Science and Technology Studies: Exploring The Knowledge Base

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SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES: EXPLORING THE KNOWLEDGE BASE Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Working

Paper No. 427

by Ben R. Martin Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) and Centre for Business Research, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge; and SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research University of Sussex [email protected] Paul Nightingale SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research University of Sussex [email protected] Alfredo Yegros-Yegros INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) Universitat Politcnica de Valncia [email protected]

September 2011

This working paper forms part of the Centre for Business Research programme on Enterprise and Innovation

Abstract Science and Technology Studies (STS) is one of a number of new research fields to emerge over the last four or five decades. This paper attempts to identify its core academic contributions using the methodology developed by Fagerberg et al. (2011) in their parallel study of Innovation Studies. The paper uses the references cited by the authors of chapters in a number of authoritative handbooks, based on the assumption that those authors will collectively have been reasonably comprehensive in identifying the core contributions to the field. The study analyses the publications most highly cited by the handbook authors, in particular examining their content and what they reveal about the various phases in the development of STS. The second part of the study analyses the users of the STS core contributions who have cited these contributions in their own work, exploring their research fields, journals, and geographical location. The paper concludes with some comparisons between STS and the fields of Innovation Studies and Entrepreneurship, in particular with regard to the role of institution builders in helping to develop a new research field. Keywords: science studies, STS, knowledge base, core contributions, institution builders JEL Codes: N01, O33, B29, O14 Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to DIME for the funding needed to carry out the empirical research reported here. They would also like to thank members of the EXPLORE project (and in particular, Jan Fagerberg) for comments on earlier drafts of this paper. In addition, useful comments were obtained from Jane Calvert. Any remaining errors are omissions are, however, the responsibility of the authors.

Further information about the Centre for Business Research can be found at the following address: 2

1. Introduction Over the last few decades, numerous new research fields in the social and natural sciences have formed. Such fields often originate at the interstices of established disciplines when researchers from neighbouring disciplines realise they share a common interest, that can be addressed from different disciplinary perspectives. Over time, however, they may develop their own shared conceptual, methodological and analytical frameworks, and move from publishing in journals of their parent disciplines to establishing their own journals, professional associations, specialised university departments or units (often with the name of the new field in their title), and PhD programmes to train their own researchers. Eventually some fields may acquire enough of these characteristics to achieve disciplinary status. One such field is Innovation Studies (it previously went by other titles such as Science Policy Research). Fagerberg and Verspagen (2009) surveyed researchers to identify and analyse its participants, and more recently Fagerberg et al. (2011) have mapped the core contributions in its knowledge base. This paper is the outcome of an expansion of that study1 to two neighbouring fields Entrepreneurship (see Landstrm et al., 2011), and Science and Technology Studies (or STS2), the subject of this paper. Prior to the 1960s, STS did not exist as a distinct organised specialty. While Fleck (1935), Merton (1938) and Bernal (1939) provided many of the core ideas that eventually became woven into STS, and Lotka (1926), and Zipf (1949) pioneered quantitative analysis of science, the period from the latter part of the 19th Century up to the 1960s was dominated by a particular view of science (Dupr, 1993). This view of science saw it as a process that cumulatively discovers more about the inherently deterministic, law-governed order of the natural world. These laws are captured using the scientific method that allows nature to decide between rival theories. As a result, epistemology is particularly valued as being able to shed light on this method and potentially extend it more widely to other areas, which can then replicate the success of science. On the other hand, the history of science is conceptualised as a purely (or largely) internal process of little more than antiquarian interest, during which many routes can be taken to a single end-point where the structure of the universe is ultimately revealed.3 Because the context of discovery and the context of justification are distinct within this framework, streams of research on the history (e.g. Butterfield, 1949), philosophy (e.g. Popper, 1934, 1959 & 1962; Polanyi, 1958), and sociology of science (e.g. Barber, 1952) were largely separate during this time. 1

The promise of a scientific method that would generate certainty partly explains why this traditional view of science was promoted by social scientists and others seeking to exert more influence in the modernising politics of the nation state (i.e. society). On the other hand, some scientists, in particular Fleck (1935), were less credulous about the metaphysical position that the world comes with a unique pre-packaged structure, and openly critical that sociologists such as Durkheim had an excessive respect, bordering on pious reverence, for scientific facts that overlooked how those facts evolved and only made sense within historically contingent styles of thought (Denkstile) (Fleck, 1979, p.47, quoted in Hacking, 2001, p.60). American sociologists such as Barber (1952) and Merton (e.g. 1957) began to lay the groundwork for the integration of a sociological perspective into the history of science, but it was Thomas Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that successfully brought the three separate fields together. With inputs from others such as Hagstrom (1965), Berger and Luckmann (1966), Ben-David (1971), Habermas (1971), Ravetz (1971), Crane (1972), Cole & Cole (1973), Merton (1973), Barnes (1974), Blume (1974) and Mitroff (1974), the STS field began to emerge with its distinctive emphasis on unmasking the external (i.e. extra-scientific) social factors behind the process and even the content4 of science.5 From the 1960s onwards, this STS community grew in size and geographical coverage and developed into a number of distinct specialised groups; for example, at Columbia (where Robert Merton and his colleagues developed the Program in the Sociology of Science), Yale (where Derek de Solla Price had been appointed as Professor of the History of Science in 1960), UC Berkeley (where Kuhn worked from 1961 to 1964), Cornell (where the Science, Technology and Society Program was set up in 1969 under the directorship of Frank Long), Edinburgh (where the Science Studies Unit was set up in 1966 by David Edge), York (Michael Mulkay), Bath (Harry Collins), Bielefeld (Peter Weingart), Ecoles des Mines Paris (Bruno Latour and Michel Callon at CSI), Amsterdam (Stuart Blume, head of the Science Dynamics group set up in 1982), and Leiden (Antony van Raan, founding Director of CWTS, the quantitative science studies group set up in the early 1980s). At the same time, STS became professionalised with the formation of bodies such as the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S, founded in 1975) and the European Association for Studies of Science and technology (EASST, founded in 1981), each with their own regular conferences, as well as the creation of specialist STS journals, in particular Social Studies of Science (SSS, established 2

in 1971), and Science Technology & Human Values (ST&HV, set up in 1976). It also underwent substantial internal changes in its intellectual focus and methods. During the 1960s and 1970s, the field happily combined quantitative studies (e.g. de Solla Price, 1963; Small, 1973; Narin, 1976; Garfield, 1979) with qualitative sociological case-studies, and prominent sociologists made extensive use of various science indicators (e.g. Crane, 1965; Cole & Cole, 1967; Zuckerman, 1967; Spiegel-Rsing, 1977). By the end of the 1970s, however, these two sub-fields had started to drift apart. The sub-field of science indicators established its own journals (e.g. Scientometrics, established in 1978) and regular conferences (e.g. the Leiden conferences on S&T indicators, first held in 1988). Over time, the fields drifted further apart, with the 4S/EASST conference of 2000, unlike that of 1996, having no mainstream scientometrics sessions (Van der Besselaar, 2001). By 2001, Van der Besselaar (2001) was able to identify distinct groups of qualitative, scientometric and policy-focused researchers, who interacted in a limited way, with the qualitative STS community largely isolated from the others.6 Nevertheless, given their common origin, both quantitative and qualitative studies of science and technology are treated as part of STS here. STS also underwent a series of internally and externally driven changes as new streams of research for example, the Edinburgh Strong Programme, the Empirical Programme of Relativism (EPOR), the Social Construction of Technology (SCOT), Actor-Network Theory (ANT), and later cultural studies of science emerged and fought among themselves (Bloor, 1999; Latour, 1999), and on occasions with the wider academic community (most prominently in the form of the Science Wars see e.g. Ross, 1996; Gould, 2000; Segerstrle, 2000; Ashman and Baringer, 2001). Of particular interest, in this instance, is why and how such conceptual and methodological splits emerged, particularly given the traditional role of methods in stabilising scientific fields. The primary aim of this paper is to identify as far as possible the core contributions made within STS during over the last 50 years. As in the Innovation Studies project, the starting point for this is an analysis of the review chapters contained in STS handbooks and of the references cited by their authors. Normally, such a review process would focus on scientific articles, but as an emerging field STS has been, and to a considerable extent still is, dominated by books, which complicates both data collection and selection. An approached based on surveying researchers would be subject to potential bias in the selection of respondents, so we have, as a first step, focussed on leading STS practitioners (the authors of handbook chapters) and what they have identified as the core contributions to the field.

The structure of the remainder of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we describe the methods we have adopted to identify the core STS literature. In Section 3, we interpret the quantitative evidence on those core contributions in the light of the qualitative histories of the subject (e.g. Fuller, 2000; Pestre, 2004, Hackett et al., 2007), while in Section 4 we analyse the users of the STS core literature, in particular in terms of the research fields that draw most prominently on those STS contributions. Section 5 then explores the structure of the knowledge base, using clustering analysis to break down the STS core into a number of identifiable clusters. Finally in Section 6, we summarise the main conclusions to emerge from the study and highlight some of the implications. 2. Identifying the Core Literature of STS To ensure comparability, we have employed as far as possible the same methodological approach to identifying the core contributions to STS as Fagerberg et al. (2011) used for Innovation Studies, beginning by identifying handbooks comprised of expert reviews of STS. The two central assumptions here are, first, that the authors chosen to write the handbook chapters are generally prominent in the field7, and, second, that they carry out reasonably systematic reviews that identify the core intellectual contributions in the area they are reviewing. Since this is a study of STS, the references cited in these handbook chapters may be seen a providing a reflection of a social practice of negotiation, one which should presumably bear some relation to what their authors view as the fundamental intellectual building blocks of the STS field. However, the nature of STS, with the existence of separate schools with their own perspectives and interests, makes citations a somewhat messy indicator in this case.8 In the light of this, we combine our quantitative analysis with a qualitative account of the history of STS. The first STS handbook was published in 1977 and was edited by Ina SpiegelRsing and Derek de Solla Price. The former was a sociologist of science9, while the latter was a historian of science who was a pioneer in introducing a more quantitative approach to studies of science and technology.10 A second edition of the STS Handbook was published 18 years later in 1995. By then, researchers pursuing a more quantitative approach to STS had begun to form a somewhat separate sub-community reflected in the appearance in 1988 of the first Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology, edited by Antony van Raan, the Director of one of the leading academic groups in the area, CWTS at Leiden University. CWTS Leiden was also central in coordinating the second Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research, published in 2004. Finally, a third edition of the STS Handbook was published in 2007. 4

In total, the five selected handbooks contain 136 chapters, with 211 authors (and editors) involved (see Table 1 below).11 These handbooks capture the evolution of the field, with the first STS handbook describing a nascent field borrowing heavily from other disciplines, the second an adolescent field slowly establishing its own identity, and the third a more mature field capable of generating ideas and concepts that it may then export to other fields (Hackett et al., 2007, p.4).
Table 1. Reference works (12,354 References) Name of author/editor I. SpiegelRsing & D. de Solla Price A.F.J. Van Raan S. Jasanoff et al. H.F. Moed et al. Title Science, Technology and Society: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research: The Use of Publication and Patent Statistics in Studies of S&T Systems Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Year of publication 1977 Publisher Sage Number of chapters (references) 15 (2361)



21 (864)

1995 2004

Sage Kluwer

28 (2947) 34 (1326)

E.J. Hackett et al.


