Qualitest also offers an extensive range of testing solutions for plastics, foam, paper &
cardboard, textiles, cement & concrete, and metals.
Qualitest Locations:
Canada: Richmond Hill, Ontario Contact Information:
14 Rheometers
15 Flex Testers
2 19
More Rubber Testing Instruments
Ozone Tester / Ozone Chamber QT-0500
Ozone testing is an accelerated test method used primarily Rubber & Elastomers
for evaluating the resistance of rubber products to cracking
Rubber compounds are one of the most complex and universally Some rubber and elastomer products are quite economical. One of
surface is in tension and placed in the exposure chamber for the popular elastomers for many consumer products, such as toys
has been plasticized PVC. To minimize the cost of a low performance
the user.
than their own weight results in a wide range of properties, possible
to achieve. Quite often, rubber and elastomer compounds are used higher end of the price range, specialty elastomers made of exotic
where resistance to impact, or toughness is desired. Where elasticity compounds are used for aerospace applications and possess critical
during stretching and recoil are needed, rubber and elastomers are properties for high temperature environments. As a rule of thumb,
Salt Spray Tester ideal materials. An elastomer can be stretched to many times its original length yet bounce back without permanent deformation. mean higher cost products and more careful and complex testing
The Salt Spray (Fog) Tester is used to create and maintain is required.
the salt spray (fog) test environment, and test the anti-erosion
quality of the materials surfaces. Our salt spray testers
available in two capacities meet ASTM B117, and ISO-9227 General Applications
standard test methods.
Tires are a typical example of a product made from optimized
compounds consisting of several natural and synthetic rubber
compounds along with numerous reactive agents and carbon and
other particles. The complex rubber compounds used in tires have
Tire Plunger Tester
taken many years to optimize and still intense formulating and testing
continues on improving their consistency and performance.
Our advanced range of Tire Plunger Testers is available in
range of plunger testers are widely used in the tire industry Rubber compounds used for shoe soles, tires, gaskets, belts, and
bead unseating, vertical stiffness, lateral stiffness, footprint and meet the corresponding ASTM and other international pulleys are optimized formulations, utilizing precise amounts of many
analysis, dimension measurement, envelope stiffness, bevel standard test methods.
different components. This complexity makes testing functions, a
huge responsibility within any organization whose products include
Compression Set Testing according to ASTM D395 test capability of an elastomeric gasket, seal or cushioning pad to used in high temperature applications.
method, measures the ability of rubber to return to its perform over a long period of time. The resulting permanent
original thickness after prolonged compressive stresses at set that a gasket may take over time may cause a leak; or
in the case of a shock isolation pad, the ability to protect an
compressed over time, it loses its ability to return to its original accidentally dropped unit may be compromised.
thickness. This loss of resiliency (memory) may reduce the
18 3
Universal Testing Machines Specimen Dies & Clicker Presses
Use of Universal Testing Machines in the Plastics Industry Specimen Dies ASTM Standard
ASTM D-412 A Tensile Sample Cutting Die
Tensile testing is the most basic and common plastics test ASTM D-412 B Tensile Sample Cutting Die
Miscellaneous DIN Standard ASTM D-412 C Tensile Sample Cutting Die
method, which provides data on ultimate strength, modulus, ISO 34 A DIN 53504 S1 ASTM D-412 D Tensile Sample Cutting Die
elongation, toughness and yield strength as per various North ISO 34 B DIN 53504 S2 ASTM D-412 F Tensile Sample Cutting Die
American or International standards such as ASTM D638. ISO 37, Type 1 through 4 DIN 53504 S3 ASTM D-638 Type I Tensile Die
ISO/DIS 3167 DIN 53504 S3A ASTM D-638 Type II Tensile Die
quite common for the plastics as per ASTM D790 and other .250 x 5.0 ASTM D-638 Type III Tensile Die
.500 x 5.0 ASTM D-638 Type IV Tensile Die
1.000 x 6.0 ASTM D-638 Type V Tensile Die
point or 4 point types used to test rigid and semi-rigid plastics.
Also compression tests are very important for many molded Accessories ASTM D-1822-S
Mallet Handles ASTM D-1822 L
parts as per ASTM D695 and other similar international
Shanks ASTM D-1708 Microtensile Die
standards. Compression test is commonly used on foams ASTM D-624 B Tear Sample Cutting Die
and packaging materials ASTM D-624 C Tear Sample Cutting Die
ASTM D-624 T Tear Sample Cutting Die
ASTM D-1004
Q-Series Advanced Universal Testing Machines ASTM D-1922
ASTM D-746
The Q-Series Universal Tensile/Compression Testing ASTM D-746 T50
ASTM D-1938
Machines, with a stylish look and state-of-the-art design,
ASTM D-2209 Leather Tensile
meet the highest demands of quality-testing professionals ASTM D-2212 Leather Slit Tear
and test applications in the plastics industry. Table-top Q-Series Universal Testing Machines
Other ASTM Dies Available Upon Request
The Q-Series UTMs high resolution and the capability to Models Capacity
Q2.5 Single Column 2.5 kN / 550 lbf / 250 kgf
accurate tests at very low loads, enabling the widest range of Specimen Molds
Q5 Double Column 5 kN / 1,100 lbf / 500 kgf
coverage with a single load cell. Our molds are made of P20 tool steel that is hardened, ground,
Q10 Double Column 10 kN / 2,200 lbf / 1,000 kgf
Other advantages of the new Q-Series tensile testers starting Q25 Double Column 25 kN / 5,500 lbf / 2,500 kgf Typical molds have one to four cavities. Various sizes are available.
from Q5 and up include a minimum test speed of 0.0005 mm/ Test specimens are cut to uniform thickness. All of the molds meet
Q50 Double Column 50 kN / 11,000 lbf / 5,000 kgf
min., a stroke reading of 0.5 m and a two-year warranty. many national and international standards such as ASTM, DIN,
Q100 Double Column 100 kN / 22,000 lbf / 10,000 kgf and ISO.
Programming tests and monitoring results can be performed
through the powerful and intelligent GraphWork test software,
which allows complete and accurate data management, QM-Series Universal Testing Machines
in accordance with North American and international test Models Capacity Manual Test Sample Clicker Press
standards. The advanced, modular software comes with QM2 2 kN / 450 lbf / 200 kgf These units operate well in stand-alone cutting situations, and
a comprehensive library of test standards--in accordance also compliment a Hydraulic press for smaller operations. With the
QM5 5 kN / 1,100 lbf / 500 kgf
with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and single lever rotation and compressing action, its operating speed
international norms--included at no extra cost. QM10 10 kN / 2,200 lbf / 1,000 kgf exceeds industry standards and costs a fraction of the price of a
QM20 20 kN / 4,100 lbf / 2,000 kgf hydraulic press.
The low-cost single column UTM model Q2.5 also comes QM50 50 kN / 11,000 lbf / 5,000 kgf
QM100 100 kN / 22,000 lbf / 10,000 kgf
display, and can optionally be supplied with the advanced
GraphWork software.
Auto-Pneumatic Clicker Press
This low-cost and high-quality Pneumatic clicker press only requires
air to operate and is widely used in the rubber and plastics industry
for accurately cutting rubber, leather, and plastics specimens. The
Auto-Pneumatic clicker press is available in 3 or 5 ton capacities,
which can be used to cut rubber samples with thickness up to 10
or 15mm. This unit is a compact and cost-effective solution for any
testing laboratory.
