Mother Tongue 14 (August 1991)

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_()F.= THE
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Editor ( AU,gust )-: I{ar6ld c_. Flellling,-
. _ -_ Js -.-: lto-n...Pt:O'flt organization, frtttrpO.ute-d lws- of the Coonwed th -q.f ias-sachus-;etts, Its p-urp_ose H to
tacauraqe:. the stu-dy of hnguage ln p-re1tistor:y. in aU fitHs and by allDturi_s .:: indild-incg res.urell 011 the early --
. evoJuUn of larfiUtte, coJifer-ence-s_,- setting uva data liaitk; and a 1\Jvsletter and/or j.ourrial to report
tlltse u1;ivities; -- - :, c.. ._ --_ - _ , __ - - -. _ _ - _ _
(idress a'_ppropriatt .. tornsp_ondtnct to eatb)
P-re-sident: Harold -c. fleaint-
SlU Forb-es
lA 1S217
Vite Prn: Ulfn a. Buhard
13 PltHHps Strut:
U 02114- .
s-ecret.lry: Anne v.- .
-P.o. aox sn
-Jr04irline, h 02146
Il-iio AlttHi .
u(taliftr!lit; lu
AhJrit Dolgopobky -
University of (ht'aell .
Ben -Oltifttaabt
Un.inrsity of hrcollit JNJgeria)
- Joup_h a: . .
Smford lln:htrsfty (IJ$A)
tu htorr Ho4qe .lll!iversi ty (U:SA)
Vittfrtd P. ltbaann .
UniverSity of TeifS {USA}
KarHitinr'ieh lltnges :. - - . ..
D.iblitgtr lfup-tslratse 64, Vin_ (Austria)
!fairs :llukarovsky. . . . . . -- -
Iitst. filt Afrikanistik. U/Wien (Au-stria)
Vitalij Shtvoroshkil'i
Uir.t-versity {USA)
Sergei Starostin
of Sc:iertces of the USSR
Jtin Ste11art
. 7 East Barnton G-ardens._ Edinburgh (Scotlawo}
OBITUARIES: Allan .Wilson (by Rebecca -Cann),
Otto Rossler (by YoEH Arbeitman)
Emmanue:l Laroche (by YoEH Arbeitman)-
on et alter
(OR by Eric de Grofier,.
1 AMERlND TERMS and Other Essays:
by RUhlen (one witk
iLa lucha : the NEWS.
Four recent_books:'
LOS mee-t: ingS-.

Pet.racek' s critique of
. -
by c. Fleming
Annual dues tor ASLIP 1e1bership and MOTHER TON&UE
subscription na US $10 in all countries except
those vtth currency prebleas; IIi those countries
the dues are- ZERO; All 1e1bers en helJ by laking
donations to defray these costs.
w. Southern HUnois Uliivers_ity,
turopean distribution: lll bers living in Europe,
tfte OSSRl and nran will p:ay their nnual dues to,
and receive- ROTHER 'TOUUE fro: . .
. Professor Or. Ekkehard Wolff
Carbondale, Illinois 62l0L _
Shervin J. Felnhandler-, Social Systus Analysts,
caabridg-e, R!suchuutts
-frederick U/Rnsachusetts, Harbor Campus,
Boston, h.ssacblise.tts. 0212.S
Nark KaiseJ", IllinOis State Univerdty, .
. - -'- Normd, Illinds ;617-61
--Saul levin. State. University ot 1te11
11-inghatton,. Mew York 13901
Daniel. ReCall, 7
Bo_storr, llassachusetts &2-1.20
Seainar ior Afrikanische Sprachen und Kulturen,
Un1versitit Ha1burg,
Mittelveg 177,
D - 200.0 Haaburg 1.3, _
PREFACE. Sole introductory remarks.
Free a.t last, free a.t la.stl Tha.:n.k God.
Almighty! were free a.t!
To the
Martin Luther King, Jr. August 27, 1963
People of Ethiopia. & the Soviet
cio:n.el Way to go! it! it!
Congratulations to our Muscovites and our Ethiopian colleagues for
courage and survival stamina. Special mention to Herbert S. Lewis for
courage above and beyond the requirements of research. Bravo, Herb!
X X X X X X X D 0 W b & C k 0 W 0 k X X X X X X
Gy. Hegedus Iren's bibliography of Nostratic will be presented in
parts, starting with MT-15, because the whole exceeds our capacity.
Monsieur Eric de Grolier points out that our differences in
taxonomy just may reflect our biases, due to where we start looking
and where the easy data are and so forth. Interesting thesis!
Vaclav Blatek continues the amicable debate with John Bengtson
over the classification of Basque. New Ongota data save one etymology.
Some of John Bengtson and Merritt Ruhlen's global etymologies have
been, as they themselves observe, underpowering. However, one of their
very good ones -- the 'milk' etymology -- was rejected for publication
by the editor of LANGUAGE supported by the Executive Committee of the
LSA, no less. They never said it might be worthwhile for linguists to
inspect such a formidable looking etymology. They rejected it because
it might not be true. Has anyone ever seen such an attitude in a
journal of a scientific society? That is what we are up against, not
rational behavior! B & R's 'milk' is shown so that our readers can
judge for themselves. Also a beautiful table of Amerind kinship terms
which are at least as strong as Sir William Jone's first IE set. Plus
a set of D-C (Dene-Caucasic) etymologies to help those starved for the
sight of real data in that realm. All courtesy of Merritt Ruhlen.
There is some sad news about some good people. There is also
rather exciting news from the biogenetic and archeological fronts. And
some interesting letters. Roger Blench has given us a high quality map
of African languages, useful in our upcoming tropical endeavours!
Finally, there is a new taxonomic hypothesis, written by yours
truly. It may not be true but it is a serious effort. If it is not
true, no harm done because we can then examine Alexandra Aihenvald's
(with Jean Pierre Angenot). If it turns out to be true, please note
that it takes us "half way home". After Borean, one has to cope with
the big tropical phyla. Peaceful reading!
Dr. Allan C. Wilson, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at
the University of California, Berkeley, died in Seattle on Sunday, 2 1 july
1 9 9 1, at the age of S 6. He died while undergoing bone- marrow
transplantation for leukemia, diagnosed only late last November, at the
Fred Hutchinson Memorial Cancer Institute. Allan felt that the brain was
much more important than environmental change in driving morphological
evolution of species with learning capabilities. He hypothesized that
humans had become uncoupled from the demographic and environmental
catastrophes that limit the expansion of new species due to the evolution
of language. He personally trained more than 200 graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows in molecular evolution in his laboratory. He was a
Fellow of the Royal Society, received 2 Guggenheim awards, numerous
science prizes, a MacArthur Foundation "genius" award, and was a member
of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Allan's principle interest in evolution came from his observation that
rates of morphological change and rates of mutation seemed to be
uncoupled in many lineages. He was widely knowledgeable about the
diversity and behaviour of birds, fish, primates, rodents, bacteria, bats,
amphibians. ruminants, and insects. How did behaviour drive evolution?
\Vhat was the true phylogenetic picture that related species to each other,
and when did these behavioural changes occur? He was interested in real
examples. He had a way of encouraging students to work on projects
likely to pay off with the application of new technologies, and a
phenomenal memory for who had stored what samples in what freezer.
Allan thought that evolutionary biologists needed a more objective way
of measuring rates of change, since they were often misled by convergence
due to natural selection. He also thought that they needed a clear
phylogenetic perspective for the group under study, because hypothesis
testing would be impossible if family relationships among taxa were not
known. The fossil record might be incomplete, but that should not stop
biologists in the modern world from reconstructing evolutionary history.
He felt that in order to really study evolutionary change, it was best to
concentrate on genes and proteins of living animals in a simple system,
and to make the fewest number of assumptions about how DNA mutated
over time. What mattered to him was data, and the name or fame of the
laboratory producing the data was always secondary.
Allan's contributions to evolutionary biology include 1) the primate
molecular clock, showing humans and African apes shared a common
ancestor as short as 5-7 million years ago, in contrast to the 2 S million
year divergence once favored by paleoanthropologists; 2) the Lucky
Mother hypothesis to account for mtDNA divergence in modern people
from an African ancestor who lived about 200,000 years ago; 3) the
demonstration that convergence due to natural selection can occur at the
molecular level in proteins, as evidenced in the same structure and
function of a stomach enzyme (lysozyme) in cows and leaf-eating monkeys;
4) the discovery that the immense adaptive radiation of Hawaiian flies in
the genus Drosophila must have taken place before the current Hawaiian
islands were formed, leading him to hypothesize that insects island-
hopped down the now-submerged seamounts and atolls of the Hawaiian
chain as new islands were formed; 5) the demonstration that the survival
of DNA in ancient species is common and that it can be sequenced and
compared to modern relatives; and 6) a universal framework for
measuring rates of morphological evolution in animals, and the observation
that morphology appears to change faster in species that utilize
observational learning in their social behaviour (birds and primates). This
last discovery formed the core of his interest in big brains and language,
and the contribution these factors made to increasing the rate of
morphological evolution in humans.
Allan wanted to have an statistically robust, universal yardstick for
measuring morphological change, because he was struck by how subjective
the opinions of anatomists were when describing evolutionary change
within and between taxa. He was particularly put off by primate
anatomists, who attempted to dazzle their audiences with detail but
neglected to deal with real issues of biology, notably, low sample sizes, no
real understanding of sexual dimorphism, and the unknown link between
genes and anatomical structures. He thought that they hid behind jargon,
and constantly attempted to put readers off by speaking in code about
particular fossils by number instead of clearly identified terms. Allan
spent part of a sabbatical in Kenya in the early 1970's, where he was
finally able to see some of the fossil evidence for human evolution first-
hand due to the help of Alan Walker, now at johns Hopkins University.
This experience helped solidify his perception that behaviour must have
been changing fast in human evolutionary history, and his interest in the
reorganization of the brain as a response to the demands of language grew.
He thought that all modern people shared similar language characteristics,
because they shared a recent, common origin. He also felt that until there
was a real understanding of modern human genetic diversity and its
origins, linguists would not be able to make much headway in the problem
of when modern languages arose and where. Up until he went to Seattle
for further treatment, he was looking forward to future discussions with
Bickerton and others about the links between the expansion of modern
humans about 100,000 years ago and the spread of particular language
Allan felt that words had power beyond their obvious communication
potential. He knew that words could hurt, and that they could also heal.
His first years as a professor at Berkeley had embroiled him in some bitter
debates, and he understood the necessity of funding long-shots if they
were likely to yield new evidence. When our Lucky Mother hypothesis
was subjected to scathing ridicule after the first publication in1987, he
reminded me how sure the anthropological establishment had been that he
was wrong too in 1967. Although it seemed impossible to get funding for
research and I was almost ready to quit, he encouraged me to keep trying.
I am now glad that he had faith in me, and this story could be repeated by
a large number of his former students. He used his last years as a
MacArthur fellow, when he was released from formal teaching duties, to
travel extensively so that he could discuss, explore, and attempt to bridge
gaps between biologists and social scientists. His overriding concern was
the nature of the evidence that could be gathered, the potential bias in
gathering it, the scientist( s) involved, and who would use the data for
what eventual purpose.
I knew Allan as an intense, gentle, humble, and humorous individual
who packed 28 hours of activity into a 24 hour day. As a teacher, he
stressed rigor and elegance in presentation of data. Allan was a math wiz,
but he appreciated that concepts were worth talking about too, because
you never knew who was likely to have an important insight into a
problem. He disliked pretension of any kind, political expediency, and
departmental games. Berkeley was not always a comfortable place for him
in this regard. Most students began their stay with him by thinking that
he talked too simply about evolution, and left his lab understanding how
important it is to talk and think clearly about this complicated subject. He
promoted the interests of his students with vigilance, and was constantly
pressing conference organizers to include women and minorities on their
speakers' lists. Gender or race were irrelevant to him, and it was no
accident that at one time, his laboratory had almost all the women
students enrolled in the Department of Biochemistry at UCB.
As a friend, Allan enjoyed discussions about science with good food and
fine wine, Mozart, single malts, sheep jokes, and simple technology. He and
Leona, his wife of 32 years, often hosted memorable parties for hungry
students and visiting dignitaries. He would promote these by saying,
"Come to dinner, you'll learn what it's like to talk to someone who really
thinks like a ... ex) bat, monkey, camel, mouse, etc." His family in California
----------------- - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - ~ ---
including Leona, his daughter Ruth, and his son David, often tolerated
intrusions into their family life by needy, visiting biologists. Allan was a
proud citizen of New Zealand, who grew up on a cattle ranch. His family
there include his mother Eunice, sister Coleen, and brother Gary. We
students were often told to visit New Zealand before it became trendy, and
see the one cattle farm in a land of 10 million sheep. Those of us who had
the pleasure of working with Allan will always remember his warm smile,
and his ready questions, "So, what are you doing lately? Can you stay a
minute? I've got a new idea I need to talk over with you."
7 August 1991
Rebecca L. Cann
Assoc .. Prof. of Genetics and Molecular Biology
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96822
Th '11 be a memorial service, to be held on SEPTEMBER 12, 1991, .
Wilson. It will be at Berkeley (U/California at
exactly where is not yet known .. one who wished to
could probably find out by call1ng the Department o
There will also be a student scholarship fund set up in his name.
----- --- -
Prof. Dr. Otto Rossler ofMarburg (Lahn), Germany, died on 9 July 1991. He was born
on 6 February 1907 and was, thus, 84 years old. A man like Prof. Rossler cannot be just given
circumscribing dates and locations for his epitaph. I can think of no better defining word for
his position than to say that he stood at the summit of all that was best in "classical" Hamito-
Semitic linguistics, and he trained a generation that was to go far beyond him into wild forests
he himself could not enter. Words to this effect he wrote me himself also at the time we
collaborated on the English translation and slight updating of his magisterial work - in English,
"The Structure and Inflexion of the Verb in the Semito-Hamitic Languages", in the Gedenk-
schrift for J. Alexander Kerns )" T (1981:679-748). Prof. Rossler's main updatings there
consisted of excising some of what he had said on the Chadic languages, because the field had
gotten away from him in the strides made, among others, by his disciple, Prof. Dr. Hermann
Jungraithmayr, and that integrating the new material would require an entirely new article, one
conceived differently. In fnn. 13 and 14 of my 1981 translation, I listed some of Prof. Rossler's
most important articles and appended to these a further listing on p. 748 there. I would only
wish to point out here that, most likely, the course of time will deem his "Verbalbau und
Verbalflexion in den Semito-Hamitischen Sprachen" (the 1950 original of the article I translated
and which first appeared in ZDMG 100/2:461-514) and his, by far later (1971), "Das Agyptische
als semitische Sprache", in the volume Christentum am Roten Meer (1:263-326), in which he
established a very stringent and symmetrical manifesto of the Lautgesetz-System obtaining
between Egyptian and the Semitic languages proper, as his most important.
I should like to add a few personal notes: in 1965-66, while living in Israel, in the age
before photocopies (and washing machines), I sat- as a monk- a certain number of hours per
diem and copied out the above-mentioned German original of "Verbalbau und Verbalflexion ... "
by hand into a small notebook at the Library of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. To jump
some years, in 1978, when I first approached him by post concerning publishing the translation,
many months flowed away, and, when his letter of response finally came, I was lying - having
just come back from Death's door- in a hospital, where- inter alia- I had had fevers up
to 110. I read the letter my Mother ) "T brought to the hospital and took it seriously until I
got to the Master's request that perhaps we could conduct all future correspondence in Yiddish.
Since I can read Yiddish fairly well, but ONLY as a side-prize of knowing Hebrew and German
and some Slavic, this request at first registered in my mind, but then I later came to the
conclusion that this was all part of a fever-induced delirium. Time and the document show now
that he did write this. My last letter from Prof. Rossler came in April1989 in response to 82nd
birthday wishes I had sent him. I should like to cite a single sentence from this delightful letter:
"Continually I have a lot of things to do: To prepare for my 'postumous' [sic] paralipomena
is the one major activity."
I personally will very much miss this fascinating man who lived on the other side of the
ocean. Scholarship, whatever road its young and new researchers will take it, will continue to
honor the light shed by this brilliant man, especially his work with the Lybico-Berber and the
Be9auye (Beja) verbs. Sit ei terra levis!
~ - - - - - - -
Y oel L. Arbeitman
Institute of Semitic Studies
195 Nassau Street (#16)
Princeton, NJ 08542
To recall the life-work of Prof. Emmanuel Laroche permits one to say, that which,
if applied to most of us, would be but wanton hyperbole. But here is an appropriate place
to say this: In few, if indeed any, other sciences can it so easily be said that one individual
was THE nonpareil in his field. Yet, in Anatolian Comparative Philology, in its ever-
expanding divisions and subdivisions, it is easy to pronounce that Prof. Laroche simply had
no peer. If he did, he would still be minimally primus inter pares - a very few pares indeed.
Prof. Laroche died on 16 June 1991, at the age of 77.
True, Anatoliology has been blessed with a plethora of major figures who have
striven and overcome mighty roadblocks, many of these latter being due to the several ill-
adapted writing systems and the hardships they engender for a recognition of the sounds
behind them.
During the many years that he ran Revue hittite et asianique (RHA) almost single-
handedly, he had, so to speak, a "regular column" in it, "Etudes de vocabulaire", in which
he regularly elucidated meaning and/or etymology, primarily of Cuneiform Hittite lexemes
and particles. Later on, his major work-area moved primarily into examining the Luwic
languages and establishing (for many of us fellow-workers, firmly) the family tree: with
Cuneiform Luwian, then with what had been known as "Hieroglyphic Hittite", this latter
especially with his volume, used by so many of us, Les hieroglyphes hittites (1960). In equal
measure, all who tried their hand at Cuneiform Luwian employed his 1959 Dictionnaire de
Ia langue louvite. This modestly entitled volume was actually dictionary, chrestomathy, and
outline of grammar all in one- had it been published in German, it most certainly would
have been a *Handbuch der luwischen Sprache! That the later work ofHawkins/Murpurgo-
Davies/Neumann, building on the basis of the discoveries and proposals of Laroche and his
contemporary equal, Piero Meriggi, proved that there was no "Hieroglyphic Hittite"
language and that these inscriptions, assigned more precise sign-values, were actually in
another form of the Luwian language (with Cuneiform Luwian being an older and a
Western dialect and Hieroglyphic Luwian being a much later - separated, in the main, by
at least 500 years - and an Eastern dialect, used in an area where many refugees of the
destruction of the Hittite world ca. 1200 BCE had settled), in no way detracted from its
extreme proximity to Cuneiform Luwian.
Yet another part of Laroche's formation of the Luwic family of Indo-Hittite/lndo-
European, was his series of articles "Comparaison du louvite et du lycien", inBSL 53 (1957-
1958), 55 (1960), and 62 (1967). One can say, in part at least, that this area of his work
peaked in the preliminary publication of the newly-found "Trilingual Stele of Xanthos", with
a long philological analysis by. M. Laroche and with the same manner of work done on the
Greek and Aramaic texts by eminent scholars in those fields. This work later on culminated
in the volume Feuilles de Xanthos. Tome VI: La stele de Xanthos, done by the same three
Just to skim our lamented colleague's areas of work requires mentioning two further
areas: his long interest and continuous work with theonyms and anthroponyms of the
Anatolian world, as demonstrated, respectively, in Recherches sur les noms des dieux hittites,
--- - ------------------
which constituted the 1946-1947 volume ofRHA and was reprinted as a book in 1975 (Swets
and Zeitlinger B.V., Amsterdam), and his 1966 book Les noms des hittites.
