Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 11
Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 11
Nejat Newsletter - ISSUE 11
V O LU M E 2, I S S U E 11
Nejat Newsletter 1 1 A P R IL 2 0 07
Part of Foaad Khos- media or other punditry SR: I don’t think this was Operations could 2
mood's Interview with which opposes the Islamic premeditated by Washing- wreck American
Scott Ritter, Republic, as being good, ton. I have written that the
then all these negatives go United States was almost
peace strategy
January 31, 2007 away. 100% focused on the Iraqi
The MEK also has the sup- problem and barely con- Can the Rajavi Cult 2 port of the state of Israel. It cerned about this particular Dupe Progressives?
has the support of the pow- issue. Tenet was aware of
… FKh: Let’s now turn to erful pro-Israeli lobby here this information, as were British claim dis- 3
Iran and your new book in the United States. It has many other people con- credited by allowing
Target Iran. Who is the the support of many mem- cerned about the Iranian
MEK? bers of congress, whether nuclear program, but he did
MKO to act as its
SR: MEK is the Mojahedin- they have arrived at their not treat this information as spokesman
e-Khalq [1]. It’s an Iranian position independently or as credible.
Marxist organization that a result of intensive lobby- I don’t think this is part of a Mojahedin a bargain- 4,7
came into being in the ing. The MEK does have a conspiracy trying to manipu- ing chip in the Iran-
1970’s. It was a force that base of support among the late data. This was simply US negotiations
was opposed to the rule of anti-T ehran groups in the United States putting
the Shah of Iran. It was Washington. this information on the back Country that forgets 8,9
primarily a military opposi- FKh: In your new book, burner and not giving it the the past creates an-
tion group to the Shah and it Target Iran you say that attention it needed which is other Bin Laden
carried out a number of Israeli intelligence was the why the Israelis needed to
attacks against the govern- true source of the new infor- find more dramatic, publicly
mental institutions and the mation on Iran’s hidden accessible means of giving Iraqi Cleric: MKO to 9
military and American mili- nuclear facilities. You also this data to the mainstream be expelled soon
tary advisors in Iran. say that Michael Ledeen press. This is one of the
When the Islamic revolution and some Washington neo- reasons they chose the
MKO hired actors 10
took place in 1979, the MEK cons arranged for MEK to MEK.
initially allied with the Aya- be the conduit of this infor- FKh: So what happened to for demonstration in
tollahs but soon fell out of mation. Why was it impor- these sites? Were there Brussels
favor with them. MEK went tant for another organization inspections of the specific
into exile and they took root to be the deliverer of this sites that were revealed by New Charges Added 10
first in Europe and later in news? the MEK? to MKO’s Criminal
Iraq where it became a very SR: The answer is twofold. SR: These sites were in- Case
powerful military wing of the One, Israel has a PR prob- spected by the International
Iraqi Mukhaberat or the lem if it comes out as the Atomic Energy Agency.
intelligence service. Today lead element in tackling Some of the sites like Baqubah, Terrorism 11
it’s funded by the CIA in Iran’s nuclear program. Natanz have emerges as and MKO
their policy of using this Two, if your goal is regime having been involved in a
organization to be a stick in change and one of the or- uranium enrichment pro- MKO supports the 11
the side of Iran. Even now, ganizations that you’re gram. None of the sites terrorists
the MEK continues to be backing is the MEK – you have been found to have
listed by the State depart- would also like to… As you been involved in a nuclear
The EU-wide asset 12
ment as an international say, there are a number of weapons program. In fact
terrorist organization. negatives to this organiza- there has been no evidence freeze against MeK
FKh: OK, so this is a terror- tion, so you would position found of a nuclear weapons is still in force
ist organization that is re- the MEK as an organization program existing in Iran, just
sponsible for attacks against that is capable of getting a nuclear enrichment pro-
American civilians. There quality information on Iran. gram for the peaceful use of
are many negative things This was the same strategy nuclear energy.
against this group, espe- that was used with the Iraqi Some of the information the This happened a lot when I
cially in this political climate. National Congress and MEK later put out turned out was a weapons inspector.
