Volume 99, Issue 1
Volume 99, Issue 1
Volume 99, Issue 1
project in Bobby Dodd that was part way done. is construction is being done Although construction to replace the steam line across campus this summer pipe in Bobby Dodd from will be lighter than it has Fowler to Williams Street in the more recent summer while also improving the semesters, students, faculty storm drainage in the street and sta can still expect and completing streetscape some closures and delays in work in this area. certain areas around came project was started pus. in February and is set for e goal for most of completion by September these projects during the 2013 before the rst home summer months is to get as football game. Techwood much work done as possible Drive will be open for the with the least amount of remainder of the summer, inconvenience for everyone but Bobby Dodd Way, on campus, which occurs Fowler Street and Brittain during the fall semester Drive NW are all closed from an increase of people to through tra c. Peters moving around campus. Parking Deck will remain una ected by construction !%!!"#/%//#&01)2#3,41# and still be open. +153)-12140 Phase 3 of continuing -+-#&0)25,13/&#+147 a steam line replacement %8)0,%4#5+%$1-0 !"#$%"&'()*
On Monday, a large portion of the work on the Stamps Roe Field began with the removal of the turf, in ux of construction equipment and the mount of construction fencing around the elds so that
the original fencing could be removed and replaced. e elds will be closed for the summer through August 2013 for an extensive renovation project which will leave all parts of the
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Earlier this month the College of Computing (COC) announced that a partnership with Udacity and AT&T to o er the rst professional Online Masters of Science degree in Computer Science (OMS CS) that can be earned by students exclusively through the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivery format. is degree program will be available at a reduced cost than a traditional residential degree program and, although nal costs have not been formally announced, the total tuition for the program is initially expected to be less
than $7,000 according to the Techs announcement. ere is constant evolution in higher education and we dont want to only be a part of it we want to lead it and we are very excited to be the rst that o er not only courses for credit but an accredited degree using the MOOC [format], said Dr. Zvi Galil, COC Dean. Initial enrollment will be limited to a few hundred select students from both Georgia Tech and AT&T corporate a liates with opening enrollment matriculation during the Fall 2014 semester. With time, the degree program will be expanded on to being available to the general
2 !"#$%"&'(")*'&!"technique
The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper
!"#$%&'#(')*#!+, Sam Somani (!-./!"#$%&, Joshua Garrick %0#(#%(./!"#$%&, Sam Somani +%)1./!"#$%&, Ian Smith !($!&$2#(3!($/!"#$%&, Keith Frady .0%&$./!"#$%&, Newt Clark %(4#(!/!"#$%&,/ Truitt Clark
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an o cial publication of the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. e Technique publishes on Fridays weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in the summer. 2"5!&$#.#(6 !" Information can be found online at nique.net/ads. e deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing information, or for any other questions please email us at [email protected]. You may reach us at (404) 894-2830, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. )%5!&26!/ &!71!.$. ,/ Requests for coverage and tips should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant section editor. Copyright 2013, Sam Somani, Editorin-Chief, and the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. e ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Publications, the students, sta , or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia.
dividual, who then informed the o cer that he had marijuana in the front pocket of his shirt. e suspect was searched and found to have no outstanding warrants. He told the o cer that he had no o cial business on Techs Campus and was hitchhiking his way to Maryland. He was given a criminal trespass warning and released. e marijuana was con scated and placed into evidence for destruction.
!"#$%&'($&#)*+%&$,% 3#"$%-(/8%38/.)2&!/$2)$#). On May 2 at 11:05 a.m.., GTPD o cers received a call from Capitol Police requesting assistance regarding a phoned in bomb threat at 2 Peachtree St. e caller stated that a bomb would be detonated in 30 minutes on the 20th oor of 2 Peachtree St. e Georgia Tech K9 units were advised to provide any necessary support. When GTPD o cers arrived at 2 Peachtree Street, they met with the incident commander and agreed that oors 19-21 would be searched. O cers and K9s Koda and Toby proceeded to search the oors, but did not nd any presence of explosive odors that the dogs were trained to detect. &2("%3/32ΐ(2/32( On May 11 at 9:15 a.m., an o cer patrolling the Marietta Street Properties observed a shirtless white male attempting to bathe himself with the waterspout on the side of one of the Marietta Street buildings. e o cer made contact with the in-
:$:/)2&/$*!+$/2("/&!$1&(; On May 10 at 11:30 a.m., an o cer was dispatched to Peters Parking Deck for a Stolen Auto Report. Upon arrival, the o cer met with the student who explained that he had parked his white Mazda on the top level of Peters Parking Deck the night of May 7. He returned to his vehicle on May 9 at noon to nd his vehicle had been moved to the bottom level of the parking deck. He also could not nd his keys and was sure that he had not left them in his car. e Mazda was not damaged and nothing was taken, although he found an unusual McDonalds receipt dated at 6 a.m. that morning. e o cer pulled video footage and discovered a white male with blond hair, wearing sandals, shorts and a white polo leaving the parking deck in the car. e owner stated that the suspects description matched that of one of his brothers from his fraternity. He also stated that the individual said he had not taken the car. e student said that he is still missing a set of keys to his car and turned over the credit card receipt to the o cer as evidence.
04$!/6%!./0184#) On May 16 at 11:45 a.m., ofcers responded to a loud noise complaint at the Tech Family Apartments. When they arrived, o cers met with the complainant who stated that there had been loud noise coming from a 4th oor apartment. e o cers also noticed noise that sounded as if there was an altercation within the apartment. After knocking twice with no answer, o cers entered the unlocked apartment to nd the 2 residents coming from the bedroom, looking sweaty and shocked. e female resident explained that the two of them had an altercation, and that she had slapped her partner in his face after a verbal argument. e man attempted to leave and she had held him around his waist to prevent him from doing so. He then threw her to the oor causing her to hit her head on the chair. She then stated that the altercation moved inside the bedroom. e o cer also interviewed the male resident, who explained that he had been living with the young lady for at least two weeks while he was looking for a job. He was allowed to retrieve his belongings from the apartment before leaving. A Grady Unit arrived on the scene and treated visible scratches on the arms and neck area of the male resident. e female had no visible injuries, but complained of pain in her neck. She admitted to being the primary aggressor by striking in the face. She was placed under arrest for family violence and simple battery and transported to the Fulton County Jail.
