Stat 117 Syllabus
Stat 117 Syllabus
Stat 117 Syllabus
Faculty Room No.: FR 21 Consultation Hours: WF 1-2:30, 5:30-7 pm/ Mon-Tues 1-5:30 pm (by appointment) Contact Number: 928-0881 (office) E-mail Address: [email protected] Class Hours: WF 10-11:30 am/11:30-1 pm
Course Description Principles of logic; methods of proof; fields, sigma fields, and sequences of sets; the real number system; sequences and series; combinatorial analysis. Course Objectives This course aims to develop your mathematical maturity or the ability to reason mathematically when presented with difficult problems. You must be able to learn the formal language of mathematics and appreciate the rigorous approach in solving problems. Specifically, you must be able to develop the following skills: prove and disprove mathematical statements; understand a mathematical proof consisting of a significant sequence of implications; demonstrate familiarity of terms used in set theory; use set theoretic techniques (e.g., performing set operations and evaluating limits of a sequence) ; calculate the cardinality of a finite set using combinatorial analysis; evaluate the sum of the first n terms of special sequences; and, determine the limit of a convergent series
Course Prerequisite Math 17. Algebra and Trigonometry You must already be familiar with the following concepts that were discussed in Math 17: algebra of numbers algebraic expressions set operations functions and their graphical representation Course Outline 1. Review: The Real Number System 1.1 Mathematical Systems 1.2 Subsets of the Real Number System 1.3 Cartesian Products 1.3.1 Cartesian Product of A and B 1.3.2 Cartesian Product of Sets A1, A2, . . . , Ak
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2.3 2.4
2.6 3.
Introduction to Logic Compound Statements and Truth Tables 2.2.1 Basic Logical Operations 2.2.2 The Truth Table 2.2.3 Conditional Propositions 2.2.4 Logical Equivalence Quantified Statements 2.3.1 Propositional Function 2.3.2 Universally and Existentially Quantified Statements Proving the Validity of an Argument 2.4.1 Proving Using the Truth Table 2.4.2 Proving Using the Rules of Inference 2.4.3 Proving an Argument that has a Quantified Statement Methods of Proof 2.5.1 Using Definitions in Proofs 2.5.2 Proving P Q Direct Method Proof by Contradiction Proof by Contrapositive Special Case: Proving (p1 v p2) q 2.5.3 Proving the biconditional P Q 2.5.4 Disproving p q 2.5.5 Proving or Disproving Quantified Statements Mathematical Induction
Set Theory 3.1 Universal Set and Subsets 3.1.1 Ways of Specifying a Set 3.1.2 Set Inclusion 3.1.3 Equality of Two Sets 3.2 Set Operations 3.2.1 Definition of Terms 3.2.2 Properties of Set Operations 3.3 Generalized Operations 3.3.1 Definition of Generalized Operations 3.3.2 Properties of Generalized Operations 3.4 Classes of Sets 3.4.1 The Class of Sets and the Power Set 3.4.2 Pairwise Disjoint 3.4.3 Partition of a Set 3.5 Fields and Sigma-Fields 3.5.1 Field and Minimal Field 3.5.2 Sigma-Field and Minimal Sigma-Field 3.5.3 The Borel Field 3.6 Sequence of Sets Functions 4.1 Relations vs Functions 4.1.1 Relations 4.1.2 Functions 4.2 One-to-One and Onto Functions 4.3 Special Types of Functions 4.3.1 Inverse Function 4.3.2 Set Function 4.3.3 Indicator Function
Sequences and Sets 5.1 Sequences 5.1.1 Sequence and Strings 5.1.2 Special Types of Sequence 5.2 The Summation Notation 5.2.1 Properties of Summation 5.2.2 Changing the Index and Limits of a Sum 5.2.3 Summation of the First n Terms of an Arithmetic & Geometric Sequence 5.2.4 The Binomial Theorem 5.3 Series and Expansions 5.3.1 Infinite Series and Its Convergence 5.3.2 Taylor Series Expansion of f(x) 5.4 Other Special Sums 5.4.1 Telescopic Series 5.4.2 Square of a Sum Counting Techniques 6.1 Cardinality 6.1.1 Equivalent Sets 6.1.2 Cardinal of Sets 6.2 Basic Principles of Counting 6.3 Permutations and Combinations 6.3.1 Definition of Terms 6.3.2 Counting Permutations and Combinations 6.3.3 Cardinality of New Sets Formed Through Set Operations 6.3.4 Special Results on Balls in Urns
