Gießen Guide 2013
Gießen Guide 2013
Gießen Guide 2013
Welcome to Giessen! This guide was compiled for all exchange students coming to Giessen through programmes coordinated by the English Department. As your study-abroad-coordinators at JLU we want to make sure that for you studying in Giessen does not only mean improving your German skills but also making new friends, experiencing the German way of life, and having a good time. With this guide we would like to help you to find your way through the red tape and all the initial formalities. We hope you will enjoy your stay in Giessen if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us:
Dr Andrea Rummel and Stefanie Rbbert (Study Abroad Coordinator & Assistant to Study Abroad Coordinator) Institut fr Anglistik Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10B, Zi. B328b 35394 Giessen Tel.: +49 (0)641/99-30092 Fax: +49 (0)641/99-30089 [email protected]
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
I-Before Going Abroad .................................................................................................. 4 1.Where to Live: Accommodation .............................................................................................................................4 3. Cost of Living in Giessen ..........................................................................................................................................5 4. Checklist of Important Documents to Bring to Giessen ............................................................................6 5. Study Buddy Programme & Arrival .....................................................................................................................6 II-How To Get To Giessen ............................................................................................. 7 III-Once You Are In Giessen ......................................................................................... 7 IV-Important Things to Do ............................................................................................ 8 Once you have arrived and settled in, you should remember to take care of the following: ......8 1. Banking ..............................................................................................................................................................................8 2. Health and Insurance .................................................................................................................................................9 3. Registration/Enrolment: Das Akademische Auslandsamt (International Office) ...................... 10 4. Picking up your Stipend ......................................................................................................................................... 11 5. Housing Office / Studentenwerk ........................................................................................................................ 12 6. Stadtbro Giessen & Auslnderbehrde ...................................................................................................... 12 (Residents Registration Office/Visa Office) ...................................................................................................... 12 V-Justus Liebig University of Giessen ..................................................................... 14 1. The University.............................................................................................................................................................. 14 2. Studying in Giessen ................................................................................................................................................. 15 3. Studying in Giessen as an International Student ...................................................................................... 16 4. Exchange-Tutorials ................................................................................................................................................... 17 5. Filling in the Learning Agreement ..................................................................................................................... 18 6. How to Get a Certificate/Course registration .............................................................................................. 19 7. University Libraries ................................................................................................................................................... 19 8. Computing Facilities and E-Mail ........................................................................................................................ 20 9. Cafeterias and Other Eateries ............................................................................................................................ 20 10. Sports and Leisure ................................................................................................................................................. 21 11. Services for Disabled Students ....................................................................................................................... 22 12. Semester Dates 2012/2013 ............................................................................................................................... 23
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
B) Private Accomodation It is also possible to find private accommodation. There are offers on the Giessen University homepages (such as from the Housing Office - Go to Wohnbrse or, as well as in Giessens city magazine ( Kleinanzeigen), the Giessen press (Giessener Anzeiger, Giessener Express), at the announcement boards around the university or under If you are planning to find your own room, the Giessen youth hostel might serve as a first base upon arrival in Giessen:
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
It is only possible to obtain keys Monday to Thursday between 9.00 and 15.00; Friday 9.00-14.30. We recommend that you do not arrive in Giessen on a weekend or a public holiday as you will not be able to get into your room! However, your study buddy might be able to help: they will either already have your key or help you to obtain it and take you to your hall of residence.
IV-Important Things to Do
Once you have arrived and settled in, you should remember to take care of the following: 1. Banking
We advise you to begin by opening a bank account at one of the banks near your residence or in the city centre. For students this is free of charge at most branches. The bank will ask you to send them one of the Studienbescheinigungen which you receive upon your registration at the Akademische Auslandsamt; this way you are not charged any banking fees. There are three main banks in Giessen: 1. 2. 3. Bezirkssparkasse Giessen (main branch) Johannesstrasse 3, 35390 Giessen Volksbank Giessen (main branch) Goethestrasse 7, 35390 Giessen Deutsche Bank (main branch) Marktplatz 4, 35390 Giessen
To open a bank account, please bring your passport, your address in Giessen, and some cash which you can pay in directly (not necessary, but recommended). Order a Kundenkarte right away, which will allow you to take money out of cash machines at all times. Ask your bank for a card that allows you to pay by 'EC-Cash' which means it functions as a debit in most shops in combination with your PIN number. It will take approx. 2 weeks after opening your account until you receive your Kundenkarte, which you will also need for deposits into and withdrawals from your account. With this Kundenkarte you will also be able to withdraw money and receive your bank statement at an ATM of your bank. Before using your card anywhere else than in 8
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
Giessen, ask at your local bank regarding extra fees and make sure that this is possible. Many money transactions are done through an berweisung, which transfers money directly from one bank account to someone else's. Always make money transfers at the branch that holds your account in order to avoid extra banking fees. Once you have opened a bank account in Giessen, you should pay the Sozialbeitrag (enrolment fee). You will receive the respective form together with your official acceptance letter. You should do this as soon as possible. You will receive your chip card when you enrol. Please keep the receipt for this berweisung. You will need it when registering at the Akademische Auslandsamt. If you didn't bring enough cash with you or if you are still waiting for money from home to be transferred into your account, don't panic! Normally you can withdraw money from local bank machines with all major credit cards such as Visa, EuroCard, MasterCard, American Express, or Cirrus. International cash machines will display a sticker showing the credit cards that can be used. The banks will, however, charge additional fees for this service.
