Tower Manual: COMDTINST M11000.4A JANUARY 2002
Tower Manual: COMDTINST M11000.4A JANUARY 2002
Tower Manual: COMDTINST M11000.4A JANUARY 2002
Commandant 2100 Second Street, S.W.
United States Coast Guard Washington, DC 20593-0001
Staff Symbol: G-S
Phone: (202) 267-6031
FAX: (202) 267-4219
JAN 11 2002
1. PURPOSE. This Manual defines Coast Guard policy and criteria for the preservation of towers and
prescribes minimum inspection and maintenance standards for use as a guide in organizing and
managing a comprehensive tower inspection and maintenance program.
2. ACTION. Commanders of Maintenance and Logistics Commands shall ensure that the provisions
of this Manual are followed. Internet release is authorized.
4. DISCUSSION. The previous edition of the Tower Manual, COMDTINST M11000.4A, was written
in 1978 with the last changes made in 1982. Although much of the information in the manual was
applicable to the current tower program, the manual primarily addressed tall guyed towers,
specifically OMEGA and LORAN. The Coast Guard's tower inventory is growing annually and has
changed significantly over the past 20 years. The majority of Coast Guard towers today are small
towers under 300ft that received only cursory attention in the previous edition. Secondly, safety
requirements and equipment have also improved steadily and the most significant change to this
revision is in the tower safety chapter. Due to the large volume of new information and required
changes, the old Tower Manual, COMDTINST M11000.4, is cancelled in its entirety. The new
Tower Manual, COMDTINST M11000.4A, has been reorganized and streamlined for quicker and
easier access to information.
5. MAJOR CHANGES. Major changes from the previous version of the Manual include: new tower
definitions, more detailed requirements for tower safety, establishment of Tall Tower Coordination
Center, new recommended inspection routines and items, updated tower failure information,
incorporated portions of various unit level small tower handbooks, new information on antenna
installation and removal, eliminated dated information relating to OMEGA and ACTEUR towers,
new information on tower marking systems in accordance with latest FAA Advisory Circulars, new
information on alignment and twist methods, updated information on guy tension methods,
established new recommended formats for tower inspection reports for both small and tall towers,
and updated information on LORAN base insulator replacements.
REQUEST FOR CHANGES. Units and individuals may recommend changes by writing via the chain
of command to Commandant (G-SEC), U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC 20593-0001.
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................... i
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................. 1-1
A. Purpose and Scope.......................................... 1-1
B. Responsibilities........................................... 1-1
C. Inspection and Maintenance Standards and Costs............. 1-1
D. Revision of Manual......................................... 1-1
CHAPTER 2. TOWER SAFETY.................................................. 2-1
PART I. GENERAL CLIMBING SAFETY ................................. 2-1
A. Safety Policy and Requirements............................. 2-1
B. Buddy System............................................... 2-1
C. Climbing of Towers by Coast Guard Personnel................ 2-1
D. Minimum Requirements....................................... 2-2
E. Equipment.................................................. 2-2
F. Pre-Climb Safety........................................... 2-5
G. Conditioning and Mechanics of Climbing..................... 2-6
H. Rescue..................................................... 2-7
PART II. GENERAL TOWER SAFETY ................................... 2-8
A. Climbing of Towers by Contractor........................... 2-8
B. Work on Energized Towers................................... 2-8
C. Maintenance of Energized Towers............................ 2-9
D. Ladders and Safety Climbing Devices........................ 2-9
E. Protective Barriers and Warning Signs..................... 2-10
CHAPTER 3. INSPECTION GUIDELINES......................................... 3-1
A. General.................................................... 3-1
B. Inspection Categories...................................... 3-1
C. Inspection Objectives and Requirements..................... 3-2
D. Tower Failures............................................. 3-7
CHAPTER 4. MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES........................................ 4-1
A. Maintenance Objectives and Requirements.................... 4-1
B. Maintenance, Repair, and Modification...................... 4-3
C. General Inspection and Maintenance Problems................ 4-4
D. Common Abnormalities....................................... 4-8
E. Replacement of Structural Members......................... 4-11
CHAPTER 5. TOWER STRUCTURE............................................... 5-1
A. General.................................................... 5-1
B. Standard Tower Leg and Face Designations................... 5-1
C. Structural Members......................................... 5-1
D. Base Insulators........................................... 5-10
E. Tower Base................................................ 5-13
F. Ladder Safety Rail, and Rest Platforms.................... 5-16
G. Hoists and Elevators...................................... 5-16
H. Ground Systems............................................ 5-16
I. Tower Jacking Legs........................................ 5-17
J. Spare Parts............................................... 5-17
K. Antenna Installations..................................... 5-18
L. Antenna Removals.......................................... 5-18
CHAPTER 6. GUYS AND GUY ANCHORS.......................................... 6-1
A. General.................................................... 6-1
B. Standard Guys, Guy Anchor and Insulator Designations....... 6-1
C. Guy Cables and End Fittings................................ 6-3
D. Wire Strand and Rope....................................... 6-3
E. Galvanized Steel Cable..................................... 6-6
F. Aluminum Coated Steel Cable................................ 6-6
G. Reinforced Aluminum Conductors............................. 6-6
H. Copper Coated Steel Cable.................................. 6-7
I. Cable End Fittings......................................... 6-7
J. Inspection and Maintenance................................ 6-10
K. Guy Cable Hardware........................................ 6-13
L. Insulators................................................ 6-17
M. Gradient Cones and Arcing Rings........................... 6-25
N. Tower Anchors............................................. 6-26
O. Tower Guy Accessories..................................... 6-28
CHAPTER 7. TOWER PAINTING................................................ 7-1
A. General.................................................... 7-1
B. Maintenance of Tower Painting.............................. 7-2
C. Standard Tower Painting Systems............................ 7-3
D. Alternative Painting Systems............................... 7-4
E. Corrosion Protection of Unpainted Towers................... 7-4
F. Ladders and Safety Rails................................... 7-5
G. Application................................................ 7-5
H. Records.................................................... 7-5
A. General.................................................... 8-1
B. General Tower Design Characteristics....................... 8-1
C. Analysis of Existing Towers................................ 8-2
D. Cause of Misalignment and Twist............................ 8-2
E. Alignment, Twist and Guy Tension Limitations............... 8-2
F. Conditions for Alignment, Twist, and Tension Measurements.. 8-3
G. Determination of Alignment and Twist....................... 8-4
H. Guy Tensions.............................................. 8-13
I. Correction of Alignment and Guy Tension................... 8-19
J. Frequency and Scope of Alignment and Tension Checks....... 8-20
A. General.................................................... 9-1
B. FAA Notification Requirements for Tower Lighting Failures.. 9-1
C. Tower Lighting System Components........................... 9-1
D. New Lighting System Requirements........................... 9-5
E. Lighting System Inspection and Maintenance................. 9-5
F. Lightning Protection....................................... 9-7
APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY........................................................ 1
APPENDIX B. INSPECTION FORMS................................................ 1
APPENDIX D. LORAN BASE INSULATOR REPLACEMENT................................ 1
A. Purpose and Scope. This Manual defines Coast Guard policy and criteria
for the preservation of towers and prescribes minimum inspection and
maintenance standards for use as a guide in organizing and managing a
comprehensive tower inspection and maintenance program. The primary
objectives of such a program are to keep critical antenna and navigation
systems operational to the maximum possible extent, and to protect the
Government's investment by economically maintaining the towers. This
Manual shall be utilized for all Coast Guard towers to the maximum
feasible extent. Towers are defined as any permanent structure that is
more vertical than horizontal, that is energized or non-energized, guyed
or free standing, and exceeds 20 feet in height. Tall towers are those
300ft in height or greater. Small towers are those less than 300ft in
height. The safety requirements in Chapter Two of this Manual are
applicable to all towers and elevated structures including monopoles,
ATON structures, and communications support structures.
Coast Guard Tower Program Coordination Center (CEU Oakland) with
information copies of all tower-related reports, correspondence, and
similar material which describe program improvements and practices of
potential use to other commands. Field input remains the primary source
of material for this Manual.
Figure 1-2 90ft Self supporting Vessel Traffic System tower.
Figure 1-4 60ft Self supporting communications tower.
This chapter is divided into two sections; Part I is General Climbing Safety.
Part II is General Tower Safety.
B. Buddy System. Climbers shall use the buddy system. When climbing to a
height of 150ft or less a safety observer is required on the ground. The
observer should be stationed a suitable distance away from the tower
base, preferably upwind, so that he or she always has a clear view of the
climber. The safety observer shall be a qualified climber who meets the
requirements of D below. The safety observer shall be completely
dressed with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including a
Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) and a complete safety ladder climbing
device. The safety observer shall have constant two-way communication
with the climber on the tower. When climbing towers greater than 150ft
in height the safety observer shall join the primary climber on the tower
and stay within 150ft of the primary climber at all times.
4. Rescue procedures.
5. First aid training including CPR - These requirements are not
specifically taught in a tower qualification course. The tower
program specifically relies on the PQS standards that require annual
basic first aid. CPR training is highly recommended for all
Figure 2-1 Existing Coast Guard Harnesses (front and rear view).
a. Personal Fall Arrest Systems consist at minimum of an anchorage,
full body harness, deceleration lanyard and connecting device.
(2) Full body harness must meet ANSI Z359.1-1992 requirements and
must have a "D" ring which is centered in the wearer's upper
back. The harness must be sized to the individual. The full
body harness must be specifically rated for fall arrest (see
Figures 2-1 and 2-2).
c. No part of a personal fall arrest system shall be used for other
than its intended purpose. Never use this equipment for hoisting
or towing. Do not use this equipment for recreational climbing.
d. Understand, know and follow the maximum weight limits for your
personal fall arrest safety equipment. These limits are stated in
the manufacturer's instructions. The working load limit is equal
to the combined person and tool weight. Generally, the working
load limit for a full body harness is 310 pounds.
e. All equipment, lines and hardware shall be rated for use. Each
piece of equipment shall be inspected for wear, damage, and other
deterioration before each use, and defective components shall be
immediately removed from service and destroyed.
2. Any special equipment that will need to be acquired and any special
training or training reviews that must be performed before work
5. The emergency services available near the site and whether they could
find the site in a timely manner. Question rescue services to
establish that they have the equipment, skills and response time to
rescue a climber in the expected environment. These services should
be given directions to the site.
chapter. A deadman stick shall be used to positively ground the
11. A safety lanyard shall be attached to all tools and equipment on the
tower to prevent missile hazards.
12. Site Safety Meeting - Upon arrival at the site, all climbers shall
hold a pre-climb safety meeting. Ensure every climber knows where
emergency equipment is stored and where emergency medical facilities
are located. The length of these meetings is directly related to the
complexity and type of work to be performed.
(3) Noise.
2. Ascending/Descending
c. Use of a safety climb device requires that you keep three points
of contact with the structure. Do not jump or hop.
(2) On tapered towers climb on the high side or side that allows
the climber to naturally lean into the tower.
(4) Rest often and use rest platforms when they are available.
the ground.
2. Climbing Towers for Inspection, Painting, or Repair. Loran-C towers
may be climbed while they are energized. When climbing energized
Loran-C towers the following precautions should be taken:
c. Climbers should avoid extending any part of the body beyond the
corona shield/guard rail at the top of the tower.
1. All new towers shall be constructed with a fixed ladder equipped with
a ladder safety climbing device. Rigid rail safety climbing systems
which meet Federal Specification RR-S-001301 Type I are required. The
Saf-T-Climb system, manufactured by North Safety Products
( is the preferred rigid rail climbing
system. Existing towers that do not have fixed ladders shall, if
practical, have ladders with ladder safety climb devices installed
under the AFC-43 maintenance program.
2. All towers shall have a reasonable and safe means of ascending and
descending the structure. Loran-C, radar antenna support, and
similar tall towers should be equipped with fixed metal ladders
conforming to OSHA Standards 29CFR1910.27, "Fixed Ladders", Subpart D
and 1926.1053,Ladders, Subpart X. Even though the use of ladders is
not considered mandatory by OSHA, the use of ladders remains the most
practical and safe means of climbing towers. Towers, monopoles, and
all elevated structures shall have a safety climb system installed to
the extent it is possible and feasible. When the configuration of
the structure will not allow installation of a ladder with safety
climb system, alternative methods of providing fixed anchorage to
ensure climbers' safety is required. When modification to a tower to
include a heavy metal ladder is not structurally feasible or
economically justified, the original design is acceptable provided a
safety climbing system as described in D.1. above is installed.
E. Protective Barriers and Warning Signs. To protect the towers and anchors
from vehicular damage as well as to guard against injuries to personnel,
the following protective barriers and warning markers shall be provided:
a. Inspection reports.
B. Inspection Categories.
b. Providing technical assistance, contract services, materials, and
equipment as may be required to perform inspection and
maintenance activities.
Figure 3-1 625 ft Tower deflected due to heavy icing conditions.