4 17
Specific Gravity Testers - Densimeters Universal Testing Machines
Electronic Densimeter EW-300SG For plastics and polymer industry, capacities up to 100kN load frames are
normally used, however the Q-Series UTMs are available with capacities up to tear tests, as well as extensometers, temperature chambers, load cells and
Only 10 seconds to measure density and volume, just
2,000 kN (440,000 lbf) in electro-mechanical design used for higher strength
putting the sample into the water. Ideal machine for the
materials such as metals and composites. Qualitest also offers extended
interval testing of production line.
height or width load frames for higher elongation materials or oversized As top of the line solution for high volume and in-line testing, Qualitest
samples. offers fully automated testing systems featuring Compact Line as lower cost
alternative for low to medium testing requirements or the Multi-Line for the
Minimum density and volume resolution 0.01g/cm .
We offer a wide range of tensile grips such as pneumatic, wedge, eccentric
Maximum measuring range up to 300g. roller, pincer and screw grips with various jaw inserts to guarantee the and highest volume testing environments.
Result judgments with Comparator Mode is available.
as the other models. Selectable measuring time from 4 units. Graphic post-analysis of tests
Automatic Handling Universal Testing Machines Statistical analysis of tests
Tear Test
Error tolerance can be shown.
Suitable for Plastic Pellets, Films, Rubbers, Fabric,
QM Series Universal Testing Machines
Medical, Food, and Chemical that need to be measured to
avoid the error on the third decimal. The QM-Series Universal Testing Machine can satisfy requirements for many The Universal Testing Machine (UTM) is used to test both the tensile and
kinds of material tests. It has a highly rigid construction and precision servo compressive strength of materials. Universal Testing Machines are named as
motor drive components. Using specialized testing software, the unit can such because they can perform many different varieties of tests on an equally
perform tensile tests, compression tests, bending tests as well as peeling diverse range of materials, components, and structures. Most UTM models
tests. The software is multilingual and is designed to be used with ease. It also
has all kinds of metric units, real-time graphs and provides complete material
Densimeter MDS-300 analysis. Universal Testing Machines can accommodate many kinds of materials,
Easy density measurement of not only solid, and liquid Features:
The QM-Series has a two column design for better stability and rigidity. The such as rubber and textiles. This diversity makes the Universal Testing Machine
sample density, but also new function of powder density Higher accuracy with resolution of 0.001g/cm3, and
machines stroke can be extended and the elongation factor can be as high equally applicable to virtually any manufacturing industry.
measurement added with resolution of 0.001g/cm3 and reference value of 0.0001g/cm3 can be displayed.
as 800% with successful tests, depending on the material.
reference value of 0.0001g/cm3. New designed Sensor No need to open and close the lid with new designed
The UTM is a versatile and valuable piece of testing equipment that can
and Auto-weighing function improve accuracy and working Sensor. Smaller size lid brings less error value, and less
The QM-Series Universal Testing Machine is loaded with technical features, evaluate materials properties such as tensile strength, elasticity, compression,
operation time.
ergonomic design and is produced with high quality as a benchmark. This yield strength, elastic and plastic deformation, bend compression, and strain
instrument is suitable to be used in: Production lines, where the operator has to hardening. Different models of Universal Testing Machines have different load
weighing function. (Semiautomatic measurement)
capacities, some as low as 2 kN and others as high as 3,000 kN.
where using the advanced software, the users can analyze the test data, have
Densimeter MDS-3000
MDS-3000 can measure maximum capacity up to 3kg. Features:
Wide measuring capacity enables to measure the samples
without cutting, and it gives the whole sample average with weight up to 3kg can be measured.
density. Sensor & Water tank size can be customized Minimum resolution of 0.01g/cm and reference value of
depending on the sample size. Easy and convenient 0.001g/cm3 can be displayed.
Auto-weighing Function is a standard feature.
weighing function. (Semiautomatic measurement)
New function of powder density substituted
16 5
Durometers: Shore & IRHD Hardness Testers Flex Testers
Portable Models
HP-Series Analog Durometer DeMattia Flex Fatigue Testers
Our range of HP Durometers are suitable for accurate hardness Our durometer line is optionally available with a maximum Our advanced DeMattia Flexing Tester Conforms to ASTM
measurement of all natural and synthetic rubber products, indicating pointer. This feature makes the maximum value D-430 method B and ASTM D-813 standards to measure the A key advantage of this DeMattia tester is that the upper and
plastics, acrylic glass, acetates, casting resin, polyester, ability of soft rubber compounds, leather and similar materials to lower grips both move in opposite directions, thus resulting in
themoplastics, PVC, neoprenes, hardboards, wood, leather, characteristics of the material after a certain test time. The resist dynamic fatigue. This DeMattia Flexing apparatus is used reducing the level of vibration and the noise found in traditional
and even fruits. These tests can determine whether samples type A durometer, combined with the screw-on loading weight to determine the crack growth of vulcanized rubber, leather, etc.
are within the Shore A, D, B, O, OO, OOO, C, DO scales. according to ASTM D 2240 and DIN 53505, guarantees a
constant measuring result. measure the resistance to dynamic fatigue of vulcanized rubber fatigue tester.
These durometers are the highest precision models on the and elastomers test specimen when subjected to repeated
market with very easy handling. HP Durometers can be used BS 61 Test Stand is an ideal accessory to be used with our bending and extension.
as portable instruments and as benchtop units. All of our HP Durometers for higher volume benchtop measurements.
analog durometers have an antiglare scale with graduation The pick-up device allows a quick and easy mounting of the
between 0-100. The most important advantage of these handy durometer. The built-in loading device for hardness tests within Goodrich Flexometer
analog durometers is the precise indication of their measured Shore A range guarantees a constant pressure as prescribed
values, due to the unique design of the spring mechanism. in DIN 53505 and ASTM D 2204. The hardness results can
In Collaboration with Doli, Qualitest offers standard or fully specimens.
constant load.
Flexometer which have been manufactured since 1985. The Compression Flexometer is used as testing instrument
HPE-II Digital Durometers The automatic Flexometer system features height measurement black etc.) and the tire industry use this type of Compression
and cooling stations, an automatic temperature chamber Flexometer. The test is based on the standards ASTM D 623 ,
HP-E II Series Durometers are high-end hardness testers for testing, and can also access hard-to-reach areas. This unit can including preheating station and a specimen silo for 20 DIN 53 533, part 3 or ISO 4666.
accurate and repeatable hardness measurement of rubber, be used with the optional test stand as a benchtop laboratory
plastics, and other elastomers within the Shore A, D, B, O, instrument.
OO, OOO, C, DO scales.
Its patented pressure mechanism ensures a constant contact
The new generation of HPE offers an extended range pressure according to international standards, eliminating
of applications as well as a new innovative radio data Ultimate Flexometer
communication feature, which makes the HPE Series the most contact. The measuring time can be adjusted to test a sample
technologically advanced digital durometers on the market at for 0-99 seconds. The measured value will be stored on the
a reasonable price. display until the next measurement, and subsequently the
to imagine, that a load could be controlled electronically. The stroke, lay on weights, etc. arent necessary. Each specimen
measured value can be transferred to PC or printer via the
control was done via a balance and weights. The Ultimate (max. 56) in the specimen storage of the Ultimate Flexometer
HPE II can be conveniently used for any vertical or horizontal RS232-interface.
