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Tds Cogo: For Pocket PC User's Manual

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For Pocket PC
Users Manual

2003 Tripod Data Systems, Inc.

All Rights Reserved


materials and binders or other containers) TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND.
LICENSE. LICENSOR grants to you a limited, non-exclusive license to (i) install and operate the copy of the computer program contained in this
package ("Program") on a single computer (one central processing unit and associated monitor and keyboard) and (ii) make one archival copy of the
Program for use with the same computer. LICENSOR retains all rights to the Program not expressly granted in this Agreement.
OWNERSHIP OF PROGRAMS AND COPIES. This license is not a sale of the original Program or any copies. LICENSOR retains the ownership of
the Program and all subsequent copies of the Program made by you, regardless of the form in which the copies may exist. The Program and
accompanying manuals ("Documentation") are copyrighted works of authorship and contain valuable trade secrets and confidential information
proprietary to LICENSOR. You agree to exercise reasonable efforts to protect LICENSOR'S proprietary interest in the Program and Documentation
and maintain them in strict confidence.
USER RESTRICTIONS. You may physically transfer some Programs from one computer to another provided that the Program is operated only on
one computer. Other Programs will operate only with the computer that has the same security code and cannot be physically transferred to another
computer. You may not electronically transfer the Program or operate it in a time-sharing or service bureau operation. You agree not to translate,
modify, adapt, disassemble, de-compile, or reverse engineer the Program, or create derivative works based on the Program or Documentation or any
portions thereof.
TRANSFER. The Program is provided for use in your internal commercial business operations and must remain at all times upon a single computer
owned or leased by you. You may not rent, lease, sublicense, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Program or Documentation, on
a temporary or permanent basis, without the prior written consent of LICENSOR.
TERMINATION. This License is effective until terminated. This License will terminate automatically without notice from LICENSOR if you fail to
comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination you must cease all use of the Program and Documentation and return them, and any
copies thereof, to LICENSOR.
GENERAL. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, United States of America.
LICENSOR grants solely to you a limited warranty that (i) the media on which the Program is distributed shall be substantially free from material
defects for a period of NINETY (90) DAYS, and (ii) the Program will perform substantially in accordance with the material descriptions in the
Documentation for a period of NINETY (90) DAYS. These warranties commence on the day you first obtain the Program and extend only to you, the
original customer. These limited warranties give you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights, which vary from state to state.
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LICENSOR does not warrant the Program will meet your requirements or that its operations will be
uninterrupted or error-free.
If the media, Program or Documentation are not as warranted above, LICENSOR will, at its option, repair or replace the nonconforming item at no
cost to you, or refund your money, provided you return the item, with proof of the date you obtained it, to LICENSOR within TEN (10) DAYS after
the expiration of the applicable warranty period. If LICENSOR determines that the particular item has been damaged by accident, abuse, misuse or
misapplication, has been modified without the written permission of LICENSOR, or if any LICENSOR label or serial number has been removed or
defaced, the limited warranties set forth above do not apply and you accept full responsibility for the product.
The warranties and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. Statements or
representations which add to, extend or modify these warranties are unauthorized by LICENSOR and should not be relied upon by you.
LICENSOR or anyone involved in the creation or delivery of the Program or Documentation to you shall have no liability to you or any third party
for special, incidental, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of profits or savings, downtime, damage to or replacement of
equipment and property, or recovery or replacement of programs or data) arising from claims based in warranty, contract, tort (including
negligence), strict liability, or otherwise even if LICENSOR has been advised of the possibility of such claim or damage. LICENSOR'S liability for
direct damages shall not exceed the actual amount paid for this copy of the Program.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
If the Program is acquired for use by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, the Program and Documentation are provided
with "Restricted Rights". Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and to all other regulations, restrictions and limitations applicable
to Government use of Commercial Software. Contractor/manufacturer is Tripod Data Systems, Inc., PO Box 947, Corvallis, Oregon, 97339, United
States of America.
Should you have questions concerning the License Agreement or the Limited Warranties and Limitation of Liability, please contact in writing:
Tripod Data Systems, Inc., PO Box 947, Corvallis, Oregon, 97339, United States of America.
TDS COGO is a registered trademark of Tripod Data Systems, Inc. Windows and Pocket PC are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.




Table of Contents
Getting Started __________________________________________ 7

Manual Conventions ________________________________ 7

TDS COGO Installation______________________________ 8
Registering ________________________________________ 9
Using a Pocket PC _________________________________ 10
TDS Keyboard ____________________________________________ 10
Hardware Buttons _________________________________________ 11
Using a Dual-Port CF Card Sleeve ___________________________ 11

Angle and Time Conventions _______________________ 12

Azimuths ________________________________________________ 12
Bearings__________________________________________________ 12
Time_____________________________________________________ 12

Using TDS COGO _________________________________ 13

Navigating Within the Program _____________________ 15
About TDS COGO _________________________________________
Map View ________________________________________________
Quick Pick________________________________________________
Battery Level _____________________________________________


Parts of a Screen ___________________________________ 18

Input Fields_______________________________________________ 19
Output Fields _____________________________________________ 19
Input Shortcuts ___________________________________________ 21

The Map View ____________________________________ 23

The Settings Screen ________________________________ 24
Units Settings _____________________________________________ 25
Format Settings ___________________________________________ 26
Files Settings______________________________________________ 27
Surveying Settings_________________________________________ 28
Stakeout Settings __________________________________________ 29
Buttons Settings ___________________________________________ 30
General Settings ___________________________________________ 32

TDS COGO File Types______________________________ 33

Job Files __________________________________________________ 33
Description Files __________________________________________ 34

Feature Code Files _________________________________________37

Layers____________________________________________ 40
Layer 0 ___________________________________________________40
Other Special Layers _______________________________________40
Managing Layers __________________________________________41

2D / 3D Points ____________________________________ 43
Polylines _________________________________________ 43
Fieldwork ______________________________________________ 45
Scenario One ______________________________________________46
Scenario Two______________________________________________46
Scenario Three_____________________________________________47
Scenario Four _____________________________________________47
Summary _________________________________________________48

Data Collection Example____________________________ 49

Performing a Side Shot _____________________________________53
Performing a Traverse Shot _________________________________54
Data Collection Summary ___________________________________56

Stakeout Example__________________________________ 57
Set Up____________________________________________________58
Staking Points _____________________________________________59
Point Staking Summary_____________________________________62

Surveying with True Azimuths ______________________ 63

Screen Examples_________________________________________ 65

Import / Export Coordinates ________________________ 65

Importing *.JOB Coordinates ________________________________66
Importing *.CR5 Coordinates ________________________________66
Exporting Coordinates______________________________________68

Resection _________________________________________ 69
Performing a Resection _____________________________________69

Intersection _______________________________________ 71
Map Check _______________________________________ 72
Entering Boundary Data ____________________________________72
Editing Boundary Data _____________________________________73
Adding Boundary Data to the Current Project _________________73

Predetermined Area _______________________________ 74

Hinge Method _____________________________________________74
Parallel Method ___________________________________________75

Horizontal Curve Layout ___________________________ 77

PC Deflection _____________________________________________77
PI Deflection ______________________________________________77

Tangent Offset ____________________________________________ 78

Chord Offset______________________________________________ 78

Parabolic Curve ___________________________________ 80

Spiral Layout______________________________________ 81
Scale Adjustment __________________________________ 82
Translate Adjustment ______________________________ 83
Translate by Distance and Direction__________________________ 83
Translate by Coordinates ___________________________________ 84

Rotate Adjustment _________________________________ 85

Traverse Adjust ___________________________________ 86
Angle Adjust _____________________________________________
Compass Rule ____________________________________________
Adjust Sideshots __________________________________________
Performing a Traverse Adjustment___________________________


Getting Started
This chapter explains the basics of the manual, Pocket PC, and TDS

Manual Conventions
Throughout the TDS COGO Manual, certain text formatting is used
that represents different parts of the software. The formatting used
in the manual is explained below.

When referring to a particular field, the Field Label, or its
Corresponding Value is shown with text that is similar to what you
would see in the software.

Screens and Menus

When referring to a particular screen or menu, the text is underlined.

When referring to a particular button, the text is shown in a
%XWWRQ )RUPDW , similar to that found in the software.

Users Manual

TDS COGO Installation

TDS COGO is installed from a compact flash (CF) card so the Pocket
PC must be connected to a CF card sleeve before TDS COGO can be
Note: If TDS COGO is ever started without the CF card in the slot, it
will only function in demo mode until the card is reinserted and the
program restarted.
1. Turn on the Pocket PC.
2. Insert the TDS COGO CF card in the slot of the sleeve. If there is
more than one slot, insert the card in the slot nearest the Pocket
3. A prompt will appear asking, Do you want to install TDS COGO
4. Tap

<(6 to continue.

5. You will then be asked, Do you want to install the TDS keyboard
6. Tap

<(6 to continue.

Getting Started

After TDS COGO is installed, it must be registered to be
fully functional. If it is not registered, TDS COGO will
only run in demo mode, which means all jobs will be
limited to no more than 25 points, and if a job is stored
on the Pocket PC that exceeds this limit, it cannot be
If you start TDS COGO before it is registered, the screen
shown here will open. Tap the 5HJLVWHU button to
access the Register TDS COGO screen.
(To run in demo mode, simply tap

5XQ ,Q 'HPR 0RGH .)

To register, enter the registration code provided by your

TDS dealer in the Registration Code field and tap .
Note: You should keep a record of all registration codes
purchased in case they need to be reentered at some

Users Manual

Using a Pocket PC
Using a handheld device without a keyboard requires some
adaptation but one can get very proficient when using all the tricks
available to navigate around quickly. Even if you are already familiar
with the TDS software, reading this section can help you get the most
from your Pocket PC device.

TDS Keyboard
Pocket PC offers several alternatives to input characters
without an actual physical keyboard. These methods
take the form of an overlay window, called Soft Input
Panels (SIP) that you interact with through the touch
screen. Pocket PCs come with a few different SIPs
containing little key-like buttons or areas where you
write characters with the stylus, which are then
interpreted and transformed into actual characters.
While you can get by using the standard SIPs, TDS also
provides a custom SIP called TDS Keyboard, which is
optimized for TDS COGO.
TDS keyboard contains three different panels that can
easily be toggled between. Since most of the entries
relating to surveying will require numerical input, the
numerical panel contains oversized digit buttons for ease
of use, as well as useful options such as escape, tab (to
move between fields), enter, cut, copy, paste, etc.
While most SIPs are fixed at the bottom of the screen,
TDS Keyboard can be floated over the screen by tapping
the button and dragged around by its grip bar
to uncover fields that would
otherwise be masked by the panel itself.


