Ryc October 2016 Burgee
Ryc October 2016 Burgee
Ryc October 2016 Burgee
When I first came to the RYC to submit my well planned with help from family and
friends. We were also very lucky to have
membership application in June 2016, I
knew it would be the perfect location for my the perfect mid-September warm weather.
It was a wonderful wedding ceremony that
On September 18, at sunset, our wedding we will always remember. Im sure we will
reminisce about it from time to time for the
ceremony took place on the deck of our
boat, which was docked at the end of the rest of our lives.
ramp. Guests gathered closely on the dock, My wife and I would like to take this opstanding and watching the ceremony. We portunity to thank the Commodore, Ron
had the wedding reception at the tent area. Haag, for letting us use his tent setup,
The setting was so beautiful that all guests flowers and stereo. We would also like to
thank the RYC directors for approving our
were astonished and amazed.
Deep-down I was very proud when guests wedding at the RYC and the members who
told me how impressed they were. It was
season. So as to not impinge on your boating activities, the plan is to hold these on a
Friday evening. Maybe we can/will combine pot luck dinners and movie nights
together. Just a thought? I would like to
thank and recognize my grandson, Winston, and his friends Eric and Henry for
running the popcorn machine.
Thank you Colleen McKee for again
running the Scrabble Tournament.
The final PA event is Docks Out.
Thanks go out to Lucie Mainguy, Michelle
Begin, and Brenda Strauss for helping out
with PA.
There are several behind the scene
members who are working for you. Garry
Mulder and his team of various members
put up and take down the tents for your
social and private events as needed. Fred
Cameron ensures you have ice at the club
for your needs. For those travelling on the
water and staying at various marinas and
or Yacht Clubs, Terry Payan handles all the
reciprocal agreements. Every year Gary
Ward arranges for us to have the RYC Garage Sale & getting the Rope Man there as
a service to you. And finally, your Burgee
editor, Scott Bradley, who continues to do
the best Burgee papers ever.
I am certain I have left some of you
out and for this I apologize. I thank you all
enormously for all your work to ensure we
hold social functions and activities which
meet our members needs and continue to
make the RYC the best co-op Yacht club in
Ron Haag
Vice Commodore
Bill Ogilvie
Land Property
Don Fleurs
Water Property
Public Affairs
Brendan Verhey
Alain Koch
Legal Advisor
Compound Manager
Property Manager
Dockmaster West
Asst Dockmaster W
Dockmaster East
Asst Dockmaster E
Mooring Master
[email protected]
Safety Officer
Burgee Editor
Shawn Marley
Denis Fournier
Denis Cadieux
Frank Kuschnereit
Serge Millen
Derek Smith
Carter Brown
Cameron Darling
Steve Carbonneau
Mike Walker
Andre Normandin
Gary McCrank
Mary Baker
Russ Gee
Scott Bradley
till I tell (Whack!)
, dont
s skipper was seeing stars...and
it was only mid-afternoon. Two consecutive
boom-on-noggin events just as the Pearson
28 crossed the start line for the 2016
Dave Rodger Memorial Cup race.
Now most of us in the Rockcliffe Yacht
Club Sailing Group (RYCSG) know that
Scott Bradley is a man of few words. What
we did not know was that his crewmate,
Ginette, habitually listens to only about
half of the very few that he does say.
This was a revelation of sorts. Being a
male, I was led to believe that selective
hearing is an affliction that mostly affects
men, so Im told. Or so I think Ive been
told (but, of course, I cant be certain that
I actually listened if and when I was told,
therefore its debatable as to whether I
heard that said. Whatever.
Back to the story. It seems that Ginette was in selective-hearing mode as
the Race Marshall signalled the start. Being a responsible crewmate, she heard, and
responded promptly to, the executive command TURN. And turn she did - twice in
succession. Now Ginette is known for being of a most positive disposition so natu-
they topped the evening off with their potluck supper, and the RYC contributed corn
on the cob for all present.
If you read the last
, you
might be wondering how Optimistic Al
made out aboard
. Alas, optimism only gets ones boat to go so fast;
and this time (again), even with Carole not
employing selective listening, hanging on
to every word Alain said, and executing
timely tacks both at the winches and at the
still came up short. They
did achieve one notable result, however.
bested Terrys
first mate Bert Hall acting as a human
whisker pole on the westward leg) by a
mere eight tenths of a minute in this near
hour and a half race.
With the DRMC now a thing of the
past for 2016, the RYCSG thanks the
DRMC Committee; Scott Bradley, Elizabeth and Terry Payan, and Raymond
Touchette. As special note of thanks goes
to our long-time sailor, associate member
and one of the clubs founding members,
Pierre Lamontagne, for once again being
the Race Marshall.
Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph and Cambridge. An announcement of the successful bidder is expected on March 30
or 31, 2017.
The Canada Games rank alongside
other major sporting events like the
Grey Cup, World Junior Hockey Championship and FIFA (Fdration Internationale de Football Association)
championships. The games are a twoweek long sporting event that would
take place in late July and early August
of 2021. [the impact to RYC would be
one week only]
Promoting the nations capital as
an ideal location for major national and
international events and conventions is
a cornerstone of the Citys economic
development plan. The City developed
the Bid More, Win More, Host More
strategy in partnership with Ottawa
Tourism to promote Ottawa as a worldclass event hosting destination, create
jobs and grow our local economy.
As a result of Ottawa moving on to
the next phase of the bid process, I
have been invited to a meeting on November 14th to learn what the next
steps are with respect to the rowing
venue. As mentioned previously, the
real work will begin only if Ottawa wins
the bid and we begin the process of
negotiating the details of our role in
the hosting the Rowing events in
Out of Port and Associate members are welcome to attend although they do not hold voting privileges