Bioconversion Program in Indo... 1
Bioconversion Program in Indo... 1
Bioconversion Program in Indo... 1
I would like take this opportunity to present my thankfulness to the Department of Fishery and
Marines Affairs of Indonesia through AMAFRAD (Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research fo
development BRKP) and through DGA, Direction General of Aquaculture, for the support the
bioconversion research program (financial, material and human support) during this 7 years. I
would like to renew again here my sincere gratitude.
I would like to thank to IRD by extend my posting in Indonesia exceptionally up to 7 years. My
gratitude goes especially to Department of Expertise and Valorisation of IRD by believing on the
project minilarve and accepts to finance it implementation. By return, this is an obligation from my
part to make this accomplishment with success.
The Cooperation and Cultural Action, belong to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France (France
Embassy in Jakarta) has support financially every year since 2006 the program Bioconversion. I
dedicate the success of this project bioconversion today must go to SCAC support actions.
Secondly my gratitude goes to all persons below who have believed and involve in the program.
Without this synergy work the bioconversion could not be raised up as it is today.
My thank goes to the IRD Administration Personnel at Kemang Office.
First special thanks must go to My colleague Domenico Caruso who has accepted after my departure to
replace my role as project leader of Bioconversion Program. My thank go to the whole team:
I Wayan Subamia (Director of BRBIH - Depok)
Rachmawati (Former personnel of IRD and My student S2)
Emilie Devic (Fisheries engineer - IRD)
Pascale Talamond (Biochemist - IRD)
Yogi Himawan (BRKP - Depok)
Ika Ayuningtyas ( IRD )
Irmawati (IRD personnel)
Nina Meilisza (Nutritionist - BRKP)
Rina Hernawati (Nutritionist - BRKP)
Ibu Eny Kusrini (Researcher BRKP)
Ruby Vidia Kusumah (Research Assistant BRKP Depok)
I Made Agus WM (technical support)
Urip (technical support)
Kuncoro (technical support)
Rusman (technical support)
Yupri (Gardiner)
Never forget DGA Team : Pak Maskur, Ahmad Hadadi, Supriyadi, Ediwarman, Wisnu Adianto,
Yudho Adhitomo, and I apologize for whom the name not listed but all from DGA.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 3
ueneial ieviews
1. CurrentandnewrendneedsintheFutureAquaculture
Sustainable aquaculture is aimed at progressively replace the deficiency resources from marine
and inland fisheries that have become depleted by overfishing combined with environmental
changing over the past decades, and to provide such resources all year round, thereby
guaranteeing the livelihoods of populations, especially in regions of the world where demography is
still increasing at a fast pace. In particular, the decline of wild stocks and the subsequent collapse
of fisheries also represent a threat to conventional aquaculture, which largely relies on the use of
fishmeal as the main input to fish pellets. As a reminder, feeding costs amount to 60-80% of the
production expenses of fish in aquaculture. Additionally, the local standard of living and the low
retailing price of most fisheries and aquaculture products cannot afford those performing but over
expensive feedstuffs that are developed and utilized for the culture of a few species with a high
value added such as shrimps or carnivorous fish species.
Starting from this viewpoint, numerous research efforts have been dedicated during the past
decade to identifying and evaluating alternative sources of proteins (and lipids) for feeding fish, in
particular from vegetal basis and from sources that are abundant in developing countries in the
tropical region. Several issues postponed the full replacement of fishmeal by vegetal proteins and
lipids, such as the low protein content of several meals from vegetal origin in comparison to the
high protein requirements of a series of cultured fish species. Additionally, many vegetal products
cannot be utilized straight by fish and require further transformation. These constraints have
restricted the scope of vegetal by-products to soya, cowpea, cotton seed or groundnut cake.
Apart of these few, the agro-industry produces vast amounts of by-products, which are generally
unused properly or even raise pollution issues. As for other types of wastes, the stocking
management of these by-products. In tropical regions, this typically applies to the palm oil industry,
which produces globally 5 million metric tons of by-products each year, and to the groundnut oil
industry, which apart of the groundnut cake, produces 1.5-2 metric million tons of by-products that
cannot be used efficiently because of their frequent toxicity as a result of contamination by
As a corollary, research orientations are increasingly refined with the scope of changing waste to
wealth through biotransformation. Insects in general and flies in particular have evolved stunning,
and largely unrevealed capacities of biotransformation which demand to be explored and used to
the benefit of mankind.
This context was the background and the driving force of my research in aquaculture over the past
6 years, which has been focused on the development of new opportunities of valorizing the by-
products from the agro-alimentary industry in general and of palm-oil in particular.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 4
In August 2003, a visit in France has been organized for two VIPs
from the Indonesian Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Affairs:
Dr Fatuchri, Director General of the DGA (Direction General for Aquaculture).
The DGA is one of the six Departments of the Ministry, in charge of aquaculture development
by actions on vulgarization, promotion and extension of sustainable aquaculture in marine and
fresh waters of Indonesia. The DGA combines many aquaculture stations (marine and
freshwater). Sukabumi / BBAT (Java) is one of the freshwater stations.
Dr Ketut Sugama, Director of the CRIA (Central Research Institute for
Aquaculture). The CRIA is one of the three research institutes belonging to the BRKP (Badan
Reset Kelautan dan Perikanan). BRKP is another of the six departments in the Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Affairs). The CRIA is involved in different research topics which could be
an upstream support research to the development of aquaculture in Indonesia.
During the short stay of our guests in Montpellier, laboratories and research facilities were visited
both in IFREMER and IRD research centers. Different research programs, not only aquaculture,
were presented. As our guests visited the GAMET, I took the opportunity of introducing my
research in aquaculture, and especially the current research program in the Guinea Republic as (1)
rice-fish culture in the forest region, (2) fisheries management in small water bodies and (3) the
valorization of agro-industrial by-products through aquaculture.
The third topic, bioconversion processing of Palm kernel meal (PKM) and its valorization by
aquaculture, represents a major interest for Indonesia. Indeed, Malaysia and Indonesia are
respectively the first and second global producers of palm oil, and both ensure at least 80% of the
world production. According to the USDA statistics 10.6 million tons of global palm oil, included 9.6
million tons of palm oil (PO) and 1.1 million tons of Palm kernel oil (PKO), were produced in
Indonesia in 2003. The by-products (PKM) of PKO extraction amount to about 1.2 million tons.
According to the two VIPs, within the next five years, because of the fore coming plantations in
Sumatra, Indonesia will become the leader in palm oil production.
The prognostic was right. Since 2008, Indonesia has became the world leader in palm oil industry
by producing more than 20 million tons of palm oil per year and 2,5 million of PKM as the by-
product. About 75% of the production of PKO is exported. The remaining 25 % are used locally for
feeding ruminants. In term of tonnages produced, 300,000 to 400.000 metric tons remain available
for aquaculture. Straight from the factory, the price of PKM is 500 to 700 Rp / kg (0,006 /kg).
Biodegradation and utilization in aquaculture could increase substantially the added value of this
Following the visit of Dr Fatuchri and Dr Ketut in Montpellier, I was kindly invited for a short mission
to Indonesia in September 2003. The mission was to meet some key partners from private
companies and research institutes (DGA, CRIA, Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute for
Estate Crop in Bogor) and to take advantage of this opportunity to participate to a seminar on fish
feeding and fish nutrition in Bogor.
One of the focus of the mission was to investigate on the potentiality of the PKM availability in
Indonesia as well as the Rubber Industry in Indonesia by visiting two factories: (1) a latex
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 5
processing plant next to Sukabumi (Java) and another (2) on palm agro-industry nearby Jambi
(Sumatra), the Sawit Factory PT. ANGSO DUO Sawit. The visit has opened the Idea how much
more adequate and justified, the idea to develop the research on Bioconversion on PKM in
Indonesia. Just an rough idea of comparison, only in 2003 the amount of PKM has been estimated
at 1.5 million metric-tons per year, while in Guinea Republic the yearly production was around
7000 to 10.000 metric-tons.
At the end of the mission, a rapid debriefing report has been submitted to the Cooperation Service,
a branch of MEA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) at French Embassy in Jakarta), who has suggested
IRD to make, in the final report, a proposal program for a financial support.
A long-term mission (four months) during 2004 was approved and supported financially by IRD in
February 2004. The mission took place in between June 27 and October 27, 2004.
The purpose is to investigate the context (partnership, potentiality of by-product PKM and to
confirm the interest of the program before decision of my posting in Indonesia from 2005 for two
years first. The post could be extended depending on the development of Bioconversion and the
interest expressed by the Indonesian Authority.
Indonesias demand for aqua feeds, specifically the commercial fish pellets, has increased due to
the expansion of its rural aquaculture sub-sector. However, the price of aqua feeds or commercial
pellets for aquaculture nowadays has become unaffordable to many small-scale fish farmers due
to the ever increasing price of fishmeal, which the country imports from Peru, Chile, and other
countries. The price of fishmeal also continues to soar not only because of its high demand
worldwide but also because of the transportation cost and, above all, the stagnation of fish
production from the natural resources (Naylor et al., 2000). Indonesia spends about US$200 M per
year for the imported fishmeal for mainly its aquaculture industry. If this situation continues, the
development of the countrys aquaculture will be hampered. Fearing further decline of fish
production from aquaculture while boosting the rural economic sector to address the countrys food
security concern, Indonesia has tried various alternative ways to produce aqua feeds using locally
available ingredients.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 6
Basic piinciples of my Nission in Inuonesia
IRD Mission related to Bioconversion Program Terms of
The terms of Reference of my posting in Indonesia was established and centralized on aquaculture
issues more precisely on the aqua-feeds shortage facing the lack of fishmeal imported from
abroad. Bioconversion, by producing biomass of maggots (Hermetia illucens larvae) may play a
role as an alternative and a new source of proteins to compensate the lack of fishmeal.
This is the central guide line from which the Research program must be designed to answer at
the end, at least seven (7) main criteria as follow:
1. The processing method must be able to reach the capacity to produce mass amount of
this new resource to respond the real need. This point must classify the research topic as
an ambitious program.
2. The processing method must be eco-friendly that means no harmful to the environment.
3. The raw materials input used, must be free from competition with others foods production
4. The production cost of the new alternative source by itself must be competitive with the
existent fish meal price.
5. In case of application in a rural context, the processing method must be economically
sustainable as free from energy dependence and need.
6. In terms of safeness for the operators, the process must free from any use of chemical
dangerous products.
7. The technology should be easy to be handled accordingly to the local population
technology level.
This is a guide line points that we must be aware and keep always in mind during the research
design and analysis.
It is a perfect schema of a synergy partnership research in Indonesia in term of collaboration. The
program follows the guidelines of the project Fish-Diva, which started in 2005. The cooperation is
developed mainly with BRKP/CRIA in LRBIHAT Depok. The development component is realized
with DGA, mainly through BBAT Jambi and BBPBAT Sukabumi. The collaboration with the
BRKP/CRIA in terms of laboratory research aspects with a small scale control application and (2)
collaboration with the DGA in terms of applied programs to test on the fields for feasibility control
before extension to public domain.
Practically, at Depok station, which belongs to CRIA, a team of 5 persons (IRD/CRIA) has been
identified to set up and to conduct the bioconversion program. At the BBPBAT Sukabumi, which
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 7
belongs to the DGA, a collaboration IRD/DGA has already started on fish nutrition issues.
Integration of Bioconversion could be appreciated as a reinforcement of the existed collaboration.
Later on, within the scope of the extension action, others stations of the DGA could be part of the
frame work of the bioconversion program especially in Jambi province at Sumatra Island.
A common implementing, in terms of state of mind, would address to all partnership among BRKP
as well as to DGA collaborations. It would be based on a franc and sincere collaboration, where
the real back bone remains simply on a free exchange in terms of research decision, accordingly
to the goals of interest dictated by the guide line of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs.
This free collaboration must go also to the research designs, data exchanges as well as to the
participation in the research costs.
This is a common goal of interest of IRD mission and the Indonesian Authorities Guideline. By
another word, this is an act of sharing of experience which means for any research topic identified,
the topic must be exposed to the different universities authority to involve in the research work.
This collaboration as an opportunity for research topic for graduation students level S1 or Level S2
depending of the degree of research complexity. This would be an occasion to establish another
type of collaboration with the University Supervisors who are looking for the opportunity to find and
conduct the student work involving in applicability from research to the real Development program.
The direct benefit to the student would be to learn:
x How to choose and define the goal of a research topic close to the applicability,
x How to build up the references bibliographic (using Endnotes software as a references
x How to access to IRD Reference bases (ScienceDirect, SpringerLink and others Web of
Science, Current contents, etc) to guide the students to the modern world of research
x How to design the research approach to answer the question goal.
x How to collect the data and to understand the validation by the statistic base analysis.
This part of duty has given us the opportunity to identify to select the good candidates to integrate
in the research team in the future.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 8
Backgiounu 0nueistanuing
BSF larvae (or Maggot) play a central role in the bioconversion process, as a bioconversion agent,
during its three weeks of live time of larvae stage (from embryo to pupa stage). The larvae feed the
decayed substrate, including probably all the micro organisms presents in it (essentially bacteria).
The growth of the larvae generates the larvae biomass which constitutes the end result of the
bioconversion process. The maggot biomass, at the final harvest, could play as a new food
resource base for animals and fish. This is an example of the conversion from Waste to Wealth
using a benefit services provided from an insect Hermetia illucens known also as Black Soldier Fly
(BSF) during it larvae stage.
What it is all about Bioconversion !
Therefore, a better understanding of BSF biology and it life cycle, represents a first knowledge
base, a priority goal, for a better management and the domestication of the insect for the mass
production of their larvae.
Palm kernel Meal (PKM) namely Bungkeal in Indonesian Language, is a by-product from Palm Oil
Industry. This by-product contains roughly 18% proteins and 20% of fats. Presently, Indonesia
disposes every year nearly 2 million tons of PKM. About 1/2 are exported to Europe, China and
Australia with a very low price (less than 0.02 US $ / kg). Big amount of PKM remaining in the
country, still not be used appropriately. Large quantities of PKM are neglected among organics
waste and may damage environment by organic pollution.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 9
Bioconveision piogiam in Inuonesia
Many reasons may explain why before our work on BSF in Indonesia, the insect Hermetia illucens
by itself was unknown in Indonesia because of the rarity of the insect around human habitat. The
low density of the population may explained by the high rate of the predation from egg-embryo
stage ( ant), larvae stage until adult fly. The natural habitat of insect Hermetia is composed by
dense vegetation (small bush). For sure, the people have met the BSF before but we may consider
it by mistake as a wasp. And when accidently people have met the maggot (BSF larvae) they may
take it by similarity as belatung (Musca sp larvae or Chrysomya sp, blow fly larvae) with a
repugnant consideration.
Hermetia illucens is a well known as cosmopolitan species. During my
mission in Indonesia June 27 and October 27, 2004, we have no
opportunity to meet yet the insect. The collaboration with BBPAT
Sukabumi on bioconversion program was already started.. The PKM
fermented has been prepared as media for the culture Maggot and has
been placed at the back yard of the station. Only on Mars 2005, BSF
populations were appeared on the old culture media, with some under-
form of Maggot and some others under form of old chitin skin after
imago hatched.
In front of this proof, my feeling was the the open gate for the bioconversion program in
Indonesia. After Sukabumi, it was the turn of Depok, to fine also the BSF population and to develop
the first mass culture using the barrel drum.
After the discovery the presence of BSF in Sukabumi and at Depok
research station, our first reaction was to confirm the exactitude of
the specimens it belonging in terms of
taxonomy and systematic classification. For
this purpose, we have went to the Insect
collection at LIPPI at Cibinon (Bogor). At the
first look, by comparing with the collection
specimen, it was no dough to identify as
Hermetia sp. But when the comparison went further based on the
wing veins and their branch, our conclusion was clear that all specimens we have found in Depok
and Sukabumi should belong to Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus-1758) (F. Stratiomyidae, O. Diptera).
It was also an opportunity to access in many documents and data bases related to Insects Order of
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We were conscientious about constrains and difficulties, we would be faced by choosing to work
with insect Hermetia illucens larvae. The issue would not be in term of scientific or technical point
of view, but the problem will be the psychological aspects. Indonesia, similar to others part in the
sub-region, is a country where the traditional values remain strongly attached to an ancient
tradition believe or religious. Something new relied to an unusual practice or unfit to the local
believe, would be hardly accepted.
Working with insect larvae such as fly maggot having a connotation of unhygienic dirty staffs ,
would face inevitably the problem to convince.
Fortunately, the project has been supported by many important Personalities, in the fisheries
Department. The fact that General Director of Aquaculture has decided to support financially
(200.000.000Rp) to make the research and develop of the maggot project at BBAT Songai Galam
(Jambi) the decision has made a big move of the Bioconversion program to the acceptability. The
Head of BBPAT of Sukabumi have another brilliant idea to baptize the call of Maggot to Hermatia
illucens larvae, instead of Belatung that has a connotation repugnant, while the word Maggot is
neutral (for example the giving name Jalan Maggot) do not have any special connotation. Also
BSF, Black Soldier Fly become SBF Seranga Bunga fly. From IRD, we have promoted the key-
ring including together maggot and insect BSF in the same inclusion. All those actions came from a
deep reflection have produce a significant effect on the opinion.
This is an example of a synergy putting together intelligence make a brain storming to find a good
way to go and shortcutting the problem.
According to the publications on Hermetia illucens, almost all authors have confirmed that BSF
insect are not classified on the insect pest list. But on the contrary BSF may provide many
advantageous services to the human being as well as environment.
But despite these considerations, we are very careful to avoid any adverse consequences or any
negative impacts on the environment.
