MGT546 GrpAsg Guideline
MGT546 GrpAsg Guideline
MGT546 GrpAsg Guideline
Cover page
The cover page of a Business Plan needs to present certain basic introductory information. The basic items needed are: Title of Business Plan Name of business and business address Name of the write/s Date of submission
Table of Contents
The page will list the main headings, tables, schedules, and appendices according to page numbers. This will facilitate the reader in identifying the appropriate pages for easy references. Apply numbering format.
Executive Summary
The executive summary is contained early in the paper because it is essential in convincing and motivating the reader to spend time going through the whole plan so as to fully understand the proposed project and consequently support the purpose of business plan.
(Continue) 1.7
Future prospect of the business 1.7.1 This section discussed about the prospect of this business venture. Students should identify minimum of three (3) points to support your discussion. Question to answer: Will this business make profit?
Key elements of your business models. 1.8.1 Highlight key ingredients of successful business model.
All items discussed here should be supported by realistic and relevant data and information.
Every business plan prepared with a particular purpose in mind and this purpose must be stated in a clear, concise and coherent manner. Examples: 1) 2)
Company Background
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Name of the company Business address Correspondence address (include website / e-mail address) Telephone number Form of business Main activities (revenue model) 3.6.1 Discuss about the activities used to generate revenue Date of commencement All information given must be clear and accurate.
Business Infrastructure
Provide additional information about infrastructure for the online business. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Physical location Domain name / URL Building (i.e. for administration, warehouse, hosting) Communication Internet / Intranet / Extranet 5.4.1 Line subscribed from Internet Service Provider. State the ISP and package to be used by the business. 5.4.2 Explain the Internet / Intranet and Extranet (if any) for the business. E-commerce infrastructure 5.5.1 Software required to view the website 5.5.2 Hardware client server computing Online system and hosting 5.6.1 Develop in-house or outsource state two reasons of choosing the method. 5.6.2 Hosting in-house or outsource state two reasons of choosing the method. Internet Web 2.0 features that will be used to support the online business. Technology solution to handle security threat. 5.8.1 Internet communication 5.8.2 Channel and communication 5.8.3 Network 5.8.4 Server / Clients Electronic Payment Systems that will be used by the business Legal and ethical issues 5.10.1 Terms and conditions
5.7 5.8
5.9 5.10
Administrative Plan
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Introduction to the organization 6.1.1 State its vision and mission of the organization Organization chart Manpower planning Schedule of task and responsibilities
Operations Plan
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Process flowcharts Material requirements Manpower requirements Machine and equipment.
Marketing Plan
8.1 Target market 8.1.1 Identify the products and services to be offered 8.1.2 Focus on market effort Identify market area and business location Collect the information about the customer Segmenting the market Sales forecast 8.2.1 Determine market size 8.2.2 Identify competitors 8.2.3 Estimate market share - before and after entering market 8.2.4 Sales forecast Customer awareness of the existence of the business Seasonal factors Other factors Developing marketing strategy 8.3.1 Define the product concepts Outline product / service strategy such as brand, design, quality, package and so on. Highlight elements of personalization / customization of the product (product differentiation strategy) 8.3.2 Pricing strategy generic price strategy Cost leadership Differentiation Focus (low cost) Focus (high cost) Distribution B2B or B2C (online transaction) Promotion online marketing communications Online advertising Direct e-mail marketing Online catalog Public relations Mixing online and offline marketing
8.3.3 8.3.4
9 V.