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December 21, 2012:

Some Rational Deductions

by John Major Jenkins
In November 2007, the IMS published an article about the 2012 phenomena
in which John Major Jenkins commented on statements made by Maya
scholar Susan Milbrath in a 2012 article previously published in USA Today.
Susan responded to John’s comments in an article we published in our
December 2007 issue. Now, read on as Jenkins continues the discourse.

I appreciate Susan Milbrath’s thoughts December solstice sun what ancient Maya naked eye star gazers
on Maya astronomy, and hope our with the galactic equator. would have been, and could have been,
exchange will inform and inspire the looking at. To use the term “galactic
An Alignment Zone?
investigations of others. The citation equator” in a scientifically precise
I provided off the top of my head for Based on Meeus’s precise calculation definition of the galactic alignment
Jean Meeus’s calculation of the solstice for the galactic alignment occurring in does not mean that the ancient Maya star
alignment with the galactic equator was 1998, and the fact that the sun is roughly gazers utilized the exact same scientific
indeed incorrect. It’s not on page 216 of one-half of a degree wide, I pointed concept that modern astronomers do. It
Mathematical Astronomy Morsels (1997) out that it is reasonable to think of this does not logically follow. Thus, Anthony
as stated, but pages 301-2 of that book. alignment as a “zone” stretching from Aveni’s challenge (in a New York Times
Milbrath clarifies her intent in the 1980 to 2016 (36 years equals one-half article of July 1, 2007) to demonstrate a
quotation that I had misread from the of a degree of precessional motion). I Maya awareness of the galactic equator
somewhat unclear phrasing of the USA then observed the fact that the 13-Baktun simply misses the point. I neither assume
Today journalist. Instead of stating that cycle ending date falls within this range. this nor state this in my investigation of
it would have been impossible for the In the early 1990s, I took this more ancient Maya astronomy.
ancient Maya to know about precession, generalized situation of “being in the What is significant, however, is that
she means it would have been impossible zone” not as a definitive proof of my certain astronomical features that are
for them to have been aware of the alignment thesis, but as an indicator of compelling to the naked eye are involved
galactic alignment of era-2012 with the possible intent on the part of the Long in the galactic alignment (the Milky
level of accuracy she believes I require. Count’s creators, and a suggestion that Way, the dark rift in the Milky Way,
Here, however, she mistakenly imputes it might be worthwhile to rationally the cross formed by the Milky Way and
that I require a level of precision that investigate the topic further. the ecliptic, and the sun) and are very
I do not. The confusion seems to arise important players in the Maya Creation
An Anthony Aveni Challenge
from my use of precise astronomical Myth. It should also be emphasized, as
terminology to define what the galactic I think that my use of a scientifically I’ve frequently stated in my published
alignment is. I define the galactic accurate definition of the galactic work since the mid-1990s, that the Milky
alignment as the alignment of the alignment has been conflated with Way itself, and more narrowly, the dark
rift in the Milky Way, would have served
Aspects of the alignment that
Aspects of the alignment that the ancient naked-eye astronomers as the
moderen researchers debate: the ancient Maya anticipated: Cosmic
Ballgame – target for the galactic alignment rather
Dark Rift – Road to
Xibalbá – Cosmic
Ball (Sun) than the abstract dotted line known to
in the
Galactic Womb (Female) goalring astronomers as the galactic equator.
A Conceptual Awareness
Cosmic “Rebirth” Another assumption that frequently
of Solar Deity (Male) on
Galactic Equator Open mouth December Solstice, ends occurs should be clarified. Instead
December Solstice of “Crocodilian Fifth Sun on 12/21/2012,
Sun within an alignment
Monster” births New Sun Long Count
of honing in on the ancient Maya’s
“zone” on 12/21/2012
observational and calculational
Editor’s note: The discussion centers around whether the ancient Maya were really as methodology and assuming a high
aware as we are today of the Galactic Equator (the imaginary line marking the arc of level of precision, my approach to
the Milky Way Galaxy). We do know they were aware of the arc of the ecliptic (pathway demonstrating 2012 as being intentionally
of the movements of the sun, moon and planets) and they calculated the 12/21/2012 placed proceeds along different lines.
end-date of their Long Count calendar to when the sun would appear to“enter” the (I’m sure that progressive scholars will
Dark Rift. It is here from our view from earth, that the darkness of interstellar dust one day identify precessional interval
clouds looks like the open mouth of a “crocodilian monster” – this is their Road to the mechanisms in the dated hieroglyphic
Underworld. It is the most important Maya creation place. And even if the Maya were corpus, as well as models of how
not aware that +/-26,000 light years “behind” this very area of the sky is the center of precessional ideology relates to kingship
our galaxy, researchers now agree that they sure chose the exact correct spot and time – and other much-discussed features
and they encoded this astronomical alignment in their Creation Myth for us to interpret. continued on page 6

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