Assemblies of The Member States of WIPO: Forty-Ninth Series of Meetings Geneva, September 26 To October 5, 2011

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Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO

Forty-Ninth Series of Meetings Geneva, September 26 to October 5, 2011


Document prepared by the Secretariat

1. The present document contains the Policy on Languages at WIPO (document WO/PBC/18/15), which is being submitted to the WIPO Program and Budget Committee (PBC) at its eighteenth session (September 12 to 16, 2011). 2. The recommendation of the PBC in respect of this document will be included in the Summary of Recommendations Made by the Program and Budget Committee at its Eighteenth Session held from September 12 to 16, 2011 (document A/49/16). 3. The Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO and of the Unions administered by it, each as far as it is concerned, are invited to approve the recommendation of the PBC made in respect of document WO/PBC/18/15, as recorded in document A/49/16.

[Document WO/PBC/18/15 follows]


Program and Budget Committee

Eighteenth Session Geneva, September 12 to 16, 2011


Document prepared by the Secretariat I. INTRODUCTION

1. In response to the desire expressed by Member States for extended language coverage in the activities of the Organization, a first contribution to the development of a comprehensive language policy for WIPO was submitted to the 2010 Assemblies of the Member States in documents A/48/11 and A/48/11 Add. The decisions subsequently adopted are set out in document A/48/26 paragraph 250, subparagraphs (i) to (x), and are annexed hereto. 2. Those decisions provided for extension of six-language coverage as from January 1, 2011, for the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) and the Standing Committee on Trademarks (SCT). Further extension of language coverage and related resource adjustments were to be examined in the context of the Program and Budget process for 2012/13. Furthermore, the Secretariat was invited to increase the share of outsourced translation, in accordance with WIPO procurement rules, in particular to developing countries/regions, while ensuring that translation quality was up to standard. Rationalization measures to control document and translation volumes were also adopted. 3. Subsequently, the Secretariat provided information on resources available under Program 27 at an informal session of the Program and Budget Committee (PBC) in January 2011. The present document was prepared by the Secretariat as a follow-up to the decisions of the 2010 Assemblies and the discussions at the informal sessions of the PBC in January and June 2011. 4. The document is structured as follows: Section I is this Introduction. Section II illustrates the proposed language policy in respect of coverage by documentation category, together with

WO/PBC/18/15 page 2 a timeline for implementation. Section III outlines the business model envisaged for implementation of the language policy, while Section IV gives an indication of additional workload, and sets out the implementation strategy and resource requirements. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in Section V. II. PROPOSED LANGUAGE POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE

5. The Secretariat reaffirms its commitment to implementing a comprehensive language policy for WIPO by the end of 2015, providing coverage in the six official languages of the United Nations system, namely Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, for documentation for meetings, circulars, publications and the web site. Implementation is proposed to continue in a phased manner as set out below. A. Documentation for WIPO Meetings

2012/13 biennium 6. Following the initial extension of six-language coverage to documentation for the SCCR and SCT in 2011, the Secretariat proposes to extend, as from January 1, 2012, full six-language coverage to documentation for the remaining WIPO Committees, namely the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), the Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE), and the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS). Table 1 below shows current and proposed language coverage, and projected estimates for translation volumes. Table 1 Language Coverage for Documentation for WIPO Committees (estimated number of pages of translation, excluding source text)
Proposed Baseline Language Proposed Policy 2010/11 Coverage Language (Estimated (Estimated 2010/11 Coverage Pages/ Pages) Biennium) ACEFRS ACEFRS 7,770 7,770 ACEFRS 8,350 8,350 Additional Workload (Estimated Pages/ Biennium) 0 0


Program and Budget Committee (PBC) Committee on Development and Intellectual Property ACEFRS (CDIP) Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and ACEFRS Folklore (IGC) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (1) ACEFRS (SCCR) EFS Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) ACEFRS(1) EFS Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) EFS Advisory Committee on Enforcement (ACE) Total Pages of Translation (1) Translation into Arabic, Chinese and Russian commenced in 2011


11,480 5,495 3,668 2,100 368 728 39,959

11,480 7,850 9,170 3,000 920 1,820 50,360

0 2,355 5,502 900 552 1,092 10,401

7. In the course of the 2012/13 biennium, the Secretariat further proposes to extend six-language coverage to documentation for the remaining WIPO Main Bodies (see Table 2 below).

