8 Biography On Clare
8 Biography On Clare
8 Biography On Clare
canonization. It is generally held to be the official text of her life commissioned by Alexander IV between the years 1255/56. There are a number of manuscripts in libraries throughout the world containing some form of this early work. Manuscripts of other legends of Saint Clare have been found are also included here, like the Legenda versificata that may have preceded Celanos work. Before delving into a list of works on the Legends of Saint Clare, there is a highly useful study on hagiography with special reference to Clare:
Iriarte, Lzaro, O.F.M.Cap. "Clara de Ass en la tipologa hagiogrfica femenina." Selecciones de Franciscanismo 59 (1991): 264-98; English: Greyfriars Review 2 (1989): 173-206.
Manuscripts on the Legends of St. Clare are followed by studies of each manuscript. Celanos Legend:
Bibliotca Angelicum (Rome). Ms. 2211. Vita de Santa Clara. Umbrian dialect. Acrocca, Felice. "I codici Romani della 'Legenda di Santa Chiara' in volgare." Collectanea Franciscana 63 (1993): 55-70. Mailleux, Georges, O.F.M. Corpus des sources franciscaines I, Thesaurus Celenensis, Vita prima, Legenda ad usum chori, Vita secunda, Tractatus de miraculis, Legenda sanctae Clarae virginis.-- Concordance, Index, Listes de frquence, Tables comparatives. Louvain: Publications des CETEDOC, 1974. Oliger, Livarius, O.F.M. "Le Leggende di S. Chiara e il loro Autore." Archivim Franciscanum Historicum 14 (1921). Joseph of Madrid. Vie de Sainte Claire. Trans. Dom S. P. of the Order of Chartreux. Paris: Oeuvre de Saint-Paul, [N.D. but after 1850.] Bibliotca Nazionale (Florence). Magliabechian Codex 699, "Vita S. Clarae Assisiensis." f.10r-69r. Battelli, Guido. Trans. La Leggenda di S. Chiara d'Assisi (Thomas of Celano). This text is taken from the Magliabechian codex. Giannini, 1919. Second edition, Milan: Vita e Pensiero 1952.
Bughetti, Benvenutus, O.F.M. "Codices duo Florentini Archivi Nationalis Ordinem Clarissarum spectantes." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 5 (1912): 573-80. [Description of the contents of the codex.] Cozza-Luzzi, G.. "Il Codice Magliabechiano della storia di S.Chiara [Magliabechian codex of the history of St. Clare.]." Bolletino della Societ Umbra di Storia Patria I (1985): 417-26. Bibliotca Riccardiana (Florence). Codex 3205, f. 135rv, 161v-162r, 162v- 163r. "Vita S. Clarae Assisiensis." This Legend is the same as that in the Magliabechian Codex.] Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 5 (1912): 159. Bibliothque de l'Ecole des Chartes, Ms. 132. Les Manuscrits de l'Ancienne Chartreuse des Mont-Dieu. Ed. Simone Collin-Roset, 1974: 5-73. Bibliotheque Municipale (Metz). Ms 254, f. 116v and following. [A translation of the legend attributed to Celano from the 15th. century. It begins with "S'ensuit la vie de madame sainte Clere. Une merveilleuse femme fur en la cit d'Assise...." 15th century.] Vorreux, Damien, O.F.M. Sainte Claire d'Assise: Documents. Paris: ditions Franciscains, 1983: 26. Bibliothque Municipale (Metz). Ms. 870. "Ici commence le vie de Madame saincte Clere.... [Lyon 1563.] La Vie et la Legende de Madame S. Claire. Trans. Franois DuPuis. A legend derived from an earlier source than that of the Pennachi edition. Goffin, Arnold, ed. La Vie et la Legende de Madame S. Claire par Frere Francois de Paris. Paris: Bloud, 1908. Balfour, Charlotte, trans. The Life and Legend of the Lady Clare. Intro. Fr. Cuthbert, O.S.F.C. London, New York: Longmans Green and Co., 1910. [English text of Ms. 870.] Bibliothque Municipale, Metz. Ms. 1438. Contains three texts, the third entitled "S. Clara, Francisci pia plantula, prout fuit a S. Francisco edocta." [15th century.] Schmitt, Clement, O.F.M. "Manuscrits de la Bibliothque Municipale de Metz." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 67 (1974): 471-555.
Bibliothque Nationale (Paris). Ms. 2095, ff. 1-28. A life of Saint Clare in prose adapted from Celano's Legend but without the addition of the section on the miracles. There is a miniature of St. Clare giving the Rule to a sister on folio 1. This Ms. was provided by the Poor Clares at Amiens. Another Ms. by the same hand, Ms. 2093, with a decorated miniature of St. Francis with the stigmata blessing St. Clare kneeling at his left side. Early 14th century.]
The Legenda Versificata The Legenda Versificata is a 13th Century source that cannot be overlooked. It is a verse form of the prose legend, but represents a different source, now considered to precede Celanos.
Sacro Convento (Assisi). Ms. codex 338, f. 84c-91d. Legenda versificata S. Clarae. [14th century.] Bughette, Benvenutus, O.F.M. Ed. "Legenda versificata S. Clarae Assisiensis (saec. XIII)." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 5 (1912):237-60; 459-81; 621-31.
British Museum, London. Cleop. B. II, c XIV-XV. Bibliotheca Nationale, Paris. 3809, c XV. Bibliotheca Nationale, Paris. 5278, c XIII. Bibl. Regia Bruxellensi, 1638-1649, c XV. Bibl. Classensi Ravennae, 133, c XIV. Bibl. Capituli Novariensis, 68, c XIII.
