Quantum Users Guide-3

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The document discusses various weighting methods, types, and how to define weighting matrices in SPSS.

The document discusses factor weighting, target weighting, rim weighting, entering weights as proportions, weighting to a given total, preweights, and postweights.

The document discusses factor weighting, target weighting, rim weighting, entering weights as proportions, weighting to a given total, preweights, and postweights.

Quantum Users Guide

Volume 3 Advanced Tables

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Contents / i
List of figures ....................................................................................................................v
About this guide ............................................................................................................ vii
1 Weighting............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Weighting methods ...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Types of weighting ...............................................................................................................2
Factor weighting ....................................................................................................................2
Target weighting ....................................................................................................................2
Rim weighting .......................................................................................................................3
Entering weights as proportions (input weighting) ...............................................................5
Weighting to a given total .....................................................................................................5
Preweights .............................................................................................................................5
Postweights ............................................................................................................................6
Excluding respondents from the weighting ...........................................................................6
1.3 Defining weights in a weighting matrix ...............................................................................6
Weight matrix errors ...........................................................................................................10
Defining weighting matrices in hierarchical data ................................................................12
Multidimensional weight matrices ......................................................................................13
1.4 Weighting information in axes ...........................................................................................14
Numbering weighting axes ..................................................................................................15
Preweights, postweights, proportions (input) and weighting to a given total .....................16
1.5 Using weights in the record alone ......................................................................................17
1.6 Minimum and maximum weights .......................................................................................18
1.7 Rim weighting ....................................................................................................................19
Maximum and minimum weights with rim weighting ........................................................22
1.8 Using weights .....................................................................................................................23
1.9 Copying weights into the data ............................................................................................24
2 Row and table manipulation.........................................................................................25
2.1 Row manipulation ..............................................................................................................25
Expressions on M statements ..............................................................................................26
Manipulating the components of an n25 .............................................................................30
An example of row manipulation ........................................................................................30
Applying spechar and nz to manipulated elements .............................................................31
2.2 Manipulation on N-statements ...........................................................................................32
2.3 Creating averages with row manipulation ..........................................................................33
2.4 Manipulating whole tables .................................................................................................34
Referring to tables in the current run ...................................................................................36
Manipulating tables from other runs ...................................................................................38
Manipulating more than one table .......................................................................................39
2.5 Manipulating parts of tables ...............................................................................................41
2.6 Creating tables using dummy data .....................................................................................43
3 Dealing with hierarchical data......................................................................................45
3.1 Analysis levels ....................................................................................................................45
Defining levels using a levels file .......................................................................................45
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
ii / Contents
Defining the data structure in the levels file .......................................................................47
Defining levels and the data structure using a struct statement ..........................................48
Naming levels in the edit section ........................................................................................50
Tabulation using levels .......................................................................................................51
Table and axis analysis level ...............................................................................................53
Table creation level .............................................................................................................54
uplev and levbase ................................................................................................................56
Why celllev is preferable to uplev ......................................................................................58
Numerics with levels ...........................................................................................................59
Statistics with analysis levels ..............................................................................................61
Special T statistics and analysis levels ................................................................................62
Process with levels ..............................................................................................................63
3.2 clear= on the l statement ....................................................................................................64
4 Descriptive statistics......................................................................................................67
4.1 Using Quantum statistics ...................................................................................................68
Axis-level statistics .............................................................................................................68
Table-level statistics ............................................................................................................70
General notes .......................................................................................................................71
4.2 Summary table ...................................................................................................................72
4.3 Chi-squared tests ................................................................................................................73
One-dimensional chi-squared test .......................................................................................73
Two-dimensional chi-squared test ......................................................................................76
A single classification chi-squared test ...............................................................................78
4.4 Non-parametric tests on frequencies ..................................................................................81
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ...................................................................................................81
McNemars test ...................................................................................................................83
4.5 Friedmans two-way analysis of variance ..........................................................................85
4.6 Formulae ............................................................................................................................88
The one-dimensional chi-squared test .................................................................................89
The two-dimensional chi-squared test ................................................................................89
Single classification chi-squared test ..................................................................................90
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ...................................................................................................90
McNemars test ...................................................................................................................91
Friedmans test ....................................................................................................................91
5 Z, T and F tests ................................................................................................................93
5.1 Z - tests ...............................................................................................................................93
One-sample Z-test on proportions .......................................................................................93
Two-sample Z-test on proportions ......................................................................................95
Z-Test on sub-sample proportions ......................................................................................97
Z-Test on overlapping samples ...........................................................................................99
5.2 T-tests and F-tests ............................................................................................................101
One-sample and paired T-test ...........................................................................................101
Two-sample T-test ............................................................................................................105
5.3 F values and T values .......................................................................................................108
5.4 F-test one-way analysis of variance ..............................................................................110
5.5 Newman-Keuls test ..........................................................................................................112
5.6 Formulae ..........................................................................................................................114
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Contents / iii
One-sample Z-test on proportions .................................................................................... 115
Two-sample Z-test on proportions .................................................................................... 115
Z-test on sub-sample proportions ...................................................................................... 116
Z-test on overlapping samples .......................................................................................... 116
One-sample and paired T-test ........................................................................................... 117
The two-sample T-test ...................................................................................................... 117
F and T values from an nft statement ................................................................................ 117
F-test / one-way analysis of variance ................................................................................ 119
Newman-Keuls test ........................................................................................................... 121
6 Other tabulation facilities............................................................................................ 123
6.1 C code in the tabulation section ....................................................................................... 123
6.2 Editing in the tabulation section ...................................................................................... 124
6.3 Sorting tables ................................................................................................................... 125
Sorting rows ...................................................................................................................... 125
Sorting columns ................................................................................................................ 127
Sorting percentages ........................................................................................................... 128
Sorting at different levels .................................................................................................. 128
Text-only elements in sorted tables .................................................................................. 137
Totals, statistics and manipulated elements in sorted tables ............................................. 141
7 Special T statistics ....................................................................................................... 145
7.1 Which elements are tested? .............................................................................................. 145
7.2 Setting up axes for T statistics ......................................................................................... 146
7.3 T statistics on weighted tables ......................................................................................... 147
The effective base ............................................................................................................. 147
7.4 Special T statistics and hierarchical data ......................................................................... 149
7.5 The base for T statistics ................................................................................................... 150
7.6 Titles for tables with T statistics ...................................................................................... 151
Suppressing footnotes ....................................................................................................... 152
Defining your own titles ................................................................................................... 152
7.7 Requesting a test .............................................................................................................. 154
Choosing your test ............................................................................................................ 154
Which elements to compare? ............................................................................................ 155
Confidence and risk levels ................................................................................................ 156
Checking how Quantum calculated your statistics ........................................................... 157
Printing probability values ................................................................................................ 159
7.8 Overlapping data .............................................................................................................. 159
7.9 The T-test on column proportions .................................................................................... 160
Example of a T-test on column proportions ..................................................................... 161
P-values for a T-test on column proportions ..................................................................... 163
7.10 The T-test on column means ............................................................................................ 164
7.11 The Newman-Keuls test ................................................................................................... 165
7.12 The significant net difference test .................................................................................... 166
Example of a significant net difference test ...................................................................... 167
P-values for the significant net difference test .................................................................. 169
7.13 The paired preference test ................................................................................................ 170
Example of a paired preference test .................................................................................. 171
P-values for paired preference tests .................................................................................. 173
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
iv / Contents
7.14 Testing means using the least significant difference test .................................................175
7.15 Formulae ..........................................................................................................................175
General notation ................................................................................................................176
T-test on column means ....................................................................................................177
T-test on column proportions ............................................................................................179
The significant net difference test .....................................................................................181
The paired preference test .................................................................................................181
The least significant difference test ..................................................................................182
The Newman-Keuls T statistic ..........................................................................................184
7.16 References .........................................................................................................................188
8 Creating a table of contents .......................................................................................189
8.1 Using the default layout ...................................................................................................189
8.2 The format file .................................................................................................................190
The a statement .................................................................................................................190
The tt statement .................................................................................................................191
The ord statement ..............................................................................................................192
The sel statement ...............................................................................................................193
8.3 Naming the format file .....................................................................................................194
9 Laser printed tables with PostScript .......................................................................197
9.1 Printing output with pstab ................................................................................................198
9.2 Column headings ..............................................................................................................199
User-definable PostScript characters ................................................................................201
9.3 Underlining column headings ..........................................................................................203
9.4 Text alignment in row axes ..............................................................................................203
9.5 Character sizes and fonts for titles ...................................................................................205
9.6 Boxes in tables .................................................................................................................206
9.7 Fonts and logos ................................................................................................................209
9.8 Positioning tables on the page ..........................................................................................211
9.9 Tables without a table of contents ....................................................................................211
9.10 Font encoding in PostScript tables ...................................................................................212
Requesting font encoding ..................................................................................................212
Defining your own encoding sets ......................................................................................212
9.11 Personalized code in the PostScript format file ...............................................................213
A Options in the tabulation section ............................................................................ 215
Index ...............................................................................................................................219
Figures / v
List of figures
2.1 Creating rows by row manipulation ............................................................................. 28
2.2 Row manipulation ........................................................................................................ 31
4.1 One-dimensional chi-squared test ................................................................................ 75
4.2 Two-dimensional chi-squared test ............................................................................... 77
4.3 Single classification chi-squared test ........................................................................... 80
4.4 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test ............................................................................................ 82
4.5 McNemar test ............................................................................................................... 84
4.6 Friedmans test ............................................................................................................. 87
5.1 One-sample Z-test on proportions ................................................................................ 94
5.2 Two-sample Z test on proportions ............................................................................... 96
5.3 Z-test on sub-sample proportions ................................................................................. 98
5.4 Z-test on overlapping samples ................................................................................... 100
5.5 One-sample T-test on means ...................................................................................... 103
5.6 Paired T-test on means ............................................................................................... 104
5.7 Two-sample T-test on means ..................................................................................... 107
5.8 F and T values produced with nft ............................................................................... 109
5.9 F-test or analysis of variance ...................................................................................... 111
5.10 Newman-Keuls test .................................................................................................. 113
6.1 Sorted table of nets using netsort ............................................................................... 132
6.2 Sorted table of nets with a text-only net ..................................................................... 133
6.3 Sorted table of nets created with subsort and endsort ............................................... 137
6.4 Sorted table of nets ..................................................................................................... 143
7.1 T-test on column proportions ..................................................................................... 162
7.2 P-values for a T-test on column proportions .............................................................. 163
7.3 Significant net difference test ..................................................................................... 168
7.4 Significant net difference test with P-values .............................................................. 169
7.5 Example of a paired preference test ........................................................................... 172
7.6 Paired preference test without P-values ..................................................................... 173
7.7 Paired preference test with P-values .......................................................................... 174
8.1 Sample Table of Contents .......................................................................................... 196

About this guide / vii
About this guide
The Quantum Users Guide is written primarily for Quantum spec writers. It is also a useful
reference for Quanvert database administrators and others who prepare data for use with
or Quanvert Text.
This guide is not intended as a tutorial or teach-yourself document. Instead, it provides a
and detailed description of the Quantum language and the Quantum programs. However, the
has been designed with your needs in mind. If you are an experienced user, you will find the
Reference boxes at the start of each section helpful as a reminder of syntax. If you are less
experienced, you will probably prefer the more detailed explanations and examples in the main
body of each section.
The Quantum Users Guide is divided into four volumes, which are described in more detail
All the volumes contain a comprehensive index that covers all four volumes.
Volume 1, Data editing
Volume 1 of the Quantum Users Guide covers data editing, validation and cleaning:
Chapters 1 to 3 give you an overview of the language and explain the basic concepts of
Quantum spec writing.
Chapter 4, Basic Elements, describes constants, numbers and variables.
Chapter 5, Expressions, describes arithmetic and logical expressions.
Chapter 6, How Quantum reads data, describes types of records, data structure, trailer cards,
reserved variables, merging data files and reading non-standard data files.
Chapter 7, Writing out data, describes creating a new data file, copying records to a print file,
and writing to a report file.
Chapter 8, Changing the contents of a variable, describes the Quantum assignment
statements, adding and deleting codes in a column, forcing single-coded answers, setting a
random code in a column, reading numeric codes into an array and clearing variables.
Chapter 9, Flow control, describes the if and else statements, routing around statements,
loops, rejecting records, jumping to the tabulation section and canceling the run.
Chapter 10, Examining records, describes holecounts and frequency distributions.
Chapter 11, Data validation, describes the require statement, column and code validation, and
validating logical expressions.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
viii / About this guide
Chapter 12, Data correction, describes forced cleaning, on-line data correction, creating clean
and dirty data files, correcting data from a corrections file, and missing values in numeric
Chapter 13, Using subroutines in the edit, describes how to call up subroutines, the
subroutines in the Quantum library, writing your own subroutines and calling functions from
C libraries.
Chapter 14, Creating new variables, describes how to name and define variables in your
Quantum spec.
Chapter 15, Data-mapped variables, describes the data-mapped variables feature.
Chapter 16, Running Quantum under Unix and DOS, describes how to compile and run your
Quantum program.
Volume 2, Basic tables
Volume 2 of the Quantum Users Guide covers axes and creating basic tables:
Chapter 1, Introduction to the tabulation section, provides an introduction to creating tables
in Quantum.
Chapter 2, The hierarchy of the tabulation section, describes the components of a tabulation
program, the hierarchies of Quantum, how to define run conditions, the options that are
available on the a, sectbeg, flt and tab statements, the default options file and some sample
Chapter 3, Introduction to axes, describes how to create an axis, the types of elements within
an axis, how to define conditions for an element, the n count creating elements, subheadings,
netting and axes within axes.
Chapter 4, More about axes, describes the col, val, fld and bit statements, filtering within an
axis, and options on axis elements.
Chapter 5, Statistical functions and totals, describes totals, averages, means, the standard
deviation, standard error and error variance statements and how to create percentiles.
Chapter 6, Using axes as columns, describes special considerations for when axes are used
for the columns of a table.
Chapter 7, Creating tables, describes the syntax of the tab statement, multidimensional tables,
multilingual surveys, combining tables, printing more than one table per page, and suppressing
percentages and statistics with small bases.
Chapter 8, Table texts, describes table titles, underlining titles, printing text at the foot of a
page, table and page numbers and controlling table justification.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
About this guide / ix
Chapter 9, Filtering groups of tables, describes general filter statements, named filters and
nested filter sections.
Chapter 10, Include and substitution, describes filing and retrieving statements, symbolic
parameters and grid tables.
Chapter 11, A sample Quantum job, provides an example of a Quantum specification and the
tables it produces.
Appendix A, Limits, describes the limits built into Quantum.
Appendix B, Error messages, contains a list of compilation error messages with suggestions
as to why you may see them and how to solve the problems which caused them to appear.
Appendix C, Options in the tabulation section, provides a summary of the options available
in the tabulation section.
Volume 3, Advanced tables
Volume 3 of the Quantum Users Guide covers advanced tables and statistics:
Chapter 1, Weighting, describes the weighting methods that you can use in Quantum.
Chapter 2, Row and table manipulation, describes how to create new rows and tables using
previously created tables or parts of previously created tables.
Chapter 3, Dealing with hierarchical data, describes how to use analysis levels in Quantum.
Chapter 4, Descriptive statistics, describes the axis-level and table-level statistical tests that
are available in Quantum and provides details of the chi-squared tests, non-parametric tests on
frequencies and Friedmans two-way analysis of variance.
Chapter 5, Z, T and F tests, describe the Z, T and F tests that are available in Quantum.
Chapter 6, Other tabulation facilities, describes how to include C code and edit statements in
the tabulation section and how to sort tables.
Chapter 7, Special T Statistics, describes the special T statistics that are available in
Chapter 8, Creating a table of contents, describes how to create a formatted list of the tables
that are produced by a Quantum run.
Chapter 9, Laser printed tables with PostScript, describes how to convert the standard
tabulation output into a file suitable for printing on a PostScript laser printer.
Appendix A, Options in the tabulation section, provides a summary of the options available
in the tabulation section.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
x / About this guide
Volume 4, Administrative functions
Volume 4 of the Quantum Users Guide covers administrative functions:
Chapter 1, Files used by Quantum, describes files you may need to create in order to use
certain Quantum facilities, including the variables file, the levels file, the default options file,
the run definitions file, the merges file, the corrections file, the rim weighting parameters file,
and the C subroutine code file, aliases for Quantum statements, customized texts, and
Chapter 2, Files created by Quantum, describes many of the files created during a run and
draws your attention to those of particular interest.
Chapter 3, Quantum Utilities, describes how to tidy up after a Quantum run and how to check
column and code usage.
Chapter 4, Data conversion programs, describes the q2cda and qv2cda programs that convert
tables into comma-delimited ASCII format, the qtspss and nqtspss programs that convert
Quantum data into SPSS format, and the qtsas and nqtsas programs that convert Quantum data
into SAS format.
Chapter 5, Preparing a study for Quanvert, describes the tasks you need to perform before
converting a Quantum spec and data file into a Quanvert database.
Chapter 6, Files for Quanvert users, describes files that are specific to either Quanvert Text
or Windows-based Quanvert.
Chapter 7, Creating and maintaining Quanvert databases, describes how to create and
maintain Quanvert databases.
Chapter 8, Transferring databases between machines, describes how to transfer databases
between machines and the programs provided to help you achieve this.
Appendix A, Limits, lists limits built into Quantum.
Appendix B, Error messages, contains a list of compilation error messages with suggestions
as to why you may see them and how to solve the problems that cause them to appear.
Appendix C, Quantum data format, describes the Quantum data format.
Appendix D, Using the extended ASCII character set, explains how you can use Quantum with
data that contains characters in the extended ASCII character set.
Appendix E, ASCII to punch code conversion table, provides a table showing ASCII to punch
code conversions.
Appendix F, Will this job run on my machine, offers suggestions on how you can check
whether a particularly large job will run on your computer.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
About this guide / xi
Symbols and typographical conventions
Words which are keywords in the Quantum language are normally printed in italics in the text. In
the main description of each keyword, the keyword is shown in bold the first time it is
When showing the syntax of a statement, as in the Quick Reference sections, all keywords are
printed in bold. Parameters, such as question texts or responses, whose values are user-defined
shown in italics. Optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets, that is, [ ].
All examples are shown in fixed width type.
The . symbol marks a note or other point of particular interest.
The + symbol marks a reference for further reading related to the current topic.
SPSS MR welcomes any comments you may have about this guide, and any suggestions for ways
which it could be improved.

