World at A Glance
World at A Glance
World at A Glance
Total Surface Area: Total Land Area: Total Water Area: Total Population: Total Weight: Total Volume: Total Age: Surface Gravity: 510,064,472 sq km 148,940,000 sq km (29.2% of Planet Earth's surface) 361,132,000 sq km (70.8% of Planet Earth's surface) 7.04 billion 5.9722 1024 Kg 1.083211012 km3 4.54 billion years 32.041 ft/s2
Distance from Moon: 384,403 km Distance from Sun: Equatorial Radius: Mean Radius: Polar Radius: Orbiting Speed: Orbiting Time: Surface Temperature: Orbit Size around Sun: Period of Rotation: 23.934 hours Speed of Rotation: 1670 km/hr Distance from nearest Planet: 38 million km from Venus Total Continent: 7 (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica) 150 million km 6,378.1 km 6,371.0 km 6,356.8 km 29.78 km/s 365.256363004 days -88/5(min/max)C 92,956,050 miles (Semi Major Axis)
Total Ocean: 5 ( Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic ) UN Recognized Countries: 193 Total Seas: 137 Primary Tectonic Plates: 8 (African, Antarctic, Australian, Eurasian, Indian, North American, Pacific, South American) Largest Continent: Asia, 43,820,000 sq km (29.5% of total World landmass) Smallest Continent: Australia, 9,008,500 sq km Largest Country: Russia, 17,098,242 sq km Smallest Country: Vatican City - 0.44 sq km Largest Ocean: The Pacific Ocean - 155,557,000 sq km Smallest Ocean: Arctic, 14,056,000 sq km Highest Mountain: Mount Everest, 29,029 ft - Nepal Longest River: The Nile - 6,650 km Largest Lake: The Caspian Sea - 371,000 sq km Average Life Expectancy: 67.2 years
India at a glance
Capital: Area: Latitude: Longitude: Official Language: New Delhi 3.3 Million sq. km 6 44' and 35 30' north latitude 68 7' and 97 25' east longitude Hindi
Total Coast Line: Area covered by Forest: Population: Male: Female: Population Growth Rate: Sex Ratio: Literacy Rate: Male: Female: State: Union Territories: Largest State: Smallest State: National Park: Wildlife Sanctuaries: Largest City: Calling Code: National Motto: National Song: National Anthem: Highest Point: Currency:
7,516.6 km 68 million hectares 1,210,193,422 Billion 623.7 million 586.4 million 1.64 per cent during 2001-2011 940 74.04% 82.14% 65.46% 28 7 Rajasthan Goa 102 441 Mumbai +91 Satyameva Jayate Vande Mataram Jana Gana Mana Mount Godwin-Austen, 28,251 ft Indian Rupee
Life Expectancy Rate Male: Female: Ethnic Groups: National Days: 65.8 years 68.1 years Australoid, Mongoloid, Europoid, Caucasian, and Negroid 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day) 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti; Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday)
National Bird: National Flower: National Tree: National River: National Aquatic Animal: National Animal: National Fruit:
Indian peacock Lotus Banyan Tree The Ganga River Dolphin Tiger Mango
India's First......
Governor-General of Independent IndiaLord Lewis Mountbatten Indian Governor-General of Independent IndiaChakravarti Rajgopalachari Indian Commander-in-Chief of Free India General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1949 Field MarshallGeneral S. H. F. J. Manekshaw Speaker of loksabhaShri G.V. Mavalankar (15 May 1952- 27 February 1956). PresidentDr. Rajendra Prasad
Vice-PresidentDr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Prime-MinisterPt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Home MinisterSardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Finance Minister of IndiaR. K. Shanmukham Chetty
Auditor General of IndiaV. Narahari Rao Director of CBI DP Kohli National Security Adviser Brijesh Mishra Governor of RBI Sir Osborne Smith Non-Congress Prime-Minister Morarji Desai from Janata Party in 1977-79. British Governor-General of BengalWarren-Hastings Space travellerS. Leader-Rakesh Sharma C. S.Satendra Nath Tagore Woman IASAnna Ranjan George, 1950 Swimmer who crossed over the English channel by swimmingMihir Sen Woman to swim across the English ChannelArati Saha, 1959 Raman-Magsaysay awardeeAcharya Vinoba Bhave
Novel prize winnerRabindra Nath Tagore Nobel Prize in PhysicsC. V. Raman in 1930 President of National CongressVyomesh Chand Banerjee Chairman of Lok SabhaG. B. Mavlankar First Woman Chief MinisterSucheta Kriplani
Woman Speaker of Lok SabhaSmt. Meira Kumar, 2009 Chief Election CommissionerSukumar Sen Indian Chairman in International CourtJustice Dr. Nagendra Singh Foreigner awardee of Bharat RatnaKhan Abdul Gaffar Khan Leader of the Indian Antarctica MissionDr. Syed Zahuv Quasim Chief Justice of Supreme CourtJustice Hiralal J. Kaniya Awarded with Bharat RatnasDr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, Chakravarti Rajgopalachari, Sir C. B. Raman Woman Awarded with Bharat Ratnas Indira Gandhi Commandeur of the Order of Arts and Letters Mrinal Sen Chevalier of the Order of Arts and LetterSivaji Ganeshan Posthumally Bharat Ratna AwardeeLal Bahadur Shastri Person awarded Bhartiya-Gyan-Peeth PurskarG. Shankar Kurup (Malayalam1965) Woman awarded with Bhartiya-Gyan-Peeth PurskarAshapurna Devi, 1976 Woman Sahitya Akademi Award WinnerAmrita Pritam, 1956 Woman Honours GraduateKamini Roy Woman Director General of PoliceKanchan C Bhattacharya
Woman to received Nobal Prize Mother Teresa Woman GovernorSarojini Naidu Licensed Pilot J R D Tata Woman Air PilotDurba Banerjee Woman TeacherSavitribai Phule Successful heart transplanted personDevi Ram (1994) President of National Human Rights CommissionJustice Rangnath Mishra Hindi Literature person-awarded Bhartiya Gyan Peeth PurskarSumitra Nandan Pant (1968) Indian who won the World Billiard awardWilson Jans Indian who won the Grammy awardPt. Ravi Shankar Person delivered the Lecture in Hindi in U.N.O. Atal Bihari Bajpai (1977)
Indian member in British House of Commons Dada Bhai Naoroji (1892) First President of Indian Science CongressSir Asutosh Mukherjee Mountaineer who scaled Mount Everest 8 timesSherpa-Augarita Writer who was awarded Vyas SammanRamvilas Sharma Indian Managing Director of World BankGautam Kazi Player awarded Padam BhusanC. K. Naidu Actress to win Padma Shri AwardNargis Dutt, 1958
Indian players played Davis CupM. Salim and S. M. Jacob (Singles), A. A. Faiyaz and L. S. Dare (Doubles) (1921) Tennis Grandslam title winnerMahesh Bhupati Indian player who played the test cricketK. S. Ranjeet Singh (from England) Scientist elected for Lok SabhaDr. Meghnad Saha Scientist awarded Ghanshyam Das Birla awardProf. Ashish Datta (1991) Literature who was awarded Murti Devi PurskarC. K. Nagraj Rao (1993) Person, who became High Commission in Great BritainV. K. Krishna-Menon Indian who was awarded the Lenin Peace PrizeDr. Safuddin Kichlu (1952) First Indian who contested the election for British ParliamentLal Mohan Ghose Woman GraduatesKadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi Basu, 1883 Woman Chief Justice of High CourtLeila Seth, Himachal Pradesh, 1991 An Indian, appointed the judge of High Court, during the British periodRam Prasad Ram
Indian member of Viceroy Executive CouncilSir. S. P. Sinha Leanin Peace Prize Saifuddin Kitchlew Chairman of Finance CommissionK. C. Niogi Woman Doctorate of ScienceAsima Chatterjee (1944) Woman IPSKiran Bedi Woman Supreme Court judgeKumari Fathima Beevi
Indian member of American CongressDeleep Singh Editor of Time MagazineBobby Ghosh Director of CBI becoming GovernorAshwani Kumar Person to reach the North PoleSquadron Leader Sanjay Thapar Person to reach the South PoleCol Jatinder Kumar Bajaj Nishan-e-PakistanMorarji Desai, 1990
Magsaysay AwardVinoba Bhave, 1958 Miss WorldReita Faria in 1966 Miss Asia PacificZeenat Aman in 1970 Miss UniverseSushmita Sen in 1994 Miss EarthNicole Faria in 2010 Place to get electricityDarjeeling in 1897 Sound filmAlam Ara (1931) directed by Ardeshir Irani Colour filmKisan Kanya (1937), directed by Moti B. Gidvani Oscar winnerBhanu Athaiya for Best Costume Design for Gandhi (film) in 1982. Dadasaheb Phalke AwardDevika Rani in 1969 Chevalier of the Order of Arts and LettersSivaji Ganesan Test-tube babyDurga Agarwal, born 1978 NewspaperHickey's Bengal Gazette started in 1760 First Lady DoctorAnandibai Joshi SatelliteAryabhata, launched on 19 April 1975
Man to climb Mt EverestTenzing Norgay Man to climb Mt Everest without oxygenPhu Dorjee, 1984 Woman to climb Mt everestBachendri Pal District to achieve 100% literacy rateErnakulam district, Kerala, 1990 Captain in TestsC. K. Nayudu for the 1932 tour of England ODI captainAjit Wadekar Bowler who made hat-trick in Test CricketHarbhajan Singh Batsman who made 300 runs in test CricketVirendra Sehwag First Marshal of Indian Air ForceArjan Singh Individual Medal in Olympic gamesKD Jadhav Grandmaster Viswanathan Anad Woman GrandmasterKoneru Humpy First Indian who individually won the Gold medal in Olympic gamesAbhinav Bindra First Indian who won the Bronze medal in Boxing in Olympic gamesVijendra Kumar Fellow of Trinity College, CambridgeSrinivasa Ramanujan Fellow of the Royal SocietyArdaseer Cursetjee
Sindh. Other cities like Lothal, Mehrgarh also emerged during this period. 1600 BC 1400 BC 600 BC 599 BC 563 BC 527 BC 492 BC 483 BC India is invaded by the Aryans from the west The Vedas, the Hindu scripture, was written The Upanishads written Mahavira, 24th Tirthankar of Jainism is born Gautam Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born in Lumbini Nirvana of Mahavira Bimbisara dies and is succeeded by Ajatashatru in Magadha Empire Death of Gautama Buddha in Kushinagar Alexander the Great moved into India, King Porus who ruled parts of
Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River. 321 BC Nanda 305 BC Empire. Chandragupta Maurya established Mauryan dynasty defeating Dhana Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid
300 BC Chola dynasty establishes his kingdom over southern India with capital in Thanjavur 269 BC emperor of India 261 BC of Kalinga. 232 BC Ashoka the Great, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, becomes the Kalinga War takes place between Magadha Empire and the kingdom Death of King Ashoka
185 BC The Mauryan Empire, collapsed after its emperor Brihadrata was assassinated by his general Pusyamitra Sunga who then established the Sunga dynasty
50 AD Buddhist stupa is
constructed at Sanchi 300 The Pallava dynasty is established in Kanchi The Gupta dynasty founded by Maharaja Sri Gupta, reunited northern India
320 initiating
the "golden Age" of India 335 empire. 380 450 606 712 1021 1206 1221 1236 King Samudragupta ascends the Gupta throne and expands the Chandragupta II, Samudragupta's son becomes the Gupta Emperor. Invasions by the Huna. Harshavardhana crowned Monarch. First Muslim, Md. Bin Qasim defeats Raja Dahir Mahmud Ghazni defeats Tarnochalpal and annexes Punjab Qutb ub-din Aybak establishes the Delhi Sultanate Genghis Khan invades Punjab Razia Sultana, only lady ruler of Delhi
1290 Jalal ud-Din Firuz establishes the Khilji sultanate at Delhi 1298 Marco Polo visits India Vijayanagara Empire established by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Timur conquered India resulting in the decline of the Delhi Sultanate Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Vasco de Gama's first voyage from Europe to India and back (to 1499) Babur established the Mughal Empire
Mughal king Humayun comes to fight Sher Shah and regains India
1600 Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the East India Company established trading posts in Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras 1605 1612 1632 Akbar dies, and is succeeded by his son Jehangir. British arrives India Taj Mahal construction initiated by Mughal ruler Shah Jahan
1653 Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan dies, and is succeeded by his son
Aurangzeb. 1675 Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs is executed in Delhi. Guru Gobind Singh becomes tenth Guru of Sikhs. 1680 Shivaji dies at Raigad, Sambhaji became 2nd Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire 1707 Death of Aurangzeb the Mughal emperor.
