2013 MGA Conference Brochure

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The Maryland Gerontological Association

31st Annual Conference


Virginia Thomas, MSW, ACSW President Retired MD State Legislator & Hilltop Institute at UMBC Marsha Ansel, LCSW-C Vice President Howard County Mental Health Authority Ted Meyerson Vice President Chair, State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life Diane Wit Secretary Program Director, Alzheimers Association Arnold Eppel, MA Treasurer Director of Aging and Care Services Baltimore City Health Department Deborah Adler, MA, MBA Aging, Health, & Disability Services Consultant Patricia M. Alt, PhD Towson University Diana Brown, MA, MS, ALM, LCADC Residence Coordinator, Villa Julie Residence Odile Brunetto, EdD Director, Area Agency on Aging, Aging and Disability Services, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Danielle J. Doberman, MD, MPH The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences Patricia Farmer Membership Chair; Representative Maryland Federation of National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) Deniece Fields, BSN, JD Annual Conference Committee Co-Chair Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP University of Maryland School of Nursing Jennifer Holz, MA Associate State Director- Outreach, AARP Maryland Annette Jolles, LCSW-C Clinical Social Worker/Community Advocate Janet Kurland, MSW, LCSW-C Jewish Community Services of Baltimore James Macgill, Jr Networking Breakfast Committee Chair; Management Consultant to Health and Human Services Organizations Jane Marks RN, MS Johns Hopkins Geriatric Education Center Consortium John M. Parrish, PhD, MBA, CNPS Gerontological Consultant Ilene Rosenthal, MSW Award Committee Chair; Maryland Department of Aging Diane E. Schaefer, MA, CMC Schaefer + Associates, LLC Barbara Soniat, MSW, PhD Center on Global Aging at the National Catholic School of Social Science Ann Marie Spellbring, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNGNA Student Award Committee Chair; Educator and Gerontology Consultant Karen Sylvester, MPA Annual Conference Committee Co-Chair; Prince Georges County Area Agency on Aging Sue Ward, MSW Eldercare Consultant The Honorable Gloria Lawlah Secretary of Aging, Maryland Department of Aging



Virginia Thomas MGA, President 6153 Forty Winks Way Columbia, MD 21045

Charlestown Retirement Community Catonsville, Maryland

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



By attending the conference participants will be able to: Identify challenging care transitions and strategies to improve these transitions. Increase awareness of the role of hospital readmissions in health reform initiatives. Become familiar with care coordination models for dementia care in the community. Understand research findings on cost-effective ways to deliver dementia care to older adults in the community. Identify interventions, which have the greatest impact on extending the time older adults with memory disorders are able to remain at home. Identify best practices in caregiving, and understand the contributions and consequences of caregiving. Review policy recommendations for improving support for caregivers. Identify ethical issues in a clinical case and determine appropriate recommendations within the realm of ethics and legal considerations. Identify new technologies, which connect older adults, their caregivers and medical professionals.

Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH Richman Professor of Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Timothy P. McNeill, RN, MPH Independent Healthcare Consultant, Chief Operations Officer, Medical Mall Health Services Michael Marcus, MSW Program Director, Older Adults, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Quincy Miles Samus, PhD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Deirdre Johnston, PhD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Rebecca D. Elon, MD, MPH Chief Medical Officer, FutureCare Health & Management Corporation Kai Shea, LCSW-C Social Work, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Jack Schwartz, JD University of Maryland School of Law Kyle Jansen, BS National Director, Intel-GE Care Innovations

Deniece Fields, BSN, JD, MGA Conference Co-Chair* Karen Sylvester, MPA, MGA Conference Co-Chair* Patricia M. Alt, PhD* Odile Brunetto, EdD* Danielle J. Doberman, MD, MPH* Ted L. Gross, MA* Jane Marks, RN, MS* Phyllis Meyerson, LCSW-C Ted Meyerson* Ilene Rosenthal, MSW* Andrea Rubin, PhD Diane E. Schaefer, MA, CMC* Ann Marie Spellbring, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNGNA* Virginia Thomas, MSW, ACSW* Sue Ward, MSW* *Member, MGA Board of Directors

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Charlestown Retirement Community Catonsville, Maryland


MD/DC Chapter

This conference would not have been possible without the generous support of Charlestown Retirement Community, The Johns Hopkins Geriatric Education Center Consortium, the MD/DC Chapter of the National Gerontological Nurses Association, AARP, and Somerford Place. This conference is co-provided by The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing and the Health Facilities Association of Maryland.