Weighting Chapter 1 / 1
1 Weighting
Sometimes in surveys we treat the respondents as representatives of the total population of which
they are a sample. Normally, tables reflect the attitudes of the people interviewed, but we may
the tables to reflect the attitudes of the total population instead, so that it seems as if we had
interviewed everyone rather than just a sample of the population. This, of course, assumes that the
people interviewed are a truly representative sample.
If we take a sample of 380 from a population of 10,000 middle-aged housewives, and discover
57 members of this sample buy cheddar cheese, we may want the number of middle-aged
housewives who buy cheddar cheese to read 1,500 in our tables, not 57.
Moving from 57 to 1,500 is the fine art of weighting. In this case, each middle-aged housewife
a weight of 10,000/380. Since 57 of them buy cheddar cheese, the number in the cell will be:
10000 / 380 57 = 1,500
Weighting is also used to correct biases that build up during a survey. For example, when
conducting interviews by telephone you may find that 60% of the respondents were women. You
may then want to correct this ratio of men to women to make the two groups more evenly
The basic idea behind weighting is that when someone falls into a given cell (that is, satisfies the
conditions for that cell) the number in the cell is not increased by 1; rather, it is increased by 1
multiplied by the individuals weight.
1.1 Weighting methods
Quantum is sufficiently flexible to allow more than one set of weights for a given set of
respondents. Which set is applied is determined by options on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement
on the statements which create the individual rows or columns of a table. Each set of weights,
however, will apply one weight for each respondent. There are two ways of calculating weights:
The weight for each respondent may be part of the data for that respondent, or it may be
calculated in the edit and passed to the tabulation section as a variable.
The more common method of weighting is to define a set of characteristics and apply specific
weights to respondents satisfying those characteristics.
Our example above uses characteristic weighting, where the characteristics are age, sex and
working status. Thus, all respondents who are women aged between 45 and 54 and who do not
work outside the home receive a weight of 10,000/380.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
2 / Weighting Chapter 1
The characteristics must be such that each record satisfies one unique set. Each respondent falls
into one, and only one, set and no respondent is left out. Because of this, you must check all
columns containing the characteristics and if necessary, correct any errors. For example, if one
characteristic is sex and it is coded in column 6 of card 1, with a code of 1 for male and 2 for
you must make sure that c106 is single coded with a 1 or a 2 only. It must not be blank,
multicoded or otherwise miscoded in any way.
Any respondent who is present in the base of the weighting matrix but not in any other row or
column of the matrix will be given a weight of 1.0, and his or her record will be printed in the
file with the message unweighted.
1.2 Types of weighting
Quantum offers factor, target and rim weighting, preweights, postweights, weighting using
proportions and weighting to a given total. These are described, with examples, in the sections
which follow. The keywords used to write the weighting matrices are described later in this
Factor weighting
With factor weighting, every record which satisfies a given set of conditions is assigned a specific
weight. You would generally use it when the weights are calculated outside of Quantum for
instance, you may be told that all unemployed people in London require a weight of 10.5,
unemployed people in the rest of the country need a weight of 7.3.
When Quantum creates the weighted table, it will check which cell of the weighting matrix each
respondent belongs in, and will apply the weight associated with that cell before placing the
respondent in the table.
You can also use factor weighting, with a factor of 1.0, when you just want to use weights stored
in the data or calculated in the edit, without defining any other weights. These weights are defined
as preweights.
+ For an example, see section 1.5, Using weights in the record alone.
Target weighting
Target weights may be used when you know the exact number of respondents you want to appear
in each cell of the weighted table. For example, in a table of age by sex, you may know the exact
number of men under 21, women under 21, and so on, to appear in the table once it has been
weighted. The weights that you define in your matrix are therefore the values to appear in the
weighted table rather than the weights to be applied to each respondent of a given age and sex.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 3
When Quantum creates your weighted table, it calculates the weight for an individual respondent
by taking the target figure for the appropriate cell in the weight matrix and dividing it by the
of respondents in that cell.
As an example, suppose that you have three groups of people. The first contains 100 people, the
second contains 200, and the third contains 300. You know that in the total population, the spread
of any 600 respondents across these three groups would be 150, 200 and 250. When Quantum
someone in the first group it will apply a weight of 1.5 (150/100) in order to obtain the total of
respondents in the weighted table. Respondents in the second group will have a weight of 1.0
because the number of respondents in this group matches the value in the weighting matrix for
group. Respondents in the third group will have a weight of 0.83 (250/300) because there are
people in that group than in the corresponding cell of the weighting matrix.
In this example, the number of people in our three groups was the same as the population defined
in the weighting matrix. This will not always be the case. Often you will find that the values in
weighting matrix add up to more or less than the number of people you have in your sample. For
instance, the spread of the population across your three groups may be 150, 250 and 250, giving a
total of 650 respondents. When Quantum balances your sample, it will weight each respondent
according to the values in the matrix so that the total number of respondents in your weighted
will be 650, rather than the 600 that were interviewed.
If you decide that you want the total in the weighted table to be the same as the total number of
respondents in your sample, you may define this total as part of the weighting matrix using the
keyword total= which is described below. When Quantum reads this keyword it balances the
groups according to the weights in the matrix and then adjusts all three weights so that the
total is 600.
Another variation of target weighting occurs when instead of knowing the actual number of
in each group of the population, you know that each group is a given percentage of the
For instance, the first group may be 27% of the population, the second may be 48%, and the third
may be 25%. In cases like this, you include the keyword input (see below) in the weighting
with the percentages for each group.
Rim weighting
Rim weighting is used when:
You want to weight according to various characteristics, but do not know the relationship of
the intersection of those characteristics, or
You do not have enough respondents to fill all the possible cells of the table if you were to
weight the data using the multidimensional technique described above.
For example, you may want to weight by age, sex and marital status and may know the weights
each category of those characteristics; for example, people aged 25 to 30, men, single people.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
4 / Weighting Chapter 1
However, you may not know the weights for, say, single men aged between 25 and 30, married
women aged between 31 and 40, and so on.
On another study, you may need to weight by a large number of characteristics at the same time;
for example, sex, age, race, occupation and income. Since each of these characteristics will be
broken down into categories, you will require a weighting matrix with many cells. You may not
have enough information to write a standard multidimensional weighting matrix which defines
weights for the intersection of all these characteristics. However, as long as you have information
on each category individually (for example, male, female, 21-24, 25-30, and so on) you will be
to perform the weighting required with rim weights.
Rim weighting is designed to attempt to weight all characteristics at the same time. The accuracy
of your weighting will depend on how well your sample matches the known universe. If the
is a good match, then it is likely that Quantum will generate acceptable weights; if the sample is
not a good match it is possible that the weights will look perfectly acceptable when you look at
number of men or the number of married people, but will look totally unacceptable when you
at the number of married men.
As the rim weighting process runs, it tries to distort each variable as little as possible while still
trying to attain all the desired proportions among the characteristics. The root mean square figure
which Quantum produces will tell you how much distortion you have introduced, and therefore
how reliable your sample is. The larger the number, the more the distortion and therefore the less
accurate your sample is. This is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
Another very powerful facility of rim weighting is the fact that it automatically rescales all the
target values to the same base. For instance, suppose you have a sample of 5,000 respondents.
rim weighting matrix defines:
A weighted total (table base) of 10,000.
Weights for age in percentages.
Weights for sex in target numbers which add up to 758.
Weights for occupation in numbers which add up to 1134.
Quantum will calculate the weights for these characteristics, using the figures given, and will then
adjust them so that the total for the weighted table is 10,000. If you do not define a total, the
will be adjusted to the total of the first variable defined in the matrix.
As you can see from this simple example, rim weighting can be used when you have weights
coming from different sources, and when those weights do not have a common form or total.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 5
Entering weights as proportions (input weighting)
When we were talking about target weighting, we said that sometimes you might not know the
actual counts of respondents in a group, even though you may know that the group is a certain
percentage or proportion of the total population. For instance, you may know that 60% of the
population is women, but you may not know how many women that represents.
When this happens, you can enter the percentages or proportions as the weights for each group,
use the keyword input to indicate that these figures should be used as targets. For example, in a
table of age by sex you would enter the proportion or percentage that each combination of age
sex is of the total population, and Quantum would calculate what weight to assign to each
respondent in each category.
Weighting to a given total
When you define targets which add up to more than the number of respondents in your sample,
Quantum will calculate the weights for each respondent such that the total for the weighted table
equals the total of the figures in the weighting matrix. You may define your own total figure
(usually the number of respondents in your sample) using the keyword total=n, where n is the
required weighted total. Quantum will then calculate the weights according to the values in the
weighting matrix and will then adjust them to match the total you have defined.
Preweights, stored as part of each respondents data or created during the edit, are applied to
individual records before target or factor weighting is applied. When the characteristic weights
targets, the preweights are used in the calculation of the weight for each respondent. For example,
suppose that each of our 380 housewives has a preweight in columns 181 to 189 of their data
record: one has the value 10 in c(181,189), while for another the weight in that field is 20. If all
rest have a weight of 1, we would appear to have:
(101) + (201) + (1378) = 408
middle-aged housewives instead of the original 380.
To reach our target of 10,000, the weight for each woman would be:
10,000 408 = 24.51
Without preweights, all these women would receive a weight of 26.32.
Preweights are often used in studies which deal with newspaper readership, or the like, where a
male adult respondent in a household will be counted as the total number of male adults in the
household, on the theory that the other males will probably have the same demographics and
similar behavioral patterns. Another use is in political polls, where a respondent is preweighted
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
6 / Weighting Chapter 1
the number of calls it took to reach him. The supposition behind this theory is that the more calls
takes to reach a respondent, the more people there are like him, who are equally hard to reach.
respondent must therefore be preweighted in order to help represent the many like him who were
never interviewed.
The opposite of preweights are postweights, which are applied after all other weights have been
applied, and therefore have no effect on the way in which targets are reached. They are generally
used to make a final adjustment to a specific item.
Suppose, for instance, that a survey was conducted in London and Inverness, and 200 respondents
were interviewed in each city. The standard weighting might balance each group according to sex
and age so that the samples match the patterns of the total populations in those cities. After this is
done, you might apply a postweight to adjust the totals for each city into their correct relative
proportions, where London has a much larger population than Inverness.
Excluding respondents from the weighting
Although the a statement is the first statement in the tabulation section, weights are calculated
before any conditions specified on the a statement are applied. A similar thing applies to filters
defined on flt, sectbeg and tab statements. Therefore, filters do not exclude respondents from
weighting calculations.
If you want to exclude respondents from the weighting, either:
use reject;return in the edit section to reject them from the whole tabulation section, or
create a cell in the weighting matrix for those respondents and give them a weight of zero.
1.3 Defining weights in a weighting matrix
Quick Reference
To define a weighting matrix, type:
There are two ways of defining characteristic weights. You may either set up a weight matrix that
declares the weighting conditions and the weights to be applied, or you may declare the weights
an ordinary axis and then label that axis as a weighting axis. This section explains how to declare
weights in a weighting matrix.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 7
. Although you may write jobs that have weights declared in weighting matrices and in axes,
the syntax for the two methods is not interchangeable. If you want to define weighting based
on a combination of age and sex, say, you must either specify it all using a weighting matrix
or all using an axis.
When you weight using matrices, each weighting matrix defines a set of conditions and the
to be applied when a respondent is found having those characteristics. Matrix characteristics are
specified in ordinary axes which may be used for other parts of the program, or not, as you
In our original example, if a respondents exact age is stored in c(107,108) and sex is a 1 (Male)
or 2 (Female) in c106, the middle-aged women have c1062 and some arithmetic value
45 and 54 in c(107,108). When these axes are used for weighting, base statements (n10, n11 and
Base on col, val, fld, bit), text statements (such as n03), statistical rows (such as n12) and
unweighted elements are ignored.
Weighting matrices are defined on wm statements in the following format:
wmn axis_names[;options];weights
where n is a unique number by which the matrix can be identified, axis_names are the axes
the characteristics of this matrix, options are keywords defining the type of weighting required,
weights are the targets, factors or proportions to be used for weighting.
. You cannot use a grid axis on a wm statement. If you need to define weights specifically for a
grid axis, you should define a dummy axis with as many elements as there are cells in the grid
axis and use that instead.
+ For further information, see Weighted grids in chapter 10, Include and substitution in the
Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
The matrix number may be any number between 1 and 9, and as long as no number is repeated,
matrices may be numbered in any order.
The following table provides details of the options on the wm statement.
Option Explanation
target Targets (default).
factor Factors.
input Proportions.
rim Rim weighting.
total=n Cell values are to total to n.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
8 / Weighting Chapter 1
+ For further information about anlev= and c= options, see Defining weighting matrices in
hierarchical data later in this chapter.
For further information about wmerrors and nowmerrors, see Weight matrix errors later in
this chapter.
The following combinations of options are not allowed on wm statements:
Any combination of target, factor or rim
input with total.
. Quantum does not actually prevent you from putting both input and total on the same weight
matrix. However if you do this, without giving a warning Quantum ignores the one you
specified first and uses the other one. For example, Quantum interprets:
wm1 sex;input;total=1000;60;40 as wm1 sex;total=1000;60;40
wm1 sex;total=1000;input;60;40 as wm1 sex;input;60;40
pre=var Preweighting using the value in variable var. This may be a data, integer,
real or real-data variable. If the variable contains the value missing_,
indicating missing data, the weight for the respondent is assumed to be
post=var Postweighting using the variable var. If the variable contains the value
missing_, indicating missing data, the weight for the respondent is
assumed to be zero.
maxwt=value Maximum weight to be used in tables weighted with this matrix.
minwt=value Minimum weight to be used in tables weighted with this matrix.
varname=name Use this option when you are setting up a database for use with Quanvert
to assign a name to the weighting matrix.
anlev=level_name Use this option to cause weights to be applied only at the named level.
c=firstread Use this option in trailer card data, to specify that weights are to be
calculated only when the first card of a new record is read.
The wmerrors option is on by default. It causes the run to stop with an
error if certain weight matrix errors are detected. Use nowmerrors to
switch the option off, so that the run continues with a warning.
Option Explanation
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 9
Lets look at a simple matrix defining weights for age and sex. The matrix will consist of targets
based on population figures for the area covered by our survey:
so we would write:
wm1 age sex;target;6200;6100;7600;7500; ... 4600;5900
If you prefer, you can enter the weights on separate lines, as the figures are to be printed in the
wm1 age sex;target;
In this example, all the weights are whole numbers, but Quantum can cope equally well with
weights which are real numbers.
If several consecutive weights are the same, you may save yourself time by writing the weight out
once and preceding it by an asterisk and the number of times it is to be repeated. For example:
tells us that three consecutive cells have a weight of 10.5.
If your tables are to be correct, it is imperative that you enter the axis names and the weights in
correct order. Axes are entered as they are for tab statements; that is, higher dimension axes
followed by column axis followed by row axis.
Weights are entered on a row by row basis, working from left to right along the row. As you can
see by comparing the numbers on the wm statement with those in the chart above, the first two
numbers are the weights for men aged 18 to 24 and women aged 18 to 24, in that order. Note that
there is no need to keep weights for different characteristics on different lines; just string them
after the other separated by semicolons on the same line. If you run out of room, continue on the
next line remembering to start the line with a plus sign to tell Quantum it is a continuation.
Population of Surveyed Area
Age Male Female
18-24 6,200 6,100
25-34 7,600 7,500
35-44 8,200 8,300
45-54 9,600 10,000
55-64 7,100 7,600
65 and Over 4,600 5,900
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
10 / Weighting Chapter 1
Suppose, now, that the chart looked like this:
The wm statement would then be written as:
wm1 sex age;target;6200;7600;8200; ... 7600;5900
If you like, think of weighting as creating a table in which you not only specify the axes to create
the cell-conditions but also define the numbers to go into those cells. When a table is created that
uses these weights, the program will first check which cell of the table the respondent belongs in,
then it will look to see which cell of the weighting matrix refers to him or her. Finally, Quantum
reads the appropriate weight from the matrix and increments the cell count in the table by this
instead of by 1.0.
If we want to use both preweights and targets, we would write:
wm4 work age sex;pre=c(181,189);target;1200;2400;1400; ...
The preweight read from c(181,189) will be applied before the targets listed on the wm statement.
Weight matrix errors
Quantum performs validity checks on weight matrices and provides information when certain
weight matrix errors are detected. When one of these errors is detected, a message is displayed
by default, the Quantum run stops. You can see further details of the error in the weighting report
If you would prefer the run not to stop when one of these errors is detected, you can use the
nowmerrors keyword on the a statement or the wm statement. When you do this, the run
with a warning. However, you can still find the additional information in the weighting report
Non-zero target weights and zero cases
It is incorrect to specify a non-zero target weight for a cell that has no cases. When Quantum
encounters this error, it stops the run with a message of the form:
Error: Weight matrix 5, cell 3: target 5.000 given, no cases found
For details, see the Quantum weighting report file (weightrp)
Population of Surveyed Area
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-54 65+
Male 6,200 7,600 8,200 9,600 7,100 4,600
Female 6,100 7,500 8,300 10,000 7,600 5,900
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 11
If the nowmerrors keyword is in force, the same message is issued except that the word Error is
replaced by the word Warning and the run continues.
Non-zero rim weights and zero cases
It is incorrect to specify a non-zero target weight for an element in a rim weighting dimension
there are no cases in that element. When Quantum encounters this error, it stops the run with a
message of the form:
Error: Weight matrix 3, dimension 2, elem 3: target 4.800 given, no cases found
For details, see the Quantum weighting report file (weightrp)
If the nowmerrors keyword is in force, the same message is issued except that the word Error is
replaced by the word Warning and the run continues.
The message is repeated in the weighting report file immediately after the line reporting the
element in error, for example:
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
24.000 50.00 28.800 60.00
24.000 50.00 19.200 40.00
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
48.000 100.00 48.000 100.00
16.000 33.33 14.400 30.00
16.000 33.33 19.200 40.00
0.000 0.00 4.800 10.00
Error: Weight matrix 3, dimen 2, elem 3: target 4.800 given, no cases found.
Zero target with non-zero cases
It is not an error to specify a zero target for a target weighting cell or for an element in a rim
weighting dimension when there are cases in that cell or element. However, when Quantum
encounters either of these situations, it provides a warning message in case you specified this in
error. The warning messages are of a similar form to the error messages described for when a
target is found for a cell or element that contains no cases, and the messages are repeated in
the weighting report file. However, Quantum does not stop the run regardless of whether
nowmerrors has been specified or not.
+ For further information about the weighting report file, see section 2.9, The weighting report
file in the Quantum Users guide Volume 4.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
12 / Weighting Chapter 1
Defining weighting matrices in hierarchical data
Weights are calculated and applied each time a record is read in or a process statement is
However, when trailer cards are read in one at a time, the weight is calculated as if each trailer
were a new record, which can lead to incorrect weights being used. You therefore need to do one
of the following:
Use the anlev= option to specify the level each weighting matrix applies to.
Use the c= option to limit the cards that contribute to the weighting calculations and the
number of times each weight is applied.
In hierarchical data, you can use the anlev= option on the wm statement to cause weights to be
applied only at a named level. For example, the statement:
wm2 age hhld;anlev=person; .....
calculates weights at the person level rather than at household level.
It is necessary to weight a table using a weight matrix at the appropriate level, so you generally
to create a weight matrix for each level of data that is present. For example, in a survey that has
three levels, hhold, person and trip:
wm1 waccom1;input;anlev=hhold;70;30
wm2 waccom2;input;anlev=person;70;30
wm3 waccom3;input;anlev=trip;70;30
tab accom region;anlev=hhold;wm=1
tab sex age;anlev=person;wm=2
tab mode destin;anlev=trip;wm=3
l waccom1;anlev=hhold
col 106;House;Flat
l waccom2;anlev=person
col 106;House;Flat
l waccom3;anlev=trip
col 106;House;Flat
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 13
As an alternative to using anlev= to specify the level the weighting matrix applies to, you can use
the c= option on the wm statement to limit the cards that contribute to the weighting calculations
and the number of times each weight is applied. It takes the form:
wm1 sex hhold;c=firstread; .....
This causes weights to be calculated whenever the first card of a new record is read. If the current
card is not the first card of a new record, Quantum applies the last weights it calculated, that is,
those calculated when the first card in this record was read.
. c= on a wm statement does not define a condition which respondents must have in order to be
weighted with this matrix.
Multidimensional weight matrices
A Quantum run may contain up to nine weighting matrices (wm1 to wm9), each of which may
name up to nine axes defining the conditions of that matrix.
Do not be put off by the prospect of multidimensional weight matrices: they are exactly the same
as multidimensional tables. The last two axes named on the wm statement are the rows and
of the table, and weights are entered with reference to the last axis.
For example, we might have:
wm3 work age sex;target;1200;2400;1400;2300; ....
where 1,200 is the target for working men aged 18-24, 2,400 is the target for working women of
the same age, 1,400 is the target for working men in the age group 25-34, and so on. Not until all
weights have been defined for people who work do we come onto those for people who do not
work. Remember that base-creating elements are ignored.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
14 / Weighting Chapter 1
1.4 Weighting information in axes
Quick Reference
To define a weighting target for an element, place the option:
on the n01 that creates the element.
To define a weighting factor for an element, place the option:
on the n01 that creates the element.
An alternative to defining weight matrices is to declare weights in the axes themselves. This does
not prevent you using the axes as the rows, columns or higher dimensions of tables, nor does it
affect the appearance of those tables or their cell values.
. Elements must be specified using n statements since this facility does not work with col, val,
fld or bit statements.
Rim weights are not supported by this method; you must specify them using a weight matrix.
To define weighting targets for the elements of an axis, add the option:
to the n01 statements that create the elements, where number is the number of respondents you
want Quantum to show in the element.
The example below shows how to define targets based on sex. When you weight tables by sex,
Quantum will count the number of men in the data and will calculate a weight such that the
of men matches the target for men.
l sex
n01Not answered;c=c156n12
The Not answered element has no target defined so it is ignored for weighting purposes. This
means that records in that element are unweighted. If you do not already have an axis whose
elements define the weighting characteristics you want to use, just create the axis but do not use it
on a tab statement.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 15
You define factors in the same way except that you use the keyword:
Any elements in a weighting axis that do not contain either wttarget or wtfactor are ignored for
weighting purposes.
Numbering weighting axes
Each weighting axis must have a number by which Quantum can refer to it. Type the statement:
at the top of the tabulation section under the a statement. If weighting is defined in the sex axis,
could write the wm statement as:
If you use the weighting axis as the rows, columns or higher dimension of an unweighted table
weighting specifications are ignored. For example:
tab sex region
tab sex region;wm=1
l sex
l region
col 123;Base;North;South;East;West
This specification produces two tables. The first is unweighted so the weighting information in
sex axis is ignored:
The second table has the same rows and columns but the cell values are weighted using the
in the sex axis:
Base North South East West
Base 17 5 4 4 4
Male 10 4 1 2 3
Female 7 1 3 2 1
Base North South East West
Base 844 244 204 200 196
Male 480 192 48 96 144
Female 364 52 156 104 52
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
16 / Weighting Chapter 1
Quantum does not accept a weighting axis as the rows or columns of the table if the table itself is
weighted using a different axis, as in the example shown here:
tab region brand;wm=1
l region
To alert you to this error Quantum issues the message weight line needs one target or factor for
each element in the row or column axis (in this example, for each region).
Preweights, postweights, proportions (input) and weighting to a given total
Preweights and postweights, weighting using proportions, and weighting to a given total are all
requested using keywords on the l statement. The following table provides details of the
Keyword Explanation
pre=var Names a field or variable containing a preweight that is to be applied to the record
before weighting defined in the elements to which the record belongs.
post=var Names a field or variable containing a postweight that is to be applied to the record
after the weighting defined in the elements to which the record belongs.
total=n Defines the total value for all cells in the table. If the weights you have defined
produce a weighted total that is greater than the value defined with total=,
Quantum will reduce the weights proportionally so that the weighted total is the
same as the total= value.
input Indicates that the weights in the axis are to be read as proportions rather than as
weights to be applied. When Quantum calculates weights it will calculate them
such that the number of respondents in each element are in the given proportions.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 17
1.5 Using weights in the record alone
Sometimes you will be dealing with data in which all weighting information is already in the
or where the weights are all calculated in the edit. The only way to weight using information from
the data or edit is to use preweights because otherwise Quantum expects to read the weights from
the wm statement. However, preweights cannot be used by themselves, so we need to set up a
dummy weighting matrix as shown here. Using a weighting matrix you would write:
wm1 axdum;pre=wtvar;factor;1
l axdum
If you are declaring weighting in the axes themselves you would write:
l axdum;pre=wtvar
The weight is read from the given variable (in this case wtvar) and treated as a preweight. Since
preweights must be used with targets, factors or proportions, we define a factor of 1 which will
alter the value of the preweight when the two are multiplied.
In the weight matrix version, the dummy axis, axdum, contains a single n01 statement with no
conditions to correspond to the single factor in the matrix.
If the value in wtvar is 5, the final weight for the respondent will be 5 (51=5).
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
18 / Weighting Chapter 1
1.6 Minimum and maximum weights
Quick Reference.
To specify the maximum and/or minimum weights you will accept, place the keywords:
maxwt=number and/or minwt=number
either on the wm statement if you are using a weight matrix, or on the l statement or on individual
elements if you are declaring weights in axes.
The options maxwt= and minwt= allow you to define the maximum and/or minimum weights that
can be applied in tables using a specific weighting matrix or axis. The values you specify may be
integers or reals.
If you are using weighting matrices you place these keywords on the wm statement; if you are
specifying weights in axes you place these keywords on the l statement or on individual elements.
If you use the same keyword with different values on an element and on the l statement, the
on the element overrides the setting on the l statement.
When you specify maxwt= and/or minwt=, Quantum tries to ensure that the maximum and/or
minimum weights used in the table match your specifications. Quantum performs the weighting
calculations and adjustments as follows:
1. Calculate the weight for each cell of the table.
2. Examine each weight and compare it against the minimum and/or maximum values defined. If
a weight is less than the minimum value it is set to the minimum value, if it is larger than the
maximum value it is set to the maximum value. If no adjustment is necessary the weighting
calculation is complete.
3. If adjustments were necessary, Quantum calculates the total obtained using the modified
weights and compares it with the total obtained using the unmodified weights. If the totals are
different, Quantum attempts to correct for this by adjusting the weights which were not set to
maxwt or minwt and then returns to step 2.
If all weights are set to maxwt or minwt so that no correction is possible, Quantum uses the
unmodified values.
All adjustments made with this type of weighting are recorded in the weighting report file.
+ For further information about the weighting report file, see section 2.9, The weighting report
file in the Quantum Users guide Volume 4.
You can use this facility with target, factor, input or rim weighting. Preweights or postweights are
not affected by adjustments made by this stage of the weighting process.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 19
. Use this facility with care. If minimum or maximum adjustment takes place it is possible that
the targets or proportions defined in the matrix will not be met.
1.7 Rim weighting
. Rim weighting can only be specified in a weighting matrix, not in an axis.
In all our examples so far, we have known the total number of people in our population who have
two or more characteristics in common one from each axis. For example, in the weighting
for age and sex we knew the target number of men who are aged 65 or over.
Suppose, however, we dont have these figures. We know only that our universe of 1,000 people
can be described as follows:
470 men and 530 women
220 people aged 18-24, 200 people aged 25-44,
310 people aged 45-64, and 270 people aged 65 and over
200 people live in the north, 380 people live in the south,
150 people live in the east, and 270 people live in the west
We dont know, for instance, how many men there are aged 65 and over, and how many of them
live in the north, so we cannot create a standard weighting matrix using region, age and sex as
characteristics. Instead we use rim weighting which permits us to weight on these three
wm8 region age sex;rim;200;380;150;270;
Here, we have listed the four population totals for region, followed by the four totals for age with
the two totals for sex at the end. We have also put the three sets of weights on separate lines. This
has been done to make the example easier to read, but you can string them all together on the
line if you wish.
Note that when rim weighting is used, there is a maximum of 16 weighting axes per run.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
20 / Weighting Chapter 1
Rim weighting is also useful when you know the relationship between some axes but not others -
for instance, you may know how many people of each sex you have in each age group, but not the
relationship between these and the region in which the respondent lives. To weight using age, sex
and region as characteristics, create an axis called, say, agesex, which combines the axes age and
sex as follows:
l agesex
n01Male, 18-24;c=c1101.and.c1121
n01Female, 18-24;c=c1102.and.c1121
Your rim weighting matrix will then contain weights for age and sex combined and region:
wm9 agesex region;rim; ...
Rim weighting calculates weights using a form of regression analysis. This requires two
parameters: a limit which defines how close the weighting procedure must get to the targets you
have given in order for the weights to be acceptable, and a number of iterations which defines
number of times the weight calculations may be repeated in order to reach the cell targets.
At the end of each iteration, Quantum compares the root mean square (rms) with the product of
target sample size and the given limit. The iterations continue until the root mean square is within
the limit, in which case weighting is considered successful, or until the maximum number of
iterations has been reached. If, after the maximum number of iterations, the root mean square is
outside the limit, Quantum issues the message rim weighting failure, but continues the run with
the weights that have been calculated.
+ For details of the formula used for the root mean square, see section 2.9, The weighting report
file in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 4.
The default limit is 0.005 and the default number of iterations is 12. You may change these
parameters by creating a rim weighting parameters file containing a line of the form:
wm=n limit=x iters=y
where n is the number of the weighting matrix concerned, x is the new limit (between 0.0001 and
0.05) and y is the new number of iterations required (between 5 and 500). For example, you may
wish to reduce the limit and increase the number of iterations on a large sample to increase the
accuracy of the weights.
+ For further information about the rim weighting parameters file, see section 1.7, The rim
weighting parameters file in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 4.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 21
As with ordinary weighting, rim weighting writes a summary report of the weights it applied in a
file called weightrp. This shows the weights for each category as they were specified in the
Quantum spec, and the input and projected frequencies and percents, and then the weights it
calculated. If you wish, you may request a more detailed report that shows the rim weights
calculated at every iteration.
This more detailed report has, in addition to the standard pages, one page per iteration showing
root mean square (rms) and limit at that iteration, plus a table showing the current weight, output
and projected frequency for each weighting category.
For example:
To request this level of detail, add the option:
to the weight matrix entries in the rim weighting parameters file for which you require the report.
(The standard report type is report=normal, but this need never be specified.)
+ For further information on rim weighting see the Rim Weighting Theoretical Basis Paper
EXPECTED MARGINAL TOTALS ARE KNOWN, by W. Edwards Deming and Frederick F.
Stephan, in Volume 11, 1940 of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics.
Weighting matrix 1:
After 1 iteration:
rms=607.817042 limit=0.500000
---------- ---------- ----------
2.200000 10.000 22.000
1.250000 16.000 20.000
1.823529 17.000 31.000
2.250000 12.000 27.000
0.927721 50.662 47.000
1.074218 49.338 53.000
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
22 / Weighting Chapter 1
Maximum and minimum weights with rim weighting
You may use maxwt= and minwt= with rim weighting as for ordinary jobs. Once Quantum has
calculated the weights according to your rim weighting specification, it checks whether there are
any that are lower than the minimum value you specified or higher than the maximum. If so, it
adjusts the weights as it does for other weighting methods.
Quantum makes 100 attempts (iterations) at setting weights that fall within the given range, after
which it stops and reverts to the original weighting factors calculated before the adjustments.
If the adjustments fail, Quantum produces the standard rim weighting report showing the
factors calculated by the rim weighting process. If the adjustments succeed, the rim weight,
frequency and output percent columns in the weighting report will contain the following
In addition, the Rim Weighting Efficiency and the Maximum and Minimum Respondent Rim
weights will also show adjusted figures if adjustment was successful.
. It is not possible to write out the adjusted rim weights as it is the cell weights that Quantum
adjusts rather than the rim weights.
RIM WEIGHT The original weight factors calculated by the rim weighting process.
These are used only if the adjustments fail.
OUTPUT FREQUENCY The final output frequencies. If the adjustments succeeded then the
figures will be based on the adjusted factors, otherwise they will be
based on the values reported in the RIM WEIGHT column.
OUTPUT PERCENT The percentages for each rim element, either adjusted or unadjusted as
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Weighting Chapter 1 / 23
1.8 Using weights
Quick Reference
To use weights, type:
as an option on the a, sectbeg, flt, tab or n (or equivalent) statement, where number is the number
of the weighting matrix or axis.
To switch off weighting applied at a higher level, type:
Using weights is easy compared to setting them up. All you have to do is tell Quantum which
weighting matrix or axis to use when. Weighting is invoked by the option:
on the a, sectbeg flt, tab or n line, where n is the number of the weighting matrix or axis to be
For example, to weight a table using weight matrix/axis 3 we would write:
tab ax01 bk01;wm=3
wm= on the a statement is operative for the whole run, whereas on a tab line it refers only to
created by that statement (remember, and statements take their options from the previous tab
statement). When used on an n statement or with elements on a col, val, fld or bit statement, wm=
weights that element only, according to the given matrix. If a table contains row elements
using one matrix and column elements weighted using a second matrix, each cell will be
using the matrix named on the column element for that particular cell. Weighting defined for the
row axis is ignored.
To turn weighting off for a particular cell, for example to produce a table containing a weighted
and an unweighted base, place the option:
on the element. To produce an unweighted table in an otherwise weighted run, add this option to
the tab statement for that table.
If a cell is created by combining a weighted row element with an unweighted column element, the
cell will be unweighted. If the cell is created by combining an unweighted row element with a
weighted column element, the cell will be weighted.
Information about the weights calculated and applied is written to the weighting report file. Some
information is also displayed on the screen.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
24 / Weighting Chapter 1
+ For further information on the name and content of this file, see section 2.9, The weighting
report file in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 4.
1.9 Copying weights into the data
Quick Reference
To transfer weights into the data, type:
wttran [matrix_number] c(start_col, end_col) :dec_places
in the edit.
Often you may wish to transfer the weights created during a run back into the data file itself, in
order, for example, to give them to clients. This can be done using the statement:
wttran [wmm_num] c(m,n) :dp
in the edit. This tells Quantum which weighting matrix to use (you may omit this parameter if
is only one matrix), which columns to store the weights in and the number of decimal places
required. Remember that the decimal point takes up a column in the data, so you will need to
at least one column more than there are digits in the largest weight. If some weights have more
digits before or after the decimal point than others, do not worry. Quantum always puts the
point in the same column.
. When you use wttran, make sure that you include a write or split statement in the edit after the
wttran statement to save the new data in a file. Remember that unless you specifically save
your new data, all alterations or additions exist only as long as each record is being processed.
An example of wttran might be:
wttran 2 c(75,80) :2
which copies the respondents weight from matrix 2 into columns 75 to 80 of the data record. The
weight is copied with two decimal places and has the decimal point in c78.
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 25
2 Row and table manipulation
Row and table manipulation are two of Quantums more advanced features. They enable you to
create new rows and tables using whole tables or parts of previously created tables.
A previously created table is one whose tab statement appears before the tab statement for the
current table in this run, or one which appears anywhere in a previous run. You cannot
tables which have yet to be created, nor may you manipulate tables of more than two dimensions.
2.1 Row manipulation
Quick Reference
To create an element by manipulating other elements in the axis, type:
m[element_text]; ex=manip_expression[;options]
Row manipulation is the process whereby a row is created from other rows for example, by
dividing one row by another or adding two or more rows together. These facilities may also be
applied to the columns of a table to create new columns from existing ones. However, if a table
contains both row and column manipulation, the row manipulation will be done before the
manipulation. Throughout our explanations of these facilities we will refer to row manipulation
Manipulation may be done to an existing row (i.e., one produced by an n01 etc.) using the
ex=, or a new row may be generated with an m statement:
where text is the text to be printed in the table and ex=expression determines how the row or
column is to be created. Options define more specifically how the row is to be printed. All
which are valid on an n01 are valid with m, except c=, inc= and wm=.
+ For further information about which options are valid on an n01, see section 4.8, Options on
n, col, val, fld and bit statements in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
26 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
Expressions on M statements
Expressions on m statements are made up of operands connected by operators. Valid operators
The operators +, , * and / are straightforward, but the others require more detailed explanation.
+ addition min() minimum value
subtraction max() maximum value
* multiplication sqrt() square root
/ division exp() exponentiation
min(ex1,ex2, ... ) This returns the lowest value of the expressions within the parentheses. Here,
an expression is a number, a reference to another row in the table, or any of
min(), max(), sqrt() or exp() themselves. For example, if Row1 and Row2 are
the names by which those rows are identified, the expression:
will compare the values in rows 1 and 2 for each column separately and print
whichever is the smaller in the corresponding column in the manipulated
row. Suppose we have the following:
Row 1 10 15 9 10
Row 2 6 20 9 1
then our new row will read:
Row 3 6 15 9 1
max(ex1,ex2, ... ) max() returns the highest value of a list of expressions. In all other respects it
is the same as min() above. If we write:
we will see whatever is the larger value in each column of rows 1 and 6.
sqrt(expression) This function returns the square root of the given expression. All rules listed
for min() also apply to sqrt(). If the value in column 5 of row 3 is 27 and the
value in column 5 of row 1 is 16, the expression:
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 27
Operands may be:
A positive or negative integer or real number. One might have:
to create a row in which all cells contain the number 12.
A vector. That is a list of positive or negative numbers, separated by commas and enclosed in
braces, where the number of values matches the number of numeric elements in the column
If our breakdown axis has five columns and we want to put a new value into each cell we could
mVector Row;ex={10.0,6.2,8.3,15.6,3.5}
A numeric element of the current axis which may be referenced in any of four ways described
Text, or as many characters of that text as make the element unique. All text must be
entered exactly as it appears on the element itself, and must be enclosed in single quotes.
Lets use the axis region as an example; it has six elements:
l region
col 117;Base;Central London;Outer London;
+England excl. London;Scotland;Wales
will yield the value 4. This is the square root of 16 which is the smaller of the
values in the two rows.
exp(ex1,n) This expression only has two items in the parentheses: the first is an
arithmetic expression and the second is a whole number which is the power
to which ex1 is raised, that is, ex1n. For example:
raises the values in row 6 to the power of 4. If the value in this row is 15, the
expression would be 154 which is 50625.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
28 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
In one particular table it is cross-tabulated with sex, as shown here:
and we want to create a row showing the total number of people living in England
including London. Since this is a simple axis we could use an n01 with the filter
c=c1171/3, but if we were to use row manipulation instead we would write:
mEngland incl. London;ex=Central+Outer+England
Notice that we have only used the first word of each row text since these are all unique
in fact, just the first letter of each text would be sufficient because they are also unique.
Notice also, that the words are entered exactly as they appear in the table and in the original
axis specification. If this was not so, the rows would not be recognized. If we look at the
table again, we will see the result of our manipulation:
Figure 2.1 Creating rows by row manipulation
Rows to be manipulated may be assigned identifiers using the option id= on the n, col or
val statement. When these rows are named on an m statement all you have to do is use their
element ID. An ID may be up to six letters or numbers long, must start with a letter and must
be unique within the axis in which it occurs (r1 in ax01 is not the same as r1 in ax02). In
order to be recognized on a manipulation statement, the row ID must be entered in exactly
the same way as it appears on the row-creating statement. R1 on an n01 is not the same as
r1 on an m statement.
Total Male Female
Base 1000 470 530
Central London 166 70 96
Outer London 241 116 125
England excl. London 248 112 136
Scotland 196 92 104
Wales 149 80 69
Total Male Female
Base 1000 470 530
Central London 166 70 96
Outer London 241 116 125
England excl. London 248 112 136
England incl. London 655 298 357
Scotland 196 92 104
Wales 149 80 69
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 29
Lets look at the previous example again. This time we write:
l region
col 117;Base;Central London;%id=R1;Outer London;%id=R2;
+England excl. London;%id=R3
mEngland incl. London;ex=R1+R2+R3
col 117;Scotland=4;Wales=5
The base row and the last two rows are not included in any manipulation so there is no need
to give them IDs. The table produced by this axis is the same as that shown above.
A third way of referring to a row is by its overall position in the axis. This is calculated by
starting with the first element in the axis and counting down until the row in question is
reached all n statements, including n03 and n09, all elements on col and val statements
and all intermediate m statements count as one element each. The only exceptions are n00
which is ignored and n25 which creates three unprinted rows.
+ For information about manipulating n25 elements, see Manipulating the components of an
n25 later in this chapter.
When overall row positions are written on the m statement, they must be preceded by a
hash/pound sign (#). So, if we rewrite the axis region once again we will have:
l region
col 117;Base;Central London;Outer London;England excl. London
mEngland incl. London;ex=#2+#3+#4
col 117;Scotland=4;Wales=5
The fourth method of picking up rows for manipulation is to use their relative position in
the axis. This is obtained by counting backwards from the m statement to the row to be
manipulated. All relative positions must be preceded by the at sign (@). @0 and @ both
refer to the current line; that is, they refer to the m statement itself.
Therefore, we could create our sum of people living in England including London by
mEngland incl. London;ex=@3+@2+@1
where @3 is Central London because it is three rows before the m statement, @2 is
Outer London which is two rows before the m statement and @1 is the rest of England
and is the row immediately before the manipulation row.
Any of these four options is correct; just use the one which suits you best at the time. You can
the various types in one statement if you wish.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
30 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
Manipulating the components of an n25
Although an n25 statement does not print any rows in the table, it does create three rows which
used as part of statistical calculations such as means and standard deviations. These rows are:
The sum of x2.
The sum of x.
The sum of n.
+ For an explanation of these values in Quantum terms and further information about n25
statements, see section 5.5, The n25 statement in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
To refer to any of these figures on an m statement you must either give the n25 an identifier or
to it by its absolute position in the axis. The individual elements of the n25 can then be called up
#pos.1 or id.1 for the sum of x2.
#pos.2 or id.2 for the sum of x.
#pos.3 or id.3 for the sum of n.
where pos is the absolute position of the n25 in the axis, and id is an identifier assigned to the n25
with id=.
An example of row manipulation
This example shows some of the more usual tasks you might accomplish with table manipulation.
The table was created by the statement:
tab manax bk01
where manax is as follows:
l manax
col 109;Base;Single;%id=r1;Married;%id=r2
mSingle / Married;dec=4;ex=r1 / r2
mMarried / Single;ex=#3 / #2
mSingle + Married;ex=@4 + @3
n01People Who Bought Bread
n01Number of Loaves Bought;inc=c(250,251)
mLoaves Bought Per Person;ex=#9 / @2
n01Loaves Bought Last Month;inc=c(132,133)
mLoaves Bought Per Person Last Month;ex=@1 / People
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 31
Figure 2.2 Row manipulation
Applying spechar and nz to manipulated elements
Quantum does not apply spechar, nz, nzrow and nzcol to elements created using manipulation.
Also, if either nzcol or nzrow is in effect and an axis contains all-zero elements, those elements
not suppressed if the axis is tabulated against one containing manipulated elements.
To have Quantum treat manipulated elements the same as other elements with regard to special
characters for zero or near-zero values and suppression of all zero elements, place the keyword
manipz on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
You may revert to the default method of ignoring manipulated elements by placing a nomanipz
option at the point at which you wish this to happen. You may switch methods many times in a
if you wish.
Here is the same table produced with and without manipz. The specification used is:
tab q10 sex;nz
1 q10
n01First + Second;ex=@2+@1
n01Third (all zero);c=c84/5
n01Fourth (all zero);c=c86/9
n01Third + Fourth;ex=@2+@1
l sex
col 15;Base;Male;Female
Base Male Female
Base 200 44 156
Single 44 6 38
Married 122 27 95
Single / Married .3607 .2222 .4000
Married / Single 3 5 3
Single + Married 166 33 133
People who Bought Bread 190 44 146
Number of Loaves Bought 1182 263 919
Loaves Bought Per Person 6 6 6
Loaves Bought Last Month 2988 720 2268
Loaves Bought Per Person
Last Month
16 16 16
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
32 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
The tables produced without manipz are as follows. The Third and Fourth elements created with
n01s have been suppressed but the Third + Fourth element that is created by manipulating those
elements is not.
The same table produced with manipz suppresses not only the all-zero n01s but also the all-zero
manipulation element:
2.2 Manipulation on N-statements
Quick Reference
To manipulate the figures in an existing element, include the option:
as part of that elements definition.
All the examples so far have used m statements. However, ex= may also be used on n statements
to manipulate the figures in that row prior to printing. For example, the row showing the number
of loaves bought per person in the table above could be specified as:
n01Loaves Bought Per Person;inc=c(250,251);ex=/@1
In most cases you will see no difference in a table between a row created with m and the same
created using n01;ex=. The difference is an invisible one to do with the efficiency of your code.
Base Male Female
Base 89 43 46
First 22 15 7
Second 67 28 39
First + Second 89 43 46
Third + Fourth 0 0 0
Base Male Female
Base 89 43 46
First 22 15 7
Second 67 28 39
First + Second 89 43 46
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 33
An m statement performs whatever calculation is specified with its ex=. When Quantum reads an
n01 with an ex=, it ignores the ex= at first and calculates cell counts based on the data and any
specifications. Once these calculations are finished and the basic cell counts are available,
Quantum applies the ex= specification.
So, which method should you use? If the values that are used to create the m row need to appear
the table as rows in their own right, as in the example on the previous page, then an m is more
efficient. If an ex= expression on an n01 uses values that need to be calculated by that statement,
and those values do not need to appear in the table, then using n01;ex= is more efficient. In the
example, using this approach would only have been better if we had not wanted to see the row
showing the number of loaves bought.
2.3 Creating averages with row manipulation
The averages created by an n07 are simply the average of values appearing in a row or column;
is, sum of values divided by number of values. To create a row in which the average is the value
one row divided by the value in another row, you will need to write an m statement with the
appropriate expression.
Suppose a tour operator has conducted a survey of the hotels it uses in various places in an effort
to improve the service it offers to holiday-makers. As part of this survey, hotel managers are
how many rooms and beds are available in their hotel each month and, of those, the number
occupied each month. The tour operator wants a table summarizing hotel usage for a particular
month by showing the average number of rooms and beds occupied during that month.
Additionally, all averages are to be shown as percentages rather than as absolute values.
This average can be calculated by dividing the number of rooms available by the number
and the number of beds available by the number occupied, using row manipulation. If we wanted
to break these figures down according to the regions in which the hotels are situated, we would
two axes as follows:
l avers
n10Total Hotels
n01Rooms Available;inc=c(15,18)
n01Rooms Used;inc=c(25,28)
mAverage % Room Occupancy;ex=@1 * 100 / @2
n01Beds Available;inc=c(35,38)
n01Beds Occupied;inc=c(45,48)
mAverage % Bed Occupancy;ex=@1 * 100 / @2
l region
col 10;Base;North;North East;Midlands;East Anglia;
+South West;South East;South;London
If our first hotel has 210 rooms available of which 179 were occupied, the average room
is 85%, ignoring all decimal places.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
34 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
2.4 Manipulating whole tables
Quick Reference
To manipulate the figures in a complete table, type:
ex manip_expression
underneath the tab statement for that table.
New tables may be generated by manipulating tables created previously in the current run or
anywhere in any other run. For instance, in a countrywide survey, the data may have been
on a regional basis, with each region having a separate directory. We may wish to create some
tables which refer to the country as a whole rather than to a particular region. With table
manipulation, we could create these tables separately and then add them together to create a new
table for the whole country.
Table manipulation of any sort is controlled by the ex statement:
ex expression
where the expression defines the type of manipulation required.
An ex statement by itself means nothing: it must always follow a tab statement defining the basic
table to be manipulated. The unmanipulated table created by the tab statement is not printed as
of the output. For instance:
tab ax01 bk01
ex *2.0
creates the table ax01 by bk01, stores the cell values and then multiplies them by 2.0 before
them in the tables file.
The expression comprises operands connected by operators. Valid operators are:
which are exactly the same as for row manipulation, except that the expressions enclosed in the
parentheses with min(), max(), sqrt() and exp() refer to whole tables rather than rows.
+ addition min() minimum value
subtraction max() maximum value
* multiplication sqrt() square root
/ division exp() exponentiation
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 35
+ For a full description of these operators and other components of manipulation expressions,
see section 2.1, Row manipulation.
Operands may be constants or vectors or they may be references to whole tables as discussed
below. For example, the statements:
tab ax01 bk01
ex *1.45
generates a table by multiplying each cell in the table by 1.45, as shown here:
Vectors may be used to replace numbers in the table created by the previous tab statement or to
define constants by which the cells in that table are to be incremented or decremented prior to
printing. When supplying raw numbers all you have to do is type in the numbers separated by
commas and enclosed in braces. For example:
tab ax01 bk01
ex {80.0,32.0,48.0,26.0,11.0,15.0, ...}
This creates the table ax01 by bk01 but instead of showing the cell counts read from the data (see
example above) it shows the values specified by the ex statement. Hence, the table base will be
instead of 70, the base for Col1 will be 32, and so on. Any cells for which values have not been
given will be shown as zero.
On the other hand, when vectors define incremental values any cell for which any incremental
value has not been given will retain its original value. For example, we could create a table of
by bk01 with a base of 80 respondents as before, except that instead of entering the exact values
for each cell we would enter the values by which the original totals are to be incremented:
tab ax01 bk01
ex +{10.0,2.0,8.0,1.0,1.0,0, ...}
As you can see, the difference between the original base (70) and the manipulated base (80.0) is
10.0, the original base for Col1 (30) must be incremented by 2.0 to reach the required figure of
and so on.
Original Table (not printed): Manipulated Table:
Base Col1 Col2 Base Col1 Col2
Base 70 30 40 Base 101.5 43.5 58.0
Row1 25 10 15 Row1 36.3 14.5 21.8
Row2 32 12 20 Row2 46.4 17.4 29.0
Row3 13 8 5 Row3 18.8 11.6 7.2
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
36 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
In this example we have preceded the braces with a plus sign, but any of the operators , * and /
are equally valid. Note also that long vector lists may be spread over more than one line by
the first line at a comma and preceding the vector at the start of the second line with a ++
Referring to tables in the current run
Quick Reference
To refer to tables in the current run, type one of:
As with individual rows, a table may be referred to in several ways. The first is to use the ID
is assigned automatically by Quantum: the first table in the run is 1, the second is 2, and so on.
These numbers are printed to the right of each table-creating statement in the compilation listing.
For example, the first table would be numbered:
tab ax01 bk01 000001
and to use it on an ex statement we would write:
tab ax01 bk01
ex t000001 * 10
This produces a table in which each cell is ten times its original value. When automatic IDs are
they must be preceded by the letter T in upper or lower case, as shown in our example. The
zeros in the table ID number are optional we could have written ex t1 * 10.
Alternatively, you can make up your own identifiers using the id= option on the tab statement.
is a code of up to six numbers and/or letters starting with a letter, for example:
tab ax01 bk01;id=first
ex Tfirst * 10
Note that the automatic identifier is generated for each tab statement and each axis on an and
statement, but not for add, div, sid and und statements. Also, when an id= appears on a tab
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 37
statement, it interrupts the automatic count so that the next table without a user-specified ID will
carry on where the last one left off:
tab age sex 000001
tab demog bk01;id=demog
tab region class 000002
. You are advised not to use IDs of the form Tn (for example, T15, T29) as these can easily be
confused with Quantums automatic IDs.
The second method is to refer to the tables absolute position in the run, preceded by the
T# (the T must be upper case). This is found by starting at the first tab statement and counting
until the required table is reached all tab, ex, add, sid, und and div statements count as one
while ands cause the count to be incremented by the number of axes they contain. For example,
refer to the third table we would say:
ex T#3 / 10
Here the cells in the new table will be created by dividing the numbers in the third table by 10.
tables mentioned in this manner must come before the current table - you cannot be manipulating
table 12 when you are only on table 8.
Finally, tables may be called up according to their relative positions in the run, preceded by the
characters T@. As with rows the relative position is calculated by counting backwards from the
statement to the appropriate tab statement. T@ and T@0 both mean the current table; that is, the
table created by the tab immediately before the ex statement.
If we had:
tab ax01 bk01
tab ax02 bk02
ex exp(T#1,2) / T@0)
we would have two tables: the first which was the table ax01 by bk01 and the second which is
first table squared and divided by the table ax02 by bk02.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
38 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
Manipulating tables from other runs
Quick Reference
To manipulate tables in a different run, type:
Rrun_id / table_manip_expression
In order for tables from previous runs to be manipulated, the numbers in those tables need to be
saved somewhere. Quantum does this automatically whenever a run produces tables. Although
need not worry about saving tables, it is nevertheless necessary to understand a little of this
mechanism in order to manipulate your tables correctly.
In a run containing no manipulation at all, Quantum saves the cell values of each table in a
file. You cannot read this file yourself so think of it as a list of numbers separated by spaces or
commas, where the first number belongs in the first cell of the first table, the second number
belongs in the second column of the first row of that table, and so on.
Now, when a run contains manipulation statements, all ordinary tables are saved in the numbers
file as usual, while both manipulated and unmanipulated figures are saved in the manipulated
numbers file. Again, you cannot read this file so just think of it as a list of numbers and spaces.
Tables from anywhere in previous runs may be manipulated by preceding the table specification
with the letter R, a run ID of up to six characters and a slash (/). For example, to multiply the
table in a run called JAN by two, we would write:
tab a1 b1
ex RJAN/T#2 * 2
. To use run IDs, you must set up a run definitions file in the same place as your Quantum
program. Each line in this file must contain the run ID and the location of the run it represents,
separated by a space.
+ For further information about creating this file, see section 1.4, The run definitions file in the
Quantum Users Guide Volume 4.
Sometimes the numbers from previous runs may themselves be the result of some manipulation,
but unless you say otherwise, Quantum assumes that you will be using unmanipulated figures and
will search for the named table in the ordinary numbers file.
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Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 39
To force it to read manipulated figures from the manipulated numbers file follow the run location
name in the definitions file with a space and the word manip. If our run definitions file names
as the location of the numbers file for Region A and regB as the locations of the manipulated
numbers file for Region B we would write:
tab age sex
ex + RregA/t@ + RregB/t@
This might create a table showing age by sex for people interviewed in regions A, B and C (the
region we are currently analyzing):
. When referring to tables in other runs, take great care that you name the right table: the
notation T@ meaning the current table should only be used for the other runs if the table being
called up is in the same relative position in the run as the table created by the current tab
statement. If we are on our fifth table, T@ will mean the fifth table in all other runs as well.
Manipulating more than one table
When tables other than the current one are used in an expression, Quantum compares the element
texts of those tables with that of the current table. If the texts are identical, the elements are
manipulated. If an element is present only in the current table, it appears in the table
whereas if it exists only in the previous tables, it is ignored. Elements which are present in
tables but have non-identical wording cause the manipulation to fail.
This need not prevent you from manipulating rows with different texts or in different positions in
the tables because Quantum will also manipulate rows which have the same ID.
Region A (not printed): Region B (not printed):
Base Male Female Base Male Female
Base 70 30 40 Base 85 50 35
18-24 25 10 15 18-24 30 21 9
25-40 32 12 20 25-40 29 17 12
41-60 13 8 5 41-60 26 12 14
Region C (not printed): Regions A, B and C:
Base Male Female Base Male Female
Base 60 28 32 Base 215 108 107
18-24 22 12 10 18-24 77 43 34
25-40 27 12 15 25-40 88 41 47
41-60 11 4 7 41-60 50 24 26
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
40 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
For example, in the following axes:
The two rows named B will be dealt with together because their row texts are identical.
Rows A and Z will be dealt with together because they both have the same identifier.
Row C will be ignored because it only appears in the first table.
Row X, which is present in the second table only, will appear in its original form.
tab ax01 bk01
tab ax02 bk01
ex +T@1
l ax01
col 156;Row A;%id=r3;Row B;Row C
l ax02
col 113;Row X;%id=r1;Row B;Row Z;%id=r3
l bk01
col 127;First;Second;Third
This might produce the following tables:
ax01 by bk01 (printed): ax02 by bk01 (not printed):
First Second Third First Second Third
Row A 10 6 13 Row X 12 20 2
Row B 5 17 22 Row B 4 11 19
Row C 18 14 3 Row Z 9 15 14
Final Table (printed):
First Second Third
Row X 12 20 2
Row B 9 28 41
Row Z 19 21 27
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Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 41
2.5 Manipulating parts of tables
Quick Reference
To manipulate part of a table, type:
ex element_ref = expression
after the tab statement for that table. Side elements are referred to as sid and banner (column)
elements are referred to as bid. In both cases, id is the row number or identifier.
References to elements in other tables must start with the table reference followed by either / or
New tables may also be created on an element by element basis using rows and columns from
created previously in the same or different runs. Statistical and totalling elements may not be
When we say that new tables can be created, what we mean is that you can create a table and
all the numbers in that table with numbers from other tables. Manipulation is not an alternative to
the tab statement: manipulation deals only with numbers whereas a tab statement takes texts as
and formats them to produce row and column headings.
To create a table using elements from other tables, use the statements:
tab rows columns
ex element=expression
where the tab statement defines the basic table to be modified, element names the row or column
to be created in the current table and expression is an expression defining the manipulation
Elements are entered as sn for side (row) elements and bn for breakdown (column) elements,
n is the absolute position of the new element in the table. For example, the first row is s1 and the
first column is b1. When calculating an elements position in a table, remember that each n
statement, other than n00, counts as one element.
If the elements to be manipulated have IDs you may use these instead; for example, spr1 for the
element whose ID is pr1.
The expression is made up of operators and operands. Operators and operands allowed are any of
those mentioned earlier in this chapter for row and table manipulation, or references to elements
the current table or in any previously created table. Elements in expressions are entered as sn, sid,
bn or bid. If they are not part of the current table, the element specifications must be preceded by
the table reference and a / or > sign.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
42 / Row and table manipulation Chapter 2
For example:
tab aa bb
ex s1=s1 + T#2/s2
creates the table aa by bb and then adds the figures in the second row of the second table in the
to row 1 of aa by bb. Note that the expression could also have been written as ex s1+T#2>s2.
This form of ex statement must refer either to complete tables or to side elements or to breakdown
elements; a combination in one statement is not allowed. To perform manipulations using a
of elements, write a separate ex statement for each type. There is no limit to the number of ex
statements which may follow a tab.
The statements:
tab ax01 bk01
ex s3=s1 + s2
ex b1=b1 * 10
create the table ax01 by bk01 and then replace the counts in the third row with counts which are
the sum of first and second rows. Then, the values in the first column are multiplied by 10. Lets
use some numbers to clarify this:
ax01 by bk01 (not printed): Manipulated Output:
First Second Third First Second Third
Row A 10 4 15 Row A 100 4 15
Row B 8 13 9 Row B 80 13 9
Row C 11 7 11 Row C 180 17 24
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Row and table manipulation Chapter 2 / 43
2.6 Creating tables using dummy data
Because Quantum allows you to manipulate tables from previous runs, it is quite possible to
new tables without having a proper data file for the run. For example, suppose we have a monthly
survey which asks a panel of respondents the same set of questions each month, and we want to
produce a set of tables showing summary figures for the first three months of the year.
We could merge the three data files and rerun our Quantum program against this data, but it
be more efficient to write a short manipulation program to merge corresponding tables from each
of the three runs into the summary tables we require. If we decide to use manipulation, the first
thing we do is set up a run definitions file naming the runs containing the monthly information.
Next, we take a copy of the program used to produce the monthly tables and after each tab
statement we write an ex statement which adds together the figures from this table in each of the
three previous months. For instance:
tab age progs
ex +Rjan/t@ + Rfeb/t@ + Rmar/t@
These statements produce one table of age by progs which is the sum of table 1 for January,
February and March. This process is repeated for each table required.
Finally, create a dummy data file to be used for this run. All thats needed is a file containing one
record with a serial number and card type in the appropriate columns. If the record contains codes
in any other column, you run the risk of it being accepted by the tables, and thus making your
month summary table incorrect.
When you run your job, Quantum will read in the dummy record and create each table according
to the ex statements in your program.

Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 45
3 Dealing with hierarchical data
Hierarchical data is data that can be categorized at various levels. In a survey of households we
collect information about the household in general (for example, area of residence, type of
residence, social class) followed by data about each individual in that household (for example,
sex, occupation). So we have a hierarchy with the household data at the top, and the groups of
personal data underneath.
Data of this type is frequently entered using trailer cards for the information which occurs more
than once; in this example, the answers given by each person in the household. This is not always
the case. Very occasionally you will come across surveys in which all data has been entered as
long record. Do not worry. In this section we will discuss ways of dealing with both types of
hierarchical data.
3.1 Analysis levels
Analysis levels are a relatively easy way of processing hierarchical data with or without trailer
cards. Each analysis level is a field of columns, a card or set of cards containing information for a
specific level in the data hierarchy. For example, if card 1 contains information about the
as a whole, and each card 2 stores data for a different person in that household, we have two
one for the household and one for people within the household.
You may edit and tabulate data by level by giving each level a name and applying it to the edit
tabulation statements for that level. A maximum of nine levels is allowed.
You may name levels and define the structure of the levels data either using a standard struct
statement with some additional parameters for levels, or using a levels file. Both methods are
described below.
Defining levels using a levels file
Quick Reference
To define the top level, type:
level_name cards=card_num1[r][, card_num2[r], ... ]
Cards which must be present in every record must have the card number followed by the letter r.
To define subsidiary levels, type:
level_name [cards=card_numbers ] < parent_level
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
46 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
Levels and where to find the relevant data are defined in the levels file which must be created in
the same place as your Quantum program file. Levels must be defined in order of priority, with
highest level first. The top level is specified as follows:
levelname cards=n1, n2, ...
where n1 and n2 are the cards containing data for this level. If any of the cards are mandatory,
must follow the card type with the letter r. Suppose our top level is the whole household, which
we call hhold, and the data for this level is stored on cards 1 and 2, both of which are mandatory.
We would write:
hhold cards=1r,2r
The second level is defined in much the same way, except that we also have to show that it is a
of the top level. This is done by following the last card number with a less than sign (<) and
the name of the parent level. If our second level refers to the individual people in the household
might write:
person cards=3 <hhold
From this we can see that data for each person in the household is on card type 3. If there is more
than one person in the household, we will have a card 3 for each person.
If the data for a sub-level is on the same card as its parent level there is no need to enter the card
specification. Thus, the statement:
trip <person
tells us that information about journeys made is a sub-level of each persons data but does not
a card of its own: it is all on card type 3.
You must always define the parent level before you define the sub-level. For example, before you
define trip as a sub-level of person, you must define the person level.
Any level may contain more than one sub-level of the same importance in the overall hierarchy.
Suppose we also have a card 5 for each pet present in the household: this is a sub-level of the top
level since the pet belongs to the household as a whole rather than to an individual, so we write:
pet cards=5 <hhold
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 47
Defining the data structure in the levels file
Quick Reference
To define the data structure of records in the data file, type:
ser=start_pos, end_pos
crd=start_pos[, end_pos]
In addition to defining levels, the levels file also describes the format of the data to be read, thus
making the struct statement redundant when you are using analysis levels. All descriptions of
must precede the levels specifications.
The serial number field is identified with the statement:
where m and n are column numbers without a preceding c. For example, if the serial number is in
columns 1 to 5 of each card we would write:
The position of the card type is noted in a similar manner with the statement:
crd=n or crd=m,n
For example:
crd=6 or crd=79,80
If each record contains more than nine cards, you must also enter the number of the highest card
type as follows:
Thus, if the highest card type is 15, we would write max=15.
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48 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
If your data file contains records which are longer than 100 columns, you will need to include the
in the levels file, where length is the record length.
Quantum assumes that each respondents record will contain a maximum of 4096 sub-records or
cards. If any of your records contain more cards than this, you will need to extend the default by
entering the statement:
in the levels file, where n is the maximum number of sub-records (cards) per record. If a record is
found with more than the given number of cards, the datapass terminates and messages are
to out2 and the log file.
The theoretical maximum number of sub-records per record is 2,147,483,647, but the actual limit
will depend on the amount of memory space available to the datapass program.
Here is an example of a levels file:
hhold cards=1r
person cards=2r <hhold
purch cards=3 <person
Here we are defining records with a serial number in columns 1 to 4 and a card type in columns 5
and 6. Each record may contain data at up to three levels. The highest level is the household
which is read from card 1 which is mandatory. The second level is person on a mandatory card 2
which is a sub-level of household. The lowest level is the purchase (purch) which is a sub-level of
person. Data for this level is read from an optional card 3.
Defining levels and the data structure using a struct statement
Quick Reference
To name levels and define the structure of a levels database, type:
struct; read=2; ser=c(m,n); crd=c(m,n);
+lev=level_name[<parent_level][,card_numbers][; maxsub=number]
As an alternative to the levels file, you may define the structure of a levels data file using a struct
statement with additional options that name the levels and define their relationships to each other.
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 49
On the struct statement, specify read=2, and use ser= and crd= to define the serial number and
card type columns as you would for an ordinary data file. If records have more than nine cards
will also need to use max= to increase the size of the C array so that it has room to store the data
for cards 10 and above.
Use lev= to name the levels and define their relationships:
lev = level_name[<parent_level][, card_numbers]
level_name is the name of the level you are defining.
parent_level is the name of the level to which the current level belongs: it must be one which
has already been declared.
card_numbers are the cards on which the data for level_name is held. If the data is on the same
card(s) as the parent level you may omit the card reference. You may specify ranges of card
numbers either by typing the individual numbers as a comma-separated list, or by using one of
the range specifications start/end or start:end. If some cards must be present in every record,
follow the card number with the letter r. If all cards in a range are mandatory and you have
used a / or : range specification, you may type r once at the end of the range.
You will need one lev= option for each level.
Here are some examples:
+lev=hhold,1r; lev=person<hhold,2r,3
This example declares a data file with two levels. The top level is household which is held on
card 1. Every record must have a card 1. The second level is person. This is a sub-level of
household and the data is held on a mandatory card 2 and an optional card 3.
+lev=person,1r; lev=trip<person,2; lev=shop<trip
The data file for this example has three levels. Person is the top level and is held on a mandatory
card 1. Trip is the second level and, if it is present, is held on a card 2. The third level is shop
since it has no card specification of its own, is assumed to be held on card 2.
+lev=doctor,1:3r; lev=patient<doctor,4r,5
This example has two levels. Information about the doctor is held on cards 1, 2 and 3, all of
must be present for each record. Information about the doctors patients is held on cards 4 and 5.
Card 4 is mandatory and card 5 is optional.
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50 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
To define the maximum number of sub-levels a record may have, use the maxsub= option:
+ For further information about sub-levels and maxsub=, see Defining the data structure in the
levels file earlier in this chapter.
Naming levels in the edit section
Quick Reference
To start the edit in a levels job, type:
ed level_name
To start edits for other levels, type:
level level_name
To define statements to be executed at the end of a level, type:
endlevel level_name
Terminate the edit for each level with:
When analysis levels are used, all editing must be done by level. Edits start with the statement:
ed level_name
where level_name is the name of the level to be edited, and end with a return. Subsequent edits
other levels start with:
level level_name
and end with return. The edit section as a whole is terminated with an end statement:
ed hhold
/* Edit statements for household data
level person
/* Edit statements for person data
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 51
All statements between an ed or level and a return are executed after the cards for a given level
have been read into the C array. So, if the current level contains two cards of the same type, all
statements for that level will be executed twice, but if the cards are of different types, the
will be executed once only.
Where it is necessary to perform a task after all data at a given level has been read in for the
record, you will need to enter the edit statements preceded by the statement:
endlevel level_name
and followed by a return. This causes all statements up until the return to be executed once when
all data for the named level has been read in. In our example this would be when the third card 2
had been read. Note, however, that if the level in question contains data at higher levels the
statements following endlevel will not be processed until all data at the lower levels has been
For example:
ed hhold
/* ptot counts number of people in household
/* amount accumulates total family income
ptot=0; amount=0
level person
/* Personal income is in C(232,235)
endlevel hhold
/* Calculate average family income
amount=amount / ptot
Here, the statements between level person and return are repeated for each person. The
following endlevel are not processed until the data for the last person in the household has been
Tabulation using levels
When data is processed using analysis levels, tab and l statements must indicate the level at
the table or axis should be updated - that is, is it to be updated once per higher level or once per
Before tables are produced, Quantum creates an intermediate file in which cells are switched on
off depending on whether a respondent satisfies the conditions of a particular axis. If the
is satisfied, the cell is switched on; if not, it remains off.
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52 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
Normally, these cells are switched on when the record fulfils the conditions specified on the axis.
All cells in the intermediate table are reset to zero before a new record is read. The axis:
l sex
col 10;Base;Male;Female
has two cells Male and Female. Whenever a Male respondent is found, the first cell is
on, and whenever a Female respondent is found, the second cell is switched on. In the example
below, a 1 means that the cell is on and a zero means that it is off:
If the record contained trailer cards, the cells would be reset between reads. Therefore, with a
record containing four trailer cards, the intermediate file would read:
which is the same as the first example. In both cases, tables using these cells would tell us that
are three men and one woman: the table is a count of people. However, this may not always be
you want.
With hierarchical data, you will often want to produce tables in which the base is a count of
rather than a count of the number of times a particular condition was true. For instance, you may
want a table in which the base shows the number of households containing women, rather than
number of women in all households. For tables of this sort, you need to update the cells for each
trailer card without resetting them between reads. This means that for each record, once a cell is
switched on, it remains on for the whole of that record, regardless of the number of times the
condition is fulfilled.
If we take our household of three men and a woman, the intermediate table would read:
Respondent 1 Male 10
Respondent 2 Male 10
Respondent 3 Female 01
Respondent 4 Male 10
First trailer card Male 10
Second trailer card Male 10
Third trailer card Female 01
Fourth trailer card Male 10
Household 1, Person 1 Male 10
Person 2 Male 10
Person 3 Female 11
Person 4 Male 11
Household 2, Person 1 Female 01
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 53
Notice the difference between Persons 3 and 4 in this example and the same people in the
example. Here, the cells remain switched on until all data has been read, whereas in the previous
example cells were reset between reads. Tables produced with these cells would show us that we
have one household which contains men and women, but not how many of each there are.
Exactly when the cells in the intermediate table are updated or reset depends upon the type of
required and hence the keyword used on the tab or l statement. Keywords, described below, are:
anlev=level_name celllev=level_name uplev=level_name
Table and axis analysis level
Quick Reference
To define the level at which tables and/or axes are to be created, type:
on the a, sectbeg, flt, tab or l statement.
The level at which tables or axes are to be created is defined using the anlev= keyword on the tab
and l statements. It means update the table or axis when all data for the named level has been
For example:
tab region class;anlev=hhold
ttlBase: Households
l region; anlev=hhold
col 136;Base;North;South;East;West
l class;anlev=hhold
col 126;Base;AB;C1;C2;DE
produces a table of region by class where the cells will be incremented once per household.
Why have we used anlev=hhold on both l statements? All people in a household are of the same
class and live in the same region, therefore, each axis need only be updated once per household
rather than once per person, which gives us anlev=hhold on the axes.
The reason we need anlev=hhold on the tab statement is because we want a table based on
households not people.
Tab statements need not have the same analysis level as the axes which they use. For example,
may require two tables of region by class, one showing the number of households of each class in
each region, and the other showing the number of people of each class in each region.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
54 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
The two tables use the same axes, both of which have an analysis level of household. The first
is a count of households, so it too has an analysis level of household, but the second table is a
of people and thus needs to be updated once for every person in the household. Therefore we give
it an analysis level of person.
tab region class;anlev=hhold
ttlBase: Households
tab region class;anlev=person
ttlBase: People
l region;anlev=hhold
l class;anlev=hhold
However, you cannot use anlev= to specify a level on the tab statement that is higher than the
on the axes. To do that, you must use the celllev option on the tab statement as explained next.
Table creation level
Quick Reference
To create a table at a higher level than that of its axes, type:
on the tab statement.
A table may be created at a higher level than the axes by using celllev= on the tab statement. For
example, to produce a table of age by sex which shows, not the number of men between 20 and
years of age, but the number of households having men in that age group, we might write:
tab age sex;anlev=person;celllev=hhold
l age;anlev=person
val c(213,214);Base;i;Under 18=0-17;18-25;26-35;36-45;
l sex;anlev=person
col 210;Base;Male;Female
Both axes are created on a person-by-person basis since each persons data has to be read to
his or her age and sex. Because both axes have an analysis level of person, the tab statement
cross-tabulates them must also be at that level. Normally this produces a count of people, but as
want a count of households we use celllev to specify the household level. This causes Quantum to
increment each cell in the table only once per household, regardless of the number of people in
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 55
. celllev= is only valid on tab statements.
The table base is only updated for records that have data at the level defined with celllev; that is,
the level at which the cell counts are made. For example, if level 1 is household and level 2 is
tables created with anlev=child;celllev=hhold only include households with children
because the axes on which the cell counts are based are at child level. If you compare this tables
base cell with a table created entirely at household level you should not expect the two table bases
to be the same unless every household in the data file has at least one child.
To illustrate this, consider the following basic spec:
tab htype region;anlev=hhold
tab age sex;anlev=child;celllev=hhold
l region;anlev=hhold
col 116;Base;North;South;East;West
l htype;anlev=hhold
col 118;Base;Detached house;Terraced house;Bungalow;Flat
l age;anlev=child
val c(213,214);Base;i;Under 5=0-4;5 to 11;12 to 15;16 to 18
l sex;anlev=child
col 210;Base;Male;Female
The first table shows the number of households by type of house and region. The table base is the
total number of households in the data file. The second table uses data at child level and the table
base only includes households with children.
However, sometimes you may you want the base in the second table to include all households
regardless of whether or not they have children. To achieve this, you must use uplev= and
as described in the following section.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
56 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
uplev and levbase
. uplev= is an alternative to celllev for creating tables at a higher level than the axes in the table.
However sometimes uplev= can give misleading results. We therefore recommend that you
only use it in new Quantum specifications when you need to use levbase to increment the base
for every record containing data at the higher level, regardless of whether it contains data at
the lower level. However uplev= without levbase is retained in Quantum for backwards
compatibility and is therefore documented here in full.
+ For further information about why uplev= can give misleading results, see Why celllev is
preferable to uplev later in this chapter.
Quick Reference
To specify a lower level for an axis in a table that is created at a higher level, type:
on the l statement.
To increment the base of an uplevd axis for every record containing data at the higher level, type:
as an option on the base element.
The way uplev= works is different from the way celllev works. With celllev, you use anlev= on
l and tab statements to specify the update level for the axes and you put celllev on the tab
to specify the higher level at which you want to run the table. With uplev=, however, you use
anlev= on l and tab statements to specify the level at which you want to create the table, and you
put uplev= on the l statement to specify a lower update level for the axis.
For example, suppose you want to know how many households in each region contain people in
specific age groups. You need to create the table at household level because it is a count of
households, but age is a person level axis. So you put anlev=hhold on the tab and l statements to
indicate that you want to create the table at household level and you put uplev=person on the age
axis to indicate that it is at the person level:
tab age region;anlev=hhold
l age;anlev=hhold;uplev=person
val c(223,224);Base;i;Under 18=0-17;18-25;26-35;
l region;anlev=hhold
col 126;Base;North;South;East;West
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 57
The intermediate file might look like this:
As you can see, the cells for age are merged using an or comparison to build up an overview of
the household before the cells in the final table are incremented.
. uplev= is only valid on l statements.
By default, the base in an axis updated using uplev= is only incremented for records which
data at that level. In the example we have just used, the base is incremented for every record read
because every person in the household has an age. Suppose, instead, that we have an axis which
counts the number of households owning different makes of car. The base for this axis only
households that own cars those that do not own a car are excluded.
If you want the base to be incremented for every record containing data at the higher level,
regardless of whether it contains data at the lower level, place the option:
on the base element.
For example:
tab carmake region;anlev=hhold
l carmake;anlev=hhold;uplev=car
col 132;Audi;BMW;Ford;Porsche;Vauxhall;Volkswagen
In this example, the table is created at household level and the carmake axis is at car level.
the carmake axis includes only households owning at least one car, but by placing levbase on the
base element we force Quantum to update the base for every household it reads even if they do
contribute to other elements in the table. This creates a base that is all households, rather than just
all households owning cars.
Region Age
Household 1 North 1000 Person 1 59 0000010
Person 2 53 0000110
Person 3 26 0010110
Household 2 East 0010 Person 1 36 0001000
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
58 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
Why celllev is preferable to uplev
We recommend that you use celllev in preference to uplev=, except when you need to use
which is not available for celllev. This is because uplev= sometimes gives misleading results.
For example, suppose we are working on a shopping survey that has two levels, person and shop.
The data in the shop level tells us which flavors of yogurt the respondent bought in each shop,
we need to create a table of flavor by store at person level. The cell for banana flavored yogurt
bought in Safeway must show the number of people buying banana flavored yogurt in Safeway at
least once, not the total number of times banana yogurt was bought in Safeway by every person
Using uplev=, we would specify the table as:
tab flav store;anlev=person
l flav;anlev=person;uplev=shop
l store;anlev=person;uplev=shop
However, if we look at the table that this creates, it becomes apparent that this does not produce
figures we want. If we take just one person as follows:
Safeway Banana, Strawberry, Mango
Sainsbury Banana, Peach, Strawberry
our table will look like this:
We can see that we have one person who bought a variety of flavors in both shops, but we cannot
see exactly which flavor was bought where. This is because uplev takes all answers and ors
together before the axes are combined in the table.
However if use celllev to specify the table:
tab flav store;anlev=shop;celllev=person
l flav;anlev=shop
l store;anlev=shop
Base Safeway Sainsbury
Base 1 1 1
Banana 1 1 1
Strawberry 1 1 1
Mango 1 1 1
Peach 1 1 1
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 59
For the same respondent, our table becomes:
We can now see that we have one person who bought banana and strawberry yogurts in both
Safeway and Sainsbury, mango yogurt in Safeway and peach yogurt in Sainsbury. By giving the
axes and the tab statement the same analysis level and updating the table with celllev, we force
Quantum to retain the relationship between the flavor and store data for each person.
If we merely wanted a table showing the number of times each flavor was bought in each store
is, a straightforward table of flavor by store) we would just use anlev=shop on the tab and
l statements, and we could ignore celllev and uplev altogether.
Numerics with levels
In levels data, you need to be careful not use numeric data from a lower level at a higher level,
because the figures will always be meaningless. However you can safely use numeric data from a
higher level at a lower level, although if you use the same numeric field or variable at more than
one level, Quantum gives the warning:
Same inc= at two different levels
For example, suppose we have two levels, household and person, and preweight figures are held
columns 108 to 115 at the household level. We need to apply the preweight to both levels. If we
simply use the column spec to define the preweights at both levels, Quantum will give the
because we are using the same numeric field at two different levels:
wm1 ax1;pre=cx(108,115);anlev=hhold;factor;1
wm2 ax2;pre=cx(108,115);anlev=person;factor;1
l ax1;anlev=hhold
l ax2;anlev=person
Base Safeway Sainsbury
Base 1 1 1
Banana 1 1 1
Strawberry 1 1 1
Mango 1 1 0
Peach 1 0 1
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
60 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
As long as you have not used a lower level numeric at a higher level, and you are not preparing a
study for Quanvert, you can safely ignore the warning. However, if you are preparing a study for
Quanvert, you must not use a numeric at more than one level. If necessary you must set up a
numeric variable at each level in the edit section. For example:
real hwts 1
real pwts 1
ed hhold
level person
wm1 ax1;pre=hwts;anlev=hhold;factor;1
wm2 ax2;pre=pwts;anlev=person;factor;1
l ax1;anlev=hhold
l ax2;anlev=person
. If the preweight figures in this example were held at the person level, this solution would not
be appropriate, because you must not use numeric data from a lower level at a higher level.
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Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 61
Statistics with analysis levels
Statistics can be unreliable when you use celllev or uplev to create a table at a higher level than its
axes. For example, suppose you want to know the average amount spent by credit card per
respondent. The transaction details are held at the lower, credit card, level but we want the
at the higher, respondent, level. If we simply place an n12 element in the credit card level axis
use celllev to create the table at the respondent level, the n12 will not give us what we want.
we need to accumulate the values for the respondent in the edit section and run the table at the
respondent level.
For example:
real card_tot 1
real card_a 1
real card_b 1
ed resp
/* initialize at respondent (top) level
clear card_tot, card_a, card_b
level ccard
/* accumulate total value of transactions for each respondent
card_tot = card_tot + cx(212,217)
if ( c2111 ) card_a = card_a + cx(212,217)
if ( c2112 ) card_b = card_b + cx(212,217)
tab card_ave total;anlev=ccard
tab resp_ave total;anlev=resp
l card_ave;anlev=ccard
ttlAverage Transaction Size Per Credit Card
/* increment n25 by value of each transaction
/* base is number of transactions
n12Card A;dec=2
n12Card B;dec=2
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
62 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
l resp_ave;anlev=resp
ttlAverage Amount Spent Per Respondent
/* increment n25 by value of total amount spent
/* base is number of respondents
n12Card A;dec=2
n12Card B;dec=2
l total;anlev=resp
Suppose we have two respondents with credit card transactions as follows:
The tables produced would be:
Average Transaction Size Per Credit Card
Total 3.00
Card A 2.33
Card B 4.00
Average Amount Spent Per Respondent
Total 7.50
Card A 3.50
Card B 4.00
Special T statistics and analysis levels
All of the special T statistics that are available in Quantum are based on the assumption that the
samples being compared are independent of each other. However, in levels data, there is normally
a relationship between the lower levels and the higher levels, which means that cases at the lower
level are not independent of each other. For example, you would not expect the voting patterns of
Respondent 1, Card A 1.0
Card A 2.0
Card B 3.0
Respondent 2, Card A 4.0
Card B 5.0
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 63
the members of a household to be totally independent of each other, nor would you expect the
various journeys or shopping trips made by an individual to be unrelated to each other. These
relationships mean that the underlying assumptions required for the special T statistics are almost
never satisfied when you run the tests on lower level data.
Process with levels
Quick Reference
To use process to update tables at a given level only, type:
process level_name
process is followed by the name of an analysis level lower than the level currently being
in the Edit. This passes control to the tabulation section and updates only tables at the named
The format of the statement is:
process level_name
This is useful when information for a specific level is on the same card as its parent level.
the level Trip is a sub-level of Person, as follows:
person cards=1
trip <person
We might write our loop as:
ed person
do 10 t1 = 134,140,2
process trip
10 continue
However, process can produce unreliable results with hierarchical data that has more than two
levels. So when there is information for more than two levels on the same card, it is preferable to
recode the data so that each level is on a separate card.
+ For a full discussion of process, see section 9.10, Going temporarily to the tab section in the
Quantum Users Guide Volume 1.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
64 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
3.2 clear= on the l statement
. We recommend that when you write new Quantum specifications, you handle hierarchical
data by using analysis levels. When you do that you do not need to use clear=. However
clear= is retained in Quantum for backwards compatibility.
Quick Reference
To reset cells in Quantums intermediate file when the data contains trailer cards which are not
analyzed with levels, type:
clear=logical expression
on the l statement.
When we talked about tabulating data using levels, we said that cells are normally reset in the
intermediate file when a new respondent is read in or between reads when the data contains trailer
cards. If you are using analysis levels, the time at which these cells are updated can be altered
anlev and uplev. If you are not using levels, you can achieve the same effect using the option:
clear=logical expression
on the l statement. This causes the cells in the intermediate table to be reset only when the given
logical expression is true. If you want to reset these cells for each new respondent, rather than for
each record or read, enter the option as:
If we take the axis Sex as we did when we explained analysis levels, you can see that both clear=
and anlev produce the same results. If we write our axis as:
l sex;clear=firstread
col 10;Base;Male;Female
and take a household of three men and a woman, the intermediate table would read:
Record 1, Person 1 Male 10
Person 2 Male 10
Person 3 Female 11
Person 4 Male 11
Record 2, Person 1 Female 01
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3 / 65
The first cell of Sex is switched on when a household containing a man is found. It remains on
all data for that household has been processed. If a household also contains a woman, the cell for
Female is switched on and is not reset until the next records data is read in. If a household
both men and women, both cells are switched on.
Once the first card of the next record is read, the reserved variable firstread is 1 (true), so both
will be reset to zero ready for the next household.
When axes which use clear are tabulated, the reserved variable lastread may be used in a
on the tab statement so that the cells in the final table are only incremented when all cards for a
respondent have been read.
A major use of this facility is in the production of Penetration or Profile tables on trailer card
As the trailer cards are read, the intermediate table is updated to build a profile of the respondent.
Cells in the printed table are incremented only when all trailer cards for a respondent have been
In the example below two tables are being produced: the first shows the number of products
the second shows the number of products bought per respondent. Card 1 contains demographic
and card 2 (a trailer card) gives details of the items bought.
tab items brk
ttlBase = Number of Products Bought by Respondent
tab resps brk;c=lastread
ttlBrands of Product Bought
ttlBase = All Respondents
l brk
col 108;Base;hd=Class;AB;C1;C2;DE
l items
col 210;Base;hd=Brand;A;B;C;D
l resps;clear=firstread.eq.1
col 210;Base;hd=Brand;A;B;C;D
As you can see, the elements of items and resps are exactly the same they are the brands
The difference is in the l statement which names the axis and defines its conditions. Items is just a
straightforward axis whose cells in the intermediate table will be reset to zero between reads. Any
tables produced with this axis will be a count of the number of times each brand was bought by
respondents in each class. If the cell created by the intersection of Brand B and Class DE
the number 52, this would mean that Brand B was bought 52 times by class DE respondents. This
may mean that 52 respondents bought that brand once each or that 20 respondents bought it, with
some buying it more than once.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
66 / Dealing with hierarchical data Chapter 3
Resps, on the other hand, has the condition clear=firstread.eq.1 indicating that cells in the
intermediate table should only be reset to zero when a new respondent is reached. This means that
these cells will contain respondent profiles that is, they will tell us whether or not a respondent
bought a particular brand at any time; they will not show the number of times he or she bought
The tab statement using this axis has the condition c=lastread.eq.1 meaning that the table
itself is not to be updated until all data for a respondent has been read. The cells in this table will
tell us how many respondents in each class bought each brand. This time, if the cell created by the
intersection of Brand B and Class DE contains the value 52 it will be because 52 class DE
respondents bought brand B at least once.
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 67
4 Descriptive statistics
Quantum provides facilities for calculation of a set of basic statistics from the figures produced in
Quantum tabulations. They include the statistics most commonly used for testing hypotheses
the values of proportions (percentages) and the locations (average values) of variables, and about
differences in these between two or more subsets of the data. There are also chi-squared statistics
for testing hypotheses about a single distribution or about differences between two or more
The statistical tests available are:
One-dimensional, two-dimensional and single classification chi-squared tests.
Four tests of differences between proportions (Z-tests).
Two tests of differences between means (T-tests).
Friedmans test of differences in location between a set of related samples (sometimes known
as Friedmans two-way analysis of variance).
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of differences between two samples.
McNemars test of the significance of changes.
F Test for testing differences between a set of means (one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)).
Newman Keuls test of differences between means.
For each statistic, Quantum also calculates and prints an associated significance level so that you
can readily see the results of the tests you have performed.
. In addition to the statistical tests described in this chapter, Quantum provides a number of
other statistical functions.
+ For further information, see chapter 5, Statistical functions and totals in the Quantum Users
Guide Volume 2, and chapter 5, Z, T and F tests and chapter 7, Special T statistics in this
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
68 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
4.1 Using Quantum statistics
The Quantum test statistics are divided into two groups. Axis-level statistics are specified in the
axis, and are calculated for each table in which the axis appears, whether as a row or column axis.
Table-level statistics are specified as an option on the tab statement, and are applied only to the
table(s) for which they are specified.
In general more than one test may be specified for a given axis or table, and table-level statistics
may be specified for tables where the axes also contain statistical elements.
In both cases, statistics are produced as part of a normal Quantum tabulation run. They are
requested by means of the keyword stat= on the tab statement or in the axis.
Axis-level statistics
Quick Reference
To use an axis-level statistic, type:
stat=statistic_name[,element_text] [;options]
Axis-level statistics are requested by means of a stat= statement as an element in the axis:
stat=statistic_name [,element_text] [;options]
where statistic_name is the name of the statistic to be computed, element_text is an optional
element text to be printed in the table against the row or column of statistical values (if no text is
given, none is printed), and options determine how the statistics will be printed.
The names of statistics which may appear in axes are:
Options are one or more of dec=, decp=, fac= and id=. Axis-level statistics are printed by default
with two decimal places, but this may be altered by using the dec= option. Similarly, the
significance levels are printed with three decimal places, and this may be altered using the decp=
The fac= option is only relevant to the z1 statistic.
The decp= option, which normally defines the number of decimal places for percentages, is used
on a stat= element to define the number of decimal places for the significance level.
chi1 one-dimensional chi-squared test
friedman Friedmans test
z1 one-sample Z-test for proportions
t1 one-sample or paired t-test
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 69
+ For further information on the use of dec=, decp=, fac= and id=, see section 4.8, Options on
n, col, val, fld and bit statements in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
For example:
stat=chi1,1-D chi-sq; dec=3; decp=4
calculates a one-dimensional chi-squared statistic and prints it with three decimal places and an
element text of 1-D chi-sq. Significance levels are printed with four decimal places.
Axis-level statistics only use data present in elements which appear before the stat= element in
axis. If the statistic is to use all the data in the axis it must come at the end of the axis.
if the axis contains a base element, the statistic is calculated using elements between the base and
the statistics elements only. To include all elements, the base should therefore be the first element
in the axis. For instance:
l brands
ttlQ5: Brands Bought
col 132;Base;Brand A;Brand B
stat=chi1,1-D chi-sq
col 132;Brand C=3;Brand D=4
In this example the statistics will be calculated for brands A and B only, whereas in the following
l brand2
ttlQ5: Brands Bought
col 132;Brand A;Brand B
col 133;Base;Brand C=3;Brand D=4
stat=chi1,1-D chi-sq
the statistics will be calculated for brands C and D only.
If appropriate, more than one stat= element may be placed in an axis, as long as each one is
preceded by a base element, if necessary, and the requisite number of rows. To request statistics
one set of elements in an axis, and further statistics for another non-overlapping set of elements,
you will need to divide the axis into segments, each one beginning with a base element and
with a stat= element. To request two or more tests on the same group of rows, enter the stat=
statements, one to a line, after those rows.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
70 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
l allbrd
ttlQ5: Brands Bought
col 132;Base;Brand A;Brand B
stat=chi1,1-D chi-sq A and B
col 132;Brand C=3;Brand D=4
stat=chi1,1-D chi-sq C and D
produces two chi-squared statistics, the first for Brands A and B and the second for Brands C and
Statistics and the associated significance levels are printed as a row or column (depending on
whether the axis is used as a row or column axis in the table), for every table in which the axis
appears, at the point at which the stat= element is defined in the axis. The row or column text is
specified on the stat= statement, although if the axis is to be used as a column axis, the column
headings may be defined on g statements. The statistic in each column (or row) is calculated from
the figures in that column (or row), from the most recent base element, or the beginning of the
through to the stat= element.
Table-level statistics
Quick Reference
To use table-level statistics, type:
stat=statistic_name[, statistic_name, ... ]
on the tab statement.
Table-level statistics are requested by the option:
on the tab statement, where statname is the name of the test required, and is one of:
anova F-test (one-way analysis of variance)
chi2 two-dimensional chi-squared test
chis single classification chi-squared test
ks Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test
nk Newman-Keuls test for the comparison of means
t2 two-sample T-test for the comparison of means
z2 two-sample Z-test for proportions
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 71
If you need more than one statistic on the same table, list their names after the stat= keyword,
separated by commas. For example:
tab usage region;stat=t2,anova
produces a table of brand usage by region and runs a 2-sample T test and an F test on it.
The statistic(s) requested are printed at the bottom of the table or on a new page if there is
insufficient space on the current page.
The chi2, ks and anova statistics produce a single statistic and significance level, preceded by text
at the left margin naming the statistic. The chis statistic prints a + or sign next to the percentage
figure in a cell indicating whether it is significantly larger or smaller than expected.
The z2, z3, z4, t2 and nk statistics all produce a triangular array of statistics and significance
titled at the left margin with the name of the statistic. Each row and column of the array is named
by the side text defined on the corresponding axis element: the row text is printed in the left
and the columns are spread automatically across the remainder of the page. If the texts are longer
than 15 characters they will be truncated. If there are so many columns in the triangular table that
each one would be allocated less than 5 columns, the statistical table is suppressed. The statistic
testing the difference between any two axis elements is found at the intersection of the row and
column named as those elements. (If this sounds complicated, an examination of one of the
examples in the following sections should make it clear.)
In all table-level statistics, the statistics and significance levels are printed to three places of
decimals. There are no options for modifying the text or layout of table-level statistics.
General notes
When using Quantum statistics, there are a few points to remember:
Many of the statistics require that the axis (or axes, with table-level statistics) contains one or
more base elements. In the case of some axis-level tests, these are only necessary to separate
segments of an axis from one another. Whether or not a base element is required is defined in
the notes which follow the description of each statistical test.
Base elements may be printing or non-printing elements created using n10 or n11 statements,
or base options on n01, n15, col or val statements.
Many of the statistics require a certain number of basic count (totalizable) rows. These are rows
created by n01, n15, col or val statements which obtain information directly from the data file.
In an ordinary job these rows will generally be counts of people; in levels (hierarchical or trailer
card) jobs they will be counts of households, people, trips made, and so on. Other elements,
such as text-only elements, are ignored.
z3 Z-test for sub-sample proportions
z4 Z-test for overlapping samples
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
72 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
Some tests (generally those based on table-level statistics) require that the elements to be tested
are mutually exclusive. This means that respondents may be present in at most one element of
the axis. Examples of mutually exclusive axes are sex, age, marital status, product preferred,
and so on, where someone present in one category will not be present in any other.
Complex axes often contain elements which are not wholly mutually exclusive: for example,
one containing elements for sex and elements for age, where respondents may be present in
both a sex category and an age category. Axes of this type may be used as the basis for statistics
although in many cases the values for the overlapping categories should be ignored.
Some statistical tests become unreliable when performed on tables containing cells with small
numbers of respondents in them, for example, less than 10. These are generally the tests
resulting in a chi-squared or Z statistic. In these cases it is best, if possible, to combine the row
or column element, or both, with the logically nearest element to increase the cell sizes.
Otherwise, exclude the row or column from the test altogether by specifying it with the option
ntot. (The logically nearest element is the one whose meaning is nearest to that of the small
element for example, the 1824 age range would be combined with the 2534 age range
rather than the 55 and over age range.)
4.2 Summary table
The following table summarizes the statistical facilities described in this chapter and in chapter 5,
Z, T and F tests. The table indicates where each test is specified, what name is used following
stat= keyword, what requirements there are for Quantum to be able to perform the test, and
one statistic or a triangular array of statistics is produced. You will need to refer to the appropriate
section of this guide for a full description of the requirements of each test.
This table does not describe in full the statistical requirements of each test. The descriptions in the
following sections provide basic information about these requirements.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 73
4.3 Chi-squared tests
One-dimensional chi-squared test
Quick Reference
To request a one-dimensional chi-squared test, type:
stat=chi1 [, element_text] [;options]
as an element in the axis.
The one-dimensional chi-squared test statistic is an axis-level statistic. You may use it to test
whether the counts in an axis or a segment of an axis differ from those which would result from a
uniform distribution. A uniform distribution is one where all values have the same relative
frequency. Thus if an axis has four elements, and the respondents are uniformly distributed over
Test Name Type
1-dim chi-squared chi1 Axis Yes 2+ 1
2-dim chi-squared chi2 Table Both 2+ 2+ 1
McNemars test mcnemar Axis Yes 2 1
Kolmogorov-Smirnov ks Table Both 2 cols 1
Friedmans test friedman Axis Yes 2+ inc= 1
1-sample Z-test z1 Axis Yes 1 fac= 1
2-sample Z-test z2 Table Row 1 row Array
Z-test on subsamples z3 Table Both 0 rows Array
Z-test overlapping
z4 Table Both 2+ axis itself Array
1-sample t-test t1 Axis Yes any n25 or fac= 1
2-sample t-test t2 Table Row n12,n17 Array
1-way ANOVA anova Table Row n12,n17 1
Newman-Keuls nk Table Row n25 or fac= Array
Single classification
chis Table Yes 1+ 1
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
74 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
that axis, you would expect the number present in each element to be 25% of the base for that
To request a one-dimensional chi-squared test, place a stat=chi1 element in the axis whose
distribution is to be tested at the point at which you want the statistic displayed. The first element
in this axis must be a base element: other base elements may be present, and these define the
beginning of additional segments in the axis. There must be at least two basic count elements in
each segment on which the test is performed, that is, between each stat=chi1 element in the axis
and the most recent base element. For example:
l flavor
col =123;Base;hd=Low Fat;Strawberry;Raspberry;Blackcurrant;Pineapple
stat=chi1, 1D chi-squared
col =123;hd=Original Flavor;Peach=5;Mango=6
stat=chi1, 1D chi-squared
When checking your table, bear in mind the following:
If all cell counts in a segment are the same, the chi-squared value will be zero.
Although the nz option suppresses all-zero rows in a table, these rows are still used in the
calculation of the chi-squared statistic.
The elements in the axis or in each segment must be mutually exclusive. This means that a
respondent must appear in only one element of the axis or segment.
Chi-squared tests may give misleading results when expected cell counts are small. In this case,
a useful guide is that the total of the counts in the axis, and in each segment tested, should be
five times the number of elements in the axis (or segment). That is, the average of the counts
in the axis or segment used should be at least five.
Although a base element must be present as the first element of the axis, or of each segment in
the axis, only the basic count elements are actually used in the calculation. Take the following
Here, the statistic will be calculated for Rows 1 and 2 using a base of 44. Quantum will then
test whether those two counts are significantly different from 22.
Base : 60
Row 1 : 25
Row 2 : 19
Row 3 : 7
Row 4 : 9
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 75
Lets look at an example. You have carried out a survey of purchases of washing powder
throughout the country, and now wish to test whether there is a preference for certain powders in
different regions. The Quantum program:
tab powder region
ttlQ.7 Which brand of washing powder do you usually buy?
ttlBase: All respondents
l region
col 110;Base;North;South;East;West
l powder
col 115;Base;Suds;Washo;Gleam;Sparkle
stat=chi1,1-D chi-sq
n33sig. level
Figure 4.1 One-dimensional chi-squared test
. Notice how an n33 statement has been used to enter text against the row of significance levels.
In this example we are testing whether respondents are equally distributed across the brands. The
test shows a result significant at the 2.7% level for the Base column, indicating that there is
evidence that overall the number of respondents who chose each of the four brands is not equal.
Looking within the individual regions, the only region with a significant result is the South at the
1% significance level. There is no evidence that the respondents in the other regions are not
uniformly distributed across the four brands.
Q. 7 Which brand of washing powder do you usually buy?
Base: All respondents
Base North South East West
Base 511 145 194 129 137
Suds 109 35 26 25 23
Washo 113 27 30 26 30
Gleam 149 40 51 31 27
Sparkle 140 38 46 33 33
1-D chi-sq 9.16 3.48 11.52 1.56 1.94
sig. level 0.027 0.324 0.009 0.669 0.585
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
76 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
Two-dimensional chi-squared test
Quick Reference
To request a two-dimensional chi-squared test, type:
on the tab statement.
The two-dimensional chi-squared test statistic is a table-level statistic which produces an overall
chi-squared value for the table. It may be used to test for any association between the axes which
form the table. For example, you might use it to see whether political opinions vary according to
To request a two-dimensional chi-squared test, place a stat=chi2 option on the tab statement. The
first element in each axis must be a base element. Other base elements may be present, but are
ignored. There must be at least two basic count elements in each axis.
When producing tables with this statistic, remember that:
If there is no association that is, the figures in each column (and, equivalently, in each row)
are distributed in the same proportions the chi-squared value will be zero. This would
indicate, for example, that political opinions do not vary according to age.
Elements in which all cells are zero are ignored by this statistic. You may suppress them with
the option nz.
The elements in each axis must be mutually exclusive.
Chi-squared tests may give misleading results when cell counts are small (less than 10) or when
there are both row and column bases which are small compared to the overall base.
The statistic is calculated using the sum of totalizable (basic count) rows, the sum of totalizable
columns and the sum of all totalizable cells rather than the row base, column base and table
You might use a two-dimensional chi-squared test when you wish to use the results of a survey of
political habits to test whether there is an association between voting patterns and region.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 77
The Quantum program:
tab region party;stat=chi2
ttlQ3: Which party did you vote for?
ttlBase: All voters
l region
col 110;Base;North;South;East;West
l party
col 126;Base;Labour;Conservative;Liberal/SDP
g Base Labour Conserv- Liberal/
g ative SDP
p x x x x
Figure 4.2 Two-dimensional chi-squared test
The results show a significance level of 22.2%. We can be 77.8% confident that there is a degree
of association between region and voting preference.
Q3: Which party did you vote for?
Base: All voters
Base Labour Conserv- Liberal/
ative SDP
Base 605 168 229 208
North 145 43 65 37
South 194 51 73 70
East 129 35 42 52
West 137 39 49 59
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
78 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
A single classification chi-squared test
Quick Reference
To request a single classification chi-squared test, type:
stat=chis[([clevel=sig_level] [, row] [, wtform])]
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
The single classification chi-squared statistic tests whether a subsample proportion differs
significantly from the corresponding proportion for the sample as a whole. For example, suppose
we ask 40 people which of two brands they prefer, and find that 15 of them prefer the first brand.
This leads us to expect that if we look at each sex individually, the number of men or women
preferring the first brand would be roughly 15/40 of the total number of men or women
interviewed. If the figures in our table are not in this ratio we can use the chi-squared test to check
whether the difference between the subsample (for example, women preferring first brand) and
total (for example, all preferring first brand) is significant.
To run the test, place the keyword:
on the a, flt or tab statement.
When the test is applied, certain defaults are assumed:
Results are tested for significance at the 95% level.
The rows of the table are taken as the responses (for example, brand preferred), and the
columns as the subsamples (for example, sex=female). The + or sign is printed to the right
of the column percentage.
The test uses unweighted data only, even if the table itself is weighted.
Options on the command line which change these are as follows. If more than one option is
required, the keywords must be separated with commas.
Option Explanation
clevel=n Test for significance at the n% level. n may be 90, 95 or 99.
row The columns of the table are the responses and the rows are the subsamples to be
compared. + or will be printed to the right of the row percentages.
wtform use the alternative formula which takes account of weighting. Note that the
unweighted formula may be used with weighted tables when you wish to ignore
the weights when calculating significance.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 79
The test is applied to all cells in the table unless:
the row or column includes the option nontot, or
there is no previous base element in either direction (that is, a missing row base, a missing
column base, or both row and column bases are missing), or
the row or column does not have the appropriate op= option on it. The appropriate options are
op=2 if the columns are the subsamples or op=0 if the rows are the subsamples.
In addition, if the weighted formula is requested, the following condition also applies. The
weighted formula uses both weighted and unweighted data, so when looking at the subsample
elements in a weighted table, Quantum expects each of those elements to be preceded by a
of itself which is suppressed, unweighted and nontotalizable:
n01Subsample 1;c=condition
The test will not be applied to elements where this suppressed element is not found. You should
note that Quantum does not check that the condition on the suppressed element matches that on
corresponding subsample element.
The test is applied identically to single-coded and multicoded responses, and, although it
absolute figures, prints the results next to the appropriate percentage figures.
Whether or not a value is significant depends on the value of chi-squared at the given confidence
level, the value of chi-squared for the subsample being tested, and the size of the subsample in
relation to the total. Critical values used for testing significance are:
2.71 at the 90% level
3.84 at the 95% level
6.63 at the 99% level
If the value of chi-squared returned by the test is greater than the value of chi-squared at the given
level, and the subsample proportion is greater than the total proportion, the sample is deemed to
significantly greater than expected, and a + sign is printed next to the subsample proportion. If the
value of chi-squared returned by the test is less than the value of chi-squared at the given level,
the subsample proportion is less than the total proportion, the sample is deemed to be
less than expected, and a sign is printed next to the subsample proportion.
In all other cases the difference is deemed insignificant and nothing is printed.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
80 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
Here is an example of a Quantum script and the table it produces:
tab sex hswk;stat=chis(clevel=99,row);op=01;dsp;flush
ttlQ7: Do you think that household chores are evenly
ttl shared in your household?
ttlRows are subsamples to be compared
l sex
col 110;Base;Male;Female
l hswk
col 156;Base;Yes;No;DK
Figure 4.3 Single classification chi-squared test
The cell for men answering yes is flagged with a + sign. This means that it is significantly greater
than would be expected according to the overall proportion of people who answered yes. In
statistical terms this means that:
the value of chi-squared for that cell is greater than 6.63, and that
39/80 is greater than 61/200 at the 99% confidence level.
Where no + or sign is shown, the subsample proportions are not significantly different from the
proportion for the sample as a whole.
Absolutes/row percents
Q7: Do you think that household chores are evenly
shared in your household?
Base Yes No DK
Base 200 61 113 26
30.5% 56.5% 13.0%
Male 80 39 30 11
48.8%+ 37.5%- 13.8%
Female 120 22 83 15
18.3%- 69.2%+ 12.5%
Rows are subsamples to be compared
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 81
4.4 Non-parametric tests on frequencies
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Quick Reference
To request a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, type:
on the tab statement.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is a table-level statistic. It may be used to compare the
cumulative frequency distributions of two samples to test whether they are from the same
population. For example, you might wish to compare frequency of shopping in Safeway with
frequency of shopping in Sainsbury to test whether one frequency increases more rapidly than the
To request a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, include the option stat=ks on the tab statement. The
must have three columns only: the first must be the base column, and the other two columns
the sample into the two groups to be compared. For example, in the shopping survey the table
would require a base column and a column for each supermarket.
The first row of the table must be the base row, while the other rows represent some ordered
classification of the respondents numbers, numeric ranges, or measurements on some ordered
scale listed in increasing order of magnitude.
Notes for this test are:
Both the row and column axes must contain only elements which are mutually exclusive.
When the rows comprise numeric ranges, remember that the test is based only on the figures
in the table, and therefore the more information there is in the table, the more powerful the test
will be. In other words, the more categories the better you can lose information by
collapsing data too much into a few large categories. The counts in the cells of the table can be
small, even zero.
This test uses the sum of totalizable rows rather than the figures in the base row in its
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
82 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
As an example, lets expand on the shopping survey we mentioned just now. Suppose you wish to
compare frequency of shopping between a sample of people who shop at Sainsbury and a sample
who shop at Safeway, and you wish to know, not whether the average number of visits differ, but
whether the distributions themselves differ. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is appropriate:
tab freq shop;stat=ks
ttlMonthly frequency of shopping at ....
ttlBase: All respondents
l freq
val 157;Base;13 times;46 times;79 times;10 or more times
l shop
col 167;Base;Sainsbury;Safeway
Figure 4.4 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
The results of this test show a significance level that is close to 1. This indicates that there is little
evidence to suggest a difference between the frequency distributions for the two supermarkets.
Monthly frequency of shopping at ....
Base: All respondents
Base Sainsbury Safeway
Base 605 304 301
Once 54 24 29
Twice 82 46 36
3 Times 129 65 64
4 Times 194 93 101
5-7 Times 91 51 40
8 or more times 55 24 31
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 83
McNemars test
Quick Reference
To request a McNemar test, type:
stat=mcnemar [, element_text] [;options]
as an element in the axis.
McNemars test is used to test for differences in a variable with just two possible values (for
example, yes/no). It is most commonly used to test whether differences between before and after
measurements on the same sample indicate a real change or are simply due to chance.
To run a McNemar test, you will need a stat=mcnemar element in the axis. This must be
by exactly two basic count elements representing the changes. For instance, one might count
respondents answering yes before and no after, and the other those answering no before and yes
The first element in the axis must be a base element. If several McNemar tests are required in the
same axis, each must follow a base element (use n11 if you dont want to see these extra bases)
a pair of elements representing the changes.
When looking at your table, you should remember that:
The McNemar test is not concerned with the number of respondents whose opinions do not
If the two counts are equal, the statistic will have a small but non-zero value.
In the same way as for the one-dimensional chi-squared test, the sum of the two counts should
be at least 10 to avoid giving misleading results.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
84 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
Here is an example. To examine whether trying out a washing powder affects respondents
willingness to buy it, you might write this Quantum program:
tab change ban1
ttlQ9 Likelihood of Buying Washo
ttlBase: All Trying Sample
l change
n01Yes then No;c=c3412.and.c4845
n01No then Yes;c=c3445.and.c4812
stat=mcnemar,McNemar Value
l ban1
col 12;Base;Male;Female
col 15;AB;C1;C2;DE
g Sex Social Class
g Base Male Female AB C1 C2 DE
This produces:
Figure 4.5 McNemar test
In this example we have obtained highly significant results for respondents in social classes AB
and C1. If we look at the result for respondents in social class AB, we see that 48 changed their
mind negatively after trying Washo and decided that they would not buy it. Only 16 respondents
in the same social group made the opposite decision. The significant result shows that for
respondents in social class AB, trying Washo adversely affects their likelihood of purchasing it.
Q9: Likelihood of buying Washo
Base: All Trying Sample
Sex Social Class
Base Male Female AB C1 C2 DE
Base 400 184 216 88 96 112 104
Yes then No 96 56 40 48 8 8 32
No then Yes 99 32 56 16 40 8 24
McNemar Value 0.27 6.01 2.34 15.02 20.02 0.06 0.88
0.600 0.014 0.126 0.000 0.000 0.803 0.350
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 85
4.5 Friedmans two-way analysis of variance
Quick Reference
To request Friedmans two-way analysis of variance, type:
stat=friedman [, element_text] [;options]
as an element in the axis.
Friedmans test is performed in Quantum using an axis-level statistic. It is used to test whether
location (average value) of a variable differs between a set of matched samples. Usually, the
samples are a set of test scores obtained under different conditions, or given to different products,
by the same set of respondents. The data can therefore be matched by comparing each
score for one product or test with the same respondents score for the other products or tests.
The test is performed by ranking each set of scores that is, giving the value 1 to the lowest
given by each respondent, 2 to the next lowest, and so on. (Sometimes, the data is already in this
form; for example, respondents may themselves have been asked to rank their preferences for a
of products.)
Friedmans tests are produced by a stat=friedman element in the axis. Each such element must
preceded by at least two basic count elements identifying the products, tests etc. to be compared.
Each element must contain an inc= to calculate the sum of the ranks given to the item specified in
that element (as shown in the example below).
If your data columns contain scales which are not ranked (such as scores), you must use
in the Quantum edit to set the ranks numbers from 1 upwards into variables. These can then
be used to define the incs on the n statements used by the test. For example:
data rnk 4s
if (c1319) set rnk11
if (c1317) set rnk12
The first element in the axis must be a base element: other base elements may be present, in
case they define the beginning of additional segments in the axis.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
86 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
Notes for this test are:
If there is no overall tendency for one product (or test or whatever) to score or be ranked more
highly than another, the value of Friedmans statistic will be zero. On the other hand, the
greater the disagreement between the ranks due to the different respondents, the greater this
value will be.
It makes no difference whether ranks are assigned by giving a rank of 1 to the lowest score or
preference and so on upwards, or to the highest score or preference and so on downwards.
Though the sums of ranks will, of course, be different, the value of Friedmans statistic in each
case will be exactly the same.
Friedmans test is extremely sensitive to any errors in assigning ranks to the elements in the
axis or segment. Each respondent must have assigned a score or rank to each item in the axis
or segment.
If the ranks are read directly from columns of data, you must ensure that the columns contain
one rank for each item and that the ranks the respondent has given are valid. For example, when
ranking four products on a scale of 1 to 4, the respondent must have ranked each product within
the range 1 to 4.
If the data columns contain scores, your Quantum edit must convert these correctly into a valid
set of ranks. Normally these will be exactly one of each of the numbers from 1 to the number
of elements; thus if there are four products which have been ranked, there would be 4 elements
in the axis or segment of the axis, and, for each respondent, each element would contain one of
the numbers 1 through 4.
If some products have not been ranked or invalid ranks are present in any of the data columns,
Friedmans statistic will be incorrect.
A respondent may assign the same rank to more than one product.
In order for the significance level associated with this statistic to be correct, there should be a
minimum of 10 respondents who have assigned scores or ranks to all the items in the axis or
Elements whose cells are all zero are included in the calculation of this statistic.
In the example below, respondents have expressed their preference among four washing powders
by giving the one they use most a value of 1, the next a value of 2, then 3 and 4. We may write a
section in the Quantum edit to check that these values result in a valid product ranking, and then
construct an axis which sums the ranks given to each product, and performs Friedmans test on
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 87
The resulting Quantum program is:
r sp 1/4 o c(29,32)
c81 = xor(c29,c30,c31,c32)
if (c81 = 1/4) go to 5
write c(29,32) $product ranking incorrect$
5 continue
tab prdrank age
ttlProduct Preference
ttlBase: All Respondents
l prdrank
stat=friedman,Friedman value;dec=2
n33Sig. level
l age
col 10;Base;1824;2534;3544;4554;55+
and it produces:
Figure 4.6 Friedmans test
Product Preference
Base: All Respondents
Base 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
Base 650 96 194 91 126 98
Washo 2072 329 672 311 432 328
Suds 1649 261 506 250 342 290
Gleam 862 137 284 129 180 132
Sparkle 1467 233 478 220 306 230
Friedman value 750.64 118.88 234.62 113.65 155.85 134.13
Sig. level 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
88 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
All the results in this table are highly significant. We can have more than 99.9% confidence that
there are significant differences in the sample as a whole as well as in all of the individual age
groups. This means that there is strong evidence that there are differences between the ranks that
the respondents have given each of the brands.
4.6 Formulae
The formulae for the statistical tests in this chapter are shown below. The following conventions
have been used in these formulae:
In the formulae for axis-level test statistics, the formula is applied separately to the counts in
each column or row, according to whether the axis containing the stat= option is the row or
column axis:
In formulae for table-level test statistics:
A dot suffix indicates summation over the replaced index; so, for example, the formula for a
column total is:
k Represents the number of basic count elements in the axis or segment.
ni Represents the (weighted) count in the ith cell of a row or column representing
that axis.
N Represents the (weighted) base of that row or column.
U Represents the unweighted base of that row or column.
r Represents the number of basic count rows from which the statistic is calculated.
c Represents the number of basic count columns from which the statistic is
nij Represents the (weighted) count in row i, column j.
N, Ni, Nj Represent the (weighted) bases of the table overall, column i and row j
n j nij
i 1 =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 89
The one-dimensional chi-squared test
If there are k elements in the axis, then:
is tested against the _2 distribution with ( k - 1 ) degrees of freedom.
is the expected number in each cell.
The two-dimensional chi-squared test
is tested against the _2 distribution with ( r 1 ) ( c 1 ) degrees of freedom.
is the expected number in each cell.
X2 ni n ( )2
i 1 =
---- =
nij eij ( )2
j 1 =
i 1 =

