Racquet Sports Industry
Racquet Sports Industry
Racquet Sports Industry
2 0 0 7
Cover photo: Stephen Whalen Photography 16 Prince offers new grips and strings
4 Our Serve 28 Continuing Education
18 Court Maintenance 40 Science
20 The Master Pros 42 String Playtest: Prince Synthetic Gut Multi 16
22 Marketing Success 44 Tips and Techniques
24 Teaching Pro 46 Ask the Experts
26 Junior Participation 48 Your Serve, by Jolyn de Boer
Editorial Director
Peter Francesconi
course, the big statistic that many people have quoted Associate Editor
over the last six months: Tennis is the only traditional Greg Raven
participation sport to have grown in the last five years, Design/Art Director
Kristine Thom
up 10.3 percent, according to the Sporting Goods Man-
Contributing Editors
ufacturers Association. Cynthia Cantrell
Clearly, things are beginning to click in this industry. Rod Cross
Kristen Daley
But underneath all these participation increases is one solid, and Joe Dinoffer
very obvious, fact: Everyone who plays tennis in the U.S., whether Liza Horan
a recreational player or a pro, has to play on a court. Andrew Lavallee
And that’s why, in my opinion, the most important people in James Martin
Chris Nicholson
this sport are those who build and maintain tennis courts. They Bob Patterson
are, figuratively and quite literally, the foundation of tennis in this Cynthia Sherman
Your business—whether you are a tennis retailer, facility or club
Corporate Offices
manager, teaching pro, or manufacturer—depends on people play- 330 Main St., Vista, CA 92084
ing the game. And that, in turn, depends on having courts to begin Phone: 760-536-1177 Fax: 760-536-1171
with. Tennis will not grow if courts in a community are in poor Email: [email protected]
Website: www.racquetTECH.com
shape, or worse yet, if there are no courts.
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.,8 a.m.-5 p.m. Pacific Time
Court builders, ably represented in the U.S. by the American
Sports Builders Association (ASBA), are in a remarkable position. Advertising Director
Their influence has been increasing throughout this industry, and John Hanna
770-650-1102, x.125
that’s great to see. Groups who have taken on the responsibility to
[email protected]
increase tennis participation in the U.S. are reaching out more and
more to those who make and refurbish our courts. We at RSI are Apparel Advertising
dedicated to helping the court-building business, because we know Cynthia Sherman
how important it is to tennis overall.
[email protected]
If you’re a retailer or teaching pro or other industry person who
Racquet Sports Industry (USPS 347-8300. ISSN 0191-
never thought much about the court-construction business, take 5851) is published 10 times per year: monthly January
the time to get to know those who build and repair the courts in through August and combined issues in Septem-
ber/October and November/December by Tennis
your area. They’re the foundation of your business, too.
Industry and USRSA, 330 Main St., Vista, CA 92084.
Periodicals postage paid at Hurley, NY 12443 and
additional mailing offices. January 2007, Volume 35,
Number 1 © 2007 by USRSA and Tennis Industry. All
rights reserved. Racquet Sports Industry, RSI and logo
Peter Francesconi are trademarks of USRSA. Printed in the U.S.A. Phone
advertising: 770-650-1102 x 125. Phone circulation
Editorial Director
and editorial: 760-536-1177. Yearly subscriptions $25
in the U.S., $40 elsewhere. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to Racquet Sports Industry, 330
Main St., Vista, CA 92084.
industry events for helping he USPTA is providing all
to increase tennis partici- of its members
pation takes place Feb. 9 to 11 with personal
in Atlanta—the USTA’s 2007 websites to help them
Community Tennis Develop- promote themselves and
ment Workshop. their services.
The educational weekend While personal web-
workshop, under the theme sites have been avail-
“Working Smart—Working able to all USPTA members since 1997,
Together,” will be at the Hilton previously members had to request a site and
Atlanta Hotel and will feature leading speakers and opportunities to network provide all the content to the USPTA, which
with peers across the country. Program sessions will consist of Development controlled the site. Now, however, the mem-
Area sessions, Professional Skill Development sessions, and On-Court Demon- ber will completely control the content, to
strations. add and update information as needed.
Development Area sessions include programs on organizational planning In this new program, an individual web-
and development, financial management for not-for-profit organizations, mar- site has already been created for every USPTA
keting/promotions/PR/communications, and participation and programming. member. Members just need to visit usp-
Each session will be a combination of instruction from a topic expert as well as tapro.com and log in, then they can start cre-
peer interaction and case study. The Professional Skill Development and On- ating and personalizing their own site. Each
Court Demonstration sessions include topics such as time management, proj- site has a home page that can be personal-
ect management, on-court drills, and teaching techniques. ized. There are also pages for a teaching pro
In addition, “pre-workshop” sessions are offered on Friday, Feb. 9, at no biography and information on his or her facil-
additional charge. These sessions are designed for specific program areas, ity. Other pages are available for events, les-
including NJTL chapters, Community Tennis Associations, and park and rec pro- son programs, news, tennis tips, and more.
grams. The weekend also includes the 2007 Awards Banquet, and an exhibit Members can also upload images and a com-
area. pany logo that can be placed on any page on
TDW conference registration starts at $251 for the weekend. The hotel rate the website.
for registered attendees is $145 per night. For more information, visit To find a USPTA pro and visit one of their
www.usta.com or email [email protected] or call 914-696-7205. websites, go to www.usptafindapro.com.
ead has added two new racquets to its Metallix power series line. Metal-
lix consists of a specially designed matrix of carbon fibers and a crys-
with R-Ball Champ
talline metal alloy that has a grain size 1,000 times smaller than that of a Huczek
typical metal, says Head, which translates into increased strength in a
lighter, powerful racquet. Ashaway Racket
The new Metallix 4 (left) blends power and control and is Strings has
designed to appeal to players with a medium swing style. The 4 announced the
features a 107-square-inch head size, and unstrung weight of renewal of its
9 ounces. The 115-square-inch, 8.8-ounce Metallix 6 is longstanding
a power racquet designed for players with a sponsorship
medium to short swing style. agreement with
Also new from Head is an addition to its World Champion
women’s Airflow line—the Airflow 1, racquetball play-
which is designed for players with a
er Jack Huczek.
medium to fast swing style. Head says
The deal will take Huczek, who has been
the Airflow 1 offers the most control in
using Ashaway string since early in his
the line and provides lightweight
career, into his second decade as an
power, maneuverability, and comfort.
The racquet is 99 square inches and
Ashaway Racket Strings sponsored play-
weighs 9 ounces. er. Terms of the agreement were not dis-
For more information, visit closed.
unlop has introduced its Aerogel director of communications and publications,
line of racquets, which the compa- died Oct. 17, after a five-year battle with a
ny says is designed with “the light- brain tumor. Kaplan, who joined the section in
est solid on earth, with a strength 4,000 1999, worked tirelessly to generate media publicity
times its own weight.” and coverage for USTA Southern events. In honor of
“Dunlop has a reputation for produc- his work and contributions to tennis journalism, the
ing some of the finest racquets played by USTA Southern Section Media Excellence Award has
professionals,” says Kai Nitsche, general been renamed in his honor, and Kaplan himself is
manager of racquet sports. “Aerogel fur- the first recipient of the “Marc Kaplan USTA South-
ther enhances our position as a leader in ern Section Media Excellence” Award.
performance technology.” Frames “Marc’s courage and fortitude in both his job and
designed with Aerogel, says Dunlop, are his personal battle with cancer has provided inspi-
strong and stable, allowing for touch and ration to all of us here at USTA Southern that is
feel for control. impossible to measure,” says Southern Section
Aerogel, which is nicknamed “Frozen Executive Director John Callen. “We will miss Marc in so many ways.”