Flexometer is a multiprocessor system, which distributes the
controlling jobs among the actuators. Since all jobs and controls one. Testing as well as specimen handling are fully automatic.
Digital Shore Hardness Tester HPE III
Qualitest offfers Digital Hardness Tester HPE III which provides the products and raw material are regularly tested according
to the standard.
Rotary Flexometers conforming to ISO 4666/2 1982 are fully operator to go in load control for the axial axis and in position
digital systems with one motor for the axial deformation of the control for the transversal axis and vice versa. For higher volume
P&J Plastometer specimen. One motor is for the transverse deformation of the specimen. Both driving axes can measure load and position silos can bear 20 specimen each and four silos are available.
and can go in position and load control for each axis. This The handling arm can pick and place the specimens and will
Our top-of-the-line Pusey & Jones (P&J) hardness tester is integrated on the back of instrument, the dial gauge can be advantage enables the system to change all parameters with move it after the test to a rest bin. The handling system is driven
(Plastometer) is the most popular model on the market for moved up to perform tests conveniently and precisely. each specimen by software. A dead weight as used in standard by the software.
determining the penetration depth on rubber and elastomer
materials such as rubber rollers, standard blocks made of The maximum load of 9,8 N is applied by lowering the loading
rubber, and paper rollers. lever on the right side. The test result can be reached in
only 60 seconds. With the user-friendly design of our P&J
The electronic dial gauge is integrated in the instrument and hardness tester, you can perform easy, quick, and repeatable
shows the indentation depth to an accuracy of 3 decimal measurements under heavy loads. Ross Flexing Tester
places (0.000 mm). With the help of a vertical spindle which
The Ross Rubber Flexing Machine is designed to determine
HPE - Digital Barcol Hardness Tester resistance of vulcanized or synthetic elastomers to cut growth. It conforms to ASTM Method D1052, as well as ISO-4643. This
model can test 12 samples simultaneously.
Available in both analog and digital models, this Barcol Fire Protection Association (NFPA1932), the Barcol hardness
Hardness Tester accurately analyzes aluminum, glass-
reinforced plastics, duro plastics, hard thermo plastics, being exposed to high temperatures.
6 15
Rheometers Durometers: Shore & IRHD Hardness Testers
Benchtop Models
The Moving Die Rheometer MDR- 3000 measures the convenience and increased lifespan of the machine. DigiTest offers the highest level of precision, user- repeatability for your measurements.
change in stiffness of a rubber sample. The sample is Operated with a remote computer via RS-232, we can friendliness and repeatability for hardness measurement in
compressed between two heated platens and by an applied analyze results taking data at 100,000 readings per second. any of Durometer A/D/B/C/DO/OO/OOO/Micro A/ Micro D
oscillating force. The degree of vulcanization determines The machine allows for selectable times and torques during as well as IRHD Micro/ Normal/ Soft/ Supersoft scales. want to measure the hardness of O-rings, Gaskets, etc.
the cure characteristic of the sample as it is heated and
compressed. Our Moving Die Rheometer offers affordable You can monitor the test from the computer or large LCD The modular construction of DigiTest allows the users to our list of parts, and optional accessories. With the optional
testing and stunning results. We offer sealed die and un- displays on the front for in test evaluation. The design HardTest software, you can transfer, analyze, and archive
features Modular internal parts for in house servicing and needs in the most cost-effective way, and upgrade their your measuring results in your PC.
Servo driven system provides extremely steady oscillation overall easy maintenance. system with additional measuring heads according to any
frequencies as well as low noise to ensure test accuracy, of Durometer or IRHD scales, at any time at nominal cost.
With the help of a newly developed plug-in system, all of the depending on the size.
measuring heads are plugged into the pick-up bracket, and
recognized and adjusted fully automatically. The Automatic DigiTest system, fully meets or exceeds
International standards according to: ASTM D 2240, ASTM
D 1415, DIN 53505, DIN 53519 sheet 1,2, ISO 868, ISO
Mooney Viscometer results, and thus ensures the highest precision and 48, NFT 51 123, NFT 46 003, and BS 903 Part. A 26.
The Mooney Viscometer measures the change in a rubber The servo-driven motors contribute to very accurate results; Automatic Hardness and Dansity Testing
and plastic elastomer properties over time, from uncured to they are also quiet and require no maintenance. This tester is
scorched state. The specimen is physically deformed by a designed for easy maintenance; it is equipped with modular The revolutionary HDA consists of a hardness tester and a
rotating platen which will determine changing viscosity at electrical boards, quick detachable upper and lower dies, density measuring system which allows tests to be carried
preset temperatures. When the test is completed, the dies calibration via computer and auto hardware detect features. out automatically.
will automatically reset and allow for removal of the specimen. The unit is safe as it is equipped with a transparent arc
With the PID temperature controller you can assure that shield. With our Mooney viscometer you can ensure reliable This is an automatic system specialized for high capacity
smooth and accurate data will be taken throughout the test. results at an affordable price. test.
14 7
Abrasion Testers Brittleness & Environmental Testers
ET-05 ( Advanced Model ) Brittleness Point Temperature Tester
DIN Abrasion Tester The ET-05 Brittleness Point Temperature Tester is used for controls the temperature rise and measures the temperature
the automatic determination of Brittleness point according at impact. The result from each stroke is entered by typing
Our DIN Abrasion tester, which is the original product & is to ISO 812, ISO 974, ASTM D746 and ASTM D2137. the result in the software. The speed is measured after the
designed to conform to the DIN 53516, DIN ISO 4649. This
The test rig is raised by pneumatic cylinders, which require impact, to verify the speed loss during impact.
top quality and highly popular abrasion tester determines
the resistance of elastomers in regard with the frictional loss an air supply of 6 Bar. The brittleness tester is designed as
on rubber products, such as tires, conveyor belts, hoses, a falling weight tester, where the speed is set by the height
and the energy by the attached weights. The computer
abrasion, different test methods have been developed for
the simulation of long term wear.
Akron Abrasion Tester Elastometer - EF-02 is used for Compression Tests on Discontinuous stress relaxation tests according to ISO 3384 method B.
jigs for stress relaxation are simple in design but made with Standard compression tests to measure modulus, such
Akron abrasion tester is designed to evaluate the resistance as in ISO 7743
of wear on a variety of products such as rubber tires, shoe of the platens. The discontinuous stress relaxation system
soles, etc. This machine conforms to all attributed industry has an economical advantage when many materials are to
ASTM standards. be tested during very long times.
The instrument is a specialized compression tester
controlled by a PC. The software permits several types of
tests to be performed, such as:
abrasion tests.