Thats why, although we have agreements from the Department, the spread should be forward with
great care and attention. These are examples of approaches that we present later in this document
on our interventions in rural areas at Bengkulu province and on Sarolangun in Sumatra.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 11
Insect HermetiaillucensLinnaeus
Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) or black soldier fly,
was described by Linnaeus (1758). It is a member of class of
Diptera (fly) which is characterised by a pair of membranous
wing on the mesothorax. While, the metathoracic wing pair is
reduced become a pair of halter wing atrophied (Figure) the
two halters (white in color) are visible when freshly emerged from
pupa chitin and when the wing remain crumpled. The same
wings have spread after 3 mn and the two halters are covered
and become not visible).
Suborder Brachycera
Infraorder Xylophagomorpha
Order Diptera
Infraorder Stratiomyomorpha
Infraorder Tabanomorpha
Infraorder Muscomorpha
family Stratiomyidae
family Xylomyidae
1. Parhadrestiinae,
2. Chiromyzinae,
3. Pachygastrinae,
4. Beridinae,
5. Antissinae,
6. Clitellariinae,
7. Hermetiinae,
8. Chrysoclorininae,
9. Nemotelinae, Sarginae,
10. Stratiomyinae,
11. Raphiocerinae.
12. Hermetiinae
Genus Hermetia
Species Hermetia illucens
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Diptera consists of two Suborder, i.e. Nematocera and Brachycera. H. illucens is a member of
Brachycera whose has such a pair of antenna which is shorter than thorax, whereas Nematocera
has a pair of antenna (usually filiform or plumose antenna) which is longer than thorax.
Brachycera consists of four infraorder, i.e. Xylophagomorpha, Tabanomorpha, Muscomorpha, and
Stratiomyomorpha. Stratiomyomorpha is the infraorder that consists primarily of family
Stratiomyidae and two small related families, i.e. Xylomyidae and Panthoptalmyidae.
Stratiomyidae consists of twelve subfamily, i.e. Parhadrestiinae, Chiromyzinae, Pachygastrinae,
Beridinae, Antissinae, Clitellariinae, Hermetiinae, Chrysoclorininae, Nemotelinae, Sarginae,
Stratiomyinae, Raphiocerinae. Hermetiinae is distinguished by the characteristic of antenna, the
eighth flagellomere is elongate and thickened. Hermetiinae also does not have any scutellar
spines. Genus Hermetia is characterized by the laterally flattened eighth antennal flagellomere.
Repartition and distribution zone of presence of insect Hermetia
Originated from American continent, Hermetia illucens populations have been spread over the
world by sea transportations. Today the specie is became cosmopolitan between 42 degree North
and South (Leclercq, 1997). It is clear that the insect adapted well to all new continents, in Europe
around the Mediterranean Sea in Malta Island (1926), France (1951), Italy (1954), Spain (1962).
Their presence has been recorded at the Canary Islands (1972) as well as in Switzerland (1987-
1988). BSF populations are found in Australia and New Zealand. In Africa, H. illucens has been
recorded in Guinea Republic (2008), Madagascar (1930).
Research on insect Hermetia illucens were studied since 40 years ago in USA (Myers et al. 2008,
Tomberlin et al. 2002, Sheppard et al. 2002, Lard 1989). The BSF populations are found naturally
concentrated around garbage or dump. Naturally the females laid their eggs around compost
areas; excrement of poultry of swine manures the cadaver of animal or human. According to the
temperature, the eggs may hatch from 3 to 6 days. From 2 to 4 week at the larvae stage, the
larvae feed non-stop during day and night. But very few information are available concerning
growth of BSF larvae in term of size or body weight. No precise studies are made to investigate on
the number of Instars as well as on the number of molting. Only Gerhardt (2002) mentioned that it
passes five instars before pupation.
The longevity of the insect adult is estimate from one to two weeks. (Tomberlin et al. 2002, Myers
et al. 2008) have mentioned that if provide water the insect adult may extend a longer longevity.
The larvae feed insatiably during 3-4 weeks depend on the fed (Tomberlin et al. 2002, Myers et al.
2008). Nevertheless, information of instar is little known. Hall and Gerhardt (2002) mentioned that it
passes five instar before pupation. Prepupa will migrate from feeding site to dry and hidden site to
initiate pupation. The pupae reach the adult stage in about 2 weeks (Myers et al. 2008, Hall &
Gerhardt 2002).
Longevity H. illucens ranged from 1 to 2 weeks depend on larval diet. Furthermore, the adult that
provided water lived longer than those not provided water (Tomberlin et al. 2002, Myers et al.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 13
2008). End to end mating occur 2 days after emergence. Then, oviposition occur 4 days after
emergence (Tomberlin & Sheppard 2002).
Sun light is determinant to occur mating. Zhang and al. (2010), has proved the artificial light, with
intensity of more than 200 mol m-2s-1 may provoque mating all year round.
The insect Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758) belongs to the subfamily Hermetiinae and to the
family Stratiomyidae and the order Diptera. The genus Hermetia and the specie illucens is present
and widespread in Indonesia (cf. Insect Collection at LIPI, Cibinon, Bogor). Four other species,
also are mentioned in the territory. This is H. cerioides Walker, 1858b, H. laglaizei Bigot, 1887b, H.
inflata Walker, 1858, H. rufiventris Walker, 1860b. Their presence was reported in the islands of
the Moluccas and Irianjaya.
species Hermetia illucens (Fig. 1) is part of the natural
ecosystem in Indonesia, but the insect populations are
unknown by the general public. Black Soldier Fly has
surly been seen but it could be taken by mistake as
Wasp. As have indicated by Woodley, that most
species of Hermetia resemble wasps in flight, and some
species are close mimics of wasps and bees. Larvae of
most Hermetia species are found in decaying
vegetation, sometimes associated with a specific plant.
Others are more general scavengers, such as H.
illucens, which has been spread throughout much of the world by commerce. It has potential as a
biological waste management agent to control plant and animal waste products (Tomberlin &
Sheppard, 2002 and references therein). James & Wirth (1967) reviewed one small species group
of Hermetia, but most species are difficult to identify.
Morphologically, the specimens have been identified as belong to the H. illucens specie but
furthermore, the confirmation must be based, in the future if possible, on the molecular study as
Brammer and von Dohlen (2007).
By presenting some description on the anatomy, we have no pretention to make a complete and
detail description already have been done by entomologists specialized in Diptera. We just
propose to have a close up look on the morphology of two part of the insect body which may us to
understand the feeding behavior and the reproduction aspects. Another word, we interest to
examine closer on the mouth part and genital organs, useful to be able to recognized et make
distinction between male and female specimens.
x The mouth part of the adult insect,
A close-up view has shown the BSF mouth part is a labial type with
many micro hairs for collecting flowers pollens. No sting or bite part
have existed. Morphologically, Woodley (2001) explained that
Fig. 1
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Hermetiinae closely related to Chrysochlorininae where the mouth part
is a labial type.
Like blow fly, labial mouth plays as a suction sponge to absorb the
liquid form of food like nectar or diluted honey. This information are very
useful for us, in terms of designing an appropriate way to feed efficiently
the insect BSF in case of intensive rearing in a enclose areas.
x Anatomy of the sexual organs
The purpose of the study on the differentiation between male and female by morphological criteria,
is to be able to distinguish rapidly between male and female in terms of sex-ratio study or to select
and pair male and female. The differentiation is based on the anatomy focused on the extreme
posterior part of the body.
The male is easily recognizable by the two sharp claws acting as a pair of pincers to hold tightly
the extreme part of the female ovipositor, during mating. The female is recognizable by the
posterior part of the abdomen, the ovipositor extensible with at the extreme part a pair of cercas
which play an important role in guiding the ovipositor to range in order the eggs. Sometime the
extreme part could be retracted in the abdomen. In that case we need to, gently, apply a slide
pressure on the abdomen, which expulse the extreme part distinguishable rapidly.
1 2
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Reseaich Appioach to unueistanu the piepupa stage
The studies have been started from eggs and embryo stage
of development. Adult insect imago is quite easy to to
capture by a natural method. Metal drums (70-liter volume)
made from barrel drum is covered with galvanized chicken
wire to protect the culture from outside intruders (rats and
mice) to interfere and disturb the culture. Inside the barrel
we dispose 3kg of fermented PKM which emanate a
particular aroma (smell) that attracts the
females of BSF to lay their eggs. The
barrels are covered by corrugated plastic
roofing, cut into small pieces to avoid
flood from the rain. The whole facility is placed among the vegetation (small
bushes) where BSF population used to take it as refuge or as its natural habitat.
Different from flies Musca (housefly) or blue flies, the BSF females lay rarely
eggs directly on the wet medium. Eggs are always deposited on substrates such as dried banana
leaves place above the medium. After three days, eggs are hatching the young larvae migrate to
the medium to feed and develop. The growth of larvae is very fast in the fermented PKM. Larvae
during their development change 5 to 6 times their sloughed skin (molt). According to Sheppard,
the number of instars or mutations is about 5 times. No matter how, the number may be considered
as in the same order of magnitude.
Observations to determine the numbers of molts and instars of larvae stage of Hermetia illucens
seem to us as a important knowledge. The purpose is at the end to be able to recognize their
belonging to what instar described accordingly to their morphology. The term Prepupa designes
the inactive period of larvae until pupa. The time where between embryo stage and the pre-pupa
stage is known as larvae stage, that would end at until the pre-pupa stage. In fact the larvae stage
is composed with more complexes in term of number of molting with relation with physiology of the
larvae and their behavior. We propose to study the larvae and pre pupa stages with more details in
terms of the number of molting. The morphometry of the larvae and their external aspects.Their
composition of nutriments will be included in the study. This information could help us to
understand the better moment to exploit the biomass of larvae and to optimize the preparation the
pupa for the restocking purpose.
Knowing in detail the number of molting and thereby the number of Instars may give us a better
reference marks to observe the behavior and the change of their physiological conditions. For
example what moment of the larvae existence, occurs the maximum of their capacity of biodegrade
the waste and what moment the larvae may stop feeding.
Insect Hermetia illucens, like any organisms in arthropod Phylum, is characterized by an
exoskeleton made from rigid chitin. In order to growth, the organisms must change periodically the
external skeleton. The term of instars mean the laps of time extended between two successive
molting. Their growth may occur during each instar. Relatively to the group of insect
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 16
Holometabolous, the term instars concerns only during the immature
larvae stage. The use of the term cannot be appropriated in the latest
stage of pupa or imago (adult stage which does not molt any more).
To observe the exact moment of molting by detecting the sloughed
skin, we have used a medium with in color. Because we have found
that the color of the medium made from PKM fermented is very difficult
to distinguish the molt skin. To go over, we proposed to use another
medium which is white in color. For this purpose, we have used a medium composed by oatmeal
mixed with water and yeast. After 24 hours the medium is fermented and ready to receive the
Hermetia eggs. Three groups of cultures (according to three dates (13
, 14
and 17
of October
2008) are considered. The culture medium is kept inside a Petri disk. Twelve cases are
investigated (see table). All the culture are preserved in the lab temperature varied between 25-
28C. The observations were done two times a day: one in the morning around 7-8 A.M. and the
second at the evening around 5-6 P.M. To make easy the observations, during the control, the
Petri disk are placed on an upside-down round-flat ceiling lamp. The lighting from the bottom has
allowed easy the distinction of the sloughed skin (figure abow).
The results of the observations are presented below.
It seems that we have counted 6 instars within the pre-pupa stage.
Hatching : Just after hatching, the larvae, measured 0.9 mm long, migrated
from substrate to the food areas. If the food sources are not available, the
hatched larvae may die after few hours. They move by extending and retracting
the body. The same time they moves, the larvae feed observable on the mouth
part monuments.
First Molting : After 48-72 hours, the first molting may occur. The measurement
of the larvae body length take place just after. It measures 1.9 mm
Second Molting : At 48 hours later from the first molting, the second molting
may occur. The body length may take 3.8 to 4,2 mm long.
NB : The two first molting are difficult to follow because of the distinction difficulty of the sloughed
skin mixed with media, the rapidity of the molting and the short time period of instars.
While from the third molting the detection becomes visible and easier. No pictures of the others
molting is presented. The molting table below may show until the pre-pupa, pupa and emergence.
1 mm
Hatchi ng
ti me
CaseN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b x x x x
a x x x x x a x a x
b b b
a a a
b b b x x x
a x x x x a a x
b b x b x
a a a
b b b x x x x
a x a a
b x x b b x
a a a
b b x b
a a a
b x b b x
a a a x
b x b b x x x
a a a
b x b x b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a x
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a x a x
b b b
a x a a
b b b
a a a x
b b b x
a a a
b b b
a x a a ? ? x
b b b
a a a
b b b
a x a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a x a
b b b
a x x pupa a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a pupa ? pupa pupa pupa
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
a a pupa a
b b b
a pupa a a
b b b
a a a
b b b
3 3 3
4 4 4
1 1 1
2 2 2
7 7 7
8 8 8
5 5 5
6 6 6
11 11 11
12 12 12
9 9 9
10 10 10
15 15 15
16 16 16
13 13 13
14 14 14
19 19 19
20 20 20
17 17 17
18 18 18
23 23 23
24 24 24
21 21 21
22 22 22
30 30
27 27 27
28 28 28
25 25 25
26 26 26
39 39 39
40 40 40
37 37 37
38 38 38
35 35 35
36 36 36
33 33 33
13/10/087:00AM 14/10/086:30AM 17/10/088:10AM
41 41 41
42 42
34 34 34
31 31 31
32 32 32
29 29 29
Pupa stopmoving
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 17
N of Molting
4 mm
N of Molting : I II III IV V VI Pupa Emergence
Body Length (mm)
Body Wight (mm)
N of Instars
0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 30,00
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 18
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 19
Fig. 6
Fiist tentative of intensive cultuie of insect Beimetia in
puipose of mass piouuction of eggs
The natural method consists of production of larvae from natural population of Hermetia. The
spawn collectors made from drums containing Palm Kernel Meal fermented are placed among the
vegetation nearby the house backyard. The
population of insects Hermetia existed naturally in
the area is attracted by the smell emanated of PKM
fermented. Only the females of Hermetia are
attracted, not for feeding purpose but for laying their
eggs on a solid substrate nearby the medium (PKM
fermented). The fecundities, estimated from 400 to
1200 per spawn are correlated positively with the
body length of the female (correlation coefficient
R=0.694). Figure below represents the effective
fecundity. It means the number of eggs spawned,
laid on the medium from one female. The
observations continue to collect the maximum of
data to reinforce the equation.
As we have planned, once the life cycle of has been
investigated, the next step will be the tentative to reach the
mass production of Hermetia eggs by controlling the whole
cycle, from eggs stage until adult stage.
Therefore, the rearing method or controlled method has been
tried in April 2006 at Depok research station. A large green
house (14m long x 12m large x 6m high) , has been setup with
bamboo frame and covered by fine net (Fig.6). To simulate the
habitat of Hermetia insect we have grown a kind of daisy flower
named Sphagneticola sp - family of Asteraceae (Fig. 7). This
management is designed to attempt to simulate the biotope
where Hermetia population use to gathering in side.
This infrastructure provides a new possibility to make a
mass production BS larva from eggs collected in the high
density of insects Hermetia in rearing condition.
The mass production of Hermetia larvae from eggs has
given us a new possibility to obtain any size of larvae
destined to feed small mouth fishes. A new scope named
the mini maggot has been set up as it has presented
above. Many species of ornamental fishes such as as
young fry of Botia, Balashark and Black ghost have been
successfully tested, an encouraging results to continue
the further studies.
Fig. 7
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 20
Figure 1. on the left side group treated with biofertilizer
Figure 2 . comparison of root system contact surface of
rhizosphere and number of nodules Rhizobium and the
As we have found during 2007 that bioconversion is not limited only on maggot biomass
production. It has confirmed that the rest from the process is the real biofertilizer advantageous for
agriculture. This study has become a topic research for a S2 student thesis from UI (University of
Indonesia). The summary of the thesis is presented in Annex 3.
The discovery of the utility of the rest from
bioconversion process as biofertilizer was
unexpected. Usually when we clean and separate
maggot biomass from the medium, the maggot was
used as aquafeed base either directly as live food or
in fresh form mixing with rice bran screw into pellets
form either it may be transformed as dried meal
replacing fish meal in food formulation. By separating
the maggot biomass, we have usually thawed the rest
of the culture in the bananas field or underneath of
some fruit trees nearby. The farmers have alerted the
first observation. There were remarkable differences
between the groups of plants that have received the
biofertilizer comparing with the control groups
without receiving it. Therefore, the first
experimentation to give evidence on the fertilizer
advantage has conducted us to work on Vigna
unguiculata (kacang penjang). After 3 months of
culture (from February to May 2008) an evaluation
has been evaluated, concentrating on plants and
fruits biomass productions. The root system
developments, including the rhizosphere contact
surface and the number of nodules developed, have
also taken in consideration. The advantages of
biofertilizer have today no ambiguity. In term of dried
biomass of vegetal matter (plants and leaves), there
are 3.36 times more for the group which has been
treated with the biofertilizer. In term of root system
development, precisely at the level of rhizosphere,
there are 3.43 times more. In another word, the
biofertilizer has increased subsequently contact
surfaces between root and soil. In term of root
nodules symbiosis, the amount has recorded more
by 1.43 times, concerning the group treated by biofertilizer, comparing with the control group none
treated. It is now very clear that there is a real advantage of the use of biofertilizer on plants.
However many questions remain need to support by further research. On the top of the symbiotic
root system nodule (Rhizobium bacteria symbiotic in fixation of atmospheric nitrogen), the
investigation must go further on symbioses may develop along as mycorrhizal associations with
soil fungi? And what are the origin possible of those microorganism strain?
All those question marks represent the research topics in the future concerning the microbiology
aspects. At the beginning of year 2008, since the discovery of the fertilizer proprietary on the
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 21
Figure 3 . Basic facility and equipments for microbiology
research approach, created for the occasion at LRBIHAT
material left over from the PKM bioconversion, the finding has putted the bioconversion program
into another consideration, which recognize as an environmental friendly research program, which
is justified today as a priority to encourage. Recently, published in the Seafdec magazine Fish for
the people and broadcasting in January through some Media in France (AFP). WWF in Indonesia
as well as in France have considered the bioconversion program as an environmental friendly
approach an ecological intensification example
To complete the study on bioconversion process, another aspect of research approach has
engaged: the investigation on microbiology aspects related with the fermentation process. The
scope of work is to understand the completion link between larvae and the medium, the role of
microorganisms like yeast, fungus and bacteria.
