Trade Growth and Poverty: A Case of Pakistan: Pak. J. Commer. Soc. Sci

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Pak. J. Commer. Soc. Sci. 2010 Vol.

4 (2), 173184

Trade Growth and Poverty: A Case of Pakistan

Rana Ejaz Ali Khan Department of Economics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Ph: (Off) +92 62 9255456 ext.433. (Cell) +92 345 8724744 E-mail: [email protected] Rashid Sattar Department of Economics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Ph: (Off) +92 62 9255456 ext.433. (Cell) +92 0334 7071203 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract It is generally argued that open trade is crucial for economic growth and development. The economic literature also argues that growth is an important option for reducing povert y in developing countries. The paper analyzed the causality between the trade, growth povert y for Pakistan using annual ti me series data from 1973-2009. Granger and causality results based on Error-Correction Models have shown that in the case of Pakistan there two way relationship between trade and growth in the long-run but for the shortexists growth enhance the trade. For the growth and poverty, there exists long-run relation run from to poverty while for the short -run there exists no relationship. It may be growth concluded that international trade can play an i mportant role towards growth and alleviation ultimately of poverty. From the policy perspecti ve government should focus on trade. Keywords : Trade Openness, Economic Growth, Poverty, Error-correction Pakistan. Model, 1. Introduction A considerable body of literature has suggested a strong link between international trade, economic growth and 1 . Conceptually, removal of trade restrictions help poverty the development process by i mproving efficiency and economic returns to stabilize from distorted factor prices to production frontiers. Trade openness improves domestic technology hence production process becomes more efficient, and productivity is raised. and Romer [1999] suggested that trade influence growth both by Frankel increasing physical capital and by boosting total factor productivit y. Another aspect of human and the channel is change in the composition of exports overtime, i.e. from traditional to nontraditional, from primary to high value-added commodities. Similarly, trade and growth

See for instance, Craft (2000); Agenor (2002); Santarelli and Figini (2002); Nath and Mamun (2004); Siddiqui and Iqbal (2005); Neutel and Heshmati (2006); Anwar Al(2007).

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relations may occur through investment, alternati vely trade openness may provide greater to investment (Levine and Renelt 1992). Countries that liberalize their access external and reduce impediments to international trade can experience relati vel y sectors higher economic growth. It is also argued that an open trade regime is crucial for economic and development (Craft growth 2000). For Pakistan, Khan and Qayyum (2007) examined the impact of trade and financial and real interest rate on real GDP. The results revealed that trade policies liberalization, financial development and real interest rate exerted positive impact on real GDP. The also found a positive impact of trade openness on growth both in the long and in study the short-run (See also, Nath and Al-mamun 2004 for Bangladesh). proposed openness to international trade as important policy options to The studies reduce y in developing countries through economic 2 . povert Dollar and Kraay growth (2002)of the bottom 20 examined the impact of growth-enhancing policies on the income percent of the income distribution, after controlling for their impact on mean income, in a panel of countries and four decades. They found a one-to-one relationship between the 80 growth income of the poor and the growth rate of per-capita income, but also quite a lot rate of of ation around that average relationship. Dollar and Kraay (2004) identified a group vari of developing countries that were participating more in globalization. They found a strong positive effect of trade on growth and shrink in poverty (See also, Neutel and Heshmati 2006). The evidence supports the view that globalization leads to faster growth and y reduction in poor countries. But the results are questioned on a number povert of grounds, i.e. the countries differ in trade volume due to geographic characteristics, such as their proximit y to major markets, their size and whether they are land locked or not (Rodriguez and Rodrik 2000). It leads to need for probe the trade, growth and poverty relation for individual countries. In empirical literature, the contradicting results regarding impact of international trade, openness and globalization on growth (and vice versa), poverty and inequality, also exist. For example, Anwar (2002) found that globalization did not lead to poverty reduction in Pakistan. Theoretically they are based on the fact that across countries, trade volumes are correlated with a wide variety of other factors that may matter for economic growth, and it difficult to adequately control for all these factors in order to isolate the partial effect is of trade on growth. Levine and Renelt (1992) systematicall y examined this issue for a large number of variables used in the empirical growth literature and concluded that trade volumes are not robustly correlated with growth. Rodriguez and Rodnik (2000) applied the criterion for i mpact of trade on growth and reached similar same results. Regarding income inequality the economic literature argued that poor peoples share in the gains from external trade in developing countries. Neutel and amply Heshmati (2006) found that globalization leads to poverty reduction and decrease in income inequality. Dollar and Kraay (2004) found that increase in growth rate that accompanies expanded trade on average transfer into proportionate increase in income of the poor. On other hand various authors, including Chen and Ravallion (1997) and Deininger the and Squire (1996) have documented the striking absence of any correlation between (changes in) income and (changes in) inequality (see also, Dollar and Kraay 2002). Different

