Exposure To External Country Specific Shocks and Income Volatility
Exposure To External Country Specific Shocks and Income Volatility
Exposure To External Country Specific Shocks and Income Volatility
January 2009
Disclaimer: This is a working paper, and hence it represents research in progress. This paper represents the opinions of the author, and is the product of professional research. It is not meant to represent the position or opinions of the WTO or its Members, nor the official position of any staff members. Any errors are the fault of the author. Copies of working papers can be requested from the divisional secretariat by writing to: Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organization, Rue de Lausanne 154, CH 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland. Please request papers by number and title.
Using a dataset of 138 countries over a period from 1966 to 2004, this paper analyses the relevance of country specific shocks for income volatility in open economies. We show that exposure to country specific shocks has a positive and significant impact on GDP volatility. In particular, we find that the degree to which the cycles of different trading partners are correlated is more important in explaining exporters GDP volatility than the volatility of demand in individual export market. We also show that geographical diversification is a significant determinant of countries' exposure to country specific shocks. Keywords: income volatility, geographical export diversification, external shocks. JEL classification: C23, F43, O19
Marion Jansen and Roberta Piermartini are counsellors in the Economic Research and Statistics Division of the World Trade Organization, 154 Rue de Lausanne, 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland. Carolina Lennon is PhD candidate at the Centre dEconomie de la Sorbonne (TEAM), Universit de Paris 1 and Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques (PSE), 48 bd Jourdan, 75014, Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. This paper reflects the opinion of the authors and cannot be attributed to the WTO Secretariat or WTO Members. We thank Marc Bacchetta for his role in initiating the research on this paper and for his contribution to developing the main ideas presented here. We also thank Olivier Cadot, Jean Imbs, Andrei Levchenko, Philippe Martin and participants in the ERWIT workshop in Appenzell (June 2008), the International Economics Lunch Seminar of University of Paris 1 (November 2008) and to the Geneva Trade and Development Workshop (November 2008) for useful comments. All remaining errors are ours. 2
Trade provides countries with new growth opportunities but also exposes them to external shocks. With openness increasing significantly over the past decades - from a median across countries of 44 per cent in 1960 to 85 per cent in 2004 -2, policy makers and economists have shown a continuing interest in the relationship between trade, and in particular patterns of specialization, and economic stability.3 Economic volatility has been shown to reduce economic growth (Ramey and Ramey, 1995; Martin and Rogers, 2000; Imbs, 2007) and the positive growth impact of trade may therefore be attenuated if it leads to significant exposure to external shocks. Risk-averse individuals dislike volatility and increased volatility may therefore have undesirable social consequences. Rodrik (1998) has shown that more open economies are characterized by higher government expenditure. He argues that higher government expenditure is meant to protect economic actors against increased volatility through exposure to external shocks. Understanding the sources of volatility is an important issue for developing countries not only because income fluctuations are larger in those economies,4 but also because their ability to hedge against fluctuations is particularly limited. Developing countries have shallow financial infrastructures and their compensatory fiscal and monetary policies are often underdeveloped which in turn makes it difficult for those countries to attenuate the impact of external shocks. In the economic literature there has been a particular interest in the role of commodity diversification of trade in explaining economic fluctuations in developing countries. It has been argued that the structure of developing countries exports makes those countries particularly vulnerable to external shocks. Michaely (1958) showed five decades ago that countries with lower GDP per capita tend to be characterized by a higher commodity concentration of exports and argued that as a result, shocks affecting individual export products can have significant effects on overall export performance and potentially on economic performance in developing countries. Using time series analysis for a sample of developing countries, Love (1986) found evidence of a positive relationship between product export concentration and export volatility, which indirectly affect income volatility. In a more recent study, Malik and Temple (2006) found a positive relationship between product concentration of exports and countries' terms of trade volatility. Terms of trade volatility, in turn, was found to be a significant determinant of income volatility. Focussing directly on the difference in income volatility between poor and rich countries, Koren and Tenreyro (2007) estimate that the sectoral composition of the economy (with poor countries specialised in fewer and more volatile sectors) explains roughly 50 percent of the differences in volatility. The possible role of geographical concentration of exports and exposure to demand shocks in partner countries has been relatively under-researched in the literature examining economic volatility. The relative lack of interest in the role of country specific shocks can maybe be explained by the expectation that country specific shocks would either be reflected in price changes and thus terms of trade changes or be of no effect on exporters. In particular, country specific shocks that do not affect world prices were expected not to affect exporters, because they were expected to easily redirect production from one trading partner to the other. Recent contributions to the theoretical trade literature (Melitz, 2003) emphasize the existence of fixed costs related to entry into new markets. In the presence of such fix costs, the re-direction of exports is
2 3 4
Openness is defined as imports plus exports over GDP. See, for instance, Parris (2003) or Lee et al. (2008).