The central motor of the bioconversion process is represented by the metabolic activities where
revolve the exchanges and transfers of energy between the microorganism cells and the organic
residues. The purpose of the microbiology approach is to try to understand the mechanism of
fermentation of PKM and in order to respond to the question frequently asked about the sources
and nature of maggot food, which could involve in their rapid growth? What are the roles and
places of fungus and bacteria in the biodegradation process? Are there a specific species of
fungus coexist with PKM?
In collaboration with University of Indonesia, two students of S2 level, in microbiology department,
have been chose to take this topic under their thesis research. The first research topic concerns
years and fungus species. The study concerns the identification and the dynamic population
development. The second topic involves in the identification of bacteria populations (kinetic
apparition and identification of dominant species). The research programs were co-directed by Dr
Dibovo from University of Indonesia and myself. The research activities are occurring at LRBIHAT-
Depok microbiology facilities setting up especially for this program.
x Yeast and fungus
Concerning years and fungus, Dwi Pang, student
S2 from UI, was in charge in this research topic for
his S2 thesis. The first investigation to take place is
to establish an inventory of the main categories of
fungus existed naturally on the PKM substrate. The
second investigation consists of closely following
the kinetic development of different species during
the fermentation. Among the present species, we
have discovered at least six categories of colonies.
All are under process for identification.
By following the kinetic and dynamic development
during 21 day of PKM fermentation, we have
remarked the dominance of three species identified
two as probably part of Rhizopus genus, and one
as Aspergillus genus. The thesis has been defend
on August 2009. The study on the fungus with PKM
will continue. The research will scope to discover other strains of fungus not only with PKM but
concern others medium base like byproducts from copra, coffee or others agro-industries residues.
The final goal of research on fungus is to identify a specific dominant species, to purify by culture
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 22
and conserve as the most efficient starter for PKM fermentation or others organic matters available
by big quantity. The abstract is presented in annex 3 at the end of the document.
x Bacteria
Concerning bacteria, Aulia, student S2 in Microbiology at University of Indonesia, was in charge in
this research since October 2008. Comparable to fungus methodology study, we process the
isolation by practicing the dilution plate method. The principle of the techniques is to evaluate only
a small portion as a relative abundance of the total cultured populations. The dilution may go down
until 10
up to 10
. The first result has shown that most of bacteria are gram stain positive.
The first investigation to take place is to establish an inventory of the main categories of bacteria
colonies and followed by pure culture. Three groups of colonies classified, according to their color
respectively (pink colony, yellow colony and white colony) have been identified as the main group
involved in PKM fermentation. Again, all are Gram stain positive. Isolation followed by pure culture
has shown that all are belong to coccus group. The identification will take place by using DNA
sequencing in the near future. The first comparison on two groups of culture Medias where one
group has inoculated with larvae (started from eggs stage) and the second group without larvae
inoculation. The bacteria densities were subsequently 3 times lower for the group inoculated with
larvae. This is the first confirmation that Hermetia larvae may feed with bacteria developed in the
media. Each treatment case has designed with replicated.
The abstract is presented in annex 3 at the end of the document
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 23
Application of Bioconveision piogiam to Bevelop the iuial
aquacultuie Singkut village Saiolangun }ambi S0NATRA
Since 2007, after the transfer from lab research at Depok Centre (BBIHAT), to develop a mass
production at BBAT Songai Gelan at Jambi province. It was clear that the maggots are safety and
may be used as an alternative raw material to replace fishmeal. The year 2008 was highlighted by
the success of the first trying of maggot within the rural communities. Maggot has been recognized
as an easy technology to handle, free from energy need, alternative cheap food stuff for
aquaculture. Maggot business has identified as potential new source for household income. At
2009 a financial strong support from the authorities (BRKP, DGA Dinas Provinsi) has focused the
maggot program into a Pilot Project, to attempt to demonstrate that Maggot is an alternative
animal protein for fishmeal replacement. The application is planned to be conducted in Sumatra.
Desa Singkut 1, (Sarolangun district, Jambi province) has been chosen as a base for this pilot
Bioconversion in Pilot program: Maggot as an alternative
The bioconversion program has reached at 2009 a decisive step by setting up the pilot program of
bioconversion by putting in practice the principle of the bioconversion to serve the rural zones.
Sarolangun district was one of those cases where aquaculture activity was closing down. The
village Singkut 1, part of the district, has been chose as pioneer for this pilot example. What
concept and approach guide line be judged as appropriate to be adopted for the project ?
The meeting held on the 4
of March 2009 at Jambi, has discussed on the appropriate design and
method be used in the project. The meeting has coordinate the roles and actions of each party
involved (BRKP, IRD and the DGA/DKP Dinas of Jambi). All parties are agreed on the general
concept: the Pilot Project must go beyond the technical aspect of producing maggot. The Pilot
project must act as a demonstration over the whole transformation chain from maggot up to fish
production as the final focus. The final conclusion must demonstrate that maggot is a new source
of animal proteins capable to replace fishmeal and to provide low cost aquaculture.
Therefore the project must cover three operations steps by starting (1) from maggot culture
followed by (2) the pellets fabrication based on maggot biomass. The project will continue up to (3)
fish culture and harvest. Each step must take in account the economic aspects accounting all costs
involved (investment, infrastructure, running cost,). On the other word, the frame of the project
may be presented as a chain of three specific groups of operators:
x The first group or Group A, represented by 5 families, are in charged on maggot biomass
x the second group of operators, Group B, represented by only one family, is in charged
on aquafeed pellet production. The group B will buy the whole biomass of maggot
produced from group A, to be used as the main ingredient inputted into the pellets
composition, instead of fishmeal. The pellet produced will be free from fishmeal.
x The third group, Group C is composed by fish farmers practicing aquaculture in ponds.
They will buy pellets from group B for growth out their fish in respective ponds.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 24
Group A Group B Group C
Singkut 1 village has been chosen as pioneer to act in this program. The families involved
in the operation are identified and decided by farmers association (Kelompuk). The
agreement has also decided on the duties and responsibilities of each party as shown as
1. The duty under IRD responsibility is to set up 2 (two) maggot culture sites (two
families among the 5) and to build one storehouse for stocking Palm Kernel
2. Dinas Perikanan of the Jambi province is in charge on the construction of three
other maggot culture sites (three families). The duty of Dinas will provide also
the PKM (90 tons) and will insure it transportation from the factory up to
storehouse at Singkut 1.
3. The duty part of BRKP is to ensure the running costs between three groups of
operators: maggot producers (5 families), aquafeed maker (1 family) and fish-
farmers (12 families). The running cost concerns firstly the maggot purchased by
the aquafeed maker, and secondly it concerns the fingerling cost for the growth
out operation in the 12 families.
After a long negotiation with Smart group, an agreement on PKM has been fixed for 200Rp/kg
limited at 90 tons of PKM needed during the pilot period. The construction of the facilities needed
(Maggot culture pool, stocking house) were build in time March 2009 ( see report-Appendix 7).
The maggot production has followed a month later. To produce massively the larvae biomass, we
do not process by depending on the spontaneous spawns from the wile insect population. Thereby,
we have processed by an artificial restocking by introducing since the beginning; a substantial
quantity of pupa (50kg of pupa) has been brought from BBAT of Songail Gelam (Jambi). By
increasing the insect breeders population by restocking the pupa, we have recorded an immediate
high production of larvae. Nowadays the harvests, between 1000 kg to 1250 kg of fresh maggot,
are constantly recorded every week from the five families. The transformation into aquafeed is
made in the same area, in charged under one of the 18 families. The pellet price made from
Maggot base (3500Rp/kg) is much far cheaper than the commercial standard pellets (7000Rp). A
show case seminar recently occurred on December 2009 at Sarolangun was organized to
communicate the intermediary result and to open dialogue between the farmers and the
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 25
organization team. The pilot project will run for two cycle of fish production. The growth of fish and
the Food conversion rate (FCR) will be presented around the middle of this year 2010.
The first analysis of the pilot program, after 9 months running, has concluded broadly optimistic
results: (1) mass production on maggot is clearly feasible, although there are some refine
correction to increase and stabilize the yield og maggot harvest. However, the conversion ratio has
been notified between 2,5 to 2,8 (from PKM to fresh maggot biomass). The real productions have
been recorded between 150 230kg from 450kg of PKM input. For the first time, it possible to
produce, in the rural condition, the aquafeed pellets, based on maggot biomass. The use of
maggot pellet on fish culture is being operated. The growths recorded by intermediary samplings
are optimistic. The final result will be analyzed around May this year.
Although the positive results of this first prototype, some technical and some economical
considerations are nesceserly to revise:
Maggot harvesting: (150-
200kg/family/week). Maggot price:
2000Rp/kg (fresh weight). Supplement
income estimated par family in group A is
Group A : maggot harvesting
Group B
Group C
Local made pelleting machine (support
from Dinas). Pellet sun-drying: price of
pellet per kg is 3500Rp (cf. pellet from
market 7000Rp). Group B is represented
12 farmers represent Group C. Fingerling of
Tilapia and carp cyprinus are provided by
BRKP- technical supported by BBAT of
Jambi. The growths give satisfactory result.
Data will be exploited after two cycles of
culture (June 2010)
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 26
1. The cost of prototype of the four culture basins estimated around 15.000.000 Rp per
production unit (per family) is unaffordable by the rural farmers. It is advisable that
technical research should focus on others alternatives cheaper materials, by keeping in
mind: the efficiency of the structures in terms of maggot productions. The design must
keep in account the duration of the structures lives and therefore the depreciation
economic impact on the maggot production cost.
2. It is clear that the maggot biomass is a good candidate product for fishmeal replacement.
However, the prices adjustment are required to be considered equitably at each level of
operators (maggot producers, aquafeed based on maggot price and fish farmers)
3. For the moment the PKM price is fixed at 200Rp/kg which is a good base to start the
project. But for the further step of development, negotiations must be previously agreed
with the PKM producers. Maggot should be recognized as a symbiosis activity among the
oil palm industry.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 27
Ninilaivaea seconu aspect of application of Bioconveision
Beside the Pilot Project a second application has been considered and named Minilarvae. The
operation concerns the mass production of small size maggot (from 1.5 2mm, 3mm et 4mm of
diameter) will be used as live food for aquarium fish. The program action has occurred at Balai
BRBIHAT Depok. This report, will presented the coordination of my schedule work in the pilot
As have been mentioned in the introduction chapter, the research on Bioconversion of PKM by
insect Hermetia illucens, have guided us to understand it life cycle, it biology characteristics related
to the feeding habit, fecundity, reproduction behaviors, the growing conditions during the larvae
stages or behaviors and reactions with physical parameters like light, temperature or color. All
those knowledge notified from many observations, have been exploited and applied into two
benefit services: (1) Maggot as a fishmeal alternative (as stated above) and (2) Minilarvae used
as live food for aquarium fish. The Minilarvae terms has been adopted to define the small size
maggot homogeneously regrouped into 4 categories determined by the body size diameter from
1,3 2 3 4 mm. Another particularity related with the minilarve is their origin, where all are
synchronized hatched from the same cohort of eggs its self have been spawned on the same day.
Thereby, the key solution is to produce a masse quantity of eggs by rearing the insect in an
enclosed area. The technical method to obtain the difference size of maggot (minilarvae)
corresponding to the mouth diameter of fish.
The process, are based on optimizing the sufficient quantity of food for the larvae and equilibrate
according to the size demanded by the market. The knowledge of technical process has been
protect by an international patent (Brevet PCT/FR2009/050592 submitted on the 7thof April
2009) and also under Thailand patent (brevet en THAILANDE n 0901001753 submitted on the
20thof April 2009) because Thailand is not part of Patent Cooperation Treaty 1970 ("PCT"). To
consolidate this common discoveries (Maggot and Botia) a co ownership document is actually
under preparation to be officially signed between the French and Indonesians Research Institutes
early this year (March 2010).
The minilarvae program (Minimaggot) at 2009 is highlighted by a strong support from IRD to push
the project into a real scale. A budget of 45.000 (forty five thousand Euros) has been agreed to
support the construction of set up a prototype of Insectariums (1000m) for trying a high density
culture of Insect Hermetia illucens. The objective is to produce and harvest massively eggs from
Hermetia to be used produce industrially the mini-larvae to satisfy the ornamental fish market. On
December 2009, after the inauguration 05/11/2009, the production maximal has reached 300gr of
eggs per week.
To promote the two products (minilarvae and Botia), BBIHAT and IRD team has participated at
Aquarama exhibitions held in Singapore 26-30 May 2009. Surprisingly, the minilarvae was well
accepted. About 20 countries are interested on importing the minilarve. The first sample of
minilarve will be exported for trying in those countries. On April 2010, a showcase will occur at
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 28
Minilarvae mass production
1. An insectariums (1000m) for eggs mass
production. An artificial habitat made by
plantes (Sphagneticola sp) use as Hermetia
2. Eggs harvested 250gr ( 8 750 000 eggs)
3. Minilarvae n 2 - 2mm body size
4. Pupa box for restocking of insect
5. Pupa
6. Newly hatched adult insects
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 29
Bioconveision of oiganic wastes othei than
PKN Palm Keinel Neal in Inuonesia
Sauiin BEN Senioi scientist IRB Emilie Bevic Fisheiies engineei IRB
At the beginning, the motivation on the bioconversion research program was designed in an
attempt to identify new sources of protein alternatives to fish meal. This research topic is now
becoming a necessity. Indeed, the global shortage of fishmeal aware since 15 years has become
nowadays a real issue leading to dramatic consequences for many countries where aquaculture is
a traditional activity which provided an important part of the country's food security. This is the case
of Indonesia where the increase in the prices of fish feed, caused by the shortage of fish meal,
resulted in a decrease or even a cessation of this activity foster in some rural areas. Without an
alternative to medium term, the situation could become a problem of food security for the
population of remote areas. Since 2009, the bioconversion has been demonstrated for 10 months
in the pilot project in Sumatra, the result is clear that it is a possible solution to reactivate.
The bioconversion is a natural process using the ability of insect larvae Hermetia illucens (Diptera,
Stratiomyidae, cosmopolitan) able to biodegrade palm kernel meal into a biomass of larvae used
as the base component in feeds for farmed fish. A simple process without the need for energy has
been demonstrated in a rural zone setting in the province of Jambi (Sumatra). The only essential
input is the palm kernel meal (PKM) that the project is purchasing from the factory of Smart Group
at Sarolangun (Jambi province, Sumatra) near the site of the Pilot. However, the flip side of
success is the speculation of PKM at this new opportunity to enhance that by-product. Result in a
5-fold increase of PKM from its initial price pushing up to 200 Rp / kg to Rp 1,000 / kg. What made
the temporary halt of the project.
In order to deal with this new situation, we have chosen to go to other sources of organic waste, an
alternative solution for areas without PKM.
Intensive of the insect Hermetia illucens rearing to obtain the
Obtaining of egg masses of the insect Hermetia is "key" of the bioconversion process. The
population density present in the natural environment, could never meet demand when needed to
biodegrade a large amount of organic waste. An intensive rearing of insect Hermetia is the only
way to obtain large amounts of egg masses. To achieve this, a research program to optimize both
the quality and quantity of insect breeders was considered. The program may be summarized in
three stages as follows:
x Getting to know the life cycle during the larval stage
Optimize a growth in the best condition of larvae (no interruption of food supply).
Follow the growth of larvae ensuring good condition of fermentation of PKM
(moisture from the culture medium, good growth of fungi and yeasts)
Enrichment of larvae during the second week by fish waste silage.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 30
x Care with precautions during the development of pupae stage
Transfer of pupae (the right time of collect and transfer, handling with precaution,)
incubation of pupae in puparium.
x Precaution and care of adult insects
Feeding insects
Container-spawning (location and position) and technical collection of egg masses
x Results of productions:
The curves below (production curves and trend lines in red) represent the weekly production of
biomass of eggs (in grams) in our experimental structure in Depok, knowing that 1g of eggs may
contain 35,000 eggs. Our goal is to be able to produce 1000 g of eggs per week or 35 million eggs
130 136
29/09/10 18/11/10 07/01/11 26/02/11 17/04/11 06/06/11 26/07/11 14/09/11 03/11/11
Poly. (Srie1)
Collection of eggs Hermetia
illucens 11/07/2011. 624g
harvested biomass is
equivalent to about 22
million eggs.
Our goal is to be able to produce, continuously around
1000g/week, equivalent to a potential output of 2 to 2.5 tons of
fresh biomass of larvae produced from 6 to 7 tons organic waste. A
significant new source of food for animal and for fish. .
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 31
Digester (concrete tank-image left), with 3m in diameter and 0.6 m high wall which contains about 36 million by larvae capable of
biodegrading 50kg of fish waste in 4 to 6 hours. Right image: close up view of the larvae, which by their small size, can get into nooks
and artifacts (here - the heads of shrimp) to clean all organic material in it, to generate their own biomass.
Since November 2010, a production technique massal Hermetia eggs (several million eggs per
week) has been developed. This possibility has opened a new perspective geared to recycling
organic waste, other than palm kernel cake the PKM. The commitment in this way is first to
diversify sources of bioconversion making its feasibility to other regions without PKM such as the
island of Java and elsewhere. A second point of interest of this approach is the development of
organic waste while avoiding adverse impacts on the environment in the absence of prior
Wastes have been tested so far under the program, are:
Waste from fish market (trips, guts, head, ...)
The rest of coconut milk after extraction of coconut pulp,
The rest of the production of Tahu
Waste from the shelling plant crab
The Fish Market at Depok Kota may provide fish waste,
composed by fish head, hoses, ... about normely 200 Kg per day.