Yet it has managed to have Ahmad Chalabi. to be false. Basically the We dealt with Israel. Israel
favorable public relations in FKh: You also write that this release of this information - provided outstanding infor-
Washington. Is this all be- information was known to which was debunked - was mation up front. But later on,
cause of CIA backing or are George Tenet ahead of an effort to take control the as the investigation went on,
there other benefactors? time. Does this mean Wash- headlines and interpretation the well dried up. No more
SR: Well, if you’re dealing ington is once again en- of what’s going on to take information could be pro-
with a population that is pre- gaged in manipulation of out voices other than those vided while the Israeli data
programmed to accept at intelligence by withholding who detest Iran by providing turned out to be inaccurate.
face value anything that is and strategically releasing information that is not accu-
put forth by the mainstream information? rate.
Ann Singleton :
The only organization which I
had access to directly and that
would actually going out to do-
ing something was the Mujahe-
din. They would ask for dona-
tions of course and that is how
For two decades it was one of they recruited the crew I guess.
the oddest armies on the earth. The process started with me.
Prevailed to overthrow the aya- They would ask for money and
tollahs in Iran, The widow I would give them more than
Maryam Rajavi stuck amongst that they asked for to show
fanatical devotion. She is ac- them my commitment.
cused by some of running a
crew, a manipulative cult.
The America which protects the
now-disarmed fighters in Iraq
can’t decide what to do about Keneth Pollak:
them, it runs the people Muja- Iran and the US need to work
hedin, also known as MEK or together to stabilize Iraq which
MKO as terrorists but according will be disastrous for both
to some politicians it is still a countries if it's led to civil war.
potential ally. We also have the nuclear nego-
tiations which are very very
delicate and we don’t want the
MKO to make muddy those al-
ready troubled waters. The
other matter is that the US
does need to take charges
against the MKO that is a ter-
rorist organization. Mujahedin began as a guerrilla
group fighting the shah of Iran.
We are in a house in the sub-
Bob Filner (Democrat): Along side the followers of Aya-
urb of Leeds.
I know the MEK supports a tollah Khomeini, they suc-
Ann Singleton and her husband ceeded to overthrow the Pahla-
secular democratic, non nuclear Masud also are ex-Mujahedin
Iran. What's there to oppose vies in 1979.
activists who now campaign
them? We should be a help to But afterwards ayatollah
against the movement that
them in any way we can. Khomeini was not willing to
commanded them absolute loy-
The Mujahedin's position in share the power with them.
alty for twenty years. She
Iraq now is a desperate uncom- Mujahedin rose to debate him
joined MKO when she was a
fortable one. Just north of but they were defeated.
student in Manchester Univer-
Baqdad you find Ashraf in a From then on the organization
sity in the late 1970's when the
vast desert. This land was was bored with the Islamic Re-
students believed that they can
given to them by Saddam Hus- public. Hundred of Iranian offi-
change the world.
sein but the new Iraqi govern- cials were killed or wounded by
Country that forgets the past creates another Osama bin Laden
March 17, 2007 partment of State, appeared to US has been here before, most
agree: "The latest attacks inside famously in the 1980s. The enemy
The CIA has been accused of as- Iran fall in line with US efforts to back then was the Soviet Union.
sisting separatist militants inside supply and train Iran's ethnic mi- One beneficiary of US assistance
Iran, a course of action that would norities to destabilise the Iranian was a man by the name of Osama
be baffling and dangerous, writes regime," he said. bin Laden.
Waleed Aly
Other observers feel this is obvi- Spanish philosopher George San-
NASROLLAH Shanbe Zehi was tayana's contention that "those
publicly hanged in Iran last month. who cannot remember the past are
He had detonated a bomb in the condemned to repeat it" is as wise
city of Zahedan in Sistan- as it is ignored. For all the obvious
Baluchistan, killing 11 Revolution- sense in Santayana's dictum, it is a
ary Guards. This sequence of greater challenge to identify those
events is sadly unremarkable on ous. John Pike, head of Washing- who have managed to avoid re-
two counts: first, executions of this ton's Global Security think tank, peating the blunders of their past
kind are common in Iran; second, stated flatly that, having observed than to name those who have not.
there has been a marked increase the recent separatist escalation, "it It seems the one constant of his-
in political violence in the country would be a scandal if that was not tory is that we refuse its lessons.