2. Contract Inspections. Because contracting for inspection services is
usually expensive, efforts should be made to maintain an in-house
inspection capability. However, there are several major tower
inspection, manufacturing and erection firms providing these
services. In either case, it should be recognized that the
capabilities of the personnel offered by these firms can vary
considerably, and the inspection results will follow suit. Whenever
doubt exists as to individual capabilities, a thorough investigation
should precede selection of a particular contractor. CEUs should
develop lists of qualified firms.
(3) *Slipped or unraveled guy-grip dead ends. (See Ch. 6 H.3)
(3) MONTHLY - Visually check each anchor and the tower for
abnormal conditions (see C.3.a above). Visually check tower
alignment in accordance with Ch.8 G.1.a.
(5) TRIENNIAL - CEU and or contracted tower inspection for small
Simplicity, brevity, and substance should be the attributes of the
narrative portions of inspection reports. Maximum use should be made
of color photographs to show normal, typical, and unusual conditions.
Copies of reports showing unusual conditions or procedures should be
forwarded to other field commands that are responsible for similar
D. Tower Failures.
1. Past Failures and Causes. Major tower failures have occurred over
the years, providing a number of "lessons learned" which are
reflected by certain sections of this Manual and in current
procurement specifications. These failures and their causes are:
collapse of 1964 and failures of other non-Coast Guard towers.
While it is evident that the universal-ring assembly has
significantly reduced fatigue loading, this incident demonstrates
the continued susceptibility of eyebolt heads to fatigue failure.
a. Notify the servicing Civil Engineering Unit and the CG Tall Tower
Coordination Center by message.
a. Elevation view showing insulator b. Plan view showing insulator
connected directly to gusset plate. connected to gusset plate
Twisting of the tower could subject via a shackle creating a universal
insulator to bending loads. joint to alleviate bending.
(4) Any modification to the grounding or lightning protection
maintenance should be at the ground level only, including such
items as:
(8) Clearing of vegetation around the guy anchors and tower base.
(3) Incorrect installation or application.
detectable deficiencies should not present any inspection problem, but
hidden or latent defects are of great concern.
b. Maintenance of Structural Guy Anchor Hardware. One of the most
common reasons for disconnecting structural guys from their
anchors is for the maintenance or replacement of anchor-end
turnbuckles or thimbles, or to reposition the anchor-end Big-Grip
dead ends (always using new ones) to allow turnbuckle adjustment.
A come-along, winch, or other suitable pulling device, properly
attached to the existing guy far enough up the guy to allow the
work to be accomplished, and properly connected to a pulling
point adjacent to the existing connection is considered to be an
adequate temporary guy for the performance of this type of work.
5. Riding the Guys. This inspection method is only preferred for guy
and insulator inspections on towers greater than 1000ft in height
before disconnection of the guys is considered. A bosun's chair or
other device is rigged, and the inspector "rides the guy”, or next to
the guy, to the ground while examining all of the guy components.
While this method requires special skill and rigging, it does not
subject the tower to the risks inherent when a structural guy is
disconnected. Appendix E describes several methods. Specifications
for inspection by guy riding should be the "performance" type.
Actual contract documents should not incorporate procedures shown in
Appendix E, but the contractor may be allowed access to this
Figure 4-1 Excavation and inspection around anchor arm.
D. Common Abnormalities. The most common conditions with which the
inspection process is concerned are tower misalignment, wear,
deformation, corrosion, improper guy tensions, and damaged structural
intense because of the erosion of the paint and galvanizing
caused by the wind-driven rain, salt and dust.
#1 Zinc #6 Lead
#2 Aluminum #7 Tin
#3 Steel #8 Copper
#4 Iron #9 Stainless Steel(passive)
#5 Stainless Steel(active)
current from these external sources flows on a metal, leaves the
metal, and enters the surrounding electrolyte. When stray
currents reach high amperages, metal removal can be extremely
rapid. It is important that guy anchors are grounded to help
avoid stray currents from entering the steel in the anchor.
Figure 4-2 Broken strands on TLE.
measures such as shoring or reinforcement have been fully explored.
Considerations when replacing tower members are:
3. Tower Sections. The leg joints/flanges define the beginning and end
of each “section”. Sections are designated by numbers “1”, “2”,
etc., beginning at the base of the tower (Figure 5-1).
C. Structural Members.
Structural grade galvanized steels and aluminum alloys are used for tower
structural members. These materials are used in a variety of shapes and
sizes and they are selected for their strength, weldability, galvanizing
qualities, resistance to corrosion, general workability, and economy.
Structural aluminum alloys in various shapes (usually extrusions) are
used for the smaller towers, generally up to 130 feet in height.
Structural steels are utilized for the taller towers. Stainless steels
are used for special purposes such as where greater corrosion-resistance
is required. For all applications, structures are designed with a safety
factor or allowable stress which allows for variances in the materials,
workmanship, handling, the uncertainties of the ultimate loading forces,
standards can be changed radically by subjecting the steel to various
heat treatment processes and manufacturing procedures. Considering
the wide variety of structural steels, it is of utmost importance to
know exactly what type of material is involved before reworking
(welding, heating, straightening, etc.) or replacing any structural
exact type of aluminum alloy involved before any reworking or
replacement is accomplished.
Figure 5-2 Galvanic corrosion on aluminum leg of 129ft tower.
premature failures. Corrosion control normally requires the most
internal corrosion is detected in tower legs, notify the
servicing CEU.
built-in dimension tolerances of fractions of an inch which
are sufficient to cause a bow off-set of an inch or more.
Some diagonals slip in their bolt holes while under a tensile
load and then cannot return to their original position because
of their high slenderness ratio. If bowing of diagonals in a
particular tower is widespread, or if serious defects or
overloading is suspected, the situation should be reported to
the servicing CEU and to the Tall Tower Coordination Center.
7. Structural Steel Bolts and Nuts. High strength steel bolts and nuts
conforming to ASTM A325 are generally used for the final assembly of
steel and aluminum tower components. These fasteners are made of
medium carbon steel and are galvanized to ASTM Standard A153. Under
certain conditions, hardened washers are also used. Interference-
body interrupted-rib bolts, which must be hammer-driven to achieve
proper positioning, have been used on several of the taller towers.
Special conditions may exist which justify installation of these
bolts (see C.5.c(3) above). Jam nuts are thin nuts that are used
under full sized nuts to develop the locking action through
deformation of the jam nut. They are frequently applied to the wrong
side of the main nut, where their usefulness as a locknut is
decreased. PAL nuts are a common type of self-locking nut that are
frequently used on Coast Guard towers manufactured by ROHN
Industries. Unlike jam nuts, PAL nuts and other self-locking nuts
are installed on top of the full sized nut. The most common type of
self-locking nut is the ANCO locknut, which achieves its locking
characteristic by an integral steel locking pin. The pin engages the
bolt thread as the nut is tightened and acts to hold the nut in its
final tightened position. Self-locking nuts are reusable, and should
be installed in lieu of jam nuts on new structures or when
replacement is required.
fasteners to loosen. Where the main nut is in contact with the
structural surface, proper tensioning of the bolt helps prevent
loosening. Tensioning of high strength bolts is accomplished by
two methods accepted by the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC): the calibrated wrench method and the turn-
of-the-nut method. Unfortunately, there is no correlation
between these methods. A discussion of the differences between,
and the philosophies behind these three methods is beyond the
scope of this Manual: AISC specifications and commentaries should
be consulted for a greater detailed discussion. General Coast
Guard policy in the past has required turn-of-the-nut method.
New bolts installed in existing towers shall use the turn-of-the-
nut method. Construction of new towers may use either the turn-
of-the-nut method or calibrated torque wrench method as approved
by AISC.
(1) Periodically check tower bolts visually and manually, but not
by torquing.
8. Aluminum Bolts and Nuts. Aluminum bolts and nuts provide optimum
material compatibility with aluminum structures, and may be used for
aluminum towers. Bolts are usually made of 2024-T4 alloy. However,
the low corrosion resistance property of 2024 aluminum in marine
environments justifies the slight additional expense of using 6061-T6
or the stronger 7075-T73 alloy fasteners. The clamping load
developed in an aluminum bolt at a given torque value or at a given
rotation of the bolt head or nut can vary widely depending on bolt
and nut materials, thread fit, condition of the bearing surface under
the part being turned, the grip and makeup of the joint, and
lubrication. Over-torqued aluminum fasteners are highly susceptible
to stress corrosion, especially if the fastener has been loosened and
retightened. It is therefore very important that aluminum fasteners
be properly torqued during erection, and controls established to
avoid over-tightening during tower maintenance or inspections.
Experience has shown that torque or rotating values for a particular
application are best established through trial on the job site or by
means of pilot models. One method often implemented is to tighten
several bolts to the breaking point, under the same conditions as
will be encountered on the job, and then use 70 to 80 percent of the
lowest torque obtained for tightening all bolts. Lubricating the
aluminum fastener will enable clamping loads within 5 to 10 percent
of the tensile strength of the bolt. A good petroleum based
lubricant will also ensure consistent results, regardless of the
tightening method used. In a bolt and nut combination where the nut
is to be turned, a thorough lubrication of all the surfaces of the
nut is usually all that is necessary to attain the advantage offered
by the lubricant.
D. Base Insulators. Loran and other towers that are radiating antennae are
insulated from the supporting base pier by a base insulator. The types
of base insulators in use on Coast Guard towers employ a hollow porcelain
dielectric in various forms. These insulating elements are supported by
attached steel caps and plates that distribute the compressive loads to
the ceramic. A safety factor of 3 is used as a basis for selecting the
size of these base insulators.
Figure 5-4 Double cone base insulator.
be visible. See Figure 5-7. Statifluxing is more fully
described in Appendix E. The truncated porcelain cones of base
insulators should be checked for signs of fracturing and
spalling, particularly around the joint with the metal cap on the
small end. Similar failures in cylindrical porcelain elements
will generally occur as longitudinal fractures. Spalling may
also occur where their ends contact the supporting bearing
plates. Evidence of arc-over can be an indication of cracks in
the porcelain elements. In oil-filled insulators, oil leaks can
also be indicative of cracks in the elements.
b. Maintenance. Porcelain insulator elements will require little,
if any, structural maintenance. Cracked or otherwise seriously
damaged single element base insulators must be replaced as soon
as possible after detection. A similar condition in an element
of a multiple element base insulator may not require replacement
of the insulator depending on the location and severity of the
damage. Any such damage to base insulators should be immediately
reported to the servicing CEU for determination of corrective
action. The elements of this type of insulator cannot be
replaced in the field since the ends of the porcelain cylinders
must be ground to close tolerances to provide necessary support
in combination with the other elements. Metal parts of insulators
should be maintained as indicated under paragraph C.5.a above.
Contamination on insulator porcelains should be washed or wiped
whenever arcing across the insulators becomes objectionable.
Buffing the porcelain surfaces after an application of a very
thin coat of silicone grease has been found to be effective in
preventing contamination flashovers in some areas.
discussed below. Concrete is considered to be a permanent structural
material and when properly designed, mixed, and placed, should last
indefinitely. To fully serve its purpose in foundations and encasements,
concrete must be of high quality and of sufficient cover over the
embedded anchor bolts and reinforcing steel to protect them from
corrosion. Only high quality concrete can withstand continued exposure
to water, freezing and thawing, and other adverse conditions.
Considering the locations of various towers and the conditions under
which they were erected, it should not be taken for granted that all
foundation and encasement concrete is high quality and fulfilling its
intended purposes.
can be diminished and settlement or lateral movement may occur.
Landscaping or the installation of surface or subsurface drains
should be provided where ponding is a problem. Vegetation should not
be permitted to grow in the vicinity of the tower base pier.
a. Compute the projected area of one of the balls of the ball gap,
in square inches. Call the numerical value of this area "M".
G. Hoists and Elevators. Originally, many 625 and 1350 foot towers were
furnished with hoists, and several 1350 foot towers were furnished with
elevators. Due to their infrequent use and the high degree of inspection
and maintenance required to keep them safely operable, they are no longer
specified for new towers. Although most of the hoists, motors, controls,
and elevators have been removed from existing towers, some elements of
the system such as pulleys, fair leads, cab rails, and platforms have
been retained to facilitate inspection and maintenance.
H. Ground Systems. Most antenna towers and antenna support structures must
be properly grounded to maintain proper electrical and counterpoise
characteristics for the antenna. Loran tower ground systems consist of
copper wire radials bonded to tubing or screen and extending outward from
the tower base toward the tower guy or radial anchors. Depending on the
type of antenna and the type of soil conditions involved, radial ground
wires will be required every 1 to 4 degrees in a full circle around the
tower base. The ends of the ground wires may be brazed to individual
ground rods, which are embedded into the earth to prescribed depths. The
tower base pier is normally grounded as are the guy anchor arms.
Ideally, the radial ground system should be shallowly buried for
electrical stability and to prevent damage from vehicles and equipment.