Ted L. Gross, MA Director of Senior Services, Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation (GEDCO)

Maryland Gerontological Association 31st Annual Conference Program

8:00 8:45 a.m. 8:45 9:00 a.m. Registration, Exhibits, Continental Breakfast Welcome and Opening Remarks Virginia Thomas, MSW, ACSW, MGA President Marsha Ansel, MSW, LCSW-C, MGA Vice President Clara Parker, Executive Director of Charlestown Retirement Community Karen Sylvester, MPA, MGA Conference Co-Chair A recent Johns Hopkins University study is providing an evidence base for the development of cost-effective ways to deliver dementia care to older adults with memory disorders who live in the community. This panel presentation will review the findings of this study known as MIND (Maximizing Independence at Home) as well as best practices in caregiving that are emerging from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation national caregiver initiative. 12:30 1:30 p.m. Lunch Sponsored by Evercare Hospice & Palliative Care Individual / Organization / Student Awards / Vendor Prizes 1:45 3:15 p.m. Ethical Issues and Challenges in Health Care Rebecca D. Elon, MD, MPH Chief Medical Officer, FutureCare Health & Management Corporation Kai Shea, LCSW-C Social Work, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Jack Schwartz, JD University of Maryland School of Law This session will discuss a clinical case that encompasses difficult decisions and reflects ethical issues for the health care team. The panel discussion will provide insight from health care members and legal counsel. Audience participation will be encouraged throughout the discussion. 3:15 4:00 p.m. New Technologies for Home and Community Based Services Kyle Jansen, BS National Director, Intel-GE Care Innovations This presentation will share cutting edge technologies for home and community based services. It will inform professionals regarding new technologies that connect older adults, their caregivers, and medical professionals to enhance the monitoring of health and wellness of older adults, including the monitoring of chronic diseases. Examples of this include telehealth and remote monitoring, medical alert systems, medication reminders, and educational tools. 4:00 p.m. Conference Concludes Please note that continuing education certificates will not be distributed until the conclusion of the program.

Continuing Education Accreditation

Social Work: The Maryland Gerontological Association is an approved provider of social work continuing education by the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners and maintains responsibility for this program. This program has been approved for 5.25 Category I continuing education credits. These CEU credits include 1.5 hours which may be applied to the ethics requirement. (Maryland Social Work licensure requires a total of 3.0 hours on ethics in the 2 year renewal period.) Accreditation: The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Credit Designation Statement: This 5.25 contact hour Educational Activity is provided by The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing. Nursing Home Administrator: HFAM is an approved sponsor of continuing education credit for nursing home administrators. This educational offering has been reviewed by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrators Boards (NAB) and approved for 5.25 clock hours and 5.25 participant hours. Program Approval Number: 1962013-5.25-10962-in.

Registration Information
Please print and fill out all information requested.
Name______________________________________________ Degree __________________________________ Title________________________________________ Organizational Affiliation ___________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________________ Email address________________________________ Daytime Telephone Number__________________________

9:00 10:00 a.m. Keynote Address: Building a Comprehensive System for Dementia Care Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH Richman Professor of Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Dr. Rabins will address the challenges faced by providers as they transition persons with dementia through the care system and provide strategies to help adjust to these transitions. 10:00 10:30 a.m. Break and Networking 10:30 11:30 a.m. Health Connect Care Transitions Program - Connecting the Dots between Patient Compliance and Improved Outcomes Timothy P. McNeill, RN, MPH Independent Healthcare Consultant, Chief Operations Officer, Medical Mall Health Services This workshop will increase awareness of the role of hospital readmissions in health reform initiatives, discuss the implementation process for care transition programs, and explain the role of managed care companies. 11:30 12:30 p.m. Promising Practices in Dementia Care and Caregiver Support Michael Marcus, MSW Program Director, Older Adults The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Quincy Miles Samus, PhD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Deirdre Johnston, PhD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Are you a MGA member through an organization?

K Yes

K No

If so, which organization_______________________________________________________

Please check the appropriate box if you would like CEUs or CNEs. K Social Work K Nursing K Nursing Home Administrator

Payment Information
Directions to Charlestown Retirement Community Take I-95 North or South to I 695 (Baltimore Beltway) toward Towson. Take Exit 12 B (East), Wilkens Avenue. Turn left at the first traffic light, Maiden Choice Lane. Proceed less than one block and turn right into Charlestown Retirement Community . Stop at the gate and inform the security guard you are attending the MGA Conference. The security guard will provide parking instructions. MGA Membership Information Time to renew your membership! Or join for the first time!
You are invited to join the MGA now and qualify for discounted registration for this conference. To renew or join please add the membership rate to your registration payment.

Check or Money Order Amount enclosed for registration: $_______________ Amount enclosed for membership: $_______________ TOTAL: $_______________ Credit card payments can be made on our website through June 10, 2013. http://www.mdgerontology.org/newsevents.php Please send the completed registration form along with check or money order made payable to: THE MARYLAND GERONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION and mail to: Sherri Richardson Maryland Gerontological Association 16 Glyndon Drive Reisterstown, MD 21136 Registration by mail must be received no later than June 10, 2013.
Refunds will not be available after June 10, 2013. For further information, please call Virginia M. Thomas, President of MGA, at 410-992-7984 or email questions to [email protected]. http://www.mdgerontology.org/newsevents.php

K Individual Membership: $50 K Organizational Membership: $250 K Senior (Age 60+): $30 K Full Time Students: $30

(includes 10 discretionary memberships)

(Please attach a copy of a valid student ID) ________________________________________________

K I am renewing my MGA membership K I am a new member Annual Conference Registration Fees K MGA Members: $90 K Non-Members: $110 K Full Time Students: $50 K Senior (60+): $50

(Please include a photo copy of a valid student ID) (No CEUs or CNEs)

(No CEUs or CNEs) The registration fee includes continental breakfast, luncheon, conference materials and continuing education certificates for members and non-members.

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