
needed for smashes and attacks. opportunities to put speed into their game,
with Control Plus laminated wood.

Energy TUBE
Art.No. 1637-01 Carbon CR
Art.No. 1533-01
It is designed for the new generation player.
The Energy TUBE, due to ACS technology, Carbon CR is for spin players who like the
offers you higher speed, extra stability and dynamic combination of power and soft feel.
increased sensitivity.

Impulse TUBE
Vision MAX Art.No. 1537-01
Art.No. 1634-01
The Impulse TUBE with ACS and TUBE
Even with a thicker sponge,Vision MAX offers technology offers you a technological break-
enhanced control during slow strokes, like through that vastly increases springiness/
service, backhand blocks, pushes etc. elasticity thus delivering the optimal spin,
It is also extremely effective against hard speed and power.
aggressive shots.

Revolution MAX
Art.No. 1534-01
Art.No. 1531-34 Revolution MAX offers phenomenal playing
Amaze is stylishly designed and perfectly characteristics and almost unlimited flexibility.
balanced for determined attacking players
wanting precise power.

26 27


Caliber ACS Supreme WRB
Art.No. 1436-01 Art.No. 1334-34

Serious players can now experience much Supreme WRB is perfect for the powerful
greater speed and spin in their game, with- varied offence player who wants unrivalled
out sacrificing any control thanks to the Air levels of power and feeling in their game.
Capsule System sponge (ACS) used in the
Caliber ACS.
Ultimate ACS
Art.No. 1336-01
RevTech TUBE The Ultimate ACS allows very high speed to
Art.No. 1437-34
be combined with maximum springiness/
The Revtech TUBE is the ultimate combina- elasticity in an ultra light bat with outstanding
tion of two revolutionary technologies; ACS control.
and TUBE, offering you increased speed, spin
and control.
Premium TUBE
Art.No. 1337-04
Performance WRB Thanks to ACS and TUBE technology, the
Art.No. 1434-01
Premium TUBE bat now offers players the
The Performance WRB is ideal for offensive possibility of experiencing maximum spin,
minded players who want that extra touch speed and control. The Tube blade combined
and control when attacking and counter- with ACS-sponge creates the ideal offensive
attacking. racket.

TitanTech KevTech
Art.No. 1435-34 Art.No. 1335-01

The TitanTech is the ultimate selection for the KevTech delivers maximum power into all of
direct power-hitting player who concentrates your offensive strokes.
primarily on pure speed rather than spin.

Art.No. 1338-01

The Titanium is the ultimate selection for the

direct power-hitting player who concentrates
primarily on pure speed, rather than spin.

28 29
Liu Guoliang
World Champion, team 95
Olympic Champion, single 96
Olympic Champion, double 96
Asian Champion, double 96
World Champion, team 97
World Champion, double 97
World Champion, mixed double 97
Brazilian Open, single 97
Yugoslavian Open, single 97
China Open, single 97
Italian Open, single 98
China Open, single 98
World Champion, single 99
World Champion, double 99
China Open, single 00
China National Team Coach 03–

30 31
Art.No. 1710-01
Feeling WRB suits the controlled attacker who
wants touch and power in all their shots.
Hoodshirt Street
Art.No. 2224-xx Targus
Navy Art.No. 1610-01
100% Cotton Serious players can now experience much greater
speed and spin in their game, without sacrificing
any control thanks to the Air Capsule System
sponge (ACS) used in the Targus ACS.

Art.Nro 1510-01
The Rapid ACS allows very high speed to be com-
bined with maximum springiness/elasticity in an
balsa light bat with outstanding control.

Art.No. 1410-01
Thanks to Balsa, ACS and TUBE technology, the
Cougar TUBE bat now offers players the possibi-
lity of experiencing maximum spin, speed,
and control.

Art.No. 1310-01
Calibra is the ultimate selection
for the direct power-hitting player
who concentrates primarily on
pure speed rather then spin.


Feeling 7 10 19
Targus 10 13 17
Rapid 13 16 15
Cougar 17 18 12
Calibra 20 20 9

The bats are graded from 0 – 20.