In many locations, however, ground systems have been placed above ground,
and fastened at various intervals with stakes or pins to keep the wires
in place. Ground wires, leads, and connections should be maintained in
their design condition. Wires above grade should be inspected for breaks
or looseness, and repaired by brazing or by splicing in new sections as
appropriate. Exothermic welding of ground connections provides a better
bond, but is not very practical except during initial installation of the
ground system. Special mechanical fasteners are available for ground
connections and will give satisfactory results if they are properly sized
and installed.
I. Tower Jacking Legs. Jacking leg or frames have been provided for some
towers for use in connection with initial erection and with replacement
of the base insulators. These items should be inspected periodically and
maintained in good condition to permit their use when required.
insulators is not possible, a tower engineer should determine which
base insulator currently being manufactured is appropriate to replace
the older insulator.
1. Guy Lanes. Guy lanes are designated “1”, “2”, and “3” starting with
the first lane clockwise from the North. There are normally three
structural guy lanes for a guyed tower and up to 24 lanes when
designating top loading radials of some Loran-C towers (Figure 6-1).
a. “4-B2” is the guy leading from the 4th guy level attachment point
to anchor B in guy lane 2, on a corner-guyed tower.
b. “3B-A1” is the right hand guy leading from the 3rd guy level
attachment point to anchor A in guy lane 1, on a face-guyed
c. "C13" is a radial guy that is the 13th such guy clockwise from
North. Note that "C13" is also the proper anchor designation.
4. Multi-Tower Antennae.
a. SLT Antennae. View the antenna field in plan, and consider the
feed point as the center of the system. The first tower
clockwise from North is "Tower #1", the next clockwise is "Tower
#2", etc. SLT antenna panels are designated by two digits
according to their support tower numbers; for example Antenna
Panel 2-3 is supported by towers #2 and #3. "Antenna Panels"
refer to the energized antenna wire arrays, and should not be
confused with "Tower Panels" discussed in Chapter 5 B.4.
(1) SLT and TIP Guys do not follow the convention established in
B.3 above for their designations. Guy lanes are designated
"A", "B", or "Cl", depending on their position relative to the
antenna system, rather than in reference to North:
Lane B
(3) SLT and TIP Anchors. The anchors nearest the tower are
designated "A", the next farthest "B", etc. This letter, plus
the lane designation, plus the tower number will identify a
particular anchor. To avoid confusion, the word "lane" should
be used with the lane designation. For example, "B-lane C -
TWR#3 is the anchor second farthest from tower #3 in lane C.
insulator downward. Thus, "3A-B3-4" is the 4th segment down from
the strain insulator in guy 3A-B3. It is also an insulator
designation (see previous paragraph), but the context of the
message, report, etc. should make it clear that it is a segment
being discussed. Top-loading elements above the strain insulator
are designated "TLE (guy #).
C. Guy Cables and End Fittings. Steel cable used for tower guys and top
loading elements are zinc-, aluminum-, or copper-coated wire arranged in
the form of strand or rope. Guy cables serve to provide lateral support
for the tower and are an integral element in the structural system.
Cables are selected on the basis of their rated breaking strengths. In
accordance with EIA/EIA-222-(series), for structures under 700 ft in
height, the safety factor of guys and their connections shall be not less
than 2.0. For structures 1200 ft or greater in height, the safety factor
of guys and their connections shall not be less than 2.5. For structures
between 700 ft and 1200 ft in height, the minimum safety factor of guys
and their connections shall be determined by linear interpolation between
2.0 and 2.5 (Note: A 1/3 increase in stress for wind-loading conditions
does not apply to the published breaking strength of guys and their
connections. In addition, cables used as antenna elements are selected
for electrical characteristics. When specified, cable and end fittings
are proof-tested and pre-stressed before being placed in service. Pre-
stressing is normally a requirement for larger cable sizes used on taller
towers in order to remove constructional looseness.
D. Wire Strand and Rope. Wire strand is composed of individual wires laid
helically about an axis or center wire that produces a symmetrical cross-
section. Wire rope consists of strands (each made up of several wires)
laid helically around a center strand. The direction of rotation or
helix of either the wires in a strand or the strands in a rope is termed
“lay”. Wires spiraling towards the left or right are denoted as left
hand lay and right hand lay, respectively. Strand is less flexible than
wire rope, has a higher modulus of elasticity, and size for size is
stronger by about 30 percent. That strand is less expensive than rope
accounts in part for its extensive use for tower guys. There are also
major differences in the types of wire strand and wire rope. Primary
classifications for strand are Steel Strand and Bridge Strand, and for
rope are Wire Rope and Bridge Rope. Appendix C provides cable data
including tabulations of sizes, grades, and strengths.
E. Galvanized Steel Cable. The individual steel wires are coated with zinc,
which is either applied electrolytically or by the hot-dip process in
accordance with ASTM A475 or A586. As in the case of galvanized steel
shapes, the purpose of the coating is to provide corrosion protection of
the steel wires. The weight of the zinc coating is specified as Class A,
B, or C, which designates the coating weight in ounces per square foot of
uncoated wire surface. A hot-dip process results in a Class A coating
thickness. Class B and C coatings are applied electrolytically and have
double and triple the mil thickness of a Class A coating, respectively.
The catalog breaking strength of bridge strand and rope is usually based
on a Class A coating of the individual wires. It is standard
manufacturing practice to provide galvanized cable with all wires having
either a Class A, Class B, or Class C coating on the outer wires and a
Class A coating on the inner wires. The theory of applying a thinner
coating of zinc on the inner wires is that they are protected from the
corrosive elements by the outer wires of the cable. As the thickness of
the zinc coating on the individual wires increases from Class A to Class
C, the diameter of steel wires which make up the cable decreases to
compensate for the addition of the peripheral zinc coating so as to
maintain the standard catalog nominal diameter of the strand or rope.
For corrosive environments, Coast Guard practice is to call for Class C
galvanizing on all inside and outside wires. When other than Class A
galvanizing for the inside and outside wires is required, the
manufacturer must be consulted on the adjusted minimum breaking strength
of the cable.
wires are no longer recommended for Coast Guard use. Whenever
replacement of existing guy or antenna cables of this type is indicated
or required, Alumoweld cable should be used.
H. Copper Coated Steel Cable. This type of cable is made up of steel wires
covered by a coating of copper and arranged in the form of a multi-wire
strand. The strand is available in a wide range of sizes, strengths and
degrees of conductivity. The coating process is achieved by pouring
molten copper into a mold containing a heated steel billet, which unites
the copper and steel. The resultant product is then hot-rolled to rod
size and then cold-drawn into finished wire sizes. The thickness of the
copper coating varies with the size of the wire. The coated wire is
furnished to ASTM B227 and the completed strand is furnished to ASTM
B228. Copper coated steel wire strand has slightly less strength than an
equally sized strand made up of aluminum coated steel wire, and is also
more expensive. This type of cable has been used for structural guying
on 625-ft. towers. The copper coating provides excellent corrosion
protection because of its nobility. However, if the coating is nicked or
scratched to the extent that the underlying steel is exposed, the steel
will sacrifice itself to protect the more noble copper coating (in much
the same way that zinc will sacrifice itself to protect steel), resulting
in the loss of the structural cross section of the cable. This
disadvantage is inherent in the use of copper-coated steel cable for
tower structural guys, and more frequent corrosion control inspections
are required. This type cable is not recommended for Coast Guard use.
I. Cable End Fittings. Terminals for the various types of guy cables
previously discussed are factory applied compression (press type)
fittings, sockets, and pre-formed Big-Grip dead-ends. These end fittings
are designed to have a holding efficiency equal to or greater than the
catalog rated strength of the cable to which they are applied. Cable
clips are less efficient, and consequently are not authorized for any new
structural application. See Appendix C for illustrations of end
2. Socket End Fittings. Open and closed end sockets are used for the
larger cable sizes (usually over one-inch in diameter), particularly
on bridge strand and rope where high strength end fittings are
required. These sockets are usually made of galvanized carbon steel
and are forged and machined. The open socket has a clevis pin
connection, whereas the closed socket has an eye pin connection.
Socketing is accomplished by inserting the separated strand or rope
wires into the cone shaped basket of the socket. The socket is then
heated and molten zinc is poured into the basket to form the high
strength connection. This type of socket end fitting is also
referred to as a potted fitting. In recent years, epoxy has been
used to fill the socket basket in lieu of zinc. This method allows
for socketing in the field in emergency situations where a molten
zinc pot is not available. Although this method is also used by the
cable manufacturers upon request, the process requires much more
quality control than zinc filling and is not recommended when zinc
filling can be performed.
unraveling. Unraveling tends to occur only on BGDEs at the lower
ends of guys, due to ice sliding down onto the BGDE legs. The
effect of guy galloping and vibration was also studied, but
results were inconclusive. As a preventive measure, the
manufacturer developed a special "end sleeve”, as shown in Figure
6-3, and suggested that these end sleeves be installed on all
BGDEs. The end sleeve ensures that the Big-Grip remains properly
applied as they prevent unraveling, discourage tampering, and
break up and deflect any ice that may travel down the guy cable.
When ordering end sleeves, carefully specify the part number of
the dead-end, type of coating, and size of the main cable. A
common sleeve design works with either lay. In an emergency,
available sleeves of the wrong size may be used by crimping
oversized sleeves or spreading undersized sleeves. It is Coast
Guard policy to install end sleeves in the following situations:
(1) Where the cable connected by dead-end extends for 200 feet or
more without interruption, in either an upward or downward
direction, where icing can occur.
4 48
1. Inspection. Tower guy cables are, for the most part, inaccessible
and difficult to inspect. With the exception of bulging outer cable
wires due to interior wire corrosion, the extent of any damage to the
interior wires of the cable is practically impossible to detect
without removing the cable from service. However, bulging of the
outer cable wires is difficult to detect and in many cases is not
present. Wind induced vibration and rain frequently "washes away"
the corrosion as it develops reducing the likelihood of bulging in
the cable. However, staining can occur on the cable indicative of
this type of corrosive action. The only known practical method
(short of destructive testing) for determining the condition of any
type of installed guy cable is by visual inspection of the outside of
the cable. Indicators of cable condition are abrasion of the outside
wires, broken outside wires (Figure 3-4), and corrosion. In extreme
cases, a marked decrease in cable diameter can be an indication of
severe abrasion of the outside wires and/or corrosion of the inside
wires. Previous inspection reports and as-built drawings should be
carefully consulted prior to taking action on any cables or wires
evaluated solely on changes in diameter. If surface examination does
not show evidence of corrosion, broken wires or abrasion, but the
cable diameter is markedly reduced, a condition of internal
deterioration or material failure may have taken place. In all such
extreme cases, immediate corrective action is required. A reasonable
guide to overall guy cable condition is a close examination of the
guy cables that are accessible, such as the ground level. As a rule,
examination of the exposed surfaces of guy cables will provide a
fairly accurate indication of the cable’s condition and the
importance of periodic inspection is emphasized. Since guy cables
are subjected to changes in stress, bending, abrasion and corrosion,
any one of which can ultimately reduce strength, their condition can
be expected to change. It is necessary, therefore to watch for these
changes and maintain a record of cable condition so that any adverse
trends can be determined. Whenever a broken cable wire is found,
replacement or bracing of the involved guy segment must be
considered. See Figure 6-4. The seriousness of such a condition is
considered as being dependent on the number of sound wires left in
the cable. In cases of this kind, the cause of the break should be
determined, and the area of the break closely examined to see if
there is any evidence of a pending failure of the other cable wires,
such as necking down of the wire (reduction in section due to
overstressing) or corrosion. If corrosion is found to be the cause,
the chances are that the adjacent wires have been subjected to some
degree of the same corrosion process (except in the case of
“Copperweld”), and complete failure of the cable could be very close
at hand. During tower inspections, the cables should always be
closely examined at the end fittings, as it is at these points where
abrasion, breaks, and corrosion of the wires will most likely occur.
Any evidence of cable pullout or slippage of the end fittings should
be carefully noted. The end fittings with their associated shear
pins and cotter pins should also receive reasonable inspection
coverage for corrosion, deformation, cracks and other signs of
distress. The guidelines presented in Chapter 4 should be consulted
for a discussion of the various techniques that may be employed to
perform cable and end fitting inspections.
conductors has been prevalent (see F above). A small mirror
mounted on a short stick or pole will help to examine the lower
portions of the end fittings at the tower end of the guys and
TLE’s. Another characteristic of ACSR cable is a tendency for
the inner galvanized core wires to corrode, causing a bulging
(“birdcaging”) in the cable. Replacement should be considered if
the bulging increases or the inner strands show significant wear
or breakage. Sample testing to breaking load, if practical and
feasible, may help to determine if and when replacement is
happens, a delay can generally be permitted under two conditions:
(1) where the extent of corrosion is limited to small and
scattered rust spots (because they will continue to receive
protection from the adjacent protective coating of zinc or
aluminum); and (2) provided that frequent checks (including
close-up color photographs if possible) are conducted to monitor
the progression of the corrosion process. When a perceptible
progression is detected, the protective treatment should be
applied as soon as practical. There should be no delay in
reconditioning rusted areas on cable or fittings that are readily
1. Thimbles. Steel thimbles provide a supporting grooved bed of ample
radius and length to accommodate the cable and protect it from
abrasion and distortion when placed under tension. Due to the
importance of maintaining adequate cable loop radius, only heavy-duty
type thimbles should be used for any guy application. Thimbles should
be inspected for wear, deformation and corrosion at the same time the
guys are inspected. Since galvanized steel thimbles are commonly
used in conjunction with copper-coated steel cable, the areas of such
dissimilar metal contact should be closely inspected and maintained.