See for instance, Bourguignon and Morisson (1990); Li, Squire and Zou (1998); (2000); Dollar and Kraay (2002, 2004) and Lundberg and Squire Barro (2003).


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econometric techniques have been used to probe the matter empirically, including cross- comparisons, aggregate time series analyses at the country level, and simulat country ion methods using both partial and general equilibrium analyses. A common feature of all these methods is that they attempted to measure the impact of trade openness on some aggregate measure of inequality or poverty. The results of empirical and theoretical the trade are different for developing and developed countries. We will analysis of focus link between trade, economic growth and povert y in Pakistan as a case on the study. 2. Theoretical Framework and Methodology This theoretical framework will enabl e us to develop the model having relationship between trade, GDP growth, and Poverty. Economic literature argued that there are essentially three sources of economic growth, i.e. i) growth in inputs of production, ii) improvements in the efficiency of allocation of inputs across economic activities, and iii) innovation that create new products, new uses for existing products, or brings about more efficient use of inputs. Open to trade and investment contributes to each of the three sources of growth 3 . There are sub-channels linking trade to growth like exports, and foreign directimports investment. A focus on export-oriented policies leads to capital flow towards export-potential industries of the country resulting into better utilization of resources, improved factor productivity and hi gh economic growth. In the channel of imports to growth, the free trade facilitates the imports of capital goods which support economic growth. Though the imports-substitution policy, competition promotes both efficiency and productivity. Similarly long-term capital inflows through FDI lead to higher competition and innovation encouraging domestic firms to reduce cost. In terms of foreign invest ment, higher growth rate is likely to occur as investment is portfolio encouraged. variety of plausible reasons for the causation from growth to trade. For There is a example, an economy enjoys a surge in growth, more firms may attain the size necessary to breakexport markets, so that exports are increased. At the microeconomic level, there into is convincing evidence of reverse causation in the sense that much of the observed between firm performance and exports is driven by larger and more correlation productive firms self-selecting into export markets (Clerides, et. al. 1997). Growth is considered the best course to reduce poverty, with the precondition that access to central or education, social services are available to all through other policies (World Bank health and 1990). Economic growth is the surest way for developing countries to generate resources they to face unstable finance markets and global crisis as well as to make availability need of energy and food and to address their illiteracy, poor health and devastating environment. Economic growth plays an important role to mitigate other aspects of poverty like local conflicts, terroris m, illegal immigration, epidemic disease and international crimes like trafficking of human beings and narcotics. However there is no reason to presume that economic growth has the same effect on poverty everywhere and all the times, even the mechanics operate in the same intensity. The allegedly benefici al effect of economic integration on povert y can be assumed to stem Foreign Direct Invest ment (FDI) as well if, due to lower levels of wa ges, from production of low-skilled labor intensive goods moved to the developed economies. However, it is important to stress that, as shown by Feenstra and Hanson (1997), de-location could

See Sach and Warner (1995); Santarelli and Figini (2002) and Acemogen and (2002) Ventura .