Tracksuit-jacket Zeus Cap Headband

Art.No. 4063-xx Art.No. 1555-00 Art.No. 9513-00
Red/black Grey Navy
100% Micropolyester
32 33
Art.No. 9514-00

Art.No. 9512-00

Premium VM Premium Clip Pro Clip

Art. No. 6395-00 Art. No. 6390-00 Art. No. 6385-00

Blue, ITTF approved. Stronger and longer- Blue, ITTF approved. Stronger and longer- Adjustable tension. Quick install and
lasting STIGA net. Excellent traditional lasting STIGA net. Quick install and removal with the clip system. Blue
screw-on attachment system. Adjustable removal with the clip system. High quality cotton net.
tension, adjustable height. High quality cotton net. Adjustable tension, adjustable
cotton net. height, strong spring.

Bag Attitude
Art.No. 6464-00
Diameter: 30 cm
L: 55 cm
A high quality and att-
ractive bag, perfect
for training.
Master Match Clip Match
Saber Art. No. 6380-00 Art. No. 6375-00 Art. No. 6370-00
Art.No. 1939-01
Adjustable tension. Traditional screw-on Quick install and removal with the clip Adjustable tension. Traditional screw-on
Saber is the perfect choice
attachment system. Blue nylon net. system. Blue nylon net. attachment system. Blue nylon net.
for control players who want
to develop their own style.

Optimum MP Replacement nets available

Art.No. 9870-XX/red
Art.No. 9871-XX/black
for all STIGA nets.
Optimum MP combines
STIGA’s two highest-
tech technologies: MP
Waterbottle and Nano Composite.
Art.No. 5998-00
0,70 litre

Champ Clip Champ

Art. No. 6365-00 Art. No. 6360-00

Adjustable tension. Quick install and re- Adjustable tension. Traditional screw-on
moval with the clip system. Blue nylon net. attachment system. Blue nylon net.

34 35
Not just Compact Storage System

a pretty
Table tennis has always occupied many people within a limited space. Training and
competitions often require many tables to be available at the same time.
CSS tables make it easier to store large numbers in a small space.
• The table halves are stored folded into each other, thus reducing drasctically

the space required.
• The height of the table is only 154 cm.
• Each table leaf has it’s own wheeled base, which means the table is easier to handle.

Compact System
The new folding system minimizes the risk of injuries during table storage
due to its unique compact design.

Handle Safety System

By pulling the metal handle all safety devices will be released in a very easy way.
With this Handle Safety System is there no easier and safer method
to release the table.

Safety Bar
The Safety Bar will prevent that a child can stay between the table tops.

Patent System for Unlocking

By pulling the metal handle, which is connected to a wire, the safety devices will be released
and the table can be placed into playing position.

International measurements for playing:

The STIGA Optimum 30 table raises the bar for table tennis tables. Length = 274 cm, Width = 152,5 cm, Height = 76 cm
The Optimum 30 is the first table with a 30 mm thick top. As a tops, computer-aided design of the undercarriage and sup-
consequence, the evenness and consistency of the ball rebound porting legs has neutralized the extra weight, so the table is
is unparalleled. The top is pre-treated multiple times and then easy to set up or put away. When the table is set up for playing,
coated with a special varnish to give just the right amount of patented connectors join the two halves to ensure perfect
gloss and the ideal frictional coefficient. The result alignment.
is the truest possible bounce, even when balls are Table cover
spun at the highest level. The white lines are care- With its 30 mm top, special varnish, silk-screened Art.No. 7152-00
fully printed on using silk screening for an even result. lines, computer-aided design of its undercarriage, and patented
Royal, fits both folded and
connectors, the Optimum 30 is the clear choice for anyone who
unfolded tables.
The Optimum 30 features a new metal undercarriage that has will only be satisfied with the very best. For forty years, STIGA
been specially developed to guarantee the most consistent ball has been the world leader in table tennis table development.
rebound. Even though the 30 mm top is heavier than thinner The Optimum 30 extends this lead.

36 37

Mini Table, Action Roller
net and post included
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Art.No. 7170-00 Class: D

Art.No. 7155-00 The perfect table for hobby and leisure play.
A fun table for the whole family. 16 mm fibreboard. A: 16 mm Indoors use Net included
Easy to handle and already assembled. B: 36 mm only
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D.
Weight: 17 kg
L = 136 cm x W = 76 cm x H = 65 cm. Packaging in single carton. Weight: 80 kg.
Storage size (with net):
W = 184 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H =187 cm.

Midi Table,
net and post included
Art.No. 7157-00

A fun table for the whole family.