Finally, in his older years, he devoted himself to Hurrian lexicography, with this work
appearing as the 1976 and 1977 volumes of RHA and entitled Glossa ire de la langue hourrite
(premiere partie, A-L, and deuxieme partie, M-Z, index, respectively). The 1978 volume of
RHA published theActes de la XX'IVe rencontre assyriologique intemationale, Paris 1977: Les
Hourrites and, with the loss of the various underwriting "commissions", this became the
"swan-volume" of this great journal.
I have here to add but one semi-personal note: quite by chance, as our respective
articles were submitted a year apart from one another, the Vice President of ASLIP, Allan
R. Bombard, and I had back-to-hack articles in RHA XXXI (1973), both dedicated to the
memory of our common teacher and mentor, Prof. J(ames) Alexander Kerns. The health
of our now-prospering field is manifested by the contents of the remainder of that issue:
S. R. Bin-Nun of Israel, Ahmet Unal of Turkey and Germany, H. Craig Melchert of North
Carolina, Bader of Paris, and Emmanuel Laroche himself, with an article entitled
"Etudes de linguistique anatolienne". The issue concluded with a group of book reviews by
the Maitre.
y oel L. Arbeitman
Institute of Semitic Studies
195 Nassau Street (#16)
Princeton, NJ 08542
We also regret that Professor SAMUEL NOAH KRAMER died late last year. He
was often thought to be the greatest Sumerologist in the world, at least
by Americans.
In MT-15 we will have a short statement on Kramer's life and work by
ranger Stephen J. Lieberman of Penn and Philadelphia, himself
h1ghly regarded in Sumerology.
Vticla-v BLAm (P.Hbram, Czechoslovakia)
The question of genetic classification of Basque language
stays open because only synchronic from Basque can be used
for comparisons. But the progress in reconstruction of proto-lan-
guages of neighbour language families allows at least to dif'fe-
rentiate among hopefUl and leas hopefUl hypotheses.
Two solutions of the problem of the genetic affiliation of
Basque language aeeJn to be the most pr0111iaing: (1) North
ian, (2) Afroaaiatic. Botl1 points of view have been interpreted
usually as DD.ltually excluding each other (with exception of
"omnicomparativist" A. Trombetti and D. Woelfel, who understood
the all common :features connecting Basque wi tl1 Afroasiatic and
Caucasian as a cultural heritage o:f Mediterranean
The following material represents JO parallels connecting
Basque with both North Caucasian and Afroasiatic. 'lbia Hat is
not exhausting, only illustrative. A real of promising
cognates including pronominal and -verbal roots is, of course,
higher. The restriction is motived not only by a lack of apace,
but also by greutea informati-ve value of nouns and adjectiveo
for semantical analysis and following interpvetation.
'The number of 30 parallels is too low :for establishing the
set o:f regular phonetic responses. On the other hand, tlle numbers
of bilateral parallels among Basque and Nortll Caucasian, Basque
and Afroasiatic and North Caucasian and Atroaaiatic, are signifi-
cantly higher to allow :formulating of the seta o:f regular corres-
pondences, if they exist.
The presentation o:f various aemantical :fields doubtless cor-
relates with an origin of the cognates, if they are the result of
a common heritage or they represent mutual borrowings.
Thus, the basic lexicon is represented by terms fr0111 body/
parts names (forehead, tooth, root), human society (male,
child), nature (atone, water, creek, firewood), darkness/light
(day, morning, tomorrow, shadow, star) and by some adjecti-ves or
adverbs (dry, old, little, :few). cultural meaning is charac-
teristio for ZOOI\YIIlS (goat/lUd, ram, ass, dog) and otller words
(milk; city) while the other zoonyma represent rather tbe sub-
stratum lexicon (ox, rat, mouse).
Any deinitive explanation is very far now. We can only fbr-
- 2 -
mnlate some more or lees probable hypotheses explaining presented
lo Common genetic of Basque, North Caucasian and Afroaeiatico
(It is improbable, a lot o:f quoted roots from the last two fami-
lies hsve external parallels in other Sino-Caucasian, reap. Nostra-
tic languRges.)
2. Distaht genetic relationship of Nostratic including Afroaoia-
tic and Sino-Caucasian including North Caucasian (Starostin). Tite
classification of Basque in this hypothetical super-phylum impli-
cates the relationship with all daughter families, including Af-
roasiatic and North Caucasian.
(It is possible, but it doesn't explain, why just Afroasiatic
the other Nostratic famtlies has so much common in lexicon
nnd alao in grBIIIIIlAI' with Basque.)
J. Basque is related to North Caucasian. E.g. J. (1990)
eupposea the Macro-Caucasian sub-phylum (Basque, North Caucasian,
(It is possible, but how to expllain the numerous parallels among
BAsque nnd Afroaaiatic and among North Caucasian and Afroaaiatic7)
4. Basque is related to Afroaaiatic
(It is possible, but how to explain the remarkable parallels with
North Caucnsian, Durushaski And lenisseian?)
5. Basque nnd Rortll Caucasian (or hypothetical Mediterranean S11lb-
stratum related to tllem) influenced Afroasiatic beore its die-
6. Afroasintic influenced Basque and North Caucasian before thelr
(Doth the last are plausible, but they must be localhed
in time and space.)
7. Bosque (related to North Caucasian) influenced Berber.
(But how to explain the parallels in other Afronoiatic languages?)
o. Berber influenced Basque.
(But how to explain the act, that Berber data are not often pre-
sented among a lot of Basque-Afroaaiatic parallels?)
We in the highest probability of tlle -versions 2. and J.
on deeper time level and later 5. and/or 6. But definitive solu-
tion does not mnnoge without the synthesis of fUll paleo-lin-
r,uietic data together with anthropological and archeological ve-
- 3 -
1. agorr,
North Caucasian
igarr, ihar JiGGWVr "(to) dry"
- f/a,Yr-"( to) dry"
'Hwan- "sheep"
2. ohunna "kid"
a(h)untz "goat"
Jo arr "male"
'HwVrutV "sheep,lamb"
hiw3rutV "ram"
HirjwV "man" "ar/y/- "man,kinsman"
4o asto "asn" "ass" 'Jet- "ass"
5. aza(Wa)ri, axari cw,HSle "cuHar- "wild feline,
"fox ,, , hyena"
6. bel(h)arr "forehead pLezg "bel bal-/'bar-
1. blg'lr, blharr "to- "dmm" bakw-(ar-) "morning"
morrow" t ..
B. egun "dny" "day" (Hi)gan- "aky;morning"
9. egurr "rirewood" log" "wood,beam"
10. ezne "milk,juice"'sinwV "milk; udder" 'Sin- "butter, oil"
11. garrathoin "rat, "hedgehog" 'jVrd-/gWVr(d)- "rat,
mouse" mouse"
12. gotx, gox "mor- 'kVS- "morning, sun"
ril!!g, even!ng"T
13. gose "hungry" 'ICaI/'ggaI "hunger" 'ga(wa)C-)\a(wa)C-"hunger"
H. guti "short" kfu.lf-J\/u!t- "BIIlall,
shor few"
'q:'!rqV "stone" Jar- "rock"
15. harr(i)
16. "child"
17. herro "root"
18o hir( rH "city"
19. hor "dog"
20. "tooth"
21. hur "water"
22. i tzal "shadow"
23. "star"
24. keretz, geriza
'kwarnV "young ani- kfq/r- "child"
'qur{ "stalk, root" "root"
"vlllege,farm" yar- "city, house"
' xwar "dog" i'hw/ar- "dog"
"tooth" "tooth"
"river, lake" 'hVr- "lake,river,well"
"shadow, dark,
#- gray, blue
JwHar"'i "star" 3uHar-/Jillar- "star,
'4arV "black; coal"
, moon(-light)"
kar-!Jar- "black;
25o marro "ram" 'marrjjy "sheep"
mar- "sheep, ram"
26. sagu, sabu "mouse" cwarggwV "weasel,
BRgarroi "hedgehog marten"
27. sam in "sour"
cweniiV "salt"
2Bo txiki "little" Cw>'faja- "little,
29o Zagar
Youn.r, boy"
>- swlrllo "old lf
30. "creflk
AorV "lake, river"
ctg/1\?r- "mouse, rat"
'9am- "sour"
'CiKW- "little"
Jl Siwar- "old"
sVry- "river; to flow"
- 4 -
1o T 125/131: Ba+NCc+Be; L 13 and M
n.20: Ba+AA; G 210-210 and
W 52/7: Ba+Be; 0 99/41: Ba+NCco
AA: 7Se: Ak:k "drying", yrr "to burn, dry"// Eg "to
heat the kiln" (EO V 61)// ECu: Som 7 Oromo kora "dry";
SCu "dry, hard" (Eh 331)// NOm: "dry"// Berb:
Siwa qqor, Fodjaho eqqur, Ahaggar "to be dry", Qabyle
aquran "dry" (Con.127; 00 n.215)// WCh rqawr- "to set eire" (St
222/715), CCh: Musgu keral) "dry". o
2 .. w 57/12: Ba+Ou.
AA: Eg homW "a god with a head of ram" (V 244)// Beja ano "sheep";
Afar "lamb", Rendille ono "sheep" (pl.), Som wan "ram"
II Ou ana, hans, jane "sheep".
3. T 113/35 and 0 146-7: Ba+Be; B n.75: Ba+BCc.
AA: Se: Ug 'ary "kinsman" (Ai 35)// Eg \r(j) "fellow", Copt er
"companion (V 53-4)// CCu: Awngi "her husband"//
ECu: Sidmlo aro "man", are "woman", Hadiya id.
NOm: Anfll1o aro "man") (D 201); 7 SCu: Mbugum-'aro "neighbour,
kind" (Eh 286)// Be targaz/t "lllf.ln" > QAbyle argar., etc.,, Baamrani
argaz, where the second component can correspond with Ba
. .
giv.on, giv.A- "man", cr. the opposite order of the Ba composite
giz arra "person the male sex", and WCc "'qac;a "roan" ( T 123/119:
Ba+WCc+Be; 0 146-7 and M 180/17: Ba+Be; 0 100/63: Ba+WCc).
4. T 144/304 and W 61/33-34: 0 136-7 and M 40/20 4:
Ba+Be; 101/70: &-wee.
AA: WCh: NB "ass" (Sk 18)// Be: Siwa ezet, Ahaggar ahed,

Zwawa ized, Ai t Hal:t\m Zenaga aUej "ass".
5. T 114/39 and C 101/72: Ba+NCc.
A.A: SO.: atrunge Alagwa jeira "wild cat"// Nth:
"Viverra abessinia" Amhara id.), cure "cat"
(D 300)// CCh: "leopard"; ? Gulfei ear "lion"// Be:
Ahaggar t8hari, Iu11emiden tazuri "hyene" (P 405).
6. T 116/56: Ba+Lezg, cf. Ta 274o
AA: F.Cu: bal "chest, front" 33-4)// SUm: Dime balte,
.. , X
Galila-Ubamer NOm: Kafa baro, Moca baro, ulnaa
id., Amuru bH (F 318).
7. T 116/62: Ba+NCc+Se+Eg, B n.39: Ba+NCc; M2 no6: BoSeEg.
AA: Se "bukar-/'bukar- "morning"> Arab bukrat-, bakRI'- "early

morning", llbr "(tomorrow) morning" (MM 177)// Eg bkJ "mor-
- 5 -
ning"// ECu: Som bakkal, Rendille bakal, Oromo bakkalOa, Dume
bikl1 "morning star"// NOm: Kafa bikuri, bakwra "atar" (D
II CCh: J,ame bllk:a, reve "morning", ECh: Sokoro blki "day".
o. T 126-140 and C 102/86: Ba+NCo; 0 104r5: Ba+Be.
AA: WCh: NB: Siri lglinf "sky"; ECh: Sokoro :lgindi "morning"(JSh
181: pCb "morning")// Be: Qaby1e agenni, igenna, Zena-
ga gunuen (pl.) "eky".
9o T 126/146: Ba+NCc( Agul "tree")+ ECu; 0 122-3: Ba+Be.
All.: Se: Hbr "beam", Arab qarlyat- "stick" (D
135)// ECu
'for- "wood, tree" (s
48, 49); SCu: Dahalo "tree, atick,
wood" (Eh 25J)// Be: Qabyle aqerum ":firewood".
10. T 121/97 and B n.66: Ba+NCc.
1\.A: CCu
em- "butter" (A 42); ECu: Dullay IHnan id.// WCh: NB:
Dlri 1Hn81M "oil".
llo L 421: Ba+A/1.; G 134-5: Ba+Be.
AA: Se: Arab gi:r'2_aun, gurag,, pl. "muris campestris
species", Mehri giret "rat"// ECu: Som "mouse, rat" (Co n.
200) , Boni sir "rat", 7 Yaaku ko:iro' id.; SCu: Iraqw A sa
gwRrank "rat" (Eh 3'11)// 7 WCh: NB
g"air(\/- "rat"> Warji
gw..rana, Diri agwara, Jimbin (Sk 36)// Bel Tamazight (Sa-
ned) garda, Wargla "rat", B.Menacer sAerl a
"mouse", etc.
Note: The aemantical shirt "mouse"-- "hedgehog" is plausible, c:f.
f.ak ccac-kulu "hedgehog" ve. kulu "mouse" olf Ba saga.tTOi ve. sagu
id. The word Cor "rat", e.g. Spanish raton, French rat,
etc. can be borrowed from the pre-Indo-European substratum relat-
ed to Basque.
12o II.A: CCu 'kee- "dawn" (A 47)/1 NOm: Zayee koa "sun".
U. T 1251135: BatNCc+Som; 4V23-4: Ba+Logone.
11.11.: 7 Se: Arab g
"to wish strongly"// ECu: Som "hunger",
Oromo id.ll NOm: Ometo Itol'ii "hunger", KaOl!llla kiwici "hungrJ!"
305)/1 W'".!h: llausa "thirst"; Bolewa kuzum, Klrfi k\WWJU
"hung'!!r"; SB: Geji kUZWJ, Saya kwuBUl) id., etoo (St 221/707:
CCh: I.ogone !ozem "hunger".
11o T 126/147: Da+NCctBe+Eg.
AA: Se Yktn "to be small, thin", but Akk atnu, kattanu (Ai 275)
0. 7'
II Eg kt "mnnll"l/ CCu "to be thin" (A 41)// WCh: llauea
"few"; AnRAB kwit, Sura kat "small", Kulung kede "thin"J Be:
- 6-
Ghooames iktu ":few", Zayau Hln "to be small, short", Ahaggar
elkteru "to make smaller" (OS n.205).
15. r 117/153: BatNCc+CCu; L 488: Ba+Be (Silh aAarram "heap of
stones") o
M: Se: Arab qi.ra "soli tory rock, hill" I I Eg \ll , If 1J o t "hill";
7 Demotic kr, Copt kra (V 85)// CCu 'karJq "stone" (A 45)

or Awngi qar "stone"; ECu: Soru "high mountain", Oromo
"peak, edge"// Be: Ntifa iltir "roclk", igar "hill" (OS no216)o
l6o T 127/154: Ba+BejaJ nol91 Ba+Cu.
M: Beja 'or, pl. ar "boy, eon"; CCu
( 'a )qw:n- "child" (A 37,
53t n
83)// CCh: Mafa "boy", Daba "son, boy",
Mas a s:2.ra "eon".
11. T 128/162: aase.
All.: Se ciltkar- "root" (MM 177)// CCh: kwirey, pl. kwirye

"root"; ECh: Jegu kyiro id.
18. T 130/184: Ba+Se.
1\.A: Se: Hbr 0 ir, Ugar cr "city", ESA
r "casUe" (Ai 291)11 7 Eg
0 rw.t, crrw.t gate" (EO I 210)// ECut Arar "house, kin, fa-
mily", Saho ciri "house"// SOm: Ubamer Bakko eri "house"//
WCh: ? Haus gari "town", Geruma yoro "place, town"; CCh: Oieiga
hirwi "illage".
19. T 129/68 and 0 101/72a: Ba+NCc (the reconstruction -
see Gu 103), W 62/40 and G 132-J: Ba .. Eg.
AA: Eg whr "dos", Copt uhor (EO I 346; V 242)// Be: Senhaja iwhar,
pl. iwahriwen or iuharen, B. Urjagal uhar, Ait Tuzin awha(r)/
iuha(r)en "dog"J 7 AhB889I' Ohat atturhay "fennec"
(P 381).
20o T 129/172: Ba+NCc+Beja; M 39/15.5: Ba+Be.
AA: Beja kwire "tooth"/ I SOm: Ari-Jinka jarl "tusk"/ I WCh
"tooth" (St 222/717) > Hauea hakOr!; Ron: Kulere Bokkos
Fyer Mgor, Da:f:fo-&tur; gur// 'Be: Senhaja a-qarru "tooth" o
Note: Oi 78, 85 reconstructs NECc gwar3o
21. 102/831 Ba+ICoo
All.: 7 Se: Arab hawr- "lac de de marais" (Co nol62)// ECu
1 her- "pond creek" (S
39, 40)// 7 CCh: Munjuk ere "river"/IBe:
Ahaggar ahir "source d 'un t extrement faible"; Gu hero "a
week source".
Note: W 157117 end M 37/9.2 compare with Ba herio, erion, etco
- 7 -
22o T 118/)!j): BaiSe+Be; M
AA: Se "nhAdow", "to be dark" (Le 52, 51, 157)// NOm:
WolAita (Bake) cil&lea "black", Olmira Nao, Maji
Kafa "green" (D
113)// WCh f "shadow" (St 194/
455)// Semla1 "black"; Ahaggar "to be green and
profUse (or vegetAtion)".
23. T 117/JJ7, C 102/04, B no26 and W 147/6: Ba+NCc.
AA: Se: Arnm "moon", Arab zhr "to shine", zuharat- "planet
Venue", 'al-'azhar-8n (du.) "sun and moon" (MM 213)// WCht Sura
Montol Gorka dar-kir; SB: aaa-zur, Zem saaur St 201/ '"' ,., " (
519); Ron: Daffo 1 Kulere eiriri "star"// Be: NefUsi ziri
"moon", Slwa taziri, Ghadamea, Wargla taziri id., B. Snue taziri
"moon-light" (W 146).
24. G 170-lo
AA: Beja 'iru, eru "yesterday (evening)"; CCu l'qar-/ 'qir- "night"''
(A 49, 52); ? ECu: Oromo "black";? SCu: Iraqw
:x-wix-11 "evening"/ I NOm: Janjero kara, Cera karta, kareta, Wo-
lai t11 kRr_ta, etc. "black" (D
206)/ I WCh: Gerke kurrum "blook";
CCh: Kilba Margi etc. "black".
