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December 2008

Sigma Theta Tau International

Beta Sigma Chapter Newsletter
School of Nursing The Pennsylvania State University Fall 2008

BETA SIGMA CHAPTER President’s Message cont.

2008-2009 OFFICERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS Beta Sigma contributed funding to assist six
Suzanne Kuhn President students to participate in the education
Sharon Lacue President-Elect abroad program to Ecuador with the Penn State
Carol Smith Vice President Children's Heart Team, Nancy Kashlak and Dean
Kathryn Wilt Recording Secretary Milone-Nuzzo. We look forward to hearing about
Joann Cooper Treasurer their trip and the travel abroad experience at a future
Pamela Spigelmyer Governance Committee Co-Chair Beta Sigma meeting!
Susan Ososkie Governance Committee Co-Chair
Melinda Steis Governance Committee Beta Sigma also partially funded an outreach
Andrea Yevchak Governance Committee initiative with Easter Seals. Maureen Jones, Chair of
Michelle Bichko Leadership Succession Chair the Membership Involvement committee and several
Tara Baney Leadership Succession Committee
nursing students organized a Halloween party at
TBD Leadership Succession Committee
Maureen Jones Membership Involvement Chair
Easter Seals. Thanks, Maureen!
Several members had the opportunity to attend the
Melinda Steis Chapter Historian
Nikki Hill Chapter Student Intern
Sigma Theta Tau Leadership Academy in
Indianapolis, Indiana in September. The Academy
offered a great opportunity to hear national
President’s Message speakers, attend workshops and network with Sigma
members from the US and around the world.
Suzanne Kuhn,
PhD, CNE, RN All members are encouraged to take an active role in
Beta Sigma. We welcome suggestions for
Greetings to all Beta Sigma members programming and help with service projects that will
and a special welcome to our newly reach a wide audience and best meet member’s
inducted members. This is my first article as the Beta interests.
Sigma president and I am pleased to be able to report
on a number of events and activities that have taken The Sigma newsletter is sent to all Sigma members
place this Fall. twice a year. We hope that members will contribute
to this effort by submitting information of interest to
The annual Induction Ceremony was held on Saturday Amy Pupo at [email protected].
November 1st at the Nittany lion Inn. Beta Sigma
membership was increased with the induction of 48 new Best,
members while more than 50 guests joined the Suzanne
celebration. Karen Morin, RN, DSN, President Elect of
Sigma Theta Tau International was the guest speaker UPCOMING EVENTS
for the ceremony. Dr Morin provided an inspiring
presentation titled “Making the Most of Membership” and School of Nursing 45th Anniversary
her attendance helped to make the ceremony a special Penn State School of Nursing will celebrate its 45th
event. Dr. Paula Milone-Nuzzo, RN, PhD, FAAN, Anniversary with a two day event on April 24-25,
FHHC, Dean of the School of Nursing delivered 2009. Beta Sigma will be working in conjunction
greetings from the SON. Special thanks to everyone with the School of Nursing to plan the professional
who helped to make this a special day for the students, conference, reception and ribbon cutting of the new
community leaders, and families who attended. Simulation Lab. More information can be found at
CORNER Member Accomplishments