Evidence of wear and deformation should be carefully noted; extreme
cases of either condition can cause the cable or Big-Grip to bend in
a reduced radius which in turn can cause serious wear and fatigue
problems at the area of contact between the hardware and cable or
Big-Grip. Maintenance of thimbles will be limited to corrosion
control. When wear or deformation of the thimbles occurs,
replacement is recommended.
Figure 6-6a
Figure 6-6b
stainless steel cotter pins should be used on all shackles and shear
pins. Galvanized or aluminum cotter pins normally corrode, wear, or
break much sooner than stainless steel cotter pins. Standard
shackles and other fittings usually come with galvanized cotter pins.
Orders for new hardware should specify stainless steel cotter pins.
Figure 6-7 Wear of cotter pins.
L. Insulators. Loran and other towers that are radiating antennae are
insulated from the structural guys with various types of insulators. The
radiating top loading elements of Loran-C towers are insulated from their
supporting guys. The support guys of these towers are divided into
segments by what are called break-up insulators, to minimize RF noise.
The insulating elements of the antenna and guy insulators are made of
porcelain and or fiberglass. Some antenna and guy insulators are made up
entirely of porcelain, and others incorporate hot-dip galvanized steel
supporting elements. Some antenna and guy insulators include gradient
cones and arcing rings (see L below).
a. Open and Closed End Insulators. These types of guy insulators are
used on towers up to 1350 feet in height where their mechanical
and electrical properties are adequate. They are furnished in a
wide range of shapes and sizes, and are commonly known as “johnny
balls”. See Figure 6-8a and 6-8b. They are made entirely of
porcelain with holes or grooves at right angles to each other
through which guy cables are looped in an interlocking fashion.
Interlocking of the guy cable loops provides a fail-safe feature.
The units with holes are called closed end insulators and the
grooved units are called open-end insulators. Closed end
insulators can be furnished with a rated mechanical strength up
to 33,000 pounds and open-end insulators up to 140,000 pounds.
Open-end insulators are stronger than closed end insulators for a
given cable size, but have lower flashover ratings. Therefore,
the flashover rating as well as the structural strength must be
considered when interchanging one type for another during
replacement or modification. These insulators have a small
unglazed surface which, although watertight, is liable to collect
contaminants and is therefore installed facing down the guy so
that the insulator will stay clean. When ordering, two coats of
varnish or weather resistant enamel should be specified to cover
the unglazed portions. The glazing color should be specified
brown to facilitate visual inspection. These types of insulators
are normally selected on the basis of the same safety factor as
the guy. Although they are a standard commercial product,
procurement lead times of six months or more are normal.
porcelain cone is larger in diameter than the circular opening at
the bottom of the frame. Should the porcelain cone break, the
metal cap and frame will engage to provide structural continuity
in the guy system. The fail-safe feature of this type of
insulator has not been fully tested either while in service or
under laboratory conditions. In addition, the single solid
eyebolt shaft is not fail-safe and, should the eyebolt fail, the
guy will separate. Use of compression cone insulators is not
recommended. In 1964, two 1350 foot Loran-C antenna towers
collapsed either directly or indirectly as a result of eyebolt
failures. Compression cone insulators used in the guy system of
the replacement towers had special stainless steel rocker
assemblies installed between the eyebolt head and the insulator
cap to reduce the eyebolt bending stresses at the head-shank
transition. See Figure 6-9. Precipitation hardened stainless
steel (17-4PH) was employed for the towers at Cape Race, Sandur,
Port Clarence, and Marcus, whereas AISI type 420 stainless steel
was used for the rockers on the Yap and Iwo Jima towers. In 1966,
cracks were discovered in the rockers on the Yap and Iwo Jima
towers. An extensive study by Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI)
led to the replacement of the 75 rocker assemblies in the upper
three structural guy levels of the Iwo Jima tower. The BMI study
recommended a new rocker material, inconel alloy 718, because of
its higher resistance to stress corrosion cracking. In 1976, the
rocker assemblies on the radial guys and on the 1st and 2nd guy
levels of the Iwo Jima tower were replaced with inconel alloy 718
rocker assemblies. Special attention must be given to these
eyebolts and rocker assemblies during inspection. Riding of
selected guys on towers with eyebolt and rocker assemblies is not
recommended because a guy could fail at any time without warning.
The Tall Tower Coordination Center should be contacted before any
repair or procurement action is taken relative to eyebolts and/or
rocker assemblies to ensure that current design standards and
optimum replacement materials are used.
Figure 6-8b Closed end johnny ball insulator.
the assembly. These insulators do not have a fail-safe feature
and consequently are designed with a safety factor of 2.5 or
more. This type insulator is furnished by special order, and is
not a readily available commercial line product.
(2) Maintenance. Porcelain insulator elements will require
little, if any, structural maintenance. Chipped (but
otherwise structurally adequate) guy insulator porcelains can
be continued in service as long as there is no electrical
problem. The chipped areas should be ground with an abrasive
stone to remove all sharp edges and the affected areas should
then be painted with weather-resisting gloss enamel. Whenever
the cross-sectional area of a guy strain (tension) porcelain
insulator is substantially reduced due to damage, prompt
replacement is required. Metal parts of insulators should be
maintained as indicated in Ch.5 C.5. Contamination on
insulator porcelains should be washed or wiped whenever arcing
across the insulators becomes problematic. Buffing the
porcelain surfaces after an application of a very thin coat of
silicone grease has been found to be effective in preventing
contamination flashovers in some areas. A solution for
extreme cases is to install insulators with higher flashover
of strength under cyclic or vibratory loading. Testing under
laboratory conditions and some field results indicate that the
performance of fiberglass rod is acceptable; however,
fiberglass rope has high creep and low resistance to fatigue
compared to metallic guy material, and is not recommended for
structural guys on Loran-C antennae.
Figure 6-10 Twisted pair of fiberglass train insulators.
corrosion or deformation. The least accessible, yet electrically
most highly stressed, fiberglass rods are at the ends of the TLEs
of 625 ft and 700 ft Loran-C towers. Binocular or telescope
inspection should be regularly accomplished, and selected rods
should be closely examined every few years using the procedures
of Appendix E. Both structural and radial insulator rods may be
replaced with no off-air time, as detailed in Appendix E.
M. Gradient Cones and Arcing Rings. The development of devices for the
protection of fiberglass insulator assemblies from electrical effects has
mostly been the result of trial and error. There are a number of cones,
rings and other devices now installed on Loran-C towers; some are
adequate, some unnecessary, and some of questionable value. This section
describes current requirements. Modification of existing towers is not
required unless it is convenient to add onto the scope of related work or
there is a severe electrical problem at a particular tower.
diameter, and the plane of the ring should extend at least 6 inches
beyond the clevis tip in the direction of the insulator. The overall
ring diameter should be such that should one rod fail the remaining
rod will not contact the ring under static conditions.
granted that all foundation, anchor and encasement concrete is high
quality and fulfilling its intended purpose.
5. Maintenance. Whenever normally hidden foundation and anchor elements
are exposed for inspection, preparations should be made to accomplish
anticipated maintenance at the same time. The most common form of
maintenance will consist of coating the anchor arms that are in
direct contact with the soil, and patching cracks and spalled areas
in the surface and subsurface concrete elements. When the anchor arms
are initially exposed, the protective treatment, depending on the
condition found, should be one of the methods described below. It
should be emphasized that the purpose of such coatings is to isolate
the anchor arms from the soil environment and the coatings must be
applied properly and be of sufficient thickness. If the coatings do
not provide a completely positive seal, corrosion can take place
under the coatings without being detected.
1. Guy Tensioning Devices. Most guyed towers have been furnished with
hydraulic tensioning devices or dynamometers for use during tower
erection and subsequent guy tension measurements. These are
important and delicate instruments that must be maintained in the
best possible condition at all times, if they are to provide the
necessary accuracy. In the event these devices are dropped,
mishandled, damaged, or otherwise believed to be inaccurate, they
should be immediately repaired and recalibrated or replaced. They
should also be calibrated prior to any retensioning efforts. Shunt
dynamometers are furnished with calibration curves or tables that
should always be kept with the instrument. See Chapter 8 for further
discussion on guy tensioning.
d. Be sure that the upper end of the dead-end is tight against the
guy cable (not loose or unraveled).
h. Ensure that the guy connection points are not allowed to rotate
during operations. The rotation of guys fastened to a Big-Grip
can cause the Big-Grip to open slightly. The opening of the Big-
Grip can lead to the release of the guy cable.
3. Guy and Guy Anchor Related Spare Parts. Whether through initial
outfitting or subsequent procurement, a variety of structural and
electrical spare parts are usually available for each tower or
antenna system. Typical parts are hardware or expendable items such
as turnbuckles, Big-Grips, light bulbs, nuts, bolts, mercury
switches, and johnny-ball insulators.
The use of galvanized steel or aluminum for all Coast Guard towers and
similar coatings or materials for guys, hardware, and other components in
some cases precludes the need to paint to preserve the surface. The
reason for painting with the orange and white color bands is to meet the
visibility requirements of the FAA.
4. Painting New Galvanized Towers. If a new galvanized steel tower does
not have to be painted for daymarking, it may be painted if it is
located in a harsh environment in an effort to extend the life of the
galvanizing. This decision is the responsibility of the CEU, and it
must be based on an economic and environmental analysis. All local
factors and the projected lifecycle costs must be included in this
analysis. The life of the galvanizing, the life of the paint system,
and the life of the structure as defined by operational need are
sometimes difficult to estimate; a sensitivity analysis covering such
variables should be performed as a part of the economic analysis.
2. Touch-up Painting. Touch-up painting should not be done merely to
improve appearance. Towers with over 70% paint loss have been
considered to be "adequately marked" because the remaining white and
orange color patches had the required effect on the human eye at
distances which are of concern to pilots. The discussion in B.1
above applies whenever touch-up painting is required to improve
visibility. Touch-up painting is most frequently accomplished when
corrosion control is necessary. When this involves corrosion of the
base metal in corrosive environments, a choice must be made between
either complete rust removal, reconditioning, and maintenance of a
protective coating system, or "worst" rust removal, efforts to slow
the corrosive process, and a plan to eventually replace the corroded
components when enough cross-section has been lost. Only a
comprehensive economic analysis can show which choice should be made.
A careful appraisal of each situation will help to determine the most
economical maintenance program. It is important to inspect
structures from the top down, because the worst corrosion occurs on
the uppermost sides of the horizontal members and cannot be readily
seen from the ground. In making these inspections, the rusted areas
or those showing the common rust color, should be carefully examined
and wire brushed. If the red color can be removed in this way, and
if good zinc (for galvanized towers) still remains after the
cleaning, the problems are not severe. For such instances, all
surfaces showing any red stain should be thoroughly wire brushed and
a single coat of paint will usually suffice and give an average life
nearly equal to that of the paint job done before failure. On towers
with spots that have none of the original galvanizing remaining, it
is necessary to scrape and chip these areas, then wire brush them
well, and then touch up these spots with a primer coat of rust-
inhibitive paint. When this is completed, the tower is ready for the
finish coat. In relatively non-corrosive environments, the decision
to slow the corrosion process has proven sufficient because the
corrosion process, even unaddressed, does not pose a serious problem.
In severely corrosive environments, the decision is not so
straightforward. It is important to note that painting before the
galvanizing layer fails simplifies the painting process and
significantly extends the life of the paints that are applied.
3. Lead Paint. Refer to your servicing CEU environmental branch for the
most current requirements for environmental and worker protection
from lead paint hazards. The requirement to paint towers can be
waived if high-intensity lighting systems are used. However, an
existing paint system that may contain lead paint cannot be neglected
regardless of FAA marking requirements.