The waste may increase up to 400kg on every Saturday. This
waste, without treatment may become a problem because of their
odor, after their rapid decomposition under the sun. This could
become a source of organic pollution to the environment.
Normally, the wastes have no economic value. However, to
organize it collects may cost 50.000Rp per 100kg wet weight.
This is an opportunity to create meaningful jobs for the small community. The bioconversion of
these wastes can be made directly by putting the biomass waste in a digester in which there are
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 32
1 - formic Acid by container of 25kg
2 Blues plastic drums of 150 litres
NB.- to mixte the 3% formic acid, we must
put the formic acid after the fish waste.
millions of larvae of the insect Hermetia ready to biodegrade. The speed of biodegradation
depends on the proportion between the amount of larvae available and the volume of waste to be
treated. However there are two uncertain facts that may disrupt the process: (1) delay of supply of
fish waste or (2) delay of the larvae preparation, those two imbalances may cause the bad
fermentation. To anticipate these uncertainties and to remain independent these uncertainties, we
have opted to chose to process by the method of fermentation by lactic acid silage.
Ensiling process of fermentation lactic acid
The advantage of silage is to create an acidic medium by using the organic acid (formic acid) is to
prevent fermentation by bacteria dangerous unfit for larvae and causing bad odors. Indeed, the
acidic medium prevents the development of a wide range of dangerous microorganisms. The
medium allows to develop only two dominant groups of non-pathogenic bacteria: family of
Lactobacillacae and family of Streptococcacae.
Fermentation by lactic acid may play as a storage and preservation for several months without
worrying about the shipment of waste volumes or volumes of larvae to develop. This buffer
capacity gives us an extreme flexibility in managing the process of biodegradation.
Preparation consists of :
have several blue plastic drums of 150 liters in volume
(about fifteen in this case) empty tank ready for use as silage
3 to 4 cans of 25 liters of formic acid ready to serve
A metal rake and a wooden paddle, a bucket of 50 l to
serve as a stepping stone mix
As a safety measure, it is important to handle with a pair
of goggles, a pair of gloves, boots and rubber apron, serving a
precautionary basis in all manipulations with acids in general.
The amount of formic acid to be used by the volume of waste to
be treated is 3%. It is easier to mix by small quantities in a
basin of 30kg, making sure to add the acid slowly in the waste
and not vice versa. Shake well all by using a wooden paddle.
Once thoroughly mixed, the mixture is poured into the blue
drum 150 l. We can preserve the proteins and fatty acids for
several weeks or even months. It is important to control the pH
of the mixture to keep it at around pH 4.
The crop is to separate the larvae of debris and impurities. The biomass of larvae will subsequently
be used as live prey for fish or processed into flour for use as a component in the food base for fish
instead of fish meal.
Analyses of larvae enriched
Among the elements of analysis we are interested in the first place the forms of fatty acids
accumulated in the larvae. By comparison, the results of analysis can reflect the polyunsaturated
fatty acids from fish silage to the larvae. For this, purpose, we compared the results of analysis of
two groups of larvae. In the first group, the larvae are fed without any addition fermented PKM
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 33
PKM MagPKM silage MagSilage
63,59 43,78 44,45 31,57
10,01 19,27 15,78 18,19
0,02 0,05 2,47 1,73
0,13 12,67 6,77
1,90 4,09 5,31 6,92
(PKM Mag - Maggot PKM). In the second, the larvae were made from the fish waste silage (Silage
Mag - Maggot from silage).
At the first place, we can see that the composition of the larvae is highly dependent on the nature
of the medium. This observation has already been notified by a team of researchers in the U.S.
state of Georgia. This similarity between the larvae and their culture medium is an advantage to
adjust the desired composition of the larvae in using them as live prey for feeding pets (live Pet
Food) that the requirement in their nutritional need can be difficult to answer in the formulation of
pellets. This flexibility may add another important point in the list of benefits attributed to the larvae
of the insect Hermetia.
The graphs (rada curve) below illustrate perfectly the similarity of the larvae (red line) and medium
(blue line). We chose two opposit examples of the medium, one of which is very low in omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids ( n-3) and Omega 6 ( n-6). That is the case of PKM is the (lower left)
and the other on the contrary, is richer, it is the fish waste silage (below right). We can see that the
polygons, blue and red are practically overlapped.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 34
0sing eniicheu laivae foi feeuing Reu uuiami Pauang
The Gurami is a species of fish highly appreciated by the people in Indonesia. Known as a kind of
very slow-growing fish, the Gurami is still absent from the list of freshwater aquaculture species in
Southeast Asia. Yet its economic value is ranked among the highest in the market. The attempt to
raise this species was first to trace the transfer of essential fatty acids first fish silage larvae and
larval fish. The experiment is currently underway. But already, we are all surprised by the growth
rate of guramis fed with live larvae. The completion of the manipulation is expected in late
November. If the growth of these guramis could reach average weight of 400 to 500g within five
months, the experience would be an achievement that could bring a different perspective on the
species in association with the larvae of the insect Hermetia.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 35
Gurami Merah 07/7/2011 (60,4 g)
Gurami Merah 23/8/2011 (140 g)
Gurami Merah 20/9/2011 (190 g)
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 36
Biodegradation of the byproduct from Tahu (Ampas tahu) and the
In addition to fish waste, two others organic wastes were investigated. Coconut milk is an
ingredient widely used in cooking traditional Indonesian recipes. As the fish waste, the by-product
from copra (BPC) has no significant economic value. However, the collect from the markets or from
restaurants require an organization and need some labor cost on collecting and transportation up
to station Depok BRBIH in our case. The global cost represents Rp 10,000 for a 30kg bag.
Compared to the price of PKM, the copra is estimated at half the price. The only constrains is the
variability of its availability. But we believe that constraint could be resolved with a more structured
Another type of waste is very common in Indonesia is the by-product of the production of tahu
"Ampas tahu". In the manufacture of Tahu, the residue represents about 30% by weight of raw
material. The Ampas tahu is often reused as an adjunct in the food animals (especially poultry).
Protein content of about 20% but the fiber content is too high, a real barrier digestibility of mono-
gastric animals in general. The price is still reasonable (1000RP/kg dry weight). This product
deserves to be included in the trials of valuing by bioconversion.
The bioconversion of these two products has been conducted in the study of a student Novia
Bagas, a topic research to obtain a graduate level S1 from the University of Yogyakarta.
The reason to work on copra and Ampas Tahu in his study is due to the availability in abundance
of these two products in the region. In the case of a positive outcome of this attempt, the
bioconversion could play an important role and an alternative solution, to solve the shortage of fish
meal and the expensive cost of feed in this region of Central Java.
Very different from the PKM, these two residues are wet to 90% water. Before any action
processing, a drying procedure is required. It was found that compared to the PKM, these residues
are poorly inoculated naturally with microorganisms (fungi yeast or bacteria). This observation
leads us to use of "starter", composed of fungi and yeast that have developed during the
Manufacturing Tahu with the residue (AMPAS tahu - pictured right) is about 30% by weight of raw material.
AMPAS tahu is often reused as an adjunct in food animals (poultry and pork). Protein content of about 20%
but the fiber content is too high, a real barrier digestibility of monogastric animals.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 37
fermentation of PKM. A comparative experiment between two groups of the same residues but
treated according to two types of treatments (with and without starter). The first group represents
the residues were no starter has been applied. In the second treatment with starter was applied at
10% by weight of residues used in fermentation. To make easy to evaluate the difference, we
have, in both groups, inoculated 10g of micro-larvae (an very early stage of larvae, one week after
hatching). After the seventh day of incubation, the biomass of larvae was evaluated. The final
conclusion was clear : the group for which the fermentation was started with the starter, the
development of biomass of the larvae is 3-4 times higher.
The conclusions can be drawn from these observations:
- The potential of Tahu seems higher than coconut
- The "starter", by it importance must be considered in the future as a research topic to
identification of the fungus, yeast and bacteria including enzymes and their effects.
Bagas Nevia work is being completed. Upon his return to his province, the contact must continue
to develop in this region of Central Java, where fish farming of freshwater species is part of the
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 38
The advantage of this program is now recognized far beyond Indonesia. Among the countries
nearby we can enumerate Singapore. A group of cooperative (SMAC - Singapore Marine & Co-
operative Association Limited) has expressed interest to partner in its program of integrated
agricultural development where all waste will be recycled and recovered on site (Pilau BULAN).
The island of Reunion, a consortium group Qualitropic, Unima, Nutrima and CIRAD is being setting
up progressively. The project has a goal to biodegrade organic waste from agriculture, Tuna
industry and animals husbandry available in the island. Hermetia illucens exists locally. The
biomass of larvae will be used for livestock and fish farming. The project plans to extend its impact
to Mayotte Island and Madagascar.
Zoe-Biotech (France) company, based in Marseille, wants to develop the same type of service in
France: biodegradation of organic waste by bioconversion. From 1 January 2011, a national
decree on the duty applicable to all canteens (schools, hospitals, ) in France, treat organic
waste will become an obligation. The insect Hermetia exists in France, in view of these new
decisions of the Grenelle Environment Forum, the bioconversion should have a place and an
important role to play.
In view of numerous requests for collaborations with our expertise it is clear that the interest to
invest our efforts in research on BSF is obvious. The program bioconversion, now, will be renewed
by Domenico Caruso. I am delighted and wish "good wind" for the new mixed BRKP / IRD and full
of success.
Final Report Saurin HEM , Bioconversion Indonesia 2005 2011 39
Recently, I am honored by having been selected as winner of 2011, awarded a Medal of Vermeil, a
French National Award offered by the Agriculture Academy of France related to my research
approach during the whole 36 years of my career in IRD. My works have been classified by the
Academy as "an approach for sustainable aquaculture with a strong concept of ecological
Bioconversion is part of examples of an ecological intensification concept was recognized by its
four benefited functions:
1. Valorize the organic waste from waste to wealth
2. Avoid in the same time the environment pollution from those organic waste if they are
not treated
3. Provide a new food resources, an alternative solution to respond to the food shortage
in the near future
4. The by-product from the bioconversion process is a rich compost can be used for bio-
I would like to dedicate this Distinction to all of my team in Indonesia and close colleagues
in Depok that I have collaborated during this 7 years. This recognition is part of our
common effort and successful story.
Annexe 1
Bioconversion of byproduct from Palm Oil Industry and from others agro-industries in
Indonesia for aquaculture purpose
Name of the consultant:
Ir. Saurin HEM Msc
Tropical Aquaculture and Bio-system
Period of Research program:
February 2006 December 2007
Background and economical issue:
The world aquaculture development today has been faced with increasing price of
pellet. Fish meal price is for a large part responsible for the rising cost of pellet.
Indonesia has expended yearly 200 millions of US dollars on importation of fishmeal
from abroad. The situation could be worse in the near future with the increasing of
fuel price and the rising of fishmeal demand. Fishmeal replacement research
program become now a day a real necessity to keep growing aquaculture
development. The bioconversion of palm kernel meal PKM
for aquaculture purpose
is part of this scope. The insect larvae (from Hermetia sp. Stratiomyidae, Diptera,
also known as Black Soldier larvae) are used as the bioprocess agent responsible for
digesting the byproduct. The larvae biomass generated from bioconversion are
destined to be used as feedstuff for fish.
This bioconversion process on PKM has been used for the first time in Forest Region
(Rep. of Guinea, West Africa). But the process become more interesting when
applied in Indonesia. Second world leader, after Malaysia, on palm oil industry,
Indonesia has produced yearly about two millions metric-tons of PKM. But from year
2010, because of the development of palm oil Industry will rising up in Sumatra, PKM
production in Indonesia will reach 2,5 to 3 millions tons per year.
Up today, PKM has been exported with a very low price (less than 100 Rp). An
appropriated use will optimize a better value added to PKM. This new finding will
change the consideration of this byproduct and it commercial issue in the future. The
situation could change the dependence of Indonesia from importation of fishmeal and
it could open a new strategy for aquaculture development in the country.
Objectives of short and long terms issue:
x Investigation on PKM price, production and distribution circuit
Normally, we may imagine that the crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel oil (PKO)
both come from palm fruits may be extracted and produced in the same factory. But
in practice, the major factories of CPO (red oil extracted from palm fruit, drupe
known also as palm kernel cake, PKC or Palm kernel expelled, PKE
mesocarp) are established within the palm plantation areas. While the kernel
extracted from the palm seeds are almost all transferred to another factory where
PKO are extracted. For the practice reason, related with exportation facilities, PKO
factory are established nearby the port areas. The Palm kernel meal (PKM)
generated after extraction from kernel, the palm kernel oil PKO, are therefore
available the most at Palembang, Lampung or Medan.
How to access to PKM? Who to contact? How much it real cost? Many information
and data on PKM remain unclear. To be able to organize the production for the real
scale, and to make an appropriate economical analysis, investigations are required in
order to understand the distribution circuit, the production data and to know the real
x Research on life cycle of Hermetia Black soldier
Research on BS life cycle will concern the larvae stages (timing of development from
eggs to pupa stages. The study will continue on the adult phase in captivity. The
biodiversity of BS combined with other insect communities associated during the
culture are required. The studies will concern (1) the systematic and classification
knowledge of those insects involved and (2) the dynamic of those insects
populations development in the culture.
x Technical research on bioconversion processing method:
The knowledge on culture method, number of larvae instars, duration of the larvae
development, are needed. Research programs will continue on pupa stage, adult life
including feeding behaviors, reproduction and spawning mechanism. Investigation on
population dynamic: growth, cannibalism (intra or extra-specific) are also focused.
Research would scope on optimization of the conversion rate from PKM to obtain BS
larvae fresh weigh, after 4
week of culture. Research will concern on enrichment
technique: with different mediums, during the 4
week of culture. Investigation on
nutritive elements: proximate analysis and amino acids as well as fatty acids profile in
BS larvae will be concerned. This approach investigates also on the different types of
mediums (for culture and for enrichment) before and after processing.
x Feeding test with divers species of fishes (digestibility survey and
growth monitoring)
Feeding test has been tried with several species of fishes. Many others species
(ornamental and species for consumption) will be tried following by monitoring on the
growth and the conditions factors of fishes. The impact on coloration brightness
expressed from the medium enrichment will be tested on ornamental fishes.
Among the fishes for consumption, the scope is to focus on carnivorous fishes which
are difficult to feed with pellets. This trial will concern Ikan Betutu (Oxyeleotris) or ikan
Toman or snakehead (Channa micropeltes). The test from the research scales will
apply into the farming exploitation following with economic analysis.
x Application to massive productions Implication of home industry
BBAT of Sukabumi is the research station where results from Loka Depok are
applied into a bigger scale. Applications on feeding with fishes and mass productions
of BS larvae remain in the previous research frame work before transferring into the
village or farmer scale. Establishment of the linkage between small scale home
industry and the big scale production of BS larvae will be planed and tested.
BBAT of Jambi will be the main research base for Sumatra. The cooperation between
Jambi and Depok station will start from February 2006.
x Investigation on bioconversion using others by-products
According to the first test on the biodegradation capacity of BS larvae, we have
notified that BS larvae can digest the most organic matter wastes and can extract
high value of nutrients as proteins and crude fat. By looking for the most appropriated
by-products (high availability, low cost production) we have found and considered for
instant two by-products locally available: (1) the seed from Hevea brasiliensis (28%
CP and 40% CF) and (2) the byproduct from coconut after extracting Coprah oil (20%
CP and 28 to 35 % Fat Acid). Therefore, both will be used in bioconversion by BS
Expected output and results:
x Investigation on PKM price, production and distribution circuit of PKM will provide
for each zone in Sumatra the potentials for BS larvae production and therefore the
potential for aquaculture related with the availability of this new sources of
x Knowledge on life cycle of BS (larvae and adult) will provide technical approach
for BS larvae rearing and its mass productions. Different dimensions and
morphology of BS larvae with relationship with their growth age will permit to
produce BS larvae as a life food according to the size and age of the major
commercial and ornamental fish.
x Analysis on nutrients in BS larvae by proximate analysis and its profile on amino
acids and fatty acids.
x Optimization of conversion rate from PKM and others by-product to BS larvae
x Role of BS larvae in Fishmeal replacement program. Determination of different
percentage of the incorporation between fishmeal and BS larvae.
x Digestibility and growth rate of fishes feeding by BS base.
x Economical analysis and identification of constrains when apply into big scale
Operations schedule in different sites and team
x DEPOK Research Station ( LOKA RBIHAT-BRKP ) 2004 - 2007
Basic research to focus to understand life cycle of Hermetia illucens
Duration and number of instars of larvae and adult stage
Culture method, harvesting technique and conversion rate
Nutritive values and test on digestibility with different species of fish
Bioconversion from other mediums than PKM (Coprah, Ampas Tahu,
Hevea seed and others organic wastes.)
Facilities and structures in Depok station
Team and persons involved : Saurin HEM (IRD) & Rini Fahmi (BRKP), I.
Wayan Subamia (BRKP) , Yanti Suryanti (BRKP), Yann Moreau (IRD) and
4 students from University of Indonesia
x BBAT Sukabumi (DGA) 2004 - 2007
Applied research on mass production of Hermetia illucens larvae
Processing technique for mass production
Test digestibility with different species of fish
Bioconversion from other mediums than PKM (Coprah, Ampas Tahu,
Hevea seed and others organic.)
Team and persons involved: Saurin HEM (IRD), Maskur (DGA), Ahmad
Hadadi (DGA), Herry (DGA).
x BBAT Jambi, Sungai Galam (DGA) 2006-2007
Applied research on mass production of Hermetia illucens larvae from only
Perform the mass production technique
Test digestibility with different species of fishes presented at BBAT Jambi
Bioconversion from PKM and may be Solid sludge, both by-products from
Palm-oil agro-industry.
Team and persons involved: Saurin HEM (IRD), Supriyadi (DGA),
Ediwarman (DGA), Rina H., Yudo A.
