Synchrotact 5 Series

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Synchronizing and Paralleling

Equipment and Systems for
Synchronous Machines and Networks

SYNCHROTACT ® 5 is the fifth generation of synchronizing in substations to parallel two synchronous lines. Power
equipment produced by ABB. SYNCHROTACT products circuit breakers can only be closed if voltage at both ends
are used for automatic synchronization of generators is synchronous. Otherwise it will cause a disturbance in the
with power lines and for paralleling of synchronous lines. power network, trip the breaker, shock the generator and
They are designed for fully automatic operation by dual- unit transformer. In extreme cases, it can damage both.
channel or single-channel systems.
SYNCHROTACT 5 guarantees a safe and reliable
Synchronizing equipment is used in power stations where synchronization as a monitoring element for manual paralleling
a generator needs to be paralleled with a power line or or as an independent fully-automatic synchronizing unit.

Application areas are illustrated with below schemes:

Fig. 1. Automatic synchronization and Fig. 2. Automatic paralleling for Fig. 3. Monitoring (Synchrocheck) of
paralleling of generators with synchronous and asynchronous automatic or manual paralleling
power lines lines and busbars of power lines, generators and
voltage-free lines (dead bus)

U1 U1 U1
Command Command
U2 U2 U2
U+ U- f+ f-



U1 Network / busbar voltage TR Speed governor

U2 Generator voltage Command Paralleling command
CB Circuit breaker U+, U- Voltage adjusting commands
G Generator f+, f- Frequency adjusting commands
AVR Automatic voltage regulator CHK RELEASE Paralleling command release

02 Application | Synchrotact ® 5
Safety and Availability

Thanks to its flexible design, SYNCHROTACT 5 can be paralleling switch (Fig. 5). An automatic synchronizer may
used in many different configurations in order to ensure also be used as Synchrocheck for manual synchronization.
maximum safety and availability.
Optimum availability
Definition The family range of SYNCHROTACT 5 offers various
In synchronizing, the term “dual channel” applies to a redundant configurations (Figures 6, 7 and 8) that ensure
configuration of two channels in series, where one channel both maximum safety and full availability.
blocks the faulty operation of the other. This configuration
increases the safety of operation. The dual channel, automatic channel and single monitoring
channel (Synchrocheck) systems are each provided in one
The term “redundancy” applies to a configuration of two casing. This also applies to the redundant dual-channel
devices in parallel. If one fails, the other one can take over system including interconnection wiring.
the function. This configuration increases the availability of
the synchronizing system.

Maximum safety in automatic and manual operation

The first requirement during synchronizing process is the
Fig. 6: Dual-channel system with automatic synchronizing device,
safety of the generator and the network. manual paralleling switch in parallel and Synchrocheck in series

The safe automatic synchronization is guaranteed by SYN 5201

a compact dual-channel system including two devices Automatic
with independent hardware and software, which are SYN 5100 / 5200
connected in series (Fig. 4). The first channel performs Synchrocheck
the automatic synchronization and the other channel
implements independent monitoring (Synchrocheck) of
the first one. The hardware and software of each channel
are designed by different development engineers using
different microprocessors to protect the operation from
any possible systematic failure. Fig. 7: Dual-channel main synchronizing system with bypass
synchronizing system of manual paralleling switch and a
The safe manual synchronization is ensured by a monitoring
device (Synchrocheck), which is in series with the manual SYN 5202
Synchronizing Synchrocheck

Fig. 4: Dual-channel system with automatic synchronizing device SYN 5100 / 5200
and Synchrocheck in series
SYN 5202