C. Standard Tower Painting Systems. Most Coast Guard towers which require
painting are made of galvanized steel. The following paint systems
should give good service when applied to new galvanized steel towers
prior to erection:
2. Moderate or Severe Corrosive Environment. (high humidity, heavy salt
spray and/or pollutants):
where dissimilar metals are fastened or attached to the aluminum
G. Application. Brushes are normally used for tower painting, and will
normally ensure proper paint thickness application. Hand mitts or other
applicators may be used providing that there are no restrictions by the
paint or coating manufacturer and that the specified thickness can be
base connection. Under design wind and/or ice loadings, the tower
legs are subject to both compression and tension forces. Deflection
of self-supported towers increases from zero at the base to a maximum
at the top. Twisting is usually minimal, the degree being primarily
a function of the eccentricity of antennae and other appurtenances
mounted on the tower. Most self-supported structures have high
built-in torsional rigidity to meet the directional and stability
requirements of installed equipment. Therefore, there should be no
problem with tower alignment and obviously no concern with guy
rather than following a systematic pattern of proceeding around the
tower in the same direction on each section. This could result in a
serious twist. Twist may be most easily monitored during erection
through the use of the "Leg Sighting" Method described in G.2.a
below. Erection twist that may occur can usually be reduced to
within specified tolerances by loosening and retightening bolts.
There have been cases where the erection twist exceeded recommended
limits and the circumstances forced acceptance of the tower with
excessive twist. This problem has so far been limited to a few 625-
ft. face-guyed towers, where as much as 4 to 4 1/2 degrees of twist
has existed since erection without problems, compared to the rather
restrictive 1/2 degree limit specified by the manufacturer. Towers
can also be twisted with respect to the guy anchors because of a
misalignment of the tower legs when the first sections were set on
the base insulator. Although the tower has a pin-type connection at
the base insulator, once the first sections are resting in place,
rotation of the tower to bring the legs in line with the guy lane
directions requires a considerable effort. As additional sections
are set in place, correction of this type of misalignment or twist
becomes impractical. The impact of this misalignment is not easily
determined, but an alert inspector can eliminate it altogether during
the tower erection process. Studies made at one station revealed
that less than 1 degree of twist could be removed by severely
unbalancing tensions in adjacent guys. Based on these studies and
various other factors, the following policies have been adopted
relative to erection twist.
3. Temperature distribution throughout the guys as equal as possible;
this can generally be achieved during periods of cloud cover or in
the early morning.
(2) Align the vertical cross hair with the edge of any tower leg
at the base of the tower, then lock the scope to prevent
horizontal movement. Elevate the line-of-sight to each guy
attachment point and each midpoint between guy levels; record
the direction (left or right) and amount (using the leg
diameter as a guide) of deflection at each point. The leg
diameter of taller towers varies at different elevations and
at pull-off points, and must be taken into consideration.
(4) Plunge and invert the scope, check transit level, and repeat
b. and c. above. This will eliminate collimation errors.
Average the two sets of readings for each leg.
(8) The averaged readings for each leg at each level from T1 and
T2 are used to plot triangles representing the various levels.
The triangle plotted in step (7) above is taken to represent
the tower at the base, and thus the location of any cross-
section through a perfectly plumb tower. Plot the true
locations of each leg at each level by first drawing a
horizontal line representing the line-of-sight from T1, and
then a vertical line representing the line-of-sight from T2.
(11) Due to the effect of various errors, the plots will not
normally be equilateral triangles. Twist will be indicated by
the triangular plots, but will be exaggerated because of the
exaggerated scale; superior methods of measuring twist are
discussed in G.2 of this chapter. By plotting all three
legs, the effects of twist and imperfect triangles is
minimized when obtaining deflection readings.
(12) Steps 7-11 above can be completed using an AutoCad drawing
program. If this is done, then the use of an exaggerated
scale is not necessary.
T1 1-1/2" RIGHT
Figure 8-1
c. One-Leg Method. This method uses the same basic principles of the
Transit Check method, but it is much easier to plot results and
the final alignment plot can be made on the spot in the field.
However, three transit setups are required instead of two.
(1) Locate the transit in the antenna field (see Ch. 8 G.1.b(1)
above) so that two tower legs appear approximately in line.
This is position "Tl". Align the transit reticle on the edge
of the third leg (not one of the two legs in line) and take
deflection readings at points up to the tower top just as in
the Transit Check method. Plunge and invert the scope, take
duplicate readings, and average the results.
(2) The key to the plotting lies in having available special (but
easily constructed) plotting paper, as shown in Figure 8-2a.
These lines are drawn at 60 degrees to each other, and the
center of the plot (small circle) represents the center of a
perfectly plumb tower. (See Pg. B-20.)
Figure 8-2a
Figure 8-2b
(7) The effects of tower twist are automatically eliminated when
using this method, but on the other hand no indication of
twist is obtained.
(Htop is the height of the tower and W is the tower face width.)
(Htop is the tower height, and L is the distance between guy levels.)
a. Leg Sighting. This is the most simple and most accurate of all
methods, but climbing the tower is necessary. This method is
highly recommended for use during erection of a tower.
anchor where the distance to the tower is known. These
targets are located along the circumference of an imaginary
circle whose center is the tower; they are placed every 1/2
degree, or every 1/10 of a degree for greater accuracy. For
example, targets placed at the radial anchors of a 625-ft.
Loran-C tower, 850 feet from the tower, would be spaced at 1
1/2 foot intervals in order to indicate every 1/10 degree.
The 0 degree target should be exactly in line with a tower
face at the base of the tower.
(2) An observer on the tower at any elevation may then sight along
the outer edges of two tower legs and directly note the twist
using the targets; interpolate between targets as necessary.
It is important to use large, brightly painted targets, to
locate the targets away from the sun relative to the observer,
and to clearly distinguish the 0 and whole-degree targets
from the others. See Figure 8-3.
2 1 0 1 2
b. T-Square Method. This method uses the same basic principle as leg
sighting, but relies on a device for sighting on targets rather
than on the alignment of two legs. It may be used on all towers
which may be climbed while energized (see Ch.2 Part II.B), but it
is necessary to carry the device up the tower.
(2) Sighting up to the first guy level, the observer moves left or
right until the tower legs at this level appear in line. This
point ("B") is then marked by a convenient object on the
ground. The distance between this object and the point "A" can
be related to the twist of the tower between the base and the
first guy level by simple trigonometry equation, (see Figure
(4) The procedure in (2) above is repeated for each guy level, and
the twist at each level computed according to the distance of
the respective marker (point "A").
(a) On sunny days, sight along the tower face that is toward
the sun, with the sun behind the observer. Align the
outer edges of the legs.
E "
plumbness are the primary indicators of the stability of the structure.
It is therefore desirable to measure tensions in appropriate guys at each
major tower inspection using a method or device which has good accuracy
and, equally important, good repeatability. Prior to guy retensioning,
the need to retension should be verified by the use of a recently
calibrated guy tension measuring device. The calibration test should
duplicate field usage of the equipment as much as possible. For example,
for a 625-ft. Loran-C tower, the guy calipers should be calibrated with
the dynamometers installed; calibration of the dynamometers alone is not
considered adequate. The use of recently calibrated guy tension
measuring devices during the actual retensioning effort cannot be
2. Methods for Measuring Tension. Coast Guard tower guys range in size
from about 1/4 inch to over 2 1/2 inches in diameter; initial
tensions vary from a few hundred pounds to more than 50 thousand
pounds. There are therefore several entirely different approaches to
the single task of tension measurement, depending on the
circumstances. The methods described below are listed in general
order of preference, but not all methods may be used on all towers.
Figure 8-5 Guy tension caliper.
used during erection of guyed towers less than 1000 feet in
height, or during major guy length adjustments; the tensiometer
can be easily inserted in series with the come-along and the
tension of the guy measured before connection to the anchor is
conditions; however, its accuracy is dependent on prior
calibration of each particular guy through the use of a very
accurate device such as the "TMD" (7-7-2-4). Accuracy based on
calculations using catenary equations is questionable. The SMD
shown in Figure 8-9 is configured such that a measurement of the
cosine of the angle of the guy is obtained along the vernier
scale, which reads to thousandths of an inch. Through a
calibration process, curves plotting tension versus SMD readings
are generated, and kept with the instrument; a separate curve is
required for each individual guy. The main advantages of the SMD
are simplicity, rapidity, and ease of handling. Once a
historical collection of SMD readings is accumulated, it is easy
to quickly check tensions on the largest towers within reasonable
d. Tension Measuring Device (TMD). The TMD employs two very accurate
tensiometers and a complex apparatus for mounting onto the bridge
sockets and hairpins at the anchors of large towers with high-
tension guys. Although 3 - 4 men are required to use the device,
its accuracy and repeatability for large guys is very good.
Variations of the TMD have been developed for other very large
that, to use this method, there must be sufficient room at the
end of the closed bridge socket U-Bolt to back a nut off and
insert the steel plates and hydraulic rams. The gages and rams
must be calibrated together at frequent intervals for either
Subsequent visual sag method readings may then be converted using
the resultant curve. This results in a relatively simple means
whereby station personnel can periodically check the tension in
the guys. If commonly used within their area, it is recommended
that Civil Engineering Units prepare curves for the use of
station personnel that plot T vs. I for each guy in the master
lane. The curves may first be based on theoretical values, then
further modified as field data is accumulated through the use of
tensioning devices. Refer to Figure 8-11.
(3) Calculate tension at the anchor (T) using the equation given
in Figure 8-11.
personnel and only when an overall improvement in alignment and/or
tensions is required and can be expected. There are many ways to correct
alignment and tensions on guyed structures, and no single method or
approach can be specified for every structure. Correction of alignment
will involve an adjustment to guy tensions, but these changes should not
be such that the guy tensions become out of tolerance. Based on various
experiences with Coast Guard towers, corrections should be accomplished
with the following in mind:
3. Most adjustments of guy tensions can be made within the range of the
attaching turnbuckles or U-bolts. If a physical length change of a
guy is required, the turnbuckles should be left with a 40-60% take-up
to facilitate minor adjustments in the future. New Big-Grip dead-
ends should always be used when adjusting guy lengths subsequent to
initial tower erection. (See Ch.6 H.3.b)
and after heavy icing of the tower or guys, and after earthquakes, as
discussed in Ch.3 B.4. If only visual inspection methods are employed
after severe conditions, and the tower appears out of alignment or is
twisted, or guy tensions appear slack, an instrument-assisted inspection
should be made as soon as possible; no one should be permitted to mount
the tower.
and two 620-watt or two 700-watt pre-focus lamps. The top and bottom
sections of the beacon are hinged at the mid-point for ease of
relamping. Both pre-focus lamps burn and flash in synchronization.
Some fixtures have a vented dome at the top to allow air to circulate
and heat to escape so to reduce the internal light fixture
temperature. A drain port is typically located in the base to prevent
accumulation of moisture. See Figure 9-1.
efficient, low-impedance, open-coil type isolation transformer.
When ordering new or replacement transformers, always specify the
location of the flasher mechanism to ensure proper design. Keep
in mind that the rise in voltage during the beacon OFF interval
can also result in an overvoltage condition on the lamps
regardless of other features of the system. If this becomes a
problem, one manufacturer recommendation is to install a 50-
Farad, 400 VAC capacitor across the beacon leads, then adjust the
transformer taps (with the beacon ON) to provide proper lamp
Figure 9-2 Fixed obstruction lights with covers removed for inspection.
circuit. The photocell sensitivity is typically factory set.
However, there are photocells available that can be manually
adjusted. Typical Coast Guard photoelectric relays consist of two
basic components: the relay/switch mechanism and a remote mounted
Hence, the slow blow fuse could sustain this momentary surge.
Typically, safety switches should be installed between the lighting
system controls (source of power) and the primary coil of the
1. For unmanned and remote tower locations all lamps or strobe flash
tubes shall be replaced annually. Continuously manned stations shall
annually replace strobe flash tubes and beacon lamps as well as any
burnt out obstruction lamps in double obstruction light fixtures.
When relamping a tower, the lenses and fixtures of the beacons and
obstruction lights should be cleaned inside and out. Where double
obstruction lights with transfer relays have been provided, the relay
should be tested for proper operation, then sprayed with a fungicide
and moisture-proof varnish. Where provided, vents and drain holes
should be checked and cleaned as necessary. In some cases, drain
holes have been enlarged with a countersink on the inside. Before
closing the lamp fixtures, the rubber or neoprene gaskets should be
coated with silicone grease for weather proofing.
2. The voltage at each lamp socket should be checked and to comply with
FAA standards, may not vary more than 3% from the rated lamp voltage.
9. Where needed, secure loose lighting cable to a tower member with tape
as follows:
10. The flasher unit and photocell should be checked and verified as
operable at least monthly. The window of the photocell should be
cleaned. Outdoor enclosures should be adequately sealed against
moisture infiltration. Replace any mercury switches with solid state
11. The open coil type of isolation transformer should not require
frequent inspection or extensive maintenance. The surfaces of the
coils should be repainted with a waterproof varnish whenever cracking
or other deterioration is noted. The coils should be oriented such
that water does not drip from the upper coil to the lower. The oil-
insulated base insulator type transformer is no longer specified.
However, it is good practice to maintain the proper oil level in
existing base insulators to prevent contamination from accumulating
on the inner surfaces of the cylinder walls.