Budget allowance per annum
Analysis cost2 000 euros
Structures, equipments and facilities4 000 euros
Field trips and missions..1 000 euros
Publications (posters designs, scientific papers)1 000 euros
Total: .. 9 000 euros
Depok, 3
of February 2006
Ir Wayan Subamia Msc Ir Saurin HEM Msc
Director of Loka RBIHIT, Depok IRD Fish-Diva Program
African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 7 (8), pp. 1192-1198, 17 April, 2008
Available online at
ISSN 16845315 2008 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Bioconversion of palm kernel meal for aquaculture:
Experiences from the forest region (Republic of Guinea)
Saurin Hem
, Skou Toure
, C Sagbla
and Marc Legendre
IRD, Wisma Anugraha, Jalan Taman Kemang 32B. Kemang Jakarta Selatan 12730, Indonesia.
C/O SOGUIPAH (Base de Dieck) BP 123 Colah Conakry Republic of Guinae.
IRD, Gamet, n361 Rue J.F. BRETON - BP 5095 - 34196 Montpellier cedex 05, France.
Accepted 26 February, 2008
Proteins and fats locked in palm kernel meal cannot be used directly by fishes. Enzyme from maggots
(Hermetia illucens larvae) lyses and extracts those nutrients which are consumed as food. Biomasses
of maggots produced can be used to feed fishes. This innovation opens a new hope for many African
countries where so much agro-industry by-products exist such as palm kernel meal, groundnut meal,
cotton seed meal. The different aspects involved in this discovery are explained before the sequence of
processes up to final discovery is described.
Key words: Hermetia illucens, black soldier fly, palm kernel meal, rural aquaculture, agro-industry by-products,
fishmeal replacement, bioconversion.
Searching for new aquaculture feedstuff, other than the
usual commercial pellets, means looking forward to solve
the problem faced frequently in the African rural context,
where feedstuff supplies are difficult. The high cost
(including transportation) of fish pellet and its ingredients
such as fishmeal, fish-oil, soybean, etc. constitutes a real
constraint for the development of aquaculture. The idea
to apply acadja or brush-park fisheries in brackish water
lagoon (Hem and Avit, 1994) as an extensive aquaculture
system (without feeding with pellets) is one of the
promising responses to this rural aquaculture constraint
in West Africa. Research programs to develop rural self-
sufficient technology are becoming an urgent need in
order to save rural life from the impacts of globalization
such as energy dependence or other raw products
The Forest Region of Guinea Republic is a land locked
region (Figure 1). Nevertheless, the economical exchang-
es as well as food supplies have existed traditionally with
coastal regions of Liberia and Sierra Leone. However, the
situation has changed to nearly collapse since 1990
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].
when the civil war started in Liberia and since 1997 in
Sierra Leone. As a consequence of the migration of the
refugees, the population in the Forest Region has almost
doubled within a short period of time, increasing from 1.3
million to 2 million people. As a direct consequence from
those circumstances, there is a real critical food security
issue. Considering the consumption rate of fish as exam-
ple, the rate was as low as 2.5 Kg/capita/year while at the
same time in the coastal region nearby Conakry the rate
has remained acceptable at 15 kg/capita/year.
When the Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement
(IRD) in 1999 initiated a research program to develop
aquaculture in the Forest Region (Republic of Guinea),
self sufficient concept was declared firmly as terms of
reference of the project. Acadja-bamboo in ponds (Hem
et al., 1995), applied from Ivory Coast experiences, was
introduced. Rice-fish culture, inspired from rural practices
in Southeast-Asia, was also tested (Ali, 1992; Chapman,
1992). All these new techniques may improve fish bio-
mass, but in terms of harvested yield (350 kg/ha) it
remained far from farmers expectation. Therefore, one
gosa is to assess in the study zones all kinds of agro-
industrial by-products available as feedstuff sources for
fish. This led us to consider palm oil and rubber industries
and to cooperate with Soguipah (Socit Guinenne de
Hem et al. 1193
Forest Region
0 50 100 200 km
8 12
Dieck : - SOGUIPAH Base (Head
quarter, oil and rubber factories),
- FED / IRD Project Base
Forest Region, one among the four
natural regions of Guinea Republic. It
represents a typical rainforest climate
where rain fall measured 4000 mm / year
at Dieck district (Yomou prefecture)
Figure 1. Map showing the position of Forest Region which is one of the four natural regions of Guinea
Republic having common border with three countries Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ivory Coast.
Palmier huile et dHva), a national company that
owns those two agro industries.
This paper concerns only Palm Kernel meal (PKM)
bioconversion, a natural process used to transform this
by-product to make it usable for feeding fish. Its
composition in terms of nutriments will be also presented.
A brief explanation on the sequence, which has driven us
to discover the insect H. illucens, also known as Black
soldier (BS), will be given. The first empirical culture
method of BS larvae on PKM is hereby presented as well
as the results on the first use of H. illucens larvae as
feedstuff in tilapia culture.
Palm oil industry by-products
The palm tree (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.) is native of tropical West
Africa. The fruits grow in bunches and consist essentially of a soft
outer skin, which is reddish when it becomes ripe (Figure 2). The
palm fruit produces two types of oils: the first category of oil named
crude palm oil (CPO), red in colour, is extracted from the fibrous
external layer, the mesocarp of the fruit. CPO is usually used as
cooking oil. Inside the mesocarp there is a hard nut (endocarp) also
known as the shell which encloses a kernel, itself containing a
second type of oil, the palm kernel oil (PKO). The PKO contains
essentially saturated fatty acids (Anonyme, 2001): lauric acid (C12:
48%), myristic acid (C14: 16%) and oleic acid (C18: 15%). It is used
as basic ingredients for margarine production, confectionery, animal
feeds and cosmetics such as soaps, creams.
To process PKO, the first step consists of breaking the hard shell
(Akubuo and Eje, 2002) and separating from the kernel. The Palm
Kernel Meal (PKM) is the solid part remaining from palm kernel
after the extraction of PKO by a mechanical screw pressing. The
palm kernel meal, also known as palm kernel expeller (PKE) or
Palm Kernel Cake (PKC), has high protein (18-20% of crude
proteins) and lipid contents (12 - 20% of crude fats). This variability
of crude fats concentration is related to the technical extraction
process mechanical only or combined with solvent used (Chin,
2002). In our case study, PKO were extracted by mechanical screw
pressing only. Therefore nutrients level remaining in PKM is usually
higher (18% of crude proteins and 20% of crude fats). PKM is rich
in arginine, leucine and cysteine but deficient in lysine (Prez,
1997) which may be increased by fermentation (Iluyemi et al.,
2006) or supplementation with other lysine-rich sources, such as
molasse or vegetable oil.
Every year, Soguipah oil factory have produced nearly 1000
metrics tons of PKM. A very few quantity have been tried with
monogastric animals, such as swine, poultry and fish. The uses of
palm kernel meal have been tried with the Nile tilapia as well as
with juveniles of Labeo senegalensis, but lower values results of
PKM digestibility has been recorded (Omoregie, 2001). The low
digestibility of the nutrients from PKM has been found and explain-
ed by the high levels of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in the
cell wall materials (Dsterhft, 1993). The NSP is known as an anti-
nutritional factor impairing the digestibility of nutrients contained in
PKM (Choct, 2001). Only ruminants may use PKM with a greater
efficiency because of the action from microorganisms (bacteria and
fungus) and their enzymes breaking down the cellulose walls of the
cells (Lim et al., 2001). A few quantities of PKM have been tried
locally with ruminants (sheep or cattle) but farmers preferred to feed
extensively with green grass. Overall, a large quantity of PKM re-
mains unused. Among other agro-industrial by-products, consider-
1194 Afr. J. Biotechnol.
Figure 2 . Palm Kernel Meal (PKM): its origin and its composition in nutrients.
ing the percentage of proteins in the dried mater and the price of
PKM, the cost effectiveness of proteins remains cheapest in PKM
(Shayne, 2000).
Attempt to use PKM through fermentation process
As a consequence of what we observed in ruminants and through
many articles (Dsterhft, 1993; O'Mara et al., 1999; Choct, 2001),
micro-organisms through their complex enzymes in the digestive
track could play a key role in the biodegradation of PKM. From this
point, an attempt of PKM fermentation was attempted by simply
mixing the PKM with rumen contents and water. After two weeks of
culture, fermented PKM (mixed with rice bran) was used to feed
Oreochromis. However, the fermented PKM, blended with rice bran
was not appealing to tilapia. The unused fermented PKM, because
of the smell, are stocked at the backyard of the station. After two
weeks, we have observed around the area, many chickens and
birds feeding from it. Surprisingly we discovered that inside the
containers, thousands of maggots have developed within fermented
PKM. The maggots were larvae from the insect Hermetia illucens.
The tilapia enjoyed the live maggots feed.
Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus) (Stratiomyidae Diptera)
At first sight, H. illucens (also known as Black Soldier fly) larvae
were not identified as such. They were found, as mentioned above,
among fermented PKM forgotten at the backyard of the station. We
initially mistook BS larvae for common blow flies maggots. And
when we saw sometimes Black Soldier flies (H. illucens) alone, we
were again mistaken by taking them as wasps. However, the larvae
morphology and their size and weight (24 mm long, 8 mm wide and
240 mg weight) were so unlike fly larvae. Secondly, the duration of
metamorphosis observed on those larvae (from eggs up to pupa
stage) was much longer. The remarkable difference also concerned
the pupa morphology. Because of this, we decided to enclose 50
pupae (at the black stage) in a 4 L transparent plastic container with
a cover where we made small holes for air to pass through. After
two to three weeks, we found in the plastic container a few insects
black in colour hatched leaving empty black soughs. From that time
it was clear that the larvae appeared among the fermented PKM
were not from the ordinary flies (blow or green flies). The speci-
mens of insects and larvae were preserved in 75% ethanol. The
identification was the book Immature insects (Stehr, 1991; Chu
and Cutkomp, 1992). It was clear that the larvae we have found,
are the members of Stratiomyidae family and Diptera Order. Further
search on the Internet led to know more about the insect. H.
illucens has been recognized by many authors and scientists as
one of the most useful species (Warburton et al., 2001). Recent
studies (Sheppard, 1992; Newton et al., 1995) have shown that H.
illucens, in larvae stage, have been used to reduce chicken and pig
waste to a non-polluting residue in a matter of days under ideal
conditions. Hermetia larvae biomass has been also used to feed
fish and chicken.
In terms of biodiversity, H. illucens have been found in a large
geographic range, around the world throughout warmer regions
between latitudes 45 North and 45South including the Australa-
sian and Oceanic Regions like New Caledonia (Rageau, 1957;
Cochereau, 1970,1974), Solomon Is, Vanuatu, Western Samoa,
French Polynesia, etc.
Before making the decision to work on H. illucens, some previous
investigations are needed to ensure that the insect species are not
dangerous or have undesired negative side effects. According to
many investigations, BS is well known as a useful insect
(Sheppard, 1992; Newton et al., 1995; Leclercq, 1997). The short
duration of the adult life may explain the character of the non pest
aspect of Hermetia fly. However, one myasis case has been men-
tioned in Costa Rica (Calderon-Arguedas et al., 2005). Hermetia
larvae is also used, in medical jurisprudence (Turchetto et al.,
2001), as a forensic tests to esti-mate the period of a crime
detection. Considering many advantages related to the BS role in
biodegradation, it was reasonable for us to continue to carry on
working with H. illucens.
Production of BS larvae
In terms of systematic classification, H. illucens is known with preci-
sion, but by contrast, their biology, biotope and habitat use as well
as their breeding ecology, remain poorly known under tropical
climate conditions. The production techniques applied during the
year 2001 were based purely on empirical observations. The first
mass cultures were done in rectangular iron tanks, dimensioned as
follow: 1.5 x 3 x 0.4 m deep (Figure 3A). The whole structures were
kept 0.5 m above ground. Eight tanks were used for the culture.
The culture medium (Palm Kernel Meal, mixed with water: 1 kg
PKM for 2 L of water) was placed on the culture tank bottom. The
layer thickness of the medium must be 3 to 4 cm (Figure 3B). The
culture tank as dimensioned above may receive 80 kg of dried
The optimum time of culture was not yet known at that time. The
harvests have been executed according to the estimation at a
rough guess on the quantity of larvae appearing in the medium. The
larvae were separated from the medium by filtering and cleaning
with water (Figures 3C and 3D). Among the data recorded, we have
considered the amount of input PKM, the starting date, the harvest
date and the biomass of larvae collected. When some time the
cultures were destroyed by rain flood or by predation from wild
animals, those data were not considered. The results showed that
the conversion rate (the ratio between the quantity of PKM input
and the biomass of larvae harvested) was very variable with an
average = 5.8 and a standard deviation 3.2.
Through the graphic interpretation (Figure 4) by placing conver-
sion rate (PKM kg/Biomass larvae kg) on the Y-axis and duration of
culture time (the numbers of days between the started date - and
the harvested date) on X axis, we observed an inverse correlation
Hem et al. 1195
between the two parameters (r = negative). It means when the cul-
ture duration is longer, the conversion rate is low. Otherwise the
conversion from PKM to larvae biomass was more efficient.
According to this result, it is clear the optimal culture time is more
than three weeks. From then on we fixed 4 weeks as the optimal
time for harvest. Tanks must be covered by chicken wire in order to
protect the culture from rats, lizards, birds, or other animals. The
tanks must be also roofed otherwise the whole culture may be
flooded by rain.
Application of Hermetia illucens larvae as feedstuff in tilapia
This is not the first time Hermetia larvae has been used for feeding
fish. Bondari and Sheppard (1987) have tried to use BS larvae
since 1981 to feed catfish Ictalurus puntatus and Oreochromis
aureus. The authors have found that growth was satisfied of the two
species feeding with BS. Chopping of BS larvae improved weight
gain and efficiency of the utilization.
Since June, 2002, production of BS larvae in Forest
Region has become a routine. Production about 30 kg of
fresh BS larvae have been obtained weekly from the
culture. Direct feeding with live BS larvae to tilapia in
pond has confirmed that the fishes appreciated greatly
this new feedstuff (Figure 3E). From that stage we have
proposed for the first time to design a simple formula
based on BS larvae and rice bran (70% of rice bran and
30% BS larvae) the only ingredients available in the
region. The proportion of each ingredient is based on
their dried matters (6% of water in rice bran and 70% of
water in SB larvae).
Four hundred males Tilapia about 20 g of body weight
(Oreochromis niloticus) were placed in pond (20 x 20 x
1.5 m). The feeding rate was started from 7.5% of
biomass and ended at 4% at the sixth month before
The mortality was relatively high at the beginning of the
experimentation (3% during the two first months) and
stabilized around 1% until harvest. At the end of the cul-
ture the individual daily growth rate was at the average of
1.8 g/day was recorded. It means the growth rate is 3.5
times faster than culture feeding with rice bran alone
(0.52 g/day).
This first result has opened a new desire to promote
aquaculture in the region. December, 2003 marked the
end of the project, but the culture of BS continued as well
as tilapia culture. Now, replication of the experiments
have confirmed the process. The value of growth rate
from 1.5 to 2 g/day, resulted from 6 months of culture of
tilapia male (density of one per m), from 20 g initial
weigh to 300 g final weigh. The formulation of 30% of BS
larvae and 70% of rice bran, based on dried mater, has
become the standard in the studied zone.
1196 Afr. J. Biotechnol.
Figure 3. Bioconversion process is started from fermentation of PKM (with water). After one week, the smell of
PKM fermented attracts the insect Hermetia illucens to come and lay their eggs on it. Hermetia larvae
biodegrades the PKM and develops within the medium (PKM). Biomass of larvae obtained is used as foodstuffs
for tilapia culture.
Hem et al. 1197
Figure 4 . Relationship between the conversion rate and the duration of culture (number of days).
Conclusion and recommendations
The finding of this bioconversion process on PKM by
black soldier larvae has opened a new hope for tilapia
rearing in the rural areas where agricultural by-products
are often available. This experience can be transferred
into others regions and countries in West Africa where
PKM are abundant. The time limit of our project did not
permit us to accomplish the research on BS life cycle. So
far the study referred to data from literatures published in
the United Stated and Australia. This lack of knowledge
concerning tropical zones need to be filled.
PKM is not the only by-product that can be used as
medium for biodegradation. Future attempts should
include other organic by-products or domestic wastes
(Newton et al., 1995). Research technique must focus on
mass production of BS larvae in order to respond to the
real scale of fishmeal replacement need. For a large
extension program, we must keep in mind and concen-
trate effort on rural conditions in order to innovate the low
key technology that do not require heavy cost invest-
ments. Once the mass production of BS larvae is
achieved, research must continue on nutrition aspects in
order to perform the formulation for fish or for animal feed
in order to reach a better profitability for rural farmer.
The authors would like to express a special thank to Dr
Emmanuel Paradis who has kindly accepted to revise
and refine this article.
Akubuo CO, Eje BE (2002). Palm Kernel and Shell Separator Biosyst.
Eng. 81: 193-199.
Ali A (1992). The rice-fish ecosystem. ASFA-1:-Biological-Sciences-
and-Living-Resources (Q1) p. 3.
Anonyme (2001). Palm Kernel Oil - Composition and Properties,
FOSFA International (Association for international trading in oils, fats
and oilseeds).
Bondari K, Sheppard DC (1987). Soldier fly, Hermetia illucem L., larvae
as feed for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rapisnesques) and
blue tilapia, Orcochromis aureus (Steindachner). Aquacult. Fisheries
Manage. 18: 209-220.
Calderon-Arguedas O, Barrentes Jm, Solano ME (2005). Miasis
entrica por Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) en una
paciente geritrica de Costa Rica. Parasitol. Latinoam 60: 162-164.
Chapman G (1992). Fry nursery techniques in the rice-fish systems of
northeast Thailand. Rice Fish Resaerch and Development in Asia.