Michael Bihl found four other manuscripts:
Convent library of the Friars Minor, Brixinae, c. XIV. Bibl. Regia Monacensi, lat. 17578, c XV. Bibl. Regia Monacensi 18427, c XV. Bibl. Regia Monacensi 23412, c XIV.
Other texts and commentaries on the legenda versificata are in the following:
Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M. Cap. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. Revised Edition. St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993: 186-237; Clare of Assisi the Lady. Early Documents. New York: New City press, 2006: 197.
Loccatelli, Vincenzo, O.F.M. Ed. Legenda versificata, 1854. Sensi, F. Ed. "Leggenda Latina versificata del XIII intorno a S. Chiara d'Assisi."[vs. 1165.] Bollettino della societ Umbra di Storia Patria I. Perugia: 1895: 114-25.
Bibliotca Casanatense (Rome). Ms. d. VI, i, "Laudi Spirituali Mss." f. 63r-75r. [An Italian legend in 484? verses, discovered by Ernest Monaco in 1882: In Honore Sanctae Clare Virginis. A final inscription identifies it as the work of a Poor Clare. 15th century.] Oliger, Livarius, O.F.M. Ed. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 12 (1919): 120, #6 and n.5 (Brief reference). Humani, M. Castiglione. Una ignorata leggenda di santa Chiara. L'Osservatore Romano 5 , 1952: 3. Leggenda di S. Chiara verseggiata da antica rimatrice anonima." Edited: Ernesto Monaco. Serto di olezzanti fiori da giardini dell'antichit deposto sulla tomba della Clelia Vespignani. Tip. D'Ignazio Galeati e Figlio, 1882: 2-27 [The text of the Legenda verseggiata.]
Life of Saint Clare by Huolino Verini
Bibliotca Landau. Ms. Catalogue 64, f. 88v-117r. [Ugolino Verini's Vita.] Lazzeri, Zeffirino, O.F.M. "Un nuovo codice della `Vita di S. Chiare' di Ugolini Verino. Versi latini del medesimo su S. Francesco e S. Chiara." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 13 (1920): 273-86. [Text and commentary.] Library of Mr. St. John Hornsby (Chelsea, England). [Contains a legend of St. Clare by Ugolino Verini on ff. 1r-37r. This Vita di Sancta Chiara, based on Celano's legend, was written expressly for the Poor Clares at Sancta Novella in Florence. Prol.: Proemio della Vita di S. Chiara vergine, Reformatrice del sexo femmineo, composto per Vgolino Verino Florentino. Ale Monache de S. Chiara Nouella. The legend begins: "Desiderando, sacratissime vergine..." Ms. dated 1496.] Seton, Walter W., "The Italian Version of the Legend of Saint Clare by the Florentine Ugolino Verini." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 12 (1919): 595-9
[Includes two hymns by Verini.]; 10 (1917); 13 (1920): 273-86. [New Ms. found in London.] Vita di Santa Chiara vergine, Reformatrici del sexo femmineo composta per Ugolino Verino Cittadino Florentino, 1496. Reprinted from original Ms. English Intro. Walter Seton. Chelsea: Ashendine Press, 1921. Bibliothque Nationale, Paris. Ms. 2096, f. 1-20. [A life of Saint Clare beginning with the words "Une mervelleuse fame fu en le cit d'Asise, qui out not Clere...." This Ms. is much like those in Poitiers and Lyons. 14th century.] Vorreux, 27.
Life of Saint Clare by Jacques Voragine
British Museum. Ms. containing a life of Saint Clare composed by Jacques de Voragine (Jacques de Varazze, O.P.), around 1270. c 15th century. Legenda Aurea, III. Ed. Graesse. Leipzig, 1850. "Of the Lyf of Saint Clare." The Golden Legend. 1024-1048. Vorreux, 276-9. Collegiale Saint-Pierre (Lille). Ms 453, ff. 1-5. The lives of 150 saints. There is a similar version at Cambrai, Ms. 812, ff. 237-242. Lille Ms 452, ff. 406-410 contains a different reading. 15th century. Vorreux, 28. Library of the Friars Minor (Antwerp). Ms. Codex Ps 284. Flemish translation of Celano's Legend of St. Clare entitled "Legende der glorioser maghet sinte Clara." This is considered to have been the first vernacular translation of the legend. Jacques van Maerlant (1260-1280). 15th century. Legende der glorioser maghet sinte Clare. Schoutens, Etienne, ed. Malines: 1904. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 12 (1919): 121. " Jacob van Maerlanten het Leven van de H. Clara." Ed. J. Noterdaeme. Handelingen van het Genootschap voor Geschiedenis "Societe d'Emulation" te Brugge 95 (1958): 97-114. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 52 (1959): 494; Franciscaans Leven 42 (1959): 124.
Monastery of Poor Clares (Assisi). Mss. containing the Life of the glorious virgin St. Clare of Assisi by Mark Anthony Aluigi. 18th century. Il Protomonastero di S. Chiara in Assisi: Storia e cronaca 1253-1950. Fausta Casolini. Milan: Garzanti, 1950, xiii.
Life of Saint Clare by Nicholas Thalmentier
Monastery of Poor Clares, Poligny. Ms. A 4. Dated 1542. The life of Saint Clare by Fr. Nicholas Thalmentier. This Ms. is mentioned by Fr. Ubald d'Alenson in his introduction to Vies de sainte Colette. Paris, 1911: 24. Vorreux, 27.