25. T 1JG/2J2: miru
AA: ECu: Afar !Mru "ram", sheep", Rendil1e mar, pl.
manro "calf"// NOm: mera, Baeketo, Dokka 1118Mli "ram", Koyra
marre "sheep"/ I WCh: SB "'mar "buck"; Ron: Bokkos maray "ram"; 7
CCh: Mafa marl "bull".
26. T 142/287, 101/71 and B n.52: Ba+NCc; L 1136 and Pa 65: Da+
AA: Be: J,ibyAn (pl.) "mouse" by Herodotos (IV) 192), Au-
gila yaqzer, pl. aqzar (metath.); Ahaggar egilgler "dark
grey big rat"< ez1ger, Ghat "rat, mouse"<
a:r.ergug, pl. "mouse".
Note: Akk zin;atu "lynx, carooal" can belong here tpp (a NCo loan?) o
21. T 142-J/293: Ba+NCc+AA; Y2 n.8: W 53/8: Ba+Kafa.
AA: NOm: KniSA!ll1.1 Wolaita "sour", Kat' a
"b<!! sour"// WCh "sour" (St 184/J5B); CCh: Tera "sour",
f'idlirniJi i!oml'lom "sourness"; Logone semsem "eour"o
Nota: Be: Iullemiden teamit', Ahaggar teaemt /tiism!n "salt", vso
eBTilOOI "to be sour" represent rather only a typological parallel
- 8 -
because the correspondence of the initials is prblema tic.
28. T 118/78: Ba+NCc+AAJ 0 99/40: BB+NCc.
AA: CCu #c9g"- Bilin 'f3eg"-/'fJeK"-, Kemant l.iJg{g)w-, Qwa-
ra 'fJeg-, Xrunir cik"-, ECu: Konso 'fJ:1ka, Gato i:takki "few, little";
. .
SCu: Durunge "little" (D
119)// Be: Sus meHl, pl. menuket
"small", 7 NefUea id. (W 52/5).
Note: C 99/40 comparee the Ba word also with NECc fl "kid;
young of animal" while B n.45 prefers the comparison with NCc
29o T 147/J)8J W 51-2/1-2 and M 37/lO.O:Ba+Be; C 99/]6 and B Do
AA: ? ECu: YaAku -sirg:!n, pl. -siragde "old"// VICh: Ankwe ei.r ia.,
Sura siJir, Angas id.< 'eifYi/ir 7; CCh: Daba id./ I Be:
Sokna aussor/wuseuret, Ghadnmes wesser, Ghat aul'lsar "old", ul'll'ler,
Nef\tea ueser, B. Snus usser "to be old".
JO. 0 120-1.
AA: Se: Arab ary "to flow, circulate", sariy "a little brook"//
WCh: Nil 'sirV "river, creek" (St 254)-:::> Siri sNngi, Jimbin
of languages: AA Afroaeiatic, Akk Akkadian, Arab
Arabic, Arrun Ar81ll8ic, B Ba Basque, Be Berber, C Central,
Ch Chadic, Copt Coptic, Cu Cushitic
E East, Eg Egyptian, Ou
Ouanche, Hbr llebrew, Lezg Lezghinian, N North, Om Omotic, p pro-
to, S South, Se Semitic, Som Somali, Ug Ugaritic, W West.
of authors and basic bibliographY:
A APPLEYARD D., 1984: The internal ola8sification of the Agaw
languages: a comparative and historical phonologyo In: BYNON J.,
ed., Current Progress in A:f'roasiatic Linguistic so l'apera of the
J:t-d International Harni to-Semi tic Congresa. AmsteN.lnm - l'hilaoel-
phia: Benjemins, 33-67.
Ai AISTLEITNER J o, 1963: Worterbuch der ugari ti schen Sproche.
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
B BENGTSON J., 1990: An end to splendid isolation: the Macro-Cau-
casian phylum. Mother Tongue 10.
Co COllEN M., 1947: Essai comparatif sur le vaoabulaire e t. la pho-
du Paris: Champion.
C V.A., 1985: Baskakij i severokavkazskie jazyki. In:
Anatolija. Moskva: NAuka, 95-105.
- ::1 -
DOLOOPOCsKIJ A.B., 1973: fbnetika
ja7.ykov. Moskvat Nauka.
DOLOOFOLSICY A.B., 1983: Semitic and East Cuehitic: Sound Cor-
respondences and Cognate Sets. In: SEaERT s., BODnOOLIOETt A.J.E.,
Ethiopian Studies, dedicated to w. Leslau on the occasion or his
Wiesbadenc lmrraasowitz, 123-142.
EO ERMAN A., GRArOW W., 1971: Worterbuch der agyptischen Sprache,
I-VI, Berlin (originally I.eipzlg 1928-31): Akademie-Verihg.
Eh ElffiET Ch., 1980: The Historical Reconstruction or Southern
Cunhitic ntono1ogy and Vocabulary. Berlin: Reimer.
F FLEMING n., 1976: Omotie Overview. In: BENDER M.L., ed., The
Non-Semitic I.enguages or Etl'td.opia. East Lansing: Michigan State
University, 222-231.
G GABELENTZ G. von der, 1894: Verwandtschart des Baskischen mit
Nord-Afrieas. Braunschweig: Sattler.
Oi B. It., 1971: Stavnitelnaja ronetlka dagestanskb:
.im:ykov. Tbilisi: Izdateletvo Tbills: Ooe. universiteta.
Gu rnJDAVA T.Je., 1979: Iotoriko-sravnitefnyJ analiz konsonantizma
(lidojslci:x: ,in'?.ylcov. Tbillsi: Mecnierba.
JSh JUNGRATTIIMAYR n., S11IMI7.U K., 1981: Ch&dio lexical roots. Vol.
Tt: Tentative reconstrur.t.ion, grad .ing ana 11iatribuHon. Berlin:
L J,OPELMANN M., 1960: Et,ymo1oglsches Worterbuch der basldschen
Derlin: Gruyter.
f,e LESLAU w., 1963: Etymological dictionary or llarari. 13erkeley -
Los Angeles: University of California Press.
M r.n.JKAROVSKY H., 1969: Baskiech-Berberlsche Entoprechungen. Wie-
ner Zeitachrift rGr die Kunde des Morgenlandes 62, 32-51.
M MUKAROVSKY H. 1963-66: Lea rapports du baaque et au berbere.
0 i
Comptes rendus du Groupe Linguistique d
10, 171-181. .
M1 MUKAROVSKt 11., 1972: El Vascuense 1 el Bereber. Euskera 17,
" 1980t Einige hamito-semitiache und baskiache
WortstNnme. xxt. Deutscher Orientalistentag. Berlin (March 25-29,
MUY-AROVSKY 11. 1980: Common If ami to-Semi tic and Basque with
examples !'or a /+bl. Baaco1ogiata International
Meeting at Bilbao, 25-29, 1900.
MM MAJZEL s.A., MtLITAREV A.Ju. ed. 1903: Puti razvitija korne-
vogo nemitnlcix jav.ykov. Moskva: Rauka
...... . .. .................. __ ..... .
- 10 -
os ILLIO-svrnO v.M., 1971, 1976, 1984: Opyt srovnenlja nostrn-
.,jB:r.ykov I, II, III. Moskva: Nauka.
P mASSE K.-o., 1969: A propos de l'origine de It tounreg (lahag-
gart). Kobehavn: Det Kongelige Dansice Videnekabernes Selokab
llist.-ril. Mec'ldelelser
Pa PARADIS! u., 1963: Sul nome del "topo" nel berbero di augila
e una voce libica citata da Erodoto. Ri..teta degli etudl orientali
38, 61-5.
SASSE 11.-J., 1979: The consonant phonemes of Proto-East Cushi-
tic (rEC): A flrat approximation. A:rroaslatic I.inguistics 7/1,
SASSE H.-J., 1982t An etymological dictionary of furjl. llnm-
burg: 1\.Jske.
Sk SKINNER N., 1977: The Northern BRuehl Chadic IJOnguages. Common
Roots. Af'roaniatlc T.inguletiC!J 4/1, 1-19.
St STOI,OOVA o. V., 1901: fon"!tlka i olo-
vnr ;la'?.ykov. In: Af'ri.kanakoe latoril!eekoe jn?:yko-
znnnle. Moskva: Nauka, 30-260.
T 'IDOMnF.'l'Tt A., 19?.6: t.e orlglnl della lingua bAeca. llologna:
Aoc0<1emin delle Sclen?:e dell 'rstituto di Bolop;na.
Ta TAI.tOOV B.O., 1980: Sravnl te{na,ia :Cone tlka le7.#1;i.nak 1x ,jm:ykov
Monkva: Uaukn.
V w., 190J: Dictionnaire dlymologique de la langue copte.
J,ellVen - raris: reeterSe
W WOELFEL D., 1955: Euraf'rikanische Worteehichten nls Kulturschlch-
ten. Salamnncn: Acta 8almsnticeneia, Fil. y Leb. T. IX, num.l.
Tlte Bnsque datA are quoted mainly by von 0Bbelentz and J,o-
pelmnnn (in stnndard transcription). The North Caucaslan recon-
Btructions are borrowed from the unpublished list of reconstructed
proto-forms of s. Staroetln and s. Nlkolaev with modiflcn-
ttons of the same authors by lder papers (n.lO, H, 2J), except-
ionnlty from the other authors (n.191 20). Tlte reconstructione
of North Caucasian and Nax-DaaJ!eetrmlan), Nnx-
-Dnghestanlan ana Dnghestanian levels are not differed.
ft<Ld -fheS-R_ co YY\ m--e rt -fs b y IF
4 d.. "ktd, goa. f . /kU
X UU.IJ, a..
0 -fAll; w t s..e. w .a. G1. k. "{G:t.;w,
# f , f'Wfo -ftft ;tb k'(/ h lcf, ;1/o (acV 1;,1,
rt= 'I
a. ss .. :!. (/ d.onb.y" by d. rorr
J c
5 c ra.. T c.. 4 +no.(_ Ca./,{. cq s t c f"'tl-1
5 "'-b s +. -h ... : k o.. b a. r-d.., ct "'- .S d. (m o "(' ..e )
A-b ZC{,IC S l J. ( \ CoHl Vii/CJn.!l
f\-1'\.d._ -Ht....e. fo- ,4- fl lot''/;\ l5 0 b Vto u.s-fy c.U1<H1.J
J u .s + " k o::t -t -f:tt --t. r b .u rf (J f' l'rl s .
v ..e i" y d-o u...b T f'< ...e th.a. + th l s I s tf '('(j '1>1. r r 0 +a- lflf
#- { 2 . Q u. 1 g o od J D.e..Jl....t.. R ch a. d c 8 tJ -r WIs.
M .Qa.l'\ l 1ft O"(' ...e. .ld:...e ( h ()/,{. 5-D I -(-h t:{ Ill 'c I +y J
During the last five years or so, the question of languages classifi-
cation has become a major subject for debate not only among lin-
guists, but also between (some of) them and (some) specialists of
other disciplines - mainly in molecular biology.
If we nccept the principle that the first step for establishing a
certain field of knowledge as a "science" is to reach an agreement
on a classification of the "objects" (phenomena, entities ... ) in that
field, then we must conclude that linguistics is just beginning to
justify its pretention to be a "science". Indeed, it is at the stage
where botany and zoology were at the time of Linne (and the Linne
of linguistics could have been Swadesh, if he was not prematurely
dead, leaving this honor to somebody fortunately still alive: Joseph
In a paper presented at Bochum in 1986 (but published only in
1990), I expressed some scepticism concerning certain groupings of
languages pertaining to different "families".
Since then, new data have been available, including revisions of
the "classic" (i.e. "Nostratic" by Starostin and Aikhen-
vald, attempts for correlating "Nostratic" with "Sino-Caucasian" (Sta-
rostin) and the latter with Austro-Thai and Man-Khmer (Pejros), and
Fleming's edition of previously unpublished versions of Swadesh's
classification - which, interestingly, pmvide some support to Shevo-
roshkin's proposal for disconnecting Almosan-Keresiouan from Green-
berg's "Amerindian" and joining it to Sino-Caucasian. But we are still
awaiting the publication of Greenberg's Eurasiatic material, except
for the revised version of his Stanford 1987 lecture.
Four months ago, I tried to supplement the rather crude statistical
analysis contained in my Bochum paper, correlating the data provided
by the three published parts of book, his two posthumous-
ly published papers in Etimologija; that given by Starostin's and Pej-
ros' 1989 papers; and (separately) the new (1910) version of Barnhard's
own "Nostratic". The results are summarized in the four graphs pre-
sented here.
A word of caution is appropriate concerning the data:
for 1965-84, I added the items provided by the Etimologija 1965 (publ-
ished in 1967). paper to those included in the book edited by Dybo
and his team - insofar as they provided really different sets, and
not earlier versions duplicating the new ones. This is not always
clear-cut: there are some dubious cases (about ten) and one duplicate
entry in the 1965 material (E,!!jkat'/rozdat' 4), but these are without
real in iluence' on the global More important, from that
point of view, are the iterm marked as "uncertain", either by 1.-S.
himself or his posthumous er
I had to take a somewhat arbitrary
decision: I accepted all t.he items marked by (?) in 1.-SJ own paper
(1965/67) and all the cognntes Iistud in the headings of the published
book (with or without ?), but not those marked ? in the text and
not included in the heading (for an example, see item 5 in the 1971
part 1, p. 174: I did not ir :;lude the Uralian putative cognate).
The 710 items in I.-S 1965-81, ropresent the total made from 378
items in the three parts of the (1971-84), plus 319 non-duplicated
items in the 1965 (1967) paper, plus 13 "morphological" items which
the Dybo team did not include in the numbered i terns of
The 1968 I.-S. material is not complementary to the 1965-84 data:
it comes from the same corpus, envisaged from another point of view.
There is no need here for detailed comments on the graphs. One
very clear conclusion emerges from comparing the two I.-s. graphs
with the Barnhard one: Barnhard's "Nostratic" is not the same entity
as "Nostratic". Bomt- Jrd's statistics is heavily "loaded"
by the origin of the author's 1mdeavour: a comparison between Indo-
European and Semitic. By contrast, r.-s. appears more "balanced"
- but it leaves the sceptically oriented "external" (i.e. not "commit-
ted" to one "school" or the oth,!r) observer with some question-marks.
It is, for instance, rather surJrising that the number of "cognates"
between Indo-European and 1\ 'rasian is superior to that between
I.-E. and Uralian.
Without agreeing to all ' .e ,Jbjections presented by Murtonen
to I.-s. "Afrasian" material (which, in fact, are more directly pertin-
ent concerning his Semitic data). one 'oust admit that a good number
of t:..s. Afrasian "cognates" the three families pertaining to
Greenberg's Eurasiatic (I.-E., J< .Jdan and Altaic) are at least debat-
Ruhlen recently (1990:10) wr .Jte a rather harsh remark on "Nostra-
ticists" - that "they have 1 !Constructed, with regular sound corres-
pondences, a linguistic fam'Jy that never existed". On the other hand,
Job (1990:362-3) , cri ticiL , tt e (1965) re;uns-
struction of their phonological system, observed that
its structures "strikingly- .11mble the Proto-Kartvelian type and
make the impression of a blend based on the latter and the pharyngo-
laryngeal part of Proto-Semitic plus two lateral fricatives which
car n also be interpreted as continued in the Proto-Semitic coronal
fricatives that are assumed to have been lateralised". This observa-
tion can, mutatis mutandis, be also directed to other versions of
"Nostratic" phonology.
The Starostin-Pejros graph could be compared with the Illic-Svitvc
ones, as the "Nostratic" material used by these authors is practically
the same as that on which "reconstruction" was based.
It is rather interesting to compare the figures COfterning Ienissei
and North Caucasian relations with Sino-Tibetan (as these three fami-
lies are genetically connected according to Starostin's
hypothesis) with those on their relations with Indo-European (part
of "Nostratic"): they are indeed very much in the same range.
If I would dare a general Cl'nclusion on the relations shown by
these graphs, it would be t.hat tro present "long-range" classifications
reflect more the peculiar !\preFerences (or idiosyncrasies) of their
(and the of their specitJlized knowledge)
respective authors;\than the relationships between the language
. families concerned.
Eric de Grolier
ISSC, Paris
April 20, 1991
The same observation is va \id concerning Barnhard's Afrasian data.
On the other hand, Bialek has recently supplied a rather large num-
ber Oh'EPtative cognates brtween Afrasian and Dravidian.
A similar judgment was a by Greenberg (1987:332) on Ramstedt's
classification of Korean . \ll ;1ic".
Aikhenvald-Mangenot, Alexandra Y. and Jean-Pierre Angenot. 1989.
Etimoestatistica multilateral para morfologia comparada de Proto-
..)\Joscau et Proto-Amerind. Mimeo report.
Blazek, Vaclav. 1989. The new Dravidian-Afroasiatic lexical parallels.
Handout distributed at the Moscow 1989 Conference. 10 pages
(115 i terns).
Barnhard, Allan R. 1990. The Nostratic macrofamily. Mimeo.
Fleming, Harold C. 1990. Dene-Caucasic, Nostratic, and Eurasiatic
or Vasco-Dene? Mother Tongue (12) 6-12.
Greenberg, Joseph H. 1987. Language in t.he Americas. Stanford: Stan-
ford University Press.
--- 1990. The prehistory of the Indo-European vowel system in com-
parative and typological perspective. In Proto-languages and
proto-cultures, p. 77-136, ed. by Vitaly Shevoroshkin. Bochum:
Grolier, Eric de. 1990. Towards a tentative "reconstruction" of Homo
sapiens sapiens language(s)? In Geneses of language, p. 135-163
(see p. 138-142), ed. by Walter A. Koch. Bochum: Brockmeyer.
Job, Michael. 1990. Comparative and the genesis o langua-
ge. In Geneses of language, p. :_:?S9-373. Bochum: Brockmeyer.
V.M. 1967. Materi y-k sravmte nomu s ovarju nostrati-
jazykov. Etimolo '65 321-373.
--- 1968. Sootvetsvija .. \;-r: , ... iceskih jazykah. Etimologija
1966, 304-355.
\... --- 1971-84. Opyt sravnenija nost.r. . <ih jazykov. Moskva: Nauka.
iurtonen, A. 1989. Comments n -tlm ___ Nostraflc reconstructiOns of
(revised edit.. I" tther Tongue (9) 15 p.
--- 1990. Comments on Bomh 's "Lexical parallels between Proto-
Indo-European and other .rJuages". Idem (11) 20 p.
Pejros, I.I. 1989. Dopolnenie . . ghoteze S.A. Starostina o rodstve
nostraticeskih i sinokavk; JZSki jazykov. In re-
konstrukcija i drevnejsaj. isto ;ja vostoka, C'ast 1, p. 125-130.