------------ =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
90 / Descriptive statistics Chapter 4
Single classification chi-squared test
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
is tested against the _2 distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.
O is the observed value of the subsample.
e is the expected value of the subsample.
a is the number of respondents in the cell being tested (that is, the subsample).
b is the (weighted) number of respondents in the element.
n is the number of respondents giving a particular answer (that is, the sample).
N is the (weighted) total number of respondents in the table.
_2 O
( )2
------------------------- =
--------- \ .
| |2
--- * n
n a ( ) N b ( )
-----------------*n \ .
| |2
N b
------------ * n
------------------------------------------------------- + =
2 4D2 N1N2
N1 N2 +
------------------- =
i 1 =
k 1 =

k 1 =

----------------- =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Descriptive statistics Chapter 4 / 91
is the maximum difference found between the two cumulative distributions.
McNemars test
is tested against the _2 distribution with 1 degree of freedom.
Friedmans test
where Ri is the sum-of-ranks in cell i of the axis, is tested against the _2 distribution with k - 1
degrees of freedom.
2 n1 n2 1 ( )2
n1 n2 +
----------------------------------- =
2 12
Nk k 1 + ( )
------------------------ Ri
2 3N k 1 + ( )
i 1 =

Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 93
5 Z, T and F tests
5.1 Z - tests
Quantum provides four types of Z-test for comparing proportions with specified values and with
other proportions.
One-sample Z-test on proportions
Quick Reference
To request a one-sample Z-test, type:
stat=z1[, element_text] ;fac=factor [;options]
as an element in the axis. factor is a value between 1 and 100 and is the proportion against which
values are to be compared.
This is an axis-level statistic which is used to test whether the percentage of respondents in a
particular element differs from a given value. For example, if you wanted to see whether more
40% of yogurt buyers buy low-fat brands only, you would compare each sample percentage with
the number 40.
To request a one-sample Z-test, place a stat=z1;fac=n element in the axis. The fac= option on the
stat statement specifies the value, expressed as a percentage, with which the percentages in the
preceding element are to be compared. n may be a whole number or a decimal number with up to
six decimal places. Each stat= element must be preceded by a base element and a single element
of basic counts.
The Z-tests may give misleading results when the bases from which proportions are calculated are
small. In this case, the base element should contain at least 10 respondents for the test to be valid.
The Z-value will be zero if the difference is zero, otherwise it will be negative if the calculated
percentage is smaller than the specified value, and positive if it is greater.
The example which follows defines an axis for a survey investigating purchases of dairy
We are checking whether 50% of respondents buy low-fat brands of yogurt, and then testing this
hypothesis among different age-related sub-samples.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
94 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
The Quantum specification is:
tab brand age
ttlQ9: Type of Yogurt Purchased
ttlBase: All Yogurt Buyers
l tried
col 121;Base;Buys Low-Fat
stat=z1,Z Value for 50%;fac=50
l age
col 108;Base;1824;2534;3544;4554;55+
The table it produces is:
Figure 5.1 One-sample Z-test on proportions
If we look at the results in the Base column of this example, we find a significant result at the
confidence level. This would suggest that we should reject the null hypothesis that 50% of yogurt
buyers buy low fat yogurt. However, none of the age groups differ significantly from the 50%
figure at the 95% confidence level.
Q9: Type of Yogurt Purchased
Base: All Yogurt buyers
Base 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
Base 605 96 194 91 126 98
Buys Low-Fat 334 50 108 51 73 52
Z value for 50% 2.56 0.41 1.58 1.15 1.78 0.61
0.010 0.683 0.114 0.249 0.075 0.544
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 95
Two-sample Z-test on proportions
Quick Reference
To request a two-sample Z-test, type:
on the tab statement.
The two-sample Z-test is a table-level statistic. It is used to test differences between column
percentages in a single row of a table. For example, we may wish to test whether younger women
are as likely as older women to have full-time jobs that is, to compare the proportions of
with full-time jobs across groups of women in different age-groups.
This test is produced by the option stat=z2 on the tab statement. The table must consist of a base
row and one row of basic counts only. The test calculates a Z-value comparing each column
percentage with each of the other column percentages, and produces a triangular table showing all
the Z-values and their associated significance levels. The triangular table is labeled with the text
Points to remember are:
The row of basic counts defines an attribute which respondents in that row have, for example,
the attribute of having a full-time job.
The percentages (proportions) which are compared are always calculated for the test by
dividing the count in each cell of the row to be tested by the corresponding cell in the base row.
It is not necessary for the column percentages to be printed using the option op=2 (though you
might find it confusing to use a two-sample Z-test and print the row or total percents instead).
The columns of the table should define the different groups of people in such a way that each
group is mutually exclusive for example, age groups or sex. If the column axis defines more
than one set of mutually exclusive elements the test will still be printed, but the comparisons
between elements which are not mutually exclusive will be meaningless and should be ignored.
For example, if the column axis contains both sex and age breakdowns, the comparison
between, say, Female and Age 1825 must be ignored since some respondents may be
women and aged 1825.
The Z-tests may give misleading results when the bases from which proportions are calculated
are small. In this case, tests involving a column whose base is less than 10 should be treated as
approximate only. Such columns should preferably be combined with the nearest logical
The calculation for Z subtracts the first proportion from the second, rather than the more usual
method of subtracting the second proportion from the first.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
96 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
The Quantum program below compares the proportions of women in full-time employment
between different age-groups:
tab ftjob age;stat=z2
ttlJob Status
ttlBase: All Women
l ftjob
col 145;Base;Full-Time
l age
col 108;Base;1824;2534;3544;4554;55+
Figure 5.2 Two-sample Z test on proportions
This example shows us that there is no significant difference between the 18-24 and 55+ age
in the proportion of respondents in full time employment. However, these two age groups differ
significantly (a 5% or higher significance level) from each of the other age groups. There is an
additional difference between the proportion in full time employment between the 25-34 and
age groups.
Job Status
Base: All Women
Base 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
Base 605 96 194 91 126 98
Full-Time 297 29 107 66 75 20
18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54
25-34 2.388
35-44 3.800 2.273
0.000 0.023
45-54 2.687 0.586 -1.615
0.007 0.558 0.106
55+ -0.776 -2.877 -4.100 -3.145
0.438 0.004 0.000 0.002
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 97
Z-Test on sub-sample proportions
Quick Reference
To request a Z-test on subsample proportions, type:
on the tab statement.
The Z-test on sub-sample proportions is a table-level statistic. It is used to test differences
all row percentages in a single row of a table. For example, we may wish to test whether we have
the same proportion of respondents in each age group.
This test requires a stat=z3 option on the tab statement. The table must consist of a base row
and the first element of the column axis must be a base element. The test calculates a Z-value
comparing each row percentage with each of the other row percentages, and produces a triangular
table showing all the Z-values and their associated significance levels. The table is labeled with
text Z TEST TYPE 3.
When using this test you should bear in mind that:
The percentages (proportions) which are compared are always calculated by dividing the count
in the base column into the count in each other element of the row. It is not necessary for the
row percentages to be printed using the option op=0.
The columns of the table should define groups of respondents in such a way that the groups are
mutually exclusive for example, age groups or sex. If the column axis defines more than one
set of mutually exclusive elements the test will still be printed, but the comparisons between
elements which are not mutually exclusive will be meaningless and should be ignored. For
example, if the column axis contains both sex and age breakdowns, the comparison between,
say, Female and Age 1825 must be ignored since some respondents may be women and
aged 1825.
The Z-tests may give misleading results when the base from which proportions are calculated
is small. In this test the base should be at least 20.
The calculation for Z subtracts the first proportion from the second, rather than the more usual
method of subtracting the second proportion from the first.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
98 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
As an example, the Quantum program below compares the proportions of respondents in different
tab justbase age2;stat=z3
ttlAge group distribution
ttlBase: All respondents
l justbase
l age2
col 120;Base;1824;2534;3544;45+
The table produced is:
Figure 5.3 Z-test on sub-sample proportions
The results in this example show that there is no evidence to suggest that there is a difference in
proportion of respondents who fall into each of the four age groups.
Age group distribution
Base: All respondents
Base 18-24 25-34 35-44 45+
Base 400 96 104 104 96
18-24 25-34 35-44
25-34 0.556
35-44 0.556 0.000
0.571 1.000
45+ 0.000 -0.556 -0.566
1.000 0.571 0.571
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 99
Z-Test on overlapping samples
Quick Reference
To request a Z-test on overlapping samples, type:
on the tab statement.
The Z-test on proportions in overlapping samples is a table-level statistic. It is used to test
differences between row percentages in a base row for a column axis with overlapping categories.
For example, in a wine-tasting survey we may wish to test whether the proportion of respondents
trying sweet red wine is the same as the proportion trying dry white wine.
This test requires a stat=z4 option on the tab statement. The table must consist of an axis tabbed
against itself, and the axis must allow multicoding. The first element of the axis must be a base
element, and there must be at least two basic count elements in the axis. The test calculates a
Z-value comparing each row percentage with each of the other row percentages in the base row,
and produces a triangular table showing all the Z-values and their associated significance levels.
This table is labeled with the text Z TEST TYPE 4.
Things you should remember about this test are:
The percentages (proportions) which are compared are always calculated by dividing the count
in each element of the base row by the overall base. It is not necessary for the row percentages
to be printed using the option op=0.
Although the test is only comparing proportions in the base row, it is necessary to have the axis
tabbed against itself because Quantum needs to know the extent of the overlap between the
different elements of the axis.
The Z-tests may give misleading results when the base from which proportions are calculated
is small. In this test the base should be at least 20.
The calculation for Z subtracts the first proportion from the second, rather than the more usual
method of subtracting the second proportion from the first.
As an example of a type-4 Z-test, suppose you have asked a multiple-response question about
usage, and you wish to see whether different proportions of respondents have tried the products.
Because the groups of respondents who have tried different products may not be mutually
exclusive, we cannot use the type-3 Z-test.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
100 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
The Quantum program is:
tab brand brand;stat=z4
ttlQ7: Which of these brands have you ever tried?
ttlBase: All Respondents
l brand
col 123;Base;Washo;Suds;Gleam;Sparkle
The table produced is:
Figure 5.4 Z-test on overlapping samples
The results of this example show us that:
The proportion of respondents who have tried Washo is highly significantly different from the
proportions who have tried any of the other three brands.
There is a difference between the proportions who have tried Gleam and Suds, with a
significance level of 1.8%. So we can be 98.2% confident that there is a difference between
these two proportions.
We can have only low levels of confidence in the difference between the proportions for those
who tried Sparkle compared to Suds and Gleam.
Q7: Which of these brands have you ever tried?
Base: All Respondents
Base Washo Suds Gleam Sparkle
Base 427 334 92 66 78
Washo 334 334 50 36 40
Suds 92 50 92 18 9
Gleam 66 36 18 66 12
Sparkle 78 40 9 12 78
Washo Suds Gleam
Suds -17.610
Gleam -21.201 -2.369
0.000 0.018
Sparkle -19.160 -1.137 1.097
0.000 0.255 0.273
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 101
5.2 T-tests and F-tests
In this section we describe a set of tests which may be used to investigate whether means differ
significantly from each other or from specified values. The statistics used are the T and F
two of the so-called classical test statistics.
One-sample and paired T-test
Quick Reference
To request a one-sample or paired T-test, type:
stat=t1[, element_text] [;options]
as an element in the axis.
The one-sample T statistic is an axis-level statistic. It may be used to test whether the mean of a
numeric variable or factor (fac=) is significantly different from zero or some other specified
It may also be used to test for differences between means measured on matched samples (the
T-test) for example, between the means of two variables both obtained from the same sample
respondents (see the Notes below).
For example, you may wish to test whether respondents spent the same length of time per day, on
average, watching broadcast television before and after purchasing a video recorder. To request a
one-sample or paired T-test you should include stat=t1 element in the axis at the point at which
you want the statistic displayed. To define the variable or factor to be tested and perform the
necessary statistical summations, you will need either a fac= option on each basic count element
in the axis, or an n25 element in the axis with the inc= option.
Notes for these tests are:
The value of T will be zero if there is no difference in the data, otherwise the sign of T will
reflect the sign (direction) of the difference.
It is not necessary to use n12 (mean), n17 (standard deviation) or n19 (standard error) elements
in the axis as these are automatically calculated by the stat=t1 element. However, you will
probably wish to print at least the mean using n12 so that you can see the values which are
being tested by the T statistics.
In a weighted run, the compiler inserts an unweighted n15 with the option nontot in the axis so
that the T-test can be calculated using unweighted figures.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
102 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
The simplest use of the one-sample T-test is when testing whether the mean of a variable
already coded in columns of the data is zero. In this case you need only specify the required
columns on the inc= option of the n25 statement. For example:
stat=t1,One-Sample T-test
There may be occasions when you want to use a one-sample T-test on values which are not the
same as those in the data. You may create these values using fac= on n01 or col elements.
+ For more details about fac=, see chapter 5, Statistical functions and totals in the Quantum
Users Guide Volume 2.
If you wish to test whether a mean may be different from some non-zero value, you should
subtract that value from each data value. In other words, to test whether the mean number of
visits to a supermarket is equal to 2, you actually test whether the mean of (number of visits to
supermarket 2) is equal to 0. For example:
stat=t1,One-Sample T-test
If you wish to make a paired test between two data values, you should test whether the
difference between them is zero. For example, to make a test of the difference between the data
values in columns 120122 and in columns 123125 you would write:
stat=t1,Paired T-test
If the calculation of the values to be used by the T-test is more complicated than this, you may
need to write an edit to calculate the values. A simple example which has the same effect as
that shown above is:
/*Named variable to store mean difference
int mdiff 1s
mdiff = c(123,125) c(120,122)
stat=t1,Paired T-test
If the axis being tested contains fac= and inc=, Quantum scans backwards through the axis
from the stat=t1 element and uses whichever of the two it finds first; that is, whichever of fac=
or inc= occurs closest to, but still before, the statistical element.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 103
Here is an example of a one-sample T-test. Respondents have rated a particular brand of washing
powder on a scale of 1 (Excellent) to 5 (Very poor) and you wish to test whether the rating was,
average, satisfactory. The Quantum program:
tab rating age
ttlQ4Rating for Washo Soap Powder
ttlBase: All Respondents
l rating
col 45;Base;Excellent;%fac=21;Very Good;Satisfactory;Poor;Very poor
n12Mean Rating;dec=3
n19Std. Error;dec=3
l age
col 9;Base;1830;3144;4554;55+
Figure 5.5 One-sample T-test on means
The results of this example show us that, at the 90% confidence level, we have some evidence
the overall mean rating differs from zero (the exact significance level is 8.7%). The most highly
significant result is among the 45-54 age group, in which the mean score differs from zero at the
significance level of 2.9%.
Q4 Rating for Washo Soap Powder
Base: All Respondents
Base 18-30 31-44 45-54 55+
Base 340 65 93 76 70
Excellent 95 21 20 28 16
Very Good 21 4 5 7 5
Satisfactory 70 15 21 15 19
Poor 69 14 21 17 17
Very poor 49 11 21 9 13
Mean Rating 0.145 0.154 0.129 0.368 -0.086
Std. Error 0.085 0.186 0.156 0.168 0.169
T-Values 1.71 0.83 0.83 2.19 -0.51
0.087 0.409 0.408 0.029 0.611
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
104 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
An example of a paired T-test follows. For a comparison of the differences between means of two
ratings, both by the same respondents, we use a paired T-test:
tab ratdif age
ttlComparison of Ratings for Suds
ttlBase: All Respondents
l rating
col 46;Base;hd=Rating Having Seen Advertising;
+Excellent;Very Good;Satisfactory;Poor;Very poor
col 56;Base;hd=Rating Having Tried Product;
+Excellent;Very Good;Satisfactory;Poor;Very poor
n12Mean Difference;dec=3
n19Std. Error;dec=3
l age
col 9;Base;1830;3144;4554;55+
Figure 5.6 Paired T-test on means
Comparison of Ratings for Suds
Base: All Respondents
Base 18-30 31-44 45-54 55+
Base 340 65 93 76 70
Rating Having Seen Advertising
Excellent 95 21 20 28 16
Very Good 21 4 5 7 5
Satisfactory 70 15 21 15 19
Poor 69 14 21 17 17
Very poor 49 11 21 9 13
Rating Having Tried Product
Excellent 85 20 24 24 17
Very Good 55 11 15 12 17
Satisfactory 65 10 23 19 13
Poor 68 17 19 16 16
Very poor 31 7 12 5 7
Mean Difference 0.168 0.154 0.086 0.079 -0.386
Std. Error 0.102 0.221 0.181 0.208 0.218
T-Values 1.641 0.697 0.474 0.380 1.773
0.101 0.486 0.635 0.704 0.076
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 105
In this example, the highest significant result is in the 55+ age group. We can have confidence at
the 92.4% level that for this age group the mean product ratings differ after trying the product.
Two-sample T-test
Quick Reference
To request a two-sample T-test, type:
on the tab statement.
The two-sample T statistic is a table-level statistic. It may be used to test whether the means of a
numeric variable or factor are the same in two separate samples or sub-samples, or to make a
number of such comparisons, pair-wise, between more than two samples. For example, you might
wish to compare the length of time per day, on average, spent watching broadcast television by
owners of video recorders, with the same figure for non-owners.
This test is produced by a stat=t2 option on the tab statement. The column axis defines the
to be compared. These must be mutually exclusive. The row axis must include a base element, a
mean (n12) and a standard deviation (n17) these require fac= options on the axis elements or
n25 element with the inc= option.
+ For more information about these elements, see chapter 5, Statistical functions and totals in
the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
Notes for this test are:
This statistic calculates T values using rows of means and standard deviations. Each mean in
the n12 row is compared against every other mean value in that row. A triangular matrix of
T values and significance levels is produced with values for each pair of means. It is labeled
with the text T TEST TYPE 2.
The column axis must define groups of respondents which are mutually exclusive for
example, age groups or sex. If there is more than one set of mutually exclusive elements in the
axis the test will still be printed, but the comparisons between elements which are not mutually
exclusive will be meaningless and should be ignored. For example, if the column axis contains
both sex and age breakdowns, the comparison between, say, Female and Age 1825 should
be ignored since some respondents may be women and aged 1825.
The value of T will be zero if there is no difference in the data, otherwise the sign of T will
reflect the sign (direction) of the difference.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
106 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
The calculation for T subtracts the first mean from the second rather than usual method of
subtracting the second mean from the first.
Elements whose cells are all zero are excluded from this test. You may suppress them with the
nz option if you wish.
This test uses the sum of totalizable rows and the input to the means and standard deviation in
its calculations.
If the axis being tested contains fac= and inc=, Quantum scans backwards through the axis
from the stat=t1 element and uses whichever of the two it finds first; that is, whichever of fac=
or inc= occurs closest to, but still before, the statistical element.
As an example, take the Quantum program:
tab hours vcr;stat=t2
ttlQ15 Hours per week spent watching TV
ttlBase: All Respondents
l hours
col 156;Base;Under 5 hours;%fac=1+1;56 hours;
+710 hours;1115 hours;16+ hours
n12Mean;dec=3 n17Std. Deviation;dec=3
l vcr
col 155;Base;Has no video;Owns a video
g Base Does not own a Owns a video
g video recorder recorder
p x x
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 107
This produces:
Figure 5.7 Two-sample T-test on means
This example shows a significant result at the 9.1% significance level.
Notice that, in this example, the column headings at the top of the main table are different from
those in the statistical table. Those at the top of the main table are defined by the g statements in
the axis, whereas those in the statistical table are taken from the col statement. The reason for this
is that the full element text, as shown on the g statements is too long to fit into the 15 characters
allocated to the statistical columns.
+ For general information on the size and layout of statistical output, see Axis-level statistics
in chapter 4, Descriptive statistics.
Q15 Hours per week spent watching TV
Base: All Respondents
Base Does not own a Owns a video
video recorder recorder
Base 305 181 124
Under 5 hours 45 24 21
5-6 hours 93 50 43
7-10 hours 62 40 22
11-15 hours 51 31 20
16+ hours 54 36 18
Mean 2.921 3.028 2.766
Std. Deviation 1.330 1.335 1.314
Owns a video
Has no video -1.691
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
108 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
5.3 F values and T values
Quick Reference
To calculate and print an F value and a triangle of T values for a group of columns, type:
as an element in the axis.
The nft element creates an F value and a triangle of T values for groups of columns. A group of
columns starts at a base or n23 statement and continues until another base or n23 is read, or until
the end of the axis, whichever is sooner. Columns that are non-totalizable (such as, n04, n05, n12)
and columns that are not printed are ignored. Quantum also ignores any groups of columns that
contain fewer than two elements that are included in the calculation.
The nft element is meaningful only in row axes and is therefore ignored in column or higher
dimension axes. It is specified simply as nft with no row text or options.
With ordinary formatted output, the F value for a group is printed under the middle of that group.
With PostScript output, it is printed under the right-most column in the group. The probability,
expressed as a percentage, is printed underneath the F value.
The triangle of T values is lined up with the values in the columns to which they refer. The
probability for each T value, expressed as a percentage, is printed underneath the corresponding
T value. Asterisks are printed down the leading diagonal of T values.
Heres a simple spec and the table it produces. The spec is:
tab rating age
l rating
col 45;Base;Excellent;%fac=2-1;Very Good;Satisfactory;Poor;Very poor
l age
col 9;Base;18-30;31-44;45-54;55+
g Base 18-30 31-44 45-54 55+
g ---- ----- ----- ----- ----
p x x x x x
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 109
and the table it produces is:
Figure 5.8 F and T values produced with nft
Base 18-30 31-44 45-54 55+
---- ----- ----- ----- ----
Base 340 65 93 76 70
Excellent 95 21 20 28 16
Very Good 21 4 5 7 5
Satisfactory 70 15 21 15 19
Poor 69 14 21 17 17
Very poor 49 11 21 9 13
F stat 2.40
F prob 6.55
T stat * -1.47 0.85 -0.95
T prob 14.03 39.30 34.06
T stat * 2.50 0.52
T prob 1.26 60.51
T stat * -1.92
T prob 5.68
T stat *
T prob
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
110 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
5.4 F-test one-way analysis of variance
Quick Reference
To request a one-way analysis of variance, type:
on the tab statement.
An F-test or analysis of variance uses a table-level statistic to investigate whether a set of means,
calculated from independent samples, differ significantly from one another. It is used in exactly
same way as the two-sample T-test, but instead of independently making pair-wise comparisons
between the means, it makes a single overall comparison of them all.
Being a table-level statistic, this test requires a stat=anova option on the tab statement. The
axis defines the groups to be compared, which must be mutually exclusive. The row axis must
include a base element, a mean (n12) and a standard deviation (n17) these require fac= options
on the axis elements or an n25 element with the inc= option.
+ For information on these elements, see chapter 5, Statistical functions and totals in the
Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
When inspecting the results, bear in mind the following:
The value of F will be near to one if there is no significant difference to be found between the
means, while high values indicate different means.
The F-test is invalid if the column axis defines groups which are not mutually exclusive.
Elements whose cells are all zeros are included in this test.
The calculation uses the sum of totalizable rows and the input to the mean and standard
deviation rather than the base and the mean and standard deviation values themselves.
If the axis being tested contains fac= and inc=, Quantum scans backwards through the axis
from the stat=t1 element and uses whichever of the two it finds first; that is, whichever of fac=
or inc= occurs closest to, but still before, the statistical element.
As an example, we may use the F-test to examine more carefully the results of the previous
example, used to illustrate the two-sample T-test. The Quantum spec. is the same as that used in
the previous example, except that the tab statement becomes:
tab hours vcr;stat=anova,t2
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 111
The table which this produces is:
Figure 5.9 F-test or analysis of variance
Notice how the significance level of the F-statistic (6.8%) allows us to be more confident about
real significance of the differences between the means (9.1% significance level).
Q15 Rating for Brand Bought Most Recently
Base: All Respondents
Base Does not own a Owns a video
video recorder recorder
Base 305 181 124
Under 5 hours 45 24 21
5-6 hours 93 50 43
7-10 hours 62 40 22
11-15 hours 51 31 20
16+ hours 54 36 18
Mean 2.921 3.028 2.766
Std. Deviation 1.330 1.335 1.314
Owns a video
Does not own a video -1.691
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
112 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
5.5 Newman-Keuls test
Quick Reference
To request a Newman-Keuls test, type:
on the tab statement. sig_level may be 90, 95 or 99.
The standard Newman-Keuls test (as described in Winer, Statistical Principles in Experimental
Design) is a table-level statistic that can be used as an alternative to T-tests when you want to
compare the differences between the means of two or more samples of the same size.
The test is produced by the option stat=nknn option on the tab statement, where nn is 90, 95 or
depending on the level at which results are required. The column axis defines the groups to be
compared. The row axis must include a base element, a mean (n12) and a standard deviation
these require fac= options on the axis elements or an n25 element with the inc= option.
+ For details about these elements, see chapter 5, Statistical functions and totals in the
Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
Notes for this test are:
This statistic calculates Q-values at the 90%, 95% or 99% level, as defined on the tab
statement. A triangular matrix of Q-values is produced with values for each pair of means. It
is labeled with the text NEWMAN-KEULS STATISTICS followed by the level at which the values
have been calculated.
This statistic uses the sum of totalizable rows and the input to the mean and standard deviation
rather than the base and the mean and standard deviation themselves.
If the axis being tested contains fac= and inc=, Quantum scans backwards through the axis
from the stat=t1 element and uses whichever of the two it finds first; that is, whichever of fac=
or inc= occurs closest to, but still before, the statistical element.
Where a Q value is significant at the chosen level, an asterisk is printed underneath the value.
The formula adjusts for the fact that in practice sample sizes are seldom identical by using the
harmonic mean of the sample sizes. This approach is described by Snedecor and Cochran in
Statistical Methods and by Miller in Simultaneous Statistical Inference. However, it should be
noted that this test is inappropriate when sample sizes differ markedly.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 113
The following table uses the same row and column axes as those used for the Two-Sample T-test
(see Figure 5.7). It was created by the statement:
tab hours vcr;stat=nk95
Figure 5.10 Newman-Keuls test
The results show that, at the 95% level, there is no evidence of a difference between the mean
Q15 Hours per week spent watching TV
Base: All Respondents
Base Does not own a Owns a video
video recorder recorder
Base 305 181 124
Under 5 hours 45 24 21
5-6 hours 93 50 43
7-10 hours 62 40 22
11-15 hours 51 31 20
16+ hours 54 36 18
Mean 2.921 3.028 2.766
Std. Deviation 1.330 1.335 1.314
Owns a video
Has no video 2.392
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
114 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
5.6 Formulae
The formulae for the statistical tests in this chapter are shown below. The following conventions
have been used in these formulae:
In the formulae for axis-level test statistics, the formula is applied separately to the counts in
each column or row, according to whether the axis containing the stat= option is the row or
column axis:
In the formulae for table-level test statistics:
A dot suffix indicates summation over the replaced index; so, for example, the formula for a
column total is:
The sum of factors, mean, standard deviation, standard error and sample variance of a row or
column are calculated in exactly the same way as by the n13, n12, n17, n19 and n20 statements.
The sum of factors is given by:
The mean is given by:
k Represents the number of basic count elements in the axis or segment.
ni Represents the (weighted) count in the ith cell of a row or column representing that
N Represents the (weighted) base of that row or column.
U Represents the unweighted base of that row or column.
r Represents the number of basic count rows from which the statistic is calculated.
c Represents the number of basic count columns from which the statistic is
nij Represents the (weighted) count in row i, column j.
N, Ni, Nj Represent the (weighted) bases of the table overall, column i and row j
n.j nij
i 1 =
nixi =
--------------- =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 115
The standard deviation is given by:
The standard error of the mean is given by:
The sample variance of the mean is given by:
In all cases, xi represents the factor or increment associated with the ith cell.
One-sample Z-test on proportions
and p0 is the value specified in the fac= option, converted to a proportion.
Two-sample Z-test on proportions
For each pair of columns:
nixi ( )2
N 1
\ .
| |
se x ( ) s
------- =
sv x ( ) se x ( ) ( )2
p p0
---p0 1 p0 ( ) \ .
| |
------------------------------------- =
--- =
p2 p1
----- 1
----- + \ .
| |p 1 p ( ) \ .
| |
--------------------------------------------------- =
----- =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
116 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
Z-test on sub-sample proportions
For each pair of columns:
Z-test on overlapping samples
For each pair of columns:
n1 n2 +
N1 N2 +
------------------- =
p2 p1
--- p1 1 p1 ( ) p2 1 p2 ( ) 2p1p2 + + ( ) \ .
| |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =
----- =
p2 p1
--- p1 1 p1 ( ) p2 1 p2 ( ) 2p1p2 2p12 + + ( ) \ .
| |
---- =
----- =
----- =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 117
One-sample and paired T-test
is tested against Students t-distribution with N - 1 degrees of freedom.
The two-sample T-test
For each pair of columns:
is tested against Students t-distribution with N1 + N2 - 2 degrees of freedom.
F and T values from an nft statement
The formula for the F value of a group is as follows.
Let: ncol be the number of columns in the group.
coln be the number of cases in column n.
colnx be the sum over all cases in column n of the fac= or inc= values.
colnxx be the sum over all cases in column n of the squared fac= or inc= values.
se x ( )
------------ =
x2 x1
N1 1 ( )s1
2 N2 1 ( )s2
2 + ( )
N1 N2 2 +
-------------------------------------------------------------- 1
------ 1
------ + \ .
| |
\ .
| |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
118 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
The formula for the T value for a pair of columns is as follows.
Let: colPnxx, colPnx and colPn be the same as colnxx, colnx and coln, defined above, for values
P=1 and P=2.
where tsP is calculated for P=1 and P=2 as:
colnx ( )2
i 1 =

i 1 =

\ .
| |2
i 1 =

\ .
| |
i 1 =
colnx ( )2
1 1 =
\ .
| |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ =
---------------- \ .
| | col1nx
---------------- \ .
| |
ts1 ts2 + ( )
-------------------------------------------------- =
colPn - colPn 1.0 ( )
------------------------------------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 119
F-test / one-way analysis of variance
The between-sample estimate of variance is given by:
And the within-sample estimate of variance is given by:
i 1 =

\ .
| |2
\ .
| |
i 1 =

j 1 =

\ .
| |2
j 1 =

c 1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =
Njxj ( ) ( )2
c 1
------------------------------------------------------ =
i 1 =

j 1 =

i 1 =

\ .
| |2
\ .
| |
j 1 =

N c
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =
SSj Njxj
N c
---------------------------------------- =
Nj 1 ( )sj
2 ( )
N c
------------------------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
120 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
is the sum of squares in column j.
Then the statistic:
is tested against Fishers F distribution with c - 1 and N - c degrees of freedom.
2 =
------------ =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Z, T and F tests Chapter 5 / 121
Newman-Keuls test
The formula for two columns, i and j, is:
. The columns are sorted so that Mi is always greater than or equal to Mj.
Mi Represents the mean value in column i.
Mj Represents the mean value in column j.
Represents the harmonic mean of the group and is calculated as:
k Represents the total number of columns in the test with a maximum of 20.
nc Represents the number of observations in column c.
xc Represents the sum of values in column c.
Represents the sum of the squared values in column c.
df Represents the degrees of freedom, calculated as:
Mi Mj ( )
MSerror n

------------------------------ =
c 1 =
--------------- =
c ( )
xc ( )2
\ .
| |
c 1 =
nc 1 ( )
c 1 =
---------------------------------------------- =
df nc 1 ( )
c 1 =
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
122 / Z, T and F tests Chapter 5
Miller, R. G. Simultaneous Statistical Inference. 2nd Edition. New York: Springer-Verlag.
ISBN 0-387-90548-0
Snedecor, G. W. and Cochran, W. G. Statistical Methods. 7th Edition, Ames, Iowa: The Iowa
State University Press. ISBN-8138-1560-6
Winer, B. J. Statistical Principles in Experimental Design. 3rd Edition. New York: McGraw-
Hill. ISBN 0007070923
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 123
6 Other tabulation facilities
This chapter describes miscellaneous features of the tabulation section. These are the inclusion of
C programming code or edit statements in the tabulation specifications and the sorting (ranking)
6.1 C code in the tabulation section
Quick Reference
To include C code in the tabulation section, type:
C code
Statements written in the C programming language may be included in the tabulation section.
Quantum will pass them directly to the load section of the run (see Appendices on running
Quantum) at the point at which they occur without error checking.
All C code must be enclosed in the statements #c and #endc, thus:
/* C code here
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
124 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
6.2 Editing in the tabulation section
Quick Reference
To include edit statements in the tabulation section, type:
edit statements
Edit statements may by embedded in the tabulation section be enclosing them in #ed and #end
statements. This can be useful when you need to do a recode in an axis but do not want to write a
full edit. For instance:
l ax01
if (c1042) c181=or(c151,c152,c153,c155,c155)
n01First Row;c=c1811
performs exactly the same function as:
if (c1042) c181=or(c151,c152,c153,c154,c155)
l ax01
n01First Row;c=c1811
. When you use an #ed #end statement in an axis to assign a value to a column or variable
that is referenced in other axes in the run, the results for that column or variable can be
unpredictable in the other axes. You therefore need to take care when using this construction.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 125
6.3 Sorting tables
Sometimes we wish rows to be arranged according to the size of the counts or values in the cells,
the largest in the first row, the second largest in the second row, and so on. The keywords that
control the production of sorted or ranked tables are shown in the following table.
You may place any of these keywords on the tab statement of the table which is to be sorted.
Alternatively you can put the keywords on the a, flt or sectbeg statement, in which case all tables
at that level will be sorted (tables which are not to be sorted would then need the keyword nosort
on the tab statement).
Sorting rows
Quick Reference
To sort the rows of a table, type:
on the a, sectbeg, flt, tab or l statement.
Sorting is usually done on the figures in the base column. To sort on a different column, type:
on that element.
To define an unsorted element, axis or table in an otherwise sorted axis, table or run, type:
on that element, l or tab statement.
Keyword Explanation
sort Row-wise sort; that is, largest row first, smallest row last.
rsort Row-wise sort. This is the same as sort.
csort Column-wise sort; that is, largest column first, smallest column last.
pcsort Sort on percentages in the direction defined by sort or csort.
nosort Do not sort this table.
sortcol Selects the column on which to sort when sorting is row-wise. The default is to
sort on the figures in the base column.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
126 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
The statement:
tab prefer sex;sort
produces a table of prefer by sex in which the product preferred by most people forms the first
and the product preferred by fewest people is the last row.
For example:
As you can see, sorting is done using the figures in the base column of the table. By chance, this
means that the column for women is also sorted in descending order.
If you want to sort on, say, the second column of the table, just put the option sortcol on the
appropriate element in the axis:
l sex
col 10;Base;Male;%sortcol;Female
If you want an axis to be sorted every time it is used as a row axis, you may place sort on the l
statement. Alternatively, if the axis is always to be unsorted in an otherwise sorted run, place the
keyword nosort on the l statement. Both these methods are quicker and easier than remembering
place sort/nosort on every tab statement which uses the axis.
Base Male Female
Suds 59 10 49
Bubbles 49 11 38
New Foam 35 7 28
Sparkle 30 6 24
Glow 18 8 10
Extra Glow 9 2 7
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 127
Sorting columns
Quick Reference
To sort the columns of a table, type:
on the a, sectbeg, flt, tab or l statement.
To sort the columns of a table, place the keyword csort on the tab statement. For example, the
tab region party;csort
ttlQ3: Which party did you vote for?
ttlBase: All voters
l region
col 110;Base;North;South;East;West
l party
col 126;Base;Labour;Conservative;Liberal/SDP
g Base Labour Conserv- Liberal/
g ative SDP
p x x x x
would, depending on the data, produce a table such as:
Q3: Which party did you vote for?
Base: All votes
Base Conserv- Liberal/ Labour
ative SDP
Base 605 229 208 168
North 145 65 37 43
South 194 73 70 51
East 129 42 52 35
West 137 49 59 39
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
128 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
Sorting percentages
Quick Reference
To sort on percentages rather than absolutes, type:
with either sort or csort.
To sort on percentages rather than absolutes, use pcsort. This is not a keyword that you can use
itself: you must use it with sort or csort since these define whether sorting is by rows or columns.
Without one of these keywords, Quantum will not know which direction to sort in and will
therefore ignore pcsort.
The direction of sorting also determines what type of percentages will be sorted. If you are
vertically in row order with sort, Quantum will sort column (vertical) percentages; if you are
sorting horizontally in column order with csort, Quantum will sort row (horizontal) percentages.
You cannot sort row percentages in row order or column percentages in column order. In terms of
keyword combinations, this means Quantum will sort percentages for the following combinations
pcsort; sort; op=2
pcsort; csort; op=0
Sorting at different levels
Tables may be sorted at different levels: rows may be grouped together and sorted internally
the group before the group as a whole is sorted with the other elements of the axis. This is
useful when you are sorting tables containing nets.
All rows in a net may be sorted amongst themselves, completely separately from the rows of any
other net. Then the nets may be sorted according to the number of people in each net. The
table will show the largest net first and within that, the most frequently occurring response.
There are two ways of sorting nets. The simplest is to place the keyword netsort on the a or l
statement. This sorts nets and their component elements automatically, and indents each net and
standard element text by a fixed amount according to the level at which the text occurs. The
method is to define the elements to be sorted as a group using the keywords subsort and endsort
mark the start and end of each sort group. You may find this method useful if you want to indent
element texts by different amounts for each net level or sort group.
The sections which follow deal with each method separately, but use the same sample tables as a
means of illustrating the differences and similarities between the two methods.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 129
Sorting with netsort
Quick Reference
To create a sorted table of nets, type:
where space_per_level is the number of additional spaces to ident element texts at each level.
The quickest way to define an axis which will create a sorted table of nets is to place the keyword
netsort on the a or l statement (netsort is not valid on sectbeg, flt or tab statements) and the
sort on the a/sectbeg/flt/tab statement. When these two keywords are used in the same table, a net
statement determines not only the level at which the net is to be created (i.e. whether it is a top
net, a subnet, a sub-subnet, and so on), but also the level at which the net and the elements it
contains are to be sorted in relation to the other elements in the table. This means that nets at level
one will be sorted and, within them, nets at level two will be sorted, and so on. Individual
within a net will be sorted too.
In section 3.6, Netting in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 1, we said that netsort determines
the number of spaces by which each net and element text is indented. This is still the case when
netsort is used in sorted tables. Texts at each level below level one will be indented by two spaces
per level, thus nets at level two are indented by two spaces (12 spaces); nets at level three are
indented by four spaces (22 spaces). The elements comprising a net are indented by an
two spaces. You may request a different indent by typing netsort=n, where n is the number of
spaces by which to indent, instead of netsort by itself.
To turn off indenting for a single table in a run where indenting is the default, add the option
nonetsort or netsort=0 to the l statement of the tables row axis.
Sometimes the axis will contain rows which are not to be sorted at all. These elements require the
option nosort. If the element is part of a group, it will retain its original position in the group even
if the group later occupies a different position in the sorted output. If the element is not part of
group, it will retain its original place regardless of any other elements.
Lets take a simple example to start with. We have an axis dealing with peoples opinions of a
chocolate bar they have tried. Responses are netted under the headings Taste and Texture, and
is also a row to gather respondents giving no answer at all. Taste and texture are to be sorted so
the one containing the most respondents appears first. The No Answer row is to remain as the last
row of the table.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
130 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
Within taste and texture the various comments are to be sorted so that the one mentioned by most
people is printed first. Each net contains a Dont Know row which must always be the last line of
the net. Element texts are to be indented by one space per net/sort level. To satisfy this
we write:
tab taste brand;sort
l taste;netsort=1
n10Base (350)
net1Taste Observations (310)
n01Too Sweet;c=c2201 (80)
n01Just Right;c=c2202 (105)
n01Not Sweet Enough;c=c2203 (95)
n01Dont Know;c=c2204;nosort (30)
net1Texture Observations (340)
n01Too Coarse;c=c2211 (60)
n01Just Right;c=c2212 (125)
n01Too Fine;c=c2213 (85)
n01Dont Know;c=c2214;nosort (70)
n01No Answer;c=-;nosort (10)
The numbers in the parentheses are not part of the row specifications: they are the number of
respondents giving each response.
First, lets see how each group is sorted internally. The sort is conducted on the first column
(created by the first condition in the axis). We will assume that this is the base, so the figures in
parentheses are totals.
With Taste, all elements down to the net statement for Texture are assumed to be part of the same
net and sort group. Thus, we would have:
Taste Observations 310
Just Right 105
Not Sweet Enough 95
Too Sweet 80
Dont Know 30
The same method of sorting applies to the Texture group, except that this time the net and sort
group is terminated by the netend1 statement.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 131
Then, the two groups are sorted in relation to each other. Since the net for Texture (340) is larger
than the net for Taste (310), Texture Observations is placed first, without regard to the other
within either group. Thus, our final table is as follows:
Base 350 (This row is not part of any sort)
Texture Observations 340
Just Right 125
Too Fine 85
Too Coarse 60
Dont Know 70 (Always last within group because of nosort)
Taste Observations 310
Just Right 105
Not Sweet Enough 95
Too Sweet 80
Dont Know 30
No Answer 10 (Last because of nosort on no1 statement)
Notice that the three elements which were specified with the nosort keyword have all retained
original places in relation to the other elements in their groups. Notice, also, that the texts at level
one are not indented, whereas those at level two (the elements which make up the two nets) are
indented by one space, as requested with netsort.
Net and sort groups may be made up of any number of rows and may themselves be subdivided
into smaller groups. This is called nesting. Suppose our taste and texture nets refer to the
topping on a cake, and our axis also has comments about the body of the cake itself. This gives us
two main groups for sorting the topping and the cake and within each we have two
namely the taste and the texture.
This would be specified as follows:
l taste;netsort
n10Base (142)
net1Chocolate Topping (Net) (27)
n01Not Sweet Enough;c=c1212 (19)
net2Texture Observations (Sub-net) (41)
n01Too Course;c=c1221 (20)
n01Too Fine;c=c1222 (21)
net1Cake (Net) (50)
net2Taste Observations (Sub-net) (48)
n01Too Sweet;c=c1231 (22)
n01Not Sweet Enough;c=c1232 (26)
net2Texture Observations (Sub-net) (44)
n01Too Course;c=c1241 (20)
n01Too Fine;c=c1242 (24)
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
132 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
and would produce the following table:
Figure 6.1 Sorted table of nets using netsort
If an n33 statement is read immediately after a net statement, it is assumed to be in the same sort
and indent level as the net. Therefore, if the text of the first net2 element was entered as:
net2Taste Observations on
n33the Chocolate Topping (Sub-net)
both lines would be indented by two spaces in the table.
If the axis contains an ntt to create a text-only net element, the elements in the ntt group will be
sorted although the group as a whole, including the ntt element, will retain its original position in
the axis. To illustrate this, lets add a group of miscellaneous comments to the end of the previous
l taste;netsort
net1Chocolate Topping (Net)
net2Taste Observations (Sub-net)
n01Too Sweet;c=c1211
n01Not Sweet enough;c=c1212
net2Texture Observations (Sub-net)
n01Too Course;c=c1221
n01Too Fine;c=c1222
net1Cake (Net)
Base 142
Cake (Net) 50
Taste Observations (Sub-net) 48
Not Sweet Enough 26
Too Sweet 22
Texture Observations (Sub-net) 44
Too Fine 24
Too Course 20
Chocolate Topping (Net) 47
Taste Observations (Sub-net) 46
Too Sweet 27
Not Sweet enough 19
Texture Observations (Sub-net) 41
Too Fine 21
Too Course 20
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 133
net2Taste Observations (Sub-net)
n01Too Sweet;c=c1231
n01Not Sweet enough;c=c1232
net2Texture Observations (Sub-net)
n01Too Course;c=c1241
n01Too Fine;c=c1242
n01No Mentions;c=c(121,124)$ $;nosort
ntt1Miscellaneous Mentions
n01Other topping observations;c=c1213/&.or.c1223/&
n01Other cake observations;c=c1233/&.or.c1243/&
The table which this axis produces is:
Figure 6.2 Sorted table of nets with a text-only net
Base 142
Cake (Net) 50
Taste Observations (Sub-net) 48
Not Sweet Enough 26
Too Sweet 22
Texture Observations (Sub-net) 44
Too Fine 24
Too Course 20
Chocolate Topping (Net) 47
Taste Observations (Sub-net) 46
Too Sweet 27
Not Sweet enough 19
Texture Observations (Sub-net) 41
Too Fine 21
Too Course 20
No Mentions 80
Miscellaneous Mentions
Other cake observations 35
Other topping observations 29
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
134 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
Sorting with subsort and endsort
Quick Reference
To sort the table in sections, define the start of each section with:
on the first element in the section. Mark the end of the section with:
where num_sections is the number of sections that this element terminates.
The second way of specifying sorted nets is to use the keywords subsort and endsort to mark the
start and end of each sort group in the axis. Although this involves you in more work, it can be
useful when you want to use different amounts of indentation for different sort levels for
instance, to indent all second-level elements by 1 space and all third-level elements by 2 spaces.
If we rewrite the first netsort example it will become:
tab taste brand;sort
l taste
net1Taste Observations
n01 Too Sweet;c=c2201;subsort
n01 Just Right;c=c2202
n01 Not Sweet Enough;c=c2203
n01 Dont Know;c=c2204;nosort;endsort
net1Texture Observations
n01 Too Coarse;c=c2211;subsort
n01 Just Right;c=c2212
n01 Too Fine;c=c2213
n01 Dont Know;c=c2214;nosort;endsort
n01No Answer;c=-;nosort
The differences between this example and the previous version are as follows:
netsort has been removed from the l statement.
All indentation has been done manually by preceding each element text with a space.
The start of each subgroup has been identified by subsort.
The end of each subgroup has been identified by endsort.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 135
Notice that there is no need to mark the top-level sort groups (that is, the net and No Answer
elements) since these will be sorted automatically by the keyword sort on the tab statement.
Groups defined with subsort and endsort may be nested up to a depth of seven levels of sorting