1757 In Battle of Plassey, Robert Clive, leads British forces which defeated the Mughal governor of Bengal Mir Jafar 1774 Warren Hastings appointed the first governor general of India by the East India Company 1775 First Anglo-Maratha War
1799 Death of Tipu Sultan 1853 1853 Started Post Service First Railway established between Bombay and Thane
1857 Establishment of University of Mumbai, University of Madras and University of Calcutta in India 1858 The British government ruled India, Lord Dalhousie becomes the GovernorGeneral of India 1862 Death of Bahadur Shah Zafar 1869 "Arya Samaj" Established Queen Victoria was given the title Empress of India by the British Burma became an Indian province The Indian National Congress was formed (28th December)
1905 The British government divided Bengal into separate Hindu and Muslim sections 1909 Morley-Minto Reforms
1914 World War 1 1915 1919 Mahatma Gandhi returns back to India Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13th April)
Congress, Non-cooperation movement Khilafat Movement 1927 1929 1930 1931 Simon Commission Central Assembly Bombed by Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt. Purna Swaraj resolution in Lahore, Salt Satyagraha started Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev Martyred (23rd March)
1935 1939
1940 Muhammad Ali Jinnah demanded that a new country be formed from India for the Muslims, which would be called Pakistan 1942 1942 Quit India Movement Indian National Army Established by Subhas Chandra Bose
1945 World War II ended when United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August) 1946 1946 Royal Indian Navy Mutiny The British government agreed to grant India independence
1947 British and Indian leaders agreed to divide the country into India and Pakistan 1947 India became independent (15th August)
1950 Constitution of India came into effect and Jawaharlal Nehru became the Indian first prime minister (26th January) Highest mountain peak Highest Dam Highest Waterfall Highest Gateway Highest Award Highest Gallantry Award Highest Battle field Highest rainfall Place Highest Airport Highest Lake Highest Tower Highest populated State Godwin Austin (k2) Tehri Dam, Uttarakhand Kunchikal waterfall, Karnataka Buland Darwaza, Fatehpur Sikri, Uttap Pradesh Bharat Ratna Paramveer Chakra Siachin Glacier Mawsynram, Meghalaya Leh, Laddakh Cholamu Lake, Sikkim Qutub Minar, Delhi Bihar
Highest Radio Station Highest Statue Largest lake of Fresh water Largest Temple Largest Mosque Largest Church Largest Gurudwara Largest Monastery Largest populated city Largest Building Largest Museum Largest Auditorium Largest Cinema Theatre Largest Barrage Largest Delta Largest Dome Largest Zoo Largest Exhibition Ground Largest Desert Largest cave temple Largest Cave Largest Hotel Largest State by Area Largest State by Population Largest Hospital Largest corridor Largest Post Office Largest forest area state Largest Prison Largest Stadium Largest Port Largest Lake of Saline water Largest river island Largest Planetarium Largest man-made lake Largest Cantilever Span Bridge Largest library Largest Lok Sabha Contituency by area Largest Lok Sabha Contituency by population Longest River Longest tributary river of India Longest coastline State Longest tunnel Longest national highway Longest Dam
The Leh station of AIR Jain Saint Gomateswara, Karnataka Wular lake, Kashmir Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, Tamil Nadu Jama Masjid, Delhi Se Cathedral, Goa Golden Temple, Amritsar Tawang Monastery, Arunachal Pradesh Mumbai, Maharastra Rashtrapati Bhawan, Delhi National Museum, Kolkata Sri Shanmukhananda Hall, Mumbai Thangam, Madurai Farakka Barrage, Ganga Sunderban Delta, West Bengal Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur, Karnataka Zoological Gardens, Alipur, Kolkata Pragati Maidan Complex, New Delhi Thar, Rajasthan Kailash temple, Ellora, Maharashtra Amarnath Cave, Jammu and Kashmir Oberoi Sheraton, Mumbai Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh B. J Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad Rameshwaram temple corridor, Tamil Nadu Mumbai GPO Madhya Pradesh Tihar Central Jail, Delhi Salt lake Stadium, Kolkata Mumbai Chika lake, Orissa Majuli, Brahmaputra river, Assam Birla Planetarium, Kolkata Govind Sagar, Bhakra Dam Howrah Bridge, Kolkata National Library, Kolkata Ladhak Outer Delhi Ganga Yamuna Gujarat Jawahar tunnel, Jammu & Kashmir NH-7which runs from Varanasi to Kanyakumari Hirakud Dam, Orissa
Longest River Bridge Longest Electric railway line Longest Railway Platform Longest river which forms estuary Logest bridge above water Logest distance run train Longest nonstop run train Longest railway bridge Longest Beach Smallest State by Area Smallest State by Population Smallest Lok Sabha Contituency by area Smallest Lok Sabha Contituency by population Tallest building
Mahatma Gandhi Setu, Patna From Delhi to Kolkata via Patna Kharagpur, W. Bengal Narmada Bandra-Worli Sea Link, Maharastra Vivek Express Trivandrum Rajdhani Vembanad Rail bridge, Kerala Marina Beach, Chennai Goa Sikkim Chandni Chowk Lakshdweep Imperial Tower, Mumbai
Number of Countries 44 countries Highest point Lowest point Most Populous City Mount Everest, Nepal Dead Sea, Israel Shanghai, China
South America
Area 6,880,000 sq. km
Number of Countries 12 countries Highest point Lowest point Most Populous City Aconcagua, Argentina Laguna del Carbn, Argentina Sao Paulo, Brazil
North America
Area 9,365,000 sq. km
Number of Countries 23 countries Highest point Lowest point Most Populous City Mount McKinley, USA Death Valley, USA Mexico City, Mexico
Area 11,608,000 sq. km
Number of Countries 54 countries Highest point Lowest point Most Populous City Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Lake Assal,Djibouti Lagos, Nigeria
Area Number of Countries Highest point Lowest point Most Populous City 3,837,000 sq. km 47 countries Mount Elbrus, Russia Caspian Sea, Russia Moscow, Russia
Area 5,100,000 sq. km
Deep Lake, Vestfold Hills, Antarctica Villa Las Estrellas, Chilean claim
Area 2,968,000 sq. km
Number of Countries 14 countries Highest point Lowest point Most Populous City Puncak Jaya, Papua Province Lake Eyre, Australia Sydney, Australia
Other Facts.....
Canada has more lakes than all the other countries of the world combined. Kazakistan is the largest landlocked country in the world France covers the most time zones, covering 12 time zones Most overweight population found in Nauru Mongolia is the least densely populated country on Earth with 4 people per square mile Saudi Arabia has no river Suriname is the most jungle covered country in the world, with 91% of its land covered in jungle Papua New Guinea with 820 languages are spoken, is the most languages spoken country in world The country with the most neighbors is Russia with 16 neighbors New Zealand is the first country that gave women the right to vote in 1893 The country with the longest shoreline measuring 202,080 km is Canada Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan is the only two countries in the world which are doubly landlocked Vatican is the only country where there was no birth in 1983 Singapore is the largest country without any farms. Nauru is the only country in the world with no official capital There are more post offices in India than anywhere else in the world New Zealand is the only country which has every climate in the world
The Sun is recognized as having the largest mass in our Solar System. It has a diameter of about 1,392,684 km, about 109 times that of Earth The sun is the closest star to Earth, at a mean distance from our planet of 149.60 million km Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second.
At the core, the temperature is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius) In February 1974, Skylab was the first manned spacecraft to study the Sun.
Solar flares occur when magnetic fields of the Sun come together and cause hugeexplosions on the Suns surface. Solar flares produce bursts of electromagnetic radiation, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, and radio waves.
Mercury is the closest and second smallest in the Solar System. Mercury is the second densest planet after Earth. The only visit to Mercury was a flyby made by the Mariner 10 spacecraft in 1974.
Mercury speeds around the sun every 88 days, traveling through space at nearly 50 km (31 miles) per second Galileo first observed Mercury during the 17th century.
Venus is the second closest and sixth largest planet in the Solar System The orbital speed of Venus is 35 km per second. Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. Venus appears to be the brightest planet in the sky. It takes 244.7 days for Venus to rotate on its axis.
The first robotic space probe mission to Venus, and the first to any planet, began on 12 February 1961, with the launch of the Venera 1 probe.
Earth formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within one billion years. The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System. Earth is the fifth largest planet in the Solar System. The Diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km (7,926 miles) The earths orbital speed is 29.8 km per second.
Earth atmosphere consists of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other ingredients.. Earth rotates about its own axis 366.26 times, creating 365.26 solar days
The Moon is Earths lone natural satellite.
In 1610, Galileo Galilei is the first to use a telescope to make scientific observations of the Moon. The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in our Solar System. The Moons diameter is 2160 miles (3476 km)
Average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 239,000 miles. Actual distance varies from 221,457 to 252,712 miles. The Moons gravity is 1/6 that of Earth. The Moon does not have an atmosphere; there is no wind on the Moon. Apollo 11 was the American space mission to first reach and land on the moon. The first human landing on the Moon was on 20 July 1969.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System.
iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance, often described as Red Planet A Mars year is equal to 686.98 Earth Days A day in Mars is equal to 24.6 Earth Hours Like Earth, Mars experiences seasons because of the tilt of its rotational axis Asaph Hall discovered both of Mars moons, Phobos and Deimos, in August 1877.
Mariner 4 first successful flyby mission to Mars. Launched on November 28, 1964 and arrived at Mars on July 14, 1965. Viking 1 Successful orbit and landing on surface of Mars. Launched August 20, 1975 and arrived at Mars July 20, 1976.
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is 318 times larger than Earth. The orbital speed of Jupiter is 13.1 km/sec A year on Jupiter is equal to 11.9 Earth Years
Jupiter has 67 natural satellites.[105] Of these, 51 are less than 10 kilometres in diameter and have only been discovered since 1975. Galileo Galilei had discovered Jupiter's four largest moons, now called Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. These four moons are known today as the Galilean satellites. In 1610, Galileo Galilei makes the first detailed observations of Jupiter. Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the biggest satellite in solar system Jupiter has rings, the third planet discovered to have a ring system in our Solar System.
Jupiters rings are identified as: Halo ring, Main ring, Amalthea gossamer ring, and Thebe gossamer ring. Jupiters rings were discovered by Voyager 1 in 1979.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest. Saturn has 62 known moons, fifty-three have been named. Most of them are small in size.
Names of some of Saturns moons: the largest is Titan, discovered in 1655; Tethys, Dione, Rhea, & Iapetus, discovered from 1671 to 1672; Mimas & Enceladus, discovered in 1789; and Hyperion, discovered in 1848. A year on Saturn is equal to 29.5 Earth Years Pioneer 11 is the first spacecraft to reach Saturn, in 1979
Saturn has a prominent ring system that consists of nine continuous main rings and three discontinuous arcs, composed mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust.
The orbital speed of Uranus is 6.6 km/sec Uranus takes 84 Earth years to complete one orbit. Uranus is the third largest planet in the Solar System. Voyager 2, the only spacecraft to visit Uranus, A day on Uranus is equal to a little more than 17 hours on Earth.
Uranus has 27 known moons, named for characters from the works of William Shakespeare or Alexander Pope Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781
Neptune is the fourth largest planet and coolest planet in the Solar System.
Neptune was the first planet located through mathematical predictions rather than through regular observations of the sky. Neptune was discovered by Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams, and Johann Galle on September 23, 1846. The only spacecraft ever to visit Neptune was Voyager 2 in 1989. The magnetic field of Neptune is about 27 times more powerful than that of Earth. One Neptune year is equal to 164.83 Earth Years Neptune has six known rings. In 2011, Neptune completes its first 165-year orbit of the sun since its discovery in 1846.
Neptune has 13 moons, the largest of which is named Triton. The other moons are: Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Neso, and Psamathe.
Pluto is the smallest planet in the Solar System, now consider as dwarf planet Pluto is colder than Neptune. Plutos journey around the Sun takes 248 Earth years. Pluto is the second most contrast body in the Solar System Pluto has not yet been visited by a spacecraft.
Pluto has a satellite, Charon, which was discovered (in 1978). The distance between them is 19,640 km (12,200 miles).The other 3 are Nix, Hydra, and newly discovered S/2011 P 1 on July of 2011. Pluto rotation (a Pluto day) takes 6.4 Earth days, meaning that it has the second slowest rotation in the Solar System after Venus Pluto was discovered by Tombaugh in 1930
Total Land Area: Total Water Area: Total Population: Total Weight: Total Volume: Total Age: Surface Gravity: Distance from Moon: Distance from Sun: Equatorial Radius: Mean Radius: Polar Radius: Orbiting Speed: Orbiting Time: Surface Temperature: Orbit Size around Sun:
148,940,000 sq km (29.2% of Planet Earth's surface) 361,132,000 sq km (70.8% of Planet Earth's surface) 7.04 billion 5.9722 1024 Kg 1.083211012 km3 4.54 billion years 32.041 ft/s2 384,403 km 150 million km 6,378.1 km 6,371.0 km 6,356.8 km 29.78 km/s 365.256363004 days -88/5(min/max)C 92,956,050 miles (Semi Major Axis)
Period of Rotation: 23.934 hours Speed of Rotation: 1670 km/hr Distance from nearest Planet: 38 million km from Venus Total Continent: 7 (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica) Total Ocean: 5 ( Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic )
UN Recognized Countries: 193 Total Seas: 137 Primary Tectonic Plates: 8 (African, Antarctic, Australian, Eurasian, Indian, North American, Pacific, South American) Largest Continent: Asia, 43,820,000 sq km (29.5% of total World landmass) Smallest Continent: Australia, 9,008,500 sq km Largest Country: Russia, 17,098,242 sq km Smallest Country: Vatican City - 0.44 sq km Largest Ocean: The Pacific Ocean - 155,557,000 sq km Smallest Ocean: Arctic, 14,056,000 sq km Highest Mountain: Mount Everest, 29,029 ft - Nepal Longest River: The Nile - 6,650 km Largest Lake: The Caspian Sea - 371,000 sq km Average Life Expectancy: 67.2 years
Country to make a constitution Country to Organize NAM Summit Country to send human to Moon Country to launch satellite into space Country to host modern Olympics Country to launch Radio Telescope Satellite into space European to visit China Man to climb Mt Everest Man to reach North Pole Man to reach South Pole Man to Fly an aeroplan Man to sail around the World Man to set foot on the Moon Man to go to the space Man to draw the map of Earth Man to compile Encyclopedia Man to win Nobel Prize in Literature Man to win Nobel Prize in Peace Man to win Nobel Prize in Physics Man to win Nobel Prize in Chemistry Man to win Nobel Prize in Medicine Man to win Nobel Prize in Economics Man to sail around the World alone Man tourist in Space Man to have climbed Mount Everest Twice Man Oscar winner for the Best Actor Man to win Tour de France Man boxing champion Man chess champion Man to walk in space Man heart transplant was per formed by Man heart transplant recipient Man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic Man to swim across the English Channel Man to fly solo nonstop around the world in ballon Man to cross the Pacific Ocean in hot air balloon Movie in the world Parkinsons disease was first described by Religion of the world
USA Belgrade USA Russia Greece Japan Marco Polo Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary, 1953 Robert Peary Ronald Amundsen Wright Brothers Ferdinand Magellan Neil Armstrong Major Yuri Gagarin Anexemander Aspheosis Rene FA and Silt Pradhom Jin F Dunant nad Frederic Peiry WK Roentgen JH Wenthoff AE Wonn Behring Ranger Fish and John Tinbergen Joshua Slocum Dennis Tito Nawang Gombu Emil Jannings, 1928 Maurice Garin, 1903 Tim Hyer, 1841 Wilhelm Steinitz, 1886 Alexei Arkhovich Leonov, 1965 Dr. Christian Barnard, 1967 Louis Washkansky, 1967 Charles Lindbergh, 1927 Matthew Webb, 1875 Steve Fossett, U.S., 2002 Ben Abruzzo and team in the Double Eagle V The jazz Singer , 1927 James Parkinson, British neurologist, 1817 Santosh Dharma
