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Ed: 09/2007
UCP Process Control Series
I. Technical and Commercial Notes.
The UCP Process Control Series is a unit with many configurations allowing you to
study Process Control by different ways and studying several parameters
individually. We start from the formula you have in the books and taking into
consideration this mathematical formula, we design the teaching unit.
This formula involved in the process can be analyzed in all the UCP Process Control
Series, at any time separately, even section by section or globally. The Proportional
band, the Derivative and the Integral values can be analyzed, not only the values but
also the curves either individually and /or globally, at any time during the process.
The Lab View software structure allow to see at any time the PID curves with
different colors, different zoom and with any values chosen by the students. The unit
can be calibrated by the student, adjusting the GAIN, OFFSET etc. But the teacher
calibration done can be protected by the Teacher Password.
When the student see the values of any parameter related with the PID process
globally or separately as P or I or D, the condition of values can be changed so the
effect can be seen in the formula itself and in the curves, one or another, or both.
The parameters that can be analyzed are Temperature, Flow, Level, Pressure, pH,
Conductivity and Turbidity. So any PID control can be done separately with anyone
of these parameters.
What is the Unit structure?
- One base Unit (UB). Always you need that.
- One Electronic Interface Box. Always you need that.
- One Data Acquisition Board getting 250.000 d/s. always you need that.
- The software packages, with Lab View structure, one for control, other for data
acquisition and the other for data management. Always you need that but
EDIBON supply only the 3 software packages related with the parameter
- Several Sensors. All can be analyzed one by one, and each parameter uses a
different one, so any parameter use a particular sensor.
- Of course some cables, manual and other element are included to for
immediately and normal operation.
The unit can use any computer available in the market.
What are the configuration possibilities?
There are 3 possibilities:
1. Unit with ELECTRONIC CONTROL VALVE included in base unit UB. (UCP)
2. Unit with PNEUMATIC CONTROL VALVE included in base unit UB.
3. Unit with SPEED CONTROLLED included in the interface box. (UCPCV)
Ed: 09/2007
These are the three main control possibilities normally used in most of the cases in
the industry. In any configuration, you need the Base Unit (UB) and any of the
complements related with any parameter to be measured. Example UCP-T
(Temperature), UCP-C (Flow), UCP-N (Level), UCP-PA (Pressure), UCP-PH (pH)
and UCP-CT (Conductivity) with UCP-UB Base Unit for UCP. With Electronic
Control Valve. Similar for UCP-CN with Pneumatic Control Valve and UCP-CV
(Speed Control), with the difference that the parameters references change. Example
of UCPCV; the base unit is UCPCV- UB and the parameter are UCPCV-T,
case the require will be UCPCN-UB and for the parameters UCPCN-T, UCPCN-C...
There is an additional and special configuration where you can have the three-
control system in only one unit. The reference in this case is UCPCNCV. So in the
UCPCNCV we can offer Electronic Control Valve, Pneumatic Control Valve and
Spend Control in the same unit. And all six parameters involved.
What are the complementary possibilities?
a) Programmable Logical Controller (PLC), Ref: PLC-PI. A Panasonic PLC with
touch screen can be supplied, as complement. The Panasonic PLC is inside a
box. EDIBON add to the panoramic PLC, the box, the power supply, all
connection inside the box and several connector and switches in the front panel,
in order to manipulate the unit from outside and by the touch screen. The PID
control can be done by using the PLC-PI, and with PLC-PI software related with
the process we are working on. We include in the supply, the proper software,
related with the unitary process that we analyzer in any case, too.
b) A projector. The projector can be connected with the computer so all the results
can be seen at the same time by all the students in a big screen in the classroom.
The Mini SCADA-NET is a EDIBON design system that by making some
electronics modifications in the Control Interface and by making a complex
software packages, allow to work simultaneously 30 students with 30 computers,
with only one unit, so the cost per student go down drastically. Another
advantage is that the teacher can tech much easier as all the students can have
the same result screen in his computer and any one can make any changes,
visualizing the results by the rest of students.
A Computer Control Aided Learning Software can be supplied on request. This
CAL Soft allows to make calculations related with the results obtained, to plot
and print the results. Many values of many physics constants are included. Some
integral and alternative tables are included too. See the results screen in the
catalogue and complementary information.
e) CAL.
EDIBON has designed a Software Faults System, where many faults can be
included in the process and the student has to find out and to analyze the reason.
This is available on request.
Ed: 09/2007
f) Future possibilities.
New Control Optional Facilities will be available soon.
What can be other complementary units?
UCP-P Process Control Unit for the study of Pressure (Air), Computer
CPIC Process Control Plant with Industrial Instrumentation and Service
Module, Computer Controlled (Flow, Temperature, Level and
There are other important units for learning about concepts?
SAIT Transducers and Instrumentation Trainer
BS Modular System for the Study of Sensors
RYC Teaching Unit for the Study of Regulation and Control, Computer
Other unit related with other concepts related with?
CADDA Teaching Unit for the study of Analog/Digital and Digital/Analog
TDS Teaching Unit for the Study of Digital Signal Processing
TECNEL Teaching Unit for the Study of Power Electronics, Computer
SERIN/CA Industrial Servosystem Trainer (for AC Motors), Computer
SERIN/CC Industrial Servosystem Trainer (for DC Motors), Computer
SCE Generation Stations Control Simulator, Computer Controlled
CPVM DC Motor Position and Speed Control
PLCE PLC Training
Ed: 09/2007
II. Additional general informative notes.
! Design.