In his seminal work, Lucas (1988) found that developed countries in general show stable growth rates over long periods of time, whereas poor countries exhibit large fluctuations in growth rates.
costly and may take time. To whom countries export and how much, would in such a context matter when it comes to the need to adjust to country specific shocks. In this paper we focus on the role of demand shocks in partner countries for economic volatility in exporting countries and we measure exposure to foreign demand shocks by GDP volatility in partner countries. Using panel data regressions for different country samples and employing different regression techniques we provide a comprehensive analysis of the effect of our variable on volatility in exporting countries. Brainard and Cooper (1968) suggested that the correlation between individual external shocks is a significant determinant of the potential for such shocks to negatively affect exporters5. Love (1979) showed that product diversification can indeed reduce instability of export earnings if the price movements of new export products are not strongly correlated with those already exported. Accordingly, we decompose trading partners' volatility of demand into two components: a variance and a covariance component. This allows us to distinguish between the risk countries face for trading with more or less volatile partners and the risk they face for choosing trading partners whose economic cycles are more or less correlated. It turns out that the covariance component is more important in explaining countrys volatility. In addition, we find that geographical diversification is a significant determinant of countries exposure to foreign demand shocks. 2. Previous literature on the relationship between external shocks and GDP volatility
Terms of trade volatility is probably the most widely used measure for external shocks. A number of studies have used quantitative, multi-sector equilibrium models to analyse the effect of terms of trade shocks on output volatility. Kose (2002) finds that world price shocks play an important role in driving business cycles in small open developing economies. His results confirm the results of earlier work by Mendoza (1995) or Kose and Riezman (2001). A number of recent studies have analysed the relationship between terms of trade shocks and changes in GDP growth in vector auto-regression (VAR) models. Ahmed (2003) uses a VAR model to study the sources of short-term fluctuations in the output of six Latin-American countries and finds that changes in the terms of trade and foreign output play a moderate role in driving output fluctuations.6 Also in Raddatz (2007) terms of trade changes are found to have a small effect on output volatility in low-income countries. Broda (2004) uses a panel VAR approach to study the role of exchange rate policies in insulating economies against real shocks. He finds that in the long run terms of trade shocks can explain 30 percent of the real output volatility in countries characterised by fixed exchange rate regimes against 10 percent in countries with flexible exchange rate regimes. Another strand of literature uses cross-country and panel data analysis to examine the relationship between terms of trade shocks and GDP volatility. Easterly and Kraay (2000) find a positive relationship between income volatility and terms of trade volatility in a cross-country analysis. In another cross country study Rodrik (1998) uses terms of trade volatility interacted with openness and finds that this variable affects GDP volatility positively. In a later study, focusing on Latin American economies, Rodrik (2001), however, finds that the relationship between terms of trade volatility and GNP volatility is positive but insignificant. Also Hausman and Gavin (1996) focus on Latin American countries. Their results are along the lines of Broda (2004), mentioned above, as they find that terms of trade shocks have a stronger effect on GDP volatility in countries pegging the exchange rate than in countries with more flexible exchange rate regimes. In recent paper, Di Giovanni and Levchenko (2008) use industry-level data and find that the risk content of exports is strongly positively correlated with the variance of terms of trade and that export specialization affect macroeconomic volatility.