8 13
Advanced Polymer Testing Instruments Rebound Testers & Carbon Black Analyzers
Low Temperature Tester - Combo TR Gehman Brittleness Compression Set Test System Digitest II Rebound Resilience Tester
The TR-Tester, Gehman Tester and Brittleness Tester can be combined using the same The Rebound Resilience Elasticity Tester - DIGITEST II is a
base unit and a rig changing system. The combined instrument consists of a base unit digital apparatus. Determination of the resilience elasticity
with a cooling bath and the electronics. The three different test rigs are then mounted of elastomers, soft elastic foams and similar during shock
on a carousel. No lifting is necessary when switching from one method to another. loading calculation of median value. The median value is
An automatic computerized Low Temperature Tester increases the precision up to 5 calculated and indicated on the display and sent to the PC
times. The capacity will also increase with about 50 % and not least the labour time will afterwards. A test function allows the control of the prescribed
decrease about 75 %. double swinging according to standards.
This tester has 6 test stations, is computerized and performs the test automatically
after the cooling media has been cooled down and the samples have been mounted.
Carbon Black Dispersion Tester
An automatic release of the samples is initiated after the pre cooling period has been
The computer controls both the temperature rise and measures the length change of This test is to ensure uniform dispersion of carbon black where you can save the Philips 10-grade images and data
as the standard for comparison, and display the grade of the
the samples.
characteristics and is therefore vitall to check. Our Tester is testing results.
packed with features at a very reasonable price. The main
features include: Pixel and dispersion analysis, based on
methods A and B of ASTM D-2663 to carry out the calculation standard pictures for automatic comparison and grade
Low Temperature Compression Set Rig - EV-09 and analyze the count of particles, diameter, distribution, and judgment, and via the advanced software the users can area etc., as well as Philips 10-grade automatic judgment, generate comprehensive reports.
Low Temperature Compression Set Rig - EV-09 performs The EV 09 rig has a digital gauge (0.001 mm), the piston is
compression set at low temperatures without having to open made of titanium and the test weight is simply mounted on to
the titanium piston. The sample can remain in the test rig for the
Carbon Black Content Analyzer
always been a problem. whole test period and during the recovery time.
By using our EV 09 compression rig in combination with The tube oven ES14 / Carbon Black content analyzer can be ASTM D1603 Plastics - Test method for carbon black in
used for the following and similar test methods:
a deep-freezer with a special lid, the test can be performed
ISO 247 Rubber - Determination of Ash
without touching the test piece. All adjustments of height and ISO 1408 Rubber - Determination of carbon black content Temperature controller, over temperature thermostat, drying
releasing the compression are made outside the freezer, thus, ASTM D297 Rubber - Determination of carbon black and
improving the accuracy of the test results. ash content included.
12 9
Aging Ovens Creep Testers & More EB-15 Full Notch Creep Tester
Cabinet Aging Oven - EB Series The Full Notch Creep Tester - EB-15 - For Testing of Plastics available for testing in liquids according to ISO 16770 (Full Notch
Creep Test) or in air according to ISO 899. For ISO 899 the test
Cabinet Aging Oven - EB Series EB 04 is equipped with air pump and utilizes load cells and servo motors to apply and hold the load stations are built into a precision ageing oven for tight control of
for precision aging of rubbers and rather than the conventional method of applying dead weights. conditions for long term testing. Creep can be measured by clip-
plastics under controlled conditions. version where this is replaced by a Apart from eliminating the handling problems associated with on extensometers on dumbbells or by the motor encoder when
EB 04 and EB 10 are shelf ovens weights this design offers the possibility of running features such testing strip specimens. Results are presented in graphical and
and conform to ISO 188, ISO 3383, exchange rate of changes per hour. as temperature and load ramps controlled by the computer. table formats as absolute creep or creep index. In order to study
IEC 811 and technical equivalent the actual sample failure the data logging rate is increased just
standards. They designed to give very The Ovens can be supplied with a 3 before a break occurs.
low temperature variations in time and glass window, illumination of the inner and load ranges (the Borealis unit has 10 test stations) and is
space, low air speed and controlled chamber and separate systems for
air exchange rate. This is achieved temperature control and indication Full Notch Creep Tester QT-FNCT-6 Series
by using an inner chamber with a with alarm. The ovens are supplied in
two sizes, with 60 and 120 Lt. useful
volume. Cabinet Oven EB 04-II with FNCT is used to determine the stress cracking resistance of surfactant solution. The geometry of the specimen is such that
Cabinet Ovens are ideal for aging air supply that requires external air and polyethylene materials in any environment. A test specimen plane strain conditions are obtained and brittle failure occurs
in the form of a square-section bar with coplanar notches in under appropriate tensile load and temperature conditions. The
which are unsuitable for cell ovens. 3-20 changes per hour. Cabinet Oven each face at the center, is subjected to a static tensile load in time for this brittle failure to occur after loading is recorded.
Both shelves and rods are supplied EB 04, excellent temperature stability a temperature-controlled environment, for example air, water,
with the oven for accommodating and distribution is achieved by using
most types of samples. an inner chamber with a controlled air
The Test Tube Aging Oven - EB Series are designed Monitoring oven temperatures Stress Relaxation Tester - EB-02
for aging tests according to ASTM D 865 Rubber- EC 11 is a data monitoring software monitoring
Deterioration by Heating in Air (Test Tube Enclosure). instruments such as ovens and laboratories for Stress Relaxation Tester - EB-02 for continuous measurement New Cell Ovens for Stress Relaxation We have now constructed
The ovens can also be used for testing in liquids temperature and humidity. In the software it is in either compression or tension. Meets the requirements in ISO special versions for use in relaxation testing. The height of
according to ASTM D 471 and ISO 1817 Effect of possible to set alarm limits. The software has three 3384, ISO 6914 and ASTM D6147. The relaxation rigs are used these ovens is lower and incorporates an integrated draught
liquids. Glass tubes for both standards are included. main windows, one to see actual temperature in combination with the cell ageing ovens EB 01 or EB 07 or our hood (The Draught Hood is used to eliminate variations in
values and corresponding curves, one for new range of ovens when testing at elevated temperature. force measurements due to temperature and air effects in
Common specifications: comparing historical data and one for setting the the surrounding environment.), to eliminate variation in force
The ovens perform well inside the apparatus measurements due to temperature and air effects.
requirements in ASTM D865, ASTM D471 and
ISO1817 (EB 11, EB 14).
Hot Set Tester EB-16 II
The casing consists of steel, painted with powder
paint in bluegreen colour.
Temperature controller with 0.1C set point. EB 16 II is made for hot set testing of cable material according
Solid state relay for safe control. to IEC 811-2-1. To avoid too high temperature loss when servo motor driven screw system. The oven has a controlled
Temperature indicator with sensor in one test tube inserting and cutting the samples, the samples are introduced air exchange rate and low air speed which can be controlled
(EB 11), three test tubes (EB 14). through a small opening in the top of the oven. To get a suitable
working height and not shake the samples during insertion, the IEC 811.
