Homeopathy and Dentistry
Homeopathy and Dentistry
Homeopathy and Dentistry
People are becoming more self-sufficient in treating their illnesses. The number of books and magazines on healthrelated subjects demonstrate that consumers are more self-informed about their health needs than ever before. Dental disease is the most prevalent of all diseases. The United States Public Health Service reports that 98% of all Americans have some form of dental disease, most of which can virtually be eliminated by consumers taking responsibility for their preventive care. In addition, 18% of all Americans have such poor oral health that they cant chew properly. Every year, in the U.S., there are 60 million extractions, 9 million root canals, over 200 million fillings placed, and nearly 1/8 of all Americans have no teeth at all! The oral cavity is, by bacteria count, the dirtiest part of the body, and the health of the mouth is crucial to overall health. Research has demonstrated that the oral bacteria can travel throughout the body, via the bloodstream and mucosal absorption, contributing to systemic health problems, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, bacterial pneumonia, premature birth, and even obesity. Also, there are the issues of mercury / silver fillings, nickel crowns, bio-incompatible dental materials, electro galvanism / dissimilar metals, dead teeth (root canals), and residual jaw infections etcall of which can be additive in their influence on the health of the body. In addition, the major organ acupuncture meridians flow through the region of the oral cavity, and the teeth can affect these major organs at a distance through their suppression of these associated meridian / energy pathways. These statistics clearly underscore the enormously important role which good dental care plays in the health of our entire population. As Charles Mayo, the founder of the Mayo Clinic said, Preventive dentistry can extend human life for ten years. Over the course of the past several years, the established methods of treatment such as decay prevention through fluoride application and the usage of amalgam / mercury fillings have been increasingly challenged and criticized. In light of these facts, growing numbers of dentists have chosen to seek a means of providing effective treatment for their patients, while simultaneously maintaining a minimum of side effects. For a great variety of dental indications, homeopathic preparations are providing such a means. There are many homeopathic products that have been found to be effective in treating various dental conditions. Below are listed some remedies to consider.
Abscess Product
Arnica-Heel (drops)
Journal of Biomedical Therapy
Clinical application
Chronic and acute inflammation due to infection Early dental abscess accompanied by redness and throbbing, localized inflammation including swelling, redness, suppuration, and pain Relief of edema, glandular swelling, lymphatic stagnation Suppurations, especially those in the peritonsillar area and gum tissue Suppuration, lymphedema, hypersensitivity to cold and draughts Post-operative edema, swelling of soft tissues and degenerative processes associated with inflammationpulpitis, ostitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis
Suggested dosage
10 drops 3x/day 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule a day
Belladonna-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) Lymphomyosot/Lyphosot (tablets, drops, ampoules) Psorinoheel N/Sorinoheel (drops, ampoules) Hepar sulfuris-Injeel (ampoules) Traumeel (tablets, ampoules)
Injected into the vestibule adjacent to the lower right and left bicuspids (lymphatic acupuncture meridian) or 15-20 drops 3x/day or 3 tablets 3x/day 10 drops 3x/day
Bruxism Product
Traumeel (tablets, ampoules)
Clinical application
Injuries of all kinds
Suggested dosage
1-2 tablets 3x/day, 10 drops 3x/day, or 1 ampoule per day 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule per day 1 tablet or 10 drops 3x/day
Belladonna-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) Grinding and painful teeth Nervoheel/Nereel (tablets) or Symptoms of stress including restlessness, Valerianaheel (drops) insomnia, and nervous tension
Spring 2006