5 6
Brainard and Cooper (1968) examined the volatility of product prices. Foreign output is defined as the export-weighted aggregate of the real GDP of the eight largest export
Trade openness may expose economies to external shocks, but may also act as a buffer against domestic shocks. The overall impact of openness on volatility is therefore an empirical question. Easterly, Islam and Stiglitz (2001) and Calderon et al. (2005) find that higher trade openness leads to larger growth volatility. In contrast, Kose et al. (2002)do not find that trade openness have a robust effect on GDP volatility. Since terms of trade volatility is expected to affect countries income volatility through openness, a number of empirical studies have used the terms of trade variable interacted with openness (Rodrik, 2001; Calderon et al., 2005). However, the results on whether the impact of terms-of-trade volatility on income volatility is increasing with openness are ambiguous. Only few studies have considered output volatility in partner countries as a potential determinant of domestic volatility. In the vector autoregression analysis mentioned above, Ahmed (2003) includes the volatility of the aggregate real GDP of the eight largest trading partners as a measure for external shocks. In a paper that uses a methodology closer to ours, Calderon et al.(2005) includes the standard deviation of the trade-weighted annual growth of the main trading partners. In a previous paper with Bacchetta (Bacchetta et al., 2009), we use the trade-weighted annual growth of all trading partners as a measure for external shocks. All these studies find a positive effect of output volatility in partner countries on exporters GDP volatility. This paper differs from existing literature in that while controlling for internal and other external shocks, it focuses on the role of trading partners volatility, in particular, by ensuring in a number of ways that the possible endogeneity of this variable does not affect results. Additionally, using a database of 138 countries over a period of approximately four decades, we decompose this variable in its variance and covariance components and assess the robustness of the results under alternative specifications. Finally, we show that geographical concentration can be used as an instrument for exposure to output shocks in trading partners.
Stylized facts
Demand shocks in partner countries are likely to be linked to and even driven by income shocks in those countries. Increases in GDP are likely to increase demand for imports and decreases in GDP are likely to lower the demand for imports. GDP volatility in partner countries is therefore likely to be a good proxy for export demand volatility. Countries exposure to demand shocks in partner countries is likely to be higher, the higher the GDP volatility in those partner countries. But a countrys degree of exposure is also likely to depend on whether GDP changes move in the same or in opposite directions in different partner countries. In the latter case demand changes in one country can balance out demand changes in other countries, reducing the exposure to partner country shocks in the exporting country. The exposure to risk through economic integration with partner countries is therefore likely to depend on three factors: the geographical structure of exports, the volatility of markets that are served, and the correlation between the fluctuations in different partner countries. All these factors are taken into account in the following measure of country i's exposure to countryspecific shocks (ECSS):
ECSS i = (
xi , j Xi
) 2 var GDPgrowth j +
j z
xi , j xi , z Xi Xi
cov(GDPgrowth j , GDPgrowthz )
The ECSS is the variance of the weighted average of the annual growth of all trading partners which can be expressed as in equation (1), where the first term on the right-hand side reflects the risk associated with the variances of the growth rate of partner countries GDP and the second term reflects the risk associated with the covariance of partners GDP growth rate. Each variance and covariance is weighted by the importance of individual partner countries in country is export basket. 5
Figure 1 reflects how ECSS evolved, on average over five years, for our sample of countries over the period 19662004. Interestingly, the two highest picks of the covariance component are in the 1970s and early 1980s, two periods marked by oil crises. Therefore, peaks in the covariance could indicate that shocks affect large numbers of countries in the same direction. This may generate a problem of endogeneity that we will control for by including time fixed effects or oil-shocks dummies. Figure 1: Average level of exposure to country specific shocks, 19662004
0 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
ECSS, over 5 years Covariance component of ECSS, over 5 years Variance component of ECSS, over 5 years
Source: Authors' calculations using GDP data from World Development Indicators (World Bank) and trade data from Comtrade.
Figure 2 and 3 illustrate how ECSS behaves for two individual countries: Singapore and Chile. Overall the pattern of ECSS looks quite different in the two countries. Singapore's ECSS was clearly affected by the Asian financial crisis that started in 1997, while Chile was barely affected. This indicates that we may have to be careful about possible regional contagion effects in our regressions. We will, therefore, include region-time dummies in some of our specifications. Appendix Table 1 reports ECSS-averages for different country groupings. It illustrates that low income countries are characterized by higher exposure to country specific shocks than middle income countries. The latter, in turn, are exposed to more external volatility than high income countries. The difference between middle and high income countries is much more pronounced than the difference between low and middle income countries. Values for standard deviations, minima and maxima also suggest that there are wide variations across countries and time.7
These variations appear to be stronger in the case of ECSS than in the case of terms of trade (ToT).