Smoke” because of its lightness and
hologram-like transparency, is three
times the weight of air, says Dunlop, and Kloss Elected Chair of Women’s Sports Foundation
is used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labora-
lana Kloss, CEO of World TeamTennis, has been elected chair of the board of
tory in space missions.
trustees of the Women’s Sports Foundation. In her new role, Kloss will preside over
In Dunlop’s Aerogel line, the sub-
and provide guidance to the trustees and executive committee.
stance is combined with the company’s
“It’s an honor to be named chair of the board of an organization so important to
Multi Filament (M-Fil) technology to pro-
the lives of physically active girls and women,” says Kloss. “I started my career as a
vide stiffening at the top of the frame—
professional tennis player around the same time that the Women’s Sports Foundation
to minimize frame movement and create
was founded. During my career on and off the court, I have experienced firsthand the
power—and to provide stabilization at
impact the Foundation has had on the lives of millions of athletic and active women
the bottom of the racquet head—provid-
over the past 30 years.”
ing for more player control.
The Dunlop Aerogel 2Hundred is
designed for high-per-
formance players
California, Forida Teams Dominate
with long swings, WTT Rec League Championships
and it allows for
eams from California and Florida dominated the national championships at the
power and spin,
World TeamTennis Rec League National Finals in November, winning eight of 10
says Dunlop.
division titles. Missouri and New York teams each captured one title at the
The Aerogel
event, which was held at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden in Indian Wells, Calif.
3Hundred is a
Forty-eight recreational and corporate tennis teams representing 19 states bat-
tled during the three-day event. Teams advanced to the national finals by either
racquet for high
qualifying from their respective divisions in six WTT Rec League national qualifying
tournaments or by winning their local Corporate League. The weekend kicked off
with a clinic hosted by WTT co-founder Billie Jean King. Division winners are:
Q 3.0: Braemar (Encino, Calif.)
The 5Hundred is
Q 3.5: Plash (Troy, N.Y.)
for serious players
Q 4.0: Game-Set-Match (Key Biscayne, Fla.)
looking for extra power
Q 4.5: Roamers (San Diego, Calif.)
and playability from a
Q Senior 3.5: Good Vibrations (Downey, Calif.)
lightweight frame. And the
Q Senior 4.0: Young at Heart (Kirkwood, Mo.)
5Hundred Tour (left) is
Q Corporate 3.5: NoWaitFreight Logistics (Boca Raton, Fla.)
slightly heavier and stiffer
Q Corporate 4.0: US Southcom (Miami, Fla.)
than the 5Hundred.
Q Corporate 4.5: Smith Barney (Miami, Fla.)
The line will be in stores in
Q Open: San Francisco Tennis Club (San Francisco, Calif.)
February. A new website
launches in January featuring
For more information on World TeamTennis or the WTT Recreational League,
the Aerogel line. Visit
visit www.WTT.com or call 866-PLAY-WTT.
he PTR and Playmate begin a two- The Tennis Court Hat features an embroi-
year sponsorship agreement in Jan- dered emerald green “centre court” that
uary that will provide PTR members forms a vivid design on a brushed-cotton
with 10 percent off the list price on all
twill cap. The hat is available in a variety
Playmate products, such as ball-throw-
of colors. To order, or for more informa-
ing machines and ball mowers.
tion, call 888-TENNHAT (836-6428) or
In addition, Playmate will conduct
email [email protected].
a new Professional Development
Course for the PTR titled “Teaching
Today’s Modern Game with a Ball
USTA staff took a
Machine.” The course will be taught by
Stan Oley, Playmate’s national sales tour of the Penn
manager, and will debut at the 2007 ball plant in
PTR International Tennis Symposium, Phoenix in early
held in February on Hilton Head November. USTA
Island. Playmate will give away a Play- national and sec-
mate Smash Ball Machine, a $4,000
tion staff were in
value, to one participant at the course.
For more information, visit
Phoenix for five
www.playmatetennismachines.com days for staff
or www.ptrtennis.org. training.
Clubs. The company currently operates 13 Midtown clubs throughout he Delray Beach International Tennis
the U.S. and Canada, including the Midtown Tennis Club in Chicago, which Championships, held Jan. 28 to Feb. 4 at
recently won RSI’s “Private Facility of the Year” Award. the Delray Beach (Fla.) Stadium and Tennis
“As the health club industry matures, it will continue to divide into various Center, will be the first of five U.S. ATP tourna-
segments based on price, facilities, and service,” says Steven Schwartz, pres- ments to test a new singles round-robin format
ident and CEO of TCA Holdings. “Our re-branding efforts reinforce our posi- for the 2007 season. The Delray event has been
tion as the leader of the upscale niche. Having one strong brand allows us to awarded a 32-player round-robin draw that the
better communicate our special attributes to our members, as well as devel- ATP says will be a new element of excitement
op new product standards that continue to redefine upscale athletic clubs to players and fans.
and sports resorts.” “It’s exciting for Delray Beach to open the
As part of the re-branding effort, Midtown Athletic Club will invest tens of 2007 tennis season in the U.S. by rolling out
millions of dollars to expand and renovate its facilities, as well as develop this new round-robin format,” says Mark Baron,
innovative health, fitness, and sports programming designed to keep mem- the tournament director. “We’ve been dis-
bers “fit for life.” For more information, visit www.tcaclubs.com. cussing creative ways to make our sport even
more exciting and this format delivers a chance
to test some of those ideas.”
The new format will extend the tournament
to eight days—and from 11 to 13 sessions. “This
system will ensure each player gets at least two
matches in a particular city, and will allow for
more scheduling to be done in advance,” says
Mark Young, ATP Americas CEO. “We’ve
enjoyed success with this format at the Tennis
Masters Cup, and we look forward to seeing it
in practice at other ATP events during 2007.
yles Williams is the new director of Best-Sellers
education for the PTR. Previously, 1. Prince O3 White (MP) $187
he was the PTR’s education advisor. 2. Babolat Pure Drive Team (MP) $161
Williams, a psychology instructor at 3. Wilson N Six-One (16x18) (MS) $161
Central Carolina Technical College in 4. Prince O3 Blue (OS) $220
Sumter, S.C., will oversee PTR’s education 5. Prince O3 Silver (OS) $236
programs on a part-time basis from his
home office. He will be responsible for the “Hot New Racquets”
content of new workshops and courses, as well as for educational (Introduced in the past 12 months)
materials published by PTR. 1. Prince O3 White (MP) $187
Among other things, Williams will oversee PTR’s new web-based 2. Prince O3 Hybrid Hornet (MP) $161
education, revise PTR educational materials, and serve as staff liai- 3. Prince O3 Hybrid Hornet (OS) $163
son between PTR and the Master Professional Committee. He is a 4. Wilson N Pro Open (MP) $167
PTR clinician and tester, and a former full-time staff member. 5. Babolat Pure Drive Roddick (MP) $170
(Source: TIA/Sports Marketing Surveys)
Luxilon Selected as Stringer For WTA
Season-Ending Championships Tennis Racquet Performance
Specialty Stores, January-September, 2006 vs. 2005
uxilon, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of specialty
monofilaments, was selected as the Official Stringer of the
Units 2006 613,684
Sony Ericsson Tour Championships in Madrid, Spain. At the
2005 552,445
season-ending Sony Ericsson Championships held from Nov. 7 to
% Change vs. ’05 11%
12, 2006, Luxilon offered on-site stringing services for all WTA
Tour players.
Dollars 2006 80,948
“The selection of Luxilon to provide stringing services to this
2005 76,643
prestigious event underscores the dominance of Luxilon strings in
% Change vs. ’05 6%
professional tennis, and we feel this is a tremendous opportunity
for both parties,” says John Lyons, Wilson’s Global Business Direc-
Price 2006 $132
tor of Accessories. Earlier in 2006, Luxilon and Wilson Sporting
2005 $139
Goods announced an agreement making Wilson the exclusive
% Change vs. ’05 -5%
worldwide distributor of Luxilon tennis strings.