12. The lighting system wiring should be checked at least every other
year via an insulation resistance test with a 500-volt self-contained
megger. Care should be taken to avoid the use of a megger which
produces a higher voltage than the rated voltage of the conductor and
connected equipment. Records should be maintained of all resistance
tests so that any downward trend will be noted. It is important to
establish initial insulation resistance values for any new
installations; these will serve as a basis of comparison for
subsequent tests. The insulation resistance should normally be at
least one mega-ohm. To check the resistance of the tower wiring
insulation, disconnect the conductors from the flasher, junction box,
or transformer. Connect one lead of the megger to one of the
conductors and the other lead to "ground" (the tower or junction
box). This should be done for each individual conductor in the
lighting system. It is not necessary to check the insulation
resistance between conductor pairs unless problems are suspected. To
isolate a point of low resistance, it will be necessary to repeat the
megger check at each junction box. Tape or clamps securing lighting
cable should be renewed as necessary.
1. Adjustment of base insulator ball gap. The base insulator ball gap
distance should be set approximately one-eighth inch greater than the
maximum arc-over distance under full operating transmitting power.
This adjustment should be made during periods of high relative
humidity using a trial and error method as follows:
a. With the transmitter off and the tower grounded, the spheres
should be wiped clean.
c. Clear all personnel from the immediate area of the tower base.
Remove the grounding stick and energize the tower with full
normal power.
e. Again remove the grounding stick, energize the tower, and look
for arc-over.
3. Orientation of Ball Gap Spheres. Except where rain shields have been
provided, the spheres should be placed so that drip water will not
fall from one sphere to the other, and so that they will not come in
contact should the tower twist about its vertical axis.
Figure 9-4 Typical "z-feed" used at a LORAN Station.
ACSR CABLE - A high conductivity, low-weight stranded cable having a
galvanized steel or aluminum-coated strand as an inner core surrounded by
solid aluminum wires. Problems with low outer wire strength and failure at
the connectors makes it less desirable than alumoweld cable.
ALUMINUM TOWERS - Towers whose structural members are made of aluminum base
alloys with high resistance to atmospheric corrosion.
ANCHOR ARM - A steel rod, channel, or other member or assembly, one end of
which is secured in the ground or in a concrete guy anchor, which provides an
attachment point for the guy or guys.
ANCHOR BAR - A "U" shaped steel bar or eyebolt which is set into the tower
base pedestal or guy anchor, and which is used to attach hoisting equipment,
or guy tensioning or rigging gear. See Figure 4-4.
ANCHOR PIN - A pin that is used to attach an equalizer plate or a guy link to
an anchor arm when the plate is not welded to the arm.
BALL-GAP LIGHTNING PROTECTOR - A device which includes two spherical surfaces
at the end of adjustable arms. The ball gap is adjusted so that any
lightning-induced current in the antenna tower or the antenna tower lighting
system will arc across the gap to ground, thus protecting the transmitter or
power supply without grounding the tower base insulator or lighting system
isolation transformer.
BASE PLATE - The horizontal steel plate which rests on the top of the base
insulator or insulators; or, a metal plate with a thick base pad of lead or
zinc between the base pedestal and the base insulator.
BRIDGE SOCKET - A special potted socket fitting used at the lower end of
bridge strand structural guys to connect the guy to its hairpin.
CABLE - A generic term used to describe guy strand as well as the exposed
lighting system wiring on the lighted towers.
CABLE BIGHT - A loop in the end of a cable (sometimes the term refers to the
size of such a loop).
CABLE END FITTING - A guy-grip dead end, socket, swaged or compression
fitting used at the end of a cable, cable segment, or fiberglass insulator to
form a loop or otherwise enable connection to a tower, shackle, turnbuckle,
or other component.
CABLE GRIP - A device used to temporarily hold a guy cable for erection or
tensioning purposes. The common grip usually consists of two jaws, plates,
or cams, which exert friction pressure against the cable as the grip is
pulled axially along the cable. Special material or cover plates of copper
or aluminum are used for alumoweld or similar "soft surface" cable to
minimize damage to the cable.
CHAIN HOIST - A manually operated lifting device that uses a continuous chain
looped through a series of pulleys.
CLEVIS - A U-shaped metal piece with a hole in each end through which a pin
or bolt is run.
CORONA RING - (See "CORONA") - Any circular or curved device which extends
above a tower or outside a projecting object on a tower, and whose purpose is
to prevent corona. It functions as a conductor between the parts of the
tower to which it is attached, preventing the accumulation of unequal
electrical charges in those parts. It also functions as a distributive
capacitor, equalizing the charge applied to the air. See also GRADIENT RING.
COTTER PIN - A split pin that is fastened in place by spreading apart its
ends after it is inserted. It is used to prevent the loss of a shear pin
from its fitting, such as in a turnbuckle or in a shackle.
DEFLECTION - Horizontal displacement of a tower from true vertical.
DISPLACEMENT CURRENT - A current that flows over the surface of the body when
an individual in a fluctuating electromagnetic field is grounded or is near a
conductor which is at a different potential from his body.
EQUALIZE PLATE - A metal plate that is used to provide more than one
turnbuckle attachment point on a single anchor arm. The plate may be
attached to the anchor arm by an anchor pin or by welding.
EYEBOLT - A bolt used with a closed loop head. It is often used to attach a
guy to a compression cone insulator.
FAIR LEAD - A block or ring serving as a guide for running rigging to keep it
from chafing.
GIN POLE - A special rig, varying from a simple steel pole to a large space
frame truss, depending on the size of the tower, which is used to erect the
upper sections of a tower without the use of a crane or derrick. The gin
pole is equipped with swivel heads and pulleys which, during operation, are
commonly rigged with wire rope lifts and jumping lines which lead to a
double-drum winch on the ground.
GRADIENT RING - A device shaped like a wheel or an open cone which is used as
a distributive capacitor. Gradient rings are often installed at the hot ends
of guy insulators to equalize the distribution of electrons over the end of
the insulator, thereby reducing the possibility of arc over. See also CORONA
GUY - A generic term for the cable or rope, either temporary or permanent,
which is connected between a tower and the ground to support the tower in a
vertical position.
GUY GRIP DEAD END - A cable end fitting which consists of several high
tensile strength wires. The wires are bent near the center to form a loop,
and the legs are preformed and laid so that they will tightly clamp a cable
when they are wrapped around it. (Commonly called preformed guy grips, or
GUY INSULATOR - Any device which is used to prevent current from flowing
through a guy. Guy insulators are generally made of either porcelain or
GUY TENSION - (See also INITIAL TENSION) - The amount of axial force in a guy
as measured at the ground end of the guy. It is usually stated in pounds.
HAIRPIN - A large, threaded U-bolt used on the taller tower guys to position
the upper jacking plate, and to transfer tension to the anchor when adjusting
guy tensions with the hydraulic jacking device.
HYDRAULIC JACKING DEVICE - A heavy duty hydraulic jack consisting of two
hydraulic rams, a pump, hose and gage, which is used on high tension guys
such as backstays on SLT/TIP Loran towers and towers over 1000ft to measure
tensions when erecting or adjusting the guys.
IMPULSE CHARGE - A static charge caused by a lightning discharge.
INITIAL TENSION - The axial force or load recommended by the tower designer
to be applied to a guy under no load (i.e., "no wind" and "no ice")
JACKING LEGS - Vertical columns placed between the jacks and the jacking pads
when raising a tower to replace the base insulator.
JACKING PLATES - Steel plates attached to the tower base pedestal that are
used as bases for the jacks if it is necessary to raise the tower to replace
the base insulator.
JAM NUT - A thin nut installed under the regular nut on a bolt to prevent
loosening of the nut or bolt. It is a form of lock nut.
refer to a variety of lever action and cam action cable grips. (See "CABLE
LAMP - A general term used to describe the light bulb in a tower lighting
LOCK NUT - Any nut with a special locking feature that prevents or restricts
its rotation. ("ANCO" is a commonly used lock nut).
MAINTENANCE - Routine, recurring work, such as painting and lamp replacement,
which is required to keep all tower structural elements, including guys,
anchors, insulators, and electrical components in such a condition that they
may be continuously utilized at their original or design capacity and for
their intended purposes.
OBSTRUCTION LIGHT - A single or double light fixture located at various
levels on a tower in accordance with FAA regulations. Obstruction lights
have a fixed characteristic.
PERSONAL FALL ARREST SYSTEM - A system worn by a climber to break a fall;
consists of a safety climb device, connectors, lanyards, deceleration device
and body harness.
QUESTAR TELESCOPE - A high-powered, tripod mounted telescope used to inspect
inaccessible portions of the tower and guy systems from the ground.
Photographs can be taken using a special camera attachment.
RADIAL, RADIAL GUY - The uppermost guy assembly on an antenna tower which
consists of the transmitting elements (top-loading elements) and the
insulated supporting guy connecting the transmitting elements to the ground.
A radial guy also acts as a structural guy for the tower.
RADIAL GUY ANCHOR - An anchor that is used to attach the end of a radial guy
to the ground.
REPAIR - Restoration of a tower structural element or electrical components
to a condition substantially equivalent to their original or design capacity
by replacement, overhaul or reprocessing of constituent parts or materials.
RIGGING - All of the various cables that secure towers and other masts are
collectively referred to as rigging. Cables or wires bracing the tower
comprise the standing rigging. Those used for hoisting or adjustments make
up the running rigging.
SAFETY CLIMBING DEVICE - A device that aids or prevents a climber from
falling off a structure while climbing. It consists of a rigid metal rail up
the center of the ladder or climbing surface, and a sliding unit that will
move easily up or down the rail but that will automatically lock if the
climber falls.
SAFETY WIRE - A wire loop that is threaded through a guy turnbuckle or screw
type shackle in a manner that will prevent the turnbuckle or shackle pin from
SELF-LOCKING NUT - Any lock nut which incorporates a device that increases
the amount of torque required to loosen the nut.
SHEAR PIN - A pin or bolt that connects or transfers load between two
fittings, such as in a turnbuckle or shackle.
SLIDING DEVICE - The portion of the safety climbing device that slides on the
safety rail, and locks on the rail should the climber fall.
SPOOL - A solid steel spacer used between the shear pin and take-up U-bolt on
1,000 foot or taller tower guy anchors. The spool serves the same purpose
as a thimble.
SPUD WRENCH - A wrench with jaws at one end, and a point at the other end,
which is commonly used in structural steel assembly. The pointed end can be
used for centering bolt or rivet holes, as with a pry bar, temporary
fastener, etc.
SWAGED FITTING - A cable end fitting in the form of a sleeve that is slipped
over a cable end, and then crimped.
TAKE-UP "U" BOLT - A "U" Bolt with long threaded legs used as both a
tensioning device and to connect the structural guys on 1,000 foot or taller
towers to the link bars on the guy anchors.
TENSION - The axial load, force or pull in a tower diagonal, guy, guy
component, or anchor arm.
THIMBLE - A device that fits inside a cable end loop to maintain a proper,
fixed radii in the cable loop under load.
TLE SUPPORT GUY - The lower, insulated portion of a radial or radial guy
which connects the TLE to the radial anchor and maintains the spatial
position of the TLE.
TOWER BASE - The entire structure which supports the tower, including the
pedestal, base insulator, pivot bearing, etc.
UPSET THREADED EYEBOLT - An eyebolt whose threaded portion has a greater
diameter than the shank. It is used on some compression cone insulators.
(See "EYEBOLT").
VISUAL SAG METHOD - A method of arranging a sighting device parallel (and
tangent) to a guy at the guy anchor to measure the guy catenary and determine
guy tension.
WARNING MARKERS - A permanent type single gated fence or post, preferably
constructed with non-metallic materials, to mark guy anchors and to avoid
vehicular damage and injuries to personnel.
WIRE ROPE - A form of metal cable which consists of multiple strands (each
made up of several wires) laid helically around a center strand. Wire rope
is more flexible than wire strand, and is used mainly for running rigging.
YOKE PLATE - A special galvanized steel plate typically used to connect a
pair of fiberglass insulator rods to a tower or to a guy segment.
This Appendix contains a selection of forms which are suggested for use in
documenting tower inspections. Most reports contain narrative sections and
photographs which will supplement the information on these forms. Civil
Engineering Units are encouraged to develop standardized forms which are
tailored to local conditions, using forms in this Appendix as a guide. Two
types of inspection reports are highlighted in this Appendix. The first
report (pages B-2 thru B-5) is a simplified format and is well suited for use
with small towers. The second report format (starting on page B-6) is well
suited for tall towers but may be used for towers of any height.
Maximum use should be made of color photographs to show normal, typical, and
unusual conditions. When inspection work is accomplished by a contractor,
the servicing CEU should review the Inspection Report and add comments,
narratives, and plots as necessary.
UNIT/LOCATION: _______________________________________
INSPECTORS: __________________________________________
WEATHER: _____________________________________________
(describe tower, location, date of inspection, a summary statement of tower condition and list
inspector names)
(Insert general comments about tower paint and galvanizing condition, condition of structural
members and structural integrity).