ECSS, over 5 years Covarianc e component of ECSS, over 5 years Varianc e component of ECSS, ov er 5 years
ECSS, over 5 years Covarianc e component of ECSS, over 5 years Varianc e component of ECSS, ov er 5 years
where GDPvol denotes the GDP volatility of the exporting country i at time t8, ECSS i ,t is the exposure to country specific shocks- our main variable, CONTROLi ,t is the vector of control variables. i and t represent country and time fixed effects and finally, u i ,t the error term, In appendix Table 2 we present the definition and sources of the data. Appendix Table 3 provides sample statistics for all variables and Appendix Table 4 presents the correlation matrix. Most of existing economic literature on income volatility has used terms of trade (TOT) variation as a measure of external shocks. TOT fluctuations reflect changes in the prices of imports and exports and have been traditionally linked to product specific shocks. However, this variable may also be affected by country specific shocks. Demand shocks in large countries, for instance, may affect world prices of their main export/import goods. We therefore control for TOT fluctuations in our regressions. Some studies have introduced external shocks interacted with openness in the regressions. We also allow for this possibility and in some specifications, we interact openness with our ECSS variable and TOT volatility to assess whether openness makes economies more or less responsive to external shocks. The results for these regressions are presented in the appendix (Appendix Tables 5a and 5b). In addition, we control for shocks associated with trade and capital flows by including the effective real exchange rate volatility. We include two types of domestic shocks: civil wars and military interventions.9 We also control for two country characteristics that are standard variables in cross country regressions explaining GDP volatility: population and GDP per capita. These variables are expected to have a negative impact on volatility as larger and wealthier countries have better means to deal with external shocks. Increased government expenditure could help to dampen external shocks along the line of the arguments presented in Rodrik (1998). Thus, we include a measure for government expenditure in our regressions. Financial openness could help countries to reduce output fluctuations, but could also increase countries' exposure to external shocks. Existing evidence on the impact of financial openness on income volatility is not robust. Easterly, Islam and Stiglitz (2001) and Kose (2002) do not find a significant effect of financial openness on GDP volatility while Calderon et al. (2005) find negative effect of financial openness. We also include this variable in our regressions.10 All our regressions include country fixed effects. They control for any country characteristic that has not changed over the sample period. We do therefore not need to control for certain country specific characteristics that have been found to be relevant in the literature, like being landlocked (Malik and Temple, 2006) or being an oil exporter. We use panel regression analysis to assess the role of country specific external shocks as a determinant of domestic income volatility. Related papers, like Ahmed (2003) or Raddatz (2007), use a panel VAR approach to examine the effect of external shocks on domestic income. We do not
8 9
Calculated as the standard deviation of the GDP growth rate. See, for example, Malik and Temple (2006).
Note that financial openness, government expenditure and exchange rate volatility are only used in a selected number of regressions because they reduce sample size significantly.