Ruhlen, Merritt. 1990. An .,,E rview of genetic classification. In The
evolution of human I a nuL ages, p. 1-27, ed. by J.A. Hawkins and
M. Gell-Mann.
Starostin, S.A. 1989. Nostrat :: and Sino-Caucasian. In
rekonstrukcii, ; rJre' _;.1..; arija vostoka, 1, p. 106-
--- 1990. A statistic t ... of the time-depth and subgrouping
of the Nostratic :rofamily. Abstract of a talk delivered at
Evolution: from r , to culture symposium, Cold Spring Har-
bor laboratory, ./--).-
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Table 3. Amerind T'ANA 'child, sibling'
Almosan t'an'a 'child' (Nootka) t
in 'young man' (Yurok) tune 'niece' (Coeur d'Alene)
Keresiouan tane 'brother' (Yuchi) -1tsin 'male, boy' (Mohawk) t
'one 'daughter' (Yuchi)
Penutian t'ana-t 'grandchild' (Totonac) pne-t'in 'my brother' (Cayuse) -tune 'daughter' (Central Sierra Miwok)
Hokan t'an-pam 'child' (Coahuilteco) t'ini-si 'child, sibling' (Yana) wi-t
'u-k 'younger sister' (Washo)
Central Amerind *tana 'daughter, son' (Proto-Uto-Aztecan) pil-tsin 'child, boy' (Pipil) tutuna 'older sister' (Taos)
Chibchan tuk-tan 'child, boy' (Miskito) a-te-gwa 'nephew' (Motilon) tuntu-rusko 'younger sister' (Lenca)
Paezan t
ana 'son' (Cayapa) t
uh-ki 'sister' (Cayapa)
Andean tane-ngh 'maternal uncle' (Ona) den 'brother' (Tehuelche) ke-tun 'sister' (Tsoneka)
Macro-Tucanoan tata 'child' (Nadobo) ten 'son' (Tiquie) ton 'daughter' (Tiquie)
Equatorial dan 'baby' (Atoroi) tin-gwa 'son, boy' (Mocochi) t'uana 'woman' (Chipaya)
Macro-Carib tane 'my son' (Pavishana) denu 'male child' (Yagua) ho-tone 'nephew' (Nonuya)
Macro-Panoan dana 'younger sister' (Tacana) u-tse-kwa 'grandchild' (Tacana) tuna-ni 'woman' (Towithli)
Macro-Ge tog-tan 'girl' (Tibagi) cina 'older brother' (Guato) a-ton-kii 'younger sister' (Piokobye)
~ ~ - - ~ ~ ---- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -
*Adapted from "Amerind *t'iina 'child, sibling,"' by Merritt Ruhlen, 1991.
Table 4. Dens-Caucasian Cognates
Basque -k ze- hatz u-kondo sagu e-gun -tzig- gose
Caucasian *w
*au *sa *q'"'antV *t"iirgwi *-GinV *k;mt"'V t"iq *t"ak"'V *ga._<;r *q'llt"'i
Burushaski gu- be-sA-n gon k-Ark

*k"'Vj *su *srlliiJ *k"'lil) *tsyak
Yeniseian *?a3 *kV- *sV- *ki?s *gid *sa?qa *g;)?n *gh?t *tix *tiik-
II aida gil-su -t'ak"' kOI] gyit' q'us-gat
Tlingit yi ah-sa t" .... Jk -gan git'a t'iq'
Eyak chuu -ka5a ouhd t"aik' qcc' t'it"' t"e?q
Athaba._c;kan *st *-i'd -hWj -sa? *-kec' gild t"olq- yh? t";)k gn._c;
Adapted from the work of Sergei Starostin, Sergei Nikolaev, and John D. Bengtson.
Table 5. MALIQ'A 'suck, nurse, swallow'
Language Family Language Form Meaning
AFRO-ASIATIC Proto-Afro-Asiatic *mlg 'to suck, breast, udder'
Arabic mlg 'to suck the breast'
Old Egyptian mng 'woman's breast, udder'
INDO-EUROPEAN Proto-Indo-European *melg- 'to milk'
English milk 'to milk, milk'
La. tin mulg-ere 'to milk'
Tocharian A malke 'milk'
Proto-Finno-Ugric * 'breast'
Saami mielgi. 'breast'
Mordvin milhki. 'breast'
Hungarian mell 'breast'
DRAVIDIAN Tamil melku 'to chew'
Malayalam melluka 'to chew'
Kurux melkha 'throat'
ESKIMO-ALEUT Kuskokwim milugi. 'sucks it out'
Aleut umlix 'chest'
AMERIND Proto-Amerind *maliq'a 'swallow, throat'
Almosan Halkomelem
m ~ l q . . , 'throat'
mq'.., 'swallow'
m'uk.., 'swallow'
Kwakwala m'lt'-?id
'chew food for the baby'
Kutenai u?mqo+ 'swallow'
Yurok mik'olum 'swallow'
Penutian Chinook
mlq..,-tan 'cheek'
Takelma millk' 'swallow'
Tfaltik milq 'swallow'
0-meqlj 'lick'
Yokuts mok'i 'swallow'
Mixe amu?ul 'suck'
Zoque mu?k 'suck'
Hokan Mohave
maljaqe 'throat'
Walapai malqi? 'throat, neck'
Akwa'ala milqi 'neck'
Chibchan Cuna murld- 'swallow'
Cuitlatec e?meli 'eat'
Andean Quechua (Cochabamba) malq'a 'throat'
Quechua (Huaraz) mallaqa 'be hungry'
maljq'a 'swallow, throat'
Macro-Thcanoan Iranshe moke?i 'neck'
Curetu mouku 'drink'
Equatorial Guamo mirko 'drink'
Arawak am iikiiddun 'swallow'
Macro-Carib Surinam e?moki 'swallow'
Faai mekeli 'nape of the neck'
Kaliana imukulali 'throat'
*Adapted from "The Arnerind Root *MALIQ'A 'swallow, throat' and Its Origin in the Old
World," by Merritt Ruhlen, 1991.
.....---" -
A .J..l o..vt 5o YY\ hard '.s /
Y l S I o 'f\ P'l f l - u . ~ lA.. sf, I Of q I
. .,..
Afroasiatic Kartvelian Sumerian Elamo- Indo-European Uratic- Altaic Chukchi- Gilyak Eskimo-
Dravidian Yukaghir Kamchatkan Aleut
iLa lucha the NEWS.
Four recent books:
A key set of books to help one get a grasp on the combined efforts in
biology and biological anthropology and archeology to document and/or
explain the emergence of modern humanity or Homo sapiens sapiens. One
book on Indo-European is included in that same spirit.
PERSPECTIVE. Edinburgh University Press. 1990. A tremendous compilation
of articles by some experts, like Stanley Ambrose, Karl Lorenz, Sandra
Bowdler, John Parkington, Anthony Marks, Arthur Jelinek, Philip Van
Peer, Pierre Vermeersch, P. Allsworth-Jones, and 14 others. Primarily
focused on the transitions from Homo sapiens Nednderthalensis to Homo
sapiens sapiens or,more generally the Upper Paleolithic (Europe) or
Middle Stone Age (Africa) changes or flake to blade lithic transitions
or broad correlations with some aspects of these. Paul Mellars
(Cambridge University, England) did a good job of keeping people
focused, although individual conclusions are not always clear nor
arguments understandable. Two of my fovorite articles were on the
interesting developments in eastern Europe, summarized by P. Allsworth
Jones (Dept. of Archeology, U/Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria), and Australiasia
with its coastal settlement patterns, proposed by Sandra Bowdler (Centre
for Prehistory, U of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia
6009, Australia). Long ranger Stanley Ambrose had the lead' article
but was severely technical and ultimately murky as to dates ond events
in South Africa. I believe that the book is close to definitive for its
period, except for the complete lack of coverage of China, India, Japan
and Southeast Asia. Tut, tut, one must add that they forgot to cover
East Africa, Ethiopia, and Morocco where the most likely candidates for
earliest modern woman can be found. But can one expect too much from
'conference books where participants are often lacking at key logical
Cambridge, New York, etc. 1989. This is also strongly focused on the
archeology and paleoanthropology of the same period as the first book,
but even more on Neanderthal (now spelled Neandertal) and the debate on
his/ their classification and meaning'. Authors such as Trinkaus
himself, Lewis Binford (Himself), G.B. Stringer, Milford Wolpoff,
Jean-Philippe Rigaud, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Fred Smith, Steven Paquette, and
Randall White. A heavy cast of characters! Suffice it to say that
Rebecca Cann was referred to on 15 different pages, Allan Wilson on 5
pages, and Douglas Wallace on 2; it was not Douglas who was being
attacked and defended! As long as Stringer and Wolpoff have each other
to contend with at conferences and in books, neither is going to
prevail! Formidable discussants of what might be called the Big Bang
Theory (or Garden of Eden) and the Steady State (Evolution Across the
Board or a Rising Tide Lifts All Boats) Theory of modern human origins.
There is not a single.reference to Greenberg, Goddard, Starostin,
Campbell, Thomason, or even Sapir; but there are 2 for Jeffrey Laitman
and Phil Lieberman. Trinkaus's authors are the hardware p e o p ~ e and even
linguistics is outside of their purview. Have any of you noticed this:
that biologicals know some theoretical linguistics, but no historical,
while European archeologists are the opposite?
AND MYTH. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London. 1989. First recommended to me
by James Egan to whom I am most grateful for finding this wonderful
book! Mallory goes at the question of the IE homeland and subsequent
migrations therefrom by simply reversing the process and taking the
various IE daughters step by step from their modern locations back to
where they must have come from. While some good and true colleagues
detest Mallory's book or disagree with his conclusions, I found myself
shocked by a kind of deja vu. His reasoning and conclusions were such
that I thought he had been auditing my remarks to my classes, above all
on dispersal theory, over the past 25 years. Naturally, I have to agree
with Mallory and admire him because he's my psychic twin! (But very dour
[duur) and sober-sided) Although his last chapter got all fussy about
ostensible minutiae in European archeology, his main finding is that
south Russia or the Pontic-Caspian or North Pontic area is most likely
to be the IE homeland. I agree with him. Moreover, he is opposed to
Renfrew's theory, Ivanov & Gamkrelidze's theory, and the new biogenetic
'wave of advance' theory (i.e., that farmers from Anatolia brought IE
language with them). Me too! He even concluded that what I call the old
Danubian Neolithic, spreading farming northwestward in Europe, was
actually associated with ". a language similar perhaps to a distant
ancestor of those that are historically attested in Anatolia such as
Hattie, and that this would provide us with our earliest retrievable
evidence of substrate languages in Anatolia and the Aegean. This
language may well have spread through Southeast Europe where, in the
course of several millennia, it underwent regional differentiation in
the farming villages of the various cultures of this region. . Only
Etruscan, Tartessian, Iberian, Basque and Indo-European survived into
the written record." The genetic findings that Robert Sakal announced in
NATURE (sec MT-13) were probably accurate but associated with the wrong
linguistic group. It was not IE but rather Macro-Caucasic!
IV. Michael H. Brown. THE SEARCH FOR EVE. Harper and Row, New York.
1990. It was written a bit before Mellars' book. Brown as a science
writer like Roger Lewin (the SCIENCE article) or Robert Wright (the
ATLANTIC article) was encouraged by a senior editor (Craig D. Nelson) at
Harper & Row to do a book on the Eve business and Rebecca Cann's theory
(cum Wilson and Stoneking) of an African homeland for modern humanity.
The result is 367 pages of comment and reportage, falsehood and
remarkable fact, gossip & journalism & science, all mixed up together.
Like Wright's, eh?
Allan Wilson avoided Brown who wanted to focus on Wilson, hence
Brown's evident hostility to Wilson which positively gleams throughout
the book. He was also probably a pain in the brain to kindly Rebecca
Cann who talked to Brown a lot, thus becoming one focus of the book.
Scores of big name paleoanthropologists and other biologicals were
interviewed. The old Johanson-Leakey rivalry and bitterness was played
over several times. Bombastic Wolpoff was featured as a kindly cave bear
attacking Cann and Wilson. Und so weiter. But the book contains a very
good general summary of the issues involved in the emergence of modern
man debates and a lot of relaxed, easy-to-understand de-mystifying of
the tiresome technicalities of anthropology. If you want a short cut to
understanding much of what has been talked about for the past 10 years
in our business, this book is for you. It is not really stupid and
Michael Brown basically understands what is going on, even if the gossip
and repetitions are irritating.
Brown became a vacuum cleaner in the last few chapters, turning
finally to a survey of the biologicals' literature. There are
references to the important French work on chromosome Y, to other French
genetic work, to Arensburg's refutation of Lieberman on the speech of
Neanderthals (in NATURE, April, 1989) but not to Lieberman &
Laitman's counter to that also in NATURE (DATE??). Also to much Japanese
genetic work and the "thermoluminescence dating" which changed the dates
of Homo sapiens sapiens fossils at Qafzeh in Israel from 92,000 to
115,000 BP. Much of this work had been reported to me by colleague, Eric
de Grolier, including the name of the French geneticist, Gerard Lucotte,
whose work on chromosome Y had led him to the conclusion that Adam lived
in Africa too, reellement parmi les Babinga pigmies in the heart of
central Africa. Go read Brown's book or write to Eric de Grolier!
As a final footnote to these books I'll try to give some dates and
sites more au courant than mentioned before. Combining various finds in
South Africa (Florisbad), Tanzania (Laetoli 18), Ethiopia (Omo I and Omo
II), Israel (Qafzeh), and Morocco (Jebel Irhoud), we find at least 5
cases of anatomically modern humans older than 100,000 years in eastern
Africa and the Middle East. While dating continues to be a problem, it
seems that Florisbad shows the oldest Homo sapiens of all of them --
perhaps 200,000 years old. May I remind everyone that this specimen --
just "one cranium with a relatively high forehead" -- is 75,000 years
OLDER than the European Neanderthals of 125,000 BP? This is according to
Gunter Brauer (Institut fur Humanbiologie, Universitat Hamburg) and
Richard Klein (Dept. of Anthropology, U/Chicago), as reported by Brown.
Eric de Grolier also said that Neanderthal is 'quite certainly'
descended from the archaic Homo sapiens or advanced erectus of
Europe of 400,000 BP and thus a parallel branch I/ not leading to modern
men. But the Steady State theorists, according to Geoffrey. Pope
(U/Illinois), have a clearly Asian or Mongoloid modern human from far
northeastern China, dated from 100,000 to 280,000 years old. It is
called Jinniu Shan. There is another group of 6-8 fossil Asians from
Shanxi, also dated to more than 100,000 years. However, Chinese dates
are said to be subject to change. Well, heavens, we have seen Amerind
dates go from 30,000 to 1000 and Israeli dates go from 40,000 to
115,000! Who is kidding whom? Dates simply cannot be believed until chey
get tested a few times and argued over! Finally, there is a very
interesting postcranial piece of Homo sapiens sapiens from Crete with a
date of 50,000 +, according to Brauer. That may match the now oldest
Australian, reported by Sandra Bowdler in the Mellars' book and by Eric
de Grolier from other sources. First peopling of Australia in 55,000 BP.
Due to an unfortunate breakdown in communications, we did not notify
long rangers about the meetings of the Language Origins Society. It
would have been announced but nobody ever told the editor! Just one of
those oversights. In any event the L.O.S. meetings were held in De Kalb,
Illinois, USA on July 18th and thereafter for a few days. Some long
rangers attended and gave papers, including Gordon Hewes, Eric de
Grolier, Vitalij Shevoroshkin, and others. I only saw the list of papers
once. Eric aud Gordon are charter members of L.O.S.
Professor Dr. Walter A. Koch (Englisches Seminar, Ruhr-Universitat
Bochum, Universitatstrasse 150, Postfach 102148, D-4630 Bochum 1,
Germany) has written a book on language origins, focusing on the great
European glacial periods. It will be reviewed by Eric de Grolier in
MT-15. I apologize to Koch that I gave the book and the
announcement to Professor de Grolier and so it is not at hand now to
give to our readers. One may write to Professor Koch or the publisher
(Brockmeyer of Bochum) if one is impatient to read the book.
Professor Gyula Decsy in 1990 wrote a book, entitled THE URALIC
PROTOLANGUAGE: A Comprehensive Reconstruction. Now in 1991 he has
written THE INDO-EUROPEAN PROTOLANGUAGE: a Computational Reconstruction.
The first has 147 pages, the second 240. Both were published by
Eurolingua, P.O.Box 101, Bloomington, IN 47402-0101, USA. The Uralic is
paperback (good quality), costing $26, while the IE is hardback $42.
They are Volumes 9 and 10, respectively, of the Bibliotheca Nostratica
(ISBN 0342-4871) which are "Monographs on Interphyletic Linguistics,
Language Origins Research, Protolinguistics, Preprotolinguistics, Long
Range Language Comparison, Global and Intercontinental Linguistics." I
should have mentioned this series to you before. There is a powerhouse
of long ranger activity under Gyula Decsy's general supervision, with a
tendency to focus on north Eurasian languages. Eurolingua also publishes
source of many articles on Nostratic topics. It is also a place where
long rangers can comfortably send their long range articles for
publication without fighting their way past a thicket of myopic
conformists. The two books will be reviewed in MOTHER TONGUE; they are
good and solid things. The rule is first come, first served. While it
might be preferable to get an expert's opinion, it might be interesting
to see what an Africanist or Papuanist thought of them. But you must
actually review the book or I will come take it back from you. If no one
responds before October 15th, I'll review them myself!
Going back to critique of my 'nose'. Part of the awesome de
Grolier mind is his memory. While I often cannot remember what I did two
days ago, Eric remembered that I had never responded to our late great
colleague, Karel He had said that my 'nose' cognates (Circular
1) ran afoul of the Saharan data, especially since the group had both
/sinal and /kina/. Supposedly the /sinal could be derived from /kina/,
and one would assume so, then therefore the /sinal were misleading. His
implication seemed to be that therefore one should beware of going
around the world looking for /sinal when it might be derived from /kina/
3t various places. If you look for similar rocks, some of them may turn
out to be hard balls of mud. So what, Karel? I should have said to him.
Maybe we will find other /kina/ and determine that the world famous
/sinal root for 'nose' or 'smell' was palatalized down from an original
/*kina/. If one started with French and Spanish, and switched to Slavic,
one could find many sets of /s/ or ttl matches until you ran into
/k/ and others. Or the Nostratic examples that match /b/ or
/bh/ until they met fb'l in southern Ethiopia. They handled that problem
by denying the lb'l or forgetting it like I did the /kina/. We do our
best, if we can remember to.
w. Wilfried Schuhmacher published an article in ZEITSCHRIFT PHON.
SPRACHWISS. KOMMUN. FORSCH (ZPSK), Berlin 44 (1991) 3, 290-294. Its
title " 'Ado about nothing' or 'Evidence': Austronesian and is
backed up by 26 etymologies. Let the reader judge for herself. As is the
fate of most such ventures, as we all find out , some etymologies seem
very promising and some do not. He also has an interesting review of the
literature, as folows:
"There have earlier been attempts to relate Austronesian <!anguages)
to other families/languages (cf., e.g., DYEN 1971: 17-19). In 1889,
Ernst Kuhn proved a genetic relationship between Munda, Man-Khmer, and
Vietnamese; to this Austro-Asiatic family, WILHELM SCHMIDT (1906) and
KURT WULFF in 1908-10 added Austronesian (Malaya-Polynesian) resulting
in the new language class "Austric". Later, in a work published
posthumously, WULFF (1942) proved genetic correspondences between
Austric and Thai-Chinese. On the same level, PAUL K. BENEDICT (1942,
1966, 1967) worked out his Austro-Thai studies where he showed
correspondences of the Kadai and the Thai groups with Austronesian.