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invol ve activities that are low-skilled labor intensive for the investing developed country but high-skilled labor intensive for the host developing country, hence overturning the effects of globalization on inequality and poverty. argument in favor of the beneficial effects of trade on poverty reduction is Another put forward by Bhagwati and Srinivasan (2002), who point out that if a country wants to maintain an export-led development strategy, that is, if a country wants to rely on free it must maintain a framework of macroeconomic stability. Because stability trade, implies low inflation, it is another channel through which trade affects the poor positively, sincepoor tend to be hardest hit by high the inflation. Acemoglu and Ventura (2002) provide another theoretical argument in support of the that view international trade leads to a stable world income distribution (though reducing even in the absence of di minishing returns in production and povert y) spillovers. This is because specialization and trade introduce de facto diminishing technological returns to capital accumulation at the country level, whereas those at the world level constant. Accordingly, cross-country variation in economic policy and remain technology to determining the world growth rate. The shape of the world contribute distribution is therefore affected by the degree of openness to international trade and income all countries grow at the same pace (due to the terms of trade effect) with different levels determined by the use of different technologies. We will see the case for Pakistan income as has particular level of technology along with economic enthusiasm for FDI and it oriented export- policies comparing with other developing economi es. 3. Data and Model Specifications The main objective of the study is to explore the links between trade, growth and poverty in Pakistan. We will use annual time series data of Pakistan for the years 1973 to 2009 from Pakistan Economic Survey. To see the short-run and long-run relationship taken in models unit root rest, co-integration test and Granger causality tests will be the used. A stationary time seri es is one whose basic properties do not change over time, while a on stationary variable has some sort of upward or downward trend. Most of the n economic exhibit a non-stationary trend such as real GDP and international trade vari ables balances. If variables are non-stationary then it will inflate 2 and the t score, in this R condition regression known as spurious regression means the results become meaningless. If a time has a unit root (non-stationary), the first difference of such time series will series be stationary. The augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test (Dickey and Fuller 1981) is used to examine the stationarity of the data set. augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test (Dickey and Fuller 1981) is used The for purpose. The ADF test is based on following this n regression: yt tt 1 yt 1 yt i
1 t

Where is constant, t is a linear time trend, , and ii 1 are slope coefficients, et is the error term. The null hypothesis of non-stationary d series could be written H0 d = as: the other hand, the one-sided alternative hypothesis of stationary series coul d : 0 On be expressed as: H1 d < : 0 The lag length, n, for the ADF test was information criterion. The AIC criterion is defined as chosen by minimizing the Akaikes


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AI ( q) T ln( RSS / n-q ) + C Where T is the sample size, RS is = the residual 2qsum of n is lag q is S squares, length; the total number of parameters esti mated. Johansen cointegration test is used to test the long-run movement of the variables. As Engle and Granger (1987) pointed out, only variables with the same order of integration tested for cointegration. Therefore, both variables are examined for could be cointegration. with the same order of integration can be tested for their cointegration. Only variables A standard test Johansen cointegration test is used to check the long-run movement of the ables (Johansen 1988; Johansen 1991). The test is bas ed on the maximum vari likelihood of the K-dimensional Vector Autoregression (VAR) of p, estimation order use the Trace (Tr) eigenvalue statistic and Maximum (L-max) ei genvalue We statistic (Johansen 1988; Johansen and Juselius 1990). If trace eigenvalue test and maximum test yield different results, the results of the maxi mum eigenvalue test eignevalue should because the power of the maximum eigenvalue test is considered greater than be used the power of the trace ei genvalue test (Johansen and Juselius 1990). The order of p, in VAR, the error-correction model was chosen by mini mizing the Akaikes information criterion. we use Granger causality test to analyze the causality between variables Finally (GrangerIf both variables are integrated order one, I(1), and there is a 1969). cointegratingbetween them, Granger causality test could be based on the following relationship Vector Error Correction Models (VECMs) Y t = c1 +a1 t -1 + k Y t -k + 1 X t -1 +.. k X t -k +d1 ECt -1 + 1 .. Y +a +b b u i X t = c1 +a1 t -1 + k X t -k +b1 t- 1+... kY t- k +d2 ECt-1 + 2....i X +b i Where is a difference+a operator, EC Yt -1 is the one period laggedu value of the error correction term; d1 and d 2 are slope coefficient. The null hypothesis for equation (i) is that X does not Granger cause Y. On the other hand, the null hypothesis for equation (ii) is that Y does not Granger cause X. The rejection of hypothesis could indicate the causal relationship between the two variables. The null lag length, k, was chosen by mini mizing the Akaikes information criterion advantage to use Granger causality test based on the VECM rather than There is the standard one, the significant correction term ECt- ) could be interpreted as the long( 1 run causal effects. Since the future cannot predict the past, if variable X Granger cause variable Y, then change in X should precede change in Y. Therefore in a regression of Y on other variables its past values itself, if we include past value of X then it is including significantly prediction of Y, and we can say that X Granger causes Y. Similar improve the condition Y Granger Cause apply if X. Short-run causality is tested by Granger causality developed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). The advantage of using Toda and Yamamotos technique of testing for causality Granger has some great advantage. Toda and Yamamoto (1995) proposed a simple procedure requiring the estimation of VAR, the Wald statics is valid regardless whether t aime series is cointegrated or not. In this method we first set the optimal lag from system VAR then for Toda and Yamamoto technique to check causality the optimal lag becomes where d= maximum order of integration while k=optimal lag determine by (k+dma x ) VAR.