MIT Press

38 (4856)

The next step involved collecting all the references in the chapters of these five handbooks and entering them into a dedicated database. After cleaning them to remove obvious errors and duplicates, a total of 12,354 references remained, of which about 9,759 are non-identical. Most (94.6%) are cited only once or twice by handbook authors. Simply counting each publications citations in all the handbook chapters would clearly disadvantage more recent publications that appeared after earlier handbooks. As in the analysis of Innovation Studies, we have therefore constructed and used an age-adjusted J-Index.12 With a cut-off of 3.3%, this excludes any publication cited less than once per 30 chapters (for those chapters that could potentially have cited it). This yielded a list of 155 publications (see Appendix A) that are taken to represent the core literature, with their J-index reflecting their relative importance to the authors of 136 handbook chapters (i.e. as viewed by experts within the field of STS). To assess 5

the broader impact in other fields and specialties, we analysed the STS core literatures citations using the Web of Science (WoS) database, and identified a total of 108,000 citations (an average >700 per core publication). The results of this analysis are discussed in Section 3. 3 The History and Evolution of the Central Core Table 2 lists the twenty most important (i.e. highest J-score) contributions to STS, including the location of authors (at the time of writing), publication title, type and year, J-index and the average number of citations per year in the Web of Science. Among those items on the list, only Narin et al. (No.10) and to a lesser extent de Solla Price (No.6) are based on the use of science indicators. The great majority (about three quarters) are primarily in the sociology of science/knowledge, with just two (Jasanoff and Gibbons et al.) addressing the STS-science policy connection. Three are primarily concerned with the history of science (Kuhn; Shapin & Schaffer; de Solla Price), while Dickson is the sole contribution to the politics of science. In terms of the national origins of these core contributions, the main country is the United States, which appears in the institutional addresses of 12 of the top 20, followed by the UK (seven), then France (three) and the Netherlands (two). As with Innovation Studies, the majority of these 20 core contributions are books rather than journal articles (85% compared with 80% for Innovation Studies). If we extend the analysis to the entire set of 155 publications, the share of journal articles is only a little higher (21.9%). Possible interpretations for this high preponderance of books are that book-length expositions are needed to set out major new theoretical contributions, perhaps reflecting the relatively early state of the field, or the reluctance of STS practitioners to separate theory and evidence in case studies, thereby making short expositions difficult.13 The final column of Table 2 gives the average number of citations (as recorded in the Web of Science) per year since publication. As in case of Innovation Studies, there is no close correlation between the J-Index (which reflects the views of the expert STS authors) and the average citation rate (which reflects the overall impact on the wider research community). For example, Kuhns The Structure of Scientific Revolutions has by far the largest average citation rate (over 400 citations per year) but comes only 3rd on J-Index within STS; reflecting its enormous impact across a range of disciplines, while the impact of Latour, and of Latour & Woolgar, although substantial, is evidently narrower. Also interesting is the relatively small number of ISI citations to many of these top STS publications, indicating a relatively small or narrow external impact, 6

giving the lie to concerns raised by the scientific establishment during the science wars. 3.1 Institutional analysis of the core STS contributions Which have been the leading institutions contributing to STS? Figure 1 lists the top ten research institutions based on the contributions of their researchers (using the aggregated J-Index for each institution). The figure suggests that CSI at the Ecoles des Mines in Paris, home to Latour and Callon, has been the single most influential institution, followed by the University of California, then Edinburgh University. Interestingly, the top two institutions with regards to quantitative studies of science are both private companies (ISI14 and CHI Research15) rather than universities. This reflects the pioneering role of ISI and CHI Research in constructing the large databases on publications and citations needed to carry out such quantitative studies, databases that require a level of investment beyond the means of most university departments (CWTS Leiden being one prominent exception here). Of the top 10 institutions in Figure 1, a majority (six) are in the US, while the UK has three (Edinburgh, Bath and York) and France one (although that was in top position).
Figure 1. STS: Most prominent institutions (as based on aggregate J-Index)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
C s( e n i SI) r lif o Ca nia Ed u in b rgh ISI th Ba r Yo k c. I n h rc le Ya IT M C ia mb u l o

M es d o le

a se e R I CH

Table 2. STS: Top twenty contributions as identified by handbook authors

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Author Latour B Latour B; Woolgar S Kuhn T Jasanoff S Shapin S; Schaffer S de Solla Price DJ Traweek S Star SL; Griesemer J Bloor D Narin F; Hamilton KS; Olivastro D Haraway D Bijker WE; Hughes TP; Pinch T Gibbons M; Limoges C; Nowotny H; Schwartzman S; Scott P; Trow M Collins HM Pickering A Knorr K Cole JR; Cole S Dickson D Pinch T; Bijker WE Latour B Country France France, UK USA USA UK USA USA USA UK USA USA Netherlands, USA, UK UK, Canada, Austria, Brazil, USA UK USA Germany USA USA UK, Netherlands France Title Science in action: how to follow scientists and engineers through society Laboratory life: the social construction of scientific facts The structure of scientific revolutions The fifth branch : science advisers as policymakers Leviathan and the air-pump: Hobbes, Boyle and the experimental life Little science, big science Beam-times and lifetimes: the world of high energy physicists Institutional ecology, translations and boundary objects: amateurs and professionals in Berkeleys museum of vertebrate zoology, 1907-1939 Knowledge and social imagery The increasing linkage between us technology and public science Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature The social construction of technological systems: new directions in the sociology and history of technology The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies Type Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Journal (SSS) Book Journal (RP) Book Book Book Year 1987 1979 1962 1990 1985 1963 1988 1989 1976 1997 1991 1987 1994 JIndex 24 19 16.9 15 14 14 12 12 11.8 11.1 11 10.7 10 Citations (ISI/Year) 154 78.9 402.5 27.6 45.4 28.7 21.1 28.2 30 15.5 120.5 37 81

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Changing order: replication and induction in scientific practice The mangle of practice: time, agency and science Epistemic cultures: how the sciences make knowledge Social stratification in science The new politics of science The social construction of facts and artifacts, or how the sociology of science and the sociology of technology might benefit each other The Pasteurization of France

Book Book Book Book Book Journal (SSS) Book

1985 1995 1999 1973 1984 1984 1988

9.9 9.7 9.7 9.6 9.1 9.1 9.0

31.5 34.3 45.4 18.1 8.1 7.5 30.1

The most influential researchers tend to produce several important publications most prominently, Latour has three in the top 20. Other authors of the top 20 publications also published items further down the list of 155 core publications. Table 3 aggregates the data by author, adjusting for co-authorship (e.g. an individual is credited 0.5 if there is one other author, 0.33 if there are two others, and so on) and lists the top 20 authors. The Total J-index is the sum of the J-indices of an authors works, while a similar calculation is used for Total ISI/Year.
Table 3. STS: Top 20 STS contributors (as judged by handbook authors)
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Author Latour B Collins HM Knorr K Woolgar S Price, DJ de Solla Pickering A Kuhn T Jasanoff S Star SL Pinch T Fujimura J Affiliation(s) cole des Mines de Paris University of Bath/ Cardiff University University of Bielefeld Brunel University/ University of Oxford Yale University University of Illinois University of California, Berkeley Harvard University University of California Cornell University Stanford University/Tremont Research Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Lancaster University Institute for Scientific Information University of California, Santa Cruz Columbia University University of Edinburgh CHI Research Inc. Keele/Lancaster University Rice University Country France UK Germany UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Total JIndex 48.3 28.5 21.2 20.8 20.0 18.7 16.9 16.1 16.0 15.9 15.8 Total ISI cites/year 233.0 63.7 83.2 70.9 45.0 70.3 402.5 29.9 26.8 28.0 22.7

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Winner L Wynne B Small H Haraway D Merton RK MacKenzie D Narin F Law J Traweek S


15.6 15.2 15.1 15.0 14.6 13.4 12.8 12.2 12.0

37.4 27.8 20.7 161.0 44.2 32.7 16.6 29.4 21.1

The table is again headed by Latour, who has a total J-Index of 48.3, well over double that of all the others except for Collins (28.5), suggesting that Latour has been the dominant influence within the field of STS. These two are followed by 9

Knorr, Woolgar and de Solla Price, each with a J-Index of around 20. The next ten individuals are all clustered fairly closely together in the range 15-19 on the aggregated J-Index. Again, there is little direct correlation between the J-Index and the aggregated citation counts. For the latter indicator, the list is once more headed by Kuhn (402), then Latour (233) and Haraway (161), followed by Knorr (83), Woolgar (71), Pickering (70) and Collins (64). These tables provide a reasonably close match with what one might expect with respect to the history of STS and its developments over time. As noted earlier, STS emerged in opposition to the traditional view of science with its internalist history and an ahistorical, epistemologically-focused philosophy of science. In the US, the institutionalist approach of Merton and his colleagues added social norms and values to this traditional account. They highlighted that science serves a social function of providing certified knowledge, and that it requires the norms of universalism, disinterestedness, communism (or communalism) and organised scepticism to function effectively, these providing the social regulations that bind the scientific community together. Mertonian science is progressive, cumulative and impartial, undertaken by people socialised into professional communities, and it is these communities, not some transcendent scientific logic, that provide the standards and practices needed to generate and evaluate knowledge claims.16 A distinct non-Mertonian approach to STS also emerged, with a key early role played by scientists (particularly former physicists) with wartime experiences or memories (including Derek de Solla Price, Paul Feyerabend, Thomas Kuhn, Stephen Toulmin and John Ziman), who were concerned about the links between physics and the military, and who drew on earlier 20th century writers such as Duhem, Bernal and Polanyi to formulate an alternative framing (Ziman, 1968; Fuller, 2000). Their views developed in the 1960s and 70s in the wider context of emerging social movements such as nuclear disarmament, environmentalism and feminism.17 They were critical of the role of science in society, not least in relation to the military (Vietnam in the US case, and nuclear weapons in Europe) and the environment, and particularly with regard to how science was used to naturalise, justify and hide politicised social structures (Fuller, 2000). The only politics book on the top 20 list, Dicksons (1984) The New Politics of Science, is part of this political tradition, and it highlights the concentration of control of scientific funding in military and business circles, along with its consequences. In Europe, one of the key institutional developments were the Dutch science shops that represented efforts by scientists and others to open up science to the wider public, and which set the scene for future developments in Constructive 10