10 11
Aging Ovens Creep Testers & More EB-15 Full Notch Creep Tester
Cabinet Aging Oven - EB Series The Full Notch Creep Tester - EB-15 - For Testing of Plastics available for testing in liquids according to ISO 16770 (Full Notch
Creep Test) or in air according to ISO 899. For ISO 899 the test
Cabinet Aging Oven - EB Series EB 04 is equipped with air pump and utilizes load cells and servo motors to apply and hold the load stations are built into a precision ageing oven for tight control of
for precision aging of rubbers and rather than the conventional method of applying dead weights. conditions for long term testing. Creep can be measured by clip-
plastics under controlled conditions. version where this is replaced by a Apart from eliminating the handling problems associated with on extensometers on dumbbells or by the motor encoder when
EB 04 and EB 10 are shelf ovens weights this design offers the possibility of running features such testing strip specimens. Results are presented in graphical and
and conform to ISO 188, ISO 3383, exchange rate of changes per hour. as temperature and load ramps controlled by the computer. table formats as absolute creep or creep index. In order to study
IEC 811 and technical equivalent the actual sample failure the data logging rate is increased just
standards. They designed to give very The Ovens can be supplied with a 3 before a break occurs.
low temperature variations in time and glass window, illumination of the inner and load ranges (the Borealis unit has 10 test stations) and is
space, low air speed and controlled chamber and separate systems for
air exchange rate. This is achieved temperature control and indication Full Notch Creep Tester QT-FNCT-6 Series
by using an inner chamber with a with alarm. The ovens are supplied in
two sizes, with 60 and 120 Lt. useful
volume. Cabinet Oven EB 04-II with FNCT is used to determine the stress cracking resistance of surfactant solution. The geometry of the specimen is such that
Cabinet Ovens are ideal for aging air supply that requires external air and polyethylene materials in any environment. A test specimen plane strain conditions are obtained and brittle failure occurs
in the form of a square-section bar with coplanar notches in under appropriate tensile load and temperature conditions. The
which are unsuitable for cell ovens. 3-20 changes per hour. Cabinet Oven each face at the center, is subjected to a static tensile load in time for this brittle failure to occur after loading is recorded.
Both shelves and rods are supplied EB 04, excellent temperature stability a temperature-controlled environment, for example air, water,
with the oven for accommodating and distribution is achieved by using
most types of samples. an inner chamber with a controlled air
The Test Tube Aging Oven - EB Series are designed Monitoring oven temperatures Stress Relaxation Tester - EB-02
for aging tests according to ASTM D 865 Rubber- EC 11 is a data monitoring software monitoring
Deterioration by Heating in Air (Test Tube Enclosure). instruments such as ovens and laboratories for Stress Relaxation Tester - EB-02 for continuous measurement New Cell Ovens for Stress Relaxation We have now constructed
The ovens can also be used for testing in liquids temperature and humidity. In the software it is in either compression or tension. Meets the requirements in ISO special versions for use in relaxation testing. The height of
according to ASTM D 471 and ISO 1817 Effect of possible to set alarm limits. The software has three 3384, ISO 6914 and ASTM D6147. The relaxation rigs are used these ovens is lower and incorporates an integrated draught
liquids. Glass tubes for both standards are included. main windows, one to see actual temperature in combination with the cell ageing ovens EB 01 or EB 07 or our hood (The Draught Hood is used to eliminate variations in
values and corresponding curves, one for new range of ovens when testing at elevated temperature. force measurements due to temperature and air effects in
Common specifications: comparing historical data and one for setting the the surrounding environment.), to eliminate variation in force
The ovens perform well inside the apparatus measurements due to temperature and air effects.
requirements in ASTM D865, ASTM D471 and
ISO1817 (EB 11, EB 14).
Hot Set Tester EB-16 II
The casing consists of steel, painted with powder
paint in bluegreen colour.
Temperature controller with 0.1C set point. EB 16 II is made for hot set testing of cable material according
Solid state relay for safe control. to IEC 811-2-1. To avoid too high temperature loss when servo motor driven screw system. The oven has a controlled
Temperature indicator with sensor in one test tube inserting and cutting the samples, the samples are introduced air exchange rate and low air speed which can be controlled
(EB 11), three test tubes (EB 14). through a small opening in the top of the oven. To get a suitable
working height and not shake the samples during insertion, the IEC 811.
10 11
Advanced Polymer Testing Instruments Rebound Testers & Carbon Black Analyzers
Low Temperature Tester - Combo TR Gehman Brittleness Compression Set Test System Digitest II Rebound Resilience Tester
The TR-Tester, Gehman Tester and Brittleness Tester can be combined using the same The Rebound Resilience Elasticity Tester - DIGITEST II is a
base unit and a rig changing system. The combined instrument consists of a base unit digital apparatus. Determination of the resilience elasticity
with a cooling bath and the electronics. The three different test rigs are then mounted of elastomers, soft elastic foams and similar during shock
on a carousel. No lifting is necessary when switching from one method to another. loading calculation of median value. The median value is
An automatic computerized Low Temperature Tester increases the precision up to 5 calculated and indicated on the display and sent to the PC
times. The capacity will also increase with about 50 % and not least the labour time will afterwards. A test function allows the control of the prescribed
decrease about 75 %. double swinging according to standards.
This tester has 6 test stations, is computerized and performs the test automatically
after the cooling media has been cooled down and the samples have been mounted.
Carbon Black Dispersion Tester
An automatic release of the samples is initiated after the pre cooling period has been
The computer controls both the temperature rise and measures the length change of This test is to ensure uniform dispersion of carbon black where you can save the Philips 10-grade images and data
as the standard for comparison, and display the grade of the
the samples.
characteristics and is therefore vitall to check. Our Tester is testing results.
packed with features at a very reasonable price. The main
features include: Pixel and dispersion analysis, based on
methods A and B of ASTM D-2663 to carry out the calculation standard pictures for automatic comparison and grade
Low Temperature Compression Set Rig - EV-09 and analyze the count of particles, diameter, distribution, and judgment, and via the advanced software the users can area etc., as well as Philips 10-grade automatic judgment, generate comprehensive reports.
Low Temperature Compression Set Rig - EV-09 performs The EV 09 rig has a digital gauge (0.001 mm), the piston is
compression set at low temperatures without having to open made of titanium and the test weight is simply mounted on to
the titanium piston. The sample can remain in the test rig for the
Carbon Black Content Analyzer
always been a problem. whole test period and during the recovery time.
By using our EV 09 compression rig in combination with The tube oven ES14 / Carbon Black content analyzer can be ASTM D1603 Plastics - Test method for carbon black in
used for the following and similar test methods:
a deep-freezer with a special lid, the test can be performed
ISO 247 Rubber - Determination of Ash
without touching the test piece. All adjustments of height and ISO 1408 Rubber - Determination of carbon black content Temperature controller, over temperature thermostat, drying
releasing the compression are made outside the freezer, thus, ASTM D297 Rubber - Determination of carbon black and
improving the accuracy of the test results. ash content included.
12 9
Abrasion Testers Brittleness & Environmental Testers
ET-05 ( Advanced Model ) Brittleness Point Temperature Tester
DIN Abrasion Tester The ET-05 Brittleness Point Temperature Tester is used for controls the temperature rise and measures the temperature
the automatic determination of Brittleness point according at impact. The result from each stroke is entered by typing
Our DIN Abrasion tester, which is the original product & is to ISO 812, ISO 974, ASTM D746 and ASTM D2137. the result in the software. The speed is measured after the
designed to conform to the DIN 53516, DIN ISO 4649. This
The test rig is raised by pneumatic cylinders, which require impact, to verify the speed loss during impact.
top quality and highly popular abrasion tester determines
the resistance of elastomers in regard with the frictional loss an air supply of 6 Bar. The brittleness tester is designed as
on rubber products, such as tires, conveyor belts, hoses, a falling weight tester, where the speed is set by the height
and the energy by the attached weights. The computer
abrasion, different test methods have been developed for
the simulation of long term wear.
