Standard Prayers & Pranams: Sri Guru Pranama
Standard Prayers & Pranams: Sri Guru Pranama
Standard Prayers & Pranams: Sri Guru Pranama
1) Pranams
Sri Guru Pranama om ajnanatimirandhasyajnananjanasalakaya caksurunmilitamyenatasmaisri-guravenamah WORDFORWORD om--address; ajnana--(of) ignorance;timira--(by) the darkness; andhasya--of one who wasblinded; jnana-anjana--(by)the ointment of spiritual knowledge; salakaya--by a medicalinstrument called asalaka, which is used to apply medical ointment to eyes afflictedwithcataracts: caksuh--eyes; unmilitam--were op ened; yena--by whom; tasmai--untohim; sri-gurave--unto my spiritual master; namah-obeisances. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untomy spiritualmaster , whohas openedmyeyes , which wereblindedby thedarknessof ig- norance , with the torchlightofknowledge . Sri Rupa Pranama sri-caitanyamano'bhistamsthapitumyenabhtutale svayamrupahkadamahyamdadatisva-padantikam WORDFORWORD sri-caitanya--(of) Lord Caitanya; manah--(within)the mind; abhistam--what is desired;sthapitam--established; yena--by whom;bhu-tale--on the surface of the globe; svayam--himself; rupah--Srila RupaGosvami; kada--when; mahyam--unto me; dadati--will give; sva--his own;pada--lotus feet; antikam--proximity to. TRANSLATION Whenwill Srila RupaGosvami Prabhupada , whohas establishedwithin this material worldthe missiontofulfill the desireof LordCaitanya , give me shelterunderhislotusfeet? Mangalacarana Vande'hamsri-gurohsri-yuta-padakamalamsri-gurunvaisnavams ' ca sri-rupamsagrajatamsaha-ganaraghunathanvitamtamsa jivam sadvaitamsavadhutamparijanasahitamkrsnacaitanyadevam sri-radhakrsnapadansahaganalalita-sri-visakhanvitams ' ca WORDFORWORD Vande--offer my respectfulobeisances; aham--I; sri-guroh--of my initiating spiritual masterorinstructing spiritual master; sri-yuta-pada-kamalam--unto the opulent lotusfeet; sri-gurun--unto the spiritual masters in the parampara systems beginningfrom Madhavendra Puri down
to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati ThakuraPrabhupada; vaisnavan--unto all the Vaisnavas, beginning from Lord Brahma andothers coming from the very start of the creation; Ca-and;sri-rupam--untoSrila Rupa Gosvami; sa-agra-jatam--with his elder brothers SriSanatanaGosvami; saha-gana-raghunatha-anvitam--with Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami and hisassociates; tam--unto him; sajivam-with Jiva Gosvami; sa- advaitam--withAdvaita Acarya;sa-avadhutam--with Nityananda Prab hu; parijana-sahitam--andwith Srivasa Thakura and all the other devotees; krsna-caitanyadevam--untoLord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sri-radha-krsna-padan--unto the lotus feet of theall-opulent Sri Krsna and Radharani, saha-gana--withassociates; lalita-sri-visakhaanvitan--accompaniedby Lalita and Sri Visakha; Ca--also. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untothe lotusfeet of my spiritualmasterandof all the other preceptorsonthepathof devotionalservice . I offer my respectful obeisancesuntoall theVaisnavasandunto the six GosvamisincludingSrila Rupa Gosvaml , SrilaSanatanaGosvami , RaghunathaDasaGosvami , Ji va Gosvami , and their associates .I offer my respectfulobeisancesuntoSri AdvaitaAcaryaPrabhu ,Sri Nityananda Prabhu , Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu , and all His devotees , headedbySrivasa Thakura .I thenoffer my respectfulobeisancesuntothe lotusfeet ofLord Krsna , SrimatiRadharani , andall the gopis , headedby Lalita andVisakha . Srila Prabhupada Pranati namaom visnupadayakrsnapresthayabhutale srimatebhaktivedantasvaminiti namine WORDFORWORD namah--obeisances; om-address;visnu-padaya--unto him who is at the feet of Lord Visu;krsna-presthaya--who isvery dear to Lord Krsna; bhu-tale--on the earth; srimate--all-beautiful;bhakti-vedanta-svamin--A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami; iti-thus; namine-- who isnamed. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untoHis DivineGracea.C. BhaktivedantaSwami Prabhupalda , whois very dear toLordKrsna , havingtakenshelter at His lotusfeet. namaste sarasvatedevegauravani-pracarine nirvisesa-sunyavadipascatyadesatarine WORDFORWORD namah--obeisances; to--unto you,sarasvate deve-servant of Bhaktisiddhanta SarasvatiGosvami; gaura-vani--themessage of Lord Caitanya; p racarine--who are preaching; nirvisa--impersonalism;sunya-vadi--(from) voidism; pascatya-Western; deska-countries; tarine--who aredelivering. TRANSLATION Our respectfulobeisancesare untoyou,O spiritualmaster , servantof Sarasvati Gosvami . You are kindlypreaching the messageof LordCaitanyadevaand deliveringthe Westerncountries , whicharefilledwith impersonalismandvoidism .