WO/PBC/18/15 page 3 Table 2 Language Coverage for Documentation for WIPO Main Bodies (estimated number of pages of translation, excluding source text)
Proposed Baseline Language Proposed Policy 2010/11 Coverage Language (Estimated MAIN BODIES (GOVERNING BODIES ) (Estimated 2010/11 Coverage Pages/ Pages) Biennium) ACEFRS ACEFRS 8,520 8,520 General Assembly EF ACEFRS 1 5 WIPO Conference EF ACEFRS 186 930 Coordination Committee EF ACEFRS 1 5 Berne Union Assembly and Executive Committee EF ACEFRS 1 5 Budapest Union Assembly EFS ACEFRS 168 420 Hague Union Assembly EF ACEFRS 10 50 IPC Union Assembly EFS ACEFRS 88 220 Lisbon Union Assembly EF ACEFRS 1 5 Locarno Union Assembly EFS ACEFRS 168 420 Madrid Union Assembly EF ACEFRS 1 5 Nice Union Assembly EF ACEFRS 1 5 Paris Union Assembly and Executive Committee ACEFRS 262 1,310 PCT Union Assembly and Tech. Cooperation Committee EF ACEFRS ACEFRS 330 330 PLT Assembly ACEFRS ACEFRS 70 70 STLT Assembly EF ACEFRS 12 60 Vienna Union Assembly EF ACEFRS 1 5 WCT Assembly EF ACEFRS 1 5 WPPT Assembly Total Pages of Translation 9,822 12,370 Additional Workload (Estimated Pages/ Biennium) 0 4 744 4 4 252 40 132 4 252 4 4 1,048 0 0 48 4 4 2,548

2014/15 biennium 8. In the 2014/15 biennium, the Secretariat proposes to further extend six-language coverage to documentation for the meetings of the remaining WIPO Working Groups (see Table 3 below). Table 3 Language Coverage for Documentation for WIPO Working Groups (estimated number of pages of translation, excluding source text)
Proposed Baseline Language Proposed Policy 2010/11 Coverage Language (Estimated (Estimated 2010/11 Coverage Pages/ Pages) Biennium) ACEFRS 852 2,130 1,930 2,160 Additional Workload (Estimated Pages/ Biennium) 1,278 1,158 1,728

Working Group

Working Group on the Development of the Lisbon System EFS (Appellations of Origin) Working Group on the Legal Development of the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks

EFS ACEFRS 772 EF ACEFRS 432 Nice Union Ad hoc Working Group Working Group on the Review of Rule 3(4) of the Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of EFS ACEFRS 184 Trademarks (1) Intersessional Working Group of the IGC (IWG) ACEFRS ACEFRS 660 EF ACEFRS 704 Patent Cooperation Treaty Working Group EF ACEFRS 262 IPC Committee of Experts EF ACEFRS 22 IPC Revision Working Group Total Pages of Translation 3,888 (1) Translation into all languages commenced mid 2010 on creation of this Working Group

460 1,100 3,520 1,310 110 12,720

276 440 2,816 1,048 88 8,832

9. On adoption of the timeline, the extension of language coverage in the WIPO Committees and other bodies will be reflected in the language sections of the related rules of procedure. The Secretaries of the respective bodies have been asked to take necessary steps to extend language coverage for all related documentation, conforming to the extant rules of procedures.

WO/PBC/18/15 page 4 B. Publications and WIPO Web Site

10. In parallel with the extension of language coverage for Committees, Working Groups and Main Bodies, the Secretariat has commenced, and proposes to continue over the coming two biennia, work to ensure that core WIPO Publications, which address specialized audiences as well as the general public, are made available in at least the six official UN languages. 11. With respect to the WIPO web site, which for many years has been available in the six official languages of the United Nations, the Secretariat has begun a restructuring and revamping process. The first stage of this process, which involves an assessment of the existing web site based on an in-depth audit and studies on user needs and expectations, is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2012. Thereafter, gradual implementation of the recommended changes to meet user requirements will be carried out in parallel with the development of a language policy for the web site. The target is to have a completely revamped web site by the end of 2012 and the language coverage extended by the 2014/15 biennium. III. BUSINESS MODEL FOR LANGUAGE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION

12. The Secretariat has reviewed its business model for the provision of translation services for meeting and other documentation. This model takes a twofold approach to the problem of handling the additional work volume in a cost effective and quality-conscious manner. First, it recognizes that a core team of expert revisers and translators must be available for each language as staff members of the Organization to manage translation work, ensure quality control, establish work priorities, deliver translation of critical documents, and respond to the immediate needs of ongoing meetings. Second, it aims to increase the percentage of outsourced translation work to achieve greater cost effectiveness, this being accompanied by strict criteria to maintain work quality. 13. Under this model, the Secretariat proposes to increase the volume of outsourced translation work from 30 per cent in 2008/09 to around 45 per cent in 2012/13, these percentages being an average across all languages. Depending on progress made, experience gained and resources available, the Secretariat could consider further increasing the outsourced volume in 2014/15. IV. ESTIMATED WORKLOAD, IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY AND RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS

14. As can be derived from Tables 1 and 2 above, implementation of the proposed policy for providing six-language coverage for documentation for all WIPO Committees and Main Bodies in the 2012/13 biennium will generate an estimated additional work volume of 12,949 pages of translation annually, compared with the 2010/11 baseline for these document categories. 15. For the 2014/15 biennium, there will be a further estimated increase of 8,832 pages of translation annually for documentation for the meetings of WIPO Working Groups, as can be derived from Table 3 above. 16. Furthermore, extended language coverage for Publications, and a review of the WIPO web site, will generate further increases in translation volumes over the coming two biennia. 17. It is estimated, therefore, that the total volume of translation work, expressed as number of pages of translation, will increase from the anticipated 85,000 pages in 2010/11 to an estimated 100,000 pages in 2012/13, and then to an estimated 110,000 pages in 2014/15. This additional work volume will be handled through increased outsourcing with approximately

WO/PBC/18/15 page 5 45,000 pages of translation (out of a projected total of 100,000 pages), or 45 per cent, being outsourced in the 2012/13 biennium. The table below shows the estimated workload breakdown by language. Table 4 Estimated Workload Breakdown by Language (in number of pages)
Type of Work A A. Documentation for WIPO Meetings (i) Main Bodies (ii) WIPO Committees (iii) Working Groups Sub-Total A B. Publications Sub-Total A + B C. Other Grand Total Estimated outsourcing % 6,883 6,883 0 15,515 7,382 12,970 25,000 74,633 30 % 1,326 5,547 10 6,883 1,326 5,547 10 2,324 1,326 1,869 1,784 6,605 396 8,785 500 9,285 1,784 6,605 396 2,474 10,072 2,456 1,784 1,996 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 2,474 C 2008/2009 (actual) E F R S A C 2010/2011 (estimate) E F R S A C 2012/2013 (estimate) E F R S A C 2014/2015 (estimate) E F R S

11,091 5,547 11,091 2,100 509 10

6,605 10,072 10,072 10,072 396 1,036 396 396

10,072 10,072 10,072 10,072 10,072 2,456 396 1,036 2,544 2,544

10,072 10,072 10,072 2,544 2,544 2,544

6,883 0 15,515 7,382 12,970

8,785 0 15,002 500 300

8,785 13,104 12,942 12,942 500 300 800 800

0 15,002 12,942 13,582 15,090 15,090 0 15,090 15,090 15,090 300 800 300 800 800 300 800 300

9,285 0 15,302 28,000 84,561 35 %

9,285 13,404 13,742 13,742

0 15,302 13,742 13,882 15,890 15,890 0 15,390 15,890 15,390 30,000 100,410 45 % 32,000 110,450 tbd

Table 4 also shows the estimated outsourcing percentage. It is to be noted that since the bulk of source text for meetings is in English, the small volume of translation into English for those meetings is not detailed. However, the work of the English Translation Section, estimated to be around 8,300 pages in the 2010/11 biennium, is incorporated in the volumes appearing under Other(C). It is recalled that the category Other also includes the translation of administrative documents, laws and treaties, the WIPO web site and UPOV documents. As indicated earlier (document A/48/11), the average cost per page of translation was 213 Swiss francs in 2008/09, which will be updated to reflect the higher rates of outsourcing in the future. 18. In order to ensure that the increased outsourcing volumes can be accommodated, the network of external translation providers is to be expanded. To this end, the Secretariat has started to invite submission of CVs by translators in all regions as a first step in a selection and testing process. The overall methodology is governed by quality management principles aimed at providing a structured approach to ensuring, and improving, the quality of work. The concept of quality at source is applied, in other words ensuring that quality is built into the process at the earliest possible stages, commencing with the recruitment of competent translators through the application of rigorous screening, interviewing and assessment procedures, including on-line testing. Translations are checked by in-house revisers in accordance with a number of quality characteristics such as accuracy, completeness, terminological correctness, readability, style, usability, etc. to ensure that an acceptable quality level is achieved. Feedback is provided to the translators as a form of training aimed at improving skills and subject knowledge, and as a further means of building quality into the translation process. This process involves direct interaction with the translator and the establishment of a sound professional relationship. Subsequent benefits will be improved translation quality and a reduced need for in-depth revision and checking of translations, thus resulting in improved cost effectiveness. Many other elements enter into the quality chain, including the quality of source documents, the availability of background reference material for a new document, the optimum use of computer assisted translation tools, and the application of efficient work processes. Furthermore the Secretariat will issue, before the end of 2011, an international call for tender in accordance with WIPO procurement rules to identify translation agencies in all regions with the potential for delivering translation services to the required WIPO standards. 19. In terms of human and financial resources, for the 2012/13 biennium, the breakdown of professional staff (section heads, translators and revisers) per language is shown in the table below.

