08 Chapter 2
08 Chapter 2
08 Chapter 2
+ + = cv
zF j
.. (2.16)
Where, F is the Faradays constant, v is the viscosity of the electrolyte, R is the gas
constant and D is the diffusion coefficient. The three terms in the parenthesis
respectively describe the contributions of migration, diffusion and convection processes
to the mass transport towards the electrode.
b. Processes Near the Electrode but Within Electrolyte:
Ionic species are normally surrounded by hydration sheath or by other complex
forming ion or legand present in the electrolyte. They move together as a single entity
and arrive near the electrode surface where the ion-legand system either accepts
Dissociation of ion-ligand
Incorporation into lattice
1000 A
Electrolyte Ionic
Fig.2.3 Approximate region in which various stages of ion transport occur leading to
various steps involved in electrodeposition process.
electrons from the cathode (or donates electrons to the anode). This ionic discharge
occurs between 10 to 1000 from the electrode.
c. Processes that Occur on the Electrode Surface:
The discharged ions arrive near the electrode, where step by step they lead to
the formation of a new solid phase or the growth of an electrodeposit. The atoms
deposited have a tendency to form either an ordered crystalline phase or a disordered
amorphous phase.
The electrodeposit formation steps of transport, discharge, nucleation, and
growth are interlinked.
d) Pathways for the Growth of an Electrodeposition:
The entire pathway for the growth can be divided into following steps (figure 2.4) [2]
Figure-2.4 Pathways for the growth of an electrodeposition
1. Transport of ions in the electrolyte bulk towards the interface.
2. Discharge of ions reaching the electrode surface, giving rise to generation of
3. Nucleation and growth, where again alternative routes are possible
a. Growth assisted by surface diffusion.
b. Growth assisted by formation of clusters and critical nuclei.
c. Formation of monolayer and final growth of electrodeposit.
Surface defects such as steps, kinks and dislocations generally control the growth
kinetics. The kinks sites and screw dislocations together sustain the growth of the
e) Factors Governing Electrodeposition:
The preparative parameters directly affect the structural, morphological and optical
properties of the electrodeposits. The various preparative parameters like substrate,
applied field and current density, bath temperature, complexant and pH of the bath etc.
should be controlled to obtain uniform, smooth and stoichiometric electrodeposits [14-
15]. Some preparative parameters are discussed below.
i. Substrate:
Substrates play an important role in electrodeposition. Besides providing
mechanical support to the electrodeposition, influences on the morphological
characteristics of the growing layer and on the electronic and optical properties of the
electrodeposition. For the choice of suitable substrate following criteria should be
applied for their selection [16].
i. It should have good conductivity because it is one of the electrodes in
electrodeposition. A good conductivity is beneficial in improving carrier collection
ii. The thermal expansion coefficient should match with that of electrodeposition. A
mismatch may cause cracking or peeling of the film.
iii. It should have good mechanical strength.
iv. It should be stable in electrolyte bath.
v. It should be smooth. Uneven, porous, voids and other irregularities influence the
local current distribution.
Metals have been widely used as substrates because of their good conductivity, easy
availability, lower cost and relative ease of handling.
ii. Bath Temperature:
The rise in bath temperature enhances the rate of diffusion and increases ionic
mobility, hence the increase in conductivity of the bath. The increase in temperature
increases the rate of crystalline growth favoring the coarse deposits. This increase in
crystal size corresponds to decrease in polarization. At higher temperature, current
densities increase, which increases the rate of nucleation, hence fine-grained, smooth
deposits can be obtained. The rise in bath temperature decreases the hydrogen over
voltage so facilitates the evolution of gas, as well as precipitation of basic salts. The
opposing effects make it difficult to predict the choice of bath temperature, however, it
can be optimized by performing actual experiments.
iii. Current Density:
At lower current densities (or over-potentials) the discharge of ions occurs slowly,
so the growth rate decreases but increases the crystallinity forming closely packed
structures. As the current density is raised, the nuclei formation rate will increase and
the deposits become fine grained. At higher current densities, the rate of discharge of
ions becomes greater compared to rate of supply of ions and there is duplicity of ions
near the cathode, which favours the growth perpendicular to the substrate surface.