As for the more "untraditional" attempts, for more than a century,
beginning with FRANZ BOPP in 1840, scholars have been toying with the
idea of a remote genetic relationship between Austronesian and Indo-
European. One of the more serious studies was carried out by ISIDORE
DYEN (1970), gathering 78 'matchings' between the two families. The
latest study in this field is that of BRUNNER and SCHAFER (1982) setting
up an Austronesian vocabulary 'with Semitic and Indo-European roots'."
"Not only an Austronesian-Indo-European relationship but also one
between Eskimo and Indo-European has been proposed in the course of time
(cf HAMMERICH 1951 for a critical state of the art). BERGSLAND (1959)
has pointed to Eskimo similarities with Uralic. Indeed, since the days
of RASMUS RASK, Eskimo has been a used tool for building up possible
genetic relationships with other language grops. MORRIS SWADESH may
have reached a temporary climax putting forward the theory 'that
Wakashan, Eskimo-Aleut, Chukchian, Yukagir, Ket, Uralian and Altaian
form a phylum, "Altai-Wakashan", whose common period dates back About
9,000 years. Relationships with Indo-European, Koreo-Ainuan, Penutian,
Salishan and others in both Eurasia and America must be attributed to a
still older time' (1972:706)." (Dear me, I knew that Morris enjoyed his
work but this ... ! HF)
"Supposing a relationship of Indo-European with Austronesian and
Eskimo respectively, the logical next step must be to propose an
Austronesian-Eskimo --more correct: Austronesian-Eskaleut hypothesis."
And so Wilfried does, concluding finally : "having in mind recent
macrolinguistic attempts, a comparison at a higher level, viz. between
Nostratic (including Indo-European and Eskaleut) and Austric (including
Austronesian), may yield additional evidence." And so it may!
Wilfried Schuhmacher struck again; in ZPSK (1991) 3, 372-388, he
reviewed Paul Benedict's JAPANESE/AUSTRO-TAI. Noting that Benedict
stressed the importance of Austronesian in reconstructing
proto-Austro-Tai and followed Blust in also stressing the importance of
the Formosan sector of ,Indonesian, Wilfried had these mildly critical
things to say: "CHARLES DARWIN had a contemporary companion in ALFRED
RUSSEL WALLACE; mutatis mutandis, PAUL BENEDICT had his in the Dane KURT
WULFF who (also in 1942, not referred to in this book) demonstrated the
existence of a special relationship between Tai and Austronesian (and
also between Tai and Chinese). In his unfinished and posthumously
published work, WULFF utilized the old hypothesis of RENWARD
BRANDSTETTER that Austronesian polysyllabic, mainly disyllabic, words
originated from monosyllables, as a result of affixation or, to some
extent, duplication; recently recapitulated by ROBERT A. BLUST in his
AUSTRONESIAN ROOT THEORY (1988; not referred to by BENEDICT). It seems
also thaL within the framework of Proto-World or global etymologies the
Austronesian monosyllable theory does find support; (he cites
evidence. HF)."
"As for Austronesian-Japanese proper, the works by SHICHIRO-MURAYAMA
and EVGENU D. POLIVANOV are missing here, and not referred to are also
the various articles of SIREN EGEROD on Tai-Austronesian vs. Tai-Chinese
"Before making expeditions into the neighbourhood, it seems the
Austronesian house has to be cleaned up first, following the
prescription as given by BLUST."
The bibliographic items listed here only by name are available in
the original article or by writing to Wilfried (Kirkebakken 13, 4621
Gadstrup, DENMARK). The same kinds of questions were raised by Lyle
Campbell in his assault on Greenberg who replied that he had too much
bibliography to publish, i.e., his publisher would forbid it. But also
there is another general comment to make: Suppose that Paul has already
rejected Wulff's and Brandstatter's monosyllable argument, which I bet
he did long ago, then is he obliged to mention them? People do not
always like to say negative things unless it is important. Hmm?
Our esteemed FELLOW and general guru, IGOR DIAKONOFF, has published an
article entitled "The Importance of Ebla for History and Linguistics" in
Cyrus H. Gordon, Editor, and Gary A. Rendsburg, Associate Editor,
3-29. The year is 1990; the publisher Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana.
Since there was great excitement back in the 1970s about this 'new old'
Semitic language and its very antique civilization (3rd millennium BC),
followed by repeated rumors that 'someone blew it' meaning that we might
not ever get good information, it is gratifying to read uncle Igor's
rich article. Too much to summarize here, except for a piece of his
"According to the present data, Eblaite is a very archaic language
of the Semitic family in the Afrasian linguistic phylum. It seems that
the number of isoglosses connecting it with Northeast Semitic Akkadian
is almost equal to the number of isoglosses with West Semitic languages
(according toM. Dahood with Canaanite, according to E.Lipin'ski with
Aramaic; however note the important glosses with Arabic and South
Semitic). All this proves that Eblaite was a part of the Common
Proto-Semitic dialect continuum,
with a position between East and West
Semitic. It seems to have separated from the continuum for a relatively
short time, but its isoglosses with West Semitic (including Arabic) seem
to be more innovative and hence more significant for classification."
Like all "proto-languages," Proto-Semitic was, of course, not a
"language", but a dialect cluster. End of quote.
Well, my friend, I feel myself in the presence of dogma. Here's a
question for you. Do all modern languages constitute dialect clusters?
If they do not, then why assume that all protolanguages were dialect
Thanks to Dan McCall for sending a few pages of RESEARCH NEWS, from
SCIENCE, vol. 252, 1614-1617. Therein "A GENETIC SURVEY OF VANISHING
PEOPLES" is discussed. Sub-title is "Racing the clock, two leaders in
genetics and evolution are calling for an urgent effort to collect DNA
from rapidly disappearing indigenous populations." The two leaders are
now one, unfortunately, since they were L.L. Cavalli-Sforza and
Wilson. We wish him well. Most of us would agree that the project is
worthwhile and most of us would help out, if asked to. If Luca wants,
members can send lists of which peoples they think most urgently need to
have their DNA collected.
Thanks to Claude Boisson we're in possession of an important article for
long rangers. The author is KAMIL V. ZVELEBIL (University of Utrecht,
The Netherlands). He published "Long-Range Language Comparison in New
Models of Language Development: The Case of Dravidian", in PILC JOURNAL
OF DRAVIDIC STUDIES, 1:1/January 1991, 21-31. PILC stands for
Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture, Pondicherry, Madras
(state), INDIA. Since the cover of the journal features Chomsky's
sayings as its logo (!), one can hardly think of a less likely place for
an article with such a title (except for LANGUAGE). Zvelebil being a
Dravidianist or Dravidologibt of the omens look good. Before his
data presentation he discusses some theories of language development and
how many different people had proposed relating Dravidian to "every
possible candidate at kinship". Following that is his EDUAJ hypothesis.
Instead of drawing his diagram, we'll reproduce it this way:
EDUAJ ----> J + EDUA (J)(EDUA)
EDUA ----->ED+ UA (ED)(UA)
J --------> JAPANESE
One point which we can note in his long discussion (q.v.) is that the
Japanese connection with Dravidian is a product of the labors of Susumu
Ohno, who has presevered "in spite of a vicious attack by Roy Andrew
Miller". The latest Ohno publication on this subject is "The Genealogy
of the Japanese Language-- Tamil and Japanese." In GENGO KENKYU 95:
32-63. But one cannot help wondering when serious scholars will quit
wasting so much time on binaristic comparisons. It is too primitive an
approach for long range comparison. People spend so much time and effort
and typically get nothing from it. 1hen they condemn long range work --
in their frustration.
Overleaf please find two announcements of coming
conferences. One will be very soon. The other is next year on the
Riviera, ho ho! This week I have received five conference announcements
for events which will ~ e held within two weeks. It would be a waste of
time to mention them. It is finally dawned on me that the reason so few
conference announcements get to me these days is that I've moved twice
in two years. Those who do the lists have lost me!
Since there have been no responses to the advertisements
that five different, but beautiful, people were looking for jobs or
positions in graduate schools, we will abandon this feature. The reality
is that more and more people tell me they need work but cannot find it.
The new people on the list are very competent and surely interesting.
What they have to offer include Semitics, Burushaski, Sumerian, Indic of
the far northwest, Afroasiatic, und so weiter.
Parasession : "Classification of African Languages and
Researchs of Genetics Relations"
The research of genetics relations will be discussed, more
specifically situations where lan!:,JUages are in contact.
"Nilo-saharanistists" as well as "comparatists" working on
other African linguistics families are invited to participate.
General oveJView :
I . "classical" researchs,
2. researchs which deal with crucial questions concerning
languages in contact and their evolution,
3. researchs on the interaction of language function and
linguistic structure.
Themes developed :
I. theorization in comparative research,
2. language contact phenomena and formation of new
3. classical methodologies and new prospcctives,
4. research tools,
5. influence of empirical data on theory and methodology.
Fifth Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium
Cinquieme Colloque de Linguistique Nilo-Saharienne
URA 1235- CNRS
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
The Colloquium will take place at the
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis
August 25-29, 1992
DeCldline :
We request an extended summary by
Notice no 2
July 1991
I -ApiT13o-,--t992 - I
to the following address :
Cinquieme Colloque Nilo-Saharien
63 Bd de Ia Madeleine- Bat. A -06000 NICE- France
(Tel. : Fax : 93.37.55. '36- Earn :Nicolai @ FRNICE 51)
After receipt, '-'11 summaties will be sent to each participant and
the program of the CDlloquium will be definitely set up.
Plan to Attend
the 11th Annual International Conference
on Native Am-erican Language Issues
The pw:pose of the Native American
Language Issues Institute conference is
to protect, preserve, and promote the
indigenous languages of the Americas.
This is achieved by providing a facility
where education professionals, language
specialists, and people of the First Nation
communities gather to discuss indigenous
language concerns.
Presenters and workshop facilitators from
across Ginada, United States (hlcluding
Hawaii and Alaska), and. New Zealand
have already coinmitted toattend this special

Attached is a.- request form for more
: l( you would like more
information about the NALI '91 Institute
conference, the attached form
and return it "in the self-addressed envelope
Applications to make:a presentation, or
-to facilitate a conference workshop will
be accepted until June 15, 1991.
For more enquiries write to:
_ P.O.
Vanderhoof, British Columbia,
. .
-Canada; VOJ 3AO.
Or telephone (604) 567-9236
Conference Qpening
Sunday, 22, 1991
Displays of the school program, teacher
training, and technology for languages will
be open. This multi-media display centre .
will remain open from Sunday noon until
3:00p.m. on Wednesday.
Cultural exhibits and professional displays
are welcome.
N.A.L.L '911nstitute is ho&ted by
Yinka Dene Language I:Dstitute
Monday, September 23, 1991
-Opening Ceremonies
-Keynote Address
-NALI 91 Business Meeting
-Exhibits and Displays
September 24, 1991
-Opening Plenary
and Displays
-Banquet and Entertainment
Wednesday, September 25,
. 1991_
-Opening Plenary
-Exhibits and Displays
-Closing ceremonies

ROGER BLENCH had been in Nigeria for some time, counting all the cows
and other livestock, when he wrote in February. His letter got bumped
in MT-13 because of space. Back in England he will be at the London
School of Economics for two years from this October, doing Developmental
Anthropology. Among other things he reports:
"Something that has been on my agenda for a very long time, the revised
Index of Nigerian L a n g ~ a g e s (now re-christened Atlas) is finally being
put to bed. S.I.L. is doing the publishing and getting the map (a colour
masterpiece) printed. It might just be available at the end of the
year.Since this thing summarizes a decade of wandering around Nigeria
inquiring into the roots and stems of things, I shall be pleased to see
it in print and get on with Edition Three. I have also been asked to
help put together a map of African Languages for some UNESCO project ..
"Mother Tongue seems to have reverted to something like it was before
under your revived editorship. It seemed to have gone from a genuine
investigation of World Languages to a rather ingrown journal for a very
particular set of debates. I hope you can recover some interest from the
Africanists whoI suspect may have tended to go off in other directions"
"Enclosed is a map that I have done fo1 .. Well, you maybe remember the
World Archeological Congress in Southampton a few years back? I was
invited to give a paper in the Neolithic section on the significance of
new developments in African Language classification for hypotheses about
prehistory. The paper was given and duly sent in for publication -- but
nothing happened for six years. Then two months ago, Peter Ucko suddenly
asked me to revise the paper! Six years is a long time and I needed it
like I needed horseflies. Nevertheless, I redid the map on computer and
the paper by hand, since I had by then lost the original computer file.
Anyway the map is just for comment and interest. I11 send you the
article when it is published. What is your present view of Ongota,
Shabo, Hadza and Sandawe. As you see, I have marked them isolates but
Im still not clear exactly what }our view is. Is Shabo the same as
Mekeyir? Confused. There is a language, Laal, in Chad that does not seem
to fit into any of the major families, though it has borrowed so
extensively from Adamawa and Chadic that you cannot say this for
certain. Still, I think it needs to be on certain lists."
"I am glad you have fixed up a means of paying in Europe ... but as you
know it costs you nearly as much to transmit dollars to America as the
total amount of the subscription ...
Well, we owe that to Ekkehard Wolff. Re Mekeyir. It = Shabo. Hadza
and Sandawe have been stable since that conference where we decided to
assume for the nonce that they were not all related. Those two are both
Khoisan, in my opinion. See MT-12 for opinions about Ongota and Shabo.
Calling all Africanists! Can anyone get some data on Laal? To swap?
Especially data where the borrowings are marked? Or publish in MT?
3o ...l' B.l...l. vt c.J ".s
Atlantic Ocean
lS:\';."1 Afro-Asiatic
It :::::::] Niger-Congo
< >: >1 Nile-Saharan
.A Isolated Languages
Ongota, Shabo
f Lakes
Major Rivers
RMB March 1991
Har-old C. Fleming
5240 For-bes Ave.
Pittsbur-gh, PA 15217
D e ~ r - pr-ofessor- Fleming,
Kar-l Kr-ippes
BBHN C206 Hepbur-n House
Bloomington, IN 47406
thank you for- issue 13 of Mother- Tongue. I have been busy
doing pr-oto-Mongolian r-econstr-uctions for- my Ph.D. disser-tation,
and haven't had time to polish up any of the pr-ojects which might
be suitable for- Mother- Tongue. Having completed the fir-st
dr-aft, I can take a moment to wr-ite to you.
I assume, per-haps wr-ongly, that specialists in other-
language gr-oups ar-e vaguely inter-ested in an insider-'s view on
pr-oblems in Altaic linguistics. In the Depar-tment of Ur-alic &
Altaic Studies, Indiana Univer-sity, wher-e I am about to finish my
degr-ee, it's okay to use the wor-d "Altaic" as long as you don't
pr-efix the wor-d "pr-oto-". Of the few faculty member-s, past and
pr-esent, who can claim to be "Altaicists", two pr-efer- to be
identified or- 1 abe lled as "Mongo 1 ists" and the thir-d as a
"Tur-cologist". In this situation, and consider-ing the focus of
my disser-tation, I must content myself with the label of
"Mongolist", even though I have any equally solid backgr-ound in
Uzbek and Manchu (not fr-om any r-elatives though).
I enter-ed the pr-ogr-am to investigate the Kor-ean-Altaic
linguistic affinity, a question which inter-ested me upon my
initiation into Kor-ean some five year-s ago - I have been speaking
Kor-ean on a daily basis for- at least that long.
Having said that much, I must apologize for- not having any
such depth or- even acquaintance with Japanese and Ainu. But
because the Japanese-Kor-ean-Ainu affinity is another- 1 ong- time
inter-est, I tr-y to keep abr-east of the Japanese and Ainu
linguistic liter-atur-e, while having an active inter-est in Middle
Kor-ean and Kor-ean dialects. So, at least in the case of Kor-ean,
to "have studied the subject sufficiently", takes second place to
actually being fluent in the spoken and wr-itten for-ms.
However-, in r-esponse to Kar-l Menges, I wish to politely
disagr-ee about the necessar-y to clar-ify my opinion of the
r-elatedness of the Altaic languages (or- that my opinion should
r-eflect on my competence in compar-ative linguistics and the
compar-ative method). Nonetheless, I usually find r-eader-s and
r-efer-ees insistent on telling me wher-e I stand on the issue no
matter- how much I attempt to r-emain open-minded and willing to
weigh ar-guments fr-om both sides of the issue, or- to present both
sides so that the r-eader-/r-efer-ee may make his/her own judgement.
I agr-ee with pr-ofessor- Menges that quotation out of context
can lead to misr-epr-esentation of another- per-son's ideas. On the
point of quoting the sour-ce of an linguistic compar-ison, who, for-
example, has taken the time to find out that Meillet first
compared Armenian kamurY 'bridge' and all the dialect variants of
Greek gephura id. ? I strive to give scholarly credit where it
is due, as in the "Altaic Component of a Nostratic Dictionary"
(Mother Tongue issue 11). It would be a completely different
type of academic exercise to find out which comparisons Ramstedt
borrowed from Sanzheev (1930) and vice versa, or which
comparisons Sanzheev borrowed from Schmidt (1898-1928) and so
In my contribution to Mother Tongue issue 11, I tried to
insist more on what linguistic and philological facts a
reconstruction is based on, rather than themere fact that a
certain form is asterisked.
Up till now I was fond of relying of Martti Rasanen (1969)
for proto-Turkic. Having learned that his work is a compendium
of Radloff, and repeats many philological mistakes and
inaccuracies, I use both Shcherbak and Clauson for proto-Turkic.
Because of the "puerile" arguments (as Miller has called them)
which Clauson is notorious for in his anti-Altaic articles, I
cannot help but feel a sense of embarrassment at quoting
Clauson's Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century
Turkish (1972), which by itself is a more solid piece of
linguistic and philological work.
At the risk to boring you further, let me thank you for
welcoming my two contributions to MT and for keeping MT as a
forum. I'm saddened that only the smaller of the two papers
evoked even a passing reaction from one of the more prominent
ASLIP members. I hope that whether I'm welcomed as a Mongolist
or an Altaicist (the dying breed), that I may continue to offer
corrections and clarifications on Altaic and Korean as they
concern Nostratic.
Sincerely yours,
Karl Krippes
P.S. You'll be pleased to know that in a forthcoming review
article of Benedict, I had the occasion to quote from two issues
of MT.