Recipient of a permanent artificial heart Secretary General of UN Space shuttle launched Space ship landed on Moon Space vehicle to land on the moon Woman tourist in Space Woman civilian police adviser of the U.N. Woman Bishop Woman to win Nobel Prize in Literature Woman to win Nobel Prize in Peace Woman to win Nobel Prize in Physics Woman to win Nobel Prize in Chemistry Woman to win Nobel Prize in Medicine Woman to win Nobel Prize in Economics Woman Prime Minister of a Country Woman Cosmonaut in Space Woman to Climb Mt. Everest Woman President of UN General assembly Woman to reach North Pole Woman to reach Antartica Woman President of a Country Woman to sail around the world alone Woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal Woman professional bullfighter Womens Olympic marathon Champion Woman to Climb Mt. Everest twice Woman Oscar winner for Best Actress Woman black tennis player to win a singles title at Wimbledon Woman to win a Grand Slam Woman to swim the English Channel Woman to set foot on North Pole University of the world
Barney Clark, 1982 Trigve Li Colombia Viking-1 Lunar Exploration Module (LEM) Mrs Anousheh Ansari Kiran Bedi Rev Barbara C. Harris (USA) Selma Lagerlf Bertha von Suttner Marie Curie-Skodowska Marie Curie-Skodowska Gerty Theresa Cori Elinor Ostrom S Bhandarnayake Valentina Tereshkova, USSR Juno Tabei, Japan Vijayalakshmi Pandit Mrs Fran Phipps Caroline Michaelson Maria Estela Peron Kat Cotte Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles, 1900 Patricia Mccormick, 1952 Joan Benoit, Los Angles, 1984 Santosh Yadav janet Gaynor, 1928 A Gibson, 1957 Maureen Catherine, 1953 Gertrude Ederle, 1926 Ann Bancroft, USA, 1986 Taxila University
3. Karachi 13,052,000 4. Mumbai 12,478,447 5. Moscow 11,810,000 6. Beijing 11,716,000 7. So Paulo 11,316,149 8. Tianjin 11,090,314 9. Guangzhou 11,070,654 10. Delhi 11,007,835 COUNTRY POPULATION (Largest) 1. China 1,347,350,000 2. India 1,210,193,000 3. USA 313,686,000 4. Indonesia 237,641,000 5. Brazil 192,376,000 6. Pakistan 179,764,000 7. Nigeria 162,471,000 8. Russia 143,100,000 9. Bangladesh 142,319,000 10. Japan 127,610,200 COUNTRIES (Highest Density) (people per square km) 1. Monaco 16,205 2. Singapore 6,386 3. Malta 1,261
4. Maldives 1,164 5. Bahrain 1,035 6. Bangladesh 1,002 7. Vatican City 920 8. Barbados 648 9. Nauru 621 10. Mauritius 603 LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD 1. Chinese Mandarin 1 billion + 2. English 512 million 3. Hindi 501 million 4. Spanish 399 million 5. Russian 285 million 6. Arabic 265 million 7. Bengali 245 million 8. Portuguese 196 million 9. Malay-Indonesian 140 million 10. Japanese 125 million TOP 10 TALLEST MOUNTAINS 1. Mount Everest 29,035 ft (8,850 m) Nepal/China 2. Qogir (K2) 28,250 ft (8,611 m) Pakistan 3. Kangchenjunga 28,169 ft (8,586 m) Nepal 4. Lhotse 27,920 ft (8,501 m) Nepal
5. Makalu I 27,765 ft (8,462 m) Nepal 6. Cho Oyu 26,906 ft (8,201 m) Nepal 7. Dhaulagiri 26,794 ft (8,167 m) Nepal 8. Manaslu I 26,758 ft (8,156 m) Nepal 9. Nanga Parbat 26,658 ft (8,125 m) Pakistan 10. Annapurna I 26,545 ft (8,091 m) Nepal LARGEST COUNTRIES (by Land Mass) 1. Russia 6,592,846 sq miles (17,075,400 sq km) 2. Canada 3,602,707 sq miles (9,330,970 sq km) 3. China 3,600,947 sq miles (9,326,410 sq km) 4. USA 3,539,242 sq miles (9.166,600 sq km) 5. Brazil 3,265,075 sq miles (8,456,510 sq km) 6. Australia 2,941,283 sq miles (7,617,930 sq km) 7. India 1,147,949 sq miles (2,973,190 sq km) 8. Argentina 1,056,636 sq miles (2,736,690 sq km) 9. Kazakhstan 1,049,150 sq miles (2,717,300 sq km) 10. Sudan 917,374 sq miles (2,376,000 sq km) CONTINENTS (by size) 1. Asia 44,579,000 sq km 2. Africa 30,221,000 sq km 3. North America 24,256,000 sq km 4. South America 17,819,000 sq km 5. Antarctica 13,209,000 sq km
6. Europe 9,938,000 sq km 7. Australia/Oceania 7,687,000 sq km CONTINENTS (by Population) 1. Asia 4,140,336,501 2. Africa 1,020,201.229 3. Europe 738,523,843 4. North America 528,720/588 5. South America 385,742,554 6. Australia/Oceania 36,102.071 7. Antarctica 0 OCEANS OF THE WORLD (by Size) 1. Pacific 155,557,000 sq km 2. Atlantic 76,762,000 sq km 3. Indian 68,556,000 sq km 4. Southern 20,327,000 sq km 5. Arctic 14,056,000 sq km DEEPEST OCEANS & SEAS 1. Pacific Ocean 35,827 ft (10,924 m) 2. Atlantic Ocean 30,246 ft (9,219 m) 3. Indian Ocean 24,460 ft (7,455 m) 4. Caribbean Sea 22,788 ft (6,946 m) 5. Arctic Ocean 18,456 ft (5,625 m) 6. South China Sea 16,456 ft (5,016 m)
7. Bering Sea 15,659 ft (4,773 m) 8. Mediterranean Sea 15,197 ft (4,632 m) 9. Gulf of Mexico 12,425 ft (3,787 m) 10. Japan Sea 12,276 ft (3,742 m) MAJOR ISLANDS (by Size) 1. Australia 7,617.930 sq km 2. Greenland 2,175,600 sq km 3. New Guinea 792,500 sq km 4. Borneo 725,500 sq km 5. Madagascar 587,000 sq km 6. Baffin 507,500 sq km 7. Sumatra 427,300 sq km 8. Honshu 227,400 sq km 9. Great Britain 218,100 sq km 10. Victoria 217,300 sq km MAJOR RIVERS (by Length) 1. Nile, Africa 6,825 km 2. Amazon, South America 6,437 km 3. Chang Jiang (Yangtze), Asia 6,380 km 4. Mississippi, North America 5,971 km 5. Yenisey-Angara, Asia 5,536 km 6. Huang (Yellow), Asia 5,464 km 7. Ob-Irtysh, Asia 5,410 km
8. Amur, Asia 4,416 km 9. Lena, Asia 4,400 km 10. Congo, Africa 4,370 km MAJOR LAKES (by Size) 1. Caspian Sea, Asia-Europe 371,000 sq km 2. Superior, North America 82,100 sq km 3. Victoria, Africa 69,500 sq km 4. Huron, North America 59,600 sq km 5. Michigan, North America 57,800 sq km 6. Tanganyika, Africa 32,900 sq km 7. Baikal, Asia 31,500 sq km 8. Great Bear, North America 31,300 sq km 9. Aral Sea, Asia 30,700 sq km 10. Malawi, Africa 28,900 sq km SMALLEST COUNTRIES (by Land Mass) 1. Vatican City 0.17 sq miles (0.44 sq km) 2. Monaco 0.75 sq miles (1.95 sq km) 3. Nauru 8.2 sq miles (21.2 sq km) 4. Tuvalu 10 sq miles (26 sq km) 5. San Marino 24 sq miles (61 sq km) 6. Liechtenstein 62 sq miles (160 sq km) 7. Marshall Islands 70 sq miles (181 sq km) 8. Seychelles 104 sq miles (270 sq km)
9. Maldives 116 sq miles (300 sq km) 10. St. Kitts and Nevis 139 sq miles (360 sq km) LARGEST DESERTS OF THE WORLD 1. Sahara, North Africa 3,320,000 sq. miles 2. Arabian, Middle East 900,000 sq. miles 3. Kalahari, Southern Africa 360,000 sq. miles 4. Great Victoria, Australia 250,000 sq. miles 5. Syrian, Syria, Jordan, Iraq 200,000 sq. miles 6. Chihuahuan, Mexico, U.S. 175,000 sq. miles 7. Great Sandy, Australia 150,000 sq. miles 8. Sonoran, Mexico, U,S, 120,000 sq. miles 9. Thar, India, Pakistan 77,000 sq. miles 10. Gibson, Australia 60,000 sq. miles
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China (People's Republic of China) Christmas Island Cocos Islands Colombia Comoros Cook Islands Costa Rica Cte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curaao Cyprus
Vienna Baku Nassau Manama Dhaka Bridgetown Minsk Brussels Belmopan Porto-Novo Hamilton Thimphu La Paz Sarajevo Gaborone Braslia Road Town Bandar Seri Begawan Sofia Ouagadougou Naypyidaw Bujumbura Phnom Penh Yaound Ottawa Praia George Town Bangui N'Djamena Santiago Beijing Flying Fish Cove West Island Bogot Moroni Avarua San Jos Yamoussoukro Zagreb Havana Willemstad Nicosia
26th October 30th August 10th July 15th August 26th March 30th November 3rd July 21st July 21st September 1st August 24th May 8th August 6th August 1st March 30th September 7th September 1st July 1st January 22th September 5th August 4th January 1st July 9th November 1st January 1st July 5th July 13th August 11th August 18th September 1st October
20th July 6th July 15th September 7th August 8th October 20th May 1st October
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
Czech Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon The Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia
Prague Kinshasa Copenhagen Djibouti Roseau Santo Domingo Dli Quito Cairo San Salvador Malabo Asmara Tallinn Addis Ababa Trshavn Suva Helsinki Paris Cayenne Papeete Libreville Banjul Tbilisi Berlin Accra Gibraltar Athens Nuuk St. George's Basse-Terre Hagta Guatemala City Saint Peter Port Conakry Bissau Georgetown Port-au-Prince Tegucigalpa Budapest Reykjavk New Delhi Jakarta
27th June 3rd November 27th February 29th May 24th May 28th February 15th September 24th May 20th August
17th August 18th February 9th April 18th January 6th March 25th March 7th February
15th September 2nd October 24th September 26th May 1st January 15th September 15th March 1st December 15th August 17th August
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Federated States of Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia
Tehran Baghdad Dublin Douglas Jerusalem Rome Kingston Tokyo St. Helier Amman Astana Nairobi Tarawa Prishtin Kuwait City Bishkek Vientiane Riga Beirut Maseru Monrovia Tripoli Vaduz Vilnius Luxembourg Skopje Antananarivo Lilongwe Kuala Lumpur Mal Bamako Valletta Majuro Fort-de-France Nouakchott Port Louis Mamoudzou Mexico City Palikir Chiinu Monaco-ville Ulaanbaatar
3rd October 24th April 14th May 17th March 6th August 11th February 9th May 25th May 16th December 12th December 12th July 17th February 25th February 31st August 9th July 18th November 22nd November 4th October 26th July 24th December 23rd January 11th March 23rd June 8th September 26th June 6th July 31st August 26th July 22nd September 21st September 21st October 28th November 12th March 16th September 3rd November 27th August 29th December
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Nagorno-Karabakh Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue North Borneo Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Cyprus Northern Ireland Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian National Authority Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Republic of the Congo Runion Romania Russia Rwanda
Podgorica Brades Estate Rabat Maputo Stepanakert Windhoek Yaren (de facto) Kathmandu Amsterdam Nouma Wellington Managua Niamey Abuja Alofi Kota Kinabalu Kingston P'yngyang North Nicosia Belfast Saipan Oslo Muscat Islamabad Ngerulmud Ramallah and Gaza Panama City Port Moresby Asuncin Lima Manila Adamstown Warsaw Lisbon San Juan Doha Brazzaville Saint-Denis Bucharest Moscow Kigali
21st May 18th November 25th June 2nd September 21st March 31st january 5th May 26th September 15th September 3rd August 1st October
28th November 16th September 14th May 28th July 12th June 11th November 1st December 3rd Sptember 15th August 9th May 24th August 1st July
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino So Tom and Prncipe Sarawak Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa
Saint-Pierre Jamestown Basseterre Castries Kingstown Apia San Marino So Tom Kuching Riyadh Dakar Belgrade Victoria Freetown Singapore City Philipsburg Bratislava Ljubljana Honiara Mogadishu Pretoria (administrative capital), Cape Town (legislative capital), Bloemfontein, (judicial capital) Seoul Juba Tskhinval Madrid Colombo Khartoum Paramaribo Longyearbyen Mbabane Stockholm Bern Damascus Taipei Dushanbe Dodoma Bangkok Lom 19th September 22nd February 27th October 1st January 3rd September 12th July 22nd July 23rd September 4th April 15th February 29th June 27th April 9th August 17th July 25th June 7th July 1st July 11th December
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
South Korea South Sudan South Ossetia Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo
15th August 9th July 26th August 12th October 4th February 1st January 25th November 6th September 6th June 1st August 17th April 10th October 9th September 9th December 27th April
219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands of the United States Wallis and Futuna Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Nukunonu Nukualofa Port of Spain Tunis Ankara Ashgabat Cockburn Town Fongafale (in Funafuti) Kampala Kiev Abu Dhabi London Washington, D.C. Montevideo Tashkent Port Vila Vatican City Caracas Hanoi Charlotte Amalie Mat'Utu Sana'a Lusaka Harare
6th February 4th June 31st August 20th March 29th October 27th October 30th August 1st October 9th October 24th November 2nd December 1st May 4th July 25th August 1st September 30th July 11th February 5th July 2nd September
Highest Lake Highest Mountain Peak Highest Volcano Highest Waterfall Highest Capital Highest City Highest Airport Hottest inhabitated Place Largest Archipelago Largest Continent Largest Country by Population Largest Country by Size Largest Bird Largest City in population Largest Creature Largest Delta Largest Desert Largest Dam Largest Diamond Largest Dome Largest Epic Largest Island Largest Sea Largest Artificial Lake by Surface Area Largest Artificial Lake by Surface Volume Largest Fresh Water Lake Largest Salt Water Lake Largest Library Largest Museum Largest Ocean Largest National Park Largest Single-Aperture Radio Telescope Largest Zoo by species Largest Zoo by area Largest Peninsula Largest Railway Station Largest River Largest Sea - bird Largest Fountain Largest Sewage Tunnel Largest Inhabited Castle
Titicaca , Bolivia Everest. Nepal Ojos del Salado, Andes, Ecuador Angel Falls, Venezuela La Paz , Bolivia La Rinconada, Peru Lhasa Airport, Tibet Dallol, Ethiopia Indonesia Asia China Russia Ostrich Tokyo Blue Whale Sunderban, Bangladesh & India Sahara, Africa Three Gorges, China Cullinan Diamond Cowboys Stadium, Texas, USA Mahabharata Greenland South China Sea Lake Volta, Ghana Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe and Zambia Superior Lake Caspian Lake United States Library of Congress, Washington D.C. The Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Russia Pacific Ocean NorthEast Geenland National Park Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico Berlin Zoological Garden Red McCombs Wildlife, Texas, USA Arabia Grand Central Terminal, Chicago ( U.S.A. ) Amazon, South America Albatross Suntec city fountain of Wealth, Singapore The Chicago Tunnel, USA Windsor Castle, UK
Largest Orthodox Cathedral Largest Pyramid Largest Drainage Basin Largest Cave Passage Lagest Glacier Largest Swamp Largest River Island Largest Airport Terminal Largest Bay Largets Cemetary Largest Church Largest Lagoon Largest Mosque Largest Convention Center Largest Gulf Largest Hotel Largest Stadium Largest Bus Fleet Largest Medical Center Largest Irrigation Canal Largest Container Ship Longest Railway Bridge Longest Irrigation Canal Longest Canal Longest Mountain Range Longest Platform Longest Railway Longest Railway Tunnel Longest Road Tunnel Longest Wall Longest River Lowest Water Body Most Active Volcano Rainiest Place Smallest Bird Smallest Continent by Area Smallest Country by Area Smallest Country by Population Tallest Animal Tallest Dam Tallest Building Tallest Railway Station Building
The Cathedral Church of Christ, Russia Quetzalcoatl Pyramid The Amazon Basin Son Doong cave, Vietnam Lambert Glacier The Pantanal Swamp, Brazil Majuli, India, Assam Beijing Capital International Airport, China Hudson Bay, Canada Ohlsdorf Cemetary, Hamburg, Germeny St. Peter's Basilica, Vetican City, Rome Grand Lagon Sud, New Caledonia Imam Reza Shrine, Iran World Market Center, Las Vegas, USA Gulf of Mexico The Venetian & The Palazzo, Las Vegas, USA Strahov Stadium, Prague Andra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation,India Texas Medical Center, USA All-American Canal CMA CGM Marco Polo DanyangKunshan Grand Bridge, China Karakum Canal The Grand Canal, China Andes, South America Kharagpur, India Trans - Siberian railway Seikan Tunnel, Japan Laedal Tunnel, Norway Great Wall of China Nile , Africa Dead Sea Maunaloa,Hawaii, U.S.A Mausinram, Meghalaya, India Humming Bird Australia Vatican City Vatican City Giraffe Nurek Dam, Tajikistan Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE Nagoya Station, Japan
United Nations was established San Francisco City Permanent Members in Security Council Russia, USA, France, China and UK. Logo designer of the United Nations Donal McLaughlin Newest Member in UN Six Principal Organs South Sudan, 14th July 2011 The General Assembly The Security Council The Economic and Social Council The Secretariat The International Court of Justice The United Nations Trusteeship Council Organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations Name Headquarters Rome, Italy Established 1945
International Labour Organization (ILO) International Maritime Organization (IMO) World Food Programme (WFP) World Health Organization (WHO) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Geneva, Switzerland London, United Kingdom Rome, Italy Geneva, Switzerland Vienna, Austria
1946 1948 1963 1948 1957 1947 1974 1947 1947 1977 1945 1945 1974 1950 1967 1946
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Geneva, Switzerland World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Universal Postal Union (UPU) Madrid, Spain Bern, Switzerland
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Montreal, Canada International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rome, Italy International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank (WB) Washington, D.C., USA Washington, D.C., USA
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Geneva, Switzerland World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Paris, France The UN has 4 main purposes To keep peace throughout the world To develop friendly relations among nations
To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each others rights and freedoms To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals
250 132
60 315 242 60
Netherlands New Zealand Pakistan Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Syria Switzerland Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Zimbabwe
States-General House of Representatives Assembly of Councillors Federal Assembly Parliament Parliament General Courts Parliament People's Assembly Federal Assembly Supreme Council Federal National Assembly Parliament Congress General Assembly National Assembly National Assembly Parliament
150 120 336 450 99 400 350 225 250 200 450 40 650 435 99 165 498 210
765 100 30
Adam Gilchrist of Australia holds the record of most dismissals as wicketkeeper (52), most dismissals in a series (21) and most dismissals in an innings (6). India holds the record of highest score in a match. India score 413 for 5 wickets against Bermuda in 2007.