List of References A First Course in Probability by Ross (1998) A Gentle Introduction To Logic, Sets And The Techniques of Mathematical Proofs: A Companion For High-School And College Students by Mbodje (2010) Basic Probability Theory and Applications by Khazanie (1976) Bridge to Abstract Mathematics by Morash (1987) College Algebra and Trigonometry by Leithold (1989) Discrete Mathematics by Johnsonbaugh (2008) Discrete Mathematics by Kumar (2002) Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Rosen (2000) Elementary Statistics by ACS (2010) How to Prove it: A Structured Approach by Velleman (2006) How to Think Like a Mathematician by Houston (2009) Introduction to Logic by Copi and Cohen (1998) Mathematical Thinking and Writing: A Transition to Abstract Mathematics by Raddox (2002) Modern Probability Theory by Bhat (1999) Schaums Outline of Discrete Mathematics by Lipschutz (2007) Schaums Outline of Logic by Nolt et. Al (1998) Schaums Outline of Set Theory and Related Topics by Lipschutz (1998) Schaums Outline of Probability by Lipschutz (1974) Symbolic Logic by Copi (1979) The Calculus 7 (TC7) by Leithold (1995)
Grading System 70% - 3 Long Exams 20% - Final Exam 10% - Quizzes, Assignment, etc. Course Requirements Long Exams There will be 3 long exams for this course. The coverage of the exams is as follows: First Exam Second Exam Third Exam Coverage Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5-6
The three (3) long exams will be scheduled outside class hours. All exams are closed notes exams. Formula sheets will be provided only when necessary. If you missed an exam for valid reasons, see me as soon as possible and present the proper certification. Make-up exams (coverage: all chapters) will be given at the end of the semester. Final Exam The coverage of the final exam will be from Chapters 1 6. This will be a test on how well you know the methods, concepts and their properties without requiring any hardcore derivations. There will be no exemptions from the final exam.
Quizzes and Assignments Assignments will be given for concepts which are difficult and topics that entail tedious calculations. These will be done individually or in pairs depending on their difficulty. Meanwhile, all quizzes are unannounced so I expect that you always study before class. Use legal-sized ruled paper for quizzes and assignments.
Attendance Attendance will be checked at the end of the class. The maximum number of excuses or unexcused absences is 6. In class, you are all expected to participate and to be attentive. I usually call students to answer exercises on the board. Classroom Requirements 1. 4 x 6 WHITE index card Include the following in your index card: o FRONT: Name, Student Number, Nickname, College and Course, 1x1 Recent ID picture on the right-hand side, Contact Number/s, Email Address, Permanent and Present Address, Target Grade for Stat 117 o BACK: Schedule for the semester at the back 2. Course Notes - A copy will be provided for reproduction.
Grading Scale Let x be your (rounded up) final grade. 96 < x < 100 91 < x < 96 87 < x < 91 83 < x < 87 79 < x < 83 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 71 < x < 75 75 < x < 79 66 < x < 71 60 < x < 66 55 < x < 60 x < 55 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 4.0 5.0
*If you intend to drop the course, please be reminded of the deadline for dropping (February 20, 2012Monday). Please be oriented on the new procedures in dropping. Classroom Policies 1. If caught cheating in any means (quiz, assignment, or exam), a grade of 5 will be automatically given to you. 2. No special treatment or project will be given to anyone. 3. Please always bring course notes; otherwise, a quiz will be given to class. 4. Put your mobile phones in silent mode. Turn off other electronic gadgets which have nothing to do with the classroom activity. Do NOT use your mobile phones or any electronic gadgets while in class. 5. Check my webpage for uploaded materials (e.g. assignments, lecture notes, etc).