Life of Saint Clare compiled by Battista Alfani, Poor Clare
General Archives of the Order of Friars Minor (Rome). Ms A/23. A versified legend in Italian, 63 strophes of 8 verses. The author is a religious from the monastery of Santa-Lucia di Foligno, possibly Girolama (Hieronyma, Battista) de Montefluce. 13th or 14th century. Picenum Seraphicum 1916 and 1917. Vorreux 26, 332 and footnotes 13 and 14. Monastery of Poor Clares (Monteluce). Codex 132. "La vita di Santa Chiara." [Comp. and trans. Battista Alfani de Perugia, a Poor Clare of Monteluce, in the 14th century, from all the known Mss. of that time. Formerly attributed to an anonymous
friar. Ms. dated 1523.]
Memoriale di Monteluce. Assisi: Porziuncula, 1983. [Contains mention of above text.] Christifani, Antonio. Leggenda di S. Chiara [According to a manuscript of Monteluce.] Assisi: 1872. Grau, Engelbert, O.F.M. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 75 (1982): 459. Lazzeri, Zeffirino, O.F.M. La vita di S. Chiara raccolta e tradotta da tutte le fonti conosciute e completata col testo inedito del Processo do canonizzazione per un
francescano toscano del Cinquecento. Quaracchi 1920. [The complete text of Battista's Vita with the unedited text of the process of canonization]
The following contain the text known as the Gaudia.
Bibliothek Nrnberg. Codex 7206, f. 17r. Latin version of a legend of 54 verses, each verse beginning with "Gaude. Bibliothek Nrnberg. Codex 14711, f. 2r-95r. [ Zu Sant Clarn in nurmberg gehort daz puch." Legend begins: Daz ist der brif der dem Padst wart gesant ber di legend der heiligen inkfrawen sand Claren.... The legend of Saint Clare with the Process of Canonization and poeMs in her honor. c 1380.] Oliger, Livarius, O.F.M. ed. "Gaudia S. Clarae Assisiensis seu Vita eius versificata." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 12 (1919): 110-31. Seton, Walter. ed. "A German Metrical Version of the Legend of St. Clare." Archivum Franciscanvum Historicum 11 (1918): 384-98. Vorreux, 26. Monastery of Poor Clares (Nurenburg). St. Klara Buch - 15th. cen. Meyer, Ruth. "Junckfraw - Muter - Helferin Das Bild der hl. Klara im 'St. Klara Buch" un seine Rezeption in 15 Jahrhundert." [Compiled around 1360-1380.] Collectanea Franciscana 62 (1992): 507-32. Royal Library of Bamberg. Codex 146 E. VII 19, ff. lv-138v. [Metrical version of the legend of St. Clare. Sr. Katherin Hofmenin, c. 1380.] Royal Library of Bamberg. Codex 147 E. VII 54, f. 160v-160v. Same metrical version of the Legend of St. Clare as above with some differences in wording. Sr. Katherin Hofmenin. 14th century. Royal Library of Dresden. Codex M. 281, ff. 1r-16r. Illuminated with miniatures throughout. Same metrical version as above. Katherin Hofmenin. 14th century. Dorsett, Felicity, O.S.F. Rejoice Clare! A Medieval Sequence Addressed to St. Clare of Assisi: Translation, Analysis and Metrical Paraphrase. A Thesis submitted for Graduate Studies, St. Bonaventure University, 2004.
Ms. containing a 16th century work on the Order of St. Clare that includes chapters on Clares conformity to Christ and to Mary.
Bibliotca Nazionale (Florence). Codex Magliabechiano 37, 256 and 38, 135 . Two copies containing the legend found in the Libro delle dignita et excellentie dell'ordine delle seraphica madre.... Marianus of Florence. 16th century. This Legend is a synthesis of many sources. Bibliotca Guarnacci (Volterra). Ms. codex 6146, v.56.4.1. [Contains the Libro delle dignita et excellentie dell' ordine delle seraphica Madre delle povere donne, sancta Chiara de Ascesi. Marianus of Florence. 16th century.] Bibliotca Vallicelliana. Ms. H. 19. [Contains the legend of the "Libro delle dignita et excellentie dell'Ordine delle seraphica madre...." Marianus of Florence. 16th century.] Provinciale delle Provincia die Frati Minori di Toscana (Florence). Ms. 336.1, f. 17, 16th century. Contains Libro delle dignit et excellentia dell'Ordine delle serafica Madre delle povere donne sancta Chiara da Asisi. Mariano da Firenze, O.F.M.. Mariano da Firenze. Libro delle dignit et excellentia dell'Ordine delle serafica Madre delle povere donne sancta Chiara da Asisi. Intro. Giovanni Boccali, O.F.M. Porziuncola S. Maria degli Angeli, 1986.
Hone, Mary Francis, O.S.C. Trans. Clares Conformity to Christ. Libro delle dignit et
excellentia dell'Ordine delle serafica Madre delle povere donne sancta Chiara da Asisi. Mariano da Firenze, O.F.M. Communion and Communication
Early imprints from 15th to 18th century; Writings on Saint Clare: Due to insufficient proof concerning authorship of the Legend you will note that it has been attributed both to St. Bonaventure and to Thomas of Celano.