Getting Started

Hardware Buttons
Even without a full keyboard, Pocket PCs still come with a few
hardware buttons. To get the most out of TDS software, you can remap those buttons for the functions you use the most so they are
always available, even if the SIP is currently hidden.
Some of the functions offered for button re-mapping include: Enter,
Escape, Tab, Quick Pick, Take Shot, etc. You can also use Page
Up/Down to move between tab pages where applicable. See Page 30
for more information on customizing the hardware buttons.

Using a Dual-Port CF Card Sleeve

For those using a dual-port compact flash card sleeve, some
guidelines need to be observed to guaranty proper functioning of the
Pocket PC software. Failure to follow these guidelines might lead to
the internal renaming of the flashcards by the system and the
software would then be unable to retrieve the files it was currently
When using the dual sleeve, always insert the first CF card in the slot
closest to the Pocket PC then insert the second card farthest from the
Pocket PC.
When removing cards, always remove the farthest card first then
remove the one closest to the Pocket PC. The software installation for
the Pocket PC is automated in such a way that newer versions are
detected when the compact flash card is inserted. Please note that
there will be no user prompting if the software already installed is
up-to-date with the installation file on the CF card.
Different setup files will be used for TDS COGO and TDS Keyboard.


Users Manual

Angle and Time Conventions

Throughout the software, the following conventions are followed
when inputting or outputting angles and time:

Azimuths are entered in any Direction field in degree-minutes-seconds
format and are represented as DD.MMSSsss, where:


One or more digits representing the degrees.

Two digits representing the minutes.
Two digits representing the seconds.
Zero or more digits representing the decimal fraction
part of the seconds.
For example, 212.5800 would indicate 212 degrees, 58 minutes, 0

Bearings can also be entered in any Direction field in either of the
following formats:

S32.5800W to indicate south 32 degrees, 58 minutes, 0

seconds west.

3 32.5800 to indicate 32 degrees, 58 minutes, 0 seconds in

quadrant 3.

Any field that accepts a time is entered in hours-minutes-seconds
format, which is represented as HH.MMSSsss where:



One or more digits representing the hours.

Two digits representing the minutes.
Two digits representing the seconds.
Zero or more digits representing the decimal fraction
part of the seconds.

Getting Started


Interaction with TDS COGO is primarily made by tapping the screen
with a stylus.
icon and
You can start TDS COGO by tapping the
7'6 &2*2. Most Pocket PC
then selecting
applications do not have their own means of exiting; for
that reason, there are some utilities that allow shutting
down any running program. However, the proper way of
exiting TDS COGO is to select )LOH , ([LW from the Main
Menu: this is the only way that will guarantee that the
application will clean up after itself and that all the
settings will get saved properly to the registry.
Once TDS COGO is started, the Welcome to TDS COGO
screen will open and ask if you want to open a recently
opened job, open an existing job, or create a new job
because you have to open a job to star TDS COGO. The
example below briefly explains how to create a new job so
you can begin exploring the software.
1. Tap the 1HZ button. The Create a New Job
dialog box will open, which prompts you for a job
name where the current date is the default name.
2. Either type in a new name or accept the default
name, which is the current date, and tap 1H[W ! to


Users Manual
3. Another screen will open where you select some of
the job settings. Select the settings that you desire
and tap 1H[W ! to continue.
Note: When creating a new job, it is important that the
Units for Distances field be set to the correct units. This
allows you to seamlessly switch between different units
in mid-job, but problems can arise if these units are
inadvertently set to the incorrect units when new data is

4. Since all jobs must have at least one point to start

with, the final screen displays the default point
name and coordinates for the first point. Accept the
default values by tapping )LQLVK . This will create
and store the new job. You are now ready to explore
the software.


Getting Started

Navigating Within the Program

The starting point in TDS COGO, which appears once a
job is open, is called the Main Menu, which is shown
here. All the screens that are available in TDS COGO
can be accessed starting from the Main Menu. Likewise,
closing any screens that are open in TDS COGO will
eventually take you back to the Main Menu.
The Main Menu consists of two main areas. The upper
half of the screen contains a set of large buttons called
main menu items. The lower half of the screen contains
the submenu items that are associated with the selected
main menu item.
When a main menu item is tapped, the corresponding
submenu items will become available in the lower area.
When a submenu item is tapped in the lower area, the
corresponding screen will open. It is from these screens
where you do your work.
If a main menu item contains more submenu items than will fit on
the screen, index card-style tabs are displayed on the right. Tapping
these tabs will display additional submenu items.
The hardware keys can also be used to navigate within the Main
Menu and any other Survey Pro screen. The highlighted rectangle
displays the area of the screen that is currently active. Using a
hardware button that is mapped as the tab key would cycle through
the different sections of a screen, for example, the tab key would
toggle the selection between the upper half or lower half of the Main
Menu. The arrow keys can be used to cycle through the options
available in the selected section of the screen. For example, if the
upper half of the Main Menu were active, the arrow keys would cycle
through the main menu items.
The bottom area of the Main Menu contains a set of icons that
perform the tasks discussed starting on the next page.


Users Manual


Tapping the icon in the lower left corner of the Main
Menu will open the About TDS COGO screen, which
displays information on the version of TDS COGO that is

Map View
The button will access the map view of the current job when it is
tapped. The map view is available from most screens and is
discussed in detail on Page 23.


Getting Started

Quick Pick
The button is called the Quick Pick button and is always available
at the bottom of the screen in TDS COGO. This button is used to
quickly access any of the screens listed below.
To access a screen with the Quick Pick button, first tap
tap the desired screen.


Corner Angle

Curve Horizontal

Curve Vertical

Inverse Points


Past Results

Traverse / Sideshot

Triangle Solutions

View Map

and then

View Points


Users Manual

Battery Level
The battery icon at the bottom of the Main Menu displays the
condition of the Pocket PCs rechargeable battery. The icon has five
variations depending on the level of charge remaining:
5% and
Tapping the battery icon is a shortcut to the Microsoft Power Settings
screen, which is normally accessed from the Pocket PC System
Setting screen.
Note: Tap


to view the Power Settings screen online help.

Parts of a Screen
Many screens share common features. To illustrate
some of these features, we will examine parts of the
Backsight Setup screen, shown here. You can access the
Backsight Setup screen by selecting 6XUYH\ ,
%DFNVLJKW 6HWXS from the Main Menu.


Getting Started

Input Fields
An input field is an area where a specific value is entered by the user.
An input field consists of a point label, which identifies the data that
is to be entered in that field. It has a rectangular area with a white
background, where the data is entered. A field must first be selected
before data can be entered in it. You can select a field by tapping on
it or pressing a hardware button mapped as the [Tab] key on the
Pocket PC repeatedly until it is selected. When a field is selected, a
dark border is drawn around it and a blinking cursor is inside the
field. In the Backsight Setup screen above, the Occupy Point field is

Output Fields
Output fields only display information. These fields typically display
values in bold text, do not have a special colored background, and the
value cannot be changed from the current screen. For example, in the
Backsight Setup screen, the Backsight Circle value is an output field.

Power Buttons
The Backsight Setup screen contains two power buttons. Power
buttons are typically used to provide alternate methods of entering or
modifying data in an associated field. To use a power button, simply
tap it. Once tapped, a dropdown list will appear with several choices.
The choices available vary depending on with which field the power
button is associated. Simply tap the desired choice from the
dropdown list.
Tapping the first power button in the Backsight Setup screen allows
you to specify an occupy point using other methods or view the details
of the currently selected point. You should experiment with the
options available with various power buttons to become familiar with

Choose From Map Button

The Choose From Map button is always associated with a field where
an existing point is required. When the button is tapped, a map view

Users Manual
is displayed. To select a point for the required field, just tap it from
the map.
Note: If you tap a point from the map view that is located next to
other points, another screen will open that displays all of the points
in the area that was tapped. Tap the desired point from the list to
select it.

Scroll Buttons


When a button label is preceded with the symbol, it indicates that

the button label can be changed by tapping it, thus changing the type
of value that would be entered in the associated field. As you
continue tapping a scroll button, the label will cycle through all the
available choices.
In the Backsight Setup screen, the backsight can be defined by a
point or a direction by toggling the scroll button between %6 3RLQW
and %6 'LUHFWLRQ .

Special Point Symbols

Some field labels are preceded with a special symbol. For example,
the Occupy Point field in the Backsight Setup screen is displayed as
+ Occupy Point The plus symbol indicates that the occupy point is
represented as a plus symbol when viewing it in the Map View.
Other symbols are also used to represent other types of points.

Index Cards
Many screens have access to other screens that are still part of the
original screen. The different screens are selected by tapping on
various tabs, which look like the tabs of on index cards. Because of
this, each individual screen is referred to as a card. The tabs can
appear along the top of the screen or the right edge.
The Backsight Setup screen consists of two cards. One is titled Input,
and the other is titled Map.


Getting Started

Input Shortcuts
Distances and angles are normally entered in the appropriate fields
simply by typing the value from the keypad, but there is a shortcut
that can simplify the entry of a distance or angle.

If you want to enter the distance between two points in a particular

field, but you do not know offhand what that distance is, you can
enter the two point names that define that distance separated by a
hyphen. For example, entering 1-2 in a distance field would compute
the horizontal distance from Point 1 to Point 2. As soon as the cursor
is moved from that field, the horizontal distance between the points
will be computed and entered in that field.
An alternate method to using this shortcut is to tap the
button, select Choose from map and then tap the two points that
define the distance that you want to enter. Once you tap
from the
Map View, the horizontal distance between the two tapped points will
appear in the corresponding field.
Likewise, there is a similar shortcut to enter angles in fields that
accept them. If you wanted to enter the angle, , from the
illustration shown here, you would simply enter 1-2-3 in the
appropriate field. As soon as the cursor is moved from that field, the
angle formed by the three points entered will be entered in that field.
As with specifying a distance, you could also use the power button as
described above and tap the points of the angle in the correct order.