Chin FY (2002). Utilization of palm kernel cake (PKC) as feed in Malay-
sia, Asian Livestock, FAO Regional Office Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 19-
Choct M (2001). Nutritional Constraints to Alternatives Ingredians.
American Soybean Association Tech. Bull. AN31-2001, p. 9.
1198 Afr. J. Biotechnol.
Chu HF, Cutkomp LK (1992). Immature insects. Wm. C. Brown
Publishers, Dubuque.
Cochereau P (1970). Observations sur la faune des bois en voie de
dcomposition en fort No-caldonienne. Cah.ORSTOM, Sr. Biol.
12: 123-127.
Cochereau P (1974). Ebauche d'un inventaire faunistique de l'le
Mangareva (archipel des gambier). Cahiers du Pacifique tome 2:
Dsterhft EM (1993). Characterisation and enzymic degradation of
non-starch polysaccharides in lignocellulosic byproducts: a study on
sunflower meal and palm-kernel meal. Wageningen Dissertation
Abstracts - WAU dissertation p. 1593.
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ment of integrated freshwaler agro-piscicultural ecosystems in
tropical areas, Brussels. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural
Co-operation (CTA), Brussels, 16-19 May 1994, pp. 423-435.
Hem S, Avit JLB (1994). First results on "Aacja-enclos" as an extensive
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Leclercq M (1997). A propos de Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758)
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Lim H-A, Ng W-K, Lim SL, Ibrahim CO (2001). Contamination of palm
kernel meal with Aspergillus avus affects its nutritive value in pelleted
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Aquacult. Res. 32: 895-905.
Newton GL, Sheppard DC, Thompson SA, Savage SI (1995). Soldier
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Sheppard DC (1992). Large-scale Feed Production from Animal
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Turchetto M, Lafisca S, Costantini G (2001). Posmortem interval (PMI)
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sewage sludge, In: (AWTT) AWTT (Ed.), Scheme Project 1003-01-
001, Dept. of Zoology, University of Queensland, Queensland, p. 11.
Saurin Hem
, Melta Rini
, Chumaidi
, Maskur
, Ahmad Hadadi
, Ediwarman
, Michel Larue
and Laurent Pouyaud
IRD (Lembaga Penelitian Perancis untuk Pembangunan), c/o BRKP Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas - Depok 16432, Jawa Barat.
Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas - Depok 16432, Jawa Barat.
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Selabintana No. 17, Sukabumi 43114, Jawa Barat.
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 16 C, The Hok, Jambi.
Correspond author: [email protected]
Design graphic: Bambang Dwisusilo
Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar-IRD, 2006.
Soya Fish meal
UK shmeal prices 2003 to 2006
(Source FIN Fishmeal Information Network)
Bioconversion is a Bio-process using natural enzymes (proteases and
lipidases) secreted and excreted from insect larvae (Hermetia illucens,
Stratiomyidae, Diptera) aka Black soldier y.
Crude proteins = 18 %
Crude Fat = 32 %
Principal amino acids:
Arginine = 23,6 %
1. Palm Kernel Oil ( PKO )
Lauric acid (C12) ~ 48%
2. Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
Organic Residue
PKM Palm Kernel Meal (A)
Crude proteins 18%
Crude fats 12-20%
Medium based on PKM
Fermentation process (B)
2. Opportunity
1. Context
BS pupa
Methionine Phenylalanine
3. Bioconversion, a natural process and applications
5. Concept and Conclusion
Low digestibility,
High content of non- starch
polysaccharides (NSP) part of
the cell wall structure of kernel
High assimilation rate
Rumens ora
Increase by de 10 % of cream
milk (Germany, Netherlands, GB)
4. Nutritive values
Hermetia illucens Reproduction
1 2
Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan
Pusat Riset Perikanan Budidaya
Service de Coopration et dAction
Up to 50 tons of PKM are evacuated each day in this factory near
Jambi (Sumatra)
Valorisation of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), a by-product from palm oil agro
industry, via Bioconversion: a natural process of particular interest for the
development of aquaculture in Indonesia
Aqua feeds or (commercial pellets for aquaculture fsh) are becoming increasingly expensive worldwide. This
situation arises from an increasing demand over fshmeal and fsh oil, while captures of wild fsh have attained
a plateau. Fishmeal imports in Indonesia nowadays amount to circa 200 million US per year, and are expected
to soar if no alternative to fsh meal proteins were found. The situation is proportionally more critical in the rural
sector, where aquaculture has played an important part since several generations and where production is mainly
or exclusively destined to local markets.
The bioconversion process consists in the transfer of nutriments of PKM via
biodegradation by larvae of an insect, Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae, Diptera),
also known as Black Soldier (BS) fy, a cosmopolitan species that is widespread
in Indonesia. A key step in this process is elucidating the life cycle of Hermetia
illucens, with particular emphasis on its reproductive biology (breeding behaviour,
reproductive cycles, etc.). The resulting biomass of larvae (42% crude protein
and 30% crude fat) may act as a viable alternative source of animal protein for
sustaining the development of aquaculture. Recently developed in Indonesia,
the bioconversion program aims at an in-depth understanding of the bioconversion
process and at simplifying the production technology so as to promote its
implementation in a rural context. The application of this technology at a small
scale (1 metric ton per month) has been validated in 2006 -2007 at the Aquaculture
Research Station of Jambi Province (BBAT). In 2008, a pilot project will aim to
produce a maggot biomass of 10-15 tons per month with direct application to
rural aquaculture.
The bioconversion of PKM into Maggot, a process
dubbed from waste to wealth, is a promising research
topic, with the objectives of addressing local needs with
local resources, but also of contributing to fsh meal
replacement in a broader, worldwide context, since the bioconversion agent is
cosmopolitan. Furthermore, the capacity of a country to produce local resources
that substitute imported products represents a strong criterion of sustained
economic growth.
Indonesia is the frst world producer of palm oil. Aside
of palm oil, this industry yields huge amounts of a by-
product, the palm kernel meal (PKM or Bungkil; about
2 million tons in 2006), of which half is exported. The
bioconversion research program precisely aims at
valorising the locally produced PKM so as to produce
animal proteins that can contribute solving the
issue of alternative protein sources to imported fsh
1. Hermetia illucens
Diptera), a widespread
insect in Indonesia.
2. Reproductive behaviour.
3. Eggs are laid on
substratum, next to the
culture medium.
4. Mass culture of larvae
of Hermetia illucens.
5. Production of maggot
meal by steaming,
drying and grinding for
6. Selected pupas for
restocking purpose.
Soybean x1
FM x1
HLM x1,5
amino acids
Hermetia larvae meal (HLM)
Soybean Rice bran Maize PKM Coconut
(New to
(C. Sheppard-
Swinerej ect.)
Arginine 5.9 5.7 5.80 1.6 2.2 1.7 1.8 4.6 6.2 4.6 13.9 11.0 7.4
Histidine 2.6 2.3 2.45 1.1 1.9 1.0 1.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 2.5 2.1 2.4
Leucine 7.6 7.5 7.55 2.4 3.5 2.6 2.8 6.0 7.3 13.1 6.4 6.0 7.8
Lysine 8.0 7.5 7.75 1.9 3.4 2.2 2.5 3.6 4.1 2.4 3.7 2.5 6.1
Methionine 3.1 3.0 3.05 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.8 1.8 0.6 2.7 1.0 1.4
Phenylalanine 4.3 4.2 4.25 1.4 2.2 1.5 1.7 4.0 4.5 4.9 3.6 4.1 5.5
Thronine 4.3 4.1 4.20 1.5 0.6 1.4 1.2 4.2 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.0 3.8
Tryptophan 1.2 1.1 1.15 - 0.2 0.6 0.4 - 1.6 0.6 2.8 - 1.3
Valine 5.5 5.2 5.35 2.0 3.4 2.2 2.5 4.7 5.5 4.2 5.7 4.7 5.2
Crude proteins 72.6 1.1 71.6 44.0 42.0 42.0 42.7 26.4 10.6 10.6 18 22.7 44.0
Crude fats 1.1 1.1 1.1 29.35 35 35 33.1 19 18.9 1.9 32 10.5 8.1
15 - 16 November 2007
Bali, Indonesia.
Valorization of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), a by-product from palm oil agro
industry, via Bioconversion: a natural process of particular interest for the
development of aquaculture in Indonesia
International Conference on Oil Palm and Environment
ICOPE 2007 (Posters session) 15-16 November 2007, Bali (Indonesia)
Saurin Hem
, Melta Rini
, Chumaidi
, Maskur
, Ahmad Hadadi
, Ediwarman
, Michel Larue
and Laurent Pouyaud
Aqua feeds or (commercial pellets for aquaculture) have become nowadays increasingly expensive in
Indonesia. This may be accounted for by the increasing price of fishmeal, which is largely imported from
abroad (Perou, Chile,). Fishmeal is currently soaring due to a high demand worldwide and to the
stagnation of the production from the natural stock catch. The imported fishmeal costs the country
about 200 millions US$ per year. This situation will be increasingly hampering the development of
aquaculture and other animal husbandries that currently rely on fishmeal proteins (e.g. poultry), and
might even cause their decline, which is unacceptable since these activities represent both a rural
economic sector and a food security issue.
Indonesia is the first world producer of palm oil. Aside of palm oil, this industry yields huge amounts of
by-products, notably the palm kernel meal (PKM or Bungkil; about 2 million tons in 2006 in Indonesia) of
which half is exported. The bioconversion research program aims at solving a double focus: reducing
the need (i.e. imported fish meal) and valorizing local resources (i.e; the locally produced PKM).
Bioconversion is a natural process which consists in the transfer of nutriments of PKM via
biodegradation by larvae of an insect, Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae, Diptera) also known as the
Black Soldier (BS) fly, a cosmopolitan species that is widespread in Indonesia. At first sight, the larvae
(termed maggots) of the black soldier fly might look like those of blue fly or house fly. However, there
is a huge difference since the latter species are true pests, while the black soldier is rather a flower
species and no pest at all. Its usefulness has been recognized since years 1950 by many authors in
USA. Research on the larvae of Hermetia illucens began first in 2002 in the Republic of Guinea (West
Africa), and, from 2005 onwards, it has been prolonged and expanded in Indonesia, after black soldier
were spotted in Sukabumi and Depok.
A key step in this process is the elucidation of the life cycle of Hermetia illucens, with particular
emphasis on its reproductive biology (breeding behavior, reproductive cycles, etc.). The resulting
biomass of larvae (42% crude protein and 30% crude fat) may act as a viable alternative source of
animal protein for sustaining the development of aquaculture. Recently developed in Indonesia, the
bioconversion program aims at an in-depth understanding of the bioconversion process and at
simplifying the production technology so as to promote its implementation in a rural context. The
application of this technology at a small scale (1 metric ton per month) has been validated in 2006 -
2007 at the Aquaculture Research Station of Jambi Province (BBAT). In 2008, a pilot project will aim to
produce a maggot biomass of 10-15 tons per month with direct application to rural aquaculture.
The bioconversion of PKM into Maggot, a natural process dubbed from waste to wealth, is a
promising research topic, with the objectives of addressing local needs with local resources, but also
of contributing to fish meal replacement in a broader, worldwide context, since the bioconversion
agent is cosmopolitan. Furthermore, the capacity of a country to produce local resources that
substitute imported products represents a strong criterion of sustained economic growth.
IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement), Wisma Anugraha, Jalan Taman Kemang Jakarta Selatan 12730.
Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas - Depok 16432, Jawa Barat
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Selabintana No. 17, Sukabumi 43114, Jawa Barat.
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 16 C, The Hok, Jambi.
Correspond author : [email protected]
42 Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Valorization of Palm Kernel Meal via Bioconversion:
Indonesias initiative to address aquafeeds shortage
Saurin Hem, Melta Rini, Chumaidi, Maskur, Ahmad Hadadi, Supriyadi, Ediwarman,
Michel Larue and Laurent Pouyaud
This article outlines the initiative of Indonesia to convert waste to wealth through the natural process of bioconversion to
produce aquafeeds from palm kernel meal for the countrys rural aquaculture. This is based on a poster paper presented by the
authors during the International Conference on Oil Palm and Environment (ICOPE), 15-16 November 2007, Bali, Indonesia.
ndonesias demand for aqua feeds, specically
the commercial sh pellets has increased due to
the expansion of its rural aquaculture sub-sector.
However, the price of aquafeeds or commercial pellets for
aquaculture nowadays has become unaffordable to many
small-scale sh farmers due to the ever increasing price
of shmeal, which the country imports from Peru, Chile,
and other South American countries. The price of shmeal
also continues to soar not only because of its high demand
worldwide but also because of the stagnation of sh
production from the natural resource. Indonesia spends
about USD 200 M per year for the imported shmeal
for its aquaculture industry. If such situation continues,
the development of the countrys aquaculture will be
hampered. Fearing further decline of sh production from
aquaculture while boosting the rural economic sector to
address the countrys food security concern, Indonesia
has tried various alternatives to produce aquafeeds using
locally available ingredients.
Many research efforts related to the production of
alternatives to sh meal have already progressed in many
countries not only in Asia but also in the Americas. The
use of insects as source of protein in sh diets has already
been successfully tried. In China for example, the nutritive
value of insects as feeds for cultured sh has already
been recognized where studies have demonstrated that
insect-based diets are cheaper alternatives to sh meal.
The most popular insect used in this particular case is the
Black Soldier (BS) y, Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae,
BS y is a non-pest tropical and warm-temperate insect that
has been found useful for managing large concentrations
of bio-solids as well as other by-products and wastes. A
cosmopolitan species that is widespread in Indonesia, the
larvae (maggots) of the BS y at rst sight might look like
those of the blue y or house y. However, there is a huge
difference since the latter species are true pests, while the
BS y is rather a ower species and not a pest at all. Its
usefulness as source of protein for sh culture has been
recognized since the 1950s by many researchers from the
USA. Many research studies on the larvae of Hermetia
illucens have also been conducted in some Southeast
Asian countries and expanded in Indonesia, after a huge
population of the BS y was spotted in Sukabumi and
Depok Provinces of West Java.
Bioconversion of Palm Kernel Meal
Indonesia is the second world producer of palm oil after
Malaysia. Aside from palm oil, the industry yields huge
amounts of palm kernel meal (PKM or Bungkil). PKM
is a by-product after palm oil has been extracted from
the African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis), which was
introduced in Sumatra in the early 1900s. It was reported
that in 2006, Indonesia produced about 2 million tons of
PKM of which only one-half was exported. Since so much
PKM is available and sometimes considered as wastes, the
countrys sheries sector is conducting a bioconversion
research program which aims to address two-tailed
concerns: reducing the need for imported shmeal for its
aquaculture industry; and value-adding a local resource, the
locally-produced PKM. However, proteins and fats locked
in the PKM can not be used directly by shes (Hem, et. al.
2008), but since the enzyme from maggots, e.g. larvae of
43 Volume 6 Number 2: 2008
H. illucens could be used as sh feeds, this leads to maggot
biomass production through bioconversion.
Bioconversion is a natural process which consists of the
transfer of nutrients via biodegradation using the larvae of
an insect. It has been considered the cleanest, most efcient
and most economical way to recycle waste products. Since
bioconversion does not require electricity, chemicals not
even water, it does not produce any greenhouse gases, and
the process does not require any imported technology. The
agent chosen for the bioconversion process of the PKM in
this Indonesian initiative is the BS y.
As previously reported, BS y has been found effective
in reducing the mass of solid wastes. Fish feeding
experiments and analysis also indicated that dried BS y
prepupae grown in selected solid wastes have the nutritive
value required in cultured shes. Since BS y is capable
of converting residual protein in solid wastes and other
nutrients into biomass, it could produce high quality
protein feedstuff. Some studies have also proved that
pollution reduction could be one of the returns for good
bioconversion management.
While research studies conducted in some countries made
use of fungus and insects such as silkworm, housey,
etc. for the bioconversion of PKM to produce sh feeds,
a key step in the bioconversion process in Indonesia is
the elucidation of the life cycle of the BS y, Hermetia
illucens, with particular emphasis on its reproductive
biology (breeding behavior, reproductive cycles, etc.). As
demonstrated in previously reported research works, the
resulting biomass of larvae (42% crude protein and 30%
crude fat) acts as a viable alternative source of animal
protein for sustaining the development of aquaculture.
Recently developed in Indonesia, the PKM bioconversion
program aims to promote an in-depth understanding
of the bioconversion process and at simplifying the
production process of the maggot feeds or magfeeds
so as to promote its implementation in the rural context.
The initial application in Indonesia of the bioconversion
technology at a small-scale level (1 mt of magfeeds per
month) has been validated in 2006-2007 at its Aquaculture
Development Center (Balai Budidaya Air Tawar or BBAT)
in Jambi Province.
Way Forward
The countrys pilot PKM bioconversion project planned
in 2008 will aim to produce a maggot biomass of 10-15
mt/month with direct application to aquaculture. The
bioconversion of PKM into magfeeds, a natural process
dubbed from waste to wealth, is a promising research
topic. With the objectives of addressing local needs
with local resources, it could also contribute to shmeal
replacement in a broader, worldwide context, since the
bioconversion agent is locally available. Furthermore,
the capacity of a country to produce local resources that
substitute imported products represents a strong criterion
of sustained economic growth.
Hem, Saurin, Skou Toure, C Sagbla and Marc Legendre.
2008. Bioconversion of palm kernel meal
for aquaculture: Experiences from the forest
region (Republic of Guinea). African Journal of
Biotechnology, Vol. 7 (8). pp. 1192-1198.
Ng, W.K. The potential use of palm kernel meal in aquaculture
feeds. In: Proc. Queensland Poult, Sci. Symp.
Australia. Vol. 11, 1-15
Ogunji, J.O., Kloas, W., Wirth, M., Schulz, C., Rennert,
B. 2006. Housey Maggot Meal (Magmeal): An
Emerging Substitute of Fishmeal in Tilapia Diets.
