Bamboo Architecture and Construction With Oscar Hidalgo: Colloquium
Bamboo Architecture and Construction With Oscar Hidalgo: Colloquium
Bamboo Architecture and Construction With Oscar Hidalgo: Colloquium
Architect Oscar Hidalgo has dedicated his life to bamboo research, and teaching the world about the limitless possibilities of this remarkable plant. Born in a bamboo house in Chinchina, Colombia, bamboo construction was common in his state, where many residential and public buildings were constructed using this cheap and widely available material. Like most homes, in his house the bamboo was hidden beneath plaster, and indeed, it looked like it was made of brick. After he left the university, Oscar was intrigued by the possibilities of using bamboo in construction, and embarked on a project to construct a country club kiosk 23 meters in diameter using this material. Five days before the opening ceremony, there was a hurricane which distorted the building extremely, moving the kingpost 90 cm off-center. After only two hours of working with a winch, however, the structure was successfully moved back into place without collapsing. He was sold on bamboo. Amazed at its structural integrity and aesthetic possibilities, he embarked on a program of research which has taken him to Asia, Costa Rica, Brazil, and elsewhere to study this plant and to create experimental structures. The Bamboo Plant The largest of the grasses, there are over 1600 species of bamboo, 64 percent of which are native to Southeast Asia. Thirtythree percent grows in Latin America, and the rest in Africa and Oceania. In North America there are only three native species of bamboo as opposed to the 440 species native to Latin America. Of the two types of bamboo, the "running" type occurs only in temperate climates or in the high mountains of the tropics. Running bamboo produces both a culm (the above-ground vertical shoot) and long horizontal underground shoots called rhizomes. Tropical bamboo is almost always a "clumping" type, which tends to produce larger-diameter and thicker-walled culms. But its rhizomes are very short, so the bamboo plant stays more contained in a "clump." Bamboo reproduces almost exclusively from its rhizomes, and is extremely fast growing. Under ideal conditions, for instance, a culm of the Guadua angustifolia species with a diameter of 22- 24 cm (9-10 inches) will grow to its full height in 3-4 months. It can
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produce an incredible number of culms per hectare (2.2 acres): native to Colombia, Guadua ang. produces 7-10,000 culms per hectare, while some Guadua species from Brazil can produce 60,000 culms per hectare. Bamboo flowers in three different ways. Some bamboos bloom and produce seeds annually. Sporadic flowering occurs when a few plants will bloom. The type of flowering peculiar to many bamboos is gregarious flowering, when most of the plants of a species flower at about the same time around the world. This blossoming occurs at 10-145 year cycles, depending on the species. Bamboo is particularly fragile at this time, as after the flowering occurs, all the existing culms die off, and the bamboo seed is only viable for six months. This can cause great problems for people or businesses dependent on a constant supply of culms. Different species of bamboo have different wall thickness, with a couple species being entirely solid. Bamboo is a natural composite. The walls are composed of "vascular bundles" of which there are five types. The outside portion of the culm wall is dense, containing about 5% silica. It has an exterior waterproof film which occurs on the softer interior portion as well. Bamboo is particularly strong at the node, where there is an inner disc called the septum which connects the outside walls, strengthening the stalk and separating in into compartments. Bamboo is widest at ground level, but is quite consistent in diameter throughout its length. Using Bamboo Bamboo is useful for different things at different ages: < 30 days it is good for eating 6-9 months for baskets 2-3 years for bamboo boards or laminations 3-6 years for construction > 6 years bamboo gradually loses strength up to 12 years old Bamboo for construction is best cut right after new shoots have started to grow, as the plant will have given all its starch to the new culm. It is important to cut bamboo just above the node at the base. The age of the culm is very important to know in order to select culms with the greatest strength for bamboo construction. Oneyear-old bamboo is an emerald color with the sheaths just beginning to fall off. Bamboo 2-3 years old has white spots on the culm, indicating the beginning of lichens. At 5-6 years these lichens can be clearly seen. Branches also tell the age of a bamboo plant. Every year each culm of bamboo loses its branches which are replaced with new branches. Old bamboo is attacked by insects from the interior of the plant, which can be difficult to detect. Height can be determined in species over 5cm in diameter by
multiplying the base circumference by 58.2. If culms are found to have a ratio of less than 58.2 the bamboo is of lesser quality. In Colombia, the best examples of Guadua angustifolia grow at elevations between 900-1,800m. In Ecuador, the same species has much lower strength characteristics. For longer lasting structures it is important to treat bamboo against rot and insects. One method is to cure the bamboo by standing cut culms on a stone for a month amongst the living culms. The leaves are left on as they continue to remove starch from culm. When air curing bamboo it is best to keep it vertical, as it takes half the time to dry as horizontal storage. Once the bamboo is cured it is soaked in water for approximately four weeks. It is then soaked in the fumes of a .3 solution of caustic soda. Perhaps the best way of treating bamboo is to force a solution of 3-10% of half borax and half boric acid through bamboo using an air compressor to create 20-30 lb of pressure. The bamboo is left on a slight incline with the base closest to the tank (though it is also possible to do it in the other direction) and the chemicals gradually move through the vascular system. To protect bamboo from fire use plaster. For structural bamboo it is important not to penetrate the septum as it is the crucial part of the bamboo for strength. Small diameter holes can be put in the sides of bamboo, however. To avoid problems it is important that the bamboo is dry before used in construction. History of Bamboo Construction The ancient Chinese created "fire arrows," which were made of bamboo filled with gunpowder, to get more distance to their arrows. These arrows eventually evolved to become the rockets and firecrackers we are familiar with today. More recently, Thomas Edison used carbonized bamboo for the first successful light filaments. It has been used to make paper, cloth, and even Rayon. Bamboo's tensile strength has been essential in the development of bridges. The Chinese invented suspension bridges using bamboo to cross rivers. Using only the exterior part of the bamboo, which is four times as strong as the interior, they created tension cables up to 120 meters long. Bamboo bridges were also constructed in India, and by the Incas in South America. In both cases, the structural cable was strung above the walking surface, which hung from it. And in Colombia, tension bridges were created using this amazingly strong material, with tensile strengths of up to 3,200 kg/cm2 for the species Guadua. Similar building techniques have also been used to create gabions to dam rivers and streams, where a long basket of bamboo is filled with stones with each end secured to the banks. It has been crucial to the development of many inventions. Bamboo has been used to build boats and zeppelins. In aeronautical research, structural members of kites and early
planes were constructed using the material as it is light and extremely strong. A plane made completely of bamboo was built in the Philippines, while the Chinese commonly used it in their planes during World War II. Plans for bamboo planes were even available in "Popular Mechanics" magazine. Bamboo also has a long history of use in buildings, being common to the vernacular architecture of China, Southeast Asia and Central and South America. The Chinese could span up to ten meters with their corbelling technology, and bamboo has been used extensively all over Indonesia, especially in the Celebes Islands. In Hong Kong, all scaffolding for highways construction is built of bamboo, and tied with bamboo strips only 1 mm thick. Although they have a great history of building with bamboo, today the Japanese use it only for their traditional tea houses. Structural Characteristics of Bamboo Bamboo is unique in that it is strong in both tension and compression. While tensile strength remains the same throughout the age of the bamboo plant, compressive strength increases as it gets older. There is some controversy in determining proper testing protocols, as it is important to test bamboo which is at least three years old, and that the test should occur on a piece of bamboo with an entire internode and two intact nodes. Some testing research has not used these criteria, and thus the results are not as useful. To utilize bamboo to its best capabilities, several conditions are important to consider. One consideration is that bamboo grown on slopes is stronger than bamboo grown in valleys, and that bamboos that grow in poor dry soils are usually more solid than those grown in rich soils. Bamboo will shrink diametrically, so Oscar does not recommend tied connections. Bamboo takes at least four months to dry, and should not be kiln dried, as the moisture inside leaves mostly through the ends. There are certain limitations of the use of bamboo in construction. The starchy interior is attractive to insects. In addition, because bamboo has a slick waterproof coating, it cannot be painted. However, this coating allows bamboo to be used as water pipes. As bamboo is extremely flexible from 6-12 months of age, it can be used to create a number of curving forms. In India, curving roofs called Chocals were developed, and bamboo domes have been built in New Guinea. A parisian architect named Friedman built some beautiful ringed buildings in India, but they were unfortunately destroyed by insects within a few years, as they were not treated. Indeed, the type of bamboo construction used can greatly affect the longevity of buildings. Architect Gernot Minke of Germany has developed a catenary arch using laminated strips of bamboo. Bamboo Joints