Akron Abrasion Tester Elastometer - EF-02 is used for Compression Tests on Discontinuous stress relaxation tests according to ISO 3384 method B.
jigs for stress relaxation are simple in design but made with Standard compression tests to measure modulus, such
Akron abrasion tester is designed to evaluate the resistance as in ISO 7743
of wear on a variety of products such as rubber tires, shoe of the platens. The discontinuous stress relaxation system
soles, etc. This machine conforms to all attributed industry has an economical advantage when many materials are to
ASTM standards. be tested during very long times.
The instrument is a specialized compression tester
controlled by a PC. The software permits several types of
tests to be performed, such as:
abrasion tests.
8 13
Rheometers Durometers: Shore & IRHD Hardness Testers
Benchtop Models
The Moving Die Rheometer MDR- 3000 measures the convenience and increased lifespan of the machine. DigiTest offers the highest level of precision, user- repeatability for your measurements.
change in stiffness of a rubber sample. The sample is Operated with a remote computer via RS-232, we can friendliness and repeatability for hardness measurement in
compressed between two heated platens and by an applied analyze results taking data at 100,000 readings per second. any of Durometer A/D/B/C/DO/OO/OOO/Micro A/ Micro D
oscillating force. The degree of vulcanization determines The machine allows for selectable times and torques during as well as IRHD Micro/ Normal/ Soft/ Supersoft scales. want to measure the hardness of O-rings, Gaskets, etc.
the cure characteristic of the sample as it is heated and
compressed. Our Moving Die Rheometer offers affordable You can monitor the test from the computer or large LCD The modular construction of DigiTest allows the users to our list of parts, and optional accessories. With the optional
testing and stunning results. We offer sealed die and un- displays on the front for in test evaluation. The design HardTest software, you can transfer, analyze, and archive
features Modular internal parts for in house servicing and needs in the most cost-effective way, and upgrade their your measuring results in your PC.
Servo driven system provides extremely steady oscillation overall easy maintenance. system with additional measuring heads according to any
frequencies as well as low noise to ensure test accuracy, of Durometer or IRHD scales, at any time at nominal cost.
With the help of a newly developed plug-in system, all of the depending on the size.
measuring heads are plugged into the pick-up bracket, and
recognized and adjusted fully automatically. The Automatic DigiTest system, fully meets or exceeds
International standards according to: ASTM D 2240, ASTM
D 1415, DIN 53505, DIN 53519 sheet 1,2, ISO 868, ISO
Mooney Viscometer results, and thus ensures the highest precision and 48, NFT 51 123, NFT 46 003, and BS 903 Part. A 26.
The Mooney Viscometer measures the change in a rubber The servo-driven motors contribute to very accurate results; Automatic Hardness and Dansity Testing
and plastic elastomer properties over time, from uncured to they are also quiet and require no maintenance. This tester is
scorched state. The specimen is physically deformed by a designed for easy maintenance; it is equipped with modular The revolutionary HDA consists of a hardness tester and a
rotating platen which will determine changing viscosity at electrical boards, quick detachable upper and lower dies, density measuring system which allows tests to be carried
preset temperatures. When the test is completed, the dies calibration via computer and auto hardware detect features. out automatically.
will automatically reset and allow for removal of the specimen. The unit is safe as it is equipped with a transparent arc
With the PID temperature controller you can assure that shield. With our Mooney viscometer you can ensure reliable This is an automatic system specialized for high capacity
smooth and accurate data will be taken throughout the test. results at an affordable price. test.
14 7
Durometers: Shore & IRHD Hardness Testers Flex Testers
Portable Models
HP-Series Analog Durometer DeMattia Flex Fatigue Testers
Our range of HP Durometers are suitable for accurate hardness Our durometer line is optionally available with a maximum Our advanced DeMattia Flexing Tester Conforms to ASTM
measurement of all natural and synthetic rubber products, indicating pointer. This feature makes the maximum value D-430 method B and ASTM D-813 standards to measure the A key advantage of this DeMattia tester is that the upper and
plastics, acrylic glass, acetates, casting resin, polyester, ability of soft rubber compounds, leather and similar materials to lower grips both move in opposite directions, thus resulting in
themoplastics, PVC, neoprenes, hardboards, wood, leather, characteristics of the material after a certain test time. The resist dynamic fatigue. This DeMattia Flexing apparatus is used reducing the level of vibration and the noise found in traditional
and even fruits. These tests can determine whether samples type A durometer, combined with the screw-on loading weight to determine the crack growth of vulcanized rubber, leather, etc.
are within the Shore A, D, B, O, OO, OOO, C, DO scales. according to ASTM D 2240 and DIN 53505, guarantees a
constant measuring result. measure the resistance to dynamic fatigue of vulcanized rubber fatigue tester.
These durometers are the highest precision models on the and elastomers test specimen when subjected to repeated
market with very easy handling. HP Durometers can be used BS 61 Test Stand is an ideal accessory to be used with our bending and extension.
as portable instruments and as benchtop units. All of our HP Durometers for higher volume benchtop measurements.
analog durometers have an antiglare scale with graduation The pick-up device allows a quick and easy mounting of the
between 0-100. The most important advantage of these handy durometer. The built-in loading device for hardness tests within Goodrich Flexometer
analog durometers is the precise indication of their measured Shore A range guarantees a constant pressure as prescribed
values, due to the unique design of the spring mechanism. in DIN 53505 and ASTM D 2204. The hardness results can
In Collaboration with Doli, Qualitest offers standard or fully specimens.
constant load.
Flexometer which have been manufactured since 1985. The Compression Flexometer is used as testing instrument
HPE-II Digital Durometers The automatic Flexometer system features height measurement black etc.) and the tire industry use this type of Compression
and cooling stations, an automatic temperature chamber Flexometer. The test is based on the standards ASTM D 623 ,
HP-E II Series Durometers are high-end hardness testers for testing, and can also access hard-to-reach areas. This unit can including preheating station and a specimen silo for 20 DIN 53 533, part 3 or ISO 4666.
accurate and repeatable hardness measurement of rubber, be used with the optional test stand as a benchtop laboratory
plastics, and other elastomers within the Shore A, D, B, O, instrument.
OO, OOO, C, DO scales.
Its patented pressure mechanism ensures a constant contact
The new generation of HPE offers an extended range pressure according to international standards, eliminating
of applications as well as a new innovative radio data Ultimate Flexometer
communication feature, which makes the HPE Series the most contact. The measuring time can be adjusted to test a sample
technologically advanced digital durometers on the market at for 0-99 seconds. The measured value will be stored on the
a reasonable price. display until the next measurement, and subsequently the
to imagine, that a load could be controlled electronically. The stroke, lay on weights, etc. arent necessary. Each specimen
measured value can be transferred to PC or printer via the
control was done via a balance and weights. The Ultimate (max. 56) in the specimen storage of the Ultimate Flexometer
HPE II can be conveniently used for any vertical or horizontal RS232-interface.
Flexometer is a multiprocessor system, which distributes the
controlling jobs among the actuators. Since all jobs and controls one. Testing as well as specimen handling are fully automatic.