(Insert summary of lighting system condition and lamp replacement).
(Insert summary of base insulator and guy insulator conditions)
(Insert summary of grounding system condition)
(Insert comments about any item marked NO, as well as other amplifying information).
(Insert comments about any item marked NO, comparison comments to previous readings as well as
other amplifying information. Include summary of alignment and twist worksheets enclosed).
(Insert comments for any item marked NO as well as other amplifying information. Include lighting system
inspection worksheet).
(Insert comments about any item marked NO as well as other amplifying information. Include guy tension
(Insert comments about any item marked NO as well as other amplifying information).
(Insert comments about any item marked NO as well as other amplifying information.)
(Insert comments about any item marked NO as well as other amplifying information).
A. Ordering Wire Rope or Strand. When ordering wire rope or strand always
Note: BIG-GRIP is a registered trademark of Preformed Line Products Company.
All data referenced herein concerning BIG-GRIP dead ends is copyrighted and
is used in this Manual with express written permission of the manufacturer.
BIG-GRIP dead-end
SPECIAL INDUSTRY TOWER AND ANTENNA USE for use on: Galvanized Steel Strand
For Use On:
Extra High Strength
Siemens Martin
High Strength
Utilities Grade
Big-Grip dead-end for use on: Aluminum Covered Steel Strand
4. BIG-GRIP dead-ends may be removed and re-applied two times, if necessary,
on new construction, for the purpose of re-tensioning guys. BIG-GRIP
dead-ends should not be re-used after original installation.
5. BIG-GRIP dead-ends should be used only on the size strand for which they
are designed.
8. BIG-GRIP dead-ends should not be used on hardware which allows the strand
to rotate or spin about its axis uncontrolled. Adjustable hardware such
as a turnbuckle, may be used as long as rotational movement of the strand
is restricted.
10. When BIG-GRIP dead-ends are used on storm guys, the guys must be
tensioned so to maintain a load at all times.
A. General. Base insulators are very rarely replaced. Detailed procedures are not
given in this Appendix because of the great variance in site conditions and tower
sizes throughout the Coast Guard. The general guidance given is based primarily
on experience gained during past base insulator replacements. Any plan to replace
a base insulator should be closely coordinated with the Tall Tower Coordination
B. Planning.
2. Consult the tower manufacturer's erection and maintenance manual and any
related drawings.
3. If acceptable to the contracting officer, meet with personnel (at the site, if
possible) to simulate the replacement procedure before any work is
accomplished. Primary emphasis should be on the safety of the structure and
personnel, but minimization of off-air time should be next in importance.
Actual field conditions should be carefully studied in the formulation of
4. Locate the jacking frame and/or jacking legs that have been supplied with the
tower or have been previously used for a base insulator change at the
particular site. Loosely assemble the frame to determine its integrity and
structural adequacy, and check for missing components. If a new frame is
required, it may be made of components essentially the same as those of the
tower structure. If any doubt exists, consult with the Tall Tower
Coordination Center concerning sizes and types of materials or other questions
related to the jacking frame. Some towers are built with a permanent jacking
frame attached to the tower. In such cases, check to make sure that the
jacking legs are available and that they are the proper size. See Figure D-1
for a picture of a jacking frame and jacking leg.
5. Some tower foundations have pads for jacking built into an exposed footing. A
decision on the method of providing support for the jacking frame must be made
early in case an extended foundation is to be constructed or special grillage
material is required. In some cases it may be possible to excavate to the top
of the footing, but soil conditions may preclude this.
Figure D-1 Tower jacking legs installed on permanent jacking frame prior to insulator
C. General Description of Procedures. A single asterisk (*) indicates that some off-
air time is usually required; particular attention to these procedures will
minimize loss of service. A double asterisk (**) indicates that all or part of
this step may not be required or feasible.
1. (*)(**) Fabricate and install a steel collar around the ceramic of the
existing insulator. The collar should be sized to transmit the load of the
tower from the top plate of the insulator to the bottom plate should the
ceramic fail. A gap of 1 1/2-2 inches (38-51 mm) should be provided between
the top of the collar and the top plate of the insulator in order to permit
the tower to be energized. The collar is meant to help prevent a large drop of
the tower should the insulator fail. If damage to the insulator is slight and
can be monitored until replacement, this measure is unnecessary. This step is
usually not necessary.
2. (*)(**) Install restraining cables (with strain insulators) from the area of
the tower base platform to the inner structural anchors. These provide some
extra lateral stability while the tower is jacked, but great care must be
taken to ensure that the horizontal components of tension in the cables are
3. Test the jacks and hydraulic system for integrity by jacking against two
immovable objects (see Figure D-2). The jacking system may also be tested for
sensitivity of control over the rate of descent, such as is shown in Figure D-
5. Measure and plot tower alignment and twist. Measure and record all guy
6. (*) Attach jacking frame and/or jacking legs to the tower, or install it in
place beneath the tower. The frame may be designed to rest on the foundation
with jacks at the upper end (Figure D-4); it is more common for the frame to
attach to the tower so that jacks are at foundation level (Figures D-1 and D-
5). If the jacks are not in place and the area is carefully cleared, the
tower may be re-energized.
7. (*) Accurately measure all lightning ball gaps for future resetting.
8. (**) Cut off the threaded extensions of all insulator base plate hold-down
bolts just above the nut tops. This will minimize the distance the tower must
be lifted. This step does not apply to newer towers where the bolts may be
9. (**) Slacken structural guys. This is required only on certain towers and
should be accomplished only if specifically advised by the Tall Tower
Coordination Center.
10. Man two transits positioned 90° apart within fifty feet of the tower. These
transit men should continuously monitor the tower position during jacking.
Fixed sighting devices may be used instead of transits.
11. Remove the base insulator hold-down nuts. On newer towers the bolts may be
removed, and should be done in conjunction with step 15. below.
12. (*)(**) Remove the RF feedline. Remove or adjust lighting transformers, and
lightning ball gaps. If the transformers or ball gaps are not removed from
the tower, they will likely need to be adjusted so that they are not damaged
as the tower is raised and lowered.
Figure D-2 Testing of hydraulic jacking system by placing jacks in series between two
immovable objects.
Figure D-3 Testing of rate of descent of a jack by loading it with a metered heavy
Figure D-4 Jacking Frame utilizing jack at the upper end. Note restraining guys that
are visible at the top of the photo.
Figure D-5 Jacks, shims, jacking legs, and jacking frame supporting tower after
insulator has been removed. Notice shim plates between jack and jacking legs to
prevent tower from falling if the jacks fail. Also note that the ball gaps and
lighting transformers have been left on the tower but have been adjusted a number of
times to provide clearance as the tower was raised.
13. (*)(**) Install tie rods in the base insulator. This step is required only on
the newer insulators. See Figure D-6.
14. (*) Install jacks, shims as necessary (see Figure D-7), and pumping rig.
Ensure that some kind of positive mechanical apparatus is incorporated into
the jacking system to prevent sudden settling of the tower if a hydraulic leak
occurs. For example, steel collars may be fabricated to fit around the
extended jack rams (see 16. below), or safety-type jacks may be used.
Hydraulic jacks should be connected to a common manifold to ensure an even
distribution of pressure. (See Figure D-8) However, with adequate control
over both men and equipment, separately controlled jacks have been
satisfactorily used.
15. (*) Jack the tower slightly and rock the base insulator with crowbar to check
for horizontal bearing on the center pin. Remove base insulator hold-down
bolts where possible.
16. (*) Jack the tower to the full height required. This is normally the height
of the center pin plus the height of the hold-down bolts plus about 1/2-inch
(See Figure D-9). As the tower is raised, insert slotted shim plates between
the tower base and the top of the base insulator so that the amount of drop is
minimized in the event of a jack failure. The "slot" should be sized to fit
around the center pin. Slotted shim plates may also be placed around the ram
portion of the jacks to minimize the amount of drop in the event of a jack
failure (See Figure D-7).
17. (*)(**) Unless safety type jacks are used, install collars around the jack
rams when the tower is fully raised. Carefully monitor the jacks for
settlement or shifting.
18. (*) Replace the base insulator. See Figure D-5 and Figure D-10.
19. (*) Loosely apply hold-down nuts. Remove the ram collars and lower the tower
onto the new insulator. Utilize the slotted shim plates between the tower and
insulator or the shim plates around the jack rams (as in 16. above), removing
them gradually as the tower is lowered. Before loading the insulator, remove
vent plugs.
20. (*) When the weight of the tower is on the new insulator, remove the tie rods
if installed. Tighten hold-down nuts.
23. (*) Remove the jacks, clear the area, remove all connectors and equipment
bridging the tower to the ground, and re-energize the antenna.
24. (*) After one full day, statiflux the base insulator. Cover the insulator
with a protective collar, and remove the jacking frame if required. Establish
proper oil levels, and check for leaks or other abnormalities.
Figure D-6 New insulator in place, with spherical bearing assembly. Note the tie rods
in the insulator, which must be kept installed until the weight of the tower is on the
insulator. Shims, jack, and pump are in the background.
Figure D-7 Shims between jack and tower jacking leg.
Figure D-8 Hydraulic manifold attached to jacking frame for easy monitoring and
security of the lines. Note jacks in place at the top of the jacking frame. A steel
collar is attached around the base insulator.
Figure D-9 Tower jacked up to approximately 1/2-inch above center pin of base
Figure D-10 Removing the bolts that hold down the base insulator. It should be noted
that once the tower’s weight is removed from the insulator, oil may begin to leak out
from under the ceramic portion of the insulator.
APPENDIX E. Special Evolutions for Loran-C Antenna Towers
B. Loran-C Electric Energy and Hazards. With the exception of SLT and TIP
type LORAN antennas, the Loran-C transmitter directly energizes the
entire tower structure above the base insulator including the top loading
elements. Very large voltage differences exist between these components
and ground or metallic devices within the Radio Frequency (RF) field.
The structural guys are insulated from the direct Loran-C energy at the
points of their connection to the tower, but they nevertheless become
energized by the RF field and through triboelectric effects caused by
wind, snow, etc. If the breakup insulators are functioning properly
(i.e., they are not short-circuited or arcing) there are larger voltages
across them. Although all components of the tower structure, including
the ladder and safety rail, carry a share of the RF current, personnel
are safe from RF related shock hazards if all portions of their bodies
are within the framework of the tower. However, any person who extends
any portion of his body outside the tower framework, or is working on the
ground in the vicinity of a guy, anchor, or conductive cable or rigging,
is subject to varying degrees of RF shock. These shocks usually take the
form of annoying tingles, but there is the possibility of a hazardous
secondary effect through the sudden release of one's grip on a tool or on
a member by which he is supporting himself. Severe RF shocks are most
likely when a person, on the antenna or on the ground, either bridges the
potential between antenna and ground, or comes in contact with a top-
loading element. Personnel on the ground should limit their time within
the fenced area of the tower base to no more than 6 minutes during any
one hour period.
1. Any person positioned on the tower such that their body from the
chest upwards will at any time be outside the framework of the tower
shall wear conductive clothing (see Section V. for specifications).
This guideline does not apply to persons in the process of boarding
the tower, provided the transition from ground to tower is made in a
single uninterrupted effort as described in Evolution #1.
should possess a means of rapid communication to a technician who is
standing ready to de-energize the antenna upon the shortest possible
notice. During Evolutions #3 and #4, a safety observer should be
positioned on the tower near the level at which work is being
Figure E-1
4. All haul lines, tag lines, support lines, etc. leading to, from, or
along the tower shall be "nonconductive". Positive actions shall be
taken to ensure that these lines are kept dry, and stored under cover
if unused for a period of time. Nonconductive line should be sized
to provide a factor of safety of five based on the ratio of average
breaking strength to working load. See paragraph E for
D. Evolutions Covered by this Appendix. Before a given evolution is
attempted, it should be read in its entirety and a specific safety brief
given to all personnel involved.
2. Guidelines.
c. The ladder should be stored inside in a dry area when not in use,
and should be dry and clean when used.
3. Special Equipment.
4. Procedure.
b. Locate foot of ladder firmly on the ground, about 6 feet (2m)
from the tower face.
Figure E-2
EVOLUTION #2 - Getting Things On and Off the Tower
1. General. There are two basic categories of items which are needed on
the tower: (1) the relatively small, such as paint cans, tools,
backpacks, hotsticks, etc, which can be easily handled on the tower
by one person; (2) the relatively large, such as spare insulator
rods, heavy rigging apparatus, safety rail sections, etc. which must
be hauled up by mechanical means. The former items should be hauled
up a fiberglass slide similar to that shown in Figure 2. This will
minimize the chance for damaging the base insulator, arcing through
contact with an energized member, or transmitting a shock to a ground
worker. The latter items are normally hauled up the outside face of
the tower structure until they can be placed inside the tower
framework, if possible. The most important consideration is that
haul lines, not people, should be used to transport equipment from
the ground to the tower and vice-versa.