Entering Distances in Other Units

When a distance is entered in a particular field, it is normally entered
using the same units that are configured for the current job, but
distances can also be entered that are expressed in other distance
When entering a distance that is expressed in units that do not match
those configured for the job, you simply append the entered distance
with the abbreviation for the type of units entered. For example, if
the distance units for your current job were set to feet and you
wanted to enter a distance in meters, you would simply append the
distance value with an m or M for meters. As soon as the cursor is
moved to another field, the meters that you entered will be converted
to feet.

Users Manual
The abbreviations can be entered in lower case or upper case
characters. They can also be entered directly after the distance
value, or separated with a space. The following abbreviations can be
appended to an entered distance:

US Survey Feet: usf or usft


i or in









c or ch

f or ft

Getting Started

The Map View

Many screens provide access to a map view. The map
view is a graphical representation of the points and other
useful information in the current job and can be accessed
with the and buttons. A bar is shown at the bottom
that indicates the scale of the map view.
The buttons along the left edge of the screen allow you to
customize what is displayed in the map view.
Some map views also display a vertical profile.
Tip: You can pan around your map by dragging your
stylus across the screen.

Zoom Extents Button

This button will change the scale of the screen so that all the points
in the current job will fit on the screen.

Zoom In Button
This button will zoom the current screen in by approximately 25%.

Zoom Out Button

This button will zoom the current screen out by approximately 25%.

Zoom Window Button

After tapping this button, a box can be dragged across the screen.
When your finger or stylus leaves the screen, the map will zoom to
the box that was drawn.

Increase Vertical Scale

This button is only available when viewing a vertical profile. Each
time it is tapped, the vertical scale of the view is increased.


Users Manual

Decrease Vertical Scale

This button is only available when viewing a vertical profile. Each
time it is tapped, the vertical scale of the view is decreased.

Zoom All Button

When this button is available, it will display only the points that are
currently in use.

Display / Hide Labels Button

In some screens, this button will simply toggle the point names and
descriptions on and off in a Map View, but in other screens it will
open the Map Display Options screen, which gives you even more
control over what is displayed in the Map View.

The Settings Screen

The Settings screen (accessed from the Job menu) is used to control
all of the settings available for your Pocket PC, current job, and TDS
COGO software. It contains several index card style tabs. Each card
contains different types of settings.
Most of the settings remain unchanged unless you deliberately
change them, meaning the default settings are whatever they were
set to last. For example, if you create a new job where you change the
direction units from azimuths to bearings and then create another
new job, the default direction units for the new job will be bearings.
TDS COGO behaves in this way since most people use the same
settings for a majority of their jobs. This way, once the settings are
set, they become the default settings for all new jobs and current jobs.
Some settings are considered critical and are therefore stored within
the job. The following settings are stored within a job and will
override the corresponding settings in the Settings screen when it is

Getting Started

Scale Factor Surveying Settings Card

Earth Curvature On or Off Surveying Settings Card

Units for Survey Data (distances) Units Settings Card

North or South Azimuth Units Settings Card

Angle Units Units Settings Card

GPS setup information such as localization, mapping plane,

etc. (Requires GPS Module)

Note: You can scroll to additional tabs when they are not in view by
using the

Units Settings
Units Settings defines the units that are used within the software,
including those that are sent from the total station, entered from the
keypad and displayed on the screen. You can select the following
settings for your job.
Units for Distances: defines the units used for distances
as Meters, Feet, or International Feet.
Units for Angles: defines the units used for angles as
Degrees or Grads.
Display Directions As: will display directions as a
Bearing or Azimuth.
Azimuth Type: defines if you are using a North Azimuth or
a South Azimuth.


Users Manual

Format Settings
Format Settings defines the precision (the number of places beyond
the decimal point) that is displayed for various values in all screens,
and how stations are defined.
Note: All internal calculations are performed using full precision.
Elevations: allows you to display from zero to six places
passed the decimal point for elevations.
Distances: allows you to display from zero to six places
passed the decimal point for distances.
Angles: allows you to include from zero to four fractional
seconds with angle values.
Stations: allows you to display stations in any of the
following formats:

12+34.123: displays stations where the number

to the left of the + advances after traveling 100
feet or meters.

1+234.123: displays stations where the number

to the left of the + advances after traveling 1,000
feet or meters.

1,234.123: displays standard distances rather than stations.

Northings / Eastings: will allow you to display from zero to six places
passed the decimal point for northing and easting values.
Sq Feet / Meters: allows you to display from zero to four places passed
the decimal point for square feet or square meter values.
Acres / Hectares: allows you to display from zero to four places
passed the decimal point for acre or hectare values.


Getting Started

Files Settings
Files Settings allows you to select a description or feature file to use
with the current job.
Description File: allows you to select a description file to
use with the current job. Description files are discussed
in more detail on Page 34.

; This File Uses Codes: Check this box if the

description file contains codes and associated

descriptions. Leave the box unchecked if the description
only contains descriptions (no codes).
Feature Code File: allows you to select a feature code file
to use with the current job. You can switch between
different feature code files in mid-job, but if a collected
attribute does not match an attribute in the feature code
file, it can only be viewed, not edited.

%URZVH : allows you to select a file to use with the

current job. Simply tap on the filename and then tap the

&OHDU : closes the currently selected file so that it is no longer used
with the current job.


Users Manual

Surveying Settings
The Surveying Settings allows you to select various options that
affect how data collection is performed.

; Prompt for Description: when checked, a prompt for a

point description will appear before any new point is

; Prompt for Height of Rod: when checked, a prompt for

the rod height will appear before any new point is stored.

; Survey with True Azimuths: when checked, angle

rights will be referenced from true north when

; Prompt for Layer: when checked, a prompt to select a

layer will appear before any new point is stored from
only the routines under the Survey menu.

; Prompt for Attributes: when checked, a prompt to

select feature information will appear before any new

point is stored from only the routines under the Survey
menu. This also requires that a feature file be selected from the Files
Settings card, described above.

Use Scale Factor: when checked, horizontal distances to all new

points will be scaled by the factor entered here. Elevations are not


Getting Started

Stakeout Settings
The Stakeout Settings contains the setting that control how stakeout
is performed.

; Stake Corners, Not Just Even Intervals: when

staking by stations, locations where a line segment

changes, such as from a straight section to a curve, will
also be staked when this is checked.

; Design Elevation from Offset Segment: When

checked during offset or road stakeout, cut and fill

information will be computed from the design elevation
at the node furthest from the centerline of the current
segment. When unchecked, cut and fill information will
be computed from the design elevation of the segment at
the current rod location.

Note: If staking extends beyond the end of the cross

section, the cut / fill information will always be computed
from the design elevation at the node furthest from the
centerline of the current segment.

; Write Cut Sheet Data Only (No Store Point): When checked, as-

built points are not stored to the JOB file when staking points; only
the raw data is written to the RAW file.

; Display Left / Right From Rod: When checked, the move left or

right information will be presented from the rod persons point of

view. When unchecked it will be presented from the total stations
point of view.

; Prompt for Layer: when checked, a prompt to select a layer will

appear before any new point is stored from only the routines under
the Stakeout menu.

; Prompt for Attributes: when checked, a prompt to select feature

information will appear before any new point is stored from only the
routines under the Stakeout menu. This also requires that a feature
file be selected from the Files Settings card, described earlier.


Users Manual
Note: There is no Prompt for Description checkbox as in the Survey
Settings because you will always be prompted for a description when
storing a point from a stakeout routine.

Buttons Settings
The Pocket PC has a variety of physical buttons around its housing.
The function of most of these buttons can be changed from their
default functions using the Pocket PC Personal Settings screen.
These are called global functions since each button will perform the
same custom task when used within any application.
The Buttons Settings screen also allows you to customize
these buttons, but it is more powerful than the Pocket
PC screen because you can set the global function of each
button as well as the local function of each button. A
local function only affects the behavior of a button when
it is used within TDS COGO. When you are outside TDS
COGO, the button functions will switch back to their
global definitions.
Customizing the buttons for TDS COGO can be very
useful for navigating in and using the software. For
example, a button can be programmed to take a shot
from a total station making it unnecessary to look at the
Pocket PCs screen to perform this task.
The upper area of the Buttons Settings screen displays
the current local and global assignment for all the keys
that can be customized. To change a particular button assignment,
select that button from this area.
Note: You can match the buttons listed on the screen with the
buttons on the Pocket PC by comparing the icons on the screen with
those printed on the buttons.
To change the local assignment for the selected button, select the new
function in the Assignment Within TDS COGO list. (The local

Getting Started
assignment will only affect the function of that button when it is used
within TDS COGO.)
Note: Selecting <Global> as a buttons local assignment results in the
local assignment being the same as the global assignment.
To change the global assignment for the selected button, select the
new function in the Global Assignment list.
If you want to quickly change all the buttons back to their default
assignments, tap the 7'6 'HIDXOWV button to switch them back to the
TDS COGO default values, or tap 6\VWHP 'HIDXOWV to switch them
back to the Pocket PC default values.
The TDS default local assignments are as follows:
Button 1:


Button 2:

Quick Pick

Button 3:


Button 4:


Button 5:

Take Shot


Users Manual

General Settings
The General Settings contains the following settings:

; Remind to backup job every ___ hrs: when checked,

will open a reminder to backup the current job after
every specified number of hours passes.

; Use Enter Key to Move Between Fields: when

checked, the [Enter] key will move the cursor to the next
field in all screens. When unchecked, the [Enter] key
will perform a different function depending on the field
Note: The arrow keys and the [Tab] key can also be
used to move the cursor between fields.

; Allow Alphanumeric Point Names: when checked,

numeric or alpha character can be used for point names. If

unchecked, only numeric point names are valid.

; Beep When Storing Points: when checked, a beep will sound

whenever a new point is stored.

; Beep On Control Activation: when checked, a beep occurs when

any button, checkbox, or other control is tapped.

; Prompt for Description: when checked, a prompt for a description

will appear before any new point is stored from any routine other
than those included in the Survey and Stakeout menus.

; Prompt for Layer: when checked, a prompt to select a layer will

appear before any new point is stored from any routine other than
those included in the Survey and Stakeout menus.

; Prompt for Attributes: when checked, a prompt to select feature

information will appear before any new point is stored from any
routine other than those included in the Survey and Stakeout menus.
This also requires that a feature file be selected from the Files
Settings card, described earlier.

Prompt to Backup When Closing Job: when checked, you will be

prompted to backup the current job before it is closed.

Getting Started

; Override Soft Input Panel Automatic Activation: when checked,

the SIP will never open or close automatically.

