Holistic Health
Holistic Health
Holistic Health
social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. As defined above, [1] the holistic view is widely accepted in medicine. A different definition, claiming that disease is a result [2] of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and/or environmental imbalance, is used in alternative medicine. In alternative medicine, it is believed that the spiritual aspect should also be taken into account when [3] assessing a person's overall well-being. Several disciplines in alternative medicine use the holistic health approach, including but not limited to: acupuncture chiropractic ayurveda traditional chinese medicine aromatherapy homeopathy holistic nutrition meditation naturopathy crystals natural diet and herbal remedies
technologies should be the personal choice of each individual patient to help control the spread of disease through the body. Although there are many legislations currently in order to control the distribution of traditional, nuclear, conventional, and holistic medicine, we must be inquisitive towards efficiency, healing, and outcomes towards disease.