that is, you may type in up to seven subsorts before typing an endsort to terminate one of the
groups. If one row terminates more than one group, endsort must be entered as endsort=n where
is the number of groups terminated. If we rewrite the specification for Figure 31.1, it becomes:
l taste
net1Chocolate Topping (Net)
net2 Taste Observations (Sub-net);subsort
n01 Too Sweet;c=c1211;subsort
n01 Not Sweet Enough;c=c1212;endsort
net2 Texture Observations (Sub-net)
n01 Too Coarse;c=c1221;subsort
n01 Too Fine;c=c1222;endsort=2
net1Cake (Net)
net2 Taste Observations (Sub-net);subsort
n01 Too Sweet;c=c1231;subsort
n01 Not Sweet Enough;c=c1232;endsort
net2 Texture Observations (Sub-net)
n01 Too Coarse;c=c1241;subsort
n01 Too Fine;c=c1242;endsort=2
The top level of sorting is between the rows Chocolate Topping and Cake. Within the topping
net we have two sublevels, each of which is delimited by the keywords subsort and endsort. The
row entitled Too Fine in the Texture subnet terminates the texture subsort as well as the sort
between taste and texture observations in general, so we use endsort=2 to indicate that we are
terminating two levels of sorting.
Text-only nets with ntt work with subsort and endsort exactly the same as with netsort, except
the elements within the net will require subsort and endsort keywords if they are to be sorted
the net.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
136 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
If we indent second-level texts by one space and third-level texts by two spaces, the specification
for Figure 6.2 becomes:
tab taste brand;sort
l taste
net1Chocolate Topping (Net)
net2 Taste Observations (Sub-net);subsort
n01 Too Sweet;c=c1211;subsort
n01 Not Sweet enough;c=c1212;endsort
net2 Texture Observations (Sub-net)
n01 Too Course;c=c1221;subsort
n01 Too Fine;c=c1222;endsort=2
net1Cake (Net)
net2 Taste Observations (Sub-net);subsort
n01 Too Sweet;c=c1231;subsort
n01 Not Sweet enough;c=c1232;endsort
net2 Texture Observations (Sub-net)
n01 Too Course;c=c1241;subsort
n01 Too Fine;c=c1242;endsort=2
n01No Mentions;c=c(121,124)$ $;nosort
ntt1Miscellaneous Mentions
n01 Other topping observations;c=c1213/&.or.c1223/&;subsort
n01 Other cake observations;c=c1233/&.or.c1243/&;endsort
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 137
and the table produced is:
Figure 6.3 Sorted table of nets created with subsort and endsort
Text-only elements in sorted tables
Text-only elements created with n03 statements automatically attach themselves to the next
numeric element in the axis and are sorted with that element. If there is no subsequent numeric
element, or the sort level changes (for example, with a new net statement or with subsort) the n03
remains unsorted. To force an n03 to be unsorted, add the option nosort at the end of the
n33 statements which define continuation text attach themselves to the element whose text they
continue and remain with that element if it is sorted.
Subheadings created with n23 statements are always unsorted unless they specifically carry the
option sort.
Base 142
Cake (Net) 50
Taste Observations (Sub-net) 48
Not Sweet Enough 26
Too Sweet 22
Texture Observations (Sub-net) 44
Too Fine 24
Too Course 20
Chocolate Topping (Net) 47
Taste Observations (Sub-net) 46
Too Sweet 27
Not Sweet enough 19
Texture Observations (Sub-net) 41
Too Fine 21
Too Course 20
No Mentions 80
Miscellaneous Mentions
Other cake observations 35
Other topping observations 29
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
138 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
The two examples below show how to use an n03 to separate unsorted No Answer and Dont
responses from the rest of the table. The table itself is shown at the end of this chapter, but the
overall layout that we want to achieve is this:
Efficacy Net
Freshening Sub-Net
Fragrance Net
Fragrance Intensity Sub-Net
The highest level is the two nets and the group of miscellaneous statements. The second level is
comments within these groups, and the third level is the comments within the two sub-nets.
Before we write our axis, there are some other points to bear in mind. First, the group of
miscellaneous comments and the DK/NA row are to remain in that order at the bottom of the axis,
even though the miscellaneous comments themselves are to be sorted. Second, all subnets are to
remain at the end of the main net, even though their components are to be sorted. Third, since
will only be a few rows in the efficacy net, they are not to be sorted at all.
Here is our axis:
tab dislike ban1;sort
l dislike;netsort
ttlTable 5: What is there about this product
ttl that you think you would dislike?
n10Total Respondents
net1EFFICACY (Net)
n01Doesnt Work;c=c22312;nosort
n01Other Efficacy Comments;c=c223&;nosort
net2 Freshening (Sub-Net)
n01 Doesnt Freshen Room;c=c2237;nosort
n01 Other Freshening Comments;c=c223&;nosort
n01Dislike Fragrance;c=c224125
n01Smells Artificial;c=c2243
n01Fragrance Name not Descriptive Enough;c=c2244
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 139
n01Other Fragrance Comments;c=c224&;nosort
net2 Fragrance Intensity (Sub-Net)
n01Strong Overpowering Smell;c=c2271
n01Weak Fragrance/ Not Strong Enough;c=c2272
n01Other Fragrance Intensity Comments;c=c22734&;nosort;endnet1
n01Doesnt Last Long;c=c2251
n01Too Expensive;c=c2257
n01More Expensive Than Other Products;c=c2258
n01Difficult / Inconvenient to Use;c=c2281/4
n01Dont Buy This Type of Product;c=c22612
n01Might be Harmful / React Chemically;c=c22634
n01Allergic to This Type of Product;c=c226678
n01Prefer Other Types of Products;c=c22690
n01Other Miscellaneous Comments;c=c226&.or.c2291;nosort
n01Nothing Disliked;c=c232;nosort
n01Dont Know / No Answer;c=c2320&;nosort
l ban1
col 116;base=Total;London;Leeds;Cardiff;Glasgow
Because we want a sorted table, we start by putting the keyword sort on the tab statement. This
sorts all rows which are not part of a sublevel, namely the two net rows, the miscellaneous row,
the two rows at the end of the axis. The nets are counts of people and are therefore created by net
statements, but Miscellaneous is a heading only and is therefore created by an ntt at the
level. The rows entitled Nothing Disliked and Dont Know/No Answer are to remain in their
original places so they take the option nosort.
When the table is sorted, the two top level nets are sorted according to the number of respondents
they contain, and within that the subgroups are sorted. The group of miscellaneous comments is
sorted but retains its original place in the axis (after the two nets).
+ The table which these axes produce is shown in Figure 6.4 at the end of this chapter.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
140 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
The other way of writing this axis is to use subsort and endsort in place of netsort:
l dislike
ttlTable 5: What is there about this product
ttl that you think you would dislike?
n10Total Respondents
net1EFFICACY (Net)
n01 Doesnt Work;c=c22312;subsort;nosort
n01 Other Efficacy Comments;c=c223&;nosort;endsort
net2 Freshening (Sub-Net)
n01 Doesnt Freshen Room;c=c2237;subsort;nosort
n01 Other Freshening Comments;c=c223&;endsort;nosort
n01 Dislike Fragrance;c=c224125;subsort
n01 Smells Artificial;c=c2243
n01 Fragrance Name not Descriptive Enough;c=c2244
n01 Other Fragrance Comments;c=c224&;nosort;endsort
net2 Fragrance Intensity (Sub-Net)
n01 Strong Overpowering Smell;c=c2271;subsort
n01 Weak Fragrance/ Not Strong Enough;c=c2272
n01 Other Fragrance Intensity Comments;c=c22734&;nosort;endsort;endnet1
n01 Doesnt Last Long;c=c2251;subsort
n01 Too Expensive;c=c2257
n01 More Expensive Than Other Products;c=c2258
n01 Difficult / Inconvenient to Use;c=c2281/4
n01 Dont Buy This Type of Product;c=c22612
n01 Might be Harmful / React Chemically;c=c22634
n01 Allergic to This Type of Product;c=c226678
n01 Prefer Other Types of Products;c=c22690
n01 Other Miscellaneous Comments;c=c226&.or.c2291;nosort;endsort
n01Nothing Disliked;c=c232;nosort
n01Dont Know/ No Answer;c=c2320&;nosortcR
Here, the first row in each net has the keyword subsort, indicating that it and all subsequent rows
form a subgroup of the net and are to be printed in rank order beneath it. The group of
miscellaneous comments also form a subgroup. Subgroups are terminated by the keyword
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6 / 141
Notice that even though the subnets Freshening and Fragrance Intensity are part of the nets, they
are dealt with as a separate group within the net and they have their own subsort/endsort group.
This is because we want to keep all comments to do with freshening and fragrance intensity under
their respective net rows. If we left them as part of the overall Efficacy or Fragrance net, the
individual comments would be sorted with the other comments in those nets according to their
rather than being kept together as a subgroup.
Totals, statistics and manipulated elements in sorted tables
Subtotals, totals, statistical elements and elements created using m statements are not sorted
you place the sort keyword on the element itself.
Sorting takes place after the cell counts for these elements have been calculated, not before, and
subtotals and totals are not recalculated after elements have been sorted. If you are careless in the
way you write your spec you could create tables that look wrong simply because the order of
elements in the axis has changed after the cells values were calculated.
Sorted tables of means
You can create a sorted table of means using just n25 and n12 statements. For example:
tab q1 banner;sort
l q1
An alternative is to use the means option on the tab statement. This example also uses op=3 to
the rank numbers under each cell:
tab q1 banner;means;sort;op=123
l q1
n01First mean;c=c561/5;inc=c56
n01Second mean;c=c571/5;inc=c57
n01Third mean;c=c581/5;inc=c58
n01Fourth mean;c=c591/5;inc=c59
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
142 / Other tabulation facilities Chapter 6
Some people like to create sorted summary tables of means, standard deviations and standard
errors, where the row axis consists of blocks of these three elements for a number of different
columns. The table is sorted on the means, but each mean needs to be followed by its own
deviation. To solve this problem, create an include file with the basic specification and then
it as many times as necessary with the appropriate substitutions defined on the *include element.
The specification in the include file might be as follows:
n12 Mean;dec=2;nodsp;sort
n17 Std. dev;dec=2;nodsp;subsort
n19 Std error;dec=2;nodsp;endsort
Page 143
Absolutes/col percents
Table 5: What is there about this product
that you think you would dislike?
Total London Leeds Cardiff Glasgow
Total Respondents 687 119 182 190 196
FRAGRANCE (Net) 107 8 42 26 31
=============== 15.6% 6.7% 23.1% 13.7% 15.8%
Dislike Fragrance 26 1 13 3 31
1.2% 0.8% 7.1% 1.6% 4.6%
Smells Artificial 8 - 4 2 2
1.2% - 2.2% 1.1% 0.5%
Fragrance Name not 5 - 2 2 1
Descriptive Enough 0.7% - 1.1% 1.1% 0.5%
Other Fragrance 10 2 3 3 2
Comments 1.5% 1.7% 1.6% 1.6% 1.0%
Fragrance Intensity 60 5 21 16 18
------------------- 8.7% 4.2% 11.5% 8.4% 9.2%
Strong Overpowering 44 3 19 13 9
Smell 6.4% 2.5% 10.4% 6.8% 4.6%
Weak Fragrance/ Not 6 2 - 1 3
Strong Enough 0.9% 1.7% - 0.5% 1.5%
Other Fragrance 11 - 10 3 7
Intensity Comments 1.6% - 5.5% 1.1% 3.6%
EFFICACY (Net) 19 - 10 2 7
============== 2.8% - 5.5% 1.1% 3.6%
Doesnt Work 14 - 6 2 6
0.9% - 3.3% 1.1% 3.1%
Other Efficacy Comments 1 - 1 - -
0.7% - 0.5% - -
Freshening (Sub-Net) 5 - 4 - 1
-------------------- 0.7% - 2.2% - 0.5%
Doesnt Freshen Room 4 - 3 - 1
0.6% - 1.6% - 0.5%
Other Freshening 1 - 1 - -
Comments 0.1% - 0.5% - -
Figure 6.4 Sorted table of nets
Page 144
Absolutes/col percents
Total London Leeds Cardiff Glasgow
Doesnt Last Long 101 16 35 29 21
14.7% 13.4% 19.2% 15.3% 10.7%
Dont Buy This Type of 79 - 26 5 48
Product 11.5% - 14.3% 2.6% 24.5%
Difficult / 67 13 16 20 18
Inconvenient to Use 9.8% 10.9% 8.8% 10.5% 9.2%
Too Expensive 62 8 23 11 20
9.0% 6.7% 7.1% 5.8% 10.2%
Allergic to This Type 37 - 13 5 19
of Product 5.4% - 7.1% 2.6% 9.7%
More Expensive Than 13 - 4 7 2
Other Products 1.9% - 2.2% 3.7% 1.0%
Prefer Other Types of 12 1 3 2 6
Product 1.7% 0.8% 1.6% 1.1% 3.1%
Might be Harmful / 9 1 3 1 4
React Chemically 1.3% 0.8% 1.6% 0.5% 2.0%
Other Miscellaneous 13 2 4 2 5
Comments 1.9% 1.7% 2.2% 1.1% 2.6%
Nothing Disliked 252 75 29 98 50
36.7% 63.0% 15.9% 51.6% 25.5%
Dont Know/ No Answer 23 2 9 7 5
3.3% 1.7% 4.9% 3.7% 26.3%
Figure 6.4 (continued) A sorted table of nets
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 145
7 Special T statistics
Quantum provides a variety of special types of T-test for comparing pairs or groups of rows or
columns. They are:
T-test on column proportions.
T-test on column means.
Significant Net Difference test.
Paired Preference test.
Newman-Keuls test on differences between means.
Least Significant Difference test for means.
All tests are two-tailed. This means that the tests indicate whether there are no significant
differences between the figures and whether they are not equal.
7.1 Which elements are tested?
All tests, except the Paired Preference test, compare columns of data; the Paired Preference test
compares rows.
Quantum normally includes all basic elements in a test. Basic elements are elements created by
n01, n15, n10 or n11 statements or their counterparts on col, val, bit or fld statements, and
created by m statements which manipulate basic elements. All other types of element are ignored.
If you do not want to test all basic elements in the axis you may either select the ones you do
to test or reject those you do not. To exclude elements from a test, place the keyword notstat on
the statements that create those elements. For example:
l age
n01Under 30;c=c1121;id=A
n0130 to 50;c=c1122;id=B
n01Over 50;c=c1123;id=C
n01Not answered;c=c112 ;notstat
. Although the base element is not flagged with notstat Quantum always excludes it from all
tests. If you want to test the base element you must flag it with tstat.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
146 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
If you want to exclude more elements than you want to include, an alternative is to place notstat
the l statement to set exclusion as the default for the axis, and then to flag the elements you want
to test with tstat. Here is the previous example in reverse:
l age;notstat
n01Under 30;c=c1121;id=A;tstat
n0130 to 50;c=c1122;id=B;tstat
n01Over 50;c=c1123;id=C;tstat
n01Not answered;c=c112
tstat and notstat are also valid on a, flt, sectbeg and tab statements to request or suppress T-tests
for all tables at the given level. If you use notstat on a tab statement, for instance, Quantum will
ignore tstat statements under the tab statement as well as tstat options in the column axis of that
table. This can be useful when you want to produce several tables using the same column axis but
only want the T-tests in certain of those tables. You define the axis with the necessary statements
and options for the T-tests, and then request or suppress the tests using tstat or notstat on the tab
7.2 Setting up axes for T statistics
For all tests except the paired preference test, each column element to be tested must have an ID.
For the paired preference test each row element to be tested requires an ID. IDs are single upper
letters assigned with id=. You are therefore restricted to testing 26 columns (rows for the Paired
Preference Test), because there are 26 letters in the alphabet. Quantum prints the identifiers with
the element texts and uses them in the rows or columns to mark elements which differ
from the other elements in the test. In addition, when the elements form the columns of a table,
Quantum generates an extra line of column headings showing the element IDs for each column.
. If you are only using one confidence level, you can use lower case IDs as well as upper case
IDs. This increases the maximum number of columns (rows for the Paired Preference Test)
you can test to 52.
All row axes in tables to be tested must have a base element. Although the base itself is not
normally tested, the figures from the base are used to determine whether there are sufficient
respondents in the element for the test to produce valid results. The base figures are also used in
the calculations of some of the statistics.
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7.3 T statistics on weighted tables
Quick Reference
If you are requesting T statistics on weighted tables place the keyword:
on the a statement.
If the table is weighted, you must weight the base element using the same weighting matrix as the
tab statement. Either specify the weighting matrix for the whole axis using wm= on the tab
statement or make sure that the base element and the tab statement have identical wm= options.
The T statistics need to know the sum of the squared weights for the axis. Each respondents
is squared and then added into the total for the axis. To create this figure, place the keyword nsw
on the a statement. Quantum will then insert a squared weighting statement after each base
in every axis and before every n12 as it compiles your spec. If the spec contains weighting
and T statistics but no nsw option on the a statement, Quantum issues a warning message at the
of the compilation stage.
If you want to see the squared weight element in your table, you may type the nsw statement by
hand after the base element:
nswSum of squared weights
The effective base
Quick Reference
To print an effective base which will not affect the count in any c= elements, type:
n31element text[;options]
To print an effective base which will affect the count in any c= elements, type:
element text;effbase
on an n01, n10, n11 or n15 statement.
Quantum creates T statistics on weighted tables using a special base figure called the effective
The purpose of the effective base is to reduce the likelihood of the statistics producing significant
results simply because the weighting has made adjustments to the data.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
148 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
When surveys are conducted it is impossible to interview everyone, so what usually happens is
a sample of respondents is interviewed and then the results are weighted so that they match the
population or the proportions in the total population. As an illustration, consider the case where
data is weighted by sex. The sample consists of 30% women and 70% men whereas the total
population is made up of 52% women and 48% men.
+ For further information on weighting, see chapter 1, Weighting.
In this case, the weighting will inflate the answers given by women and deflate the answers given
by men in order to match the population proportions. Any answers given by women will count as
greater than 1 in the tables and any answer given by men will count as less than 1. To be precise,
womens answers count as 52 30, which is 1.733, and mens answers count as 48 70, which is
The effective base takes these adjustments into account. It is calculated by dividing the squared
of weighting factors for an axis by the sum of the squared weighting factors; that is:
EB = (sum of weight factors)2 / sum of squared weight factors
If the data for a particular column has both unweighted and weighted bases of 40, and comes
12 women and 28 men, the effective base is 32.509. The calculation that produces this value is:
(121.733 + 280.686)2 / (12(1.733)2 + 28(0.686)2)
= 1600 / 49.2162 = 32.509
The effective base is a good criterion for judging how good your weighting is. If the weighting is
inflating the answers from a particular group by a large factor, the effective base tends to be much
smaller than the unweighted and weighted bases. The closer the effective base is to the
base, the better the weighting is.
You can print the effective base in your tables in two ways; one will affect the results of any
c= elements and the other will not. c= conditions can be used to produce a count of
who have not been included in any element since the last base in the axis. When making this
calculation, Quantum ignores all respondents in the last base element, but includes all
in an effective base element created using the effbase keyword. This could result in no one
appearing in the c= element, thus defeating its purpose.
To print the effective base without affecting any c= results, write:
n31Element text[;options]
For example:
n31The Effective Base;dec=2
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Otherwise, use the effbase keyword on an n10, n11, n01 or n15 statement as follows:
l ax01
n10Effective Base;effbase
+ For more details on when you should use n31 and when you should use effbase, see section
5.8, Printing the effective base in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
In order for Quantum to report the effective base correctly, make sure that your axis is specified
There is a base element before the effective base element.
Any condition applied to the effective base element is the same as that applied to the most
recent base element.
The weighting matrix applied to the effective base element is the same as that applied to the
most recent base element. If you just want to check what the effective base is you can use the
debug or tstatdebug options to produce a file of intermediate values used in the calculation of
the statistics.
+ For more information about the debug or tstatdebug options, see Checking how Quantum
calculated your statistics later in this chapter.
Effective base elements in Quanvert for Windows databases
Elements created by n31 or effbase will only appear in Quanvert for Windows databases if you
running a version of Quanvert for Windows later than v1.2r6.
7.4 Special T statistics and hierarchical data
All of the special T statistics are based on the assumption that the samples being compared are
independent of each other. However, in levels data, there is normally a relationship between the
lower levels and the higher levels, which means that cases at the lower level are not independent
of each other. For example, you would not expect the voting patterns of the members of a
household to be totally independent of each other, nor would you expect the various journeys or
shopping trips made by an individual to be unrelated to each other. These relationships mean that
the underlying assumptions required for the special T statistics are almost never satisfied when
run the tests on lower level data.
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150 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
7.5 The base for T statistics
Quick Reference
The default value for a small base, when the base will be flagged as small, is 100 and the default
value for a very small base, when no statistics will be calculated, is 30. To define your own small
base figure, place the keyword:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement or on the tstat statement for the test. To define your own
small base figure, place the keyword:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement or on the tstat statement for the test.
The base element plays an important part in T statistics, not least because its size determines
whether or not the tests are run at all.
The previous section explained how Quantum uses the effective base rather than the weighted
in the calculation of T statistics in weighted tables. In unweighted tables the unweighted base is
same as the effective base.
Where an axis contains more than one base element, the T statistic is calculated on the most
base. In weighted runs, a new nsw element will be created for each base with the same conditions
as the main base.
All statistics are more reliable if they are based on large samples. If the base for a T statistic in an
unweighted table, or the effective base in a weighted table, is less than 100, Quantum treats it as a
small base and flags the base figure for the column in the printed table with a single asterisk.
If the unweighted base/effective base for a column (row for the Paired Preference test) is less than
30, Quantum sees it as a very small base and flags it with two asterisks and does not carry out the
test. Quantum issues the message base too small (<30) to warn you that a test has been
You can specify your own values to act as small and very small bases instead of these defaults.
define your own small base, place the option:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement or on the tstat statement that requests the test.
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. The maximum value for both a small base and a very small base is 255, and the minimum
value for both is zero.
To define your own value for a very small base, place the option:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement or the tstat statement of the test itself.
. It is possible to request multiple statistical tests on a single table and to define different small
and very small bases on each test. However, when you do this Quantum does not use the small
and very small bases defined for each test. Instead, Quantum searches the tests in a specific
sequence and uses for all the tests on the table the small and very small base figures that are
in force on the first test it finds. If minbase and smallbase were not defined on the test selected
by Quantum, the default values are used. The sequence for the search is paired preference test,
significant net difference test, T-test on column proportions, T-test on column means and
Newman-Keuls test on means.
7.6 Titles for tables with T statistics
Quantum prints a footnote for each test that it runs on a table. The footnote reports the name of
test, the IDs of the elements tested, and the risk level at which the T statistic was tested for
significance. If the table contains small or very small bases the footnote reminds you that * marks
a small base and ** marks a very small base.
Here is simple table on which a T-test on proportions (prop) was run:
The footnote shows that all combinations of column pairs were tested, and that the results were
checked for significance at the 5% risk level that is, the 95% confidence level.
Base North South East West
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Base 911 125 312 248 210
Brand A 256 16 128AD 88AD 24
Brand B 192 38B 24 56B 74BC
Brand C 247 47BC 72 56 72BC
Brand D 216 24 88CD 48 40
Proportions: All Columns Tested (5% risk level)
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152 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
Suppressing footnotes
Quick Reference
To suppress the footnotes that Quantum generates automatically place the keyword:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
You can suppress these automatic footnotes and, if you wish, replace them with titles of your
choice. To suppress the footnotes, place the keyword:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
Defining your own titles
Quick Reference
To define your own titles for tables with T statistics use tt statements with any of the following
keywords where you require information about the T statistic:
<<minbase>> <<smallbase>> <<conf>>
<<risk>> <<test>> <<cols>>
If you suppress Quantums automatic footnotes you may wish to replace them with titles of your
own. Set up your titles using tt statements, as you would for any other titles. The position of the tt
statements in the spec determines when and where the titles will be printed. For example, a title
under the tab statement will be printed on that table only whereas one in the axis will be printed
all tables of which that axis is a part.
When Quantum generates its own automatic footnotes it can pick up the variable information
as the name of the test or the names of the columns tested from the instructions it holds internally
about how the tables are to be created. To allow you the same flexibility in titles that you define
yourself, Quantum provides a number of special keywords that you may use on tt statements at
level and above. When Quantum prints the title it replaces any special keywords with the
appropriate type of information specific to the current table.
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All keywords are enclosed in pairs of double angle brackets. The following table provides details.
Here are some examples of titles using these keywords:
ttl<<test>>. Columns tested: <<cols>>
ttlMinimum effective base = <<minbase>>; Small base = <<smallbase>>
These types of titles work with one T statistic per table only. You cannot request two different
on the same table and define different titles with different replaceable texts for each test.
If you specify titles with these special texts for tables without T statistics, Quantum treats the
replaceable texts keywords as ordinary text and prints them. If you do need to define global titles
for tables with T statistics you can flag them with the word tstat and Quantum will print those
only on tables with T statistics. For example:
ttl<<test>>. Columns tested: <<cols>>; tstat
+ For further information about the tstat option on tt statements, see Titles for T statistics tables
only in chapter 8, Table texts in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
Keyword Explanation
<<minbase>> The minimum base/minimum effective base.
<<smallbase>> The small base setting.
<<conf>> The confidence level for the current table.
<<risk>> The risk level for the current table (100 minus the confidence level).
<<test>> The name of the test run on this table.
<<cols>> The combinations of columns tested.
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154 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
7.7 Requesting a test
Quick Reference
To request a special T-test, type:
tstat name; elms=elm_ids [;clevel=sig1[,sig2]] [;minbase=num] [;smallbase=num] [;debug]
underneath the tab or l statement for the table or axis in which the test is required.
You request T statistics using a tstat statement. This goes underneath the tab statement for the
on which the statistics are required, or underneath the l statement if the test is required whenever
that axis is used. The full syntax of a tstat statement is:
tstat name; elms=elm_ids [;clevel=sig1[,sig2]] [;minbase=num] [;smallbase=num] [;debug]
where name is the name of the test you want to run and elm_ids are the ids of the elements you
to compare. Both these parameters are required; the others are all optional. The sections below
explain each parameter in turn.
+ For information about minbase= and smallbase=, see section 7.5, The base for T statistics.
You may run more than one test on a table by listing the appropriate tstat statements under a
tab or l statement. The exceptions to this are:
A combination of prop (T-test on column proportions) and ppt (paired preference test). This
combination is not allowed because one tests rows and the other tests columns.
A combination of prop and mean which you request with the option propmean.
. tstat is disallowed under a, sectbeg and flt statements, after add, div, sid and und, and before
and statements.
Choosing your test
To define the test you want to run, type the name of the test immediately after the tstat keyword.
Valid names are shown in the following table.
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The automatic footnote tells you which test(s) were applied to each table, or you can define your
own titles using the <<test>> keyword to insert the test name.
Which elements to compare?
Although you give elements identifiers and flag them with tstat or notstat, these do not in
themselves tell Quantum which elements to use with a specific test. The identifier is a marker that
you can use to refer to the element and tstat and notstat flag elements as eligible or ineligible for
inclusion in tests.
To choose the elements for a particular test, place the option:
on the tstat statement, separated by a semicolon from the tests name. For example:
tstat prop;elms=ABC
tells Quantum to run a T-test on column proportions on all possible pairs of columns from A to C;
that is, on AB, AC and BC. Any other elements in the axis are ignored even if they have identifiers
and are flagged with the tstat option.
You can control more precisely which combinations of elements are compared by listing the pairs
or sets individually, separated by commas.
The option:
tells Quantum to test all possible pairs within ABC plus the pair DE. Combinations of elements
the two groups, such as AD or CE are ignored.
Different tests expect to test different numbers of elements. The notes given with each test tell
the exact requirements.
Name Test
prop T-test on column proportions.
mean T-test on column means.
propmean T-test on column means and proportions.
nkl Newman-Keuls test on means.
ntd Significant net difference test.
ppt Paired preference test.
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156 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
The automatic footnote lists the combinations of elements tested, or you can print your own title
using the <<cols>> keyword to list the columns tested.
If the test finds that a comparison of two elements is significantly different, it prints the element
identifier of the larger value next to the cell count of the smaller value. You will see how this
in the sample tables shown later in this chapter.
Confidence and risk levels
Confidence level and risk level are two ways of looking at the same thing. The confidence level
tells you how certain you can be that any significant differences between the columns tested are
due to some external factor rather than being due to chance. The risk level is the opposite of the
confidence level and tells you how likely it is that any differences are simply due to chance rather
than being significant for some other reason.
The sum of the confidence level and the risk level is 100, so a confidence level of 95% implies a
risk level of 5%, and vice versa.
Quantum can test the significance of statistical values at a number of confidence levels.
values in Quantum for all tests except the Newman-Keuls test are 99, 95, 90, 85, 80, 75 and 68.
Acceptable values for the Newman-Keuls test are 99, 95 and 90 only.
If you do not specify a confidence level, Quantum uses the default of 95% confidence.
To specify the confidence level you want for a particular test, add the option:
to the tstat statement. If you want to set a global confidence level for all tests, place this option on
the a statement instead.
The option requires you to specify one confidence level, but allows an optional second level. If
specify a second level it must be lower than the first level and must be separated from it by a
. If you define two confidence levels you must specify the element IDs with elms= all in the
same case. A mixture of upper and lower case is not allowed.
For the proportions, means and Newman-Keuls tests, Quantum checks first for significance at the
higher level and prints an uppercase letter if the value is significant at that level. If the test fails,
Quantum tests for significance at the lower level and prints a lowercase letter if the value is
significant at that level. Otherwise, no letter is printed.
The same rules apply to the paired preference test, but significance at a given level is shown by
letter S (higher level) or s (lower level) as appropriate.
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The significant net difference test uses the higher level only and silently ignores any lower level
that is set.
The automatic footnote reports the risk level at which significance was tested. You can specify
own titles that show the risk level or the confidence level using the options <<risk>> and/or
<<conf>> on the tt statement that creates the title.
Checking how Quantum calculated your statistics
Sometimes you may be surprised by the results of your tests and you will want to check how
Quantum arrived at a particular value. By placing the keyword debug on the tstat statement you
can have Quantum write out the intermediate figures it used to calculate the statistics. This
information is written to a file called tstat.dmp. Here is part of the file that was created for the
shown earlier in this chapter (some long lines have been split and printed on two lines):
Props for row (#1) "Brand A"
A 125.000000 16.000000 16.000000 125.000000 125.000000
B 312.000000 128.000000 128.000000 312.000000 312.000000
A B 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
A B 0.128000 0.410256 0.000000 0.049813 436.0000 0.05 2.770 -8.013446
5.666362 0.000000
The values in this report are as follows. The first section refers to all respondents in the row being
SUM(W) The sum of weights for column A, shown as wk in the formulae.
SUM(WX) The sum of (weights times factors) for column A, shown as
in the formulae. Factors are 1.0 for all tests except the test on column means.
SUM(WX2) The (sum of (weights times factors squared)), shown as
in the formulae. Factors are 1.0 for all tests except the test on column means.
i 1 =
wki Xki
2 -
i 1 =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
158 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
The second section refers to respondents who have overlapping data in the row being tested:
The third section refers to the test itself:
If you want to see this type of information for all special T statistics in a run, place the option
tstatdebug on the a statement and omit debug from the individual tstat statements.
SUM(W2) The sum of squared weights. Shown as
in the formulae.
EFFBA The effective base. Shown as ek in the formulae.
SUM(W) The sum of weights for overlapping data in column A, shown as wo in the
SUM(WX1) The sum of (weights times factors) for overlapping data in column A. Factors are
1.0 for all tests except the test on column means.
SUM(WX12) The (sum of (weights times factors)) squared for overlapping data in column A.
Factors are 1.0 for all tests except the test on column means.
SUM(WX2) The sum of (weights times factors) for overlapping data in column B. Factors are
1.0 for all tests except the test on column means.
SUM(WX22) The (sum of (weights times factors)) squared for overlapping data in column B.
Factors are 1.0 for all tests except the test on column means.
SUM(WX1X2) SUM(WX1) times SUM(WX2).
SUM(W2) The sum of squared weights.
P1 For a proportions test, the proportion in column A. For a means test, the value is
labeled MEAN1 and shows the mean for column A.
P2 For a proportions test, the proportion in column B. For a means test, the value is
labeled MEAN2 and shows the mean for column B.
CORR The correlation co-efficient.
S.E The standard error.
D.O.F. The degrees of freedom.
RISK The risk level requested for this test (100clevel).
QCRIT The critical value of the Student t distribution times .
QVAL The value calculated by the statistic.
TVAL The T-value calculated as QVAL divided by .
PVAL The P-value.
i 1 =
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Printing probability values
Probability (P) values tell you how likely it is that a value returned by a statistic could have
happened by chance in a 2-tailed T-test. The general rule is that the smaller the probability the
greater the significance of the statistic. A probability value of less than 0.05 means that there is
than a 5% chance that the result is due to chance. This probability corresponds to the 5% risk and
95% confidence levels. If the statistic has a probability of less than 0.05 then the results are
significant at the 95% confidence level.
To see P-values include the option pvals on the tstat statement.
Quantum reports probabilities as a decimal value with three decimal places, where 1.000
corresponds to 100%. A probability of 0.862 indicates that the value of the statistic is 86.2%
to occur by chance in a 2-tailed T-test. The number of decimal places is not affected by either
or decp=.
The way Quantum reports P-values varies according to the type of test you are running; for
example, with a test on column proportions Quantum writes the P-values out to a separate file
whereas with a significant net difference test the P-values are printed on the table itself.
7.8 Overlapping data
Quick Reference
If the T-test is to be performed on overlapping data, type:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
To suppress the footnote that is automatically generated whenever the overlap formulae are used
place the keyword:
on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
The T-tests on column proportions and column means, the significant net difference test and the
Newman-Keuls test will work on mutually exclusive or overlapping data.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
160 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
When the data is overlapping, the formulae which calculate the statistics must be modified to take
this into account. To do this, place the keyword overlap on the tab statement of the table to be
tested, or on the a, flt or sectbeg statement above it:
tab region reasons;overlap
tstat prop;elms=AB,CD
To clarify the difference between mutually exclusive data and overlapping data consider a
that asks respondents which of two products they tried. If you create an element that is Tried one
product only it will be single coded so overlap is not needed. The element Tried both A and B
will always be multicoded so you must use overlap. Elements such as Tried A or B, or A and B
could be single coded if no one tried more than one product, or multicoded if some respondents
tried both products. You should always use overlap with elements of this type. You should also
overlap if you are testing combinations of overlapping and non-overlapping data.
If you do not use overlap when the data is overlapping you can obtain incorrect results.
overlap when the data is mutually exclusive does not affect the validity of the statistic as this part
of the calculation will simply produce a value of 0.0.
When you request tests on overlapping data, Quantum displays the message Overlap formulae
used as part of the standard footnote, just above the small base/very small base messages. You
suppress this message by placing the keyword nooverlapfoot in the a, sectbeg, flt or tab
To switch the message back on after switching it off use overlapfoot.
For a more on the theory of overlapping samples, see Kish, Survey Sampling.
7.9 The T-test on column proportions
Quick Reference
To request a T-test on column proportions, type:
tstat prop [;options] [; propcorr]
after the tab or l statement. Use propcorr to apply a continuity correction to the numerator of the
proportions T-value.
This test looks at each row of the table independently and compares pairs of columns to test
whether the proportion of respondents in one column is significantly different from the proportion
in the other. For each pair in which the difference between the columns is significant, the ID of the
smaller column is printed beside the figures in the larger column. For example, if you compare
columns A and B, and proportion A is found to be significantly smaller than proportion B, the
A will be printed beside the figures in column B.
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If two confidence levels have been defined, the ID will be shown in uppercase if the test was
significant at the higher level, or in lowercase if it was significant at the lower level.
The T-test is a two-tailed test. You can check which side of the curve the T statistic is on by
the test with one of the options tstatdebug or debug and looking in the tstat.dmp file. Negative
values are on the left of the curve and positive values are on the right.
You may run this test by itself or with a T-test on column means.
With a T-test on column proportions, either on its own or with a T-test on column means, a
continuity correction can reduce the difference between the two proportions compared. It is
to the numerator of the proportions T-value. If the difference between the two proportions is
positive, Quantum subtracts the correction value from the difference. If the difference is negative,
Quantum adds the correction value to the difference.
. When you use propcorr with a propmean test, the correction is applied to the proportions part
of the test only. It is ignored for the means test.
To request a T-test on column proportions:
1. Insert a tstat prop statement after the tab or l statement of the table or axis to be tested.
To run this test with a similar test for column means, use tstat propmean instead.
Any number and combination of column pairs may be specified as noted earlier in Which
elements to compare?.
2. To request the optional continuity correction, add the keyword propcorr to the tstat prop or
tstat propmean statement.
Example of a T-test on column proportions
This example tests the differences between the proportions of people trying various types of wine
in London and Manchester. In the comparison between columns B and D (women in London and
women in Manchester) a significant difference has been found for those trying brand A: the letter
beside the figure for women in column B indicates that the proportion of women in London is
significantly larger than the proportion of women in Manchester. A similarly significant
exists between columns C and D for brand A. The other comparisons in that row (columns A and
B, and A and C) do not produce significant differences at the 90% level.
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162 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
The program written for this test was:
tab wine ban01;op=2;nopc
tstat prop;elms=AB,CD,AC,BD;clevel=90
l ban01
col 132;Male;%id=A;Female;%id=B
col 132;Male;%id=C;Female;%id=D
l wine
col 111;Brand A;Brand B;Brand C;Brand D;Brand E;Brand F;
+Brand G
The table produced is:
Figure 7.1 T-test on column proportions
In this example, the test was carried out using a 90% confidence level. This means that significant
differences at this level are shown in the table. To see the actual level of significance, we need to
look at the P-values.
London Manchester
-------------------- -----------------------
Male Female Male Female
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Base 90 86 90 73
Brand A 8 9D 9D 2
Brand B 8 11 14A 11
Brand C 18B 9 11 10
Brand D 8 6 7 10
Brand E 21 23 24 22
Brand F 6 9 7 6
Brand G 21 19D 20D 12
None 10 14 10 27CB
Proportions: Columns Tested (10% risk) AB / CD / AC / BD
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P-values for a T-test on column proportions
Quantum generates a P-value for each pair of columns tested in each row. These show the actual
level of significance. So that all these values may be viewed in a legible form, Quantum writes
out to a separate log file, tstat.dmp. This file is laid out so that there is one display column per
of columns tested, and one row per row tested. Headings indicate which display column refers to
each pair, and the side text for each row (truncated if necessary) is printed at the side of each row.
For example:
Figure 7.2 P-values for a T-test on column proportions
The P-values in this example show that we can have confidence at the 96.2% level that there is a
difference between the proportions of respondents aged 55-64 in the A and B columns.
Lines in the T statistics log file may be a maximum of 160 characters long, and a minimum of
characters is required for each P-value. If your table has many columns and you have requested
T-tests for many pairs of columns, you may find that Quantum has insufficient space to write all
the information it needs in one line. Youll know when this happens because you will see error
messages of the form:
Page n, table m: pvals
Error: cannot print number cols in width 160
This does not affect the validity of the T statistics in the table; it merely points to a problem in
writing to the log file.
Effect bas 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
18-24 0.964 0.862 0.629 0.811 0.562 0.754
25-34 0.400 0.356 0.263 0.840 0.664 0.830
35-44 0.212 0.185 0.547 0.005 0.054 0.482
45-54 0.452 0.455 0.551 0.106 0.155 0.889
55-64 0.038 0.850 0.340 0.023 0.310 0.255
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164 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
7.10 The T-test on column means
Quick Reference
To request a T-test on column means, type:
tstat mean [;options]
after the tab or l statement.
This test is similar to the T-test on column proportions, except that instead of comparing
proportions it compares column means which have been created with n12 statements (this test
not work on tables of means). Where the mean in one column is significantly different from the
other mean in the pair, the ID of the smaller mean is printed next to the figures in the larger
If two confidence levels have been defined, the ID will be shown in uppercase if the test was
significant at the higher level, or in lowercase if it was significant at the lower level.
To request a T-test on column means:
1. Insert a tstat mean statement after the tab or l statement of the table or axis to be tested.
To run this test with a similar test for column proportions, use the option tstat propmean
2. Make sure that the row axis contains an n12 statement for the mean.
The Quantum programs required to run a T-test on column means, and the tables produced, are as
shown above for the test on column proportions, except that the row axis must contain an n12.
test will place letters next to those means which are significantly different from those with which
they were compared.
The P-values for a T-test on column proportions section above is also applicable to the T-test on
column means.
+ For an alternative method of testing means, see section 7.14, Testing means using the least
significant difference test.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 165
7.11 The Newman-Keuls test
Quick Reference
To request a Newman-Keuls test, type:
tstat nkl [;options]
after the tab statement or after the l statement.
This test compares the differences between the means of two or more samples. For each pair of
means in which the difference is significant at the chosen level, the ID of the smaller column(s) is
printed next to the figures in the larger column, as for the T-test on column proportions in section
7.9, The T-test on column proportions.
If two confidence levels have been defined, the ID will be shown in uppercase if the test was
significant at the higher level, or in lowercase if it was significant at the lower level.
To request a Newman-Keuls test:
Insert a tstat nkl statement after the tab statement of the table to be tested or after the
l statement of the axis to be tested.
The test is applied to all rows for which the tstat flag is set. If the row is an n12, then the
calculation uses the means formulae; if not, the propns formulae are used.
The P-values for a T-test on column proportions section above is also applicable to the
Keuls test.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
166 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
7.12 The significant net difference test
Quick Reference
To request a significant net difference test, type:
tstat ntd [;options]
after the tab or l statement, and:
stat ntd, element_ids
in the axis at the point at which the results should be printed.
This test deals with each row independently and compares the proportions in four columns at a
to test whether the difference between the values in the first pair of columns is significantly
different from the difference between the values in the second pair of columns. For example,
comparing columns A, B, C and D, the difference between A and B will be tested against the
difference between C and D to see whether the difference between the two is significant.
To request a significant net difference test:
1. Insert the statement tstat ntd under the tab or l statement which creates the table or axis to be
Columns to be tested must be defined in groups of exactly four. For example:
stat ntd;elms=ABCD,EFGH
If the number of sets of letters does not match the number of stat ntd statements in the axis, the
excess of either type is ignored and a warning message to this effect is issued. Therefore, if
there are three groups of columns defined with tstat but only two stat ntd elements in the axis,
only two statistics will be calculated.
2. For each group of columns to be tested, place a stat ntd statement in the column axis to
determine where the results for those columns should be printed.
+ The stat ntd statement has the same format as the statements discussed in chapter 4,
Descriptive statistics and chapter 5, Z, T and F tests.
3. Optionally, add decp= with a value greater than 0 to the row elements of the table being tested.
(decp= at any higher level has no effect on the way Quantum prints this statistic.)
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 167
The number of decimal places shown for the T statistic is controlled by decp=, for which the
default is zero. If the value of the T statistic is less than one you could find that the T statistic
is replaced by the spechar characters. Setting the number of decimal places to one or more
prevents this happening.
Example of a significant net difference test
This example tests whether the difference between working and non-working women who have
tried non-alcoholic wine in London is significantly different from the difference between the
groups of women in Manchester. The column labeled ABCD shows the value of the T statistic for
each row.
The Quantum program is:
tab wine women;op=2;nopc;c=c1322;decp=0
tstat ntd;elms=ABCD
l women
stat ntd,ABCD
l wine
col 111;Past 7 days;1-2 weeks;2-4 weeks;1-3 months;3-6 months;
+over 6 months
n01Never tried non-alcoholic wine;c=
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
168 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
The table it produces is:
Figure 7.3 Significant net difference test
This example shows that there are significant differences in the 1-3 months and Never tried rows.
However we cannot tell the degree of significance from these results. For that we need to look at
the P-values.
London Manchester
------------- --------------
Does Does
Not Not
TOTAL Works Work Works Work ABCD
(A) (B) (C) (D)
TOTAL 1800 572 440 382 384
Past 7 days 23 35 20 23 11
1-2 weeks 15 19 15 12 11
2-4 weeks 13 15 10 17 11
1-3 months 12 8 15 23 6 25
3-6 months 6 8 5 6 6
Over 6 months 6 4 5 6 11
Never tried non- 24 12 30 14 43 -11
alcoholic wine
NTD: Columns Tested (5% risk level) - A/B/C/D
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 169
P-values for the significant net difference test
In significant net difference tests, the P-values are printed in the ntd column in place of the value
returned by the T statistic. Here is the same table as shown above but with P-values instead of the
value of the T statistic shown in the ABCD column.
Figure 7.4 Significant net difference test with P-values
The P-value is the probability that the difference is significant. In this table, any value less than or
equal to 0.05 indicates a difference that is significant at the 95% confidence level or higher.
The P-values in this example show highly significant differences in the 1-3 months and Never
rows. The differences between columns A and B are significantly different from the differences
between columns C and D. No other rows have significant differences at the 95% confidence
London Manchester
------------ --------------
Does Does
Not Not
TOTAL Works Work Works Work ABCD
(A) (B) (C) (D)
TOTAL 1800 572 440 382 384
Past 7 days 23 35 20 23 11 0.432
1-2 weeks 15 19 15 12 11 0.208
2-4 weeks 13 15 10 17 11 0.894
1-3 months 12 8 15 23 6 0.000
3-6 months 6 8 5 6 6 0.241
Over 6 months 6 4 5 6 11 0.059
Never tried non- 24 12 30 14 43 0.008
alcoholic wine
NTD: Columns Tested (5% risk level) - A/B/C/D
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
170 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
7.13 The paired preference test
Quick Reference
To request a paired preference test, type:
tstat ppt [;options] [;ppnse]
after the tab or l statement, and:
stat ppt, element_text
in the axis at the point at which the letters should be printed. ppnse tells Quantum to print NS or E
depending on whether or not the value of the statistic is significantly different from .
This test deals with each column independently and compares pairs of rows to see whether the
figures in each pair differ significantly from one another. If the results of the test are significant at
the selected level, the letter S is placed in that column. Thus, if the proportion of women
Brand A is larger than those preferring Brand B, and the difference between the two proportions
significant, the letter S will be printed in the column for women.
If two confidence levels have been defined, significance at the higher level is shown by an
uppercase S and significance at the lower level is shown by a lowercase s.
This test is generally used in product tests where respondents test two or more products: the rows
are then the products tested.
. If a proportion is zero or one, meaning that no-one preferred, for example, brand A, the
correlation coefficient is set to 1.0, the test is carried out and the letter S is printed in the
appropriate column.
The presence of overlapping data is irrelevant with this test, and since overlap calculations
more processing time and a larger nums file, you are advised not to use overlap with this test.
To request a paired preference test:
1. Insert a tstat ppt statement underneath the tab or l statement which creates the table or axis to
be tested.
Row IDs must be entered in sets of exactly two, for example:
tab brands sex
tstat ppt;elms=AB,CD,AC,AD,BC,BD
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 171
2. Insert a stat ppt statement in the row axis to create a row in which the significance letters
should be printed:
stat ppt,Paired Preference Test
. You need to insert one stat ppt statement into the axis for each pair of rows you are comparing;
for example you would need to insert six stat ppt statements for the tstat ppt shown in step 1
3. Optionally, place the option ppnse on the tstat statement to have the letters NS and E printed in
the columns where the difference is not significant at the given level. NS indicates that the value
of the statistic is significantly different from ; E indicates that the value of the statistic does
not differ significantly from .
Example of a paired preference test
This example tests whether the number of respondents preferring brand A is significantly
from the number preferring brand B.
tab opref age;notauto
tstat ppt;elms=AB;ppnse
ttlRows tested A B with nse
l age
g Target Total
g market Respondents respondents
g age 13-29 age 13-39 age 13-55
p x x x
l opref
n03Overall preference
n01Prefer Brand A (A);c=c2091;id=A
n01Prefer Brand B (B);c=c2092;id=B
n01No preference;c=c2093
stat ppt,Paired Preference
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
172 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
The table produced is:
Figure 7.5 Example of a paired preference test
In this example, the paired preference row shows that in the target market there are no significant
differences at the 5% risk level between the number of respondents preferring Brand A and
Brand B. However, there are significant differences at the 5% risk level in the other categories.
Target Total
market Respondents Respondents
age 13-29 age 13-39 age 13-55
------------- ------------- ------------
Base 206 275 303
Overall preference
Prefer Brand A (A) 104 147 166
Prefer Brand B (B) 101 126 135
No Preference 1 2 2
Paired Preference E NS NS
Total 206 275 303
Rows tested A B with nse
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 173
P-values for paired preference tests
In paired preference tests with the P-value option, the P-value is printed instead of the letter
indicators S, NS, E or blank, except that the S is printed next to the value if appropriate. For
example, a paired preference test without P-values might produce the following output:
Figure 7.6 Paired preference test without P-values
Base Single Married Divorced Other
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Base 200 45* 49* 59* 47*
Effective base 100 100 100 100 100
Prefers A 27 27 29 22 30
Prefers B 26 27 18 31 26
No preference 4 7 4 3 0
Total 56 60 51 56 55
1st ppt E S E E
Prefers C 18 13 20 22 15
Prefers D 23 22 29 17 23
No preference 4 4 0 5 6
Total 45 40 49 44 45
2nd ppt S E E E
Paired Preference: Columns Tested (32% risk level) - A/B - C/D
*small base
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
174 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
When run with the pvals option on the tstat statement, the output would be:
Figure 7.7 Paired preference test with P-values
Although this test was carried out using the 32% risk level (68% confidence level), using the
P-values enables the actual level of significance to be displayed. For example, there is a
between the numbers preferring Brand A to Brand B at the 30.4% risk level among married
respondents. Note that the value of 1.000 displayed in the Single column for the first paired
preference statistic indicated that there are no differences between the numbers preferring the two
Base Single Married Divorced Other
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Base 200 45* 49* 59* 47*
Effective base 100 100 100 100 100
Prefers A 27 27 29 22 30
Prefers B 26 27 18 31 26
No preference 4 7 4 3 0
Total 56 60 51 56 55
1st ppt 1.000 0.304S 0.370 0.698
Prefers C 18 13 20 22 15
Prefers D 23 22 29 17 23
No preference 4 4 0 5 6
Total 45 40 49 44 45
2nd ppt 0.324S 0.420 0.533 0.352
Paired Preference: Columns Tested (32% risk level) - A/B - C/D
*small base
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 175
7.14 Testing means using the least significant difference test
Quick Reference
To request a least significant difference test, type:
tstat statistic_name [;options] ;lsd
where statistic_name is mean or propmean.
There is an alternative to testing means using the mean and propmean tests. This involves the use
of a least significant difference (LSD) in which the variance is computed across all the columns
defined with one elms= keyword at once rather than pairwise.
The calculation used depends on whether the sample is independent (non overlapping) or
overlapping. In both cases, the LSD is compared against the difference between each pair of
When the difference is greater than the LSD it is significant and the column is marked with a letter
in that same way as for other tests. The value of the LSD is printed directly under the mean to
it relates and, for each value, Quantum reports the group of elements (non-overlapping groups) or
pair of columns (overlapping groups) tested.
To request a least significant difference test:
Append the keyword lsd to the tstat statement for your test on column means or column means
and proportions.
7.15 Formulae
The formulae for the statistical tests described in this chapter are shown below.
When you ask for special T statistics, Quantum compares the T statistic that is calculated from
data with a formula that calculates the critical values of a T distribution. If the number calculated
from the data is greater than the number derived from the formula, this is significant and you
expect to see a T statistic letter on your table. (The number is treated as significant if greater,
regardless of whether it is positive or negative.) If you have asked Quantum to print the
intermediate figures used in the calculation of the statistics, you will see that the last two figures
shown per test are the significance value from the formula, and the T statistic which is derived
the data.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
176 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
General notation
Xki is the value of the ith case in column k.
wki is the weight for the ith case in column k.
nk is the number of cases in column k.
wk is the sum of the weights of the cases in column k; that is
rk is the value of the cell count in the row being tested in column k.
pk is the proportion of wk in the cell; that is
is the population proportion from which sample k is drawn.
is the mean of the population from which sample k is drawn.
is the variance of the population from which sample k is drawn.
is the mean of sample k.
is the variance of sample k.
ek is the effective base in column k. It is calculated as
no is the number of cases in overlap; that is the number of cases in both columns being
i 1 =
rk wk
i 1 =
\ .
| |2
i 1 =
------------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 177
T-test on column means
This test compares the values of the means in two columns of a table. For each of the two
(k=1, 2) we are testing the hypothesis that the population means are the same; that is 12=0.
The sample means are calculated as
The sample variance is calculated as
It is assumed that each sample is drawn from the same population, so .
We can therefore represent the population variance from which each sample is drawn as .
eo is the effective base of the cases in overlap. It is calculated as
wo is the sum of the weights of the overlapping cases.
Xoi is the value of the ith overlapping case.
woi is the weight of the ith overlapping case.
i 1 =
\ .
| |2
i 1 =
------------------------- =
i 1 =
i 1 =
------------------------ =
2 1
wk 1
-------------- = wki Xki
2 -
i 1 =
i 1 =
\ .
| |2
i 1 =
\ .
| |
2 o2
2 =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
178 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
As we do not know the value of we use S2, a pooled estimate of , where
In the case of no overlap and if , the variable
is distributed t with degrees of freedom.
In the case of overlap, the T statistic must be adjusted and so
In the case of unweighted data, this reduces to
and is distributed t with degrees of freedom.
o2 o2
S2 v1 v2 +
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
------------------------------------------------------- =
vk wk 1 ( ) Sk
2 - =
S2 n1 1 ( )S1
2 n2 1 ( )S2
2 +
n1 n2 2 +
-------------------------------------------------------- =
n1 n2 , 30 >
X1 X2
---- 1
---- +
------------------------ = e1 e2 1 +
X1 X2
---- 1
------------- +
-------------------------------------------- = e1 e2 eo 1 +
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 179
where ro is the correlation coefficient, defined as
This formula reduces to 1 for all cases except for overlapping grid tables.
For a more on the theory of overlapping samples, see Kish, Survey Sampling.
T-test on column proportions
This test compares the values of the proportions in two columns of a table. For each of the two
columns (k=1, 2) we are testing the hypothesis that the population proportions are the same; that
, where the sample proportions are and , defined as
It is assumed that the samples are drawn from a common population so we estimate the
proportion variance, , using the formula
i 1 =
i 1 =

