CDM Sharvari
CDM Sharvari
CDM Sharvari
Sharvari Shukla
Biostatistician Centre for modeling and simulation, University of Pune
[email protected] Ph-09822414920
Module 9
Lab Management
Quality Control
What is CDM ?
CDM Definition
Clinical Data Management is the process used to ensure the accuracy and integrity of data by defining data flow and quality specifications CDM is skillful handling of clinical trial information to be used for statistical analysis and interpretation by ensuring that data is Accurate, Complete and Verifiable
Basic Research
DATA MANAGERS Product Teams Project Teams Development Teams Multidisciplinary Team Computer science Statistics Life sciences
Generate Quality Data
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Statistical Analysis
Accurate Interpretation
What is Data
Clinical Data: It is collection of details from subjects for a particular drug in a manner which allows its analysis and statistical interpretation, with the intent to discover potential beneficial effects and/or determine its safety and efficacy
Collects relevant data in a specific format - in accordance with the protocol - compliance with regulatory requirements Allows for efficient and complete data - processing, analysis and reporting Facilitates the exchange of data across - projects and organizations esp. through - standardization
Is not ethical, as is unnecessary for the protocol for which participant consented May create more work for the study coordinator resulting in longer study visits for the participant Results in greater chance for error Creates more work for the statistician as now more data to be analyzed Takes away the focus from the critical data points
Protocol determines what data should be collected on the CRF All data must be collected on the CRF if specified in the protocol Data that will not be analyzed should not appear on the CRF
Protocol is a BIBLE for any Clinical Trial and CRF is a TOOL to implement the protocol
Collect data with all users in mind Collect data required by the regulatory agencies and outlined in the protocol Be clear and concise with your data questions Avoid duplication Request minimal free text responses: open ended Provide units to ensure comparable values Allow adequate space for response Use checkboxes wherever possible
Test and improve the CRF before the trial begins CRF book needs to be finalized and available before an investigator starts enrolling patients into a study
Three major parts: Header Safety related modules Efficacy related modules Module: block of specific questions CRF module(s) make up single CRF page CRF Book: series of CRF pages
Header Information
MUST HAVE Study Number Site/Center Number Subject identification number
Safety modules are the ones which are used to analyze the safety of the patient Select modules appropriate for your study Safety Modules usually include Demographic Adverse Events Vital Signs Medical History/Physical Exam Concomitant Medications
Efficacy modules are the ones which are used to determine the drugs effectiveness Designed for each therapeutic area based on the protocol Considered to be unique modules and can be more difficult to develop Design modules following project standards for data collection Follow general CRF design guidelines Define diagnostics required Include appropriate baseline measurements Repeat same battery of tests Define and identify - key efficacy endpoints - additional tests for efficacy
Prepares the way for data exchange Removes the need for mapping during data exchange Allows for consistent reporting across protocols, across projects Promotes monitoring and investigator staff efficiency Allows merging of data between studies Provides increased efficiency in processing and
Subject tracking Data analysis and reporting Reports to FDA on subject safety New Drug Application submissions Support of labeling claims Articles in medical journals
CRF Designer
CRF Designer
Updates CRF to incl. comments Review and Sign off Coordinate printing and distribution
CRF Book
Note: the Protocol must be approved before the CRF book is approved and printed
After it is printed
CRF Development
Members of the CRF development team
representatives of clinical staff, medical monitors, data entry/management, quality assurance, and
Components/All of the CRF pages are reusable Saves time Saves money
Data not collected Database may require modification Data Entry process impeded Need to edit data Target dates are missed Collected too much data Wasted resources in collection and processing
Data: Information Database: A structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer so that a program can consult it to answer queries
What is CDMS?