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta SarasvatiPranati namaom vinsupadayakrsnapresthayabhutale srimatebhaktisiddhantasarasvatiti namine TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untoHis DivineGraceBhaktisiddhantaSarasvati , whois very dear to Lord Krnsa , havingtakenshelter at His lotusfeet.
sri- varsabhanavidevi-dayitayakrpadhaye krsnasambandhavijnanadayineprabhavenamah WORDFORWORD sri-varsabhanavi-devi-dayitaya--untoSri Varsabhanavi-devi-dayita Dasa, the servant of thelover of SrimatiRadharani; krpa-abdhaye--who is an ocean of mercy; krsnasambandha--(of) therelationship with Krsna; vijnana--(of) the science; dayine--who is thedeliverer; prabhave--unto the master; namah--obeisances. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisancestoSri Varsabhanavidevi-dayitaDasa[another nameof Srila Bhaktisidd hanta Sarasvati , whois favoredby SrimatiRadharaniandwhois the oceanoftranscendentalmercyand the delivererof the scienceofKrsna .
madhuryojjvalapremadhyasri-rupanugabhaktidasri-gaurakarunasakti-vigrahayanamo'stu te WORDFORWORD madhurya--conjugal;ujjvala--brilliant; prema--love; adhya-- enriched with;sri-rupa-anuga-following Srila Rupa Gosvami; bhakti-da--delivering devotionalservice; sri-gaura--(of) Lor dCaitanya Mahaprabhu; karuna--(of) the mercy,sakti--energy; vigrahaya--unto thepersonified; namah--obeisances; astu--letthere be; to--unto you. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untoyou, the personifiedenergyof Sri Caitanya 'smercy , whodeliver devotionalservicewhich is enrichedwith conjugallove ofRadhaandKrsna ,comingexactlyin the line of revelationof Srila RupaGosvami . nameste gauravani-sri-murtayedina-tarine rupanugaviruddhapasiddhantadhvantaharine WORDFORWORD namah--obeisances; to--unto you;gaura-vani--teachings of Lord Caitanya; sri-murtaye--unto the personified;dina--(of) the fallen; tarine--unto the deliverer; rupa-anuga-thephilosophywhich follows the teachings of Srila Rupa Gosvami; viruddha-against;apasiddhanta--(of) unauthorized statements; dhvanta--the darkness; harine-untoyou who are removing. TRANSLATION
I offer my respectfulobeisancesuntoyou,whoare the per sonifiedteachingsofLordCaitanya . Youare the deliverer of the fallensouls . Youdo not tolerateanystatementwhichis against theteachingsof devotionalserviceenunciatedby SrilaRupaGosvami . Srila Gaurakisora Pranati namogaurakisorayasaksadvairagyamurtaye vipralambharasambhodepadambujayate namah WORDFORWORD namah--obeisances;gaura-kisoraya--unto Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji; saksat-directly;vairagya--renunciation; murtaye--unto the personified; vipralambha-(of)separation(from Krsna) rasa--(of) the mellow; ambhodhe--O ocean;pada-ambujaya-unto the lotusfeet; te--your; namah--obeisances. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untoGaurakisoraDasaBabaji Maharaja[thespiritualmasterof Bhaktisi ddhanta Sarasvati ], whois renunciationpersonified . He is alwaysmergedin a feeling of separationandintenselove of Krsna . Srila Bhaktivinoda Pranati namobhaktivinodayasac-cid-anandanamine gaurasakti-svarupayarupanugavarayate WORDFORWORD namah--obeisances;bhaktivinodaya--unto Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura; sat-cit-anandanamine--knownas Saccidananda; gaura--(of) Lord Caitanya; sakti--energy; svarupaya--unto thepersonified; rupa-anuga-varaya--who is a revered follower of Srila RupaGosvami; te-unto you. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisances untoSaccidanandaBhaktivinoda , who istranscendentalenergyof Caitanya Mahaprabhu . He is a strict followerof theGosvamis , headedby Srila Rupa . Srila Jagannatha Pranati gauravirbhavabhumestvamnirdestasaj-jana-priyah vaisnavasarvabhaumahsri-jagannathayate namah WORDFORWORD gaura--(of) Lord Caitanya;avirbhava--(of) the appearance; bhumeh--of the place; tvam-you; nirdesta--theindicator; sat-jana-- (to) all saintly persons; priyah--dear; vaisnava-(of)theVaisnavas; sarvabhaumah--chief; sri jagannathaya--unto Jagannatha dasaBabaji; te --unto you; namah--obeisances. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisancestoJagannathaDasaBabaji, whois respectedby the entireVaisnavacommunityandwhodiscoveredthe placewhereLordCaitanya appeared .