Presented at the Conference on International
Agricultural Research for Development, Deutscher
Trapentag 2006, Stuutgart-Hohenheim, Germany,
11-13 October 2006
Sheppard, C.D., Tomberlin, J.K., Joyce, J.A., Kiser, B.C.,
Summer, S.M. 2002. Rearing Methods for the Black
Soldier Fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Journal of
Medical Entomology, Vo. 39, No. 4, July 2002. pp.
Sundu, B. and Dingle, J. Use of enzymes to improve the
nutritional value of palm kernel meal and copra meal.
In: Proc. Queensland Poult, Sci. Symp. Australia.
Vol. 11, 1-15
About the Authors
Saurin Hem, Michel Larue, and Laurent Pouyaud
are with the Institut de Recherche por le Development
(IRD), Wisma Anugraha, Jalan Taman Kemang,
Jakarta Selatan 12730, Indonesia
Melta Rini and Chumadi are with Loka Riset
Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar Depok, Jl. Perikanan
No. 13, Pancoran Mas-Depok 16432, Jawa Barat,
Maskur and Ahmad Hadadi are with Balai Besar
Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar Sukabumi, Jl.
Selabintana No. 37 Sukabumi 43114, Jawa Barat,
Supriyadi and Ediwarman are with Balai Budidaya
Air Tawar Jambi, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 16, The
Hok, Jambi, Indonesia
Institut de recherche pour le dveloppement - 44, boulevard de Dunkerque, CS 90009
F-13572 Marseille Cedex 02 - France -
Retrouvez les photos de l'IRD concernant cette che, libres de droit pour la presse, sur
A good example
of successful bioconversion
Oil palm is the predominant source
of vegetable oil in the world. Growing
population could bring a doubling of
demand in 10 years time. Its produc-
tion is accused by environmentalists of
steadily destroying the primary forests,
yet it has become indispensable for ma-
king food products (such as biscuits,
crisps, margarine and vegetable butter
or soups). The harmful impacts of the
monospecic crop on the biodiversity
and deforestation are well known, but the
difcult valorization of the plant wastes
resulting from this agro-industry is less
well realized. Palm kernel meal (PKM), a
brous material obtained after pressing
of palm fruit, is still difcult to recycle. An
IRD team has been studying the poten-
tial of oil palm production by-products for
several years and has recently develo-
ped a highly promising bioconversion
process. Observations on the interest
the dipteran Hermetia illucens or black
soldier y, a common species in the
tropics, shows for PKM prompted the
research team to investigate the biology
of this insect. Previous work conducted
in the Republic of Guinea had shown the
larvae of this insect to be capable of ex-
tracting the nutrients (proteins and lipids)
from the plant bre residues. Research
has been proceeding in Indonesia since
2005 where the team has been aiming
to develop a bioconversion process
that applies these insects remarkable
digestive abilities. The country has re-
cently become the worlds top producer
of palm oil and this production generates
2.3 million tonnes of PKM. In the Indone-
sian archipelago, freshwater sh farming
is a ourishing traditional economic acti-
vity which requires $200 million worth of
sh meal imports every year. The combi-
nation of these two factors gave the idea
of developing large-scale production
of Hermetia larvae as an alternative to
sh meal which, with the surge in prices
linked to the steady depletion of natural
stocks, is an increasing burden on the
countrys trade balance. The IRD is soon
to set up a pilot production unit in Su-
matra near an oil plant that produces 50
tonnes of PKM per day and this will allow
the production of an abundant quantity
of larvae. The process is based on a fer-
mentation system inspired by ruminant
Sheet n309 December 2008
ntensive cultiva-
tion of oil palm is
strongly criticized
for the destruction
of primary forest it
causes. In addition
to its effects of defo-
restation, this acti-
vity produces envi-
ronmentally harmful
organic residues.
Indonesia, which
recently became
the worlds leading
producer of palm oil,
generates an annual
2.3 million tonnes
of this by-product,
palm kernel meal.
However, a means
of benecially using
these solid plant
wastes is emerging
thanks to a process
being developed
by IRD researchers
and their Indonesian
. The tech-
nique draws on the
remarkable digestive
abilities of maggots
(larvae) of a dipteran
insect, the black
soldier y, which
produces a great
quantity of biomass
rich in protein. This
substance provides
a cheap feedstuff
which substitutes
for the sh meal
usually employed by
the regions aqua-
culture farms. The
waste residues the
larvae produce also
serve as an excel-
lent green fertilizer.
When applied to
leguminous crops, it
can result in yields
three to four times
higher than a plot
that has not been so
Developent of the bioconversion process near oil palm plantations will bring better conservation of
the tropical forest, the natural habitat of Hermetia illucens.
Galle Courcoux, coordinator
Dlgation linformation et la communication
Tl. : +33(0)4 91 99 94 90 - fax : +33 (0)4 91 99 92 28 - [email protected]
For further information
+33 (0)4 91 99 94 87
[email protected]
+33 (0)4 91 99 94 81
[email protected]
digestion combined with the enzymatic
action of the Hermetia larvae. It consists
of setting out tanks containing a mixture
of PKM and water on the edges of the
tropical forest near Hevea (rubber) plan-
tations. The female ies are attracted
by the odour of fermenting palm kernels
and come to them to lay their eggs. Once
hatched the larvae develop, feeding
on this pre-degraded substrate during
the fermentation phase. This method,
whose efciency has been improved
over recent years, can currently supply
one tonne of larvae from 2.5 tonnes of
palm kernel in three weeks. When the
larvae stop feeding, they are harvested
and then mixed with rice bran, another
agricultural by-product easily available
in Indonesia. The feed thus obtained
provides the essential nutrients for the
sh species bred in aquaculture such as
tilapia or panga. But the virtuous circle
the scientic teams has devised does
not stop there. More recently, observa-
tions and measurements were made
on the fertilizing properties of the excre-
ment produced by the larvae. The rst
tests conducted on the asparagus bean
(Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis), a le-
guminous plant commonly grown in Indo-
nesia for its edible pods and seeds, have
proved that the excrement constitutes
an excellent green fertilizer that makes
possible yields at least four times greater
than those of non-fertilized crops. This
virtuous circle system, which takes its
inspiration from the principles of functio-
nal ecology, proves that nature can pro-
vide a service for humans for less cost
when it is harnessed in a reasoned way.
The researchers hope that by encou-
raging local communities to use this
bioconversion process, the ecolo-
gical impact of oil palm cultivation
will be restricted while favouring the
conservation of the forest ecosys-
tems in Indonesia. The tropical forest is
the natural habitat of Hermetia illucens,
therefore the bioconversion process de-
vised can work only if this ecosystem
is preserved. This is an argument that
could give agro-industrial companies in-
centive to leave small islands of primary
forest between the oil palm plantations.
Grgory Flchet - DIC
Translation - Nicholas Flay
1. This research was conducted as
part of the FishDiva programme in
cooperation with the Indonesian
Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime
Unit de recherche
Caractrisation et valorisation
de la diversit ichtyologique
pour une aquaculture
raisonne (CAVIAR)
Adress :
Wisma Anugraha
Jalan Taman KEmang 32B
12730 Jakarta
Tel : + 62 (0)8 158 513 8471
[email protected]
Hem, al., Bioconversion
of palm kernel meal for
aquaculture: Experiences
from the forest region
(Republic of Guinea), African
Journal of Biotechnology, vol.
7, 1192 -1198, 2008.
Hem, S. et al., Valorisation
of Palm Kernel Meal via
Bioconversion: Indonesias
initiative to address
aquafeeds shortage,
Fish for the People - Journal
of SEAFDEC, vol. 6. , 42-43,
Oil palm, green fertilizer,
Left: Black soldier maggots resulting from the bioconversion process.
Right: green fertilizer obtained from the digestive wastes of these larvae.
Saurin Hem
, Melta Rini
, Chumaidi
, Maskur
, Ahmad Hadadi
, Ediwarman
, Michel Larue
and Laurent Pouyaud
IRD (Lembaga Penelitian Perancis untuk Pembangunan), c/o BRKP Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas - Depok 16432, Jawa Barat.
Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas - Depok 16432, Jawa Barat.
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Selabintana No. 17, Sukabumi 43114, Jawa Barat.
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 16 C, The Hok, Jambi.
Correspond author: [email protected]
Design graphic: Bambang Dwisusilo
Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar-IRD, 2006.
Soya Fish meal
UK shmeal prices 2003 to 2006
(Source FIN Fishmeal Information Network)
Bioconversion is a Bio-process using natural enzymes (proteases and
lipidases) secreted and excreted from insect larvae (Hermetia illucens,
Stratiomyidae, Diptera) aka Black soldier y.
Crude proteins = 18 %
Crude Fat = 32 %
Principal amino acids:
Arginine = 23,6 %
1. Palm Kernel Oil ( PKO )
Lauric acid (C12) ~ 48%
2. Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
Organic Residue
PKM Palm Kernel Meal (A)
Crude proteins 18%
Crude fats 12-20%
Medium based on PKM
Fermentation process (B)
2. Opportunity
1. Context
BS pupa
Methionine Phenylalanine
3. Bioconversion, a natural process and applications
5. Concept and Conclusion
Low digestibility,
High content of non- starch
polysaccharides (NSP) part of
the cell wall structure of kernel
High assimilation rate
Rumens ora
Increase by de 10 % of cream
milk (Germany, Netherlands, GB)
4. Nutritive values
Hermetia illucens Reproduction
1 2
Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan
Pusat Riset Perikanan Budidaya
Service de Coopration et dAction
Up to 50 tons of PKM are evacuated each day in this factory near
Jambi (Sumatra)
Valorisation of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), a by-product from palm oil agro
industry, via Bioconversion: a natural process of particular interest for the
development of aquaculture in Indonesia
Aqua feeds or (commercial pellets for aquaculture fsh) are becoming increasingly expensive worldwide. This
situation arises from an increasing demand over fshmeal and fsh oil, while captures of wild fsh have attained
a plateau. Fishmeal imports in Indonesia nowadays amount to circa 200 million US per year, and are expected
to soar if no alternative to fsh meal proteins were found. The situation is proportionally more critical in the rural
sector, where aquaculture has played an important part since several generations and where production is mainly
or exclusively destined to local markets.
The bioconversion process consists in the transfer of nutriments of PKM via
biodegradation by larvae of an insect, Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae, Diptera),
also known as Black Soldier (BS) fy, a cosmopolitan species that is widespread
in Indonesia. A key step in this process is elucidating the life cycle of Hermetia
illucens, with particular emphasis on its reproductive biology (breeding behaviour,
reproductive cycles, etc.). The resulting biomass of larvae (42% crude protein
and 30% crude fat) may act as a viable alternative source of animal protein for
sustaining the development of aquaculture. Recently developed in Indonesia,
the bioconversion program aims at an in-depth understanding of the bioconversion
process and at simplifying the production technology so as to promote its
implementation in a rural context. The application of this technology at a small
scale (1 metric ton per month) has been validated in 2006 -2007 at the Aquaculture
Research Station of Jambi Province (BBAT). In 2008, a pilot project will aim to
produce a maggot biomass of 10-15 tons per month with direct application to
rural aquaculture.
The bioconversion of PKM into Maggot, a process
dubbed from waste to wealth, is a promising research
topic, with the objectives of addressing local needs with
local resources, but also of contributing to fsh meal
replacement in a broader, worldwide context, since the bioconversion agent is
cosmopolitan. Furthermore, the capacity of a country to produce local resources
that substitute imported products represents a strong criterion of sustained
economic growth.
Indonesia is the frst world producer of palm oil. Aside
of palm oil, this industry yields huge amounts of a by-
product, the palm kernel meal (PKM or Bungkil; about
2 million tons in 2006), of which half is exported. The
bioconversion research program precisely aims at
valorising the locally produced PKM so as to produce
animal proteins that can contribute solving the
issue of alternative protein sources to imported fsh
1. Hermetia illucens
Diptera), a widespread
insect in Indonesia.
2. Reproductive behaviour.
3. Eggs are laid on
substratum, next to the
culture medium.
4. Mass culture of larvae
of Hermetia illucens.
5. Production of maggot
meal by steaming,
drying and grinding for
6. Selected pupas for
restocking purpose.
Soybean x1
FM x1
HLM x1,5
amino acids
Hermetia larvae meal (HLM)
Soybean Rice bran Maize PKM Coconut
(New to
(C. Sheppard-
Swinerej ect.)
Arginine 5.9 5.7 5.80 1.6 2.2 1.7 1.8 4.6 6.2 4.6 13.9 11.0 7.4
Histidine 2.6 2.3 2.45 1.1 1.9 1.0 1.3 2.3 2.3 2.9 2.5 2.1 2.4
Leucine 7.6 7.5 7.55 2.4 3.5 2.6 2.8 6.0 7.3 13.1 6.4 6.0 7.8
Lysine 8.0 7.5 7.75 1.9 3.4 2.2 2.5 3.6 4.1 2.4 3.7 2.5 6.1
Methionine 3.1 3.0 3.05 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.8 1.8 0.6 2.7 1.0 1.4
Phenylalanine 4.3 4.2 4.25 1.4 2.2 1.5 1.7 4.0 4.5 4.9 3.6 4.1 5.5
Thronine 4.3 4.1 4.20 1.5 0.6 1.4 1.2 4.2 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.0 3.8
Tryptophan 1.2 1.1 1.15 - 0.2 0.6 0.4 - 1.6 0.6 2.8 - 1.3
Valine 5.5 5.2 5.35 2.0 3.4 2.2 2.5 4.7 5.5 4.2 5.7 4.7 5.2
Crude proteins 72.6 1.1 71.6 44.0 42.0 42.0 42.7 26.4 10.6 10.6 18 22.7 44.0
Crude fats 1.1 1.1 1.1 29.35 35 35 33.1 19 18.9 1.9 32 10.5 8.1
15 - 16 November 2007
Bali, Indonesia.
Valorization of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), a by-product from palm oil agro
industry, via Bioconversion: a natural process of particular interest for the
development of aquaculture in Indonesia
International Conference on Oil Palm and Environment
ICOPE 2007 (Posters session) 15-16 November 2007, Bali (Indonesia)
Saurin Hem
, Melta Rini
, Chumaidi
, Maskur
, Ahmad Hadadi
, Ediwarman
, Michel Larue
and Laurent Pouyaud
Aqua feeds or (commercial pellets for aquaculture) have become nowadays increasingly expensive in
Indonesia. This may be accounted for by the increasing price of fishmeal, which is largely imported from
abroad (Perou, Chile,). Fishmeal is currently soaring due to a high demand worldwide and to the
stagnation of the production from the natural stock catch. The imported fishmeal costs the country
about 200 millions US$ per year. This situation will be increasingly hampering the development of
aquaculture and other animal husbandries that currently rely on fishmeal proteins (e.g. poultry), and
might even cause their decline, which is unacceptable since these activities represent both a rural
economic sector and a food security issue.
Indonesia is the first world producer of palm oil. Aside of palm oil, this industry yields huge amounts of
by-products, notably the palm kernel meal (PKM or Bungkil; about 2 million tons in 2006 in Indonesia) of
which half is exported. The bioconversion research program aims at solving a double focus: reducing
the need (i.e. imported fish meal) and valorizing local resources (i.e; the locally produced PKM).
Bioconversion is a natural process which consists in the transfer of nutriments of PKM via
biodegradation by larvae of an insect, Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae, Diptera) also known as the
Black Soldier (BS) fly, a cosmopolitan species that is widespread in Indonesia. At first sight, the larvae
(termed maggots) of the black soldier fly might look like those of blue fly or house fly. However, there
is a huge difference since the latter species are true pests, while the black soldier is rather a flower
species and no pest at all. Its usefulness has been recognized since years 1950 by many authors in
USA. Research on the larvae of Hermetia illucens began first in 2002 in the Republic of Guinea (West
Africa), and, from 2005 onwards, it has been prolonged and expanded in Indonesia, after black soldier
were spotted in Sukabumi and Depok.
A key step in this process is the elucidation of the life cycle of Hermetia illucens, with particular
emphasis on its reproductive biology (breeding behavior, reproductive cycles, etc.). The resulting
biomass of larvae (42% crude protein and 30% crude fat) may act as a viable alternative source of
animal protein for sustaining the development of aquaculture. Recently developed in Indonesia, the
bioconversion program aims at an in-depth understanding of the bioconversion process and at
simplifying the production technology so as to promote its implementation in a rural context. The
application of this technology at a small scale (1 metric ton per month) has been validated in 2006 -
2007 at the Aquaculture Research Station of Jambi Province (BBAT). In 2008, a pilot project will aim to
produce a maggot biomass of 10-15 tons per month with direct application to rural aquaculture.
The bioconversion of PKM into Maggot, a natural process dubbed from waste to wealth, is a
promising research topic, with the objectives of addressing local needs with local resources, but also
of contributing to fish meal replacement in a broader, worldwide context, since the bioconversion
agent is cosmopolitan. Furthermore, the capacity of a country to produce local resources that
substitute imported products represents a strong criterion of sustained economic growth.
IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dveloppement), Wisma Anugraha, Jalan Taman Kemang Jakarta Selatan 12730.
Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas - Depok 16432, Jawa Barat
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Selabintana No. 17, Sukabumi 43114, Jawa Barat.
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 16 C, The Hok, Jambi.
Correspond author : [email protected]
Annexe 2
Report on the establishment of Bioconversion pilot project at
desa Singkut 1
(Kebupatan Sarolangun Jambi - Sumatra)
By Saurin HEM
From 14
of March to 27
of March 2009
1. Historical reminder
The bioconversion program has reached at 2009 a decisive step. A significant financial support
from the government through BRKP and Dinas DKP of Jambi province has an objective to
conduct the pilot program of bioconversion consisting on putting in practice the principle of the
bioconversion as a service for rural people that has faced with aquafeed issues with the fishmeal
shortage. Sarolangun district was one of those cases where aquaculture activity was closing
down. The village Singkut 1, part of the district, has beneficiated this first example support.