Fig. 8: Two automatic dual-channel systems for highest security

and maximum availability

Fig. 5: Manual paralleling switch and synchrocheck in series SYN 5302

SYN 5100 / 5200 Synchronizing Synchrocheck


Synchrotact ® 5 | Safety and Availability 03

Functionality and Types

SYNCHROTACT 5 utilizes state-of-the-art hardware and Fast commissioning

software technology, which includes a fundamentally • User-friendly SynView software for simple and fast
improved service and maintenance tool. commissioning
• SynView software recommends parameter values and
Special features indicates min/max/default values for each parameter
• One device can store up to seven sets of parameters for • The system includes an intelligent program, which after
seven different paralleling points interaction with the generator can recommend values for
• Freely configurable digital inputs and outputs parameters that are dependent on the power system’s
• Operating with rated frequencies 50 Hz, 60 Hz and 16 ²/³ Hz circuit breaker, voltage regulator and speed governor
• For retrofit of previous SYNCHROTACT systems or • SYNCHROTACT 5 commissioning can also be comfortably
synchronization units of other manufacturers performed without a PC, using the controls on the front
panel of the casing
Lower engineering costs
• Output contacts can carry higher currents, thus fewer
auxiliary relays required; all I/Os are isolated
• Separate power supply unit is not required
• Prefabricated unit is available for the selection of several
paralleling points (SYN 5500)
• Reduced cabling due to integration in a bus control system
(IEC 61850, MODBUS, Profibus etc.)

Fig. 9: SYNCHROTACT 5 family:

SYN 5200 / SYN 5201 / SYN 5202 (top left); SYN 5100 (top right); SYN 5302 (below)

04 Functionality and Types | Synchrotact ® 5

Easy plant control integration, including IEC 61850 Less travelling costs thanks to remote servicing
SYNCHROTACT 5 can be easily integrated in a modern Another interface is provided for remote servicing.
bus control system. The communication interface supports SYNCHROTACT 5 gets its own IP address, and
IEC 61850 and the protocols MODBUS RTU, Profibus DP communication is done via Ethernet interface with TCP/IP
or LON-Bus. protocol. Thus SynView software can directly access the
device via internet. The access can be switched on
At the same time, as a safety-relevant component, the and off on the rear plate of the device.
synchronizing device remains an independent and protected
module within the system.
Type Description
SYN 5100 Simple Synchrocheck
SYN 5200 Synchrocheck with advanced functionality
SYN 5201 Automatic single-channel synchronizing device with
frequency and voltage adjustment
SYN 5202 Automatic dual-channel synchronizing system with
Synchrocheck in series as second channel
SYN 5302 Redundant automatic dual-channel synchronizing system
SYN 5500 Auxiliary device for connection of several paralleling points

Fig. 10: The conventional connections are made via plug-contact Fig. 11: Auxiliary device SYN 5500 (for top-hat rail mounting)
strips. These are largely unnecessary where the
communications interface is used; instead, the signals
are passed via the 9-pin Sub-D connector at the lower
left. The connection to the Ethernet for remote servicing
is made via the RJ45 socket.

Synchrotact ® 5 | Functionality and Types 05

SynView Software

SynView enables a simple and quick commissioning of Main functions of SynView program
SYNCHROTACT 5 equipment. The software runs under • Parameters setting, using a simple and user-friendly
Microsoft ® Windows™ 95, 98, 2000, NT or XP and has parameter setting display
German, English or French language interfaces. The • Display of actual values, like Synchroscope, voltage and
program can also be used during operation, for example frequency with real-time data
to display the actual values in order to follow the • Transient recorder displays the recorded data, thus a
synchronization progress. separate recorder during commissioning is not necessary
• Event and error logging in clear text with time stamp for
the last 256 events

Fig. 12: SynView tools (from left to right):

Parameter setting tool
Transient recorder tool
Event recorder tool
Measuring tool

06 SynView Software | Synchrotact® 5

Technical Data

Auxiliary voltage Emission / immunity (EMC)