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
Here is the address of the AOK office in Giessen: AOK Giessen Gartenstrasse 10 35390 Giessen Opening hours: Mon-Wed, Fri: 8.00-16.30 Thu: 8.00-18.00 Sat: 9.00-13.00
You will then receive your Studienausweis (student card) and several Studienbescheinigungen (coupons showing proof of your full-time student status). The Studienausweis in combination with your passport serves as your Semesterticket for free public transport and is also good for discounts at various places.
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
If you stay for more than one semester in Giessen you have to re-register for each semester ('rckmelden'). This is important and you may have to pay extra fees if you forget! For your Rckmeldung you need the Rckmeldeformular which you received at your initial registration, an insurance certificate from the AOK covering the relevant period of the next semester, and everything else you needed to bring with you for your initial registration. Where to find the Akademisches Auslandsamt: Akademisches Auslandsamt der Universitt Giessen Goethestrae 58 35390 Giessen
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
You will find the Studentenwerk next to the 'Mensa' (the main cafeteria) at the Philosophikum I. The address is: Studentenwerk Giessen Otto-Behaghel-Strasse 23-27 35394 Giessen Tel.: 0641/ 40008-30 Office hours for housing concerns: Mon-Thu: 9.00-15.00 Fri: 9.00-14.30
Actually, it is not very complicated. You just step into the friendly atmosphere of the Stadtbro and ask at the information desk what to do. You might have to draw a number from a little machine and wait till its announced (or appears on a screen) and its your turn to be served. You have to fill in a form entitled Anmeldung. When leaving Giessen, you have to fill in your last form to tell the police that you are leaving. It is called Abmeldung. Both are available at the Stadtbro. The address is: Stadtbro Giessen Berliner Platz 1 35390 Giessen Tel.: 0641/306-1234 Opening hours: Mon-Thu: 8.00 18.00 Fri: 8.00 12.00 Sat: 10.00 13.00
B) Auslnderbehrde (Visa Office) All US and Canadian citizens have to register at the Visa Office within the first three weeks of their arrival. UK citizens have to register if their stay exceeds three months. The form you have to fill in is in English and not very complicated. On the form they will ask you how you are financing your stay in Germany and you will have to provide official proof of sufficient funds for the duration of your stay in Giessen. Sufficient funds are considered at least 500 Euro per month of study. If you are receiving a grant or stipend, write Stipendium in the relevant space and you will be exempt from the visa fee. Students from the USA should see Dr Andrea Rummel in order to get a letter from her concerning the financing of their stay. Milwaukee students may need to proof funds. To register, you need to take with you: passport two passport-size photo completed 'Antrag auf Erteilung einer Aufenthaltsgenehmigung' (grey forms; available at the visa office) the contract for your room ('Mietvertrag') in the halls of residence/private room the document from the AOK stating your health insurance coverage letter of acceptance from Giessen ('Zulassungsbescheinigung') one of the 'Studienbescheinigungen' you received when registering for the university at the 'Akademischen Auslandsamt' financial statement (scholarship/grant or customs letter) 13
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
Believe it or not, this is the lot as far as paperwork is concerned! Don't despair the worst is behind you. And the good news is in recent semesters the Auslandsamt has offered a so-called Sammeltermin which means that the registration is organised for all students collectively infos on this are available at the information desk at the Auslandsamt when you register.
In Germany the academic year is divided into two semesters. The Winter Semester lasts from mid-October until mid-February and the Summer Semester from mid-April until mid-July. During the vacation there are no courses, but the libraries are open in 14
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
case you have to work on a project or write a paper. Most German students write their seminar papers during the semester break, so it's not really a vacation for them, just a time without lectures. Please try and get all your coursework done during the semester, because you will need the credit in order to continue your studies at home. Unless you are staying the whole academic year, it is not recommended that you write your essays during the semester break. When you have settled in, we advise you to look at the 'elektronisches Vorlesungsverzeichnis': (calendar/course listing). It contains vital information about the classes offered in the upcoming semester as well as the different faculties of the university. It will also give you all the names of the university staff.