Beginning: We design the original unit on 1995.
Evolution: Since 1995 technically we have improved gradually this unit.
Technical Problems along the time: Originally, we had many difficulties with
the electronics.
Final design: This is gotten after 7 issues. Today the design is finalised since
2001. No changes expected in next years.
- Own design: EDIBON has designed the unit, the soft and the electronics, so we
own 100% all know-how. This gives full guarantee to the end customer.
- Documentation: The designed documentation has several issues and it is already
- Update: As EDIBON has the complete know-how, we can update in few days
if there are any changes in components, software, environment or any particular
reasons. Example, in case any particular component changes. We have to make
the proper corrections in the unit itself, in the software, in the interface and in
the manual.
! Quality.
- Rod material used: The main materials we use are anodise aluminium and
stainless steel. We use commercial electronic top quality components.
- Finnish: Small technical details included for nice look.
- Manuals: We include 8 manuals with these units: Required Service Manual,
Assembly and Installation Manual, Interface and Software / Control Console
Manual, Set in Operation Manual, Safety Norms Manual, Practices Manual,
Maintenance Manual and Calibration Manual.
Some main suppliers: Festo, Panasonic, National Instruments, National
Semiconductors, Bosch, Fuji Electronics, Schneider Electronic, SMC, Lab
View, Hitachi, Motorola, Simon, etc. We also custom made some components
Quality control: We do 20 tests before the unit leaves EDIBON. We do the
manual quality control for the unit, interface and software separately. The final
quality control is done automatically using the computer and we keep all the
results for using as a mirror for after sales troubleshooting.
- Quality control review: Due to EDIBON has all the know-how for unit,
interface and software, we can easily update any of them, in case of any changes
possibility in components, soft or computer changes.
- Quality certificates: This unit has been designed, manufactured and has to work
in accordance with ISO9001:2000, ISO14001:2004 Worlddidac Quality
Charter (WQC) and CE standard.
! Technology.
- Hardware: EDIBON has designed totally the hardware and we manufacture it
on our own premises, only we are buying components. Some components are
manufactured indoor.
- Software: EDIBON has designed totally the software supplied working with the
Ed: 09/2007
- Teaching systems: With this unit you can get about 300.000 data per second (we
use the Texas Instrument PCI board) and additionally the real time computer
control. EDIBON System (SCADA).
- Know-how control: As all software and hardware have been designed totally
by EDIBON and because we manufacture everything in our factory we
CONTROL TOTALLY the know-how. This is an essential matter for future
after sales service. As the units are not manufactured in big quantities, this is the
most appropriate know-how control management.
! Efficiency ratios.
- Unit facilities / cost: The ratio is very high compared with other units available in
the market, as with this unit you can do some more exercises by working with the
base system and about 20 more exercises by working with additional accessories.
- Student efficiency / cost: The ratio efficiency is much higher than others as the
students can learn better and quicker, as we use new teaching techniques. Several
expansions are available.
- Teaching techniques: In this unit, we use several teaching techniques as: Calculation
Soft, Simulation Soft, Computer Controlled, PLC Control and as expansion, the
Mini ESN (EDIBON Scada Net) and Technical Distance Learning (TDL).
- Teaching efficiency / cost: The teaching efficiency is much higher than others units
in the market, as the teacher can teach quicker and he can check if the students
understand the matter he is explaining. With this unit you can do real time control,
open control and multicontrol, as standard and included in the minimum supply.
- Accessories: There is a list of accessories for 5 year operations. All these accessories
can be supplied with the unit at additional cost.
- Future expansions: When you buy EDIBON unit or system, you open the door for
many other future expansions. If you buy the minimum elements for running
normally, you can expand afterwards.
! Warranties.
- Training setting up: We can train our representative engineer or the customer at
our premises. Alternatively our engineers are ready to move to the customer
place. We supply more than enough, technical information for running the unit
without complicated problems.
- Components warranty: We guarantee the component use for 10 years. In case
we do not find a component identical, we can do the proper modifications, as we
keep in our premises the list of components for ANY UNIT supplied.
- Units future update: We have the complete know-how, so no problem for
updating the technology in future. Every year, EDIBON use to update some old
- Maintenance warranty: We supply the proper manual for that.
- Sustainability warranty: The 8 manuals supplied and the components plus the
unit future update means SUSTAINABILITY.
- After sales warranty: We offer 3 years after sales warranty.
- Engineers technical team: We have a strong team of different engineers at
EDIBON full time dedicated, as Electrical, Electronic, Mechanic,
Telecommunications, Physics, Chemistry, etc.
- Company future: The first and the second board of directors generation, both are
- Spare pare list: We have it at your disposition.
Ed: 09/2007
What means SCADA?
A SCADA is a Software for Data Acquisition (ADA) and Control (C) System (S).
EDIBON has designed its own SCADA. The EDIBON SCADA is similar as
industrial one, offered by companies as Hanewell, Siemens, etc., but with many
advantages, very useful for Teaching, Research and Courses, as it is Open
Control, Multi Control and Real Time Control. The difference and advantages are
explained in another clarification note The real meaning of computerised units,
available on request.
What means SCADA-NET?
A SCADA NET is another software that allows many students to work with many
units, all using SCADA, or many students to work with one unit using SCADA, too.
This note corresponds to unit UCP Process Control Series of Unit and for technical
details, please read carefully the unit catalogue available in www.edibon.com and
EDIBON products CD-ROM.

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