Outdoor Roller EN-Norm: 14468-1
Easy to handle and already assembled. Art.No. 7175-00
Class: D

Weight: 30 kg STIGA table for outdoor and indoor use. The

L = 181 cm x W = 102,5 cm x H = 75 cm. top is specially prepared to withstand heat, A: 4 mm Indoors- and Net included
rain, damp and cold. B: 36 mm outdoors use

4 mm melamin resin board.

EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D.
Winner Indoor Packaging in single carton. Weight: 60 kg.
Art.No. 7168-00
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: D
Storage size (with net):
A value for money and practical family table W = 184 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H = 187 cm.
for indoor use.
19 mm fibreboard.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D.
19 mm Indoors use Net included EN-Norm: 14468-1
only Packaging in single carton.Weight: 77 kg. Automatic Roller Class: A

Art.No. 7196-00
Storage size (with net):
L = 184 cm x D = 69 cm x H = 153 cm. The highest quality and precision in its play
area and support. ITTF approved.
25 mm fibreboard.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: A.
Packaging in double cartons. Weight 128 kg. A: 25 mm Indoors use
B: 60 mm only
Winner Outdoor Storage size:
Art.No. 7169-00 W = 152,5 cm x D = 75 cm x H = 185 cm.
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: D
The perfect Outdoor table for hobby and
leisure play. The top is specially prepared to
withstand heat, rain, damp and cold.
A: 4 mm Indoors- and Net included 4 mm melamin resin board.
Star Roller
B: 36 mm outdoors use Art.No. 7166-00
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D. A very reasonably priced roller table with a
Packaging in single carton.Weight 60 kg. steel base. Suitable for playing in the home.
Storage size (with net): 16 mm fibreboard.
W = 184 cm x D = 69 cm x H = 153 cm. Packaging in single carton. Weight: 70 kg.
Storage size: 16 mm Indoors use
W = 152,5 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H =187 cm. only

Basic Roller
Art.No. 7165-00
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: D A very reasonably priced roller table with a Spirit Roller
steel base. Suitable for playing in the home. Art.No. 7167-00

16 mm fibreboard. The perfect table for hobby and leisure play.

EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D. 16 mm fibreboard.
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 76 kg. Packaging in single carton. Weight: 73 kg.
Storage size (with net): Storage size (with net):
W = 184 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H =187 cm. W = 184 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H =187 cm.
A: 16 mm Indoors use Net included
B: 36 mm only

16 mm Indoors use Net included


38 39

Thunder Roller Prestige Outdoor CS
Art.No. 7178-00 Art.No. 7176-00

STIGA table for outdoor and indoor use. The The perfect Outdoor table for hobby and EN-Norm: 14468-1

top is specially prepared to withstand heat, leisure play with the unique and safe Class: D

rain, damp and cold. Compact System.

3,5 mm melamin resin board. 5 mm melamin resin board.
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 52 kg. EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D
Storage size (with net): Packaging in single carton. Weight: 66 kg.
W = 184 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H = 187 cm. Storage size (with net):
A: 3,5 mm Indoors- and Net included
B: 36 mm outdoors use W = 184 cm x D = 72 cm x H = 158 cm.

A: 5 mm Indoors- and Net included

B: 36 mm outdoors use

Mega CS
Art.No. 7171-00

EN-Norm: 14468-1
An excellent hobby table with the unique and
Class: D
safe Compact System.
19 mm fibreboard.
Ball and bat holder.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D.
Privat EN-Norm: 14468-1
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 82 kg. Art.No. 7185-00
Class: B

Storage size (with net): This family table is easy to fold up.
W = 184 cm x D = 72 cm x H = 158 cm. A very practical table that can be stored
A: 19 mm Indoors use Net included in a small space.
B: 36 mm only
19 mm fibreboard.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: B
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 82 kg.
Storage size:
Prestige CS W = 152,5 cm x D = 15 cm x H = 142 cm.
Art.No. 7172-00
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: D
A well designed family table with the unique A: 19 mm Indoors use
B: 40 mm only
and safe Compact System. A perfect alterna-
tive for use at home.
19 mm fibreboard.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D.
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 84 kg.
Storage size (with net):
A: 19 mm Indoors use Net included W = 184 cm x D = 72 cm x H = 158 cm.
B: 36 mm only

EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: A

Art.No. 7195-00

The ideal club table for training and competi-

Mega Outdoor CS tions. The efficient joints and built-in wheels
Art.No. 7173-00 make this table very easy to handle and store.
A value for money and practical outdoor A high class table, with extra high density top.
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: D
table for hobby play. The table has the unique ITTF-approved. Two heavy duty wheels are
Compact System. built into every leaf. The wheels make them
easier to move and eliminate unnecessary
4 mm melamin resin board. wear.
Ball and bat holder. 25 mm fibreboard.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D. EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: A
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 65 kg. A: 25 mm Indoors use
Packaging in double cartons. Weight: 122 kg. B: 60 mm only
Storage size (with net): Storage size:
A: 4 mm Indoors- and Net included W = 184 cm x D = 72 cm x H = 158 cm. W = 152,5 cm x D = 12 cm x H = 142 cm.
B: 36 mm outdoors use

40 41

Family 16 Expert Roller CSS

EN-Norm: 14468-1
Art.No. 7116-00 Art.No. 7190-00 Class: A

EN-Norm: 14468-1
A value for money and practical family table An excellent competition table, with roller
Class: D
for indoor use. The table is simple to put trolley. This table is very stable and functional.
together and is suitable for storing in a small The legs fold out automatically. It has an extra
space. high density top with excellent bounce
16 mm fibreboard. characteristics. ITTF approved.

EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: D. 25 mm fibreboard.

Packaging in single carton. Weight: 60 kg. EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: A

Storage size: Packaging in double cartons.Weight: 124 kg.

W = 152,5 cm x D = 8,5 cm x H = 142 cm. Storage size:
W = 152,5 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H = 154 cm.
16 mm Indoors use
only A: 25 mm Indoors use
B: 60 mm only

Premium Compact
Art.No. 7197-00
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: A
The World Class table with the unique and
safe Super Compact System. This model is
ready assembled for playing. The Premium
Compact is ITTF approved.
25 mm fibreboard.
Privat Roller CSS EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: A
Art.No. 7180-00
Packaging and delivered on a disposable pallet.
EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: B
An adaptable STIGA table with the ingenious, Weight: 140 kg.
CSS roller construction. The perfect alterna-
Storage size:
tive for use at home.
W = 152,5 cm x D = 55 cm x H = 162 cm.
19 mm fibreboard.
A: 25 mm Indoors use
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: B. B: 60 mm only
Packaging in double cartons. Weight: 96 kg. EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: A
Storage size: Optimum 30
W = 152,5 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H = 154 cm. Art.No. 7199-00

The Optimum 30 is the first table with a

30 mm thick top. As a consequence, the even-
A: 19 mm Indoors use ness and consistency of the ball rebound is
B: 40 mm only unparalleled. The top is pre-treated multiple
times and then coated with a special varnish
to give just the right amount of gloss and the
ideal frictional coefficient. The result is the A: 30 mm Indoors use
truest possible bounce, even when balls are B: 60 mm only
spun at the highest level.
30 mm fibreboard.
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: A
Packaging in a double cartons. Weight: 142 kg
Elite Roller CSS Storage size:
Art.No. 7186-00
W = 152,5 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H = 155 cm. EN-Norm: 14468-1
Class: B

EN-Norm: 14468-1 A stable and very durable roller table. The

Class: B
CSS construction makes the table ideal for
schools, youth clubs and institutions.
Perfection in it’s design.
Super Outdoor,
25 mm fibreboard. Art.No. 7177-00
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: A. A very stable and durable Outdoor table.
Packaging in double cartons. Weight: 101 kg. The Outdoor table is ideal for schools. The
top is specially prepared to withstand heat,
Storage size: rain, damp and cold.
W = 152,5 cm x D = 66,5 cm x H = 154 cm.
10 mm melamin resin board.

A: 25 mm Indoors use
EN-Norm: 14468-1 Class: B A: 10 mm Indoors- and Net included
B: 40 mm only B: 50 mm outdoors use
Packaging in single carton. Weight: 124 kg

42 43
Art.No. 5180-03/white
Art.No. 5185-03/orange

The optimum ball for every player.

Our manufacturing process has pro-
duced balls of unparalleled consistency.
These balls are pre-tested to ensure
professional quality roundness, weight
and stability. Every ball in every box
is perfectly round with a true bounce
and no soft spots to allow you to take
your game and enjoyment to the
highest level. Approved by the ITTF.