Sharon Falkenstern
Linda Lochbaum Presentations:
RN, BSN, MSN, CNS, Presenter on Adolescents and Risky Behavior at
WOCN Certified American College of Nurse Practitioners
Conference, San Antonio, TX, Oct 26-30, 2008.
Invited presenter on the Penn State Nurse
Linda Lochbaum may be known as the “recently retired” Practitioner Option at US Dept of HHS Health
Wound Care Nursing Specialist at Mount Nittany Resources & Services Administration All Grantee
Medical Center in State College, but she continues to Meeting, Washington, DC, Feb 26-28, 2008.
work and contribute to the profession of nursing.
Linda’s four decade career includes many memorable Invited participant in Keynote Debate of Online
experiences from her roles as a staff nurse, nursing Learning for Nurse Practitioner Education, Nursing
educator, and staff development professional. A long Technology Conference sponsored by Drexel
time Sigma Theta Tau member (she was inducted University, Hilton Head, SC, March, 2008.
during her undergrad days at Ohio State University),
Linda now works part time at the medical center in her Susan Loeb
prior role, as well as providing input to the American Publications:
Nurses Association’s National Database of Nursing Madden, S.G., Loeb, S.J., & Smith, C.A. (2008).
Quality Indicators (NDNQI) study on the Prevalence and Lifestyle interventions for diabetes prevention.
Incidence of Skin Impairment. She is also the web site Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(17), 2243-2256.
coordinator for the Northeast Chapter of the Wound,
Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society. Linda Loeb, S.J., Penrod, J., Kolanowski, A.M., Hupcey,
continues to assist patients needing wound care J.E., Haidet, K.K., Fick, D.M., McGonigle, D., & Yu,
expertise, helping patients in rehabilitation and home F. (2008). Creating cross-disciplinary alliances to
care settings. So much for being retired! advance nursing research. Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 40(2), 195-201.
When asked to reflect on her nursing practice, Linda
related several anecdotes that impacted her nursing Loeb, S.J., Steffensmeier, D., & Lawrence, F.
beliefs and approach to patient care. Early experiences (2008). Comparing Incarcerated and Community-
placed the Protestant-raised Linda at a Catholic hospital Dwelling Older Men’s Health. Western Journal of
caring for Jewish patients. The ecumenical approach of Nursing Research, 30(2), 234-249. Response to
her supervisors impressed upon her the need to care commentaries 256-258.
not only for her patients, but also for their families. Honors:
Linda also reflected upon the “3 C’s” of her approach to Loeb, S. J. “Understanding and Eliminating Health
nursing, inspired by Kobasa’s theory of hardiness: Disparities in Prison Populations.” Invited speaker on
Commitment (versus just doing a job); Challenges panel at the NIH Summit: The Science of Eliminating
(versus threats); and sense of Control (internal versus Health Disparities, National Harbor, Maryland,
external). Following these tenets saw her through many December 16-18, 2008.
challenges, including the untimely death of her husband,
and her enrollment as a full time graduate student at
Melinda Steis
Penn State in 1980, all while she continued to work as a
nursing staff development instructor and raised three
Steis, MR, Fick, DM (2008). Are Nurses
daughters on her own.
Recognizing Delirium? A Systematic Review.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 34(9):40-8.
Those of us who have worked with Linda at Mount
Nittany Medical Center admire her professionalism,
energy level, and commitment to the nursing profession. Denise Smith
Linda has brought the Sigma Theta Tau mission of Denise was promoted to Captain, US Navy, Nurse
Love, Courage, Honor, to her patients both past and Corps. She is the Senior Nurse Executive at Naval
present. The Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Health Clinic Cherry Point, North Carolina and Head
recognizes Linda for her continued efforts in advancing of the Quality Management Department.
the role of the professional nurse.
Member Accomplishments