Technology Assessment (CTA). Similarly, in the UK, scientific organisations such as the Radical Statistics Society were actively engaged in public controversies to show how data and statistics were constructed to reflect particular political positions, foreshadowing later theoretical developments in STS. Likewise, the Radical Science Collective formed their own Radical Science Journal, which later in 1987 became Science as Culture. 3.2 1960-1975 The emergence of STS Of the three earliest papers in the top 20 during this period, two, de Solla Price (1963) Little Science, Big Science, and Cole and Cole (1973) Social Stratification in Science, extended the Mertonian tradition18, establishing the foundations of the quantitative analysis of citation patterns to reveal social structure and stratification. In this and later work, the Cole brothers highlighted how citations reflect in part an old boys network rather than offering a clearcut picture of impact, while Price (1963/1986) uncovered a macro-level structure that had grown exponentially for 300 years.19 This quantitative work was boosted by the development in the 1960s of the Science Citation Index, and subsequently by the National Science Boards Science Indicators Report and the development of high-quality indicators in Canada, Australia and subsequently the EU. However, it was fiercely resisted by many in the STS community, not least because, even many years later, there was still a lack of theoretical understanding as to what a citation actually represents (Cozzens, 1989). The third of the three top-20 contributions from this earliest period Kuhns (1962) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions had an enormous impact outside of STS, as indicated by its very high ISI citation score. While Kuhn is often represented (including here) as the father of STS, it should be recalled that he regarded himself as primarily an internalist historian, and while his analysis certainly opened up the social analysis of science, his social was largely restricted to the 100 or so scientists that form the core of a paradigm at the heart of each field, and he had little to say about anything wider (Hacking, 2001). The vast intellectual gulf between Kuhn and, say, Carnap or Popper is to a considerable extent a construction of later authors (Galison, 1987; Chalmers, 1994). However, where Kuhn was decidedly radical was in seeing scientific progression as a mundane process of problem-solving away from older science rather than towards a correct account of the universes inherent structure, with changes in direction during revolutionary periods of change driven as much by the death of existing scientists as by the steady progress of reason. His rather poorly defined paradigms represented sets of ideas and world-views that contributed new categories and frameworks to provide shared ways of solving 11

problems. Consequently, despite his personal conservatism and respect for authority, his work provided a wider, more critical academic community with a new set of tools to understand science (using paradigms as versions of culture), its claims to authority, and how its processes and products interact. Work in STS up until the publication of the first handbook in 1977 built on these foundations. The first handbook divided its 15 chapters into three sections normative and professional contexts, disciplinary perspectives on science studies, and interdisciplinary perspectives on science policy that reflected the emerging formation of the discipline. One of its editors, Spiegel-Rsing (1977, pp.20-30) identified and discussed certain cardinal tendencies of STS a humanistic focus on people, a relativistic focus on place and history, a reflexive critical self-awareness, a de-simplifying focus on revealing the hidden complexity of seemingly natural black-boxed phenomena, and a normative focus on the values implicit in science and technology (Hackett et al., 2007, pp.6-7).20 3.3 1975-1985 from the sociology of science to the sociology of scientific knowledge During the 1960s, several teaching programmes were set up to teach British scientists about the complexity of social problems (Fuller, 2001). One of these, the Science Studies Unit at the University of Edinburgh, employed a number of natural scientists, including David Edge (a former radio astronomer), Barry Barnes (a chemist) and David Bloor (a psychologist and mathematician), who, informed by Wittgenstein, Kuhn and Polanyi, developed a research programme called the Strong Programme21 in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge. This switch in emphasis from the sociology of science associated with Merton and his colleagues to the sociology of scientific knowledge (often abbreviated to SSK) was picked up by others. For example, the Bath School of Collins and Pinch began developing a parallel Empirical Programme of Relativism, while Mulkay and colleagues at the University of York set about applying discourse analysis to science. Bloors (1976) Knowledge and Social Imagery, number 9 in the list in Table 2, set out the philosophy behind SSK a philosophy that stressed social causality, an impartial attitude to success and failure in science (under the traditional view, sociologists had been confined to raking over the leftovers of explaining failed science), a methodological principle of symmetry (according to which the same explanations should apply to success and failure in science, which in turn implied the adoption of a relativistic methodology), and a self-conscious reflexive recognition that these rules applied to SSK itself. 12

Through a series of important historical studies that revealed science as it is actually done and the social and contingent nature of scientific facts, the Edinburgh School produced a systematic criticism of the traditional epistemology of science (see, for example, Bloor, 1981, in response to Ladan, 1981, in response to Bloor, 1976/1991).22 Their philosophy involved a KuhnianWittgensteinian emphasis on knowledge as a form-of-life, and they sought to decode the world-views proposed by scientists by showing that micro-level theories and facts (i) were contingent and could be explained in quite different terms (it could be otherwise) and (ii) were selected and stabilised by the social and cognitive interests and the activities of key social actors. They justified their relativist methods because, first of all, they only had access to social actors, who mediate the natural entities they invoked in their arguments, and not to the natural entities themselves. Secondly, the truth or otherwise of a scientific proposition does not explain why anyone might believe in it, and explaining why someone believes in something in terms of the truth of facts misapplies the grammar of the verb to explain. They emphasised the local and complicated against the essential, simple and universal, using thick micro-level descriptions of the day-to-day activities and arguments involved in the often controversial process of establishing scientific facts. Three other books in the top 20 fall broadly within this tradition. The first, Shapin and Schaffers (1985) Leviathan and the Air-Pump, provides a rich social history of the scientific revolution, the second, Collins (1985) Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice, illustrates the Bath Schools more micro-sociological focus, while the third, Traweeks (1988) Beam-times and Lifetimes: the World of High Energy Physicists, provides a revealing anthropological analysis of high-energy physics at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). Collectively, this local approach, itself the natural implication of the underdetermination of theory by evidence, undermines both the idea of cumulative progress, as knowledge claims are always relative to what is salient to the local culture, and the moral superiority of science that comes from a privileged access to truth. Within this work, there is a key distinction between the product and process of science. The old history and sociology of science followed processes but assumed they all arrived at the same place or product, while according to the STS perspective the process determined the end-point. Quantitative sociology and scientometrics, by contrast, focus on the products of science, an approach that, for the qualitative philosopher-historian, only captures an overly stable and potentially misleading snap-shot of something in the process of becoming, or, worse still, represents an implicit attempt to impose order and therefore social 13

difference on people, their worlds and the dynamic connections that give them their properties. This may help explain the later qualitative-quantitative schism in STS.23 3.4 1980s -1995 the laboratory and the technological turn During the 1980s, the focus of academic research on science changed from understanding Kuhnian revolutions and Popperian refutations to understanding the considerable stability of science. One book in the top 20, Latour and Woolgars (1979) Laboratory Life: the Social Construction of Scientific Facts, was a groundbreaking study that moved away from the analysis of controversies and the intentional (in the philosophical sense) aspects of scientists cosmologies to explore the actions and materiality of scientific work.24 Latourss central importance is reflected in his ISI and J-score positions in Tables 2 and 3. While much previous work explored how truth and legitimacy are constructed between scientists, Latour and his colleagues, in particular Callon, Woolgar and Law, explored how science is effective in action (Pestre, 2004, p.357) and how it has such a significant impact on the world. Building on a tradition that argued that science has power through its ability to act at a distance, typically by outsourcing action to autonomous non-human things (or actants), they helped shift attention from science to techno-science and the interactions between entities that give them their form and attributes. These interactions form a network,25 whose effects, captured in the precarious process of becoming, extend through space and time to create Nature and Society (Pestre, 2004, p.358), reversing the previous conception of the relationship between society and technology. This work was central in the development of actor-network theory, which has since found application in a wide range of fields. The power of science therefore has less to do with its internal workings or its ability to reveal a hidden order in nature (reflecting an earlier sociological position that scientific theories do not succeed because they are true but because they attract funding), and more to do with practices that produce order (Pestre, 2004, p.357). As such, this new approach downplays the conflicts involved in the formulation of the content of science to focus more on a (more traditional) field of mutually antagonistic interactions. Not surprisingly, this shift generated serious disagreement (see Bloor, 1999, and Latour, 1999). Latour developed his theoretical ideas further in two more books in the top 20, his (1987) Science in Action, and his (1988) The Pasteurization of France, both of which were highly influential and helped shift the focus of analysis from historical processes though time to spatial changes. Later, Pickerings (1995) 14

The Mangle of Practice extended the increasing attention on techno-science back to the heart of experimental science with a detailed examination of the contingencies involved in experimental research, in which continuous adjustments to the mangle of instruments, theories and data maintain the stability of science. A parallel technological turn extended the SSK perspective from science to technology, heralding the emergence of the social construction of technology (SCOT). Two of the top 20 publications were pivotal in this shift; Bijker et al.s (1987) The Social Construction of Technological Systems, and Pinch and Bijkers (1984) The Social Construction of Facts and Artifacts, which drew parallels between science and technology, and highlighted the interpretive flexibility in the design and use of artefacts, and the lack of a unique design process or pattern of use across cultures or time. As a consequence, they argued for the analytical and policy value of studying technical change using methods associated with the Empirical Programme of Relativism by mapping technological controversies through time to document the social processes involved in the formation of technological consensus. These ideas have been subsequently extended into the evolutionary tradition in Science Policy by sociologists such as Rip and Geels working within a Dutch tradition of democratising technical decision-making. This connection between the Dutch Constructive Technology Assessment tradition and the STS theoretical mainstream was also part of a turn towards more practical involvement in STS. Jasanoffs (1990) The Fifth Branch: Science Advisers as Policymakers (number 4 on the list in Table 2) and Gibbons et al.s (1994) The New Production of Knowledge (number 13) both provide good illustrations of how theoretically informed STS can engage directly with issues in science and technology policy. Interestingly, however, the study that arguably had the largest impact on science policy at least in the US during this period was Narin et al.s (1997) article on The increasing linkage between US technology and public science (number 10 in the list), which was a traditional, product-focused, scientometric study showing that the most valuable US technology (as measured by patents) drew on the highest quality academic science (as measured by citations). The changing nature of STS in the 1980s and 1990s can be seen in the structure of the second STS Handbook published in 1995, which contains 28 chapters focusing on processes rather than disciplinary perspectives on science. Its seven sections cover the conceptual and historical foundations of STS, the people, places and practices involved in research, the politics of science and technology, 15

the institutions and economics of science and technology, and emerging areas of STS research. 3.5 From the 1990s onwards: science wars and the culture of science As these ideas developed during the 1990s, STS debates became more lively both internally and externally. Internally, Latours projection of agency onto non-human actants provoked considerable debate, particularly as it was felt to mask the conflict between human beings (Bloor, 1999). Similarly, the focus on the capacity of human beings to construct their world-views, to act and to generate meaning, restricted researchers to relatively narrow analyses. Moreover, it taught STS practitioners to be critical of large-scale frameworks.26 The symmetry principle and the practice of only using frames of analysis invoked by actors makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to take a normative stance (Dupr, 1993).27 Given that much of the original emphasis in constructivist STS was political, this self-imposed policy isolationism caused rifts, and in the case of Latour (2004) a criticism of critique and a rearticulation of his earlier positions. Lack of attention to what lies behind actors assertions opens STS scholars up to accusations of gullibility, and a nave uncritical role in constructing misleading expectations that favour powerful social actors (see Nightingale and Martin, 2004 on genomics). STS research can be criticised for its previously rather sparse interest in the limited role of women in technological decision-making, despite the early importance of feminist thinking. Partly, this is because Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and the Social Construction of Technology start from an (existing) actor perspective that emphasises powerful rather than marginalised actors, let alone missing actors (Russell and Williams, 1996). As a result, the role of women in science and technology may often be overlooked (Cockburn, 1993). This reflects a particular response to the aggregation problems inherent in the study of the complexity of science and technology systems. One can either expand and open up the number of categories chosen to analyse a phenomenon and unmask its complexity, which then drives the research to explore larger numbers of smaller units of analysis and interactions; or one can adopt a reductionist approach and integrate seemingly distinct phenomena and categories to explore more fundamental drivers. The first might explore publication behaviour differences between a management and a chemistry department in terms of their micro-level departmental politics and practices, highlighting historically situated differences within and across the disciplines, while the latter might reduce them both to strategic decision-making to maximise institutional power, with the differences being epiphenomena of an underlying more fundamental process. Interestingly, ANT combines the two 16