i 1 =
i 1 =
\ .
| |2
----------------------- x2i
i 1 =
i 1 =
\ .
| |2
xki Xki wki - =
2 Xki
2 wki - =
t1 t2 0 = p1 p2
------ = p2
------ =
r1 r2 +
w1 w2 +
------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
180 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
The variable T is calculated as
and is distributed t with degrees of freedom.
cc is the continuity correction, defined as
In the case of overlap, the T statistic must be adjusted for the covariance term and becomes
and is distributed t with degrees of freedom.
where ro is the correlation coefficient, defined as
For more on the theory of overlapping samples, see Kish, Survey Sampling.
p1 p2 cc
1 p
( )
e1 e2 +
------------------------- 1
---- 1
---- + \ .
| |
----------------------------------------------------- = e1 e2 1 +
-- 1
---- 1
---- + \ .
| | =
p1 p2 cc
1 p
( )
e1 e2 +
------------------------- 1
---- 1
------------- + \ .
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- =
e1 e2 eo 1 +
po p1p2 wo
p1 p1
2 wo | |p2 p2
2 wo | |
-------------------------------------------------------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 181
The significant net difference test
For any row, and any set of four columns (k=1,2,3, and 4) let
The sum of weights (wk),
The sum of squared weights ,
The effective base (ek) and
The proportions
be as previously described.
Let represent the column proportion in the overlap between columns k and j, and ekj represent
the effective base in the overlap.
The estimated population variance S2 is calculated as
and is distributed t with degrees of freedom.
For a more on the theory of overlapping samples, see Kish, Survey Sampling.
The paired preference test
For any column and any pair of paired preference rows, let:
w0 be the weighted base for the column
0 be the sum of squared weights for that column
2 ( )
pk ( )
S2 pk 1 pk ( )
2 pkj pkj
2 ( )ekj 1 ( )
ek 1 ( )ej 1 ( )
k j =
p2 p1 ( ) p4 p3 ( )
------------------------------------------------- =
e1 e2 e3 e4 eo 4 + + +

eo =
be the effective base for that column
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
182 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
For rows 1 and 2 in this column,
Pj is the proportion in the jth row
cj is the absolute value (as created by op=1) in row j
Let the correlation co-efficient between the two rows be:
The least significant difference test
For independent (non-overlapping) samples:
For any set of columns defined with an elms= keyword, let:
p1p2 1 p1 ( )1 p2 ( )
------------------------------------------------------ =
c1 c2 +
---------------- \ .
| | 1
c1 c2 +
---------------- \ .
| |
---------------------------------------------------------- =
p1 p2
S2 2
---- 1 r ( ) \ .
| |
--------------------------------------- =
df be the degrees of freedom, calculated as:
df = N - ncols
where N is the number of observations in all means, and ncols is the number of columns
in the set.
t(df) be the critical value of t at df degrees of freedom at some confidence level defined by
the user.
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 183
Then, the Least Significant Difference is calculated as:
s be the square root of the mean square within the columns defined with elms=:
xsqi is the sum over all observations in column i of the squares of x.
xi is the sum of the values over all observations in column i.
ni is the number of observations in column i.
N is the sum over all observations in column i of ni (that is, the total number of
observations in the elms= set of columns).
h is the harmonic mean of the number of observations in each group, calculated
i 1 =