1 ampoule 1-3x/week or 1-3x/day (in acute conditions) 1/2 ampoule of Traumeel is injected into the vestibular area adjacent to the dental surgery site immediately after treatment. The other 1/2 is taken orally (sublingual) or 1 tablet 3x/day, beginning the day before the dental appointment and continuing for 3 days following treatment Stimulation of the bodys intrinsic defenses in 1 ampoule sublingually up to 3x/day cases of abscesses with fistula and inflammatory processes such as gingivitis, stomatitis, and sinusitis Stimulation of the healing of mucous 1 ampoule sublingually 3x/week membranes
Clinical application
Suggested dosage
Inject I ampoule throughout quadrant treated along with 1-2 tablets 3x/day, or 10 drops 3x/day, the day before the surgery, continuing post-op. until symptoms subside 15-30 drops 3x/day or 3 tablets 3x/day or 1 ampoule s.c. 1 tablet 3x/day 1 tablet 3x/day 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule 3x/week 1 ampoule injected s.c. adjacent to area of concern Massage into gums at least 2x/day
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory for various tissues, affecting the pathologies of periodontitis, suppuration of the gingival pockets, periodontosis, etc. Reduces the severity and duration of oral stomatitis Lymphomyosot/Lyphosot (tablets, drops, To stimulate lymphatic drainage ampoules) Bone (BHI) (tablets) Relief of pain in bone and assists the healing of injuries to bone Mercurius-Heel S (tablets) Relief of minor infections with a tendency to suppurate including boils and fistulations Echinacea compositum (drops, ampoules) Redness and swelling due to infection, cuts, abrasions and minor burns. Mucosa compositum (ampoules) Stimulation of the healing of mucous membranes Aloe Vera (gel) Apply to swollen, sensitive gum tissue
Hemorrhage Product
Arnica-Heel (drops)
Clinical application
Suggested dosage
10 drops 3x/day 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule per day the day previous to dental treatment 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule per day
If bleeding accompanied by bruised soreness Phosphor-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) Tendency to hemorrhage, excess bleeding and salivation. To help form good coagulation after surgery Cinnamomum-Homaccord (drops, Relief of minor bleeding and injuries ampoules)
Clinical application
Suggested dosage
1-2 tablets 3x/day a day before surgery, continuing post-op. until symptoms subside 10 drops 3x/day Apply ointment in morning and evening to the affected area and 1 ampoule 1- 3x/day or 1 tablet 3-5x/day 10 drops 3x/day 2-3 tablets 3x/day or 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule per day 10 drops 3x/day 1 tablet 3x/day or 1 ampoule per day 1 tablet 3x/day 1 tablet 3x/day 10 drops or 1 tablet 3x/day or 1-3 ampoules a day 1 tablet 3x/day 1 tablet 3x/day 5 tablets before, during, or after exertion. May be taken as often as every 15 minutes 1 tablet 3x/day or 1 ampoule 1x/day 10 drops 3x/day or 1 ampoule 1-3x/day
Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bruising, inflammation Arnica-Heel (drops) Chronic and acute inflammation Zeel (ampoules, ointment, tablets) or Relief of arthritis, rheumatism, and minor Inflammation (BHI) (tablets) injuries Gelsemium-Homaccord (drops) Recurrent, occipital headache, stiff neck and upper back neuralgia. Pain extending from the back neck over the head Vertigoheel/Ventigoheel (tablets, drops, Vertigo and other imbalance disorders incluampoules) ding nausea, motion sickness and dizziness Cimicifuga-Homaccord (drops, ampoules) Osteochondrosis, particularly in the cervical region of the vertebral column, invertebral neuralgia, areas of neural disturbance Neuralgo-Rheum-Heel/Injeel (ampoules, Relief of neuralgia, soft tissue rheumatism tablets) and arthritic complaints Nervoheel/Nereel (tablets ) Relief of symptoms related to stress including restlessness, insomnia, and nervous tension Headache II (BHI) (tablets) Throbbing, severe headache pain, aggravated by noise, light, movement, or due to stress Spigelon (tablets, drops, ampoules) Recurrent headaches, congestive headache and headache with lightheadedness Rheuma-Heel (tablets) Symptoms of rheumatism including pain, inflammation and myalgia Spascupreel (tablets) Relief of muscle cramps Rendimax (BHI) (tablets) Symptoms of physical exertion, muscle soreness and cramping and burning from lactic acid buildup Discus compositum (ampoules, tablets) Disorders of the joints (chronic arthritis and arthrosis), TMJ disorders Nux vomica-Homaccord (ampoules, Minor abdominal stress. The stomach meridrops) dian courses adjacent to the TMJ and can be an interference field to TMJ function