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The Wald statics will be asymptotically distributed chi-square 2 ), with degree of freedom equal to the number of zero restrictions, irrespective of I(0), I(1), or ( I(2). 3. Empirical Results The empirical results of the test are encouraging. They are discussed as below. conducting tests for cointegration and causality, the stationarity properties of Before the ables have been checked by using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test. vari To determine the order integration of time series, unit root test is applied on level as well as first difference. The table-1 shows the results of ADF unit root test. Stationarity of on all ables has been tested with intercept and trend. Results indicate the acceptance of vari the root hypothesis in the level so time series become stationary in first difference, unit in other words all the variables are integrated of order one, I(1) Table:1. ADF Unit Root Test for GDP Growth Rate, Trade Balance Growth Rate and Variables Level Difference critical Povert y First t-statics value critical at 1%

t-statics value

at 1%

GDP -4.061 -4.252 -8.466 -4.262 Trade -0.683 -4.309 -6.223 -4.284 Poverty 0.257 -4.356 -5.792 -4.339 *indicates that the variables are stationary in first difference, i.e., I (1), at 1% Link between Trade and Economic Growth 3.1 We have checked the cointegration between overall trade balance growth (TBG) and real growth rate to explore the existence of long-run relationship between Trade GDP and Growth. Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is used to determine the optimal lag length selection. Table:2. Length) Results of AIC for Trade and Growth (Selection of Lag Lag AIC Length 0 14.6038 1 14.6001* 2 14.7620 3 14.9588 * indicates length optimal lag

The AIC is again used to determine the most appropriate model specification for cointegration Johansen test Table:3. Results of AIC for trade growth (Selection of Optimal Model Specification)


Khan Sattar Number of cointegration equations


Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

0 18.313 18.313 18.377 18.377 18.347 1 15.017 14.926 14.984 14.919* 14.978 2 15.252 14.983 14.983 14.976 14.976 *indicates optimal model specification Cointegration tests have been applied and the results are reported in table-4. Both the Trace Eigenvalue test and Maximum Ei genvalue test indicate one cointegrating equation, which shows there exists a long-run relationship between trade and growth. Table:4. Results of Johansen Cointegration Test for Trade and Growth (Trace Eigenvalue Statistic) Number Eigenvalue Trace statics 5% critical of cointegrating value equations None* 0.976 132.246 25.872 At most 1 0.218 8.133 12.517 *indicates significance at 5% level Table:5. Results of Johansen Cointegration Test for Trade and Growth (Maximum Eigenvalue Statistic) Number Eigenvalue Max statics 5% cointegrating value of critical equations None* 0.976 124.11 19.387 At most 1 0.218 8.133 12.517 *indicates significance at 5% level We have developed an error-correction model (ECM) for trade and growth to check the significance of error correction term, which may confirm the direction of causality trade and growth in the long-run. The Wald test statics has also been between estimated