(Source: TIA/Sports Marketing Surveys)
ichita State University Director of Tennis Four years old, home use only, and as new condition. Includes tools,
Chris Young (top, below) has been named manuals, and shipping cartons. Available for inspection and pickup in
the national winner of the USTA/ITA Commu- Southern California $1,350. Please contact Carl (760) 727-7455 or crl-
nity Service Award and Lehigh University men's [email protected]
and women's tennis coach Dave
Shook (bottom) is the national FOR SALE: Babolat Star 3 Stringing Machine. Completely reconditioned
winner of the USTA/ITA Campus by Tennis Machines Inc. Serial #10971/MFG. Date 8/9/89. Very Good
Recreation Award. They were Condition. $2800. Contact Russ Sheh 760-318-0580.
honored in December at the
Intercollegiate Tennis Associa- Texas Largest Tennis Store Seeking Additional Stringers – Large Daily Vol-
tion Coaches Convention in ume. We can keep you busy stringing full time or provide part-time sales
Florida. with part-time stringing. We have 2 Babolat Star 5 machines and a
The Service Award honors an Babolat RDC machine. Come grow with us. Join Our Team. Send resume
ITA coach for significant contri- to: [email protected] or fax to 713-781-1237.
butions in developing commu-
nity-based tennis programs
through community centers,
schools, parks, community ten-
USPTA Names Winners of Hard Court Chps.
nis associations, inner city, sub- ren Motevassel of Alpharetta, Ga., claimed the men’s open title and
urban or rural programs. The Julie Cass of Austin, Texas, won the women’s open title at the
Campus Recreation Award hon- $8,000 USPTA Hard Court Championships recently. Cass, who beat
ors an ITA coach who has done Michelle King of Austin in the singles final, then joined with King to win
an outstanding job implement- the open doubles title.
ing recreational tennis programs on campus in an The competition featured more than 30 of the top men and women
effort to grow tennis participation. tennis-teaching professionals in the country. Final-round results are:
"Dave and Chris are great examples of coaches Q Men's Open Singles: Oren Motevassel (1), Alpharetta, Ga., def. Guillaume Gau-
who give back to their communities and campuses thier (2), Tyler, Texas, 6-4, 6-3.
Q Women's Open Singles: Julie Cass (1), Austin, Texas, def. Michelle King (2),
and our hope is that their efforts continue to inspire
Austin, Texas, 6-2, 6-4.
Q Men's 45-and-over Singles: Vallis Wilder (2), Fort Worth, Texas, def. Patrick Ser-
other varsity coaches to emulate the great work
they are doing," says ITA Executive Director David ret (1), Alexandria, La., 6-3, 5-7, 6-2 .
A. Benjamin. The national winners were selected Q Men's Open Doubles: Jonas Lundblad, Cedar Park, Texas, and Brian Notis (1),
from a group of USTA sectional winners. Young is Austin, Texas, def. Lance Hagan, Dallas, and Stephen Gordon-Poorman (3),
from the Missouri Valley Section and Shook is from Southlake, Texas, 6-4, 6-2.
Middle States. Q Women’s Open Doubles: Julie Cass, Austin, Texas, and Michelle King, Austin,
Other sectional winners of the Community Service Award Texas, def. Shareen Lai, Morrisville, Pa., and Sarah Porter, Tempe, Ariz., 6-0, 6-1.
are: Eastern—Russell Crispell, Univ. at Buffalo; Florida— The tournament was the last for the year in a series of four national
Dwayne Hultquist, Florida State; Intermountain—Nicole Ken- tournaments on several court surfaces that the USPTA offered to its mem-
neally, Univ. of Colorado; Mid-Atlantic—Cinda Rankin,
bers as part of the USPTA National Surface Championship Series. USPTA
Washington & Lee Univ.; Middle States—Jim Holt, Gwynedd-
Mercy College; Midwest—Frank Barnes, Univ. of Wisconsin-
members are eligible to participate in any of the competitions and the
Whitewater; Missouri Valley—Chris Young, Wichita State International Championships. For information, contact 800-USPTA-4U or
Univ.; Northern—Scott Larsen, St. Benedict; New England— visit www.uspta.com.
Jeffrey T. Wyshner, Fairfield Univ./Univ. of Akron; Northern
California—Marc Weinstein, Mills College; Pacific Northwest—
Lisa Hart, Washington State Univ.; Southern—Billy Pate, Univ.
of Alabama; Southern California—Paul Settles, Claremont-
Head Brings Metallix to Squash
Mudd-Scripps Colleges; Southwest—Lancy Lan-Shi Carr, Gate- Head brings its Metallix technology of carbon
Way Community College; Texas—Cari Groce, Texas Tech. fibers and new crystalline metal alloy to
Other sectional winners of the Campus Recreation Award squash with the new Metallix 150 squash
are: Eastern—Ira Miller, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.; Middle
frame. Designed for power, the ultra-
States—Lori Sabatose, Clarion Univ.; Midwest—Al Wermer,
Univ. of Toledo; Missouri Valley—Chase Hodges, Drake Univ.;
stiff racquet also features
New England—Chuck Kinyon, Dartmouth College; Pacific Head’s Flexpoint technol-
Northwest—Gail Patton, Southern Oregon Univ.; Southern— ogy. For more info,
James Cuthbertson, Johnson C. Smith Univ.; Southern Califor- visit www.head.com
nia—Paul Settles, Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Colleges.
ew for January is Tecnifibre’s TFlash 310 and an upgraded TFeel305,
both part of the company’s Elite Series of frames. The new
racquets are offered in two string patterns, 18x20 and
Current frames in the Elite Series are the TFight 335
and TFight 320, which both also are available in two
string patterns. “We’re targeting the fre-
quent/tournament player who has discerning
criteria for the racquet’s performance,”
says Paul Zalatoris, general manager
of Tecnifibre USA. “We are pro-
viding ‘customized’ options
with our line offering of rac-
For more information, visit www.tecnifibre.com, email [email protected],
he new PE4life Board of Directors has announced its three-
year plans for PE4life to expand its PE4life Academies to 25
locations. These state-of-the-art PE training facilities will
educate and help establish almost 3,000 PE4life Programs or
schools through the U.S., which is expected to teach a new, con-
temporary PE program to over 7 million children by 2009.
"Our PE4life Academies are training hundreds of PE instruc-
tors, teachers, and community administrators on how to implement quality PE
programs,” says Chairman Tom Fox. “Research conducted at PE4life Programs has
shown we are improving the fitness levels in children, reducing disciplinary
actions in schools and, with new research, increasing academic results as well. It
is time to expand and let our PE4life Academies reach their potential."
PE4life Founder Jim Baugh (above), a longtime tennis industry veteran who
served as TIA president and USTA board member, says PE4life will look both with-
in the sports world and outside for future support and partnerships. “We will have
almost 3,000 sites or schools to promote partner products,” says Baugh. “And, we
can influence over 7 million children through these PE4life Programs."
For more information, contact 816-472-7345 or email [email protected].
The Professional Tennis Registry will > The U.S. Squash Racquets Association
the USTA’s 2006 Adaptive Tennis announced that it will move its headquarters
pendent film slated to be released in
2007. It stars Seann William Scott, best
National Community Service Award at the to New York City by late spring, from its cur- known for playing Steve Stifler in the
Community Tennis Development Workshop rent location in Bala Cynwyd, Pa. For more “American Pie” series, as a high-school
in Atlanta in February. The award recognizes information, visit www.us-squash.org. janitor who coaches a group of misfits to
an organization or individual that has the Nebraska state championship.
demonstrated continued excellence, dedica- >Audra
UCLA's Ben Kohlloeffel and Miami's (Fla.)
ark McMahon, the USTA’s
Shanghai, about $40,000 was raised
manager of Tennis Service
for ACE (Assisting Children Every-
Representatives, reports that
where), the partnership between the
through the first nine months of
ATP and UNICEF, through donations
2006, the 90 TSRs made 9,302
made for aces served on court,
facility visits, an average of more
silent auctions, and sales of the
than 1,000 a month, and met more
Feder-bear Beanie Baby. Visit
than 33,000 personnel. Each TSR
averaged 16 visits per month, for
about 143 per TSR for the nine
About 26 percent of all TSR vis- TennisTunes.com Launches With
its were at tennis clubs, 22 percent Federer, Roddick, Sharapova Songs
at schools, 21 percent at park and
inger and songwriter John Macom of the Hoboken, N.J.-based band “Binge” has
rec facilities, 10 percent at Commu- launched www.tennistunes.com, a website devoted to his music inspired by the
nity Tennis Associations, 7 percent world of tennis. Macom—noted for his musical contributions to TV shows such as
at program delivery or service “Dawson’s Creek,” “Party of Five,” “Felicity,” and “American Embassy”—has original
organizations, 3 percent at NJTLs, songs about Roger Federer, Andy Roddick, Maria Sharapova, and other pros available for
and 12 percent to other tennis- download for $1.30 each.
related organizations. “International tennis is a fascinating and exciting sport full of personable and charismatic
The average customer service stars that have provided me with plenty of musical inspiration,” says Macom. “I’m excited that
rating for the visits, says McMahon, through the world-wide-web, I’m able to share my music with all who find it entertaining.”
is a 4.71 out of 5.00.