-..&.$-#$*#,+.*,/&$"% Beginning August 1, Tech will open freshman undergraduate admission with the Common Application, a college application system that allows students to apply to approximately 500 national and foreign colleges and universities. Unlike Techs previous application system, CollegeNET, Common Application users can ll out one application that can be sent to multiple institutions and simplify the application process. While applicants will be required to write di erent application essays for each college, the application process is simpli ed in that students can submit a single personal information and background application and pay admission fees through the same system. is step will bolster our efforts to enroll the best students nationally and internationally as we seek to meet the Institutes vision of de ning the technological research university of the 21st century, said Director of Undergraduate Admissions Rick Clark.
duh corgis are awesome android :diordnA Now is the time for all good students to come to the aid of their countrymen. Submit Sliver they tast so delishis valeria Hey Chris Hoag Im in the 706 and sliverin your butt. #GI JOE Ricardo Azziz? yuckie. 2023,228 what quiz, I work nigganigganigganigganigganigganigganigganigganigga wat up dogg holy cow arrested development rox my sox booyah no one is here RAGE Walking down Fifth, and saw a bunch of guys in a small ass pool at DU. No girls. Surprised? Why should you be? Welcome to Tech. To that ripped Indian kid who gets As on things and carries a big water bottle around: CONGRATS you IS Smart, you IS Kind, you IS Important join the Technique so you can get #turntupondemTuesdaysDoe I may just be a very introverted person, but Im loving summer classes Is sex that casual? whos hiring? chocolate protein powder, peanut butter, banana, almond milk shake: be jealous SAM just discovered anticos. can we have an issue about all the great o campus places to eat?! Sorry Professor. I forgot to do my homework. I was too busy SLIVERING! OraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOra AriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriARRIVEDERCI Sam says he will love me slightly more if I sliver today, and that is the greatest incentive I have ever had to do anything in the history of ever.
technique !"#$%"&'(")*'&! 3
public to apply to the degree program as well. e open online fore UHBP Orientation class project. CHBE, AE, ECON and mat of the OMS CS courses will will be held on June 11 and July PUB are some targeted majors. also be available free of charge for 9, while the Intro to Beekeeping I think this project is incredi- anyone wishing to access it, but will be held on June 18 and July bly cool because you can take it in degree-seeking students will be 23. All classes will begin in Room so many di erent directions. said virtually separated from students 125 of Clough Commons at 11:00 Joseph Elsherbini, a senior biol- who are only accessing content. a.m. ogy major and UHBP researcher. Students will be required to is project is an interdis- We are designing labs for all of have a BS in CS from an accredciplinary, research and outreach the introductory science courses ited institution or related degree project, and it was established by so theres parts of physics, biology, with possible need to take and the college of sciences to help stu- chemistry and environmental sci- pass remedial courses. Formal ad!*+,+)-+./,012)+3)40+/567)'0-*)8/97:);+:02)<00)!/+=0-, dents make connections between ence all wrapped up in this proj- mission will require the selection '*0) 8/97:) ;+:02) <00) !/+=0-,) >6??) 7??+>) 1,.@0:,1) ,+) /0107/-*) introductory lab science courses., ect. through a graduate admission ,*0)0330-,1)+3)./97:)*796,7,1)+:)*+:02)9001)7:@),*06/)900*6A01B said program coordinator Dr. JenAny major is welcome and committee that will meet periodinifer Leavey. not just students. e faculty and cally. e COC claims through !"#$%&'()#&(( those interested in the program. In addition to introductory sta on the campus is welcome their announcement that Tech !""#"$!%$&%'("&')#$*+ ese 50 minute classes are free, labs for undergraduate students, as well, Leavey said. ere are will admit all applying students and students can attend in any the Urban Honey Bee Project many people from all walks of life who satisfy the basic admissions During the summer semester, order. stands as a outlet for research on campus and di erent jobs who prerequisites and quali cations, the Georgia Tech Urban Honey e classes are designed to in- under di erent departments, and are interested this as well and can without an enrollment cap being Bee Project (UHBP) will be o er- troduce interested volunteers to all majors are welcome to partici- contribute and be active members placed. ing two classes, UHBP Orienta- di erent aspects of the program pate in the program and use the of this team no matter what their Were going to make sure that tion and Intro to Beekeeping, for and beekeeping in general. beehives for an approved research job is. [the courses] are of high quality and that theyre available...and and will be closed throughout the infrequently. e project started is set for completion around De- ultimately well provide about as !"#$%&'()))!"#$%&'()%* 2013-2014 year with Glenn going construction earlier this year and cember 2014. many courses in the online degree elds drastically improved upon under renovation after that. as we do for our on campus decompletion. gree, said Charles Isbell, Senior ()*0)((.('#!0%/"/,(5/# Associate Dean of the COC. *&())# +)'# ,%-(./# .(/01 !30&'0)*#6(!!7#2%)/,.321 Academic integrity will be an '()2(#$+&&/#3,0&0,"#.(&%2+1 ,0%) expectation with exams also being ,0%)#-%.4 e construction of the EBB proctored using national proctorUtility Relocation work has building at Peachtree Place ing standards and the access to been in progress from January up will provide a new and massive 4,500 physical proctoring faciliuntil now in preparation for reno- amount of multidisciplinary reties as well as working with online vations in consecutive years of search space in response to the proctoring institutions. both Towers and Glenn Residence expansion of Techs research enAs Galil said in the announceHalls. is work has included un- terprise and will be relocating and ment of this degree, e OMS derground utility construction in integrating faculty and students CS will set a new agenda for highthe streets and sidewalks along from the colleges of science and er education - real, rigorous and 3rd Street, Williams Street and engineering. marketable graduate education Techwood Drive between North is wont cause many road in computer science will now be !*+,+)-+./,012)+3)&7CD.1)"0-/07,6+:)&0:,0/ Avenue and Bobby Dodd Way. closures or delays during the sumavailable to tens, even hundreds of Towers will be the rst to un- mer but may leave State Street "0:+A7,6+:1) ,+) ,*0) (,7CD1) './3) E60?@) :0F,) ,+) ,*0) &"&) 9057:) thousands of additional students dergo renovation out of the two only accessible to pedestrians very 07/?60/),*61)>00GB)'*0),./3H)79+A0H)61)/6DD0@).D)3+/)/0D?7-0C0:,B around the world.
OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion
Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star. Confucius
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Issues associated with online learning still remain
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Well, of course. Tech is the only school that actually teaches students, AND students have to learn and demonstrate what they learn. There is always a price for hard work, and hard workers...as compared to the drink-beer-and-shoot-the-bull degrees that UGA o ers their students.
Check out whats happening on campus! Good to see them helping out club sports!
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEE #loveamerica man walking down the street with a shopping cart at 7:30 AM. #OnlyInHomePark Complaining about failing class while hanging out at a bar is like complaining about being stuck in tra ic on your way to a stationary bike. Sorry Professor. I forgot to do my homework. I was too busy SLIVERING! are summer flings things of the past? Looking for a cute latino boy to teach me spanish.... #porfavor Only girl in my summer CS class... I now understand how all the female engineering majors feel EVERYONE I know is studying abroad, but with their friends or on planned trips. Isnt the purpose of them to meet new people and get completely out of your element?
The Consensus Opinion re ects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the 6%7-"$R8%, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors.
technique !"#$%&#'()*%'&"
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[email protected]
We welcome letters in response to Technique content and topics relevant to campus. We print letters on a timely and space-available basis. Letters should not exceed 400 words and should be submitted by Tuesday at 7 p.m. in order to be printed in the following Fridays issue. Include your full name, year (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We reserve the right to edit for style and length. Only one submission per person will be printed per term.
technique !"#$%"&'(")*'&! 5
Ive never had the chance to write an editorial before. Ive always wanted to for some unbeknownst reason; perhaps its the ability to write freely without an editor telling me what to write about or how to write it. Now that Im nally a part of a newspaper publication and I nally have the chance, Ive no idea what to do with it. I want to make this editorial something I hope students can read and take away something profound. Maybe profound is a bit too strong - how about just insightful? Hopefully this doesnt end up horribly clichd because the hipster part of me will be disappointed. I can remember coming to Tech and having a plan to bust on through it, just hammer it out. I wanted to get my degree, get a job, make bank, drive nice cars and live like a Tech grad is meant to: like a boss. I came in as a varsity scholar-athlete and had the student-athlete attitude that went a little like this: go to class (most of the time), go to practice, train, eat, sleep less than I probably should, compete and repeat. row in the occasional weekend party or family get together just to mix things up. ank God I didnt stick with that dreadfully monotonous mindset. No plan survives the battleeld and Tech, as much as I love this school, is most certainly a battle eld. My rst year was spent on lots of swimming, lots of classes and lots of staying on campus. Looking back it was kind of depressing. Our campus is smack-dab in the middle of Atlanta and I never got out to
No plan survives the battlefield and Tech, as much as I love this school, is most certainly a battlefield.
go see it. Im a native to Georgia and a student in the city, but I never got out to see anything. On top of that, I didnt even get involved in anything on campus; as you all know this school has all sorts of things to do. Incoming freshman this will be made very clear to you at FASET. I had such a strong initial drive to just crank out work like a machine that I neglected to see almost everything around me that could enhance the college experience. I feel like this happens to a great deal of students here. Were smart people, driven, ambitious, a bit prideful and, when were not procrastinating, were very direct. Tech students are known for getting stu done and getting it done right. If we spend all our time cranking out work like theres no tomorrow, hanging out on campus getting bored and going to the same parties over and over, then whats the point? e world demands people who are dynamic, and that game plan just doesnt seem to cut it. And so, in my second year, I nally got my butt in gear and switched it up. I picked up DJing and photography as a hobby, became an operator at 91.1
WREK, started writing for the Technique as a contributor and am now set to be the business manager next semester. is experience showed me that joining on-campus organizations is imperative. Do it. Network and get to know people, dont be afraid to get to know people in a variety of groups; this school takes pride in its diversity for a reason. For those of you going through FASET, join everything that seems interesting. Everything (especially the Technique). You dont necessarily have to commit to it all but at least get your feet wet. If anything, youll develop more than one circle of friends and contacts, which will be something youll be thankful for, when inevitable college drama hits one circle. eres more fun to be had in college than just the weekend or weekday for some party, and if you still end up feeling a creeping boredom then get out and go places. At the same time, I got my car on campus and drove around Atlanta. Photography gave me a platform and reason to go out into the city to see what it has to o er, and this city has an incredibly underestimated culture; theres so much great
architecture, so many characters around town and stories to be heard. eres a stigma when it comes to the homeless, in any city, but Ive had the fortune to talk to some and learn some Atlanta and life facts from a radically di erent perspective from what were used to. I say get out there and get to know youre city. Youre going to be here for at least a couple of years, you might as well get familiar with it. For me, doing all this may have made me super busy but the stresses that have come up are good stresses. I love the fact I that I have things to fallback on if one area doesnt go the right way and I de nitely love the experience Im creating for myself. I feel signi cantly more productive and like an actual part of this school; it feels good to be a part of something as big as a university. Now Im only a rising junior, and in light of that fact some of you readers may be thinking this is something a senior should be writing. Maybe some of the editors think this should be more of a swan song nal piece. However, Im too impatient to wait another two or three years of schooling. I simply felt the need to impart this to readers because this past year has ended up being pretty signi cant and I think itd be pretty cool if this leads to even one freshman having a better rst year than me, or older students to have better years to come. Whatever you do, just make your time at Georgia Tech an experience to remember while smiling, not cringing.
The class sizes are smaller. Getting help from your professors is less intimidating.