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which determine the causality bet ween trade and growth in the short run. The results have shown in table-6. The t-static of error correction term for growth to trade and trade been to growth is statistically significant indicating a long-run Granger causality in both directions. The Wald-static shows short-run causality from growth to trade only. Table:6. Causality (Trade and Growth) Based on ECM and Wald Test Statics Hypothesis EC term (t-statics) Wald teststatics Trade does not cause -1.845** 2.270 Growt h Growth does not 30.698* cause Trade 7.732*

** and * indicate significance at 10% 5% 3.2 Linkrespectively between Economic Growth and Poverty In this section we have checked the cointegration between growth and poverty to explore the long-run relationship between growth and poverty. Akaike Information Criterion used to determine the optimal lag length selection and selection of (AIC) is most appropriate model specifications for Johansen cointegration test. The results of AIC for selection of lag length and selection of optimal model specifications are shown in tables 7nd 8 respectively. a Table:7. Results of AIC for Economic Growth and Poverty (Selection of Lag Length) Lag Length AIC 0 9.442 1 6.493 2 -2.595 3 -3.314 4 -3.177 5 -3.502 6 -3.699 7 -3.732* 8 -3.628 * indicates optimal lag length selected by AIC Table:8. Results of AIC for Growth and Poverty (Selection of Optimal Model Specification)


Khan Sattar Number of cointegration equations


Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

0 -2.930 -2.930 -3.201 -3.201 -4.071 1 -3.337 -3.260 -3.590 -4.213 -4.554* 2 -2.990 -3.281 -3.281 -4.207 -4.207 *indicates optimal model specification Results of the cointegration test are reported in table-9. Both the Trace Eigenvalue test and Maximum Eigenvalue test indicate one cointegrating equation, which shows that there long-run relationship between economic growth and exists poverty. Table:9. Johansen Cointegration Test for Economic Growth nads Poverty (Trace Eigenvalue Statistic) Number Eigenvalue Trace statics 5% critical of cointegrating value equations None* 0.564 19.148 18.397 At most 1 0.0009 0.021 3.841 *indicates significance at 5% Table:10. Johansen Cointegration Test for Economi c Growth and Povert y (Maximum Eigenvalue Statistic) Number Eigenvalue Max statics 5% of critical cointegrating value equations None* 0.564 19.127 17.147 At most 1 0.0009 0.021 3.841 *indicates significance at 5% The results in table-11 shows that the t-static of error correction term for poverty to growth is statistically significant indicating long-run Granger causality only from poverty to growth. The Wald-static shows no short run causality in both directions.

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Trade Poverty Table: 11. Results Causality statics Hypothesis statics Growth does cause Povert y Poverty does cause Growt h * indicate significance at 5%



(Growth and Poverty) Based on ECM and Wald test EC term (t-statics) not not Wald test-

-1.183 4.432 2.414* 11.164

4. Conclusion and Policy Implication the relationship between trade, growth and poverty for Pakistan. The We analyzed main findings of the study can be summarized as: Unit root test indicated the acceptance of the unit root hypothesis for all ables, then time series become stationary in first difference, in other words vari all variables are integrated of order one, the I(1). and growth are cointegrated with each other, long-run causality found Trade in directions i.e. from trade to growth and growth to trade, but in short run both the causality exists only from growth to trade. and povert y are cointegrated with each other, but the long-run causality Growth is detected from growth to povert y, no short run causality is detected in either direction. So the findings show that growth has significant impact on trade but not on povert y. It may be concluded that trade has significant impact on growth (and vi ce versa) and growth decrease the poverty (see also, Dollar and Kraay 2002). From the policy perspective government should focus on trade, particularly efforts are needed to increas emports of raw material and technology to increase the productivity. Export policies i also attention to further enhance the exports. By enhancing the trade, the growth need benefits on poverty may be obtained. References Acemoglu, D. and Ventura, J. (2002). The World Income Distribution. 117(3), 659-94 . of Economics, Quarterly Journal

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