In standard bamboo construction, joints are difficult to make. In bamboo geodesic structures, joints are formed by creating "flaps" at the end of a culm by incising the bamboo radially. The soft inside of each "flap" is cut away, allowing them to bend easily. These flaps are then bent over a cone with a threaded rod sticking out of the tip. An additional cone is place on the outside of the bent flap area and secured with a bolt. Besides increasing structural strength, this external cone protects against insect entry. This results in an end which can easily be attached to a central hub. Bamboo Roofing A number of cultures have used bamboo for roofing materials. The Chinese used bamboo for roofs with the ends covered with round tiles. In the Philippines, roofs of interlocking split bamboo are created with the part receiving the water being the soft inner surface of the bamboo. Unfortunately, this technique encourages mold, fungus and splits from ultraviolet exposure, and roofs made in this fashion rarely last more than a year. These roofs can be made to last longer if the upper pieces, where the denser exterior of the bamboo is exposed, are laid close together, protecting the more vulnerable pieces underneath. These roofs are perhaps most appropriate as temporary roofing solutions. It is imperative that bamboo roofs are treated to extend their longevity. A boric acid/ borax solution is used to preclude fungus and insect infestation. Roofs can also be treated with lime to protect them. Long lasting tiles made with bamboo utilize a bamboo strip reinforced fiber-cement laminate where the bamboo strips are weaved into a web for additional strength. A variety of techniques have been developed to create roof support systems. These include a prefabricated triangular truss system comprising of units eight meters long. These trusses can be carried by only four people, and only deflect 2 1/2 centimeters along their entire length. These frames are then covered with bamboo boards, lath and plaster to create a waterproof roof. Additional systems include A-frame and space-frame roof structures. An excellent system utilizes bamboo rafters with bamboo boards. This is plastered on both sides, and fired clay tiles are used to waterproof. Besides structures built of whole bamboo, truss systems have been developed using flat bamboo strips which are connected with bolts. A roof for a kiosk made by "uneducated" Ecuadorian Indians is an umbrella-like system with a tension ring surrounding it at the level of the eaves. A different radial roof concept with numerous peaks and valleys is held up by tension cables which connect across the structure where the valleys end. Geodesic domes can easily be made with bamboo, as can emergency temporary housing for homeless in the case of earthquake, flood, etc. These roofs are simple bamboo framing with bamboo strips between the main structural members. The roofs described above can last up to 15
years with periodic maintenance. Bamboo as Concrete Reinforcement Many studies have been done to determine the feasibility of using bamboo to reinforce concrete. The problem is, however, that bamboo soaks up the water in the concrete, causing the bamboo to swell then shrink, the process of which can break the concrete. In addition, adhesion between the bamboo and the concrete is poor. Oscar has experimented with braided bamboo as reinforcement, but it takes an excessively long time to braid. Feasible uses of bamboo with concrete include making stirrups with 9 month old bamboo. Also tanks can be made by applying cement plaster to bamboo baskets. These can be used for toilets, water storage or boats. Waffle slabs of concrete can be formed utilizing bamboo baskets to create the void spaces. Woven bamboo mesh at 6" on center can be used to reinforce a 5" concrete slab. All-in-all, Oscar does not recommend the use of bamboo with concrete in house construction, with the exception of it being used as reinforcing for slabs on grade. Laminated Bamboo Many of the problems associated with bamboo can be alleviated by creating laminates of bamboo strips. These are formed by simply dividing the length of the culm into individual strips which are then laminated together to create a number of products. In 1942 a study was commissioned by the US government regarding the use of bamboo laminates in ski poles. Currently, bamboo laminate products include floor tiles with one type being particularly good for heavy floor traffic as only the end grain is exposed. The softer strips of bamboo from the interior of the culm can be safely used in the interior portion of very large glu-lam beams. There is really no limit to the uses of laminated bamboo. It can be used for chairs and other furniture, plates and utensils. In fact it can be used just like laminated wood, with the advantage that bamboo laminates are much lighter in weight. To create the strips used for lamination, the interior soft part of the bamboo is removed with a plane, leaving the hard exterior for the lamination strip. Architectural Design Considerations There are many ways to design using bamboo. Commonly in Colombia, structural bamboo is used as studs in walls, covered with bamboo "boards" or lath, then plastered on both sides. The bamboo boards are created by smashing a culm with a hammer, then splitting it open and flattening it. Lath is made from bamboo strips, 2-3cm wide. With proper joinery, bamboo can be used to create incredible spans, most dramatically evidenced in the work of Colombian
architect Simon Velez. Spans of 3.5 meters (11 ft.) are easily possible in simple structures use 12cm (4-5 in) diameter bamboo. In Latin America, Guadua angustifolia bicor is the most prized species for construction. Guadua de castilla and Onion Guadua (G. cebolla) are also a good construction species. To create special effects, bamboo can be bent or straightened by heating and clamping until cool. Square bamboo is a unique product used for decorative purposes that is created by training the culms into forms. Bamboo Construction in Latin America Marizales, a coffee growing region in Colombia, used to have many bamboo buildings. As recently as the 1930s, all houses in Caldas State (of which Marizales is capital) were made of bamboo. Many public buildings and apartments were made of bamboo as well. Although now bamboo is limited to residential construction, there continue to be many beautiful bamboo houses in rural areas. The most common construction method is to use platform frames with reinforcing diagonals in the walls. Some houses built with this technique on steep hillsides have five-story understructures. Because of the difficulty of leveling the varying dimensions of bamboo, lumber is often used for beams and joists. A typical wall section is created with bamboo studs where spacing is determined by the thickness of the bamboo boards applied to the studs. For example, when a 1 cm board is used, stud spacing is 40cm. The bamboo boards are attached, and two layers of plaster are applied. The first layer of plaster is 1:3 cement to sand mix and the second layer is a 4:5 cement to sand mix. The plaster is aesthetically essential as visible bamboo is not acceptable to Colombians. Another wall system uses bamboo studs as described above with smaller pieces of bamboo attached with 1 1/2-2" nails. This is then plastered with a clay/straw mixture on the outside. This system is much heavier than the previous example. Bamboo was often used as scaffolding in Colombia, but is now largely replaced by rented metal systems. In Ecuador the bamboo is smaller and the bamboo boards are applied vertically. A prefabricated bamboo house system utilizes wall panels built on the floor, resulting in better construction. This system allows for homeowners to build their own houses through sweat equity. An additional feature is to locate the kitchen and bathroom directly over water tanks, which allows water to be easily handpumped to where it is needed. Oscar established a prefab house building program in Costa Rica, the Costa Rican "roof-floor" program was one in which the government provided a floor, roof and sink. Oscar then built pre-fabricated bamboo panels for these dwellings. Practitioners Besides Oscar, there are a number of other important bamboo architects in South America. These include recently deceased
architect Carlos Vergara from Cali, who made houses entirely of bamboo. He created a multi-column system where the loads are carried by the septum of the bamboo. He also used bolts through concrete nodes to create joints. He was able to achieve spans up to 24 meters with his techniques. Jorge Arcila of Marizales did a series of "stacked houses" and is currently writing a history of bamboo in America. Simon Velez, an architect who mostly practices in Colombia, has built a number of extraordinary bamboo structures. These projects have ranged from a horse stable, residences, a observation tower and a country club. His structures feature massive cantilevers and he was the first to use multi-culm beams. He uses a unique bolt and concrete system in the internodes to create extremely strong joints, which has allowed him to create cantilevers as large as 7 meters (37 feet). American efforts include those of Doug La Barre, who is setting up a manufacturing facility for creating laminated lumber from imported Guadua. The Trus-Joist corporation is also doing work to create nontoxic adhesives for laminated bamboo. Issues in Bamboo Construction As bamboo architecture has reemerged in Colombia, many new architects are making avoidable mistakes. It is important that the ends of joints not be cut too short and that all connections use the concrete-filled internode/bolt system. Additionally, columns must be raised above grade or floor level. Multi-culm beams should be made of culms of the same diameter, and bolted vertically at least every meter on center. In temperate climates it is better to use the smaller, stronger bamboos, and if the structure is protected it will last longer. The strongest of the temperate bamboos are Phyll. bambusoides and Phyll. mequinods. Neither Oscar or Simon Velez use engineers in their building, having developed an intuition about the capabilities of bamboo. Oscar knows, however, that many architects do not have the years of experience he has, and so wants to establish the norms for the mechanical characteristics of bamboo. Much work in this regard has been done by Jules Jannson, and research and testing continues in his native Netherlands. Another major problem is that in many places bamboo is disappearing, just like our world forest resources. In Brazil there were 85,000 sq km of bamboo in 1976, while in 1983 there were only 32,000 sq km. It is feared that within a decade all bamboo in Brazil will be gone. Guadua is among the threatened species because it only grows at tropical latitudes. But this dire situation is common all over the world. The biggest problem affecting the adoption of bamboo architecture in those areas which have a vernacular history of building with this material, is the perception that it is considered "poor people's" housing. In India, the highest castes use stone to build, the middle castes, wood, and only the lowest castes use
bamboo. Thanks to Simone Velez, however, bamboo is becoming a building material of choice for the wealthy. Oscar believes that if those needing shelter see rich people using bamboo, so will they. Cassandra Adams is an architect and professor of architecture at UC Berkeley specializing in construction methods and materials with a focus on environmental issues and traditional Japanese construction.
