Fa 08
Fa 08
Fa 08
Sharon Falkenstern
Linda Lochbaum Presentations:
RN, BSN, MSN, CNS, Presenter on Adolescents and Risky Behavior at
WOCN Certified American College of Nurse Practitioners
Conference, San Antonio, TX, Oct 26-30, 2008.
Invited presenter on the Penn State Nurse
Linda Lochbaum may be known as the “recently retired” Practitioner Option at US Dept of HHS Health
Wound Care Nursing Specialist at Mount Nittany Resources & Services Administration All Grantee
Medical Center in State College, but she continues to Meeting, Washington, DC, Feb 26-28, 2008.
work and contribute to the profession of nursing.
Linda’s four decade career includes many memorable Invited participant in Keynote Debate of Online
experiences from her roles as a staff nurse, nursing Learning for Nurse Practitioner Education, Nursing
educator, and staff development professional. A long Technology Conference sponsored by Drexel
time Sigma Theta Tau member (she was inducted University, Hilton Head, SC, March, 2008.
during her undergrad days at Ohio State University),
Linda now works part time at the medical center in her Susan Loeb
prior role, as well as providing input to the American Publications:
Nurses Association’s National Database of Nursing Madden, S.G., Loeb, S.J., & Smith, C.A. (2008).
Quality Indicators (NDNQI) study on the Prevalence and Lifestyle interventions for diabetes prevention.
Incidence of Skin Impairment. She is also the web site Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(17), 2243-2256.
coordinator for the Northeast Chapter of the Wound,
Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society. Linda Loeb, S.J., Penrod, J., Kolanowski, A.M., Hupcey,
continues to assist patients needing wound care J.E., Haidet, K.K., Fick, D.M., McGonigle, D., & Yu,
expertise, helping patients in rehabilitation and home F. (2008). Creating cross-disciplinary alliances to
care settings. So much for being retired! advance nursing research. Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 40(2), 195-201.
When asked to reflect on her nursing practice, Linda
related several anecdotes that impacted her nursing Loeb, S.J., Steffensmeier, D., & Lawrence, F.
beliefs and approach to patient care. Early experiences (2008). Comparing Incarcerated and Community-
placed the Protestant-raised Linda at a Catholic hospital Dwelling Older Men’s Health. Western Journal of
caring for Jewish patients. The ecumenical approach of Nursing Research, 30(2), 234-249. Response to
her supervisors impressed upon her the need to care commentaries 256-258.
not only for her patients, but also for their families. Honors:
Linda also reflected upon the “3 C’s” of her approach to Loeb, S. J. “Understanding and Eliminating Health
nursing, inspired by Kobasa’s theory of hardiness: Disparities in Prison Populations.” Invited speaker on
Commitment (versus just doing a job); Challenges panel at the NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating
(versus threats); and sense of Control (internal versus Health Disparities, National Harbor, Maryland,
external). Following these tenets saw her through many December 16-18, 2008.
challenges, including the untimely death of her husband,
and her enrollment as a full time graduate student at
Melinda Steis
Penn State in 1980, all while she continued to work as a
nursing staff development instructor and raised three
Steis, MR, Fick, DM (2008). Are Nurses
daughters on her own.
Recognizing Delirium? A Systematic Review.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 34(9):40-8.
Those of us who have worked with Linda at Mount
Nittany Medical Center admire her professionalism,
energy level, and commitment to the nursing profession. Denise Smith
Linda has brought the Sigma Theta Tau mission of Denise was promoted to Captain, US Navy, Nurse
Love, Courage, Honor, to her patients both past and Corps. She is the Senior Nurse Executive at Naval
present. The Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Health Clinic Cherry Point, North Carolina and Head
recognizes Linda for her continued efforts in advancing of the Quality Management Department.
the role of the professional nurse.
Member Accomplishments
Please remember to notify Amy Pupo at [email protected] with any change in your email address.
Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge
Drs. Dee McGonigle and Kathleen Mastrian co-edited a new textbook titled
Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge (2009) published by
Jones and Bartlett and released August 2008. The text provides a
comprehensive overview of the field of nursing informatics including the history
of informatics, roles of nursing informatics specialists and the application of
nursing informatics to clinical, administrative, education and research nursing
functions. The comprehensive introductory chapters explain the core sciences
of nursing informatics, nursing science, information science, cognitive science
and computer science. A unique feature of the text is that it is based on a
conceptual framework of knowledge—The Foundation of Knowledge Model©
2007 and explains how each aspect of nursing informatics relates to knowledge acquisition,
knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination and feedback, all of which
build the science of nursing.
Several of the chapters feature contributions from key nursing informatics experts from around the
world. The authors also provided the information for comprehensive companion web sites instructors
who adopt the text and for students enrolled in a course using the text. The book is available for
purchase at the Penn State Shenango bookstore and online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and
Coming Soon…
Courses are currently being developed for:
Adult Health & Medical Surgical Continuing Education
Topics in Teaching Diabetes Self-Management to Patients
Assessment & Management of Delirium in Older Adults: The 7th Vital Sign
Anticoagulation: The New Generation Agents, Assessment & Implications