A Clinical Data Management System
investigator site in the Case Report Form are stored in the CDMS
Robust, flexible and powerful option for the studies who want the data to have double data entry Quick and easy availability of data entry screens from a Graphical user interface Edit checks can be run on demand or scheduled to run at the convenience of the data manager Ability to handle multiple discrepancies in a user friendly environment Flexible reporting capabilities
Formats of Data
Dates, times: specify format include 24 hr clock if applicable Numeric data responses Few, if any, text fields Consistent coding (e.g., yes/no) Measurement units (e.g., in/cm, lb/kg, lab units, dosing units) Option of unknown
Who received the data From whom data was received When it was received Details of the data received
Missing or Blank pages, if any Reconcile pages received with transmittal form
Every company has its own data tracking form to capture above details
Tracking person should flag following tracking queries to data cleaning personal:
Header information is not consistent on all pages for a subject Initial is not matching on page 1 and page 2 Pages are not in good condition Number of pages received not match with the transmittal
Enter Subject information in CDMS Enter which all pages are received Enter whether page is blank or filled
Pages received by site, subject Missing page details Blank page details
Data Flow
Stats Analysis
Data Collection
SAS Programming
Database Set-up
Database Lock
Data Tracking
QC Process
Data Logging
Data Entry
Query Management
Data Entry
Possible Methods for Data Entry
Independent Double data entry with THIRD PERSON verification Double data entry with INTERACTIVE verification Single data entry with MANUAL review Single data entry with NO review
Understanding data entry: process of entering data from CRF to response fields in any CDMS, following certain guidelines/SOPs
Field by field details on how to enter data How to enter date, how to enter partial date How to enter time, how to enter partial time How to record blank pages How to handle special characters (@, & sign etc..) Any general instructions on the study
Understanding 21 CFR Part 11, that is, Code of Federal Regulations part 11 chapter 21 FDA defines that persons handling clinical data have to be sufficiently trained & need to have electronic signatures of their own Therefore, each person will have electronic signature as part of 21 CFR Part 11 compliance
manual verification
Discrepancies resolved
Refers to data being entered to database for first time DEO enters all data of each document & releases work item
Second pass entry done by another DEO, following first entry This becomes first quality check in CDM process Both DEO & system contribute to this first quality check in CDM process System gives an alert if second pass enters anything different from first pass
DEO (Data Entry Operator) should be aware of kind of data to be entered Also, awareness of project specific guidelines & standard guidelines is a must Data types D
Handling Dates ??
Recording dates on case report forms -plays very integral part DEOs must know different schemes of recording dates Indians follow dd-mm-yyyy pattern Americans follow mm-dd-yyyy pattern Few European countries follow yy-mm-dd pattern
Medical Terminologies
DEOs should encourage themselves from beginning to verify (use online sources) & be aware of spellings of various medical terminologies Essential because a slight change or mis-spelt term can mean totally different Also, many medical terminologies have more than one way of spelling
During entering data, DEOs have liberty of entering comments - called Operator Comments for a particular data point Operator comments entered when DEOs are not sure about any illegible text/ unclear text Also, if data is recorded in an erroneous way, operator comments can be recorded
S T O P !!!
Insert Comment If Not Sureok Yes. . Point Noted
Operator Comment
Also called thinking data entry persons They raise a flag when data is illegible for data reviewers or data managers
Simply put, these entry personnel enter what they see on CRF Entry faster as they follow natural flow of CRF Skill emphasis on number of keystrokes made and specific training on database to be utilized Second pass entry provided after heads down data entry
FDA & ICH regulations do not require double entry or any other specific data entry process Skill level of resource, time availability and cost contribute to choice of entry process Double entry helpful where data are subject to frequent random keystroke errors or where a random error would be likely to impact the analysis Single entry with good manual review can be better than a sloppy double entry one
Edit Check = Validation Validation is the process of checking if something satisfies a certain criterion It is important because it disallows data that cannot possibly be either true or real to be entered into a database or computer system
It is a tool used for data clean up so as to ensure that the data which is entered in the Database is error free and can be send for analysis Allows for efficient and complete data
The Edit Check Programmer defines / creates Edit Checks as defined in the Data Validation Plan These edit check programs are defined in the study database
Simple Edit Check (Diastolic BP greater than Systolic BP) Edit Check with an Arithmetic Function (Difference between Systolic and Diastolic BP > 20) Complex Edit Check (comparison of onset and resolved date of an Adverse Event)
DM tests EC programs
Review of discrepancies
Quality Assurance is a process Quality Control is a check of process Accuracy of data entry checked by auditing data stored in database against CRF Ongoing internal and external audits
Quality Control
Applied at all steps throughout the trial
Data Collection
Data Processing
Data Analysis
Savings on time and money Post db lock, data would be labeled uncorrectable and excluded from analysis
Error rates
Error rate = No. of errors / no. of fields inspected Data quality can be compared across data sets and across trials
Data quality does not mean checking for every possible error
Fields critical to analysis Identify points with a high frequency of error Cover data points where a high percentage of error resolution is possible
Data Integrity
Database closure
Checklist of database closure Generation of final reports Archiving database and associated documentation
Statistical analysis
Preparation of Table, graphs and listing Handling of missing values and outliers Scope of evaluation SAS report generation Statistical analysis and report generation Archiving data and documents
Thank you