STS Reviewer For Midterms
STS Reviewer For Midterms
STS Reviewer For Midterms
Industrial Revolution
- fundamental change in the way products (goods & services) being produced, delivered & consumed
1st Revolution
- Mechanical production driven by water and steam power
2nd Revolution
- Mass production enabled by electrical energy
3rd Revolution
- Use of computers and electronics
4th Revolution
- Use of cyber physical systems
- Massive unemployment
- Increase standard of living
- Increased innovation
- Growth of cities
- Expansion of democracy
- Business people rise to power
o Travel Agents
o Tellers
o Surveyors
o Journalist
o Legal Assistant
o Finance Assistant
o Blogger
o Sustainability manager
o Drone operator
o App developer
o Social media strategist
o Data scientist
Role of government:
o Takes Control
o Liberalize
o Is business friendly
o Can manage growth
o Maintain a sense of cohesion
o Make necessary infrastructure
o Understand the changing role of government
Course Packet 4: Philippine Government Policies in Science and Technology
Human Flourishing
Positive emotion, engagements, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment are the building blocks of
A good life for you might not be a good life for others
Many routes to a flourishing life
Heisenberg’s Theory
Owners have obligations to its members that enabled owners to have flourishing lives by helping their members
Course Packet 2: Technology as a Way of Revealing
Martin Heidegger
- Opposes technology as a human activity or a means to an end
- Technology is a way of revealing
- Since the essence of a tree is not itself a tree, he points out, so the essence of technology is not anything
- Alètheuein, means to discover
- alètheia, means the truth
- modern technology is a ‘forcing into being’ rather than ‘helping something to become a being’
- modern technology puts unreasonable demand on nature to supply energy
- it makes nature seem to be at our command
- technology reveals the world as a raw material, available for production and manipulation.
- Truth is not correctness, but a revealing or unconcealing
- it is not given the same way in all times and all cultures
- not something absolute that human beings can ever know once and for all
According to Heidegger, there is something wrong with the modern, technological culture we live in today. In our ‘age of
technology’ reality can only be present as a raw material. This state of affairs has not been brought about by humans;
the technological way of revealing was not chosen by humans.