NMR Solvents - Unsurpassed Quality For Peak Performance
NMR Solvents - Unsurpassed Quality For Peak Performance
NMR Solvents - Unsurpassed Quality For Peak Performance
Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D
C6D6 [1076-43-3] bp: 79.1 °C
151823-50G glass btl 50 g
mol wt 84.16 density: 0.950 g/mL, 25 °C
151823-100G glass btl 100 g
Benzene-d6, “100%”, 99.96 atom % D 151823-150G Sure/SealTM 150 g
175870-5G ampule 5g 151823-250G glass btl 250 g
175870-25G glass btl 25 g 151823-1KG glass btl 1 kg
236977-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.5 mL 151823-1.5KG glass btl 1.5 kg
549118-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.75 mL 522015-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.6 mL
434515-1PAK ampule 10 x 1 mL 441333-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.75 mL
236896-1PAK ampule 10 x 1 mL
Benzene-d6, 99.6 atom % D
151815-5G ampule 5g Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D, contains 0.03% TMS*
151815-10G ampule 10 g 225789-100G glass btl 100 g
151815-25G glass btl 25 g 225789-150G Sure/SealTM 150 g
151815-50G glass btl 50 g 225789-500G glass btl 500 g
151815-100G Sure/SealTM 100 g 423661-1PAK ampule 10 x 1 mL
522104-10G glass btl 10 g *additional concentrations of TMS available
441325-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.75 mL
236888-1PAK ampule 10 x 1 mL Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D, contains 0.5 wt. % silver foil as stabilizer
416754-100G glass btl 100 g
Benzene-d6, 99.6 atom % D, contains 0.03% TMS 416754-250G glass btl 250 g
364940-10G ampule 10 g
364940-25G glass btl 25 g Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D, contains 0.5 wt. % silver foil as stabilizer,
364940-50G glass btl 50 g 0.03% TMS
530735-100G glass btl 100 g
Benzene-d6, 99 atom % D 530735-250G glass btl 250 g
175978-10G ampule 10 g
175978-50G glass btl 50 g
Deuterium oxide, 99.9 atom % D, glass distilled N,N-Dimethylformamide-d7, 99.5 atom % D, contains 0.03% TMS
613444-100G glass btl 100 g 700428-1G ampule 1g
700428-10G ampule 10 g
Deuterium oxide, 99.9 atom % D, contains 0.05% TSP-d4
450510-25ML glass btl 25 mL N,N-Dimethylformamide-d7, 99.5 atom % D, contains 1% TMS
450510-100ML glass btl 100 mL 269905-1G ampule 1g
530522-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.75 mL 269905-10G ampule 10 g
mol wt 84.18 density: 1.190 g/mL, 25 °C mol wt 96.08 density: 1.129 g/mL, 25 °C
Dimethyl sulfoxide-d6, 99.9 atom % D, contains 0.03% TMS* Methanol-d4, 99.8 atom % D
296147-10G ampule 10 g 151947-1G ampule 1g
296147-25G glass btl 25 g 151947-5G ampule 5g
574341-10X.6ML ampule 10 x 0.6 mL 151947-10G ampule 10 g
423653-10X0.75ML ampule 10 x 0.75 mL 151947-25G glass btl 25 g
423653-1PAK ampule 10 x 1 mL 151947-50G serum btl 50 g
*additional concentrations of TMS available 151947-100G Sure/SealTM 100 g
522139-10G glass btl 10 g
Dimethyl sulfoxide-d6, 99.5 atom % D 522139-50G glass btl 50 g
175943-10G ampule 10 g 548537-10ML serum btl 10 mL
175943-50G glass btl 50 g 530875-1L GL45 btl 1L
175943-100G glass btl 100 g 308811-1PAK ampule 5 x 0.5 mL
175943-250G glass btl 250 g 522023-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.6 mL
441384-1PAK ampule 10 x 0.75 mL
Dimethyl sulfoxide-d6, 99.5 atom % D, contains 0.03% TMS* 269824-1PAK ampule 10 x 1 mL
417912-10G ampule 10 g
417912-50G glass btl 50 g
*additional concentrations of TMS available
looking for.
Deuterium oxide, Extra, 99.994 atom % D Acetonitrile-d3, 99.8 atom % D, “Special HOH”
613398-10G serum btl 10 g 699543-10G glass btl 10 g
613398-50G serum btl 50 g 699543-25G glass btl 25 g
699543-50G glass btl 50 g
Resolve-Al EuFOD, 99%
160938-100MG glass btl 100 mg
160938-1G glass btl 1g
Tube size
Cat. No. Solution Application (O.D. x Length)
611778 1% Chloroform in acetone-d6 (99.9 atom % D) H line shape 3 mm x 8 in.
487163 1% Chloroform in acetone-d6 (99.9 atom % D) H line shape 5 mm x 8 in.
487759 5% Chloroform in acetone-d6 (99.9 atom % D) H line shape 5 mm x 8 in.
551341 5% Ethylbenzene, 2% TMS in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) H sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
487112 0.1% Ethylbenzene, 0.01% TMS in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) H sensitivity 3 mm x 8 in.
487104 0.1% Ethylbenzene, 0.01% TMS in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) H sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
612065 0.1% Ethylbenzene, 0.01% TMS in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) H sensitivity 10 mm x 8 in.
487147 1% 1,2-Dichlorobenzene in acetone-d6 (99.9 atom % D) H resolution 5 mm x 8 in.
551333 12% Tetramethylsilane in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) H reference 5 mm x 8 in.
487139 0.1 mg/mL Gadolinium(III) chloride, 0.1% DSS, 1.0% water in deuterium oxide (99.9 atom % D) Auto test 5 mm x 8 in.
612073 40% 1,4-Dioxane, 5 mg/mL chromium(III) acetylacetonate in benzene-d6 (99.6 atom % D) C PW90, sensitivity 3 mm x 8 in.
611905 40% 1,4-Dioxane, 5 mg/mL chromium(III) acetylacetonate in benzene-d6 (99.6 atom % D) C PW90, sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
551368 40% 1,4-Dioxane in benzene-d6 (99.6 atom % D) C PW90, sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
551384 90% Formamide in dimethyl sulfoxide-d6 (99.9 atom % D) N sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
487155 1% Iodomethane-13C, 0.2% chromium(III) acetylacetonate, 1% trimethyl phosphite in chloroform-d
Indirect detection test 3 mm x 8 in.
(99.8 atom % D)
551406 0.05% α,α,α-Trifluorotoluene in benzene-d6 (99.6 atom % D) 19
F sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
611921 25% Hexamethyldisiloxane in benzene-d6 (99.6 atom % D) Si sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
551392 0.0485M Triphenyl phosphate in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) P sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in.
611735 0.0485M Triphenyl phosphate in chloroform-d (99.8 atom % D) P sensitivity 10 mm x 8 in.
612162 85% Phosphoric acid in deuterium oxide (99.9 atom % D) P sensitivity 5 mm x 8 in. (Coaxial)
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Density at
Name & Cat. No. CAS No. Mol. Wt. 25 °C mp (°C)a bp (°C)a dH(Mult)b JHD dC(Mult)b JCD (JCF)
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