...the most exciting technology Hidalgo has developed is to deform the bamboo plant as it grows to create incredibly strong pre-stressed arches. A form of wood and plywood with a predetermined arc is placed over a bamboo shoot. As the bamboo grows, it assumes the shape of the arc, permanently. "You can make any type of construction member when you deform the bamboo," Hidalgo says. "To make one curved laminated beam could cost $25,000. But to grow the equivalent in bamboo would cost only $100." A cross and longitudinal section of a bamboo plant reveals its amazing properties and the strength and resilience the mature plant gains from its vertical fibers and horizontally reinforced chambers. A bamboo plant is fully formed as it starts up from the ground, its future chambers compressed against one another like an accordion. As the plant matures, the shoot expands and these chambers spread out, beginning from the lowest internode. And if the shoot is deformed on the way up, it assumes its new shape permanently. "The most expensive thing is the form," Hidalgo says. "But once you have a form you can grow many of the same arches for a very low price. You tell me what kind of a structure you want and I will deform the arcs for you." Excerpted with permission from DESIGNER/builder magazine, copyright 1998. DESIGNER/builder is published monthly at 2405 Maclovia Lane, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505; (505) 471-4549. Annual subscription: $28.
100% of the proceeds from NetWorks projects goes into the realization of our projects. For this reason we request that
There is a new material touting itself as a structural element in the construction industry: bamboo. It has been used for years in Asian countries, and is now making its way to the western world. In fact, it has been certified by the ICC Evaluation Service to be a legitimate structural element. Bamboo can be used in wall, roof, and floor trusses, or as individual studs. The poles generally range in size from 2 to 3 in diameter and 10 to 14 feet long, so they will easily fit into standard western construction. According to the ICC report, they can be used in Type V nonfire-resistance rated residential and commercial construction. In commercial construction use is limited to one story and a maximum floor area of 2000 square feet. Bamboo makes an excellent substitute for traditional wood framing because of its rapid growth cycle. The largest species, timber bamboo, grows to a whopping 120 feet with a 13 inch diameter in just three years. The stalks can be cut, then left to grow again without replanting. Growing bamboo is good for the soil as well, as it deposits minerals into the ground, and serves to prevent erosion. The down side of this new product is the cost of transportation. Currently the only bamboo certified for structural use comes from Vietnam and must be treated with borate. Bamboo can be grown in almost any climate, so costs could be reduced as more is grown in the U.S. Locally grown bamboo would also help sales of other bamboo products such as wood flooring and veneer
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As interior designers assume an expanding role coordinating interior projects, producing construction drawings has become even more integral to their job. Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors: Basic Skills, Second Edition, provides interior designers with the information and skills they need to create construction documents that clearly communicate the interior space of new construction, remodeling, or installation projects. In a highly visual format, complete with the authors' drawings as well as those from practicing professionals, this book acquaints the reader with drafting fundamentals and conventions; drawing types, plans, and schedules; and computer-aided design (CAD). The book is organized in two parts: Part One discusses graphic language as a communication tool in design and architecture Part Two details the construction document process, from overall concepts and organization to current practices and topics such as floor plans, sections, elevations, millwork, schedules, finish and furniture plans, lighting and electrical plans, HVAC and plumbing plans, and preparing specifications This updated Second Edition features expanded coverage of the preparation and communication of construction documents in digital formats; drawing interior wall and partition types; field measuring existing buildings and interiors; as-built drawings; demolition plans; fire and life safety plans; sustainability and LEED standards; as well as a new companion Web site supplying template grids for schedules and contract documents for practice exercises. An essential reference for designers and students preparing interior construction documents, Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors: Basic Skills, Second Edition will also serve as a valuable study reference for the contract documents section of the NCIDQ exam.
Part IDrawing, Equipment, and Fundamentals 1 CHAPTER 1 DRAWING AS COMMUNICATION 3 Drawing for Idea Generation 3 Drawing as a Design and Presentation Media 6 Drawing as Guide for Construction 6 CHAPTER 2 DRAFTING EQUIPMENT AND ITS CARE 9 Drawing Tables and Surfaces 9 Drawing Papers and Plastic Films 10 Pencils, Leads, and Pens 11 Parallel Bar, T-Square, and Drafting Machines 14 Triangles, Templates, and Compasses 15
Scales 17 Erasers, Erasing Shields, and Brushes 18 Additional Equipment 20 CHAPTER 3 DRAWING AND DRAFTING FUNDAMENTALS 21 Starting the Drawing 22 Line Types 24 Drafting Standards, Abbreviations, and Symbols 26 Lettering 27 CHAPTER 4 DRAWING CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS 31 Multiview Drawings 31 Single-view Drawings 32 Perspective Drawings 37 Part IIContract Documents 47 CHAPTER 5 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONTRACTS 49 Specifications 49 Contracts 51 Construction Drawings 52 Guidelines for Preparing Construction Drawings 59 Drawing Conventions and Representations 64 CHAPTER 6 FLOOR PLANS 77 Scale of Floor Plans 81 Drafting Standards 81 Dimensioning Floor Plans 93 Designation of Materials 96 Checklist for Floor Plans 97 CHAPTER 7 ELEVATIONS 99 Exterior Elevations 101 Interior Elevations 102 Scale of Interior Elevations 102 Drafting Standards for Interior Elevations 104 Designation of Materials 108 Dimensioning Elevations 110 Checklist for Interior Elevations 112 CHAPTER 8 SECTIONS 113 Types of Section Drawings 115 Drafting Standards 117 Building Sections 117 Sections of Interior Spaces 118 Wall Sections 119
Detail and Object Sections 121 Checklist for Section Drawings 122 CHAPTER 9 SPECIALTY DRAWINGS AND DETAILS 123 Purpose of Specialty Drawings 123 Stairs and Ramps 123 Millwork 129 Cabinetry 132 Fireplaces 136 CHAPTER 10 SCHEDULES 141 Door Schedules 144 Checklist for Door Schedules 148 Window Schedules 149 Checklist for Window Schedules 150 Finish Schedules 151 Checklist for Finish Schedules 152 Other Schedules 152 CHAPTER 11 FINISH PLANS 153 Scale of Finish Plans 156 Drafting Standards for Finish Plans 156 Designation of Materials in Finish Plans 157 Dimensioning Finish Plans 159 Checklist for Finish Plans 159 CHAPTER 12 FURNITURE INSTALLATION PLANS 161 Scale of Furniture Installation Plans 165 Drafting Standards for Furniture Installation Plans 165 Dimensioning Furniture Installation Plans 168 Designation of Materials 168 Checklist for Furniture Installation Plans 170 CHAPTER 13 FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT PLANS 171 Scale of Drawings 175 Drafting Standards 175 Designation of Materials 177 Dimensioning of Furnishings and Equipment Plans 178 Checklist for Furnishings and Equipment Plans 178 CHAPTER 14 REFLECTED CEILING AND ELECTRICAL PLANS 181 Reflected Ceiling Plans 182 Electrical Plans 195 CHAPTER 15 MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING PLANS 201 Mechanical (HVAC) Plans 202
Plumbing Plans 207 Drafting Standards for Plumbing Drawings 210 CHAPTER 16 REPRODUCTION METHODS AND COMPUTERS 213 Reproductions of Drawings 214 Using Computers for Design, Communication, and Drafting 216 Appendix A MasterFormat Level Two Numbers and Titles 219 Appendix B Section Format Outline 225 Appendix C Sample ADA Guidelines 227 Appendix D Abbreviations for Construction Drawings 231 Glossary 233 Index 239
Well thought out and addresses almost all of the major topics that interior designers need. I was
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Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Bamboo (disambiguation). Bamboo
Scientific classification Kingdom: (unranked): (unranked): (unranked): Order: Family: Subfamily: Supertribe: Plantae Angiosperms Monocots Commelinids Poales Poaceae Bambusoideae Bambusodae Bambuseae
Kunth ex Dumort
Bambuseae. Diversity Around 92 genera and 5,000 species Bamboo i/bmbu/ (Bambuseae) is a tribe of flowering perennial evergreen plants in the grass family Poaceae, subfamily Bambusoideae, tribe Bambuseae. Giant bamboos are the largest members of the grass family. In bamboos, the internodal regions of the stem are hollow and the vascular bundles in the cross section are scattered throughout the stem instead of in a cylindrical arrangement. The dicotyledonous woody xylem is also absent. The absence of secondary growth wood causes the stems of monocots, even of palms and large bamboos, to be columnar rather than tapering.[1] Bamboos are some of the fastest-growing plants in the world,[2] due to a unique rhizomedependent system. Bamboos are of notable economic and cultural significance in South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia, being used for building materials, as a food source, and as a versatile raw product.