Australia hold the records of most wins (55 matches), 100% win in two world cup series (2003 and 2007), most consecutive wins (25 match). Zimbabwe holds the records of most losses (37 match) and most consecutive defeats (18 matches). Canada score 36 run against Sri Lanka in 2003 World Cup, which is lowest ever score by a team. Ireland holds the record of highest successful run chase (329-7) in World Cup. It was against England, 2011. India wins by 257 run against Bermuda, 2007 which is the highest winning margin by runs in any world cup match. Record for highest partnership holds by against Sri Lanka in 1999. Rahul Dravid & Sourav Ganguly, India with 318 runs
Fastest century score by Kevin O'Brien of Ireland against England (2011) in 50 balls. MC Snedden, New Zealand conceded most runs in an innings with 105 runs in 12 over against England in 1983. Lance Klusener, South Africa holds the record of highest average (124.00) and highest strike rate (121.17). Best economy rate by a bowler Andy Roberts of West Indies 3.24. Zaheer Khan of India with 27.1 holds the record fo best strike rate. Fastest fifty records hold by New Zealand Brendon McCullum against Canada, in 20 balls Highest score in an innings by Gary Kirsten of South Africa against UAE. He scores 188. Scotland concedes most extras in an innings (59) against Pakistan, 1999. Headingley Cricket Ground, Leeds hosted highest number of matches with 12.
Uruguay is the first nation to win World Cup, 1930. Lucien Laurent of France scored the first goal in World Cup history. Most goals in a tournament by one team by Hungary, with 27 goals in 1954 World Cup Match. Most goals scored in a tournament is 171 goals in 1998 World Cup Match. With 67 win, Brazil win most matches in World Cup. With 24 losses, Mexico lost most matches in World Cup. Brazil wins World Cup for 5 times (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002), most by any team. Germany and Brazil finishes most times in top two places in FIFA World Cup, 7 each. Brazil has the record of Most World Cup appearances, 19 times. They have played every tournament till now from beginning. Most matches played by Lothar Matthus , Germany with 25 matches. Most matches played by Germany, 99 matches. Italy has most draws with 21 matches. Most goals scored by Brazil 210. Most goals conceded by Germany with 117 till now in World Cup. Brazil, In 2002 World Cup win 7 matches, most by any team in a single World Cup tournament. In 1954 World Cup Hungary scored 27 goals, most goal scored by a team in a single World Cup tournament. Norman Whiteside, Northern Ireland is the youngest player to appeared in World Cup at the age of 17 years and 41 days. Roger Milla from Cameroon is the oldest player to play in World Cup at the age of 42 years and 39 days. Most consecutive wins by Brazil with 11 win from 2002 to 2006. Most consecutive losses by Mexico with 9 matches 1930 to 1958. Most tournaments played by Antonio Carbajal, Mexico and Lothar Matthus, Germany. Both have played 5 World Cup tournaments. Ronaldo, Brazil (19982006) scored most goals in World Cup with 15 goals. Just Fontaine, France scored 13 goals in 1958 World Cup, most goals scored in a tournament. Cafu from Brazil played most matches won, 16. Diego Maradona, Argentina( 19861994), has the record of Most appearances as captain with 16 matches. Peter Shilton from England is the oldest captain in World Cup at the age of 40 years and 292 days. Most goals scored in a match by Oleg Salenko(Russia vs. Cameroon, 1994) with 5 goals. Most goals scored in one Final by Geoff Hurst (England vs. West Germany, 1966) with 3 goals. Most hat-tricks by Sndor Kocsis (Hungary), Just Fontaine (France), Gerd Mller (West Germany) and Gabriel Batistuta (Argentina) each 2 times.
Youngest hat-trick scorer is Pele, Brazil at 17 years and 244 days. Fastest goal in a Fifa World Cup by Hakan kr (Turkey vs. Korea Republic, 2002) in 10.89 seconds. Most goals scored in a final; by one team is Brazil in 1958 World Cup Match with 5 goals. Most times hosted by Mexico, Italy, France, Germany 1974 and Brazil each 2 times. Most Attendance in World Cup final match is 114,600, Argentina v West Germany, 1986, Mexico World Cup 1986. Year 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 Host Uruguay Italy France Brazil Switzerland Sweden Chile England Mexico West Germany Argentina Spain Mexico Italy United States France S Korea & Japan Germany South Africa Winners Uruguay Italy Italy Uruguay West Germany Brazil Brazil England Brazil West Germany Argentina Italy Argentina West Germany Brazil France Brazil Italy Spain Runners-up Argentina Czechoslovakia Hungary Brazil Hungary Sweden Czechoslovakia West Germany Italy Netherlands Netherlands West Germany West Germany Argentina Italy Brazil Germany France Netherlands
Father of Nation
Afghanistan Argentina Australia Bahamas Bangladesh Bolivia Brazil Burma Cambodia
Person Name
Ahmad Shah Durrani Don Jos de San Martn Sir Henry Parkes Sir Lynden Pindling Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Simn Bolvar Dom Pedro I andJos Bonifcio de Andrada e Silva Aung San Norodom Sihanouk
Chile Republic of China Colombia Sweden Croatia Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador Ghana Guyana Haiti India Indonesia Iran Israel Italy Kenya Republic of Korea Kosovo Lithuania Macedonia Malaysia Mauritius Mexico Mongolia Namibia Netherlands Norway Pakistan Panama Peru Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka
Bernardo O'Higgins Sun Yat-sen Simn Bolvar Gustav I of Sweden Ante Starevid Carlos Manuel de Cspedes Juan Pablo Duarte Simn Bolvar Kwame Nkrumah Cheddi Jagan Jean-Jacques Dessalines Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Sukarno Cyrus the Great Theodor Herzl Victor Emmanuel II Jomo Kenyatta Kim Gu Ibrahim Rugova Jonas Basanaviius Krste Misirkov Tunku Abdul Rahman Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Genghis Khan Sam Nujoma William the Silent Einar Gerhardsen Mohammad Ali Jinnah Simn Bolvar Don Jos de San Martn Dom Afonso Henriques Peter I of Russia Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia Donald Dewar Dobrica osid Lee Kuan Yew Primo Trubar Nelson Mandela Fernando el Catlico Don Stephen Senanayake
Suriname Tanzania Turkey United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam
Johan Ferrier Julius Nyerere Mustafa Kemal Atatrk Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan George Washington Jos Gervasio Artigas Simn Bolvar Ho Chi Minh
Mannerheim Line: Drawn by General Mannerheim; fortification on the Russia and Finland border. McMahon Line: The boundary between India and China as demarcated by Sir Henry McMahon in 1914. Oder Niesse Line: Boundary between Germany and Poland.
Radcliffe Line: Drawn by Sir Cyril Radcliffe in 1947 as demarcation between India and Pakistan. Seigfrid Line: 17th Parallel: united. 24th Parallel: Line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and Pakistan. This, however, is not recognized by India Line of fortification drawn by Germany on its border with France. Boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before two were
26th Parallel south :It is a circle of latitude which crosses through Africa, Australia and South America.
30th Parallel north :It is a line of latitude that stands one-third of the way between the equator and the North Pole. 33rd Parallel north :It is a circle of latitude which cuts through the southern United States, parts of North Africa, parts of the Middle East, and China. 35th Parallel north: Boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgia and the boundary between the State of Tennessee arid the State of Georgia, the State of Albama, and the State of Mississippi. 36th Parallel: Forms the southermost boundary of the State of Missouri with the State of Arkansas.
36o30' Parallel north: Forms the boundary between the Tenessee and the Commonwealth of Kentucky between the Tennessee River and the Mississippi River, the boundary between Missouri and Arkansas west of the White River, and the northermost boundary between the Texas and the Oklahoma. 37th Parallel north: It formed the southern boundary of the historic and extralegal Territory of Jefferson. 38th Parallel :Is the parallel of latitude which separates North Korea and South Korea.
39th Parallel north: Is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 39 degrees north of Earth's equatorial plane. 40th Parallel north Maryland. :Formed the original northern boundary of the British Colony of
41st Parallel north :Forms the northern boundary of the State of Colorado with Nebraska and Wyoming and the southern boundary of the State of Wyoming with Colorado and Utah. 42nd Parallel north :Forms most of the New York - Pennsylvania Border. 43rd Parallel north :Forms most of the boundary between the State of Nebraska and the State of South Dakota and also formed the northern border of the historic and extralegal Territory of Jefferson. Parallel 44o north :It is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 44 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. 45th Parallel north: It is often the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole.
It makes up most of the boundary between Montana and Wyoming. :It is the boundary between USA and Canada.
Animal World......
Biggest Eyes Bird: Biggest Bird: Deadliest Animal: Ostriches North African ostrich Female Anopheles mosquitoes, which carry malaria, kill more than a million people each year.
Fastest animal in Land: Cheetahs can run between 112 and 120 km/hr (70 and 75 mph) Fastest animal in Water: Sailfish can swim up to 68 miles per hour.
Fastest animal in Air: Peregrine falcons, they can fly 70 miles/hour and dive toward the earth at more than 200 miles per hour. Fastest Bird in Land: Ostriches is the fastest bird on land, running up to 40 miles per hour Gentoo Penguin can swim 40 km per hour Dall Porpoises can swim up to 35 miles per hour.
Heaviest Flying Bird: The Dalmatian Pelican Heaviest cephalopod: Colossal squid Highest jumper: Longest arms: Longest Gestation: months. Longest Lifespan: Loudest Animal: Kangaroo, can jump up to 10ft The Gibbon Asian elephants are born after a gestation period of 19 to 22
Tortoise, more than 150 years Blue whales' low-frequency pulses are as loud as 188 decibels
Howler monkeys, whose howl can be heard 4.8km away. Arctic Terns migrate between Greenland and Antarctica each year travelling about 71,000 kilometers. Snow Leopard, can jump up to 15m Blue whales are the largest animals of all time. African elephants are the heaviest and second tallest land
Largest Invertebrate: Colossal Squid, reaching lengths of 10m, are the largest invertebrates. Largest Carnivores: Largest Reptile: The Southern elephant seal. The Saltwater Crocodile. An adult male saltwater crocodiles weight is 409 to 1,000 kilograms (9002,200 lb) and length is normally 4.1 to 5.5 meters (1318 ft). The Green Anaconda A single box jellyfish has enough venom to kill 60 adult humans Adult bumblebee bats, which live in Thailand, weigh about two grams. Male bee hummingbirds weigh 0.056 ounces and are 2.75 inches in length. The rhinoceros beetle can lift 850 times its own weight. Giraffe. It stands 56 m (1620 ft) tall
Largest Snake:
Smallest Bird:
Autobiography List
Author Name
Akira Kurosawa A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Adolf Hitler
Book Name
Something Like An Autobiography Wings of Fire Mein Kampf
Published Year
1981 1999 1925
Aerosmith Agatha Christie Albert Einstein Andre Agassi Anne Frank Annie Besant Arnold Schwarzenegger Bill Clinton Babur Barack Obama Benito Mussolini Benjamin Franklin Bertrand Russell Charles Darwin Charles Dickens Charlie Chaplin Dalai Lama Hillary Rodham Clinton Jawaharlal Nehru Jean-Paul Sartre Leo Tolstoy Margaret Thatcher Marilyn Monroe Mahatma Gandhi Mark Twain Marlon Brando Maxim Gorky Michael Jackson Muhammad Ali Nelson Mandela Nirad C. Chaudhuri Oscar Wilde Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Sigmund Freud Thomas Jefferson Usain Bolt Walter Benjamin
Walk This Way An Autobiography Autobiographical Notes Open: An Autobiography The Diary of a Young Girl Annie Besant: An Autobiography Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story My Life Baburnama Dreams from My Father My Autobiography: With the Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell The Recollections of the Development of My Mind and Character Autobiographical Fragment My Autobiography Freedom in Exile Living History An Autobiography The Words My Confession Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography My Story The Story of My Experiments with Truth Mark Twain's Autobiography, posthumous Songs My Mother Taught Me My Childhood Moonwalk The Greatest: My Own Story A Long Walk to Freedom The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian De Profundis An American Life: The Autobiography An American Life The Reagan Diaries An Autobiographical Study Autobiography 1743-1790 Faster than Lightning: My Autobiography Unpacking My Library
2004 1996 1928 1791 1951 1887 1847 1964 1991 2003 1936 1964 1884
1929 1907 1995 1913 1988 1975 1994 1951 1897 1990 1990 2007 1925 1821 2013 1931
1959 1930
January, 2013
31st January: 30th January:
World anti Leprosy Day is observed to create awareness about the air-borne disease. Social Activist Anna Hazare declares his party name as Jantantra Morcha which will not participate in election.
29th January:
Tiger Woods win his 75th PGA Tour title in the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reduced repo rate by 25 points. World Winter games, 2013 started in PyeongChang, South Korea.
28th January:
Mumbai win Ranji trophy final at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai defeating Saurashtra. World No. 1 Novak Djokovic defeated Andy Murray to win Australian Open, 2013 final.
27th January:
26th January:
India celebrated its 64th Republic Day. King of Bhutan participates as Chief Guest for the Republic Day Parade. 4 Padma Vibhushan, 24 Padma Bhushan and 80 Padma Shri awards has been declared on the occasion of Republic Day of India by Govt. of India. Sreeramamurthy Janaki, the renowned playback singer refused to accept the Padma Bhushan. Victoria Azarenka of Belarus wins Australian Open Womens Singles by defiting Li Na of China. Centre Constituted New High Court for Manipur, Meghalaya And Tripura.
25th January:
Milos Zeman elected as Czech Republic President, first person to be directly elected . 3rd National Voters Day observe in India.
22th January:
Olympic medalists Saina Nehwal and Meri Kom will be the Election Commission's (EC) national icons. Rajnath Singh was elected as BJP President.
Rahul Gandhi elected as vice-president of Indian National Congress. Prof. Ved Praksah appointed as Chairman of the University Grants Commission on (UGC).
18th January:
Jharkhand was brought under President's rule. Congress partys 3-day Chintan Shivir started at Jaipur.
Om Prakash Chautala, Ajay Chautala and two IAS officers were arrested for Trained teachers hiring case of 1999.
15th January:
Pakistans Supreme Court ordered arrest of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf in a corruption case.