; Always Warn if Not Saving New File to Flash Card: when checked,
a warning will open whenever a new job is saved to the Pocket PC
onboard memory rather than an external CF card.

TDS COGO File Types

The information for each TDS COGO job is written to a separate job
file. A job file can be created in the Pocket PC, or on a PC using TDS
Survey Link and then transferred to the Pocket PC.
There are two other optional types of files that can be used with TDS
COGO called feature files and description files. All of the various file
types are discussed below.

Job Files
A job file is a binary file that has a file name that is the same as the
job name, followed by a *.JOB extension. A job file is similar to the
older TDS-format coordinate file, except in addition to storing point
names and their associated coordinates, a job file also contains all of
the line work as well.
When you specify points to use for any reason within TDS COGO, the
software will read the coordinates for the specified points from the job
file. Whenever you store a new point within TDS COGO, the point is
added to this file.
A job file can be edited on the Pocket PC when using the Edit Points
screen. Since a job file is binary, it requires special software for
editing on a PC, such as TDS Survey Link. It can also be converted to
or from an ASCII file using Survey Link. (Refer to the Survey Link
documentation for this procedure.)
When a job file is converted to an ASCII file, the resulting file is
simply a list of points and coordinates. Each line consists of a point
name, northing or latitude, easting or longitude, elevation or elliptical
height, and a note where each value is separated by a comma.


Users Manual

Description Files
A Description File is used to automate the task of entering
descriptions for points that are stored in a job. They are especially
useful when the same descriptions are frequently used in the same
A description file is a text file containing a list of the descriptions that
you will want to use with a particular job. The file itself is usually
created on a PC, using any ASCII text editor such as Notepad, which
is included with Microsoft Windows. It is then saved using any file
name and the .txt extension and then transferred to the Pocket PC.
It is important to realize that when you use a more sophisticated
application, such as a word processor to create a description file, you
must be careful how the file is saved. By default, a word processor
will store additional non-ASCII data in a file making it incompatible
as a description file. However this can be avoided if you use the File |
Save As routine from your word processor and choose a Text Only
format as the type of document to save. For more information on
creating a text file using a word processor, refer to the your word
processors documentation.
Description files can be created in two different formats; one includes
codes and the other does not. The chosen format determines how
descriptions are entered. Each format is described below.

Description Files Without Codes

A description file that does not contain codes is simply a list of the
descriptions that you will want to use in a job. The content of a
sample description file, without codes, is shown here.
The following rules apply to description files without codes:

A description can be up to 16 characters in length (including


A description can contain any characters included on a



Each line in the file contains a separate description.

Descriptions do not need to be arranged in alphabetical

order. (TDS COGO does that for you.)

Getting Started

Descriptions are case sensitive.

To use a description from a description file, simply start
typing that description in any Description field. (You can
experiment with descriptions in the 6XUYH\ ,
7UDYHUVH  6LGHVKRW screen.) Once you start typing a
description, a dropdown list will appear displaying all of
the descriptions that are in the description file along
with all the descriptions that are assigned to existing
points in the current job in alphabetical order. If the
first letter(s) that you typed match the first letters of a
description in the description file, that description will
automatically be selected in the dropdown list. Once it is
selected, you can have that description replace what you
have typed by pressing [Enter] on the keypad. You can
also use the arrow keys to scroll through the dropdown
list to make an alternate selection.

If you wanted douglas fir to be selected with the sample description

file used here, you would have to start typing with lower case
characters since descriptions are case sensitive. (Typing Dou would
not work.)

Description Files With Codes

A description file that uses codes is similar to those without
codes, except a code precedes each description in the file. A
sample description file with codes is shown here.
The following rules apply to description files that use codes:

Each line in a description file begins with a code, followed

by a single space, and then the description.

A description code can consist of up to seven characters

with no spaces.

Description codes are case sensitive.

The description is limited to 16 characters.

Descriptions can include any character included on a


To use a description from a description file with codes simply type the
code associated with the desired description in any Description field.

Users Manual
As soon as soon as the cursor moves out of the Description field, the
code is replaced with the corresponding description. For example, if
you typed lo in a description field while using the description file
shown above, lo would be replaced with Lodgepole Pine once the
cursor was moved to another field.
You can combine a description with any other text, or combine two
descriptions by using an ampersand (&). For example, entering
Tall&do would result in a description of Tall Douglas Fir. Entering
b&oa would result in a description of Big Oak Tree. This method also
works when spaces are included with the & character. For example,
entering b&oa would have the same result as entering b & oa.
Note: Remember to check the This File Uses Codes checkbox when
opening a description file that contains codes, described next.

Opening a Description File

Once a description file is created and stored in the Pocket PC, it is
activated with the following steps:
1. Select


from the Main Menu.

2. Select the Files tab and tap the

File section of the screen.


button in the Description

3. All of the files with a .txt extension will be displayed. Select the
file that you want to use and tap 2SHQ .
4. If the description file contains codes, check the This File Uses
Codes checkbox.


Getting Started

Feature Code Files

As explained above, a description or descriptor codes can be used to
help describe a point prior to storing it, but this can be a limited
solution for describing certain points.
TDS COGO also allows you to describe any object using feature codes.
Feature codes can be used to describe objects quickly and in more
detail than a standard text description, particularly when data is
collected for several points that fit into the same category. For
example, if the locations for all the utility poles in an area were being
collected, a single feature code could be used to separately describe
the condition of each utility pole.
When describing an object using feature codes, a selection is made
from any number of main categories called features. Once a
particular feature is selected, any number of descriptions can be
made from sub-categories to the selected feature called attributes.
In general, a feature describes what an object is and attributes are
used to describe the details of that object.
To take advantage of feature codes, a feature file must first be created
using the TDS Survey Attribute Manager, which is included in
Version 7.2, or later of the TDS Survey Link software.
The TDS Survey Attribute Manager can also be used to view or
modify the selected features in a particular job and to export them to
any of several different file formats for use in other popular software
Note: You can switch between different feature code files in mid-job,
but if a collected attribute does not match an attribute in the current
feature code file, it can still be viewed, but not edited.
For more information on creating a feature file, refer to the Survey
Attribute Manager section of the Survey Link manual.


Users Manual

The primary part of a feature code is called a feature. Features
generally describe what an object is. Two types of features are used
in TDS COGO: points and lines, which are described below.
When assigning a feature to data that was collected in TDS COGO,
only features of the same type are available for selection. For
example, if selecting a feature to describe a point in a job, only the
point features are displayed. Likewise, if selecting a feature to
describe a polyline, only the line features in the feature file are

Point Features
A point feature consists of a single independent point.
Examples of a point feature would be objects such as a tree, a
utility pedestal, or a fire hydrant.

Line Features
A line feature consists of two or more points that define a linear object,
such as a fence or a waterline. In TDS COGO, these are stored as
polylines, but line features can also be used to describe alignments.

A feature, by itself, would not be useful in describing a point or line
with much detail since a feature only helps describe what the stored
point is. Attributes are used to help describe the details of the object.
Attributes are either typed in from the keyboard or selected from a
pull-down menu and fall into the following three categories.

Value Attributes
A value attribute accepts only numbers from the keypad. These
attributes are setup to accept numbers that fall in a specified range.
Some examples of a numeric attribute would be the height of a tree or a
utility poles ID number.


String Attributes
A string attribute consists of a title and a field where the user can enter
any characters up to a specified maximum length. An example of a
string attribute is an attribute titled Notes where the user would enter
anything to describe a feature.

Menu Attributes
A menu attribute is an attribute that is selected from a pull-down menu

Getting Started
rather than typed in from the keypad. Menu items can also have submenu items. For example, you could have a feature labeled Utility with
a pull-down menu labeled Type containing Pole and Pedestal. There
could also be sub-menu items available that could be used to describe
the pole or pedestal in more detail. Menus can only be two levels deep,
but there is no limit to the number of items that can be listed in a pulldown menu.

Using Feature Codes in TDS COGO

Before you can use features and attributes to describe points in TDS
COGO, you must select a valid feature file to use with the current job.
To select a feature file, open the -RE 6HWWLQJV screen
from the Main Menu and then select the Files card. Tap
the bottom %URZVH button, locate and select the
appropriate *.FEA feature file.
Once a feature file is selected for the current job, you can
configure TDS COGO to prompt for attributes whenever
a point, line, or alignment is stored. There are three
cards within the -RE 6HWWLQJV screen to configure this

There is a Prompt for Attributes checkbox in the Survey

card, the Stakeout card and the General card. The first
affects if you are prompted for attributes only when an
object is stored from the routines within the Survey
menu. Likewise, the second affects only objects stored
from the routines in the Stakeout menu. The prompt in the General
card affects if you are prompted for attributes when an object is
stored from any other routines, such as the COGO routines.
The features and attributes for existing points, polylines, and
alignments can also be edited using the Edit Points and Edit
Polylines and Edit Alignments screens, respectively.


Users Manual

TDS COGO uses layers to help manage the data in a job. Any
number of layers can exist in a job and any new objects can be
assigned to any particular layer. For example, a common set of
points can be stored on one layer and another set can be stored on a
different layer.
The visibility of any layer can be toggled on and off, which gives full
control over the data that is displayed in a map view. This is useful
to reduce clutter in a job that contains several objects. The objects
that are stored on a layer include points, polylines, and alignments.
TDS ForeSight can read a JOB file and output an AutoCAD DXF file
containing all the original layer information. This conversion can
also be performed using TDS Survey Link 7.2, or later via the Survey
Attribute Manager, which is included as part of that program.

Layer 0
Layers can be added, deleted and renamed with the exception of
Layer 0. Layer 0 is a special layer that must exist in every job. It
cannot be deleted or renamed.
Layer 0 provides two main functions: compatibility with AutoCAD;
and is used as a layer for the storage of objects that are not assigned
to any other layer. Since all the objects in a job have to be assigned to
a layer, Layer 0 is always there so a situation cannot occur where an
object is stored, but does not exist on any layer.

Other Special Layers

Some layers are automatically created, but unlike Layer 0, these
layers behave exactly the same as any user-created layer; they can be
renamed or deleted. Whenever a control file (Page Error!
Bookmark not defined.) is selected for a job, a Control layer is
automatically created and the points in the control file are stored to
that layer. (Any non-point objects in a control file are always ignored.)


Getting Started
Similarly, whenever a new job is created, a Points layer is
automatically created and selected as the active layer. The active
layer is the default layer where any new objects will be stored.