1 Genus and geography 2 Ecology 3 Mass flowering 4 As animal diet 5 Cultivation o 5.1 Commercial timber o 5.2 Harvesting o 5.3 Leaching o 5.4 Ornamental bamboos 6 Uses o 6.1 Culinary o 6.2 Medicine o 6.3 Construction o 6.4 Textiles o 6.5 Paper o 6.6 Musical instruments o 6.7 Bamboo displays o 6.8 Other uses 7 In Asian culture o 7.1 Bamboo, noble and useful o 7.2 In mythology
7.3 As a writing surface 7.4 As a weapon 7.5 Other cultures 8 See also 9 References 10 External links
o o o
Closeup of bamboo stalk Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on Earth, with reported growth rates of 100 cm (39 in) in 24 hours.[2] However, the growth rate is dependent on local soil and climatic conditions, as well as species, and a more typical growth rate for many commonly cultivated bamboos in temperate climates is in the range of 310 centimetres (1.23.9 in) per day during the growing period. Primarily growing in regions of warmer climates during the late Cretaceous period, vast fields existed in what is now Asia. Some of the largest timber bamboo can grow over 30 m (98 ft) tall, and be as large as 1520 cm (5.97.9 in) in diameter. However, the size range for mature bamboo is species dependent, with the smallest bamboos reaching only several inches high at maturity. A typical height range that would cover many of the common bamboos grown in the United States is 1540 feet (4.612 m), depending on species. Anji Country of China known as the "Town Of Bamboo" provides the optimal climate and soil conditions to grow, harvest, and process some of the most valued bamboo poles available worldwide.[12] Bamboo is a kind of grass, which explains the speed of growth. This means that there's lots of it, and when it's harvested it grows itself back again quickly enough not to leave a dent in the ecosystem.[13] Unlike all trees, individual bamboo stems, or culms, emerge from the ground at their full diameter and grow to their full height in a single growing season of three to four months. During these several months, each new shoot grows vertically into a culm with no branching out until the majority of the mature height is reached. Then, the branches extend from the nodes and leafing out occurs. In the next year, the pulpy wall of each culm slowly hardens. During the third year, the culm hardens further. The shoot is now considered a fully mature culm. Over the next 25 years (depending on species), fungus begins to form on the outside of the culm, which eventually penetrate and overcome the culm. Around 58 years later (species and climate dependent), the fungal growths cause the culm to collapse and decay. This brief life means culms are ready for harvest and suitable for use in construction within about three to seven years. Individual bamboo culms do not get any taller or larger in diameter in subsequent years than they do in their first year, and they do not replace any growth lost from pruning or natural breakage.
Bamboos have a wide range of hardiness depending on species and locale. Small or young specimens of an individual species will produce small culms initially. As the clump and its rhizome system mature, taller and larger culms will be produced each year until the plant approaches its particular species limits of height and diameter. Many tropical bamboo species will die at or near freezing temperatures, while some of the hardier or so-called temperate bamboos can survive temperatures as low as 29 C (20 F). Some of the hardiest bamboo species can be grown in places as cold as USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 56, although they typically will defoliate and may even lose all above-ground growth, yet the rhizomes will survive and send up shoots again the next spring. In milder climates, such as USDA Zone 8 and above, some hardy bamboo may remain fully leafed out year around.
Mass flowering[edit]
Flowering bamboo Most bamboo species flower infrequently. In fact, many bamboos only flower at intervals as long as 65 or 120 years. These taxa exhibit mass flowering (or gregarious flowering), with all plants in a particular species flowering worldwide over a several-year period. The longest mass flowering interval known is 130 years, and is found for all the species Phyllostachys bambusoides (Sieb. & Zucc.). In this species, all plants of the same stock flower at the same time, regardless of differences in geographic locations or climatic conditions, and then the bamboo dies. The lack of environmental impact on the time of flowering indicates the presence of some sort of alarm clock in each cell of the plant which signals the diversion of all energy to flower production and the cessation of vegetative growth.[14] This mechanism, as well as the evolutionary cause behind it, is still largely a mystery. One theory to explain the evolution of this semelparous mass flowering is the predator satiation hypothesis. This theory argues that by fruiting at the same time, a population increases the survival rate of their seeds by flooding the area with fruit so even if predators eat their fill, seeds will still be left over. By having a flowering cycle longer than the lifespan of the rodent predators, bamboos can regulate animal populations by causing starvation during the period between flowering events. Thus, according to this hypothesis, the death of the adult clone is due to resource exhaustion, as it would be more effective for parent plants to devote all resources to creating a large seed crop than to hold back energy for their own regeneration.[15]
A second theory, the fire cycle hypothesis, argues that periodic flowering followed by death of the adult plants has evolved as a mechanism to create disturbance in the habitat, thus providing the seedlings with a gap in which to grow. This hypothesis argues that the dead culms create a large fuel load, and also a large target for lightning strikes, increasing the likelihood of wildfire.[16] Because bamboos can be aggressive as early successional plants, the seedlings would be able to outstrip other plants and take over the space left by their parents. However, both have been disputed for different reasons. The predator satiation theory does not explain why the flowering cycle is 10 times longer than the lifespan of the local rodents, something not predicted by the theory. The bamboo fire cycle theory is considered by a few scientists to be unreasonable; they argue[17] that fires only result from humans and there is no natural fire in India. This notion is considered wrong based on distribution of lightning strike data during the dry season throughout India. However, another argument against this theory is the lack of precedent for any living organism to harness something as unpredictable as lightning strikes to increase its chance of survival as part of natural evolutionary progress.[18] The mass fruiting also has direct economic and ecological consequences, however. The huge increase in available fruit in the forests often causes a boom in rodent populations, leading to increases in disease and famine in nearby human populations. For example, devastating consequences occur when the Melocanna bambusoides population flowers and fruits once every 3035 years [1] around the Bay of Bengal. The death of the bamboo plants following their fruiting means the local people lose their building material, and the large increase in bamboo fruit leads to a rapid increase in rodent populations. As the number of rodents increase, they consume all available food, including grain fields and stored food, sometimes leading to famine. These rats can also carry dangerous diseases, such as typhus, typhoid, and bubonic plague, which can reach epidemic proportions as the rodents increase in number.[14][15] The relationship between rat populations and bamboo flowering was examined in a 2009 Nova documentary Rat Attack. In any case, flowering produces masses of seeds, typically suspended from the ends of the branches. These seeds will give rise to a new generation of plants that may be identical in appearance to those that preceded the flowering, or they may also produce new cultivars with different characteristics, such as the presence or absence of striping or other changes in coloration of the culms.
