ReportEM Lab3
ReportEM Lab3
ReportEM Lab3
μ0 ( y− y I 1 ) μ0 ( y− y I 1 )
B1 x = = 2 2
2ΠR 2
2 Π [ ( x−x I ) + ( y− y I ) ]
1 1
μ 0 ( x−x I 1 ) μ 0 ( x−x I 1)
B1 y = = 2 2
2 Π R21 2 Π [ ( x−x I ) + ( y− y I ) ]
1 1
Where R1 = ( x−x q 1 ). ^x + ( y − y q 1 ) ∙ ^y is the position vector of the point (x, y) with respect to
the charge.
MATLAB code:
1. clear all;
3. % Define the permeability constant
4. mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7;
6. % Create a x-y grid [-2cm -> 2cm] x [-2cm -> 2cm]
7. [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2);
9. I1 = 1;
11. xI1 = -0.5; % xI1 = -0.5 cm
12. yI1 = -0.5; % yI1 = -0.5 cm
14. % Calculate distance from each grid point
15. % to the point charge I1
16. R1 = sqrt((x-xI1).^2+(y-yI1).^2);
18. % Calculate x-component of the magnetic field
19. B1x = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*(y-yI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
20. % Calculate y-component of the magnetic field
21. B1y = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*-(x-xI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
23. %Plot the B-field
24. figure
25. streamslice(x, y, B1x, B1y);
26. axis([-2 2 -2 2]);
27. hold on;
28. title('Hanh Phuc - Quynh Anh');
29. xticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
30. xlabel('x [cm]');
31. yticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
32. ylabel('y [cm]');
33. hold off;
34. colormap('jet');
The plot:
The magnetic field lines around a long wire which carries an electric current form
concentric circles around the wire.
The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wire
2. Exercise 2: Magnetic field of two current
2.1 Write your program
In this exercise, you have to write a MATLAB program to plot magnetic field and of two
parallel currents I 1 = +1 ⋅ ^z [ A ] and I 2 = −1 ⋅ ^z [ A ] collocating in the same space. The
current I 1 is in the +z direction and the current I 2 is in the -z direction. The two currents
cross the z=0 plane at the position ( x I 1 = −0.5 cm , y I 1=−0.5 cm) and the position ( x I 2 =
+0.5 cm , y I 2=+0.5 cm), respectively. Note that the magnetic field is the superposition of
fields generated by the two currents. Refer to previous exercises to write your program.
Briefly describe the electric field.
MATLAB code:
1. clear all;
3. % Define the permeability constant
4. mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7;
6. % Create a x-y grid [-2cm -> 2cm] x [-2cm -> 2cm]
7. [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2);
9. I1 = 1;
10. I2 = -1;
12. xI1 = -0.5; % xI1 = -0.5 cm
13. yI1 = -0.5; % yI1 = -0.5 cm
15. xI2 = 0.5; % xI2 = 0.5 cm
16. yI2 = 0.5; % yI2 = 0.5 cm
18. % Calculate distance from each grid point
19. % to the point charge I1 and I2
20. R1 = sqrt((x-xI1).^2+(y-yI1).^2);
21. R2 = sqrt((x-xI2).^2+(y-yI2).^2);
23. % Calculate x-component of the magnetic field
24. B1x = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*(y-yI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
25. B2x = 1e+4*mu0*I2.*(y-yI2)./(2*pi.*(R2).^2);
26. Bx = B1x + B2x;
27. % Calculate y-component of the magnetic field
28. B1y = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*-(x-xI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
29. B2y = 1e+4*mu0*I2.*-(x-xI2)./(2*pi.*(R2).^2);
30. By = B1y + B2y;
32. %Plot the B-field
33. figure
34. streamslice(x, y, Bx, By);
35. axis([-2 2 -2 2]);
36. hold on;
37. title('Phuc - Anh [I1 = 1; I2 = 0]');
38. xticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
39. xlabel('x [cm]');
40. yticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
41. ylabel('y [cm]');
42. hold off;
43. colormap('jet');
The plot:
The magnetic fields of the two currents are in opposite directions.
Two magnetic fields of the same magnitude.