Managing Layers
You can configure TDS COGO to prompt for a layer whenever an
object is stored. If this prompt is turned off, any new objects that are
stored will simply be stored to the active layer. There are three cards
within the -RE 6HWWLQJV screen to configure this prompt.

There is a Prompt for Layer checkbox in the Survey card, the

Stakeout card and the General card. The first affects if you are
prompted for a layer only when new data is stored from the routines
within the Survey menu. Likewise, the second affects
only data stored from the routines in the Stakeout menu.
The prompt in the General card affects if you are
prompted for a layer when data is stored from any other
routines, such as the COGO routines.
Most layer management is performed from the
-RE , 0DQDJH /D\HUV screen. This screen allows you to
add, delete, rename and change the visibility of the
various layers. You can also set the active layer from
here. This screen is also available from several different
locations, such as the new Map Display Options screen
and any of the controls that allow you to select layers.
The , /D\HUV Quick Pick can also be used to access the
Manage Layers screen.

Changing the Active Layer

To change the active layer, tap the desired layer and then tap the
6HW $FWLYH button. There must always be an active layer and there
can only be one active layer at a time. The active layer is marked
with the symbol.

Creating a New Layer

A new layer can be created by tapping 1HZ , which opens the New
Layer dialog box where a name and if the new layer should be visible
is entered.

Users Manual

Changing a Layer Name or Visibility

Selecting a layer and then tapping (GLW opens the Edit Layer
dialog box where the name and visibility can be changed for the
selected layer. You can also edit a layer by double-tapping on it.
(Layer 0 cannot be renamed.)

Deleting a Layer
You can only delete an empty layer. If a layer contains any objects,
they must first be moved to a different layer. To delete a layer, select
the layer and tap 'HOHWH . (Layer 0 cannot be deleted.)

Moving Objects from One Layer to Another

The objects on a layer can be moved to a different layer using the
objects appropriate edit screen. For example, to move several points
from one layer to another, select the desired points in the Edit Points
screen and tap (GLW . Select the layer you want to move them to and
tap .


Getting Started

2D / 3D Points
TDS COGO allows a job to contain 3D points as well as
2D points. Since a 2D point has no elevation associated
with it, care should be taken when working with a job
that contains any 2D points, especially if you still want
to collect 3D points.
If you occupy a point that has no elevation, all the points
that are collected from that setup will also have no
elevations. Similarly, if you occupy a 2D point and
perform stake out, no vertical data is provided.
You can quickly see if there are any 2D points in the
current job by opening the -RE , (GLW 3RLQWV screen.
Any point where the elevation is shown as --- is a 2D

Lines can be added to your project that can represent anything such
as a roadway, a building, or a lot boundary. These lines are referred
to as polylines. Polylines can be compared to the point lists used in
other TDS data collection software. They can consist of several
individual curved and straight sections. A point must be stored in the
project for all the locations on the polyline where a new section begins
and ends.
Polylines can be used to compute information such as the perimeter
and area for a lot boundary. They can also make it easier to compute
and store offset points for the sides of a roadway when a polyline
exists that defines a roadway centerline.
Refer to the Reference Manual for information on all the screens that
are used to create and edit polylines.


This section will explain how to get started using TDS COGO in a
survey and perform stake out.
The first section describes the backsight setup procedures for various
scenarios. The next section walks you through the steps involved to
setup and perform a simple side shot and traverse shot. The third
section walks you through a simple point-staking example.
The remainder of the chapter illustrates the procedures to perform
the more complex routines in the TDS COGO software in a step-bystep manner. They are intended to explain only how to use a
particular routine without the need for you to enter any specific
When beginning any job, the setup is the same; you need to establish
an occupy point and a backsight.
The occupy point is the point where you would setup a total station.
The coordinates for the occupy point must exist in the current job.
They can be assumed coordinates; known coordinates; or computed
with the resection routine. (The resection routine is discussed later.)
Any point in the current job can be an occupy point.
Once an occupy point is established, the second reference you need is
a backsight point or direction. This can be in the form of a point
stored in the current job, or a known direction.
The horizontal angles recorded during data collection are relative to
the backsight. If a point is not available in the job to use as a
backsight, you can assume a backsight direction.
The scenarios below will describe different possibilities for defining a

Users Manual

Scenario One
You know the coordinates and locations for two points on your lot and
want to occupy one and use the other as a backsight.
1. Create a job using the coordinates for one of the known points as
the first point.
2. Use the Edit Points routine to add a second point using the
coordinates for the remaining known point.
3. From the Backsight Setup screen, set the Occupy Point field to the
point number of one known point and setup the total station over
that point.
4. Toggle the %6 'LUHFWLRQ / %6 3RLQW button to %6 3RLQW and
enter the point name for the second known point in that field.
5. Tap 6ROYH , then &ORVH . If the Always Prompt for Backsight
Check option is checked in the Job | Settings | General screen,
you will be prompted to check your backsight.
You are now ready to start your survey.

Scenario Two
You have found two points on your lot and know the azimuth between
them, but you do not have coordinates for either.

1. Create a job using the default coordinates for the first point.
2. From the Backsight Setup screen, set the Occupy Point field to the
new point.
3. Toggle the %6 'LUHFWLRQ / %6 3RLQW button to %6 'LUHFWLRQ and
enter the known azimuth to the second point here.
4. Tap

6ROYH , then &ORVH .

You are now ready to start your survey.


If you later find true State Plane coordinates for any of the points in
your job, you can use the Translate routine to adjust all the
coordinates accordingly.

Scenario Three
You have one point established on your lot and you know the azimuth
to an observable reference.

1. Create a job using the coordinates of the established point for the
first point. If the coordinates are unknown, accept the default
2. From the Backsight Setup screen, set the Occupy Point field to the
new point.
3. Toggle the %6 'LUHFWLRQ / %6 3RLQW button to %6 'LUHFWLRQ and
enter the azimuth to the observable reference here.
4. Tap 6ROYH , then &ORVH . If the Always Prompt for Backsight Check
option is checked in the Job | Settings | General screen, you will
be prompted to check your backsight.
If you later find true State Plane coordinates for any of the points in
your job, you can use the Translate routine to adjust all the
coordinates accordingly.

Scenario Four
You have only one known point on a job.

You can assume an azimuth for an arbitrary backsight reference and
rotate the job later using the Rotate routine once you have
determined the actual orientation.


Users Manual

In general, you would follow these steps when you begin working on a
1. Create a new job or open an existing job.
2. Fill in the Backsight Setup screen and tap

6ROYH , then &ORVH .

3. Start your survey.

Note: You should enter the correct Height of Instrument and Height of
Rod distances in the Backsight Setup screen if you plan to check your
backsight using the Check by Distance routine.

Note: If the Backsight Circle displays a non-zero value in the

Backsight Setup screen, the angle displayed is subtracted from all
horizontal angles that are entered during data collection and the
resulting points are adjusted accordingly. If you do not want this to
happen, you should change this value to zero from the Backsight
Circle dialog box by tapping the %DFNVLJKW &LUFOH button.
Most non-staking related data collection is performed from the
Traverse / Sideshot screen. When you take a shot using the 7UDYHUVH
button, the routine expects that you will eventually be occupying the
foresight that you are shooting while backsighting your current
occupy point. When you are ready to setup on the next point, the
occupy, foresight and backsight points will automatically be updated
After taking a shot using the 6LGH 6KRW button, the routine does not
expect the total station to be moved before the next shot and will
therefore only automatically advance the foresight point.



Data Collection Example

This section illustrates the necessary setup and usage of the Traverse
/ Side Shot screen, which is the primary screen used during data
collection. We will create a new job and manually add another point
to the job to use as a backsight. We will run in manual mode so the
shot data must be entered manually. This example, and the following
stakeout example are the only examples that are designed where the
user should follow along and enter the values in their Pocket PC as
they are provided in the example.

1. Create a new job.
a. From the Main Menu, select

)LOH , 2SHQ  1HZ .

b. Tap 1HZ to open the Create a New Job



Users Manual

Enter any job name that you wish in the Job

Name field and tap 1H[W ! .

d. For this example, simply accept the default job

settings and tap 1H[W ! .
Note: When creating a new job, it is important that the
Units for Distances field be set to the correct units. This
allows you to seamlessly switch between different units
in mid-job.
Problems can arise if these units are inadvertently set to
the incorrect units prior to entering new data. For
example, assume you created a control file by handentering a list of coordinates in a new job where the job
was set to Feet and the coordinates were in US Survey
Feet. Now assume you created another new job and
correctly set it to US Survey Feet. If you then selected the
previous job as a control file for the new job, the display
of all of the coordinates in the control file would be converted from
Feet to US Survey Feet.



Accept the default coordinates for the first job

point by tapping )LQLVK . You will return to the
Main Menu.

2. Check the Job Settings.

a. Tap -RE , 6HWWLQJV from the Main Menu to open
the Settings screen.
b. For this example, tap the Surveying card and uncheck all the checkboxes.


to save the job settings.


Users Manual
3. Add a backsight point to the job.
a. Select


from the Main Menu.

b. Tap ,QVHUW and

enter a new point
using the General and
Location cards with
the following values,
as shown:
Point Name: 2
Northing: 5050
Easting: 5050
Elevation: 100
Description: Backsight
and then tap .

4. Set up your backsight. In this example, we will

setup on Point 1 and backsight Point 2, which was
just created.
a. Access the



b. In the Occupy Point field, enter 1 as the point

Tip: You can also select an existing point from a map
view or from a list by using the
power button.

Enter an HI and HR of 5 feet each.

d. Toggle the %6 'LUHFWLRQ / %6 3RLQW button to

%6 3RLQW and enter 2 as the point name.


Leave the Fixed HR at Backsight field unchecked.

Confirm that the Backsight Circle value is zero. If it displays a
non-zero value, tap the &LUFOH button and set it to zero.

g. Tap 6ROYH . The Map screen will open
h. Tap


to continue.

Performing a Side Shot

5. Access the 6XUYH\ , 7UDYHUVH  6LGHVKRW screen and
fill in the appropriate fields. The backsight
information is displayed in the lower portion of the
a. In the Traverse / Sideshot screen, enter the
following data:
Foresight: 3
Description: SS
HR: 5
These values will define the point name,
description, and rod height for the next point
that is stored.
b. Tap 6LGH 6KRW and enter the following data from
the soft input panel (keypad):
Angle Right: 70
Zenith: 90
Slope Dist: 100
and then tap . The new point is computed and stored. The
Foresight point will automatically advance to the next
available point name and the information from the last shot is
displayed on the screen.