Rae Brown Donna Fick

Grants: Publications:
Dr. Raymonde Brown received a three-year, $841,514 Fick, DM, Mion, LC, Beers, MH, Waller, JL. (2008).
grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Health Outcomes Associated With Inappropriate
Administration (HRSA) D11HP09763-01-00 for Nurse Medication Use in Older Adults. Research in Nursing
Education Practice and Retention, to launch an and Health, 31 (1): 42-51.
Accelerated Bachelor of Science Nursing program that
Steis, MR, Fick, DM (2008). Are Nurses
enables associate degree-prepared registered nurses to
Recognizing Delirium? A Systematic Review.
obtain a baccalaureate nursing degrees within a year.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 34(9):40-8.
The program will be implemented at two Penn State
campuses (Penn State Altoona and Penn State Fayette, Kolanowski, AM, Buettner, L, Fitzsimmons, S, Fick,
The Eberly Campus). The project will admit three DM. (2008). Instituting Cognitive Rehabilitation in
cohorts, graduate 100 BS prepared RNs during the Post-Acute Care. Annals of Long-Term Care:
funding period and develop a program expansion plan Clinical Care and Aging, 16 (2): 40-46.
that will be available to other Penn State Campuses that
provide the nursing program. Loeb, S. J., Penrod, J., Kolanowski, A., Hupcey, J.
E., Haidet, K. K., Fick, D. M., et al. (2008). Creating
Dr. Raymonde Brown received over $500,000 in grant cross-disciplinary research alliances to advance
money from the Pennsylvania Higher Education nursing science. J Nurs Scholarsh, 40(2), 195-201.
Foundation(PHEF). The money is totally designated for
undergraduate and graduate scholarships. Students are Fick DM, Mion LC. Delirium superimposed on
selected based on need and GPA. dementia. Am J Nurs. 2008;108(1):52-60.
Golden, A., Beers, M. H., & Fick, D. M. (2008). Is it
Sandy O’Sullivan safe to conclude that Beers criteria medications led
Presentation: to few adverse events? Ann Intern Med, 148(8), 628-
Poster Presentation for 17th Annual Convention , 629; author reply 629.
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, Nashville, TN,
October, 2008,"A Theoretical Model of Care of the Adult Burgener, SC, Buettner, L, Buckwalter, KC, Beattie,
Cystic Fibrosis Patient on an Acute Care Medicine Unit". E, Bossen, AL, Fick, D, et al., (In Press 2008)
Co-authored with Paula LaBonte, Nurse Manager, 6 Review of exemplar programs for persons in early
Medicine, Penn State Hershey. stage Alzheimer’s disease. Research in
Gerontological Nursing.
Jo Anne Carrick
Buettner L, Richeson, NE, Burgener, SC, Buckwalter
KC, Beattie, E, Bossen, AL, Fick, DM et al. (2008).
Jo Anne and Nick Miehl presented at the METI Eastern
Evidence Supporting Exercise Interventions for
Nursing and Simulation Conference at Villanova
Persons In Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease, 7 (1):
University. Their topic was "Clinical Judgment
Development and the Use of Simulation".
Hodo, DH*, Waller, JL, Martindale, RG, Fick, DM
Tamara Murphy (2008) Medication Use Following Bariatric Surgery in
Award: a Managed Care Cohort. Surgery for Obesity and
Tamara, So Young Shin (CNS student) and Victoria Related diseases. June 2008—Epup ahead of print
Schirm won the National Gerontological Nursing doi:10.1016/j.soard.2008.01.008
Association's Innovations in Practice award for their
poster and presentation "An Innovative, Portable, and Yevchak, A*, Loeb, SV, Fick, DM. (2008).
Interactive Falls Education and Prevention Tool for the Promoting Cognitive Health and Vitality: A Review of
Elderly: The Fun House". So Young and Tamara Clinical Implications. Geriatric Nursing. Sep-
traveled to Albuquerque to receive the award on Oct;29(5):302-10.
November 2nd.
Burgener SC, Buckwalter KC, Buettner L, Beattie E,
Bossen AL, Fick D, et al. Evidence supporting
Mary Ellen Yonushonis nutritional interventions for persons in early stage
Mary Ellen became a Certified Nurse Educator in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). J Nutr Health Aging.
August 2008. 2008;12(1):18-21.
Lisa Kitko
Lisa Kitko, Penn State Nursing Instructor and Ph.D. Victoria Schirm
candidate, was one of seven graduate and post-doctoral Publications (Refereed):
students selected to the 2008 Grantmakers in Aging Schirm, V., Murphy, T., & Himes, J. (2008). Issues
(GIA) Fellows Program. Kitko was offered the GIA editors: Geriatric Care in Acute and Critical Care
Fellowship to attend the annual conference in October in Settings. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 31(1).
Princeton, New Jersey. The theme of this year's
conference is "The Power of Knowledge: Lighting the Schirm, V., Sheehan, D., & Zeller, R. A. (2008).
way for bold advances in aging philanthropy." Preferences for care near the end of life: Instrument
validation for clinical practice. Critical Care Nursing
Nikki Hill Quarterly, 31(1), 24-32.
Nikki and Erica Herb attended the End-of-Life Nursing
Education Consortium Train-the-Trainer course in
Murphy,T., Shin, S. Y., & Schirm, V.(2008, October).
Washington, DC. Erica and Nikki were two of
An Innovative, Portable, and Interactive Falls
approximately 250 nurses from across the United States
Education and Preventive Tool for the Elderly.
to attend this training program. The principal goal of the
Poster presentation: National Gerontological Nursing
training program is to provide nursing continuing
Association Convention, Albuquerque, NM.
education providers with information on end-of-
(Received NGNA 2008 Innovations in Practice
life/palliative care and resources to integrate content into
their inservice programs or courses.
Schirm, V., Kopp, M., & Haack, M. (2008, March).
Ronna (Gersh) Zaremski Using Data to Support Nursing’s Contribution to
Publication: Quality Care in the Magnet Journey. Poster
C. Jessica Dine, MD; Ronna E. Gersh, RN; Marion Presentation, 20th Annual Scientific Sessions of the
Leary, RN; Barbara J. Riegel, DNSc, RN; Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia,
Lisa M. Bellini, MD; Benjamin S. Abella, MD, Mphil PA.
(2008) Improving cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality
and resuscitation training by combining audiovisual Tringali, C., Jankouskas, T., Schirm, V. (2008,
feedback and debriefing. Crit Care Med 2008 (36)1-6. March). Journey to Magnet Recognition: The Role of
Nursing Research Council in Research Scholarship,
Kathleen Parlanti and Evidence-based Practice. Poster Presentation,
Scholarship 20th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern
Kathleen was named a Hartford Scholar by the John A. Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence. This is
Tringali, C., Schirm, V., & Chin, C. (2008, March).
a full scholarship for pursuing a Clinical Nurse Specialty
Caring for the Caregivers: Implementation and
with a focus in Gerentology.
Evaluation of Schwartz Center Rounds at and
Academic Medical Center. Poster Presentation, 20th
Diane Daddario Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing
Research Society, Philadelphia, PA.
I received an appointment to the Editorial Advisory
Board for The American Nurse.
Linda Chorba,
Graduated Oct 3, 2008 with a MSN Nurse
University of Scranton/ Wyoming Valley Health Care