Competition 1
1 Art.No. 5160-03/white
Art.No. 5165-03/orange
2 Art.No. 5170-00/white
Art.No. 5175-00/orange

A competition ball of the highest

quality. Hand selected. Approved by
the ITTF.

The optimum ball for every player. roundness, weight and stability. Every ball celluloid material is used in the STIGA Winner
A ball as perfect as a sphere. Our manu- in every box is perfectly round with a true 3-Star Optimum. Art.No. 5150-06/white
facturing process has produced balls of bounce and no soft spots to allow you Our hardest ball for your strongest shots!
Art.No. 5155-06/orange
unparalleled consistency. These balls are to take your game and enjoyment to Very suitable for youth training and
pre-tested to ensure professional quality the highest level. Only the top grade of people who play for exercise, who
want a good quality ball that is durable.


44 45

Master 1 Tracksuit-jacket Zeus
Art.No. 5140-06/white Art.No. 4063-xx
Art.No. 5145-06/orange
Red/black, 100% micro polyester.
A high quality ball that is good value
for money, designed for the hobby 2 Tracksuit-jacket Zeus 2
player. Art.No. 4064-xx

Black/white, 100% micro polyester.

3 Tracksuit-pants Zeus
Art.No. 4068-xx

Black, 100% micro polyester.

Art.No. 5110-06/white Tracksuit-jacket Zeus and tracksuit-
Art.No. 5115-06/orange pants Zeus also sold separately.
Cup is made from pure celluloid and
has no tangible join, which means that 1
Cup has very even bounce characte-
ristics. Suitable, e.g. for schools.

1 2 Club Select
1 Art.No. 5120-06/white
Art.No. 5125-06/orange
2 Art.No. 5130-00white
Art.No. 5135-00/orange

Club Select is a practice ball with

playing characteristics and quality
similar to many competition balls.

Club Trainer
Art.No. 5100-72/white
Art.No. 5105-72/orange

A durable training ball that is perfect

for classes and multi-ball drills.
Excellent playing characteristics at
a reasonable price. The ultimate 3
practice ball.

Art.No. 5190-03/white

Specially developed outdoor ball for

a fun outdoor game.

4 Team jacket
Art.No. 3452-xx

Black, elegant padded team jacket.

46 47

1 Sweatshirt Street
Art.No. 2226-xx

Red, 100% cotton.

2 Hoodshirt Street
Art.No. 2225-xx 6
Dark grey/yellow, 100% cotton.
3 Hoodshirt Street
Art.No. 2224-xx

Navy/yellow, 100% cotton.


4 Shirt Master
Art.No. 4070-xx

Navy, 80% cotton, 20 % polyester

5 Shirt Master
Art.No. 4071-xx

Royal, 80% cotton, 20 % polyester

6 Shirt Master
Art.No. 4072-xx

Red, 80% cotton, 20 % polyester

7 Shorts Eros
Art.No. 4035-xx

Navy/white, 100 % micropolyester

48 49

1 T-shirt Retro 4 Shirt Poseidon
Art.No. 2267-xx Art.No. 4057-xx/Lady: 4047-xx

Aqua, 100% cotton. Light blue/navy, 100% micro polyester.

2 T-shirt Retro 5 Shirt Poseidon

Art.No. 2268-xx Art.No. 4055-xx/Lady: 4045-xx

Orange, 100% cotton. Red/navy, 100% micro polyester.

3 T-shirt Retro 6 Shirt Poseidon
Art.No. 2269-xx Art.No. 4056-xx/Lady:4046-xx

Red, 100% cotton. Navy/white, 100% micro polyester.

5 6

50 51

1 Sleevless Atlas 5 Tracksuit-jacket Zeus
Art.No. 4059-xx Art.No. 4066-xx

Navy/light blue, Navy/white, 100% micro polyester.

100% micro polyester.
6 Tracksuit-jacket Zeus
2 Skirt Helios Art.No. 4065-xx
Art.No. 4044-xx
White/navy, 100% micro polyester. 5
Navy, 35% cotton,
65% polyester. 7 Tracksuit-pants Zeus 6
Art.No. 4067-xx
1 3 Cap Navy, 100% micro polyester.
Art.No. 1555-00

Grey 8 Tracksuit Sapphire

Art.No. 4060-xx
4 Headband Navy/grey/red,
Art.No. 9514-00
100% micro polyester.
9 Tracksuit Opal
Art.No. 4061-xx

100% micro polyester.