Im surprised I dont envy my summer vacation days from elementary school. ree months of a purely comatose state on the couch, mindlessly ipping through TV channels, sur ng the interwebs and essentially being completely chill and not worrying about a single thing. After a rough semester with weekly all-nighters, insane amounts of homework and questionably unnecessary social obligations, the image of laying on my couch and doing absolutely nothing was beyond paradisal. Now, Im up at midnight on a weekday writing an editorial, and will probably be up for some time working on the rst issue of the Niques 99th volume, after an 8-hour workday in a rigorous chemistry lab. I think, however, that there is something to be said about productivity in the summertime and, in particular, the kind of experience this season can foster and add to their life. ink about it. While a good eight to nine months of the year are devoted, for the average college student, to academic studies (lest he or she attend U[sic]GA), the remaining three months o er a respite from the relatively monotonous doldrums of classes. ree months of breaking from the routine and trying something di erent - not just for
I like it, more chill, laid back. its a nice switch up.
Three months of breaking from the routine...not just for pure relaxation and entertainment, but also for self development.
pure relaxation and entertainment, but also for self development. is isnt to limit my opinion to those who get no play during fall or spring. Although many students are able to live it up during the semester, I feel that most are susceptible to falling into a routine. For example, while, as a friend of mine likes to say, getting turnt up on the weekends is plenty entertaining and the maintains the play in work hard, play hard, most students may not do anything that di ers from a methodical frat-hopping way of getting turnt up. But the summertime o ers a great way to expand on these scenarios - for me, I think the best way to capitalize on this free-time is through a job and using most spare-time in doing interesting activities. Having a summer job not only can help nance additional side activities you may want to engage in, as well as saving money for the regular semesters, but also help keep the mind mentally engaged and acute to critical thinking challenges that are encountered both in the workplace and in school. Although a 8-hour workday can be taxing, either mentally or physically, the true bene t is, and at times should be, the ability to leave work at work and enjoy home. is extra time after work, which during the semester is generally spent doing homework, extracurricular activities or the routine methods of relaxation, provides an opportunity to expand ones self out of the comfort zones that Tech sometimes makes it so easy to stay inside of. is is limited to merely socializing - but rather, taking advantage of unique activities that build some sort of interesting skill.
For example, think about how much more of an interesting person you would be if you took, say, a class on beer brewing or sushi rolling. And how about skydiving or taking a bike tour of the Atlanta Beltline. And this is just local - imagine the endless possibilities of being able to work in another location or abroad. Finally, this could even be a time to revisit old activities that were once cherished - such as volunteering, reading books for pleasure or woodworking. Strapped on cash? No problem. e beauty of living in a big city like Atlanta is the large deals that Living Social and Groupon have for various activities - notably, their 50 percent o for whatever activity. For me, researching during the week, taking an online class on Coursera to supplement the work I do in lab, and working at the Nique are ways Im able to keep my mind up and running. But on the weekends and days when I get o work, Im either relishing my time in the gym, exploring the Atlantan boroughs and experimenting with entirely random cuisine in the comfort of my kitchen. If you play your cards right and being at Tech you most likely are - you have your entire retirement to relax. So why waste the precious time of energetic youth in doing just that?
You are able to think clearly without the hustle and bustle of other students.
6 !"#$%"&'(")*'&!"technique
!"#$%&'!()*!" On Mothers Day, 19 people were injured in a mass shooting in a New Orleans parade. e shooter was not apprehended until later that week, and his arrest was not made public until Wednesday night. By early ursday morning, ve more suspects had been arrested, one as an additional shooter and the other four for harboring the shooters. I check the Daily Beast and NPR multiple times per day. I also peruse whatever interesting articles come up on Reddit or my Facebook feed. It was only the last that informed me about this shooting, when somebody linked to an article asking why people were not getting upset about this. In the past few days, the story has been in the very bottom of the extended Cheat Sheet at the Daily Beast, far below the top 10 headlines. e news barely seemed to notice that innocent people celebrating their mothers in a community parade were violently shot at, and only retained their lives by virtue of luck and talented rst responders. e perpetrators of this crime were at large for quite some time, yet the news media did not rise up in collective alarm. e lack of compassion for urban violence in America is astounding and disgusting. It should not matter that such shootings have less of an Oh, this could happen to me! e ect. Violence is violence, regardless of whether it is terrorism or gangrelated or anything. Do you think that when a six-month old baby is killed in Chicago, family and friends just accept such senseless violence as a fact of urban life? To them, it is just as tragic as the Boston bombing or any act of terrorism. But in suburban and rural towns across America, people shrug and say, Eh, its Chicago (or Detroit or New Orleans or Los Angeles). e death and injury of innocents because of violent assault, gun-related or otherwise, should be treated and respected with compassion regardless of its origin. at does not mean that news reports should invade the lives of these victims, or spend hours and days poring over the mindsets and personal lives of violent criminals. ere is a di erence between unconstructive and disrespectful sensationalizing, and respectfully compassionate coverage and acknowledgement of the intense pain violent crimes bring to individuals. Regardless of where they live, people are people. Urban violence is just as harrowing and unacceptable as any violence. I am choosing not to weigh in on the debate over gun policy here, nor stating a political opinion. Instead, I want to ask why it takes a tragedy like the Newtown, Conn., shootings to jolt Americas public consciousness. I want to ask why deaths from urban violence do not sicken people across the country and make them cry out loudly for reform. Quite frankly, something that is strictly an act of street violence, as Mary Beth Romig of the FBI labeled the New Orleans shooting, is not any less of a tragedy than a mass shooting in a suburban public space. Obviously, we cannot give the same level of attention or emotion to every tragedy. As humans, we do not have the capacity to constantly feel others pain so deeply. However, realizing the limits of our emotion is not a free pass to show an astounding lack of compassion for urban violence. Just as no runners at the Boston Marathon expected what happened that day, nobody at the Mothers Day parade in New Orleans expected a shootout. e location does not change the humanity and innocence of those attending the parade. Simply put, the national news media as a whole failed astoundingly in their coverage of this tragedy. ere were more articles and comments on Angelina Jolies double mastectomy than there were of the Mothers Day shooting. I do not advocate for the sensationalizing of tragedies, nor the morbid fascination America has with mass murderers or psychopaths. However, for the safety and knowledge of the American public, mass shootings need to be reported on equally, whether they are strictly street violence or terrorist attacks.
