Phed 239 Syllabus f14-2nd Half 1
Phed 239 Syllabus f14-2nd Half 1
Phed 239 Syllabus f14-2nd Half 1
Methods of Assessment
Worksheet, LPs, Exam,
LPs, Teaching, BP, SE
Project, Exam
LPs, Teaching, Exam,
LPs, Teaching,
Discussion, Reflections
LPs, Teaching,
LPs, Teaching,
LPs, Teaching,
LPs, Teaching,
Exam, Teaching,
Worksheets, BP
LPs, Teaching, BP,
Reflections, SE Project
LPs, Reflections,
LPs, Reflections
LPs, Teaching,
Reflections, Exam
Teaching, Reflections
BP, SE Project, Video,
Worksheets, Teaching
Worksheets, Exam
Discussions, LPs, BP,
Reflections, SE Project
PPA Assignment
Worksheets, Exam,
Discussions, LPs,
Reflections, BP
LPs, Teaching,
Reflections, Discussions,
SE Project, Exam
Required Texts:
Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Sariscsany, M., & Brusseau, T. A. (2012). Dynamic
physical education for secondary school students (7th ed.). New York: Benjamin
National Standards & Grade Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. SHAPE
America (Society of Health and Physical Educators). (2014). Champaign, IL: Human
Assessment: A grade of C or better is required to matriculate (73% or 391/535).
Lecture = 60% of grade / Lab = 40% of grade
Lecture Assignments
Modified Games Project
Physical Fitness/Wellness Block Plan
Sport Education Model Project
Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA)
Weebly E-Portfolio
Class Participation
Due Dates
Mon. Nov. 10th
Wed. Nov. 19th
Mon. Dec. 8th
Lab Assignments
Site Observation
Lesson Plans (4@10pts each)
Due Dates
One day after observation 30 pts
Fridays for Tues lessons 40 pts
Mondays for Thurs lessons
40 pts
One day after teaching
40 pts
20 pts
Two days after final
teaching experience
30 pts
Total =
200 pts
50 pts
50 pts
80 pts
Thurs. & Mon. Dec. 11 & 15 25 pts
Thurs. & Mon. Dec. 11 & 15 20 pts
30 pts
--10 pts
Mon. Dec. 15th
70 pts
Total =
335 pts
Dress Code:
On- and off-campus lab classes SC professional teaching attire (SC collared shirt
tucked in, khaki pants/shorts, or black/maroon warm up pants unrolled and sneaker
length, sneakers, and socks. No hats!) Expected to have a WHISTLE AND a WATCH
(on your wrist, not your cell phone) for all labs!
Individual Behavior:
Students in this course are frequently involved in class discussions and small group
activities. All students are expected to listen to others respectfully and to express their
views in a courteous manner.
Attendance is required for both lecture and lab. The overall course grade will be
reduced 5% for each unexcused absence. Missing a lab constitutes two (2) missed
classes! Remember, the teachers and students at the laboratory sites are expecting us
to be on time and prepared to teach quality lessons. Promptness is a professional
responsibility. If tardiness occurs frequently, points may be deducted from the grade.
Make-ups/Late Assignments:
Make-ups will only be given in the event of an excused absence from class which has
been approved prior to the examination/quiz. Late assignments will receive a 10%
reduction for each day the assignment is late. No assignment will be accepted more
than one (1) day late.
Accommodations Planning: If you have a documented physical, learning, or
psychological disability on record with the Academic Success Centers Learning
Support Services, you may be eligible for reasonable academic accommodations to
help you succeed in this course. It is your responsibility to request such
accommodation in advance and to provide appropriate documentation. Students on the
main campus should contact the Director of Learning Support Services, who is located
on the first floor of Hickory Hall, room 105, and can be contacted at 413-748-3768.
Please let me know of your request as soon as possible so that I can work with you and
the Director to arrange for appropriate and reasonable accommodations.
Academic Assistance: A wide variety of academic assistance is offered through the
Academic Success Center. Students can receive a variety of services, such as
tutoring through Writing Support Services, Math-Science Support Services and the
Content Tutorial Program. The Academic Coaching Program is available to help
students improve time management and study skills. The Assistive Technology
Program provides training in a range of assistive technology software. The MTEL
Assistance Program provides support for students preparing to take the
Communications and Literacy Skills portion of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator
Licensure. The Conversation Partners Program provides support for non-native
speaking students wishing to improve linguistic skills in English, Spanish, French,
Chinese, and other languages as available. The Academic Success Center is located
on the first floor of Hickory Hall, room 109 and can be contacted at 413-748-3747 or
[email protected]. The most up to date information and support service
schedules are available on the ASCs PrideNet page:
Academic Dishonesty:
Students will be held accountable for the academic integrity of their work. Violations of
academic integrity include:
1. failure to cite sources used in paper (plagiarism).
2. cheating on examinations or assignments by unauthorized collaboration with other
Rink, J., Hall, T., & Williams, L. (2010). Schoolwide physical activity: A comprehensive
guide to designing and conducting programs. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Siedentop, D., Hastie, P. A., & van der Mars, H. (2011). Complete guide to sport
Education (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Silverman, S. J. & Ennis, C. D. (2003). Student learning in physical education: Applying
research to enhance instruction (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Zakrajsek, D. B., Carnes, L. A., & Pettigrew, F. E. (2003). Quality lesson plans for
secondary physical education (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
PHED 239: High School Grades 9-12
Tentative Lecture & Lab Schedule
Date Day
10/22 W
10/23 R
10/27 M
10/28 T
10/29 W
10/30 R
Lecture: Intro to Course, Syllabus, Review
Assignments, SHAPE America - Organization &
Advocacy; Sample lesson
Lab: EVERYONE Lab schedule, Site
Observation, Teaching Reflections, Divide Labs
and Assign Teaching Sites & Cooperating
Teachers, Lesson Plan Format, PPA, Sample
Lesson taught by Meghan Blake Arena
Lecture: Appropriate Instructional Practices for
High School PE including safety issues
Lab: EVERYONE - Peer mini lessons Blake
Lecture: Impact of Physical Activity on High
School students, New National Standards & MA
Curriculum Framework, PPA
Lab: EVERYONE Teach sample lessons Blake Arena
Lecture: Modified and Small-Sided Games &
Tournament Formats
Lab: EVERYONE Blake Arena
Lecture: Modified and Small-Sided Games &
Tournament Formats
Lab: Observation at Agawam & East
Longmeadow High Schools
Reading/Assignment Due
Student Background
Information Sheet &
PHYSICAL Act - Advocacy
11/10 M
11/11 T
11/12 W
11/13 R
11/17 M
11/18 T
11/19 W
12/9 T
12/10 W
12/11 R
12/15 M
Ch. 3 / Complete
worksheet bring to
class / Modified Games
Project Due
Ch. 10 (pp. 222-236), 15 &
Ch. 10 (pp. 222-236), 15 &
Ch. 4, SE handouts/
Physical Fitness &
Wellness Block Plan Due
Ch. 4, SE handouts
Ch. 6 & 7, handouts
Ch. 6 & 7, handouts
Technology handout/
Group technology
presentation / Sport Ed
Project Due
Technology handout/
Group technology
Weebly Portfolio, Time
Record sheet, PPA
Project and Reflection
Summary Due for
Tuesday lab group
Weebly Portfolio, Time
Record sheet, PPA
Project and Reflection
Summary Due for
Thursday lab group