TTC Adds,
ecent personnel moves at The
Tennis Channel include two new
marketing execu-
tives and a number of
Neil Roberts (right,
top) is the new director
of marketing and Lau-
ren Leder (middle) is
the director of on-air
creative. In addition,
Kate Varley (below) was
promoted to director of
short-form content and
special projects. All
three will report to Faye
Walker, the vice presi-
dent of marketing.
Also, the TTC pro-
moted four in its distri-
bution and production
departments: Eric
Turpin is the new vice
president of distribu-
tion, Eastern region;
Laura Hockridge, executive producer,
series and specials; Heath Woodlief,
producer; and Michelle Hanchaikul,
associate producer.
In other news, the TTC has part-
nered with Bellrock Media to market
and distribute the mobile game Turbo
Tennis, which is available for download
on major cell-phone carriers for $5.99
by sending the text message “TURBO”
to “TENIS” (83647).
Klip to Distribute
Völkl Racquets
ffective Jan. 1, Völkl Tennis
GmbH will use Klip America as
its distributor in the U.S.
Inquiries should go to Benny E. Neu-
mann, Klip America’s marketing and
sales coordinator, at 866-554-7872,
fax 720-559-
3253 or email
rince Sports has come out with new strings and
• Stan Smith of Hilton
grips designed to satisfy all types of players, and
McDaniel of Cleveland, Tenn., will be with packaging that’s color-coded so customers
inducted into the USTA Southern Section find exactly what they’re looking for.
Tennis Hall of Fame on Jan. 20 in Atlanta. The new strings are the Synthetic Gut Multifilament
16 (see our playtest on page 42) and 17 gauge, part of
• Carla Simpson McKenzie is the new assistant the “playability series”; Tournament Poly in 16 and 17
director of the Professional Tennis Management gauge, part of the “durability series”; and Synthetic Gut
(PTM) program at Methodist College in Fayet- Poly Blend, with 17-gauge tournament poly mains and
teville, N.C. McKenzie, a PTR and USPTA pro, grad- 16-gauge synthetic gut duraflex crosses, in the “dura-
uated from the college and completed the PTM bility series.”
curriculum. She is currently enrolled in the Profes- According to Prince’s Dave Holland, more than
sional MBA program at Pinehurst. 10 million sets of Prince Synthetic Gut string has
• Pop singer Gwen Stefani bought two Head Air- been sold since its introduction in 1991.
flow 7 racquets recently at Tennis Ace in Los Ange- Prince has also segmented and color-coded its
les. Reports say she had demoed a number of grips into four categories: tacky, absorbent, traction,
frames before picking the Airflows. Stefani’s hus- and cushion. The new grips are the DuraPro+
band, singer and guitarist Gavin Rossdale, is an (tacky), DuraPerf+ (absorbent), DuraTred+ (traction),
avid player and regular customer at the shop. and DuraRib+ (traction). Currently in the line is the
Cushion Fit grip, which is in the “cushion” segment.
• West Florida sophomore Tammy Kevey and Packaging for the grips, which have photos of Prince
Embry-Riddle (Fla.) junior Mislav Hizak received the pros Maria Sharapova and James Blake, includes information
2006 James O' Hara Sargent Sportsmanship on the “triple-tier” construction, which Holland says will improve
Awards presented by Rolex Watch USA at the tack level and add life to the grips. There is also a sample of the actual grip
Intercollegiate Tennis Association National Small for customers to feel. Suggested retail prices for the grips are $8.99.
College Tennis Championships presented by the Also, Prince offers a new, modular grip display that can be hung off a
USTA. The award, given in memory of Jim Sargent, hook or attached to a slatwall, and it features the Dura grips, Cushion Fit
former media manager for Rolex Watch USA who grips, and No Sweat! overgrips.
died in a car accident in 2000, goes to players For more information, visit www.princetennis.com.
who display outstanding sportsmanship and exem-
plify the spirit of college tennis during the course
of the ITA National Small College Championships. ITA, USTA Honor College All-Stars
he Intercollegiate Tennis Association and the USTA honored the best
• New staff at the International Tennis Hall of
from the 2006 collegiate season at the USTA National Tennis Center.
Fame in Newport, R.I., include Gretchen W. North-
The ITA Collegiate All-Star team recognized the nation's top-ranked
ern as director of annual giving and donor rela-
tions, Leigh Persico as special projects manager, men's and women's tennis players from the season-ending Fila Collegiate
and Charles Kehres as special events manager. Tennis Rankings at the NCAA Divisions I, II and III, NAIA and NJCAA levels,
as well as champions from the 2005 ITA National Intercollegiate Indoor
• For the third time in the last four years, Bob and Championships and 2006 NCAA Championships.
Mike Bryan have clinched victory in the Stanford This year's women's All-Stars are Miami's Audra Cohen, Florida's Diana
ATP Doubles Race. The Bryans previously finished Srebovic and California's Suzi Babos in D-I singles; Stanford's Alice Barnes
as the No. 1 team in 2003 and 2005 while finish- and Anne Yelsey, Miami's Melissa Applebaum and Cohen, and Northwest-
ing second in 2004. ern's Cristelle Grier Fox and Alexis Prousis in D-I doubles; Armstrong
• Jim Courier claimed the year-end No. 1 ranking Atlantic State's Luisa Cowper in D-II; Washington & Lee's Emily Applegate in
in the 2006 Outback Champions Series, a collec- D-III; Fresno Pacific's Jelena Pandzic in the NAIA; and Broward's Marta Simic
tion of tennis events in the U.S. for champion ten- in the NJCAA.
nis players over the age of 30. Second place went On the men's side, the All-Stars are UCLA's Benjamin Kohlloeffel, Geor-
to John McEnroe. Visit gia's John Isner and Miami's Luigi D'Agord in D-I singles; Illinois' Kevin
www.championsseriestennis.com. Anderson and Ryan Rowe, Pepperdine's Scott Doerner and Andre Bege-
mann, and Ohio State's Scott Green and Ross Wilson in D-I doubles; Drury's
• Dan Malasky has been named USTA Mattias Oddone in D-II; Bates' Will Boe-Wiegaard in D-III; Embry-Riddle's
counsel, Professional Tennis, supporting Mislav Hizak in the NAIA; and Temple's Damian Johnson in the NJCAA.
legal matters for the Professional Also honored were Megan Moulton-Levy of William & Mary and Jonathan
Tennis Division. Stokke of Duke, who were recognized with the ITA/Arthur Ashe Leadership
and Sportsmanship Awards.
ischer Tennis is now distributing BM and Heineken have renewed
racquets from its Fischer Sports their partnership agreements for the
USA headquarters in New Hamp- US Open.
shire. IBM will continue as the “Official
Fischer, which is privately owned Information Technology Solution
and based in Austria, produces “tourna- Provider” of the US Open and also will
ment-player” frames, says Brian Hunter, continue as one of six USTA Corporate
the U.S. national sales manager for Fis- Champions. The multi-year deal con-
cher Tennis, who’s been with the com- tinues through 2009, and will make
pany for a year. Pros Marcos Baghdatis, IBM a 16-year sponsor of the US Open.
Dominik Hrbaty, and Meghann Shaugh- Heineken USA, the nation's largest
nessy use Fischer frames, as does about beer importer, extended its agreement
10 percent of ATP and WTA top 100 with the US Open through 2010.
players, says Hunter. “It puts us on the Heineken, the “Exclusive Beer Spon-
map as a player’s racquet.” sor,” is in its 15th year of sponsorship.