with a stringent anti-reductionist theoretical position, and an extreme ontological reductionism that reduces complexity to the workings of actants and networks. Knorrs (1999) Epistemic Cultures (number 16 on our list), by contrast, opens up the complexity of how scientists create knowledge and contrasts the epistemic cultures of physicists and molecular biologists. Similarly, Star and Griesemers (1989) article on Institutional ecology, translations and boundary objects explores the role of material objects in translating between the viewpoints of different sets of scientific actors.28 Haraways (1991) Simians, Cyborgs, and Women pushes de-simplification further, seeing the human body as a federation of beings rather than a single entity. Haraway builds on earlier work by Lynn Margulis to use the idea of cyborgs to explore how the body and technology continuously interact and open up new possibilities previously closed off by a view of the body as fixed. During the 1990s the use of both approaches by the STS community to understand the power, influence and outcomes of science led to conflict with self-styled leaders of the academic scientific community and public intellectuals from across the political spectrum. STS became caught up in wider public criticism in what became known as the Science Wars, which in turn formed part of the wider Culture Wars of the period. Having tweaked the tiger of science by the tail for 20 years, it was perhaps not a complete surprise when the tiger finally turned around and swatted STS. Prominent American physicists and British biologists lined up to attack STS, linking it with a wider community of cultural studies researchers under an often inappropriate banner of social constructivism that embraced many of social constructivisms major critics within STS. Bizarrely STS was even blamed for the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) failing to be funded29 and, as the debate expanded, much else besides. Internal divisions within STS have also emerged and deepened. For example, after 20 years the Amsterdam Science Dynamics department dissolved at the end of 1999, as increased specialisation meant that the sub-groups had little to discuss amongst themselves. More worryingly perhaps, qualitative scholars in the Dutch graduate school in STS excluded scientometrics from their canon (Van der Besselaar, 2001). As a consequence of all this, STS today is a rather divided community, with quantitative scientometrics and qualitative STS researchers operating largely in isolation from one another, one or two individual exceptions notwithstanding. The qualitative side of STS continues to expand its work on technology, including constructive technology assessment, with the original programme of work analysing the social influences on the 17

content of science having diffused into the mainstream and now attracting less interest.30 At the same time, scientometric research has been moving beyond science into areas previously the domain of traditional sociology, such as innovation and the analysis of social networks within and between organisations. 4. STS: knowledge users This section shifts the focus from the producers of the core contributions to STS to analyse the users of these core STS contributions. As in the project on Innovation Studies, the analysis uses the citations to the core contributions, based on the assumption that these citations reflect the impact of those core publications on the wider research community. We carried out a systematic search of all the citations to the 155 core contributions as recorded in the Web of Science (WoS), which scans several thousand leading international journals and records all the references contained within them.31 One can use the journal in which the citing source article was published to give some indication of the research fields on which the STS core contributions appear to have made an impact. As in the case of Innovation Studies, we have used the WoS classification of journals in the analysis reported here but the reader needs to bear in mind the limitations of that classification scheme (discussed below). Our results show that the 155 core STS contributions have been cited in a total of about 6,000 journals (it is impossible to be precise because of changes in journal titles over time) covering all areas of research. However, most of these journals have cited the STS core contributions very infrequently (i.e. one citation per year or less). 13.3% of the journals accounted for three-quarters of all the citations. Table 4 lists the 20 most important citing journals, which together account for 15.1% of all citations to the STS core contributions.


Table 4. Knowledge users: top twenty journals

Rank Journal
1 2 Social Studies of Science Scientometrics

Citing Percent Cumulative WoS Subject Categories articles Percent

3238 1709 3.0 1.6 3.0 4.5 History & Philosophy of Science Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science Social Issues Management; Planning & Development History & Philosophy of Science Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical History & Philosophy of Science History & Philosophy of Science Education & Educational Research; History & Philosophy of Science; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science Education & Educational Research Management Business; Management Sociology Business; Planning & Development Environmental Studies; Geography Education & Educational Research Information Science & Library Science; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Ethics; Philosophy Management; Multidisciplinary Sciences

3 4 5 6

Science, Technology & Human Values Research Policy Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Social Science and Medicine

1644 1581 801 694

1.5 1.5 0.7 0.6

6.1 7.5 8.3 8.9

7 8 9

Isis Technology and Culture Minerva

658 536 509

0.6 0.5 0.5

9.5 10.0 10.5


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) Journal of Research in Science Teaching Organization Studies Strategic Management Journal American Sociological Review Technological Forecasting and Social Change Environment and Planning A Science Education Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales Philosophy of the Social Sciences Technology Analysis & Strategic Management




481 479 463 463 447 446 445 437

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

11.4 11.8 12.2 12.6 13.1 13.5 13.9 14.3

19 20

432 416

0.4 0.4

14.7 15.1

Perhaps not surprisingly, two of the top three positions are filled by Social Studies of Science, and Science, Technology & Human Values, the two leading journals in the STS field. In second position is Scientometrics, the leading 19

journal for quantitative studies of science, with Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, the other main journal used by researchers in this subfield (as well as by those in the field of information science), further down the list in tenth position. Interestingly, in fourth position is Research Policy, the leading journal in the neighbouring field of Innovation Studies (see Fagerberg et al., 2011, Table 4), showing that researchers in that field do draw quite extensively on the STS core contributions.32 Further evidence for this comes from the fact that two other journals among the top 20, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, are also among the top ten in the field of Innovation Studies (see ibid.). The journals listed in fifth to ninth position are all recognisably STS journals. They are followed by a number of leading journals in adjacent social science disciplines including Organization Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and American Sociological Review, indicating that STS has had a significant impact on these social sciences. The list also contains two journals (in 11th and 17th position) in the area of educational research. Among the notable omissions from this list, however, are any journals in the fields of economics and psychology, suggesting that the impact of STS in these areas has been less pronounced.33 In considering the above findings, one must bear carefully in mind the limitations of this analysis. In particular, the journal classification scheme developed by ISI (and later the Web of Science, WoS) may not accurately reflect the changing nature of fields, especially newer or less mature ones (such as organization studies). It seems somewhat strange, for example, to note that SSS and ST&HV, both central STS journals, are classified by WoS as being in two rather different fields (History & Philosophy of Science, and Social Issues, respectively). As in the analysis of Innovation Studies, we have adopted another approach in our effort to identify groups of like-minded scholars drawing upon STS core literature. This involved a two-step approach. First, we brought together a number of clearly related subfields (e.g. merging all the different subgroups within psychology into one group). Then in a second step, we analysed the citation patterns of the 38 biggest subject-areas (those with over 500 citations together, these accounted for 89% of the total citations to the STS core contributions) in order to establish whether some of these could be grouped into larger clusters. If the citation preferences of two subject-areas with regard to the STS core literature are strongly correlated, this was taken as an argument for 20

merging the two. Conversely, if the citation patterns for two subject areas are rather different, this was seen as a reason for keeping those two fields separate. The results of this analysis are given in Appendix B. This shows that some fields have relatively distinct citation patterns (for instance, History and Philosophy of Science, Womens Studies, and Social Issues). Others are quite closely related (for example, Geography and Environmental Studies; and Information, Library and Computer Science). There is also a larger cluster consisting of Economics, Management, Business, Planning and Development, Operations Research & Management, and (perhaps somewhat surprisingly) Engineering. Figure 2 shows the ten largest clusters of fields, which collectively account for 85% of the total citations to the core literature in the Web of Science.
Figure 2. Knowledge users: disciplinary orientation (top 10 subject-areas)
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
ce s or er y& H um P hi an lo i ti so es ph In yO fo rm fS at cie io nc n, Li e br ar S oc y& io C lo om gy pu te rS cie nc e M ed Ps yc ica ho l& lo H gy ea l th Ge R og es ra ea ph rc ya h nd Ed En uc vir at on io n m en ta lS tu di es on om ics E c es s& t, Bu sin an ag em en Ot h M ie n lS c

er So ci a

Note: the vertical axis shows the percentage of users of the STS core contributions drawn from each of these ten areas.

Figure 2 suggests that, while History and Philosophy of Science is the largest single subject area in terms of citing the STS core literature (with just under 9% of the users of that literature) followed by Sociology (8%), the STS core literature is also drawn upon by a wide range of other disciplines. The impact on the Management, Business and Economics cluster is largest (accounting for a total of nearly 16% of the users), followed by the composite groups of Other 21

Hi st

Ot h

Social Sciences (14%) and Other Humanities (10%). The appearance of Information, Library and Computer Science in sixth position evidently reflects the impact of quantitative science studies on that area. Figure 2 takes no account of the different sizes of the various fields listed. In order to normalise for field size, we follow the procedure outlined in Fagerberg et al. (2011) of dividing the shares shown in Figure 2 by the shares of the same subject areas in terms of all citations in the Web of Science. Hence, if the users within a specific subject area show an above average interest in the literature on STS, the adjusted figure for the degree of specialisation will be above one, and vice versa. For reasons to do with data availability, this calculation could be made only for the period 2003-2008. The results are shown below in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3. Specialisation of knowledge users (6-year average, 2003 2008)
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
pe ra tio Ot ns he R r S e. oc .. Hi ial st or S Ot cie y& nc Ph her In es H fo ilo u rm m so an ph at it i io y n, es Of L i Sc br i en ar y& ce C om Soc io pu lo te gy r Sc M ie ed nc ica e P l& sy Ge ch H og ol ea ra og lth ph y R ya e se nd ar En ch v ir E du on ca m en tio ta n lS tu di es

na ge m en

As is clear from Figure 3, the reason why the composite field of Management, Business, Economics, etc. contained the largest number of references to the core STS literature is more to do with the size of this field than with the propensity of its researchers to cite STS. In contrast, scholars in the much smaller field of History and Philosophy of Science are over 40 times more 22

t, Bu s

in es s ,

Ec on o

ics ,O

likely to cite the STS core literature than the average scholar, while for Sociology the equivalent figure is nearly 25. Where are users of the STS core literature based? Figure 4 shows a breakdown of the users geographical location (based on the institutional addresses of authors). Note that such institutional information is generally missing prior to 1998 and in the case of multi-authored papers. Therefore, Figure 4 is based on a subset of around 20,000 single-authored papers published after 1997 (after excluding just over 1,000 papers that gave no institutional address) and an analysis of the nearly 30,000 citations they made to the STS core literature.
Figure 4. Knowledge users: where they work
Other 10%

NorthAmerica 50% Europe 40%

The largest group of users of STS core literature are found in North America (50%), some way ahead of Europe (40%). The rest of world accounts for only 10%, but this may in part be a reflection of the more limited coverage by the WoS of journals from outside these two main regions. However, there have been some significant trends over this period, with the number of European users rising by 40% and that for the Rest of the World by 24%, while the number of North American users fell by 11%.