Part of the Arts at Tech initiative, various statues curated by John Henry are being placed at visible locations around campus. What better way to liven up the quiet of summer semester than with a little art in the green?
Sadly for many students that stick around campus during summer, businesses, such as Starbucks, close operations earlier and fail to satisfy the needs of the larger number of those sleeping-in as a byproduct of, well, summer.
With a fourth place nish in the regional tournament, the mens golf team is headed to the NCAA national championship for golf. Importantly so, since Tech will be hosting the national championship this weekend in Milton, Ga.
Earlier this week, the CRC began tearing up the SAC elds to replace them. While in the long-term this bene ts the student body, closure of the elds has left many soccer, ultimate frisbee and cricket players without a home.
!"#$%&'()*"+ With New Years resolutions nearly six months old, many students on campus may be pleased to hear that the CRC isnt shutting down shop on classes and intramurals for the summer. In fact, the summer time is one of the CRCs busiest times of the year, and despite the decreased number of students on campus in the summer, the CRC still has plenty of activities for members to participate in. We still have a lot of our tness programs ongoing during the summer, said Christie Stewart, Assistant Director for Healthy Lifestyle Programs. We look for programs and activities that will keep our Georgia Tech community active and healthy over the summer. is summers tness classes include group tness classes like boot camps, indoor cycling classes and cardio kickboxing, as well as skill-based classes, in which an instructor teaches arts like capoeria, street styles dance and boxing. e CRCs personal trainers are also available this summer to assist members with their tness goals. We just nished our free week of classes, but if students want to try out a kickboxing class or a yoga class, for example, they can just come in and try a class and then register for the semester pass, Stewart said. e CRC will also be holding summer intramural sports leagues
Ian Smith
ith the summer semester under way, dont forget to take advantage of the beautiful weather by getting out and about around campus. This week previews a few opportunities for students to make this summer one of their best ones yet.
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even though the Roe Stamps Field renovations will continue until August. Students interested in joining an intramurals team can select from indoor soccer, dodge ball or three on three basketball. Students can also devote some time this summer to training for the CRCs Navy Seals Challenge, a tness contest that will be held on Aug. 20 as a part of Techs Welcome Back Week. e challenge will include sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, swimming and running, Stewart said. e Georgia Tech community can sign up as teams or individually, and well have winners. Well start putting out some more educational materials on how students can train over the summer. In addition to the many activities and teams o ered by the CRC, students looking to work out a few times a week may have a CRC experience that is noticeably less crowded since fewer students on campus means fewer students using the CRCs facilities. e best part about the CRC during the summer months is that the facility is less crowded, said Michael Pitts, a fourth-year BA major. You can exercise at your own leisure. Although the weight room or running track may appear to be a bit less crowded during the summer months, CRC Director Michael Edwards is eager to remind students that the CRCs business schedule is as busy as ever. e summertime is not exactly a slow time for us. Its a lively summer, said Michael Edwards,
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Director of Campus Recreation. Edwards explained that the CRC splits its facility usage into three main sectors: daily programming and informal recreation, summer camps and athletic events. Almost every summer camp on campus will eventually visit the CRC, and the CRC also rents out space for athletic events such as age-group swimming meets. In fact, the CRC hosts the annual YMCA National Championships for swimming.
e CRC is also home to several basketball and volleyball camps for high school varsity athletes. In an interesting tangent, Edwards explained that holding such events at the CRC is crucial to sustaining the CRCs operations from year to year. When we look at those external events, they all pay to use the facility, Edwards said. ats where we make a lot of our budget money, and that money is utilized to operate the facility, keeping student fees down.... If theres a
surplus in that revenue, that goes into a reserve account. [From that reserve account,] we were able to put a million dollars towards the [new] Roe Stamps Field. In the end, those revenue dollars get turned right around for the bene t of the student. For more detailed information regarding the CRCs summer opportunities, including intramurals and classes, the CRC summer program guide is located on the CRCs website at www.crc.gatech.edu.
return. Flicks on 5th made it easy to nd something fun and free to do on campus, said Keenan Jones, With another semester at Tech a fourth-year AE major. I cant in session, the clear skies and wait for it to start again! warm nights are calling students Students like Sid Desai, a secout of their dorms, apartments ond-year IE major, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and convenient location that Flicks on 5th o ers. Its like a drive-in theater on campus without any cars, Desai said. And instead of eating crappy nachos, you can just go to Moes. e movies are shown on a gigantic lm screen that nearly spans the width of 5th Street. Audience members are invited to bring their own seating, whether it is a simple fold-up lawn chair, a lawn towel or even an old couch to seat multiple people. Every Wednesday, seating starts at 7 p.m.. In the time before the movie begins, moviegoers enjoy a carnival-like atmosphere, which in the past has included entertainment ranging from live music to arts and crafts to face painting. Regardless of festivities, no party is complete without the addition of food and snacks to munch on, and nobody seems to !"#$#%&#'($)*+%#,%?62&=*%#3%@$" know this better than Flicks on A#<2)B:.$&")(*%5.$")(%#3%@$"%C$())$%,#(%$")%DEFD%)82$2#3%#,%?62&=*%#3%@$"%:"2&"%:266%7)%")68%)<)(+% 5th. e event o ers free popcorn G)83)*8.+%23%H'3)9%2*%,())%$#%.$$)38>%I"2*%+).(J*%*)(2)*%*$.($*%#3%H'3)%@%.38%)38*%#3%H'3)%DK> while supplies last, and local res#",*+)-$*),.&/+)*'+&0&!"#$%& '()*"+
and classrooms and into the beautiful Atlanta summer. For Tech students on the hunt for interesting ways to spend their evenings this summer, the Flicks on 5th Summer Film Series o ers an inexpensive possibility. Each Wednesday evening in
June, Flicks on 5th will show a recently released lm in Tech Square. Admission to the lms is free. is summer marks the eighth year that Flicks on 5th has set up shop in Midtown, and many students are eagerly anticipating its
taurants such as Chucks Famous American Sandwiches, e Barrelhouse and Subway combine to sweeten the pot by o ering meal deals on movie nights. After the festivities come to a close, the audience can sit back and enjoy the show. Flicks on 5th will present a total of four movies this June. ere will be something for everyone; the four lms will cover a vast range of genres, ranging from romantic comedies to zombie apocalypses. e series kicks o with a June 5 showing of Identity ief, starring Jason Bateman of Arrested Development fame and Melissa McCarthy, who students might know from Gilmore Girls. e fun continues on June 12 with a showing of action thriller Snitch. On June 19, women will rejoice and men will groan as Silver Linings Playbook takes center stage. On June 26, the last Wednesday of the month, the 2013 edition of Flicks on 5th will come to a close with zombie apocalypsethemed Warm Bodies. While the festivities and movies are set to proceed rain or shine, be sure to check for weather updates by following @ ickson5th on Twitter, checking out Flicks on 5ths Facebook page, or by visiting www. ickson fth.net.