14th January:
Mahakumbh Mela started on the occasion of Makar Sankranti at Allahabad on the confluence of Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati.
Microsoft announced its plans to shut down Messenger service from its operating system.
Akbaruddin Owaisi, MIM Party MLA arrested for making hate speech. Haryana Chief Minister inugrated National Data Centre of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) data center at Maneshar, Gurgaon. The data centre will be ready by June 2014.
7th January:
Lionel Messi wins fourth consecutive Fifa Ballon d'Or in Zurich. 11th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) start in Kochi.
Virat Kohli named as the International Cricketer of the Year at the CEAT Cricket Awards. Pakistan named as best International Cricket Team.
Astronautical Society of India (ASI) selected Dr. A.E. Muthunayagam, for 2011 and Dr. V.K. Saraswat for Aryabhatta Award, for 2011.
February, 2013
28th February
27th February
Chuck Hagel appointed as the new Secretary of Defense of the United States.
26th February
Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal presented the Railway Budget for 2013-14 in Parliament. Delhi becomes the first state in the country to impose complete ban on manual scavenging. Microsoft introduces Internet Explorer 10. Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni equaled record of Sourav Ganguly with 21st test cricket win after defeating Australia by 8 wickets.
25th February
Park Geun-hye sworn in as the first woman President of South Korea. Maghi Purnima Snan in of Mahakumbh 2013 at Allahabad.
24th February
Jelena Jankovic, the former world no. 1 won the WTA Copa Claro Colsanitas Cup 2013. 85th Academy Awards for Oscar,2013 ceremony took place Assam became the first state in India to produce over 500 million kilogram tea for two years in a row. Mahendra Singh Dhoni became the first Indian wicket-keeper to score doublecentury in a test match while scoring unbeaten 206 runs against Australia.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 22 February 2013 issued final guidelines for issuing licenses for opening new banks Harbhajan Singh played his 100th test while playing against Australia in M.A. Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai.
21st February
The Union Cabinet approved merger of Bharat Heavy Plate & Vessels Ltd. (BHPV) with Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL). Ratan Tata is awarded the life time achievement award 2012 by Ernst & Young. Two bombs exploded in Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad kill 14 people.
20th February
Virat Kohli appointed as the captain of Royal Challengers Bangalore for IPL, 2013. Boiko Borisov announced resignation as Prime Minister of Bulgaria.
19th February
18th February
Vishwanathan Anand wins the Grenke Classic Chess tournament. Social Worker Ela Bhatt awarded with Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace for 2011. She is the founder of SEWA.
17th February
Rafael Nadal defeated David Nalbandian in to win the Brazil Open. Australia wins ICC Womens World Cup Trophy. In the final, they defeat defeated West Indies by 114 runs. The Romanian film Child's Pose(Pozitia Copilului) bagged the Golden Bear prize for best film at the 63rd Berlin film festival.
16th February
Serena Williams became the new World number one womens tennis player after reaching Semifinals of Qatar Open Tennis Championship in Doha.
15th February
In Chelyabinsk, Russia hit by a huge meteor shower, this injured at least 750 people.
14th February
Y Bhaskar Rao, the former Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court, sworn in as the Lokayukta. US Airways and American Airlines merge to become the Worlds biggest airline service.
13th February
Asoke Kumar Mukerji is appointed as Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations. Mohan Parasaran is appointed as the new Solicitor General of India.
12th February
North Korea conducted its third Nuclear Test at North Hamgyeong Province. Kalyan Kumar Chakravarty appointed as the chairman of Lalit Kala Akademi. International Olympics Committee (IOC) announced its decision to drop wrestling from the list of core sports in Olympics.
11th February
Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would resign at the end of the month.
10th February
36 people died as stampede took place at the Allahabad railway. Ranchi Rhinos beat Delhi Waveriders 2-1 to win theHockey India League (HIL). Chinese new year celebrated. Rest of India team win Irani Trophy.
9th February
Parliament Attack Convict, Afzal Guru hanged at Tihar Jail. Pandit Ravi Shankar honoured with the posthumous Lifetime Achievement Grammy award. MCX-SX, new stock exchange of India inaugurated by Finance Minister P. Chidambaram.
8th February
Sachin Tendulkar scored his 81st century in first class cricket and equaled the record of Sunil Gavaskar.
7th February
The Supreme Court of India ordered Karnataka to release 2.44 thousand million cubic feet of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu.
6th February
5th February
ICICI Bank partnered with Aircel, launch of their mobile banking service called Mobile Money. Malda, West Bengal becomes Indias first all-women judicial magistrates court (JMC).
4th February
Michael Clarke wins Allan Border Medal. World cancer day was observed raise awareness about cancer.
3rd February
India lost the Davis Cup Asia Oceania (Group-1) tie to South Korea.
2nd February
John Kerry replaced Hillary Clinton as United States new Secretary of State.
1st February
Graeme Smith, South Africa becomes the first player in test cricket history to lead in 100 test matches.
March, 2013
30th March:
BJP announces core team. Varun Gandhi, Amit Shah, Rajiv Pratap Rudy, JP Nanda and Murlidhar Rao were elevated as the party's General Secretary by the BJP president Rajnath Singh. Serena Williams win Miami masters open Tennis Tournament for record sixth time. Social activist Anna Hazare started his Jantantra Yatra from Jallianwala Bagh.
29th March:
North Korea declares ''state of war'' against South Korea. Former Pakistan President Musharraf barred from going out of Pak.
28th March:
Nelson Mandela admitted in hospital with lung infection in Johannesburg. New Zealand batsman Jesse Ryder is in hospital at Christchurch after suffering serious head injuries in an altercation outside a local bar.
27th March:
India celebrates Holi. 2,290 rhinos found in Kaziranga National Park, Assam as per the census conducted in the park. Tiger Woods regained his world no. 1 spot in PGA rankings after he win The Arnold Palmer Invitation at Orlando, Florida.
26th March:
Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi resigned on Tuesday over his government's decision to return two marines to India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) asked Subrata Roy, the head of the Sahara, to appear before it on April 10.
25th March:
Indian PM Manmohan Singh reach South Africa to attend 2013 BRICS Summit. Navneet Kaur Dhillon from Chandigarh wins Femina Miss India 2013.
24th March:
Former President Pervez Musharraf return back to Pakistan. India wins Airtel Border Gavaskar Trophy defiting Autralia 4-0 in the series. R Ashwin declares as man of the series.
23rd March:
Jodhpur Court frames fresh charges against Bollywood actor Salman Khan and others. Nikhil Kumar sworn in as ne Governor of Kerala. Earth Hour 2013 observed in more than 150 countries.
22nd March:
Two Italian marines accused of killing two Indian fishermen returned to India Friday. Former President Pervez Musharraf gets bail ahead of return to Pakistan. Fourth and Final test between India and Australia start at Firoz Shah Kotla Ground, Delhi.
21st March:
Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt sentenced for five years in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case. Supreme Court confirm death sentence of Yakub Abdul Razak Memon. The Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalithaa presented a tax-free budget for 2013-14. The UN Human Rights Council vote on a US-sponsored resolution on Sri Lanka in Geneva.
20th March:
19th March:
37 people killed when a Mumbai-bound bus plunged into the Jagbudi River in Ratnagiri district. DMK withdraw support from UPA. Lok Sabha passed the anti-rape bill.
18th March:
India wins the third test to take a lead of 3-0 in the ongoing Airtel Border-Gavaskar trophy. National Film Award declared. Paan Singh Tomar declare as the best film, while Irffan Khan and Vikram Gokhale share the best actor Award. Usha Jadhav choosen as best actress.
17th March:
16th March:
Shikhar Dhawan score fastest test 100 by any batsman on debut. Bobby Ghosh became the First Indian and Non-American to be appointed as Editor of Time Magazine Founder of Dr. Reddys Lab, Kallam Anji Reddy died. Pakistan Govt. complete 5 Year terms, first government to complete after independence.
15th March:
World Consumer Rights Day observed for creating awareness in terms of consumer protection. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's speech, which was broadcast simultaneously at 53 locations across 26 cities in Gujarat using 3-D hologram projection technology, has entered in the Guinness Book of World Records. Xi Jinping has assumed charge of Presidents office in China. Chief Justice Khil Raj Regmi sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Nepal. Malaysian author Tan Twan Eng won the Asias top literary prize Man Asian Literary Prize for his novel The Garden of Evening Mists, for the year 2012. Petrol prices have been cut by Rs. 2 per liter effective midnight in India.
Third test between India and Australia begins in Mohali. Australia ended day 273/7.
14th March:
Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected as new pope of the Catholic Church in Vetican City. World Bank estimated Indias economy to grow by 6% in 2013-14. Five CRPF men killed in fidayeen attack in Srinagar.
13th March:
West zone win Deodhar Trophy, 2013 with a five-wicket win over North Zone in Guwahati .
12th March:
Ashwani Kumar and S.C. Jamir appointed as new Governors of Nagaland and Odisha respectively. Union Minister of Communications & IT Kapil Sibal inaugurated Indias First All Women Employees Post Office at Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
11th March:
Australia cricket team management drop four players ahead of third test for disciplinary reasons.
Mukesh Ambani titled Indias richest person for 6th year in a row with a net-worth of $21.5 billion. Mukul Sangma sworn in as CM of Meghalaya for second time.
7th March:
6th March:
India take 2-0 lead against Australia in Airtel Border-Gavashkar Trophy, 2013. World No.1 Novak Djokovic clinches ATP Dubai Open 2013. Neiphiu Rio sworn as new CM of Nagaland for third time. Manik Sarkar sworn as Chief Minister of Tripura for the fourth time.
5th March:
pril, 2013
30th April:
Delhi court acquitted Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in a case related to the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Pakistani court imposed a lifetime ban on former President Pervez Musharraf from contesting elections in Pakistan. Joao Havelange has resigned as honorary president of the world governing body after being named in a report as having received bribes. Additional Solicitor General Haren Raval resigned from the post over his controversy by telling the Supreme Court that CBI status report on Coalgate was not shared with the government.
29th April:
Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) sends nomination of Virat Kohli and Sunil Gavaskar for Arjuna Award and Dhyanchand Award respectively to Sports Ministry. Syrian PM Wael al-Halqi survives bomb attack in capital Damascus. Goa launched a digital Krishi Card for farmers to avail benefits like subsidies and loans given by the state government.
28th April:
Saturn positioned itself directly opposite the Sun and visible with the naked eye. Enrico Letta sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Italy.
27th April:
President Pranab Mukherjee reappointed Jammu and Kashmir Governor N N Vohra for second term in the state. Sarabjit Singh continues to be in deep coma and on ventilator support at a hospital in Lahore after being brutally attacked by a group of prisoners.
26th April:
Anil Goswami will replace RK Singh as new Home Secratary. He is the first bureaucrat from the J&K cadre to be appointed home secretary. Yash Chopra, Rajesh Khanna and Asha Bhosale will be honored with the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Academy Award.
25th April:
A new keyboard layout named as KALQ Keyboard developed at University of St Andrews, USA for touch screen devices. World Malaria Day is observed.
24th April:
Legendary Playback Singer Shamshad Begum died at her Mumbai residence at the age of 94. Liverpool's Luis Suarez has been banned for 10 games by the English Football Association for biting Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic during EPL match at Anfield. A block housing garment factories and shops collapsed in Bangladesh, killing nearly 300 people and injuring more than a thousand.
23rd April:
Chris Gayle set a new record for the fastest century in professional cricket by reaching 100 off 30 balls in IPL match against Pune Warrior in Bangalore. He also records the highest Twenty20 score of 175 not out. Manchester United won its record 20th English Premier League title. Police detained Sudipto Sen, the chairman of Saradha group in Jammu and Kashmir for allegedly defrauded thousands of depositors.
22nd April:
Earth Day is observed to create awareness among the masses on environmental issues. Budget Session of Parliament resumes. Horacio Cartes has been elected as President in Paraguay. Union Home ministry approved 'Z' category security protection for Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani. Abdul Hamid, the speaker of Bangladesh's parliament has been elected as President of Bangladesh.
Former chief justice and head of anti-rape law panel JS Verma has died in Delhi, aged 80.
21st April:
National Civil Services Day was observed across India. Mathematical genius Shakuntala Devi, known worlds fastest human computer died at a hospital in Bangalore following respiratory problems. She was 83.
20th April:
At least 150 people and over seven thousands have died in a 6.6 magnitude earthquake which hit southwestern China's Sichuan province. Assam State Government implemented the Assam Right to Public Service Act 2012 in the state. Sachin Tendulkar's wax statue unveiled at the Sydney Cricket Ground. Australian all-rounder cricketer Shane Watson stepped down from the position of Vice-Captain of the Australian test Cricket team.
19th April:
Universal Commodity Exchange (UCX) started its operations and became the countrys sixth commodity exchange to launch futures trading. Time magazine included Amir Khan in the list of 100 Most Influential People in the world for 2013. He is also one of the seven who were selected for a cover of their own in the prestigious magazine.
18th April:
Islamabad High Court has ordered the arrest of Gen Pervez Musharraf over his attempt to impose house arrest on judges in March 2007. The main accused of German Bakery blast, Himayat Ali Baig has been given death sentence. The blasts left 17 dead and 64 wounded at the German Bakery on February 13, 2010. Blast at a fertilizer plant in central Texas killed 15 people, wounded more than 160 in America. Aruna M. Bahuguna appointed as Special Director General of the CRPF. She is the first woman to be appointed for that position.
17th April:
A blast near the BJP office in Malleshwaram, Bangalore left 16 people injured including eight policemen. Telugu writer Dr Ravuri Bharadwaja selected for the prestigious Jnanpith award for the year 2012.
16th April:
Two bomb explosions around 2.45pm killing three people and injuring over 140 in popular Boston Marathon. A massive 7.9 Richter scale earthquake struck southeast Iran near the border with Pakistan, which killed at least 40 people in Iran and 35 in Pakistan. Gold price in India hit the lowest level in more than 18 months reaching 25,270 rupees per 10 gram.
15th April:
President on a three day visit to North-East India. India celebrates Bihu, Pongal and Vaisakhi in different parts of the country. Adam Johnson announced as the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for his book The Orphan Masters Son. Nicolas Maduro was elected as the new President of Venezuela
14th April:
Famous Industrialist, Known as the country's 'takeover specialist' Rama Prasad Goenka passed away in Kolkata. He was the Chairman Emeritus of the RPG Group, a multi-sector Indian industrial conglomerate. Finance Minister P. Chidambaram on week long visit to USA and Canada, working on a series of steps to attract at least $20 billion in new investment in India.
12th April:
The Supreme Court reject a plea for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment for Delhi bomb blast accused terrorist Deviderpal Singh Bhullar. President of India already reject the plea. Veteran Bollywood actor Pran, 92 has been honoured with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award. The award consists of the Swara Kamal medal, a shawl and a cash prize.
11th April:
Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, PJ Kurien elected as the Chairman of the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD)on the 73rd Executive Committee Meeting of AFPPD at Bangkok.
10th April:
Sahara group chief Subrata Roy appeared before SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), which had summoned Sahara in refund case of an estimated Rs 24,000 crore.
Delhi court ordered to re-investigated 1984 anti-Sikh riots against Congress leader and former Union minister Jagdish Tytler for his role, dismissing CBI closure report of 2009 that had given a clean chit to Tytler.
9th April:
A magnitude 6.1 earthquake killed at least 37 and injured hundreds more in southern Iran. Five U.N. peacekeepers from India working for the U.N. mission in South Sudan were killed in an ambush by attackers in the state of Jonglei.