follow this approach because of the level of diversity among countries in our sample. Given the length of the time series dimension of our data, we would need to assume that dynamics are common across countries in our sample in order to follow a VAR approach. If dynamics differ across countries as we think it is the case in our sample - we would end up underestimating (overestimating) the short-run (long-run) impact of exogenous variables by using the VAR approach (Pesaran and Smith, 1995). 5. Results
Columns 1-5 of Table 1 report the results of the estimation of equation (2) for the panel of 5 year averages, overlapping periods, using the panel estimations with exporter error clustering. To control for global shocks we use two alternative approaches. In columns 1 and 3 we use two oil dummies, covering the period of the first and second oil shock. These dummies are defined for the 5-year period after 1973 and 1979 respectively. In columns 2, 4 and 5 we use time fixed effects. We prefer the first alternative in order to avoid overextending the parameter requirements on the data. Throughout this paper we perform all tests with the overlapping and the non-overlapping sample. The former has the advantage of having significantly more observations, but it may suffer from stronger autocorrelation problems. Columns 6-10 of Table 1 replicate the regressions of the first five columns but with the non-overlapping sample. The results show that countries' GDP volatility is positively affected by exposure to country specific shocks (ECSS). When we split ECSS into its variance and covariance components, the latter tends to have a large and more significant effect on income volatility. In general, we do not find significant results for terms of trade volatility as determinant of income volatility. But, this result is sensitive to the sample size. Population, military intervention and civil war are significant with the expected sign, but GDP per capita and openness are insignificant. In the overlapping sample, ECSS becomes less significant when three additional controls financial openness, government expenditure and exchange rate volatility are introduced. However, note that these three controls reduce our sample size significantly, from 3329 to 1280 observations. As far as the contribution of these three variables to income volatility is concerned, in our estimations government expenditure turns out to be insignificant. Financial openness has a negative sign i.e. dampens volatility and is significant. Exchange rate volatility is highly significant with a positive sign. The results for the regressions using the non-overlapping sample are very similar to the ones in the overlapping sample. ECSS remains significant at the 5 per cent level in all specifications. GDP per capita has once the expected negative sign and is significant. The coefficient on openness is always positive though significant in only one of the regressions.
YES YES 2.423*** [0.552] 3329 138 0.08 0.12 0.07 0.62
YES YES 0.618 [0.900] 714 136 0.13 0.2 0.13 0.58
Observations Number of countries R-sq: overall R-sq: within R-sq: between Rho
Our regressions explaining income volatility may suffer from endogeneity problems. First, endogeneity problems may arise because of a spurious relationship, for instances when a shock hits exporters' income and their trading partners' income at the same time and in a same direction. A second source of endogeneity can arise when a country is big enough to directly affect the income of its partner and in this way to generate a reversal causality problem. To control for the first source of endogeneity we include oil crisis dummies and region-time dummies in order to account for global and regional shocks. Finally, in order to control for second source of endogeneity we reduce our sample to include only low and middle income countries. Table 2 shows the results, rows 1-4 for the overlapping sample and rows 5-8 for the non-overlapping sample. Column 1 and 2 can be compared with column 1 of Table 1. Column 1 and 5 of Table 2 show results after introducing region time dummies. Column 2 and 6 after excluding developed countries from the sample. In order to avoid overextending the parameter requirements on the data we excluded from our regressions the controls that significantly reduce our sample size. The ECSS variable remains significant when including region-time dummies and also when reducing the sample to low and middle income countries. The variable continues to have the expected positive sign but tends to be somewhat lower. This holds for the overlapping and the non-overlapping sample. Using equation (1), in columns 3, 4, 7 and 8, ECSS is split into its variance and covariance components. As in Table 1 the results suggest that the covariance component is the most important factor in determining income volatility.
Table 2: Estimations including regional-time dummies and for low-middle income countries
5 years overlapping