5. Exploring the Structure of the Knowledge Base In this section, we examine various characteristics of the field in order to establish whether the 155 core contributions can be broken down into identifiable clusters. Following the cluster analysis methodology developed by Fagerberg et al. (2011), we focus on three dimensions: the disciplinary orientation of the users of the STS core literature; a number of generation and selection processes relating to key characteristics of the literature; and the thematic orientation of the core literature as reflected in key words appearing in the titles of the core contributions. Let us consider each of these in turn. In the previous section, we saw how a large proportion (85%) of the users of the STS core literature can be classified into one of ten main subject areas or groups (see Figure 2). The variable we use here in the cluster analysis is the share of citations from a particular subject area as a proportion of all citations to the particular core contribution. With regard to the production and selection environments, we use a number of variables that our previous analysis suggests may be important here. In particular, we include a variable INSIDER reflecting whether the orientation of a contribution is towards STS as opposed to the scientific world in general, this variable being defined as the ratio of the J-Index to journal citations per year. Secondly, we include a variable reflecting the quality of the institutional research environment of the author(s) of the core contributions; this variable (EXCELLENCE) is calculated from the sum of the J-indices of all core contributions from that particular institution (having adjusted for coauthorship). Thirdly, three institutions (CSI Paris, UC Berkeley and the University of Edinburgh) appear from the earlier analysis to have been particularly central in the development of the field, so these three are included as variables. Fourthly, it is clear that three journals (Social Studies of Science, Science, Technology & Human Values and Scientometrics) are seen as leading journals by STS researchers, so citations from such sources may reflect work that is of higher quality or greater relevance. The three journal variables here are calculated as the share of citations from articles published in that journal to all citations to the contribution. Finally, in an effort to characterise the thematic orientation of the core contributions, we analysed key words/terms appearing in their titles, again following the methodology of Fagerberg et al. (2011) so that similar words or terms were grouped under a single heading.34 We then used the ten most common key words/terms, assigning a value of 1 to that keyword variable if the core contribution contained that keyword/term in its title. 24

Using the above variables, we then carried out a cluster analysis in an attempt to explore the structure of the STS core contributions and whether these can be broken down into a number of identifiable clusters. Like Fagerberg et al. (2011), we adopted a two-step cluster method. In the first, the 155 core contributions are aggregated into a large number of small clusters, while in the second step those clusters are then combined into a few larger clusters on the basis of agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Using traditional statistical criteria (see ibid, p.19, footnote 15), the three best cluster solutions are those with two, three and four clusters (see Appendix C for details). Of these, the twocluster solution was the most natural (in terms of requiring least forcing), so we shall examine this first, the results for which are shown in Table 5 below.


Table 5. Clustering the literature two-cluster solution

Cluster Works (authors) Thematic focus (keywords/terms) Most central work (J-index) Most cited work (ISI/year) Most important affiliation* Location of authors Most important citing journal Largest citing field Cluster 1 127(163) Science (51%) Sociology (31%) Latour B 1987 Kuhn T 1962 University of California (8.1%) North America (50%) Europe (43.8%) Social Studies of Science Other Social Sciences (17.6%) Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering (13.4%) Sociology / History & Philosophy Of Science North America (51.1%) Europe (38.8%) 0.04 0.29 Cluster 2 28(57) Science (54%) Science indicators (50%) Price, Derek J. de Solla 1963 Nelson RR; Winter S 1982 Institute for Scientific Information (19.6%) North America (66.7%) Europe (29.8%) Scientometrics Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering (52.0%) Information, Library & Computer Science (24.6%) Information, Library & Computer Science Europe (50.6%) North America (36.2%) 0.04 0.27

Specialisation Location of citers** Insider(normalized mean 0-1) Excellence(normalized mean 0-1)

*% of authored core articles

**Single-authored papers from 1998 to 2003

Not unexpectedly, the cluster analysis splits the STS core contributions into two parts, the larger one (of 127 contributions) consisting of the STS mainstream while the smaller one (of 28 contributions) corresponds to quantitative studies of science and technology, as is apparent from the frequent appearance of the term science indicators (or synonyms of this) in their titles. For the latter cluster, the most central work is de Solla Prices 1963 book, Little Science, Big Science, while the most important institution is the Institute for Scientific Information (accounting for nearly one fifth of the contributions), and the main journal is Scientometrics. In terms of authors of these core contributions, North Americans dominate, accounting for two-thirds of the total, over twice the 26

European share (30%). However, in terms of users, Europe (with just over 50%) is some way ahead of North America (36%). Those users are drawn predominantly from two fields, the Management-related cluster (52%) and Information, Library & Computer Science (just under 25%). For the larger cluster, in contrast, the key focus is on the sociology of science or of scientific knowledge. Here, the most central work in the view of handbook authors is Latours Science in Action, while Kuhns book on The Structure of Scientific Revolutions earns most citations per year (but with most coming from outside STS). No single institution accounts for 10% of the core contributions, the largest being the University of California with just over 8%. The fields of the users citing the core contributions are likewise spread quite widely, the largest being Other Social Sciences with just under 18%. In terms of the authors of the core contributions, North America (50%) is slightly ahead of Europe (44%), while in terms of users the gap between these two is a little larger (51% compared with 39%). What happens if the cluster analysis is modified in an effort to split this large cluster into smaller parts. Table 6 below shows the results of the 3-cluster solution. Here, the cluster in the final column remains unchanged from that in Table 5. However, the previous large cluster is split into a smaller cluster of 38 core contributions and a larger one of 89. For the latter, the characteristics listed in the middle column of Table 6 are virtually the same as those listed for the left hand cluster in Table 5, so they will not be further discussed here. However, the characteristics of the new Cluster 1 are quite different. Here, the key words/terms suggest an emphasis more on technology than science, and on politics and power rather than sociology. This reflected in the fact that the most important contribution is Jasanoffs 1990 book on The Fifth Branch: Science Advisers as Policymakers. However, the other characteristics of this cluster are not dissimilar to those for Cluster 2.


Table 6. Clustering the literature 3-cluster solution

Cluster Works (authors) Thematic focus (keywords/terms) Most central work (J-index) Most cited work (ISI/year) Most important affiliation* Location of authors Most important citing journal Largest citing field Cluster 1 38(54) Technology (58%) Politics & Power (53%) Jasanoff S 1990 Foucault M 1980 Keele University (8.6%) North America (54.7%) Europe (39.6%) Social Studies of Science Other Soc Scs (26.3%) Other Humanities (13.6%) Management, Business, Economics, Operations Res, & Engineering (13.6%) Other Social Sciences North America (50.8%) Europe (37.1%) 0.07 0.22 Cluster 2 89(109) Science (55%) Sociology (29%) Latour B 1987 Kuhn T 1962 University of California (8.5%) North America (47.7%) Europe (45.9%) Social Studies of Science Other Social Sciences (16%) Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering (13.0%) Sociology / History & Philosophy of Science North America (51.2%) Europe (39.1%) 0.02 0.32 Cluster 3 28(57) Science (54%) Science Indicators (50%) Price, Derek J. de Solla 1963 Nelson RR; Winter S 1982 Institute for Scientific Information (19.6%) North America (66.7%) Europe (29.8%) Scientometrics Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering (52%) Information, Library & Computer Science (24.6%) Information, Library & Computer Science Europe (50.6%) North America (36.2%) 0.04 0.27

Specialisation Location of citers** Insider(normalized mean 0-1) Excellence(normalized mean 0-1)

*% of articles

**Single authored core papers from 1998 to 2003

Finally, what happens if we move to a 4-cluster solution? The results for this are shown in Table 7 below. As one can see, the main effect is to split what was Cluster 2 in Table 6 into the two parts forming Clusters 2 and 4 in Table 7.35 The former has broadly similar characteristics to Cluster 2 in Table 6, the main change being that the University of California now becomes a far more central institution (accounting for nearly 19% of the core contributions in this new cluster compared with under 9% in the previous one). For the new Cluster 4, in contrast, the leading institutions are both in the UK (York and Lancaster the 28

most central work is that by Kuhn rather than Latour. Moreover, while both Clusters 2and 4 are heavily cited by Other Social Sciences, for the former History & Philosophy Of Science is the other main citing field, while for the latter it is the Management-related cluster.Universities, these together accounting for 17% of the core contributions).


Table 7. Clustering the literature 4-cluster solution

Cluster Works (authors) Thematic focus (keywords/terms Cluster 1 37(52) Technology (57%) Politics & Power (54%) Jasanoff S 1990 Foucault M 1980 Keele University (10.8%) North America (55.7%) Europe (36.5%) Social Studies of Science Cluster 2 43(49) Science (44%) Sociology (40%) Latour B 1987 Latour B 1987 University of California (18.6%) Europe (48.9%) North America (46.9%) Social Studies of Science Cluster 3 28(57) Science (54%) Science indicators (50%) Price, Derek J. de Solla 1963 Nelson RR; Winter S 1982 Institute for Scientific Information (25%) North America (66.6%) Europe (29.8%) Scientometrics Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering (46%) Information, Library & Computer Science (22%) Information, Library & Computer Science Europe (50.6%) North America (36.2%) 0.04 0.27 Cluster 4 47(62) Science (66%) Knowledge (30%) Kuhn T 1962 Kuhn T 1962 University of York (8.5%) Lancaster University (8.5%) North America (46.7%) Europe (45.1%) Social Studies of Science Other Social Sciences (12%) Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering (11%)

Most central work (J-index) Most cited work (ISI/year) Most important affiliation*

Location of authors

Most important citing journal Largest citing field

Other Social Sciences (21%) Other Humanities (11%)

History & Philosophy Of Science (19%) Other Social Sciences (13%)

Specialisation Other Social Sciences Location of citers** North America (51.5%) Europe (36.3%) 0.07 0.22

History & Philosophy Of Science North America (51.0%) Europe (41.1%) 0.03 0.45

Education North America (51.0%) Europe (38.3%) 0.02 0.20

Insider(normalized mean 0-1) Excellence(normalized mean 0-1)

*% of core articles

**Single authored papers from 1998 to 2003


6. Concluding Remarks The field of STS, like those of IS and E, is now some four or five decades old. This means that very few of researchers today were around when the field first started to emerge in the 1960s. With memories beginning to fade, it is perhaps timely to develop an overview of what have been the main contributions to the field over this period. To do this, instead of adopting the subjective approach underpinning most reviews, we have attempted to adopt a somewhat more rigorous approach based on an analysis of authoritative handbooks and what the authors of individual chapters in these see as having been the core contributions in the development of the field. This methodology was first developed by Fagerberg et al. (2011) for Innovation Studies and subsequently applied to two neighbouring fields, Entrepreneurship and STS. The results presented here suggest that the approach seems to work reasonably well in STS. We were not able to use it in exactly the same form it was inevitably necessary to tweak it somewhat in the light of the distinct characteristics of STS compared with Innovation Studies. Moreover, the thematic analysis on the basis of key words/terms proved less fruitful than in the case of Innovation Studies. As a result, we were unable to pursue the relationships between the literature clusters and variables as far as we might have liked and to produce a similar network graph to Figure 7 in Fagerberg et al. (2011). Nevertheless, the main structure of the Fagerberg et al. approach has been maintained here, with the result that comparisons are therefore possible between the two fields (and with Entrepreneurship see Landstrm et al., 2011). So what are the main findings to emerge from this study. First, the methodology has succeeded in enabling us to identify just over 150 core contributions to STS as perceived by the authors of chapters in a number of authoritative handbooks, suggesting that there is a fair degree of consensus (at least between handbook authors) as to what constitute the most important contributions to the field, who have been the most influential authors, and which institutions have played the most prominent role in the development of the field. Moreover, by analysing the top 20 of these contributions, one can develop an understanding of how the field has evolved as new perspectives or approaches emerged over time. One very obvious conclusion to emerge from this analysis is the growing apart of qualitative STS and quantitative science studies during the 1980s and 1990s. These two sets of research activities are now quite distinct to such an extent that many readers may wonder why we chose to include the latter as part of 31