Digital Shore Hardness Tester HPE III
Qualitest offfers Digital Hardness Tester HPE III which provides the products and raw material are regularly tested according
to the standard.
Rotary Flexometers conforming to ISO 4666/2 1982 are fully operator to go in load control for the axial axis and in position
digital systems with one motor for the axial deformation of the control for the transversal axis and vice versa. For higher volume
P&J Plastometer specimen. One motor is for the transverse deformation of the specimen. Both driving axes can measure load and position silos can bear 20 specimen each and four silos are available.
and can go in position and load control for each axis. This The handling arm can pick and place the specimens and will
Our top-of-the-line Pusey & Jones (P&J) hardness tester is integrated on the back of instrument, the dial gauge can be advantage enables the system to change all parameters with move it after the test to a rest bin. The handling system is driven
(Plastometer) is the most popular model on the market for moved up to perform tests conveniently and precisely. each specimen by software. A dead weight as used in standard by the software.
determining the penetration depth on rubber and elastomer
materials such as rubber rollers, standard blocks made of The maximum load of 9,8 N is applied by lowering the loading
rubber, and paper rollers. lever on the right side. The test result can be reached in
only 60 seconds. With the user-friendly design of our P&J
The electronic dial gauge is integrated in the instrument and hardness tester, you can perform easy, quick, and repeatable
shows the indentation depth to an accuracy of 3 decimal measurements under heavy loads. Ross Flexing Tester
places (0.000 mm). With the help of a vertical spindle which
The Ross Rubber Flexing Machine is designed to determine
HPE - Digital Barcol Hardness Tester resistance of vulcanized or synthetic elastomers to cut growth. It conforms to ASTM Method D1052, as well as ISO-4643. This
model can test 12 samples simultaneously.
Available in both analog and digital models, this Barcol Fire Protection Association (NFPA1932), the Barcol hardness
Hardness Tester accurately analyzes aluminum, glass-
reinforced plastics, duro plastics, hard thermo plastics, being exposed to high temperatures.
6 15
Specific Gravity Testers - Densimeters Universal Testing Machines
Electronic Densimeter EW-300SG For plastics and polymer industry, capacities up to 100kN load frames are
normally used, however the Q-Series UTMs are available with capacities up to tear tests, as well as extensometers, temperature chambers, load cells and
Only 10 seconds to measure density and volume, just
2,000 kN (440,000 lbf) in electro-mechanical design used for higher strength
putting the sample into the water. Ideal machine for the
materials such as metals and composites. Qualitest also offers extended
interval testing of production line.
height or width load frames for higher elongation materials or oversized As top of the line solution for high volume and in-line testing, Qualitest
samples. offers fully automated testing systems featuring Compact Line as lower cost
alternative for low to medium testing requirements or the Multi-Line for the
Minimum density and volume resolution 0.01g/cm .
We offer a wide range of tensile grips such as pneumatic, wedge, eccentric
Maximum measuring range up to 300g. roller, pincer and screw grips with various jaw inserts to guarantee the and highest volume testing environments.
Result judgments with Comparator Mode is available.
as the other models. Selectable measuring time from 4 units. Graphic post-analysis of tests
Automatic Handling Universal Testing Machines Statistical analysis of tests
Tear Test
Error tolerance can be shown.
Suitable for Plastic Pellets, Films, Rubbers, Fabric,
QM Series Universal Testing Machines
Medical, Food, and Chemical that need to be measured to
avoid the error on the third decimal. The QM-Series Universal Testing Machine can satisfy requirements for many The Universal Testing Machine (UTM) is used to test both the tensile and
kinds of material tests. It has a highly rigid construction and precision servo compressive strength of materials. Universal Testing Machines are named as
motor drive components. Using specialized testing software, the unit can such because they can perform many different varieties of tests on an equally
perform tensile tests, compression tests, bending tests as well as peeling diverse range of materials, components, and structures. Most UTM models
tests. The software is multilingual and is designed to be used with ease. It also
has all kinds of metric units, real-time graphs and provides complete material
Densimeter MDS-300 analysis. Universal Testing Machines can accommodate many kinds of materials,
Easy density measurement of not only solid, and liquid Features:
The QM-Series has a two column design for better stability and rigidity. The such as rubber and textiles. This diversity makes the Universal Testing Machine
sample density, but also new function of powder density Higher accuracy with resolution of 0.001g/cm3, and
machines stroke can be extended and the elongation factor can be as high equally applicable to virtually any manufacturing industry.
measurement added with resolution of 0.001g/cm3 and reference value of 0.0001g/cm3 can be displayed.
as 800% with successful tests, depending on the material.
reference value of 0.0001g/cm3. New designed Sensor No need to open and close the lid with new designed
The UTM is a versatile and valuable piece of testing equipment that can
and Auto-weighing function improve accuracy and working Sensor. Smaller size lid brings less error value, and less
The QM-Series Universal Testing Machine is loaded with technical features, evaluate materials properties such as tensile strength, elasticity, compression,
operation time.
ergonomic design and is produced with high quality as a benchmark. This yield strength, elastic and plastic deformation, bend compression, and strain
instrument is suitable to be used in: Production lines, where the operator has to hardening. Different models of Universal Testing Machines have different load
weighing function. (Semiautomatic measurement)
capacities, some as low as 2 kN and others as high as 3,000 kN.
where using the advanced software, the users can analyze the test data, have
Densimeter MDS-3000
MDS-3000 can measure maximum capacity up to 3kg. Features:
Wide measuring capacity enables to measure the samples
without cutting, and it gives the whole sample average with weight up to 3kg can be measured.
density. Sensor & Water tank size can be customized Minimum resolution of 0.01g/cm and reference value of
depending on the sample size. Easy and convenient 0.001g/cm3 can be displayed.
Auto-weighing Function is a standard feature.
weighing function. (Semiautomatic measurement)
New function of powder density substituted
16 5
Universal Testing Machines Specimen Dies & Clicker Presses
Use of Universal Testing Machines in the Plastics Industry Specimen Dies ASTM Standard
ASTM D-412 A Tensile Sample Cutting Die
Tensile testing is the most basic and common plastics test ASTM D-412 B Tensile Sample Cutting Die
Miscellaneous DIN Standard ASTM D-412 C Tensile Sample Cutting Die
method, which provides data on ultimate strength, modulus, ISO 34 A DIN 53504 S1 ASTM D-412 D Tensile Sample Cutting Die
elongation, toughness and yield strength as per various North ISO 34 B DIN 53504 S2 ASTM D-412 F Tensile Sample Cutting Die
American or International standards such as ASTM D638. ISO 37, Type 1 through 4 DIN 53504 S3 ASTM D-638 Type I Tensile Die
ISO/DIS 3167 DIN 53504 S3A ASTM D-638 Type II Tensile Die
quite common for the plastics as per ASTM D790 and other .250 x 5.0 ASTM D-638 Type III Tensile Die
.500 x 5.0 ASTM D-638 Type IV Tensile Die
1.000 x 6.0 ASTM D-638 Type V Tensile Die
point or 4 point types used to test rigid and semi-rigid plastics.