Legenda della Gloriosa Uerzene Sancta Clare: Traducta de Latino in Puro et Simplice Vulgara. Loposta per le Angelico Doctore Theologo Sancto Bonauentura. Venice: (nela Cotrata de Sancto Cassiano), Simon de Luere, 1513. [This is basically the Legend attributed to Celano but from a source other than the Pennacchi edition. Also contains biographies of Poor Clares and commentary on the Order of St. Clare.]
Bonaventure (?) Legenda della Gloriosa Uerzene Sancta Clare: Traducta de Latino in Puro et Simplice Vulgara. Loposta per le Angelico Doctore Theologo Sancto Bonauentura. Venice: (nela Cotrata de Sancto Cassiano), Simon de Luere, 1513. [This is basically the Legend attributed to Celano but from a source other than the
Pennacchi edition. Also contains biographies of Poor Clares and commentary on the Order of St. Clare.] Forti, Giovani. Vita di Santa Chiara di Assisi contessa di Sasso Rosso, e fondatrice delle monache del suo Serafico Ordine. Printed in 1705. [This work is divided into three books. First, the life and testament of Saint Clare; The second, her virtues and miracles; The third, a commendation of the Order, accounts of members, Pope Gregory devotion to her, Clare's love of poverty and her apparition to Saint Teresa.] Giuseppi of Madrid. Vita mirabile della serafica Madre Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Lucca, 1727; Rome, 1832. Harvard de la Montagne. Sainte Claire d'Assise, sa vie et ses miracles. Paris: Perrin, 1917; 1931. Jacobilli, Ludovico. Vita dei Santi e Beati dell'Umbria e di quelli i corpi dei quali riposano in essa provincia. Foligno: Alteri, vol. 1, 1647; vol. 2, 1656. [Hortolana's death, Jan. 2, 1253.] Mark of Lisbon. Croniche de' Frati Minori. Trans. Sig. H. Diola. Venice: Gioliti, 1589. English: "The Eighth Booke of the Chronicles of the Frier Minors Wherein is Described the Life of the Glorious Virgin S. Clare." The Chronicle and Institution of the Order of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis. Trans. John Heigham. St. Omers: William Cape & Christopher Davenport, 1618. Reprinted: English Recussant Literature Series 357, London: Scolar press, 1977. D'Altari, Mariano, O.F.M.Cap. "L'immagine de Chiara d'Assisi nelle Chroniche di Marco da Lisbona." Collectanea Franciscana 62 (1992): 533-46. Mamiani, Giovanni Battista, Abate. La Vita di Santa Chiara, Idilio Sacro.... Urbino: Mazzantini, 1628. Valerio of Venice. Vita della gloriosa santa Chiara vergine di Assisi, composta da S. Bonaventurea cardinale e da altri autori, con le vite delle beate monache della sua santa regola... con un diologo nel fine di tutto quello che hanno da sapere et osservare le novizie.... Venice: Fioravante Pranti, 1606, 1910. Wadding, Luke, O.F.M. Annales Minorum 1625-1654. Vol. VIII. Reprinted: Quaracchi 1932. [Contains chronological accounts of Clare and her Order through the centuries.]
---. Wadding, Luke, O.F.M. The History of the Angelicall Virgin Glorious S. Clare, Matchless Pattern of Religious Discipline and Foundress of the Poore Dames Vulgarly Styled the Poore Clares. Comp. Francis Hendricq. Trans. Sr. Magdalen Augustine of Aire, 1635. Reprinted: English Recussant Literature Series 144. London: Scolar Press, 1975. [The work of Francis Hendricq who drew from the text of Luke Wadding.] Modernized version: The History of the Glorious Virgin Saint Clare. Celsus O'Brien, O.F.M. Galway: Connacht Tribune, 1992.
Some early imprints are listed in Bibliotheca Universa Franciscana. Compileb by Joanne a S. Antonio, 1732:
Gabriel Matha. Vitas SS. Clarae, Antonii Patavini, Bonaventura, Ludovici Episcopi, Bernardini Senensis, ac Didaci. Maria Salent. Vitam S. Clarae. Joseph a Matrito. Vita S. Clarae. Valerius Venetius. Vitam S. Clarae.
Texts of the Legend of Saint Clare Numerous ancient manuscripts of the Legend still in existence were collected and edited by Francesco Pennachi. From manuscripts dated from the first half of the fourteenth century, he concluded that codex 338 in the Bibliotheca Communale in Assisi (now the Sacro Convento) was a faithful example of the possibly oldest Legend. This text is known as the Pennachi Legend and has been widely used since that time. In the following list authors who used the Pennachi legend, or other versions of the basic Legend, are listed:
Acta Sanctorum, II, August (1867): 754-67. Apollonio, Ferdinando. Leggenda di S. Chiara. San Bonaventura. Venice: Tip L. Merlo Fu G.B., 1875. Armstrong, Regis J., O.F.M. Cap. Clare of Assisi: Early Documents. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. Revised: St. Bonaventure, New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993. Aschmann, Mary Francis, P.C.C. "Clare of Assisi: Saint for Now." The Cord 3 (1953): 229-35. Bollandists. "De Sancta Clarae Virginis." Acta Sanctorum II. August II, 1869: 739-768. [A text of the Legenda based upon three versions.] Bonaventura da Sorrento, O.F.M. Cap. La gloriosa S.Chiara d'Assisi Napoli Sorrento, 1894. Bonaventure, St., O. Min. Leggenda di S. Chiara d'Assisi; volgarizzamento di Don Ferdinando Apollonio. Venice: Merlo, 1875. Bracaloni, Leone. Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Milan: Societa editrice "Vita e pensiero," [1928]. Brady, Ignatius C., O.F.M. Intro., trans., and ed. The Legend and Writings of Saint Clare of Assisi. New York: St. Bonaventure University, The Franciscan Institute, 1953. Casolini, Fausta. Trans. La Leggenda di Santa Chiara vergine. Thomas of Celano.Assisi: Protomonastero, 1953. [Latin and Italian.] ___. Trans. Vita di S. Chiara vergine d'Assisi. Thomas of Celano. Assisi: Edizione Porziuncula, S. Maria degli Angeli, 1962. Third edition 1977. Celano, Thomas of, O. Min. Leggenda di S. Chiara d'Assisi. Florence: Giannini, 1919; 1922.