As animal diet[edit]
Bamboo is the main food of the giant panda, making up 99% of its diet. Soft bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves are the major food source of the giant panda of China, the red panda of Nepal and the bamboo lemurs of Madagascar. Rats will eat the fruits as described above. Mountain gorillas of Africa also feed on bamboo, and have been documented consuming bamboo sap which was fermented and alcoholic;[5] chimps and elephants of the region also eat the stalks. The larvae of the bamboo borer (the moth Omphisa fuscidentalis) of Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Yunnan Province, China, feeds off the pulp of live bamboo. In turn, these caterpillars are considered a local delicacy.
Commercial timber[edit]
Timber is harvested from cultivated and wild stands and some of the larger bamboos, particularly species in the genus Phyllostachys, are known as "timber bamboos".
Bamboo used for construction purposes must be harvested when the culms reach their greatest strength and when sugar levels in the sap are at their lowest, as high sugar content increases the ease and rate of pest infestation. Harvesting of bamboo is typically undertaken according to the following cycles: 1) Life cycle of the culm: As each individual culm goes through a 5 to 7-year life cycle, culms are ideally allowed to reach this level of maturity prior to full capacity harvesting. The clearing out or thinning of culms, particularly older decaying culms, helps to ensure adequate light and resources for new growth. Well-maintained clumps may have a productivity three to four times that of an unharvested wild clump. 2) Life cycle of the culm: Consistent with the life cycle described above, bamboo is harvested from two to three years through to five to seven years, depending on the species. 3) Annual cycle: As all growth of new bamboo occurs during the wet season, disturbing the clump during this phase will potentially damage the upcoming crop. Also during this high rainfall period, sap levels are at their highest, and then diminish towards the dry season. Picking immediately prior to the wet/growth season may also damage new shoots. Hence, harvesting is best at the end of the dry season, a few months prior to the start of the wet.
4) Daily cycle: During the height of the day, photosynthesis is at its peak, producing the highest levels of sugar in sap, making this the least ideal time of day to harvest. Many traditional practitioners believe the best time to harvest is at dawn or dusk on a waning moon.
Leaching is the removal of sap after harvest. In many areas of the world, the sap levels in harvested bamboo are reduced either through leaching or postharvest photosynthesis. Examples of this practice include: 1. Cut bamboo is raised clear of the ground and leant against the rest of the clump for one to two weeks until leaves turn yellow to allow full consumption of sugars by the plant. 2. A similar method is undertaken, but with the base of the culm standing in fresh water, either in a large drum or stream to leach out sap. 3. Cut culms are immersed in a running stream and weighted down for three to four weeks. 4. Water is pumped through the freshly cut culms, forcing out the sap (this method is often used in conjunction with the injection of some form of treatment). In the process of water leaching, the bamboo is dried slowly and evenly in the shade to avoid cracking in the outer skin of the bamboo, thereby reducing opportunities for pest infestation. Durability of bamboo in construction is directly related to how well it is handled from the moment of planting through harvesting, transportation, storage, design, construction and maintenance. Bamboo harvested at the correct time of year and then exposed to ground contact or rain, will break down just as quickly as incorrectly harvested material.
Ornamental bamboos[edit]
The two general patterns for the growth of bamboo are "clumping" (sympodial) and "running" (monopodial). Clumping bamboo species tend to spread slowly, as the growth pattern of the rhizomes is to simply expand the root mass gradually, similar to ornamental grasses. "Running" bamboos, on the other hand, need to be taken care of in cultivation because of their potential for aggressive behavior. They spread mainly through their roots and/or rhizomes, which can spread widely underground and send up new culms to break through the surface. Running bamboo species are highly variable in their tendency to spread; this is related to both the species and the soil and climate conditions. Some can send out runners of several metres a year, while others can stay in the same general area for long periods. If neglected, over time they can cause problems by moving into adjacent areas. Bamboos seldom and unpredictably flower, and the frequency of flowering varies greatly from species to species. Once flowering takes place, a plant will decline and often die entirely. Although there are always a few species of bamboo in flower at any given time, collectors desiring to grow specific bamboo typically obtain their plants as divisions of already-growing plants, rather than waiting for seeds to be produced.
Regular maintenance will indicate major growth directions and locations. Once the rhizomes are cut, they are typically removed; however, rhizomes take a number of months to mature, and an immature, severed rhizome will usually cease growing if left in-ground. If any bamboo shoots come up outside of the bamboo area afterwards, their presence indicates the precise location of the missed rhizome. The fibrous roots that radiate from the rhizomes do not produce more bamboo if they stay in the ground. Bamboo growth is also controlled by surrounding the plant or grove with a physical barrier. Typically, concrete and specially rolled HDPE plastic are the materials used to create the barrier, which is placed in a 60 to 90-cm-deep ditch around the planting, and angled out at the top to direct the rhizomes to the surface. (This is only possible if the barrier is installed in a straight line.) If the containment area is small, this method can be detrimental to ornamental bamboo, as the bamboo within can become rootbound and start to display the signs of any unhealthy containerized plant. In addition, rhizomes can escape over the top, or beneath the barrier if it is not deep enough. Strong rhizomes and tools can penetrate plastic barriers, so care must be taken. In small areas, regular maintenance may be the best method for controlling the running bamboos. Barriers and edging are unnecessary for clump-forming bamboos, although these may eventually need to have portions removed if they become too large. The ornamental plant sold in containers and marketed as "lucky bamboo" is actually an entirely unrelated plant, Dracaena sanderiana. It is a resilient member of the lily family that grows in the dark, tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and Africa. Lucky bamboo has long been associated with the Eastern practice of feng shui. On a similar note, Japanese knotweed is also sometimes mistaken for a bamboo, but it grows wild and is considered an invasive species.
This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2009) Main article: Bamboo shoot
Khao lam (Thai: ) is glutinous rice with sugar and coconut cream cooked in specially prepared bamboo sections of different diameters and lengths Although the shoots (new culms that come out of the ground) of bamboo contain a toxin taxiphyllin (a cyanogenic glycoside) that produces cyanide in the gut, proper processing renders them edible. They are used in numerous Asian dishes and broths, and are available in supermarkets in various sliced forms, in both fresh and canned versions. The golden bamboo lemur ingests many times the quantity of the taxiphyllin-containing bamboo that would kill a human. The bamboo shoot in its fermented state forms an important ingredient in cuisines across the Himalayas. In Assam, India, for example, it is called khorisa. In Nepal, a delicacy popular across ethnic boundaries consists of bamboo shoots fermented with turmeric and oil, and cooked with potatoes into a dish that usually accompanies rice (alu tama in Nepali). In Indonesia, they are sliced thin and then boiled with santan (thick coconut milk) and spices to make a dish called gulai rebung. Other recipes using bamboo shoots are sayur lodeh (mixed vegetables in coconut milk) and lun pia (sometimes written lumpia: fried wrapped bamboo shoots with vegetables). The shoots of some species contain toxins that need to be leached or boiled out before they can be eaten safely. Pickled bamboo, used as a condiment, may also be made from the pith of the young shoots. The sap of young stalks tapped during the rainy season may be fermented to make ulanzi (a sweet wine) or simply made into a soft drink. Bamboo leaves are also used as wrappers for steamed dumplings which usually contains glutinous rice and other ingredients. Pickled bamboo shoots (Nepali: tama) are cooked with black-eyed beans as a delicacy food in Nepal. Many Nepalese restaurant around the world serve this dish as aloo bodi tama. Fresh bamboo shoots are sliced and pickled with mustard seeds and turmeric and kept in glass jar in
direct sunlight for the best taste. It is used alongside many dried beans in cooking during winter months. Baby shoots (Nepali: tusa) of a very different variety of bamboo (Nepali: Nigalo) native to Nepal is cooked as a curry in Hilly regions. In Sambalpur, India, the tender shoots are grated into juliennes and fermented to prepare kardi. The name is derived from the Sanskrit word for bamboo shoot, karira. This fermented bamboo shoot is used in various culinary preparations, notably amil, a sour vegetable soup. It is also made into pancakes using rice flour as a binding agent. The shoots that have turned a little fibrous are fermented, dried, and ground to sand-sized particles to prepare a garnish known as hendua. It is also cooked with tender pumpkin leaves to make sag green leaves. The empty hollow in the stalks of larger bamboo is often used to cook food in many Asian cultures. Soups are boiled and rice is cooked in the hollows of fresh stalks of bamboo directly over a flame. Similarly, steamed tea is sometimes rammed into bamboo hollows to produce compressed forms of Pu-erh tea. Cooking food in bamboo is said to give the food a subtle but distinctive taste. In addition, bamboo is frequently used for cooking utensils within many cultures, and is used in the manufacture of chopsticks. In modern times, some see bamboo tools as an ecofriendly alternative to other manufactured utensils.