Keith Frady
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Since its founding, Tech has been a predominately science-based institute of learning, and today it is known as one of the leading engineering colleges in the world. But this focus on science and engineering has not sti ed creativity in the liberal arts. In fact, there are two professors who would claim the opposite. e Technique recently discussed with these professors how working at Tech and having a background in engineering and sciences informed their creative endeavors.
Dr. Cressler is an Electrical and Computer Engineer professor. His rst novel, Emeralds of the Alhambra, will be released June 15. ere will be a signing at the Georgia Tech Barnes and Noble on June 25 at 6:30 pm. Can you brie y explain what your novel is about? Emeralds is set in the resplendent Alhambra Palace, in Granada, Spain, during the Castilian Civil War (1367-1369), a time when, remarkably, Muslims took up their swords to ght alongside Christians. e story centers on the relationship between William Chandon, a wounded Christian knight brought to Granada, and the Su Muslim princess, Layla al-Khatib. How long have you been working on this novel? I started in the fall of 2009 on Emeralds, and spent almost nine months on background research before laying pen to paper. e credenza in my o ce at home where I write is lined with over ten feet of references on all things al-Andalus which I digested... I nished the book in September of 2012. Why make this story into a trilogy? [ is is] a remarkable period of cultural and intellectual enlightenment smack in the middle of the European Dark Ages. is period is also the pinnacle of convivencia (coexistence), the time when Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together in harmony. I also tell the story of how it all began to unravel. So Anthems of al-Andalus is not a trilogy in the traditional sense, with one book following the next chronologically... ere will, however, be a linkage between all three books, so dont despair! How does Emeralds of the Alhambra, a historical novel set in 14th century Spain, relate to contemporary America? As all would agree, our modern world is stained with the blood of religious con ict and fanaticism, and yet we managed to forget that for hundreds of years in medieval Spain, Christians, Muslims and Jews found a way to live together in relative peace, sharing languages and customs, whispering words of love across religious boundaries, embracing a level of mutual acceptance and respect unimaginable today...Our world aches for a future graced with tolerance and peace. Is your work relevant to the students and sta at Tech? YES! Emeralds is relevant to everyone, young or old, male or female, people of all cultures, people of all religions. Sound bold? Well, I think 99.9% of people would agree that a more peaceful planet would be an excellent thing. While the triggers for human con ict is inevitably complicated, one thing is certain religious con ict is inked all over the historical record, and since 9/11 especially, religious con ict has been at the forefront of this conversation. Emeralds... speaks to two fundamental ideas: 1) peaceful coexistence is demonstrably possible between religions, and 2) Love has the power to transform the human heart and thereby cross cultural and religious boundaries in many beautiful ways. ese are the BIG themes that most interest me. How has your experience in a scienti c eld shaped your creative work? I am very much a detail person, so the facts and gures and dates and people of history have always been easy for me to manage. History is my second love. is is an epic story, so being able to balance multiple intricate plot threads with a large cast of characters was important. I think my scienti c background and sensibilities helped me in my description of the magical art and architecture of the Alhambra Palace. Dr. Ludovice is a Chemical and Biomolecular Engineer ing professor. He wrote his stand-up act Feel the Power of the Dork Side and will be performing it June 5-9 at the 2013 Atlanta Fringe Festival. How long have you been doing standup? I started doing stand-up in January 2004, when I went to a comedy open mic at the Funny Farm Comedy Club in Roswell, GA. I later worked there as an occasional opener, and then did some feature and headliner work on the road in the southeast. Do you nd science to be an untapped topic for comedy? It is not a mainstream topic, but it is hardly untapped. I joined a large number of Georgia Tech personnel at the U.S.A. Science & Engineering Festival in Washington DC in spring of 2012, and did four humorous presentations on science and engineering including topics such as statistics, chemical engineering, polymer science and the role of humor in the classroom. Why do you think science is largely unused as a topic for stand-up? While it is not unused, its use is certainly limited. e reason for its lack of popularity is a double-edged sword. People nd science complicated and un-interesting so it is not a good topic for jokes. e best topic for jokes is one that everyone can relate to. Ironically, the very reason most people cant relate to science...is that we have done little to popularize it. Once we popularize it, many scientists get angry because they see this as dumbing it down. What are some of the scienti c concepts you use in your show? For me, no science or engineering topic is o limits. I do jokes about di erential equations, eigenvectors, polymer science and statistical mechanics. However, I do vary the approach depending on the audience...For audiences at Georgia Tech and MIT I actually analyze some real data on pet preferences to explain Dog People vs. Cat People. While I may not go into that level of detail for a general audience, I always explain how eharmony.com uses this mathematical technique to match you with your perfect mate. It results in some funny jokes about how the nerd you would never date in H.S. is now in charge of your lovelife. Is your work relevant to the students and sta at Tech? Yes, I think the Georgia Tech community enjoys someone who pokes a bit of fun at fellow nerds and life on a college campus. e sta likes when I make jokes about parking, and I use some of my jokes to keep my students awake during 8am classes. My nearly decade of work in comedy has taught me that comedians are smarter than most people think, and nerds are funnier than most people think. How has your experience in a scienti c eld shaped your creative work? It has only helped by providing material and perspective for my creative work. Additionally, my creative work has shown me how humor can be used as creative energy to produce innovative technical solutions... By using humorous situations, I believe we can improve technical education at Georgia Tech...In addition to making the excercise a bit lighter, it also makes [students] less afraid of drawing conclusions from the analysis. Students are often afraid their conclusion will be criticized by the instructor, who they see as an expert in the eld. However, they dont see the instructor as an expert on a separate set of humorous data, and this makes them less afraid of making a conclusion.