Cozza-Luzzi, G. Chiara d'Assisi secondo alcune nuove recenti scoperte e documenti. Rome: Tip Sociale, 1895. Christifani, Antonio, ed. Leggenda di Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Assisi, 1872; Milan 1909. De Cherance, Leopold, O.S.F.C. St. Clare of Assisi. London: Washbourne, 1910. [Clare allowed John Parente to nominate new Abbess at Rheims in 1230. 88-90] ___. Sainte Claire d'Assise. Paris: Poussielgue, 1901; 1911; Librairie S. Franois. 1932. Demore, Franois, O.F.M. Vie de Sainte Claire d'Assise. Paris 1870. Grau, Engelbert, O.F.M. Liben and Schriften der heiligen Klara von Assisi. Einfuhrung, Ubersetzung, Erlauterungen. Franziskanische Quellenschriften, 2. WerlWestfalia: Dietrich Coelde-Verlag, 1952. ___. Leben und Scriften Henrion, Albina. Visioni di Assisi. Sorella Chiara la primogenita del Poverello.... Turin: Soc. Edit. Internazionale, 1925. Hoonhout, P. Het Latijn van Thomas van Celano. Amsterdam: 1947. Lainati, Chiara Augusta, O.S.C. "Pennacchi e santa Chiara." Francesco Pennacchi, 23-33. Loccatelli Paoluci, Tommaso. Vita breve di S. Chiara d'Assisi vergine e fondatrice dell'Ordine delle Clarisse. Assisi: Dom. Sensi tipografo, 1882. Loccatelli, Vincenzo, O.F.M. Vita di Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Assisi: D'el editrice tipografia Sgariglia, 1854; Napoli: Andrea Festo, 1855. [Contains funeral and burial rites; Church and tomb erected in her honor; letters to Abbesses on occasion of the translation of the body of St. Clare. The author adds a sister, Penenda, and a brother, Bosone, to Clare's family. Includes Prayer to Five Wounds.] Mailleux, Georges. Legenda S. Clarae Virginis. Corpus des Sources Franciscaines. Louvain, 1974. Mauclair, Camille. La vie de Sainte Claire d'Assise d'apres les anciens textes. Paris: l'Edition d'Art, H. Piazza, 1924. Spanish: "Vida de Santa Clara de Ass, segn los antiguos textos." Trans. Raul Ravanal. Padre Las Casas, Imp.. San Francisco, 1955. Misciattelli, Piero. Chiara d'Assisi. 1882; Rome: Forzani, 1905.
Omaechevarria, Ignacio, O.F.M. Escritos de Santa Clare y Documentos Complementarios. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Christianos, 1982. [Spanish and Latin.] Pennachi, Francesco, O.F.M. "Legenda Sanctae Clarae Virginis, taken from MS 338 of the Bibliotheque Communale of Assisi." Assisi: Metatasio 1910; Fonti Francescane. Padova: Messaggero do S. Antonio, 1982: 2389-446. Robinson, Paschal, O.F.M. St. Clare of Assisi. The Life of Saint Clare ascribed to Thomas of Celano of the Order of Friars Minor. Philadelphia: Dolphin Press, 1910. Serra de Manresa, V., O.F.M. Cap. "Nota critico-bibliografica:a proposit de la promera versio catalana de la 'Legenda Sanctae Clarae." [A critical bibliographical note: apropos of the first version in catalan of the Legend of Saint Clare.] Estudios Franciscanos 93 (1992): 335-41. Seton, Walter J. Vita di Santa Chiara Virgine. Chelsea 1921. Ubuzima bwa Klara Mutagatifu uko bwanditswe ahagana mu w'1256 na Fr. Thomas de Celano. [Vita S. Clarae, in the idiom of Kinyarwanda of the Ruanda region by Mbonyintege Smaragde]. Kigali: Monastery of St. Clare, 1985. van Aarle-Rixtel, Theophilus, O.F.M.Cap. Trans. "Legende van de H. Maagd Clara. (Thomas of Celano)." Franciscaans Leven 22 (1939): 3-6, 97-102, 129-34, 161-5, 1936, 225-7, 257-61, 289-97. Vorreux, Damien, O.F.M. Trans., intro. and notes. Sainte Claire d'Assise. Sa vie par Thomas de Celano. Ses ecrits. Paris: Editions Franciscaines, 1953; 1969. ___. Sainte Claire d Assise: Documents : Bibliographie, Ecrits, Proces et Bulle de Canonisation, Textes de Chroniqueurs, Textes Legislatifs et Tables. Paris: Editions Franciscaines, 1983. A miracle of Saint Clare that has been omitted in the Legend is brought to our attention in the following study. Bughetti, Benvenutus, O.F.M. "Miraculum S. Clarae adhuc viventis, in eius Legenda praetermissum." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 5 (1912): 383-4.