Please remember to notify Amy Pupo at [email protected] with any change in your email address.
Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

Drs. Dee McGonigle and Kathleen Mastrian co-edited a new textbook titled
Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge (2009) published by
Jones and Bartlett and released August 2008. The text provides a
comprehensive overview of the field of nursing informatics including the history
of informatics, roles of nursing informatics specialists and the application of
nursing informatics to clinical, administrative, education and research nursing
functions. The comprehensive introductory chapters explain the core sciences
of nursing informatics, nursing science, information science, cognitive science
and computer science. A unique feature of the text is that it is based on a
conceptual framework of knowledge—The Foundation of Knowledge Model©
2007 and explains how each aspect of nursing informatics relates to knowledge acquisition,
knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination and feedback, all of which
build the science of nursing.

Several of the chapters feature contributions from key nursing informatics experts from around the
world. The authors also provided the information for comprehensive companion web sites instructors
who adopt the text and for students enrolled in a course using the text. The book is available for
purchase at the Penn State Shenango bookstore and online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and

Penn State School of Nursing CE Portal

Who: All registered Nurses

Under the new Act 58 requirements, all nurses in need of Continuing Education hours are welcome!
What: Penn State’s School of Nursing Online Portal
Assistant Professor Rita Jablonski published the School of Nursing’s first online continuing education program.
Nurses from around the world can how log on from home & complete the program at their own pace.
Where: www.outreach.psu.edu/programs/nursing-portal
Once registered for the course, participants will log onto the web portal & choose from a variety of options,
such as: Print handouts for note taking, Information on how to view the Presentation, Help on Accessing the
Presentation, Contact information for technical support.
When: 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week
Cost: FREE!!
The first course, “Research Applications: Delivering Mouth Care to Persons with Dementia” is an hour of
Continuing Education that is at no cost to you.

Coming Soon…
Courses are currently being developed for:
Adult Health & Medical Surgical Continuing Education
Topics in Teaching Diabetes Self-Management to Patients
Assessment & Management of Delirium in Older Adults: The 7th Vital Sign
Anticoagulation: The New Generation Agents, Assessment & Implications

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