Sri Vaisnava Pranama vanchakalpatarubhyasca krpa-sindhubhyaeve ca patitanampavanebhyovaisnavebhyonamonamah WORDFORWORD vancha-kalpa-tarubhyah--who aredesire trees; ca--and; Krpa-- (of) mercy: (of) mercy;sindhubhyah--who areoceans; eva--certainly; ca--and; patitanam--of the fallensouls;pavanebhyah--who are the purifiers, vaisnavehhyah--unto the Vaisnavas;namahnamah--repeated obeisances. TRANSLATION I offer my respectfulobeisancesuntoall the Vaisnavadevoteesof the Lord . They are just like desiretreeswhocanfulfill the desiresof everyone,andthey are fullof compassionfor the fallen conditionedsouls . Sri Gauranga Pranama namomahavadayayakrsnapremapradayate krsnayakrsnacaitanyanamnegauratvisenamah WORDFORWORD namah--obeisances;maha-vadanyaya--who is most munificent and charitablydisposed;krsna-prema--love of Krsna; pradaya-- who can give; te--unto You; krsnaya--theoriginal Personality of Godhead; krsna-caitanyanamne--under the name KrsnaCaitanya;gaura-tvise-- whose complexion is the golden complexion of SrimatiRadharani; namah--obeisances. TRANSLATION O mostmunificentincarnation ! YouareKrsnaHimselfap pearingas Sri Krsna CaitanyaMahaprabhu . Youhaveassumed the goldencolorof SrimatiRadharani , andYou are widelydistributingpurelove of Krsna . Weoffer our respectful obeisancesuntoYou. Sri Panca-tattva Pranama pancatattvatmakamkrsnambhaktarupasvarupakam bhaktavatarambhaktakhyamnamamibhaktasaktikam WORDFORWORD panca-tattva-atmakam--comprehendingthe five transcendental subject matters; krsnam-unto Lord Krsna;bhakta-rupa--in the form of a devotee; sva-rupakam--in the expansion of adevotee; bhakta-avataram--in the incarnation of a devotee; bhakta-akhyam--knownas adevotee, namami--I offer my obeisances bhakta-saktikam--the energy of theSupremePersonality of Godhead, who supplies energy to the devotee. TRANSLATION I offer my obeisancesuntotheSupremeLord , Krsna , whois nondifferentfromHisfeaturesas a devotee ,devotionalincarnation , devotionalmanifestationpuredevotee , anddevotional energy . Sri Krsna Pranama
he krsnakarunasindhodina-bandhojagat-pate gopesagopikakantaradhakantanamo'stu te WORDFORWORD he--O; krsna--Krsna;karuna-sindho--O ocean of mercy; Dina-- (of) the distressed; bandho-O friend;jagat--(of) the universe; pate--O Lord; gopa-isa--O master of thecowherdmen;gopika-kanta--O lover of the gopis; radha-kanta-O lover of Radharani;namah--obeisances; astu--let there be; to--unto You. TRANSLATION O my dear Krsna , oceanof mercy , Youarethe friendof the distressedandthesourceof creation . You are the master of the cowherdmenandthe lover of thegopis , especiallyRadharani . I offer myrespectfulobeisancesuntoYou. Sambandhadhideva Pranama jayatamsurataupangormamamandamatergati mat-sarvasvapadambhojau radhamadanamohanau WORDFORWORD jayatam--all glory to;su-ratau--most merciful, or attached in conjugal love; pangoh--of one who islame; mama--of me; manda-mateh--foolish; gati--refuge; mat--my;sarva-sva-everything; pada-ambhojau--whose lotus feet; radha-madana-mohanau--Radharani an dMadana-mohana. TRANSLATION Gloryto the all-mercifulRadhaand Madanamohana ! I am lameandill advised , yet Theyare my directors , and Theirlotusfeet are everythingto me. Abhidheyadhideva Pranama divyadvrndaranyakalpadrumadhah srimadratnagarasimhasanasthau srimadradhasrila-govindadevau presthalibhihsevyamanausmarami WORDFORWORD divyat--shining; vrnda-aranya--(in)the forest of Vrndavana; kalpa-druma--desire tre e:adhah--beneath; srimat--mostbeautiful, ratna-agara--(in) a temple of jewels, simhaasana-sthau--sitting ona throne; srimat--very beautiful; radha--srimati Radharani;srilagovinda-devau--and Sri Govindadeva; prestha-alibhih--by most confidentialassociates; sevyamanau--being served; smarami--I remember. TRANSLATION In a templeof jewelsin Vrndavana ,underneatha desiretree, Sri Sri RadhaGovinda , servedby Their most confidentialassociates , sit uponan effulgent throne . I offer my humble obeisancesuntoThem. Prayojanadhideva Pranama srimanrasa-rasarambhivamsivata-tata-sthitah Karsanvenusvanairgopir gopinathahsriye'stu nah WORDFORWORD