THE MINOR LEGENDS The Three Minor Legends of Saint Clare The legends known as the three minor legends consist of short readings originally written to be used as refectory readings or readings for the liturgical Offices for the feast of Saint Clare. The first is on the life and virtues of Clare; the second, the translation of her body and canonization; the third, nine lessons used in the office. Text and Commentary:
Bihl, Michael, O.F.M. "Documenta: Tres Legendae Minores Sanctae Clarae Assisiensis (Saec. XIII)." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 7 (1914): 32-54.
Ancelet-Hustache, Jeanne. Sainte Claire d'Assisi. Illus. Serge Zagli. Nos Amis les Saints. Lyon: Eise Editions et imprimeries du Sud-Est, 1953. Baggio, Hugo D., O.F.M. "Clara de Assis, a plantinha de Sao Francisco." Perfis franciscanos, 5. Petropolis, R.J.: Editora Vozes, 1958.
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Bracaloni, Leone, O.F.M. Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Profili di santi. Vita e Pensiero, Milan 1928; Second Edition. Opera della Regalita N.S.G.C., Soc. Editr. Vita e Pensiero, Milan 1949. Brooke, Rosalind B., and Christopher N.L. Brooke. "St. Clare." Medieval Women. Ed. Derek Baker. Oxford: Studies in Church History, subsidia 1. Basil Blackwell, 1978. Caldecott, Stratford. "St. Clare." The Cord 37 (1987). Casolini, Fausta. Speculam sine turbine clarum S. Chiara d'Assisi. Milan: 1927. Chiara d'Assisi, rilucente specchio. Assisi: Edizione Cenacolo Francescano di S. Antonio, 1953. Third edition, revised and expanded, 1954. Cassian of Stanley, O.F.M.Cap. "Saint Clare." Franciscan Annals 76 (1953): 198-204. Chevalier, U. Rpertoire des sources historiques du Moyen-Age. Paris: 1905. [Contains bibliography on the word Clare.] Christina, Sister, O.S.C. "Some Reflections on the Personality of St. Clare." Trans. Patrick Colbourne, O.F.M.Cap. Greyfriars Review 2 (1988): 57-62. [This article is a transcript of a Talk given to post-graduate students of the Antonianum Pontifical University, Rome 28 October 1986.] Clara de Ass, Santa. Assisi: Edizioni Porziuncola, [1983]. Clare of Assisi: Modern as Today. Spokane, WA: Poor Clares, 1957. Clare of Assisi, Saint. A Short Life. Quilon: Assisi Press, 1953. Cuthbert, R.P., O.F.M. Cap. "St. Clare of Assisi." The Catholic World 94 (1912): 721-31; 95 (1912): 30-40, 212-20, 338-50. Daniel-Rops [Petiot Henri J. Ch.]. Claire dans la clart. Ed. F.-X. Le Roux. Paris: Strasbourg, 1953; Montreal: Bibliotheque Ecclesia, A. Fayard, 1962. ___. The Call of Saint Clare. Trans. Salvator Attanasio. New York: Hawthorne Books, [1963.] DeRobeck, Nesta. St. Clare of Assisi. Compilation. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., [195]; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1988.
De Vas, Domingo. La dulce hermana Santa Clara. Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas, 1954. Devas, Dominic, O.F.M. Saint Clare of Assisi. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1977. [Booklet reprinted.] Devine, Ann. "From Out of the Shadows: Towards a Modern Biography of St. Clare." The Cord 2 (1994): 47-56. Dhont, Ren-Charles, O.F.M. Claire parmi ses soeurs. Pax et veritas,10. Paris: Apostolat des Editions - Editions Paulines, [1973]. English: Clare Among Her Sisters. Trans. Poor Clares, Mission City, B.C.. St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Franciscan Institute, 1987. ___. Chiara, madre e sorella. Milan: Edizione Biblioteca Francescana, 1973; [1980]. Du Saguenay, Jean, O.F.M. Cap. " Sainte Claire d'Assise, fondatrice des Clarisses (11941253)." Messager S. Antoine (1947): 217-23. Elenjimittam, Anthony. "Virgin Daughter of Francis." Saint Francis of Assisi. Bombay: Aquinas Publications, 1963: 73-82. Elsheiklt, Mahumoud Salem. "Garzo a Santa Chiara." Studi di Filol.Ital 32 (1974): 5-29. Ernest, Br.[John D. Ryan]. A Story of Saint Clare. Photography Carolyn Lee Jagodits. Notre Dame, IN: Duharie Press, 1957. Fabbretti, Nazareno. Chiara. Milan: Biblioteca Francescana, 1979. ___. "La donna Chiara." Studi e cronaca del VII Centenario. Assisi: Comitato Centrale per il VII Centenario Morte S. Chiara, 1954. Farnum, Mabel Adelaide. St. Clare Patroness of Television. New York: Society of St. Paul, 1958; Wisconsin: Franciscan Publishers, 1961. Fasbinder, Maria. Die heilige Klara von Assisi. Freiburg 1934. ___. "Untersuchungen ber die Quellen zum Leben der hl. Klara von Assisi." Franziskanische Studien 23 (1936): 296-335. ___. De Heilige Clara van Assisi. Uit het Duits vertaald door Henricus van Egmont, O.F.M.Conv. Mechelen: St-Franciscus-Drukkerij, 1953.