WO/PBC/18/15 page 6 Table 5 Staff Breakdown by Translation Section as at June 30, 2011
Staff Translators (incl. Heads, Revisers) 3 3 1.5 8 2 5 22.5 Short-Term Translators (FTE) 2 2 0.5 0.5 2 2 9 Total Translators (FTE) 5 5 2 8.5 4 7 31.5

Arabic Translation Section Chinese Translation Section English Translation Section French Translation Section Russian Translation Section Spanish Translation Section Total
FTE = Full Time Equivalent

Personnel costs would amount to some 16 million Swiss francs, this figure being inclusive of managerial, administrative, support and interpretation section staff costs. The cost of the proposed increase in outsourcing would represent an increase in non-personnel resources of 1.5 million Swiss francs. 20. These amounts have been integrated in the draft Program and Budget for 2012/13, under Program 27 (Conference and Language Services), to which reference is made. Considering, however, that the data presented in the document to the PBC in respect of Program 27 are aggregated (for language services, conference services, printing and publication services, records management and archiving services, and mail expedition services), the attention of Member States is drawn to the additional financial information provided by Tables 6 and 7 below. 21. Table 6 shows the proposed budget of each of the five budget units of Program 27 for the 2012/13 biennium, as compared to the 2010/11 budget after transfers. For each of these Program units, data are disaggregated by personnel and non-personnel resources, respectively. Table 6 Program 27- Budget by Program Units
Program Units Conference Services - Records Management and Archives(*) - Mail Expedition Services(*) Publication Production Services Language Services TOTAL 2010/2011 personnel non-personnel 9,421 3,572 2012/2013 Total personnel non-personnel 12,993 4,890 900 0 2,445 100 0 1,453 1,590 6,659 3,186 2,550 18,049 16,117 4,010 37,701 28,090 9,150 Total 5,790 2,545 3,043 5,736 20,127 37,240 Difference

3,787 15,548 28,756

2,872 2,501 8,945


(*) Included in 2010/11 under the Conferences Services program unit

22. As Table 6 shows, while the overall proposed budget of Program 27 for 2012/13 (37,241 thousand Swiss francs) is practically stable as compared to the 2010/11 budget after transfers (37,702 thousand Swiss francs), the proposed budget for Language Services for 2012/13 (20,127 thousands Swiss francs) is 12 per cent higher than the corresponding budget in the current biennium.

WO/PBC/18/15 page 7 23. Table 7 below provides a more detailed breakdown of the budget for Language Services on the basis of cost categories. Table 7 Language Services: Budget by Cost Category
A Cost Category Budget 2010/2011 after transfers B Proposed Budget 2012/2013 C Difference B-A

Personnel Salaries Staff benefits ST staff & SLC's Costs Internships Total Personnel Non-Personnel Staff missions Conferences Other Contractual Services Premises & Maintenance Communication & Other Furniture & Equipment Supplies & Materials Total Non-Personnel Total 20 2,406 16 50 9 2,501 18,049 10 3,850 -10 1,444 -16 -50 141 1,509 2,078 12,582 2,950 16 15,548 13,308 2,809 16,117 726 -141 -16 569


150 4,010 20,127

60% 12%

24. The overall increase of 12 per cent in the proposed budget for the Language Services unit in 2012/13 would address the resource requirements for the estimated 18 per cent increase in the number of pages of translation as per the proposed language policy implementation timeline (paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and 17 refer). 25. While the present language policy document has concentrated on the six official languages of the United Nations, the Secretariat wishes to stress that the situation regarding Portuguese has not been overlooked. As mentioned in the document presented to the 2010 Assemblies, the 2000 session of the Assemblies of the Member States called for further use of Portuguese in WIPO (document WO/GA/26/10). Since that time, Portuguese has been an accepted passive language at the WIPO General Assembly, meaning that interventions may be made in Portuguese with interpretation into the other languages. Similarly, written material made available in Portuguese will be translated into the other languages. Additionally, various other documents have been made available in Portuguese, in particular, some 10 distance learning courses for the WIPO Academy, and around 20 WIPO publications including certain treaties and regulations such as the PCT. More recently, several IP laws drafted in Portuguese have been translated into English for inclusion in the Wipo LEX collection of laws. 26. The Secretariat wishes to draw attention to the forthcoming introduction of digital recording for WIPO meetings and the present status in respect of webcasting, which will be covered in a separate document to the PBC. V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