Tracksuit-jacket Zeus and

tracksuit-pants Zeus also
sold separately.


8 9


52 53

1 Shirt Diamond 7 Shirt Apollon
Art.No. 4050-xx Art.No. 2265-xx

Navy/grey/wine-red, 70% cotton, Navy/light green, 100% cotton

30% micro polyester
8 Knitted cap
2 Shirt Diamond Art.No. 1560-00
Art.No. 4051-xx Black
Royal/navy/yellow, 70% cotton,
70% Cotton + 30% Polyester 30% micro polyester 9 Shirt Apollon
Art.No. 2266-xx
1 3 Shorts Legend Light blue/navy, 100% cotton.
Art.No. 4030-xx

Navy, 35% cotton, 10 Shirt Diamond

2 65% micro polyester Art.No. 4052-xx
li ty shir
Red/navy/grey, 70% cotton, High qua e s t c o mbed
4 Shorts Legend 30% micro polyester. o f the fin hirt
m a d e es th s e
Art. Nr. 4031-xx that mak durable.
cot ton, e
nd mor
Black, 35% cotton, 65% micro polyester sof ter a

5 Shorts Tiger
Art.No. 2434-xx

Navy, 100 % micro polyester 8

6 Shorts Tiger
Art.No. 2433-xx

Black, 100 % micro polyester

9 10

5 70% Cotton + 30% Polyester

54 55

2 Royal E.R.S. GEL 7 Socks Comfort, ankle
1 Insole E.R.S. GEL Art.No. 5549-xx Art.No. 1548-01, size 35-38, white.
Art.No. 1548-02, size 39-42, white
A: Soft and elastic EVA* forefoot area Royal E.R.S GEL with the unique and specially desig- Art.No. 1548-03, size 43-47, white
allows for maximum comfort and flexi- ned for table tennis E.R.S GEL insole is a world class
Made in a breathable material, and specially designed for table
F bility. B: High density EVA foam provides table tennis shoe. The Royal E.R.S GEL is a lightweight
tennis. 76% Cotton, 22% Polyamid, 2% Lycra.
unparalleled arch support for the rigors shoe that uniquely allows the player to have firm con-
of tournament play. C: Shock-absorbing tact with the floor. The upper part of Royal E.R.S GEL
has a breathable material for extra comfort.
8 Socks Cool
honeycomb gel absorbs the pounding your Art.No. 1545-xx
feet take on even the hardest surface. Each
Cool are made in a breathable material, and specially
gel cell cushions like a mini air bag while 3 Speed-Grip
transferring spring back into your shot. Art.No. 5550-xx developed for table tennis.
D: High density EVA foot bed in heel re- A natural, light and table tennis specific shoe with a Black, 70% Coolmax Polyester,
gion gives high stability to your foot. E: ”I” high grip outsole made of genuine rubber. 28% Nylon and 2% Lycra
E shape dome torsion fills the mid-foot cavity
B and provides pronation control. F: Specially 4 Athletic 9 Bag Team
designed oval return pad made of compo- Art.No. 5551-xx Art.No. 6465-00 black.
Art.No. 6466-00 blue
site urethane promotes efficient push-off Athletic fulfils all requirements of a high performance
and provides balance control. table tennis shoe. Light, balanced and permitting rapid An attractive and practical bag with
* Etylene Vinyl Acetat movement without losing stability. The upper part of a large main compartment. Padded
shoulder strap and carrying straps.
C Athletic has a breathable material for extra comfort.

5 Wasp
Art.No. 5548-xx
D This specially designed table tennis shoe is build to
give you maximal comfort. Guaranteed support from
the non slip flexible one piece outsole.

6 Socks Comfort
Art.No. 1547-01, size 35-38, white
Art.No. 1547-02, size 39-42, white
Art.No. 1547-03, size 43-47, white

Made in a breathable material,

3 and specially designed for
2 table tennis. 76% Cotton,
22% Polyamid, 2% Lycra.