8th April:
Britain's 'Iron Lady' and only woman prime minister, Margaret Thatcher died following a stroke at the age of 87. She led her Conservative Party for 11 years and held office from May 1979 to November 1990.
7th April:
India test fired Nuke-capable ballistic missile Agni-II successfully from a defence base off the Odisha coast.
6th April:
Arvind Kejriwal breaks 15-day-long fast on the issue of water and electricity in Delhi. Annamalai University VC M. Ramanathan suspended for financial irregularities. Suicide attack in a Iraqi city of Baqouba kills 25 in a political rally.
5th April:
Executive Co-Chairman of Infosys S Gopalakrishnan has been elected as the President of the industry body Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). President Pranab Mukherjee presented Padma Awards to 108 personalities. Cricketer Rahul Dravid, woman boxer MC Mary Kom and late Bollywood actor Rajesh Khanna was conferred the Padma Bhushan Award in a ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan.
4th April:
3rd April:
President Pranab Mukherjee has given his assent to the anti-rape bill. This law has the provision of life term and death sentence for rape convicts.
2nd April:
The Lokayukta Aayog Bill, 2013 passed in the Gujarat assembly. IPL6 opening ceremony held at Kolkatas Salt Lake Stadium. This time 9 teams will participate.
1st April:
Supreme Court denied an India patent request by Novartis AG cancer drug. Sports Ministry asks NADA (National Anti-Doping Agency) to test Vijender for the reported use of the recreational drug heroin. G. V. Prasad appointment as new Chairman of Dr. Reddys Laboratories and Satish Reddy as Vice-Chairman.
May, 2013
31st May:
Treasurer Ajay Shirke and secretary Sanjay Jagdale resign from their respective posts in BCCI. Avinash Chander appointed as the New chief of DRDO (Defence Research Development Organiastion). Anti-Tobacco Day Observed across the World.
30th May:
CBSE declares class 10 results. National Award-winning filmmaker Rituparno Ghosh dies at 49. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh elected to Rajya Sabha for the 5th consecutive term from Assam. India and Thailand signed extradition treaty after 20 years of negotiations. Arvind Mahankali of Indian origin from New York wins the Scripps National Spelling Bee for the year 2013.
29th May:
Executive Board (EB) of IOC recommended baseball, squash and wrestling for possible inclusion in the Olympic programme for the 2020 Summer Games.
28th May:
Blue is the Warmest Colour win the prestigious Palme dOr at the 66th Cannes Film Festival. Ram Jethmalani expelled by BJP Party from Primary Membership for Six years. BCCI constituted 3-Man Probe Panel to probe to probe the allegations against Gurunath Meiyappan and the three Rajasthan Royals players.The three-member panel also includes T Jayaram Chouta, former judge and R. Balasubramanian, former judge and BCCI secretary Sanjay Jagdale. Punjab Government approved Online Lottery System to Increase Revenue.
27th May:
Defense Ministry inaugurated the first fighter aircraft base of India at Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. CBSE Class 12 Results 2013 were declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) with pass percentage of 82.10%. England has been confirmed as the host country for the 2019 Cricket World Cup. Sachin Tendulkar announced his retirement from Twenty20 cricket format after Mumbai Indians beat Chennai Super Kings in IPL6 final. Amways India Chairman and CEO William S. Pinckney and two directors of the network marketing company on charges of financial irregularities and cheating.
26th May:
Bayern Munich wins European Champions League for the fifth time beating Borussia Dortmund 2-1 in the final in Wembley. Mumbai Indian wins IPL 6 defeating Chennai Super Kings by 23 runs in Kolkata. Michael Hussey and Dwayne Bravo of Chennai Super Kings claimed the orange cap and purple cap respectively in IPL6. France Open 2013 starts at Paris.
25th May:
Mumbai Police arrest Gurunath Meiyappan, CEO of Chennai Super Kings in connection with a spot-fixing scandal at IPL 6. 25 killed including senior Congress leader Mahendra Karma, Nanda Kumar Patel and 20 others are injured in an attack by Maoists in Jagdalpur district of Chhattisgarh. Radha Krishna Mathu appointed as the new Defence Secretary of India.
24th May:
The US Senate approved Indian-American Srikanth Srinivasan as the first South Asian judge to America's second highest court. The International Olympic Committee has set India a September 1 deadline for a new election to facilitate the country's return to the Olympic fold. Sebi(Securities and Exchange Board of India) turns 25.
23rd May:
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone of the Indian National Defence University (INDU) at Binola, Gurgaon. Yuichiro Miura of Japan became the oldest man to climb the Everest at the age of 80 year. American Writer Lydia Davis won 2013 Man Booker International Prize. Elite panel umpire Asad Rauf is withdrawn from next month's Champions Trophy by ICC following media reports of his alleged linking with bokkie in IPL 6.
22nd May:
UPA II complete four years in its second term. India successfully test fired 290-km range BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile from INS Tarkash in the coast of Goa. President Pranab Mukherjee Wednesday conferred the 47th Jnanpith Award, the country's highest literary award, for the year 2011 on noted writer Pratibha Ray.
21th May:
Arunima Sinha becomes first Indian amputee to reach Mt Everest. The President of Indian appointed Shashi Kant Sharma as the new Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India who will succeed Vinod Rai. Chennai Super Kings reach final of IPL6. Supreme Court rejects a petition seeking to halt the remaining matches of IPL 6. Pune Warriors have pulled out of IPL by the owner Sahara India over financial differences with the BCCI. Indian actor Vindu Dara Singh has been arrested by Mumbai police for alleged links to bookies in IPL6.
20th May:
India and China ink eight agreements on trade, water resources. Yahoo announced a $1.1 billion deal for blogging site Tumblr. A Pakistani court on Monday granted bail to former army chief and president Pervez Musharraf who has been under house. Oklahoma State, US devastated by a powerful tornado which more than 90 people died.
19th May:
Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang visits India on a three day tour. India's first National Defence University will be set up in Gurgaon. The foundation stone of INDU will be laid by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on May 23.
Serena Williams beats Victoria Azarenka 6-1 6-3 to win Rome title.
18th May:
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah expands cabinet ministry with 28 ministers. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index report, Bill Gates retakes Worlds richest title from Carlos Slim. Atletico Madrid win Copa del Rey Cup after defeating Real Madrid 2-1 in the final.
17th May:
Nirbhay Sharma appointed as Governor of Arunachal Pradesh. The department of pharmaceuticals notified the Drug Price Control Order 2013 which will lower drug prices up to 80% of 348 essential medicines including life saving drugs.
16th May:
S. Sreesanth and two other Rajasthan Royals' players arrested for spot-fixing in IPL 6 tournament by the Delhi Police. Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt surrendered before TADA court in Mumbai to serve his three-and-a-half year sentence in the 1993 Mumbai serial bomb blast case. Amitabh Bachchan gives Cannes opening ceremony address in Hindi. David Beckham announces his retirement from football at the end of this season. The former England captain made 115 appearances for his country.
15th May:
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today filed his nomination papers in the Assam Assembly to be re-elected as a Rajya Sabha member from the state. Mittu Chandilya appointed as the first CEO of AirAsia India. Yusf Pathan become first IPL batsman to get out 'obstructing the field' in a match against Pune warrior. Chelsea win Europa League. The 66th Cannes Film Festival start. England and Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand announced his retirement from international soccer.
14th May:
Government of India formed a Group of Ministers (GoM) under finance minister P Chidambaram to draft a law to insulate the CBI from external influence. The other members include Salman Khurshid, Kapil Sibal, Manish Tewari and V Narayanasamy as members. Manchester City sacked manager Roberto Mancini.
13th May:
Congress leader Siddaramaiah sworn in as the 22nd chief minister of Karnataka. NSE launched countrys first dedicated debt trading platform. The stability certificates of all the nine stands of M.A. Chidambaram Cricket Stadium, Chepauk cancelled by the Tamil Nadu Government.
12th May:
Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) emerged as the largest party in parliament election and Nawaz Sharif set for 3rd term as Pak PM. Mother's day celebrated in India. Fernando Alonso win Spanish Grand Prix for the second time. Russell Domingo will replace Gary Kirsten as Soth African Cricket Team coach after his retirement. Serena Williams beats Maria Sharapova in Madrid Open final and winning her 50th single title. Barcelona wins La Liga Championship for 22nd time.
11th May:
Minister of Communications and Information Technology Kapil Sibal gets additional charge of Law Ministry. CP Joshi is appointed as Railway Minister. National Technology Day observed in India. National Assembly election held for 272 seats in Pakistan for the first transition between civilian governments in the nation's 66-year history.
10th May:
Law MinisterAshwani Kumar and Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal resign from their post. Karnataka Governor H.R. Bhardwaj appointed Siddaramaiah as Karnataka Chief Minister. Siddaramaiah will be the 28th CM of Karnataka.
9th May:
Pakistani prisoner Sanaullah Ranjay passed away while being treated for injuring sustained in a scuffle. Former Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilanis son Ali Haider Gilani was kidnapped in Pakistans Punjab province by unidentified gunmen during election rally. Tamil Nadu imposed a ban on sale, storage and production of gutka and pan masala.
8th May:
Congress win Karnataka State Assembly election with 121 seats while ruling party BJP gets only 40 seats. The Premier League champions confirmed that Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson will retire at the end of the season after more than 26 years in charge. The Supreme Court slammed Attorney govt, CBI, A-G for sharing CBI's coal probe report with the political executive.
7th May:
Churchill Brothers of Goa win the I-League football title for 2013. Najib Razak sworn in as Malaysias Prime Minister for a second term.
6th May:
According to TRAI Survey, Uttar Pradesh accounted for the largest number of mobile subscribers in India. Laxman Sivaramakrishnan, the former India leg spinner, has elected as a players' representative on the ICC cricket committee.
5th May:
India and China both sides agree to withdrawing their troops to previously agreed positions from Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) sector near the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh. Chinese troops set up camp in Ladakh's Depsang Valley on April 15. Karnataka records 65 per cent vote in state assembly election today for 223 seats.
4th May:
Gautam Gambhir and Yuvraj Singh were dropped from ODI squad of 15-member for next month's Champions Trophy. P.V. Sindhu of India win the Malaysian Open Grand Prix in badminton Gold 2013 in Kuala Lumpur. Railway Minister P K Bansal's nephew arrested for accepting Rs 90 lakh bribe by CBI.
3rd May:
Indian Cinema complete 100 years. The first film Raja Harishchandra was made in India 100 years ago on 3 May 1913 by Dada Saheb Phalke. Gulf state Qatar has bought a 5 percent stake in Bharti Airtel Ltd for $1.26 billion.
2nd May:
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) launched an Islamic equity index especially for Islamic investors.
Sarabjit Singh died in Lahore hospital six days after being brutally attacked by a group of inmates in jail. Champions League final match will be played between Bayern Munich and Dortmund at Wembley after defeting Barcelona and Real Madrid in Semifinals respectively.
1st May:
May Day celebrated. Petrol price cut by Rs 3 a liter and Price of non-subsidized cooking gas cut by Rs 54 per cylinder. Indian population reaches 121 cores as per the census of March, 2011.
June, 2013
30th June:
P. Sathasivam appointed be the Next Chief Justice of India. He will be 40th Chief Justice of India (CJI) and will take office on 18th July 2013. Germany's Nico Rosberg won the British Formula One grand prix .
29th June:
Airports Authority of India will develop 50 new low-cost airports across 11 states. Election Commission (EC) issues a notice to BJP leader Gopinath Munde to explain why he spent Rs. 8 crore in the last Lok Sabha elections. As announced by the International Cricket Council in London, India will host 2016 World Twenty20, 2021 World Test Championship and 2023 edition of the 50-over World Cup.
28th June:
Petrol price hiked by Rs 1.82 per liter. The annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave in the Kashmir Valley started on schedule from today morning. Indian railways launched an SMS-based ticketing system. US Senate passes sweeping immigration bill.
27th June:
Krishna Chaudhary appointed as Director General, National Disaster Response Force and Civil Defence. Spain and Brazil reach the final of FIFA Confederations Cup, 2013.
26th June:
Wal-Mart India CEO Raj Jain resigns. Rupee sinks to record low with 60.72 against dollar. Kevin Rudd sworn in as Australian prime minister after Julia Gillard quit as prime minister. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi flag off 18-km Banihal-Qazigund rail link connecting Kashmir valley to Jammu region.
25th June:
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visit Kashmir. A rescue chopper in Uttarakhand crashed killing at least 19 people were feared to be dead. Ex-military ruler Pervez Musharraf in the list of main accused who conspired to assassinate former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 2007. Sonia Gandhi laid foundation stone of Rattle Hydro Power Project in Kishtwar district of Jammu & Kashmir.
24th June:
Total 19 sites have been added to UNESCO's World Heritage list of places of "outstanding universal value". Former Cricketer Darren Lehmann appointed as coach of Australian Cricket Team. A Mumbai session court rejected Salman Khan's plea in connection with 2002 hit and run case and decided that he would be tried in culpable homicide charge which implicates a jail term of 10 year. Wimbledon 2013 starts in England.
23rd June:
India wins Champions Trophy 2013 defeating England by 5 runs. Shikhar Dhawan wins golden bat, Jadeja wins golden ball in Champions Trophy 2013.
22nd June:
Six forts of Rajathan, Chittorgarh, Kumbhalgarh, Jaisalmer, Ranthambhore (Sawai Madhopur), Gagaron (Jhalawar) and Amber (Jaipur) were recognized as serial World Heritage Sites in the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee (WHC) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia .
21st June:
Till now 550 dead and 50,000 still trapped in Uttarakhand. Mount Etna of Italy gains World Heritage Site status.
20th June:
Indian rupee falls to record low of 59.57 Rs per Dollar. India reaches the final of ICC Champions trophy defeating Sri Lanka by 8 wickets. India will play England in the final.
19th June:
Nitish Kumar win the vote of confidence in Bihar Assembly with 126 MLA support. England reaches the final of ICC Champions Trophy, 2013 after defeating South Africa by 7 wickets in Semi Final.
18th June:
Monsoon rains in North India killed at least 60 people and left tens of thousands stranded. Tianhe-2, a supercomputer developed by Chinas National University of Defense Technology earned the number one spot of fastest computer in the Top 500 survey of supercomputers.
17th June:
UPA Government inducts 8 new ministers. Mallikarjun Kharge appoints as the new Railways Minister. AirAsia India appoints TCS Vice-Chairman S Ramadorai as Chairman. The 39th G-8 Summit start in Northern Ireland.
16th June:
Janata Dal United (JD (U)) formally announced party is breaking away 17-year alliance with the BJP opposing the elevation of Gujarat Chief Narendra Modi to chief of BJPs election campaign committee. Ratan Tata is selected as the Chief Advisor to low-cost carrier, Air Asia Indias board.
15th June:
The Government of India appoints SK Roy as the new Chairman of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Hassan Rowhani elected as new Iranian President. Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation minister Ajay Maken submitted his resignation ahead of the Cabinet reshuffle. 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup starts at Brazil.
14th June:
The world observed the World Blood Donor Day on 14 June 2013 with its theme of the year Give the Gift of Life: Donate Blood.
Iran's presidential election held for a successor to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who serving two consecutive terms.
13th June:
BSNL decided to put an end to the 160-year-old telegraph service in India from July 15. Maoist attacked a passenger train in Bihar, killing three people.
12th June:
Naveen Jindal and Dasari Narayana Rao named in Coalgate FIR registered by CBI. India Cricket Team reaches the semifinal of Champions Trophy in England. Gauri Monga wins Southern India golf title.
