Clinical Trial Terminology
Clinical Trial Terminology
Clinical Trial Terminology
progress of a clinical trial, and of ensuring sponsor that the important deficiencies subject is receiving; opposite of double-
that it is conducted, recorded, and reported described therein preclude approval unless blind study.
in accordance with the protocol, standard corrected. open-label study See open study.
operating procedures (SOPs), good clinical Notified Body (NB) A private institution opinion (in relation to independent ethics
practice (GCP), and the applicable charged by the Competent Authority with committee) The judgment and/or the
regulatory requirement(s). (ICH) verifying compliance with the applicable advice provided by an independent ethics
monitoring committee See independent data- Essential Requirements stated in the committee. (ICH)
monitoring committee. Medical Device Directive. This process,
original medical record See source
monitoring report A written report from the called Conformity Assessment, has EU-wide
monitor to the sponsor after each site visit validity once completed by the NB.
outcomes research See pharmacoeconomics.
and/or other trial-related communication null hypothesis A null hypothesis (for
according to the sponsor’s SOPs. (ICH) example, “subjects will experience no overview See meta-analysis. (statistics)
multicenter trial A clinical trial conducted change in blood pressure as a result of p value The lowest level of significance at
according to a single protocol but at more administration of the test product”) is used which a given null hypothesis can be
than one site, and therefore, carried out by to rule out every possibility except the one rejected; that is, the probability of
more than one investigator. (ICH) Synonym: the researcher is trying to prove, an observing a result as extreme or more
multicenter study. assumption about a research population extreme than that observed if the null
that may or may not be rejected as a result hypothesis is true. See statistical
n-of-1 study A trial in an individual subject
of testing. Used because most statistical significance. (statistics)
is administered a treatment repeatedly over
methods are less able to prove something pairing A method by which subjects are
a number of episodes to establish the
true than to provide strong evidence that it selected so that two subjects with similar
treatment’s effect in that person, often with
is false. See also research hypothesis. characteristics (for example, weight,
experimental and control treatments
randomized. Nuremberg Code Code of ethics for smoking habits) are assigned to a set, but
conducting human medical research set one receives Treatment A and the other
New Drug Application (NDA) An application to
forth in 1947. receives Treatment B.
FDA for a license to market a new drug in
the United States. objective measurement A measurement that parallel trial Volunteers are randomized to
cannot be influenced by investigator bias; one of two differing treatment groups
nonclinical study Biomedical studies not
for example, blood glucose levels or ECG (usually medicine and placebo) and usually
performed on human subjects. (ICH)
tracings. receive the assigned treatment during the
not-approvable letter An official entire trial. Also called parallel group trial,
open study A trial in which subjects and
communication from FDA to inform an NDA parallel design trial.
investigators know which product each
unexpected adverse drug reaction An adverse When you have an idea for an article, contact the nearest editorial
reaction, the nature or severity of which is office. Let us know what you have in mind, and ask for a copy of
not consistent with the applicable product the magazine’s Information for Authors—also available on our
information (e.g., investigator’s brochure for Web site:
an unapproved investigational product or
package insert/summary of product Philip Ward, European Editor Jane Ganter, Editor-in-Chief
characteristics for an approved product). +44 1244 532 757 telephone: (541) 984-5251
fax: +44 1244 533 933 email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]