Users Manual

You can see a graphical representation of the

previous shot by tapping the Map tab. See Page
23 for more information on the Map View.

Performing a Traverse Shot

6. The steps involved in performing a traverse shot are nearly
identical to performing a side shot. The difference is you must
specify if you plan to occupy the current foresight point after the
shot is taken.
a. Tap the ,QSXW tab of the Traverse / Sideshot. The
Foresight point should now be updated to 4.
b. Assuming that you are now aiming the total
station at a prism located over the foresight
point, tap 7UDYHUVH .


Enter the following data:

Angle Right: 45
Zenith: 90
Slope Dist: 50 and then tap

The new point is computed and stored and the Traverse
Now or Later prompt will open asking if you want to
advance to the new point now or later. For this example,
tap the 7UDYHUVH 1RZ button.

The New Occupy Point dialog box will open, shown here,
which displays details of the new setup. You can see
that the previous foresight point is now the current
occupy point and the previous occupy point is now the
current backsight point.
Note: If you selected to traverse later, the traverse point
is still stored, but you would then have the opportunity
to shoot additional side shots before you advanced to the
next point. This is useful when you want to shoot the
traverse shot first before any settling occurs to the
tripod. In that situation, when you are ready to advance,
you would tap 7UDYHUVH again where you would then
answer to a prompt that asks if you are ready to advance
or re-shoot the traverse point. (If you select to re-shoot
the traverse point, the previous traverse point is still stored, but as a
side shot.)
d. Tap &ORVH . You will notice at the top of the Traverse
Sideshot screen that the occupy point has been updated to 4,
the backsight is updated to 1, and the foresight is updated to
5, which is the next available point name.


Users Manual
You have now created a job, checked the settings, setup a
backsight and collected data in the form of a side shot
and a traverse shot. If, at any time, you want to view
the coordinates of your points, you can do so from the
-RE , (GLW 3RLQWV screen.

Data Collection Summary

1. Open or create a job.
2. Check the job settings.
3. Setup a backsight.
4. Collect data in the form of traverse shots or side shots.



Stakeout Example
When setting up to perform stakeout, the requirements are nearly
the same as with data collection. You need an existing occupy point,
backsight point or direction, and a foresight. The main difference is
existing points are being located during stakeout rather than new
points being collected.
In the example below, all of the steps required to perform a simple
point-staking job are explained from the initial setup to the staking
itself. For consistency, this example assumes you are running TDS
COGO in manual mode so the shot data will need to be input from the
keypad. Since the software behaves differently in manual mode
compared to when using a total station, the differences are noted
where applicable.
For this example we will use the job that was created with the
Traverse / Side Shot example, above. When staking the first point,
we will take two shots to the prism to home-in on the design point.
When staking the second point, we will only take one shot combined
with the Store/Tape routine to store the stake point.


Users Manual

Set Up
1. Open the job that was created in the Traverse / Side Shot
example if it is not already the current job.
a. From the Main Menu, select
Open / New screen.

)LOH , 2SHQ  1HZ

to open the

b. Tap the file that was created earlier listed in the

Open Recent Job list and then tap 2SHQ . The
coordinates for that job are shown here.
2. Set the job settings. (Only the settings that affect
this example are covered here.)
a. Select


from the Main Menu.

b. Tap the Surveying tab and confirm that all of the

checkboxes are unchecked.


to save the job settings.

3. Setup your backsight. In this example, we will setup

on Point 1 and backsight an object where it is
assumed that the direction to that object is known.
a. Access the



b. In the Occupy Point field, enter 1 as the point


%6 'LUHFWLRQ / %6 3RLQW button to

%6 'LUHFWLRQ and enter 0 as the backsight

Toggle the

d. Enter an HI and HR of 5 feet.


Leave the Fixed HR at Backsight field unchecked.


Confirm that the Backsight Circle value is zero. If

it displays a non-zero value, tap the &LUFOH
button and set it to zero.

g. Tap 6ROYH . A map view will open that shows a

graphical representation of the occupy point and
backsight direction. Tap &ORVH to continue.


Staking Points
4. Stake the first design point (Point 2).
a. Access the 6WDNHRXW , 6WDNH 3RLQWV screen from
the Main Menu. The backsight information is
displayed near the bottom of the screen. At this
point, it is assumed that your total station is over
the occupy point and its horizontal angle was
zeroed while aiming toward the backsight.
b. Enter the following data in the Stake Points
Design point: 2
Increment: 1
Height of rod: 5 and tap 6ROYH ! .


The second Stake Points screen will open that

displays all of the information needed to locate
the design point. Theoretically, you would turn a
total station horizontally to 450000, vertically
to 900000 and send the rod man out about 70
feet before continuing. Tap the 6WDNH ! button
to continue.


Users Manual
d. With a Height of rod of 5, tap the 6KRW button.
(See the Reference Manual for an explanation of
the other fields.)

Enter the following shot data:

Angle Right: 45
Zenith: 90
to continue.
Slope Dist: 70 and then tap


The Stake Points screen will show the necessary

information that the rod man must move in order
to be located over the design point. In this
example, the Go RIGHT value indicates 0, which
means the rod is precisely on the line between
the total station and the design point. The BACK
value indicates 0.711, which indicates that the
rod must move back (away from the total station) 0.711 feet to
be over the design point. The Fill value is zero so no dirt needs
to be cut or filled at the rod location to match the design

g. Assuming the rod has been repositioned, take another shot by

tapping the 6KRW button and enter the following new shot
Angle Right: 45
Zenith Angle: 90
to continue.
Slope Dist: 70.8 and then tap
h. The rod must now move FORWARD by 0.089 feet
to be over the design point. We will assume that
this is close enough and will store the point from
this shot by tapping the 6WRUH button.


Enter the following point information:

Point Name: 5
Description: Staked and tap 6WRUH . This will
return you to the first Point Stake screen.

5. Stake the next design point.
a. We want to stake the next design point in the
project. We can do this by entering 3 in the
Design Point field and then pressing 6ROYH ! , or
we can simply tap 1H[W 3RLQW ! , which will
automatically advance the current design point
by the increment value and solve automatically.
Either method will send you to the second Stake
Points screen.
b. The information needed to locate the next design
point is displayed. Theoretically, you would now
turn a total station horizontally to 1150000,
vertically to 900000 and send the rod man out
about 100 feet before continuing. Tap the
6WDNH ! button to continue to the third screen.

Tap the 6KRW button and enter the following shot data:
Angle Right: 115
Zenith: 90
to continue.
Slope Dist: 99.8 and then tap
d. The rod man needs to move back by 0.2 feet to
be over the design point. Rather than take
another shot, we will instruct him to use a tape
and place a stake at that location. Tap the
6WRUH7DSH button to store the point.


Users Manual

Enter the following data in the Store Point (Tape

Offset) Dialog Box:
Point Name: 6
Description: Staked
Tape Out/Tape In (+/-): 0.2 and tap 6WRUH . This
will result in coordinates for the stored point that
are 0.2 feet further from the total station than
the last shot to the prism.

Note: Negative Tape Out/Tape In values are toward the

occupy point and positive values are away from the
occupy point.

Point Staking Summary

1. Open a job that contains the design points that you want to stake.
2. Check the job settings.
3. Setup a backsight.
4. Stake the points from the Stake Points screen.



Surveying with True Azimuths

Some people need to collect all of their horizontal angles in the form
of azimuths. TDS COGO can help automate this process by
computing the backsight azimuth after each new setup in a traverse
and updating the backsight circle and total stations horizontal angle
1. You can setup on any existing point and use any other point in
the job as a backsight if the coordinate system is properly aligned
with true north. If not, you can occupy any point as long you have
a known azimuth to any reference.
2. In the Surveying Settings screen ( -RE | 6XUYH\LQJ | 6HWWLQJV ),
confirm that the Survey with True Azimuths checkbox is checked.
3. Access the Backsight Setup screen; enter the Occupy Point, and
toggle the %6 'LUHFWLRQ / %6 3RLQW button to %6 'LUHFWLRQ .
Note: When backsighting on a point, selecting %6 'LUHFWLRQ can still
be used, as described next, making it easier to view the azimuth to
the backsight.
4. If backsighting a known azimuth, enter it in the BS Direction
field. If backsighting a point, use the shortcut method to enter
the azimuth from the occupy point to the backsight point in the
BS Direction field. For example, if you are occupying Point 1 and
backsighting Point 2, enter 1-2 in the BS Direction field. Once the
cursor leaves that field, the computed azimuth from Point 1 to
Point 2 will replace what you typed.
5. Tap the &LUFOH button, enter the backsight azimuth in the
Backsight Circle field and tap 6HW . This will set the Backsight
Circle value as the horizontal angle. This angle will then be
subtracted from the horizontal angle for subsequent shots.


Users Manual
6. Begin your survey. When you traverse to a new
point, the New Occupy Point dialog box will open
showing you the azimuth computed to the new
backsight point from the new occupy point.
Assuming you are setup over the new occupy point,
and aiming toward the new backsight point, press
the 6HW &LUFOH button to update the Backsight Circle
value. Repeat this step after setting up on each new
traverse point.


Screen Examples
This section describes how to use several of the routines in TDS
COGO. Each example outlines the procedure to use a particular
screen. The examples are written in a general way so the user can
use their own data to become familiar with the routine.

Import / Export Coordinates

The Import Coordinates routine allows you to add the coordinates
from any job to the current job.
The Export Coordinates routine allows you to export any coordinates
from the current job to a new job.
These routines provide full compatibility between older TDS file
Warning: Importing coordinates from any source other than a JOB
file requires that the distance units used in the source file be
specified. It is not necessary to specify the distance units when
importing coordinates from a JOB file since those units are written
within the file.
If importing coordinates where the distance units in the source file
are different than the distance units for the current job, the imported
coordinates will be converted to the current jobs distance units when
they are imported. This is normally the desired result, but it can
cause a problem if any distance units were set incorrectly. This
situation can most commonly occur when working with Feet and US
Survey Feet where the conversion from one to the other is not always
Usually the difference between Feet and US Survey Feet is negligible
(2 parts per million), but when dealing with State Plane or UTM
mapping plane coordinates, which are often very large in magnitude,
the difference can be substantial if the coordinates are converted from
one format to the other.
If importing coordinates from a source, such as an HP 48, where you

Users Manual
are not sure if the units are in Feet or US Survey Feet into a job that
is set to Feet or US Survey Feet, you will usually just want to import
them without any conversion being performed. To do this, be sure to
select the same distance units for the source file as those set for the
current job.