Spring 2006
Clinical application
Clinical application
Bruising, inflammation, pain Reduce bruising and post-op. swelling
Suggested dosage
1-2 tablets or 10-15 drops 3x/day before surgery, continuing post-op. until symptoms subside 10 drops orally 3x/day previous to dental treatment Injected s.c. into the vestibule adjacent to the surgical area or 1 tablet/10 drops 3x/day 1 tablet 3x/day Apply topically to irritated gum tissue
Lymphomyosot/Lyphosot (tablets, drops, To stimulate lymphatic drainage ampoules) Bone and joint pain, soft tissue rheumatism, Osteoheel/Osteel (tablets) and the treatment of exostoses Aloe Vera (gel) Bactericidal, virucidal, anti-inflammatory, reduces sensitivity
Toothache Product
Traumeel (tablets) Sinusitis-nosode-Injeel (ampoules)
corresponding meridian and teeth associated with that particular sinus 1 tablet 3x/day
Calcoheel (tablets)
Journal of Biomedical Therapy
In addition to the above listed remedies, the major remedy used in my dental practice is Traumeel. This anti-inflammatory/analgesic can be used in the following ways for more successful results from the dental treatment: 1.Traumeel tablets: taken beginning the day before dental treatment (especially oral surgery), and continuing at least 24 hours after treatment. This product is therapeutic for post-operative nerve swelling (pulpitis) and resultant sensitivity after placement of dental restorations. 2. Traumeel ampoules: every tooth/surgery area benefits from an injection of Traumeel adjacent to the operative area after the dental appointment. Not only does Traumeel offer post-operative analgesia, it also stimulates the oral acupuncture meridians to flow... especially if the treated tooth had previously been an energetic focus", suppressing the corresponding energy pathway/meridian. 3. Traumeel ampoules: spraying the solution over exposed dentin provides a sedative/anti-inflammatory effect prior to the bonding of restorations and is especially therapeutic with pulp caps (nerve exposures). 4. Traumeel ampoules: if the office utilizes I.V. vitamin C support for the patient during dental treatment, adding Traumeel and Lymphomyosot are additions to the I.V. menu which stimulate lymphatic drainage and make the I.V. more comfortable for the patient. 5. Traumeel ointment: for those practitioners who treat head, neck and facial pain, the use of the Traumeel ointment by the patient between appointments, applied topically to the affected area, greatly enhances the outcome of the treatment. 6. Traumeel solution: a randomized, controlled clinical trial of Traumeel was performed in relation to the treatment of chemotherapy-induced stomatitis in children undergoing stem cell transplantation. This study indicated that Traumeel may reduce significantly the severity and duration of stomatitis in children undergoing bone marrow transplantation. (Cancer 2001;92(3):684-690). 7. Traumeel ointment: for dentists who perform endodontic therapy (root canals), in a study previously published in Biomedical Therapy (1999;XVII(1)), endodontic therapy was performed in the following wayIrrigation of the debrided nerve canal was done with Traumeel ampoules (whose vehicle is sterile isotonic NaCl solution) prior to the filling of the canal and during biomechanical preparation. The sealant paste was a mixture of Traumeel and zinc oxide. It was concluded from the study that the use of Traumeel as described, proved to be uniquely therapeutic for periapical inflammation and post-operative discomfort. Moreover, a toothpaste has been developed in the USA containing homeopathic ingredients and Aloe Vera gel (visit www.homeopathicdentistry.com). The health of the mouth is crucial to our overall health, and as dentists understand the relationship that oral disease has to the entire body, they can be even more therapeutic in their service. Homeopathy is a therapeutic tool to assist dentists in providing a more comprehensive approach to healthcare.
Spring 2006