Education: Nathalia Oliveira 630.806.0247

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Nathalia Oliveira [email protected] 630.806.

0247 Education
D e P a ul U n i v e r s i t y - B a c h e l o r o f A r t s i n S o c i o l o g y a n d P h i l o s o p h y Expected Graduation June 2013 - Summa Cum Laude 4.0 GPA - Deans List all quarters in attendance Relevant Coursework: - Sociological Research Methods I and II - Research Statistics - Critical Thinking - T e c h n i c a l a n d B us i n e s s W r i t i n g - Senior Capstone Research Thesis - H T M L : M ul t i m e d i a a n d t h e W W W

Qualifying Skillset
- Multitasking team player with a proven track record of fostering cohesive and communicative teams and work environments - Web-savvy with an interest in tech innovation, social media, and their impact on digital marketing solutions - Naturally curious and excited to learn and apply new concepts - Fluent in Portuguese and English, proficient in Spanish - Excellent written and oral interpersonal communication skills - Familiar with all aspects of the Microsoft Office Suite (100 WPM typing speed) and experience with the Adobe Creative Suite - Working experience with Sysomos, Experian, Simmons, and SPSS - Versatile secondary research experience with consumer research databases such as: Forrester, Euromonitor, eMarketer, Mintel

Work Experience
M a r k e tin g S tr a te g y & A n a ly s is R e s e a r c h In te r n - S a p ie n tN itr o December 2012 - April 2013 - Directly supported the Marketing Strategy & Analysis team in researching valuable insights for global brands interactions with digital advertising in order to address client needs while meeting project deadlines. - Created a comprehensive database of non-subscription social listening tools to facilitate team client engagements. - Gained practical and versatile experience in secondary research utilizing a variety of databases. - Assisted clients such as: Chrysler Corporation, Verizon Communications, SABMiller, DIESEL S.p.A., Nexxus hair care (Alberto-Culver), Center Parcs UK. Office Manager (Head Writing Fellow) - DePaul University Center for Writing-based Learning January 2011 Present - Oversee 45 Writing Fellow staff by meeting regularly with teams to monitor progress and mediate conflicts. - Plan and lead bi-monthly staff meetings for professional development activities and to discuss tutoring best practices. - Encourage office efficiency by managing staff schedules, tracking missed hours, and setting employee policies. - Develop evaluation surveys for clients, collected recommendations from faculty, and tracked the quantity and quality of client appointments. - Compile comprehensive bi-weekly and annual reports to relay information on participation and project milestones. - Facilitate the employee interview process and develop training materials for the orientation and mentoring of new hires. Academics, Leadership, and Access Intern - DePaul Universitys Office of Multicultural Student Success August 2011 June 2012 - Researched and presented on content for a variety of workshops including academic, career and financial success relevant to a cohort of 30 college-aged women. - Proven success in ability to retain member attendance by fostering strong relationships and open, communicative dialogue. - Organized, advertised for, and presented at an annual networking event with over 50 attendees including DePaul alumna. - Responsible for taking meeting notes and following up with next steps on projects, prioritizing large task lists, and coordinating logistical meetings and events. - Established long-term goals for a sustainable and successful program founded on secondary research and focus groups of current and past cohort members.

Excellent references and portfolio examples available upon request.

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