Bamboo is used in Chinese medicine for treating infections and healing.
Bamboo trees have long been used as an assembly material in Hong Kong because of its versatility.
House made entirely of bamboo Bamboo, like true wood, is a natural composite material with high strength-to-weight ratio useful for structures.[19] In its natural form, bamboo as a construction material is traditionally associated with the cultures of South Asia, East Asia and the South Pacific, to some extent in Central and South America, and by extension in the aesthetic of Tiki culture. In China and India, bamboo was used to hold up simple suspension bridges, either by making cables of split bamboo or twisting whole culms of sufficiently pliable bamboo together. One such bridge in the area of Qian-Xian is referenced in writings dating back 960 AD, and may have stood since as far back as the third century BC, due largely to continuous maintenance.[20] Bamboo has also long been used as scaffolding; the practice has been banned in China for buildings over six storeys, but is still in continuous use for skyscrapers in Hong Kong.[21] In the Philippines, the nipa hut is a fairly typical example of the most basic sort of housing where bamboo is used; the walls are split and woven bamboo, and bamboo slats and poles may be used as its support. In Japanese architecture, bamboo is used primarily as a supplemental and/or decorative element in buildings such as fencing, fountains, grates and gutters, largely due to the ready abundance of quality timber.[22]
Bamboo scaffolding can reach great heights. Various structural shapes may be made by training the bamboo to assume them as it grows. Squared sections of bamboo are created by compressing the growing stalk within a square form.[23] Arches may similarly be created by forcing the bamboo's growth with the desired form,
and costs much less than it would to assume the same shape in regular wood timber. More traditional forming methods, such as the application of heat and pressure, may also be used to curve or flatten the cut stalks.[24] Bamboo can be cut and laminated into sheets and planks. This process involves cutting stalks into thin strips, planing them flat, boiling and drying the strips; they are then glued, pressed and finished.[25] Generally long used in China and Japan, entrepreneurs started developing and selling laminated bamboo flooring in the West during the mid-1990s;[25] products made from bamboo laminate, including flooring, cabinetry, furniture and even decorations, are currently surging in popularity, transitioning from the boutique market to mainstream providers, such as Home Depot. The bamboo goods industry (which also includes small goods, fabric, etc.) is expected to be worth $25 billion by 2012.[26] The quality of bamboo laminate varies between manufacturers and the maturity of the plant from which it was harvested (six years being considered the optimum); the sturdiest products fulfil their claims of being up to three times harder than oak hardwood, but others may be softer than standard hardwood.[25] Bamboo intended for use in construction should be treated to resist insects and rot. The most common solution for this purpose is a mixture of borax and boric acid.[27] Another process involves boiling cut bamboo to remove the starches that attract insects.[25]
Bamboo pavilion in the Shenzhen Biennale Bamboo has been used as reinforcement for concrete in those areas where it is plentiful, though dispute exists over its effectiveness in the various studies done on the subject. Bamboo does have the necessary strength to fulfil this function, but untreated bamboo will swell from the absorption of water from the concrete, causing it to crack. Several procedures must be followed to overcome this shortcoming.[28] Several institutes, businesses, and universities are researching the use of bamboo as an ecological construction material. In the United States and France, it is possible to get houses made entirely of bamboo[citation needed], which are earthquake and cyclone-resistant and internationally certified. In Bali, Indonesia, an international k-12 school, the Green School, is constructed entirely of bamboo, for its beauty and advantages as a sustainable resource. There are three ISO standards for bamboo as a construction material. In parts of India, bamboo is used for drying clothes indoors, both as a rod high up near the ceiling to hang clothes on, and as a stick wielded with acquired expert skill to hoist, spread, and to take down the clothes when dry. It is also commonly used to make ladders, which apart from
their normal function, are also used for carrying bodies in funerals. In Maharashtra, the bamboo groves and forests are called Veluvana, the name velu for bamboo is most likely from Sanskrit, while vana means forest. Furthermore, bamboo is also used to create flagpoles for saffron-coloured, Hindu religious flags, which can be seen fluttering across India, especially Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, as well as in Guyana and Suriname. Bamboo is used for the structural members of the India pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The pavilion is the worlds largest bamboo dome, about 34 m in diameter, with bamboo beams/members overlaid with a ferro-concrete slab, water-proofing, copper plate, solar PV panels, a small windmill and live plants. A total of 30 km of bamboo was used. The dome is supported on 18-m-long steel piles and a series of steel ring beams. The bamboo was treated with borax and boric acid as a fire retardant and insecticide and bent in the required shape. The bamboo sections are joined with reinforcement bars and concrete mortar to achieve necessary lengths.[29]
Since the fibers of bamboo are very short (less than 3 mm), they are impossible to transform into yarn in a natural process.[30] The usual process by which textiles labeled as being made of bamboo are produced uses only rayon made from the fibers with heavy employment of chemicals. To accomplish this, the fibers are broken down with chemicals and extruded through mechanical spinnerets; the chemicals include lye, carbon disulfide and strong acids.[25] Retailers have sold both end products as "bamboo fabric" to cash in on bamboo's current ecofriendly cachet; however, the Canadian Competition Bureau[31] and the US Federal Trade Commission,[32] as of mid-2009, are cracking down on the practice of labeling bamboo rayon as natural bamboo fabric. Under the guidelines of both agencies, these products must be labeled as rayon with the optional qualifier "from bamboo".[32] Main article: Bamboo textiles
Bamboo fiber has been used to make paper in China since early times. A high-quality, handmade paper is still produced in small quantities. Coarse bamboo paper is still used to make spirit money in many Chinese communities.[33] Bamboo pulps are mainly produced in China, Myanmar, Thailand and India, and are used in printing and writing papers.[34] The most common bamboo species used for paper are Dendrocalamus asper and Bamboo bluemanea. It is also possible to make dissolving pulp from bamboo. The average fiber length is similar to hardwoods, but the properties of bamboo pulp are closer to softwood pulps due to it having a very broad fiber length distribution.[34] With the help of molecular tools, it is now possible to distinguish the superior fiber-yielding species/varieties even at juvenile stages of their growth, which can help in unadulterated merchandise production.[35]
Musical instruments[edit]
Main article: Bamboo musical instruments
Bamboo displays[edit]
Main article: bamboo display
Other uses[edit]
Bamboo is used for mussels breeding and propagation (Abucay, Bataan, Philippines). Bamboo has a long history of use in Asian furniture. Chinese bamboo furniture is a distinct style based on a millennia-long tradition. Several manufacturers offer bamboo bicycles and skateboards.[36][37] Due to its flexibility, bamboo is also used to make fishing rods. The split cane rod is especially prized for fly fishing. Bamboo has been traditionally used in Malaysia as a firecracker called a meriam buluh or bamboo cannon. Four-foot-long sections of bamboo are cut, and a mixture of water and calcium carbide are introduced. The resulting acetylene gas is ignited with a stick, producing a loud bang. Bamboo can be used in water desalination. A bamboo filter is used to remove the salt from seawater.[38] Food is cooked in East Timor in bamboo in fire. This is called Tukir.