i 1 =

N ncols
\ .
| |
1 2
i 1 =

--------------- =
LSD t df ( ) s
-- \ .
| |1 2
- - =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
184 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
For overlapping samples:
The significance is tested using the normal tstat method. The LSD is then computed as follows:
For each pair of columns defined with an elms= keyword, let:
Then, the Least Significant Difference is calculated as:
The Newman-Keuls T statistic
Quantum performs the following steps:
Calculates the formula for each pair of columns.
Calculates the sum of these formulae for each column.
Sorts the columns in ascending order of the sum of the formulae.
Compares the significance of each pair of columns with the appropriate value in a lookup table.
The formula for two columns a and b, is:
df be the degrees of freedom, calculated by subtracting 1 from the number of
observations in the first column.
t(df) be the critical value of t at df degrees of freedom at some confidence level defined
by the user.
se be the standard error of mean difference calculated as in the standard tstat
computation (section 7.10, The T-test on column means).
LSD t df ( ) se - =
-- - 1
-- 1
-- 2 corr - ekl -
--------------------------------- +\ .
| | -
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 185
For the test of means:
k represents the number of columns tested.
represents the number of observations contributing to column c.
represents the sum of squared weights for the observations contributing to column c.
represents the sum of values in column c, and is calculated as:
represents the sum of squared values in column c, and is calculated as:
represents the effective base in column c, and is calculated as:
represents the harmonic mean and is calculated as
2 xc ( )2
c 1 =
ec 1 ( )
----- -
c 1 =
----------------------------------------- =
xc xic
i 1 =
2 x2
i 1 =
------- =
c 1 =
c 1 =
--------------- =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
186 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
df represents the degrees of freedom and is calculated as:
corr and ekl are the overlap corrections and are calculated as:
where f represents the number of observations in overlap contributing.
For the test of proportions:
k represents the number of columns tested.
represents the number of observations in the base of column c.
represents the number of observations in the squared weights row in column c.
df n2
c 1 =
k =
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
| |2
\ .
| |
\ .
| |2
\ .
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =
f 2
f -
------------ =
c 1 =
c 1 =
--------------- 1
c 1 =
c 1 =
c 1 =
--------------------------------------------------- =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
Special T statistics Chapter 7 / 187
represents the number in a row in column c (that is, the count).
represents the effective base in column c, and is calculated as:
represents the harmonic mean and is calculated as
df represents the degrees of freedom and is calculated as:
corr and ekl are the overlap corrections and are calculated as:
where f represents the number of observations in overlap in the base.
For a more on the theory of overlapping samples, see Kish, Survey Sampling.
------- =
c 1 =
c 1 =
--------------- =
df n2
c 1 =
1 =
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
------------------------------------------------------- =
f 2
f -
------------ =
Quantum Users Guide, Volume 3
188 / Special T statistics Chapter 7
7.16 References
Kish, L. Survey Sampling. New York: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-48900-X.
Creating a table of contents Chapter 8 / 189
8 Creating a table of contents
The table of contents is a list of the tables which have been produced in a run. At the end of this
chapter there is an example of a table of contents for the sample tables in chapter 11, A sample
Quantum job in the Quantum Users Guide Volume 2.
The table of contents program, tabcon, uses intermediate files generated during the Quantum run
which created the tables. Normally, Quantum deletes these files at the end of the run. If you want
a table of contents you must keep these files. To do this, either use the version of Quantum which
does not delete intermediate files, or use the k option as part of your standard Quantum
8.1 Using the default layout
The sample table of contents in Figure 8.1 at the end of this chapter shows the default layout and
content produced by the table of contents program. To obtain a table of contents, type:
tabcon -o tofc
This saves the formatted table of contents in a file called tofc.
There are a number of parameters you can use with tabcon to control how the table of contents is
formatted and printed. The following table provides a full list of these options.
Option Explanation
f file_name Format the table of contents according to specifications in the named format
k Keep all intermediate files. By default, tabcon deletes the intermediate
Quantum files it uses. If you have previously flipped the job for use with
Quanvert, and you then run tabcon, you will find that some of the files needed
by Quanvert have disappeared. Using k when you create the table of contents
prevents it from deleting these files.
o file_name Write the table of contents to the named file. The default is to display the
table of contents on your screen. On systems which allow it, you may use an
output redirection parameter instead of o. On Unix systems, for example,
you could type:
tabcon > tofc
p Send the formatted table of contents direct to the printer. The default is to
display it on your screen. This option is not available under DOS.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
190 / Creating a table of contents Chapter 8
8.2 The format file
The format file determines the layout for the table of contents and the type of information it will
contain. It consists of up to four statement types labeled a, tt, ord and sel respectively. If used,
statements must appear in this order. The format file may contain only one each of the a, ord and
sel statements, and up to 32 tt statements. It may not contain any blank lines. If you want to use
blank lines to improve readability, type a space or press TAB before pressing RETURN.
The a statement
Like an a statement in a Quantum program, the a statement in a format file determines the overall
appearance and requirements for the table of contents. This includes such things as page length,
page width, whether to print lines between entries, how to treat base titles, and so on.
The format of the a statement is:
where options is a list of keywords from the list below separated by semicolons.
u Underline using proper underline characters rather than hyphens (the
suitability of this type of underlining will depend on the capabilities of your
x Print a summary of how to use tabcon.
Option Explanation
Option Explanation
basettl Print table titles starting with Base under the base column rather than under
the title column.
date Print the date.
delim Draw a line between entries.
dsp Print a blank line between entries.
n10 Print the first n10 or n11 statement in the row axis under the base column.
page Print the page number of the current table of contents page.
paglen=n Set the page length to n lines.
pagwid=n Set the page width to n characters.
roman Print page numbers in roman numerals.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Creating a table of contents Chapter 8 / 191
The following options may be preceded by no to turn off the defaults which they define:
The default a statement built into tabcon is:
This produces a table of contents with the following characteristics:
132 characters per line and 66 lines per page.
Single spacing.
No date.
Page numbers printed in arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) on each contents page.
No lines between entries.
The first n10 element in the row axis is printed in the base column of the contents.
Base titles starting with the word Base are printed in the base column.
The tabcon defaults are over-ridden by those in the format file if one has been specified using the
-f parameter or if there is a format file named tc.def in the main Quantum directory, your home
directory or the project directory. A standard tc.def file is distributed with Quantum.
+ For further information, see section 8.3, Naming the format file.
The tt statement
tt statements define titles to be printed at the top of each page of the table of contents. The format
of these statements is:
where x is a letter defining the position of the text in the line. It may be either l for left
c for centered, or r for right justification.
basettl n10
date page
delim roman
dsp section
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
192 / Creating a table of contents Chapter 8
You may define 32 lines of titles. If you do not define any, the table of contents will be labeled
the main title from the Quantum run itself.
The ord statement
The ord statement defines the content and layout of each line in the table of contents. Its format
where options is a list of keywords from the list below separated by semicolons.
You define the line layout by typing keywords from this list in the order you want the items to
appear in the line.
For example, if you want the line to contain the page number in a field five spaces wide, the table
number in a field three characters wide, and the table title, and if you want each field to be
by three blank spaces, you would type:
If your ord statement includes both title and basettl, but only one is defined with a column width,
the other title will be printed in whatever space remains on the line. If both options are present
without column widths, tabcon takes the amount of space remaining after other columns have
allocated and divides it equally between the two sets of titles.
The default ord statement built into tabcon is:
This prints:
The page number in four spaces.
The table number in five spaces.
Option Explanation
blank=n Print n blank spaces between this and the next column. Use this keyword as
many times as you need.
base[=n] Print the table base in n spaces.
basettl[=n] Print base titles in n spaces. This keyword is overridden by non10 or nobasettl
on the a statement.
page[=n] Print the tables page number in n spaces.
table=[n] Print the table number in n spaces.
title=[n] Print, in n spaces, any titles selected by the sel statement.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Creating a table of contents Chapter 8 / 193
Titles whose types are defined on the default sel statement.
The base title.
The table base in six spaces.
Each column is separated by one space.
If you reduce the page width on the a statement but do not define a new ord statement, tabcon
automatically adjusts the program defaults so that they fit the new page width.
The sel statement
The sel statement determines what types of titles are printed. Its format is:
where options is a list of keywords from the list below separated by semicolons.
The default sel statement built into tabcon is:
It prints titles found under flt and tab statements, and titles defined in row axes.
Titles starting with the word base are normally printed in the base column. You may force tabcon
to treat these titles in the same way as other titles by placing nobasettl on the a statement.
Option Explanation
flt Print titles under flt statements.
high Print titles from higher dimension axes.
side Print titles from row axes.
tab Print titles under the tab statement.
top Print titles from column (breakdown/banner) axes.
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194 / Creating a table of contents Chapter 8
8.3 Naming the format file
tabcon has default settings built into it, and if these are satisfactory you need not use a format file
at all. If you want a different layout for some tables, or you want to include more or different
information about each table, you need to create a format file. If you call the file tc.def and create
it in one of a list of directories that tabcon searches automatically, there is no need to name the
on the tabcon command line. Where you create tc.def depends on which tables it applies to:
If you want all tables of contents to look the same (for example, if you have a house style), then
create the file in the main Quantum include subdirectory:
If you have a style which you always use for your jobs, create the file in your home directory.
If the layout or content is unique to one job, create the file in the project directory.
You can also create format files with other names and in other directories. This is particularly
useful if you do work for a number of clients who each have different requirements for their
tables of contents. If you create a separate file for each client and keep it in, say, your home
directory, you can call up the file for an individual client by naming it on the tabcon command
line by using f. For example:
tabcon -f $HOME/tc.ben -o tofc
Since it allows many format files to exist, tabcon always searches for them in a fixed order:
1. Internal defaults
2. Main Quantum include directory
3. Your home directory
4. Project directory
5. File named with f
tabcon reports the names of the format files it has used and the order in which it has used them as
it runs.
In the example below, tabcon has used the installation format file and the project format file only:
DOS %qthome%\include\tc.def
Unix $QTHOME/include/tc.def
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Creating a table of contents Chapter 8 / 195
Tabcon stage 1, version 9.1
Created Tue Oct 27 11:49:20 GMT 1992
Using formats from formatfile /qtime/v5d.1/include/tc.def
Using formats from formatfile tc.def
No errors found in formatfiles
Tabcon stage 2, version 9.1
Created Tue Oct 27 11:49:20 GMT 1992
Sometimes a file at a lower level overrides the same file at a higher level, at other times the
information in the lower level file is additional to that in the same file at the higher level.
The table below shows what to expect for each format statement:
a New keywords at lower levels are additional to those at higher levels. If the same keyword
is present with different values at different levels, the lowest level overrides the higher
tt Lowest level is additional to higher levels.
ord Lowest level overrides higher levels.
sel Lowest level overrides higher levels.
Page 196 26 May 1988
Page Table Title Base Total
---- ----- ----- ---- -----
1 1 Q2. Age All Respondents 605
Q1. Sex All Respondents
2 2 Q7. Have you visited the Museum before? All Respondents 605
Q8. If so, number of previous visits excluding
this one
3 3 Q12. Have you visited any other museum/art All Respondents 605
gallery before today
and/or do you intend to visit any others?
Q13. Museum/Art Galleries visited/intended to All who visited other museums before today
and/or intend to visit others
4 4 Q1. How long have you been in the Museum today? All Leaving Museum 301
Q2. Was your stay longer/shorter than intended? All Leaving Museum
6 5 Q3. What do you remember seeing? All Leaving Museum 301
8 6 Q7. How did you find your way around the Museum? All Leaving Museum 301
9 7 Q8. Could signposting be improved? All Leaving Museum 301
Q9. How do you think it might be improved? All Leaving Museum
All who think signposting could be improved
Figure 8.1 Sample Table of Contents
Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9 / 197
9 Laser printed tables with PostScript
If you have a laser printer which recognizes the PostScript language, you can produce Quantum
tables in this format by running a postprocessor, pstab, after the standard Quantum run. This
provides you with:
More flexible formatting capabilities for row text and column headings.
Access to a wide range of different fonts.
The ability to print pound signs.
The ability to print logos.
The Quantum commands required for these facilities are described below.
The fonts which are used for printing Quantum tables on a laser printer are usually proportionally
spaced. This means that each character is printed in the minimum amount of space required; so
letter i takes up less space on a line than the letter m. In axes where you define the column
headings with g statements, or where you lay out the row text in a particular way, the use of
proportional fonts means that the printed output will not look the same as the layouts in your
Quantum program. It is therefore necessary to insert some additional characters in these texts to
define how they should appear on the laser-printed output.
. The hitch and squeeze facility is currently not available for PostScript tables.
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198 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
9.1 Printing output with pstab
Quick Reference
To generate tables in PostScript format, run a standard Quantum tabulation job and then type:
pstab [x] [d] [s] [f font_file] [o output_file] [p printer] [t tabcon_file]
To print output on a PostScript printer, first run the job as usual to create a tables file. Then run
program pstab to format and print the tables on the laser printer:
pstab [x] [d] [s] [f font_file] [o output_file] [p printer] [t tabcon_file]
The following table provides details of the parameters.
+ For further information, see section 9.7, Fonts and logos.
. pstab uses many of the intermediate files produced by the normal Quantum run. To keep these
files for use with pstab, either use the version of Quantum which does not delete intermediate
files or include the option k on the standard Quantum command line. Also, do not clean the
directory in any way after the run has finished.
Parameter Explanation
x Print a summary of usage and exit.
d Stamp the word draft across the tables.
s Translate $ signs in the file to pounds signs in the printed output.
f font_file Take fonts and logo definitions from the named file.
o output_file Save the PostScript output in the named file. The file may then be printed on
a PostScript printer using the lpr command.
p printer Print the output on the named printer. This option uses the Unix lpr command
to queue the print job. So this option does not work if the lpr command is not
available on your system.
This option is not available when running Quantum under DOS.
t tabcon_file Take the format for the table of contents from the named file. pstab
automatically generates a table of contents file. This will be printed after the
last table.
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Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9 / 199
9.2 Column headings
Quick Reference
To determine the justification of column headings above columns, use the characters:
^ Center the following text.
~ End of text block.
} Right-justify the following text.
{ Left-justify the following text.
! Optional break point in text (replace with space).
| Optional break point in text (replace with nothing).
Column headings that are generated automatically without the use of g and p statements are laid
out so that the table extends across the full width of the page. Long texts are folded as necessary
create multi-line headings right-justified above the numbers in each column. You can use the !
and |
characters to force breakpoints in element texts used for column headings. However, the ! and |
characters only cause a breakpoint in PostScript output when the element text is too wide for the
column, whereas they always cause a breakpoint in the standard output.
Column texts defined on g statements may be left-justified, right-justified or centered within a
column. The position of a text in a column is determined by the use of the characters { }, ^ and ~
in the text where you would normally have a | or a blank space between columns:
The characters { } and ^ mark the start of a column and ~ marks the end. Any text between these
characters is justified according to the character which precedes them.
} Start right-justified column text.
{ Start left-justified text.
^ Start centered text.
~ End of text block, for example, a column heading. If this is omitted, the column is assumed
to end at the next { } or ^ character, whichever is the sooner. These special characters are
the defaults. You may define your own characters which will be used in place of any or all
of the defaults.
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200 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
For example:
l color
col 32;Base;Red;Green;Yellow
g} Base~ } Red~ } Green~ } Yellow~
p x x x x
requests that the column headings should be right-justified in the space between the } and ~
characters that is, the right-most character of the column heading should be printed
above the right-most digit in that column, as specified by the p statement. Without the ~, the text
would be right-justified between the } signs before and after the column text.
l color
col 32;Base;Red;Green;Yellow
g{ Base{ Red{ Green{ Yellow~
p x x x x
causes column headings to be left-justified above each column of numbers, whereas:
l color
col 32;Base;Red;Green;Yellow
g^ Color Preferred ~
g} Base^ Red^ Green^ Yellow~
p x x x x
indicates that the Base text should be right-justified while the remaining column texts should be
printed centrally above each column. The overall axis heading will be centered above the column
headings. Right-justified text above columns generally looks best, particularly for the lowest level
of headings (the colors in our examples), so youll probably use the } character in most of your
You will notice from these examples that the column heading is set out exactly as it has always
been; the only difference is the presence of the } and ~ characters at the start of each column
you would normally have typed a space. The position of the special characters is important since
they determine the space in which the column headings will be justified. In our examples weve
placed the special characters immediately to the left of the cell marker on the p statement so that
the text is justified between the end of the previous column and the end of the current column. If
you place the special characters in other positions, the text will still be justified between those
characters even if this means that it no longer lines up with the columns themselves.
If you type text on g statements but omit the layout control characters, the tables will contain
lines instead of column headings. Control characters do not affect your tables when they are
formatted for printing on a non-Postscript printer; that is when you run Quantum but not pstab.
column headings retain their correct layout with the special characters being replaced by spaces.
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In tables with a large number of column headings, it may occasionally happen that there is not
enough room on the page to fit the individual column texts in the space allocated to each column.
For instance, where you ask for a long word to be centered across a column, the column may not
be wide enough to print the text in the font you are using. If this happens, Quantum will squash
characters until the text fits in the space available.
User-definable PostScript characters
Quick Reference
To define your own special characters create a file called qtform containing one line of just six
characters (blank counts as a character). The first character is the replacement for the default ~
character, the second character is the replacement for the default ^ character, and so on.
Alternatively, you may define the six characters using the variable QTFORM.
The characters:
~ ^ { }
on g statements, and the characters:
| !
in element texts determine how the column headings will be laid out on the table. These
are defaults which you may change if you wish. There are several ways of doing this, but in all
you must always define all six special characters, in the order they are shown here, even if some
them are the same as the defaults.
Replacement of special characters may be defined globally for all jobs, or individually for
particular jobs by placing the new characters in a file in one of the following locations:
If you wish to define your own personal defaults, you may do so using the environment variable
Quantum searches first for the environment variable, then for qtform at the project level, and
for qtform at installation level, stopping at whichever one it finds. If none of these exist, Quantum
uses the default characters.
DOS Project-specific defaults in qtform in the project directory.
Unix Installation defaults in $QTHOME/include/qtform or project-specific defaults in qtform in
the project directory.
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202 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
To define your own special characters, create a qtform file containing one line of just six
char1 char2 char3 char4 char5 char6
where char1 is the replacement for the ~, char2 is the replacement for the ^, and so on. You may
include blanks (spaces) in the list of characters, but these mean that the special characters they
replace will have no special meaning at all to pstab.
The example below replaces the curly braces and the pipe symbol with a colon, a semicolon and
an at sign respectively. All other characters are unchanged:
The next example contains blanks for the { and } characters. If pstab reads these characters on a g
statement it will print them as part of the column heading rather than reading them as left and
justification symbols:
~^ |!
The final example illustrates how to prevent the characters | and ! from having special meanings
element texts. You might wish to do this if you need to print these characters as part of the
. This change affects all axes in the run, not just the axis in which these characters form part of
the element text.
If you wish to use the environment variable QTFORM rather than creating a file, just list the six
characters as the value of the variable in the usual way. If the list of characters contains blanks
must enclose it in double quotes.
If the file or character list contains more or less than six characters Quantum issues an error
message to this effect as the tables are formatted and uses the built-in defaults instead. If this is
only error, you may correct the value of $QTFORM and rerun the job with quantum o.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
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9.3 Underlining column headings
Quick Reference
To underline text, type the following characters on a g statement:
or _ to print a single thin line
= to print a single thick line
Lines drawn with hyphens or underscores in column headings may still be printed. Thin lines may
be drawn with or _ characters, and a single thick line with the = character.
9.4 Text alignment in row axes
Quick Reference
To determine the justification of words or sections in row texts, use the characters:
} right-justify the following text
{ left-justify the following text
^ center the following text
~ end of text block
and place the statement:
n03#& character
at the start of the axis, where character is one of the special characters shown above.
{, }, ^ and ~ may also be used with row texts which need to be laid out in a particular format. For
instance, where the row texts are scores you may wish to print the factors directly underneath one
another rather than just in the next free column, thus:
Excellent (+2)
Very Good (+1)
Average (0)
Poor (1)
Very Bad (2)
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
204 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
In order to have row texts aligned in columns you need to start the axis with an n03 statement of
the form:
n03#& X
where X is one of the special characters { } or ^. The number of spaces between the & and the
special formatting character depends on where you want the aligned column to start. For instance,
if you want text to be aligned on column 20 you would type 19 spaces and then the formatting
character in the 20th position.
Then in the individual elements you place a ~ immediately before the first character which is to
part of the aligned column (for example, the scores). Long texts before the ~ will be folded, but
texts after it will be squashed if they will not fit within the remaining space in the side text.
Here is an example which lines up the first character of each score in column 20. Notice the { for
left-justification on the n03#& statement and the ~ on the elements:
n03#& {
n01Excellent ~(+2);fac=2;c=c2371
n01Very Good ~(+1);fac=1;c=c2372
n01Average ~(0);fac=0;c=c2373
n01Poor ~(-1);fac=-1;c=c2374
n01Very Bad ~(-2);fac=-2;c=c2375
Since this is a simple axis it could have been written using a col statement:
n03#& {
col 237;Base;Excellent ~(+2);%fac=2-1;Very Good ~(+1);
+Average ~(0);Poor ~(-1);Very Bad ~(-2)
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Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9 / 205
9.5 Character sizes and fonts for titles
Quick Reference
To define the percentage by which titles should be enlarged or reduced in size, type:
at the start of the text on the tt statements. The standard size is 100 (i.e., 100%).
To define the font in which the a title should be printed, type:
at the start of the text on the tt statements. number is the number of the font you wish to use as it
defined in the font table.
Table titles defined on different parts of the table, for example, a ttl followed by a ttc, will be
on the same line. A new-line will be produced when a subsequent title is defined for the same
position as a previous one, for example, a ttr followed by a ttr. The texts are not checked as to
whether there is sufficient space to fit them in. Therefore, the user must check whether this is
and control the production of a new-line by means of blank tt statements.
All numbers and texts in a table are printed in a standard size using the fonts you request, as
explained below. Text defined on tt and n03 statements may be enlarged or reduced in size by
preceding the text with the notation:
where n is a number defining in percentage terms the amount of enlargement or reduction
The table title on the sample landscape table was generated by the statement:
The #s150 indicates that it should be printed 150% as large as the rest of the table text. A similar
n03 statement might read:
n03#s75Text at three-quarters the standard size
Quantum has a standard set of fonts that it uses for printing tables. The default is Helvetica. These
fonts are declared in a font table, and each font is represented by a number based on the position
that font in the table. The first font in the table is font 0.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
206 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
You might wish to print titles in a different font; for example, Helvetica Bold or
(italic). To do this, type:
in front of the text on the tt or n03 statement.
For example:
ttc#f2General Election Survey
tells Quantum to print the title in font 2. If you use Quantums standard fonts this is Helvetica
+ For more information on fonts and the font table, see section 9.7, Fonts and logos
9.6 Boxes in tables
Quick Reference
To suppress the automatic table border, type:
in the font file.
To print boxes around sections of a table, type:
boxs Start a box.
boxe End a box.
boxl Draw a line between each column or row within the box.
boxg Start boxes above column headings on g statements (used with boxs).
Tables printed on the PostScript printer are automatically enclosed in a border. If you want
tables, place the statement #nopagebox in the font file (specified with the f option on the
command line).
Additional statements have been added to Quantum to enable you to place boxes around selected
cells in a table. For example, it is possible to print a table in which rows 3 to 5 and columns 1 to 4
are enclosed in a box.
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The statements associated with boxes are:
boxs Start a box.
boxe End a box.
boxl Draw a line between each row or column within the box. In row axes this generates a
horizontal line; in column axes a vertical line is drawn.
boxg Start boxes above rather than below column headings defined with g statements. This
keyword requires boxs to be specified as well.
Boxes will only be drawn if these statements are present in both the row and column axes; if they
are present in only one axis in a table, no boxes will be drawn. Additionally, a box extends the
width of the column rather than enclosing just the numbers themselves. Any box statements in
illegal or irrelevant positions are silently ignored.
Here is an example:
tab rowax colax
l rowax
n01Brand A
n01Brand B
n01Brand C
l colax
This generates a table with 16 cells of which four are enclosed in a box, thus:
Base Red Blue Green
Base x x x x
Brand A x x x x
Brand B x x | x x |
Brand C x x | x x |
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
208 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
If you wanted to draw a horizontal line between Brand B and Brand C and a vertical line between
Blue and Green, thereby giving the appearance of a boxed table, you must insert boxl statements
the appropriate places as follows:
l rowax
n01Brand B
n01Brand C
l colax
This generates the following table:
Base Red Blue Green
Base x x x x
Brand A x x x x
Brand B x x | x | x |
Brand C x x | x | x |
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9.7 Fonts and logos
Quick Reference
To introduce a list of fonts for the tables, type:
in the font file. Follow this with the names of the fonts to be used, one per line. Terminate the list
To scale a font up or down from its default size, enter the font name followed by a space and the
scaling factor.
The PostScript laser printer offers a wide variety of typefaces and type styles. The font= option
the a statement determines which parts of the table are printed in which typeface for example,
you may decide to print absolutes in the standard typeface, percentages in italic and the run title
Quantum provides a standard set of fonts which will be used if you use font= but do not name the
fonts to use. These are:
font=0 : Helvetica
font=1 : Helvetica-Oblique
font=2 : Helvetica-Bold
font=3 : Helvetica-BoldOblique
font=4 : Times-Roman
font=5 : Times-Italic
font=6 : Times-Bold
font=7 : Times-BoldI talic
The first font in the list is the default font which will be used if no other fonts are defined, or if an
invalid font= option is given (font=8 when no font is defined for position 8), or if you misspell a
font name.
You may also choose to print your tables using an entirely different font to the default for
example in the AvantGarde or Souvenir font. A full list of the fonts available may be obtained
your printer supplier. To print in a different font, create a font file starting with a line containing
the word #fonttable and then list the names of the fonts you wish to use, one font name per line.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
210 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
The list must be terminated with a line containing the word #endfonttable. If you want to print
tables using the Avant-Garde font, for example, your font file might be:
Here, the first font corresponds to font=0 (the default font), the second font corresponds to
and so on. If the font= option is:
titles following the a and tab statements will be printed in font 2 (AvantGarde-Demi),
will be printed in font 3 (AvantGarde-DemiOblique), all other numbers will be printed in font 1
(AvantGarde-Book), and the page number, date and output type will be printed in font 4
(AvantGarde-BookOblique). All other parts of the table will be printed in font 0 (AvantGarde-
If you find that the character sizes used in PostScript tables are generally too small or too large,
may alter the default size by defining the font with a scaling factor in the font table section of the
font file.
Scaling factors are proportions written as decimal values, so to make characters twice as large
would enter the scaling factor as 2.0. To make the characters one and a half times their default
you need a factor of 1.5, whereas to make the characters 95% of their current size you need a
of 0.95.
To define a scaling factor, just type the font name followed by a space and the scaling factor in
font table. Here is an example that increases the standard character size for the Helvetica font by
35% and the character size for the Times-Roman font by 50%:
Helvetica 1.35
Times-Roman 1.5
If you run tables using this font table, Quantum uses Helvetica as font 0 and Times-Roman as
font 1. If you have any font statements that refer to other font numbers you will see error
when Quantum prints your PostScript tables.
Logos are defined using the PostScript language and are included in the font file after the font
definitions. They are printed at the same time as the tables. If you wish to include a logo on your
tables, contact your SPSS MR support representative.
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9.8 Positioning tables on the page
Quick Reference
To print small tables left-justified on the page, type:
in the font file.
Because the laser printer uses proportionally-spaced fonts and prints in a smaller type size than a
line printer, tables which would normally fill a page of line printer paper will only partially fill
page when the table is laser printed. When the column headings are defined on g statements and
the table is narrower than the page width, Quantum will print it centrally in the width of the page.
If you want the table to be left-justified on the page, enter the command:
in the font file containing the font definitions.
You may also scale the table as a whole up to a larger type size by defining smaller values for
pagwid= and paglen= on the a statement. For example, when printed using the default type size,
the sample table occupies half a page. We have scaled it to fill the whole page by defining the
to be just a little larger than the table itself that is, pagwid=115; paglen=50.
If you are printing more than one table, you will need to take the width of the widest table and the
length of the longest one as guidelines for the overall length and width required. Since it is not
possible to gauge exactly how many lines the table will occupy when it is laser printed, it is best
increase your line counts by a small amount as in the example above.
9.9 Tables without a table of contents
pstab automatically creates a table of contents which it prints, starting on a new page, at the end
the tables.
Under Unix you can suppress the table of contents if you do not want it, by running qout and q2ps
rather than pstab:
qout -p | q2ps -f format_file -o tables_file
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
212 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
9.10 Font encoding in PostScript tables
Font encoding is a method of defining and printing characters that are not part of the standard
character set. You can think of it as a translation service whereby the printer reads a character
the tables or table of contents, looks it up in a translation table and prints the corresponding
translation character.
Quantum comes with one encoding scheme already set up, which allows you to print characters
from the Microsoft Multilingual (Latin 1) character set (in DOS this is known as code page 850),
but you can define other translations if you wish.
Each font encoding scheme is held in a separate file in the QTHOME include directory. The files
called name.fen, where name is any name you choose (it is sensible to choose a name that reflects
the name of the character set or code page). The name of the Microsoft Multilingual encoding file
is cp850.fen.
Requesting font encoding
To request font encoding, include the option:
e encoding_scheme
in your pstab command. Where encoding_scheme is the name of the encoding file without
the .fen
extension, so to request encoding using the Microsoft code page 850 scheme you would use the
option -e cp850.
Defining your own encoding sets
If you are using a different character set you may create your own encoding files. For example, if
you are working on a PC that uses the Slavic character set (code page 852) you may wish to create
an encoding file for that character set so that your printed tables match those you display on your
Creating encoding files requires some knowledge of PostScript, but the general procedure is as
First, make a list of the characters in your character set that print differently to the way they
on your screen (mostly, these characters will appear as blanks in the printed output). These are the
characters for which translations are required. Normally these will be the characters 127 to 255
which form the extended ASCII character set: characters 0 to 31 are not used for keyboard
characters, and characters 32 to 126 (the standard ASCII character set) are common to all code
Create a new encoding file with an appropriate name and a .fen extension. You could use
as a template.
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9 / 213
For each character requiring translation, write an Encoding statement that defines the characters
decimal value and the name of the PostScript character or symbol you want to print in its place.
Youll find a list of character and symbol names for all standard PostScript fonts in the back of
Adobe PostScript Reference Manual.
An alternative to creating an encoding file is to place all the encoding information in the Quantum
jobs PostScript format file as user-defined code, as described in the next section.
9.11 Personalized code in the PostScript format file
You may now include any PostScript code you like in the format file for pstab and pstabcon.
before the first line of your code and:
after the last line. You could use this feature for declaring your own encodefont routine for font
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
214 / Laser printed tables with PostScript Chapter 9
Page 1
Absolutes/col percents
1 Sep 1999
How did you find your way round the Museum?
Base: All Leaving Museum
Completed Visited
Full Time Museum
Sex Age Education Before
TOTAL Male Female 11-20 21-34 35-54 55+ Yes No Yes No
301 171 130 57 152 71 21 237 64 156 145 Base
127 71 56 19 66 31 11 104 23 59 68
120 76 44 28 58 25 9 93 27 52 68
22 6 16 2 14 4 2 20 2 9 13
11 3 8 2 3 5 1 8 3 10 1
4 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2
Brief description of route taken
16 10 6 3 7 5 1 12 4 11 5
With difficulty
35 23 12 7 20 8 - 26 9 21 14
- 11.0%
Gallery plan
30 14 16 7 13 8 2 23 7 28 2
With some who knew/already knew
3 2 1 - 3 - - 3 - 1 2
- 2.0%
- - 1.3%
- 0.6%
Options in the tabulation section Appendix A / 215
A Options in the tabulation section
Keywords preceded by an asterisk may be used with the prefix no to switch off a global
requirement for a specific table or element only. If the keyword is followed by an equals sign it is
omitted when no is used (for example, inc= becomes noinc).
Option a/flt/tab/sectbeg l n/col/val/bit/fld
* acr100 Yes
anlev= Yes Yes
* axcount a only
axreq= a only Yes
* axtt Yes
baft Yes
base Yes
byrows Yes
c= Yes Yes n only
celllev= tab only
clear= Yes
clevel= Yes
coltxt= n03 only
colwid= Yes Yes Yes
csort= Yes
* date Yes
dec= Yes Yes
decp= Yes
* dp a only Yes
* dsp Yes Yes Yes
dummy n01 and n15 only
effbase Yes
endnet Yes
endsort Yes
ex= Yes
* exportmp Yes
* fac= Yes
* figbracket Yes Yes
* figchar= Yes Yes
* figpre= Yes Yes
* figpost= Yes Yes
flt= not a
* flush Yes
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
216 / Options in the tabulation section Appendix A
font Yes
* graph Yes
group= Yes
hd= Yes not n
hdlev= n23 only
hdpos= n23 only
hold= Yes
hitch= Yes
hug= Yes
id= tab only Yes
* ignorezeros n07 only
* inc= Yes Yes Yes
inctext= Yes Yes Yes
indent= Yes Yes Yes
keep= tab only bases only
lang= a and tab only
levbase Yes
linesaft Yes
linesbef Yes
manipz Yes
maxim Yes Yes
means Yes Yes
median Yes Yes
medint= Yes
minbase= Yes
minim Yes Yes
missing= Yes Yes Yes
* missingincs a only
missingval Yes
* netsm Yes Yes
* netsort= a only Yes
nocol Yes
noexport Yes
nohigh Yes
nooverlapfoot Yes
noprint Yes
noround Yes
norow Yes
nosort Yes
Option a/flt/tab/sectbeg l n/col/val/bit/fld
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Options in the tabulation section Appendix A / 217
notauto Yes
notstat Yes Yes
notbl Yes
* nsw a only
ntot / nontot Yes
numcode= Yes
* nz Yes Yes Yes
* nzcol Yes
* nzrow Yes
op= Yes Yes
overlap Yes
* page Yes
paglen= Yes
pagwid= Yes
* pc Yes
pcpos= Yes Yes
* pcsort Yes
* pczerona Yes
percentile= Yes Yes
* physpag a only
* printz Yes
rej= Yes
* rinc Yes
* round Yes
* rsort Yes
* scale= Yes Yes
side= Yes
smallbase= Yes
smbase= Yes
* smcol Yes
smflag= Yes
* smrow Yes
smsup+ Yes
smsupa= Yes Yes
smsupp= Yes Yes
smsupt= Yes Yes
* smtot= Yes
* sort Yes Yes Yes
sortcol Yes
Option a/flt/tab/sectbeg l n/col/val/bit/fld
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
218 / Options in the tabulation section Appendix A
spechar= Yes
squeeze= Yes
stat= Yes Yes
subsort Yes
* summary Yes Yes
supp Yes
* tabcent Yes
* title Yes
* topc Yes
toptext= Yes
* tstat Yes Yes Yes
tstat tts tts
* tstatdebug a only
ttbeg= Yes
ttend= Yes
ttord= Yes
tx= not n
* type Yes
unl tts tts Yes
uplev= Yes
* useeffbase a only
wm= Yes Yes
* wmerrors a only
Option a/flt/tab/sectbeg l n/col/val/bit/fld
Index / 219
This index covers all four volumes of the Quantum Users Guide. The page references consist of the
number followed by the page number; for example 2-6 is page 6 of Volume 2, 3-166 is page 166 of
Volume 3,
and so on.
a, global tabulation parameters 2-8
in tabcon format file 3-190
options on 2-9
decimal places with 2-113
position of percentages relative to 2-18, 2-117
print character before/after 2-41, 2-114
print characters next to 2-81
requesting in tables 2-16
side by side with percentages 2-17
suppress small 2-21, 2-117
ac, accept codes in online edit 1-165
Access rights on files in Quanvert Text 4-81
Accum error messages 297, 4-163
Accum program 1-229
acr100, 100% on base row 2-10, 2-32
Action codes with require 1-145, 1-146
ad, create cards in online edit 1-166
add, add tables 2-182
dummy elements with 2-186
example of 2-184
options with 2-186
Quanvert 4-71
sample program for 2-183
with offsets 2-183
Adding table 2-182
Addition 1-26
Aided and unaided awareness, example of 2-230
Alias file for qvpack/qvtrans 4-128
Aliases for Quantum statements 4-6
allread, cards read for current respondent 1-50
with write 1-66
alp files 4-94
Alpha variables, for Quanvert 4-73, 4-74
Alphanumeric card types 1-58
alter, texts in Quanvert Text 4-83
Analysis levels see Levels
Analysis of variance
Friedmans two-way 3-85
one-way 3-110
example 3-110
formula 3-119
.and., logical comparison (both) 1-39
and, axes for additional tables 2-178
with flt 2-218
and, logical operator for assignment 1-100
anlev=, analysis level
level at which to update 2-10, 2-40, 3-53
weighting with 3-12
with grids 2-245
anova, one-way analysis of variance 3-110
Arguments for subroutines 1-188
Arithmetic equality, element conditions 2-89
Arithmetic expressions 1-26
blanks in 1-25, 1-39
combining 1-26
comparing 1-30
data-mapped variables 1-204, 1-207
increment cell counts using 2-27
missing values in 1-173
mixing integers and reals 1-27
multicodes in 1-25
numb 1-28
order of evaluation 1-26
random 1-29
saving value of 1-97
Arithmetic values, storing 1-95
checking boundaries for assignments 1-112
referring to cells in 1-18, 1-197
triangular of statistics 3-71
types of 1-17
ASCII character set, octal punch code file 4-171
ASCII characters, punch code equivalents 4-175
Assignment 1-89
and 1-100
checking array boundaries for 1-112
copying codes 1-90
data-mapped variables 1-204, 1-207
missing values 1-173
or 1-100
replacing codes 1-92
storing arithmetic values 1-95
xor 1-101
Association, test for 3-76
Asterisks in tables 1-16
Audio files 4-74
availang, available languages file 4-84
Averages 2-137
creating with manipulation 3-33
exclude elements from 2-116
ax files 4-94
axcount, count records by axis name 2-25, 2-32
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
220 / Index
analysis level 2-40, 3-53
bases in 2-56, 2-113
blank lines in 2-58
column and code map for 1-226
column width 2-41, 2-113
column, nested subheadings in 2-63
creation of, in Quanvert (Windows) 4-96
creation of, in Quanvert Text 4-83, 4-96
declare weighting in 3-14
defining for Quanvert 4-68, 4-69
double spacing in 2-41
elements per create in Quanvert Text 4-83
flag as single coded 2-44
generated from qdi file 1-221
grids 2-238
introduction to 2-39
long element texts in 2-66
maximum characters per axis 4-9
maximum per run 4-9
mutually exclusive elements 3-72
naming 2-39, 4-15
naming of files 4-15, 4-95
no double spacing in 2-45
no sorting 2-45
on tab statements 2-171
reflip incorrect 4-98
require single coding 2-40
reset flags between trailer cards 2-41
restrict access to, in Quanvert Text 4-84
sorting 2-44
special characters for laser printing 3-199
subaxes within 2-76
subheadings 2-41
axes.inf files 4-94
axes=, maximum number of axes per run 4-9
Axis names, table titles from 2-10
Axis subgroups 2-76
Axis-level statistics, list of 3-68
axreq=, axis coding requirements 2-25, 2-40
axtt, table titles using axis names 2-10, 2-32
b, breakdown element for manipulation 3-41
baft, print base titles last 2-10
Banners see Breakdowns
creating 2-56, 2-113
effective 2-119, 2-153, 3-147
enclose in parentheses 2-81
flag cells with small for stats 2-20
force export to SAS or SPSS 2-114
minimum effective for T statistics 2-29, 3-150
percentage against redefined 2-16
print base title last 2-10
Base (continued)
redefining 2-103
required for statistics 3-71
small for special T statistics 2-20, 3-150
sort on element other than 3-126
suppress elements with small 2-21
suppress percentages with small 2-196
suppress statistics with small 2-196
suppress tables with small 2-21
use to define segments in an axis 3-69
base, base element 2-113
binasc.dat, octal punch codes for ASCII character set
bineas.dat, octal punch codes for extended ASCII
character set 4-171
bintab, convert extended ASCII character set 4-174
bintab.qt, characters in extended ASCII character set
bit arguments per fld statement 2-267, 4-133
bit files 4-94
bit, elements with numeric codes 2-97
inc= with 2-99
when better than fld 2-99
Blank lines
after column headings 2-14, 2-162
before column headings 2-14, 2-162
in tables 2-58
allowing in arithmetic tests 1-39
with col 2-84
bot, titles at bottom of page 2-210
Quanvert 4-71
with flt 2-218
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
boxe, end of box 3-207
Boxes in tables 3-206
boxg, box above G texts 3-207
boxl, draw line inside box 3-207
boxs, start of box 3-207
Brackets, print multicodes in 1-80
Break points, define in element texts 2-163, 3-199
Breakdowns, example of 2-167
btx files 4-94
byrows, export grids row-by-row in Quanvert 2-40,
#c, start C code 1-183, 3-123
C array
columns 1-18
defining size of 1-198
increasing 1-196
C code in Quantum spec 3-123
C compiler error messages 296, 4-162
C library functions, calling 1-192
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 221
C subroutine code file 4-11
compiled 4-22
c=+, net cases counted so far 2-48
example of 2-134
with the effective base 2-153, 3-147
c=, conditions 2-26, 2-40, 2-46, 2-119
data-mapped variables 1-213
with weights 3-13
c=-, count cases not counted so far 2-48
with the effective base 2-153, 3-147
ca, cancel online edit 1-167
Calculation of effective base 3-147
call, run a subroutine 1-177
passing variables with 1-190
cancel, cancel the run 1-128
cann, symbolic parameters for columns 2-228
Card type
alphanumeric 1-58
highest 1-57, 1-198, 3-47
ignoring when reading data 1-49
location of 1-55, 3-47, 4-2
repeated 1-56
required 1-56
card_count, number of cards read so far 1-52
first in record read 1-51
last in file read 1-52
last in record read 1-51
maximum per record with levels 4-2
more than 100 columns in multicard records
number read so far 1-52
read in during current read 1-50
read in for current record 1-50
cards=, defining levels 3-46, 4-2
Cell counts
cancel incremental values for 2-45
file 4-22
incremental values for 2-42, 2-120
celllev=, update table at higher level than axes 2-174,
comparison with uplev 3-58
example of 3-58
statistics with 3-61
with grids 2-246
Center tables on page 2-22
Change record length using len= 1-78
Changes, before and after, test for 3-83
Character set 1-7, 4-169, 4-171
Characters allowed in variable names 1-195
Characters in extended ASCII character set 4-171
Characters per axis, set maximum 4-9
check_, possible syntax errors are fatal 1-10
chi1, one dimensional chi-squared test 3-74
chi2, two dimensional chi-squared test 3-76
chis, single class chi-squared test 3-78
Chi-squared test
one dimensional 3-73
example of 3-74
formula 3-89
single classification 3-78
example of 3-80
formula 3-90
two dimensional 3-76
example of 3-77
formula 3-89
Clean data file 1-228, 4-16
clean.q, clean data file 1-228, 4-16
clear, reset variables to initial state 1-111
advantages over assignment 1-111
clear=, reset axis cells 2-41, 3-64
confidence level for special T stats 2-26, 3-156
test for significance with chi-squared test 3-78
/ with 1-15
adding into columns 1-102
checking exclusive 1-150
checking number in column 1-154
checking type of 1-146
checking with require 1-144, 1-148
comparing 1-31
copying 1-90
counting, in columns 1-28
deleting 1-103
entering 1-14
list of 1-13
replacing 1-92
set random into columns 1-107
symbolic parameters for 2-232
Coding, defining axis requirements 2-25
Coding, summarizing for axes 2-25
col, basic count elements 2-83
blanks with 2-84
conditions 2-86
semicolons in text 2-85
text-only elements 2-88
col, column element 2-115, 2-140
colmap, column/code map for axes 1-226, 4-16
colrep, check column and code usage 4-27
coltxt, print text in main body of table 2-61
Column and code map for axes 1-226, 4-16
Column and code usage, check 4-27
Column headings 2-159
blank lines after 2-14, 2-162
blank lines before 2-14, 2-162
defining for Quanvert 4-71
in laser printed tables 3-199
line titles up with start of 2-204
splitting long texts 2-163
suppress with squeeze=2 2-193
text differs from row text 2-118
underlining 3-203
using colwid= 2-164
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
222 / Index
Column headings (continued)
using pagwid and side= only 2-160
with g and p statements 2-164
with sid 2-181
Column offsets with added tables 2-183
Column percentages 2-16
example of 2-57
force to round to 100% 2-19
suppress small 2-21
1 to 100 1-52
checking contents of 1-34
checking with require 1-144
delete codes from 1-103
fields of 1-18
insert codes in 1-102
listing contents of 1-139
real numbers in 1-23
referring to 1-18
resetting to blank 1-52
set random code into 1-107
spare, using 1-52
symbolic parameters for 2-228
Columns in tables
Newman-Keuls test 3-165
position of subheadings above 2-65
ranks 2-16
sorting 2-10, 3-127
suppress small 2-20
t-test on means 3-164
t-test on proportions 3-160
vertical lines between 2-167
width 2-10, 2-41, 2-113, 2-164
colwid=, column width 2-10, 2-41, 2-113, 2-164
Combine several variables on one statement 1-214
Combining tables 2-179, 2-188
Combining testing sentences 1-157
Comma-delimited ASCII, Quantum/Quanvert Text
tables into 4-32, 4-35
Command availability for Quanvert Text 4-83
comment, comment statement 1-9
Comments with require 1-147
Comparing data variables 1-31
Compilation listing file 1-226, 4-13
Compilation, files created by 1-226
Compiled C subroutine code file 4-22
Compiler error messages 271, 4-137
Compiling your program file 1-226
Components of a program 1-3
Compressed data files, reading 1-225
c=+ and c=- 2-48, 2-153, 3-147
count cases not counted so far 2-48
net cases counted so far 2-48
on elements 2-46, 2-52, 2-119
Quanvert axes 4-69
ranges 2-92
simplifying complex 2-52
Conditions (continued)
types of 2-48
with c= 2-26, 2-46
with col statements 2-86
Confidence level for special T stats 3-156
comparing 1-31
individual 1-13
strings 1-15
elements in sorted tables 3-137
long element texts 2-66
long statements 1-9
continue, read next statement 1-119
Continuity correction for t-test 3-161
Copying weights into the data 3-24
Correcting data
forced edits 1-159
methods of 1-159
online 1-160
split 1-161
write 1-161
Corrections file 1-170, 4-4
corrfile, corrections file 4-4
count, create a holecount 1-135
crd=, card type location 1-55, 3-47, 4-2
Create new data files
split 1-167
write 1-69
Creating a table of contents 3-189
Creating new cards 1-70
Cross-referencing in panel studies 4-73
csort, sort columns 2-10, 3-127
Cumulative output summary file 4-22
Cumulative percentages 2-16
example of 2-34
Currency symbols, print next to absolutes 2-81
Customized text file, define 4-8
C-variables 1-18
d, delete codes in online edit 1-163
automatic filtering of in Quanvert Text 4-84
C array 1-18
checking and verifying 1-4
compressed, reading 1-225
convert to Quanvert database 4-93
convert to SAS format 4-56, 4-65
convert to SPSS format 4-38, 4-44
converting multicoded to single coded 1-181
correcting 1-159
counting responses with numeric codes 1-108
define structure in levels file 3-47
merging cards from different files 1-59
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 223
Data (continued)
merging fields from an external file 1-61
merging files 4-4
non-standard format 1-63, 1-225, 2-250
output file for require 4-18
overlapping, with special T stats 2-30, 3-159
Quantum format 4-167
reading into C array 1-48
types of 1-47
write out fixed length records 1-69, 1-73
write out in user-defined format 1-84
Data files
#include with 2-227
define T variables in 1-113
non-standard 1-63, 1-225, 2-250
access Unix with PC-NFS 4-130
add variables to 4-99
convert unpacked files 4-130
copy packed 4-125
create 4-93
do not compress 4-124
files 4-94
icon 4-90
join split for unpacking 4-127
levels 4-72, 4-73
link similar 4-101
make secure 4-116
maximum size of packed file 4-124
new format 4-67
old format 4-67
pack and split 4-124, 4-129
Quanvert (Windows) 4-86
security level 4-117
split large packed 4-127
store variables in subdirectories 4-80
transfer format 4-125
transfer programs for 4-125
unknown file formats 4-128
unpack 4-126
weighted 4-71
see also Quanvert, Quanvert Text, Quanvert
(Windows), Multiproject databases
Data-mapped variables 1-201
assigning values to 1-207
defining 1-203
testing values of 1-211
using in analysis specifications 1-213
Data-mapping files 1-201, 1-203
Datapass error messages 297, 4-163
Datapass error summary file 4-18
Datapass program 1-227
date, print date on table 2-10, 2-32
db.ico file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-90
db.nts file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-90
db.ptf, translation file 2-176, 4-23, 4-77
dbhelp.msg file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-90
debug, intermediate figures for special T stats 3-157
dec=, decimal places for absolutes 2-10, 2-113
with means 2-139
with stat= 3-68
Decimal places 1-16
absolutes 2-10, 2-113
in significance levels 3-68, 3-71
in statistics 3-68, 3-71
means 2-139
percentages 2-11, 2-113
decp=, decimal places for percentages 2-11, 2-113
with stat= 3-68
#def, global values for symbolic parameters 2-237
with grids 2-243
*def see #def
Default options file 2-32, 4-3
definelist, name a list 1-44
limits 4-9
delete, delete codes from columns 1-103
descrips.inf 4-24, 4-94
Descriptive statistics, exclude elements from 2-116
di, display columns in online edit 1-162
Difference between .eq. and = 1-37
Differences between celllev and uplev 3-58
Digits in variable names 1-195
Dirty data file 1-228, 4-16
dirty.q, dirty data file 1-228, 4-16
Disk space
check machine has enough for job 4-177
reduce amount needed for Quanvert 4-75
temporary required during run 4-178
Display wide files in Quanvert Text 4-85
Distribution, comparing 3-76, 3-81
div, divide one table by another 2-186
Division 1-26
DNA, missing values in Quanvert 4-74
do, start a loop 1-119
nested loops 1-123
with individual values 1-120
with ranges of values 1-121
Dollar signs with strings 1-15
Dont know, data-mapped variables 1-205
Double precision calculations 2-27, 2-32
Double quotes, in holecount/list headings 1-135,
dp, double precision calculations 2-27, 2-32
dsp, double spacing 2-11, 2-32, 2-41, 2-113
Dummy axis, name in Quanvert Text 4-84
Dummy elements 2-113
with add 2-186
dummy, create a dummy element 2-113, 2-186
e, insert codes in online edit 1-163, 3-124
#ed, start edit in tab section 3-124
ed, re-edit current record online 1-166
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
224 / Index
ed, start of edit section 1-8
with levels 3-50
edheap=, limit for edit statement 4-9
Edit, processing missing values 1-172
axis coding requirements 2-25
in tabulation section 3-124
interactive correction of errors 1-160
with levels 3-50
effbase, effective base 2-119, 2-153, 3-147, 3-149
Effective base 2-119, 2-153, 3-147, 3-149
Element texts
define breakpoints in 2-163
printing | and ! in 3-202
all zero, ignoring 2-116
assign to subgroups 2-79, 2-114
base 2-56, 2-57
non-printing 2-57
basic counts 2-50
non-printing 2-56
required for statistics 3-71
blank lines 2-58
cases already counted 2-48
cases not yet counted 2-48
conditions on 2-46, 2-52
count creating 2-49
distribution of records between 2-129
excluding from totals 2-116
extra text 2-58
ignore in column axes 2-115
ignore in higher dimensions 2-115
ignore in row axes 2-116
indent text when split 2-115
intermediate figures for special T stats 3-157
maximum values of inc= 2-124
minimum values of inc= 2-124
number per create in Quanvert Text 4-83
percentage differences 2-124
print all-zero 2-45
rejecting one from another 2-125
reprint at top of continued tables 2-109
responses with numeric codes 2-94, 2-97
selecting for special T stats 3-145
set maximum per run 4-9
simplifying complex conditions 2-52
splitting long texts 2-51
subheadings 2-62
sum of suppressed 2-118
suppress all-zero 2-15, 2-44
suppressed, accumulating in tables of nets 2-72
text continuation 2-66
types of 2-45
underlining text on 2-119
unsorted, in sorted table 2-116
weight factors for 3-15
weighted target for 3-14
elms=, elements for special t-tests 3-155
elms=, maximum number of elements per axis 4-9
else, conditional actions 1-117
emit, insert codes in columns 1-102
#end, finish edit in tab section 3-124
#endc, end C code 1-183, 3-123
End of data file, checking for 1-52
end, end of edit section 1-8
endlevel, edit at end of level 3-51
endnet, end a net 2-67, 2-113
#endpostscript, end PostScript code 3-213
endsort, end secondary level sorting 2-113, 3-134
terminating more than one level 3-135
Environment variables
QTFORM 3-201
QTHOME 1-223
.eq., logical equality 1-30
Error messages
accum stage 297, 4-163
C compilation stage 296, 4-162
compilation stage 271, 4-137
datapass stage 297, 4-163
include files 2-226
percentiles 2-151
printing on the screen 1-11
Error variance of the mean 2-136
formula 2-157
in weighted jobs 2-143
suppress if has small base 2-20
suppress if small base 2-196
Errors, correcting 1-5, 1-10, 1-170
errprint, print error messages on the screen 1-11
ex, table manipulation 3-34
ex=, manipulation expression 2-119, 3-26, 3-32
secure databases 2-45, 2-118, 4-116, 4-118
Examining records
count 1-133
list 1-138
online edit 1-160
qfprnt 1-84
report 1-70
require 1-145
write 1-65