Usually spongy, dendritic growth can be observed under this condition. Secondly, at
very higher current densities, hydrogen evolution occurs at faster rate, which interferes
the crystal growth and spongy, porous deposits may be obtained. This can also favour
the precipitation of hydrous oxides or basic salts due to increase in local pH.
iv. Metal Ion Concentration:
The plating bath is always an aqueous solution containing compound of metal to
be deposited. It is always advantageous to use higher concentration of metal
components in the bath solution. A high current density can be employed in high metal
bearing bath. An increase in metal concentration, under given condition, decreases the
cathode polarization and increases the crystallite size.
v. Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH):
In order to operate a bath with optimum efficiency and maintain the desired
physical properties of the deposit, control of pH of plating bath is necessary. Besides
too low pH may lead accumulation of hydroxide ions in the vicinity of the cathode and
consequent precipitation of basic salts, which may get included in electrodeposition,
thereby altering deposit properties. All aqueous solutions contain H
ions, infact in every
deposit from an aqueous bath, there is a possibility of the hydrogen gas evolution at the
cathode due to H
ions. It takes place, the efficiency of metal deposition is lowered. As
this efficiency and hydrogen discharge potential partly depends upon hydrogen ion
concentration, at low pH, the bath permits the use of higher current density to produce a
sound deposit with relatively high efficiency.
vi. Addition Agents:
In almost all cases of electrodeposition of metals, it is observed that addition of
small quantities of certain substances often result in production of smooth, fine grained
and nanocrystalline deposits. Such substances are known as addition agents. Addition
agent such as brightening agents, surfactants, complexants etc. are often added to the
bath to obtain smoother, brighter deposits, controllable reaction rates, better adhesion
and better texture. The adsorbed additives influence the rate of deposition by i)
changing Helmholtz layer potential, ii) acting as a bridge for mediating electron transfer
reactions between electrode and discharging species iii) forming complexes between
the adsorbed additive and the ionic species to be plated.
vii. Complexing Agent
The unstable metal ions are capable of combining chemically with neutral
molecules and with ions of opposite sign to form stable complex ion. The combination is
through the covalent bond, when neutral molecules interact with positively charged
metal ions to yield negatively charged complex ions. Complex compound in a plating
bath serves two purposes. Firstly they make possible to maintain a high metal
concentration but low metal ion concentration. The complex ions of the complex
compound serve as reserves and continuously supply of the simple ions necessary for
the discharge at the cathode occurs. A low metal ion concentration enables the
production of deposits with small grains and improves the throwing power. Secondly,
complex formation enables us to enhance appreciably the solubility of slightly soluble
Thin Film Characterization Techniques
2. B.1 Introduction
In the advancement of science and technology the discovery of novel materials
those are having varied characteristics and applications have played an important role.
Characterization is an important step in the development of exotic materials. The
complete characterization of any material consists of phase analysis, compositional
characterization, structural elucidation, micro-structural analysis and surface
characterization, which have strong bearing on the properties of materials. This has led
to the emergence of variety of advanced techniques in the filed of materials science. In
this section different analytical instrumental techniques used to characterize our thin
films are described with relevant principles of their operation and working.
2. B.1.1 Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Linear Sweep Techniques (LSV):
Cyclic voltammetry is often the first experiment performed in an electro analytical
study. In particular, it offers a rapid location of redox potentials of the electroactive
species, and convenient evaluation of the effect media upon the redox process. In cyclic
voltammetry a reversible dc potential sweep (using a triangular potential waveform) was
applied between working electrode (film) and counter electrode and resulting current
response versus a reference electrode (SCE) is measured.
Fig.2.5 Variation of applied potential for Cyclic Voltammetry
In cyclic voltammetry, on reaching t=t
the sweep direction is inverted as shown in
figure 2.5 and sweep until E
, then inverted and sweep to E
etc. The important
parameters involved are
- The initial Potential E
- The initial sweep direction
- The sweep rate v
- The maximum potential, E
- The minimum potential, E
- The final Potential, E
A faradic current, I
due to the electrode reaction, is registered in the relevant
zone of applied potential where electrode reaction occurs. There is also a capacitive
contribution: on sweeping the potential, the double layer charge changes: This
contribution increases with increasing sweep rate [17]. The total current is
= C
(dE/dt) +I
= vC
Thus I
= v and it can be shown that I
= v
This means that at very high sweep rates capacitive current must be subtracted in order
to obtain accurate values of the rate constant.