The company introduced three
frames at the end of the summer, the
Magnetic Tour (below) and the Magnet-
ic Vision and GDS Vision, both designed
for women players. “In 2007, we’re real-
ly looking to bring
the Magnetic
Speed series to
the forefront
in the U.S.
er Sports,
whose U.S.
division is
headed by
President Dave
Auer, is one of
the top ski manu-
facturers in the
world. Its Fischer
Advanced Composite
Components division
produces lightweight
components for the auto-
motive and aircraft indus-
tries. “It’s an innovation and
technology company,” says
Contact: Fischer Sports
USA, 60 Dartmouth Drive,
Auburn, NH 03032; 603-
314-7110 or 800-844-
7810; fax 603-314-7124;
email [email protected];
s both a participant and coach, Jimmy to extensive education programming. “and once you get involved in your com-
Pitkanen of Knoxville, Tenn., has USPTA CEO Tim Heckler adds, “The Master munity, you can’t sit still and not do more.”
enjoyed the camaraderie that comes Professional rating is highly respected by all Pitkanen, who coaches the girls’ and
from being part of a tennis team. For members of the tennis community due to boys’ high school tennis teams at the Webb
teenagers struggling against peer pressure, the objectivity and accountability required to School of Knoxville, teaches his players that
he says, there may be no greater refuge. earn it.” community service is just as important as a
“There isn’t a consistent serve by taking them to the local
better environ- boys’ club to hit and socialize with the kids.
ment to learn, Whenever possible, they take extra balls or
maybe even a new net to donate to the
This is the fifth of nine installments
on the teaching pros who hold Mas-
“Kids really enjoy helping each other,”
ter Pro certifications from both the
Pitkanen says. “It’s wonderful to see.”
PTR and the USPTA.
perform, and
compete than on Pitkanen’s Tips
a team,” says 53-
year-old Pitkanen,
for Success
a former director Stick with fundamentals. A lot of pros get
of tennis at clubs caught up in teaching the latest fad, but
who now coaches fundamentals—like “get into the ready
at the exclusive position” and “watch the ball as it comes
Webb School of off your opponent’s strings”—never go out
Knoxville. In fact, of style.
he says the only Give a kid a chance. Teaching pros who
trophies he kept from his “playing days” “Jimmy is very involved in everything favor teaching adults might want to recon-
were those he earned with his own high from school tennis to USTA programs, and sider. Kids stay kids for a short time, and
school and college teams. “It means more,” always has been,” says Geoffrey Norton, the lessons you impart about tennis and life
he adds, “when you’re not just in it for the PTR’s director of development. “He’s may have a powerful and lasting effect. Few
yourself.” very well known and respected in the occupations offer such opportunity for job
That attitude goes a long way in South. In our workshops, his name seems to satisfaction.
explaining why Pitkanen joined both the come up in every conversation as a good
PTR and the USPTA in the 1980s, and why source for information for this or that. He’s One day at a time. Many young players
he worked so hard to earn the prestigious a key guy who helps out in all aspects of want to become pros some day, Pitkanen
Master Professional rating from both orga- the industry.” notes, but the rest will become pros in
nizations in the 1990s—an accomplishment “I always say passionate teachers inspire another area of life. Focus on teaching play-
shared by only five others in the world. their students, and Jimmy has done that for ers how to get the best out of their
“It’s important to belong to the organi- years,” says PTR CEO Dan Santorum, who games—and themselves—so they’ll be pre-
zations,” Pitkanen says. “It’s not what they has known Pitkanen for 18 years. “Some pared for whatever career lies ahead.
can offer you, but how you can work people go through the motions of teaching, Team spirit. Pitkanen says students should
through them to service the industry. It’s an but some do it from the heart. Jimmy is one be encouraged to join competitive and intra-
important part of a pro’s makeup and of those people.” mural sport teams and leagues. Although
career development.” Pitkanen says he maintains dual mem- teenagers often have many competing inter-
According to Fred Viancos, the USPTA’s berships because the resources provided by ests, he believes being part of a team can
director of professional development, a both organizations help keep him on the be “one of the most joyous parts of high
Master Pro must put in court, organization, cutting edge of the industry. “They’re also school or college life.”
education, and business hours, in addition both service-oriented groups,” he notes,
It’s an established
fact that clubs with
prospering and
expanding junior
programs have
healthy bottom lines
as well. Why? When
the young children
are well-served and
happy at a particular
club, parents naturally
consider how the facility can
benefit their entire family.
Parents are always looking for creative
options when planning their children’s
birthday parties. What if you designed a
series of theme birthday parties and pro-
moted them in a brochure for your existing
members? Themes could include hiring
clowns, magicians, or jugglers to entertain
the children. Hire your own pros to run
games with prizes on your courts (not ten-
Now, imagine weekly birthday parties
with an average of 20 young children and
their parents looking on. Since the vast
majority will be non-members, what a great
way to regularly expose your facility to a
large group of potential members in a
favorable environment, all at the same
time. Just remember to give the guests a
packet including discount coupons along
with a special offer to entice them to enroll
their children into one of your junior pro-
grams. Q
Joe Dinoffer is a Master Professional for
both the PTR and USPTA. He speaks fre-
quently at national and international ten-
nis teacher workshops as a member of
both the Head/Penn and Reebok National
Speaker’s Bureaus. He is president of Oncourt Offcourt
Inc. and has written 16 books and produced more than
30 instructional videos.
ith a double major in marketing renewal dues instead of the regular $125 Since PTR on Campus was officially
and business management, Ondrej fee (until they finish their undergraduate announced at the 2005 US Open, col-
Vana plans to get a job in business program). Optional liability insurance is leges and universities that have hosted
after he graduates in 2008 from Ouachita offered for $20 for students, instead of $40. PTR on Campus have included Furman
Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Ark. He’ll Dan Santorum, CEO of the PTR, says PTR University, Penn State, St. Mary’s Universi-
always have a second career option, how- on Campus was created as a proactive solu- ty, South Carolina State University, Texas
ever, since he became a certified teaching tion to the anticipated retirement in the next Tech University, and the University of
pro through the Professional Tennis Reg- five to 10 years of thousands of teaching South Alabama.
istry’s “PTR on Campus” program. professionals who began their careers dur- Emilien Rabin, who was one of eight
“I expected to learn a lot, but not as ing the 1970s tennis boom. By offering free Ouachita players who participated in PTR
much as I did,” says 23-year-old Vana, a education and special introductory prices on on Campus last fall, says he gained confi-
native of the Czech Republic. “I know membership, Santorum says the hope is for dence as well as teaching knowledge.
how to play tennis, but it was hard to program participants to ultimately fill tennis Originally from Beaupreau, France, 24-
explain it, especially because I’m an inter- teaching jobs at parks, camps, clubs, and year-old Rabin—who graduated in May
national student. But that’s not a problem resorts nationwide. Until they graduate, he 2006 from Ouachita Baptist—now works
at all now. I really appreciate the PTR tak- notes, students who are certified can teach at the Polo Tennis and Fitness Club in
ing the time to do this.” during summers and throughout the school Austin.
Vana’s teammate, 20-year-old senior year to earn money that may help pay for “It was good to be [among] only a
Chris Jones of Jonesboro, Ark., has been college. few people in order to be able to ask
using his new tennis teaching skills at a “We are graying as an organization and many questions. It is also fun because you
summer sports camp at the T Bar M facing a huge void of experience,” says San- get certified with people you know,”
Resort & Conference Center in New torum, noting that the average age of a PTR Rabin says. “Bringing the classes to cam-
Braunfels, Texas. “The PTR program was member (as of June 2006) is 45.74 years. pus made it really convenient and easy.” Q
great for me. I hadn’t considered teaching “Tennis is growing, and this program is the
tennis as a profession before, but it is PTR’s way of building a workforce of young For more information about PTR on Cam-
something I see myself doing until I finish teaching pros to meet that growth.” pus, visit www.ptrtennis.org.