sriman--most beautiful; rasa--(of)the rasa dance, rasa--(of) the mellow; arambhi-theinitiator; vamsi-vata--(of)the name Vamsivata; tata--on the shore; sthitah-standing; Karsan--attracting;venu--(of) the flute; svanaih--by the sounds, gopih-the cowherd girls;gopi-nathah--Sri Gopinatha; sriye--benediction; astu--let there be; Nah-our. TRANSLATION Sri Srila Gopinatha , whooriginated the transcendentalmellowof the rasa dance ,standson the shorein Vamsivata andattractsthe attentionof the cowherd damselswith the soundof Hiscelebratedflute. Maytheyall conferuponus theirbenediction . Sri Radha Pranama tapta-kancanagaurangiradhevrndavanesvari vrsabhanusute devi pranamamihari-priye WORDFORWORD tapta--molten; kancana--(like) gold;gaura--fair complexion; angi--O one whose body; radhe--O Radharani,vrndavana-isvari-- O Queen of Vrndavana; vrsabhanusute--O daughter ofKingVrsabhanu; devi--O goddess; pranamami--I offer my respects; haripriye--O onewho is very dear to Lord Krsna. TRANSLATION I offer my respectsto Radharani ,whosebodilycomplexionis like moltengoldandwhois the Queenof Vrndavana . Youarethe daughterof KingVrsabhanu , andYouare very dear to LordKrsna . Panca-tattva Maha-mantra (jaya) sri-krsnacaitanyaprabhunityananda sri-advaitagadadharasrivasadigaurabhaktavrnda PURPORT Sri Caitanva Mahaprabhu is alwaysaccompanied by His plenary expansion Sri NityanandaPrabhu, His incarnation SriAdvaita Prabhu, His internal potency Sri Gadadhara Prabhu, and His marginalpotency Srivasa Prabhu. He is in the midst of them as the Supreme PersonalityofGodhead. One should know that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always accompaniedbythese other tattvas. Therefore our obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arecompletewhen we say, sri-krsnacaitanya prabhu nityananda sri-advaitagadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda. As preachers of the Krsna consciousnessmovement, we first offer ourobeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chantingthis Panca-tattva mantra; then we say,Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna,Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama,Hare Hare. There are ten offensesin the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, but these are not considered inthe chanting of the Panca-tattva mantra, namely, sri-krsnacaitanyaprabhunityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda. Sr iCaitanyaMahaprabhu is known as maha-vadanyavatara, the most magnanimous incarnation,for He does not consider the offenses of the fallen souls. Thus to derive thefull benefitof the chanting of the mahamantra (Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, KrsnaKrsna, Hare Hare/ HareRama, Hare Rama, Rama
Rama, Hare Hare), we must firsttake shelter of Sri CaitanyaMahaprabhu, learn the Pancatattva mantra, andthen chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. That will be very effective. Hare Krsna Maha-mantra HAREKRSNAHAREKRSNA KRSNAKRSNAHAREHARE HARERAMAHARERAMA RAMARAMAHAREHARE
PURPORTBy His DivineGraceA. C.BhaktivedantaSwamiPrabhupada The transcendental vibrationestablished by the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, KrsnaKrsna, Hare Hare,Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the sublime method ofrevivingour Krsna consciousness. As living spiritual souls we are all originallyKrsnaconscious entities, but due to our association with matter from timeimmemorial, ourconsciousness is now polluted by the material atmosphere. Thematerial atmosphere, in which we are now living, is called Maya, or illusion.Maya means "that which is riot." And what is this illusion? Theillusion is that we are all trying to be lords of material nature, whileactually we are under the grip of her stringent laws. When a servantartificially