The applicability of Nernst equation and therefore, reversibility has to do with
time allowed for the electrode to reach equilibrium. The concentration of the species at
the interface depends on the mass transport of these species from bulk solution, often
described by mass transfer coefficient K
. A reversible reaction corresponds to the case
where the kinetics of the electrode reaction is much faster than the transport. The
kinetic is expressed by standard rate constant, K
which is the rate constant when E=E
E- Actual potential and E
- Formal potential [E
- standard potential]
The kinetics of electrode reactions does not measure the rate of electron transfer
itself, as this is an adiabatic process, following Frank-Condon principle, and occurs in
approx. 10
s. What it measures is the time needed for the species, once they have
reached the interfacial region, to arrange themselves and their ionic atmospheres into
position for electron transfer to be able to occur. According to kinetics of the reactions
there are three types of reactions,
1. Reversible
2. Irreversible
3. Quasi reversible
Reversible system
Fig. 2.6 shows a typical curve for linear sweep voltammetry recorded for
reversible reaction of the type O + ne
R. The curve can be understood in the
following way. On reaching a potential where the electrode reaction begins, the current
rises as in a steady state voltammogram. However, the creation of a concentration
gradient and consumption of electroactive species means that, continuing to sweep the
potential, from a certain value just before the maximum value of the current, peak
current, the supply of electroactive species begins to fall. Owing to depletion, the current
then begins to decay, following a profile proportional to t
which is shown in Fig.2.9,
similar to application of potential step. Fig. 2.7 shows the typical cyclic voltammetry for
reversible system.
Fig. 2.6. The typical curve of Linear Sweep Voltammetry for
reversible system.
Information as a diagnostic for linear sweep and cyclic voltammogram of
reversible reactions are [18]
- I
- E
independent of
- E
- E
= 56.6/n Mv (2.19)
And for cyclic voltammetry alone
- E
- E
= 59.0/n mV (2.20)
- | I
/ I
| = 1 .(2.21)
Another practical factor affecting the voltammogram is the solution resistance
between working and reference electrode. This resistance leads to a shift in the
potential of the working electrode by I
where R
is the resistance (uncompensated)
of the solution.
Irreversible System
In the case of an irreversible reaction of the type O + ne
R. liner sweep and
cyclic voltammetry lead to the same voltammetry profile, since no inverse peak appears
on inverting the scan direction.
Fig. 2.7 The typical curve of cyclic Voltammetry for
reversible system
Fig. 2.8 shows a voltammogram for irreversible system. With respect to
reversible system, the waves are shifted to more negative potential (reduction), E
depending on the sweep rate. The peaks are broader and lower.
Quasi Reversible Systems
The extent of irreversibility increases with increase in sweep rate, while at the
same time there is a decrease in the peak current relative to the reversible case and an
increasing separation between anodic and cathodic peaks. On increasing sweep rate,
there is less time to reach equilibrium at the electrode surface; reactions which appear
as reversible at low sweep rates, can be quasi reversible at high sweep rates. Fig. 2.9
shows the effect of increasing irreversibility on the shape of cyclic voltammogram.
Fig. 2.9. The effect of increasing irreversibility on the shape of
Fig. 2.8 Voltammogram for irreversible system
2. B.1.2.Thickness Measurement Using Weight Difference Method:
Film thickness is an important parameter in the study of the film properties.
Amongst different methods for measuring the film thickness, the weight difference
method is simple and convenient and thicknesst is measured using the relation.
t = m / A.b . ...........(2.22 )
where, m is the mass of the film deposited on area A of the substrate and b is the
density of the material in the bulk form. The mass m of the film has been measured by
using a single pan microbalance. As reported in many studies [19, 20], the thin film
density varies between 0.74 to 0.87 times the bulk densities owing to the porosity.
Hence a correction factor of 0.8 is applied to the bulk density in equation 2.22.
2. B.1.3. Optical Absorption:
The equilibrium situation in semiconductor can be disturbed by generation of
carriers due to optical photon absorption. Optical photon incident on any material may
either be reflected, transmitted or absorbed. The phenomena of radiation absorption in
a material is all together considered to be due to 1) inner shell electrons, 2) valence
band electrons, 3) free carriers including electrons and 4) electrons bound to localized
impurity centers or defects of some type. In the study of fundamental properties of the
semiconductors, the absorption by the second type of electrons is of great importance.
In an ideal semiconductor, at absolute zero temperature the valence band would be
completely full of electrons, so that electron could not be excited to higher energy state
from the valence band. Absorption of quanta of sufficient energy tends to transfer of
electrons from valence band to conduction band. The optical absorption spectra of
semiconductors generally exhibits a sharp rise at a certain value of the incident photon
energy which can be attributed to the excitation of electrons from the valence band to
conduction band (may also involve acceptor or donor impurity levels, traps, excitons
etc.) The conservation of energy and momentum must be satisfied in optical absorption
Basically there are two types of optical transitions that can occur at the
fundamental edge of the crystalline semiconductor, direct and indirect. Both involve the
interaction of an electromagnetic wave with an electron in the valence band, which is
rose across the fundamental gap to the conduction band. However, indirect transition
involves simultaneous interaction with lattice vibration. Thus the wave vector of the
electron can change in the optical transition. The momentum change being taken or
given up by phonon. Direct interband optical transition involves a vertical transition of
electrons from the valence band to the conduction band such that there is no change in
the momentum of the electrons and energy is conserved as shown in Fig. 2.12 (a). The
optical transition is denoted by a vertical upward arrow. The forms of the absorption
coefficient o as a function of photon energy hv depend on energy of N(E) for the bands
containing the initial and final states. For simple parabolic bands and for direct
transitions [21].
o = A (hv Eg)
/ hv 2.23
where A is a constant depending upon the transition probability for direct transition, n =
1/2 or 3/2 depending on whether the transition is allowed or forbidden in the quantum
mechanical sense. Eg is the optical gap.
Lets visualize a situation given in Fig. 2.10 (b) where interband transition takes
place between different kstates. Since these must satisfy the momentum conservation
laws, the only way such transition can take place is through the emission or absorption
of a phonon with wave vector q i.e.
k' q = k + K 2.24
The transitions defined by equation (2.10) are termed as indirect transitions. For
indirect transitions [22]
o = A (hv Eg)
/ hv 2.25
For allowed transition n = 2 and for forbidden transitions n = 3.
The band gap energy Eg is determined by extrapolating the linear portion of the
plot of (ohv)
against hv to the energy axis at o = 0.
Valance Band
' k
Valance Band
h = Eg
' k
While discussing the optical absorption edges observed in amorphous
semiconductors the following assumptions are made: (a) the matrix elements for the
electronic transitions are constant over the range of photon energies of interest and (b)
Kconservation selection rule is relaxed. This assumption is made in amorphous
semiconductors because near the band edges at least, Ak ~ k and thus k is not a good
quantum number. On E k diagram such transitions would be nonvertical. However,
no phonon absorption or emission processes are invoked to conserve momentum and
all the energy required is provided by the incident photons. Such transitions are termed
nondirect as opposed to indirect. Without knowledge of the form of N(E) at the band
edges, and under the assumption of parabolic bands, the absorption in many
amorphous material is observed to obey the relation (2.11) with n = 2. Thus absorption
edge of many amorphous semiconductors can be described by a simple power law, at
least over a limited range of the absorption coefficients, which enables an optical gap
Eg to be defined.
Fig. 2.10 - Direct interband optical transitions for a) direct band and b) indirect
band semiconductors. The transitions are represented by vertical arrow.
2. B.1.4 X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) Technique :
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful technique for determination of crystal
structure and lattice parameters. The basic principles of X-ray diffraction are found in
textbooks e.g. by Buerger [23], Klug and Alexander [24], Cullity [25], Tayler [26], Guinier
[27], Barrett and Massalski [19].
Figure 2.11 shows the schematics of X-ray diffractometer. Diffraction in general
occurs only when the wavelength of the wave motion is of the same order of magnitude
as the repeat distance between scattering centers. This condition of diffraction is
nothing but Braggs law and is given as,
2d sinu = n 2.26
d = interplaner spacing
u = diffraction angle
= wavelength of x-ray
n = order of diffraction
Receiving Slit
Diverging Slit
Fig. 2.11 Schematics of X-ray diffractometer.
For thin films, the powder technique in conjunction with diffractometer is most
commonly used. In this technique the diffracted radiation is detected by the counter
tube, which moves along the angular range of reflections. The intensities are recorded
on a computer system. Thed values are calculated using relation (2.8) for known
values of u, and n. The X- ray diffraction data thus obtained is printed in tabular form
on paper and is compared with Joint Committee Power Diffraction Standards (JCPDS)
data to identify the unknown material. The sample used may be powder, single crystal
or thin film. The crystallite size of the deposits is estimated from the full width at half
maximum (FWHM) of the most intense diffraction line by Scherrer's formula as follows
u |
9 . 0
D 2.27
where, D is crystallite size, is wavelength of X-ray used, | is full width at half maxima
of the peak (FWHM) in radians, u is Bragg's angle. The X- ray diffraction data can also
be used to determine the dimension of the unit cell. This technique is not useful for
identification of individuals of multilayer or percentage of doping material.
2. B.1.5. Raman Spectral Study
Raman spectroscopy is different from the rotational and vibrational spectroscopy
considered above in that it is concern with the scattering of radiation by the simple,
rather than an absorption process. It is named after the Indian physicists who first
observe it in 1928, C. V. Raman. Both rotational and vibrational spectroscopies are
possible. The energy of the exciting radiation will determine which type of the transition
occurs-rotational transitions are lower in energy than vibrational transitions.
In addition to this, rotational transitions are around three orders of magnitude
slower than vibrational transitions. Therefore, collisions with other molecule may occur
in the time in which the transition is occurring. A collision is likely to change the
rotational state of the molecule, and so the definition of the spectrum obtained will
destroyed. Rotational spectroscopy is therefore carried out on gases at low pressure to
ensure that the time between the collision is greater than the time for transition.
Scattered Radiations
Laser Source Sample
The basic set up of Raman spectrometer is shown below.
Fig.2.12 Basic set up of Raman Spectrometer.
Note that the detector is orthogonal to the direction of the incident radiation, so
as to observe only scattered light. The source needs to provide intense monochromatic
radiation, and usually laser. The criteria for a molecule to be Raman active are also
different to other types of spectroscopy, which required permanent magnetic dipole
moment, at least for diatomic molecules. A molecule will only be Raman if the following
gross selection rule is fulfilled.
1) Gross Selection Rule:
For spectroscopic techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, as seen in the first
section it is necessary for the molecule being analyzed to have a permanent electric
dipole. This is not the case for Raman spectroscopy; rather it is the polarizability (o) of
the molecule which is important.
The oscillating electric field of a photon causes charged particles (electrons and,
to a lesser extent, nuclei) in the molecule to oscillate. This leads to an induced electric
dipole moment,
= (o) E ..2.28
This induced dipole moment then emits a photon, leading to either Raman or
Raleigh scattering. The energy of this interaction is also dependent on the polarizability:
Energy of interaction = -1/2o E
By comparison with the equation for the interaction energy for other forms of
spectroscopy, it can be seen that the energies of Raman transitions are relatively weak.
To counter this, a higher intensity of the exciting radiation is used.
For Raman scattering to occur, the polarizability of the molecule must vary with
its orientation. One of the strengths of Raman spectroscopy is that this will be true for
both heteronuclear and homonuclear diatomic molecules. Homonuclear diatomic
molecules do not possess a permanent electric dipole, and so are undetectable by other
methods such as infrared.
2) Selection Rules Arising from Quantum Mechanics:
A detailed discussion of the quantum mechanical basis for spectroscopy is
beyond the scope of this brief introduction. Here, the quantum numbers and the allowed
transitions involved are simply stated.
2.1 Rotational
To find allowed rotational transitions, the total angular momentum quantum
number for rotational energy states, J, must be considered. Raman spectroscopy
involves a 2 photon process, each of which obeys:
AJ=1 .2.29
Therefore, for the overall transition
AJ=2 ..2.30
Where, A0=0 for corresponds to Raleigh scattering,
Source Molecule
AJ=0 corresponds to a Stokes transition,
and AJ= -2 corresponds to an anti-Stokes transition.
2.2 Vibrational
To find allowed transitions the vibrational quantum number, must be
For the overall transition,
Av = 1 2.31
Transitions where Av = 2 are also possible, but these are of weaker
2.3 Types of Scattering
Consider a light wave as a stream of photons each with energy hv When each
photon collides with a molecule, many things may happen, 2 of which are
considered below:
a) Elastic, or Raleigh Scattering
This is when the photon simply 'bounces' off the molecule, with no exchange in
energy. The vast majority of photons will be scattered in this way.
Source Molecule
hvr1 hvr2
b) Inelastic, or Raman Scattering
This is when there is an exchange of energy between the photon and the
molecule, leading to the emission of another photon with a different frequency
to the incident photon:
This scattering phenomenon takes place as shown follows.
Fig.2.13. Scattering phenomenon in Raman Spectroscopy
3) Raman Scattering
The molecule may either gain energy from, or lose energy to, the photon. In the
diagram below, 3 energy states of the molecule are shown (E
, E
, E
). The molecule is
originally at the E
energy state. The photon interacts with the molecule, exciting it with
an energy hv
. These
transitions are known as anti-Stokes transitions. If the molecule relaxes to energy state
, it will have gained energy, and so the photon emitted will have energy hv
, where
< hv
- =
cot 10 2 . 16
where, Z is atomic number and E is electric field.
Here the cross-section is proportional to Z
. Hence, the back-scattered electrons are
used for the Z contrast or for compositional mapping.
Fig. 2.17. The ray diagram of scanning electron microscope.
2. B.1.7. Energy Dispersive Analysis by X-Rays Measurement (EDS):
In EDS technique a sample is made the target in an X- ray tube and is
bombarded with electrons of suitable energy, it emits characteristics X-rays. This is the
basis of a method of chemical analysis. The emitted X-rays are analyzed in an X-ray
spectrometer and the elements present in the sample are qualitatively identified by their
characteristics wavelengths. For compositions greater than or about 1% and elements
separated by few atomic numbers, energy dispersion analysis is very useful because
the intensities are increased about 100-Fold [33]. The resolution however, of an energy
dispersion instruments is as much as 50 times less than the wavelength dispersion
spectrometer using a crystal; thus overlapping of lines from nearby elements may occur.
If a sample is irradiated with X-rays of sufficiently high energy, it will emit fluorescent
radiation. This radiation may be analysized in an X-ray spectrometer and the elements
present in the sample identified by their characteristics wavelengths. Study of thin films,
ferrites, composites, biological samples and pharmaceutical samples are the common
application areas.
2. B.1.8. Transport Properties:
Surface transport phenomena are well known to have a strong influence on the
electronic properties of bulk semiconductors. When transport takes place through thin
specimens, the carriers are being subjected to considerable scattering by the boundary
surface in addition to normal bulk scattering. This additional scattering will reduce the
effective carrier mobility below the bulk value and will thus give rise to quantum size
effects. A study of these size effects can yield information on the electronic structure of
a surface and is therefore of considerable fundamental and practical importance. These
phenomena play an important role in the transport properties of semiconducting film of
about 1m thickness and having carrier concentration upto 10
. Surface transport
phenomena in bulk semiconductor have received much attention in recent years. An
excellent review of the subject is given by Pulliam et al. [34]. The important transport
properties i.e. electrical resistively, thermoelectric power (TEP) are discussed below.
a) Electrical Conductivity:
The use of thin films as resistors, contacts and interconnections has lead to
extensive study of conductivity, its temperature dependence, the effect of thermal
processing stability and so on. Investigations of the electrical resistivity as a highly
structure sensitive properties make it possible to gain insight into the structural and
electrical properties of the metal film which is important from both the theoretical and
practical point of view. The contact techniques are most widely used for the
measurement of resistivity. These techniques include two-point probe, four point probe
and the spreading resistance methods. The two-point method is simple and easy to use.
In this technique a constant current I is passed through a sample of known dimensions
(cross-sectional area A). And the d.c. voltage V between two fixed position probes
(separationd) measured either with impedance voltmeter or potentiometrically. For
uniform sample resistively is given by
= (A/I) (V/d) 2.33
In case of semiconducting thin films, the resistivity decreases with increase in
temperature. The thermal activation energies E
are calculated by using following
o = o
(-AE /kT)
Where AE is the activation energy for the conductionk is Boltzmann constant and o
the pre exponential constant depending on the material.
Fig. 2.18 A and 2.18 B shows photograph and schematic diagram of the
electrical conductivity measurement unit. The two brass plates of the size 10 x 5 x 0.5
cm are grooved at the centre to fix the heating elements. Two strip heaters (65 Watts)
were kept parallel in between these two brass plates to achieve uniform temperature.
The two brass plates are then screwed to each other. The sample was mounted on the
upper brass plate at the centre. To avoid the contact between the film and the brass
plate, a mica sheet was placed between the film and brass plate. The area of the film
was defined and silver emulsion (paste) was applied to ensure good electrical contact to
the films. The working temperature was recorded using a Chromel-Alumel thermocouple
(24 gauge) fixed at the centre of the brass plates. Testronix model 34 C (power supply
unit ) was used to pass the current through the sample. The potential drop across the
film was measured with the help of Meco 801 digital multimeter and current passed
through the sample was noted with a sensitive 4 digit picoammeter (Scientific
equipment, Roorkee DPM 111).The measurements were carried out by keeping the film
system in a light tight box, which was kept at room temperature.