“Yeah,” Karen told me in mid-February, Our local Rapid Rally season is over.
her voice filled with enthusiasm. “Paige However, don’t let that stop you from
Miller and I want to get 100 sites partici- adapting the game, to kick-start your path-
pating in Georgia.” Paige is the marketing way programs, or maybe incorporating the
director for USTA Georgia. Karen rattled activity into your Tennis Fun Day or Special
off the program’s advantages while show- Olympics programs. We’ve done all of
ing me a sample of the kit I’d get for each these.
site I registered. How did tennis stack up in its first year
Our junior programs include an after- as part of this USOC program? Among the
school tennis gig where instructors bring 5,600 sites that participated in one of the
traveling equipment into 21 existing after- four USOC events, 1,700 were tennis.
school programs to instruct and play ten- That’s 30 percent! Approximately, 400,000
nis-based games. Why not do Rapid Rally kids picked up racquets to hit against the
s a program coordinator for junior
with them? walls of gyms and city parks nationwide.
players, I’m constantly on the lookout
I brought In Georgia,
for new ways to entice players into
the idea up to close to 100 sites
the game (it takes a lot to pull a kid away
our tennis registered. In my
from his Xbox 360). So you can imagine my
manager/head area of Macon, we
surprise when I realized I didn’t need to
pro, Carl introduced after-
look any further than my own backboard.
Hodge, and it schoolers to Rapid
That’s right. The practice wall.
didn’t take me Rally at our 22
A new program for juniors, called Rapid
long to con- sites. About 15
Rally, uses low-compression balls and a
vince him, percent of all
wall. Players stand behind a 15-foot tape
either. Its no- those who
line to serve, then they hit the ball against
cost feature, wrapped their fin-
the wall as many times as they can in 30
combined with gers around a rac-
the flexibility quet continued in
For Rapid Rally, the USTA partnered with
and conve- follow-up group
the U.S. Olympic Committee and Kellogg’s
nience the drills over the sum-
Frosted Flakes to incorporate tennis into its
program mer at our Parks
already existing junior skills competition
offered, were key factors. “And besides,” I and Rec tennis center. Of these, 35 young-
(other sports offered are soccer, basketball,
added for good measure, “it’s tennis! sters were invited to take our Fast Track
and track & field). I first heard about Rapid
Offered for the first time in a Junior classes, instruction geared toward prepar-
Rally during the USTA’s Community Tennis
Olympics program. We have to support it.” ing the novice player for USTA sanctioned
Development Workshop held in California
His comment was, “That’s how I tournaments.
in early February. The program caught my
learned to play tennis—against the wall.” Go ahead, kick start your pathway pro-
grams …against the wall. Q
immediate interest.
So great was his conviction that he pur-
Then, Rapid Rally came up during a
chased enough materials to construct four
meeting with Karen Zuidema, a former Robin Bateman is the site coordinator for
practice walls, which are now permanently the Tattnall Tennis Center in Macon, Ga.,
USTA Georgia Schools Program Coordinator
hung on the bottom courts at our tennis where she coordinates ten-
turned Tennis Service Representative.
center, thus adding a 22nd site for us to nis programs and leagues,
host Rapid Rally. We developed a program is a tournament director,
serves as a team captain,
For more on Rapid Rally, contact your local beginning with Rapid Rally practice ses-
and assists junior teams
Tennis Service Representative or visit sions, followed by the competition. Then competing at district,
www.usolympicteam.com/joskills. we provided other events and classes that regional, and section
players could enroll in. events.
ennis teaching professionals must be self- from other regionally accredited colleges
motivated and goal-driven to be success- or universities. Additional information CLASSROOM
ful. The organization that the pro works regarding the regional accrediting agen- One of the barriers prohibiting many busy
for has the responsibility to provide them with cies can be found at www.ed.gov/ working adults from going to college is
the necessary environment in which to perform offices/OPE/accreditation/regionalagencie the requirement to be in a particular place
their tasks, but the professional must be able s.html. at a particular time—a “synchronous”
to market his or her abilities to their customer Many students are curious to know if classroom in “real-time.” But online pro-
base. A club professional essentially runs his a degree online is different from an on- grams have been specifically designed to
own business, so having the skills and training campus degree. Keep in mind that the take advantage of technology, meaning
to perform his duties will provide the founda- development of online classes or degree that an online classroom or program can
tion for that success. programs must adhere to the same strin- easily be “asynchronous”—neither time-
But how does a pro acquire the necessary gent accrediting standards as the devel- nor place-dependent. You go online to
skills and training when he’s spending 35 opment of on-campus courses and read lectures, participate in discussion, and
hours a week on court teaching and hours off programs. The only difference is in the possibly complete exams. Many of the
the court trying to fill appointments for the fol- delivery. Online classrooms do a great assignments and exercises required in
lowing week? The answer may be distance job of maintaining all the value of class- online courses will still be completed off-
education. room interaction with classmates and the line using word processing software. This
The U.S. Distance Learning Association instructor, while maximizing the free system is open 24 hours a day, seven days
defines distance learning as the acquisition of time of individual students. a week.
knowledge and skills through mediated infor- In addition, graduates of online pro- If a tennis teaching pro is looking to
mation and instruction, encompassing all tech- grams tend to show a number of distinct attend college for the first time, complete
nologies and other forms of learning at a qualities of benefit to the employer, such or finish his or her undergraduate degree,
distance. Online distance-learning courses are as: or is looking into a graduate program, dis-
offered to students anytime, and online higher Q Proven comfort with integrated tech- tance education can provide the quality
education is part of a growing trend that is nologies. and flexibility to balance one’s professional
providing accessibility to a segment of the pop- Q Tendency to maximize resources to get and family life. Q
ulation that, for whatever reason, may not the most done in the least amount of
have the ability to attend traditional college time. Donald Leavy is a USPTA teaching
courses. Q Familiarity with the future of commerce professional in Grand Blanc,
Mich., and holds a BA in econom-
and business—the rise of internet- and
ics from the University of Michi-
REGIONAL ACCREDITATION intranet-based business practices are gan and an MBA from Baker
What should someone look for in a college or nothing new to online students. College. He is the development
university that offers distance education? The Q Broad exposure to students from differ- director for Baker College Online
Center for Graduate Studies. If you have questions
first concern should be accreditation. In gener- ent regions and around the globe—
regarding the benefits of distance education, you
al the most widely recognized and sought-after often more so than campus-based can reach him at [email protected].
form of accreditation in the U.S., by both col- peers.
How do you know what to stock for your shop? We
provide expert guidance that can help you—and your
customers—find the right strings.
here are a ton of strings on the market today; the num- Even for a veteran stringer, choosing which string you need
hat string is best for your customer? It’s a tricky question to are included in the total sum and average for that string. We
W answer, since there are so many different strings out there added the scores from each respondent to obtain a sum for
that all have unique combinations of benefits. But once again, that string, then divided the sum by the number of respon-
we’ve gone right to the experts, the thousands of U.S. Racquet Stringers dents who rated it.
Association members, and asked them to rate strings in three categories: To ensure that strings with a reasonable breadth of distrib-
playability, durability, and com- ution are included, each string must be rated on at least 16
fort. questionnaires. We feel
Our 30th annual string sur- Most Responses by Gauge that having at least 16
vey, which is on the poster (percent) respondents allows us to
inserted into this issue of RSI, include enough strings by
is a compilation of survey Gauge 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002/3 2001 2000 enough manufacturers,
questionnaires sent in Sep- 16 58.4 64.6 62.0 62.4 61.9 58.9 54.8 including smaller market
tember to 2,000 randomly 17 25.5 24.5 28.2 23.1 26.2 27.0 31.8 share companies. Too
selected U.S. members of the 16L 6.0 4.6 3.8 4.3 2.8 1.5 - high a number will mean
USRSA (no chain stores). 15L 5.5 3.8 4.3 5.7 5.9 7.8 11.1 the survey results will only
18 3.7 1.9 1.3 1.4 1.8 2.9 0.9 include the top two or
Recipients were given a list of
15 0.5 0.6 - 0.5 - 0.8 0.8
every string on the market three manufacturers.