6 9

10 Supreme Roller Bag

Art.No. 6358-00
NON M Supreme Roller Bag is of the best quality.
T S Sturdy, heavy duty polyester construction in
popular roll bag design. On the top of the
bag it’s also a rucksack
5 8 that’s easy to zip off
and zip on. 10

4 7

56 57

Rucksack Master,
Art.No. 9532-00

Rucksack in highest quality with a large main

compartment. Anatomical design. Pocket for
MP3/CD player with headphone access. Pad-
ded shoulder straps.

Coachbag Team, Black

Art.No. 9531-00

Ballbag Team, Black

Art.No. 9533-00

For 200 table tennis balls.

Batwallet Team
Art.No. 8829-01 black
Art.No. 8829-02 blue

An elegantly designed case with room

for two rackets.
Batcover Team
Art.No. 8843-01 black
Art.No. 8843-02 blue

A beautifully tailored case with a

handy pocket.

Bag Master,
Black/red, Black/grey
Art.No. 6460-00 black/red
Art.No. 6461-00 black/grey Batcover Master,
L: 69 cm W: 33 cm H: 34 cm Black/red, Black/grey
Art.No. 8842-01 black/red
An attractive and practical bag with a large Art.No. 8842-02 black/grey
main compartment. Padded shoulder strap and
carrying strap. A beautifully tailored case with a
handy pocket.

Batwallet Master,
Black/red, Black/grey
Art.No. 8827-01 black/red
Art.No. 8827-02 black/grey

An elegantly designed case with room for two

rackets. Useful pocket for accessories on the

Shoebag Team, black

Art.No. 9527-05

58 59

1 Umpire table 8 Table cleaner (500 ml)
Art.No. 9519-00 Art.No. 9915-10

Easy to assemble This special formulation cleans the tops of the table
1 tennis tables as it keeps them like in new condition. 8
2 Towel box It also provides a barrier against dust.
Art.No. 9515-00 9
9 Energy foam 10
3 Score board (100 ml)
2 Art.No. 9518-01 Art.No. 9915-00
In strong plastic, with a ring system, that Cleans thoroughly, fast and safely the
make it easier to turn the leafs over. rubber surface of table tennis bats.
Regular use maintains the matt tacky
4 Rubber protector condition of the rubber surface.
Art.No. 9922-00

Protects against dust and stains. 10 Energy Spray

(200 ml)
5 Score board Art.No. 9915-15
Art.No. 9516-02
Returns the natural tackiness to the
3 6 Water bottle surface of the rubber while cleaning
and conditioning. Keep your bat in top
(0,70 liter) condition for top performance.
Art.No. 5998-00

7 Towel Comfort 11 Energy Clean

Art.No. 8717-00 (90 ml)
Art.No. 9915-05
50x100 cm
6 With sponge.

12 Edgetape
Art.No. 9934-01/blue
Art.No. 9935-01/black

10 mm x 50 cm for 1 bat.

13 Edgetape
Art.No. 9537-03
4 9 mm x 50 m for 100 bats.

14 Edgetape
Art.No. 9538-03 11
12 mm x 50 m for 100 bats.

15 Edgetape
Art.No. 9537-02

9 mm x 5 m for 10 bats. 12
16 Edgetape
Art.No. 9538-02

12 mm x 5 m for 10 bats.

5 7

60 61
1 Olympic Champions
Men’s Double
Choose STIGA

1 Surround, black, navy

Art.No. 5944-00/black
Art.No. 5946-00/navy

L = 200 cm x H =70 cm

2 Textile badge
2 Art.No. 1570-00

3 Keyring
3 Art.No. 9519-60

4 Minibat
Art.No. 1920-20

5 Rubber sponge
Art.No. 9918-00

4 6 Rubberwiper
Art.No. 9920-00

5 7 Ballcatcher
Art.No. 9935-00

Every athlete knows that a key to winning is choosing Whether it be blades, rubber, balls, tables, or clothing,
the best equipment available. That is why Li Ching and Ko STIGA’s quality and selection is the best.
7 Lai Chak (Vice Olympic Champions 2004, Men’s Doubles Want to reach the top? Choose STIGA table tennis
Champions 2003 German, Brazil, Croatia Opens, 2002 equipment today.
Italian, Egypt Opens) have chosen STIGA to provide all
their table tennis equipment.

62 63
Sweden Table Tennis AB
Box 642 [email protected]
Tel: +46 (0)16 16 26 00
Fax: +46 (0)16 12 26 01

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