STS. However, as we stressed at the start, and as results of this analysis confirm, the two were originally part of a single set of activities, with the central figure in science indicators (de Solla Price) being one of the two editors of the first STS Handbook, and with several prominent sociologists of science (such as the Cole brothers, Crane, Spiegel-Rsing and Zuckerman) making extensive use of science indicators during the 1960s and early 70s. However, at that point, the paths began to diverge. Those working with science indicators established their own groups, journals and conferences, while many other STS scholars became less interested in using science and technology indicators. As Table 5 shows, quantitative science (and technology) studies now has quite distinct characteristics from that of mainstream STS. Indeed, the field may be in the process of moving closer to Innovation Studies, not least as a result of NSF program on science policy in US as well as the growing use of science indicators for purposes related to science policy (such as in research assessment exercises) in a range of countries. The cluster analysis reported here suggests that, more recently, another strand of work has perhaps begun to break away from STS namely, the research labelled as Cluster 1 in Table 6. Here, the emphasis is more on technology and politics (or power) rather than science (or scientific knowledge) and sociology, while the central contribution is seen as being Jasanoffs 1990 book on science advisers rather than the work of Latour (or Kuhn). In addition, although it is not apparent from the cluster analysis, examination of the core contributions of the main STS cluster (i.e. Cluster 2 in Table 6) reveals a degree of fragmentation between different approaches or schools such as Mertonian functionalism and institutionalism, the strong programme, relativism, discourse analysis, actor-network theory, social construction, and so on. The competition and debate between these has often been fierce, as reflected in the pages of journals as well as in conference debates between authors and critics. In this respect, STS would seem to be rather tribal (Becher, 1989), with each tribe having its own language, culture and interests, as well as a predilection in some cases for marching into ritualistic battles with other tribes. Given that interest in scientific controversies has been so great over the history of STS, this may reflect the views of many STS practitioners about what research is all about. Let us turn now to a comparison of STS with Innovation Studies and Entrepreneurship. Although we started from a smaller number of handbooks in STS than in Innovation Studies (and much fewer than in the case of Entrepreneurship), we have ended up with similar number of core contributions (around 150). Prior to this study, one might have expected to find rather less 32

consensus in STS than Innovation Studies about what researchers perceive as the core contributions to the field. If that had been the case, then the votes of handbook authors (i.e. the publications they elected to cite) would presumably have been scattered more widely and hence more thinly. We have applied here not only the same methodology as Fagerberg et al. (2011) but also the same cutoff for distinguishing core contributions from the rest. This has produced almost exactly the same number of core contributions with a J-Index of 3.3% or more (155 for STS compared with 147 in Innovation Studies). This would seem to imply that there is a similar level of consensus on the fields core contributions as in Innovation Studies.36 Moreover, the J-Index for the publication appearing at the top of the IS list of core contributions (23.8%) is virtually identical to that for the publication at the top of STS list (24.0%), although both are somewhat lower than the corresponding publication in the Entrepreneurship list, which has a J-Index of 33.5%.37 In addition, the average date of publication of the core contributions for STS and for Innovation Studies is approximately the same (1981), although that for the Entrepreneurship core contributions is slightly more recent (1985). The establishment of a new field and of new research groups to work in that field is not easy. The pioneers are likely to meet resistance from established fields and departments. They may have no obvious source of funds. There is no established community of colleagues and collaborators. To overcome all these, the establishment of a new field requires acts of entrepreneurship, and hence the presence of individuals willing and able to identify or create opportunities that can then be exploited. Such individuals must be willing to act as innovators not only in terms of making intellectual contributions (i.e. attempting to construct a common conceptual and analytical framework or paradigm), but also in creating the necessary institutions essential for the field to grow research groups, conferences, journals, textbooks, networks and so on. In the case of Innovation Studies, there have been two particularly prominent contributors to the core literature of the field (both in the top three) who were also remarkable institution-builders Chris Freeman (who set up SPRU and created the journal Research Policy see Fagerberg et al., 2011), and Richard Nelson (who for 50 years has been central in developing and maintaining an extensive network of leading scholars). In the case STS, perhaps the nearest equivalent institution-builder was David Edge, who set up the Science Studies Unit at Edinburgh University, co-founded the journal Social Studies of Science, was one of the founders of EASST and also played a prominent role in the 4S society. However, he is not among the authors of the 155 core publications identified here. In the early years, Derek de Solla Price, the author of three 33

publications among the STS core literature, performed a role of institutionbuilder in the United States, but he was firmly in the quantitative wing of STS and he died early. Another who showed early signs of becoming an institutionbuilder in the US was Nicholas Mullins, but he too died tragically early. Other individuals have certainly contributed, for example, in the establishment of academic departments or journals, but perhaps not quite as prominently as Freeman or Nelson in Innovation Studies. For many, the emphasis has been on attempting to make intellectual contributions to the field rather such institutionbuilding. In this respect, STS may differ to some extent from Innovation Studies (and perhaps Entrepreneurship). An alternative explanation might be suggested by Cultural Theory, in which the combined emphasis on deconstructing claims to hierarchical knowledge and the strong group identification,places STS more towards the egalitarian quadrant of Grid-Group theory, where such cultures are especially prone to fragmentation and find building consensus difficult (Hood, 1998). This would particularly be the case when differences of opinion occur between people whose group identify and professional training involve critically analysing knowledge claims. Such an interpretation might also explain why STS was attacked from both the political left and right in the science wars, and categorised with, of all things, post-modernism, as well as why STS researchers have an almost theological concern with reflexivity. Whatever is the case, STS gives the appearance of being more fragmented into separate and competing schools. In Innovation Studies (and Entrepreneurship?), there have certainly been some fierce debates (for example, between economists such as Griliches and sociologists such as Rogers in the early 1960s, or between advocates of the science-push and demand-pull models of innovation in late 60s/early 70s, or over whether SMEs are more or less innovative than large firms), but these seem to be far less common than they have been in STS over its history. To some extent, this may be a consequence of the deliberate efforts of pioneers such as Nelson and Freeman to work cooperatively with others and to bring the field together. It may also reflect the role of S&T indicators in binding together the field of Innovation Studies. Indicators such as R&D funding, publications and later patents have been central in the development of field, and are still so today. In contrast, as we have seen, although science indicators were prominent during first decade or so, in later decades many STS researchers seem to have become rather sceptical or even hostile towards the use of indicators as an analytical tool. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that the methodology developed by Fagerberg et al. works reasonably successfully in identifying the core 34

contributions for STS. Although analysis of those core contributions provides supporting evidence for the divisions between different approaches or schools as STS has evolved, there would nevertheless appear to be some degree of consensus, at least among the authors of chapters in handbooks, as to what have been the most important contributions to STS, who have been the most influential authors, and which institutions have played the most prominent role in the development of the field.


Notes 1 The funding needed to widen the project in 2009 to bring in CIRCLE at Lund University and SPRU at the University of Sussex came from the DIME Network of Excellence. 2 Somewhat confusingly, STS is also used as an abbreviation for Science, Technology and Society. During the early decades at least, these two terms were used interchangeably (the 1977 STS Handbook uses Science, Technology and Society in its title), although since then some authors have made a distinction between the two. 3 Karl Mannheim (1925/1952, p.170), the sociologist of knowledge, made the physical sciences a special case because Scientific-technological thought completes just one and the same system during successive periods we can picture the process of thought as direct progress towards ultimately correct knowledge that can be formulated in one fashion (quoted in Hacking, 2001, p.59). 4 In the early years at least, there was an important distinction between the sociology of science and the sociology of scientific knowledge. For adherents of the former, in particular Merton and his colleagues, the content of scientific knowledge was not a topic for sociological investigation. 5 See Sismondo, the author of Chapter 1 in the 2008 STS Handbook, who identifies some of the key developments in STS. 6 The scientometrics community cites the qualitative STS community (but receives few citations in return), and in recent years has had an increasing mutual interaction with policy-focused STS, particularly in relation to indicator studies and evaluations (Van der Besselaar, 2001, p.442). Reflecting this, the 2011 4S meeting will have a session on Re-imagining the Relationship between Scientometrics and Science Policy (see 7 Some evidence in support of this assumption comes from an analysis of the proportion of handbook chapter authors who are on the editorial advisory boards of leading STS journals. In the case of the first STS handbook, nearly half (47%) of the authors were members of an editorial board of one or more of the top ten STS journals. For the four other handbooks, the proportion ranged from 39% to 43%. 8 It is revealing that one of the most prominent UK textbooks in sociology (Giddens, 2006) does not even mention the existence of STS, despite its size and prominence within UK sociology. 36

9 Her habilitation was in sociology of science, although in later years she came to focus more on cultural anthropology. 10 Although the term Handbook was not part of its title, it was subsequently regarded as the first edition of the series of three STS handbooks described here. 11 We explored a number of other possible handbooks. We excluded those that reprinted classic articles (e.g. MacKenzie and Wajcman, 1985 and 1999; Scharff and Dusek, 2003), since the chapters had not been written to provide an authoritative overview of the field. For practical reasons, we had to exclude edited volumes with a combined bibliography at the end of the book rather than after individual chapters (the reason for excluding Bijker et al., 1987, and Bijker and Law, 1992). 12 First, we calculate the maximum number of citations (E) for any publication (P) assuming it could earn one citation per chapter in any source chapter published one year or more after the publication of P. If the actual citation total is A, then the formula A*100/E is used to calculate the J-index. 13 Similar comments can be made in relation to Innovation Studies, at least in its early decades. 14 Now part of Thomson-Reuters. 15 On the retirement of Francis Narin, its founder and director for many years, CHI Research was taken over by another company, and is now known as The Patent Board. 16 Later Mertonian research (e.g. Gieryn, 1983) became more compatible with STS. Mertonian norms provide a means to mark the boundaries of science, and often act in the interests of the powerful. During the initial stages of the development of a discipline, there is a larger degree of flexibility and of disagreement, but as a degree of consensus start to emerge, a process of cumulative advantage begins, with the successful accruing the benefits of being able to define terms, which in turn attracts more prestige and power. In this way, an invisible college may start to form at the core of the field (Barnes, 2001). 17 Although feminism was only to enter mainstream STS in the 1980s. 18 Merton had supervised J.R. Coles thesis. 19 Its share of GDP has been steadily doubling every 20 years, and the number of journals, members of institutions, and people with technical degrees has been doubling every 15 years, with the result that 80-90% of all scientists that have ever worked are working today. 37