17L 0.2 - 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.6
and asked to rate the ones Remember, the cate-
19 0.3 - - 1.7 0.4 0.4 -
they are familiar with from 1 18/17 - - - 0.5 0.4 - - gory scores for each string
to 10 in each of the three cat- are averages of all the
egories. Then an average respondents’ rankings for
score was calculated for each Most Responses by Brand a given string. Often,
string in each category. (percent) these averages are very
For a string to qualify for a close; the differences
rating, the respondent must Brand 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002/3 2001 2000 between rankings can be
have strung at least 20 sets of Wilson 21.6 23.2 22.0 21.9 23.8 21.6 30.5 mere hundredths of a
that string in the past year. Gamma 21.3 20.4 22.9 24.7 25.6 25.9 27.2 point. Though only one
This 20-set minimum ensures Prince 16.4 19.8 19.6 19.8 19.2 20.7 23.7 string can claim the top
that respondents are rating a Babolat 11.9 9.3 7.2 7.1 6.1 6.9 6.3 spot in a category, many
Head 8.6 9.4 7.7 7.4 7.3 4.0 7.0 of the strings close to
string they know something
Luxilon 5.7 3.6 3.4 3.0 - - - each other in ranking are
about and that has some
Tecnifibre 4.8 4.5 4.8 4.1 4.1 4.7 3.4
vitality in the marketplace. For of equal stature. In prac-
Ashaway 1.4 2.0 1.6 1.8 1.7 2.2 <1.0
some businesses, 20 sets may Gosen 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.9 3.2 1.4 tice, each of these strings
represent 20 percent of their Forten 1.1 1.2 2.3 2.6 2.6 3.5 0.5 is one of the best of its
total business, and for others, Alpha 0.8 0.9 1.0 - - - - niche.
1 percent. Some businesses Kirschbaum 0.7 0.8 0.8 - - - - Hang our String Survey
may only sell 20 sets of the TOA 0.6 0.8 0.4 - - - - poster in your shop and
string; others may sell 500. Dunlop 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.1 - - - let your customers deter-
Klip 0.5 0.6 0.9 - - - - mine which strings may
Each ranking, however, car-
Others 2.7 2.3 2.3 4.6 5.2 4.4 - best help their games.Q
ries the same weight, and all
As we begin the New Year, we
asked people in the industry—
including teaching pros, pro shop and
facility managers, court builders,
manufacturers, and more—to tell us The current prac-
tice of special make-up rac-
what they’d like to see. C O M P I L E D B Y M I T C H R U S T A D quets for these dealers that are cheap
knock-offs of discontinued products may
wish more funds were available to do this, tennis will always be a healthy life- result in quick sales, but it hurts their
rebuild our public tennis courts. As a time sport. —Max Brownlee, brands and the tennis retail business in
lifetime public-park tennis player, I real- General Manager, Babolat USA general. —Bob Patterson,
ize the importance of having a nice facility Player’s Choice Tennis, Birmingham, AL
to bring the local tennis community My wish list for tennis in 2007 is: for ten-
together. —Chris Gaudreau, nis to become the sport of choice by chil- For 2007, I’d like to see tennis participa-
Racquet Koop, New Haven, CT dren 8 to 18. The USTA's revitalized tion continue to grow. And also, I wish for
Schools Program is introducing a new cur- good growth in business for our retail
I wish those who hire tennis professionals riculum at the elementary level, middle partners. —Kai Nitsche,
would realize a teacher’s importance, not school team tennis, and no-cut high school General Manager, Dunlop Sports U.S.
only to their facilities, but to the sport of tennis. We need to take tennis to where
tennis as a whole, and compensate teach- the kids are and that's schools. Also, I’d I’d like to see continued collaboration and
ing pros accordingly. The salaries and ben- like to see American women again domi- cooperation throughout the tennis indus-
efits of these valued teachers have not nate the world's top 10 and be in the final try. Working together, we can continue to
kept pace with other professions, especial- of the US Open. And I’d like the U.S. to grow the game of tennis, which benefits
ly at the entry level. With tennis beginning bring home the Davis Cup. us all. DecoTurf is committed to working
to grow again, the primary way to derail —Jane Brown Grimes, for an ongoing expansion of tennis with
this momentum is a lack of young, quali- USTA President, 2007-2008 our industry partners in 2007.
fied tennis teaching pros. Teaching pros —John Graham,
are the engine that drives the tennis train. I want to see the TIA, USTA, ITF, ATP and Managing Director, DecoTurf
It is in the best interest of the entire indus- WTA continue to work together to grow
try to work with PTR and USPTA to interest in the sport at the professional The thing that benefits all of us is the
engage those responsible for hiring teach- level and use their combined resources and growth of the game overall, and we want
ing professionals to ensure wages and influences to grow the game at the grass- continued growth in 2007. I think the
benefits are attractive enough to maintain roots. The success of the US Open Series is industry as a whole has to be very careful
the numbers needed, as well as a high- proof that marketing and cooperation can about selling itself down. We all exist bet-
level caliber. —Dan Santorum, CEO, PTR generate interest. Also, I wish manufactur- ter when our margins are strong, and
ers would consider the long-term effects when we sell ourselves down, we do a
My tennis wish for 2007 is that every ten- of their decisions on the entire market disservice to our consumer. There is some-
nis player tells a friend about the fun they rather than catering to the big-box and what of a trend if you look at the declin-
are having playing our great sport. If we online stores’ desire for discount racquets. ing prices of our products, and that’s not
RSI and the ASBA bring you the best in
tennis court construction.
nce again, we’re proud to have joined with the American
Residential Tennis
Facility-of-the-Year Award
Vanderbeek Residence
Warren, N.J.
General Contractor: Pro-Sport Construction, Inc.
Lights: LSI Lighting
Nets, Net Posts, Windscreens: J.A. Cissel
Indoor Multi-Purpose
Facility-of-the-Year Award
Pennington-Ewing Athletic Club
Ewing, N.J.
Specialty Contractor: Sportsline Inc.
Suppliers: M. Putterman, J.A. Cissel, Re-Tek
Surface: California Products
Indoor Tennis
Facility-of-the-Year Award
Boars Head Sports Club
Charlottesville, Va.
Specialty Contractor: ICA Sports, Olathe, Kan.
noticed something interesting at the Aus- ation, the change in spin depends on the 2,000 rpm, assuming that the ball is hit from
tralian Open in January. That is, I could amount of friction between the ball and behind the baseline and lands about 6 feet
sometimes read the label on the ball as the court and on the vertical speed of the short of the other baseline. In other words, S2
the ball travelled over the net, even though ball. The spin will change typically by about = S1 + 1,500 on a fast court and S2 = S1 +
the players were hitting topspin ground- 1,500 rpm on a fast court and by about 2,000 on a slow court.
strokes. The ball was hardly spinning at all 2,000 rpm on a slow court. A ball hit high-
even though the players were trying to er over the net will tend to hit the court at SPIN OFF THE STRINGS
make it spin. The problem was, the players a higher vertical speed, in which case the When a player hits the ball, the direction of
weren't hitting the ball hard enough to change in spin will be proportionally high- spin off the court needs to be reversed in
make it spin. The ball bounced off the court er, but 1,500 or 2,000 rpm is typical. A ball order to return the ball with topspin. Depend-
spinning rapidly but it stopped spinning as hit with say 1,000 rpm of topspin will ing on how hard the player hits the ball and
soon as it came off the strings. Instead of therefore bounce off the court with about how steeply the racquet rises up the back of
reversing the direction of spin, as the players 2,500 rpm on a fast court or 3,000 rpm of the ball, a player can change the spin by any-
were trying to do, all they were doing by hit- topspin on a slow court. If the ball is hit thing between about 1,000 rpm and 6,000
ting the ball was bringing the spin to a stop. with 1,000 rpm of backspin then it will rpm. Suppose that the change in spin is X.
