45m Guyed Tower by ASMTower
45m Guyed Tower by ASMTower
45m Guyed Tower by ASMTower
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project GSM Network Designed by M.KG
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5-Trial
Client: VF
Project: GSM Network
Design Basics
The design is according to ANSI/TIA-222-G-2, the following is the main design parameters:
• Exposure category is C.
• Topographic category is 1.
Executive Summary
The structure is Unsafe with maximum members rating are as following:
• Main leg rating is 1.97
Section Properties
ID Name Area ey ez θ rmin rmax ry rz
mm2 mm mm Deg mm mm mm mm
ASMTower 2018.5-Trial Job No. 45m Guyed Tower Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project GSM Network Designed by M.KG
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5-Trial
ID Name Area ey ez θ rmin rmax ry rz
mm2 mm mm Deg mm mm mm mm
1 45 45 1 0 0 0 1145.6 45 0
Total 0 --- --- 0
Comb. Description
1 1.2D.L.+1Dg+1.6DesignWL_0Deg_40m/s
Connection Parameters
Located at: Leg A, Leg B, Leg C and Leg D.
Z = 0 mm
Bolt Specification
# Diam Fx Fy Fz
mm #1 #1 #1
1 16 -5.46 -52.49 -5.09
ASMTower 2018.5-Trial Job No. 45m Guyed Tower Rev. No. A
Client VF Date 10/23/2018
Project GSM Network Designed by M.KG
Checked by A.S.M
ASMTower 2018.5-Trial
# Diam Fx Fy Fz
mm #1 #1 #1
2 16 -5.46 -52.49 -5.09
3 16 -5.46 -52.49 -5.09
4 16 -5.46 -52.49 -5.09
Bolt Design
φ = 0.8
η = 0.55
= 0.25
Diameter of anchor da = 16 mm
= 21.77 KN
The tension forces are transferred to the longitudinal rebar’s, which will restrain the concrete failure
prism. Therefore, concrete breakout strength in tension is not checked. The longitudinal reinforcement shall
be developed on either sides of the breakout surface. This development length is calculated to estimate the
minimum embedment length of the anchor.
Reinforcement bars development length ldr = FyΨt Ψe Ψs /[1.1λ Sqrt(Fc) (cb +Ktr)/db] db
= 365.7 mm
= 602.3 mm
Connection Parameters
Located at: Guy @18m 270Deg, Guy @18m 180Deg, Guy @18m 90Deg and Guy @18m 0Deg.
Z = 100 mm
Bolt Specification
Bolt Design
φ = 0.8
η = 0.55
= 0.79
= 78.16 KN
The tension forces are transferred to the longitudinal rebar’s, which will restrain the concrete failure
prism. Therefore, concrete breakout strength in tension is not checked. The longitudinal reinforcement shall
be developed on either sides of the breakout surface. This development length is calculated to estimate the
minimum embedment length of the anchor.
Reinforcement bars development length ldr = FyΨt Ψe Ψs /[1.1λ Sqrt(Fc) (cb +Ktr)/db] db
= 365.7 mm
= 565.7 mm
= 685.7 mm