27. The present document was prepared by the Secretariat as a second contribution to the implementation of a comprehensive language policy that, in addition to documentation for WIPO Committee meetings as addressed in document A/48/11, now comprehensively addresses

WO/PBC/18/15 page 8 language coverage for additional Committees, Main Bodies, and Working Groups. Reference is made also to language needs relating to Publications and the WIPO web site. 28. Based on the analysis contained in this document, the Secretariat submits for the consideration of Member States the following proposals: (a) the language coverage for documentation for meetings of the WIPO Main Bodies, Committees and Working Groups, as well as for core and new publications, shall be extended to the six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish) in a phased manner commencing in 2012 (as detailed in Section II above) and subject to approval of the resource requirements proposed in the draft 2012/13 Program and Budget or, as need be, the draft Program and Budget for 2014/15, the timelines for implementation being dependent on the approval of these Program and Budget documents; the translation requirements for the WIPO web site shall be examined in more depth in parallel with the restructuring of the said web site. 29. The Program and Budget Committee is invited to: (i) take note of the information contained in this document; (ii) recommend to the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO the adoption of the proposals contained in Section V above.


[Annex follows]

WO/PBC/18/15 ANNEX ANNEX Decision paragraph Language Policy Assemblies 2010 (document A/48/26, paragraph 250) The Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: (i) (ii) took note with appreciation of the information contained in document WO/PBC/15/9 as a positive step towards the establishment of a policy on languages at WIPO; requested the Secretariat to increase the share of outsourced translation, in particular to developing regions/countries, in accordance with WIPO procurement rules, and take necessary measures to ascertain that the quality of the outsourced translation is up to standard, and submit to the next session of the PBC information on the savings that may be derived from such increased outsourcing; requested the Secretariat to establish rigorous criteria with respect to outsourcing options; welcomed the initiatives taken by the Secretariat to introduce electronic recording of conference proceedings and, progressively, webcasting thereof on the WIPO website, and requested that this be extended to all official meetings of WIPO; recognizing that more concise working documents would facilitate deliberations, approved the proposal made by the Secretariat to further reduce the average length of the working documents, on the understanding, however, that such further reduction would not be a statutory requirement but an indication of principle, and that while quality of information should be ensured, it would not apply to documents submitted to the Secretariat by Member States; adopted the proposal made by the Secretariat in paragraphs 40 and 41 of document WO/PBC/15/9 (whereby exceptionally voluminous documents and support papers (studies, surveys) that may be commissioned by certain Committees will be made available only in the original languages, with a summary to be prepared by the Secretariat in all six languages) on the understanding, however, that if a Member State or a group of Member States were to express specific interest in one of such documents, the Secretariat would translate its full text in the required language;





(vii) noted with appreciation that through immediate implementation of the provisions of (v) and (vi) above, the Secretariat will be able to extend language coverage to all six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) for documentation of the SCCR and SCT as from January 1, 2011. It is understood that, as a first stage, the implementation of the extended six language coverage to other WIPO Committees, as defined in document WO/PBC/15/9, is proposed to begin as of 2012. If resource adjustments are required by the introduction of the new policy, these will be factored into the draft Program and Budget for 2012/13 after consideration by the PBC; (viii) noted that the resource adjustments for beginning implementation, as of 2012, of the extended language coverage to WIPO Committees, as defined in (vii) above and in document WO/PBC/15/9, as well as to Working Groups, shall be discussed in the context of the Program and Budget process for 2012/13. In order to facilitate the discussions under this process, the Secretariat shall, as a first step, provide detailed information on current resources under Program 27 by November 25, 2010. The Chair or Vice-Chair of the PBC shall convene, within this process, a dedicated half-day

WO/PBC/18/15 Annex, page 2 informal consultation in conjunction with the extraordinary session of the PBC in January 2011 with a view to having a clear understanding of the cost implications as a result of the introduction of the new policy. Based on the financial information provided by the Secretariat, a decision concerning the extended language coverage for the Working Groups shall be taken at the next formal session of the PBC in 2011; (ix) decided that the progress made in the implementation of the new policy, and follow-up on the 2000 decision of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO (paragraph 14 of document WO/PBC/15/9 refers), will be discussed at the next formal session of the PBC in 2011, with a view to making recommendations thereon to the September 2011 WIPO General Assembly; noted that the extension of language coverage in the WIPO Committees would be reflected in the language section of the rules of procedure of the respective WIPO Committees.


[End of Annex and of document]

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