Importing *.JOB Coordinates

The steps below will add the coordinates from any existing job (CR5
or JOB) to the current job.
1. With the job open that you want to add points to, select

)LOH ,

2. In the Type field of the Import Coordinates screen, select Job Files
3. Tap the desired JOB file that you want to import and then tap

4. Select the layer where you want to place the imported coordinates
from the Choose Layer screen.

Importing *.CR5 Coordinates

The steps below will add the coordinates from any existing job (CR5
or JOB) to the current job.
1. With the job open that you want to add points to, select
)LOH , ,PSRUW &RRUGLQDWHV from the Main Menu.
2. In the Type field of the Import Coordinates screen, select
Coordinate Files (*.cr5).
3. Tap the desired CR5 file that you want to import and then tap

4. Select the layer where you want to place the imported coordinates
from the Choose Layer screen.


Screen Examples
5. The Import CR5 dialog box will open where you must
specify the distance used in the file being imported.
Select the correct distance and then tap . (See
warning above.)

If any of the point names in the source file match a point

name already in the current job, the Confirm Point
Replace dialog box, shown here, will open asking you
what you want to do. Make the desired choice to
If a duplicate point is encountered (duplicate name and
coordinates), it will be ignored.


Users Manual

Exporting Coordinates
The steps below will copy selected points from the current job to a
new job in a specified file format.
1. Select )LOH , ([SRUW &RRUGLQDWHV from the Main
Menu to open the Export Coordinates screen.
2. You can select the desired points to export using any
of the following buttons:

7DS 3RLQWV allows you to select points by

tapping them from a map view.

7R)URP allows you to specify a range of

points to export.

allows you to select all points; select all

control points; or select points by their

3. Select the radio button that corresponds with the file

format that you want to export.

([SRUW .
1H[W! .

If a JOB format file was selected, tap

If a CR5 format file was selected, tap

You must then
specify if you want to create a Sequential or Non-Sequential

Note: The HP 48 platform can only open sequential CR5 files.

If a TXT format file was selected, tap 1H[W! . This will lead
to two additional screens where the desired format of the text
file is configured. For an explanation of the available options,
refer to the Reference manual.

4. The Save As dialog box will open. Specify a file name for the new
file in the Name field and tap 6DYH . (The file extension is
automatically added for you.)


Screen Examples

The Resection screen allows you to occupy an unknown point and
compute its coordinates by shooting two to seven known points.
The accuracy of the computed occupy point depends on the following

The number of known points that are shot

The accuracy of the known points coordinates

The position of the known points relative to the total station

To better explain this last statement, when planning the location of

the total station and the known points that you will shoot, try to
avoid a situation where the horizontal angle turned between two
known points is either near 0 or near 180. Both of these scenarios
create large errors in the computed point when a small error is made
in measuring the horizontal angle. This is particularly true when
performing a two-point resection.

Performing a Resection
Setup the total station over the location where you want to compute
coordinates. Be sure that at least two known points are
in view from this location. (The known points must
already be stored in the current job.)
1. Tap


from the Main Menu.

2. Enter the occupy point name that you want to

compute in the Store Pt field.
3. Enter the number of known points that are in view
that you will shoot in the Total Resect Points to Shoot
field. You must shoot at least two and no more than
4. Enter the number of shots (forward and reverse) that
you want to take to each known point in the Shots
per Resect Point field.


Users Manual
5. In the Sequence field, specify if you want to perform Direct Only
shots to each known point or Direct and Reverse shots.
6. Tap 6ROYH after each field is correctly filled in. A
new screen will open where you can shoot a resection
7. Enter the name of the point that you plan to shoot in
the Resect Point field.
8. If you are shooting more than two resection points,
you have the option of taking Distance and Angle
measurements with each shot or Angle Only
measurements by making the appropriate selection
from the Option pull-down menu.
Note: The Angle Only option allows you to perform all
shots without the use of a prism, but the resulting
occupy point that is computed will not have an elevation
associated with it.
9. With this screen filled in correctly, aim toward the next resection
point and tap the 7DNH 6KRW button to shoot the specified
resection point.
10. Repeat Steps 7 through 10 until every resection
point is shot. After the final shot is completed, the
Save Point screen will open where you can specify a
description for the new point.
to return to the Resection screen. You can
11. Tap
tap the Results tab to view information about the
stored point or the Map tap to see a graphical
representation of the resection.


Screen Examples

The Intersection screen computes and optionally stores the
coordinates for the intersection of two lines that are tangent to
existing points.
Each line is independently defined by a known direction or a known
length. In the situation where there is more than one possible
solution, each solution is provided and optionally stored.
1. From the Main Menu, select


2. In the Point 1 field, enter the point name that is

tangent to the first line that intersects with the other
3. Toggle the first button to 'LVWDQFH or $]P RU %UJ ,
depending on if the first line intersects at a known
distance from Point 1, or at a known direction from
Point 1, respectively.
4. In the same way that you defined the first line,
define the second line tangent to Point 2 in the
Second Point section of the screen.
5. If you want to store the intersecting point(s) that are
computed from the routine, check the Store Points
checkbox and specify a point name in the same field.
If there is more than one solution, the additional
points will be stored with the next sequential point
6. Tap 6ROYH to compute the intersecting points. You
can view the points coordinates by tapping the
5HVXOWV tab and see a graphical representation of the
intersections by tapping the 0DS tab.
The map shown here illustrates a situation where two
intersections were computed from a line with a known
length tangent to Point 1 and a line with a known
direction tangent to Point 2.


Users Manual

Map Check
The Map Check screen is used to enter distance and direction
information from a map for straight and curved sections to compute
closure, and other information from the entered boundary.

Entering Boundary Data

Each straight and curved section of the boundary is entered using the
$GG /LQH and $GG $UF buttons in the order that the sections occur
on the map.

&RJR , 0DS &KHFN .

To add a straight section, tap the $GG /LQH button

1. From the Main Menu, tap


to open the Add/Edit Line screen.

3. Toggle the $]LPXWK / %HDULQJ button to the desired
setting and then enter the direction in that field.
4. Enter the length of the straight section in the Length
field and tap .
When you return to the Map Check screen, the straight
section is displayed in a map view in the right-hand
portion of the screen, along with any previously entered
1. To add a horizontal curve to the boundary, tap the
$GG $UF button
2. Describe the curve in the Add/Edit Curve screen.
3. Tap

when finished.

Each section is added to the end of the previous section until all the
sections are entered. When you are finished, you can view the details
of the entered boundary by tapping the 5HVXOWV tab. You can also
merge the entered data with the current project, described later.


Screen Examples

Editing Boundary Data

Any entered section can be modified if an error is discovered. To edit
a particular section, select the section from the left-hand portion of
the screen and tap the (GLW button. The details of the selected
section will open in the same editor that was used to create it. Simply
make the necessary changes and tap .

Adding Boundary Data to the Current

You can add the boundary data that was entered to your current
project. Points will then be created for the ends of each section that
was entered and the line for the boundary is stored as a polyline.
The polyline can be used in any routine that supports them such as
Inverse Point to Polyline, Edit Lines, Computer Area, etc.
1. To add the boundary data to the current project, tap
the $GG WR PDS button.
2. In the Description field, enter the desired name for
the polyline that will be stored.
3. Define the location of the beginning of the first
section that defines your boundary.

To specify a new location, tap the 8VH /RFDWLRQ!

button and enter the appropriate northing,
easting and elevation.

To specify an existing location, tap the 8VH

3RLQW! button, and enter the point name in the
same field. (Alternatively, you can tap the
button and then tap on a point from the map

4. Enter a name for the initial stored point in the Store points field.
Each new point that follows will automatically be stored with the
next available consecutive point name.


Users Manual

Predetermined Area
The Predetermined Area routine will take a boundary with one open
side and compute the location of a line that will enclose a boundary
with a specified area.
Two methods are available for computing a predetermined area, the
Hinge Method and the Parallel Method. Each method is explained

Hinge Method
The Hinge Method computes the location of a side of a boundary
that has one fixed point and a known direction. The fixed point
acts as a hinge where the computed side can pivot.
For example, assume you have three points that define an open
boundary and a known direction for one side. You can use the
Hinge Method to compute the location of the final side of the
boundary so that the entire boundary encloses a 7-acre lot. The
hinge point in this example is in the upper right corner of the
boundary. The computed boundary line will fall somewhere in the
gray area shown when the lot is equal to 7 acres.
1. Select


from the Main

2. Tap the first power button

and then select the Tap
Points option. Tap the points in the map view in
the order that they occur in the boundary where the
hinge point is tapped last.
3. Enter the direction of the left side of the boundary in
the last field. In this example, the azimuth is 0.
4. Check the Store Pt 1 checkbox and specify a point
number in the same field if you want the endpoint of
the computed line to be stored.
5. Enter the desired area (7 acres in this example) and
select the Hinge radio button.


4 (hinge)

Screen Examples
Note: The boundary can have as many points as you desire, but the
selected points must begin with the starting point of the fixed line
that the hinge line intersect with and end with the hinge point.
6. Tap 6ROYH . The final boundary side will be computed
and the data can be viewed by using the Results and
Map tabs. If you selected to store a point in Step 3,
the computed point will also be stored.

Parallel Method

Using the same lot as we used above, we will compute the location of
a line in a 1/3-acre boundary that is parallel to line 2-3 and intersects
with a line that runs north from Point 2 and Line 3-4 as shown here.


The Parallel Method computes the location of one side of a four-sided

boundary where the computed side is parallel to a stationary side of
the boundary.


Users Manual
1. Tap &RJR ,


from the Main

2. Enter the first point that defines one of the sides of

your three-sided boundary in the Point 1 field.
3. Define the direction of this side of the boundary that
will intersect with the endpoints of the computed
line. For this example, you would tap the second
power button
and select Choose From Map and
then tap Points 7 and 1.
4. Enter the second point that intersects with the other
side of the boundary in the Point 2 field and assign it
an azimuth of 0 in the field below.
5. If you want to store points where the computed line
intersects with the two sides, check each Store Pt box
and specify point names in the corresponding fields.
6. Define the area of the boundary in the next field (7 acres in this
example) and select the Parallel radio button.
7. Tap 6ROYH . The final boundary side will be computed
and the data can be viewed by using the Results and
Map tabs. If you selected to store points, the
computed points will also be stored.