2. Studying in Giessen
The week before the semester starts takes the form of an Einfhrungswoche (orientation week) organized by third- and fourth-year students on behalf of the Akademisches Auslandsamt. You will be in a small group of students with a personal tutor who will be able to help you with your timetable. If you want to know where and when to meet for this introduction week, please ask at the Akademisches Auslandsamt about registration. Dr. Rummel and Stefanie Rbbert will also be able to help you with your timetable and they provide you with a list of classes offered especially for exchange students, the so-called ERASMUS Tutorials or Exchange Tutorials. They comprise classes such as Landeskunde, as well as tutorials in Germanistik and Geschichte. You will be notified of a timetable meeting relevant to your course of studies when you register. Usually, this is held by the Foreign Study Advisor and you will be informed about the exact date before you arrive in Giessen. The JLU offers courses with a variety of classes depending on the subject matter and the level of difficulty. You will be able to take courses specifically designed for exchange students and those which all German students attend. In the following we want to give you a general overview of the different types of courses offered at the JLU: 'Vorlesungen' large-group lectures normally given by a professor. 'Grundkurse'/'Einfhrungen'/'Propedeutika' general introduction of a topic/area of studies in smaller groups, with no previous knowledge required.
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
'Proseminare' (BA) based on the Grundkurse, classes for first- and second-year students. Third- and fourth-year students can also attend. 'Hauptseminare' (MA) advanced level classes for third- and fourth-year students given by a professor. Previous knowledge about the topic/area of studies is expected. 'Tutorien'/'bungen'/'Sprachpraktische Veranstaltungen' tutorials are complementary to a Vorlesung. You will have the opportunity to discuss the material covered in a Vorlesung. There are also bungen (e.g. cultural studies) and so-called sprachpraktische bungen covering courses like Grammar, Translation, Essay Writing and Conversation. You can get a grade in any of these courses. The assessment methods can vary from course to course. Basically there are four different types of assessment which can be combined in order to receive a grade: Referat oral class report/presentation which is often presented by a group of two to four students Protokoll written report or summary of what was discussed in class Seminararbeit / Hausarbeit research paper/project/term paper Klausur written exam When you first attend your classes, especially those which are not specifically designed for exchange students, make sure you introduce yourself to the lecturer or professor as an Austauschstudent(in) and negotiate the type of work you will need to get a graded credit. Also mention that you need your credit by the end of the semester in order to avoid any problems. Some professors take a long time to return work, so it is better to make the necessary arrangements in advance.
The best strategy for choosing your classes is as follows: At the beginning of the semester you simply visit all the classes you are interested in; after two weeks you should have decided on the courses you really want to attend throughout the semester. You will be informed more precisely regarding course registration prior to your arrival. But you dont need to worry: if you have found a class which requires registration send an email to the instructor or introduce yourself at the first session and explain the problem of arriving later as an exchange student. In most cases instructors understand this problem and have been very cooperative. If you experience severe problems with getting into the classes you need and want, please come and see us and we will try to work it out. When selecting your courses, do not forget the rules your home university has imposed on you in order to transfer your credit from JLU to your home university. It is best to find out about this from your home university before leaving for Giessen. A workload of about 12 hours per week is the absolute minimum that you should take. This may seem an awful lot by your home university's standards but it is very little in the German system, where students generally take between 14 and 18 hours per week. After your first two weeks of university you have to hand in a list of all the courses you are going to attend to Dr Andrea Rummel. It is important that you do so, because otherwise we cannot issue you an official certificate when you leave. If you decide to drop classes later on in the semester, please hand in a brief note to Dr Rummel, so the class will not appear on your transcript as a 'fail'.
4. Exchange-Tutorials
These tutorials are designed only for exchange students. Changes may occur: (A) Landeskunde aktuell (2 hours/week; 4 ECTS points) (B) Der Kalte Krieg und Deutschland (2 hours/week; 4 ECTS points) (C) Deutschland zwischen den Kriegen: Nationalsozialismus (2 hours/week; 4 ECTS points) (D) Kernkompetenzen Germanistik (E) Globalisierung und Alltag (2 hours/week; 4 ECTS points) (F) Deutsche Popkultur und die Wiedervereinigung (2 hours/week; 4 ECTS points)
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
As these tutorials form a bridging adjunct to the normal range of courses offered for local German and international students, there are restrictions on the extent to which visiting students may timetable the tutorials in order to gather ECTS credits. These restrictions conform both to the expectations of many of our partner institutions in Europe, the requirements of Brussels and the Giessen ERASMUS Office. Students from the USA do not necessarily have to conform to these regulations but are strongly encouraged to do so as it will ensure the actual cultural experience of the German classroom environment. Note: If students want to earn credits for classes offered by the German Department they MUST attend and pass this tutorial and vice versa. It is not possible to earn credits from this tutorial without attending classes offered by the German Department! Credit: Simple attendance certificates (Teilnahmenachweis) can be issued for all or any of the above tutorials, but ECTS credits (Leistungsnachweis) are awarded only if oral or written course requirements are fulfilled, along with proof of attendance at mainline university courses where this is a requirement.