tries toimitate the allpowerful master, this is called illusion.In this polluted concept of life, we are alltrying to exploit the resources ofmaterial nature, but actually we are becoming more and more entangled in hercomplexities. Therefore, although we are engaged in a hard struggleto conquernature, we are ever more dependent on her. This illusory struggleagainstmaterial nature can be stopped at once by revival of our Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on themind; this consciousness is theoriginal energy of the living entity. When wehear the transcendental vibration, thisconsciousness is revived. And thisprocess is recommended for this age by authorities. Bypractical experiencealso, one can perceive that by chanting this maha-mantra, or the GreatChantingfor Deliv- erance, one can at once feel a transcendental ecstasy comingthroughfrom the spiritual stratum. And when one is factually on the plane ofspiritualunderstanding--surpassing the stages of senses, mind, and intelligence--one issituated on the transcendental plane. This chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna,KrsnaKrsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is directlyenacted from the spiritual platform, and thus this sound vibration surpassesall lower strata ofconsciousness-- namely sensual, mental, and intellectual.There is no need, therefore, tounderstand the language of the mantra, nor isthere any need for mental speculation or anyintellectual adjustment forchanting this maha-mantra. It springs automatically from thespiritualplatform, and as such, anyone can take part in the chanting without anypreviousqualification, and dance in ecstasy. We have seen this practically. Even a child can take part inthe chanting, or even a dog cantake part in it. Of course, for one who is tooentangled in material life, it takes a little moretime to come to the standardpoint, but even such
a materially engrossed man is raised to the spiritualplatform very quickly. When the mantra is chanted by a pure devotee of theLordin love, it has the greatest efficacy on the hearers, and as such, thischanting should beheard from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so thatimmediate effects can be achieved. As far as possible, chanting from the lipsof non devotees should be avoided. Milk touchedby the lips of a serpent haspoisonous effects. The word Hara is the form of addressing the energy of theLord, and the words Krsna andRama are forms of addressing the Lord Himself.Both Krsna and Rama mean "the supremepleasure," and Hara is thesupreme pleasure energy of the Lord, changed to Hare in thevocative. Thesupreme pleasure energy of the Lord helps us to reach the Lord. The material energy, called Maya, is also one of the multienergies of the Lord. And we, theliving entities, are also theenergy--marginal energy--of the Lord. The living entities aredescribed assuperior to material energy. When the superior energy is in contact with theinferior energy, an incompatible situation arises; but when the superiormarginal energy is in contact with the superior energy, called Hara, the livingentity is established in his happy,normal condition. These three words, namely Hare, Krsna, and Rama, are thetranscendental seeds of themha-mantra. The chanting is a spiritual call forthe Lord and His internal energy, Hara, togive protection to the conditionedsoul. This chanting is exactly like the genuine cry of a childfor its mother.Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve the grace of the supreme father, Hari, orKrsna, and the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee who chants this mantrasincerely. No other means of spiritual realization, therefore, is aseffective in this age as chanting themaha-mantra. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna,Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, H are Rama, Hare Rama,Rama Rama, Hare Hare.