Fiege, Marianus, O.F.M. The Princess of Poverty. Compiled Evansville, IN: Monastery of Saint Clare, 1909; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1989; The Newman Press, 1991. Flannery, Melissa C. Clare's Choice. A Story about Clare of Assisi. Minneapolis: Winston Press, 1979. Flinders, Carol Lee. "St. Clare of Assisi." Enduring Grace: Living Portraits of Seven Women Mystics. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1993. Fortini, Arnaldo. "St. Clare, Lady of Light." Saint Francis of Assisi." New York: Crossroads, 1981. 327-66. Franceschini, Ezio, O.F.M. "Storia e leggenda nella vita di S. Chiara." Vita e pensiero 36 (1953): 394-404; Forma Sororum 14 (1977): 89-99; 125-138. ___. "Biografie di S. Chiara." Santa Chiara d'Assisi: Studi e cronaca del VII Centenario (1253 -1953). Assisi: Comitato Centrale per il VII Centenario Morte S. Chiara, [1954]. 263-74; Aevum 27 (1953): 455-64. Frances Teresa, O.S.C. This Living Mirror: Reflections on Clare of Assisi. New York: Orbis Books, 1995. The Francis Book. Ed. Roy Gasnick, O.F.M. New York: Collier Books, Macmillan, 1980. [Articles on Clare by Murray Bodo, Raymond Brown, Joan Mowat Erikson, Phyllis McGinley, Mary Seraphim, P.C.P.A.] Ghon, Henri. Sainte Claire d'Assise. Profils Franciscains. Paris: Editions Franciscaines, 1944. Giuseppi of Madrid. Vita della Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Scalzi 1832. [Contains picture of Francis and Clare near Christ child in crib who holds instruments of the passion.] Gilliat-Smith, Ernest. Saint Clare of Assisi: Her Life and Legislation. London: Mills & Boon, 1912; New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1914; London and Toronto: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1914. Godet-Calogeras, Jean-Franois. Out of the Shadows: Clare and Franciscan Women. Chicago, Il: Haversack, 1994. ---. Clare of Assisi: A Woman's Life. Chicago, Il: Haversack, 1992.
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Iriarte, L., O.F.M. "Clara de Ass en la tipologa femenina." Laurentianum 29 (1988):41661. Karper, Karen, P.C.P.A. "Clare of Assisi: Spiritual Friend." Review for Religious 48 (1989): 751-9. Lainati, Chiara Augusta, O.S.C.. Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Cenni biografici di santa Agnese d'Assisi e lettere di S. Chiara alla b. Agnese di Praga. Assisi: Protomonastero S. Chiara, [1969]; 1980. English: St. Clare of Assisi. Trans. Sr. Jane Frances, P.C.C., Porziuncola Press, 1994. ___. "Perch santa Chiara tra le fonti francescane?" Fonti Francescane. Assisi: Edizioni messaggero Padova, 1977: 2215-40. ___. "Una `lettura'di Chiara d'Assisi attraverso le fonti." Approccio storico-critico alle Fonti Francescane. Rome: Antonianum, 1979: 155-77. ___. "Le fonte riquardanti il Secondo Ordine Francescano delle Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara." Forma Sororum 23 (1986): 131-45. ___. Sainte Claire d'Assisi. Paris: Editions Franciscanies, 1990. ---. "St. Clare of Assisi: A Beautiful Woman." Greyfriars Review 2 (1993): 151-66. Longpr, phrem, O.F.M. "Sainte Claire of Assisi (1194-1253)" Catholicisme II [Encyclopedia.] Paris: Letouzey, 1950: 1160-4; tudes franciscain II (1953): 6-21. Lord, Bob and Penny. "St. Clare of Assisi: Sister Moon to Francis' Brother Sun." Saints and Other Powerful Women in the Church. (P ublisher ?) 15-44. Marie-Aime du Christ, O.S.C. Regards sur Claire d'Assisi. Editions du Signe, 1991. Marie-Colette, O.S.C. Clare, An Image of God. Franciscan Digest 3, 2 (1993): 1-28. Mary Seraphim, P.C.P.A. Clare: Her Light and Her Song. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1984. Mary St. Paul, P.C.C. Clothed With Gladness. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2000.
McKelvie, Roberta and Helen Budzik. A Guidebook for Clare of Assisi. Quincy, Ill:
Franciscan Press, 1993.
Melnick, Robert, and Joseph Wood, O.FM. Conv. Clare of Assisi: Love's Reflection In the Window. Libertyville, Illinois: Marytown Press, 1995. Miller, Ramona, O.S.F. In the Footsteps of Saint Clare: A Pilgrims Guide. New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1993. Mirti, Piero. Santa Chiara nel racconto delle prime sorelle. Illus. Eugenio Dragutescu. Assisi: Edizione Portiuncola, 1982. Murphy, Joan, O.S.C. "Clare: Faithful Follower of Francis."Franciscan Institute of Asia Contact 3 (1984): 4-7. Nugent, Madeline Pecora, SFO. Clare and her Sisters: Lovers of the Poor Christ. Boston: Pauline Books and Media, 2003. O'Brien, Celsus, O.F.M. Saint Clare of Assisi. Cork: ICON Communications Ltd., 1992. [Pamphlet.] O'Brien, Isidore, O.F.M. "The Lady Clare." The Catholic World 160 (1944): 215-24. Oliger, Livarius, O.F.M. "Chiara d'Assisi, sanjta." Encyclopedia Cattolica III. Vatican City, 1950. 1419. ___. "Le Leggende di S. Chiara e il loro Autore." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 14 (1921): 294-394. Opus Dei 4 (1964). (Issue on Saint Clare of Assisi). Peters, Caroline. The Story of Saint Clare. [Juvenile level.] Illus. Carol Young. Paterson, N.J.: St. Anthony Guild, 1965. Peterson, Ingrid, O.S.F. Clare of Assisi: A Biographical History. Quincy, Ill: Franciscan Press, 1993. Poor Clare of Remmes. L'Ame de sainte Claire d'Assise. La petite Plante de saint Franois. Intro. Victor Legard, O.F.M. Rennes: Monastere Saint-Claire, 1947; English: The Soul of St. Clare of Assisi: The Little Plant of St. Francis. Rennes: ditions Franciscaines Saint-Yves, 1948.