In Asian culture[edit]
Bamboo, by Xu Wei, Ming Dynasty. Bamboo's long life makes it a Chinese symbol of longevity, while in India it is a symbol of friendship. The rarity of its blossoming has led to the flowers' being regarded as a sign of impending famine. This may be due to rats feeding upon the profusion of flowers, then multiplying and destroying a large part of the local food supply. The most recent flowering began in May 2006 (see Mautam). Bamboo is said to bloom in this manner only about every 50 years (see 2860 year examples in FAO: 'gregarious' species table). In Chinese culture, the bamboo, plum blossom, orchid, and chrysanthemum (often known as mi ln zh j ) are collectively referred to as the Four Gentlemen. These four plants also represent the four seasons and, in Confucian ideology, four aspects of the junzi ("prince" or "noble one"). The pine (sng ), the bamboo (zh ), and the plum blossom (mi ) are also admired for their perseverance under harsh conditions, and are together known as the "Three Friends of Winter" ( suhn snyu) in Chinese culture. The "Three Friends of Winter" is traditionally used as a system of ranking in Japan, for example in sushi sets or accommodations at a traditional ryokan. Pine (matsu ) is of the first rank, bamboo (tak ) is of second rank, and plum (ume ) is of the third.
and eating it does not violate the canon. With thousands of years development, how to eat bamboo shoot has become a part of cuisine system, especially for monks. A Buddhist monk, Zan Ning, wrote a manual of the bamboo shoot called Sn P. He offered descriptions and recipes for many kinds of bamboo shoots.[39] Bamboo shoot has always been a traditional dish on the Chinese dinner table, especially in southern China. In ancient times, as long as people have money to buy a big house with yard, they will always plant bamboos in their garden. Bamboo is a necessary element of Chinese culture, or even in the whole Asian civilization. People plant bamboos, eat bamboo shoots, paint bamboos, write poems for bamboos, and speak highly of gentlemen who are like bamboos. Bamboo is not only a plant, but also a part of peoples lives. In Japan, a bamboo forest sometimes surrounds a Shinto shrine as part of a sacred barrier against evil. Many Buddhist temples also have bamboo groves. In northern Indian state of Assam, the fermented bamboo paste known as khorisa is known locally as a folk remedy for the treatment of impotence, infertility, and menstrual pains.
A cylindrical bamboo brush holder or holder of poems on scrolls, created by Zhang Xihuang in the 17th century, late Ming or early Qing Dynasty in the calligraphy of Zhang's style, the poem Returning to My Farm in the Field by the fourth-century poet Tao Yuanming is incised on the holder.
Bamboo-style barred window in Lin An Tai Historical House, Taipei Bamboo plays an important part of the culture of Vietnam. Bamboo symbolizes the spirit of Vovinam (a Vietnamese martial arts): cng nhu phi trin (coordination between hard and soft (martial arts)). Bamboo also symbolizes the Vietnamese hometown and Vietnamese soul: the gentlemanlike, straightforwardness, hard working, optimism, unity and adaptability. A
Vietnamese proverb says, "When the bamboo is old, the bamboo sprouts appear", the meaning being Vietnam will never be annihilated; if the previous generation dies, the children take their place. Therefore, the Vietnam nation and Vietnamese value will be maintained and developed eternally. Traditional Vietnamese villages are surrounded by thick bamboo hedges (ly tre). The Song Dynasty (9601279 AD) Chinese scientist and polymath Shen Kuo (10311095) used the evidence of underground petrified bamboo found in the dry northern climate of Yan'an, Shanbei region, Shaanxi province to support his geological theory of gradual climate change.[40][41]
In mythology[edit]
Several Asian cultures, including that of the Andaman Islands, believe humanity emerged from a bamboo stem. In Philippine mythology, one of the more famous creation accounts tells of the first man, Malaks ("Strong"), and the first woman, Maganda ("Beautiful"), each emerged from one half of a split bamboo stem on an island formed after the battle between Sky and Ocean. In Malaysia, a similar story includes a man who dreams of a beautiful woman while sleeping under a bamboo plant; he wakes up and breaks the bamboo stem, discovering the woman inside. The Japanese folktale "Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" (Taketori Monogatari) tells of a princess from the Moon emerging from a shining bamboo section. Hawaiian bamboo ('ohe) is a kinolau or body form of the Polynesian creator god Kne. A bamboo cane is also the weapon of Vietnamese legendary hero, Saint Giong, who had grown up immediately and magically since the age of three because of his wish to liberate his land from n invaders. An ancient Vietnamese legend (The Hundred-knot Bamboo Tree) tells of a poor, young farmer who fell in love with his landlord's beautiful daughter. The farmer asked the landlord for his daughter's hand in marriage, but the proud landlord would not allow her to be bound in marriage to a poor farmer. The landlord decided to foil the marriage with an impossible deal; the farmer must bring him a "bamboo tree of 100 nodes". But Buddha (Bt) appeared to the farmer and told him that such a tree could be made from 100 nodes from several different trees. Bt gave to him four magic words to attach the many nodes of bamboo: Khc nhp, khc xut, which means "joined together immediately, fell apart immediately". The triumphant farmer returned to the landlord and demanded his daughter. Curious to see such a long bamboo, the landlord was magically joined to the bamboo when he touched it, as the young farmer said the first two magic words. The story ends with the happy marriage of the farmer and the landlord's daughter after the landlord agreed to the marriage and asked to be separated from the bamboo. In a Chinese legend, the Emperor Yao gave two of his daughters to the future Emperor Shun as a test for his potential to rule . Shun passed the test of being able to run his household with the two emperor's daughters as wives, and thus Yao made Shun his successor, bypassing his unworthy son. Later, Shun drowned in the Xiang River. The tears his two bereaved wives let fall upon the bamboos growing there explains the origin of spotted bamboo. The two women later became goddesses.
As a writing surface[edit]
Main article: Bamboo and wooden slips Bamboo was in widespread use in early China as a medium for written documents. The earliest surviving examples of such documents, written in ink on string-bound bundles of bamboo strips (or "slips"), date from the fifth century BC during the Warring States period. However, references in earlier texts surviving on other media make it clear that some precursor of these Warring States period bamboo slips was in use as early as the late Shang period (from about 1250 BC). Bamboo or wooden strips were the standard writing material during the Han dynasty, and excavated examples have been found in abundance.[42] Subsequently, paper began to displace bamboo and wooden strips from mainstream uses, and by the fourth century AD, bamboo slips had been largely abandoned as a medium for writing in China. Several paper industries are surviving on bamboo forests. Ballarpur (Chandrapur, Maharstra) paper mills use bamboo for paper production.
As a weapon[edit]
Bamboo is used in several East Asian and South Asian martial arts.
In the ancient Tamil martial art of Silambam, fighters would hit each other rapidly with bamboo sticks. In the Japanese martial art Kendo, bamboo is used to make the Shinai sword. Bamboo is used for crafting the world's longest bows, the Yumi, and the arrows used in the Japanese martial art Kyudo. In traditional archery, the longbow and recurve bow limbs are sometimes crafted with flat ground bamboo, and also used to make superior weapons for bowhunting and target archery. A bamboo stick can be made into a simple spear by sharpening one of the ends. History's first gunpowder-based weapons, such as the fire lance, were made of bamboo.
Other cultures[edit]
The ethnic group, the Bozo of West Africa, take their name from the Bambara phrase bo-so, which means "bamboo house". Bamboo is the national plant of St. Lucia.