1 Region time dummies ECSS ECSSvariance ECSS covariance 0.118* [0.063] 2 Region time and low middle income 0.110* [0.062] 0.026 [0.043] 0.428*** [0.125] ToT volatility Military intervention 0.003 [0.008] 0.146 [0.336] Civil war 2.485*** [0.720] Openness GDP per capita 1.251 [0.872] 0 [0.000] Population -0.000*** [0.000] oil73 0.468 [0.781] oil79 0.042 [0.656] Country fixed effects -0.001 [0.011] 0.078 [0.422] 2.504*** [0.740] 1.427 [1.152] 0 [0.001] -0.000*** [0.000] 0.681** [0.297] -0.234 [1.108] 0.001 [0.008] 0.111 [0.340] 2.226*** [0.703] 1.161 [0.822] 0 [0.000] -0.000*** [0.000] -0.066 [0.767] 0.612 [0.614] 0.022 [0.045] 0.436*** [0.128] -0.004 [0.010] 0.001 [0.423] 2.230*** [0.727] 1.356 [1.107] 0 [0.001] -0.000*** [0.000] 1.593 [1.145] 0.37 [0.414] -0.003 [0.012] 0.291 [0.341] 3.630*** [1.111] 1.799* [0.987] 0 [0.000] -0.000*** [0.000] -1.953*** [0.684] -1.198*** [0.311] -0.009 [0.018] 0.115 [0.461] 3.643*** [1.149] 2.117 [1.349] 0 [0.000] -0.000*** [0.000] -0.26 [0.652] 0.827 [0.578] 3 Region time dummies 4 Region time and low middle income 5 Region time dummies 0.219** [0.107]
2.049** [0.922]
Observations Number of countries R-sq: overall R-sq: within R-sq: between Rho
We use two additional approaches to control for a possible endogeneity problem in our panel regressions. First, we change the estimation method and use the generalized method of moments (GMM) for dynamic models of panel data developed by Arellano and Bond (1991). Second we instrument ECSS by the inverse of the number of trading partners. We expect that countries with a larger number of trading partners will be less exposed to external country specific risk because they find it easier to mitigate the impact of demand shocks in individual trading partners. This takes place through two channels: First, with a larger variety of partners, each individual partner matters less for overall exports, and exports become less volatile by the law of large numbers. Second, whenever a shock hits a particular partner, firms can more easily offset the shock by redirecting exports to another trading partner. Table 3 shows the results of the GMM and the instrumental variable regressions, again for overlapping and non-overlapping samples. The GMM regressions confirm our previous results as ECSS is always significant in both the overlapping and the non-overlapping samples. When instrumenting ECSS with the inverse of number of trading partners the ECSS is significant at the one per cent level in the overlapping sample. It is significant at the five per cent level in the larger nonoverlapping sample, but it loses significance when using a smaller sample. Our instrument, however, always has the expected sign and is significant at the one per cent level in the first stage regression. In other words, the results suggest that there is a role for geographical diversification of exports to help reduce income volatility
0.027* [0.014]
0.362*** [0.053]
0.002** [0.001]
0.004*** [0.001] 0.001 [0.006] 0.256 [0.182] 2.471*** [0.463] 0.710* [0.375] -0.000*** [0.000] -0.000*** [0.000] -1.848** [0.786] 0.022** [0.009] 0.783*** [0.267] 3.287** [1.279] 0.825 [0.547] 0 [0.000] -0.000* [0.000] 0.003 [0.011] 0.985* [0.504] 3.256*** [0.633] 1.488 [1.179] -0.000** [0.000] -0.000* [0.000] -0.457 [0.381] -0.593* [0.330] 0.352 [0.321] -0.189*** [0.071]
0.002 [0.003] 0.006 [0.012] 0.773 [0.588] 1.154 [0.870] 0.501 [1.309] 0 [0.000] 0 [0.000] -0.007 [0.010] 0.435 [0.384] 3.144*** [1.106] 0.734 [0.779] -0.000* [0.000] -0.000*** [0.000] -1.63 [1.197] 0.243 [0.334] -0.005 [1.831] 0.072 [0.431]
0.004*** [0.001] 0.016 [0.011] 0.726* [0.414] 1.424*** [0.520] 0.452 [1.102] 0 [0.000] -0.000** [0.000]
-0.001 [0.004] 0.191 [0.184] 0.359 [0.276] -1.633*** [0.474] 0.000* [0.000] -0.000** [0.000]
Civil war
1.304*** [0.226]
-0.000* [0.000]
0.278*** [0.106]
oil79 Lagged volatility First stage regression: number of partners (inv.) Year fixed effects Country fixed effects Constant
-0.265 [0.420]
0.007 [0.348]
99.867*** [22.117] NO NO 1.152*** [0.268] NO NO 0.522*** [0.018] 1192 74 3329 138 20.39 NO YES
137.24*** [33.173] NO YES 3.126*** [0.860] 1280 74 17.12 484 111 -0.126 [0.085] 196 59 NO NO
3152 138
267 60 8.92
This paper contributes to the literature examining the effect of external shocks on domestic volatility by focusing on the role of demand shocks in partner countries. Recent contributions to the theoretical trade literature emphasize the existence of fixed costs related to entry into new markets. In the presence of such fix costs, the re-direction of exports is costly and may take time. To whom countries export and how much, would in such a context matter when it comes to the need to adjust to country specific shocks. We measure exposure to foreign demand shocks by GDP volatility in partner countries. Using panel regression analysis, our findings indicate that this measure consistently has a positive and significant impact on exporters' GDP volatility. When decomposing this measure into the variance and the covariance component, we find that the correlation between trading partners' cycles is more important in explaining exporters GDP volatility than the size of cycles in individual trading partners. We also show that geographical diversification is a significant determinant of countries' exposure to country specific shocks. Traditionally, empirical research and policy advisers have stressed the importance of diversify the range of commodity exported to reduce exposure to external shocks (Lee et al., 2008). Our findings suggest that geographical diversification of exports deserves the same place on policy makers' agendas as product diversification.