H.::rold C. Fleming
5240 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Dear H.::l,
P . 0 . Bo>< 1 4 2
Uniport Post Office
Port H.::rcourt
31 M.::y, 1991
MT 13 arrived today and as usu.::l I have road and
skipped thru it with fascination. Sorry I don't reply
more often-- I'm just a b.::d letter-writer! I think you
asked me l.::st time if I was about to retire; the answer
is NO, not until I reach the Nigerian retiring .::go in
1995. I am desperately overworked and am re.::lly looking
forward to my s.::bb.::tic.::l next ye.::r; I shall be in Oxford
in 1992 to finish writing up my Proto-Jjg and Proto-
Igboid -- the latter jointly with Chinyere Ohiri-Aniche,
who is in the l.::st st.::ges of producing an exciting Ph.D
in which she reconstructs the proto-language of Yoruboid,
Igboid and Edoid. There are also here a bunch of MA
theses I have supervised which reconstruct subgroups of
(Now) Benuo-Congo; Proto-Akpes (a previously barely-known
dialect cluster), by Femi Ibrahim, Proto-Kegboid, alias
Ogoni, by Suanu Ikoro, Proto-Central Delta, by Inom.::
Alex, .::nd Proto-Bakor, an Ekoid Bantu language, by Osbert
As i ny.::; as we 11 as Proto-KO IN ( K.::l r_j_-Okr i ka-J.9.an_j_-
Nkgrgg), a part of J.J.9., by O.G. Harry. It: is so sad th.::t
we have nothing like University Microfilms here; some
ye.::rs ago we found it costs $50.00 to put
dissertation there, and that's a month's salary for a
junior academic here. This is all crucial data.
I find the Niger-Congo scene really exciting now.
There is .::lso a reconstruction of Proto-Lower Cross
coming up by Bruce Connell; h.::ve you invited him to
become a member of ASLIP? (The Phonetics L.::b, 41
Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF, England.) We keep
reconstructing lenis consonants in one group after
.::nother, .::nd John Stewart keeps propounding new
hypotheses .::bout their development.
Incidentally, re your rem.::rks on pp. 33-34 .::bout
the extreme parochialism of historical linguistics, I
teach it mostly with Niger-Congo examples -- tho I do
usually mention Grimm's Law briefly in case my students
ever get to a European/American conference! I enclose a
copy of my "in.::ugural" (many years after) lecture as a
sample. I

I delighted by the deeper time depths proposed
for Amerind (pp.3, 5, etc.). I've felt but
no of proving in Niger-Congo we need much more
10,000-12,000 of course if we link up
or Niger-Congo one of the
younger of we get much
I register protest over your on the
IPA (p.17)! The new IPA discussed quite widely
before the conference, it which are
improvement on the old one. And it IS
-- there lot of they
do only occupy one country!
Glad you've elected Sen Elugbe -- but he's
not Port as I suppose you've discovered
by now.
I have feeling I should have paid some dues last
time, so enclose a cheque for $10.00. Why introduce
life membership? It would give you some lump sums which
you could invest to the benefit of ASLIP, is
convenient for people like me who have money right now
but might not in future.
With best
EDITORIAL: Thoughts o ~ a e ~
Eric de Grolier paid me a visit this summer and
full of new thoughts and information. He may be the
stuffed my head
smartest and/or
best-informed long ranger of all! His thoughts confirmed a subsLantial
portion of what I had been reading and gave me a better grasp of French
thinking in particular on prehistory. Sparks flew from time to time, as
they always do when 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'Gallic' minds engage each other
seriously, but we agreed on more things than not. Nevertheless I am in
awe of Monsieur de Grolier!
However, on two vital matters we disagreed flatly. His stance
would, I think, please the greater number of ethnologists, especially
symbolic anthropologists. Our definitions of language were different
and what followed from that was crucial. We agreed on the usual set of
attributes: language is a social phenomenon, it embraces concepts, it
is highly structured or has syntax and morphology and rules, it
saturates human minds, it changes over time, and so forth. And, of
course, one of its critical defining characteristics is that it is
SPOKEN, that it critically involves a mouth-to-ear channel, that its
arbitrary phonemes are vital to the arbitrary semantics, and so forth.
Or human natural language is different from other forms of
communication most crucially because it is SPOKEN.
Eric d i d ~ agree that the spoken part was crucial, nor did he
agree that language was limited to human natural languages, or roughly
whatever it is we mean by French, Tibetan, Ongota, and Tlingit, but not
written Chinese. Therefore it was possible for him to see 'language' as
present in the new evidence that various animals have concepts or use
symbols or think or the like.
Our second flat disagreement followed upon the first. Could one
hope to find the origin(s) of language? Yes, said I, thinking of a
spoken language and an anatomically modern human, we can find when we
were able to speak and compare that to other evidence of symbolic
qualities and our reconstructions back to earliest. proto-human. No, we
cannot, said Eric, thinking of how old abilities to think and use
symbols and communicate must be in various animals and surely in early
human animals like the Australopithecines. We will probably never know,
(I would add) because it is not a matter of some changes in the bones
of the throat.
Thus we realized to our mutual surprise that we differed on the
definition of the phenomena in question and whether their origins were
retrievable (discoverable) or not. We also realized that many other
long rangers shared the same disagreements or lacked agreement on these
essential or basic points.
There is no way, normally, in science to force definitions on
people, unless you fail them in graduate school or don't give them
tenure or beat them with sticks. So Eric and I agreed to live with our
definitions, respecting the other's right to remain disinformed. Still
it is important for all of us to be quite clear about our conceptions
of language. Mine is a fairly standard definition used by linguists.
Eric's is more like an ethnologist's or archeologist's or
paleoanthropologist's ( who think you "have language" because you can
make a tool. Notice that they hardly ever say you must be able to speak
because your hands can make tools.)
This all leads to profoundly different views on language origins.
For those who do not define language as part of culture, like me (but
not Dell Hymes or Raimo Anttila), language is very unlikely to occur
before Homo erectus, possible to occur during archaic Homo sapiens
and/or Neanderthal times, and likely to occur during proper Homo
sapiens sapiens times. Culture or symbolic behavior could occur much
before that, say well before Homo erectus, and even in a rudimentary
sense among other apes (see Jane Goodall's THROUGH A WINDOW). It could
be communicated through gestures (kinesics), as Gordon Hewes has
maintained. Language in my sense of it is obviously intimately
connected to culture in a great symbol system in our brains (but also)
in our interactions. There is a heavy area of overlap between
linguistic and cultural symbols -- in the lexicon. But other aspects of
both language and culture are basically independent of each other
(e.g., phonology, music, dance, syntax, many kinds of art,
behavioremes, etc.). Two related and linked sets of phenomena do not
need to be defined as parts of each other. How about saying that
culture is part of language? And so forth.
Naturally, language could still be defined as a part of culture, as
Raimo defines it, but nevertheless a new part of it, one essentially
embodying a much richer set of icons & symbols (morphemes), based on
the non-symbolic (non-representational) set of sounds (phonemes), which
carry the meanings of a much richer culture. However, but, although: If
earlier humanity used gestures instead of spoken language, it does not
necessarily follow that humaaity was poorer mentally just for that
reason. Or has American Sign Language been found to be much poorer than
spoken English in transmitting information? (It may have; I just don't
know.) With the advent of spoken language, one hears it said
frequently, human communication got richer, culture got richer, and we
got smarter. Was it because gesture "language" was inadequate or was it
because technology kept quietly growing or was it because we
accumulated and learned from a richer human experience? Or what can a
spoken language do that a gesture "language" cannot?
As most anthropologists know, once you open up the bag called
'culture' definitions become impossible and arbitrary things. But one
sage once observed that, despite "arid definitionalism", most of us
agreed on a primitive conception of culturt. I'm assuming that here,
except for the archeologists who do use one more appropriate for their
work, but adding that in 1991 at least everybody's 'culture' contains
the word 'symbol' somewhere. I would prefer that Eric argue his own
case but semantics are crucial to his viewpoint. I think he would say
something like this: language is critical, symbolic, mental, conceptual
and characteristic of the highest life forms on earth. It is not
important that it use speaking as its channel; it could use and does
use gestures, body 'language', calls, cries, paralanguage or what have
you. The crux of it is communication of symbols and concepts from mind
to mind, even between species. The swinging of my eat's tail and my
dog's tell me very different things. So language is the communication
of meanings, ergo it is the communication of culture -- the system of
meanings. Perhaps he might even say: language is merely/simply/just the
channel for messages with meanings to be exchanged. (I hope I got
Eric's meanings straight!)
Confronting cultural theories, especially those stressing the
symbolic, and their supposed relevence to language origins. It is
something we must do. L.O.S. people do find evidences of symbolic
behavior in archeological prehistory and they do tend to interpret such
as evidence or proof of language. So if there is, for example, a rock
painting with a wavy line on it--- and it seems to mean "water", then
ergo that means the people then had language and a word for "water".
Alexander Marshack is a brilliant exponent of this approach. But I
think the wavy line --- proves most of all that he follows Monsieur de
Grolier's definition of language. Since I believe that most rock
paintings have been done by Homo sapiens type artists, I reckon they
also had human natural languages and words for "water". But the drawing
on the rock proves ZERO about their possession of spoken language. Why
should it? If Brutus can gesture --- with his hands, does it prove that
he can say "aqua"? Or even knows that there is "aqua" to say? Ah, yes,
but Brutus is communicating, using a symbol (an icon, Raimo) to convey
the concept of water. That IS language, n'est-ce pas?
When we all agree on what we are talking about, and arguing about,
it will help us immensely. Don't you think so? Above all the poor
biologicals and archeologists who hated taking linguistics in college
and often do not know what they are talking about when they mention
-- literally.
It will be a good thing that Mark Kaiser does! When he
takes over MOTHER TONGUE for a while. Not only in relieving the present
editor but also in healing the wounds in our body politic. It is no
secret that Muscovite and Bostonian long rangers have drifted seriously
apart. As they say in Moscow: "Everything is secret but nothing is
mysterious." So let Mark play the role of Brahma while and I
play Shiva! And while Igor Diakonoff is our Vishnu. (Just a bit of
Hindu theology.)
In Ann Arbor, Michigan, a short informal annual meeting
of ASLIP occurred on August 15, 1991. It was a response to a suggestion
made by Sydney Lamb that we 'piggy back' on the LACUS FORUM meetings.
Ours was set up quite abruptly and thus non-North American members "ere
not invited; they could hardly adjust their schedules so quickly. Since
we had just enough members present to 'do business', the six of us
voted to ask LACUS to give us a piece of their action annually.
Otherwise the meeting was a waste of time and money. No long rangers
from the state of Michigan showed up; for some a ten minute walk away!
The money I spent on this meeting could have produced an extra issue of
MOTHER TONGUE, if given for that purpose instead. Tsk, tsk!
we will discuss the matter of 'piggy back' meetings more fully in
future at our Board of Directors meeting. As something for members to
think about, let me suggest the following:
There may be many 'piggy back' meetings, both in North America and
Europe, in any given year.
Neither the President nor the Vice President can be expected to
attend all these meetings. Money alone prevents them.
Let the suggester of a meeting also be the volunteer convener of
said meeting. Let me invent an example. Suppose that Douglas Wallace
wanted to have an ASLIP 'piggy back' session as part of the meetings of
the mitochondrial experts of America in Cancun in January. Then he
should make the arrangements. We should think of ASLIP as something
like a 'daddy long legs' (Phalangium sp). A tiny center with very very
long slender fragile legs; enough to frighten the status quo but easy
to blow over with a good puff of wind. Try to think of our 'piggy back'
meetings as Phalangium's footprints. An ever so light and delicate
Let each 'piggy back' meeting be reported briefly in advance to our
officers so that they can assist, if possible. Otherwise let the
volunteer conveners send out notices to ASLIP members world wide and
far enough in advance so that people can make plans and even submit
papers or suggest topics. Our members are great travelers after all.
Let each volunteer convener try to negotiate terms with the host
meeting (e.g., LACUS FORUM) such that long rangers are spared the cost
of registering for the whole host meeting which can be formidable
(e.g., Soc. Am.Geneticists get $250).
Above all let us all be realistic about ASLIP and MOTHER TONGUE ..
~ h e r e is as yet no natural constituency. Our activities are on the
outer fringes of awareness for most of our members. Judging from the
lessons of Ann Arbor, not even our core members will trouble themselves
in any serious way to help out. Loyalty is thinner than condom skin. We
have elite Directors and Fellows who don't even believe in our goals,
not to mention lower level taxonomic hypotheses like AA!
Alternative Formats
One of our true long rangers has suggested that we stop trying to
be a organization which attracts a large membership, stop trying to be
a newsletter to a society whose members don't report their activlties,
and stop worrying about the opinions of those thousands of drone
linguists who produce all that trivia. He thinks we should concentrate
on productivity and communication among the true workers in this
domain. Let us be a small group of as few as 20, he says, who pay
actual attention to each other's work, who feed each other data and
ideas, and who support each other morally and scientifically. It sounds
great and there are two models in existence: (a) the Muscovites and (b)
the core group of the Americanist border patrol (Ives, Lyle, Terry,
Sally, and Al). (The positivists and the negativists) Let us one and
all think about this proposal and the few who give a damn write to me.
You will define the potential new ASLIP just by doing that!
Consider another alternative, however. We could become a big
association too. My recruiting activity has been confined to serious
'professionals' and personal friends. There are ways of becoming much
larger, with a membership in the thousands. And still be a newsletter,
albeit altered for style and glossiness of presentation. We could hire
a bright editor and t u ~ n out a spiffy product which is what many
readers now long for. That great financial success could help support
the true long rangers in their work. (Due to economies of large scale
production and lowering of unit costs. For you, John) Think about this
The format of small elitism above probably would have worked a few
years ago. It thrived on good will and cooperation. George Steppenwolff
did plenty to stamp out those qualities. Nowadays the "good ole spirit
of free enterprise" and competitive individualism (me first) has
replaced it. Our 'heroes' rarely communicate outside of little circles
and on the whole are quite self-centered. There is some doubt that the
elitist format could work at all.
But it does not matter too much. As Kroeber might have said, the
cultural impact of long range comparison has happened, even if
individuals like Fleming are unhappy about the details. Attitudes
towards language origins are changing and there is a huge drive towards
a synthesis, 'emerging' in Renfrew's words, drawing together
archeologists, biologicals, and a few linguists. The emergence of
modern humanity consensus will explain the origins of language, whether
we participate or not. So be it!
BOREAN / BORALEAN ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ -
In non-arboreal diagram it has the following shape:
I \
I \
\ I
\ I
In arboreal diagram it has one of these three shapes:
proto-Bore an
J', J t'' t,'' '' t t t t t t t' t t' tor ::t..cs
B .
t '' t t t' t t t t t t'' t t t t t t 1:he preferred t t' t t'' t'' t'' t''''''' t
I I I \
Sumerian, Elamitic and Dravidian are SUMR-EL-DRAV. That group +
Eurasiatic + Kartvelian could be called Nostratic or Mitian ('moiltoi'
pronouns) (my choice). While Nahali is implicitly in the Dene-Caucasic
realm, it is left as found today --distinctive and controversial.
In (C) Japanese is left unclassified out of respect for Paul Benedict's
thesis. It has become the most controversial language to classify.
Some attributes of this scheme, whether implicit in one of these
diagrams or now to be presented, are as follows:
(A) Whatever the outcome of the sub-grouping, i.e., whether diagram A,
B, or c is correct, the group of languaaes tacitly included are believed
to be a proper taxon in overall terms. Each of them is related to the
others in BOREAN before it is related to any outside language, presuming
that borrowings from outside languages have been identified. That
stipulation becomes nearly impossible to sustain in the case of Nahali
vis-a-vis the purported Austric super-phylum. It is probably difficult
also ia the case of Sino-Tibetan vis-a-vis Austro-Thai and it has become
unmanageable in the case of Japanese.
Neither SUMR-EL-DRAVidian nor KARTvelian are very close to e a c ~
other. Since Kartvelian is already believed to be related to (North)
Caucasic (Gamkrelidze 1974), it might go in D-C. Diagram C clearly
states that Kartvelian is related to SUMR-EL-DRAV and to EURASiatic
before it relates to D-C. Ilych-Svitich, Bombard, and Dolgopolsky have
shown amply enough that Kartvelian is very likely to be linked to the
old Nostratic bunch. that does not deny a relationship with Caucasic,
but their rejection of Kartvelian's kinship with Caucasic puts one
farther away. The real question which bedevils the Caucasus is who has
seen how much data on the Nakh-Dagestan group? (Or Northeast Caucasic)
(B) There are locations and dates to propose for proto-Borean and the
movements of the daughters (descendent branches). Despite the irrational
archeological hang-up about migrations, there be some huge ones.
The dispersal area and date are !'Iran exterieur (greater Iran) around
45,000 BP. This is by hypothesis. From there the Amerind branch
moved northeastward around Tien Shan and reached Alaska around
35,000-40,000 BP, reaching deeper South America quite rapidly after
that. This had to be a sweepstakes kind of move with population
bottlenecks at some points and it had to be during an interglacial
interlude. The speed of their march across Mongolia and/or Siberia,
while a mere 5000-10,000 years, was slow when compared with the few
hundred years it took the Russians to do the same thing -- against
opposition. Despite the stubborn insistence of some that the Bering
Straits must have been crossed during a time of low seas (i.e., a
glacial episode), there seems to be no good reason to deny the ancestral
Amerinds the ability to use marine transportation (e.g., rafts, canoes,
etc). See below (D) for Australo-Papuan boating 20,000 years earlier.
(C) Later on, the Dene-Caucasic eastern flank moved into and across
northern India, then probably through some Himalayan passes up onto the
Tibetan high plateau and so to north China, whence the ancestral Na-Dene
crossed maritime Siberia, occupying Alaska and some of northwestern
Canada, while the kindred ancestral Ket/Kot moved north into the Yenesei
river system there to be cut down slowly over millennia by the various
surges of Eurasiatic-speaking peoples across Siberia. From north China
or eastern Tibet the Sino-Tibetans later began their slow steady
expansion southwards at the expense of the Austric peoples.
Alternatively, ancestral Burushaski, Nahali (and probably Kusunda)
eased over into the Indus system, there to be opposed by earlier
arrivals (see (E) below, while the rest of the eastern flank of D-C went
around Tien Shan (mts.) to the north, via Lake Balkash, thence through
"the Gate into Sinkiang, thence northwest China. There is easy
access to the Yenesei river system to the north (for Ket/Kot) or
Manchuria to the east (for Na-Dene). This later became an Altaic route
and most likely was the old Amerind route to the east.
(D) It is proposed that this still undated Dene-Caucasic movement to the
east was the third movement into or across India by modern men but the
first by a more or less cold-adapted people like other Boreans. It is
seen as analogous to much later Indo-Aryan movements into India from the
west where a previous set of populations remained partly in place. In
this section the Borean hypothesis clearly includes another postulate:
there was a much earlier movement of moderns (sapients) from either the
Levant or the African Horn across Arabia to India, thence to southeast
Asia for some of them. Certamente, these were the so-called Australoids.
These southeast Asians then crossed Wallace's Line somewhere around
55,000 BP and began settling greater Australia, first Australia and then
New Guinea (30,000-40,000) and the Melanesian islands (e.g., Bismarcks,
Solomons: 28,000-33,000). These movements represented Indo-Pacific and
Australian, surely. The bits and pieces of Indo-Pacific, spread from the
Andaman Islands to Timor to Helmahera to Papua to near Fiji suggest
their earlier distribution and what eventually happened to their older
territory (see E below). Despite the easy correlation of Australian
languages and first settlement, that theory is specifically rejected.
Following Bowdler's and Jones's analyses, it seems that early movements
circumnavigated Australia first and probably New Guinea too before
settling inland to any great depth. They clearly knew how to travel by
sea (bamboo or pandanus rafts), even if only for short distances. It is
this fact that makes sense of the massive concentration of Australian
branches in far northern Australia, as well as the strange anomaly of
the 22,000 year old Tasmanian settlement. There is much to unravel in
the southwest Pacific, however, and that awaits another hypothesis.