11th June:
Former union minister and Congress leader V.C Shukla from Chhattisgarh, died in a Gurgaon hospital after battling injuries sustained in a deadly naxal attack on a convoy of party leaders on May 25, 2013. L K Advani withdraws resignation. Cayan Tower in Dubai inaugurated as the world's tallest twisted tower, which spirals at 90 degrees from the bottom.
10th June:
LK Advani quits all posts in BJP. BCCI suspends Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra after he confessed betting in IPL.
9th June:
Narendra Modi anointed as chairman of BJP 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign committee. K Srikanth wins his maiden men's singles title at the Thailand Open Grand Prix. Rafael Nadal wins men's single in French Open defeating David Ferrer.
8th June:
Serena Williams wins French Open defeating Maria Sharapova 6-4 6-4 in the final. Former South African President Nelson Mandela taken to a hospital after being critical condition. Bob and Mike Bryan won Doubles Title at French Open 2013.
7th June:
Jet Airways India CEO Nikos Kardassis resigns. BJP national executive meeting in Goa started. K R Kamath Re-Elected as the Chairman of Indian Banks Association.
6th June:
Sanjay Patel has been appointed as the BCCI secretary, replacing Sanjay Jagdale. T Venkatesh has been selected as the new treasurer of BCCI. Rajasthan Royals co-owner Raj Kundra has confessed to betting in IPL matches. TCA Raghavan is appointed as new High Commissioner to Pakistan. ICC Champions Trophy start from today in England and Wales. The first all women police station in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh started functioning. Susan Elizabeth Rice Appointed as the National Security Adviser to US President Barack Obama.
5th June:
BJP win all six constituencies in Gujrat, two Lok Sabha and four state assembly seats in the by-elections held on Sunday. Nawaz Sharif formally elected as Pakistans PM. World Environment Day is observed promote awareness on the importance of preserving biodiversity. Inc launches online marketplace in India.
4th June:
Actress Jiah Khan committed suicide at her Juhu residence. Delhi Police invoked MCOCA against cricketer S Sreesanth and 25 others arrested in the Indian Premier Leaguespot-fixing scandal. Actor Vindu Dara Singh and CSK principal Gurunath Meiyappan granted bail by a local court. Former Bangladesh cricket team captain Mohammad Ashraful suspended by BCB after his involvement in fixing. More Than 65 Countries across the World Signed the Arms Trade Treaty. Raghav Joneja at the age of 15, becomes youngest Indian to climb Everest. Burundi's Lydia Nsekera became the first woman to be elected to the FIFA Executive Committee for four years.
3rd June:
Six major political parties would be answerable under the Right to Information Act as informed by The Central Information Commission. These parties are Congress, BJP, CPI(M), CPI, BSP and NCP. Jose Mourinho returns to English Football Club Chelsea as manager again.
2nd June:
Arvind Kejriwal will contest against Sheila Dikshit in Delhi polls. Former BCCI & ICC President Jagmohan Dalmiya chosen as interim BCCI Board President till the probe into the spot-fixing scandal is completed.
1st June:
Infosys Limited announced the appointing of Mr. N R Narayana Murthy as Executive Chairman of the Board and Additional Director of the company. Rajeev Shukla resigns as IPL Chairman.
July, 2013
31st July:
The Union Home Ministry has agreed for handing over the security of BodhGaya complex to the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF).This is the first time the paramilitary force will guard a religious place. The Bombay High Court declared the probe panel BCCI to look into allegations of spot-fixing IPL-6 as illegal and unconstitutional, and directed to form a new panel to investigate the issue correctly. India defeated Nepal to wins Under-16 SAFF Football Title, 2013.
30th July:
Congress Working Committee (CWC) endorsed the formation of Telangana State. Hyderabad will be the capital of both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for 10 years. Mamnoon Hussain elected as President of Pakistan. Convict of Batla House Encounter Shahzad Ahmed got life sentence. Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan will receive 21st Rajiv Gandhi National Sadhbhavna Award.
29th July:
Ashwani Kumar sworn in as Governor of Manipur. 2,058 crore Jet-Etihad deal cleared by investment board with conditions. Britain confirms 3,000 cash bond for visas for visitors from India and 5 other countries. India's 'Metro Man' E Sreedharan chosen for Lokmanya Tilak award, 2013.
28th July:
BCCI's two-member probe panel clears Raj Kundra, Gurunath Meiyappan of involvement in IPL spot-fixing.
13 injured in grenade blast in Guwahati World Hepatitis Day 2013 observed. India defeat Zimbabwe by seven wickets to lead 3-0 series win.
27th July:
More than 100 people have been killed and 1,500 injured at a protest held by supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo.
26th July:
Indias advanced meteorological satellite INSAT-3D launched successfully from the spaceport of Kourou in French Guiana by the European rocket, Arianespace's Ariane 5 rocket. India defeat Zimbabwe by 58 runs in the second ODI.
25th July:
A Delhi court convicted Indian Mujahideen operative Shahzad Ahmad in the 2008 Batla House encounter case for murdering a police inspector M C Sharma and death of Head Constables Balwant Singh and Rajbir Singh. India's K Jennitha Anto wins the 13th IPCA World Women's Individual Chess Championship title at Czech Republic.
24th July:
Bihar Police arrested headmistress of the school in Bihar where 23 children died after eating a meal in Chapra District. Afghanistan's first woman governor Habiba Sarabi, Civil society organiser Lahpai Seng Raw from Myanmar, Nepal's Shakti Samuha, Ernesto Domingo of Philipine and Indonesia's independent anti-corruption government body Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) are the five winners of Magsaysay awards for 2013. India wins the first ODI against Zimbabwe by 6 wickets.
23rd July:
Leo Burnett chairman and CEO of India subcontinent Arvind Sharma has been reelected president of the Advertising Agencies Association of India. Kate Middleton The Duchess of Cambridge, Gave Birth to a Baby Boy. Devendra Jhajharia wins India's first-ever gold at the IPC Athletics World Championships in Lyon, France. Josy Joseph and Ravish Kumar awarded Ramnath Goenka Journalist of the Year award for print and broadcast categories respectively.
22nd July:
56 people died in China's western Gansu province after 6.6 magnitude earthquake. Supreme Court asks Centre to enforce tobacco advertisement rules at shops. Delhi Police filed charge sheet in match-fixing case of 2000 involving Hansie Cronje. Britain's Chris Froome was crowned champion of the 100th edition of the Tour de France.
21st July:
India win bronze medal in Archery World Cup held in Medellin, Colombia. Australia lost second test of Ashes Series in Lords England.
20th July:
U.S. city Detroit filed for bankruptcy. Shane Warne inducted into ICC Hall of Fame at Lord's, England.
19th July:
Supreme Court order to cancel common medical entrance exam (NEET) because the MCI is not empowered to hold it and now private medical and dental universities and colleges will now have the right to conduct their own entrance exams. Justice Palanisamy Sathasivam sworn in as the new Chief Justice of India. Anil Ambani and wife Tina Ambani summoned as witness in 2G case.
18th July:
The Union Government approved recommendations of a Group of Ministers (GoM) to make marriage laws more women friendly, including providing for compensation to a woman from her husbands ancestral property in the case of divorce. Union Govt. approved Proposal to give SEBI more Powers including to carry out search and seizure operations on ponzi schemes. Veteran Tamil lyricist Vaali passes away in Chennai at the age of 81. The Union Government approved to rename Bengaluru International Airport as Kempegowda International Airport. Delhi and KKR seamer Pradeep Sangwan fails dope test conducted during IPL 6. Second Test of Ashes Series begins in Lord Cricket Ground, England.
17th July:
The Indian Government permits 100 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in telecom sector. ArcelorMittal decides to drop its Rs 50,000 crore steel plant project in Odisha. NASA announced discovery of 14th moon named S/2004 N1 of Neptune.
16th July:
22 children died after mid-day meal in Saran district, Bihar. The Supreme Court allowed dance bars in Maharashtra to reopen which were shut down by the state government eight years. Central Railway to use first fully retrofitted AC rake on Pune-Lonavala section. Two of worlds leading sprinters, American Tyson Gay and the Jamaican Asafa Powell both have failed doping tests.
15th July:
List of 5,748 missing persons released by Uttarakhand government. Monsoon Session of Parliament to begin on August 5. Cipla appoints MK Hamied as Executive Vice-Chairman. Abhijeet Gupta won Commonwealth Chess Championship.
14th July:
163 year old telegram service in India to be close forever from 9pm today. England beat Australia by 14 runs in first Ashes test.
13th July:
Hemant Soren sworn in as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand. Bhutan's opposition party, Peoples Democratic Party wins the election with 30 seats. Bofors payoffs scandal accused Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi died in Milan following a stroke.
12th July:
Veteran actor and Dadasaheb Phalke Award recipient Pran dies at 93 in Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. A 15-year-old girl from Meerut Razia Sultan has been conferred with the first United Nation Malala Award. Founder of Massachusetts-based Bose audio firm Amar Bose dies at 83.
11th July:
In a landmark ruling The Supreme Court has barred those in jail from contesting elections even if they are not convicted of any crime yet. Allahabad high court bans caste-based rallies in Uttar Pradesh. India Cricket Team wins tri series in West Indies by defeating Sri Lanka. Bhuvneshwar Kumar declared as Man of the Series. World Population Day observed. Month long Ramzan fast begins today.
10th July:
In a landmark judgment the Supreme Court struck down a provision in the electoral law that protects a convicted lawmaker from disqualification on the ground of pendency of appeal in higher courts. The annual Ratha Yatra of Lord Jagannath, his brother Bhalabhadra and sister Subhadra began in Puri, Odisha. Hazem El-Beblawi appointed as the new Prime Minister of Egypt. India reaches the final of Tri-Nation competition in West Indies. They will play against Sri Lanka in the final. First test match of the Ashes series starts between England and Australia in Trent Bridge. Former Olympian Maharaj Krishan Kaushik appointed as a coach of the Indian hockey team.
9th July:
Chinese troops again enter Ladakh. Investigating agency detained three men, one woman in Bihar for being questioned for suspicious movement in Bodha Gaya temple Blasts. Supreme Court restrained a special CBI court in Jharkhand from pronouncing its verdict on July 15 in a fodder case involving RJD Chief Lalu Prasad Yadav.
8th July:
Shiva Thapa becomes the youngest pugilist from the country to clinch a gold medal at the Asian Championships in Amman, Jordan. India move to second spot in ICC Test rankings.
7th July:
Two people have been injured in a series of 8 blasts inside the Mahabodhi temple in Bihar's Bodhgaya. World Champion Sebastian Vettel wins German Grand Prix. Vidya Balan wins Best Actress Award, Ranbir Kapoor bags best actor and 'Barfi!' wins best film at IIFA, 2013 in Macau, China. Andy Murray of England wins the Wimbledon Championship, 2013 by defeating Novak Djokovic 6-4, 7-5, 6-4. Fred Perry was the last British man to win the Wimbledon title in 1936.
6th July:
Venezuela offers asylum to former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. Former Secretary Department of Telecommunications (DoT) R. Chandrasekhar appointed President of Nasscom. French tennis player Marion Bartoli defeat Sabine Lisicki 6-1, 6-4 to win her first Wimbledon title.
5th July:
President Pranab Mukherjee signed Ordinance on Food Security Bill. Former Vice Admiral DK Dewan appointed new UPSC member.
4th July:
Egyptian Army ousts Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi from his post. Head of the Supreme Constitutional Court Adly Mansour appointed as Egypt's new interim President. Douglas C. Engelbart known as the father of the mouse dies at 88. Vikas Gowda wins first gold medal in the ongoing Asian Athletics Championships, Pune. Oxford University's Indian origin student Samridh Agarwal become first ever cricketer to score a triple century in a University match. He scores a triple-century against Cambridge in a first-class match at the FP Fenner's ground in Cambridge.
3rd July:
Bhiwani and Mahendragarh districts of Haryana and Bharatpur in Rajasthan will be a part of the National Capital Region (NCR) with the approval of NCR Planning Board. The Indian government launched a $22 billion welfare scheme to give cheap food to hundreds of millions of people in India. Sunil Soni has been appointed as Director General of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Sujatha Singh will be Indias new Foreign Secretary. With the declaration made in compliance to Section 4 of the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) 2003, Himachal Pradesh declared as the first Smokefree state of the country. Shriniwas Patil is appointed as new Governor of Sikkim.
2nd July:
Seven policemen kill in attack by Maoist in Jharkhand. India reject Edward Snowden's request for asylum. Indian navy decommissions INS Taragiri after 33 years of service. India Govt releases National Cyber Security Policy 2013.
1st July:
Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union. Brazil wins the 2013 FIFA Confederation Cup after defeating Spain by 3-0 in the final held at Rio. Suresh Kalmadi loses bid for Chief of Asian Athletics Association to Brigadier Dalham al-Hamad, the senior vice-president of athletics association Qatar.
Indias first navigation satellite IRNSS-1A launch from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. Jamia Milia university Vice Chancellor Najeeb Jung appointed as the new Lt Governor of Delhi. Former Delhi Police Commissioner K K Paul appointed as Governor of Meghalaya.
August, 2013
31st August:
30th August:
India's economy grew at 4.4 per cent in the April-June 2013 quarter, the slowest quarterly rate in last 4 years. India becomes the first nation to fly the Boeing 787 Dreamliner to Australia as Air India's first commercial flight landed in Australia. Indian Hockey Team assured of a berth in next year's World Hockey Cup in Netherland after defeating Malaysia 2-0 in the semifinal of Asia Cup.
29th August:
The Land Acquisition Bill passed in Lok Sabha. Indian Mujahideen chief Yasin Bhatkal arrested near India-Nepal Border. India's Chandrayan mission data helped NASA to detected magmatic water locked under the surface of the Moon. India's first dedicated defense satellite GSAT-7 launched successfully by an European rocket.
28th August:
Indian rupee ends at new all-time low of 68.85 against US dollar. The inaugural Mahathir Award for Global Peace has been awarded to former South African President Nelson Mandela.
27th August:
Rupee hit record low of 66.30 against dollar and posted its biggest single-day fall in nearly 18 years. Malala Yousafzai awarded 2013 International Children's Peace Prize. The formal trial of former Pakistani former military ruler Pervez Musharraf in connection with the 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto began today.
26th August:
Food Security Bill passed in Lok Sabha after nine hours of debate. The Union Government has extended the monsoon session of parliament till September 6. U.N. inspectors reach Syria to inspect poison gas attack in a rebel-held suburb of Damascus. India reaches the semi final of Asia Cup hockey after defeating South Korea 2-0.
25th August:
Congress wins the by-election Lok Sabha seats of both Bangalore Rural and Mandya seats in Karnataka. The Indian under-23 team wins the ACC Emerging Trophy tournament as they beat Pakistan by nine wickets in the final. England wins the 5 match Ashes Series with 3-0 against Australia.
24th August:
India's first National Media Centre inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced that he will retire within 12 month from post.
23rd August:
12 Andhra MPs suspended in Lok Sabha for protesting against Telangana. Nishi Vasudeva became the head of state-owned oil major Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL) and became the first woman to head a Navratna public sector unit (PSU). Facebook joining hands with six other technology companies Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson, Opera, MediaTek and Qualcomm to launch a new global initiative named to make Internet access affordable for people across the globe. Gujarat Police DGP Amitabh Pathak died of a heart attack in Bangkok, Thailand.
22nd August:
Rupee hits record low of 65.56. Parliament disrupting over the suspension of 11 Andhra Pradesh MPs. Robert Mugabe sworn in for 7th term as Zimbabwe President. Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak released from prison.