i n t he past t wo y ear s . at least in part the result of CIA
Iran is host to a wide range of often activity". But today our amnesia is becoming
persecuted ethnic and religious increasingly extreme. These alle-
minorities. Many pursue militant If the reports are true - andWash- gations, if true, reveal that, more
separatist causes. Kurds in the ington officially denies the allega- than forgetfulness of the past, we
west, Azeris in the northwest, Ah- tions - the US is embarking on a are even forgetting the present.
wazi Arabs in the southwest, and bafflingly foolish course. These The elements of Iran's political
Baluchis in the southeast have all separatist militias are known for terrain noted above should sound
been said to have perpetrated vio- resorting to terrorist methods. One, frighteningly familiar. Here we have
lent acts against the Iranian regime the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, which has an artificially created nation with ill-
in that time. a long history of anti-regime vio- conceived post-colonial borders
lence, is listed by the US State that have fostered a range of dis-
The question is, precisely what is Department as a terrorist organisa- parate militant factions. This is
fuelling such a civil escalation? tion. Yet Pike believes that "a fac- precisely what prevails in Iraq. To
Tehran's explanation has long tion within the Defence Department bankroll an escalation of this is to
been clear: they are the beneficiar- wants to unleash them". There is court yet another apparently intrac-
ies of material support from the US an obvious philosophical incongru- table civil war. If Ahmadinejad's
and Britain. In the case of Zehi, ity in a nation proclaiming to the regime is weakened, the resultant
one local official told the Fars news world that it is fighting a war on power vacuum is likely only to
agency that the bomber had used terror while funding perpetrators of heighten the violence. There is
British and US-made weaponry. it. much about this that should trouble
us, not the least of which is the
It is the kind of spectacular allega- Any policy that seeks to exploit thought that not only has the Bush
tion we may expect to come from them as proxy fighters against the administration executed a monu-
Tehran. It is the kind of news we Iranian regime is necessarily one mental foreign policy blunder in
may expect to be picked up by the of pure political convenience, not Iraq, it may be quite happy to re-
Green Left Weekly. But recently philosophical conviction. peat it.
The Sunday Telegraph in London,
Britain's most conservative broad- But beyond the philosophical, this And what if Washington's denials
sheet, reported that it has been promises to be a strategic disaster. are true? The lessons of Iraq must
confirmed, on condition of anonym- Here is an array of militant groups surely still be heeded. True, as
Condoleezza Rice reminds us, Iran
ity, by a former high-ranking CIA with no ideological confluence.
is not Iraq. But the similarities are
official in Washington. According to They share no aspirations beyond
sufficiently concerning and the
this source, it is "no great secret" the removal of Mahmoud Ahmadi- differences more so. A military
any longer that the CIA is funding nejad's regime and certainly share invasion - as Vice-President Dick
these separatist militants from its no philosophical alliance with the Cheney quite openly mooted dur-
classified budget. US. Nothing is more predictable ing his recent trip to Australia -
than that such militias, at some particularly if it results in regime
Fred Burton, a former counter- point, will turn savagely against the change, also risks precipitating
terrorism agent with the US De- US after accepting its money. The another civil war from which the US
Country that forgets the past creates another Osama bin Laden (cont)
will never satisfactorily disentangle dam Hussein's Iraq. Any differ- the Middle East and the UN Secu-
itself, and from which whatever is ences between the invasion of Iraq rity Council powers is a welcome
left of its goodwill in the region will and an invasion of Iran are likely relief. It is as yet unclear whether
be comprehensively shredded. only to be negatively so. the talks will also encompass Iran's
nuclear program, which is ostensi-
It is worth remembering what that If there is a time for the Bush ad- bly prompting the US to consider a
means: providing another battle- ministration to discover the ancient military response.
ground and another rallying point art of diplomacy, it is now. It has
for terrorist groups, and increasing taken four taxing years in Iraq for Still, we can only hope this repre-
the terror risk accordingly, without the US to accept, finally, that it may sents a new, more collaborative
any accompanying, foreseeable need to begin talking with stake- phase in US thinking on foreign
solution. holders in the region whom it has policy in the region rather than an
previously dismissed as evil, aberration. Sense and history are
Alternatively, the process of regime namely Iran and Syria. The an- calling.
change would be a much bloodier nouncement this month that the US
and costlier affair than that in Iraq. will attend a ministerial-level meet- Waleed Aly is the author of People
Iran is a proud nation with greater ing in April about the future of Iraq Like Us (Picador), to be published
technological capacity than Sad- with representatives from across
later this year.
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