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
7. University Libraries
The main university library is located in the 'Philosophikum I' and is called the Universittsbibliothek (UB). The address is: Universittsbibliothek Otto-Behaghel-Strasse 8 35394 Giessen e-mail: [email protected] Opening hours: daily: 8.30-23.00 (except holidays)
Generally, there are two ways of finding a book in the Universittsbibliothek (which, being the main library, lists all books available throughout the various libraries of the university). There will always be someone around to help you. During the first couple of weeks the university library offers guided tours of the library (in German only). They start in the entrance hall and take about 45-60 minutes. Youd have to contact the information desk (ground floor) if you want to know when the next guided tour will be offered or have a look around for a relevant announcement. Each department at JLU also has its own, specialised library (Fachbereichsbibliothek). The Germanistik library is located in the 'Philosophikum I' on the second floor of House B and the Anglistik library on the third floor. They are smaller and more specialised than the main university library and it is therefore probably easier to find ones way around. In most of the Fachbereichsbibliotheken you can either borrow books overnight or over the weekend. Opening hours vary from department to department.
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
Here is a list of some of the Mensen and Cafeten of the University of Giessen: Mensa Otto-Behaghel-Strasse (Philosophikum I): - Grosse Mensa: Mon-Fri: 11.30-14.30 - Kleine Mensa: Mon-Fri: 11.30-14.00; Sat: 11.45-14.00 - Pastaria: Mon-Thur: 11.15-14.30; Fri: 11.15-14.00 - Snack Point: Mon-Fri: 8.30-20.00 (warm food: 11.30-19.30) cUBar (next to the main library): Mon-Sun: 8.30-23.00 Mensa Otto-Eger-Heim (Leihgesterner Weg 16): Mon-Thur: 11.30-14.30; Fri: 11.30-14.00; Cafpoint: 8.30-15.00 Cafeteria Philosophikum I (Otto-Behaghel-Strasse) Mon-Thu: 7.45-18.30; Fri: 7.45-14.00 Cafeteria Philosophikum II (Karl-Glckner-Strasse) Mon-Thur: 7.45-16.00; Fri: 7.45-14.00 (warm food daily 11.30-14.00) Cafeteria in the Computing Centre (Heinrich-Buff-Ring 44) Mon-Thu: 7.45-15.45; Fri: 7.45-14.15 (warm food daily 11.30-14.00) Cafeteria in the Business and Economics Department (Licher Strasse 68) Mon-Thu: 7.45-18.00; Fri: 7.45-14.00 (warm food daily 11.30-14.00) Lokal International (International Meeting Place and Cafeteria/Pub at 111, Eichendorffring): Tue-Sat: 18.00-23.30 What used to be a student restaurant is now an intercultural meeting place, the perfect spot to meet fellow students from JLU Giessen and other incoming students from abroad, to get together, hang out, have fun and exchange experiences about living and studying in Giessen. They offer a varied program with regular theme nights during the week and special events on weekends.
semester. Normally on offer are American football, Aikido, badminton, boxing, fencing, body conditioning, circuits, football, aerobics, weight lifting, handball, volleyball, basketball, judo, horse riding, rowing, sauna, swimming, squash, dancing, triathlon, diving, tennis, trampolining, hiking, windsurfing. At the beginning of each semester you can pick up a detailed brochure about the sport activities offered either at the sports centre (Kugelberg 58), the Studentenwerk (Asta), or the Mensa. During the semester breaks, the sports program is reduced. Participation in any sports programme costs only 6 per semester. There are, however, certain activities such as horse riding, tennis lessons and windsurfing that you have to pay extra. Depending on the sports activity, it is sometimes necessary to sign on in advance because of the limited number of participants. The free Giessen city magazine is also a great source to find out whats going on: there are listings of concerts, exhibitions, films, etc. The magazine is distributed around the city (in stores, cafs and pubs) on Thursday and also available online at
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089
-Study Abroad [email protected] Phone: +49-(0)641-99-30092, Fax: +49-(0)641-99-30089