(E) Throughout Sundaland the old 'Australoid' territory was occupied by
movements of various Austric groups, on the west Austro-Asiatic and in
most of the island world by Austronesian. But proto-Austric resided or
at least began, it seems reasonable to say, in India. While Austric may
have remained from the original early settlement by sapients that took
their kin to southeast Asia, it may instead be derived from peoples
living farther west on the eastern or southern flanks of the Borean
area, i.e., the Persian Gulf region or Pakistan.
Austric movements into Sundaland and the Pacific came much later
than their movements into southeast Asia and up into China from which
Chinese language and culture mostly expelled them but still leaving most
south Chinese with close genetic ties to Austric peoples. (In this
section I respect Paul Benedict but think an Austric taxon is called
for.) While Austric represents the second movement from the-west across
India, proto-Austric in the narrower sense was probably located in
eastern India or may even itself represent feed-back from southeast
Asia. Nahali may, of course, turn out to be closer to Austric than to
D-C, in which case it represents a more western version of old Austric.
It is likely that the original Austric expansion into India began around
60,000 years ago, while the breaking up of proto-Austric dates to much
later than that, of course, but surely not_ later than 20,000 BP.
(F) Meanwhile back in greater Iran the same general surge that took the
ancestral Amerinds across Siberia carried some close kin through
Anatolia and around the Black Sea littoral into Moldavia (Bessarabia)
and Romania, thence into south Russia and on to the Volga basin, then
everywhere west into Europe and east into Siberia that glaciers
permitted them to go. It is almost certain that they were in eastern
Europe 43,000 years ago and on the shores of the Atlantic by 35,000. I
agree completely with Igor Diakonoff and Eric de Grolier that this group
had to be Aurignacian in culture, Cro-Magnon in physical type, and
Mitian (narrow Nostratic) in speech, especially the Eurasiatic branch of
Mitian. Those who went into Europe were, or developed into, the fairly
closely knit European physical or racial cluster. They were not,
however, all of those who were, or developed into, what are usually
called Caucasoids. (More on them in a minute.) Since northern Europe was
occupied even before the Neolithic by people of Caucasoid type, it seems
likely that they were related to the Eurasiatic folks or at least Mitian
linguistically. It is tempting to see some of them at least as
resembling the modern Lapps. When Indo-European much much later spread
from the east into northern Europe, it was probably kindred Eurasiatic
speakers they absorbed or pushed out. Much of northern Europe remained
glacial and inaccesible to settlement for millennia.
(G) Those Eurasiatic groups who moved into eastern Europe left behind
kinsmen in the Russian forests and steppes (or tundra in the early
days), probably the I-E and Oralie ancestors. I-E represents the old
Cro-Magnons who lingered in eastern Russia, or as David Anthony has said
(personal communication), I-E roots go all the way back to the
Paleolithic thereabouts. Those who crossed the Urals and went on into
Siberia and Mongolia remained localized for a long time but eventually
reached the eastern seas, remaining as Gilyak, Ainu, Koreans, and
possibly Japanese, or carrying a pronounced adaptation for frozen
maritime areas finally got to the Bering Straits as the Eskimaleuts, or
close by as Chukchee, Kamchadal and Yukaghir. When they crossed over to
Alaska around 10,000 years ago, they found Na-Dene already there no
doubt. Such groups as the Turkic and Mongolic of Altaic were sitting
around quietly as fairly local groups in western Siberia when the new
I-E horse culture .hit them hard, pasturizing them and leading to their
great expansions over Eurasia. But that is quite recent history.
Except for the I-E and Oralie peoples, all these Eurasiatic groups
get classified as Mongoloids, indeed the archtypes they are. More of the
Oralie peoples are 'mixed' or 'transitional' (e.g., Lapps) or simply
Mongoloid than are simply Caucasoid. But even farther east the vast
Mongoloid domain has enclaves of deviation in the direction of
Caucasoids, especially the Ainu, some Gilyak, some Eskimos, and some
Amerinds. Moreover in the west more than a few north Europeans have flat
faces, small noses, 'puffy' eyes from fatty depositions on their eye
lids, and chunky bodies with a tendency to get fat, more than a little
reminiscent of those phenotypic qualities associated with cold
adaptation and Mongoloids.
(H) The molecular biologist, Masatoshi Nei, has dated the common period
or proto-Caucasoid-Mongoloid period to about 40,000 years ago. This
figure is independent of the calculation that Cro-Magnon of 43,000 BP
was an early Borean speaker invading Europe and eliminating his distant
cousin, Neanderthal. His date is much later than the 53,000 years which
one can deduce from Cavalli-Sforza's paper.
(I) While Dravidian ultimately ended up looking like a south Indian
residue akin to Austro-Asiatic, its northern credentials are well
established. It has walked a short distance south from the Borean
dispersal area. Not only have Stephen Tyler and others argued for its
-- - - - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - - -
U r a l i ~ affinities but also its ties with Elamitic reinforce a northern
thesis. Its own internal 'weight' is more northern than southern because
of Brahui but also Kui and Malta. Some archeologists see Dravidian
coming in from Iran maybe 7000 years ago. It was IE (Indic, of course)
which pushed Dravidian into its cul de sac. Like many others, I think
it obvious that Dravidians created Indus Valley civilization.
(J) The Sumerian language is not close to any others, be they ultimately
D-C or ultimately in the same bag with Dravidian and Kartvelian. But the
Sumerians lived very close to our proposed original Borean dispersal
area. Some say they derive from eastern Anatolia, others say from the
Zagros. Geoffrey Bibby in LOOKING FOR DILMUN reckons that they might be
derived frpm the Persian Gulf area. Eric de Grolier is presently looking
into some tantalizing clues to their possible affinity to Khoisan! Since
Bibby thinks that eastern Arabia was cooler, wetter, and higher than
now, say 7000 years ago when the Sumerians probably started entering
Mesopotamia, I'll vote for the Kuwait-Qatar area as the Sumerian source,
their Dilmun -- with the stipulation that much of their old territory is
now under water.
(K) How Kartvelian, king of the Caucasus, got there is a bit of a
mystery. It sits right in the middle of the dense Caucasic distribution,
since IE Armenian is standing in for old Urartian a major (dead) branch
of East Caucasic. The clever Georgians of yore might have talked their
way into the D-C stronghold but from whence? It is most unlikely to have
been central or eastern Anatolia, crawling with Hatti and Hurrians. To
the farther southwest the aggressive Semites. To the farther southeast
the Sumerians, Elamites and Dravidians. It pretty much had to be from
one of three areas, to wit, (a) from the north, through the passes or by
the Baku lowlands, hence into the sweet valleys of Georgia. Or (b) from
the farther east beyond the Caspian Sea, hence across northern Iran. Or
(c) perhaps simply from northern Iran. Since Kartvelian is most
convincingly related to IE and Dravidian, one solid datum established by
all those Nostratic etymologies, the most likely place to find
pre-proto-Kartvelian would be near the path of the old Eurasiatic surge
north from greater Iran. The Elamo-Dravidian homeland being most
probably in southwestern Iran (the Zagros area), let's bring Kartvelian
in from the El Burz mountains or the Mazandaran coastal plains + western
Turkmenia. It is possible that such a movement has been detected
already, archeologically, but has been ascribed to the early IE
movements coming south from the Volga basin
(L) Surely Anatolia and the Caucasus have been solid Dene-Caucasic
territory for a long time. Logically, we can derive them 'ages ago' from
mountains farther east in Afghanistan or perhaps from Uzbekistan because
of the need to connect up with the D-C eastern flank. 'Them' refers to
the Caucasic phylum plus its new members Hurrian & Urartian, Hatti, and
Gutian (of southern Kurdistan). All are extinct, except the 30 or so
very diverse Caucasic languages in their mountain valleys. To show the
strength of Caucasic in Anatolia there was still 'a living West Caucasic
language, Pakhy, in the early 20th century in northwestern Turkey.
But th1s point has to be argued for -- briefly -- because a number
of people see Anatolia as the IE homeland. Yet, contrary to Renfrew,
Ivanov, Gamkrelidze and others, Anatolia of 7000 BC is about the most
unlikely place to derive I-E from that one can find. It is about as
silly as deriving Basque from Nigeria, another very crowded place.
Despite Robert Sakal, et al, in this context the likelihood is that the
Danubian Neolithic, that which carried agriculture into most of Europe,
was associated with languages of D-C type. Nobody doubts that Anatolia
is the source of European agriculture. What Sokal and others did was to
associate that farming with a linguistic phylum quite unlikely to have
been in Anatolia during the 8th millennium BC -- Indo-European!
(M) What about the rest of D-C, the western flank? It carried Neolithic
culture and farming across the Mediterranean to Iberia and up into
France and (probably) up into the Maghreb (northern Tunisia, Algeria,
and Morocco). Also to islands such as Crete, Sicily, and Sardinia and to
southern Italy. Uncertainty and controversy shroud this entire concept,
unfortunately, because of the number of dead and poorly known languages
along the route. The western anchor of the D-C chain is Basque but it is
questioned due to its links with AA. Another link in the D-C chain is
Etruscan. If it is specially related to IE, then it may represent some
of the left over Eurasiatic languages of Europe. If not, like Basque in
my opinion, it is a D-C language spread around the Mediterranean basin
by the Neolithic from the strong D-C realm in Anatolia. At this point in
order to bolster the hypothesis -- and certainly without any proof at
all -- four Mediterranean languages are classified as D-C. One is
'Iberian' of Iberia, one is old Sicilian, one Tartessian (SW Spain), and
the last is Minoan (Linear A) on Crete. Moreover, the northern or
mountainous Maghreb is stipulated as former D-C country, more precisely
formerly Basque or some language similar to it.
SPECIAL NOTE: While it is not desirable to get into Africa too deeply,
as it is (like the southwest Pacific) a deeper problem than the Borean
hypothesis, still we have a huge difficulty staring at us in the
Maghreb. It cannot be ignored. Modern humanity has resided in"the
Maghreb at least 100,000 years (Jebel Irhoud in Morocco). Later modern
humanity has left sites in North Africa with dates much older (30-40,000
years BP) than anyone's wildest ideas of AA occupancy can accommodate. A
comparable puzzle awaits us in south Africa. Some people lived in
Morocco where you can see Iberia across the Gates of Hercules and which
you could almost walk across during low sea episodes. Yet supposedly
modern humanity did not get to Iberia until 65,000 years after they
first gazed at it! That is truly remarkable indeed. Non credo!
Nevertheless we have no explanation for this incredible anomaly and we
are stuck with it. But who were the people of the Maghreb from 100,000
to 9000 BP when the very first Neolithic might have reached there? Four
hypotheses are suggested but cannot be developed or argued here.
First, the old folks of the Maghreb were the ancestors of the great
African super-phylum, Niger-Congo. I got this idea from Kay Williamson
primarily, but partly from Hans Mukarovsky. There is supportive blood
group and linguistic evidence. Second, the old North Africans were
related to the Boreans as cousins who went west and were finally
absorbed by later arrivals like the Basque and Berbers. Some of the old
timers even looked like Cro-Magnon (e.g., at the site of Mechta el
Arbi), it is said. Third, these antique northerners were the ancestors
of the Bushmen (Khoisan phylum) which later moved south into eastern
Africa. This idea comes from Carleton Coon and is not quite as crazy as
it seems. Fourth, the old Maghrebians were the ancestors of the Basques
who were finally absorbed or displaced by the incoming Berbers of AA
before Neolithic times. At some point they had crossed over to Iberia
and spread north into western Europe as Basque speakers. There IE Celts
absorbed them finally, leaving only a residue around the Pyrenees. If
the fourth hypothesis is right, it is most improbable that Basque is a
D-C language -- no one thinks that D-C has 100,000 years time depth.
(N) AA (Afrasian) is almost as controversial as IE with respect to its
homeland and its population genetic affinities. By now the consensus of
long rangers has put AA linguistically in a much more independent status
than it started out with in 1986. I would recommend that the word
Nostratic not be associated with it anymore. Aihenvald agrees.
The Borean hypothesis says {above, first diagram) that AA is not
closer to IE or Eurasiatic than it is to D-C. Is AA then in fact
somewhat closer to D-C than to IE? NO! But it may be closer to
Dravidian-Kartvelian. I'm not sure.
(0) The African side of dates and locations is much more difficult to
postulate than the 'Oriental'. This is partly due to the fact that, once
one has chosen Africa as an original dispersal area for modern humanity,
the Amerind and 'Australoid' movements are rather obvious. The crowded
area in and around Iran plus the Arab Middle East is much harder to
figure out. Therefore I will just state the hypothesis and postpone
explications of it.
Pre-proto-AA as the western member of Borean expanded from its
sources around northern Iraq across the Fertile Crescent, down into the
Levant, over into Egypt, and down the Nile valley and the Red Sea hills.
This was not a migration in a strict sense but rather a long term or
gradual expansion, starting sometime after 45,000 BP and culminating
perhaps 20 or 30 millennia later. While this postulate is very similar
to Militariev and Shnirelman's choice of the Natufian culture of
Palestine as proto-AA in its homeland, Natufian is a way station on the
route and too young to play the role of proto-AA. {Yet Natufian was my
first choice in my dissertation in 19651).
Beja (Tu-Bedawie), language of the famous Fuzzy Wuzzy warriors who
were-aTSo the Blemmyes who troubled the ancient Egyptians, is sitting in
the ultimate proto-AA homeland, east Sudan hills and Eritrea (northern
Ethiopia). From Beja-land Omotic spread south into the western highlands
of Ethiopia, followed by Cushitic into the eastern highlands and lowland
Horn going all the way to central Tanzania (at least). Semitic took one
of two possible routes to western Arabia, Egyptian moved down the Nile,
while Libyan (Chadic + Berber) moved off to the west.
(A.1) The term 'Boreal' has been proposed for Nostratic by
Dolgopolsky and Palmaitis, and probably others before. I have borrowed
it from them because it is much more apt than 'Nostratic' with all its
problems of Euro-centrism. 'Borean' is derived < Greek boreas and means
"north or north wind". Fleming (1987) proposed "Eurasian" for a similar
taxon but that is rejected here lest it be confused with "Eurasiatic".
The Borean group of languages is the exclusive owner of the Arctic,
sub-Arctic, and northern temperate zones of planet Earth, as well as all
of South America, most of southern China, the entire Mediterranean area,
the entire Middle East except for Nubia, northern Chad Republic, and the
areas on the south Saharan fringes in western Africa.
(A.2) The Borean model is not the same as Alexandra Aihenvald's
NOSCAU because it lacks Austric and is internally different in
structure. But I have read her hypothesis and think she may be right
where I am mistaken. Yet we do not owe these hypotheses to each other.
Just a case of great minds thinking alike, n'est ce pas? Alexandra's
scheme (plus Jean Pierre Angenot. Pardon!) is to some extent a consensus
of Muscovite thinking as of 1989, as she says. We differ most
strongly in the sub-grouping of AA where she/they include Meroitic and
Nilo-Saharan which no west European or American Afrasianist would
include, at least none that I know of. She has Omotic as one of 8
branches, while I have it as one of two sub-phyla or a coordinate.
However, we do agree in giving MSA (Modern South Arabian) languages a
larger status within Semitic, as one of three branches. Her Dravidian
includes Elamitic but has no Brahui; her I-E has four sub-groups:
Indo-Aryan, Greek-Armenian, European, and Anatolian; on these we differ.
(A.3) These fairly small differences do not predict our major
lack of agreement on basic branches at the super-phylum level. She has
several articles on this topic and they do not all say exactly the same
thing --hardly any of us ever do! But for the most part they want to
make Amerind a part of Nostratic or tuck them in together in opposition
to either SCAU or AA. SCAU is the interesting one: Sino-Caucasic (= D-C)
+ Austric. I do not say she is mistaken in proposing SCAU -- it has a
catchy name -- but it is not a branch that I would propose.
(A.4) Bert Seto has recently sent me a large number of
etymologies involving East Caucasic (Nakh-Dagestan) languages and others
such as Basque. I have not been able to evaluate these data yet but his
data and analyses are most gratefully received.
(C.l) While the hypothesis does not demand it, it is useful to
propose that the eastern flank encountered remnants of erstwhile
ancestral Amerinds in Sinkiang or Mongolia. The excellent conditions for
natural selection for cold adaptation or just genetic drift may have
already 'Mongoloid-ized' those presumably fairly small populations.
Their absorption by old S-T and Na-Dene immigrants may have contributed
to the cold adaptation of those populations, as they no doubt donated
genes for the same qualities to the later Eurasiatic peoples coming from
the west.
Coming originally from Africa, probably cool mountainous eastern
Africa, the ancestors of the Boreans were presumably not well adapted to
freezing cold, winter winds that kill, or frost-bite. In greater Iran
which includes some of central Asia the Boreans probably did some cold
adapting, especially culturally in terms of clothing and housing, but
also biologically. Those who became the Amerinds would have become the
most advanced of the Boreans in these respects before they even left for
(E.l) Not only do we have Aihenvald's thesis that Austric shares
a taxon with D-C but informal hypotheses linking Austric to old
Nostratic or D-C (several of us). Swadesh explicitly put Munda and
Austronesian in Vasco-Dene rather than closer to Australian or
Indo-Pacific. However, some biogenetic data and studies fail to support
those theses, lumping the Austric-speaking peoples with Papuans and
Australians. Malheureusement, other studies place them with mainland
Asians instead. 'Australoid' theories about Polynesians and Fijians
having imbibed Papuan genes in large quantities in their travels seem,
if anything, to have gained support.
(F.l) The choice of routes into eastern Europe and the choice of
dates have been taken from archeology. It seems clear, and mildly
surprising, that Upper Paleolithic type people occurred in the Moldavian
and east Rumanian areas around 43,000 BP, substantially earlier than
their occurrence in southern Russia.
(G.l) Genotypically, it has become reasonably clear that the
Caucasoid cluster of peoples is most closely related to the so-called
Mongoloid cluster. The reason for saying 'so-called' is --because the
biologicals often lump everyone together as 'Asians' or 'Orientals' or
'Mongoloids' -- northern Mongoloids are not consistently distinguished
from southeast Asians. South Chinese are lumped together with north
Chinese. Und so weiter. Virtually every population from central India
all the way across to Hawaii, if it is speaking an Austric language or a
southern Sino-Tibetan language (including Cantonese), has a clear
affinity to a marker gene, Gamma Globulin 'fanb', which barely occurs in
highland New Guinea or Australia or is not very common as among northern
Mongoloids (including north Chinese). When discriminations are made
clear, as in Cavalli-Sforza's earlier paper reported two years ago,
there is no doubt that the northern Mongoloids and the Amerinds are the
ones closer to the Caucasoids. What is obscure is how far away Southeast
Asians are. How useful can a label like 'Asians' be after all this?
(H.l) It is still possible theoretically that Neanderthal was
absorbed by Cro-Magnon in Europe and adjacent areas but not in Siberia
or India. Thus European physical types or Caucasoids generally may be
basically the result of adding Neanderthal genes to erstwhile African
genotypes. I myself do not believe this at all because of those other
Caucasoids who lack the rugged or European features sometimes associated
with the alleged Neanderthal genes.