technique !"#$%"&'(")*'&! 9
!"#$%&'($&#)*+%&$,% Millions of fans prayers were answered this past Sunday, May 26 with the release of the longanticipated new season of Arrested Development. After its infamous and shocking cancellation by FOX in 2006 after three short seasons, the show was tossed around in network limbo for years. Finally, in 2012, when most viewers had all but forgotten about the once-bright Emmy winner, the online video streaming site Netix picked up Development for a 15-episode fourth season. All 15 episodes are now available to Net ix subscribers, and early reviews of the season have been mixed to positive, but more important than critical reception, this revival begs several questions about the future of the television industry. Mainly, is this new method of online distribution more successful than regular broadcast television, and if so, what does the future hold for the broadcast stations that have kept such a rm grasp on the television industry for the last half century? is Development rescue is not Net ixs rst attempt at television; the website currently airs several original shows and lms, most notably the political drama series House of Cards, which has received critical praise and is expected to be a contender come Emmy season. Net ix is not alone
shows cater to gaze vs. glance theory of entertainment production; regular television requires viewers to sit in one spot and invest 30 to 60 minutes of their time to attain a weekly dose of the show in question, while webseries can be watched on the viewers own time and in as high or low a quantity as the viewer prefers. However, the downside to online television is the price of subscription to the distribution sites, and in many cases this is not a problem as many of the shows are released for public viewing free of charge. It seems that webseries are so di erent from their broadcasted counterparts that there may not be any competition; the Internet is simply the inevitable next step in the evolution of the television industry. As classic networks such as NBC see lower and lower ratings, the push toward online-only viewing has become stronger than ever. is generation may be at the cusp of a new era of entertainment @$1+1(#1*3+&./(10(7&+0'"8 distribution. !"#$%&'( )'*+$( %,-( $".( -/.0*,#+"1,%'( 0%2"'/( 3&+*3,( +1( +&'&4"."1,( 013( %( 01*3+$( .&%.1,( +$%,5.( +1( But would a show like Game of 2&-"%( -".+3"6*+13( 7&+0'"89( :$"#$( $%.( 6&;*,( <31-*#",;( 13";",%'( .$1:.( .*#$( %.( =1*.&( 10( >%3-.?( rones be able to support such a large cast and reach such a high on the online distribution plat- broadcast stations can. In com- ing them accessible on a range of level of visual e ects if it had to form; other popular sites such as peting with regularly broadcasted devices. Shows such as Arrested operate within the low budget of Hulu and Amazon have begun to television shows, web-based series Development can be released sev- a webseries? Are we sacri cing the release their own original content, have several advantages. ey are eral episodes at a time, eradicat- quality of the content we watch ranging from web-based minise- easy to access and the wait time ing that dreaded week-long wait in exchange for ease of access? e Internet has proven capable ries to season-long shows. for advertisements is relatively between episodes and calling into So far, these sites have proven light. Additionally, these shows question the very idea of what of bringing new heights of artistic integrity, but it is also home to that they can handle any and ev- exist within the extremely por- constitutes a television season. ery type of content that regular table realm of the Internet, makOn the whole, online-speci c quite a bit of hogwash.
Is it just me or is everyone but me Jewish? SUMMER SLIVERINNNN cargo shorts are worse than crocs CARGO SHORTS ARE WORSE THAN DOUBLE DENIM I deactivated my Twitter so this is my new stream of consciousness I KNOW THE SUMMER SLIVER KING! slivers make the world go round whats the probability that I bombed my stat exam today... pretty low cause Im awesome like that.. run dmc at a braves game? omgggggg can i can i can i go please what happened to top slivers of the week? looking for a boyfriend, requirements: tall, engineer, semi-attractive, likes Pokemon, has an accent and/or is a minority america short at old navy for $9! Fast 6 is the best movie Ive ever seen. I cried like 5 times... so emotional!!! Looking for a new net ix show to watch... suggestions? House of Cards...after you watch Arrested Development #net ix Currently drinking cherry coke that expired June 6, 2012... #rebel I hope the snapchat craze never dies Tankin all day erry day TANK SQUAD REPRESENTIN I know a guy who bought a shark tank... like a tank with a shark on it... shark tank... haha EXTREME DERP HAI SAM SUP JOSH WORD ALLY HELLO NEWT BEING A MODEL, EH, KEITH TURNT UP ON DEM TOOOOOZDAYS DOOE WOOOO YAYAYAYAYAYA CORGI TOO MUCH SUGAR WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH SUGAR toozday the end good bye Sorry Professor. I forgot to do my homework. I was too busy SLIVERING! I cannot wait for fall semester to start! #nerdstatus
10 !"#$%"&'(")*'&!"technique
technique !"#$%"&'(")*'&! 11
Sharon Perkins out as softball coach
e contract of head softball coach, Sharon Perkins, was not renewed by the Georgia Tech Athletic Association. Tech won three ACC championships with Perkins leading the way, and she had a combined record 290-138 while at Tech. After careful consideration, I have decided it is in the best interest of our softball program to go forward under new leadership, said Athletic Director Mike Bobinski. It is unclear when the announcement of the new head coach will be.