An interesting question is how the spin bounce off the court with 500 rpm of top- Then the spin off the strings is S1 = X - S2. For
off the court affects the spin that players get spin on a fast court or 1,000 rpm of top- example, if the spin off the court is S2 = 3,000
off the strings. Men tend to hit the ball spin on a slow court. Regardless of the spin rpm and the change X = 4,000 rpm then the
harder and can therefore generate more of the ball before it bounces, a fast court spin off the strings is S1 = 4,000 – 3,000 =
topspin than women. But if they hit the ball changes that spin by around 1,500 rpm 1,000 rpm. However, if S2 and X are both
with more topspin then the ball will come and a slow court changes it by around equal to to 3,000 rpm then S1 = 0 and the ball
off the court spinning even faster. That will come off the strings without any spin
means that men have to work harder to at all. That's what I was seeing in some of
reverse the direction of spin in order to the women's matches in January.
return the ball with topspin. Rearranging the above terms with a
Suppose that two players get into a little math shows the following handy
long topspin baseline rally where both relationships: S1 = (X – 1,500) ÷ 2 and S2
players are hitting the ball at the same = (X + 1,500) ÷ 2 for a fast court rally,
speed straight up and down the middle while S1 = (X – 2,000) ÷ 2 and S2 = (X +
of the court. A typical rally is shown in 2,000) ÷ 2 in a slow court rally. If we sub-
Fig. 1 where the ball travels over the net stitute X = 1,500 rpm for a fast court and
with spin S1, bounces off the court with X = 2,000 rpm for a slow court then S1
spin S2, and comes off the strings with = 0 in each case. The player therefore
spin S1. Provided both players keep hit- needs to change the spin by at least
ting the ball at the same speed and at 1,500 rpm on a fast court and 2,000 rpm
the same height over the net, the ball on a slow court to return the ball with
will get stuck in a groove where it spins topspin. Otherwise the ball will be
clockwise at S1 or S2 while it travels left returned without spin or with backspin.
to right and then spins counter-clock- Figure 2a shows a slow court rally when
wise at S1 or S2 as it travels back from X = 2,000 rpm, S1 = 0, and S2 = 2,000
right to left. The spin changes from S1 to rpm. Fig. 2b shows a slow court rally
S2 every time the ball hits the court and when X = 3,000 rpm, S1 = 500 rpm, and
it changes from S2 back to S1 every time S2 = 2,500 rpm. Figures 3a and 3b show
the player hits the ball. In reality the the corresponding situations on a fast
speeds and spins will change during the court: Fig. 3a when X = 2,000 rpm, S1 =
rally but it is easier to figure out what is 250 rpm, and S2 = 1,750 rpm; Fig. 3b
happening if we assume that the speeds when X = 3,000 rpm, S1 = 750 rpm, and
and spins remain constant for at least S2 = 2,250 rpm.
two consecutive hits. Note that the spin off a slow court is
faster, but that makes it harder, not eas-
SPIN OFF THE COURT ier, for the player to return the ball with
When a ball hits the court in a rally situ- topspin. Q
Fit to Play Technical From Breakpoint The Physics and Biomechancical Taking Your
Tennis Tennis to Advantage Technology of Principles of Tennis Tennis On Tour
High Performance Racquetes, Strings, Balls, The A Practical Guide to Optimal Tennis Technique The Business, Science, and
Training Tips Courts, Spin, and Bounce Tennis Health and Performance Using Science to Improve Your Reality of Going Pro
As others have pointed out, pulling ten-
sion on the first center main puts a lot of
stress on the clamp holding the other cen-
ter main. With no string tension behind it
to help, that first clamp can and will
move. To eliminate any clamp movement
when pulling that first center main, posi-
tion the clamp so that it is up against the
6 or 12 o'clock mounting post. Tightening
the first center main string will cause the
clamp to pull up against the mounting
post, at which point it’s not going to
move any farther. Preventing clamp move-
ver the last 10 years, I’ve come to think eating, and then meeting back up on amazing people in this industry. After eight
of the Tennis Industry Association as lighted courts later so we could play after years, I started my own marketing and
Switzerland—a neutral ground where dark. We had courts along the river, on advertising agency, working with the likes
ideas can be freely explored and developed, the mountain overlooking the city, under of Stan Smith, the Family Circle Cup, the
where all brands can live in harmony, and where the viaduct, at schools and parks—too South Carolina Tennis Association, the TIA,
there is a collective group of manufacturers, many to recall. and many other businesses. I realized, how-
organizations, retailers, teaching pros, court con- While my formal instruction was main- ever, that the TIA was where I belonged.
tractors, facilities, pro groups, and tennis media ly through the schools, my tennis game
who all are working for the good of the sport. wasn't about the competition as much as A BRIGHT FUTURE
All of these constituents have ownership in the the social aspect. It was great fun. I was The TIA is a group of positive people work-
TIA and its mission, which is to promote the an unofficial missionary for the game ing for a common good, who want only
growth and economic vitality of tennis. back then, convincing friends and family the best for tennis. That spirit of collabora-
In 1995 I started working directly for members to pick up a racquet. tion has been pervasive in the organization
then-TIA President Kurt Kamperman. That I converted my future husband, a for many years. Our board, our members,
year, we announced the Grow the Game and the participating partners—many who
Initiative at the Super Show in Atlanta—the give a percentage of their sales—enable the
start of numerous collaborative efforts
“Industry-wide collabora- TIA to “perform” to its fullest. The USTA is
among industry businesses and organiza- tions in tennis make for a major partner in our success, too, and we
tions. When Kurt moved on to his current very much value our growing, positive rela-
position as USTA chief executive of Com- successful ventures. And tionship.
munity Tennis, I knew it would be great for Through our research partners Sports
tennis and a positive relationship-builder for that's what is truly unique Marketing Surveys, W&W Services Inc., and
the TIA. Taylor Research Group, the TIA produces
Jim Baugh succeeded Kurt as TIA presi-
about the TIA.” more than 80 market intelligence reports
dent, and during his three-year term I saw commercial airline pilot, to switch careers and surveys annually, including the annual
single-minded passion that resulted in suc- to tennis. Since 1990, he has been the Participation Study, plus consumer and cen-
cessful launches of the Tennis Welcome director of tennis at Sea Pines Resort on sus reports that monitor ball and racquet
Center and Cardio Tennis initiatives. Hilton Head Island, S.C. The majority of shipments.
It underscores a basic fact I've observed: my former tennis friends are still avid The TIA remains focused on improving
Industry-wide collaborations in tennis make players and many have made it their the health of the game for all constituents.
for successful ventures. And that's what is career, including me. Nearly 24 years ago Tennis is on the rise and all areas of the
truly unique about the TIA. This spirit carries my path was re-connected to tennis, the industry are working together to keep the
us into 2007, with new TIA President Dave last decade with the TIA. I feel very fortu- momentum going.
Haggerty of Head/Penn, and a fully commit- nate to work in this game I love. When I visit my hometown these days,
ted Board of Directors and Executive Com- Throughout my history in business, I’ve it’s good to see the tennis courts in Hamp-
mittee, which includes Jon Muir of Wilson, worked directly with—and learned den Park are full of tennis players, not
Doug Fonte of Prince, and Kurt Kamperman from—many great leaders and visionaries. skateboarders.
of the USTA. Our board members are lead- After college, I worked for retail legend And it makes me proud to be part of
ers in business who make up all areas of the Albert Boscov in the special events and this growing tennis village. Q
industry and give the TIA depth and direc- marketing department of Boscov’s
tion. The TIA is everyone’s vehicle to impact Department Stores. Then I was hired by
tennis. the president of Club Med to help estab- Avid player Jolyn de Boer is
lish their first retail sales office in Manhat-
the executive director of the
Growing up in Reading, Pa., tennis was a In the early 1980s, my “pilot-turned- Tennis Industry Association.
major part of my life. Every day after school, tennis-pro” husband and I moved to
anywhere from eight to 16 (or more) of us Hilton Head, and I became the marketing
We welcome your opinions. Please email
would be at various courts around the city. and advertising director for Dennis Van comments to [email protected] or fax
We’d take turns playing, doing homework, der Meer, where I met the first of many them to 760-536-1171.