Also compression tests are very important for many molded Accessories ASTM D-1822-S
Mallet Handles ASTM D-1822 L
parts as per ASTM D695 and other similar international
Shanks ASTM D-1708 Microtensile Die
standards. Compression test is commonly used on foams ASTM D-624 B Tear Sample Cutting Die
and packaging materials ASTM D-624 C Tear Sample Cutting Die
ASTM D-624 T Tear Sample Cutting Die
ASTM D-1004
Q-Series Advanced Universal Testing Machines ASTM D-1922
ASTM D-746
The Q-Series Universal Tensile/Compression Testing ASTM D-746 T50
ASTM D-1938
Machines, with a stylish look and state-of-the-art design,
ASTM D-2209 Leather Tensile
meet the highest demands of quality-testing professionals ASTM D-2212 Leather Slit Tear
and test applications in the plastics industry. Table-top Q-Series Universal Testing Machines
Other ASTM Dies Available Upon Request
The Q-Series UTMs high resolution and the capability to Models Capacity
Q2.5 Single Column 2.5 kN / 550 lbf / 250 kgf
accurate tests at very low loads, enabling the widest range of Specimen Molds
Q5 Double Column 5 kN / 1,100 lbf / 500 kgf
coverage with a single load cell. Our molds are made of P20 tool steel that is hardened, ground,
Q10 Double Column 10 kN / 2,200 lbf / 1,000 kgf
Other advantages of the new Q-Series tensile testers starting Q25 Double Column 25 kN / 5,500 lbf / 2,500 kgf Typical molds have one to four cavities. Various sizes are available.
from Q5 and up include a minimum test speed of 0.0005 mm/ Test specimens are cut to uniform thickness. All of the molds meet
Q50 Double Column 50 kN / 11,000 lbf / 5,000 kgf
min., a stroke reading of 0.5 m and a two-year warranty. many national and international standards such as ASTM, DIN,
Q100 Double Column 100 kN / 22,000 lbf / 10,000 kgf and ISO.
Programming tests and monitoring results can be performed
through the powerful and intelligent GraphWork test software,
which allows complete and accurate data management, QM-Series Universal Testing Machines
in accordance with North American and international test Models Capacity Manual Test Sample Clicker Press
standards. The advanced, modular software comes with QM2 2 kN / 450 lbf / 200 kgf These units operate well in stand-alone cutting situations, and
a comprehensive library of test standards--in accordance also compliment a Hydraulic press for smaller operations. With the
QM5 5 kN / 1,100 lbf / 500 kgf
with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and single lever rotation and compressing action, its operating speed
international norms--included at no extra cost. QM10 10 kN / 2,200 lbf / 1,000 kgf exceeds industry standards and costs a fraction of the price of a
QM20 20 kN / 4,100 lbf / 2,000 kgf hydraulic press.
The low-cost single column UTM model Q2.5 also comes QM50 50 kN / 11,000 lbf / 5,000 kgf
QM100 100 kN / 22,000 lbf / 10,000 kgf
display, and can optionally be supplied with the advanced
GraphWork software.
Auto-Pneumatic Clicker Press
This low-cost and high-quality Pneumatic clicker press only requires
air to operate and is widely used in the rubber and plastics industry
for accurately cutting rubber, leather, and plastics specimens. The
Auto-Pneumatic clicker press is available in 3 or 5 ton capacities,
which can be used to cut rubber samples with thickness up to 10
or 15mm. This unit is a compact and cost-effective solution for any
testing laboratory.
4 17
More Rubber Testing Instruments
Ozone Tester / Ozone Chamber QT-0500
Ozone testing is an accelerated test method used primarily Rubber & Elastomers
for evaluating the resistance of rubber products to cracking
Rubber compounds are one of the most complex and universally Some rubber and elastomer products are quite economical. One of
surface is in tension and placed in the exposure chamber for the popular elastomers for many consumer products, such as toys
has been plasticized PVC. To minimize the cost of a low performance
the user.
than their own weight results in a wide range of properties, possible
to achieve. Quite often, rubber and elastomer compounds are used higher end of the price range, specialty elastomers made of exotic
where resistance to impact, or toughness is desired. Where elasticity compounds are used for aerospace applications and possess critical
during stretching and recoil are needed, rubber and elastomers are properties for high temperature environments. As a rule of thumb,
Salt Spray Tester ideal materials. An elastomer can be stretched to many times its original length yet bounce back without permanent deformation. mean higher cost products and more careful and complex testing
The Salt Spray (Fog) Tester is used to create and maintain is required.
the salt spray (fog) test environment, and test the anti-erosion
quality of the materials surfaces. Our salt spray testers
available in two capacities meet ASTM B117, and ISO-9227 General Applications
standard test methods.
Tires are a typical example of a product made from optimized
compounds consisting of several natural and synthetic rubber
compounds along with numerous reactive agents and carbon and
other particles. The complex rubber compounds used in tires have
Tire Plunger Tester
taken many years to optimize and still intense formulating and testing
continues on improving their consistency and performance.
Our advanced range of Tire Plunger Testers is available in
range of plunger testers are widely used in the tire industry Rubber compounds used for shoe soles, tires, gaskets, belts, and
bead unseating, vertical stiffness, lateral stiffness, footprint and meet the corresponding ASTM and other international pulleys are optimized formulations, utilizing precise amounts of many
analysis, dimension measurement, envelope stiffness, bevel standard test methods.
different components. This complexity makes testing functions, a
huge responsibility within any organization whose products include
Compression Set Testing according to ASTM D395 test capability of an elastomeric gasket, seal or cushioning pad to used in high temperature applications.
method, measures the ability of rubber to return to its perform over a long period of time. The resulting permanent
original thickness after prolonged compressive stresses at set that a gasket may take over time may cause a leak; or
in the case of a shock isolation pad, the ability to protect an
compressed over time, it loses its ability to return to its original accidentally dropped unit may be compromised.
thickness. This loss of resiliency (memory) may reduce the
18 3
About Qualitest More Rubber Testing Instruments
Fogging Tester EB 03
QUALITEST, together with the network, is a global With rapidly growing presence in North America and worldwide, For determination of windscreen fogging according to
supplier of testing technologies that help customers improve their ISO, DIN, ASTM and other automotive standards. The
design, development and manufacturing processes. Our mission is network of sales and service partners. This global presence ensures equipment has a compact design with the heating
bath and cooling bath integrated in one casing.
to help our customers design, develop and produce their products
For cooling the water bath, the instrument is normally
faster, with higher quality and at a lower cost. A leader in offering the service, support and consulting services to realize optimal return on connected to tap water of max 18C. If the tap water
widest range of precision plastics & rubber testing technologies on the their testing solution investments. is too warm, a model EB 03C can be supplied with a
market, Qualitest leverages extensive industry experience to provide built in cooling system with Peltier elements.
products that determine the mechanical properties of polymers Qualitest offers direct after sales service/calibration support or through
including rubber, plastics and other elastomers. These solutions our authorized and nationwide A2LA accredited and ISO 17025
include portable and low cost hardness testers as well as bench-top
and sophisticated systems to meet your highest demands.
Resistivity Tester EE 01
For determination of volume resistivity on conductive
14 Rheometers
15 Flex Testers
2 19
Qualitest also offers an extensive range of testing solutions for plastics, foam, paper &
cardboard, textiles, cement & concrete, and metals.
Qualitest Locations:
Canada: Richmond Hill, Ontario Contact Information: