Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam ACT-1977
Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam ACT-1977
Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam ACT-1977
PRELIMINARY 1. Short Title and Commencement: 1) This Act may be called the Sindh Agriculture University Act, 1977 2) It shall come into force at once. 2. Definitions In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or contextAcademic Council means the Academic Council of the University; Authority means any of the Authorities of the University specified in Section 12; Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University; Deans means the Head of a Faculty; Faculty means a Faculty of the University; Government means the Government of Sindh; Officer means any of the Officers of the University specified in Section 26; Prescribed means prescribed by statutes, Regulations or Rules; Pro-Chancellor means the Pro-Chancellor of the University; Registered Graduate means a graduate of the University whose name has been entered in the register, maintained for this purpose and includes a graduate of any recognized University in any of the subjects prescribed by or under this Act, and residing in the Province of Sindh, and whose name has been entered in the said register. Regulations means the Regulations made or deemed to have been made under this Act; Rules means the Rules made or deemed to have been made under this Act;
Senate means the Senate of the University; Statutes means the Statutes made or deemed to have been made under this Act; Syndicate means the Syndicate of the University; Teacher means a person engaged for imparting instructions, in the University, in any prescribed course or courses and includes a person declared as such by Regulations; Teaching Department means a teaching Department established and maintained, or recognized, by the University; University means the Sindh Agriculture University established under this Act; Vice Chancellor means the Vice Chancellor of the University;
THE UNIVERSITY 3. Incorporation There shall be an Agriculture University at Tando jam to be called the Sindh Agriculture University; The University shall consist of the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, all Officers, all teachers and other members of the Authorities; The University shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal and may, by the aforesaid name, sue and be sued; The University shall be competent to acquire and hold property, both movable and immovable, or, sell or otherwise transfer any property vested in it or enter into contract for the purpose of this Act; All properties, owned or possessed and all rights and interests held or enjoyed, by, and all liabilities subsisting against, the University of Sindh in respect of the additional campus Tando jam, immediately before coming in to force of this Act, shall stand transferred to the University. All employees including teachers and officers of the University of Sindh serving at the aforesaid additional campus, immediately before coming into force of this Act, shall stand transferred for service under the University on such terms and conditions as the University may determine; Provided that such terms and conditions shall not be less favorable than those admissible to such employees immediately before their transfer to the University. 4. Powers of the University To provide for instruction and research in, and advancement and dissemination of Knowledge of, Agricultural Sciences including Agricultural
Engineering, Veterinary Sciences including Animal Husbandry, Forestry, Fisheries, rural Development, Basic Sciences, Humanities, Social Studies, and such other branches of learning. To prescribe courses of studies to be taught in the University; To hold examinations and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on persons who have, under the prescribed conditions, been admitted to and passed, its examination; To confer, in the prescribed manner honorary degrees or other academic distinctions on such persons as the Chancellor may approve; To confer degrees on persons who have done independent research under prescribed conditions; To provide for teaching specified courses or training for persons not being the students of the University and grant certificates and diplomas to such persons; To accept the examinations passed or the periods of study spend t at other universities or places of learning, as equivalent to examinations or periods of study in the University or withdraw such acceptance; To cooperate with other universities or public authorities in such manner and for such purposes as it may determine; To create posts in connection with teaching, research, extension, administration, training and for any other purposes related thereto and appoint persons there against; To recognized any person as University Teacher; To institute and award fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, medals and prizes in the prescribed manner; To establish Teaching Department, Faculties, Institutes, Centers of Excellence, Museums and other Centers of learning for the development teaching and research and make such arrangements for their maintenance management and administration as it may determine; To control the residence of the students of the University, institute and maintain halls of residence and approve any place as hostel or lodging of students; To supervise and control the discipline of the students of the University and
promote the extra-curricular and recreational activities of such students and make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare; To take disciplinary action against, and impose penalty o students, in the prescribed manner; To charge and receive such fees and other payments as it may determine; To receive and manage property transferred, and grants, bequests, trusts, gifts, donations, endowments and other contribution, made, to the University and invest any fund representing such property, grants, bequests, trusts, gifts, donations, endowments or contributions in such manner as it may deem fit; To provide for the printing and publication of research and other works; and To do such other acts or things, whether incidental to the powers aforesaid or not, as may be necessary to further the objects of the University as a place of education, learning and research. 5. Jurisdiction of University The University shall have jurisdiction within the Province of Sindh provided that Government may, in consultation with the University, by general or special order, modify the jurisdiction. On coming into force of this Act, the provisions of all other laws corresponding to the provisions of this Act, for the time being applicable within the jurisdiction of the University, shall cease to apply and be deemed to have been repealed. 6. University opens to all classes, creeds, etc. The University shall be open to all persons irrespective of sex, religion, race, creed, class or color and no person shall be denied the privileges of the University on any such ground; Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed t prevent religious instruction being given t this students I their own religious faiths in such manner as may be prescribed.
7. Teaching in the University All teaching in various courses in the University shall be conducted in the prescribed manner and it may include lecturers, tutorials, discussions, seminars, demonstrations and practical work in, laboratories, veterinary hospitals, workshops and farms and other methods of instruction. The teaching in any prescribed course in the University shall be recognized by such authority as may be prescribed. The courses and the curricula for teaching in the University shall be such as may be prescribed; Provided that at the level of Bachelors degree in all faculties a discipline to be called the Islamic and Pakistan Studies shall be compulsory for Muslim students and Non Muslim students shall in lieu of such disciplines, have option to offer Ethics and Pakistan Studies. 8. University Students Union There shall, in the prescribed manner, be constituted as a union of the students of the university, hereinafter called the Union. The functions and privileges of, and other matters relating to, the Union shall be such as may be prescribed.
CHANCELLOR & PRO-CHANCELLOR The Chancellor The Governor of Sindh shall be the Chancellor of University. The Chancellor shall, when present, preside at the Convocation of the University. Visitation: The Chancellor may cause an inspection or inquiry to be made in respect of any affair or matter directly or indirectly concerned with the University and appoints one or more persons to conduct such inspection or inquiry. The Syndicate shall be given a notice of an inspection or inquiry under subsection(1) and shall be entitled to be represented at such inspection or inquiry After the inspection or enquiry is completed, the Chancellor shall cause his views as to result thereof to be communicated to the Syndicate and after ascertaining the re-actions of the Syndicate, the Chancellor may advise the Syndicate to take such action or refrain from doing such thing, within such time, as he may specify in this behalf. Where the Syndicate fails to carry out the advice of the Chancellor given under sub-section(3) within the specified time, the Chancellor may, after considering the explanation or representation, if any, made by the Syndicate, issue such directions as he deems fit, and it shall be the duty of the Vice Chancellor to ensure due compliance of such directions. Pro-Chancellor The Minister for Education shall be the Pro-Chancellor, of the University; Provided that when there are more than one Education Minister, the Minister for Higher and Technical Education shall become the ProChancellor. When the Chancellor is absent or is otherwise unable to act as such, the
Pro-Chancellor shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Chancellor.
AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY 12. Authorities The following shall be the Authorities of the University; The Senate; The Syndicate; The Academic Council; The Boards of Faculties; The Boards of Studies; The Selection Board; The Board of Advanced Studies and Research; The Finance and Planning Committee; The Discipline Committee; and Such other bodies as may be prescribed by Statues; 13. SENATE 1) The Senate shall consist of; The Chancellor The Pro-Chancellor All Officers; All Members of the Syndicate; All Professors of the University including Emeritus Professor; Four University Teachers other than Professors, having at least three years service, to be elected by all University Teachers; The President of the Union; The Chairman of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Hyderabad; One registered graduate to be elected by all such graduates from amongst themselves; and
Two persons from amongst the agriculturists and experts in agriculture to be nominated by the Chancellor. The Chancellor or, in his absence, the Pro-Chancellor or, in the absence of both, the Vice Chancellor, shall be the Chairman of the Senate. Members of the Senate, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for three years, and if the office of any such member, becomes vacant before the expiry of such term, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with subsection (1) and, the member appointed to such vacancy shall hold office for the un-expired portion of the term. The Senate shall at least meet twice a year on the dates to be fixed by the Vice Chancellor with the consent of the Chancellor. The quorum for a meeting of the Senate shall be one-third of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one. 14. Powers and Duties of the Senate Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Senate shall have the powers; To consider and pass Statutes; To consider and approve the annual report, the annual statement of accounts and the annual and revised budget estimates; To appoint members to the Authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Act; To delegate any of its powers to an Authority or Officer or a Committee or Sub-Committee; and To perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Statutes. 15. The Syndicate 1. The Syndicate shall consist of; The Vice Chancellor, who shall be its Chairman; i-a) The Pro-Vice Chancellor; One Member of the Provincial Assembly, if any, to be nominated by the Speaker of the Assembly; Two members of the Senate to be elected by the Senate;
The Chief Justice of the High Court of Sindh or a Judge of the High Court nominated by him; Secretary to Government of Sindh, Education Department or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary; One nominee of the University Grants Commission; One Dean to be nominated by the Chancellor on the recommendations of Vice Chancellor; a) One Professor to be elected by the Professors of the University from amongst themselves; One Assoc. Professor to be elected by the Assoc. Professors of the University from amongst themselves; One Asstt. Professor to be elected by the Asstt. Professors of the University from amongst themselves; One Lecturer with minimum service of two years to be elected by Lecturers of the University from amongst themselves; Three persons of eminence to be nominated by the Chancellor; One Principal of an affiliated college, if any, and one Principal of constituent college, if any, to be nominated by the Chancellor; and The President of the Union, One Alim and, one woman not serving in any educational institution to be nominated by the Chancellor. 2. Members of the Syndicate, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for three years and if the office of any such member becomes vacant before the expiry of such term, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with subsection (1) and the member appointed to such vacancy shall hold office for the un-expired portion of the term. 3. The quorum for a meeting of the Syndicate shall be one half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one. 16. Powers and Duties of Syndicate The Syndicate shall be the executive body of the University and shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, exercise general
supervision over the affairs and the property of the University; Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, and subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, the Syndicate shall have the powers: to determine the form, provide for the custody and regulate the use, of the common seal of the University to hold, manage, receive, acquire in any manner or, transfer by sale or otherwise, any movable or immovable property, on behalf of the University; to hold, administer and control funds on behalf of the University and, after giving due regard to the advice of the Finance and Planning Committee, invest such funds in Government securities or such other securities as may be prescribed; to consider the annual and revised budget estimates and advise the Senate thereon, and re-appropriate funds from one major head of expenditure to another; to cause to be maintained books of accounts of all financial transactions including the assets and liabilities of the University; to enter into contracts on behalf of the University; to provide buildings and other premises, libraries, furniture, apparatus, equipment and such other things required for the University; no establish and maintain halls of residence or hostels for students and approve any place as hostel or lodging of students; to cause inspections to be made of the Teaching Departments; to create posts in connection, with teaching, research, extension, administration, training and for any other purposes related thereto; to appoint on the recommendation of the Selection Board, teachers and other employees to posts in grades 17 and above of the National Scales of pay; to appoint Emeritus Professors on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed; to suspend, punish and remove from service, Officers (other than the ViceChancellor), teachers and other employees in the prescribed manner; to appoint members to the Authorities in accordance with the provisions of
this Act; to confer, subject to the approval of Chancellor, Honorary Degrees in accordance with the conditions as may be prescribed; to propose drafts of Statutes for submission to Senate; to consider and approve the Regulations proposed by the Academic Council or frame Regulations after calling for the advice of the Academic Council; to cause to be prepared annual report as regards the affairs of the University for submission to and approval of the Senate; to furnish report on any matter called for by the Senate; to deal with the matters concerning the University not provided for in this Act in any manner it may deed fit; and to delegate any of its powers to an Authority or Officer or a Committee or Su-Committee. Note: 4. In the Sindh Agriculture University Act, 1977. (a) in section 16, in sub-section (2) in clause (k), for the words carrying initial pay exceeding five hundred rupees, the words and figures in grade 17 and above of the National scales of pay shall be substituted; and 17. The Academic Council 1. The Academic Council consists of; the Vice Chancellor (Chairman); i-a) The Pro-Vice Chancellor; the Deans; the Professors of the University including Emeritus Professors; the Chairmen of the Teaching departments; two persons from amongst the agriculturists and experts in agriculture science to be nominated by the Chancellor; the Secretary Government of Sindh, Education Department or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary; the Registrar; the Librarian; and the Controller of Examinations;
18. Powers and Duties of Academic Council. 1) The Academic Council shall be the academic body of the University and shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Regulations, have the powers to lay down proper standards of instructions, research and examinations and to regulate and promote the academic life of the University; 2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, and subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Regulations, the Academic Council have the powers (a) to advice the Syndicate on academic matters; (b) to regulate the teaching ,research and examinations; to regulate the admission of students to the courses of studies and examination of the University (d) to regulate the award of studentships, scholarships, medals and prizes; (e) to regulate the conduct and discipline of the students of the University; (f) to propose to the Syndicate Schemes for the constitution and organization of Faculties, teaching Departments and Board of Studies; (g) to initiate Regulations for consideration and approval of the Syndicate; (h) to propose Regulations annually ,on the recommendations of any Board of faculty or the board of Studies, prescribing the courses of Studies, the syllabi and the outlines of texts, for all University examinations, provided that if the recommendations of such Board are not received by the prescribed date, the Academic Council may subject to the approval of the Syndicate permit such Regulations to continue for the next following year (i) to recognize the examinations of other Universities or examining bodies as equivalent to corresponding examinations of the University; to appoint members to the Authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Act; and to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Statutes.
19. Constitution functions and powers of other Authorities The constitution, functions and powers of the Authorities for which no specific provision has been made in this Act shall be such as may be prescribe ed by Statutes. 20. Appointment of Committee by certain Authorities Any Authority may, from time to time, constitute such standing, special or advisory committees, as it may deem fit, and appoint persons not being members of such Authority, as members of the Committee. 21. Commencement of term of office of members of Authorities Where a member has been elected, appointed or nominated, to any Authority or body for any fixed term under this Act, such term shall, unless the date of this commencement has been prescribed, be reckoned from the date of the election, appointment or nomination, as the case may be. Where a member who has been nominated or elected to any Authority or body fails to attend three meetings of the Authority or body consecutively, he shall cease to be the member. Where a member who has accepted any assignment or for any such other reason remains absent from the University for a period not less than six months he shall be deemed to have resigned and vacated his seat. 22. Dispute about membership of Authorities When a dispute arises if any person in eligible to become or continue as member of any Authority, it shall be referred to a committee consisting of the Vice Chancellor, the most Senior Dean and the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sindh or a Judge of the High Court nominated by him and the decision of such committee shall be final.
23. Voids in the Constitution of Authorities Where the office of a member of an Authority or body has become vacant owing to the abolition of any office under Government or dissolution of an organization, institution or other body competent to elect, appoint or nominate such member, or such organization, institution or body has ceased to function, or for some other reason, it has become difficult to fill the vacancy, such vacancy shall be filed in such manner and, subject to such conditions as the Chancellor may direct. 24. Validity of Proceedings of Authorities No act or proceeding of any Authority or Body of the University shall be invalid merely be reason of any vacancy in such Authority or Body or defect in its constitution. 25. Annulment of proceedings of Authorities Where the Chancellor is satisfied that the proceedings of any Authority are not in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Statutes, the Regulations, or the Rules, he may, after calling upon such Authority to show cause why such proceedings should not be annulled, by order in writing, annul such proceedings. Where a member of any Authority, has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude, or has become of unsound mind or has otherwise been incapacitated from performing his functions as member of such Authority, such person shall be removed from membership of the Authority by the Chancellor.
OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY 26. Officers of the University The following shall be the officers of the University:the Vice Chancellor i-a) The Pro-Vice Chancellor; the Deans; the Chairmen of the Teaching Departments; the Registrar; the Director Finance; the Controller of Examinations the Resident Auditor; the Librarian; and such other persons prescribed by the Regulations. 27. Vice Chancellor The Vice Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor for a period of four years on such terms and conditions as the Chancellor may determine, and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Chancellor. When the office of the Vice Chancellor is vacant, or he is absent or is unable to perform the functions of his office due to illness or some other cause, the Chancellor shall make such arrangements, as he may deem fit. The Vice Chancellor shall be the Principal executive and the academic officer of the University. 28. Powers and Duties of the Vice Chancellor to ensure the due observance of the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, the Regulations and the Rules; to preside in the absence of both the Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor, at a Convocation of the University and the meetings of the Senate;
to attend and preside at the meetings of the Authorities or other Bodies of the University of which he may or may not be the Chairman; to take such action, in an emergency, which he considers necessary and report, as soon thereafter as possible, the action so taken to the Officer, Authority or other body which in the ordinary course, would have taken that action; to create temporary posts for a period not exceeding six months and fill such posts; to make appointments to posts in all grades of the National scales of pay up to grade 16; to sanction expenditure within the approved budget and, if necessary, reappropriate funds within the same major head of expenditure; to sanction, by re-appropriation, an amount not exceeding five thousand rupees, for an unforeseen expenditure not provided for in the budget, and report it to the Syndicate at its next meeting; to appoint paper setters and examiners for all examinations of the University, after considering panels of names received from the relevant Authorities; to make arrangements for the scrutiny of papers, compilation of marks sheets and preparation of examination result; to assign to Teachers, Officers and other employees of the University, such duties of teaching, research, examination, administration or other activities of the University as he deems fit; to delegate, subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed, any of his powers under this Act, to any Officer or employee of the University; and to exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be prescribed. 28-A.(1) The Chancellor may in consultation with the Vice Chancellor, appoint a Pro-Vice Chancellor for the main campus or for additional campus, if any, or for both the campuses jointly or separately, on such terms and conditions and for such period not exceeding four years at a time as the Chancellor may determine
(2) Where a Pro-Vice Chancellor is appointed under sub-section (1), he shall notwithstanding anything contained in this act, exercise such powers and perform such functions of the Vice Chancellor or such other powers and functions in respect of the campus for which he is appointed as the Chancellor may delegate to him. 29. Registrar The Registrar, shall be whole-time Officer of the University and, shall be appointed by the Syndicate; provided that the first Registrar, immediately after coming into force of this Act, shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor; The Registrar, shall be appointed on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Chancellor and shall hold office for three years and, shall be eligible for re-appointment; The Registrar shall; be the custodian of the common seal and academic records of the University; maintain a register of registered graduates in the prescribed manner; conduct elections of members to the Authorities in the prescribed manners; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed. 30. Director of Finance The Director of Finance shall be whole-time Officer of the University and, shall be appointed by the Chancellor on such terms and conditions as he may determine. The Director of Finance shall; manage the property, finances and investments of the University; prepare the annual and revised budget estimates of the University and place such estimates before the Finance and Planning Committee, the Syndicate and the Senate; ensure that the funds of the University are expended for the purposes they are provided; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed.
31. Controller of Examinations The Controller of Examinations, shall be a whole-time Officer of the University and, shall be appointed by the Syndicate on such terms and conditions as it may determine; provided that the first Controller of Examinations, immediately after the coming into force of this Act, shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor; The Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for all matters connected with the conduct of examinations, and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed. 32. Resident Auditor The Resident Auditor, shall be a whole-time Officer of the University and, shall be appointed by the Provincial Audit Department on such terms and conditions as it may determine; The Resident Auditor, shall be responsible for all matters connected with the auditing of accounts of the University and, shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed. 33. Other Officers The terms and conditions of service and powers and duties of the Officers not provided for hereinbefore shall be such as may be prescribed.
OFFICERS, TEACHERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES 34. Power to require officers, teachers or employees to serve under any government or organization 1. Notwithstanding anything contained herein-beforeAny Officer, teacher or other employee of the University shall, as the Chancellor may in the public interest direct, serve in any post under government or in any other university or an educational or research institution. Provided that in the case of a teacher, the Syndicate shall be consulted before issuing the directions; The Chancellor may, in the public interest, direct any post in the University to be filled by appointing an employee of government or any other University or an Educational or Research Institution: Provided that in the case of teachers the Selection Board shall before filling in the post; 2. Where any appointment or transfer has been made under this section, the terms and conditions of service of the appointee or transferee shall not be less favorable than those admissible to him immediately before such appointment or transfer and he shall be entitled to all benefits of his past service. 35. Opportunity to show cause No Officer, teacher or other employee of the University holding a permanent post shall be reduced in rank or removed or compulsorily retired from service unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such action: Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to a case where any such Officer, teacher or other employee is convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or where in the opinion of the competent authority it is not reasonably practicable to given him such an opportunity of showing cause.
36. Appeal to and review by the Syndicate Where any Officer (other than the Vice Chancellor), teacher or other employee of the University has been punished or any of the terms and conditions of his service, has been varied to his disadvantage, by an order passed by the Vice Chancellor or any other competent authority, appeal against such order shall lie to the Syndicate; provided that where the order has been made by the Syndicate, the aggrieved person may, instead of filling appeal, apply to the Syndicate for review of that order; The appeal or application for review under sub-section (1) shall be routed through the Vice Chancellor who shall place it before the Syndicate along with his views and such appeal or application shall be disposed by the Syndicate as it deems fit; provided that no order in appeal or review shall be made unless the appellant or the applicant, as the case may be, has been given an opportunity of being heard. 37. Age of Superannuation An Officer, teacher or other employee of the University shall retire from service:on such date, after he has completed twenty-five years of service qualifying for pension, or other retirement benefits, as the competent authority may direct; or where no direction is given under clause (1) on the completion of sixty years of age. Explanation: In this section Competent authority means the appointing authority or a person duly authorized by the appointing authority in that behalf, not being a person lower in rank to the Officer, teacher or other employee concerned. 38. Pension, Insurance, Gratuity, Provident Fund and Benevolent Fund The University may, in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, institute pension, insurance, gratuity, provident fund and benevolent fund for the benefit of its Officers, teachers and other employees; Provided that if any provided fund is instituted under this section, the provisions of the Provident Funds Act 1925 (Act XIX of 1925) shall apply to such fund as if it were the Government Provident Fund.
UNIVERSITY FUND 39. University Fund There shall be a fund for the University to be called the University Fund to which shall be credited all moneys received by the University from fees, donations, trusts, bequests, endowments, contributions, grants and other sources No expenditure shall be made from the fund of the University unless a bill for its payment has, in accordance with the statutes, been audited by the Resident Auditor and the payment is included in the approved budget of the University: 40. Audit and Accounts The accounts of the University shall be maintained in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed The accounts of the University shall, in the prescribed manner, be audited once a year by the auditor appointed by Government in this behalf. The annual statement of accounts of the University signed by the Director of Finance and the Resident Auditor shall be submitted to Government within six months of the closing of the financial year. The accounts of the University together with audit objections, if any, and the observations of the auditor appointed by Government and the Director of Finance shall, in the prescribed manner, be presented to the Syndicate.
STATUTES, REGULATIONS AND RULES 41. Statutes Statutes may be made to provide for and regulate all or any or the following matters: the scales of pay and other terms and conditions of service of Officers, teachers and other employees of the University and institution of the pension, insurance, gratuity, provident fund and benevolent fund for such officers, teachers and employees; the conduct and discipline of the employees of the University including officers and teachers; in the constitution, powers and duties of the Authorities and conduct of elections to such Authorities and other matters related thereto; the maintenance of the register of registered graduates; the establishment of faculties, Institutes and academic divisions; the powers and duties of Officers and teachers and other employees of the University; the conditions for appointment of Emeritus Professors; the conditions on which the University may enter into arrangements with public bodies or other organizations for purposes of research and advisory services; the general scheme of studies including the duration of courses and the number of subjects and papers for examinations; the award of honorary degrees and the other matters which ought, or are required, to be prescribed by Statutes. 2) The Syndicate shall make a proposal for any Statutes to the Senate which may, after considering the proposal, approve it with or without any modifications or, refer it back to the Syndicate for reconsideration or reject Provided that the Statutes affecting the constitution or Power of any Authority shall not be proposed until such Authority has been given an opportunity of expressing its opinion in writing on the proposal;
Provided further that the Statute in respect of any matters mentioned in clause (a) of sub-section (1) passed by the Senate shall not be effective until they have been approved by the Chancellor. Provided also that Statutes in respect of the matters mentioned in clause (b) of sub-section (1) shall be made by the Chancellor. 3) Notwithstanding anything-contained in sub-section (2), the Chancellor shall promulgate the First Statutes, which shall remain in force until amended or replaced by the Statutes framed by the Syndicate. 42. Regulations Subject to the statutes, the Regulations may be made in respect of all or any of the following matters; the courses of study for degree, diplomas and certificates of the University; the manner and method of teaching conducting the University; the admissions of students to the University and conditions under which they are allowed to take courses and the examinations of the University and become eligible for the award of degrees, diplomas and certificates; the conduct of examinations; the fees and other charges to be paid by students for admission to the courses of studies and the examinations of the University; the conduct and discipline of students of the University; the residence of the students of the University and fees for residence in halls of residence and hostels and approval of hostels and lodgings for students; conditions for carrying out independent research for acquiring degree; the institution of fellowships, scholarships, medals and prizes; the institution of stipends and free and half free studentships; the academic costume; the use of the Library; the formation of Teaching Departments and Boards of studies; and the other matters which under this Act or Statutes, are to be or may be prescribed by Regulations. The Academic Council shall prepare and submit the Regulations to the Syndicate, which may approve them with or without modification or refer them back to the Academic Council for reconsideration or reject them.
43. Rules Any Authority or body of the University may make Rules consistent with this Act, Statutes and Regulations, to regulate the conduct of its business and the time and place of its meetings and other matters related thereto. The Syndicate may direct for amendment or repeal or any rules made by any Authority or body other than the Senate; Provided that if any such Authority or body is dissatisfied with such direction given by the Syndicate, it may appeal to the Senate whose decision shall be final.
GENERAL PROVISIONS 44. Bar of Jurisdiction No Court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any proceedings, grant any injunction or make any order in relation to anything done or purported to have been done or intended to be done under this Act. 45. Indemnity No suit or legal proceedings shall Lie against Government, the University or any Authority, Officer or employee of Government or the University or any person, in respect of anything which is done or purported to have been done or intended to be, or has been done in good faith under this Act. 46. Removal of difficulties Where any difficulty arises, within twelve months of the coming into force of this Act, as to implementation of any of the provisions of this Act, the Chancellor may, on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor, give appropriate directions for removal of such difficulty. 47. Repeal of Sindh Ordinance V of 1977 The Sindh Agriculture University Ordinance, 1977, is hereby repealed. FIRST STATUTES 1. Title and commencement These Statutes may be called the First Statutes of the Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam; They shall come into force at once. 2. Faculties There shall be following faculties; The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences;
The Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering; and Such other faculties as may be established by the Syndicate. A faculty shall consist of as many Teaching Departments as may be determined in accordance with the regulations and until so determined faculties mentioned at sub-clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of clause (1) shall consist of such Departments as may be specified in the order. 3. Teaching Department A Teaching Department shall consist of such teachers and other employees as may be determined in accordance with the regulations and until so determined it shall consist of such teachers and other employees as may be specified by the Vice Chancellor. The Chairman of a teaching department or Director of an Institute shall be appointed by the Syndicate on the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor from amongst three most senior Professors and Assoc. Professors of the department for a period of three years. Provided that where there is no Professor or Associate Professor in the department, it shall be looked after by the Dean of the faculty with, the assistance of the most senior teacher of the Department, The Chairman of the Department shall plan, organize and supervise the work of the Department and shall be responsible to the Dean for the work of his Department. 4. Board of Faculty There shall be a Board of each Faculty and such Board shall consist of : the Dean; the Professors and the Chairmen of the Teaching Departments comprised in the Faculty; two members of each Board of Studies, comprised in the Faculty, to be nominated by the Board of Studies concerned; and three teachers to be nominated by the Academic Council by reason of their specialized knowledge of the subjects which, though not assigned to the
Faculty, have in the opinion of the Academic Council, important bearing on the subjects assigned to the Faculty. The term of office of members mentioned in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (1) shall be for three years; The quorum for a meeting of the Board of a Faculty shall be one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one. 5. Functions of the Board of Faculty The Board of a Faculty shall, subject to the general control of the Academic Council and the Syndicate have the power to co-ordinate the teaching, publication and research work in the subjects assigned to the Faculty; to scrutinize the recommendations of the Board of Studies, comprised in the Faculty in regard to the Studies, comprised in the Faculty in regard to the appointment of paper setters and examiners, except for research examinations and to forward the panels of suitable paper setters and examiners for each examination to the Vice Chancellor; to consider any other academic matter relating to the Faculty and to report thereon to the Academic Council; and to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Statutes. 6. Dean The Dean of each Faculty shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor from amongst the three most senior Professors in the faculty for a period of three years. The Dean shall be the Chairman and Convener of the Board of the Faculty and shall hold office for three years The Dean shall present candidates for admission to degree other than an honorary degree in the courses falling within the purview of the Faculty; The Dean shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed.
7. Board of Studies There shall be established a separate Board of Studies for each subject, or group of subjects, in accordance with the regulations and until the Board are established there shall be such Boards of studies as may be specified by the Vice Chancellor; Each Board of Studies shall consist of: the Chairman of the Teaching Department and all professors and Associate Professors in the teaching Department concerned; such University teachers other than a Professor or an Associate Professor, as may be appointed by the Academic Council; one expert to be appointed by the Vice Chancellor. Provided that the number of members appointed under sub-clauses (i) and (ii) shall not be less than three. The term of office of members of the board of studies shall one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted one; The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Studies shall one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted one; The Chairman of the Teaching Department concerned or if there be more than one Chairman, the Chairman nominated by the Vice Chancellor shall be Chairman and Convener of the Board of Studies. 8. The functions of the Board of Studies shall be To advise the Authorities on all academic matters connected with instruction, publication, research and examination in the subject or subjects concerned; To propose curricula and syllabi for all degree, diploma and certificate courses in the subject or subjects concerned; To suggest a panel of names of paper setters and examiners in the subjects concerned; and To perform such other functions as may be assigned to them by the Statutes or Regulations.
9. Board of Advanced Studies and Research The Board of Advanced Studies and Research shall consist: the Vice Chancellor (Chairman); the Deans; three University Professors other than the Deans to be appointed by the Syndicate; and three University Teachers having research qualifications and experience to be appointed by the Academic Council. The term of office of members of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research other than ex-officio members shall be three years; The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research shall be one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one. 10. Functions of Board of Advanced Studies and Research The Functions of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research shall be to advise the authorities on all matters connected with the promotion of advanced studies and research in the University; to consider and report to the Authorities on the institution of research degrees in the University; to propose Regulations regarding the award of research degrees; to appoint supervisors for research students and to determine the subjects of their thesis; to recommend panels of names of paper setters and examiners for research examination after considering the proposals of the Board of Studies in this behalf; and to perform such other function as may be assigned to it by Statutes or Regulations. 11. Selection Board There shall be a Selection Board for Selection candidates for appointment as teachers or otherwise in the University against posts carrying initial pay above hundred rupees.
The Selection Board shall consist of: the Vice Chancellor (Chairman); the Chairman or a member of the Sindh Public Service Commission to be nominated by the Chairman; the Dean of the Faculty under which the appointment is to be made; the Chairman of the teaching Department concerned; and one member of the Syndicate and two other persons of eminence, to be appointed by the Syndicate provided that neither of the three are employees of the University. The term of office of members mentioned in sub-clause (v) of clause (2) shall hold office for two years. (a) The quorum for the selection of a Professor or an Associate Professor shall be four members and for the selection other teachers, three members The Selection Board for making selection of employee other than teachers, shall consist of members mentioned in sub-clause (i) (ii) and (v) of clause (2). A member of the Selection Board who is a candidate for the post to which appointment is to be made shall not take part in the proceedings of the Board. In selecting candidates for the posts of Professors and Associate Professors, the Selection Board shall co opt or consult three experts in the subject concerned and in selecting candidates for other teaching posts, two experts in the subject concerned to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor from a standing list of experts for each subject approved by the Syndicate on the recommendation of the Selection Board. 12. Function of the Selection Board The Selection Board shall consider the applications received in response to advertisement and recommend to the Syndicate the names of suitable candidates for appointment to teaching and other posts. The Selection Board may for reasons to be recorded recommend the grant of higher initial pay in a suitable case. The Selection Board may recommend to the Syndicate the appointment of an eminently qualified person to Professors in the University on terms and
conditions other than those prescribed. In the event of an unresolved difference of opinion between the Selection Board and the Syndicate, the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision shall be final. 13. Finance and Planning Committee The Finance Planning Committee shall consist of the Vice Chancellor (Chairman) one member of the Senate to be appointed by the Senate; one member of the Syndicate to be appointed by the Syndicate; the Deans; one nominee of the Chancellor; and the Director Finance. The Term of office of the members other than ex-officio members shall be three years. The quorum for a meeting of the Finance and Planning Committee shall be three members. 14. Functions of the Finance and Planning Committee The functions of the Finance and Planning Committee shall be to consider the annual statement of accounts and the annual and revised budget estimates and advise the Syndicate thereon; to revise periodically the financial position of the University; to advise the Syndicate on all matters relating to planning, development, finances investments and accounts of the University; and to perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Statutes or Regulations. 15. Affiliation Committee The Affiliation Committee shall consist of i) the Vice Chancellor ii) the Deans; two Professors to be nominated by the Academic Council; and
the Director of Technical Education, Sindh, Karachi. The term of office of the members of the Committee, other than the ex-officio members, shall be two years. The Affiliation Committee may co-opt not more than three experts. The quorum for a meeting of, or an inspection by, the Affiliation Committee shall be three members. An officer to be designated by the Vice Chancellor for this purpose shall act as the Secretary of the Committee. 16. Functions of the Affiliation Committee To inspect the educational institutions seeking affiliation with, or admission to the privileges of the University and to advise the Academic Council thereon; To inquire into complaints alleging breach of conditions of affiliation by affiliated colleges and to advise the Academic Council thereon; and To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by Statutes or Regulations. 17. Discipline Committee The Discipline Committee shall consist of the Vice Chancellor or his nominee; two Professors to be nominated by the Academic Council; one member to be nominated by the Syndicate; the Teacher or Officer In-charge of Students Affairs by whatever name called (Member Secretary); and President, University Students Union. The term of office of the members of the Discipline Committee, other than ex-officio members, shall be two years. The quorum for a meeting of the Discipline Committee shall be four members.
18. Functions of the Discipline Committee The functions of the Discipline Committee shall be to propose Regulations to the Academic Council for the conduct of University Students, maintenance of discipline and for dealing with cases of indiscipline; and to perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by Statutes or Regulations.