Nominal voltage ranges 24 to 250 V DC and Emission, CISPR 22 Class B
100 to 230 VAC conducted disturbance
Permissible voltage range 0.8 to 1.2 × U n Emission, CISPR 11 Class A
Maximum power consumption (SYN 5302) 25 W / 35 VA radiated disturbance Group 1
Measuring inputs U1, U2 Electrostatic discharges IEC 61000-4-2 Contact: 8 kV
Nominal voltage range 50 to 130 VAC Air: 15 kV
Permissible voltage range 0 to 1.3 × U n Electromagnetic fields IEC 61000-4-6 0.15 to 80 MHz
Nominal frequency 16 ²/³  / 50 / 60 Hz 10 V, 80% AM
Digital inputs IEC 61000-4-3 80 to 1000 MHz
Nominal voltages 24 to 48 V DC 10 V/m, 80% AM
Current consumption 6 to 8 mA and PM / 900 MHz
Paralleling relays Fast transients/Bursts IEC 61000-4-4 ±4 kV
Maximum switching voltage 250 VAC / DC Surge voltage IEC 61000-4-5 ±1 kV / ±2 kV
Maximum switching current, continuous 6A AC / DC
Voltage dips IEC 61000-4-11 AC: 30%: 10 ms
Max. switching power DC/AC ON 1500 W / VA 60%: 100 ms / 1000 ms
Max. switching power DC/AC OFF 150 W / 1500 VA > 95%: 5000 ms
Adjusting, command and signalling relays 1 MHz burst disturbance IEC 60255-22-1 2.5 kV
Maximum switching voltage 250 VAC/DC common mode & differential mode
Maximum switching current, continuous 1.5 A AC/DC
CE conformity
Max. switching power DC/AC ON/OFF 50 W / VA LV Directive 73/23/ECC EN 60950
Serial interface EMC Directive 89/336/ECC IEC 61000-6-4
for PC software SynView Ethernet IEC 61000-6-2
Measuring ranges
Voltage U1, U2 0 to 1.3 × U n
Angle matching α –179 to +180 DEG
Frequency 10 to 100 Hz Construction data
Slip s 0 to 50% SYN 5100
Acceleration ds/dt 0 to 10%/s Modular casing designed to snap onto top-hat rail
Paralleling time t ON 0 to 1 s Orientation Horizontal
Isolation Casing size W×H×D 205 × 128 × 82 mm
Dielectric test IEC 60255-5 2 kV Weight 0.3 kg
Impulse voltage test IEC 60255-5 5 kV SYN 5200, SYN 5201, SYN 5202
Degrees of protection acc. to IEC 60529 Panel mounting
Front IP 54 Orientation Horizontal
Rear IP 50 Table cutout W×H 222 × 164 mm
Temperature ranges Device profile W×H×D 221 × 163 × 220 mm
Transport/storage –10 to +85 °C Front frame W×H 226 × 171 mm
Functionable +5 to +70 °C Weight 4.0 kg
Operation (compliance with technical data) +5 to +55 °C SYN 5302
Mechanical stability Panel mounting
Vibration IEC 60255-21-1 10 to 150 Hz Class 2 Orientation Horizontal
Vibration response 1g Table cutout W×H 443 × 155 mm
Endurance 2g Device profile W×H×D 442 × 154 × 220 mm
Shocks and Bumps IEC 60255-21-2 Class 2 Front frame W×H 447 × 171 mm
Shock response 10 g Weight 8.0 kg
Withstand 30 g SYN 5500
Bump 20 g Board designed to snap onto top-hat rail
Earthquake IEC 60255-21-3 Method A Dimensions W×H×D 381 × 128 × 50 mm
5 g in each axis Weight 1.4 kg

Synchrotact ® 5 | Technical Data 07

Contact us

ABB Switzerland Ltd

© Copyright ABB. All rights reserved.

3BHT490301 R0301 | Printed in Switzerland, 2010

Static Excitation Systems, Voltage Specifications subject to change
Regulators and Synchronizing Equipment without notice.
CH-5300 Turgi / Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)58 589 24 86
Fax: +41 (0)58 589 23 33
Email: [email protected]

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