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Appendix Table A.1: Sample statistics for main variables and different country groupings
Country group Total High income Middle income Low income Total High income Middle income Low income Total High income Middle income Low income Total High income Middle income Low income variable ToT volatility ToT volatility ToT volatility ToT volatility ECSS ECSS ECSS ECSS ECSS-covariance ECSS-covariance ECSS-covariance ECSS-covariance ECSS-variance ECSS-variance ECSS-variance ECSS-variance mean 10.14 5.05 10.08 15.71 2.13 1.57 2.23 2.55 0.93 0.94 0.93 0.92 1.20 0.63 1.30 1.63 min 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.05 -13.27 -0.86 -6.52 -13.27 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 max 156.72 156.72 78.38 104.10 71.34 8.47 51.61 71.34 24.58 6.79 24.58 13.04 84.62 6.61 32.80 84.62 sd 12.97 10.85 10.85 15.93 3.23 1.58 3.26 4.25 1.55 1.09 1.81 1.48 2.55 0.83 1.98 4.11 N 3281 917 1511 853 3281 917 1511 853 3281 917 1511 853 3281 917 1511 853
Standard deviation of the growth rate of GDP at constant prices Standard deviation of the terms of trade index.
WDI New York University WDI and COMTRADE
( Xi )
xi , j
var GDPgrowth j +
j z
xi , j xi , z Xi Xi
cov(GDPgrowth j , GDPgrowthz )
Variance of the growth rate of the demand for exports Covariance component of ECSS,
j z
xi , j xi , z cov(GDPgrowth j , GDPgrowthz ) i Xi
( Xi )
xi , j
var GDPgrowth j
WDI from the Correlates Of War (COW) project web http://www.correlatesofwar.org/ Martin, P., T. Mayer and M. Thoenig, 2008, "Civil Wars and International Trade", Journal of the European Economic Association 6(2-3) World development Indicators (WDI), World Bank. World development Indicators (WDI), World Bank. Penn world tables
Exports plus imports divided by GDP. All variables are in current prices, mean over 5 years Milit. disp. w/level o Hostility>2 (At least one dispute in the span of 5 years) Civil war (At least one event in the span of 5 years).
GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$), mean over 5 years. mean over 5 years. Government expenditure share of the real GDP, mean over 5 years.
A New Measure of Financial Openness," mimeo (May 2007), (with Hiro Ito) http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~mchinn/ research.html
Note: Statistics are provided for sample sizes used in regressions, i.e. 3281 without controls, and 1280 when three additional controls are added, five year overlapping.