20 Spiegel-Rsing also highlighted four deficiencies: rhetorical pathos, focusing on problems rather than solutions; intra- and inter-disciplinary fragmentation; limited comparative research; and a bias towards hard sciences (ibid.). 21 The contrast here was with what they termed the weak programme, which focussed on identifying sociological explanations for erroneous scientific beliefs, as opposed to developing an understanding of the sociological factors shaping all scientific beliefs. 22 This tradition of work unpicked the intellectual foundations of scientism, stressed the materialist-embodied dimensions of scientific activity (in contrast to the traditional focus on intellectual and conceptual change), thus revealing the hidden world of the technicians, glass blowers and animal handlers. 23 This rift is not because of a lack of numeracy, as many STS researchers are extremely numerate. It is more likely because they know a great deal about numbers and how they are constructed and the social processes of their production. 24 By materiality, we mean apparatus, instruments, practices, techniques and physical organisation. 25 The original French term rseau has more fuzzy implications and was used by Diderot for entities that blur the Cartesian categories of body and mind (Barnes, 2001, p. 528). 26 Political criticism is made difficult if responsibility is something that is understood to emerge from processes rather than being a product to be identified. 27 As Dupr (1993, p.12) highlights, By asserting that all scientific belief should be explained in terms of the goals, interests, and prejudices of the scientist, and denying any role whatever for the recalcitrance of nature, it leaves no space for the criticism of specific scientific beliefs on the grounds that they do reflect such prejudices rather than being plausibly grounded in fact. 28 In the subsequent translation of the notion of boundary objects into the management literature, the original emphasis on discrete communities of meaning has been inverted and boundary objects have become translation machines of shared meaning. 29 As if STS ever had that degree of political influence! 30 The ESRC Science in Society research programme, for example, found the British public to have a very sophisticated understanding of the construction of 38

scientific facts, rather than a gullible belief that people in authority naturally tell the truth. Recent STS work in finance is noteworthy for its quality, in stark contrast to the dearth of work on finance in the field of Innovation Studies. 31 However, it does not scan lesser journals or books, so citations in these are not included here. 32 The impact in the other direction (i.e. from Innovation Studies to STS) appears to be much smaller in that there are no STS journals among the top 20 journals citing the Innovation Studies core literature (see Fagerberget al., 2011, Table 4). 33 This finding is consistent with the analysis and predictions of Nightingale (2008). 34 Ideally, one would have preferred to carry out a textual analysis of the abstracts of all the core publications (or better still the entire texts). However, since most of the core literature consists of books, and since books do not have abstracts nor can they generally be accessed electronically, we (like Fagerberg et al., 2011) had instead to base the thematic analysis on the key words appearing in titles. This is far from ideal, but the assumption is that titles of books and articles will in most cases reveal important information about the focus of the publication, although this is perhaps less true for STS than for Innovation Studies given that STS authors sometimes make use of rather more quixotic terms in their titles. 35 There is also a very minor change to Cluster 1, which loses one of its core contributions to these new clusters. 36 Similar comments apply with regard to Entrepreneurship, where Landstrm et al. (2011) used a slightly higher value (4.0%) for the cut-off in distinguishing core contributions from the rest, resulting in a somewhat shorter list of 135 core contributions. Thus, the application of the same cut-off as in Innovation Studies and STS would have again produced a similar number of core contributions. 37 The J-Indices for publications appearing second in both lists are also very similar (18.8% compared with 19.0%).


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Table A. Core STS literature (ranked by J-index)
No. 1 Author Latour B Title Science in action: how to follow scientists and engineers through society Laboratory life: the social construction of scientific facts The structure of scientific revolutions The fifth branch : science advisers as policymakers Leviathan and the air-pump: hobbes, boyle and the experimental life Little science, big science Beamtimes and lifetimes: the world of high energy physicists Institutional ecology, translations and boundary objects: amateurs and professionals in Berkeleys museum of vertebrate zoology, 1907-1939 Knowledge and social imagery The increasing linkage between us technology and public science Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature The social construction of technological systems: new directions in the sociology and history of technology The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies Changing order: replication and induction in scientific practice The mangle of practice: time, agency and science Epistemic cultures: how the sciences make knowledge Social stratification in science The new politics of science Type Book Book / Journal Year 1987 J-Index 24.0

2 3 4 5

Latour B; Woolgar S Kuhn T Jasanoff S Shapin S; Schaffer S Price DJ Traweek S Star SL; Griesemer J

Book Book Book Book

1979 1962 1990 1985

19.0 16.9 15.0 14.0

6 7 8

Book Book Journal Social Studies of Science

1963 1988 1989

14.0 12.0 12.0

9 10

Bloor D Narin F; Hamilton KS; Olivastro D Haraway D Bijker WE; Hughes T; Pinch TJ

Book Journal

Research Policy

1976 1997

11.8 11.1

11 12

Book Book

1991 1987

11.0 10.7



Gibbons M; Limoges C; Nowotny H; Schwartzman S; Scott P; Trow M Collins HM







15 16 17 18

Pickering A Knorr K Cole JR; Cole S Dickson D

Book Book Book Book

1995 1999 1973 1984

9.7 9.7 9.6 9.1



Pinch T; Bijker WE

20 21 22

Latour B Bernal JD Merton RK


Nowotny H; Scott P; Gibbons M Etzkowitz H; Leydesdorff L



Callon M


Lynch M

27 28 29 30

Bush V Ravetz JR Beck U Ezrahi Y


Griliches Z

The social construction of facts and artifacts, or how the sociology of science and the sociology of technology might benefit each other The pasteurization of France The social function of science The sociology of science: theoretical and empirical investigations Re-thinking science: knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty The dynamics of innovation: from national systems and mode 2 to triple helix of university-industrygovernment relations Some elements of a sociology of translation: domestication of the scallops and the fishermen of St Brieux bay Art and artifact in laboratory science: a study of shop work and shop talk in a research laboratory Science: the endless frontier Scientific knowledge and its social problems Risk society: towards a new modernity The descent of Icarus: science and the transformation of contemporary democracy Patent statistics as economic indicators: a survey The manufacture of knowledge: an essay on the constructivist and contextual nature of science The whale and the reactor: a search for limits in an age of high technology Invention and economic growth Science and politics Epistemological chicken


Social Studies of Science



Book Book Book

1988 1939 1973

9.0 8.8 8.8





Research Policy




Power action and belief: a new sociology of knowledge?






Book Book Book Book

1945 1971 1992 1990

8.1 8.1 8.0 8.0


Journal of Economic Literature




Knorr K





Winner L




34 35 36

Schmookler J Salomon JJ Collins HM; Yearley S Edwards PN

Book Book Chapter

1966 1973 1992

7.4 7.4 7.0

Science as practice and culture


38 39

Ben-David J Polanyi M

The closed world: computers and the politics of discourse in cold war America The scientists role in society: a comparative study Personal knowledge: towards a post-critical philosophy




Book Book

1971 1958

6.6 6.6



MacKenzie D; Wajcman J Small H; Sweeney E Gieryn TF



43 44

Keller EF Callon M; Law J; Rip A


Garfield E


MacKenzie D


Harding S


Myers G


Star SL

50 51

Lynch M; Woolgar S Small H; Griffith BC Hagstrom WO Rose H; Rose S Latour B

52 53 54

The social shaping of technology: how the refrigerator got its hum Clustering the science citation index using co-citations, I: a comparison of methods Boundary work and the demarcation of science from non-science: strains and interests in professional ideologies of scientists Reflections on gender and science Mapping the dynamics of science and technology: sociology of science in the real world Citation indexing: its theory and application in science, technology and humanities Inventing accuracy: an historical sociology of nuclear missile guidance Whose science? Whose knowledge?: thinking from womens lives Writing biology: texts and the social construction of scientific knowledge Regions of the mind: brain research and the quest for scientific certainty Representation in scientific practice The structure of scientific literatures I. Identifying and graphing specialties The scientific community Science and society Give me a laboratory and i will raise the world









American Sociological Review



Book Book

1985 1986

6.6 6.6
















Book Journal Science Studies

1990 1974

6.0 5.9

Book Book Chapter


Moed HF; Burger WJM; Frankfort JG; Van Raan AFJ Fujimura J


57 58

Narin F; Noma E Pinch T

The use of bibliometric data for the measurement of university research performance Constructing do-able problems in cancer research: articulating alignment Is technology becoming science? Confronting nature: the sociology of solar-neutrino detection


Science observed: perspectives on the social study of science Research Policy

1965 1969 1983

5.9 5.9 5.8




Social Studies of Science Scientometrics



Journal Book

1985 1986

5.8 5.8



Suchman L

60 61 62 63 64

Nelkin D Ellul J Fleck L Blume S Merton RK


Fujimura J


Nelkin D; Tancredi L Law J



Collins HM


Wynne B


Fujimura J

71 72

Woolgar S Engelhardt HT; Caplan AL


Small H; Sweeney E; Greenlee E Kevles DJ



Gilbert GN; Mulkay M Noble D



Hughes TP


Law J

Plans and situated actions: the problem of human-machine communication Controversy, politics of technical decisions The technological society Genesis and development of a scientific fact Toward a political sociology of science Science, technology and society in seventeenth century England The molecular biological bandwagon in cancer research: where social worlds meet Dangerous diagnostics: the social power of biological information A sociology of monsters: essays on power, technology and domination Artificial experts: social knowledge and intelligent machines Sheepfarming after Chernobyl: a case study in communicating scientific information Crafting science: standardized packages, boundary objects and translation Science, the very idea Scientific controversies: case studies in the resolution and closure of disputes in science and technology Clustering the science citation index using co-citations. Ii. Mapping science The physicists: the history of a scientific community in modern America Opening Pandoras box: a sociological analysis of scientists discourse America by design: science, technology, and the rise of corporate capitalism Networks of power: electrification in western society, 1880-1930 Technology and heterogeneous engineering: the case of Portuguese expansion




Book Book Book Book Journal Osiris

1979 1964 1935 1974 1938

5.8 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1


Social Problems

















Science as practice and culture



Book Book

1988 1987

5.0 5.0


















The social construction of technological systems





Pickering A

80 81 82 83 84

Barnes B Greenberg DS Rogers EM Barber B Griffith BC; Small H; Stonehill JA; Dey S Gilpin R Mitroff II

85 86


Crane D


Small H

Constructing quarks: a sociological history of particle physics Scientific knowledge and sociological theory The politics of pure science Diffusion of innovations Science and the social order The structure of scientific literatures II: toward a macroand microstructure for science American scientists and nuclear weapons policy The subjective side of science: a philosophical inquiry and the psychology of the Apollo moon scientists Invisible colleges: diffusion of knowledge in scientific communities Co-citation in the scientific literature: a new measure of the relationship between two documents Networks of scientific papers Against method: outline of an anarchistic theory of knowledge The seven sexes: a study in the sociology of a phenomenon, or the replication of experiments in physics Science as intellectual property