Fig 2.18 a. Photograph showing the electrical conductivity measurement
Fig. 2.18 b Cross sectional view of of electrical conductivity measurement unit.
b) Thermoelectric Power (TEP):
If some metal contacts are applied to the two ends of a semiconductor and if one
junction is maintained at higher temperature than the other, a potential difference is
developed between the two electrodes. This thermoelectric or Seebeck voltage is
produced partly because
i) The majority carriers in the semiconductor diffuse from hot to cold junction, thus giving
a potential difference between the ends of the specimen. This voltage builds upto a
value such that the return current just balances the diffusion current when a steady
state is reached.
ii) Other part which contributes to the thermoelectric voltage is the contact potential
difference between metal and semiconductor, which occurs at two junctions.
In the semiconductor, if the charge carriers are predominantly electrons, the cold
junction becomes negatively charged and if the charge carriers are positive holes, the
cold junction becomes positively charged. The magnitude of the developed voltage is
proportional to the difference in temperature between the hot and cold junction, if the
temperature difference is small. From the sign of the thermoelectric voltage it is thus
possible to deduce whether a given specimen exhibits n-or p-type conductivity.
The thermoelectric power (TEP), which is defined as the ratio of thermally
generated voltage to the temperature difference across the piece of semiconductor,
gives the information about the type of carriers in the semiconductor.
Fig. 2.19 A and 2.19 B shows photograph and schematic diagram of the TEP
measurement unit. Thermoelectric power measurement apparatus consist of two brass
blocks. One brass block was used as a sample holder-cum-heater. Other brass block
was kept at room temperature. The hot and cold junction was kept thermally isolated by
inserting an insulated barrier between the junctions. The size of the film used in this
study was 40 mm x 12.5 mm x 1.35 mm on amorphous glass substrates, were fixed on
two brass blocks. Chromel Alumel thermocouples (24 gauze) were used to sense the
working temperature. A 65 watt strip heater was used for heating the sample. The
temperature of the hot junction was raised slowly from room temperature, with a regular
interval of 10 K. the thermo emf was noted up to the highest temperature of 500 K.
Silver paste contacts were made to films with copper wire. A backellite box was used for
proper shielding of the TEP unit, which also minimises to some extent, thermal radiation
losses. The mean temperature was measured with a Meco 801 digital multimeter while
the differential thermal gradient and thermoelectric voltage were measured with digital
Testronix microvoltmeter.
Fig 2.19 a. Photograph showing the thermoelectric power measurement
Fig. 2.19 b. Cross sectional view of the thermoelectric power measurement unit.
2. B.1.9. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM):
The atomic force microscopy (AFM) probes the surface of a sample with a sharp
tip, a couple of microns long often less than 100 in diameter. The tip is located at the
free end of a cantilever, which is 100 to 200 m long. The forces between the tip and
sample surface cause the cantilever to bend or deflect. A detector measures the
cantilever deflection as tip is scanned over the sample or the sample is scanned under
the tip. The measured cantilever deflection allows a computer to generate a map or
surface topography.
Several forces typically contribute to the deflection of an AFM cantilever. AFM
operates by measuring the attractive or repulsive forces between a tip and the sample.
The forces most commonly associated with atomic force microscopy are interatomic
force called the Van der Waals force. The dependence of the Van der Waals force upon
the distance between the tip and the sample is shown in figure 2.20. The two distance
regimes are labeled in the figure are (a) the contact regime and (b) non-contact regime.
In the contact regime, the cantilever is held at a distance less than few
angstroms from the sample surface, and the inter-atomic force between the cantilever
and the sample is repulsive. In the non-contact regime, the cantilever is held at a
distance of the order of tens to hundred of angstroms from the sample surface, and the
inter-atomic force between the cantilever and sample is attractive. Figure 2.21 shows
schematic diagram of AFM [35-36].
In principle, AFM resembles the record player as well as the surface profilometer.
However, AFM incorporates a number of refinements that enable it to achieve atomic
scale resolution: Sensitive detection, flexible cantilever, sharp tips, high-resolution tip-
sample positioning and Force feedback
Figure 2.20 Inter-atomic force versus distance curve for the operation of AFM
Figure 2.21 Schematic diagram of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Repulsive force
Attractive force
Intermitted contact
(tip to-sample separation)
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