From central India westward to Ireland, ~ c r o s s North Africa, then
down the Nile to Khartoum and down through Ethiopia almost to Kenya
(where the research pooped out) -- in that whole vast area populations
share a marker gene, a 'shared innovation', Gamma Globulin 'fab', which
is otherwise present only in colonial European populations (like
Americans and Siberian Russians) or as gene flow in small amounts (e.g.,
Quechua, Tibetans, etc.). Even the Omotic Wallamo and Cushitic Sidamo
have a goodly amount of it. The large Caucasoid genetic presence among
Ethiopians is not to be explained by recent gene flow from Moslem Arabs
or Sabean immigrants, as most of the biologicals automatically propose.
Archeology has now rejected the notion of large Semitic migrations
across the Red Sea. And there exist clearly Ethiopian type people in
East Africa who show no signs of Arab contact, save recent trade.
(H.2) Not everyone knows that the Caucasoid realm is much larger
than Europe, so important do small differences seem to parochial people.
As the British say, the 'waags' begin at Calais. (Thanks to John DiCara
for pointing out that the term originally meant Worthy And Honorable
Gentleman.) If IE is about the only European population in Eurasiatic,
there being none in Amerind, where do other Caucasoids reside?
First, much of D-C would be Caucasoid if Bengtson's new group were
added to Starostin's old D-C; Basque, Etruscan, Caucasic, Sumerian,
Burushaski, and probably Nahali, as opposed to Ket/Kot, S-T, and
Secondly, Dravidians and along with them many millions of Indic
speakers constitute the largest concentration of Caucasoids outside of
Europe. They are 'gracile' and lack the features which remind people of
Neanderthals. Predominantly, they have much Gamma Globulin 'fab' but in
varying amounts. Consistent with their interaction with Austric peoples,
both groups of Indians also have varying amounts of 'fanb'.
The third major concentration of Caucasoids is in the Middle East
and African Horn, both among the IE-speaking Iranians, the Altaic-
speaking Turks and the AA-speaking Arabs, Berbers, Ethiopians, and
Somalis. Most Afrasians are Caucasoid more than anything else, except
for Chadic and Omotic speakers. And even some of them are partly
Caucasoid. But our genotypic information is so limited on both groups
that ...
(I) It is perhaps little appreciated that the first urban civilizations
on earth linked Sumeria to the Persian Gulf but more strikingly to Susa
(Elamitic) and Yahya (Elamitic probably) and the Indus Valley. The ----
reason is not that the threesome of Sumerian, Elamitic, and Dravidian
are genetically related in their own sub-taxon of Mitian. Rather it was
probably sheer geographical propinquity that enabled them to influence
each other, trade together, and develop similarly. That fact does after
all apply to the 5th millennium BC and suggests that 7000 years ago they
were neighbors -- minimally.
(J.l) It is interesting that a Semitic occupancy of eastern
Arabia before Islam cannot be shown. Since much of that land has been
slipping under water for ages now, there exists one of the world's prize
opportunities for underwater archeology. Two others are the shelf under
the Timor Sea and naturally the Beringian shelf.
(1.1) Before it became Kurdistan the northeast Tigris basin
contained three more languages too skimpily known to classify (Subarean,
Lullubian) or not easy to classify (Kassitic). In no way should it be
assumed that any of them are Caucasic languages or even related to each
other, not in that complicated ancient area with Elamitic and Sumerian
neighbors to the south!
(M.l) Biogenetic data speak to this thesis with forked tongues.
On the one hand Sardinia has unusually strong ties in Rhesus and MN to
the eastern Mediterranean. On the other hand the Basques contrast quite
smartly with them. Basque ties to the Berbers of the Magreb and to the
Celtic peoples of western Europe in Rh, MN, and ABO are famous, of
course -- serologically and linguistically. Thus an alternative theory
would be that the Mediterranean Neolithic brought farming to Iberia and
the Magreb but D-C type languages were already there. To put the
physical differences on a phenotypic level where people can check their
own observations, one might say that Sardinians, Sicilians, south
Italians, and Greeks were much more 'Mediterranean' looking than Basques
were, or Gaseous or Bretons.
More support for D-C in the Mediterranean comes from John Bengtson's
brief compilation of presumed D-C loan words in IE languages. Others
would call these a 'sub-stratum'. There is a literature on the so-called
Mediterranean sub-stratum but I have not read it. Of sub-strata I'm
leery, preferring to talk more specifically about loans and influence.
(N.l) It may be the strong religious ties between Europeans and
Jews that have kept the IE :: Semitic thesis going for so long or it may
be that Semitic was the first easy place to look when comparing IE
languages In any case it now looks as if that IE-Semitic
link has distorted things and it is time to think about AA, not just
Semitic, and to re-do the question of AA's overall best ties to its
external world.
But, having said that, one must stress that the distorted work did
produce so many etymologies that the IE to Semitic to AA link is nearly
incontrovertible by now! Furthermore that strong link, along with the
historically powerful link with Uralic, constitutes the core of Borean.
The old traditional Nostratic is still the strongest hypothesis around
in terms of etymologies. Consider only the work of Ilich-Svytich, Dybo,
Dolgopolsky, Barnhard, Levin, and Hodge as a great piling up of good
etymologies. One is not going to throw that baby out with the bathwater!
We must simply try to separate the baby from the waste water.
(N.2) Phonetically AA languages are much more like Caucasic or
Na-Dene or Amerind languages than they are like Eurasiatic. But they are
most like Kartvelian. Phones by themselves count for nothing, however.
Yes, but they do contribute to our intuitions (feelings) about
Morphologically, the IE languages have been well analysed, as have
many of the AA. Most scholars, I would bet, know far far less about
Caucasic, Basque, or Na-Dene; and of course S-T has practically no
morphology at all, except for standard Tibetan. Just syntax.
Lexically, the D-C group operates under the same disadvantage; this
is especially true for Afrasianists outside of the USSR who are most
unlikely to know Russian, or Spanish for that matter. The literature
just ain't in them. But Russian is quite crucial for D-C because the key
data are the Caucasic data and available only in Russian for the most
part. Several times, trying myself to really compare AA and Caucasic,
I've gotten nowhere because I had no C a u c a s i ~ lexica. When on occasion
there were Caucasic data, I've sometimes struck gold. One occasion of
that sort was upon reading Diakonoff and Starostin's Hurrarrtian book.
My surprise helped start MOTHER TONGUE.
Most Nostraticists will strenuously object that all those
etymologies prove that AA is closer to IE at least, if not Eurasiatic.
Let me reply that an alternative not really considered is still an
alternative. When people spend as much time and energy trying to show
that AA is related to D-C as they have spent trying to show that IE is
related to Semitic, then I will believe them.
We need a story to illustrate. Once Hodge told me that he had
amassed a great pile of evidence showing that AA was related to IE. So I
asked him: "Did you try to relate AA to Khoisan?" His reply: "No, that
is your job." His meaning was that, yes, it would be better if we looked
at the alternatives but he was not going to do it himself. And in the
business of the D-C alternative to Eurasiatic -- well, I'm just doing my
job, ma'am.
(N.3) First, we must distinguish between pre-proto-AA and
proto-AA, or roughly AA before it began to break up and AA at the time
of breaking up. Also in a phylum with six strong branches the internal
taxonomy can be crucial. With apologies I must pass by some Soviet
reconstructions of AA which are based on the old internal taxonomy. It
seems faulty now. Supposed shared innovations based on the old taxonomy
are not likely to be correct either. If the reader will consult
DIACHRONICA IV: 1/2 (1987), pages 159-224, she can see the discussion of
7 expert opinions on AA sub-grouping. I will take off from the consensus
therein. Four of seven experts thought Omotic a sub-phylum coordinate to
the rest; another saw it as a coordinate half of Cushitic, not just one
of five branches of Cushitic. A different tetrad thought Beja was
coordinate to the rest of Cushitic or a separate stock within AA. Two
plus two outsiders thought Berber had a special linkage with Chadic, but
two thought Berber closer to Semitic. (It is awash in Arabic loanwords)
So Berber is problematic. This loose consensus on some basic branches
differs sharply from traditional views. Hence my problems with some
reconstructions. (I owe this point to Paul Black.)
(0.1) Despite the powerful array of northern branches in AA
spread along the Mediterranean shores, there are equally strong
magnetisms pulling towards the south. Omotic is the strongest but also
the southern reaches of Cushitic in East Africa show great diversity.
Then there is Ongota. And Agau fundamentally located in the northern
highlands south of Eritrea. Beja itself is an argument but its strong
ties to Chadic (East) suggest an old dialect link, suggesting that
Chadic is a western movement. If our Libyan thesis is correct, then
Berber too is derived from the Chadic dispersal. If that is true, then
the powerful northern tier is weakened decisively as an argument. Beja's
4000 years of documented contact with Egypt as a southeastern neighbor
(perhaps) are an argument. Egyptian traditions of being linked to 'red'
southern people are yet another. Their (Egyptians) own probable
derivation from the southeast is not difficult to argue but also shows
up faintly in their traditions.
There is an alternative, Renfrew-type, hypothesis. I find it rather
attractive. That is that pre-proto-AA took its time going to Natufia and
then about 20,000 years ago spread out in a great swoop across much of
northern Africa and down the Nile and down through Ethiopia as far as
Tanzania. This was associated with advanced. hunting techniques, perhaps
the invention of the bow and arrow. Then proto-AA settled down in its
various areas and everybody just quietly got different. It is neat and
makes a lot of sense. An4 I don't believe it for a minute.
General Note: The Borean hypothesis finds the scholar going back to
work, replacing the editor. Many will applaud that for different
reasons. The hypothesis will be presented with proper bibliography and
the missing linguistic analyses or etymologies to proper journals,
generating a cycle of submissions and rejections until it is finally
published. Or not!
Many toes have been stepped on. Outrage will be heard. Some things
will p:ease some people at least. On the whole, however, it is likely
that 5 to 10 per cent of long rangers will accept the Borean thesis.
Another 35 per cent won't understand it, while yet another 35 per cent
won't even read it. But ZO to 25 per cent will read it, understand it,
and reject it. That is normal, I think, when the hypothesis is only
outlined, supporting data and analyses are not given, and -- to a
careful reader -- confusion appears to exist in D-C matters.
I accept all this because the hypothesis reflects the kind of
philosophy of science I believe in. One advances hypotheses to make
sense of a domain of data or a non-integrated bunch of hypotheses. The
mental image of the solution to the problem presented by the data is
what the hypothesis is. One marshalls data to support the hypothesis
initially but that only establishes that one is familiar with the data.
The crucial next step is to test the hypothesis against more data or
just for its adequacy as a mental image of the solution. Usually a
theory or model will be damaged by the testing so that a modified
version of it is presented next for new testing. And so forth until we
end up with a battle- tested theory which we can begin to believe is
"really true". Let it be so with the Borean model of prehistory.
The confusion in the middle of Borean is due to D-C. That linkage
of languages as far apart and ostensibly dissimilar as Basque and Navaho
(or indeed Kabardian and Chinese) is inherently incredible. I have
accepted D-C on faith alone. But I have struggled to make prehistoric
sense of it; it just does not fall together so nicely as Mitian and
Amerind do. There are too many unsettled phyla in the Caucasoid realm.
Is Basque in or out? What is Etruscan anyway? Is Sumerian really in?
And what about Nahali? At times I am tempted to junk D-C altogether and
substitute Swadesh's Vasco-Dene for Borean. At least Vasco-Dene made
more sense prehistorically, if not linguistically.
In many ways the Sino-Caucasic hypothesis which is at the core of
D-C is an extraordinary one. It is difficult to find languages as
dissimilar as S-T and Caucasic both phonetically and morphologically,
especially the latter. After a half l i f e t i ~ e spent arguing with other
Africanists about the relative weight of morphology and the lexicon, I
usually react apprehensively when morphology is so trivial to the
proofs of relationship. Just look at Caucasic grammars sometime!
So next we take the null hypothesis with respect to D-C and try to
see what linkages exist among all of them and the Mitian and AA phyla.
There is not so much to worry about in the cases of Amerind and AA. I
have no doubt that both are solid taxa, despite the stubborn resistance
of some Americanists and Semiticists. Except for the strange case of
Altaic and Japanese, Mitian looks pretty good too.
Inherently the Borean model is a three-fields type hypothesis, but
focused on a linguistic taxon. So biological, archeological, historical
(primarily in the ancient Near East), and linguistic data and analyses
are assembled in it. However, the focus dictates unequal evidentiary
value to various kinds of data. Unlike the typical paleoanthropological
approach where linguistic conclusions count for almost nothing, herein
the linguistic analyses are critical. Thus it matters little whether the
early Homo sapiens sapiens entering Europe with Mitian language were
Cro-Magnon or not. For example, it does not matter very much whether
Neanderthals were pushed out of Europe, absorbed by the Cro-Magnon men,
or had themselves simply become Cro-Magnon, as long as the languages
known to exist in Europe have been Borean. Actually I doubt that any of
the Rising Tide Lifts All Boats theorists have ever proposed that
Indo-European or Basque or Uralic derives from (was inherited from) the
speech of Neanderthals. But, of course, the logic of the traditional
Indo-Europeanist is just that. Since IE is autochthonous to Europe, it
could be a Neanderthaloid remnant language!
So the crucial support for Boreanismus comes from linguistic work.
Therein I have not tried to do everything by myself. That is no longer
possible in long range comparison, except maybe for Greenberg who is on
his second trip around the world. The underpinnings of Borean are these:
AFRASIAN. In rough alphabetic order these are a few who have
published phylum-wide analyses stitching together the various groups.
This list is short but there have been many other authors. M.L.Bender,
M.Cohen, D.Cohen (de Grolier says), I.Diakonoff, A.Dolgopolsky, C.Ehret,
J.Greenberg, R.Hetzron. C.Hodge, H.Jungraithmayr, S.Lieberman, P.Newman,
et al. Alter goes back over 600 years to some Jewish scholars in the
TRADITIONAL NOSTRATIC. (AA + Mitian). Ignoring what is probably a
centuries old linking of Hebrew, Arabic, and IE, modern pioneers are
well known to ASLIP members. Pederson, Illich-Svytich, Dolgopolski,
Dybo, Hodge, Levin, Barnhard, et al.
MITIAN or NARROW NOSTRATIC. Few as such that I can think of. S.Tyler
(Dravidian and Uralic), H.Birnbaum, K-H.Menges, G.Deczy but the last two
probably belong to the first category above. Mltian is a by-product of
traditional Nostratic, created essentially by the separation of AA and
the use of an older name for Nostratic.
EURASIATIC. Or its equivalent labeled 'eastern Nostratic'.
Greenberg, young members of the Moscow circle (junior Muscovites),
Barnhard (recently), and a large number of people (to be reported in Iren
Hegedus's Nostratic Bibliography) who linked various dyads or tryads
like Uralic and IE, IE-Uralic-Eskimo (16th century), Altaic & Japanese,
etc. Including R.A.Miller, J.Street, N.Poppe, J.Patrie. 'Ural-Altaic'
was widely accepted at mid-century, it seems.
AMERIND. Or major parts of it. Kroeber, Sapir, Swadesh, Greenberg,
Lamb, Hymes (?), Ruhlen (improving on Greenberg), S.Nicolaev. A tough
scene: the lumpers have been very bright and the hyper-splitters very
DENE-CAUCASIC. It is basically Starostin's baby but smaller links
were made by Bouda, Trubetskoy (?), Dumezil, Shafer, Pinnow, Sapir
Lewis Gray (Sino-Tibetan & Ket}, Bengtson, Ivanov, Diakonoff, N1coiaev,
Cirikba, and of course Swadesh before all of them but with something
closer to Borean. Many people have tried to relate Etruscan and/or-
Basque to Caucasic, but an almost equal number have tried to relate
those two in other directions.
BOREAN. Those cases where the arguing over Etruscan, Basque,
Sumerian, and Chinese showed that stitching them to both D-C
and Nostratic suggested a larger garment existed. Mukarovsky's long work
relating Basque to AA. Gamkrelidze's 'proof' or belief that Caucasic and
Kartvelian were related was an improvement on the usual automatic
assumption of 'North Caucasic' and 'South Caucasic', since he was an
expert on languages of the Caucasus and a native Kartvelian speaker. Yet
the demonstration by others that each could be related elsewhere again
suggested a larger garment. Swadesh's VASCO-DENE separated AA and
Amerind out clearly from the mass of D-C and Nostratic languages in
between them (except for IE). That Vasco-Dene conception may yet prove
superior to the joint notion of D-C and Mitian. The global etymologies
of Trombetti, Swadesh, Bengtson, Blazhek, Kaiser, Shevoroshkin, F.Seto
and Ruhlen piled up evidence linking all major phyla of human languages.
But that also included evidence of a more narrowly Borean nature.
Starostin's argument that D-C and Nostratic were related. Greenberg's
statement that Amerind and Eurasiatic were too. My own constant
experience of seeing AA 'match ups' frequently in Greenberg's Amerind
etymologies or D-C etymologies, more in fact than I find when looking at
data from the great tropical super-phyla (from an AA standpoint}.
The interesting combination of O.Mudrak, V.Shevoroshkin, and
M.Swadesh have tried to show that the Almosan branch of Amerind links up
with Na-Dene and/or Sino-Caucasic of D-C. Some of their proposed
cognates are arresting because of the special phonetic qualities of
Caucasic, Na-Dene, and those Almosan languages on the Pacific Coast of
Canada/USA. I must agree with Bengtson's review of their proposals,
i.e., that local areal influences between Na-Dene and Almosan may
account for many match-ups but that otherwise Greenberg's classification
of Almosan as Amerind is more solid. However, it is also possible that
both of them retain features of their common Borean past. They also by
their existence challenge the 'special relationship' between Amerind and
Mitian or Eurasiatic. As in the case of AA at the western end of
Diagrams A and B, the Borean hypothesis holds that Amerind is equally
close to D-C and 'Nostratic' (Mitian).
Aihenvald & Angenot's NOSCAU supports Borean in the sense that they
assumed that AA, Amerind, and Mitian were in one taxon together but they
negate Borean by taking D-C out and putting it in another taxon with
Austric. Naturally, they may be right. We should try to get their
article translated from Portuguese, mustering ample evidence as they do.
DATING: Some historical dates have been used, mostly in the Near East.
Linguistic dating is used sometimes, recognizing that after 15-20,000
years it becomes statistically chaotic. At critical earlier periods
dates have been taken from archeology, supplemented by a few molecular
clock type dates. In the case of the New World where controversy resides
my bet is that the early dates will prevail eventually over the young
ones. A few dates are educated guesses, not necessarily wrong just for
that reason.
My apologies to them if I have distorted their thinkiing in any way.
b.;,. t .IL -t- , th.2. t -r s /u. fc 4 I
.bVCl"RE IW'fi:GRADA DAS .. c; LING'l?'fmC.AS, BIO-C'Erl'fiC.AS "S
(B1p0tue de & .. 1989)

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11.000 BC
------------------- ------
------------------------ -----

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