Book Book Book Book Journal

1974 1967 1962 1952 1974

4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4

Science Studies

Book Book

1962 1974

4.4 4.4





89 90

Price DJ Feyerabend PK

Journal Book

Journal of the American Society for Information Science Science



1965 1975

4.4 4.4


Collins HM






Etzkowitz H; Webster A



Wajcman J

Feminist theories of technology



Gieryn TF

Boundaries of science


95 96

Bjrneborn L; Ingwersen P Henderson K

Perspectives of webometrics On line and on paper: visual representations, visual culture, and computer graphics in design engineering Misunderstanding science?: the public reconstruction of science and technology Universities and the global knowledge economy: a triple helix of university-industrygovernment relations

Journal Book

Handbook of science and technology studies Handbook of science and technology studies Handbook of science and technology studies Scientometrics







2001 1999

4.2 4.2


Irwin A; Wynne B





Etzkowitz H; Leydesdorff L






Rudwick MJS

100 101

Galison P Wynne B


Narin F; Noma E; Perry R Keller EF



Hacking I

105 106 107

MacKenzie D Nelson RR; Winter S Forman P

The great Devonian controversy: the shaping of scientific knowledge among gentlemanly specialists How experiments end Rationality and ritual: the windscale inquiry and nuclear decision in Britain Patents as indicators of corporate technological strength A feeling for the organism: the life and work of Barbara McClintock Representing and intervening: introductory topics in the philosophy of natural science Statistics in Britain: 1865-1930 An evolutionary theory of economic change Behind quantum electronics: national security as basis for physical research in the united states, 1940-1960 Autonomous technology: technics-out-of-control as a theme in political thought Power, technologies, and the phenomenology of conventions: on being allergic to onions




Book Book

1987 1982

4.1 4.1


Research Policy









Book Book Journal Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences

1981 1982 1987

4.1 4.1 4.1


Winner L





Star SL


A sociology of monsters: essays on power, technology and domination



110 111

Collins HM; Pinch T Lundvall BA


Knorr K


Schwarz M; Thompson M Schiebinger L



Haraway D


Wynne B

The golem: what everyone should know about science National systems of innovation: towards a theory of innovation and interactive learning The couch, the cathedral, and the laboratory: on the relationship between experiment and laboratory in science Divided we stand: redefining politics, technology and social choice The mind has no sex? Women in the origins of modern science Primate visions: gender, race, and nature in the world of modern science Knowledges in context

Book Book

1993 1992

4.0 4.0


Science as practice and culture













Science, Technology & Human Values





Brown P; Mikkelsen E Pickering A Greenwood T

118 119

No safe place: toxic waste, leukemia and community action Science as practice and culture Why military technology is difficult to restrain A fragile power: scientists and the state The reflexive thesis: wrighting sociology of scientific knowledge Upon opening the black box and finding it empty: social constructivism and the philosophy of technology Norms and ideology in science The birth of the clinic: an archaeology of medical perception Technology in retrospect and critical events in science (TRACES) Scientists and national policymaking The tea set: tacit knowledge and scientific networks Science, technology and American foreign policy The development of a scientific specialty: the phage group and the origins of molecular biology Evaluative bibliometrics: the use of publication and citation analysis in the evaluation of scientific activity The economics of industrial innovation Scientists in industry: conflict and accommodation One-dimensional man: studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society The brain bank of America: an inquiry into the politics of science Interests and explanation in the social study of science Communication, the essence of sciencefacilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers and students




Book Journal

Science, Technology & Human Values

1992 1990

4.0 4.0

120 121

Mukerji C Ashmore M

Book Book

1989 1989

4.0 4.0


Winner L


Science, Technology & Human Values Social Science Information



123 124

Mulkay M Foucault M

Journal Book

1976 1973

3.7 3.7


IIT Research Institute Gilpin R; Wright C Collins HM Skolnikoff EB Mullins NC




126 127 128 129

Book Journal Book Journal Minerva Science Studies

1964 1974 1967 1972

3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7


Narin F




131 132 133

Freeman C Kornhauser W Marcuse H

Book Book Book

1974 1962 1964

3.7 3.7 3.7


Boffey P




135 136

Woolgar S Garvey WD

Journal Book

Social Studies of Science

1981 1979

3.3 3.3



Hughes TP

The evolution of large technological systems


The social construction of technological systems: new directions in the sociology and history of technology





Elkana Y; Lederberg J; Merton RK; Thackray A; Zuckerman H Rip A; Courtial JP

Toward a metric of science: the advent of science indicators





Werskey G


Brickman R; Jasanoff S; Ilgen T Callon M; Courtial JP; Turner WA; Bauin S Harding S Turkle S Douglas M; Wildavsky A Spiegel-Rsing IS; Price DJ Eisenstein E


143 144 145




Carpenter MP; Narin F; Woolf P Rouse J



Small H; Crane D


Pavitt K

Co-word maps of biotechnology an example of cognitive scientometrics The visible college: the collective biography of British scientific socialists of the 1930s Controlling chemicals: the politics of regulation in Europe and the united states From translations to problematic networks: an introduction to co-word analysis The science question in feminism The second self: computers and the human spirit Risk and culture: an essay on the selection of technical and environmental dangers Science, technology and society: a cross-disciplinary perspective The printing press as an agent of change: communications and cultural transformations in early modem Europe Citation rates to technologically important patents Knowledge and power: toward a political philosophy of science Specialties and disciplines in science and social science an examination of their structure using citation indexes Patent statistics as indicators of innovative activities: possibilities and problems












Social Science Information



Book Book Book

1986 1984 1983

3.3 3.3 3.3








World Patent Information
















Collingridge D; Reeve C Studer KE; Chubin DE Foucault M




Rossiter M

Science speaks to power: the role of experts in policy making The cancer mission: social contexts of biomedical research Power/knowledge: selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977 Women scientists in America: struggles and strategies to 1940














Appendix B
Table B. Subject-areas (with > 500 citations to the core STS literature) and subcategories Subject-areas Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering No. of citations 17,044.2 Sub-Categories (merged) Management; Business (General, Finance); Economics; Planning & Development; Operations Research & Management Science; Engineering (Aerospace, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Environmental, Geological, Industrial, Manufacturing, Marine, Mechanical, Multidisciplinary, Ocean, Petroleum) Social Sciences (Biomedical, Interdisciplinary, Mathematical Methods); Social Issues; Law; Anthropology; Political Science; Public Administration; International Relations; Social Work Philosophy; Literature (General, African Australian Canadian, American, British Isles, German Dutch Scandinavian, Romance, Slavic); History; Humanities, Multidisciplinary; Ethics; Religion; History Of Social Sciences Information Science & Library Science; Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Hardware & Architecture, Information Systems, Interdisciplinary Applications, Software Engineering, Theory & Methods) Psychology (General, Applied, Biological, Clinical, Developmental, Educational, Experimental, Mathematical, Multidisciplinary, Psychoanalysis, Social); Psychiatry Public, Environmental & Occupational Health; Medicine (General & Internal, Legal, Research & Experimental); Nursing; Health Care Sciences & Services; Communication Education (General & Educational Research, Scientific disciplines, Special) Geography (General, Physical); Environmental Studies Environmental Sciences; Multidisciplinary Sciences -

Other Social Sciences (including Professional & Vocational Studies)


Other Humanities


History & Philosophy Of Science Sociology Information, Library & Computer Science

9,332.9 8,637.2 8,294.3



Medical & Health Research


Education Geography and Environmental Studies Other Sciences Women's studies

6,097.2 4,018.5 2,268.2 1,074.9


Figure B1. Relationships between subject-areas (cut off = 0.85)

Note: This network graph illustrates the relationship between the (main) subject categories, which involves users of knowledge produced by the (core) STS literature. These relationships refer to the extent to which the sampled publications from two different subject categories cited the same literature (each of the 155 most important works on STS). Several subject-areas were composed based on these relationships (see Table B). The strength of the relationships is indicated by line thickness, where no lines mean rather weak relationships (less than 85% correlation). The subject categories are represented by circles of different sizes and colours, based on their total amount of citations to the core innovation literature (large blue, medium orange and small red circles).


Appendix C
Table C. Two-Step Cluster Analysis (best solutions based on BIC & log-likelihood distance)
Number of clusters BIC Ratio of Distance Measures Cluster (Number of members) Disciplinary orientation Management, Business, Economics, Operations Research, & Engineering Other Social Sciences Other Humanities History & Philosophy Of Science Sociology Information, Library & Computer Science Psychology Medical & Health Research Education Geography and Environmental Studies Generation and Selection SSS ST&HV Scientometrics Insider Excellence CSI, cole des Mines UC Berkeley Univ. Edinburgh Thematic orientation/Key words Construction/Constructivism Gender Knowledge Politics & Power Research Science Science Indicators Scientists & Other Professions Sociology Technology 4 -6324,170 1,191 2/4 3/4 (43)* (28) 3 -6379,825 1,416 1/3 2/3 3/3 (38)* (89)* (28) 2 -6362,115 1,665 1/2 2/2 (127) (28)

1/4 (37)

4/4 (47)*

0.13 0.40 0.19 0.29 0.27 0.06 0.09 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.21 0.17 0.01 0.07 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.01

0.09 0.22 0.23 0.50 0.45 0.05 0.15 0.16 0.20 0.21 0.35 0.14 0.02 0.03 0.45 0.10 0.19 0.10

0.37 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.50 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.05 0.02 0.38 0.04 0.27 0.01 0.00 0.00

0.13 0.18 0.26 0.22 0.30 0.07 0.27 0.28 0.44 0.25 0.13 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.13 0.40 0.19 0.29 0.27 0.06 0.09 0.20 0.21 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.01 0.07 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.01

0.11 0.19 0.25 0.35 0.37 0.06 0.21 0.22 0.32 0.23 0.23 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.32 0.05 0.09 0.05

0.37 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.50 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.05 0.02 0.38 0.04 0.27 0.01 0.00 0.00

0.12 0.25 0.23 0.34 0.34 0.06 0.17 0.21 0.29 0.23 0.22 0.12 0.02 0.04 0.29 0.04 0.07 0.04

0.37 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.50 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.05 0.02 0.38 0.04 0.27 0.01 0.00 0.00

0.11 0.03 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.05 0.35 0.57

0.09 0.09 0.12 0.02 0.14 0.44 0.02 0.19 0.40 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.54 0.50 0.04 0.04 0.25

0.04 0.09 0.30 0.02 0.02 0.66 0.00 0.06 0.19 0.02

0.11 0.03 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.05 0.34 0.58

0.07 0.09 0.21 0.02 0.08 0.55 0.01 0.12 0.29 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.54 0.50 0.04 0.04 0.25

0.08 0.07 0.15 0.17 0.06 0.51 0.01 0.10 0.31 0.17

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.54 0.50 0.04 0.04 0.25

*Denotes the two groups of STS literature which are integrated in the subsequent stage. Note that one core contribution
(Pickering, 1984 see item 79 in Table A in Appendix A) moved from cluster 4/4 to cluster 1/3 in moving from the 4-cluster to the 3-cluster solution. Note: For Thematic orientation, numbers represent shares of literature within each group which have the respective keyword in the title. Numbers represent variable means for the other two dimensions (Disciplinary orientation, Generation and selection process). Numbers in bold indicate the highest means/shares.











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