2.2 Observe the electric field
Now, change the value of I 2 to, −2 ⋅ ^z [ A ] ,1 ⋅ ^z [ A ] , 2⋅ z^ [ A ] and plot the magnetic field for
each case. (Keep value of I 1 and position of all the currents)
MATLAB code:
1. clear all;
3. % Define the permeability constant
4. mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7;
6. % Create a x-y grid [-2cm -> 2cm] x [-2cm -> 2cm]
7. [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2);
9. I1 = 1;
10. I2 = -2;
11. %I2 = 1;
12. %I2 = 2;
14. xI1 = -0.5; % xI1 = -0.5 cm
15. yI1 = -0.5; % yI1 = -0.5 cm
17. xI2 = 0.5; % xI2 = 0.5 cm
18. yI2 = 0.5; % yI2 = 0.5 cm
20. % Calculate distance from each grid point
21. % to the point charge I1 and I2
22. R1 = sqrt((x-xI1).^2+(y-yI1).^2);
23. R2 = sqrt((x-xI2).^2+(y-yI2).^2);
25. % Calculate x-component of the magnetic field
26. B1x = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*(y-yI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
27. B2x = 1e+4*mu0*I2.*(y-yI2)./(2*pi.*(R2).^2);
28. Bx = B1x + B2x;
29. % Calculate y-component of the magnetic field
30. B1y = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*-(x-xI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
31. B2y = 1e+4*mu0*I2.*-(x-xI2)./(2*pi.*(R2).^2);
32. By = B1y + B2y;
34. %Plot the B-field
35. figure
36. streamslice(x, y, Bx, By);
37. axis([-2 2 -2 2]);
38. hold on;
40. if(I2 == -2)
41. title('Phuc - Anh [I1 = 1; I2 = -2]');
42. elseif(I2 == 1)
43. title('Phuc - Anh [I1 = 1; I2 = 1]');
44. elseif (I2 == 2)
45. title('Phuc - Anh [I1 = 1; I2 = 2]');
46. end
48. xticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
49. xlabel('x [cm]');
50. yticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
51. ylabel('y [cm]');
52. hold off;
53. colormap('jet');
The plot:
The magnetic fields of the two currents are in opposite directions.
Magnetic field 2 is larger than field 1.
The magnetic fields of the two currents are in same directions.
Two magnetic fields have the same magnitude.
The magnetic fields of the two currents are in opposite directions.
Magnetic field 2 is larger than field 1.
3. Exercise 3: Magnetic field of four currents
In this exercise, you have to write a MATLAB program to plot magnetic field in the z = 0
plane of four currents:
I 1 = +1 ⋅ ^z [ A ] crossing the z = 0 plane at ( −0.5 cm ,−0.5 cm ),
MATLAB code:
1. clear all;
3. % Define the permeability constant
4. mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7;
6. % Create a x-y grid [-2cm -> 2cm] x [-2cm -> 2cm]
7. [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2, -2:0.2:2);
9. I1 = 1;
10. I2 = -1;
11. I3 = 1;
12. I4 = -1;
14. xI1 = -0.5; % xI1 = -0.5 cm
15. yI1 = -0.5; % yI1 = -0.5 cm
17. xI2 = -0.5; % xI2 = -0.5 cm
18. yI2 = 0.5; % yI2 = 0.5 cm
20. xI3 = 0.5; % xI3 = 0.5 cm
21. yI3 = 0.5; % yI3 = 0.5 cm
23. xI4 = 0.5; % xI4 = 0.5 cm
24. yI4 = -0.5; % yI4 = -0.5 cm
26. % Calculate distance from each grid point
27. % to the point charge I1, I2, I3 and I4
28. R1 = sqrt((x-xI1).^2+(y-yI1).^2);
29. R2 = sqrt((x-xI2).^2+(y-yI2).^2);
30. R3 = sqrt((x-xI3).^2+(y-yI3).^2);
31. R4 = sqrt((x-xI4).^2+(y-yI4).^2);
33. % Calculate x-component of the magnetic field
34. B1x = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*(y-yI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
35. B2x = 1e+4*mu0*I2.*(y-yI2)./(2*pi.*(R2).^2);
36. B3x = 1e+4*mu0*I3.*(y-yI3)./(2*pi.*(R3).^2);
37. B4x = 1e+4*mu0*I4.*(y-yI4)./(2*pi.*(R4).^2);
38. Bx = B1x + B2x + B3x + B4x;
39. % Calculate y-component of the magnetic field
40. B1y = 1e+4*mu0*I1.*-(x-xI1)./(2*pi.*(R1).^2);
41. B2y = 1e+4*mu0*I2.*-(x-xI2)./(2*pi.*(R2).^2);
42. B3y = 1e+4*mu0*I3.*-(x-xI3)./(2*pi.*(R3).^2);
43. B4y = 1e+4*mu0*I4.*-(x-xI4)./(2*pi.*(R4).^2);
44. By = B1y + B2y + B3y + B4y;
46. %Plot the B-field
47. figure
48. streamslice(x, y, Bx, By);
49. axis([-2 2 -2 2]);
50. hold on;
52. title('Phuc - Anh [I1 = 1; I2 = -1; I3 = 1; I4 = -1]');
55. xticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
56. xlabel('x [cm]');
57. yticks([-2 -1 0 1 2]);
58. ylabel('y [cm]');
59. hold off;
60. colormap('jet');
The plot:
Four magnetic interact with each other.
Four magnetic fields have the same magnitude