Newt Clark
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nal round to nish in eighth place. Andrews led the way for Tech with a 68 (-4) in the nal round as he, Schniederjans, Albertson and Shun Yat Hak combined to shoot -3. He bogeyed the second hole but played unblemished though the remaining sixteen holes, birdieing three out of four holes in the middle of the round and both par 5s on the back nine. Were thrilled, said Tech coach Bruce Heppler, courtesy of ramblinwreck.com. is was a pressurepacked week for us and a pressure-packed round today. Under the circumstances, this might be the best round weve ever played. Bo played a stud round today, and I couldnt be more proud of him. Individually, Albertson, Andrews and Schniederjans nished 10, 14, and 19 in the tournament. e No. 7 Jackets will be making their 25 nals appearance since 1985. irty total teams comprise the eld, including eight of the top ten teams in the nation, with No. 8 Stanford and ACC Champion No. 9 Duke missing the cut. Notable teams that !"#$#%&#'($)*+%,-.. will be contending include the defending /'01#(%2#%.03()4*%5##6*%#0%78$)(%"1$%$76)*%"1*%*"#$9%.03()4*%*"#$%8#'(%'03)(%10% national champion Texas Longhorns and $")%81075%(#'03%#8%$")%:;..%<)=1#075%$#%")5>%-)&"%73?70&)%$#%$")%;"7@1#0*"1>9 UGA, who is ranked No. 15. e competition spans six days: three +,&-#'&!#+./01 Albertson, who shot a 66 (-6). It was a bo- days of 54-hole stroke play and three days !"#$$%&'(")' gey-free round and tied for the second best of team match play. All thirty teams will individual round on the day. Ollie Schnie- compete in stroke play, which is scored the e mens golf team will be playing for derjans and Bo Andrews also broke par for same way it was in the regionals (the best a national championship after qualifying the Jackets on the rst day. four scores each day count for the team with a fourth place nish at the NCAA Albertson, Andrews, Schniederjans, and score). e individual national champion is Regional in Tallahassee. e 30-team eld Seth Reeves shot identical 71s (-1) on day crowned at the end of stroke play. en, the will be comprised of the top ve teams from two and nished the round tied for fth. top eight teams at the end of stroke play will each of the six regional tournaments that e top three nishers in the tournament; enter a match play tournament. In match occurred last weekend. Tech will be hosting North Florida, Washington and Florida play, each of the ve golfers plays a match the event, which begins May 28 and con- State; shot outstanding rounds that day against someone on the opposing team, and cludes June 2, at the Capital City Club in to separate themselves from the rest of the each match is worth one point. e team Milton, GA. pack, leaving Tech in a four way battle to with more points at the end of the match e Jackets nished with a score of -15 at clinch the two remaining spots. advances to the next round in the tournathe Tallahassee Regional, ve strokes better e team came out on top of that battle ment, which culminates in the championthan the cuto at fth place and 19 strokes as they were the only one of those teams to ship match on Sunday, June 2. behind rst place nisher North Florida. shoot under par on the third and nal day. Tech will be teeing o with Arkansas Five golfers competed for each team, with Two of the remaining teams, Oklahoma and TCU on days one and two. Tee time the top four scores each day contributing and South Florida, nished in a tie for fth is 1:10 p.m. o the tenth tee on the 28 and to the team score. Tech was tied for fourth (which Oklahoma soon won on a tiebreaker 7:50 a.m. o the rst tee on the 29. Match after the rst of three rounds, led by Anders hole), while Oregon collapsed with a +6 - play will begin on the 31 at 10:00 a.m..
3&,+4&##%$&2#,%-"%5+6+&-%&-%0//%7"85)&9+)Daniel Palka. With Palka pitching, Florida State took the lead 3-2 on a sacri ce y by Stephen McGee. With the Seminoles leading 3-2 heading to the ninth, they brought in closer Robby Coles, who was sporting a 4-1 record and a 1.16 ERA on the season. After getting the rst two Tech batters out, it looked as if Coles would cruise through the ninth like he had all season, but then the reworks began for the Jackets. With two outs in the top of the ninth, A.J. Murray took Coles deep for a solo home run to tie the game 3-3; it was Murrays fth home run of the season. e Jackets would go back to back when the next batter, Mott Hyde, would hit a home run to give Tech a 4-3 lead. e two home runs were the rst given up by Coles all season. !"#$#%&#'($)*+%,-.. 4-3 would be the nal score, as Tech won A#>"#@#()%81(*$%B7*)@70%.9/9%C'((7+%*$703*%7$%$")%>57$)%703%7471$*%$")%>1$&"9% their fth consecutive game at the ACC C'((7+%"1$%$")%=7@)%$+10=%"#@)%('0%8#(%-)&"%10%$")%010$"%7=710*$%D5#(137%A$7$)9% Tournament, dating back to last season. Tech lost to Virginia 8-2 in their second +,&2'3%&.45$1 Seventh seeded Tech faced seconded game of the tournament. Tech started o !*+'"!%),("+' seeded Florida State in their rst game of hot, with three straight hits and one run the tourney. Tech took an early 2-0 lead in to leado the bottom of the rst, but it e Tech baseball team headed to Dur- the top of the fourth, and with ace Buck wouldnt take long for Virginia starter Scott ham, N.C. last week looking to bring home Farmer on the hill for the Jackets, it seemed Silverstein to get it going. Silverstein threw their second consecutive ACC Tournament two runs may have been enough for Tech 8.2 innings, striking out six Jackets and deChampionship. After what initially looked to win, but the Seminoles were able to score spite giving up ten hits, allowed only two like it would be another magical run, the two runs o of Farmer in the bottom of the runs. It was another rough outing for Tech Jackets came up short. eighth before he was replaced by reliever starter Dusty Isaacs who gave up ve earned runs and six hits to the Cavaliers in just ve innings. Designated Hitter Zane Evans went 3-4 and out elder Kyle Wren continued his solid play going 2-4 and scoring one of Techs two runs .In the third game, the Jackets would face Virginia Tech . Tech would have to win in order to have a shot at going to the championship game and defending their title. Freshman Jonathan King would start on the mound for the Jackets. King pitched 6.1 innings, allowing only three runs to the Hokies, but it wasnt good enough as the Jackets came up short and lost 3-2. After the Hokies had tied the score up at two all in the bottom of the fth, they would take the lead in the bottom of the seventh on a sacri ce y by had Pinder, which would end up being the game winning run. Virginia Tech would win the pool, but would go on to lose to top seeded North Carolina in the championship game. Tech will make their run for the NCAA Championship when they play Illinois this afternoon in Nashville. Tech is the second seed, and Illinois is the third seed in the Nashville Regional regional. Vanderbilt and East Tennessee State University wrap up the Nashville Regional, with Vanderbilt being the one seed, and ETSU being the regions fourth seed.