2. Guidelines.
d. The slide should be stored as per guidelines for the ladder (see
Evolution # 1).
3. Special Equipment.
4. Procedure.
c. By Evolution #1, worker mounts the tower equipped with the 30'
(9m) line. For raising of the relatively large category items,
rig as necessary, keeping haul lines well away from the tower
base as items are hauled.
d. Snap one end of 30' (9m) line to a tower girt or diagonal. Pass
the other end down the slide.
Figure E-3
The guidelines for this evolution are also based on the premise that
the great majority of work or inspections performed outside the tower
framework will be accomplished between the tower and the lower yoke
of the strain insulator assemblies.
2. Guidelines.
b. No off-air time is required for this evolution.
3. Special Equipment.
4. Procedure.
b. Ensure a good bond between suit, socks, and gloves, utilizing the
provisions incorporated in the conductive clothing. If worker is
to remain in one place for a relatively long period of time, the
bonding straps attached to the suit may be tied to tower members
(or the guy if working on the guy system) by a simple half-knot
to provide added Faraday-type protection. THESE ARE NOT SAFETY
d. Extend the hot stick telescoping pole and insert the hook through
the eye of the PLP grip, the lower yoke shackle, or the large
hole of the lower yoke plate (see Figure 3A). The long, flexible
telescoping pole is best handled by two workers on the tower,
especially if there is a cross wind. Lash the tower end of the
pole to a leg or girt for security. The worker may then
transport himself from the tower to the lower yoke by pulling out
along the hot stick telescoping pole; he must return to the tower
in the same manner. The pole may be temporarily removed while
the worker is at the lower yoke if it is obstructing the work.
Figure E-5 Working at Lower Yoke Plate
2. Guidelines.
3. Special Equipment.
4. Procedure.
d. Do not remove protective covering from the rods until they are
actually being passed to the extended worker for installation.
Note: The following steps may be used only if the yoke plates
have holes which permit attachment of the double bars or special
bar. Special designs must be used if these holes are not
f. Extended worker fastens the "long double bar" (see Figures E-6,
E-7, E-8) to the lower yoke plate using quick-acting (q/a) pins.
This method is preferred if the insulator rods are twisted.
h. Using one of the above methods, the load is removed from the
service rod nearest the auxiliary rod. Disconnect the tower end
of this service rod before the lower end. The old rod is removed
and passed to the tower.
k. The turnbuckle and auxiliary rod are passed to the lower outer
holes of the double bar(s), and the process is repeated for the
lower rod replacement.
Figure E-6 Method I for Replacing Structural Guy Insulator Rods
Figure E-7 Method II for Replacing Structural Guy Insulator Rods
Figure E-8 Method III for Replacing Structural Guy Insulator Rods
of the tower structure, and performing the work off-air. Field
experimentation has shown that if the TLE can be securely bonded
mechanically and electrically to the framework of the tower once it
is lowered into the tower, the insulators may be safely serviced
without de-energizing. This evolution requires the greatest
attention to detail and the greatest precautionary measures, however,
because the workers on the ground are trying to manhandle a very long
guy at the end of an energized cable, while proximate to the base of
the tower.
the Procedures of Evolution #7 may be used in order to lower the
insulator assembly to the ground for inspection or servicing.
2. Guidelines.
d. Personnel on the tower should never handle the TLE or upper yoke
plate hardware or gradient cone unless the TLE has been
positively bonded to the tower.
e. When lowering TLEs into the tower, prevent the TLE from touching
any part of any structural guy, particularly the strain
insulators. The TLE may touch the tower before bonding,
especially if it is windward. Both before and after bonding some
arcing may be heard; this is not a problem with respect to TLE or
tower damage, due to the relatively short duration of the work.
Before hauling a radial guy back to its anchor for reconnection,
ensure that the guy and TLE are clear of all obstructions or
other components on the tower and on the ground.
3. Special Equipment.
d. 850-1000 ft. (259-305m) of #4 AWG gage bare copper (or similar)
stranded wire conductor.
4. Procedure.
d. Connect a jumper cable between the #4 copper ground wire and the
anchor arm or rod. Attach one end of a jumper to the #4 copper
ground wire about a meter in front of the radial anchor, and the
other end to the last guy segment. Be sure to connect jumper to
ground wire first. (Figure E-9) Attach one end of a jumper to the
last guy segment the first breakup insulator; slacken the radial
guy towards the tower if necessary to reach the insulator. Short
out the first insulator using the second jumper (Figure E-10).
e. Slacken the radial guy in towards the tower. Monitor tower top
deflection with a transit positioned 90° away. If deflection is
excessive, the opposing radial guy must be slackened. When the
next-to-ground guy segment is within reach, stop slackening.
Attach a jumper to the #4 copper ground wire, then to the next-
to-ground guy segment. (Figure E-11) Remove the jumper connecting
the last guy segment to the #4 copper ground wire.
further along the guy as this occurs, ground wire end first, then
remove the taut jumper. ENSURE THAT AT ALL TIMES THERE IS A
WIRE; other jumpers to the ground wire maybe removed.
k. Carefully lower the TLE into the tower. When the TLE is within
reach of the hot stick on the tower, the TLE should be quickly
bonded to the tower by attaching the duckbill clamp to the upper
portion of the PLP guy-grip dead-end or to the TLE cable, and
then remove the hot stick from the bonding cable.
ground wire further along the guy in the direction of the anchor.
Remove the insulator jumpers as the insulators rise to about head
height, unclipping the tower side first.
q. Reconnect end of the radial guy to its anchor. Ensure that the
TLE does not contact any structural guy component while hauling
Figure E-11 Jumper wires in place across insulator and guy segments.
Figure E-12 Bonding TLE to Tower.
Figure E-13 Lowering and Raising Insulators
the temporary guy and all working rigging is nonconductive line.
2. Guidelines.
3. Special Equipment.
e. 800 ft. (244m)of #4 AWG gage bare copper (or similar) stranded
wire conductor.
g. Dynamometer
NOTE: For proper sizing of haul lines, tag lines, and temporary
guys, refer to the Tower Manufacturer's Erection and Maintenance
Manual or tower analysis. Size the lines to carry the following
4. Procedure.
b. Raise the temporary guy, haul line, hoist-puller and tag line to
the pull-off elevation of the guy to be lowered. Attach the
temporary guy to the tower leg, just above the pulloff plate of
the guy to be lowered.
d. Measure the tension in the guy to be lowered.
e. Station a transit 90° away from the lane of the guy being
lowered. Continuously monitor tower deflection while load is
transferred to the temporary guy. Connect the temporary guy at
the anchor end, and transfer the load of the guy to be lowered.
For face-guyed towers, the temporary guy may be connected to the
adjacent anchor arm.
h. Take a strain on the tag line while slackening the haul line, and
proceed to lower the guy while pulling it away from the vertical
plane of the guy lane with the tag line (see Figure E-14).
NOTE: The tag line is not required for first level guys, or if
the guy may be lowered in a downwind direction.
i. When the entire guy is on the ground, service or inspect the guy
as necessary. If a new guy is to be installed jumper all breakup
insulators while it is on the ground.
j. Reverse the procedure to raise and reconnect the guy, tending the
tag line in order to keep the guy clear of other guys in the
lane. As breakup insulators leave the ground, remove the jumpers
by disconnecting the tower ends first.
Figure E-14 This figure shows a 4th level guy being lowered. The temporary
guy is not shown. The permanent guy has been slackened at the anchor end,
and is being lowered via the "haul line". The "tag line" is keeping the guy
clear of lower guys in the same lane.
2. Guidelines.
3. Special Equipment.
c. 850-1000 feet (260-300m) of #4 gage bare copper stranded wire
d. Hot sticks.
4. Procedure.
d. At the tower top, bond the end of a hot stick bonding cable to a
tower member approximately three feet (1m) below the top
platform, beneath the pulloff plate of the TLE to be lowered.
Connect the duckbill clip to the PLP guy-grip dead-end of the TLE
to be lowered near the PLP eye (see Figure E-15).
g. Hang a sheave from the heavy beam to which the TLE is attached,
below the TLE to be lowered to the extent possible. Run the haul
line through the sheave.
i. Take a load on the haul line until the shackle comes right up
against the sheave. Slack off on the hoist-puller as required.
This should be done slowly and carefully, with good
communications to the ground, due to the large amount of stretch
in nonconductive haul-lines (see Figure E-17).
j. Slacken the hoist-puller cable until the haul line carries all of
the load. Disconnect the hoist-puller cable from the PLP eye-
tower top. In lieu of Steps 5. through 9. above, proceed as
follows: Rig a haul line with Klein Grip attached, as shown in
Figure E-18. After the TLE has been slackened from the anchor
end, connect the Klein Grip to the TLE just below the ends of the
PLP (or about 3 ft (1 m) below a press-type fitting if installed)
(see Figure E-19). Be sure the Klein Grip is properly sized, and
is designated for use on the type of TLE cable installed. Use
the haul line to remove the load from the shackle at the pull-off
plate and disconnect the shackle. Good communications between
tower and ground are a must. Reconnect the shackle loosely to
the haul line (see Figure E-20) and secure the pigtail to prevent
excess movement of the end of the TLE; the haul line load is
still carried by the Klein Grip.
k. Lower the TLE until the shackle is about 3 feet (1m) from the
sheave, and disconnect the duckbill clamp using the hot stick.
Lower the TLE to the ground. Caution: Be sure the TLE is kept
well clear of the tower and other guys as it is lowered.
Figure E-15
Figure E-16
Figure E-17
Figure E-18
Figure E-19
Figure E-20
the base insulator are:
BATTERY JUMPER CABLE - "jumper cables"; heavy duty (#3 copper cable), 12-
ft. (3.7m) length.
CONDUCTIVE SUIT, SOX, GLOVES- "Brunshield" suit, gloves, and socks are
preferred, because of their comfort and launderability. Less desirable,
but having full conductive features, are the A.B. Chance Co. suit #C402-
0533, gloves #C402-0558, and socks #C402-0577. Before ordering, contact
supplier for sizes, prices, and availability.
HOT STICK - Hastings Fiber Glass Products, Inc. #8106 fixed shotgun
stick, #4630-3 bronze clamp, #4706-4(SPL) ground clamp, 10 feet (3m) of
#2 strand copper grounding cable, #C-8106 carrying case, #10-070-SPL
storage bag.
HOT STICK TELESCOPING POLE - Hastings Fiber Glass Products, Inc. #SH-250
tel-o-pole hot stick with universal switch hook; universal pigtail
disconnect #10-053; carrying case #C-30.
KLEIN GRIP- "Chicago" Grip, available from Klein Tools. Cite cable type,
working load, and size when ordering grips.
QUICK-ACTING PINS - the various sizes required are available from Monroe
Engineering Products, Inc. & Medalist Leitzke, among others.
Medford, MA 02155
Medalist Leitzke
Box 305
Hustisford, Wis. 53034
2. Ring Method. In this method the inspector literally rides down the
guy from the tower to the ground. See Figure E-21. A bosun chair is
suspended from a supporting ring which straddles the guy wire. A
large sheave is contained in the ring that actually rides on the guy.
The ring must have a connection to allow it to be passed around the
guy and it and/or the chair support must also have haul lines
attached to control the movement of the ring down the guy. The
presence of compression cone guy insulators on these tall towers
requires that the ring be large enough to pass over the insulators.
It also requires the use of a come-along or similar device by the
person riding in the chair. This is used to winch the chair upwards
to relieve the load on the sheave. The ring is then passed by hand
around the insulator and the load again transferred to the sheave.
In addition, it is necessary to climb out over the compression cone
insulator clusters at the tower end of the guys to first attach the
ring. Understandably, close coordination and reliable communication
with the persons tending the haul lines are a prerequisite to this
a. Advantages.
(2) The lower portion of the guys and insulators can be inspected
at close range.
b. Disadvantages.
(1) Only two guys can be inspected in a ten hour workday. This is
because of the manual labor involved in handling the haul
lines, climbing the tower to the respective guy levels, and
winching around the insulators.
a. Advantages.
(2) The guys and insulators may be inspected from any angle as
b. Disadvantages.
positioning of the basket along the guy, by means of the "haul line".
A tag line may also be required to counter wind blowing
perpendicularly to the guy lane. Nonconductive line has been used in
this method (a nylon support line and polypropylene haul line), but
due to the stretch of the line the highest level could not be
inspected. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are
similar to those of Basket Method 1 except that two hoists may be
Figure E-22 Basket Method #1
Figure E-23 Basket Method #2.
b. The surface is dried with a cloth, air blast, hot air drier, or
other suitable means.
3. Specially developed powder guns and nozzles are used to blow the
powder in a dispersed cloud. Each particle is dynamically charged by
its passage through the nozzle, and holds its charge when applied to
the surface of the material being inspected. The materials used in
this process are harmless.
Figure E-25 Results of Statifluxing an open-end johnny-ball type insulator.
A crack can be seen in the groove.