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 225
aided and unaided awareness 2-230
anlev= 3-53
brand awareness questions 2-52
breakdown 2-167
c=+ 2-134
chi-squared test 3-74
column percentages 2-57
cumulative percentages 2-34
data-mapped variables 1-201, 1-213, 1-215
div 2-187
editing with levels 3-51
Friedmans test 3-87
grids 2-239, 2-240, 2-241
hitch/squeeze 2-191
indices 2-35
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 3-82
manipulation 3-40, 3-42
maxim and minim 2-37
McNemars test for differences 3-84
multidimensional tables 2-172
Newman-Keuls test 3-113
one sample T-test 3-102
one sample Z-test 3-94
one-way analysis of variance 3-110
paired T-test 3-102
percentaging against redefined base 2-103
percentaging with nets 2-73
process 1-130, 2-100
product tests 2-247
smbase= 2-199
subtotals 2-136
suppress percents with small bases 2-199
symbolic parameters 2-229, 2-232
table of means 2-36
table with inc= 2-136
total percentages 2-33
total rows in tables 2-121
totals 2-136
Exclude respondents from weighting 3-6
exp, exponentiation manipulation operator 3-27
explode, convert multicoded data to single coded
export, export element to SAS or SPSS 2-114
Exporting data, suppressing elements 2-115
exportmp, force an axis to be multicoded when
exporting to SPSS 2-41, 4-50
arithmetic 1-25
combining arithmetic 1-26
combining logical 1-39
comparing data variables 1-31
comparing values 1-30
logical 1-30
manipulation 3-26
mixed mode arithmetic in 1-27
mixing logical operators 1-41
numb 1-28
Expressions (continued)
random 1-29
range 1-38
with table manipulation 3-34
Extended ASCII character set
defining 4-169
laser printed tables 3-212
octal punch code file 4-171
External data file, merge a field from 1-61
External variables 1-199
with subroutines 1-186
F and T values with nft 3-108
formula 3-117
fac=, factors for statistics 2-119, 2-138
in same axis as inc= 2-139
on col and val 2-120
on row elements, for T-test 3-101
percentiles 2-144, 2-145
with stat= 3-93
Factor weighting 3-2, 3-7
factor, factor weighting 3-7
decrementing by a constant 2-120
defining 2-119
incrementing by a constant 2-120
on col and val 2-120
percentiles from 2-144, 2-145, 2-146, 2-148
reverse sequential order for percentiles 2-146
scaling 2-117
switching off 2-120
failed_, action when require fails 1-156
fen, font encoding files 3-212
fetch, load data from a look-up file 1-178
fetchx, load data from a look-up file 1-180
field, count numeric codes across fields 1-108
fieldadd, count numeric codes 1-111
checking codes in 1-37
comparing 1-35
copying codes into 1-91
merging from an external file 1-61
referring to 1-18
figbracket, print characters around absolutes 2-41,
2-81, 2-114
figchar=, character to print next to absolutes 2-41,
2-81, 2-114
figpost, print character after absolutes 2-41, 2-81,
figpre, print character before absolutes 2-41, 2-81,
File formats, unknown for databases 4-128
filedef, define output file type 1-78
override ruler printing with ident 1-83
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
226 / Index
aliases 4-6
alp 4-94
ax, axis information files 4-94
axes.inf 4-94
binasc.dat 4-171
bineas.dat 4-171
bintab.qt 4-171
bit 4-94
btx 4-94
C subroutine code 4-11
cell counts 3-38, 4-22
clean data 1-167, 4-16
column and code map 1-226, 4-16
comm.qsp 4-44
commands 4-65
commands.qsp 4-51
compilation listing 1-226, 4-13
compiled C subroutine code 4-22
compiled subroutines 1-183
compressed data 1-225
corrections 1-170, 4-4
created at compilation stage 1-226
created by flip 4-94
cumulative output summary 1-230, 4-22
customized table texts 4-7
data merge file 4-4
data.qsp 4-44, 4-51
data-mapping 1-201, 1-203
datapass error summary 4-18
default options 2-32, 4-3
deletion of temporary 1-223
descrips.inf 4-24, 4-94
dirty data 1-167, 4-16
fen 3-212
fli, inverted data files 4-94
flip.cnf 4-78
format file for table of contents 3-194
frequency distribution 4-17
generated by qdiaxes 1-220
graphics output 4-22
holecount 4-17
inc 4-94
intermediate figures for special T stats 3-157
levels 3-45, 4-2, 4-94
log 1-230
machine.def 4-128
manipulated cell counts 3-38
merges 4-4
merging data from different files 1-59
mul 4-75, 4-94
nums 1-229
nums.man 1-229
output data from require 4-18
PostScript 3-198
private.c 4-11
private.o 4-22
ptf, translation file 2-176, 4-23, 4-77
Files (continued)
qdi 1-201, 1-217
levels cross-reference 4-95
numdir.qv 4-80
required for 4-96
tstatdebug 4-76
Quanvert (Windows) 4-86
db.ico 4-90
db.nts 4-90
dbhlp.msg 4-90
qextras file 4-91
qnaire.txt 4-91
sound files 4-74
stats.ini 4-86
Quanvert Text 4-81
access rights 4-81
availang 4-84
foreign language prompts 4-81
mfwaves 4-111
profopts 4-82, 4-85
qotext.dat 4-82
qvtext.dat 4-82
users 4-83
records written by write/require 1-145, 4-17
rim weighting parameters 4-5
run definitions 3-38, 4-3
statdata 4-65
subroutine source 1-183
table of contents format 3-190
tables 1-230, 4-22
texts.qt 4-8
user-defined limits 4-9
variables 1-196, 4-1
weighting report 1-229, 4-19
Filtered holecounts 1-136
canceling 2-219
groups of tables 2-217
in grid tables 2-247
n00 in axis 2-104
named 2-11, 2-220
nested sections 2-221
on per-user basis in Quanvert Text 4-84
Quanvert 4-71
sample program 2-219
firstread, first card in record read 1-51, 3-64
Fixed length records, writing out 1-69, 1-73
fld, elements with numeric codes 2-94
bit argument limit 2-267, 4-133
options on 2-112
when to use bit instead 2-99
fli files 4-94
Flip, create Quanvert database 4-68, 4-93
configuration file 4-78
files created by 4-94
reasons axes excluded 4-69
remove files used by 4-97
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 227
Flip, create Quanvert database (continued)
reserved words 4-70
flip.cnf, flip configuration file 4-78
flipclean, remove files used by flip 4-97
flt, filter groups of tables 2-217
and with 2-218
bot with 2-218
foot with 2-218
inc= with in levels jobs 2-218
options on 2-9, 2-217
tt with 2-218
flt=, named filters 2-11, 2-220
flush, percentages flush with absolutes 2-11, 2-32
Font encoding in PostScript tables 3-212
font=, fonts for laser printing 2-11, 3-209
for titles 3-205
in laser printed tables 3-197, 3-209
#fonttable, define fonts for table 3-209
foot, footnotes on tables 2-208
switching off 2-209
with flt 2-218
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
Footnotes on tables 2-208
overlapping data 2-15, 3-160
switching off 2-15, 2-209
with flt 2-218
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
Forced editing
with if 1-159
with require 1-151
Forcing single-coded answers 1-104
Format file for table of contents 3-190
naming 3-194
analysis of variance 3-119
chi-squared test
one dimensional 3-89
single classification 3-90
two dimensional 3-89
error (sample) variance 2-157
F and T values from nft 3-117
Friedmans test 3-91
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 3-90
least significant difference test 3-182
McNemars test for differences 3-91
mean 2-156
Newman-Keuls test 3-121, 3-184
one-way analysis of variance 3-119
paired preference test 3-181
rim weighting efficiency 4-21
root mean square 4-20
significant net difference test 3-181
standard deviation 2-156
standard error 2-157
sum of factors 2-156
on column means 3-177
Formulae (continued)
on column proportions 3-179
one sample 3-117
paired 3-117
two sample 3-117
one sample 3-115
overlapping samples 3-116
subsample proportions 3-116
two sample on proportions 3-115
Frequency distribution file 4-17
Frequency distributions 1-138
alphabetic 1-139
double quotes in headings 1-140
missing values in 1-139
multiplied 1-142
ranked 1-139
weighted 1-142
friedman, two-way analysis of variance 3-85
Friedmans test 3-85
example of 3-87
formula 3-91
F-test see Analysis of variance, one-way, ANOVA
Functions, C library 1-192
g, layout column headings 2-165
combining groups of 2-166
in laser printed tables 3-199
sid statements with 2-181
spacing with 2-166
.ge., greater than or equal to 1-30
Generate Quantum spec from qdi file 1-217
go to, routing in edit section 1-118
graph=, create graphics input files 2-13, 2-32
files created by 4-22
Grid axes see Grids
Grid tables see Grids
grid, identify a grid table 2-244
#def with 2-243
components of 2-238
creating tables 2-244
data-mapped variables 1-215
example of 2-241
code symbolic parameters 2-240
column and code symbolic parameters
column symbolic parameters 2-239
export to SAS/SPSS from Quanvert 2-40,
filtered columns in 2-247
in levels jobs 2-245
increments in 2-243
inctext= invalid with 2-123
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
228 / Index
Grids (continued)
recognizing 2-238
rotated, op= with 2-245
weighted 2-246
group=, axis group for element 2-79, 2-114
groupbeg, start of subaxis 2-77
groupend, end of subaxis 2-77
Groups in Quanvert (Windows) 4-68
.gt., greater than 1-30
Harvard Graphics 4-32
hct_, holecount file 1-228, 4-17
hd=, axis subheading 2-41
hdlev=, nested subheadings for column axes 2-63
hdpos=, position of subheadings above columns 2-65
header=, header length in non-std data file 2-250
heap=, maximum number of characters per axis 4-9
Hierarchical data
process with 3-63
processing with clear= 3-64
processing with levels 3-45
see also Levels
Highest card type 1-57, 1-198, 3-47, 4-2
hitch=, print table on same page as previous table
2-13, 2-188
how Quantum compares table texts 2-194
numbering printed pages 2-19
paper saving mode 2-191
paste one table under another 2-195
print page numbers logically/physically 2-196
short tables with 2-190
table texts with 2-191
hold=, rows to reprint at top of continued tables
2-109, 2-114
Holecount file 4-17
Holecounts 1-133
basic 1-135
double quotes in headings 1-135
filtered 1-136
multiplied 1-136
weighted 1-136
hug=, space required at bottom of page 2-108
Icons for Quanvert (Windows) 4-90
ID text, and data-mapped variables 1-209
id, multiple runs in a directory 1-231
id=, manipulation id 2-115, 2-174, 3-36, 3-41
on n/col/val/fld/bit 3-28
ident, default print parameters for write 1-81
print/suppress ruler with 1-83
turn off defaults 1-83
Identical statements, filing and retrieving 2-225
IDs for manipulation 2-115
if, conditional actions 1-115
forced editing with 1-159
with missingincs 1-173
with require 1-157
ignorezeros, with n07 2-137
.in., comparing values to a list 1-42
inc files 4-94
inc(), increments in grids 2-243
inc=, increment for cell counts 2-27, 2-32, 2-42,
data-mapped variables 1-205
element for maximum values of 2-124
element for median values of 2-124
element for minimum values of 2-124
example of 2-121
exclude missing values from calculations 2-142
in grids 2-243
in same axis as fac= 2-139
missing values with 2-122
on flt in levels jobs 2-218
on n25, for T-test 3-101
percentiles 2-144, 2-149
Quanvert databases 4-78
sample table with 2-136
switching off 2-122
table of maximum values of 2-28
table of mean values of 2-28
table of minimum values of 2-29
with levels 3-59
with statistics 2-138
incheap=, number of characters for inc= names 4-9
#include, read contents of another file 2-226
symbolic parameters with 2-228, 2-234
*include see #include
Include files
compressed 1-225
nesting 2-227
#includes, read non-standard data file 2-250
Incorrect axes, reflipping 4-98
limit for element manipulation 4-9
limit for text strings 4-10
maximum complexity of edit statement 4-9
maximum size of definelist 4-9
number of axes per run 4-9
number of characters for inc= names 4-9
number of characters per axis 4-9
number of elements per axis 4-9
number of inc= per run 4-9
number of named variables per run 4-9
number of text symbolic parameters 4-9
size of C array 1-196
incs=, maximum number of inc= per run 4-9
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 229
inctext=, text for numeric variable 2-27, 2-42,
indent=, indent folded element text 2-13, 2-115
Indices 2-16
example of 2-35
Individual constants 1-13
inline, convert to inline code 1-45
inlistheap=, limit on complexity of a definelist 4-9
input, weighting with proportions 3-7, 3-16
Integer variables 1-20
reset to zero 1-111
Integers 1-16
and reals in the same expression 1-27
defining in subroutines 1-189
saving in real variables 1-96
Intermediate files, summary of 4-23
Internal variable names 4-15, 4-24, 4-94
Interpolation method for percentiles 2-28, 2-146,
2-151, 2-152
Inverted databases 4-93
ismissing, check for missing_ 1-175
check whether sufficient disk space to run 4-177
compile only 1-226
complete run 1-224
create log file 1-230
create Quanvert database 4-93
creating tables 1-229
deletion of temporary files 1-223
load C code 1-227
modifying for Quanvert 4-68
multiple runs in a directory 1-231
read and process data 1-228
rerun compilation & output stages only 1-229
run in background 1-230
speeding up 1-45
stages in 1-223
temporary space for 4-178
Join split databases 4-125
Jumping to tab section 1-126
column headings in laser printed tables 3-199
row text in laser printed tables 3-203
keep, percentage differences 2-123, 2-126, 2-175
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 3-81
formulae 3-90
ks, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 3-81
l, name an axis 2-40
Labels 1-4
with do 1-119
with go to 1-118
lang=, specify the language 2-13, 2-176, 4-77
Quanvert (Windows) 4-77
Quanvert Text 4-81, 4-84
SAS 4-56, 4-64
specify 2-13, 2-176
SPSS 4-38, 4-44, 4-54
tables 2-176
Large numbers, printing 2-27
Laser printed tables
fonts for 2-11
justification of column headings 3-199
justification of row text 3-203
personalized PostScript code 3-213
printing extended ASCII characters in 3-212
special characters with 3-201
suppressing border 3-206
lastread, last card in record read 1-51, 3-65
lastrec, last record in file read 1-52
.le., less than or equal to 1-30
Least significant difference test 3-175
formula 3-182
len=, change the record length 1-78
levbase, increment base at anlev=level 2-124, 3-57
level, edit for a specific level 3-50
analysis level for tables 2-10
cross-reference files for Quanvert 4-94, 4-95
cross-tabulating axes at different levels 3-53
define data structure in level file 3-47
defining in levels file 3-45, 4-2
defining with struct 3-48
example of edit 3-51
grids with 2-245
how tables are produced 3-51
inc= on flt statements 2-218
introduction to 3-45
levels file 3-45
maximum allowed 3-45
maximum cards per record 4-2
maximum sub-records per record 3-48
naming in edit section 3-50
numeric variables 3-59
preparing for Quanvert 4-72, 4-73
process with 3-63
record length 3-48
special T statistics 3-62, 3-149, 4-88
statistics with 3-61
updating bases in uplev= tables 2-124, 3-57
updating cells with anlev= 3-53
updating tables at higher level than axes 3-54
weighting 3-12
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
230 / Index
Levels file 4-2
lexchars=, increase limit for text strings 4-10
License expiry warning 4-11
increasing 4-9
list of 2-265, 4-131
numbers 1-16
linesaft, blank lines after column headings 2-14,
linesbef, blank lines before column headings 2-14,
list, create frequency distribution 1-139
lista, alphabetic frequency distribution 1-139
listr, ranked frequency distribution 1-139
alphabetic 1-139
creating 1-139
named 1-44
preventing use of in Quanvert Text 4-85
ranked 1-139
Local variables 1-199
with subroutines 1-186
Location, test for in matched samples 3-85
Log files 1-230
Logical expressions
arithmetic value of field 1-38
checking equivalence of 1-154
combining 1-39
comparing data variables 1-31
comparing values 1-30
comparing variables to a list 1-42
data-mapped variables 1-205, 1-210
negating 1-40
range 1-38
validating 1-153
with c= 2-119
with if 1-115
Logos, printing on tables 3-209
Long texts, splitting 2-51
Look-up files 1-178
list used/unused keys 1-180
function of 1-119
nesting 1-123
with routing 1-124
Lotus-123, convert Quantum data for use with 4-32
lsd, least significant difference test 3-175
lst_, frequency distribution file 1-228, 4-17
.lt., less than 1-30
m, create a manipulated row 3-25
define manipulation expression 3-26
options on 3-25
machine.def, qvpack/qvtrans alias file 4-128
manipclean, delete all except manipulation files 4-25
manipheap=, limit for element manipulation 4-9
Manipulated cell counts file 3-38, 4-22
Manipulated elements, in sorted tables 3-141
apply spechar and nz options to manipulated
elements 2-14, 3-31
averages 3-33
example of 3-40, 3-42
expressions with 3-41
manipulated cell counts file 3-38
more than one table 3-39
on n statements 3-32
parts of tables 3-41
program 1-229
replacing numbers in tables 3-35
row, example of 3-30
run definitions file 3-38, 4-3
run ids for 3-38
tables from dummy data 3-43
tables from other runs 3-38
using automatic table ids 3-36
using element ids 3-28
using overall position 3-37
using previously manipulated figures 3-38
using relative position 3-29, 3-37
using row texts 3-27
using your own ids 3-36
whole tables 3-34
manipz, apply spechar and nz options to manipulated
elements 2-14, 3-31
mapvar, define data-mapped variable 1-203
Matched samples, testing difference in location 3-85
max, maximum manipulation operator 3-26
max=, highest card type 1-57, 1-198, 3-47, 4-2
maxim, maximum values of inc= 2-28, 2-124
example of use 2-37
maxima.qt, limits file 4-10
maxsub=, maximum sub-records per record in levels
data 3-48, 4-2
maxwt=, maximum weight 3-8
mcnemar, McNemars test for differences 3-83
McNemars test for differences 3-83
formula 3-91
mean, t-test on column means 3-164
analysis levels with 3-61
decimal places with 2-139
error variance 2-136
formula 2-156
least significant difference test 3-175
print maximum values of 2-37
print minimum values of 2-37
produced by list 1-139
sorted table of 3-141
standard deviation 2-136
standard error 2-136
suppress if have small base 2-20, 2-196
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 231
Means (continued)
table of means 2-28, 2-36
test difference between 3-110, 3-112, 3-165
test for specific values 3-101
test paired differences between 3-101
t-test on column 3-164
two sample T-test for comparing 3-105
with fac= 2-140
with inc= 2-142
median, median values of inc= 2-124
Medians, see percentiles
medint=, interpolation method for percentiles 2-28,
2-151, 2-152
mergedata, merge data from an external file 1-61
merges file 1-59, 4-4
mflip program 4-107
mfwaves file 4-111
min, minimum manipulation operator 3-26
minbase=, very small base for T stats 2-29, 3-150,
minim, minimum values of inc= 2-29, 2-124
example of use 2-37
Minimum weight, defining 3-8, 3-18
minwt=, minimum weight 3-8
Missing values
assignments 1-173
checking for 1-175
counting with val 2-94
exporting as missing_ 2-124
in arithmetic expressions 1-173
in frequency distribution 1-139
processing in the edit 1-172
Quanvert 4-74
switch on/off in edit 1-172
switch processing on/off in tab section 2-29,
treat other values as 2-30, 2-42, 2-124
when found 1-172
with inc= 2-122
with n25;inc= 2-142
with pre/postweights 3-8
missing=, treat other values as missing 2-30, 2-42,
missing_, missing values 1-173, 1-174
missingincs, switch missing values processing on/off
1-172, 2-29, 2-32
with if 1-173
missingval, export missing data as missing_ 2-124
mul files 4-75, 4-94
Multicard records
definition of 1-47
more than 100 columns per card 1-63
reading 1-49
writing 1-66
convert to single codes 1-181
entering 1-14
printing 1-80
Multidimensional tables, example of 2-172
Multilingual surveys 2-13, 2-176
Quanvert (Windows) 4-77
Multiplication 1-26
Multiproject databases 4-101
add new variables to 4-107
axes with duplicate element texts 4-103
command file for 4-110
create in Quanvert (Windows) 4-101
create in Quanvert Text 4-101, 4-107
how common axes are combined 4-102
merging components 4-107
select projects from 4-111
things to check 4-106
Mutually exclusive elements in axes 3-72
n statements, options on 2-112
n00, filtering within an axis 2-104
example of use 2-241
with n04 and n05 2-134
with redefined base 2-103
n01, basic counts 2-50
percentiles with inc= 2-144, 2-149
n03, text only 2-58
n04, total 2-133, 2-134
example of 2-121
n05, subtotal 2-133, 2-134
n07, average 2-137
n09, start new page 2-108
n10, base 2-57
n11, base, non-printing 2-57
in Quanvert Text 4-85
n12, mean 2-140
analysis levels with 3-61
suppress if has small base 2-20, 2-196
with ANOVA 3-110
with T-tests 3-101
with two sample T-tests 3-105
n13, sum of factors 2-144
n15, basic counts, non-printing 2-56
n17, standard deviation 2-136
suppress if has small base 2-20, 2-196
with ANOVA 3-110
with T-tests 3-101
with two sample T-tests 3-105
n19, standard error of the mean 2-136
alternative formula for 2-143
calculate using weighted figures 2-31
suppress if has small base 2-20, 2-196
with ANOVA 3-110
with T-tests 3-101
with two sample T-tests 3-105
n20, error variance of the mean 2-136
suppress if has small base 2-20, 2-196
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
232 / Index
n23, subheading 2-62
n25, component values for means etc. 2-140
manipulating components of 3-30
print in column axes 2-115, 2-140
print in row axes 2-116, 2-140
Quanvert databases 4-76
n30, percentiles 2-144, 2-145
n31, effective base 2-136, 2-153, 3-147, 3-148
n33, text continuation 2-66
NA, missing values in Quanvert 4-74
Name, refer to data fields & responses by 1-201
Named filters 2-11, 2-220
prevent creation of, in Quanvert Text 4-83
Named lists 1-44
Named variables, increasing limits for 4-9
namedalpha, alpha variables 4-73
namedinc, numeric variables 4-42, 4-49, 4-63
Quanvert 4-70
namevars=, number of named variables per run 4-9
Naming of variable files 4-15, 4-95
Naming variables 1-195, 4-15
axes 2-39
for use in Quanvert 4-68
Naming weighting matrices 4-71
nand, force same table number for and tables 2-178,
ndi, distribute element cases across axis 2-129
.ne., not equal to 1-30
Nested filter sections 2-221
Nested subheadings in column axes 2-63
net, start a net 2-67
accumulation of suppressed elements in 2-72
cases in previous elements 2-48
cases not yet counted 2-48
collecting suppressed elements 2-14, 2-43
description of 2-67
for previous lines 2-69
for subsequent lines 2-67
percentaging with 2-73
sorting by net level 2-14, 2-43, 2-70, 3-128,
example 3-129, 3-134
switching off 2-70
with totals 2-134
netsm, small suppression with nets 2-14, 2-32, 2-43
netsort, sort nets by net level 2-14, 2-32, 2-43,
2-70, 3-129
New cards, creating, example of 2-53
New page, starting 2-108
Newman-Keuls test 3-112, 3-113, 3-165
formula 3-121, 3-184
News file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-90
nft, F and T statistics 3-108
formula 3-117
nk, Newman-Keuls test 3-112
nkl, Newman-Keuls test 3-165
No response, data-mapped variables 1-206
noacr100, suppress 100% on base row 2-32
noaxcount, switch off axcount 2-32
noaxttl, suppress table headings 2-32
nobounds, switch off array bounds checking 1-112
nocheck_, possible syntax errors not fatal 1-10
nocol, not a column element 2-115, 2-116
Quanvert databases 4-75
nodate, suppress date 2-32
nodp, suppress double precision calculations 2-32
nodsp, no double spacing 2-32, 2-45
noexport, dont export element to SAS or SPSS
noexportsp, force an axis to be multicoded when
exporting to SPSS 4-50
nofac, no factors 2-120
noflush, percentages not flush with absolutes 2-32
nograph, suppress graphics 2-32
nohigh, not a higher dimension element 2-115
Quanvert databases 4-75
noident, switch off default write parameters 1-83
noignorezeros, switch off ignore zeros 2-137
noinc, suppress incremental values 2-32, 2-45,
nomanipz, turnoff manipz 3-31
nomissingincs, switch missing values processing off
nonetsm, no small suppression with nets 2-32
nonetsort, turn off sorting by net level 2-32, 2-70,
Non-identical statements, filing and retrieving 2-227
Non-standard data 1-63, 1-225, 2-250
nontot, exclude element from totals 2-116
nonz, print all-zero elements 2-45
nonzcol, print all-zero columns 2-32
nonzrow, print all-zero rows 2-32
nooverlapfoot, suppress overlap footnotes for T stats
2-15, 3-160
nopage, suppress page numbers 2-18, 2-32
#nopagebox, suppress border on laser printed tables
nopc, suppress percent signs 2-18, 2-32
noprint, suppress printing of tables 2-15
noround, element not force rounded 2-19, 2-32,
norow, not a row element 2-116
Quanvert databases 4-75
noscale, ignore scaling factor 2-32
nosmcol, print small columns 2-32
nosmrow, print small rows 2-32
nosmtot, print small totals 2-32
nosort, unsorted axis 2-45
nosort, unsorted element in sorted table 2-116,
nosort, unsorted table in sorted run 2-32
nosummary, keyword for secure databases 2-45,
.not., negate logical expressions 1-40
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 233
notauto, suppress automatic titles for T statistics
notbl, suppress table numbers 2-15
Notes file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-90
notitle, suppress table titles 2-32
notopc, suppress percent sign at top of column 2-32
notstat, exclude element from T stats 2-32, 2-44,
2-45, 2-116, 3-145
notstatdebug, no intermediate figures for T stats
notype, suppress output type message 2-24, 2-32
nouseeffbase, dont use weighted counts for standard
error 2-32
nowmerrors, suppress weighting errors 2-32, 3-10
nqtsas, convert Quantum data & spec to SAS 4-65
nqtspss, convert Quantum data & spec to SPSS 4-44
how differs from qtspss 4-44
options with 4-52
nsw, squared weight element 2-30, 2-49, 2-143,
ntd, significant net difference test 3-166
ntot, exclude element from totals 2-116, 2-130,
ntt, text-only net element 2-71
Null response, check for 1-205
numb, number of codes in a column 1-28
data-mapped variables 1-216
Numbering tables 2-210
with hitch and squeeze 2-196
Numbers 1-16
large, in tables 2-27
numcode, flag axis as single coded 2-44
numdir.qv, number of variables per directory 4-80
Numeric codes
elements for 2-94, 2-97
exporting to SAS 4-63
exporting to SPSS 4-42, 4-49
Numeric conditions, defining with val 2-89
Numeric fields, missing values in edit section 1-172
Numeric variables
compress in Quanvert Text 4-115
create for Quanvert 4-70
define which to flip 4-78
levels with 3-59
prevent creation of, in Quanvert Text 4-83
nums, unmanipulated cell counts file 1-229
nums.man, manipulated cell counts file 1-229, 4-22
nz, suppress all-zero elements 2-44, 2-116
apply to manipulated elements 3-31
nzcol, suppress all-zero columns 2-15, 2-32
apply to manipulated elements 3-31
nzrow, suppress all-zero rows 2-15, 2-32
apply to manipulated elements 3-31
One dimensional chi-squared test 3-73
formula 3-89
One sample T-test 3-101
example 3-102, 3-103
formula 3-117
One sample Z-test 3-93
example 3-94
formula 3-115
One-way analysis of variance 3-110
example 3-110
formula 3-119
Online edit
accepting records 1-165
canceling 1-167
correcting data 1-163
creating new cards 1-166
delete codes from column 1-163
deleting cards 1-166
displaying columns 1-162
e 1-163
ed 1-166
insert codes in column 1-163
overwrite column 1-163
redefine command names 1-167, 4-7
re-edit current record 1-166
reject record in 1-165
rt 1-165
s 1-163
split 1-161
terminate for current record 1-165
write 1-161
online, interactive data correction 1-160
op=, output types 2-15, 2-117
A/B percentage differences 2-124, 2-126
order of printing with 2-17
separate tables for different output types 2-17
with rotated grid axes 2-245
Open ended responses 4-74
defining run defaults 2-32
on a 2-8, 2-9
on add 2-186
on col 2-112
on div 2-187
on fld 2-112
on flt 2-9, 2-217
on l 2-40
on m 3-25
on n statements 2-112, 2-117
on sectbeg 2-9
on sid 2-180
on tab 2-9, 2-174
on und 2-180
on val 2-112
on wm 3-7
switching off 2-32
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
234 / Index
.or., logical or 1-40
or, logical operator for assignment 1-100
ord, line layout for table of contents 3-192
order=, alphanumeric card types 1-58
ori, justification of table titles 2-215
out1, compilation listing 1-226, 4-13, 4-23
out2, records failing write/require 1-228, 4-17,
out3, cumulative output summary 1-230, 4-22, 4-23
Output data file for require 4-18
Output options
display width in Quanvert Text 4-85
order of with percent diffs 2-127
printing multicoded data 1-80
Output program 1-230
Output type descriptions, with hitch/squeeze 2-191
Output types
defining 2-15
order of printing 2-17
print on tables 2-24
separate tables for different types 2-17
suppress printing of 2-24, 2-32
overlap, overlapping data with T stats 2-30, 3-159
overlapfoot, print overlap message for T stats 3-160
Overlapping data
footnote about 3-160
special T stats 2-30, 3-159
p, position cell counts 2-167
Packed databases 4-124
join split database 4-127
maximum size of 4-124
split file 4-127
unpack packed file 4-126
Packing databases 4-129
extra files for Quanvert (Windows) 4-91
<<pag>>, page numbers on tt statements 2-213
pag, page numbers 2-213
Page break
suppress between all tables 2-191
suppress between split wide tables 2-190
suppress between tables 2-190
Page length 2-18
Page numbers
switching off 2-213
user-defined, positioning with tt statements
with and 2-178
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
with multidimensional tables 2-174
Page width 2-18
set for Quanvert Text 4-85
suggestions for Quanvert 4-71
page, automatic page numbering 2-18, 2-32
center tables on 2-22
number of lines on 2-18
numbering 2-18, 2-213
print more than one table on 2-188
start new 2-108
suppress numbering 2-18, 2-32
width of 2-18, 4-71, 4-85
automatic 2-105
order in split tables 2-107
precedence of rows & columns 2-19
paglen, page length 2-18
pagwid, page width 2-18
Quanvert Text 4-85
Paired preference test 3-170
formula 3-181
P-values for 3-173
Paired T-test 3-101
example 3-102, 3-103, 3-104
formula 3-117
Panel studies
cross-referencing levels in 4-73
flip individual waves 4-112
link waves in 4-113
weighting in 4-113
Paper saving output 2-191
Parentheses, with data variables 1-197
Partial column replacement 1-92
pc, print percent signs 2-18, 2-32
PC-NFS, access Unix databases with 4-130
pcpos=, position of percentages 2-18, 2-117
pcsort, sort on percentages 2-18, 3-128
pczerona, print NA for percents with zero bases 2-19
pd, directory for permanent files 1-232
Penetration tables
creating with celllev= 3-58
creating with clear= 3-65
Percentage differences 2-125
flag table for 2-175
order of op= options with 2-127
100% on base row 2-10, 2-16
against redefined base 2-16
column 2-16
example of 2-57
suppress small 2-21, 2-117
cumulative 2-16, 2-34
decimal places 2-11, 2-113
forced rounding to 100% 2-19
nets 2-73
position relative to absolutes 2-117
print NA for percents with zero bases 2-19
print percent signs 2-18, 2-22
printing flush with absolutes 2-11
redefined bases, example of 2-103
row 2-16
suppress small 2-21
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 235
Percentages (continued)
side by side with absolutes 2-17
sorting 2-18, 3-128
suppress if have small base 2-20, 2-196
suppress percent signs 2-18, 2-32
suppressing for a single row 2-118
total 2-15
example of 2-33
suppress small 2-21, 2-117
with sid and und 2-182
factors in reverse sequential order 2-146
from absolute values 2-30, 2-144, 2-149
from factors 2-144, 2-145, 2-146, 2-148
interpolation method 2-28, 2-146, 2-151
Permanent files, directory for 1-232
physpag, page numbering with hitch and squeeze
2-19, 2-32
Position of cell counts in tables 2-167
post=, postweighting 3-8, 3-16
inctext= invalid with 2-123
Postprocessors for Quanvert Text 4-82, 4-85
personalized code for laser printed tables 3-213
printing tables with 3-198
special characters in axes 3-199
suppress table of contents 3-211
user-definable characters 3-201
#postscript, start PostScript code 3-213
Postweights 3-6, 3-16
Pounds signs in tables 3-198
ppt, paired preference test 3-170
pre=, preweighting 3-8, 3-16
inctext= invalid with 2-123
Precoded response, check for 1-206
Prevent access to unweighted data in Quanvert 4-116
Preweights 3-5, 3-16
Print files
define default output for 1-81
PostScript 3-198
turn off default parameters for 1-83
printed_, current record has been written out 1-67
Printing | and ! in element texts 3-202
Printing DNA and NA for missing values 4-74
Printing multicodes, output options 1-80
Printing records
ident 1-81
qfprnt 1-84
require 1-145
write 1-65
printz, print all-zero tables 2-19
priority, force single-coding 1-104
private.c, C subroutine code file 4-11
private.o, compiled C subroutine code file 4-22
process, tabulate record 1-129
effect on Quanvert databases 4-75
example of 1-130, 2-100
position in edit 1-131
process, tabulate record (continued)
with levels 3-63
Product tests, example of 2-247
postprocessors for Quanvert Text 4-82, 4-85
prevent use of in Quanvert Text 4-85
profopts, Quanvert Text postprocessor file 4-82,
accum 1-229
bintab 4-174
colrep 4-27
components of 1-3
datapass 1-227
flipclean 4-97
format of 1-8
manip 1-229
manipclean 4-25
mflip 4-101, 4-107
nqtsas 4-65
nqtspss 4-44
pstab 3-198
q2cda 4-32
qout 1-230
qsj 4-125, 4-127
qteclean 4-25
qtext 4-167
qtlclean 4-25
qtoclean 4-25
qtsas 4-56
qtspss 4-38
quclean 4-25
qvclean 4-98
qvpack 4-129
qvpk 4-124
qvq2cda 4-32
qvsecure 4-116
qvshrinc 4-115
qvtr 4-126
qvtrans 4-130
qvupdate 4-119
storing 1-3
tabcon 3-189
textq 4-167
weight 1-229
Project selection file 4-111
Project text file 2-176, 4-23, 4-77
Projects, select from multiproject database 4-111
Prompts, translating for Quanvert Text 4-81
prop, t-test on column proportions 3-160
propcorr, continuity correction for t-test 3-161
propmean, t-test on column props & means 3-161
compare with significant net difference test
test for given values 3-93
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
236 / Index
Proportions (continued)
test of differences
between overlapping samples 3-99
between subsamples 3-97
t-test on column 3-160
two sample test of difference 3-95
pstab, create PostScript tables 3-198
ptf, translation file 2-176, 4-23, 4-77
Punch codes, ASCII equivalents 4-175
punch()=, symbolic parameters for codes 2-232
punchout.q, records written out by require 1-228,
pvals, print P-values for special T stats 3-159
Newman-Keuls test 3-165
paired preference test 3-173
significant net difference test 3-169
t-test on column means 3-164
t-test on column proportions 3-163
q2cda, Quantum tables to CDA 2-82, 4-32
column headings 2-169
options with 4-35
qdi files 1-201, 1-217
qdiaxes, generate Quantum spec 1-217
qextras.lst file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-91
qfprnt, write out data in user-defined format 1-84
qnaire.txt file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-91
qotext.dat 4-82
qout, output program 1-230
qqhct, holecount file 4-17
qsj, split or join databases 4-125, 4-127
QTAXES, maximum number of axes per run 4-10
qteclean, delete files created by edit-only run 4-25
QTEDHEAP, to adjust edit statement complexity
QTELMS, max number of elements per axis 4-10
qtext, convert Quantum data to text format 4-167
QTFORM define special characters for laser printing
QTHEAP, max number of characters per axis 4-10
QTHOME, Quantum home directory 1-223
QTINCHEAP, max number of characters for inc=
variables 4-10
QTINCS, maximum different inc= per run 4-10
QTINLISTHEAP, adjust definelist complexity 4-10
qtlclean, delete temporary compilation files 4-25
QTLEXCHARS, max size of long text strings 4-10
qtm_ex_, datapass program 1-227
QTMANIPHEAP, max size of expressions 4-10
QTNAMEVARS, max num of named variables 4-10
QTNOPAGE, suppress blank page 4-23
QTNOWARN, suppress license expiry warning 4-11
qtoclean, delete files created by quantum -o 4-25
qtsas, convert Quantum data & spec to SAS 4-56
qtspss, convert Quantum data & spec to SPSS 4-38
how differs from nqtspss 4-44
QTSPSSRC, nqtspss options 4-55
QTTEXTDEFS, max num of text symbolic params
Quancept 1-201, 1-205, 1-217, 1-218
Quantum program
components of 1-3
format of 1-8
modify for Quanvert 4-68
options with 1-224
storing 1-3
which version to use 1-223
Quanvert 4-67
add with 4-71
allow creation of new axes 4-96
allow use of special T statistics 4-76
alpha variables 4-73, 4-74
axis titles 4-68
create database 4-93
create uniq_id variable 4-121
defining axes 4-68
effective base elements 3-149
export grids to SAS and SPSS 2-40, 2-249
files 4-94
files which must be present 4-96
filters 4-71
levels cross-reference files 4-94, 4-95
levels data 4-72, 4-73
missing values 4-74
n25 with 4-76
naming weighting matrices 4-71
norow/nocol/nohigh with 4-75
numeric variables 2-123, 3-60, 4-70
page width suggestions 4-71
prepare weighted databases 4-71
prevent access to weighted/unweighted data
process with 4-75
reduce disk space for database 4-75
respondent serial numbers 4-71
secure databases 2-45, 2-118
special T statistics 4-76
temporary directories 1-232
text at bottom of tables 4-71
trailer cards with 4-72
weighting matrices 3-8
Quanvert (Windows) 4-67
database icon 4-90
databases 4-86
languages 4-77
levels data 4-88
news file 4-90
notes file 4-90
packing extra files 4-91
percentiles 2-151
questionnaire file 4-91
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 237
Quanvert (Windows) (continued)
set up to use .wav files 4-74
special T statistics 2-116
stats.ini file 4-86
variable groups 4-68
Quanvert Create Utility 4-67
Quanvert Menus 4-67
Quanvert Text 4-67
access rights to files 4-81
command availability 4-83
convert tables to CDA format 4-32, 4-35
creating large axes 4-83
display width 4-85
dummy axis 4-84
filtering on per-user basis 4-84
languages 4-84
multiproject databases 4-107
n11 4-85
page width 4-85
panel studies 4-73
postprocessors for profiles 4-82, 4-85
prevent alteration of texts 4-83
prevent creation of variables 4-83
prevent use of profiles 4-85
restrict access to axes and variables 4-84
row text width 4-85
translation file for prompts 4-82
translation of prompts 4-81
Quartiles, see percentiles
quclean, delete temporary files 4-25
wildcard characters with 4-26
Questionaire data information files 1-201
generate Quantum spec from 1-217
Questionnaire file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-91
qvclean, remove all files for a survey 4-98
qvgroup, groups in Quanvert Windows 4-68
qvlv files, levels cross-reference files for Quanvert
qvmerge, merge variables into existing database
qvpack, pack databases 4-129
alias file for 4-128
files required by 4-125
qvpk, pack databases 4-124
qvq2cda, Quanvert Text tables to CDA 4-32, 4-35
qvsecure, create secure Quanvert database 4-116
qvshrinc, compress .inc files 4-115
qvtext.dat 4-82
qvtr, unpack databases 4-126
qvtrans, convert unpacked files 4-130
alias file for 4-128
qvupdate, update Quanvert 4-119
Random code, set into column 1-107
Random numbers, generating 1-29
random, generate random numbers 1-29
range, check arithmetic value of field 1-38
rangeb, test arithmetic value of field, with blanks
Ranges as conditions 2-92
Ranking see Sorting
Ranks in Friedman test 3-85
Raw counts in secure databases 2-45, 2-118, 4-116,
read=, how to read data 1-54
Real numbers 1-16
copying into columns 1-98
saving in integer variables 1-96
significant figures with 1-16
Real variables 1-21
defining in subroutines 1-189
reset to zero 1-111
Reals and integers in the same expression 1-27
rec_acc, number of records accepted 1-125
rec_count, number of records read so far 1-52
rec_rej, number of records rejected 1-125
reclen=, record length 1-54, 2-250, 4-2
Record length 1-54, 1-78
in levels data 3-48
in non-std data files 2-250
with levels 4-2
Record structure, defining 1-53
Record type, defining 1-53
counting by axis name 2-25
distribute one element across the axis 2-129
examining with list 1-138
last in file, checking for 1-52
maximum cards in, in levels jobs 4-2
maximum sub-records per, in levels data 3-48
multicard with more than 100 cols per card 1-63
number read in so far 1-52
printing 1-145
rejecting from tables 1-145
types of 1-47
writing out parts of 1-68
Redefined base, percentaging against 2-16
Reformatting data 2-53
Refused, data-mapped variables 1-205
rej=, excluding elements from the base 2-125
reject, omit record from tables 1-124
with require 1-126
rejected_, current record has been rejected 1-125
Rejecting records from tables 1-124, 1-145
rep=, repeated card types 1-56
Repeated card types
defining 1-56
in unusual order 1-52
missing 1-52
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
238 / Index
report, write data to report file 1-70
report=, report type for rim weighting 3-21
req=, required card types 1-56
require, validating codes and columns 1-144
action codes 1-145
actions when test fails 1-156
automatic error correction 1-151
checking codes in columns 1-148
checking exclusive codes 1-150
checking logical expressions 1-153
checking routing 1-155
checking type of coding 1-146
comments with 1-147
correcting errors from 1-160
data output file for 4-18
data validation 1-143
defaults with 1-152
equivalence of logical expressions 1-154
file of records failing 4-17
with if 1-157
Required card types 4-2
defining 1-56, 3-46
Reserved variables
allread 1-50
card_count 1-52
firstread 1-51, 3-64
lastread 1-51, 3-65
lastrec 1-52
number of cards read so far 1-52
number of records accepted 1-125
number of records read so far 1-52
number of records rejected 1-125
printed_ 1-67
rec_acc 1-125
rec_count 1-52
rec_rej 1-125
record written to out 1-67
rejected_ 1-125
stop statement executed 1-127
stopped_ 1-127
this record rejected 1-125
thisread 1-50
with trailer cards 1-50
Reserved words with flip 4-70
Resetting variables between respondents 1-97
resp(#)=, substitution for data-mapped variables
Response, assign to data-mapped variable 1-209
return, go to tabulation section 1-126
with levels 3-50
with reject 1-126
rgrid, rotated grid tables 2-245
Rim weighting 3-3, 3-7, 3-19
efficiency, formula 4-19, 4-21
parameters file 4-5
report for each iteration 3-21
root mean square 3-4, 3-20, 4-20
summary information for 4-19
rim, rim weighting 3-7
rinc, rows take precedence when paginating large
tables 2-19, 2-107
Risk level for special T stats 3-156
rj, reject record in online edit 1-165
rm, delete cards in online edit 1-166
Root mean square 3-4, 3-20
formula 4-20
Rotated grid tables 2-245
round, forced rounding to 100% 2-19, 2-32
Rounding to 100% 2-19, 2-32
checking 1-155
using go to 1-118
with loops 1-124
Row manipulation 3-25
expressions for 2-119
ids for 2-115
Row offsets with added tables 2-184
Row percentages 2-16
force to round to 100% 2-19
suppress small 2-21
Row ranks in tables 2-16
row, row element 2-116, 2-140
alignment of text in laser printed tables 3-203
basic counts 2-83
created with col 2-83
indenting folded text 2-13
reprint at top of continued tables 2-109, 2-114
sorting 2-20, 3-126
suppressing small 2-21
text width 2-20
text width in Quanvert Text 4-85
rpunch, set a random code into a column 1-107
rqd, default action code for require 1-146
rsort, sort rows 2-20, 3-125
rt, terminate online edit for current record 1-165
Run conditions, defining 2-8
Run defaults file see Default options file
Run definitions file 4-3
Run file, generate from qdi file 1-220
Run ids for table manipulation 3-38
s, assignment in online edit 1-163
s, side element for manipulation 3-41
Sample Quantum job 2-253
Sample tables
cumulative percentages 2-34
hitch/squeeze 2-191
inc= 2-136
indices 2-35
means 2-36
multidimensional tables 2-172
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 239
Sample tables (continued)
subtotals 2-136
suppress percents with small bases 2-199
total percentages 2-33
totals 2-136
totals and subtotals 2-121
Sample variance, see Error variance
convert Quantum data/spec to 4-56, 4-65
dont export element to 2-115
export grid in Quanvert 2-40, 2-249
export missing data as missing_ 2-124
numeric data 4-63
scale=, scaling factor 2-30, 2-32, 2-117
Scaling factors, defining 2-30, 2-117
sectbeg, start nested table section 2-222
sectend, end nested table section 2-222
Secure Quanvert databases 2-45, 2-118, 4-116
security level 4-117
Segments, defining in an axis 3-69
sel, titles to print in table of contents 3-193
in strings 1-90
in texts 2-51
ser=, serial number location 1-55, 3-47, 4-2
Serial number, location of 1-55, 3-47, 4-2
Serial numbers in Quanvert 4-71
*set, define T variable in data file 1-113
set, assignment statement 1-89
sid, tables side by side 2-180
column headings with 2-181
g statements with 2-181
options with 2-180
percentages with 2-182
sorting with 2-182
table headings with 2-181
side, identify rows in grid axes 2-238
side=, row text width 2-20
Quanvert Text 4-85
Significant net difference test 3-166
formula 3-181
P-values for 3-169
Similar projects, linking 4-101
Simplifying your spec by reformatting the data 2-53
Single class. chi-squared test 3-78
example of 3-80
formula 3-90
Single columns, checking contents of 1-32
Single quotes, with codes 1-14
Single-coded axes, testing for 2-40
Single-coded data, from multicoded data 1-181
Single-coded, flag axes as 2-44
Small suppression, switching off 2-32
smallbase=, small base for T stats 2-20, 3-150
smbase=, suppress percents/stats with small bases
2-20, 2-196
smcol, suppress small columns 2-20, 2-32
smflag=, flag cells with small bases 2-20
smrow, suppress small rows 2-21, 2-32
smsup+, sum of suppressed elements 2-118
smsupa=, suppress small absolutes 2-21, 2-117
smsupc=, suppress small percentages 2-21, 2-117
smsupp=, suppress small percentages 2-21, 2-117
smsupt=, suppress small total percentages 2-21,
smtot, suppress small base values 2-21, 2-32
sort, sort rows 3-125
sort, sorted table or axis 2-21, 2-32, 2-44
sortcol, sort on this column 2-118
axes 2-44
cancel global for one axis 2-45
column on which to sort 2-118
columns 2-10, 3-127
effect on text-only elements 3-137
end of subgroup 2-113
example with three levels 3-131, 3-135
manipulated elements 3-141
nesting subsorts 3-135
nets 3-128
on non-base element 3-126
percentages 2-18, 3-128
rows 2-20, 3-126
secondary levels, example of 3-129, 3-134
start of subgroup 2-118
statistical elements 3-141
tables 3-125
tables of means 3-141
tables of summary statistics 3-142
text-only rows as sublevel headings 3-138
totals 3-141
unsorted rows 3-129
with sid and und 2-182
within nets, example of 3-129, 3-134
Sound files in Quanvert (Windows) 4-74
spechar=, special characters 2-21
apply to manipulated elements 3-31
with statistics 2-22, 2-137
Special response, check for 1-206
Special T statistics
continuity correction 3-161
effective base 2-119, 2-153, 3-147
elements with ntot 4-87
exclude elements from 2-32, 2-44, 2-45,
formulae 3-175
include elements in 2-31, 2-45, 2-119
intermediate figures for 2-22, 3-157
least sig. diff. test 3-175
levels 3-62, 3-149, 4-88
minimum effective base for 2-29
Newman-Keuls test 3-165, 3-184
nsw elements for 3-147
on weighted jobs 3-147
overlapping data with 2-30, 3-159
paired preference test 3-170
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
240 / Index
Special T statistics (continued)
print overlap message 3-160
P-values for 3-159
Quanvert (Windows) 2-116, 4-86
Quanvert databases 4-76
requesting 3-154
selecting elements for 3-145
significant net difference test 3-166
small base for 2-20, 3-150
suppress automatic titles 2-15
suppress overlap footnotes 2-15, 3-160
titles for 3-151
t-test on column means 3-164
t-test on column proportions 3-160
t-test on column proportions & means 3-161
very small base for 3-150, 3-151
Specified other, check for 1-205
Split database files 4-127
joining 4-127
Split or join databases 4-125
split, create clean & dirty files 1-167
Splitting long column headings 2-163
convert Quantum data/spec to 4-38, 4-44
dont export element to 2-115
export grids from Quanvert 2-40, 2-249
export missing data as missing_ 2-124
force an axis to be multicoded 2-41, 4-50
numeric data 4-42, 4-49
sqrt, square root manipulation operator 3-26
Square roots 1-183, 3-26
Squared weighting elements 2-30, 2-49, 2-143,
squeeze=, squeeze table onto one page 2-22, 2-188
how Quantum compares table texts 2-194
numbering printed pages 2-19
paper saving mode 2-191
print page numbers logically/physically 2-196
suppress column headings with 2-193
table texts with 2-191
with wide tables 2-190
Stages in a Quantum run 1-223
Standard deviation 2-136
formula 2-156
function of 2-139
produced by list 1-139
suppress if has small base 2-20, 2-196
weighted base less than 1.0 2-143
Standard error of the mean 2-136
calculate using weighted figures 2-31
formula 2-157
function of 2-139
in weighted jobs 2-143
suppress if has small base 2-20, 2-196
use weighted counts in 2-143
stat=, axis-level statistics 3-68
stat=, table-level statistics 2-31, 3-70
statdata, SAS data file 4-65
aliases for 4-6
continuation of 1-9
length of 1-4
statistical 2-136
Statistical elements, in sorted tables 3-141
Statistical statements, list of 2-136
analysis levels with 3-61
exclude missing values from 2-142
F and T values 3-108
factors for 2-119
flag cells with small bases 2-20
general notes about 3-71
more than one per axis 3-69
more than one per table 3-71
Quanvert (Windows) 4-86
sorted summary tables of 3-142
spechar with 2-22, 2-137
squared weighting elements for 2-30, 2-49,
2-143, 3-147
summary table of requirements 3-72
table-level 2-31, 3-70
triangular array of 3-71
see also Special T statistics
stats.ini file for Quanvert (Windows) 4-86
stop, terminate the edit 1-127
stopped_, stop statement executed 1-127
Storing your program 1-3
Strings of data constants 1-15
Strings, semicolons in 1-90
struct, define record structure 1-53
with levels data files 3-48
end of group 2-77
naming groups on elements 2-79, 2-114
start of group 2-77
tables from 2-80
Subdirectories, store variables in 4-80
in sorted tables 3-137
in tables 2-62
nesting in column axes 2-63
positioning above columns 2-65
underline 2-63
arguments with 1-188
convert multicoded data to single coded 1-181
defining variables in 1-189
explode 1-181
fetch 1-178
fetchx 1-180
load data from look-up file 1-178, 1-180
using 1-177
writing your own 1-182
Subscription 1-23, 1-91
subsort, start secondary level sorting 2-118, 3-134
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 241
Substitute variable names in data-mapped variables
Subtotals 2-133, 2-134
sample table with 2-136
Subtraction 1-26
Sum of factors 2-144
formula 2-156
produced by list 1-139
sum_, sorted summary of datapass errors 1-228,
4-18, 4-23
summary, keyword for secure databases 2-45,
2-118, 4-116, 4-118
supp, suppress percentages for a row 2-118
Suppressed elements, sum of 2-118
Suppressing percentages with small bases 2-196
Suppressing small absolutes 2-117
Suppressing small column percentages 2-117
Suppressing small total percentages 2-117
Suppressing statistics with small bases 2-196
Suppressing tables 2-15
Suppressing the base on continuation pages 2-57
Switching off options 2-32
SYLK format files, creating 2-13
Symbolic parameters
codes 2-232
columns 2-228, 2-229
function of 2-227
global values for 2-237
how Quantum interprets 2-229
in grid axes 2-239, 2-240
text 2-234
variables 2-235
with col and val 2-231
T and F values with nft 3-108
T statistics see Special T statistics
T variables, define in data file 1-113
t1, one sample/paired T-test 3-101
t2, two sample T-test for comparing means 3-105
<<tab>>, table numbers on tt statements 2-211
Tab section, jump to from edit 1-126
tab, name axes for table 2-171
options on 2-9, 2-174
tab_, tables file 1-230, 4-24
font numbers on right side 2-12
suppressing blank page 4-23
tabcent, center tables on the page 2-22
tabcon 3-189
Table numbers 2-210
justification of 2-211
suppress 2-15
switching off 2-211
user-defined, positioning with tt 2-211
with and 2-211
Table numbers (continued)
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
Table of contents
create 3-189
format file 3-190
format file, naming 3-194
suppress for PostScript tables 3-211
Table texts
customizing 4-7
how Quantum compares with hitch/squeeze
see also Titles
#tableleft, print table on left of page 3-211
Table-level statistics 2-31, 3-70
adding 2-182
dummy elements 2-186
example of 2-184
sample program for 2-183
with column offsets 2-183
with row offsets 2-184
adjacent absolutes & percentages 2-17
analysis level for 2-10, 3-53
asterisks in 1-16
boxes in 3-206
center on page 2-22
column width 2-10, 2-41
combining 2-179
convert to CDA format 4-32, 4-35
dividing 2-186
double spacing in 2-11, 2-113
filtering 2-11
fonts for laser printing 2-11, 3-209
footnotes on 2-208
generating from qdi file 1-221
grids 2-238
incrementing cells by arithmetic values 2-120
introduction to 2-1
languages 2-13, 2-176
large numbers in 2-27
laser printed, justification of column headings
logos on 3-209
manipulating see Manipulation
maximum values of inc=s 2-28
mean values of inc=s 2-28
minimum values of inc=s 2-29
more than one per page 2-188
multidimensional 2-171
naming axes for 2-171
numbering 2-210
numbering with and 2-211
numbers in 1-16
one beneath the other 2-180
order of titles 2-24
page numbers for 2-213
pagination order in 2-107
pagination with wide breakdowns 2-190
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
242 / Index
Tables (continued)
paste one under the other 2-188, 2-195
placing side by side 2-180
position of cell counts in 2-167
position on page 3-211
pounds signs in 3-198
precedence of rows & columns when paginating
print base title last 2-10
print date on 2-10
print output type on 2-24
print text in main body of 2-61
reprint rows at top of continued 2-109, 2-114
row text width 2-20
separate for different output types 2-17
sorted means 3-141
sorted summary statistics 3-142
sorting 2-21, 3-125
suppress column headings 2-193
suppress if base less than given value 2-21
suppress numbering 2-15
suppress output type on 2-24
suppress page break between 2-190
suppress the base on continuation pages 2-57
suppressing all-zero 2-19, 2-32
suppressing printing 2-15
texts 2-5, 4-7
titles and other texts with hitch/squeeze 2-191
titles at bottom of page 2-210
titles for 2-181, 2-203
titles from axis names 2-10
titles from hd= text 2-22
titles to print first 2-23
titles to print last 2-24
types of data in 2-3
unsorted where default is sorted 2-32
updating cells at higher level than axes 3-54
using dummy data 3-43
using subaxes 2-80
vertical lines in 2-167
Tables file 4-22
tabn.syl, graphics files 4-22
Tabulation section
C code in 3-123
components of 2-7
editing in 3-124
hierarchies in 2-8
Tabulation statements, format of 1-5
Tags, internal variable names 4-15, 4-24, 4-94
Target weighting 3-2, 3-7
target, target weighting 3-7
tb, table numbers 2-210
tba, left justify table numbers on first page 2-211
tbb, right justify table numbers on first page 2-211
tc.def, table of contents format file 3-194
td, directory for temporary files 1-231
Temporary disk space for a run 4-178
Temporary files
delete 4-25
directory for 1-231
summary of 4-23
Terminating the edit 1-127
Terminating the run 1-128
with tables 1-127
without tables 1-128
termwid, output width in Quanvert Text 4-85
Testing values of data-mapped variables 1-211
at the bottom of tables 4-71
break points 2-163
continuing in axes 2-66
indent element when split 2-115
numeric variables 2-27, 2-42, 2-123, 4-42
prevent alteration of, in Quanvert Text 4-83
print in body of table 2-61
row, indenting folded 2-13
symbolic parameters for 2-234
table titles 2-203
underlining on elements 2-119
Text files, convert to Quantum format 4-167
Text strings, limit for 4-10
Text variables, for Quanvert 4-73, 4-74
textconv, translate Quanvert Text prompts 4-82
textdefs, number of text symbolic parameters per run
Text-only elements 2-58
sorted tables 3-137
with col/val/fld/bit 2-88
textq, convert text to Quantum data format 4-167
texts.qt, customized text file 4-8
thisread, cards read during current read 1-50
title, table titles from axis titles 2-22, 2-32
Titles 2-203
altering default order 2-205
at bottom of page 2-210
creating from axis names 2-10
default printing order 2-205
defining for Quanvert 4-68
footnotes on tables 2-208
in laser printed tables 3-205
justification of 2-203, 2-215
order of 2-24
prevent alteration of in Quanvert Text 4-83
print base last 2-10
suppress automatic for special T statistics 2-15
T statistics 3-151
table description, customizing 4-7
table, from hd= 2-22
underlining 2-207
which to print first 2-23
which to print last 2-24
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
with nested filter sections 2-221
with sid and und 2-181
topc, percent signs at top of column 2-22, 2-32
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 243
toptext=, column text 2-118
Total percentages 2-15
example of 2-33
suppress small 2-21
Total, weighting to a given total 3-5, 3-7, 3-16
total=, weighting to a given total 3-7, 3-16
Totals 2-133
excluding elements from 2-116
in sorted tables 3-141
sample table with 2-136
with nets 2-134
Trailer cards
correcting 1-170
definition of 1-48
preparing for Quanvert 4-72
reading 1-49
tabulating without levels 3-64
weighting 3-13
see also Repeated cards
Translations 2-13, 2-176
Quanvert (Windows) 4-77
Quanvert Text 4-81
tstat, include element in T stats 2-31, 2-32, 2-45,
2-119, 3-145
tstat, request a special T stat 3-154
tstat.dmp, intermediate figures for T stats 3-157
tstatdebug, intermediate figures for T stats 2-22,
2-32, 3-158
tt, titles 2-203
in tabcon format file 3-191
with flt 2-218
with hitch/squeeze 2-191
tta, left justification of titles on first page 2-204
ttb, right justification of titles on first page 2-204
ttbeg=, titles to print first 2-23, 2-205
ttc, centered title 2-203
ttend=, titles to print last 2-24, 2-205
exclude elements from 2-32
include elements in 2-31
on column means 3-164
formula 3-177
P-values for 3-164
on column proportions 3-160
formula 3-179
P-values for 3-163
one sample 3-101
example 3-102, 3-103
formula 3-117
in weighted runs 3-101
paired 3-101
example 3-102, 3-103, 3-104
formula 3-117
two sample 3-105
example of 3-106
formula 3-117
ttg, line up title with start of column headings 2-204
ttl, left justified title 2-203
ttn, indented title 2-204
ttord=, order for printing titles 2-24, 2-205
ttr, right justified title 2-203
T-variables 1-20
Two dimensional chi-squared test 3-76
example of 3-77
formula 3-89
Two sample T-test 3-105
example 3-106
formula 3-117
Two sample Z-test on proportions 3-95
tx=, text-only element with col/val/fld/bit 2-88
type, print output types 2-24, 2-32
Types of output 2-15
u, underline column headings 2-168
und, tables one under the other 2-180, 2-181, 2-182
column headings 2-168
column headings with pstab 3-203
element texts 2-119
for separate column texts in q2cda 2-169
in laser printed tables 3-203
in table of contents 3-190
subheadings 2-63
titles 2-207
Uniform distribution, test for 3-73
uniq_id, unique respondent numbers for Quanvert
uniqid=, in element texts 4-105
axes generated by qdiaxes 1-222
Unique ID text, and data-mapped variables 1-209
Unknown file formats for databases 4-128
unl, underline text 2-63, 2-119, 2-207
Unpack databases 4-126
Unweighted data, prevent Quanvert access 4-85,
uplev=, axis update level 2-45, 3-56
comparison with celllev 3-58
example of intermediate file with 3-57
statistics with 3-61
update base for all records at anlev= level
2-124, 3-57
with grids 2-245
useeffbase, use weighted counts for standard error
2-31, 2-32, 2-143
*usemap, define data-mapping file 1-204
User-definable limits 4-9
Quanvert Text 4-83
Users file, for Quanvert Text 4-83
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
244 / Index
val, elements with numeric conditions 2-89
abbreviated notation for arithmetic equality 2-91
arithmetic equality with 2-89
count missing values 2-94
data-mapped variables 1-205, 1-213
options on 2-112
ranges with 2-92
text-only elements 2-89
var(#)=, substitution for data-mapped variables
var, count elements for data-mapped variables 1-213
Variable groups for Quanvert (Windows) 4-68
add new to multiproject directories 4-107
add to database 4-99
alpha for Quanvert 4-73, 4-74
blank out 1-111
C array 1-18
checking contents of 1-31, 1-34
comparing 1-31, 1-35
data 1-18
data-mapped 1-201
defaults 1-198
defining in subroutines 1-189
external 1-199
integer 1-20
reset to zero 1-111
lastrec 1-52
local 1-199
naming 1-195, 4-15
naming in program 1-199
naming of files 4-95
numeric for Quanvert 4-70
passing with call 1-190
prevent creation of, in Quanvert Text 4-83
real 1-21
reset to zero 1-111
replacing in a database 4-98
resetting between respondents 1-97
restrict access in Quanvert Text 4-84
storing in subdirectories 4-80
subscription of 1-23
symbolic parameters for 2-235
T, define in data file 1-113
types of 1-17
see also Reserved variables
Variables file 1-196, 4-1
varname=, variable name
alpha variables 4-73
numeric variables 4-70
weighting matrices 3-8, 4-71
vartext=, description of variable 4-70, 4-73
Vectors in manipulation expressions 3-27, 3-35
Verbatim responses 4-74
Version of Quantum, selecting 1-223
Vertical lines in tables 2-167
.wav files 4-74
flipping for panel studies 4-112
link into a single database 4-113
Weighted data, prevent access to 4-116
Weighted databases, prepare for Quanvert 4-71
Weighted panel studies 4-113
anlev= with 3-12
c= with 3-13
characteristics not known 3-19
declare in axes 3-14
defining characteristics for 3-7
effective base 2-119, 2-153, 3-147
entering weights 3-7
error handling 2-31, 3-10
error variance with 2-143
example of 3-9, 3-10
exclude respondents from 3-6
factors 3-2
frequency distributions 1-142
grid tables 2-246
holecounts 1-136
input 3-5
methods of 3-1
missing values with pre/postweights 3-8
multidimensional matrices 3-13
name matrix to use 2-31, 2-125, 3-23
naming matrices 4-71
number of matrices 3-7
one dimensional T-tests with 3-101
options for 3-7
postweights 3-6
preweights 3-5
program 1-229
proportions 3-5
Quanvert 4-71
report at each rim weighting iteration level 3-21
rim 3-3, 3-19
special T stats with 3-147
standard error with 2-143
summary information 4-19
targets 3-2
to a given total 3-5, 3-7, 3-16
trailer cards 3-13
unweighted records 3-2
uses of 3-1
using weights from record alone 3-17
see also Rim weighting
Weighting report file 1-229, 4-19
weightrp, weighting report file 1-229, 4-19, 4-23
abbreviating lists of 3-9
copying into data file 3-24
entering 3-9
for elements 3-14, 3-15
Quantum Users Guide Volume 3
Index / 245
Weights (continued)
minimum 3-18
switching off 3-23
using 3-23
Whole numbers 1-16
Wide tables, print all on one page 2-190
Width of terminal display for Quanvert Text 4-85
Wildcard characters with quclean, qteclean, qtoclean
& manipclean 4-26
Windows-based Quanvert see Quanvert (Windows)
wm, define a weight matrix 3-7
wm=, weighting matrix to use 2-31, 2-125, 3-23
wmerrors, weighting error handling 2-31, 2-32,
write, write out records 1-65
as part of another statement 1-66
correcting errors from 1-160
creating data files 1-69
default output file 1-67
define default print parameters for 1-81
defining the file type 1-78
file of records failing 4-17
override use of ruler with ident 1-83
specifying an output file 1-67
turn off default print parameters 1-83
with explanatory texts 1-67
writing selected fields only 1-68
wtfactor=, factor weighting 3-15
wttarget=, target weighting 3-14
wttran, copy weights into data 3-24
xor, logical operator for assignment 1-101
X-variables 1-22
z1, one sample Z-test on proportions 3-93
z2, two sample Z-test on proportions 3-95
z3, Z-test on subsample proportions 3-97
z4, Z-test on overlapping samples 3-99
exclude from averages 2-137
special characters for 2-21
suppressing columns 2-15
suppressing elements 2-32
suppressing rows 2-15
suppressing tables 2-19, 2-32
one sample 3-93
example of 3-94
formula 3-115
Z-test (continued)
overlapping samples 3-99
example of 3-100
formula 3-116
subsample proportions 3-97
example of 3-96, 3-98
formula 3-116
two sample on proportions 3-95
formula 3-115

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