The meeting held on the 4
of March at Novotel Jambi, has discussed on the design and method
used to coordinate the roles and actions of each party involved (BRKP, IRD and the DGA/DKP
Dinas of Jambi). All parties are agreed on the conception of Pilot Project. The objective of the
project must go beyond the technical process of producing maggot. The Pilot project must act as
a demonstration of the whole transformation chain from maggot up to fish production as the final
focus. The Pilot project must demonstrate that maggot as a new source of animal proteins to
replace fishmeal and to provide low cost aquaculture. Therefore the pilot project must cover
the three steps of the process started (1) from maggot culture followed by (2) the pellets
fabrication based on maggot biomass. The project will continue to follow up until (3) fish culture
and harvesting. Each step must include the economic consideration taking in account all costs
involved (investment, infrastructure, running cost,). On the other word, the frame of the project
may be presented as a business linking chain of three specific unit groups of operators:
x The first group of operators, or Group A, will be in charged on maggot biomass
x the second group of operators, Group B, will be in charged on aquafeed pellet
production. The group B will buy the whole biomass of maggot produced from group
A, to be used as the main ingredient inputted into the pellets composition, instead of
fishmeal. The pellet produced will be free from fishmeal.
x The third group, Group C is composed by fish farmers practicing aquaculture in ponds.
They will buy pellets from group B for growth out their fish in respective ponds.
Singkut 1 village was focus to play as pioneer in this program. The families
involved in the operation are identified and decided by farmers association them
The agreement has also decided on the duties and responsibilities of each party as
shown as follow:
1. The duty under IRD responsibility is to set up 2 (two) maggot culture sites
(two families among the 5) and to build one storehouse for stocking Palm
Kernel Meal.
2. Dinas Perikanan of the Jambi province is in charge on the construction of
three other maggot culture sites (three families). The duty of Dinas will
provide also the PKM (72 tons) and will insure it transportation from the
factory up to storehouse at Singkut 1.
3. The duty part of BRKP is to ensure the running costs between three groups
of operators: maggot producers (5 families), aquafeed maker (1 family)
and fish-farmers (12 families). The running cost concerns firstly the
maggot purchased by the aquafeed maker, and secondly it concerns the
fingerling cost for the growth out operation in the 12 families.
Another point discussed during the meeting has focused on the technical design related
to the maggot culture backs (3,5 m x 7 m with 0,60 m high), covered by zinc roofing,
which is planned to establish 4 in each site; the PKM storehouse dimension (5m x 5 m
x 3 m high) for stocking 25 - 30 tons of Palm Kernel Meal). The construction of a
pellets unit-workshop at Singkut 1 was designed under responsibility of Dinas of Jambi
2. Mission activities field operations
Following the schedule decided in the pilot program, the period from middle of March to the end
of April, will devote on the construction activities to setting up all infrastructures and facilities
planned at Singkut 1.
The IRD mission reported here concerns the construction of the two (of five planned) maggot
culture sites, according to the design and dimension decided (see figures).The two families
involved in maggot production placed under charge of IRD, are : family Basuki (site n1) and
family Omon (site n3). The storehouse of PKM will be installed in the family Dadang located in
the central of the village (See GPS map).
Pasar Singkut finally is an active agglomeration where all construction materials (iron bars for
reinforced concrete, cement, send,) are all available in place there. Three local contractors are
found in place among the farmers group. All are professional in concrete masonry work and may
understand without difficulty all designs and construction dimensions prepared by IRD.
Without theodolite instrument to accurate the positioning of the construction in a vast areas, we
have had recourse to the principle of Pythagorean theorem. This is a simple solution interesting to
transfer to rural areas when they will need to accurate measurements in case of large construction
Most of the soil textures in Singkut are alluvial origin (glay, send,) that are loose at the surface.
All heavy constructions need to insure by a solid foundation (case of Basuki and Omon). This
context has taken more time and cost to reinforce the foundation of the infrastructure;
In Basuki case (site n1), the construction of the culture back has followed the plan deseigned (20
m long x 8 m large) decided during the 4
of Mars meeting. But in the Pak Emone case, the area
designated for the construction is narrow. The disposition of the 4 culture backs needs to be
changed. The disposal areas dimension is 30 m long x 6m large. However the surface of each
culture back remains the same following the model decided (7 m x 3,5 m x 0,6 m). The whole
structure is covered by corrugated zinc roofing panels.
Two problems have been faced during the construction:
x The raining day where all work must cancel. This has caused some delay in the
x The new bridge recently build at the entrance of the village was not yet solid to allow
heavy truck to cross over. Thereby all the construction materials (iron bar, cement,
send, block of stone, ..) transported by heavy trucks (8 to 10 tons) must be dropped
before the bridge and retransferred by small quantities up to the construction sites. This
has caused the increasing cost in the construction as well as disturbing the time
Insect house for restocking:
The restocking program has planned in the schedule but the chapter doesnt have designed and
discussed in detail. IRD has take this part under responsibility.
Four (4) stocking boxes will be setting up within each culture site. Every week after harvesting
the maggot from the culture tank, about 5% of larvae produced, especially the pupae stage (the
last stage of development) will be inputted in the insect house for restocking. All pupa are ready
to hatch and fly into the adult stage. Nearby the insect house, the areas around it will be prepared
to plant the daisy flowers Sphagneticola sp. to create an habitat for the adult insects.
Incompatibility with the spray of two pesticides Roundup from Monsanto
and Gramoxon - an alternative solution, a biological control by planting the
daisy flowers Spharneticola sp
Frequently, the farmer used to spray the herbicide under the rubber plantation against the
development of the adventices that would compete and disturb the culture system (rubber).
The farmers usually use two herbicides, pesticides: the first the famous Roundup from
Monsanto - glyphosate (N-(phosphonomthyl)glycine, C
( ) and the last but not the less is the Gramoxon
) both are well
known as a pesticides deeply damaging environment (water and soil) and dangerous for the users,
farmers themselves.
These practices are not compatibles with the maggot production program while insect population
Hermetia illucens is the background of maggot production. Therefore, the farmers must accept to
stop using those pesticides in the areas near by the culture site.
The questions frequently asked are:
x how to prevent the adventices, bad grass, from growing which compete and disturb the
agricultural system ?
x and what could be the alternative solution ?
According to our experiences in Depok, using the daisy
flowers Sphagneticola sp. as the habitat of insect Hermetia
illucens in the enclosed culture has shown many advantages.
Sphagneticola colonies will compete and prevent the
adventices from growing, by obstructing
the sun light (reducing the possibility of
photosynthesis) by the thickness of their
colonies over the soil areas. If this
biological control of adventice pest could
play this role, this new action may
contribute the farmers from stop using the two pesticides mentioned above. The action will
reduce the bad impact on the environment and will help the farmers from spending money every
month fbuying the two pesticides (75.000 Rp to 100.000 Rp for 2 ha of culture). This biological
control by Sphagneticola will overall contribute to save the environment (water and soil) and
provide a better health care on the rural population. This experience will take one year before to
make a conclusion after a clear objective analysis. A new research program may develop around
this topic.
Restocking boxes
The natural population of Hermetia exist actually at Singkut1 but may not be able to ensure the
high reproduction immediately. To obtain the high production started from the beginning, a
restocking of pupa is needed. We have plan to transfer pupa from BBAT of Jambi.
We have planned to equip for each site 4 boxes for stocking pupa. Twenty (20) boxes will be
fixed in the 5 sites at the rate of 4 boxes par site. Two to three kg of pupa will be inputted every
week. The design of the restocking boxes is:
During the two weeks stay in place, the purpose of the mission is to explain to the local
contractors the accurate of the design, that will be used as model for others constructions which
are under Dinas program.
The whole infrastructure could not be finished during the mission (two week). It will be
completed some time before middle of April. All construction materials are precisely estimated
and all are paid and available from the suppliers at Pasar Singkut (Cement, zinc, woods).
Wisnu, my assistant from BBAT Jambi has followed the construction during 7 days. He would
like to continue. But he has his program duties at the BBAT to control. For this point, I present a
special thank to Pak Supriyadi (the head of BBAT Songail Galam) who kindly allows Wisnu to
accompany the mission during this stay at Singkut village by helping in different contact
(suppliers, contractors, workers and the bank transactions). Wisnu has learned also many
technical aspects during this starting period. Firda, another young assistant has also participated
at the start of the program.
Agung Dwi is nexly graduated from the STP (Skola Tingi Perikanan at Pasar Minggu) a new
staff recently recruited by the DGA and posted at Sarolangun. Agung has played a important role
in this project. Agung has followed the program conscientiously every step of it progression. The
instructions confided are well execute after my departure. He is a good field engineer who may
conduct smartly all the fieldwork. He remains keep in touch with me every day (Jakarta-Singkut)
and sends the pictures of the work progression every 3 days via using his hand
phone camera.
Pak Spriyadi a staff Dinas at Sinkut has also a key role in term of mediator.
I appreciate Pak Urip (BRKP-Depok) and Vidodo both have contributed efficiently the work.
In spite of some troublesome (rain, new bridge, contractors,) causing delay, the program will
finish within the schedule planned.
Main road to
Pasar Singkut
Sarolangun kota
Geographic position of the case studied sites)
Site2EmorePositioningthebuildingareas Site2Emoresitereadytobuild
Site3Dadangcleaningthebuildingareas Site3Dadangareareadytobuild
Annexe 3
Pioposition of a tiyout on
Fishmeal Replacement by
Naggotmeal applieu with
shiimp cultuie
Nission maue fiom
of 0ctobei
Nauagascai Nission Expeitise Repoit
by Sauiin BEN IRBBRKP Inuonesia
Since 2009, research program on Bioconversion (known as Maggot research Program in Indonesia), has
held in Jakarta on 1112 of March 2010, organized by WWF, Jacques Slembrouck and I, we were invited.
Through many discussions and exchanges among participants, in particularly with Dr Marc Le Groumellec,
Dr Le Groumellec has appreciated our work and has expressed his intention to introduce a new approach
Aqualma policy by proposing a tryout research program to substitute Fishmeal by Maggotmeal in the
AQUALMA, part of UNIMA Group, is a multinational created in 1994 funded by French and Madagascar
capital, specialized on Shrimp Farming Industry (Penaeus monodon) installed on the west coast of
Madagascar (precisely at Mahajamba bay see map attached). Today Aqualma is considered as one of the
most successful semiintensive shrimp farm in the world. With a production of more than 3.000 tons in
2009 (over a total of 780 ha of ponds), AQUALMA concept is entirely based on "sustainability" and
Veterinary by formation, Dr Le Groumellec is, first of all a scientist by sprit. He is in charge on the
Sustainable Development Research Issues. In a previous research on Fishmeal replacement, Aqualma has
the risk from GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) affected on SBM (especially among SBM from Brazil)
which is an ethic constrain for Aqualma policy. On the other hand, using SBM would compete directly on
the cost production. While maggot as BSF larvae biomasses (Black Soldier Fly larvae, insect Hermetia
illucens) are made from agroindustry byproducts or from many others types of organic wastes, the
x GoalinterestforAqualmaAqualmaisararecompanywhoattachedstronglytotheconceptbase
of sustainable development summarized by three word started with letter P: Planet People
Profit. Using MaggotMeal to replace Fish meal concerns the three goals in the same time. Fish
meal from Peru could not be indefinitely available, increase of demands vs limited resources will
the production cost and may maintain a stabilized price for consumers. That concerns the goal of
People and Profit. Another motivation of Aqualma is to be the first challenger on using maggot
x Goal interest for Indonesia The involvement maggot program in shrimp feeding is a good
opportunity to valorize to maggot and giving more value added on maggot and PKM (Palm Kernel
x ForIRD,thewishofAqualmatousemaggotinshrimpfarmingisunexpectedrecognitionofinterest
x ForIRD/BRKPresearchteaminBRBIHAT,thedirectbenefitsfromthiscollaborationwithAqualma
would be: the acquisition of specific equipment like vacuum Packaging (see documents attached).
the program would provide 30 tons of PKM. Infrastructure and equipment to transformation Unit
partner including a trip (evaluation mission after 6 months of tryout) to Madagascar with IRD
feasibility of Bioconversion in a new context conditions. That was the reason of last mission from 16
the mission must be able to propose the step 2, the research designs and approach to be conducted to
reach the definite goal. The competence and role of each party must be precisely described including the
limitofrespectiveresponsibilities. The durationoftheresearchtryoutwould bedetermined.Anothertrip
(so called an evaluation trip) is planned with an Indonesian scientist partner, to evaluate together
To gain time, and especially because of the raining season coming soon on December, Dr Marc Le
which is separated into two schedules: (1) on the East Coast (Ocean Indian side) precisely at Anthalaha
NorthEast coast, where there are two Projects, one on Palm Oil industry Plantations and another on
Coconut plantation industry and (2) on the West Coast near Mahajunga to visit Aqualma Complex Shrimp
The first trip, considered as an expertise trip to make an evaluation of the feasibility of maggot
Bioconversion in Madagascar. The purpose is to confirm the presence of Black Soldier fly (Hermetia
illucens) that have already mentioned in bibliography and to evaluate the availability of Palm Kernel Meal
(PKM). In this focus others sources of organic wastes usable as culture media base for bioconversion
process would need to be identified. This is the first stage of expertiseevaluation mission, before taking
any actions (establishing the protocol agreement on this jointresearch program). The mission would be
Anthalaha) is an area where in the recent past, a palm oil industry plantation (6000ha) have been tryout
since 1989. But, from unknown reasons (bad conditions of the access roads, land locked areas, bad
management etc) the whole plantation are today unfortunately abandoned. After 5 hours trip from
Anthalaha, Dr Le Groumellec and I, we have found a disappointed scene: the infrastructures and
equipments (grading machine, collectors tractors, oil extractor unit, etc) are all irreversibly broken down.
The palm trees, without maintenance and fertilizer input, are no longer productive and invaded by the
In order to estimate the quantity available of Kernel produced, we have proposed a contract with the
population to buy the kernel that normally thrown away with the seed. The work consists of crashing
+transportationcostincludedfromAmbohitralananaup toAnthalaha)hasbeencalculatedaccordingly to
Coconut meal (CNM) is a byproduct from copra after extraction of
world trade. Its major fatty acids are on averageC12:0 48% (lauric Fats),
C14:018% and C16:0 9% by mass. Therefore PKM and CNM are very
lack of PKM, CNM may play as a substitute to produce maggot by
The second visit in the region of Anthalaha is Sambava coconut
similar image recorded on the palm oil industry at Ambohitralanana, but however, the infrastructures are
It is not working at the time we passed by. But the whole engine seems still in a good condition. The
production recorded in 2006 was 6000 tons of copra, 2000 tons of oil extracted, and 3000 t of CNM. By a
possible arrangement, the unit may be used for PKO extractor from Palm Kernel collected from
Lychee seed, Jatopha seed, Anacardium fruit, may take part in
also considered as important. But at the end conclusion, the potentiality
To make a rapid conclusion on the availability of raw material for
quantity of PKM and Copra Meal alone) Madagascar remains poor, very
To confirm the presence of Hermetia illucens, we have process by
brought from Depok. Almost all people have recognized the insect but
processed by putting traps with palm Kernel seed crashed, but the time
(1) The site of Moramba is the breeder stocks preservation place of Penaeus monodon Madagascars
(2) ThesiteMifoko,thepostlarvaeunitproduction,
(3) thesiteMahajambabayisthegrowthoutfarm(780ha)and
(4) The Besakoa site is an important unit for conditioning the final products (marketable size shrimp
harvested from the growthout farm) ready for expediting for marketing. An impressive example of
shrimp cultureindustry,wellexperimented, keepgoingontheperfectionfollowingastrongguideline
based on the concept of sustainability with respect on environment and on the principle of the CSR
Atthelevelofthishatchery,theuseofimportedArtemiarepresentsthemain costlyinput.FromDrMarc
Le Groumellec point of view, the micro larvae of BSF and the Minilarvae could play an important role to
Besakoa where almost the whole Aqualma personnel are living there. The first actions are focused on
up to ordinary care). Three practicing doctors are permanently resident at the locality. In case of any
Another action of CSR program, is concerned the education. A primary
used as biofertilizer for the village kitchen Garden. During the visit of the
compost areas, BSF Hermetia has been seen. And at the same time the
yellow flower, Sphagneticola sp has also been met at the highschool
According to what we have seen, it is clear that the bioconversion may be processed in Madagascar. The
Dr Marc Le Groumellec, 42 years old, is a veterinary formed in France (Nantes) a strong back ground for
animals care. His engagement with shrimp has started since 1992 after university graduation by involving
the shrimp culture program at Tahiti under IFREMER French research Organization. After four years of
experience, Aqualma has proposed a post in the Firm that has conducted him to become the founder of
Hatchery of Aqualma. The first priority was focused on the hygienic conditions and disease issues and the
healthiness of the animal. But overall, the quality of Dr Le Groumellec is his state of mind as scientist
futurist planner, anticipating the coming problems. The lack of fishmeal issue and his intention to use
maggot to replace fishmeal, have illustrated clearly his awareness on the future problems. The success of
Aqualmagrowthout Farm
Pumping unit composed by 12 huge caterpillar pumps.
Each pump has a debit capacity of 2 m
per second. For the
Dr Marc le Groumellec
Background of the
photo: View of a 8 ha
Shrimp harvested from a semiintensive culture mode
with a density of 5 invidious per square meter. The
Items Valuein
2 Weight250kg 800
3 Equimentsboiller+dryer(frommaggotfrashtomaggotMeal) 5000
4 EquipmentsLaboratory(balance,adapterbinocular) 2500
5 ComputerNoteBook 1000
6 30tonsofPKM 3000
7 AnalysisBiochimistry(externalservicesstandardISOIPBBogor) 3000
8 Expedition(maggotmealtoMadagascar) 2000
9 Evaluationtriptomadagascarfortwopersons(IRD/BRKP) 5000
10 Others 2200