Poor Clare Colettine. St. Clare of Assisi. A memorial of her life and a commentary on her virtues. Dublin: Clonmore & Reynolds; London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1957. [Pamphlet.] Ricard, Antonine. S. Claire d'Assisi. Lille: Desclee, de Brower & Co., 1895. [Frontspiece of Clare with open mantle; points of history; Chalice and Patten and bell used at San Damiano; prints of Hortulana, Agnes of Prague, Clare with staff. Prints by Adrien Collaert, 1609.] Robinson, Paschal, O.F.M. "The Story of St. Clare." Ecclesiastical World 43 (1910): 15362. ___. "St. Clare of Assisi." Franciscan Essays. Edited by A.G. Little. Aberdeen: University Press, 1912. Rolt-Wheeler, Ethel. "St. Clare." Women of the Cell and Cloister. Milwaukee: The Young Churchmen Co., N.D. Sabatier, Paul. "Santa Clara." St. Francis of Assisi. Translated Louise Seymour Houghton. N.Y.: Charles Saibner's Sons, 1894: 147-67. "St. Clare Patroness of T.V." L'Osservatore Romano April 26, 1957, 3-4. Salusbury, E. The Saints of Assisi: Francis and Clare, with Juniper, Giles, Friars Minor. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1926: 129-90. Schmuchi, Octaviano, O.F.M. S. Francesco e S. Chiara modelli nelle loro infirmit e nell'assistenza ai malati. Florence: Segretariato Nazionale degli Ospedalieri cappuccini, 1981. Schneider, Christine Therese, S.S.J.-T.O.S.F. Chiara Suffering Woman. 1993. [Registered with Library of Congress for reproduction for the use of Blind or Physically Handicapped Individuals.] Steffan, Jack. [Steffan Alice Jacqueline (Kennedy)]. The Bright Thread. A Novel of St. Clare of Assisi. New York: J. Day Co., The daughters of Valor Series, [1962]. Thom, Frances Ann, O.S.C. "A Light Still Glows in the Garden." The Cord 30 (1980) Trivio, M. Victoria, O.S.C. "Clara de Ass." Revista de Espritualidad 52 (1993): 419-43.
Turpin, Joanne. "The 13th Century: Clare of Assisi." Twenty Stories for Twenty Centuries. Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1990. [See also "Soulmate To Francis." Catholic Digest, October 1990, 53-7. Condensed from above.] van Asseldonk, Optatus, O.F.M. "Santa Chiara d'Assisi nei suoi scritti e nelle biographie. Aspetti meno conosciuti di S. Chiara." La Lettera e lo spirito. 2 vols. Rome: Editrice Laurentianum, 1985. 217-27. "Vie de Sainte Claire." Acta Sanctorum. (Bollandists). Vol. 2, August 1869. Vittoria, Maria. Chiara d'Assisi. Padua: Ed. Messaggero, 1990. Wedge, Florence. Woman of One Idea. Life of St. Clare. Pulaski, Wis.: The Franciscan Printery, 1956. Zavalloni, Roberto, O.F.M. La personalit di Chiara d'Assisi. Studio psicologico. Assisi: Ed. Porziuncola, 1993. Chronology on the Life of Saint Clare Bodo, Maurray, O.F.M. Clare: A Light in the Garden. Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1979: xi-xii. Brady, Ignatius C., O.F.M. The legend and Writings of Saint Clare of Assisi. New York: The Franciscan Institute, 1953: 154-6. Cresi, Dominico, O.F.M. "Chronologia di S. Chiara." Studi Franciscani 25 (1953): 260-7. Englebert, Omer, O.F.M. Saint Francis of Assisi. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1965: Ch. 8; appendix II, 382-4; appendix VI, 423-24. Grau, Engelbert, O.F.M. Leben und Schriften der Heiligen Klara von Assisi. Werl, 1952: 163-4. Hardick, Lothar,O.F.M. "Zur Chronologie im Leben dr hl. Klara." Franziskanische Studien 35 (1953): 174-210. Marie de la Passion. J'ai connu Madame Sainte Claire. [Contains the chronology from Grau's work.] McKelvie, Roberta and Helen Budzik. A Guidebook for Clare of Assisi. Quincy, Ill:
Franciscan Press, 1993: 1-4.
Omaechevarria, Ignatio, O.F.M. Escritos de Santa Clara y Documentos Complementarios. Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1982. 16-19. Roggero, Catherine A. Christological Images in the Mysticism of Saint Clare of Assisi. A thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California, June 1984: vi-ix. [Chronology is basically the English translation of the work of L. Hardick.] Rotzetter, Anton, O.F.M. Clara van Assisi. De eerste franciscaanse vrouw. Haarlem: J.H.Gottmer, 1993. Vorreux, Damien, O.F.M. "Chronologie de Sainte Claire." Sainte Claire d'Assise: Documents. Paris: ditions Franciscaines, 1983: 11-15.