Screen Examples

Horizontal Curve Layout

The Horizontal Curve Layout screen is useful to compute the
locations of any station along a horizontal curve using one of four
different methods. The values computed can be written down and
used to later stake those stations in the field.
1. Tap


from the Main Menu.

2. Select the method that you want to use to compute your curve
layout data in the Method field. Each method is described below.

PC Deflection



The PC Deflection method computes a chord

length from the PC to the current station and a
deflection angle between the PC-PI line and the




PI Deflection
Current P
I to






The PI Deflection method computes the distance

from the PI to the current station and the
deflection angle between the PI-PC line and the PI
to Station line.



Users Manual


Tangent Offset




Tan - TD



The Tangent Offset method computes a

perpendicular offset length (Tangent Offset)
from the PC-PI line to the current station
and the distance on the PC-PI line from the
PC to the Tangent Offset (Tangent






Chord Offset



rd Le


Chord Dist.

The Chord Offset method computes a

perpendicular offset length from the PC-PT
line to the current station (Chord Offset), the
distance on the PC-PT line from the PC to
the chord offset (Chord Distance), the
distance from the PC to the current station
(Chord Length) and the deflection angle from
the PC-PT line to the PC-Station line.

PC Deflection



Screen Examples
3. Define your horizontal curve by making the
appropriate selections from the first two buttons
and filling in the corresponding values.
4. Enter the station to be assigned to the PC in the
PC Station field.
5. Check the Interval box if you want to compute data
for stations at fixed intervals on the curve and
enter the distance between them in the same field.
6. Enter the station that you want to compute in the
Current Station field and tap 6ROYH .
7. Tap the 5HVXOWV tab to view the numerical
information for the location of the current station.
Tap the 0DS tab to view a graphic of the current
station on the curve.
8. Tap 6WDWLRQ  to advance the current station by the specified
station interval or tap 6WDWLRQ  to subtract the station interval
from the current station.


Users Manual

Parabolic Curve
The Parabolic Curve screen is useful to compute the locations of any
station along a vertical curve when two parts of the curve are already
known. The values computed can be written down and used to later
stake those stations in the field.
1. Tap


from the Main Menu.

2. In the Known field, select if the station and elevation

for the PVC or the PVI are known by selecting the
appropriate radio button. Also specify if the Curve
Length, Point on Curve, or High/Lo Elevation is known
from the dropdown list. (The remaining information
that must be entered will vary depending on the
choice made here.)
3. Fill in each field with the remaining information that
pertains to your parabolic curve and tap 6ROYH .
Note: The length of a parabolic curve is the horizontal
distance from the PVC to the PVT.
Note: The horizontal distance from the PVI to the PVC always equals
the horizontal distance from the PVI to the PVT


Screen Examples

Spiral Layout
A spiral curve is a special curve that has a specified radius at one
end, which gradually changes to an infinite radius at the other end.
It is commonly used as a transition between a straight section and a
circular curve.
The Spiral Layout screen is used to calculate the pertinent parts of a
circular curve after specifying the spiral curves radius and length.
1. Tap &XUYH ,
Main Menu.


from the

2. Enter the radius of the spiral

curve in the Curve field.
3. Enter the length of the spiral
curve in the Length field.
4. Tap 6ROYH . The details of the
specified spiral curve can be
viewed by tapping the Results
and Map tabs.


Users Manual

Scale Adjustment
The Scale routine will adjust the coordinates of selected points by a
specified scale factor relative to a base point. This is useful to repair
data that was collected where an incorrect scale factor was applied.

$GMXVW , 6FDOH from the Main Menu.

Use the 7DS 3RLQWV or 7R)URP button to specify

1. Tap

the points that you want to adjust.

3. Enter the name of the base point in the Base Point
4. Specify the scale factor to apply in the Scale Factor
5. If you also want to adjust the elevations of the
selected points, check the Include Elevation in
Adjustment checkbox.
6. Tap 6ROYH . The coordinates for the selected points
will be adjusted.
Note: If you choose to also scale elevations, the scale factor will be
applied to the difference in elevation between the base point and each
selected point. For example, if the base point elevation was 100 and
the elevation for a selected point was 150, applying a scale factor of
0.5 would result in an elevation of 125 for the selected point.


Screen Examples

Translate Adjustment
The Translate routine will move points horizontally and/or vertically
a specified distance and direction. This routine is often used after a
survey was performed in an assumed coordinate system. If the actual
coordinates for at least one of the points is found later, the Translate
routine can be used to shift all of the affected points to the correct
coordinate system and/or elevation.

$GMXVW , 7UDQVODWH from the Main Menu.

Use the 7DS 3RLQWV or 7R)URP button to select the points that

1. Tap

need to be adjusted.
3. Define the direction and distance for the adjustment using either
of the following two methods:

Translate by Distance and Direction

The Translate by Distance and Direction method simply requires that
you enter the distance and direction to adjust the selected points.

Leave the Translate by Coordinates checkbox


Toggle the $]LPXWK / %HDULQJ button to the

desired format and enter the direction to adjust
the selected points.

Enter the horizontal distance to adjust the

selected points in the Distance field.

Enter the elevation to adjust the selected points

in the Elevation field.

Tap 6ROYH . The selected points will be adjusted

by the direction and distance entered.


Users Manual

Translate by Coordinates
The Translate by Coordinates method requires that you define a
starting location and an ending location. The adjustment will then
move all of the selected points in the direction and distance as defined
between the starting and ending locations.

In the From area, enter the starting location by

tapping the 3RLQW / /RFDWLRQ button and
either specify an existing point name or enter

In the To area, define the ending location in the

same way as you did for the starting location.


Check the Translate by Coordinates checkbox.

Tap 6ROYH . The selected points will be adjusted

in the same direction and distance as between
the starting and ending location.

Screen Examples

Rotate Adjustment
The Rotate Adjustment routine will rotate selected points around a
specified rotation point.

$GMXVW , 5RWDWH from the Main Menu.

Use the 7DS 3RLQWV or 7R)URP button to select

1. Tap

the points that need to be rotated.

3. Enter the point that the selected points will rotate
around in the Pivot field.
4. Select a radio button for one of the following rotation

If you select Simple Angle, simply enter the

rotation angle in the appropriate field.

If you select Old and New Azimuths, enter an Old

Azimuth and New Azimuth in the appropriate
fields. (The rotation angle used is the computed
angle from the old azimuth to the new azimuth.)

5. Tap 6ROYH . The selected points will be rotated around the

rotation point by the specified angle.


Users Manual

Traverse Adjust
The Traverse Adjust wizard will perform an angle adjustment, a
compass rule adjustment, or both.

Angle Adjust
The Angle Adjust routine will compute the angular error
in a closed traverse from a known closing angle. It will
then distribute that error equally among all of the
internal angles so that the resulting sum of the angles
will equal (N-2)180 because the sum of the internal
angles of any closed polygon can be computed using this
formula, where N is the number of sides of the polygon.
After performing an angle adjustment, all of the points
except for the first two points will be adjusted. (The
azimuth of the first leg will remain constant.)
The closing angle provided is used to compute the
angular error. It is the angle as you occupy the closing
point, aim toward the second point and turn an angleright to the second-to-the-last traverse point (see
Note: An angle adjustment does not always adjust the closing
point to a location that is closer to the starting point.




Screen Examples

Compass Rule
The Compass Rule Adjustment will adjust either a closed or an open
traverse. When adjusting a closed traverse, the error between the
closing point and the initial point is computed and distributed among
each traverse point, except the initial point resulting in a perfect
closure. When adjusting an open traverse, the error between the
final points actual location and specified theoretical location is
computed and distributed among the traverse points in the same way
as with a closed traverse.
Typically the Angle Adjust option should also be selected to remove
the angular when performing a compass rule adjustment.

Adjust Elevations
The Adjust Elevations option only applies when performing a Compass
Rule adjustment. If this option is selected, the elevations for the
adjusted points will also be adjusted along with the horizontal
coordinates resulting in perfect closure vertically as well as
horizontally. If this is unchecked, the traverse will only be adjusted

Adjust Sideshots
The Adjust Sideshots option allows you to also adjust any side shots
that were stored while occupying any of the traverse points in the
selected traverse.
The side shots that will be adjusted are determined by the
information stored in the raw data. Because of this, the end user
cannot explicitly define which side shots to include or exclude from
the adjustment.
The side shots are adjusted by first computing the new locations of
the traverse points, which are the occupy and backsight points for the
side shots. The routine will then read the original angles and
distances recorded for each side shot and apply those measurements
to the adjusted locations of the appropriate traverse points.


Users Manual

Performing a Traverse Adjustment

$GMXVW , 7UDYHUVH $GMXVW from the Main Menu.
Use the 7DS 3RO\OLQHV or 7R)URP button to select

1. Tap

the polyline or points that define your traverse,

which should be in the same order that the traverse
points were collected.
3. Select the appropriate checkboxes to define the type
of adjustment(s) to perform and what will be
4. Tap 1H[W ! to continue to the next screen. The
screen that opens will depend on the selections made
from the main screen.

5. If an angle adjustment is being performed, the

screen shown here will open. Enter the closing angle
for the traverse in the form of an angle-right.
6. Tap 1H[W ! to open the next screen of the
adjustment wizard.


Screen Examples
7. If a Compass Rule
adjustment is being
performed, the screen
shown here will open.
Select Closed Traverse if
you are adjusting a
closed traverse or select
Close to Known Location
if you are adjusting an
open traverse and closing
to a known point or
location. A closing
location can be defined
by an existing point or
known coordinates by
toggling the 3RLQW /
/RFDWLRQ button accordingly.

Note: if closing to a known location and a closing location is

not specified, it is automatically assumed that the first point
of the traverse will be the closing location.
8. Tap 1H[W ! to open the final screen of the adjustment
wizard, which displays the changes that will be made by
the adjustment where they can be previewed before the
actual adjustment is applied.
The screen lists the adjustment details in three main
sections: the angle adjustment details; the compass rule
adjustment details, and the point details where the
before-and-after coordinates for each point are listed. An
example of the information provided in this screen is
shown here.
9. If you are satisfied with the changes that will be made by
the adjustment routine, tap $GMXVW to perform the


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