See also[edit]
Bamboo Farm and Coastal Gardens Bamboo processing machine Big Bamb
Elizabeth Widjaja International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Menstruocalamus Plant textiles Xiang River goddesses
1. 2. 3. ^ Botany; Wilson,C.L. and Loomis,W.E. Third edition. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. the bamboo tree would help the peoply with the sickness. ^ a b Farrelly, David (1984). The Book of Bamboo. Sierra Club Books. ISBN 0-87156-825-X. ^ Gratani, Loretta; Maria Fiore Crescente, Laura Varone, Giuseppe Fabrini, and Eleonora Digiulio (2008). "Growth pattern and photosynthetic activity of different bamboo species growing in the Botanical Garden of Rome". Flora 203: 7784. . ^ Bystriakova, N.; N. Bystriakova, V. Kapos, I. Lysenko and C.M.A. Stapleton (September 2003). "Distribution and conservation status of forest bamboo biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific Region". Biodiversity and Conservation 12 (9): 18331841. doi:10.1023/A:1024139813651. Retrieved 12 August 2009. ^ a b "Gorillas get drunk on bamboo sap". The Daily Telegraph. 23 March 2009. Retrieved 12 August 2009. ^ "Arundinaria gigantea (Walt.) Muhl. giant cane". PLANTS Database. USDA. ^ editor-in-chief, Anthony Huxley, editor, Mark Griffiths, managing editor, Margot Levy. (1992). Huxley, A., ed. New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. ISBN 0-33347494-5. ^ "BAMBOO FARMING: AN OPPORTUNITY TO TRANSFORM LIVELIHOODS," The Sunday Times, 6 June 2010 ^ "Cash in on Bamboo farming, Bazivamo urges farmers," Stevenson Mugisha, The New Times, 7 June 2010 ^ McDill, Stephen. "MS Business Journal". MS Business Journal. Retrieved 7 July 2011. ^ Kelchner SA; the Bamboo Phylogeny Group (2013) Higher level phylogenetic relationships within the bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) based on five plastid markers. Mol Phylogenet Evol pii: S10557903(13)00062-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2013.02.005 ^ E, Chris. "Manager of Forever Bamboo". Forever Bamboo. Retrieved June 5-2013. ^ ^ a b Thomas R. Soderstrom; Cleofe E. Calderon; Thomas R. Soderstrom; Cleofe E. Calderon; T.R. Soderstrom, C.E. Calderon (1979). "A Commentary on the Bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)". Biotropica 11 (3): 161172. doi:10.2307/2388036. JSTOR 2388036. ^ a b Janzen, DH. (1976). "Why Bamboos Wait so Long to Flower". Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 7: 347391. doi:10.1146/ ^ Keeley, JE; Keeley, J.E. and W.J. Bond (1999). "Mast flowering and semelparity in bamboos: The bamboo fire cycle hypothesis". American Naturalist 154 (3): 383391. doi:10.1086/303243. PMID 10506551. ^ Saha, S; Saha, S., HF Howe (2001). "The Bamboo Fire Cycle Hypothesis: A Comment". The American Naturalist 6 (158): 659663. doi:10.1086/323593. PMID 18707360. ^ Keeley, JE; Keeley, J.E. and W.J. Bond (2001). "On incorporating fire into our thinking about natural ecosystems: A response to Saha and Howe". American Naturalist 158 (6): 664670. doi:10.1086/323594. PMID 18707361. ^ Lakkad; Patel (June 1981). "Mechanical properties of bamboo, a natural composite". Fibre Science and Technology 14 (4): 319322. ^ Peters, Tom F. (1987). Transitions in Engineering: [[Guillaume Henri Dufour]] and the Early 19th Century Cable Suspension Bridges. Birkhauser. ISBN 3-7643-1929-1. Wikilink embedded in URL title (help) ^ Landler, Mark (27 March 2002). "Hong Kong Journal; For Raising Skyscrapers, Bamboo Does Nicely". New York Times. Retrieved 12 August 2009. ^ Bamboo In Japan. Kodansha International. 1987. p. 101. ISBN 4-7700-2510-6.
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23. ^ Roger Lewis (1 July 2006). "Square Bamboo". Retrieved 12 August 2009. 24. ^ CASSANDRA ADAMS. "Bamboo Architecture and Construction with Oscar Hidalgo". Natural Building Colloquium. Retrieved 11 August 2009. 25. ^ a b c d e Michelle Nijhuis (June 2009). "Bamboo Boom: Is This Material for You?". Scientific American Earth 3.0 special. Scientific American. Retrieved 11 August 2009. 26. ^ Jonathan Bardelline (9 July 2009). "Growing the Future of Bamboo Products". Retrieved 11 August 2009. 27. ^ "Bamboo Construction". CD3WD. Retrieved 11 August 2009. 28. ^ Bamboo as a Building Material. Washington D.C.: US Department of Agriculture. 1981. pp. 711. Retrieved 11 August 2009. 29. ^ Soni, Dr. K M (2011 [last update]). "India Pavilion at World Expo 2010". NBM Media. Retrieved 7 July 2011. 30. ^ "Bamboo Fiber: Greenwash or Treasure?". Feelgood Style. 26 June 2008. Retrieved 12 August 2009. 31. ^ "Competition Bureau Calls on Textile Dealers to Accurately Label Textile Articles Derived from Bamboo". Reuters. 11 March 2009. Retrieved 12 August 2009. 32. ^ a b "Four Companies Charged with Labeling Rayon Clothing As Bamboo". 11 August 2009. Retrieved 12 August 2009. 33. ^ Perdue, Robert E.; Robert E. Perdue, Charles J. Kraebel, Tao Kiang (April 1961). "Bamboo Mechanical Pulp for Manufacture of Chinese Ceremonial Paper". Economic Botany 15 (2): 161164. doi:10.1007/BF02904089. Retrieved 14 August 2009. 34. ^ a b Nanko, Hirko; Button, Allan; Hillman, Dave (2005). The World of Market Pulp. Appleton, WI, USA: WOMP, LLC. p. 256. ISBN 0-615-13013-5. 35. ^ Bhattacharya, S. (2010). Tropical Bamboo: Molecular profiling and genetic diversity study . Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8383-7422-2. 36. ^ Jen Lukenbill. "About My Planet: Bamboo Bikes". Retrieved 4 January 2010. 37. ^ Teo Kermeliotis (may 31, 2012). "Made in Africa: Bamboo bikes put Zambian business on right track". CNN. 38. ^ Bamboo: an untapped and amazing resource from UNIDO. Retrieved 30 November 2009. 39. ^ Laws, B. 2010. Bamboo. Fifty Plants that Changed the Course of History.New York:Firefly Books (U.S)Inc. 40. ^ Chan, Alan Kam-leung and Gregory K. Clancey, Hui-Chieh Loy (2002). Historical Perspectives on East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine. Singapore: Singapore University Press. ISBN 9971-69-259-7. p. 15. 41. ^ Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 3, Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd. p. 614. 42. ^ Loewe, Michael (1997). "Wood and bamboo administrative documents of the Han period". In Edward L. Shaughnessy. New Sources of Early Chinese History. Society for the Study of Early China. pp. 161192. ISBN 1-55729-058-X.
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Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Bamboo". Encyclopdia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. Bamboo Structural Design ISO Standards Resources on Bamboo
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Any of the tall, treelike grasses, found in tropical and subtropical to mild temperate regions, that make up the subfamily Bambusoideae, family Poaceae (or Gramineae). Bamboos are giant, fast-growing grasses with woody stems. A few species of the genus Arundinaria are native to the southern U.S., where they form dense canebrakes along riverbanks and in marshy areas. The woody, hollow aerial stems grow in branching clusters from a thick rhizome, often forming a dense undergrowth that excludes other plants. All parts of the bamboo are used, for purposes including food, livestock fodder, fine-quality paper, construction materials, and medicines. Bamboos also have ornamental use in landscape gardens.
For more information on bamboo, visit Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Copyright 1994-2008 Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.
1. any tall treelike tropical or semitropical fast-growing grass of the genus Bambusa, having hollow woody-walled stems with ringed joints and edible young shoots (bamboo shoots)
2. the stem of any of these plants, used for building, poles, and furniture
bamboo [bamb]
The common name of various tropical and subtropical, perennial, ornamental grasses in five genera of the family Gramineae characterized by hollow woody stems up to 6 inches (15 centimeters) in diameter.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Warning! The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.
(Bambusoideae), a subfamily of grasses that is sometimes classified in the separate family Bambusaceae. Bamboos are predominantly rhizomatous perennials with well-developed woody stems (culms). Bamboos can attain a height of more than 40 m and a diameter of up to 30 cm. The leaves are sheathed with small petioles. The flowers usually have six stamens. Bamboos bloom either annually or over significant intervals of time. In many bamboos the underground parts die simultaneously in all the individuals after blooming (sometimes over large territories). There are about 50 genera and 600 species, which grow chiefly in the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago. There are fewer bamboos in Africa and America, very few in Australia, and none in Europe. A small number of bamboos that have adapted to a temperate climate grow wild in eastern Asia. In the USSR (on the Kuril Islands and in Sakhalin) several species are found; they form dense, sometimes impenetrable thickets in the forests under the canopy of the trees. About 20 species of bamboos are cultivated on the Black Sea coast, mainly in the Caucasus. Some of them for example Pseudosasa japonicaare rather widely found; several species from the genera Pleioblastus and Phyllostachys can be cultivated to grow to nearly normal size and are important to industry. Bamboos have a wide number of uses. The large woody culms are used for building houses, bridges, and water pipes and for manufacturing furniture, baskets, blinds, and mats. The young shoots and seeds of certain bamboos are edible, and the pulp of certain
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