Appendix Table 4: Correlations between main variables, regression samples, five-year overlapping
GDP volatility GDP volatility ToT volatility ECSS ECSS-covariance ECSS-variance Openness GDP per capita Population Government expenditure Financial Openness Exchange Rate Volatility Military Intervention Civil War 1 0.14 0.26 0.26 0.17 0.09 -0.25 -0.08 0.17 -0.18 0.10 0.04 0.15 1.00 0.10 0.13 0.05 -0.11 -0.24 -0.04 0.02 -0.17 0.16 0.02 0.07 1.00 0.63 0.88 0.01 -0.13 -0.03 0.16 -0.04 0.03 -0.01 0.04 1.00 0.19 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0.04 -0.02 0.04 0.00 0.06 1.00 0.00 -0.15 -0.04 0.18 -0.03 0.01 -0.01 0.02 1.00 0.07 -0.24 0.21 0.22 -0.14 -0.20 -0.147 1.00 -0.02 -0.20 0.58 -0.10 0.02 -0.18 1.00 0.05 -0.06 0.00 0.27 0.12 1.00 -0.10 -0.02 0.12 0.01 1.00 -0.13 -0.04 -0.16 1.00 0.07 0.03 1.00 0.07 1.00 ToT volatility ECSS ECSScovariance ECSSvariance Openness GDP per capita Population Government expenditure Financial openness Exchange Military rate Intervention volatility Civil War
Appendix Table 5a: Interacting external shocks with openness (5 years overlapping)
Overlapping sample Panel regression, cluster errors ECSS Openness*ECSS ToT volatility Openness*ToT volatility Openness Government expenditure Financial openness Exchange rate volatility oil73 oil79 0.175 [0.253] 0.733** [0.292] Year fixed effects Country fixed effects Constant Observations Number of countries R-sq: overall R-sq: within R-sq: between Rho NO YES 3.292*** [0.452] 3329 138 0.1 0.12 0.16 0.6 YES YES 3.030*** [0.471] 3329 138 0.09 0.14 0.1 0.62 -0.081 [0.067] 0.403*** [0.142] -0.011 [0.019] 0.025 [0.035] -0.255 [0.814] -0.099 [0.065] 0.390*** [0.142] -0.01 [0.018] 0.024 [0.035] 0.409 [0.843] -0.147** [0.064] 0.585*** [0.173] -0.012 [0.030] 0.052 [0.056] -1.656 [1.141] 0.062 [0.045] -0.114 [0.089] 0.004*** [0.001] 0 [0.000] 0.151 [0.242] NO YES 2.115 [1.292] 1280 74 0.05 0.18 0.11 0.65 YES YES 1.923 [1.273] 1280 74 0.04 0.2 0.08 0.61 -0.153** [0.066] 0.571*** [0.193] -0.01 [0.030] 0.051 [0.055] -1.316 [1.221] 0.046 [0.050] -0.057 [0.113] 0.004*** [0.001] 0.731*** [0.270] -0.314 [1.028] NO YES 2.615*** [0.792] 2412 108 0.11 0.21 0.07 0.62 YES YES 3.065*** [0.744] Regional-time & low income -0.160** [0.072] 0.462*** [0.162] -0.017 [0.020] 0.024 [0.036] -0.196 [1.258] Regional-time & low income -0.160** [0.072] 0.462*** [0.162] -0.017 [0.020] 0.024 [0.036] -0.196 [1.258]
Appendix Table 5b: Interacting external shocks with openness (5 years non overlapping)
Non-overlapping sample Regionaltime & low income Panel regression, cluster errors ECSS Openness*ECSS ToT volatility Openness*ToT volatility Openness Government expenditure Financial openness Exchange rate volatility oil73 oil79 0.158 [0.386] 0.554* [0.309] -0.101 [0.081] 0.517** [0.202] -0.019 [0.023] 0.025 [0.042] -0.361 [0.861] -0.12 [0.079] 0.507** [0.199] -0.016 [0.023] 0.025 [0.042] 0.463 [0.931] -0.14 [0.130] 0.521** [0.223] -0.025 [0.036] 0.07 [0.059] -1.65 [1.108] 0.021 [0.040] -0.152 [0.108] 0.004*** [0.001] 0 [0.000] -0.025 [0.330] -0.156 [0.132] 0.547** [0.236] -0.021 [0.036] 0.068 [0.059] -1.468 [1.172] 0.012 [0.039] -0.131 [0.114] 0.004*** [0.001] -0.39 [0.687] 1.738** [0.730] -0.202** [0.094] 0.613*** [0.230] -0.035 [0.028] 0.042 [0.045] -0.353 [1.368]
Regional-time & low income -0.202** [0.094] 0.613*** [0.230] -0.035 [0.028] 0.042 [0.045] -0.353 [1.368]
Year fixed effects Country fixed effects Constant Observations Number of countries R-sq: overall R-sq: within R-sq: between Rho
YES YES 1.414* [0.830] 714 136 0.15 0.24 0.16 0.59
YES YES 2.319 [1.838] 517 107 0.17 0.29 0.16 0.58
Note: Military intervention, civil war, GDP per capita and population were included in the regressions, but are not reported in tables 5a and 5b. ***, **, * denote level of significance at 1, 5 and 10 % respectively.