21st August:
Maharashtra state government clears anti-superstition ordinance. Indian Rupee crashes to record low of 64.55 against dollar. A court ordered the release of deposed Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. The fifth and last test match of Ashes Series begins in Oval, London.
20th August:
Three bills relating to the first national women's university, an aviation university and an aviation authority were introduced in the Lok Sabha. Both the Women's University and the Aviation University will be setup in Rae Bareli. Delhi becomes the first state to clear the food security scheme as Sonia Gandhi launches food security ration cards to beneficiaries. A court in Pakistan has formally indicted former military dictator Pervez Musharraf with the murder of former premier Benazir Bhutto.
19th August:
A train killed at least 35 pilgrims crossing a railway track in Dhamara station, 180 km east of Patna, the capital of Bihar. Till now Indian Navy recovered seven victims found from the fire-devastated INS Sindhurakshak. ISRO called off GSLV launch with just an hour to go before the launch as a "leak" had been detected in fuel tank. Usain Bolt became the most successful athlete in world championship history when he anchored Jamaica to victory in the 4x100 meters relay. Bolt with eight gold medals in World Championship equals American trio Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson and Allyson Felix but the Jamaican moved ahead by virtue of his two silvers from 2007.
17th August:
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has set up a panel of seven-member to assess the status of Scheduled Tribes, to ensure their progress in socio-economic, health and education fields. The committee will be headed by National Advisory Council member Virginius Xaxa. For the first time, Election Commission will use the paper trail system along with the Electronic Voting Machines in the Nagaland by-election scheduled to be held on September 4.In this process, when the voter presses a button on the EVM to select the party he wants to vote for, a small slip bearing the name and symbol of the party will appear on the attached VVPAT system. IPS Dilip Trivedi appointed the Director General of CRPF. Usain Bolt of Jamaica wins his third successive world 200 meters title with 19.66 seconds at 2013 World Championships in Moscow.
16th August:
Supreme Court issues notice to Centre and 12 state governments on their response on preventing Bihar mid-day meal like tragic incidents and providing hygienic food to children. A Street in Canada's Winnipeg city has been named after Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of India's 67th Independence Day.
15th August:
India celebrates 67th Independence Day. Death toll from Egypt political violence rises to 525. The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has given clearance for the unit 1 of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) to produce 500MW of power. Wimbledon Womens Singles 2013 winner Marion Bartoli announced her retirement.
14th August:
Indian submarine INS Sindhurakshak sank with 18 crewmen after explosion early in the morning at the high-security naval dockyard in Mumbai. The cause of the explosion is still not known. A 6.1 magnitude earthquake jolted parts of China in which 87 people were injured and over 45,000 homes damaged. Indian badminton League (IBL) starts from today. 6 Teams will participate in the event.
13th August:
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) reports that the Indian Government had failed to follow defense procurement policy rules in awarding a 560 million euros luxury helicopter deal to AgustaWestland. Parliament proceedings paralyzed over the debate of alleged dubious land deals of Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita elected as the new President of Mali. Anna Hazare to ring bell at NASDAQ and to lead Independence Day parade in New York. Trap shooter Ronjan Sodhi, the first Indian to win two back-to-back World Cup gold medals recommended for the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna while 14 sportspersons picked for the Arjuna award by the selection committee. The Arjuna awardees: Virat Kohli (Cricket), Chekrovolu Swuro (Archery), Renjith Maheshwary (Athletics), P V Sindhu (Badminton), Kavita Chahal (Boxing), Rupesh Shah (Snooker), Gaganjeet Bhullar (Golf), Saba Anjum (Hockey), Rajkumari Rathore (Shooting), Joshna Chinappa (Squash), Mouma Das (Table Tennis), Neha Rathi (Wrestling), Dharmendra Dalal (Wrestling), Amit Kumar Saroha (Athletics).
12th August:
The Union Government introduced an amendment to the Right to Information Act, 2005 to keep political parties out of the purview of this law. India successfully test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear capable Prithvi-II missile, which has a strike range of 350 km. India launches first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant from Kochi.
Usain Bolt wins 100m gold at Moscow World Championships with the time of 9.77sec. Shikhar Dhawan smashed the second highest score in limited over cricket with 248 (30 fours and 7 sixes) from 150 balls for India A against South Africa A at the LC de Villiers Oval, Pretoria. Serena Williams defeated Sorana Cirstea 6-2 6-0 to Win Women's Rogers Cup 2013.
11th August:
Subramanian Swamy's Janata Party merges with BJP ahead of the 2014 general elections. Real Madrid wins Champions Cup after defeating Chelsea 3-1 in MIAMI, USA. Ratchanok Intanon of Thailand wins badminton world championship, 2013 in Women Singles after defeating Olympic champion Li Xuerui in the women's singles 22-20 18-21 21-14 in Guangzhou, China. Lin Dan of China wins the badminton world title, 2013 in Men's Singles for a fifth time.
10th August:
Jagan Mohan Reddy quits as MP in protest against the creation of Telangana. The 14th World Championships in Athletics starts in Moscow, Russia. India's shuttler PV Sindhu win a bronze medal at the World Championships after defeating against world number three Ratchanok Inthanon in the semifinals 10-21, 13-21.
9th August:
Government approved setting up of all-women bank (Bhartiya Mahila Bank Ltd) with an initial capital of Rs 1,000 crore. India celebrates Eid-ul-Fitr. Indian shuttler P. V. Sindhu enters the semifinals of World Badminton Championships after defeating Shixian Wang of China. She becomes the first Indian woman singles player to ensure a medal at the World Badminton Championships. A company from Maryland, USA Sanaria has developed a malaria vaccine that has become the first in providing 100% protection against malaria. The vaccine is known as PfSPZ. India's first e-library will be launched in Haryana's Sirsa district on August 15.
8th August:
Companies Bill introduced in the Rajya Sabha which aimed at protecting the interest of employees and small investors. Lok Sabha had passed the Companies Bill in 2012. Sixth Andhra minister quits in protest against state's division. Telecom and IT minister Kapil Sibal launch the website which gives access to 3,500 govt data banks.
7th August:
Parliament rocked for a second day over the killing of five Indian soldiers in Jammu and Kashmir. US President Barack Obama has cancelled plans to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin as a retribution for Russia's decision to grant temporary asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Amazon boss Jeff Bezos agreed to purchase the Washington Post newspaper for $250m. Maria Sharapova tops Forbes rich female athletes list for 9th straight year.
6th August:
Five Indian soldiers killed by Pakistan in Poonch area of Jammu and Kashmir. Rupee hits record low of 61.80 against dollar. Raghuram Rajan appointed as next RBI governor.
5th August:
Monsoon session of Parliament starts. The National Green Tribunal ordered a stay on all sand mining activity in the river beds in country. BCCI on Monday approached the Supreme Court challenging Bombay High Courts order that held as illegal and unconstitutional the two-member probe panel constituted by it to look into spot-fixing and betting charges in the IPL tournament as illegal. England retains the Ashes Series after the draw of third test in Old Trafford, England. England leads the five match series 2-0 after three test. Ravindra Jadeja move to the number one position in ICC ODI bowlers ranking. He is the second one after Anil Kumble to reach the spot as an Indian bowler.
4th August:
Arundhati Bhattacharya appointed as Managing Director of State Bank of India (SBI). Japan launches first talking Robot Astronaut Kirobo into Space from the Tanegashima Space Center. India women team wins bronze at junior women hockey World Cup after defeating England 3-2 in penalties. International Friendship Day observed.
3rd August:
Afghanistan insurgents attacked the Indian consulate in Afghanistan's eastern capital Jalalabad killing nine people. Hassan Rouhani took office as Iran's president.
India completed 5-0 whitewash over Zimbabwe in the fifth one-day international at the Queens Sports Club in Bulawayo. Amit Mishra declared as Man of the series.
2nd August:
Seven TDP MPs resign over Telangana issue. Russia granting asylum to NSA intelligence leaker Edward Snowden in Russia for a year. Cate Campbell of Australia won gold in the women's 100 meters freestyle at the World Championships in Barcelona. Aditya Mehta wins snooker gold in World Games at Cali, Columbia. USA wins the 2013 Concacaf Gold Cup.
1st August:
The Union Cabinet approved a proposal to divest 10 percent of the government's stake in state refiner Indian Oil Corp Ltd. The Cabinet cleared crucial changes to the Right to Information Act to block political parties from being covered under RTI which will exempt parties from being obliged to share details of their funding or how they choose their candidates. Union Government eased investment rules for the retail sector allowing foreign supermarket operators to procure from small businesses which have invested no more than the equivalent of $2 million in plant and machinery. Bhim Sain Bassi appointed as the Delhi Police Commissioner. India wins against Zimbabwe by nine-wicket in Bulawayo to lead 4-0 in the fivematch series. Sujatha Singh takes charge as Indias new foreign secretary.
September, 2013
22nd September:
59 people have been killed in an attack by the al Shabaab group at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. At least 70 people died in suicide bombing attack outside a church in Peshawar, Pakistan. The Uttar Pradesh government revoked the suspension of IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal. Tamil National Alliance (TNA) wins 30 of the 38 seats in the election held at Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Election held after 25 years in this former war zone.
21st September:
Gyan Correa's Gujarati film 'The Good Road' nominated to represent India in the Best Foreign Film category at next year's Oscars.
Pakistan released former Afghan Taliban deputy chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar for peace efforts in Afganistan.
20th September:
UP BJP MLA Suresh Rana arrested for alleged role in Muzaffarnagar riots. RBI hiking the short-term policy rate by 0.25 per cent which may increase EMIs for home and auto loans in the medium term. The Central Bureau of Investigation today officially closed its investigation into a corruption case against Mulayam Singh Yadav citing lack of evidence.
19th September:
Tata Sons and Singapore Airlines decided to set up a new world-class joint venture airline based in India. Mohammedan Sporting wins Durand Cup Football tournament after defeating ONGC 2-1 in the final in New Delhi.
18th September:
Indian wrestler Bajrang wins the bronze medal in the 60kg freestyle category in the World Championship. Sunrisers Hyderabad enters the main round of CLT20 after two consecutive victory in the qualifying round match.
17th September:
13 dead include the gunman who was killed after an encounter with security in shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. China started flight operations at the world's highest civilian airport in Sichuan. Pakistani education rights campaigner Malala Yousafzai and American singer, human rights activist Harry Belafonte named as joint recipients of Amnesty International's Ambassador of Conscience Award for 2013. Amit Kumar Dahiya wins silver medal at World Wrestling Championships in Budapest, Hungary. Iran lifts ban on Facebook and Twitter after four years. Government raises import duty on gold jewellery to 15%. Australia wins the 5 match series by 2-1 against England.
16th September:
Inflation in August rises to 6.1 per cent in food prices. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi visit riot-hit Muzaffarnagar. Nina Davuluri wins the 2014 Miss America pageant and becoming the first IndianAmerican to wear the crown.
15th September:
India successfully test-fired Agni-V missile with range of about 5,000 km for second time from an island of Odisha.
14th September:
US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced a deal on a framework to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons, after talks in Switzerland. Tripura ahead of Kerala to achieve top position in literacy chart in India with 94.65 percent.
13th September:
The four accused men for raping and murdering a girl in New Delhi on 16th December, 2012 were sentenced to death by a Delhi court under Additional Sessions Judge Yogesh Khanna. Narendra Modi appointed BJP's PM candidate for 2014 polls. Rajasthan Royals cricketers S Sreesanth and Ankeet Chavan have been banned for life, Amit Singh for five years and Siddharth Trivedi for one year by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) for their involvement in the spot fixing scandal during the sixth edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL). Ray Dolby, Founder and Director Emeritus of Dolby Laboratories died in San Francisco, age 80. He suffered from Alzheimers disease and acute leukemia.
12th September:
Thomas Bach of Germany elected as the 9th President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in place of Jacques Rogge. India Denies Visa to Pakistani team Faisalabad Wolves for the Champions League T20.
11th September:
India lost to Afghanistan 0-2 in the final of the 2013 SAFF Championship at the Dasrath stadium in Kathmandu. Prayers resume at Kedarnath Temple after 86 days of calamity hit Uttarakhand in June this year.
10th September:
Syria has accepted a Russian proposal to place its chemical weapons under international control for dismantling. India's launch preparations for the Rs 450 crore Mars orbiter mission passed the successful thermo-vacuum test of the spacecraft with its payloads.
Rafael Nadal wins US Open title and 13th Grand Slam crown as he beat Novak Djokovic 6-2, 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 in the final.
9th September:
Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated across India. Toll now 31 dead in Muzaffarnagar communal riots. Leander Paes-Radek Stepanek win US Open men's doubles title after defeating second seeded Alexander Peya and Bruno Soares pair 6-1, 6-3. Leander Paes becomes the oldest man to win a Grand Slam title. This is his 14th title. Serena Williams wins 17th grand slam title with US Open victory over Victoria Azarenka by 7-5, 6-7, 6-1. Ryan Campbell of Australia at the age of 19 became the youngest person to fly a single engine aircraft around the globe.
8th September:
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari steps down as Pak President after successfully completing his five-year term, paving the way for Mamnoon Hussain to take over. Liberal leader Tony Abbott will be the next prime minister of Australia after his party wins 88 seats to Labor's 57 in the 150-seat parliament. International Literacy Day celebrated. Wrestling included in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games after it defeated baseball/softball and squash for a spot in the competition.
7th September:
Zubin Mehta performs his concert in Shalimar Bagh, Kashmir despite threats. Tokyo will host the 2020 summer Olympics after beating Istanbul in a head-to-head voting by the International Olympic Committee.
6th September:
The Rajya Sabha today passed the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill. The International Olympic Committee has asked the Indian Olympic Association to sack "charge-framed" officials through constitutional amendments by October 31 and conduct fresh elections by December 15 to return to the Olympic fold. Leander Paes with Radek Stepanek of Czech Republic reached the mens doubles finals of the US Open. Egypt government has dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood as a registered nongovernmental organization. National pentathlon championship starts in Goa.
5th September:
Teachers Day Celebrated across India on the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The monsoon session of Parliament has been extended by a day till September 7. Air India hikes fares by up to 25 per cent on all domestic routes. Indian author Sushmita Banerjee shot dead outside her house in Afghanistan. President Pranab Mukherjee appointed Deepak Sandhu as the first woman Chief Information Commissioner of the Central Information Commission. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) informed that the number of telephone subscribers in India reach to 903.09 million at the end of June 2013. The United Nations first International Day of Charity held as a marked in honour of Mother Teresa.
4th September:
The Pension fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) Bill, 2013 has been passed in the Lok Sabha. The Bill will open the doors for foreign investment in pension funds. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrives in St Petersburg for 8th G20 summit. Raghuram Rajan took over as the 23rd RBI governor of RBI.
3rd September:
Microsoft to acquire Nokia's Devices & Services business in 5.44 billion euros deal. Gary Kirsten joins IPL giants Delhi Daredevils as head coach.
2nd September:
Food Security Bill passed by Rajya Sabha. Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde inform that the cabinet resolution on Telangana will take place within 20 days. Gujarat-based Adani group fined Rs. 200 cr for environmental damage. Gareth Bale included in the Real Madrid team after completing his record-breaking move from Tottenham for record 132m dollar.
1st September:
South Korea defeats India by 4-3 in the finals to win 9th Asia Cup Hockey Tournament. Bhuvana Kalva won 2013 ITF Women's Tennis Tournament defeating sixth-seeded Akari Inoue of Japan 6-4, 7-5 in the final of the tournament.